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Серія «Мій конспект»
Заснована 2008 року
І. В. Ґандзя
Англійська мова(за підручником А. Несвіт)
Видавнича група «Основа»
УДК 37.016
ББК 72.268.1 Англ
Ґандзя І. В.
Г19 Англійська мова. 2 клас (до підручника А. Несвіт). — X. : Вид.
група «Основа», 2013. — 144 с. — (Серія «Мій конспект»).
ISBN 978-617-00-1849-6.
Видання «Мій конспект» — це посібник, який ставить на меті надати допомогу
вчителеві в підготовці до уроку.
Автор пропонує плани-конспекти 70уроків англійської мови, розроблені на осно­
ві підручника А. Несвіт “English 2” із використанням додаткових матеріалів.
Є можливість створити власний конспект, використовуючи посібник, який роз­
рахованийнавчителівзагальноосвітніхзакладів, які працюютьу 2класізапідручником
А. Несвіт.
УДК 37.016
ББК 72.268.1 Англ
Навчальне видання
Серія «Мій конспект»
ҐАНДЗЯ Ірина Василівна
(до підручника А. Несвіт)
Головний редактор Н. А. Климишина
Технічний редактор О. В. Лєбєдєва
Коректор О. М. Журенко
Підп. до друку 3.07.2013. Формат 84x108/16. Папір газет. Гарнітура Шкільна. Друк офсет.
Ум. друк. арк. 8,4. Зам. № 13-07/15-05.
ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа” »
61001 м. Харків, вул. Плеханівська, 66
тел. (057) 731-96-33
Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи ДК № 2911 від 25.07.2007 р
Віддруковано з готових плівок ТОВ «Тріада Принт»
м. Харків, вул. Киргизька, 19. тел.: (057) 757-98-16,757-98-15
Свідоцтво суб'єкта видавничої справи ДК № 1870 від 16.07.2007 р.
ISBN 978-617-00-1849-6
© Ґандзя І. В. 2013
© ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа” », 2013
Unit 1. My Family and F rien ds................................................................................................................................ 5
Lesson 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Lesson 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Lesson 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Lesson 4 .......................................................................................................................................................11
Lesson 5 .......................................................................................................................................................13
Lesson 6 .......................................................................................................................................................15
Lesson 7 .......................................................................................................................................................17
Lesson 8 .......................................................................................................................................................19
Lesson 9 .......................................................................................................................................................21
Lesson 10.......................................................................................................................................................23
Unit 2. Let’s Have Fun................................................................................................................................................ 25
Lesson 1 .......................................................................................................................................................25
Lesson 2 .......................................................................................................................................................27
Lesson 3 .......................................................................................................................................................29
Lesson 4 .......................................................................................................................................................31
Lesson 5 .......................................................................................................................................................33
Lesson 6 .......................................................................................................................................................35
Lesson 7 .......................................................................................................................................................37
Lesson 8 .......................................................................................................................................................39
Lesson 9 .......................................................................................................................................................41
Lesson 10.......................................................................................................................................................43
Unit 3. A p p ea ra n ce................................................................................................................................................... 45
Lesson 1 .......................................................................................................................................................45
Lesson 2 .......................................................................................................................................................47
Lesson 3 .......................................................................................................................................................49
Lesson 4 .......................................................................................................................................................51
Lesson 5 .......................................................................................................................................................53
Lesson 6 .......................................................................................................................................................55
Lesson 7 .......................................................................................................................................................57
Lesson 8 .......................................................................................................................................................59
Lesson 9 .......................................................................................................................................................61
Lesson 10.......................................................................................................................................................63
Unit 4. Seasons and N ature.......................................................................................................................................65
Lesson 1 .......................................................................................................................................................65
Lesson 2 .......................................................................................................................................................67
Lesson 3 .......................................................................................................................................................69
Lesson 4 .......................................................................................................................................................71
Lesson 5 ................................................................................................................................................... 73
Lesson 6 ................................................................................................................................................... 75
Lesson 7 ................................................................................................................................................... 77
Lesson 8 ................................................................................................................................................... 79
Lesson 9 .................................................................................................................................................... 81
Lesson 1 0 ................................................................................................................................................ 83
Unit 5. A n im a ls ....................................................................................................................................................... 85
Lesson 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 85
Lesson 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 87
Lesson 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 89
Lesson 4 ................................................................................................................................................... 91
Lesson 5 ................................................................................................................................................... 93
Lesson 6 ................................................................................................................................................... 95
Lesson 7 ................................................................................................................................................... 97
Lesson 8 ................................................................................................................................................... 99
Lesson 9 ................................................................................................................................................... 101
Lesson 10................................................................................................................................................... 103
Unit 6 .1 Like H o lid a y s ..........................................................................................................................................105
Lesson 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 105
Lesson 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 107
Lesson 3 ................................................................................................................................................... 109
Lesson 4 ................................................................................................................................................... I l l
Lesson 5 ................................................................................................................................................... 113
Lesson 6 ................................................................................................................................................... 115
Lesson 7 ................................................................................................................................................... 117
Lesson 8 ................................................................................................................................................... 119
Lesson 9 ................................................................................................................................................... 121
Lesson 10................................................................................................................................................... 123
Unit 7 .1 Am at S ch ool.............................................................................................................................................125
Lesson 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 125
Lesson 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 127
Lesson 3 ................................................................................................................................................... 129
Lesson 4 ................................................................................................................................................... 131
Lesson 5 ................................................................................................................................................... 133
Lesson 6 ....................................................................................................................................................135
Lesson 7 ....................................................................................................................................................137
Lesson 8 ....................................................................................................................................................139
Lesson 9 ....................................................................................................................................................141
Lesson 1 0 ................................................................................................................................................ 143
Lesson 1
Тема. Привітайся з друзями .....
навчальна: презентувати лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя сім'я і друзі»; ознайоми­
тися з мовними виразами знайомства й вітання; формувати уявлення про мову як
засіб спілкування міжлюдьми; ознайомитися з римівками за темою «Знайомство»;
розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення;
виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дис­
ципліну, звичку до систематичної розумової праці.
Обладнання: різнокольорові аркуші паперу, фломастери.
Хід уроку
1. Greet the pupils as they arrive and settle down: “Come in, please. Sit down,
2. Say “Hi, I’m (Miss / Mrs)...” two or three times pointing at yourself.
3. Pair work: Pupils introduce themselves to their neighbours in the same way.
4. Listen and repeat (p. 4, ex. 1).
Say, “Look! Listen! Repeat!”
Pupils listen and repeat together after each speaker.
— Good morning, Ann!
— Good morning, Dan!
— Good morning, Miss / Mrs...
— Good morning, children.
5. Dialogue
Pupils read and practice (p. 4, ex. 1) using their own names, first as a class and
then in pairs.
— Good morning, Sonia!
— Good morning, Ivan!
Go round helping the pairs.
One or two pairs come to the board and act out the dialogue. Praise their .......
efforts: “Good! Well done!”
Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, good morning,
I’m glad to see you!
Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, dear children,
I’m glad to see you!
Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, dear teacher,
We’re glad to see you!
6. Ask the pupils to identify each other by asking, “W ho’s this?” and helping
them to answer, “This is...”
Pupils have one sheet of paper each. Get them to fold it in half down the centre
and draw a base line near the bottom of one side. Write the pupils’ names on the
board. Read the names on the board one by one. Pupils copy their own names onto
the paper.
Go round helping and praising them by saying, “Good!”
7. Look and say (p. 4, ex. 2).
— Hello, Miss / Mrs...
— Hi! Nice to meet you.
— Good morning, Ivan and Masha!
— Nice to meet you, too!
Let individual pupils go out of the classroom and come back in again, saying,
“Hello! Good morning! Goodbye!” as they do so.
Draw the pupils’ attention to “I’m” and “I am” . Write the rule on the board
and explain it in their native language.
8. Listen and repeat (p. 5, ex. 3).
Tell the pupils to look at the picture on p. 5, ex. 3. In their native language,
ask the pupils to guess what they think the boy is doing.
Read the poem, pausing after each phrase. Pupils repeat the phrases chorally
and individually.
Tell the pupils that they are going to learn a greeting poem in English. Explain
that it is polite to say “Good morning” and “Good afternoon” .
Read the poem again. Tell the pupils to listen to the poem.
Say a line and tell the pupils to repeat after you.
9. Look and say (p. 5, ex. 4).
Tell the pupils to look at the picture.
Ask a pupil to come to the front of the class and act out a simple dialogue.
You: Goodbye, Anna.
Pupil: Goodbye, ...
Ask pairs of pupils to come to the front of the class and act out the dialogue.
— Goodbye, Olga.
— Goodbye, Sasha.
— Bye, Masha.
— See you tomorrow.
10. Speak English (p. 5, ex. 5).
Tell the pupils to do the task. You start the dialogue.
11. Say, “Close your books, please” . Then say goodbye several times. Pupils repeat
two or three times. Make sure that they understand you.
Finish the lesson by waving or shaking hands with each pupil. Say goodbye to
individual pupils as they leave the class. Tell the pupils to say goodbye to you.
If you have some extra time, revise the phrases and the rule from ex. 1.
Learn the poem (p. 5, ex. 3).
Say Hello! and Goodbye!
Lesson 2 Дата
Тема. Про себе
навчальна: презентувати лексичний матеріал за темою «Про себе»; повторити мов­
ні вирази знайомства, вітання та прощання; формувати уявлення про мову як за- .......
сіб спілкування між людьми; учити читати; закріплювати графічні навички, удоско­
налювати навички вимови англійських звуків за допомогою розучування римівки /
пісні, формувати вміння звертатися до співрозмовників;
розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення; зацікавити мо­
вою, яку вивчають;
виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дис­
ципліну, під час парної роботи — повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематич­
ної розумової праці.
Обладнання: постер і картки за темою «Моя сім'я ідрузі», С&
Хід уроку
1. Greet the pupils with “Hello!” or “Good morning” . Ask them to say hello to the
two pupils sitting nearest to them. They can shake hands while saying hello.
2. Revision. Spend three minutes saying to individual pupils, “Hello!” or “Good
morning! Nice to see you.” Pupils reply to you.
3. Listen and repeat (p. 6, ex. 1).
Tell the pupils to look at the picture.
Ask an exemplary pupil to come to the front of the class. Read the dialogue
together while the class listens.
Read the dialogue again, pausing after each line for the class to repeat.
4. Read, complete and say (p. 6, ex. 2).
Ask the pupils to work in pairs and say the dialogue with their partner.
If you wish, ask some of the pairs to repeat their dialogue aloud for the class.
Learn the new structure “We are in the second form .” Translate it into their
native language. Repeat it several times chorally and individually.
Ask the first question to the person sitting next to you. He / She replies and
asks the following question to the person sitting next to him / her. Continue in
this way around the class.
Ask the pupils to read the dialogue.
When the pupils have finished, let them go round the class greeting each
other, asking and answering the questions.
5. Listen and repeat (p. 7, ex. 3).
Tell the pupils that they are going to learn a greeting poem in English. Explain
that it is polite to say “Good evening” and “Good night” .
Read the poem.
Tell the pupils to listen to the poem. Read again and pause after each line.
Say a line and tell the pupils to repeat after you.
Read the poem again and ask the pupils to repeat the poem.
6. Work in pairs (p. 7, ex. 4).
Tell the pupils to look at the picture.
In pairs, pupils read and practice Picture 1 only. One or two pairs act out the
Then pupils read and practice Picture 2 in pairs. One or two pairs act out the
Before starting to play a class or team game, the following procedures are
1. Divide the class into teams.
2. Use a choosing rhyme to add suspense and involve the pupils in the process of
picking players for class or team games:
Eeny, Meeny,
Miney, Mo,
Choose a person;
Off we GO!
3. The pupil chosen is the one you are pointing at on the word GO!
4. Always get the pupils to chant with you.
5. Give each team an English name, e.g., the Tigers or Lions.
6. Vary the team names from lesson to lesson to practice new words.
7. Write team names on the board for scoring during games.
Divide the class into two teams.
Write the small letters of the alphabet at random across the board as the class
chant out the alphabet all together: a, b, c, d, e, f, etc.
Call out one player from each team. Give some chalk to each one.
Explain that they are going to have an Alphabet Race.
Call out any letter of the alphabet.
The two players race to find it on the board. One team crosses o ff (X) letters if
they find them first, and the other team puts circles (O) around letters.
After every two or three letters, two new players come out and take over the
Have two or three races if there is time.
7. Finish the lesson by saying goodbye to the pupils as they leave.
Pupils say goodbye to you.
Bring the alphabet cards and coloured chalk.
Revise the poem (p. 7, ex. 3).
Lesson З Дата
Тема. Звідки ти родом?
навчальна: презентувати лексичний матеріал за темою «Звідки ти родом»; повторити
мовні вирази знайомства, вітання та прощання; формувати уявлення про мову як
засіб спілкування між людьми; повторити англійський алфавіт, учити читати; закрі­
плювати графічні навички, удосконалювати навички вимови англійських звуків за
допомогою розучування римівок іскладання діалогів;
розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання й діалогічного мовлення; толерантного
ставлення до однокласників;
виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дис­
ципліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумової праці.
Обладнання: постер і картки за темою «Моя сім'я ідрузі», «Свійські тварини»; CD.
Хід уроку
1. Play or read the alphabet song and ask the pupils to sing or read it. Pupils will
probably be able to sing it from memory, but if they need help, tell them to
look at ex. 1, p. 8 (Pupil’s Book) until they remember it.
2. Ask three or four pupils to come up to the board. Ask them to say the alphabet
one by one looking at the letters on the board.
3. Tell three or four pupils to sing the song. Then ask them to circle the vowel
letters only.
4. Look and say (p. 8, ex. 2).
Teach four of the six words using the flashcards: boy, girl, woman, man.
Hold the flashcards so that the whole class can see it. If necessary, walk round
the room and show them to the pupils.
Pronounce the words clearly.
Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four
Write the words and stick the flashcards under the words. Ask the pupils to
spell the words.
When you have practiced the four words thoroughly, teach the other two
words: cat, dog. Use the flashcards and follow the same procedure.
Learn a poem.
Ask the pupils to say the poem and do the actions.
Pupils point to themselves or their friends.
I am a girl / boy,
A little one.
I like to play,
I like to run.
My name is Andrey / Ann / Max
And I live here,
With my Daddy,
My Mummy, dear.
5. Listen, match and say (p. 8, ex. 3).
Write the phrases from the exercise on the board.
Read them chorally and individually.
Ask individual pupils to match them. Ask the other pupils read them aloud. Do
choral and individual repetition.
Divide the class into two groups and practice the dialogue, with one group
reading the questions and the other group reading the answers.
6. Learn the new phrases.
— Where are you from? — I’m from the UK.
— Where do you live? — I live in London.
Explain what “the UK” stands for in their native language.
Let pairs of pupils come to the front of the class and act out the dialogue.
7. Time for fun. Listen and sing (p. 9, ex. 4).
Tell the pupils to listen to the poem. Read it.
Read it again and pause after each line. Read a line and tell the pupils to repeat
after you. Encourage the pupils to pretend to speak like the characters of the
8. Work in pairs. Read and act out (p. 9, ex. 5).
Follow the procedure described in Lesson 2.
9. Speak English (p. 9, ex. 6).
Finish the lesson by saying to each pupil in turn as they leave, “Where are you
from? Where do you live?”
Then say goodbye to the pupils and ask each pupil to reply, “Goodbye” .
Learn the poem (p. 9, ex. 4).
Revise (p. 9, ex. 6).
Тема. Мої друзі
навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя
сім'я»; практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Знайомство»; особові займенники;
розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та
швидку реакцію;
виховна: виховувати вміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­
ву атмосферу в класі.
Обладнання: таблиця з особовими займенниками; карта світу, національні прапори
країн: України, Китаю, СШАта Великої Британії.
Хід уроку
1. Chain game: Start an introductions chain round the class, like this:
T to Pupil 1. Hello, my name is... What is your name?
Then the teacher throws the ball to the pupil.
Pupil 1 to T. My name’s Masha.
Pupil 1 to Pupil 2. Hello, my name is Masha. What is your name?
Then the pupil throws the ball to the other pupil.
Pupil 2 continues by asking Pupil 3 the question and so on, round the class.
2. Listen and repeat (p. 10, ex. 1).
Before listening: introduce the question “Where are you from ?” Then get the
pupils to ask you “Where are you from ?” so that you can introduce and practice
the answer “I am from Ukraine.” Practice with individual pupils round the class.
Pupils listen and read.
Pupils listen and repeat, first together and then individually.
In pairs, pupils read and practice Picture 1 only. One or two pairs act out the
Pupils in pairs read and practice Picture 2. One or two pairs act out the
3. Reading game. Listen and repeat (p. 10, ex. 2).
Divide the class into two teams and play the game. Individual pupils read the
phrase and make up a dialogue. Then the best group acts out the dialogue.
4. Work in pairs. Acting out (p. 11, ex. 4).
Tell the pupils to look at the picture. In pairs, pupils read and Practice the
dialogue. Go around helping the pairs.
One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Praise their efforts: “Good! Well done!”
5. Look and say (p. 11, ex. 4).
Let the pupils do this activity using the table “Personal Pronouns” . If you wish,
you can have the pupils change partners.
Then pupils read the sentences. Praise their efforts: “Good! Well done!”
6. Listen and read (p. 11, ex. 5).
Read the names.
Lesson 4
Ask the pupils to say the poem and do the actions. Pupils point at themselves
or their friends.
My name is Ann,
Her name is Nan,
His name is Ben,
Say it again.
Repeat this poem two or three times.
Replace the names in the poem with the names of the pupils in your class.
Say the poem again pointing to the children.
My name is Kate,
Her name is Jul,
His name is Andy,
Say it again.
My name is Mary,
Her name is Tania,
His name is Kirill,
Say it again.
My name is Kolia,
Her name is Nadia,
His name is Anton,
Say it again.
7. Speak English (p. 11, ex. 6). Ask the pupil to come up to the board one by one
and speak about his / her friend using the phrases:
I have got a friend.
His / Her name is...
He / She is from...
He / She lives in...
8. If there is time, sing or recite the Alphabet song (p. 8, ex. 1) again or revise the
extra poems (Lessons 3-4).
Revise (p. 11, ex. 4).
Do ex. 6, p. 11.
Тема. Моя сім'я
навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя
сім'я»; практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Цифри» та «Знайомство»; «Дієслово
to be»;
розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та
швидку реакцію;
виховна: виховувати вміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­
ву атмосферу в класі.
Обладнання: м'яч, картки з цифрами від 1 до 10, картки за темою «Сім'я», плакат «Діє­
слово to be».
Хід уроку
1. Revise personal pronouns.
Point at a boy and a girl in the class and say “he / she” . Point at boys and girls
and say “they” .
Point at yourself and say “I” . Come up to somebody. Take his / her hand and
say “we” . Then point at somebody else and say “you” .
2. Ask a pupil to come to the front of the class and repeat the actions. If the pupil
hesitates, help him / her.
3. Look and match. Say (p. 12, ex. 1).
Stick the family cards to the board. Teach four of the eight words using the
flashcards: mother, father, daughter, son.
Point to the flashcards and make sure the whole class can see them. If
necessary, walk round the room and show them to the pupils.
Pronounce every word clearly.
Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four
Write the words and stick the flashcards under the words. Ask the pupils to
spell the words. Draw the pupils’ attention to the word “daughter” .
When you have practiced these four words thoroughly, teach the other four
words: aunt, uncle, sister, brother. Use the flashcards and follow the same
4. Revise the numbers from 1 to 10.
Use the number flashcards. Stick them next to the family flashcards or write
the numbers next to them.
Follow the same procedure as in ex. 1, p. 12.
Ask the pupils to answer your questions and point at the pictures.
— What is number 1?
— It’s a father.
— What is number 2?
— It’s a mother... and so on.
Pupils answer the questions and point at the pictures in their text books.
5. Listen and repeat (p. 12, ex. 2).
Read the dialogues and act them out. In pairs, pupils read and practice
Dialogue 1 only. One or two pairs act out the dialogue.
Lesson 5
In pairs, pupils read and practice Dialogue 2. One or two pairs act out the
Pupils read and practice Dialogue 3 in pairs. One or two pairs act out the
6. Pair work. Acting out (p. 13, ex. 3).
Act out the dialogues. Repeat with a different pupil, but this time let the pupil
choose the partner to act them out with.
Repeat with several different pupils.
7. Grammar. The Verb to Be.
Work with the poster “The Verb to Be” or write the verb “to be” with different
personal pronouns on the board. Read and translate the meanings of the verb “to
be” into their native language. Explain the short forms too.
Revise the meanings of the verb “to be” using the table in the book (p. 13).
8. Complete and say (p. 13, ex. 4).
Write the sentences on the board leaving gaps for the verb “to be” .
Do the task together with the pupils explaining why you use “am” , “is” or
“are” . Pupils can explain in their native language. Use their native language to
correct them if necessary.
Key: 1. My family is large. 2. We are a family of four. 3. This is my father.
I am his son. Jane is his daughter. 4. He is a pupil. 5. They are my brothers. 6. My
sister’s name is Helen.
9. Speak English (p. 13, ex. 5).
Pupils listen to your story about a relative.
I have got a sister. Her name is Ann. She is big. She is ten. She is from
Ukraine. She lives in Kharkiv.
Ask the pupils to tell you about their relatives. Help or correct them if they
have difficulties.
Game: Number Bingo!
Pupils draw a six-square bingo frame and write a different number between 0
and ten in each square of the frame. They cross o ff each number as it is called out.
Learn the forms of the verb “to be” (p. 13).
Do ex. 5, p. 13.
Learn the new words.
Lesson б Дата
Тема. Мої дідусь та бабуся
навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя
сім'я»; практикувати лексичні одиниці за темою «Знайомство»; «Указові займенни­
розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та
швидку реакцію; розвивати міжособове спілкування в парі, групі; розвивати кому­
нікативні здібності;
виховна: виховувати вміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­
ву атмосферу в класі, виховувати соціокультурні компетенції.
Обладнання: картки за темою «Сім'я», плакат «Указові займенники».
Хід уроку
1. Revise the family words by pointing at the family cards and asking the pupils
to say the words. Do choral and individual repetition.
2. Ask five pupils to come to the front of the class and give them each a family
card. Each pupil writes a word. Correct the spelling.
3. Repeat with different pupils.
4. Listen and repeat (p. 14, ex. 1).
Stick the family cards to the board. Teach the words using the flashcards:
a grandpa, a grandma, a grandson, a granddaughter, grandparents.
Point to the flashcards and make sure the whole class can see them. If
necessary, walk round the room and show them to the pupils.
Pronounce every word clearly.
Do choral and individually repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four
Write the words and stick the flashcards under the words. Ask the pupils to
spell the words. Draw the pupils’ attention to the word “granddaughter” .
5. Listen and repeat (p. 14, ex. 2).
Read the first part of the dialogue. Pupils listen and point at each speaker in
In pairs, pupils read and practice Dialogue 1 only. One or two pairs act out the
Pupils read and practice Dialogue 2 in pairs. One or two pairs act out the
Pupils read and practice Dialogue 3 in pairs. One or two pairs act out the
Teach the structures “this is — these are” and “that is — those are” . Translate
them. Then give examples: “This is a pen.” (showing a pen to the pupils) and
“These are pens.” (showing pens to the pupils).
Then take a pen and put it near the door. Come back to your table. Point at the
pen and say, “That is a pen.”
Do the same with several pens: “Those are pens.”
6. Read, complete and say (p. 14, ex. 3).
Revise the meanings of the verb “to be” using the table in the book (p. 13).
Do the task together with the pupils explaining why you use “this is — these
are” and “that is — those are” . Pupils can explain in their native language. Use
their native language to correct them if necessary.
Key: 1. This is my father. 2. These are my parents. 3. That is my granny.
4. Those are my grandparents. 5. This is my sister, and that is my brother.
6. These are my parents, and those are my grandparents.
7. Listen and repeat (p. 15, ex. 4).
Tell the pupils to look at the picture.
Ask questions about the picture: “Who are they? Where are they?”
Pupils listen and read the poem to themselves.
Pupils listen and repeat after the teacher, first together and then individually.
Ask the pupils to read the poem. Go around helping the pupils to read.
8. Look, complete and say (p. 15, ex. 5).
Pupils do the task explaining why they use “this — these” and “that — those” .
Pupils can explain in their native language. Use their native language to correct
them if necessary.
Key: 1. This is me. My name is Oscar. 2. That is my Aunt Anna. 3. These
are my cousins, Tom and Bob. 4. Those are their grandparents. 5. That is their
garden. 6. That is their house.
9. Speak English (p. 15, ex. 6).
Ask the pupils to speak about their relatives. Use the patterns. Help or correct
them if they have difficulties.
Bring the photos of your family.
Do ex. 6, p. 15.
Read the poem (p. 15, ex. 4).
Learn the new words.
Lesson 7 Дата
Тема. У моїй родині
навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя
сім'я»; практикувати лексичні одиниці за темою «Моя сім'я»; «Артиклі»; .......
розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та
швидку реакцію; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів;
виховна: виховувати вміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­
ву атмосферу в класі, виховувати соціокультурні компетенції.
Обладнання: картки за темою «Сім'я», плакат «Артиклі. Неозначений артикль».
Хід уроку
Hold up the flashcards one at a time and ask several questions about each one,
e.g., “Is it a mother?” Pupils reply, “Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.”
Revise all the family words, old and new, using the flashcards or photos. Do
choral and individual repetition.
Play a team game. Divide the class into two teams. Hold up a flashcard or a
photo. A pupil from one team says the word. If it is correct, the team wins a point.
If the pupil does not know the word, the other team can try to say the word — to
win a bonus point.
1. Listen and repeat (p. 16, ex. 1).
Introduce the new words using the book pictures and miming.
Pupils listen and repeat.
T (pointing at Picture 1 and asking). Is it a poem?
P. No, it isn’t.
T. Is it a story?
P. Yes, it is.
Then ask about different pictures on p. 16, ex. 1, helping the pupils to use the
short answers correctly.
2. Teach the articles a, an using the words “an apple pie” , “an old man” , “a young
woman” .
3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 16, ex. 2).
Point at one of the pictures (p. 16, ex. 1) and help the pupils to ask you a
question about it using “Is this a / an...?” Answer their questions with short
answers, as before. Ask and answer the questions about two or three pictures, then
tell the pupils to work in pairs with the other pictures.
Use the family photos too. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.
4. Listen and read (p. 16, ex. 3).
Read the sentences. Pupils listen.
Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures.
Ask the pupils to read the text. Do choral and individual repetition.
5. Choose and say (p. 16, ex. 4).
Read the sentences and choose the right answers. Ask the exemplary pupils to
do the task. Then the other pupils can repeat.
Key: 1. The story is about Ann and Alan. 2. The children have got an aunt.
3. Aunt Amy cooks a pie.
6. Find and say (p. 16, ex. 5).
Read the task in their native language. Read the example.
Make up your own example: “An apple is red.”
Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
7. Speak English (p. 16, ex. 6).
Work in pairs.
Ask the pupils to put their family photos on the desks.
Ask them to read the questions and answer them using the patterns.
Have a Number Race with numbers 0-10 on the board.
Divide the class into two teams.
Write the numbers on the board at random as the class chant out them: one,
two, three, four, etc.
Call out one player from each team. Give some chalk to each one.
Explain that they are going to have a Number Race.
Call out any number from the board.
The two players race to find it on the board.
One team crosses o ff (X) numbers if they find them first, and the other team
circles (O) them.
After every two or three numbers, two new players come out and take over the
Have two or three races if there is time.
Bring the photos of your family and a few sheets of paper.
Do ex. 6, p. 16.
Learn the new words.
Lesson 8 Дата
Тема. Мій дядько — сильнии
навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя
сім'я»; практикувати лексичні одиниці за темою «Моя сім'я»; .......
розвивальна: розвивати компетенції читання й аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на за­
питання та швидку реакцію; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів;
виховна: виховувати вміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­
ву атмосферу в класі, виховувати шанобливе ставлення до сім'ї', родичів.
Обладнання: картки й фотографії учнів за темою «Сім'я».
Хід уроку
1. Use the family photos. Say, “Show me a...” Pupils show the photos of their
2. Revise the vocabulary asking “W ho’s this? Is this your sister?” Use the pupils’
family photos.
3. Listen and repeat (p. 18, ex. 1).
Introduce the new words. Use the book pictures and miming.
Do choral and individual repetition.
Teacher (points to picture 1 and asks). Is he kind?
Pupil. Yes, he is.
Teacher. Is he strong?
Pupil. No, he isn’t.
Then ask about different pictures on p. 18, ex. 1, helping pupils to use the
short answers correctly.
Use flashcards too. Stick them on the board showing the pictures and ask Yes/
No questions.
To help the pupils, write examples of short answers on the board. Ask a question
and point to the correct short answer to encourage the pupils to read it.
When the pupils are quite confident in using short answers, point to an
incorrect answer and see if they follow your lead or choose the right answer
Praise the pupils for the efforts and correct answers.
4. Listen and read (p. 18, ex. 2).
Read the poem. Pupils listen.
Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures.
Ask the pupils to read the poem. Do choral and individual repetition.
Read the poem in pairs.
5. Work in pairs (p. 18, ex. 3).
Ask the pupils to put their family photos on the desks.
Ask the pupils to read the questions and answer them using the patterns. If the
pupils have difficulties, ask them to use the questions from ex. 6, p. 17.
6. Time for fun. Look and say (p. 19, ex. 4).
Explain how to make the Family Book in their native language. Pupils can use
their family photos or draw pictures.
Read the text about a grandpa. Pupils listen and read to themselves.
Ask a pupil to make up his / her own story about his / her member of the
Tell the pupils to make the Family Book at home.
7. Listen and read (p. 19, ex. 5).
Read the drills. Draw the pupils’ attention to the sounds /as/and /e /.
Do choral and individual repetition.
8. Speak English (p. 16, ex. 6).
Work in pairs.
Ask the pupils to put their family photos on the desks.
Ask them to introduce their relatives to each other.
My Family Book.
Do ex. 6, p. 19.
Learn the new words.
Lesson 9 Дата
Тема. Повторення граматики
Мета: .....
навчальна: повторити лексико-граматичні структури, закріпити їх у мовленні, навчи­
ти користуватися граматичною опорною таблицею «Дієслово to be», удосконалю­
вати навички вимови англійських звуків за допомогою розучування римівок і скла­
дання діалогів;
розвивальна: розвивати мовленнєві компетенції, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та
швидку реакцію; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, розвивати навички ауді-
ювання та діалогічного мовлення; толерантного ставлення до однокласників;
виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дис­
ципліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумової праці.
Обладнання: таблиця «Дієслово to be», картки за темою «Моя сім'я».
Хід уроку
1. Write a poem on the board leaving out the verb “to be” .
Ask the pupils to fill in the gaps.
I am Yura. .......
You are Shura.
He is Sasha. .......
She is Masha.
Am I Yura? .......
Are you Shura?
Is he Sasha? .......
Is she Masha?
Read the poem chorally and individually.
2. Look and learn (p. 20, ex. 1).
Read and learn the table. Explain how to use it. Use the pupils’ native
language. .......
Ask the pupils to read all the columns chorally.
Hide an object behind your back, so pupils cannot see it.
Ask pupils to guess what it is.
Present the structure of the question before the game starts.
Teacher. Is it a (pen)? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Write the question and possible answers on the board.
Point to these structures every time you say them. It will help pupils to
remember how to read these words better. .......
Pupil. Is it a pen?
Teacher. No, it isn’t.
Pupil. Is it a pencil?
Teacher. Yes, it is.
Then ask one pupil to say an affirmative sentence:
It’s a pen.
Play two or three rounds.
One pupil can be a leader and hide an object behind his back.
Pair work:
Pupils take turns to name any picture on the page.
Their partner listens and responds by pointing to the picture and word named.
The aim is to do it as fast as possible, playing ‘word-tennis’ until one of the
pupils makes a mistake.
They can keep scores.
Go round to help and supervise the pairs.
3. Complete and say (p. 20, ex. 2).
Complete the sentences using the table (ex. 1, p. 20).
Key: 1 .1 am a pupil. 2. My grandparents are kind. 3. My friend is strong. 4. Is
your sister five? — Yes, she is. 5. Ann and Dan are cousins. 6. I think I am a good
4. Speak in class (p. 20, ex. 3).
Look at the pictures. Describe the people in the pictures. Use the sentences.
Then ask the pupils to say the opposite. If the pupils have difficulties, write
the opposites on the board. It helps them to choose the opposites.
Key: 2. He is weak. He isn’t weak. 3. They are old. They aren’t old. 4. We are
young. We aren’t young.
5. Write the answers (p. 21, ex. 4).
Pupils read the sentences.
Pupils write the sentences in their activity books.
Key: 1. Is your aunt young? — Yes, she is. 2. Is your brother strong? — No,
he isn’t. 3. Are you a pupil? — Yes, I am. 4. Are your grandparents kind? — Yes,
they are. 5. Are they your mother’s parents? — No, they aren’t. 6. Have you got
many friends? — Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 7. Has she got a sister? — No, she
hasn’t. 8. Do you visit your aunt and uncle on Sundays? — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
6. Listen and do (p. 21, ex. 5).
Read the poem. Pupils listen.
Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures.
Ask the pupils to read the poem. Do choral and individual repetition.
Read the poem and translate the words of the poem if necessary.
Tell the pupils to stand up. Recite the poem and do the actions. Ask the pupils
to repeat after you.
7. Write (p. 21, ex. 6).
Explain how to do the exercise.
Ask an exemplary pupil to come up to the board and write the first sentence.
Pupils do the same in their activity books.
Ask another pupil to write the next sentence... and so on.
Learn the table (p. 20).
Learn the poem (p. 21, ex. 5).
Lesson 10 Дата
Тема. Перевір себе!
навчальна: повторити й закріпити лексико-граматичні структури, узагальнити вивче­
ний лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя сім'я»; .......
розвивальна: розвивати комунікативні компетенції, розвивати довільну пам'ять, здат­
ність узагальнювати вивчений матеріал;
виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися, зацікавленість процесом пізнання; ви­
ховувати дисципліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумової
Обладнання: таблиці «Дієслово to be», картки й постер до теми «Моя сім'я».
Хід уроку
1. Play “Wind the Bobbin’ Up” using the movements.
2. Listen and match (p. 22, ex. 1).
Read Dialogue 1. Pupils listen.
Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures.
Ask the pupils to read the dialogue too. Do choral and individual repetition. .......
Read the dialogue in pairs.
Ask the pupils to read Dialogue 2. Do choral and individual repetition. .......
— Act out Dialogue 2.
3. Choose and say (p. 22, ex. 2).
— Ask the pupils “Who is the man? How many children are there? What
animal is it?” etc. They look and answer.
Then pupils read the sentences and choose the right answers.
4. Listen and read (p. 23, ex. 3).
Ask the pupils to read the text individually.
Ask the pupils “What is the uncle’s name? What is the aunt’s name? Where do
they live? Where does their friend live? What is his name?” etc.
Read the text again one by one.
Pair work: pupils point at the picture and ask questions about the people. .......
“W ho’s this? Do they live in China?” etc. Help or correct the pupils if they have
5. Choose and say (p. 23, ex. 4).
Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually and choose the correct
Key: 1. Uncle Ustym lives in the USA. No. 2. Uzo comes to Ukraine in
November. Yes. 3. Aunt Ulyana cooks a fish pie. No.
Write some words on the board, e.g., nice, kind, strong, weak,pretty.
Pupils close their eyes while you erase one word.
Pupils then open their eyes and try to remember what is missing.
They can either say the word or write it down.
If the pupils can’t remember the word, show it with gestures to help and
encourage them to remember.
Repeat lexical sets two or three times.
6. Find and say (p. 23, ex. 5).
This activity helps the pupils to associate spoken sounds with written letters.
Explain the task in English. Then translate it.
Read the text (p. 23, ex. 3) again.
Find the “U u” words.
Ask the pupils to write the words on the board or do it yourself to save time.
Make up sentences with the “U u” words.
Key: 1. Aunt Ulyana is kind. 2. Aunt Ulyana cooks well. 3. I live in Ukraine,
7. Write (p. 23, ex. 6).
Revise the family words. Use the flashcards.
Ask the pupils to write 2-3 sentences about their families. Use the patterns.
Pupils make their sentences. They write them down into their activity books.
8. Speak English (p. 23, ex. 7).
Pair work: Pupils ask questions about their partners’ grandparents using the
questions from ex. 7.
Do ex. 7, p. 23.
Make a story about your family. Use the Family Book.
Lesson 1
Тема. Мої іграшки
навчальна: повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці, звуки, граматичні структури,
закріпити вивчені лексичні одиниці, вивчити нову римівку;
розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу й зорову пам'ять, спостережливість,
удосконалювати фонетику й артикуляцію звуків, усні комунікативні уміння з опо­
рою на наочність;
виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу, культуру спілкування, зацікав­
леність у розширенні своїх знань.
Обладнання: цифри, картки за темою «Іграшки».
Хід уроку
1. Counting Chain Game. Start a counting chain: the first pupil in the chain says
“Zero” , the next pupil says “One” , the next one says “Two” , and so on. After
“Ten” go back to “Zero” again. Any pupil who hesitates or says the wrong
number is out. The last two or three pupils to remain in are the winners.
2. Look, point and say (p. 24, ex. 1).
To revise the toy words in the exercise, tell the pupils to say each word two or
three times, pointing at the picture: “bear... bear” . Pupils listen and repeat. Build
up to a full sentence each time: “a bear... It’s a bear” . Pupils repeat the sentences
after you.
3. Work in pairs (p. 24, ex. 2).
Pupils listen to the toy named, find and point at it. Ask them to say the
numbers to check.
Ask questions about the toys. Ask the pupils to give you the answers using the
Is Number 1 a teddy bear? — Yes, it is.
Tell the pupils to ask questions about the toys using the questions. Help or
correct the pupils if they have difficulties.
The Feelie Bag should contain small cards or squares of paper, each with one of
the small letters of the alphabet (a-z) on it.
Divide pupils into two teams.
Draw one letter-card out of the bag and challenge each team to think of a word
beginning with that letter.
One team member then spells out the word suggested.
Write all their words on the board.
Correct spelling mistakes.
Keep the score on the board.
Play several rounds for each team.
If the pupils can’t think of a word, help with gestures or let them use the text­
book to find the words to match the letter.
Let some pupils draw the cards from the bag; it will involve them into the
game even more.
4. Listen and repeat (p. 24, ex. 3).
Read the poem. Pupils listen.
Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures.
Translate into their native language if the sentences are difficult to understand.
Ask the pupils to read the poem after you. Do choral and individual repetition.
Take turns to read the poem.
5. Look and say “Yes” or “No” (p. 25, ex. 4).
Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually and choose the correct
answers, “Yes” / “No” .
6. Listen and read (p. 25, ex. 5).
Read the drills. Pupils listen and repeat.
Ask the pupils to read the chains one by one. Draw the pupils’ attention to the
vowels. Ask the pupils to pronounce slowly and correctly.
7. Speak English (p. 25, ex. 6).
Ask the pupils to speak about their brother’s / sister’s toys. Tell them to use
the sentences from the exercise.
Go around the class, point at toys and ask the pupils to speak about them.
Then let the pupils do the activity in pairs. Go around the class helping where
Bring a favourite toy.
Revise the toy words.
Read the poem (p. 24, ex. 3).
Lesson 2 Дата
Тема. Давай пограємось!
навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, учити вести бесіду, слухати
співрозмовника; повторити правила читання голосних у закритому складі; .......
розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу й зорову пам'ять, спостережливість,
удосконалювати фонетику й артикуляцію звуків, усні комунікативні вміння з опо­
рою на наочність;
виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу, культуру спілкування, зацікав­
леність у розширенні своїх знань.
Обладнання: картки за темою «Іграшки», іграшки.
Хід уроку
1. Game: Guess!
Choose one word from Lesson 1, draw a picture of it adding one little detail at a
time. After adding each new detail, ask “What’s this?” and say “Guess!” until the
pupils guess correctly. Complete the drawing and say, “Yes. Well done. It’s a...”
2. Listen and repeat (p. 26, ex. 1). .......
Teach four of the eight words using the toy flashcards.
Hold the flashcard so that the whole class can see it. If necessary, walk round .......
the room and show it to the pupils.
Say the word clearly. Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same
procedure three or four times.
Write the words and put the flashcards under the words. Ask the pupils to say
the letters of the words.
When you have practiced the four words thoroughly, teach the other four
words. Use the flashcards and follow the same procedure.
Make sentences using the structures “This is...” , “I see...” , “I have got...” ,
“He / She has got...”
If you mostly have good pupils, you may divide them into two teams and play
a game. A pupil from one team says a sentence. If it is correct, the team wins a
point. If the pupil does not make a sentence, the other team can try to say the
sentence — to win a bonus point.
3. Work in pairs (p. 26, ex. 2).
Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and point at each speaker in turn. .......
In pairs, pupils read and practice the dialogue only. One or two pairs act out
the dialogue.
In pairs, pupils read and practice the dialogue using some other toy flashcard,
for example, “a bear” and the words “Christmas present” and “brown” . One or two
pairs act out the dialogue. Write the words on the board to help the pupils to act
out the dialogue.
4. Listen and read (p. 27, ex. 3).
Tell the pupils to look at the picture on p. 27, ex. 3. Read the sentences. In
their native language, ask the pupils to guess what they think the boy is doing.
Then repeat the question in English.
Read the text, pausing after each sentence. Pupils repeat the sentence chorally
and individually.
Tell the pupils that they are going to read the text too.
Read the sentences again.
Pupils read the text.
5. Choose and say (p. 27, ex. 4).
Read the sentences and choose the right answers. Ask the exemplary pupils
to do the task first. Pupils listen and follow in their books. Then other pupils can
repeat it.
Key: 1. The story is about a boy and his toy. 2. Roy has got a plane. 3. Ray has
got a lorry.
6. Find and say. Write (p. 27, ex. 5).
This activity helps the pupils associate spoken sounds with written letters.
Explain the task in English.
Read the text (p. 27, ex. 3) again.
Find the “R r” words.
Ask the pupils to write the words on the board or you can do it yourself to save
Make up sentences with the “R r” words.
Example: Roy has got toys. Ray is a robot, etc.
7. Listen and read (p. 27, ex. 6).
Read the drills. Draw the pupils’ attention to the vowel sounds.
Do choral and individual repetition.
8. Speak English (p. 27, ex. 7).
Ask the pupils to say some sentences about their toys, using the patterns.
Finish with a Memory Game. Stick toy flashcards to the board. Pupils close
their eyes while you remove one flashcard. Pupils then open their eyes and try and
remember what is missing. They can either say the word or write it down.
Do ex. 3 and ex. 6, p. 27.
Learn the new words.
Lesson З Дата
.. . . Клас
Тема. Це — їхній корабель
навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, учити вести бесіду, слухати
співрозмовника, повторити правила читання голосних у закритому складі, повто- .......
рити особові та присвійні займенники;
розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість,
удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, правила читання голосних букв
у закритому складі, розвивати усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність;
виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу, культуру спілкування, вихову­
вати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
Обладнання: картки за темою «Іграшки», іграшки, таблиця «Особові та присвійні за­
Хід уроку
1. Disappearing Cards. Stick five flashcards to the board. Do choral repetition of
the words in sequence. Then remove one of the flashcards from the sequence.
Pupils chant the whole sequence of five words, including the missing one.
Repeat, taking away another flashcard. Continue till there are no flashcards
on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from memory. You can .......
also play by writing five words on the board, then rubbing them out one at
a time. .......
2. Listen and repeat (p. 28, ex. 1).
Read the new words. Say the words, using the book pictures and miming. You
can use real objects. Pupils listen and repeat.
a. Stress the plural.
Make sentences with the new words.
b. Pupils complete the sentences with the new words too.
Do choral and individual repetition.
Pair work:
Pupils take turns to name any picture on page 28 ex. 1.
Their partner listens and responds by pointing to the picture and word named.
The aim is to do it as fast as possible, playing ‘word-tennis’ and swapping roles .......
when one pupil makes a mistake.
They can keep scores. .......
Go round to help and supervise their work.
Play several rounds for each pair.
3. Look and say (p. 28, ex. 2).
Point at the tables “Object pronouns” and “Subject pronouns” . Revise them.
Make pairs: “I — my” , “you — your” , etc.
Read the sentences. Point out the object pronouns.
4. Work in pairs (p. 28, ex. 3).
Ask the pupils to read and answer the questions in pairs.
Pupils read and practice in pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogue.
5. Listen and do (p. 29, ex. 4).
Read the poem and mime. Pupils listen and watch.
Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils mime.
Ask the pupils to read the poem too. Do choral and individual repetition.
Read the poem and translate some words if necessary.
Tell the pupils to stand up. Say the poem and do the actions. Ask the pupils to
repeat after you.
Learn a poem.
Ask pupils to say the poem and do the actions.
Pupils point at themselves or their friends.
I like to skip,
I like to jump,
I like to run about,
I like to play,
I like to sing,
I like to laugh
And shout.
6. Complete and write (p. 29, ex. 5).
Point at the table “Object pronouns” . Revise the pronouns.
Read and complete the sentences.
Key: 1. His; 2. Their; 3. My; 4. Our; 5. Her; 6. Your.
7. Listen and read (p. 29, ex. 6).
Read the drills. Draw the pupils’ attention to the vowel sounds.
Do choral and individual repetition.
8. Speak English (p. 29, ex. 7).
Ask the pupils to look at their friends’ toys.
Ask the pupils to say some sentences about their friends’ toys, using the
Read any poem the pupils wish to recite or play any game the pupils wish to
Bring a favourite toy.
Do ex. 6, p. 29.
Тема. Моя улюблена іграшка
навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими лек­
сичними одиницями, модальним дієсловом "сап" активізувати вивчений лексико-
граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мов­
розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість,
удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків;
виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, за­
гальну культуру учнів.
Обладнання: таблиця «Модальне дієслово сап», картки до теми «Дієслова».
Хід уроку
1. Start a Counting Chain round the class to revise the numbers 1-10. Pupils who
hesitate are “out” (see Lesson 5).
2. Ask the pupils to remember and chant the ABC rhyme (see Lesson 3).
3. Listen and repeat. Say (p. 30, ex. 1).
Books closed. You need six cards with the new words.
Teach the new words. Say the words, using the pictures and miming.
Do choral and individual repetition.
Read the sentences. Then ask and answer the questions.
T. Can you fly?
P. No, I can’t.
T. Can the bear drive a bike?
P. Yes, it can. / No, it can’t.
4. Speak in class (p. 30, ex. 2).
Look at the pictures.
Ask the pupils what the children can do.
Explain what “a tick” and “a cross” mean.
Then read the examples.
Ask the pupils to speak about themselves using the examples.
5. Play a game (p. 30, ex. 3).
Read the rules.
Ask the pupils to mime the actions. The other pupils try to guess.
Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.
6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 31, ex. 4).
Tell the pupils to look at the picture. In pairs, pupils read and practice the
dialogue. Go around helping the pairs.
One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Praise their efforts: “Good! Well done!”
7. Complete and write (p. 31, ex. 5).
Learn the rule. Explain to the pupils when they must use the modal verb “can”
and “can’t” .
Drill the answer form. Ask more questions. Pupils answer each time “Yes,
I can.” / “No, I can’t.”
Lesson 4
To teach “No, I can’t” ask questions about things that are not in the picture.
Pupils answer “No.” Expand the answer to “No, I can’t” and drill the new form.
Do the task. Complete the sentences. Help the pupils to do the task well by
miming and using flashcards.
Key: 2. can, can’t; 3. can, can’t; 4. can’t; 5. can, can’t; 6. can.
8. Listen and read (p. 31, ex. 6).
Read the drills. Draw the pupils’ attention to the vowel sounds.
Do choral and individual repetition.
9. Speak English (p. 31, ex. 7).
Ask the pupils to show their toys.
Ask the pupils to describe their toys, using the patterns.
Read any poem the pupils wish to recite or play any game the pupils wish to
Bring a favourite toy.
Do ex. 2, p. 30.
Read ex. 6, p. 31.
Lesson 5 Дата
Тема. Моє улюблене заняття
навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, повторити раніше вивче­
ні лексичні одиниці, звуки, граматичні структури, активізувати вивчений лексико- .......
граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мов­
розвивальна: розвивати логічний виклад думок, вміння робити власні висновки, роз­
вивати пізнавальний інтерес в учнів, підтримувати високий рівень мотивації до ви­
вчення англійської мови, розвинути й доповнити лексичний запас із теми «При­
виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, загальну культуру учнів,
культуру співбесіди.
Обладнання: картки за темою «Прикметники», «Іграшки».
Хід уроку
1. Write the anagrams “lownc and zzuple” on the board — and explain to the
pupils that they are the names of two toys (“clown” , “puzzle” ). They need to
guess the words.
2. Listen and repeat. Say (p. 32, ex. 1). .......
Books are open. You read the new words. Translate them into their native
Teach the new words. Say the words, using the pictures and nouns.
Do choral and individual repetition.
Make up sentences.
3. Work in pairs. Point and say (p. 32, ex. 2).
Pupils look at the pictures. Mime looking for something in the pictures, as if it
were very difficult to see. Ask the pupils: “Can you see a bird? Can you see a ball?”
etc. Pupils answer: “Yes, I can.”
Then you say: “I like books. They are interesting. I don’t like bikes. They are
Read the example too. Ask the pupils to repeat.
Ask the pupils to describe the things using the adjectives.
Help the pupils to do the task well by miming and using flashcards.
4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 32, ex. 3).
Pupils look at the pictures.
Ask the pupils to name the pictures. .......
Then ask questions about the things. Pupils answer them. Help the pupils to
answer correctly using positive and negative answers.
Do choral and individual repetition.
5. Listen and read (p. 33, ex. 4).
Pupils read the text silently for a minute or two, or they take turns to read
aloud, sentence by sentence, round the class. Help their understanding of the
passage by pointing at the pictures. If they read the text aloud, help them with the
6. Choose and say (p. 33, ex. 5).
In answering the questions there are three options: a) Pupils can try to read
and answer the questions themselves, b) They can work in pairs to find and agree
on the right answers, c) The answers can be found all together as a class before the
pupils write them down.
Key: 1. a girl and a doll; 2. a doll; 3. cook.
7. Find and say. Write (p. 33, ex. 6).
Read the text again.
Write the words with missing letters on the board.
Ask the pupils to guess what words are on the board.
Ask the pupils to find the words in the text and complete with the missing
8. Speak English (p. 33, ex. 7).
Ask the pupils to tell you their hobbies. They can answer in English or in their
native language.
Ask the pupils to describe their hobbies, using the new adjectives. Help the
pupils to answer correctly.
Do ex. 1, p. 32.
Read ex. 4, p. 33.
Describe your hobby.
Lesson б Дата
. . Клас
Тема. Щонеділі
навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, повторити раніше вивче­
ні лексичні одиниці, звуки, граматичні структури, активізувати вивчений лексико- .......
граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мо­
розвивальна: розвивати логічний виклад думок, вміння робити власні висновки,
пізнавальний інтерес в учнів, підтримувати високий рівень мотивації до вивчен­
ня англійської мови, розвинути й доповнити лексичний запас із теми «Прикмет­
виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, загальну культуру учнів,
культуру співбесіди.
Обладнання: постер на тему «Дозвілля».
Хід уроку
1. Asking about abilities. “Can you skip? Can you fly? Can you cook? Can you
read?” etc.
2. Listen and repeat. Say (p. 34, ex. 1).
Books are open.
Teach the new words. Say the words, using the pictures and miming.
Do choral and individual repetition.
Read the sentences. Then ask and answer the questions about the pupils using
the pictures.
T. Can you skip?
P. No, I can’t.
T. Have you got rollers?
P. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
T. Can you roller-blade?
P. Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Learn a poem.
• Ask pupils to say the poem and do the actions.
• Pupils point to themselves or their friends.
We are happy boys and girls,
We play and dance and sing.
We love all sorts of games and sports,
We sit on a swing, a swing.
• Say the poem with some gaps.
The pupils listen and finish your lines.
• Say the poem in a whisper.
The pupils repeat after you but loudly.
• Say the poem and show the gestures.
Do the wrong gestures.
The pupils repeat only the correct gestures.
3. Look and say. Answer the questions (p. 34, ex. 2).
Look at the picture. Ask simple questions about the picture: “How many
children are there? Where are the children? Are the children big?” etc.
One pupil reads the questions to the class. The other pupils answer. Help the
pupils to answer correctly.
Pair work: Pupils ask each other again. Go round helping them to use the
answers correctly.
4. Time for fun. Listen and repeat (p. 35, ex. 3).
Before listening: Ask the question “What’s a swing?”
Tell the pupils to listen to the poem. Read it.
Read it again and pause after each line. Read a line and tell the pupils to repeat
after you.
If the pupils have difficulties, translate the lines into their native language.
5. Listen and read (p. 35, ex. 4).
Pupils read the words silently for a minute or two, or they take turns to read
aloud, sentence by sentence, round the class.
Read the words again. Pupils can clap or tap while reading the words.
6. Speak English (p. 35, ex. 6).
Look at the picture. Ask the questions. “Where are the children? Are they
boys? Are they girls?”
Read the story about free time.
Ask some pupils to speak about their free time. If necessary, read the text
again. Then ask them to retell it.
7. Read “The Swing Poem” or play the game “Write anagrams” , whichever the
pupils prefer.
Speak about your hobby and free time.
Lesson 7 Дата
Тема. Я люблю спорт
навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, повторити раніше вивче­
ні лексичні одиниці, звуки, граматичні структури, уміння вести бесіду, слухати спів- .......
розмовника, перевірити й закріпити знання за заданою темою, закріпити вживання
лексичних структур;
розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу й зорову пам'ять, спостережливість,
удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, усні комунікативні уміння з опо­
рою на наочність;
виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу, навички здорового способу
Обладнання: постер на тему «Спорт».
Хід уроку
1. Play a few rounds of Spelling Shark (This is a version of the traditional
Hangman game.) Briefly explain the rules to the class. You can play the game
to revise the vocabulary for the lesson.
Think of any sport activity, e.g., “skip” . Don’t say it aloud. Draw a “cliff” line
on the board. At the bottom of the “cliff” draw a shark and the sea.
Write the word with two blanks: “_ki_” . Pupils take turns to guess one letter
in the sport activity. If that letter is in the word, write it in the appropriate blank.
If it is not in the word, draw a little “stick figure” starting to walk towards the
edge of the cliff. Pupils must guess all the letters correctly before the stick figure
falls off the cliff and into the shark’s jaws.
2. Listen and repeat (p. 36, ex. 1).
Tell the pupils to look at the picture on p. 36, ex. 1. Ask the pupils to guess
what they think the children are doing.
Read the words, pausing after each word. Pupils repeat the words chorally and
Read the sentences.
Then ask the questions about the sports: “What sport do you like? Does your
friend play hockey?” etc.
3. Look and say (p. 36, ex. 2).
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and read the explanation.
Look at Picture 1 and make sentences to explain: “Ann likes swimming, but
she doesn’t like aerobics.” Ask the pupils to repeat after you.
Pupils make sentences to Pictures 2 and 3.
4. Listen, read and act out (p. 36, ex. 3).
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures. Then ask the questions: “What animals
can you see? Are they friends? What activities do they like? What is the dog’s
name? What is the cat’s name?”
Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and point at the pictures. In pairs, pupils read
and practice it.
Act out the dialogue. Repeat with a different pupil, but this time let the pupil
choose a partner to act it out with.
Repeat with several different pupils. Ask the pupils to imitate the sounds and
mime the actions.
Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.
5. Listen and read (p. 37, ex. 4).
Ask the pupils to look at the picture.
They listen as you read the text.
Read the sentences. Pupils listen.
Read again, pausing after each sentence.
Ask the pupils to read the text. Do choral and individual repetition.
6. Choose and say (p. 37, ex 5).
After reading the text (p. 37, ex. 4) you can check the understanding of the
Read the sentences and answer “Yes” or “No” .
Key: 1. No. 2. Yes. 3. Yes.
Ask the questions: “Do you want to be famous? Do you like swimming? Do you
go to the swimming pool?”
7. Write and say (p. 37 ex 6).
Ask the pupils to write questions to Sam about his hobby.
Write a table on the board and ask the pupils to make questions using the
Do you like swimming?
go to the swimming pool?
go swimming on Sundays?
want to be famous?
Pupils make questions and read them aloud.
They write the questions down.
8. Speak English (p. 37, ex. 7).
Explain to the pupils that they have to speak about their hobby.
Tell them about your hobby: “I like aerobics. It is a good sport. I go to the sport
center on Monday and Wednesday. I am good at aerobics.”
Ask the pupils to read the example individually.
Ask the pupils to speak about their hobby. Help or correct the pupils if they
have difficulties.
Do ex. 7, p. 37.
Read ex. 4, p. 37.
Lesson 8 Дата
Тема. Сьогодні — неділя!
навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, формувати навички вжи­
вання нових лексичних одиниць, удосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання .......
й усного монологічного мовлення;
розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість,
удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, учити працювати в парі, групі, ло­
гічно висловлювати думку;
виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу та любов до англійської мови,
культуру спілкування, виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
Обладнання: матеріали для створення проектної роботи.
Хід уроку
1. Play a few rounds of the Spelling Shark with any of the new sport or hobby
Use the words from Lessons 7 and 8.
Then make word combinations or sentences with the words.
2. Listen and repeat (p. 38, ex. 1).
Tell the pupils to look at the pictures on p. 38, ex. 1. Ask the pupils to guess
where the children are.
Read the words, pausing after each word. Pupils repeat the words chorally and
Use the words in sentences.
Ask the pupils to repeat the sentences.
Then ask the questions about the new words:
Is the village big?
Is the garden nice?
Are the children hopping? Can children hop in hopscotch?
Are the children running? Is it fun to play hide-and-seek?
3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 38, ex. 2).
Pupils look at the pictures.
Ask the pupils to read the word combinations.
Then ask the questions about the things. Pupils have to answer them. Help the
pupils to answer correctly using positive and negative answers.
Do choral and individual repetition.
— Where are the children? — At school. / In the park. / At home, etc.
Pupils try to learn the poem.
Where do you live, little Mouse?
Where do you live? At the zoo?
In the village? Oh, no. Do you?
Do you live at the zoo?
I live in a house just like you!
4. Speak in class (p. 38, ex. 3).
Read the sentences yourself or ask an exemplary pupil to do it.
Pupils listen and read in silence.
Pupils read, first together and then individually.
Then they try to say how they spend their weekend.
Help the pupils to use the new word combinations.
5. Time for fun. Look, make and say (p. 39, ex. 4).
Explain to the pupils how to make the project in their native language. Then
say it in English and mime.
Read the text about a visit to grandparents. Pupils listen and read in silence.
Ask a pupil to make up his / her own story about his / her visit to grand­
Tell the pupils to write “A Visit to Grandparents” at home.
6. Listen and read (p. 39, ex. 5).
Read the drills quickly, first together and then individually.
7. Speak English (p. 39, ex. 6).
Explain to the pupils that they are going to speak about their weekend.
Tell them about your weekend using the sentences from p. 38, ex. 2, 3.
Explain to the pupils that they have to speak about their weekend.
Tell them about your weekend: “I like Sunday. It is a good day. I go to the sport
center. I like to play football. I visit my grandparents in the village. I watch TV at
home. I like to go to the zoo. I like bears. They are big and they like to dance.”
Ask the pupils to tell their stories individually.
Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties using the words from p. 38,
ex. 2, 3.
8. Revise any poem the pupils like.
Write “A Visit to Grandparents” .
Learn the new words and word combinations.
Lesson 9 Дата
Тема. Повторення граматики
навчальна: повторити та узагальнити граматичний матеріал, закріпити вживання гра­
матичних структур, активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвива- .......
ти вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мовлення;
розвивальна: розвивати інтелектуальні й пізнавальні здібності, різні типи пам'яті —
слухову, зорову, оперативну, тривалу, увагу, уяву, учити працювати в парі, групі, ло­
гічно висловлювати думку;
виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, за­
гальну культуру учнів.
Обладнання: граматичні таблиці.
Хід уроку
1. Do a few minutes’ revision.
Ask the questions: “Where are you? Where are your grandparents? Where do
you play football? Where do you play hide-and-seek? Where do you see animals?”
2. Look at the table “Plural Nouns” . Read the examples. Explain the rule. Do it in .......
their native language. Give other examples.
3. Write (p. 40, ex. 1). .......
Write the words in singular from the exercise on the board in a column.
Ask the pupils to write the words in plural.
Explain the rule. Then ask the pupils to explain too.
Play a game with pairs of objects partly hidden in your hand. Say, “I’ve got
two... (pens), I’ve got three... (pencils)” . Pupils finish the sentences using plural.
Play the game two or three times with different objects and different pupils.
4. Complete and say (p. 40, ex. 2).
Pupils read the sentences and complete using the words from the table. Draw
the pupils’ attention to the word “your” . Explain that the pupils may use it two
Key: 1. Your; 2. Our; 3. His; 4. Its; 5. Her; 6. Your; 7. My; 8. Their.
5. Match and say (p. 40, ex. 3).
In pairs, pupils read and practice the sentences. One or two pairs act out each .......
sentence. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.
6. Write and say (p. 41, ex. 4).
Read the task in their native language.
Tell the pupils to look at the picture to write the sentences correctly. Point out
that the first letter of the first word is capitalized and the last word has got a full
stop after it.
Make up sentences.
Ask the pupils to write them down on the board and in their copy books.
Key: 1. It is Sunday today. 2. Jane and Peter are not at school. 3. They can
play. 4. They play computer games. 5. Peter has got a sister. 6. Look at her! 7. She
makes puzzles. 8. The children are happy.
Revise the table “ Present Simple Tense” . Drill the pronunciation of
affirmative forms. Point out the difference between “He / She plays...” on the
board, as well as “do — does” , “go— goes” , “watch — watches” , “have got —
has got” .
7. Write (p. 41, ex. 5).
Write sentences and explain the rule.
8. Speak English (p. 41, ex. 6).
Explain to the pupils that they have to speak about their week.
Tell them about your week: “I go to school every day. I read, write and play
games at school. I play games in the yard. I visit my grandparents. I watch TV at
home. I can play computer games. I go to bed.”
Ask the pupils to tell their stories individually.
Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.
Play the game Bingo! with the hobby words the pupils know. Get the pupils to
suggest and spell the hobby words. Write them in a list on the board. Pupils choose
and write down any four hobby words and the game begins. Pupils cross o ff the
words as they are called out.
Revise the new words.
Speak about your weekend and your week.
Lesson 10 Дата
Тема. Перевір себе!
навчальна: повторити та закріпити лексико-граматичні структури, узагальнити вивче­
ний лексичний матеріал за темою «Давайте розважатися»; .......
розвивальна: розвивати комунікативні компетенції, довільну пам'ять, здатність уза­
гальнювати вивчений матеріал;
виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися, до процесу пізнання; виховувати дисци­
пліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумової праці.
Обладнання: таблиці «Теперішній неозначений час», картки й постер до теми «Давай­
те розважатися».
Хід уроку
1. Begin with a five minute revision. Go round the class, asking individual
pupils, “What’s your hobby? What do you do in the park?” etc.
2. Listen and match. Act out (p. 42, ex. 1).
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures.
Ask the pupils to read the dialogues. .......
Pupils read the dialogue in pairs. They point at the pictures. In pairs, pupils
read and practice it. .......
Ask the pupils to act out the dialogues. Repeat with a different pupil, but this
time let the pupil choose a partner to act them out with.
Repeat with several different pupils. Ask the pupils to imitate the sounds and
mime the actions.
Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.
3. Find and say (p.42, ex. 2).
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and choose the right words.
Key: 1. Robot; 2. Puzzle; 3. Plane; 4. Ship; 5. Clock; 6. Swing.
4. Listen and read (p. 43, ex. 3).
Ask the pupils to read the text individually.
Ask the pupils, “What is the boy’s name? What is the girl’s name? Where do
they live? What does Xeno like? What does Xena do? What can Xena play?” etc.
Take turns to read the text again. .......
5. Choose and say (p. 43, ex. 4).
Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually and choose the correct
Key: 1. Cousins; 2. Football; 3. Music.
6. Find and say (p. 43, ex. 5).
This activity helps the pupils to associate spoken sounds with written letters.
Explain the task in English.
Read the text (p. 43, ex. 3) again.
Find the “X x” words.
Ask the pupils to write the words on the board or you can do it yourself to save
Make up sentences with the “X x” words.
Key: I can’t play the xylophone. I like X-mas parties.
Write the structure of the questions to use for this game:
Is it...?
Draw simple pictures on the board slowly adding little details.
After each new little detail pupils try to guess an object.
They ask you questions.
Pupil. Ball?
Point to the structure and encourage them to ask a correct question.
Pupil. Is it a ball?
Teacher. Yes, it is. or No, it isn’t.
If necessary, help pupils by saying the beginning of the question or by pointing
to the structure on the board.
Teacher. Is it a...? Guess!
Pair work:
Pupils continue this guessing game in pairs.
Any picture in this unit can be used as a model.
7. Speak English (p. 43, ex. 6).
Pair work: Pupils ask questions about their partners’ grandparents, brothers
and sisters. Then they make up short stories. You can write some questions on the
board to help.
Do ex. 7, p. 43.
Make up a story about your family. Use the Family Book.
Lesson 1
Тема. У мене — щасливе обличчя!
навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, активізувати вивчений лек­
сико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння й навички читання, письма, усного
розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережли­
вість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікатив­
ні вміння з опорою на наочність;
виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, загальну культуруучнів.
Обладнання: таблиця за темою «Зовнішність», лялька.
Хід уроку
1. Play one or two rounds of the Spelling Shark with any new words from the
previous unit, especially the hobbies.
2. Listen and repeat (p. 44, ex. 1).
Teach and then drill the new words shown in the picture of a clown: “Touch
your own hair, eye, nose” , etc. as the pupils listen and repeat.
Ask “What’s this?” as you point at parts of the face and body again. Pupils
Pupils take turns to read out the words for the parts of the face and body. Help
with pronunciation.
3. Point and say (p. 44, ex. 2).
Pupils take turns to point at the parts of the face and body. Help with
pronunciation, singular and plural.
Point out that the word “eye” refers to one eye and that the word “eyes” refers
to both eyes together.
4. Listen, read and act out (p. 44, ex. 3).
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures. Then ask the questions: “Who can you
see? What does the girl have? What does the boy have?”
Read Dialogue 1. Pupils listen and point at the picture. In pairs, pupils read
and practice it.
Act out the dialogue. Repeat with different pupils, but this time let the pupils
choose a partner to act it out with.
Act out Dialogues 2 ,3 , and 4. In pairs, pupils read and practice them.
Repeat with several different pupils. Ask the pupils to imitate the sounds and
mime the actions.
Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.
5. Speak in class. Say “Yes” or “No” (p. 44, ex. 4).
After reading the dialogues (p. 44, ex. 3) you can check the understanding of
the dialogues.
Read the sentences and answer “Yes” or “No” .
Key: 1. Yes. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Yes. 5. No. 6. No. 7. Yes.
6. Play the game “Miss Alison Says” . Call out instructions for the whole class. If
you start the instruction with the phrase “Miss Alison says” , the class should
follow the instruction, but if you don’t say “Miss Alison says” , they shouldn’t,
and any pupil who does the action is out. Play the game until only one pupil is
left. (This is the game called “Simon Says” .)
7. Speak English (p. 37, ex. 7).
Explain to the pupils that they have to describe their favourite toy.
Describe a doll: “Look, this is a doll. It’s got a round face, a small nose and rosy
cheeks. Its hair is long and fair. Its eyes are big and blue. It’s pretty.”
Ask the pupils to describe the doll individually.
Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.
Learn the new words (p. 44, ex. 1).
Read ex. 3, p. 44.
Bring your favourite toy. Describe it (p. 45, ex. 6).
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The six step guide to practical project management
Beginners Guide to TikTok for Search - Rachel Pearson - We are Tilt __ Bright...
Beginners Guide to TikTok for Search - Rachel Pearson - We are Tilt __ Bright...Beginners Guide to TikTok for Search - Rachel Pearson - We are Tilt __ Bright...
Beginners Guide to TikTok for Search - Rachel Pearson - We are Tilt __ Bright...

2 англ гандзя_по несвіт_пособ_2013_укр

  • 1. Серія «Мій конспект» Заснована 2008 року І. В. Ґандзя Англійська мова(за підручником А. Несвіт) клас Харків Видавнича група «Основа» 2013
  • 2. УДК 37.016 ББК 72.268.1 Англ Г19 Ґандзя І. В. Г19 Англійська мова. 2 клас (до підручника А. Несвіт). — X. : Вид. група «Основа», 2013. — 144 с. — (Серія «Мій конспект»). ISBN 978-617-00-1849-6. Видання «Мій конспект» — це посібник, який ставить на меті надати допомогу вчителеві в підготовці до уроку. Автор пропонує плани-конспекти 70уроків англійської мови, розроблені на осно­ ві підручника А. Несвіт “English 2” із використанням додаткових матеріалів. Є можливість створити власний конспект, використовуючи посібник, який роз­ рахованийнавчителівзагальноосвітніхзакладів, які працюютьу 2класізапідручником А. Несвіт. УДК 37.016 ББК 72.268.1 Англ Навчальне видання Серія «Мій конспект» ҐАНДЗЯ Ірина Василівна АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА. 2 КЛАС (до підручника А. Несвіт) Головний редактор Н. А. Климишина Технічний редактор О. В. Лєбєдєва Коректор О. М. Журенко Підп. до друку 3.07.2013. Формат 84x108/16. Папір газет. Гарнітура Шкільна. Друк офсет. Ум. друк. арк. 8,4. Зам. № 13-07/15-05. ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа” » 61001 м. Харків, вул. Плеханівська, 66 тел. (057) 731-96-33 e-mail: Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи ДК № 2911 від 25.07.2007 р Віддруковано з готових плівок ТОВ «Тріада Принт» м. Харків, вул. Киргизька, 19. тел.: (057) 757-98-16,757-98-15 Свідоцтво суб'єкта видавничої справи ДК № 1870 від 16.07.2007 р. ISBN 978-617-00-1849-6 © Ґандзя І. В. 2013 © ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа” », 2013
  • 3. Зміст Unit 1. My Family and F rien ds................................................................................................................................ 5 Lesson 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Lesson 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Lesson 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 Lesson 4 .......................................................................................................................................................11 Lesson 5 .......................................................................................................................................................13 Lesson 6 .......................................................................................................................................................15 Lesson 7 .......................................................................................................................................................17 Lesson 8 .......................................................................................................................................................19 Lesson 9 .......................................................................................................................................................21 Lesson 10.......................................................................................................................................................23 Unit 2. Let’s Have Fun................................................................................................................................................ 25 Lesson 1 .......................................................................................................................................................25 Lesson 2 .......................................................................................................................................................27 Lesson 3 .......................................................................................................................................................29 Lesson 4 .......................................................................................................................................................31 Lesson 5 .......................................................................................................................................................33 Lesson 6 .......................................................................................................................................................35 Lesson 7 .......................................................................................................................................................37 Lesson 8 .......................................................................................................................................................39 Lesson 9 .......................................................................................................................................................41 Lesson 10.......................................................................................................................................................43 Unit 3. A p p ea ra n ce................................................................................................................................................... 45 Lesson 1 .......................................................................................................................................................45 Lesson 2 .......................................................................................................................................................47 Lesson 3 .......................................................................................................................................................49 Lesson 4 .......................................................................................................................................................51 Lesson 5 .......................................................................................................................................................53 Lesson 6 .......................................................................................................................................................55 Lesson 7 .......................................................................................................................................................57 Lesson 8 .......................................................................................................................................................59 Lesson 9 .......................................................................................................................................................61 Lesson 10.......................................................................................................................................................63 Unit 4. Seasons and N ature.......................................................................................................................................65 Lesson 1 .......................................................................................................................................................65 Lesson 2 .......................................................................................................................................................67 Lesson 3 .......................................................................................................................................................69 Lesson 4 .......................................................................................................................................................71 3
  • 4. Lesson 5 ................................................................................................................................................... 73 Lesson 6 ................................................................................................................................................... 75 Lesson 7 ................................................................................................................................................... 77 Lesson 8 ................................................................................................................................................... 79 Lesson 9 .................................................................................................................................................... 81 Lesson 1 0 ................................................................................................................................................ 83 Unit 5. A n im a ls ....................................................................................................................................................... 85 Lesson 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 85 Lesson 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 87 Lesson 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 89 Lesson 4 ................................................................................................................................................... 91 Lesson 5 ................................................................................................................................................... 93 Lesson 6 ................................................................................................................................................... 95 Lesson 7 ................................................................................................................................................... 97 Lesson 8 ................................................................................................................................................... 99 Lesson 9 ................................................................................................................................................... 101 Lesson 10................................................................................................................................................... 103 Unit 6 .1 Like H o lid a y s ..........................................................................................................................................105 Lesson 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 105 Lesson 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 107 Lesson 3 ................................................................................................................................................... 109 Lesson 4 ................................................................................................................................................... I l l Lesson 5 ................................................................................................................................................... 113 Lesson 6 ................................................................................................................................................... 115 Lesson 7 ................................................................................................................................................... 117 Lesson 8 ................................................................................................................................................... 119 Lesson 9 ................................................................................................................................................... 121 Lesson 10................................................................................................................................................... 123 Unit 7 .1 Am at S ch ool.............................................................................................................................................125 Lesson 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 125 Lesson 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 127 Lesson 3 ................................................................................................................................................... 129 Lesson 4 ................................................................................................................................................... 131 Lesson 5 ................................................................................................................................................... 133 Lesson 6 ....................................................................................................................................................135 Lesson 7 ....................................................................................................................................................137 Lesson 8 ....................................................................................................................................................139 Lesson 9 ....................................................................................................................................................141 Lesson 1 0 ................................................................................................................................................ 143 4
  • 5. Unit 1. MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS Дата Клас Lesson 1 Тема. Привітайся з друзями ..... Мета: навчальна: презентувати лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя сім'я і друзі»; ознайоми­ тися з мовними виразами знайомства й вітання; формувати уявлення про мову як засіб спілкування міжлюдьми; ознайомитися з римівками за темою «Знайомство»; розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення; виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дис­ ципліну, звичку до систематичної розумової праці. Обладнання: різнокольорові аркуші паперу, фломастери. Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Greet the pupils as they arrive and settle down: “Come in, please. Sit down, please.” 2. Say “Hi, I’m (Miss / Mrs)...” two or three times pointing at yourself. 3. Pair work: Pupils introduce themselves to their neighbours in the same way. PRESENTATION 4. Listen and repeat (p. 4, ex. 1). Say, “Look! Listen! Repeat!” Pupils listen and repeat together after each speaker. — Good morning, Ann! — Good morning, Dan! — Good morning, Miss / Mrs... — Good morning, children. PRACTICE 5. Dialogue Pupils read and practice (p. 4, ex. 1) using their own names, first as a class and then in pairs. — Good morning, Sonia! — Good morning, Ivan! Go round helping the pairs. One or two pairs come to the board and act out the dialogue. Praise their ....... efforts: “Good! Well done!” EXTRA POEM Good morning, good morning, Good morning to you. Good morning, good morning, I’m glad to see you! Good morning, good morning, Good morning to you. Good morning, dear children, I’m glad to see you! Good morning, good morning, Good morning to you. Good morning, dear teacher, We’re glad to see you! 5
  • 6. 6. Ask the pupils to identify each other by asking, “W ho’s this?” and helping them to answer, “This is...” EXTRA "NAME TAGS" Pupils have one sheet of paper each. Get them to fold it in half down the centre and draw a base line near the bottom of one side. Write the pupils’ names on the board. Read the names on the board one by one. Pupils copy their own names onto the paper. Go round helping and praising them by saying, “Good!” 7. Look and say (p. 4, ex. 2). — Hello, Miss / Mrs... — Hi! Nice to meet you. — Good morning, Ivan and Masha! — Nice to meet you, too! Let individual pupils go out of the classroom and come back in again, saying, “Hello! Good morning! Goodbye!” as they do so. Draw the pupils’ attention to “I’m” and “I am” . Write the rule on the board and explain it in their native language. 8. Listen and repeat (p. 5, ex. 3). Tell the pupils to look at the picture on p. 5, ex. 3. In their native language, ask the pupils to guess what they think the boy is doing. Read the poem, pausing after each phrase. Pupils repeat the phrases chorally and individually. Tell the pupils that they are going to learn a greeting poem in English. Explain that it is polite to say “Good morning” and “Good afternoon” . Read the poem again. Tell the pupils to listen to the poem. Say a line and tell the pupils to repeat after you. 9. Look and say (p. 5, ex. 4). Tell the pupils to look at the picture. Ask a pupil to come to the front of the class and act out a simple dialogue. You: Goodbye, Anna. Pupil: Goodbye, ... Ask pairs of pupils to come to the front of the class and act out the dialogue. — Goodbye, Olga. — Goodbye, Sasha. — Bye, Masha. — See you tomorrow. 10. Speak English (p. 5, ex. 5). Tell the pupils to do the task. You start the dialogue. ENDING THE LESSON 11. Say, “Close your books, please” . Then say goodbye several times. Pupils repeat two or three times. Make sure that they understand you. Finish the lesson by waving or shaking hands with each pupil. Say goodbye to individual pupils as they leave the class. Tell the pupils to say goodbye to you. If you have some extra time, revise the phrases and the rule from ex. 1. HOMEWORK Learn the poem (p. 5, ex. 3). Say Hello! and Goodbye! 6
  • 7. Lesson 2 Дата Клас Тема. Про себе Мета: навчальна: презентувати лексичний матеріал за темою «Про себе»; повторити мов­ ні вирази знайомства, вітання та прощання; формувати уявлення про мову як за- ....... сіб спілкування між людьми; учити читати; закріплювати графічні навички, удоско­ налювати навички вимови англійських звуків за допомогою розучування римівки / пісні, формувати вміння звертатися до співрозмовників; розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення; зацікавити мо­ вою, яку вивчають; виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дис­ ципліну, під час парної роботи — повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематич­ ної розумової праці. Обладнання: постер і картки за темою «Моя сім'я ідрузі», С& Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Greet the pupils with “Hello!” or “Good morning” . Ask them to say hello to the two pupils sitting nearest to them. They can shake hands while saying hello. 2. Revision. Spend three minutes saying to individual pupils, “Hello!” or “Good morning! Nice to see you.” Pupils reply to you. PRESENTATION 3. Listen and repeat (p. 6, ex. 1). Tell the pupils to look at the picture. Ask an exemplary pupil to come to the front of the class. Read the dialogue together while the class listens. Read the dialogue again, pausing after each line for the class to repeat. PRACTICE 4. Read, complete and say (p. 6, ex. 2). Ask the pupils to work in pairs and say the dialogue with their partner. If you wish, ask some of the pairs to repeat their dialogue aloud for the class. Learn the new structure “We are in the second form .” Translate it into their native language. Repeat it several times chorally and individually. EXTRA Ask the first question to the person sitting next to you. He / She replies and asks the following question to the person sitting next to him / her. Continue in this way around the class. Ask the pupils to read the dialogue. When the pupils have finished, let them go round the class greeting each other, asking and answering the questions. 5. Listen and repeat (p. 7, ex. 3). Tell the pupils that they are going to learn a greeting poem in English. Explain that it is polite to say “Good evening” and “Good night” . Read the poem. Tell the pupils to listen to the poem. Read again and pause after each line. Say a line and tell the pupils to repeat after you. Read the poem again and ask the pupils to repeat the poem. 6. Work in pairs (p. 7, ex. 4). Tell the pupils to look at the picture. 7
  • 8. In pairs, pupils read and practice Picture 1 only. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Then pupils read and practice Picture 2 in pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. EXTRA Before starting to play a class or team game, the following procedures are recommended: 1. Divide the class into teams. 2. Use a choosing rhyme to add suspense and involve the pupils in the process of picking players for class or team games: Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo, Choose a person; Off we GO! 3. The pupil chosen is the one you are pointing at on the word GO! 4. Always get the pupils to chant with you. 5. Give each team an English name, e.g., the Tigers or Lions. 6. Vary the team names from lesson to lesson to practice new words. 7. Write team names on the board for scoring during games. ALPHABET RACE Divide the class into two teams. Write the small letters of the alphabet at random across the board as the class chant out the alphabet all together: a, b, c, d, e, f, etc. Call out one player from each team. Give some chalk to each one. Explain that they are going to have an Alphabet Race. Call out any letter of the alphabet. The two players race to find it on the board. One team crosses o ff (X) letters if they find them first, and the other team puts circles (O) around letters. After every two or three letters, two new players come out and take over the race. Have two or three races if there is time. ENDING THE LESSON 7. Finish the lesson by saying goodbye to the pupils as they leave. Pupils say goodbye to you. HOMEWORK Bring the alphabet cards and coloured chalk. Revise the poem (p. 7, ex. 3). 8
  • 9. Lesson З Дата Тема. Звідки ти родом? Мета: навчальна: презентувати лексичний матеріал за темою «Звідки ти родом»; повторити мовні вирази знайомства, вітання та прощання; формувати уявлення про мову як засіб спілкування між людьми; повторити англійський алфавіт, учити читати; закрі­ плювати графічні навички, удосконалювати навички вимови англійських звуків за допомогою розучування римівок іскладання діалогів; розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання й діалогічного мовлення; толерантного ставлення до однокласників; виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дис­ ципліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумової праці. Обладнання: постер і картки за темою «Моя сім'я ідрузі», «Свійські тварини»; CD. Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Play or read the alphabet song and ask the pupils to sing or read it. Pupils will probably be able to sing it from memory, but if they need help, tell them to look at ex. 1, p. 8 (Pupil’s Book) until they remember it. 2. Ask three or four pupils to come up to the board. Ask them to say the alphabet one by one looking at the letters on the board. 3. Tell three or four pupils to sing the song. Then ask them to circle the vowel letters only. PRESENTATION 4. Look and say (p. 8, ex. 2). Teach four of the six words using the flashcards: boy, girl, woman, man. Hold the flashcards so that the whole class can see it. If necessary, walk round the room and show them to the pupils. Pronounce the words clearly. Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four times. Write the words and stick the flashcards under the words. Ask the pupils to spell the words. When you have practiced the four words thoroughly, teach the other two words: cat, dog. Use the flashcards and follow the same procedure. EXTRA Learn a poem. Ask the pupils to say the poem and do the actions. Pupils point to themselves or their friends. I am a girl / boy, A little one. I like to play, I like to run. My name is Andrey / Ann / Max And I live here, With my Daddy, My Mummy, dear. Клас 9
  • 10. PRACTICE 5. Listen, match and say (p. 8, ex. 3). Write the phrases from the exercise on the board. Read them chorally and individually. Ask individual pupils to match them. Ask the other pupils read them aloud. Do choral and individual repetition. Divide the class into two groups and practice the dialogue, with one group reading the questions and the other group reading the answers. 6. Learn the new phrases. — Where are you from? — I’m from the UK. — Where do you live? — I live in London. Explain what “the UK” stands for in their native language. Let pairs of pupils come to the front of the class and act out the dialogue. 7. Time for fun. Listen and sing (p. 9, ex. 4). Tell the pupils to listen to the poem. Read it. Read it again and pause after each line. Read a line and tell the pupils to repeat after you. Encourage the pupils to pretend to speak like the characters of the poem. READING 8. Work in pairs. Read and act out (p. 9, ex. 5). Follow the procedure described in Lesson 2. ENDING THE LESSON 9. Speak English (p. 9, ex. 6). Finish the lesson by saying to each pupil in turn as they leave, “Where are you from? Where do you live?” Then say goodbye to the pupils and ask each pupil to reply, “Goodbye” . HOMEWORK Learn the poem (p. 9, ex. 4). Revise (p. 9, ex. 6). 10
  • 11. Тема. Мої друзі Мета: навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя сім'я»; практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Знайомство»; особові займенники; розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та швидку реакцію; виховна: виховувати вміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­ ву атмосферу в класі. Обладнання: таблиця з особовими займенниками; карта світу, національні прапори країн: України, Китаю, СШАта Великої Британії. Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Chain game: Start an introductions chain round the class, like this: T to Pupil 1. Hello, my name is... What is your name? Then the teacher throws the ball to the pupil. Pupil 1 to T. My name’s Masha. Pupil 1 to Pupil 2. Hello, my name is Masha. What is your name? Then the pupil throws the ball to the other pupil. Pupil 2 continues by asking Pupil 3 the question and so on, round the class. PRESENTATION 2. Listen and repeat (p. 10, ex. 1). Before listening: introduce the question “Where are you from ?” Then get the pupils to ask you “Where are you from ?” so that you can introduce and practice the answer “I am from Ukraine.” Practice with individual pupils round the class. Pupils listen and read. Pupils listen and repeat, first together and then individually. PRACTICE In pairs, pupils read and practice Picture 1 only. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Pupils in pairs read and practice Picture 2. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. READING 3. Reading game. Listen and repeat (p. 10, ex. 2). Divide the class into two teams and play the game. Individual pupils read the phrase and make up a dialogue. Then the best group acts out the dialogue. 4. Work in pairs. Acting out (p. 11, ex. 4). Tell the pupils to look at the picture. In pairs, pupils read and Practice the dialogue. Go around helping the pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Praise their efforts: “Good! Well done!” 5. Look and say (p. 11, ex. 4). Let the pupils do this activity using the table “Personal Pronouns” . If you wish, you can have the pupils change partners. Then pupils read the sentences. Praise their efforts: “Good! Well done!” 6. Listen and read (p. 11, ex. 5). Read the names. Lesson 4 Клас Дата 11
  • 12. EXTRA Ask the pupils to say the poem and do the actions. Pupils point at themselves or their friends. My name is Ann, Her name is Nan, His name is Ben, Say it again. Repeat this poem two or three times. Replace the names in the poem with the names of the pupils in your class. Say the poem again pointing to the children. My name is Kate, Her name is Jul, His name is Andy, Say it again. My name is Mary, Her name is Tania, His name is Kirill, Say it again. My name is Kolia, Her name is Nadia, His name is Anton, Say it again. 7. Speak English (p. 11, ex. 6). Ask the pupil to come up to the board one by one and speak about his / her friend using the phrases: I have got a friend. His / Her name is... He / She is from... He / She lives in... ENDING THE LESSON 8. If there is time, sing or recite the Alphabet song (p. 8, ex. 1) again or revise the extra poems (Lessons 3-4). HOMEWORK Revise (p. 11, ex. 4). Do ex. 6, p. 11. 12
  • 13. Тема. Моя сім'я Мета: навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя сім'я»; практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Цифри» та «Знайомство»; «Дієслово to be»; розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та швидку реакцію; виховна: виховувати вміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­ ву атмосферу в класі. Обладнання: м'яч, картки з цифрами від 1 до 10, картки за темою «Сім'я», плакат «Діє­ слово to be». Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Revise personal pronouns. Point at a boy and a girl in the class and say “he / she” . Point at boys and girls and say “they” . Point at yourself and say “I” . Come up to somebody. Take his / her hand and say “we” . Then point at somebody else and say “you” . 2. Ask a pupil to come to the front of the class and repeat the actions. If the pupil hesitates, help him / her. PRESENTATION 3. Look and match. Say (p. 12, ex. 1). Stick the family cards to the board. Teach four of the eight words using the flashcards: mother, father, daughter, son. Point to the flashcards and make sure the whole class can see them. If necessary, walk round the room and show them to the pupils. Pronounce every word clearly. Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four times. Write the words and stick the flashcards under the words. Ask the pupils to spell the words. Draw the pupils’ attention to the word “daughter” . When you have practiced these four words thoroughly, teach the other four words: aunt, uncle, sister, brother. Use the flashcards and follow the same procedure. PRACTICE 4. Revise the numbers from 1 to 10. Use the number flashcards. Stick them next to the family flashcards or write the numbers next to them. Follow the same procedure as in ex. 1, p. 12. Ask the pupils to answer your questions and point at the pictures. — What is number 1? — It’s a father. — What is number 2? — It’s a mother... and so on. Pupils answer the questions and point at the pictures in their text books. 5. Listen and repeat (p. 12, ex. 2). Read the dialogues and act them out. In pairs, pupils read and practice Dialogue 1 only. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Lesson 5 Клас Дата 13
  • 14. In pairs, pupils read and practice Dialogue 2. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Pupils read and practice Dialogue 3 in pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. 6. Pair work. Acting out (p. 13, ex. 3). Act out the dialogues. Repeat with a different pupil, but this time let the pupil choose the partner to act them out with. Repeat with several different pupils. 7. Grammar. The Verb to Be. Work with the poster “The Verb to Be” or write the verb “to be” with different personal pronouns on the board. Read and translate the meanings of the verb “to be” into their native language. Explain the short forms too. Revise the meanings of the verb “to be” using the table in the book (p. 13). READING AND WRITING 8. Complete and say (p. 13, ex. 4). Write the sentences on the board leaving gaps for the verb “to be” . Do the task together with the pupils explaining why you use “am” , “is” or “are” . Pupils can explain in their native language. Use their native language to correct them if necessary. Key: 1. My family is large. 2. We are a family of four. 3. This is my father. I am his son. Jane is his daughter. 4. He is a pupil. 5. They are my brothers. 6. My sister’s name is Helen. 9. Speak English (p. 13, ex. 5). Pupils listen to your story about a relative. I have got a sister. Her name is Ann. She is big. She is ten. She is from Ukraine. She lives in Kharkiv. Ask the pupils to tell you about their relatives. Help or correct them if they have difficulties. ENDING THE LESSON Game: Number Bingo! Pupils draw a six-square bingo frame and write a different number between 0 and ten in each square of the frame. They cross o ff each number as it is called out. HOMEWORK Learn the forms of the verb “to be” (p. 13). Do ex. 5, p. 13. Learn the new words. 14
  • 15. Lesson б Дата Тема. Мої дідусь та бабуся Мета: навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя сім'я»; практикувати лексичні одиниці за темою «Знайомство»; «Указові займенни­ ки»; розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та швидку реакцію; розвивати міжособове спілкування в парі, групі; розвивати кому­ нікативні здібності; виховна: виховувати вміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­ ву атмосферу в класі, виховувати соціокультурні компетенції. Обладнання: картки за темою «Сім'я», плакат «Указові займенники». Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Revise the family words by pointing at the family cards and asking the pupils to say the words. Do choral and individual repetition. 2. Ask five pupils to come to the front of the class and give them each a family card. Each pupil writes a word. Correct the spelling. 3. Repeat with different pupils. PRESENTATION 4. Listen and repeat (p. 14, ex. 1). Stick the family cards to the board. Teach the words using the flashcards: a grandpa, a grandma, a grandson, a granddaughter, grandparents. Point to the flashcards and make sure the whole class can see them. If necessary, walk round the room and show them to the pupils. Pronounce every word clearly. Do choral and individually repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four times. Write the words and stick the flashcards under the words. Ask the pupils to spell the words. Draw the pupils’ attention to the word “granddaughter” . 5. Listen and repeat (p. 14, ex. 2). Read the first part of the dialogue. Pupils listen and point at each speaker in turn. In pairs, pupils read and practice Dialogue 1 only. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Pupils read and practice Dialogue 2 in pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Pupils read and practice Dialogue 3 in pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Teach the structures “this is — these are” and “that is — those are” . Translate them. Then give examples: “This is a pen.” (showing a pen to the pupils) and “These are pens.” (showing pens to the pupils). Then take a pen and put it near the door. Come back to your table. Point at the pen and say, “That is a pen.” Do the same with several pens: “Those are pens.” PRACTICE 6. Read, complete and say (p. 14, ex. 3). Revise the meanings of the verb “to be” using the table in the book (p. 13). Клас 15
  • 16. Do the task together with the pupils explaining why you use “this is — these are” and “that is — those are” . Pupils can explain in their native language. Use their native language to correct them if necessary. Key: 1. This is my father. 2. These are my parents. 3. That is my granny. 4. Those are my grandparents. 5. This is my sister, and that is my brother. 6. These are my parents, and those are my grandparents. READING AND WRITING 7. Listen and repeat (p. 15, ex. 4). Tell the pupils to look at the picture. Ask questions about the picture: “Who are they? Where are they?” Pupils listen and read the poem to themselves. Pupils listen and repeat after the teacher, first together and then individually. Ask the pupils to read the poem. Go around helping the pupils to read. 8. Look, complete and say (p. 15, ex. 5). Pupils do the task explaining why they use “this — these” and “that — those” . Pupils can explain in their native language. Use their native language to correct them if necessary. Key: 1. This is me. My name is Oscar. 2. That is my Aunt Anna. 3. These are my cousins, Tom and Bob. 4. Those are their grandparents. 5. That is their garden. 6. That is their house. ENDING THE LESSON 9. Speak English (p. 15, ex. 6). Ask the pupils to speak about their relatives. Use the patterns. Help or correct them if they have difficulties. HOMEWORK Bring the photos of your family. Do ex. 6, p. 15. Read the poem (p. 15, ex. 4). Learn the new words. 16
  • 17. Lesson 7 Дата Клас Тема. У моїй родині Мета: навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя сім'я»; практикувати лексичні одиниці за темою «Моя сім'я»; «Артиклі»; ....... розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та швидку реакцію; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів; виховна: виховувати вміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­ ву атмосферу в класі, виховувати соціокультурні компетенції. Обладнання: картки за темою «Сім'я», плакат «Артиклі. Неозначений артикль». Хід уроку WARM-UP PICTURE FLASHCARDS Hold up the flashcards one at a time and ask several questions about each one, e.g., “Is it a mother?” Pupils reply, “Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.” Revise all the family words, old and new, using the flashcards or photos. Do choral and individual repetition. Play a team game. Divide the class into two teams. Hold up a flashcard or a photo. A pupil from one team says the word. If it is correct, the team wins a point. If the pupil does not know the word, the other team can try to say the word — to win a bonus point. PRESENTATION 1. Listen and repeat (p. 16, ex. 1). Introduce the new words using the book pictures and miming. Pupils listen and repeat. QUESTION — ANSWER T (pointing at Picture 1 and asking). Is it a poem? P. No, it isn’t. T. Is it a story? P. Yes, it is. Then ask about different pictures on p. 16, ex. 1, helping the pupils to use the short answers correctly. 2. Teach the articles a, an using the words “an apple pie” , “an old man” , “a young woman” . PRACTICE 3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 16, ex. 2). Point at one of the pictures (p. 16, ex. 1) and help the pupils to ask you a question about it using “Is this a / an...?” Answer their questions with short answers, as before. Ask and answer the questions about two or three pictures, then tell the pupils to work in pairs with the other pictures. Use the family photos too. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. 4. Listen and read (p. 16, ex. 3). Read the sentences. Pupils listen. Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures. Ask the pupils to read the text. Do choral and individual repetition. READING AND WRITING 5. Choose and say (p. 16, ex. 4). Read the sentences and choose the right answers. Ask the exemplary pupils to do the task. Then the other pupils can repeat. 17
  • 18. Key: 1. The story is about Ann and Alan. 2. The children have got an aunt. 3. Aunt Amy cooks a pie. 6. Find and say (p. 16, ex. 5). Read the task in their native language. Read the example. Make up your own example: “An apple is red.” Ask the pupils to give their own examples. ENDING THE LESSON 7. Speak English (p. 16, ex. 6). Work in pairs. Ask the pupils to put their family photos on the desks. Ask them to read the questions and answer them using the patterns. EXTRA NUMBER RACE Have a Number Race with numbers 0-10 on the board. Divide the class into two teams. Write the numbers on the board at random as the class chant out them: one, two, three, four, etc. Call out one player from each team. Give some chalk to each one. Explain that they are going to have a Number Race. Call out any number from the board. The two players race to find it on the board. One team crosses o ff (X) numbers if they find them first, and the other team circles (O) them. After every two or three numbers, two new players come out and take over the race. Have two or three races if there is time. HOMEWORK Bring the photos of your family and a few sheets of paper. Do ex. 6, p. 16. Learn the new words. 18
  • 19. Lesson 8 Дата Клас Тема. Мій дядько — сильнии Мета: навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя сім'я»; практикувати лексичні одиниці за темою «Моя сім'я»; ....... розвивальна: розвивати компетенції читання й аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на за­ питання та швидку реакцію; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів; виховна: виховувати вміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­ ву атмосферу в класі, виховувати шанобливе ставлення до сім'ї', родичів. Обладнання: картки й фотографії учнів за темою «Сім'я». Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Use the family photos. Say, “Show me a...” Pupils show the photos of their families. 2. Revise the vocabulary asking “W ho’s this? Is this your sister?” Use the pupils’ family photos. PRESENTATION 3. Listen and repeat (p. 18, ex. 1). Introduce the new words. Use the book pictures and miming. Do choral and individual repetition. QUESTION-ANSW ER Teacher (points to picture 1 and asks). Is he kind? Pupil. Yes, he is. Teacher. Is he strong? Pupil. No, he isn’t. Then ask about different pictures on p. 18, ex. 1, helping pupils to use the short answers correctly. Use flashcards too. Stick them on the board showing the pictures and ask Yes/ No questions. To help the pupils, write examples of short answers on the board. Ask a question and point to the correct short answer to encourage the pupils to read it. When the pupils are quite confident in using short answers, point to an incorrect answer and see if they follow your lead or choose the right answer themselves. Praise the pupils for the efforts and correct answers. PRACTICE 4. Listen and read (p. 18, ex. 2). Read the poem. Pupils listen. Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures. Ask the pupils to read the poem. Do choral and individual repetition. Read the poem in pairs. 5. Work in pairs (p. 18, ex. 3). Ask the pupils to put their family photos on the desks. Ask the pupils to read the questions and answer them using the patterns. If the pupils have difficulties, ask them to use the questions from ex. 6, p. 17. READING AND WRITING 6. Time for fun. Look and say (p. 19, ex. 4). Explain how to make the Family Book in their native language. Pupils can use their family photos or draw pictures. 19
  • 20. Read the text about a grandpa. Pupils listen and read to themselves. Ask a pupil to make up his / her own story about his / her member of the family. Tell the pupils to make the Family Book at home. 7. Listen and read (p. 19, ex. 5). Read the drills. Draw the pupils’ attention to the sounds /as/and /e /. Do choral and individual repetition. ENDING THE LESSON 8. Speak English (p. 16, ex. 6). Work in pairs. Ask the pupils to put their family photos on the desks. Ask them to introduce their relatives to each other. HOMEWORK My Family Book. Do ex. 6, p. 19. Learn the new words. 20
  • 21. Lesson 9 Дата Клас Тема. Повторення граматики Мета: ..... навчальна: повторити лексико-граматичні структури, закріпити їх у мовленні, навчи­ ти користуватися граматичною опорною таблицею «Дієслово to be», удосконалю­ вати навички вимови англійських звуків за допомогою розучування римівок і скла­ дання діалогів; розвивальна: розвивати мовленнєві компетенції, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та швидку реакцію; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, розвивати навички ауді- ювання та діалогічного мовлення; толерантного ставлення до однокласників; виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дис­ ципліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумової праці. Обладнання: таблиця «Дієслово to be», картки за темою «Моя сім'я». Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Write a poem on the board leaving out the verb “to be” . Ask the pupils to fill in the gaps. I am Yura. ....... You are Shura. He is Sasha. ....... She is Masha. Am I Yura? ....... Are you Shura? Is he Sasha? ....... Is she Masha? Read the poem chorally and individually. PRESENTATION 2. Look and learn (p. 20, ex. 1). Read and learn the table. Explain how to use it. Use the pupils’ native language. ....... Ask the pupils to read all the columns chorally. EXTRA Game: Hide an object behind your back, so pupils cannot see it. Ask pupils to guess what it is. Present the structure of the question before the game starts. Teacher. Is it a (pen)? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Write the question and possible answers on the board. Point to these structures every time you say them. It will help pupils to remember how to read these words better. ....... Pupil. Is it a pen? Teacher. No, it isn’t. Pupil. Is it a pencil? Teacher. Yes, it is. Then ask one pupil to say an affirmative sentence: It’s a pen. Play two or three rounds. One pupil can be a leader and hide an object behind his back. 21
  • 22. EXTRA Pair work: Pupils take turns to name any picture on the page. Their partner listens and responds by pointing to the picture and word named. The aim is to do it as fast as possible, playing ‘word-tennis’ until one of the pupils makes a mistake. They can keep scores. Go round to help and supervise the pairs. PRACTICE 3. Complete and say (p. 20, ex. 2). Complete the sentences using the table (ex. 1, p. 20). Key: 1 .1 am a pupil. 2. My grandparents are kind. 3. My friend is strong. 4. Is your sister five? — Yes, she is. 5. Ann and Dan are cousins. 6. I think I am a good child. 4. Speak in class (p. 20, ex. 3). Look at the pictures. Describe the people in the pictures. Use the sentences. Then ask the pupils to say the opposite. If the pupils have difficulties, write the opposites on the board. It helps them to choose the opposites. Key: 2. He is weak. He isn’t weak. 3. They are old. They aren’t old. 4. We are young. We aren’t young. READING AND WRITING 5. Write the answers (p. 21, ex. 4). Pupils read the sentences. Pupils write the sentences in their activity books. Key: 1. Is your aunt young? — Yes, she is. 2. Is your brother strong? — No, he isn’t. 3. Are you a pupil? — Yes, I am. 4. Are your grandparents kind? — Yes, they are. 5. Are they your mother’s parents? — No, they aren’t. 6. Have you got many friends? — Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 7. Has she got a sister? — No, she hasn’t. 8. Do you visit your aunt and uncle on Sundays? — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 6. Listen and do (p. 21, ex. 5). Read the poem. Pupils listen. Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures. Ask the pupils to read the poem. Do choral and individual repetition. Read the poem and translate the words of the poem if necessary. Tell the pupils to stand up. Recite the poem and do the actions. Ask the pupils to repeat after you. ENDING THE LESSON 7. Write (p. 21, ex. 6). Explain how to do the exercise. Ask an exemplary pupil to come up to the board and write the first sentence. Pupils do the same in their activity books. Ask another pupil to write the next sentence... and so on. HOMEWORK Learn the table (p. 20). Learn the poem (p. 21, ex. 5). 22
  • 23. Lesson 10 Дата Клас Тема. Перевір себе! Мета: навчальна: повторити й закріпити лексико-граматичні структури, узагальнити вивче­ ний лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя сім'я»; ....... розвивальна: розвивати комунікативні компетенції, розвивати довільну пам'ять, здат­ ність узагальнювати вивчений матеріал; виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися, зацікавленість процесом пізнання; ви­ ховувати дисципліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумової праці. Обладнання: таблиці «Дієслово to be», картки й постер до теми «Моя сім'я». Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Play “Wind the Bobbin’ Up” using the movements. PRESENTATION 2. Listen and match (p. 22, ex. 1). Read Dialogue 1. Pupils listen. Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures. Ask the pupils to read the dialogue too. Do choral and individual repetition. ....... Read the dialogue in pairs. Ask the pupils to read Dialogue 2. Do choral and individual repetition. ....... — Act out Dialogue 2. PRACTICE 3. Choose and say (p. 22, ex. 2). — Ask the pupils “Who is the man? How many children are there? What animal is it?” etc. They look and answer. Then pupils read the sentences and choose the right answers. READING AND WRITING 4. Listen and read (p. 23, ex. 3). Ask the pupils to read the text individually. Ask the pupils “What is the uncle’s name? What is the aunt’s name? Where do they live? Where does their friend live? What is his name?” etc. Read the text again one by one. EXTRA Pair work: pupils point at the picture and ask questions about the people. ....... “W ho’s this? Do they live in China?” etc. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. 5. Choose and say (p. 23, ex. 4). Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually and choose the correct answers. Key: 1. Uncle Ustym lives in the USA. No. 2. Uzo comes to Ukraine in November. Yes. 3. Aunt Ulyana cooks a fish pie. No. EXTRA Game Write some words on the board, e.g., nice, kind, strong, weak,pretty. Pupils close their eyes while you erase one word. Pupils then open their eyes and try to remember what is missing. 23
  • 24. They can either say the word or write it down. If the pupils can’t remember the word, show it with gestures to help and encourage them to remember. Repeat lexical sets two or three times. 6. Find and say (p. 23, ex. 5). This activity helps the pupils to associate spoken sounds with written letters. Explain the task in English. Then translate it. Read the text (p. 23, ex. 3) again. Find the “U u” words. Ask the pupils to write the words on the board or do it yourself to save time. Make up sentences with the “U u” words. Key: 1. Aunt Ulyana is kind. 2. Aunt Ulyana cooks well. 3. I live in Ukraine, etc. ENDING THE LESSON 7. Write (p. 23, ex. 6). Revise the family words. Use the flashcards. Ask the pupils to write 2-3 sentences about their families. Use the patterns. Pupils make their sentences. They write them down into their activity books. 8. Speak English (p. 23, ex. 7). Pair work: Pupils ask questions about their partners’ grandparents using the questions from ex. 7. HOMEWORK Do ex. 7, p. 23. Make a story about your family. Use the Family Book. 24
  • 25. Unit 2. LET'S HAVE FUN Lesson 1 Тема. Мої іграшки Мета: навчальна: повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці, звуки, граматичні структури, закріпити вивчені лексичні одиниці, вивчити нову римівку; розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу й зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику й артикуляцію звуків, усні комунікативні уміння з опо­ рою на наочність; виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу, культуру спілкування, зацікав­ леність у розширенні своїх знань. Обладнання: цифри, картки за темою «Іграшки». Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Counting Chain Game. Start a counting chain: the first pupil in the chain says “Zero” , the next pupil says “One” , the next one says “Two” , and so on. After “Ten” go back to “Zero” again. Any pupil who hesitates or says the wrong number is out. The last two or three pupils to remain in are the winners. PRESENTATION 2. Look, point and say (p. 24, ex. 1). To revise the toy words in the exercise, tell the pupils to say each word two or three times, pointing at the picture: “bear... bear” . Pupils listen and repeat. Build up to a full sentence each time: “a bear... It’s a bear” . Pupils repeat the sentences after you. PRACTICE 3. Work in pairs (p. 24, ex. 2). Pupils listen to the toy named, find and point at it. Ask them to say the numbers to check. Ask questions about the toys. Ask the pupils to give you the answers using the pattern: Is Number 1 a teddy bear? — Yes, it is. Tell the pupils to ask questions about the toys using the questions. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. EXTRA Game THE FEELY BAG The Feelie Bag should contain small cards or squares of paper, each with one of the small letters of the alphabet (a-z) on it. Divide pupils into two teams. Draw one letter-card out of the bag and challenge each team to think of a word beginning with that letter. One team member then spells out the word suggested. Write all their words on the board. Correct spelling mistakes. Keep the score on the board. Play several rounds for each team. Дата Клас 25
  • 26. If the pupils can’t think of a word, help with gestures or let them use the text­ book to find the words to match the letter. Let some pupils draw the cards from the bag; it will involve them into the game even more. 4. Listen and repeat (p. 24, ex. 3). Read the poem. Pupils listen. Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures. Translate into their native language if the sentences are difficult to understand. Ask the pupils to read the poem after you. Do choral and individual repetition. Take turns to read the poem. 5. Look and say “Yes” or “No” (p. 25, ex. 4). Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually and choose the correct answers, “Yes” / “No” . READING AND WRITING 6. Listen and read (p. 25, ex. 5). Read the drills. Pupils listen and repeat. Ask the pupils to read the chains one by one. Draw the pupils’ attention to the vowels. Ask the pupils to pronounce slowly and correctly. ENDING THE LESSON 7. Speak English (p. 25, ex. 6). Ask the pupils to speak about their brother’s / sister’s toys. Tell them to use the sentences from the exercise. Go around the class, point at toys and ask the pupils to speak about them. Then let the pupils do the activity in pairs. Go around the class helping where necessary. HOMEWORK Bring a favourite toy. Revise the toy words. Read the poem (p. 24, ex. 3). 26
  • 27. Lesson 2 Дата Клас Тема. Давай пограємось! Мета: навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, учити вести бесіду, слухати співрозмовника; повторити правила читання голосних у закритому складі; ....... розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу й зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику й артикуляцію звуків, усні комунікативні вміння з опо­ рою на наочність; виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу, культуру спілкування, зацікав­ леність у розширенні своїх знань. Обладнання: картки за темою «Іграшки», іграшки. Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Game: Guess! Choose one word from Lesson 1, draw a picture of it adding one little detail at a time. After adding each new detail, ask “What’s this?” and say “Guess!” until the pupils guess correctly. Complete the drawing and say, “Yes. Well done. It’s a...” PRESENTATION 2. Listen and repeat (p. 26, ex. 1). ....... Teach four of the eight words using the toy flashcards. Hold the flashcard so that the whole class can see it. If necessary, walk round ....... the room and show it to the pupils. Say the word clearly. Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four times. Write the words and put the flashcards under the words. Ask the pupils to say the letters of the words. When you have practiced the four words thoroughly, teach the other four words. Use the flashcards and follow the same procedure. Make sentences using the structures “This is...” , “I see...” , “I have got...” , “He / She has got...” If you mostly have good pupils, you may divide them into two teams and play a game. A pupil from one team says a sentence. If it is correct, the team wins a point. If the pupil does not make a sentence, the other team can try to say the sentence — to win a bonus point. PRACTICE 3. Work in pairs (p. 26, ex. 2). Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and point at each speaker in turn. ....... In pairs, pupils read and practice the dialogue only. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. In pairs, pupils read and practice the dialogue using some other toy flashcard, for example, “a bear” and the words “Christmas present” and “brown” . One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Write the words on the board to help the pupils to act out the dialogue. 4. Listen and read (p. 27, ex. 3). Tell the pupils to look at the picture on p. 27, ex. 3. Read the sentences. In their native language, ask the pupils to guess what they think the boy is doing. Then repeat the question in English. Read the text, pausing after each sentence. Pupils repeat the sentence chorally and individually. 27
  • 28. Tell the pupils that they are going to read the text too. Read the sentences again. Pupils read the text. READING AND WRITING 5. Choose and say (p. 27, ex. 4). Read the sentences and choose the right answers. Ask the exemplary pupils to do the task first. Pupils listen and follow in their books. Then other pupils can repeat it. Key: 1. The story is about a boy and his toy. 2. Roy has got a plane. 3. Ray has got a lorry. 6. Find and say. Write (p. 27, ex. 5). This activity helps the pupils associate spoken sounds with written letters. Explain the task in English. Read the text (p. 27, ex. 3) again. Find the “R r” words. Ask the pupils to write the words on the board or you can do it yourself to save time. Make up sentences with the “R r” words. Example: Roy has got toys. Ray is a robot, etc. 7. Listen and read (p. 27, ex. 6). Read the drills. Draw the pupils’ attention to the vowel sounds. Do choral and individual repetition. 8. Speak English (p. 27, ex. 7). Ask the pupils to say some sentences about their toys, using the patterns. ENDING THE LESSON Finish with a Memory Game. Stick toy flashcards to the board. Pupils close their eyes while you remove one flashcard. Pupils then open their eyes and try and remember what is missing. They can either say the word or write it down. HOMEWORK Do ex. 3 and ex. 6, p. 27. Learn the new words. 28
  • 29. Lesson З Дата .. . . Клас Тема. Це — їхній корабель Мета: навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, учити вести бесіду, слухати співрозмовника, повторити правила читання голосних у закритому складі, повто- ....... рити особові та присвійні займенники; розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, правила читання голосних букв у закритому складі, розвивати усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність; виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу, культуру спілкування, вихову­ вати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань. Обладнання: картки за темою «Іграшки», іграшки, таблиця «Особові та присвійні за­ йменники». Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Disappearing Cards. Stick five flashcards to the board. Do choral repetition of the words in sequence. Then remove one of the flashcards from the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of five words, including the missing one. Repeat, taking away another flashcard. Continue till there are no flashcards on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from memory. You can ....... also play by writing five words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a time. ....... PRESENTATION 2. Listen and repeat (p. 28, ex. 1). Read the new words. Say the words, using the book pictures and miming. You can use real objects. Pupils listen and repeat. a. Stress the plural. Make sentences with the new words. b. Pupils complete the sentences with the new words too. Do choral and individual repetition. EXTRA Pair work: Pupils take turns to name any picture on page 28 ex. 1. Their partner listens and responds by pointing to the picture and word named. The aim is to do it as fast as possible, playing ‘word-tennis’ and swapping roles ....... when one pupil makes a mistake. They can keep scores. ....... Go round to help and supervise their work. Play several rounds for each pair. PRACTICE 3. Look and say (p. 28, ex. 2). Point at the tables “Object pronouns” and “Subject pronouns” . Revise them. Make pairs: “I — my” , “you — your” , etc. Read the sentences. Point out the object pronouns. 4. Work in pairs (p. 28, ex. 3). Ask the pupils to read and answer the questions in pairs. Pupils read and practice in pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. 29
  • 30. READING AND WRITING 5. Listen and do (p. 29, ex. 4). Read the poem and mime. Pupils listen and watch. Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils mime. Ask the pupils to read the poem too. Do choral and individual repetition. Read the poem and translate some words if necessary. Tell the pupils to stand up. Say the poem and do the actions. Ask the pupils to repeat after you. EXTRA Learn a poem. Ask pupils to say the poem and do the actions. Pupils point at themselves or their friends. I like to skip, I like to jump, I like to run about, I like to play, I like to sing, I like to laugh And shout. 6. Complete and write (p. 29, ex. 5). Point at the table “Object pronouns” . Revise the pronouns. Read and complete the sentences. Key: 1. His; 2. Their; 3. My; 4. Our; 5. Her; 6. Your. 7. Listen and read (p. 29, ex. 6). Read the drills. Draw the pupils’ attention to the vowel sounds. Do choral and individual repetition. 8. Speak English (p. 29, ex. 7). Ask the pupils to look at their friends’ toys. Ask the pupils to say some sentences about their friends’ toys, using the patterns. ENDING THE LESSON Read any poem the pupils wish to recite or play any game the pupils wish to repeat. HOMEWORK Bring a favourite toy. Do ex. 6, p. 29. 30
  • 31. Тема. Моя улюблена іграшка Мета: навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими лек­ сичними одиницями, модальним дієсловом "сап" активізувати вивчений лексико- граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мов­ лення; розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків; виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, за­ гальну культуру учнів. Обладнання: таблиця «Модальне дієслово сап», картки до теми «Дієслова». Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Start a Counting Chain round the class to revise the numbers 1-10. Pupils who hesitate are “out” (see Lesson 5). 2. Ask the pupils to remember and chant the ABC rhyme (see Lesson 3). PRESENTATION 3. Listen and repeat. Say (p. 30, ex. 1). Books closed. You need six cards with the new words. Teach the new words. Say the words, using the pictures and miming. Do choral and individual repetition. Read the sentences. Then ask and answer the questions. T. Can you fly? P. No, I can’t. T. Can the bear drive a bike? P. Yes, it can. / No, it can’t. 4. Speak in class (p. 30, ex. 2). Look at the pictures. Ask the pupils what the children can do. Explain what “a tick” and “a cross” mean. Then read the examples. Ask the pupils to speak about themselves using the examples. 5. Play a game (p. 30, ex. 3). Read the rules. Ask the pupils to mime the actions. The other pupils try to guess. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. PRACTICE 6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 31, ex. 4). Tell the pupils to look at the picture. In pairs, pupils read and practice the dialogue. Go around helping the pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Praise their efforts: “Good! Well done!” READING AND WRITING 7. Complete and write (p. 31, ex. 5). Learn the rule. Explain to the pupils when they must use the modal verb “can” and “can’t” . Drill the answer form. Ask more questions. Pupils answer each time “Yes, I can.” / “No, I can’t.” Lesson 4 Клас Дата 31
  • 32. To teach “No, I can’t” ask questions about things that are not in the picture. Pupils answer “No.” Expand the answer to “No, I can’t” and drill the new form. Do the task. Complete the sentences. Help the pupils to do the task well by miming and using flashcards. Key: 2. can, can’t; 3. can, can’t; 4. can’t; 5. can, can’t; 6. can. 8. Listen and read (p. 31, ex. 6). Read the drills. Draw the pupils’ attention to the vowel sounds. Do choral and individual repetition. 9. Speak English (p. 31, ex. 7). Ask the pupils to show their toys. Ask the pupils to describe their toys, using the patterns. ENDING THE LESSON Read any poem the pupils wish to recite or play any game the pupils wish to repeat. HOMEWORK Bring a favourite toy. Do ex. 2, p. 30. Read ex. 6, p. 31. 32
  • 33. Lesson 5 Дата Клас Тема. Моє улюблене заняття Мета: навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, повторити раніше вивче­ ні лексичні одиниці, звуки, граматичні структури, активізувати вивчений лексико- ....... граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мов­ лення; розвивальна: розвивати логічний виклад думок, вміння робити власні висновки, роз­ вивати пізнавальний інтерес в учнів, підтримувати високий рівень мотивації до ви­ вчення англійської мови, розвинути й доповнити лексичний запас із теми «При­ кметники»; виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, загальну культуру учнів, культуру співбесіди. Обладнання: картки за темою «Прикметники», «Іграшки». Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Write the anagrams “lownc and zzuple” on the board — and explain to the pupils that they are the names of two toys (“clown” , “puzzle” ). They need to guess the words. PRESENTATION 2. Listen and repeat. Say (p. 32, ex. 1). ....... Books are open. You read the new words. Translate them into their native language. Teach the new words. Say the words, using the pictures and nouns. Do choral and individual repetition. Make up sentences. 3. Work in pairs. Point and say (p. 32, ex. 2). Pupils look at the pictures. Mime looking for something in the pictures, as if it were very difficult to see. Ask the pupils: “Can you see a bird? Can you see a ball?” etc. Pupils answer: “Yes, I can.” Then you say: “I like books. They are interesting. I don’t like bikes. They are slow.” Read the example too. Ask the pupils to repeat. Ask the pupils to describe the things using the adjectives. Help the pupils to do the task well by miming and using flashcards. 4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 32, ex. 3). Pupils look at the pictures. Ask the pupils to name the pictures. ....... Then ask questions about the things. Pupils answer them. Help the pupils to answer correctly using positive and negative answers. Do choral and individual repetition. PRACTICE 5. Listen and read (p. 33, ex. 4). Pupils read the text silently for a minute or two, or they take turns to read aloud, sentence by sentence, round the class. Help their understanding of the passage by pointing at the pictures. If they read the text aloud, help them with the rhythm. 6. Choose and say (p. 33, ex. 5). In answering the questions there are three options: a) Pupils can try to read and answer the questions themselves, b) They can work in pairs to find and agree 33
  • 34. on the right answers, c) The answers can be found all together as a class before the pupils write them down. Key: 1. a girl and a doll; 2. a doll; 3. cook. READING AND WRITING 7. Find and say. Write (p. 33, ex. 6). Read the text again. Write the words with missing letters on the board. Ask the pupils to guess what words are on the board. Ask the pupils to find the words in the text and complete with the missing letters. ENDING THE LESSON 8. Speak English (p. 33, ex. 7). Ask the pupils to tell you their hobbies. They can answer in English or in their native language. Ask the pupils to describe their hobbies, using the new adjectives. Help the pupils to answer correctly. HOMEWORK Do ex. 1, p. 32. Read ex. 4, p. 33. Describe your hobby. 34
  • 35. Lesson б Дата . . Клас Тема. Щонеділі Мета: навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, повторити раніше вивче­ ні лексичні одиниці, звуки, граматичні структури, активізувати вивчений лексико- ....... граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мо­ влення; розвивальна: розвивати логічний виклад думок, вміння робити власні висновки, пізнавальний інтерес в учнів, підтримувати високий рівень мотивації до вивчен­ ня англійської мови, розвинути й доповнити лексичний запас із теми «Прикмет­ ники». виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, загальну культуру учнів, культуру співбесіди. Обладнання: постер на тему «Дозвілля». Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Asking about abilities. “Can you skip? Can you fly? Can you cook? Can you read?” etc. PRESENTATION 2. Listen and repeat. Say (p. 34, ex. 1). Books are open. Teach the new words. Say the words, using the pictures and miming. Do choral and individual repetition. Read the sentences. Then ask and answer the questions about the pupils using the pictures. T. Can you skip? P. No, I can’t. T. Have you got rollers? P. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. T. Can you roller-blade? P. Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. EXTRA Learn a poem. • Ask pupils to say the poem and do the actions. • Pupils point to themselves or their friends. We are happy boys and girls, We play and dance and sing. We love all sorts of games and sports, We sit on a swing, a swing. • Say the poem with some gaps. The pupils listen and finish your lines. • Say the poem in a whisper. The pupils repeat after you but loudly. • Say the poem and show the gestures. Do the wrong gestures. The pupils repeat only the correct gestures. 35
  • 36. PRACTICE 3. Look and say. Answer the questions (p. 34, ex. 2). Look at the picture. Ask simple questions about the picture: “How many children are there? Where are the children? Are the children big?” etc. One pupil reads the questions to the class. The other pupils answer. Help the pupils to answer correctly. Pair work: Pupils ask each other again. Go round helping them to use the answers correctly. 4. Time for fun. Listen and repeat (p. 35, ex. 3). Before listening: Ask the question “What’s a swing?” Tell the pupils to listen to the poem. Read it. Read it again and pause after each line. Read a line and tell the pupils to repeat after you. If the pupils have difficulties, translate the lines into their native language. 5. Listen and read (p. 35, ex. 4). Pupils read the words silently for a minute or two, or they take turns to read aloud, sentence by sentence, round the class. Read the words again. Pupils can clap or tap while reading the words. 6. Speak English (p. 35, ex. 6). Look at the picture. Ask the questions. “Where are the children? Are they boys? Are they girls?” Read the story about free time. Ask some pupils to speak about their free time. If necessary, read the text again. Then ask them to retell it. ENDING THE LESSON 7. Read “The Swing Poem” or play the game “Write anagrams” , whichever the pupils prefer. HOMEWORK Speak about your hobby and free time. 36
  • 37. Lesson 7 Дата Клас Тема. Я люблю спорт Мета: навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, повторити раніше вивче­ ні лексичні одиниці, звуки, граматичні структури, уміння вести бесіду, слухати спів- ....... розмовника, перевірити й закріпити знання за заданою темою, закріпити вживання лексичних структур; розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу й зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, усні комунікативні уміння з опо­ рою на наочність; виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу, навички здорового способу життя. Обладнання: постер на тему «Спорт». Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Play a few rounds of Spelling Shark (This is a version of the traditional Hangman game.) Briefly explain the rules to the class. You can play the game to revise the vocabulary for the lesson. Think of any sport activity, e.g., “skip” . Don’t say it aloud. Draw a “cliff” line on the board. At the bottom of the “cliff” draw a shark and the sea. Write the word with two blanks: “_ki_” . Pupils take turns to guess one letter in the sport activity. If that letter is in the word, write it in the appropriate blank. If it is not in the word, draw a little “stick figure” starting to walk towards the edge of the cliff. Pupils must guess all the letters correctly before the stick figure falls off the cliff and into the shark’s jaws. PRESENTATION 2. Listen and repeat (p. 36, ex. 1). Tell the pupils to look at the picture on p. 36, ex. 1. Ask the pupils to guess what they think the children are doing. Read the words, pausing after each word. Pupils repeat the words chorally and individually. Read the sentences. Then ask the questions about the sports: “What sport do you like? Does your friend play hockey?” etc. 3. Look and say (p. 36, ex. 2). Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and read the explanation. Look at Picture 1 and make sentences to explain: “Ann likes swimming, but she doesn’t like aerobics.” Ask the pupils to repeat after you. Pupils make sentences to Pictures 2 and 3. 4. Listen, read and act out (p. 36, ex. 3). Ask the pupils to look at the pictures. Then ask the questions: “What animals can you see? Are they friends? What activities do they like? What is the dog’s name? What is the cat’s name?” Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and point at the pictures. In pairs, pupils read and practice it. Act out the dialogue. Repeat with a different pupil, but this time let the pupil choose a partner to act it out with. Repeat with several different pupils. Ask the pupils to imitate the sounds and mime the actions. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. 37
  • 38. PRACTICE 5. Listen and read (p. 37, ex. 4). Ask the pupils to look at the picture. They listen as you read the text. Read the sentences. Pupils listen. Read again, pausing after each sentence. Ask the pupils to read the text. Do choral and individual repetition. 6. Choose and say (p. 37, ex 5). After reading the text (p. 37, ex. 4) you can check the understanding of the text. Read the sentences and answer “Yes” or “No” . Key: 1. No. 2. Yes. 3. Yes. Ask the questions: “Do you want to be famous? Do you like swimming? Do you go to the swimming pool?” READING AND WRITING 7. Write and say (p. 37 ex 6). Ask the pupils to write questions to Sam about his hobby. Write a table on the board and ask the pupils to make questions using the table. Do you like swimming? go to the swimming pool? go swimming on Sundays? want to be famous? Pupils make questions and read them aloud. They write the questions down. ENDING THE LESSON 8. Speak English (p. 37, ex. 7). Explain to the pupils that they have to speak about their hobby. Tell them about your hobby: “I like aerobics. It is a good sport. I go to the sport center on Monday and Wednesday. I am good at aerobics.” Ask the pupils to read the example individually. Ask the pupils to speak about their hobby. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. HOMEWORK Do ex. 7, p. 37. Read ex. 4, p. 37. 38
  • 39. Lesson 8 Дата Клас Тема. Сьогодні — неділя! Мета: навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, формувати навички вжи­ вання нових лексичних одиниць, удосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання ....... й усного монологічного мовлення; розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, учити працювати в парі, групі, ло­ гічно висловлювати думку; виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу та любов до англійської мови, культуру спілкування, виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань. Обладнання: матеріали для створення проектної роботи. Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Play a few rounds of the Spelling Shark with any of the new sport or hobby words. Use the words from Lessons 7 and 8. Then make word combinations or sentences with the words. PRESENTATION 2. Listen and repeat (p. 38, ex. 1). Tell the pupils to look at the pictures on p. 38, ex. 1. Ask the pupils to guess where the children are. Read the words, pausing after each word. Pupils repeat the words chorally and individually. Use the words in sentences. Ask the pupils to repeat the sentences. Then ask the questions about the new words: Is the village big? Is the garden nice? Are the children hopping? Can children hop in hopscotch? Are the children running? Is it fun to play hide-and-seek? 3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 38, ex. 2). Pupils look at the pictures. Ask the pupils to read the word combinations. Then ask the questions about the things. Pupils have to answer them. Help the pupils to answer correctly using positive and negative answers. Do choral and individual repetition. — Where are the children? — At school. / In the park. / At home, etc. EXTRA Pupils try to learn the poem. Where do you live, little Mouse? Where do you live? At the zoo? In the village? Oh, no. Do you? Do you live at the zoo? I live in a house just like you! PRACTICE 4. Speak in class (p. 38, ex. 3). Read the sentences yourself or ask an exemplary pupil to do it. Pupils listen and read in silence. 39
  • 40. Pupils read, first together and then individually. Then they try to say how they spend their weekend. Help the pupils to use the new word combinations. READING AND WRITING 5. Time for fun. Look, make and say (p. 39, ex. 4). Explain to the pupils how to make the project in their native language. Then say it in English and mime. Read the text about a visit to grandparents. Pupils listen and read in silence. Ask a pupil to make up his / her own story about his / her visit to grand­ parents. Tell the pupils to write “A Visit to Grandparents” at home. 6. Listen and read (p. 39, ex. 5). Read the drills quickly, first together and then individually. 7. Speak English (p. 39, ex. 6). Explain to the pupils that they are going to speak about their weekend. Tell them about your weekend using the sentences from p. 38, ex. 2, 3. Explain to the pupils that they have to speak about their weekend. Tell them about your weekend: “I like Sunday. It is a good day. I go to the sport center. I like to play football. I visit my grandparents in the village. I watch TV at home. I like to go to the zoo. I like bears. They are big and they like to dance.” Ask the pupils to tell their stories individually. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties using the words from p. 38, ex. 2, 3. ENDING THE LESSON 8. Revise any poem the pupils like. HOMEWORK Write “A Visit to Grandparents” . Learn the new words and word combinations. 40
  • 41. Lesson 9 Дата Клас Тема. Повторення граматики Мета: навчальна: повторити та узагальнити граматичний матеріал, закріпити вживання гра­ матичних структур, активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвива- ....... ти вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мовлення; розвивальна: розвивати інтелектуальні й пізнавальні здібності, різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, оперативну, тривалу, увагу, уяву, учити працювати в парі, групі, ло­ гічно висловлювати думку; виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, за­ гальну культуру учнів. Обладнання: граматичні таблиці. Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Do a few minutes’ revision. Ask the questions: “Where are you? Where are your grandparents? Where do you play football? Where do you play hide-and-seek? Where do you see animals?” PRACTICE 2. Look at the table “Plural Nouns” . Read the examples. Explain the rule. Do it in ....... their native language. Give other examples. 3. Write (p. 40, ex. 1). ....... Write the words in singular from the exercise on the board in a column. Ask the pupils to write the words in plural. Explain the rule. Then ask the pupils to explain too. EXTRA Play a game with pairs of objects partly hidden in your hand. Say, “I’ve got two... (pens), I’ve got three... (pencils)” . Pupils finish the sentences using plural. Play the game two or three times with different objects and different pupils. 4. Complete and say (p. 40, ex. 2). Pupils read the sentences and complete using the words from the table. Draw the pupils’ attention to the word “your” . Explain that the pupils may use it two times. Key: 1. Your; 2. Our; 3. His; 4. Its; 5. Her; 6. Your; 7. My; 8. Their. 5. Match and say (p. 40, ex. 3). In pairs, pupils read and practice the sentences. One or two pairs act out each ....... sentence. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. READING AND WRITING 6. Write and say (p. 41, ex. 4). Read the task in their native language. Tell the pupils to look at the picture to write the sentences correctly. Point out that the first letter of the first word is capitalized and the last word has got a full stop after it. Make up sentences. Ask the pupils to write them down on the board and in their copy books. Key: 1. It is Sunday today. 2. Jane and Peter are not at school. 3. They can play. 4. They play computer games. 5. Peter has got a sister. 6. Look at her! 7. She makes puzzles. 8. The children are happy. Revise the table “ Present Simple Tense” . Drill the pronunciation of affirmative forms. Point out the difference between “He / She plays...” on the 41
  • 42. board, as well as “do — does” , “go— goes” , “watch — watches” , “have got — has got” . 7. Write (p. 41, ex. 5). Write sentences and explain the rule. 8. Speak English (p. 41, ex. 6). Explain to the pupils that they have to speak about their week. Tell them about your week: “I go to school every day. I read, write and play games at school. I play games in the yard. I visit my grandparents. I watch TV at home. I can play computer games. I go to bed.” Ask the pupils to tell their stories individually. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. ENDING THE LESSON EXTRA Play the game Bingo! with the hobby words the pupils know. Get the pupils to suggest and spell the hobby words. Write them in a list on the board. Pupils choose and write down any four hobby words and the game begins. Pupils cross o ff the words as they are called out. HOMEWORK Revise the new words. Speak about your weekend and your week. 42
  • 43. Lesson 10 Дата Клас Тема. Перевір себе! Мета: навчальна: повторити та закріпити лексико-граматичні структури, узагальнити вивче­ ний лексичний матеріал за темою «Давайте розважатися»; ....... розвивальна: розвивати комунікативні компетенції, довільну пам'ять, здатність уза­ гальнювати вивчений матеріал; виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися, до процесу пізнання; виховувати дисци­ пліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумової праці. Обладнання: таблиці «Теперішній неозначений час», картки й постер до теми «Давай­ те розважатися». Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Begin with a five minute revision. Go round the class, asking individual pupils, “What’s your hobby? What do you do in the park?” etc. PRESENTATION 2. Listen and match. Act out (p. 42, ex. 1). Ask the pupils to look at the pictures. Ask the pupils to read the dialogues. ....... Pupils read the dialogue in pairs. They point at the pictures. In pairs, pupils read and practice it. ....... Ask the pupils to act out the dialogues. Repeat with a different pupil, but this time let the pupil choose a partner to act them out with. Repeat with several different pupils. Ask the pupils to imitate the sounds and mime the actions. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. PRACTICE 3. Find and say (p.42, ex. 2). Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and choose the right words. Key: 1. Robot; 2. Puzzle; 3. Plane; 4. Ship; 5. Clock; 6. Swing. READING AND WRITING 4. Listen and read (p. 43, ex. 3). Ask the pupils to read the text individually. Ask the pupils, “What is the boy’s name? What is the girl’s name? Where do they live? What does Xeno like? What does Xena do? What can Xena play?” etc. Take turns to read the text again. ....... 5. Choose and say (p. 43, ex. 4). Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually and choose the correct answers. Key: 1. Cousins; 2. Football; 3. Music. 6. Find and say (p. 43, ex. 5). This activity helps the pupils to associate spoken sounds with written letters. Explain the task in English. Read the text (p. 43, ex. 3) again. Find the “X x” words. Ask the pupils to write the words on the board or you can do it yourself to save time. Make up sentences with the “X x” words. Key: I can’t play the xylophone. I like X-mas parties. 43
  • 44. EXTRA Game Guess Write the structure of the questions to use for this game: Is it...? Draw simple pictures on the board slowly adding little details. After each new little detail pupils try to guess an object. They ask you questions. Pupil. Ball? Point to the structure and encourage them to ask a correct question. Pupil. Is it a ball? Teacher. Yes, it is. or No, it isn’t. If necessary, help pupils by saying the beginning of the question or by pointing to the structure on the board. Teacher. Is it a...? Guess! Pair work: Pupils continue this guessing game in pairs. Any picture in this unit can be used as a model. 7. Speak English (p. 43, ex. 6). Pair work: Pupils ask questions about their partners’ grandparents, brothers and sisters. Then they make up short stories. You can write some questions on the board to help. HOMEWORK Do ex. 7, p. 43. Make up a story about your family. Use the Family Book. 44
  • 45. Unit 3. APPEARANCE Lesson 1 Тема. У мене — щасливе обличчя! Мета: навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, активізувати вивчений лек­ сико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння й навички читання, письма, усного мовлення; розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережли­ вість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікатив­ ні вміння з опорою на наочність; виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, загальну культуруучнів. Обладнання: таблиця за темою «Зовнішність», лялька. Хід уроку WARM-UP 1. Play one or two rounds of the Spelling Shark with any new words from the previous unit, especially the hobbies. PRESENTATION 2. Listen and repeat (p. 44, ex. 1). Teach and then drill the new words shown in the picture of a clown: “Touch your own hair, eye, nose” , etc. as the pupils listen and repeat. Ask “What’s this?” as you point at parts of the face and body again. Pupils answer. Pupils take turns to read out the words for the parts of the face and body. Help with pronunciation. 3. Point and say (p. 44, ex. 2). Pupils take turns to point at the parts of the face and body. Help with pronunciation, singular and plural. Point out that the word “eye” refers to one eye and that the word “eyes” refers to both eyes together. PRACTICE 4. Listen, read and act out (p. 44, ex. 3). Ask the pupils to look at the pictures. Then ask the questions: “Who can you see? What does the girl have? What does the boy have?” Read Dialogue 1. Pupils listen and point at the picture. In pairs, pupils read and practice it. Act out the dialogue. Repeat with different pupils, but this time let the pupils choose a partner to act it out with. Act out Dialogues 2 ,3 , and 4. In pairs, pupils read and practice them. Repeat with several different pupils. Ask the pupils to imitate the sounds and mime the actions. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. READING AND WRITING 5. Speak in class. Say “Yes” or “No” (p. 44, ex. 4). After reading the dialogues (p. 44, ex. 3) you can check the understanding of the dialogues. Read the sentences and answer “Yes” or “No” . Key: 1. Yes. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Yes. 5. No. 6. No. 7. Yes. Дата Клас 45
  • 46. 6. Play the game “Miss Alison Says” . Call out instructions for the whole class. If you start the instruction with the phrase “Miss Alison says” , the class should follow the instruction, but if you don’t say “Miss Alison says” , they shouldn’t, and any pupil who does the action is out. Play the game until only one pupil is left. (This is the game called “Simon Says” .) ENDING THE LESSON 7. Speak English (p. 37, ex. 7). Explain to the pupils that they have to describe their favourite toy. Describe a doll: “Look, this is a doll. It’s got a round face, a small nose and rosy cheeks. Its hair is long and fair. Its eyes are big and blue. It’s pretty.” Ask the pupils to describe the doll individually. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. HOMEWORK Learn the new words (p. 44, ex. 1). Read ex. 3, p. 44. Bring your favourite toy. Describe it (p. 45, ex. 6). 46