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Dealing with 
Diversity in 
Education Jonathan (Bilal) A.J. Wilson 
084 // APR 2014 // 
Senior Lecturer & Course Leader, 
University of Greenwich, London UK 
Editor: Journal of Islamic Marketing, 
Emerald Group Publishing. 
Understanding And Addressing Diversity Is At The Heart Of Every Marketing 
Activity – Whether That’s On A Local, International, Or Global Level. As More 
Marketers Receive Formal Training And Qualifications, How Successful Are These 
Providers At Providing A Platform For Nuruturing Diverse Professionals Who Are 
Competent In The Art Of Implementing Diversity Concepts? In This Article, I Will 
Be Focussing On National, Ethnic, And Cultural Diversity. // apr 2014 // 085 
The presence and successful 
management of diversity should be 
appraised collaboratively as a wider social 
obligation, evident within the values of 
the organisation, subject material and 
stakeholders. The strategic aim is one of 
both wealth creation and risk reduction; by 
generating reciprocal financial and social 
capital amongst those involved. 
For most universities and training 
providers, diversity according to ethnicity, 
race, and nationalism are of more 
importance than just achieving legal 
compliance and best practice. They are 
critical success factors, increasingly used 
proactively as resources, engineered to 
present a competitive international market 
Notwithstanding such wide acceptance 
and positive endeavours within this 
field, a lack of sufficient diversity and 
nuanced understanding still remains. If not 
addressed and managed, then diversity or a 
lack of diversity may act as an inhibitor or 
barrier that undermines wider educational 
and business objectives. Furthermore, 
beyond ethnicity, race, and nationalism: 
factors associated with religion, gender 
issues, linguistics, high and low context 
cultures, uncertainty avoidance, society, 
and community also play a significant part. 
So much so that these supporting factors 
may become inseparable or synonymous 
with main biographical variables of race, 
ethnicity, and nationalism. 
For example in the State of Israel, 
approximately one fifth of the population 
are defined as Arab Israeli, and three 
quarters as Ethnic Jews. In general, Arabs 
and Jews are held to be a race, or an ethnic 
group. Historically, they have also been 
attributed to those who have undergone a 
process of cultural or linguistic conversion. 
Similarly, in the Kingdom of Saudi 
Arabia, concepts of a Saudi Nationality 
and Nationalism are often terms used 
interchangeably with Arab, and Muslim. 
Furthermore terms such as ‘black’, used 
to denote ethnicity or an ethnic affiliation, 
depending on its usage and context, may 
be of value and relevance; but equally could 
be viewed as paradoxical, pejorative and 
Collectively, these examples highlight the 
nuanced contextualisation and influence of 
race, ethnicity, transnationalism, skin colour, 
language, and religion when constructing a 
distinguishable identity – especially outside 
of the Western world [the term ‘West’ 
in this context is interpreted and applied 
from a socio-cultural standpoint]. 
Diversity functions and factors 
Diversity in universities and training 
providers are best understood within 
a cultural paradigm. This consists of the 
formal and psychological contracts, which 
are concerned with the individual and 
collective traits, customs, norms, and values 
that constitute stakeholders’ decisions and 
This subject area encompasses the 
management, practices, rights, legislation 
and policies that govern stakeholder 
interactions and activities. These can be 
grouped into seven main functions: 
• Socio-cultural and societal factors 
• Government and Industry demands 
• Organisational and strategic objectives 
• Academic/trainers and non-academic/ 
training staff - Human Resource 
Management (HRM) 
• Student/delegate recruitment and 
• Course structure, content, assessments 
and delivery 
• Marketing communications and branding 
of the business school, training provider, 
programmes and courses. 
For business schools and training 
providers, the presence and successful 
management of diversity should be evident 
within subject material and stakeholders; 
and appraised especially amongst faculty 
members and students alike. Attaining 
meaningful diversity is achieved through 
the collaborative reciprocal transmission 
of identified implicit, tacit, and explicit 
factors. In turn each of these factors should 
originate from and accommodate diverse 
The following are a suggested list of key 
factors that should be evaluated and cross-referenced 
using quantitative and qualitative 
measures - according to population data 
and wider corporate practices within the 
region; and benchmarked across competing 
business schools internationally: 
Hard Values: Geo-biographical factors 
• Locations of course instruction
• Stakeholders’ countries of origin, 
nationality, and residency; languages 
spoken; race; ethnicity; religion 
• Compliance with legislation – locally, and 
level of comparability with other regions 
• Evidence of formal diversity training 
programmes, monitoring and policies in 
• Recruitment and selection success rates, 
for students and employees, amongst 
national, racial, and ethnic groups 
• Student pass rates and grades amongst 
national, racial, and ethnic groups 
• Roles, responsibilities and promotion 
success rates amongst national, racial, 
and ethnic groups 
• Stakeholders’ exposure to these geo-biographical 
factors through work, study, 
recreation, and course material 
Soft Values: Associated preferential 
cultural factors: 
• Communication – Language and mode of 
transmission; dialects and slang; rhetoric; 
pitch, pace, and prose; haptics (touch); 
eye contact; and body language gestures 
• Interaction – Social transactions; high 
and low context governed cultures; 
uncertainty avoidance; social space; and 
group size preference 
• Network - diversity of cultural factors 
held within groups. 
086 // mar 2014 // 
Many of these values are being collected 
by both public and private providers; as 
part of best practice, and increasingly as a 
source of data to present an international 
market position proactively. Providers 
are faced with a global and local market 
demand imperative, which exacts that 
they demonstrate diversity in their faculty, 
student population, course material, 
research activities, and industry networks. 
This is being driven especially by national 
and global University league tables, which 
incorporate this rationale and data in their 
research methodology and analysis. In 
addition, consumer initiated social media 
discussions, and news articles continue to 
signal the importance of diversity, and by 
extension equality. 
Diversity challenges 
However, notwithstanding all of these 
activities, disparities still remain especially 
within business schools, relative to the 
ethnic, racial and national groups within the 
same business school. 
Diversity is often restricted in its 
definition to being a management 
component - which both assumes and 
encourages participants to create a 
universally tenable working environment. 
This being the case, diversity only seems to 
become of significance if either problems 
arise, or they present a commercial gain. 
From this paradigm it can be argued that 
any explicitly derived knowledge and 
understanding may tend towards being 
superficial, sporadic, or at the very worst 
exploitative. As a result this polarizes 
individuals into those who champion 
diversity and those who do not. In 
accepting this, it also appears to present 
uncoordinated or short-term benefits, 
to only select parties. These occurrences 
therefore bring attention back to the 
starting point of this discussion. Namely, 
diversity is of increasing significance and 
what can be done to address this issue? 
When it comes to evaluating the student 
experience, in connection with the cultural 
factors stated, there appear to be added 
challenges. There is not always a clear 
and formal method by which the role 
and impact of diversity can be picked up, 
positioned or assessed. This could be due 
to the following factors: 
• Human Resources, Marketing, and 
governance functions are structured 
primarily to cater for employees and the 
interests of the business school. Students 
have little involvement and influence; and, 
as such, often are rendered secondary 
passive consumers. This is especially 
in cases where students feel that 
expressions of concern may alienate 
them, negatively affect grades, or reduce 
the likelihood of receiving additional // apr 2014 // 087 
support in areas such as seeking a future 
• Within this framework, student 
interactions and the duty of care 
towards them are mainly transferred 
to academic staff, who have limited 
influence on policy. Furthermore, 
academic staff are rarely asked to collect 
or comment on crucial relevant data. 
• The championing of cultural diversity 
and its successes are perhaps seen 
as being self-evident, when viewing 
recruitment figures that largely reflect 
diverse backgrounds of stakeholders 
in comparison to other industries; and 
especially when focussing on student 
With the UK as a case in practice, 
whilst it has some of the most extensive 
employment legislation in the world and 
high levels of demonstrable equality, there 
still remain concerns. Issues highlighted 
within a 54 page report compiled by the 
Equality Challenge Unit (2009); comprising 
of a literature review and empirical data, 
paint a less than favourable position. Views 
held by Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) 
professionals in higher education indicate 
that a significant proportion of them state 
that they have experienced racism and/or 
racial discrimination. This is supported by a 
paucity of ethnic professorial appointments 
and senior managers. Mirroring this, the 
experiences of students seem to suggest 
that there is a “growing gap in attainment 
between white, black and Asian students” 
(Shepherd, 2009). 
Sulkowski and Deakin (2009) assert 
that ‘historically, education has taken 
the premise that all students are equally 
capable of learning regardless of ethnic 
background, social class or cultural origin.’ 
However their findings suggest that ‘the 
question of why non-native students in 
the UK still seem to be underperforming 
becomes somewhat inconvenient’. They 
conclude that a solution to this problem is 
dependent on lecturers making students 
aware of their intellectual abilities, and then 
developing them. Asmar (2005) supports 
this view by claiming that a greater cultural 
understanding and sensitivity to differences 
are necessary pursuits for UK lecturers. 
However, Asmar goes onto state that this 
is hampered by some, due to a perception 
that these students are actually a problem. 
Furthermore there also appears to be a 
“disturbing racial divide among universities” 
(Curtis, 2006; MacLeod, 2009). 
Classroom solutions 
Some of these issues can be addressed 
by breaking down potential barriers 
and opposition - through selling and 
demonstrating the benefits of diversity. 
Within the classroom, great efforts should 
be made to pronounce peoples names as 
they wish them to be pronounced (albeit 
causing some amusement at times, which 
eventually turns into appreciation); sharing 
anecdotes of encounters with different 
cultures and even attempts to learn the 
odd phrase in different languages. 
This creates an environment of 
cultural curiosity, which is then used to 
highlight and transmit the essentials and 
peculiarities of international academic and 
organizational cultures. The aim is to fill 
gaps and impart the softer, yet significant 
elements that will assist students in their 
studies. Furthermore, this drives a student-centred 
approach to course delivery, 
where students feel empowered to correct 
and coach the lecturer in a field which 
they have superior knowledge – namely 
their culture. The end result is a laddering 
process, which coaxes students towards 
venturing into preserving these dynamics, 
when discussing core course material. 
Following on from this, with more 
international students within the 
classroom, increased challenges are faced 
when lecturing and providing business 
case examples, which all parties are able 
to understand and interpret to the same 
degree and in a comparable fashion. This is 
especially problematic when setting more 
practical marketing assessments, which 
rely upon accessing current market data.
Personality & 
• Asmar, C. (2005), Culture and Pedagogy 
– International Comparisons in Primary 
Education, Blackwell, Oxford. 
• Carvel, J. (2004). “Tebbit’s cricket loyalty 
test hit for six”, The Guardian online 
UK News section, Thursday 8th January, 
jan/08/britishidentity.race , [last viewed: 
10th January 2014]. 
• Curtis, P. (2006), “Segregation, 2006 
style”,, Race in education 
section, Tuesday 3rd January, http://www. 
raceineducation.highereducation , [last 
viewed: 10th January 2014]. 
• Equality Challenge Unit (2009), “The 
experience of black and minority ethnic 
staff working in higher education”, http:// 
bme-staff-in-he , [Downloaded: 10th 
January 2014] 
• Gilroy, P. (2004), After Empire, London: 
• Liu, J. and Wilson, J.A.J. (2011), “The 
impact of Culture and Religion on 
Leadership and Management Training: A 
Comparison of Three Continents”, Jurnal 
Pengurusan, 33, pp.29-36. 
• MacLeod, D. (2009), “Oxbridge 
universities fail to enrol ethnic minority 
students”,, Oxbridge 
and elitism section, Thursday 12th 
[last viewed: 10th January 2014]. 
• Manzoor, S. (2005). “We pass the Tebbit 
test. Britain is my home and so I have 
responsibilities. But I don’t have to sign 
up to a particular ‘way of life’ ”, The 
Observer online Comment section, 
Sunday 21st August 2005, http://www. 
politics , [last viewed: 10th January 2014]. 
• McCracken, G. (2009), Chief Cultural 
Officer, New York: Basic Books. 
• Shepherd, J. (2009), “White students 
do better that their Asian and black 
peers, study finds”,, 
Higher education section, Tuesday 27th 
asian-gap, last viewed: [10th January 
• Sulkowski, N. B., Deakin, M. K. (2009), 
“Does understanding culture help 
enhance students’ learning experience?”, 
International Journal of Contemporary 
Hospitality Management, Vol. 21 No. 2, 
• Wilson, J.A.J. (2010), “When in Britain, do 
as the British do – if anyone knows that 
that means. Multiculturalism in a ‘British’ 
university business school”, Multicultural 
Education and Technology Journal, Vol.4 
Issue 4, pp.220-233. 
For example, the nuances associated with 
broadsheet versus tabloid newspapers and 
their reliability; or the difference between 
commercial and public broadcasters, in 
terms of carrying paid for advertising and 
product placement. 
Because of this, additional time has to 
be spent inducting students and at times 
this involves almost giving them a crash 
course on popular culture. Within this 
crash course for example, explanations 
surrounding slang have been provided and 
the fact that words like ‘wicked’ and ‘sick’ 
may in fact have very different meanings, 
depending on the context. However, it 
has to be made clear also that within 
formal academic writing, there remains 
one acceptable interpretation. These facts 
are crucial - as in advertising, language is 
often reflective of its usage by the target 
audience; but this is not always apparent 
to some students. Furthermore, this does 
not render such syntax and definitions 
acceptable for general academic usage. 
The secondary effect derived from all 
of these collaborative activities, is that 
through students’ contributions, it is felt 
that their own cultural norms should 
permeate processes [Figure]. The idea being 
that collaborative acculturation should 
set the agenda in harnessing diversity and 
preserving knowledge transfer. Without 
such appreciation and proactivity, it is 
possible that the effects of culture, from so 
many different cultures, stagnates learning 
- plunging it into being passive shallow 
recall-based understanding. The long-term 
implications of not addressing this are that 
all parties involved, from the lecturer to the 
student, experience a hampered knowledge 
transfer and unfortunately leave with less 
intellectual capital than could have been 
With such scrutiny and media attention 
surrounding these issues, this subject is likely 
to generate added suspicion and perhaps a 
debilitating vote of no-confidence amongst 
some BME students and professionals 
- which can only be overcome through 
persistent efforts and increased resources 
over a longer timeframe. 
Personality of 
Personality of 
Lecturer initiated 
Culture creation 
Figure. Collaborative acculturation - leading the agenda in harnessing diversity and 
preserving knowledge transfer (Wilson, 2010) 
088 // apr 2014 //

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Nuturing Ethnic and Cultural diversity in Business - for success

  • 1. aaeessttrroo Dealing with Diversity in Business Education Jonathan (Bilal) A.J. Wilson 084 // APR 2014 // Senior Lecturer & Course Leader, University of Greenwich, London UK Editor: Journal of Islamic Marketing, Emerald Group Publishing. Understanding And Addressing Diversity Is At The Heart Of Every Marketing Activity – Whether That’s On A Local, International, Or Global Level. As More Marketers Receive Formal Training And Qualifications, How Successful Are These Providers At Providing A Platform For Nuruturing Diverse Professionals Who Are Competent In The Art Of Implementing Diversity Concepts? In This Article, I Will Be Focussing On National, Ethnic, And Cultural Diversity.
  • 2. // apr 2014 // 085 The presence and successful management of diversity should be appraised collaboratively as a wider social obligation, evident within the values of the organisation, subject material and stakeholders. The strategic aim is one of both wealth creation and risk reduction; by generating reciprocal financial and social capital amongst those involved. For most universities and training providers, diversity according to ethnicity, race, and nationalism are of more importance than just achieving legal compliance and best practice. They are critical success factors, increasingly used proactively as resources, engineered to present a competitive international market position. Notwithstanding such wide acceptance and positive endeavours within this field, a lack of sufficient diversity and nuanced understanding still remains. If not addressed and managed, then diversity or a lack of diversity may act as an inhibitor or barrier that undermines wider educational and business objectives. Furthermore, beyond ethnicity, race, and nationalism: factors associated with religion, gender issues, linguistics, high and low context cultures, uncertainty avoidance, society, and community also play a significant part. So much so that these supporting factors may become inseparable or synonymous with main biographical variables of race, ethnicity, and nationalism. For example in the State of Israel, approximately one fifth of the population are defined as Arab Israeli, and three quarters as Ethnic Jews. In general, Arabs and Jews are held to be a race, or an ethnic group. Historically, they have also been attributed to those who have undergone a process of cultural or linguistic conversion. Similarly, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, concepts of a Saudi Nationality and Nationalism are often terms used interchangeably with Arab, and Muslim. Furthermore terms such as ‘black’, used to denote ethnicity or an ethnic affiliation, depending on its usage and context, may be of value and relevance; but equally could be viewed as paradoxical, pejorative and counter-productive. Collectively, these examples highlight the nuanced contextualisation and influence of race, ethnicity, transnationalism, skin colour, language, and religion when constructing a distinguishable identity – especially outside of the Western world [the term ‘West’ in this context is interpreted and applied from a socio-cultural standpoint]. Diversity functions and factors Diversity in universities and training providers are best understood within a cultural paradigm. This consists of the formal and psychological contracts, which are concerned with the individual and collective traits, customs, norms, and values that constitute stakeholders’ decisions and judgements. This subject area encompasses the management, practices, rights, legislation and policies that govern stakeholder interactions and activities. These can be grouped into seven main functions: • Socio-cultural and societal factors • Government and Industry demands • Organisational and strategic objectives • Academic/trainers and non-academic/ training staff - Human Resource Management (HRM) • Student/delegate recruitment and welfare • Course structure, content, assessments and delivery • Marketing communications and branding of the business school, training provider, programmes and courses. For business schools and training providers, the presence and successful management of diversity should be evident within subject material and stakeholders; and appraised especially amongst faculty members and students alike. Attaining meaningful diversity is achieved through the collaborative reciprocal transmission of identified implicit, tacit, and explicit factors. In turn each of these factors should originate from and accommodate diverse perspectives. The following are a suggested list of key factors that should be evaluated and cross-referenced using quantitative and qualitative measures - according to population data and wider corporate practices within the region; and benchmarked across competing business schools internationally: Hard Values: Geo-biographical factors • Locations of course instruction
  • 3. aaeessttrroo • Stakeholders’ countries of origin, nationality, and residency; languages spoken; race; ethnicity; religion • Compliance with legislation – locally, and level of comparability with other regions • Evidence of formal diversity training programmes, monitoring and policies in place • Recruitment and selection success rates, for students and employees, amongst national, racial, and ethnic groups • Student pass rates and grades amongst national, racial, and ethnic groups • Roles, responsibilities and promotion success rates amongst national, racial, and ethnic groups • Stakeholders’ exposure to these geo-biographical factors through work, study, recreation, and course material Soft Values: Associated preferential cultural factors: • Communication – Language and mode of transmission; dialects and slang; rhetoric; pitch, pace, and prose; haptics (touch); eye contact; and body language gestures • Interaction – Social transactions; high and low context governed cultures; uncertainty avoidance; social space; and group size preference • Network - diversity of cultural factors held within groups. 086 // mar 2014 // Many of these values are being collected by both public and private providers; as part of best practice, and increasingly as a source of data to present an international market position proactively. Providers are faced with a global and local market demand imperative, which exacts that they demonstrate diversity in their faculty, student population, course material, research activities, and industry networks. This is being driven especially by national and global University league tables, which incorporate this rationale and data in their research methodology and analysis. In addition, consumer initiated social media discussions, and news articles continue to signal the importance of diversity, and by extension equality. Diversity challenges However, notwithstanding all of these activities, disparities still remain especially within business schools, relative to the ethnic, racial and national groups within the same business school. Diversity is often restricted in its definition to being a management component - which both assumes and encourages participants to create a universally tenable working environment. This being the case, diversity only seems to become of significance if either problems arise, or they present a commercial gain. From this paradigm it can be argued that any explicitly derived knowledge and understanding may tend towards being superficial, sporadic, or at the very worst exploitative. As a result this polarizes individuals into those who champion diversity and those who do not. In accepting this, it also appears to present uncoordinated or short-term benefits, to only select parties. These occurrences therefore bring attention back to the starting point of this discussion. Namely, diversity is of increasing significance and what can be done to address this issue? When it comes to evaluating the student experience, in connection with the cultural factors stated, there appear to be added challenges. There is not always a clear and formal method by which the role and impact of diversity can be picked up, positioned or assessed. This could be due to the following factors: • Human Resources, Marketing, and governance functions are structured primarily to cater for employees and the interests of the business school. Students have little involvement and influence; and, as such, often are rendered secondary passive consumers. This is especially in cases where students feel that expressions of concern may alienate them, negatively affect grades, or reduce the likelihood of receiving additional
  • 4. // apr 2014 // 087 support in areas such as seeking a future reference. • Within this framework, student interactions and the duty of care towards them are mainly transferred to academic staff, who have limited influence on policy. Furthermore, academic staff are rarely asked to collect or comment on crucial relevant data. • The championing of cultural diversity and its successes are perhaps seen as being self-evident, when viewing recruitment figures that largely reflect diverse backgrounds of stakeholders in comparison to other industries; and especially when focussing on student cohorts. With the UK as a case in practice, whilst it has some of the most extensive employment legislation in the world and high levels of demonstrable equality, there still remain concerns. Issues highlighted within a 54 page report compiled by the Equality Challenge Unit (2009); comprising of a literature review and empirical data, paint a less than favourable position. Views held by Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) professionals in higher education indicate that a significant proportion of them state that they have experienced racism and/or racial discrimination. This is supported by a paucity of ethnic professorial appointments and senior managers. Mirroring this, the experiences of students seem to suggest that there is a “growing gap in attainment between white, black and Asian students” (Shepherd, 2009). Sulkowski and Deakin (2009) assert that ‘historically, education has taken the premise that all students are equally capable of learning regardless of ethnic background, social class or cultural origin.’ However their findings suggest that ‘the question of why non-native students in the UK still seem to be underperforming becomes somewhat inconvenient’. They conclude that a solution to this problem is dependent on lecturers making students aware of their intellectual abilities, and then developing them. Asmar (2005) supports this view by claiming that a greater cultural understanding and sensitivity to differences are necessary pursuits for UK lecturers. However, Asmar goes onto state that this is hampered by some, due to a perception that these students are actually a problem. Furthermore there also appears to be a “disturbing racial divide among universities” (Curtis, 2006; MacLeod, 2009). Classroom solutions Some of these issues can be addressed by breaking down potential barriers and opposition - through selling and demonstrating the benefits of diversity. Within the classroom, great efforts should be made to pronounce peoples names as they wish them to be pronounced (albeit causing some amusement at times, which eventually turns into appreciation); sharing anecdotes of encounters with different cultures and even attempts to learn the odd phrase in different languages. This creates an environment of cultural curiosity, which is then used to highlight and transmit the essentials and peculiarities of international academic and organizational cultures. The aim is to fill gaps and impart the softer, yet significant elements that will assist students in their studies. Furthermore, this drives a student-centred approach to course delivery, where students feel empowered to correct and coach the lecturer in a field which they have superior knowledge – namely their culture. The end result is a laddering process, which coaxes students towards venturing into preserving these dynamics, when discussing core course material. Following on from this, with more international students within the classroom, increased challenges are faced when lecturing and providing business case examples, which all parties are able to understand and interpret to the same degree and in a comparable fashion. This is especially problematic when setting more practical marketing assessments, which rely upon accessing current market data.
  • 5. Personality & Cultural normalisation aaeessttrroo References • Asmar, C. (2005), Culture and Pedagogy – International Comparisons in Primary Education, Blackwell, Oxford. • Carvel, J. (2004). “Tebbit’s cricket loyalty test hit for six”, The Guardian online UK News section, Thursday 8th January, 2004 jan/08/britishidentity.race , [last viewed: 10th January 2014]. • Curtis, P. (2006), “Segregation, 2006 style”,, Race in education section, Tuesday 3rd January, http://www. raceineducation.highereducation , [last viewed: 10th January 2014]. • Equality Challenge Unit (2009), “The experience of black and minority ethnic staff working in higher education”, http:// bme-staff-in-he , [Downloaded: 10th January 2014] Explicit Implicit Implicit/Explicit • Gilroy, P. (2004), After Empire, London: Routledge. • Liu, J. and Wilson, J.A.J. (2011), “The impact of Culture and Religion on Leadership and Management Training: A Comparison of Three Continents”, Jurnal Pengurusan, 33, pp.29-36. • MacLeod, D. (2009), “Oxbridge universities fail to enrol ethnic minority students”,, Oxbridge and elitism section, Thursday 12th March, education/2009/mar/12/oxford-ethnic-minority, [last viewed: 10th January 2014]. • Manzoor, S. (2005). “We pass the Tebbit test. Britain is my home and so I have responsibilities. But I don’t have to sign up to a particular ‘way of life’ ”, The Observer online Comment section, Sunday 21st August 2005, http://www. politics , [last viewed: 10th January 2014]. • McCracken, G. (2009), Chief Cultural Officer, New York: Basic Books. • Shepherd, J. (2009), “White students do better that their Asian and black peers, study finds”,, Higher education section, Tuesday 27th October, education/2009/oct/27/white-students-black- asian-gap, last viewed: [10th January 2014]. • Sulkowski, N. B., Deakin, M. K. (2009), “Does understanding culture help enhance students’ learning experience?”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 21 No. 2, pp.154-166. • Wilson, J.A.J. (2010), “When in Britain, do as the British do – if anyone knows that that means. Multiculturalism in a ‘British’ university business school”, Multicultural Education and Technology Journal, Vol.4 Issue 4, pp.220-233. For example, the nuances associated with broadsheet versus tabloid newspapers and their reliability; or the difference between commercial and public broadcasters, in terms of carrying paid for advertising and product placement. Because of this, additional time has to be spent inducting students and at times this involves almost giving them a crash course on popular culture. Within this crash course for example, explanations surrounding slang have been provided and the fact that words like ‘wicked’ and ‘sick’ may in fact have very different meanings, depending on the context. However, it has to be made clear also that within formal academic writing, there remains one acceptable interpretation. These facts are crucial - as in advertising, language is often reflective of its usage by the target audience; but this is not always apparent to some students. Furthermore, this does not render such syntax and definitions acceptable for general academic usage. The secondary effect derived from all of these collaborative activities, is that through students’ contributions, it is felt that their own cultural norms should permeate processes [Figure]. The idea being that collaborative acculturation should set the agenda in harnessing diversity and preserving knowledge transfer. Without such appreciation and proactivity, it is possible that the effects of culture, from so many different cultures, stagnates learning - plunging it into being passive shallow recall-based understanding. The long-term implications of not addressing this are that all parties involved, from the lecturer to the student, experience a hampered knowledge transfer and unfortunately leave with less intellectual capital than could have been attained. With such scrutiny and media attention surrounding these issues, this subject is likely to generate added suspicion and perhaps a debilitating vote of no-confidence amongst some BME students and professionals - which can only be overcome through persistent efforts and increased resources over a longer timeframe. University Culture Personality of Lecturer Personality of Students Collective Evolutionary Culture Explicit Explicit Drivers Lecturer initiated Collaboration Culture creation Figure. Collaborative acculturation - leading the agenda in harnessing diversity and preserving knowledge transfer (Wilson, 2010) 088 // apr 2014 //