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Scholarly Reflection Paper
Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta
INT D 249: The Science of Joy & Happiness
Karen A. Sylte
Scholarly Reflection Paper
Up until recently, I knew that mindfulness had benefits, but I
never knew their extent. I
also believed I didn’t have time for mindfulness, and that it
wasn’t something I should make a
part of my daily routine. This class has taught me that in fact is
not true. Mindfulness has so
many positive benefits, and many reasons why mindfulness is a
great addition to daily routines.
Mindfulness has been suggested to improve mental health and
well-being, resiliency, as well as
cognition, executive control, and attention, which is highlighted
in a study by Yakobi et al.
(2020). It can also help cultivate feelings of happiness and joy
and lead to its pursuit, as well as
reduce stress. An 8-week mindfulness-based study was done by
Hjeltnes et al. (2015) which
evaluated university students, and one of the findings was that
during the practice period students
reported they were able to find inner calmness when dealing
with stress and anxiety. While I was
doing the practices, I noticed this feeling as well. Although I
was stressed, I was able to calm
myself and relax more than I had previously been able to. Also,
when I first started doing the
practices in this class or mindfulness practices in the past, I
believed that my brain always had to
be completely blank and I should not be focusing on anything
else, and I would get frustrated if I
started having other thoughts. However, I have since learned
that mindfulness is
“moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness...paying
attention in a specific
non-reactively, as non-judgmentally, and as open-heartedly as
possible” (Jon Kabat-Zinn, 2015).
I learned it was okay to have other thoughts, and just let them
be and realize what I was thinking
and feeling instead of trying to control them.
Throughout this paper, I will include a reflection on my
experience, specifically my
initial goals for the practices, as well as highlighting what I
found went well for me and what did
not, also my overall motivation and dedication to the practices,
and a goal for the future.
Reflection on my goals
The first goal I set was: to do the mindfulness activities alone in
my room, in a
comfortable position, with my headphones, every day in the
evening around 9:00 pm before I go
to bed. I succeeded at completing the mindfulness practices
every day, with my headphones, in a
comfortable position, however, the time when I would do them
would change. Some days I
would do it earlier in the evening, or later in the night, and once
I tried doing it in the morning.
The second goal I set was: to complete the practice logs by
setting aside a few minutes of
my time every day right after doing the activities to ensure I
truly remembered how I was
feeling. I was able to complete the logs and accurately
document how I was feeling, although
some days I wouldn’t do them until later or even the next day,
so I was not successful with that
aspect of my goal.
The third goal I set was: to do the required readings every
Sunday afternoon, and ensure
my full focus is on them before the next week of learning for
the next eight weeks to be
successful and stay on top of the workload. I managed to stay
on top of the readings and the
workload so I was successful in that area, however, I did not do
the readings all in one Sunday
for each week. Instead, I spread them out across the week and
found a time when I was able to
instead of trying to cram them all into one Sunday plus my
other classes.
What went well, what didn't, what I might change
I found that what went well for me was being consistent with
the practices, and learning
to be more open-minded towards different types of practice.
What I found didn’t go so well was
remembering to log everything. Something I might change in
the future would be to try and do
mindfulness practices in the morning instead of the evening
since I found some evenings I would
forget and end up staying up late, or I was really tired. I also
want to try more different types of
practice. Hjeltnes et al. (2015) propose that formal mindfulness
practices (e.g. body scans or
pause practices) should be combined with informal mindfulness
practices (e.g. mindful walking,
cleaning, eating) in order to get the most out of mindfulness and
better incorporate mindfulness
into the daily routine. I plan to integrate more informal
mindfulness practices into my day, in
hopes of mindfulness becoming more of a normality since it
still feels like a separate part of my
day rather than happening naturally.
Motivation and dedication
Overall, my motivation and dedication to practice were well. I
struggled at the beginning
with dedication, some days I forgot to do the practices.
However, once I set reminders on my
phone and whiteboard and settled into a routine, the practices
came naturally and became a part
of my daily schedule. Some days when I was super busy though,
I found it difficult to find time,
but I would manage to always squeeze in a practice somewhere,
even if that meant opting for a
5-minute pause practice versus a 15-minute body scan. I noticed
at some points I lacked
motivation, such as in the beginning, during midterms, and
during reading week, but I would
remind myself of the benefits that mindfulness would bring me,
like stress reduction, calmness,
and pursuing/being happier, and that would bring me back on
Future goal
A long term goal for my future joy and happiness includes
continuing with mindfulness
practices, whether formal or informal, such as getting an app for
formal practices as well as just
doing activities that make me happy and reduce my stress for
the next semester, and throughout
the rest of my years in university.
Hjeltnes, A., Binder, P., Moltu, C., & Dundas, I. (2015). Facing
the fear of failure: An
explorative qualitative study of client experiences in a
mindfulness-based stress reduction
program for university students with academic evaluation
anxiety. International Journal
of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 10(1).
Kabat-Zinn, J. (2015). Mindfulness. Mindfulness 6(6), 1481–
Yakobi, O., Smilek, D. & Danckert, J. (2021). The Effects of
Mindfulness Meditation on
Attention, Executive Control and Working Memory in Healthy
Adults: A Meta-analysis
of Randomized Controlled Trials. Cognitive Therapy and
Research, 45(4), 543–560.
Question 1
Provide an example about how people specializing in their areas
of comparative advantage benefits you in your day-to-day life.
Classmate 1
In the automotive industry, they have an assembly line. Each
person or machine is specialized in making one piece of a car.
This makes the process of making a car quicker and easier to
mass-produce. This helps our day-to-day life because it makes
cars less expensive to buy because one person didn't have to
make a car all by themselves.
Classmate 2
A construction crew felt like a good example to me. If you are
having a house built, the person that is responsible for putting
the walls up is most likely not the same person who is putting
the roof on. Making sure that your construction crew has
someone who specializes in each area of a house build wi ll
make the process go faster and cause better profits for the
Generally speaking, marginal utility decreases as the number of
units consumed increases. Can you think of a product where this
decline in marginal utility is particularly sharp? Why is this?
Classmate 1
Two products that have a sharp decline in marginal utility are
stoves and microwaves. This is because usually, families only
have one stove and one microwave in their homes. Having more
than one of either seems a bit too much. Mainly being because
they would only really use one stove and in the current time
sometimes getting food to go or delivered is more convenient,
so they might not use a stove as much. As for a microwave,
there would not really be a need for two unless they rather not
wait in between items to reheat. Though of course there might
be some places that can need more than one stove or microwave.
Classmate 2
I think of tvs as having a very sharp decline in marginal utility.
Many people put tvs in their homes for look and shows because
it can make the room pop and stand out. Having one or two tvs
is reasonable because tvs can be very expensive based on the
one you get, but having more than 3 or so can be very excessive
and costly since tv services are going up to based on how many
tvs a person has in the household.
Question 3
The textbook describes how, over some range of output,
economies of scale exist in the production of cars. Provide
another example of an industry that experiences economies of
scale? What factors lead to these economies of scale?
An example of an industry that experiences economies of scales
is supermarkets. For instance, think of Walmart. Walmart, as do
other big supermarkets, has a big purchasing power, meaning
that they can buy a large quantity of things at one time, or in
other words, they can buy things in bulk. And buying things in
bulk means that things can be purchased at a lower price. In
addition, because they are able to buy things in bulk, they are
also able to get delivery fees at a better price. As stated above,
the factor that leads to these economies of scale is that
supermarkets can purchase material in bulk and reduce the cost
of delivery/ transportation.
Classmate 2
When I think of economies of scale, I think of lawncare and
landscaping businesses. More like lawncare. In lawncare, they
work very hard for most of the year, but during the winter
months, these workers and businesses don't have any yards to
work on because of the weather brings low demand for lawn
care. So all of these workers in the business are hurt because
they have nothing to do for those months. As the more lawns
you work on, the more workers you need. When the season is
done, you have all the workers but no yards.
Joy and Happiness Project Plan
As an international student at the school, the learning content
and environment we are exposed to are very different from our
actual experiences. So when we integrated into the life of all
English, it made me feel very stressed, and it was challenging to
find a way to release the stress, especially during the epidemic.
Due to the epidemic outbreak, no one could go out at will, and
the method of communication between my friends and I became
constrained. Such inability to meet and go out often led to an
estrangement between friends. During this period, I often felt
lonely, the pressure became great, and I could not release my
emotions properly. Therefore, I want to learn how to manage
and control myself and learn skills to improve my happiness and
happiness through this course.
When I finished the first activity in the project map, I was a
little lost, and I could not concentrate well; because I had never
tried these activities, such as meditation, it took me a lot of
time to relax. I often give up when I am doing my work; others
easily influence me, so doing exercises And activities is a big
challenge. My first plan is to set an alarm clock at 10 in the
morning and make a schedule to remind me to do exercises in a
place without any disturbance after class every day; I will
record it until it becomes my habit of life. The second plan is
based on my major of "drawing and Design" because I need to
finish my work in my studio at six o 'clock every night. After I
finish my career, I can let myself do the activities in the project
map because these activities can be very effective for me to
relax, and it is easy to let me insist. The third plan is to record
my daily activities by video at 10 pm and put them on social
software such as Tik Tok; this plan is the most interesting. It
can supervise me and also let me see the changes in the process.
Even after the course, I can continue to record my life on social
How to communicate effectively with my partner,I have
reached an agreement with my partner this week. We made
adequate planning and reasonable time allocation. In standard
we use WeChat every weekend around 7 am, but it
depends on when we finish dinner; If something happens over
the weekend that prevents us from meeting online, we move it
up to 7 pm Friday. It is also an excellent way to supervise and
encourage each other.
Regarding the "Authentic Happiness Inventory," my score is
1.96 out of 5, which is indeed a bit low for me. On the "Via
character'' website, I measured results that I didn't expect. On
“Via charter“, The results I measured were unexpected; In terms
of the proportion of my personality, my seven advantages are
Honesty, Airness, Kindness, Humor, Appreciation of Beauty
& Excellence, and Gratitude. The last one is Teamwork; When
the test result came out, I was a little happy and saw that I
needed to improve my love and learning. This website is
beneficial for me because it enables me to understand my
personality better. In the end, I hope that the grades I can
achieve in this course are as high as possible. "A+" is my ideal,
and I will also try my best to match my ideals.
Int D 249: Practice logs my joy and happiness project
first/last name______________
(log every day of the week)
Type & number of Minutes Practiced
Daily mindfulness REFLECTION:
While engaged in this activity, what did I notice about my
thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions
Brain (thoughts)
Body (sensations)
Heart (Emotions)
Week 1
Sun/Sep 5
Body Scan
Mind wandered, thought about work, thought about friends,
wondered when this would end
Headache, sore right toe, eyebrow twitching
Sadness, loneliness
Week 1
Mon/Jan 24
Eat one mindful meal-10 mins
My brain is in mess, thought about project, thought epidemic,
thought when epidemic end
Tired, Low back pain, Headache
Worried, High pressure.
Week 1
Tues/Jan 25
Eat one mindful meal-12 mins
Thought my relationship and how to make new friends
Lack of sleep, Headaches, Sore eyes
Week 1
Wed/Jan 26
Eat one mindful meal-10 mins
Mind wandered, thought about my study, thought my work and
how to finish it.
Still lack of sleep, Headaches
Sensitive, high pressure
Week 1
Thur/Jan 27
Eat one mindful meal-10 mins
Thought the meaning of life, thought future
Week 1
Fri/Jan 28
Eat one mindful meal-15 mins
Nothing to thought, my brain empty.
Little tired
Week 1
Sat/Jan 29
Eat one mindful meal-13 mins
Thought should I going outside or doing some activities
Have some energy
Happy, Full of vitality
Week 1
Sun/ Jan 30
Eat one mindful meal-10 mins
Thought study, thought a new week is coming
Tired, fatigue, Eyes acid
Nervous and hopeful
(one entry per day)
Joy and Happiness Activity
Type and length of time practiced
Joy and Happiness Activity REFLECTION:
While engaged or after completing this activity, what did I
notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS)
and my emotions (HEART)
Week 1
Sept 5/21
Brain (Thoughts)
Thought about how lucky I am
Body (Sensations)
Heart (Emotions)
Calmness, contentment
Week 1
Mon/Jan 24
Thought If the world were full of honest people, it must avoid
many troubles
Contentment, Happiness
Week 1
Tues/Jan 25
Thought justice is very important on each area. Thought about
how lucky I am a justice people
Comfortable, warmth
Touched, Righteous
Week 1
Wed /Jan 26
Thought I am really enjoying being a humanity people, kindness
can change people’s attitude
A little bit tired, hands pain
Hopeful, Happiness and Warm heat
Week 1
Thur/Jan 27
Thought if you have a humor and happy friend, your life will be
filled with happiness and laugh
Facial muscle pain
Week 1
Fri/Jan 28
Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence
Though there are many special things we need to find and
Hands pain, neck uncomfortable
Energetic, Pleased
Week 1
Sat/Jan 29
Though everyone need have gratitude and I am pleasured to be a
gratitude guy
Warmth and body comfortable
Happiness, joy and Energetic
Week 1
Sun/Jan 30
Thought about how lucky I am a wisdom people that help me to
solve many problems and doing new things
Headaches, neck pain
What was the most challenging parts of your practices this
What might you do differently next time?
The most challenging things is to use my character strength,
that part is easy but also difficult, because I am not sure when
and where can use my character strength, and how to express
my thought. There is a different between daily life and hand-
write things. Also, the language is a big challenging for me,
English is not my first language, so there are many problems
when I am doing my work.
The next time, I will try to touch different area and friends;
maybe I can use same character strength to do different things, I
believe it will produce different thought and emotion.
(log every day of the week)
Type & number of Minutes Practiced
Daily mindfulness REFLECTION:
While engaged in this activity, what did I notice about my
thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions
Brain (thoughts)
Body (sensations)
Heart (Emotions)
Week 2
Mon/Jan 31
Body Scan-15mins
Thought my homework and Art & Design project
Neck pain, Headaches
Week 2
Tues/Feb 1
Body Scan-15mins
Thought when I can finish my things and what to do for the next
Shortness of breath
Still stressful and nerves
Week 2
Wed/Feb 2
Body Scan-12mins
Though when I graduate
Headaches and stomach pain
Depressed, Sensitive
Week 2
Thur/Feb 3
Body Scan-12mins
Thought presentation, thought quiz and dinner time
Stomach uncomfortable
Week 2
Fri/Feb 4
Body Scan-10mins
Though what is my favourite things during the epidemic
Eyes pain
Sleepy, fatigue
Week 2Sat/Feb 5
Body Scan-10mins
Thought my friends’ birthday gift
Neck and the lumbar spine pain
Hopeful, Enjoying
Week 2
Sun/Feb 6
Body Scan-15mins
Thought next week schedule and my part-time job
The lumbar spine pain
(one entry per day)
Joy and Happiness Activity
Type and length of time practiced
Joy and Happiness Activity REFLECTION:
While engaged or after completing this activity, what did I
notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS)
and my emotions (HEART)
Week 2
Sept 5/21
Brain (Thoughts)
Thought about how lucky I am
Body (Sensations)
Heart (Emotions)
Calmness, contentment
Week 2
Mon/Jan 31
1.Thanks for my professor to give me one chance to drawing.
2. Thanks for my friends to teach me.
3.Thanks for my old friend call me and encourage me.
4.Thanks for my boyfriend give me a surprise.
5.Thanks for my cats give me a warm.
Thought I have a choice to choose University of Alberta and I
meet lots of good people.
Thankful, happiness
Week 2
Tues/Feb 1
1.Thanks for my boyfriend help me to move new apartment.
2.Thanks for my parent gave me best wishes for New Year.
3.Thanks for my friend treat me to dinner on New Year's Eve.
4. Thanks for my neighbor gave a new year gift.
5.Thanks for my manager gave me a red envelope
Thought about I still have lots of friend. Thought my family, I
miss them so much. Thought traditional Chinese New Year.
Comfortable, warmth but neck pain
Excited, satisfied
Week 2
Wed /Feb 2
1. Thanks for new renter receive my package and gave me back.
2. Thanks for my cats give me lots of fun.
3.Thanks for my friends told me a new movie and watched with
4. Thanks for my friend to make a bubble milk tea, delicious.
5. Thanks for rent office solve my problem.
Thought about there are many kind friends and people help me
to do something, they are very nice.
Hands pain, stomach uncomfortable but still warmth
Warm heart
Week 2
Thur/Feb 3
1. Thanks for my boyfriend to help me assemble the furniture。
2. Thanks for driver take my furniture and sent it to me.
3.Thanks for my manager understand me and gave me more time
to relax.
4.Thanks for restaurant make a delicious hot pot.
5.Thanks for restaurant gave me discount.
Thought about the food and my job. Thought how to thanks for
people who helps me
Muscle pain, throat pain
Happiness, Excited and Enjoying
Week 2
Fri/Feb 4
1. Thanks for my boyfriend taking care of me when I was sick.
2. Thanks for my friend gave me medicine.
3. Thanks for bed give me a warm place.
4. Thanks for my professor gave me time to delay my due date.
5. Thanks for hospital help me to take a test
Thought about my health. Thought Covid-19. Good news is not
Hands pain, throat pain, the lumbar spine pain. Whole body
Sadness, Fatigue, Uncomfortable
Week 2
Sat/Feb 5
1. Thanks for my classmate told me what I missed.
2. Thanks for my parent called me and care about me.
3.Thanks for my partner changed the meeting time.
4. Thanks for my boyfriend always by my side.
5.Thanks for my friend help me feed cats.
Thought about how lucky I am. Thought my homework. Thought
a good and health body. Thought when I am feeling good what I
want to do.
Still pain on throat, lumbar spine, and stomach.
Touched, hopeful.
Week 2Sun/Feb 6
1. Thanks for my friends take me to shopping.
2.Thanks for my boyfriend take breath with me.
3. Thanks for my classmate remind me the important date.
4. Thanks for stranger to helping me carry my bag.
5. Thanks for stranger waiting for me on the elevator.
Thought my surrounding. Thought about helping people is
important. Thought thanks for people, thanks for things. I am so
lucky living in here.
Hands and feet ache. Neck pain.
Contentment, Thankful.
In my life, Thankful is important for me. When you feel grateful
for the first time, you will feel warm inside, and you will even
feel that it makes your life positive instead of complaining.
After these seven days of gratitude, you will remember that
there are many good people in the world。They help you,
whether it is friends, family, teachers, or strangers. This is a
positive influence, it brings us is spiritual help, help you to
develop in a better direction. You think, this is a wonderful
world, nice people in your life.
(log every day of the week)
Type & number of Minutes Practiced
Daily mindfulness REFLECTION:
While engaged in this activity, what did I notice about my
thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions
Brain (thoughts)
Body (sensations)
Heart (Emotions)
Week 3
Mon/Feb 7
Breath Awareness practice-10mins
Thought about my Art class
Neck pain
Week 3
Tues/Feb 8
Breath Awareness practice-10mins
Thought about my friendship
Still neck pain
Week 3
Wed/Feb 9
Breath Awareness practice-10mins
Thought about my relationship with my boyfriend
stomach pain
Sensitive and lonely
Week 3
Thur/Feb 10
Breath Awareness practice-10mins
Thought about making a breakfast myself
The lumbar spine pain
Week 3
Fri/Feb 11
Breath Awareness practice-10mins
Thought about drinking with my friends and boyfriend tonight
Week 3
Sat/Feb 12
Breath Awareness practice-10mins
Thought about going to grocery shopping later
Legs acid
Week 3
Sun/Feb 13
Breath Awareness practice-10mins
Thought about my homework which is due tomorrow, but I
haven’t start ye
Eyes pain
(one entry per day)
Joy and Happiness Activity
Type and length of time practiced
Joy and Happiness Activity REFLECTION:
While engaged or after completing this activity, what did I
notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS)
and my emotions (HEART)
Brain (thoughts)
Body (sensations)
Heart (Emotions)
Week 3
Mon/Feb 7
Sleep - 8hours
Thought about sleep quantity
A little dizzy
A bit confused because it is a new start of a week
Week 3
Tues/Feb 8
Sleep – 8.5hours
Though how can I get good sleep today
Stressful but the good relationship with my friends makes me
feel delighted
Week 3
Wed/Feb 9
Sleep - 9hours
Thought about how improved my skill
Less stressful
Week 3
Thur/Feb 10
Sleep - 8hours
Thought about what time should I need to sleep
Stomach is uncomfortable
Feeling of expectation
Week 3
Fri/Feb 11
Sleep - 9hour
Thought about my sleep quantity is better than before
Relaxed but still sleepy
Week 3
Sat/Feb 12
Sleep – 7.5hour
Thought about if I have good sleep what influences me
Sore throat
Warm and happy
Week 3
Sun/Feb 13
Sleep - 8hour
Thought about sleep is very important things in people’s life
Throat still has a bit pain, but my head is clear
A bit stressful
I think people have good sleep that is significant, when I sleep
lack 7 hours, my body feels bad and uncomfortable and the
second day, you’re feel spaced out, you feel tired, and you're
not have any vitality. But when you sleep arrived 7 hours, even
9 hours, your emotion and body feel good, you don’t have any
negative thought, you will be more energetic and motivated to
do something, and you'll be more focused.
(log every day of the week)
Type & number of Minutes Practiced
Daily mindfulness REFLECTION:
While engaged in this activity, what did I notice about my
thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions
Brain (thoughts)
Body (sensations)
Heart (Emotions)
Week 4
Mon/Feb 14
Mindful Yoga practice- 15mins
Thought about the new week is start, what is my plan
Back pain
Week 4
Tues/Feb 15
Mindful Yoga practice- 20mins
Thought about Yoga, why yoga is so difficult!
Neck pain, back pain, legs, arms acid
Feeling good
Week 4
Wed/Feb 16
Mindful Yoga practice- 22mins
Thought about Yoga is the good way to keep health and have
good emotion
Still neck pain and back pain
A little bit tired, fatigue
Week 4
Thur/Feb 17
Mindful Yoga practice- 15mins
Thought about same way to let me relax, like dancing.
Muscles pain and acid
Calming, happiness
Week 4
Fri/Feb 18
Mindful Yoga practice- 15mins
It is hard to keep practice every day, want to give up
Muscles pain
Sleepy and fatigue
Week 4
Sat/Feb 19
Mindful Yoga practice- 25mins
Thought about my next day planning
Body feels good
Joyful, calming
Week 3
Sun/Feb 20
Mindful Yoga practice- 20mins
Though what is the next practice, I love it
Body still feels good but muscles a little pain
Hopeful calming
(one entry per day)
Joy and Happiness Activity
Type and length of time practiced
Joy and Happiness Activity REFLECTION:
While engaged or after completing this activity, what did I
notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS)
and my emotions (HEART)
Brain (thoughts)
Body (sensations)
Heart (Emotions)
Week 4
Mon/Feb 14
Walk- 20mins
Thought about the Edmonton’s weather.
Week 3
Tues/Feb 15
Walk- 25mins
Though there are many beautiful places I didn’t find before
Breathe easy, body relax
Happiness, enjoying
Week 4
Wed/Feb 16
Walk- 30mins
Thought about next time I need to take photo; I want to share
with my friends
Foot pain, neck feels stress
Less stressful, joyful
Week 4
Thur/Feb 17
Thought about weather, it is cold today. I need to wear more. I
want to buy a puppy that is so cute.
Foot still pains but better than before
Feeling of expectation
Week 4
Fri/Feb 18
Walk- 20mins
Thought about I need to walk with my boyfriends, take him to
somewhere and take photo
Body feels good
A little bit lonely but still happy
Week 4
Sat/Feb 19
Walk- 20mins
Thought about there are many things i want to share with my
parents, I want to tell them what is beautiful in Edmonton.
Cold, neck pain
Week 4
Sun/Feb 20
Walk- 30mins
Thought about I hate to run but I love to walk outside. I hope
the weather good every day.
Breathe easy
Joyful, feeling of expectation
When I walk outside, I saw there are many nice place and good
environment. Those I never saw it, because of pandemic, I walk
outside just few times, so I missed lots of things. The best thing
is I make friends when I went to park, there are many dogs here,
I love pets, I enjoy playing with them. When you saw people’s
smile face you will feel happiness. Actually, I hate sport, but I
love this practice.
(log every day of the week)
Type & number of Minutes Practiced
Daily mindfulness REFLECTION:
While engaged in this activity, what did I notice about my
thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions
Brain (thoughts)
Body (sensations)
Heart (Emotions)
Week 5
Mon/Feb 21
Mindful Yoga practice- 20mins
Thought about travel, thought about reading week planning
Body relaxes
Calming and happiness
Week 5
Tues/Feb 22
Mindful Yoga practice- 20mins
Thought about should I drink tonight, and what is the best gift
for my friend’s birthday
Breathe easy, but sometimes headaches
Sleepy but joyful
Week 5
Wed/Feb 23
Mindful Yoga practice- 15mins
Thought about I still have project didn’t finished
Back pain and headaches
A little bit tired and stressful
Week 5
Thur/Feb 24
Mindful Yoga practice- 15mins
Thought about the next exam time and homework due date
Breathe hard
Sadness, fearful
Week 5
Fri/Feb 25
Mindful Yoga practice- 15mins
Time is so fast; I don’t believe today is Friday
Neck pain
Week 5
Sat/Feb 26
Mindful Yoga practice- 20mins
Thought about graduate, I want to apply another course to
transfer grade.
Week 5
Sun/Feb 27
Mindful Yoga practice- 20mins
Thought about the end of reading week, there are many
homework I need to do, so many things.
Breathe hard, lack sleep
Nerves, fatigue
(one entry per day)
Joy and Happiness Activity
Type and length of time practiced
Joy and Happiness Activity REFLECTION:
While engaged or after completing this activity, what did I
notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS)
and my emotions (HEART)
Brain (thoughts)
Body (sensations)
Heart (Emotions)
Week 5
Mon/Feb 21
Walk- 15 mins
Thought about what I must do for my study next week
Relax, breathe easy
Week 5
Tues/Feb 22
Walk- 25mins
Thought about what gift I am going to buy for my best friend.
Breathe easy. Throat pain
Week 5
Wed/Feb 23
Eat dinner- 1hour
Thought about how to lose my weight and keep my health
Eyes infection
Week 5
Thur/Feb 24
Walk -15mins
Thought about the stupid things I have done last month
Neck pain
Week 5
Fri/Feb 25
Rest - 30mins
Thought about what topic of the picture I need to draw for my
Lack of sleep
A little bit lonely
Week 5
Sat/Feb 26
Thinking - 20mins
Thought about what I can do in the following summer break
Happiness, joyful
Week 5
Sun/Feb 27
Dancing- 1hour
Thought about how I can do better on dancing balance
Breathe hard, legs acid
Tired, fatigue, sleepy
I enrolled five courses in this term, so I have big stress, but
when I finished this practice, I feel better than before, that is
helpful. It is good way to release my pressure, before I take this
course, I never try doing some yoga and walk outside every day,
but this term, it encourage me to do it and give me positive life.
(log every day of the week)
Type & number of Minutes Practiced
Daily mindfulness REFLECTION:
While engaged in this activity, what did I notice about my
thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions
Brain (thoughts)
Body (sensations)
Heart (Emotions)
Week 6
Mon/Feb 28
Body scan-15mins
Thought about midterm, my grade
Headache, Tinnitus
Week 6
Tues/March 1
Body scan-15mins
Thought about looking for a new part time job.
Neck pain
Week 6
Wed/March 2
Body scan-15mins
Thought about planning to snowboarding in Banff
Week 6
Thur/March 3
Body scan-15mins
Thought about how to raise my academic efficiency
Headache, hand acid
(one entry per day)
Joy and Happiness Activity
Type and length of time practiced
Joy and Happiness Activity REFLECTION:
While engaged or after completing this activity, what did I
notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS)
and my emotions (HEART)
Brain (thoughts)
Body (sensations)
Heart (Emotions)
Week 6
Mon/Feb 28
Turn my phone off when I eat a meal
Thought about I can’t leave my phone
Boring, unhappy
Week 6
Tues/March 1
Turn my phone off when I eat a meal
Thought about why I am always hungry. why the phone is
important for young people
Hungry, stomach pain
Week 6
Wed/March 2
Turn my phone off when I eat a meal
Thought about why my boss always chattering for little things
Headaches, arms acid
Angry and embarrassed
Week 6
Thur/March 3
Turn my phone off when I eat a meal
Thought about what things can instead of the phone, what topic
I need to talk with my friend
Feels not bad but tired
Depressed, confusing, lonely
For this week's practice, I couldn't do it well because it was
very difficult. Mobile phone is an important role for me, it
gives me a sense of security, when I leave the mobile phone, I
will be nervous. But turning your phone off while you're eating
is a good start. You'll be really focused on the meal, and you'll
want to talk to the people next to you instead of picking up your
phone to play instead of communicating. Turning your phone
off is a good start, but it's also the hardest part. I think the best
part of this exercise is that it made me seriously think about the
negative effects of mobile phones on us, the emotional changes
caused when we leave them because we are too dependent on
them. I hope one day I can use it for less time.
INT D 249/WIN2022 KASYLTE/University of Alberta©
Scholarly Reflection Paper/IntD249/KASylte
Int D 249, The Science of Joy and Happiness
Scholarly Reflection Paper Assignment (20%)
The purpose of the scholarly reflection paper is to review and
evaluate the happiness project
plan, and the practices required over this term. This reflection
will involve a re-examination of
your initial project plan and personal goals for practice, your
overall motivation to practice
over the term, and your dedication to practices.
Reflect on how well you completed your plan with a review of
what went well, what did not
go well and what you might change in the future related to im
plem enting joy and happiness
activities and practices. One simple goal for your future joy and
happiness should be included.
Joy and happiness theory and research related to your
experience should be referred to
throughout the paper as justifications for claims. All refer ences
including lectures must be
cited and referenced.
This is a scholarly reflection and so, the reflection is based on
learning knowledge of joy and
happiness, including theory and research. Papers should include
a minimum of 2 research-
based articles and at least 1 theory-based articles related to joy,
happiness, mindfulness, and
other learning done over the term (i.e., lectures). NOTE: Papers
are not a summary of the
logs – they are a reflection on the practice experiences over the
Strict APA format required for this scholarly reflection paper.
If you have questions about APA, please check the APA 7th
Edition. Information is available @
Purdue Owl.
Requirements: APA format is a requirement for this paper B U
T NO ABSTRACT is required. A
title page and references are requirements. APA format for all
citations and reference page.
Paper length: The scholarly reflection paper body will a
maximum of 3 double-spaced pages
long plus or minus 10%, excluding title page and references.
The entire paper (including title
page and references) will be about 5 pages long.
Presentation: Spelling, proper punctuation, and readability in
terms of grammar and
presentation of ideas is expected.
See Int D 249, The Science of Joy and Happiness, Scholarly
Paper Rubric.

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1 Scholarly Reflection Paper STUDENT NAME

  • 1. 1 Scholarly Reflection Paper STUDENT NAME Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta INT D 249: The Science of Joy & Happiness Karen A. Sylte DATE 2 Scholarly Reflection Paper Up until recently, I knew that mindfulness had benefits, but I never knew their extent. I also believed I didn’t have time for mindfulness, and that it wasn’t something I should make a
  • 2. part of my daily routine. This class has taught me that in fact is not true. Mindfulness has so many positive benefits, and many reasons why mindfulness is a great addition to daily routines. Mindfulness has been suggested to improve mental health and well-being, resiliency, as well as cognition, executive control, and attention, which is highlighted in a study by Yakobi et al. (2020). It can also help cultivate feelings of happiness and joy and lead to its pursuit, as well as reduce stress. An 8-week mindfulness-based study was done by Hjeltnes et al. (2015) which evaluated university students, and one of the findings was that during the practice period students reported they were able to find inner calmness when dealing with stress and anxiety. While I was doing the practices, I noticed this feeling as well. Although I was stressed, I was able to calm myself and relax more than I had previously been able to. Also, when I first started doing the practices in this class or mindfulness practices in the past, I believed that my brain always had to be completely blank and I should not be focusing on anything else, and I would get frustrated if I
  • 3. started having other thoughts. However, I have since learned that mindfulness is “moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness...paying attention in a specific non-reactively, as non-judgmentally, and as open-heartedly as possible” (Jon Kabat-Zinn, 2015). I learned it was okay to have other thoughts, and just let them be and realize what I was thinking and feeling instead of trying to control them. Throughout this paper, I will include a reflection on my experience, specifically my initial goals for the practices, as well as highlighting what I found went well for me and what did not, also my overall motivation and dedication to the practices, and a goal for the future. 3 Reflection on my goals The first goal I set was: to do the mindfulness activities alone in my room, in a comfortable position, with my headphones, every day in the
  • 4. evening around 9:00 pm before I go to bed. I succeeded at completing the mindfulness practices every day, with my headphones, in a comfortable position, however, the time when I would do them would change. Some days I would do it earlier in the evening, or later in the night, and once I tried doing it in the morning. The second goal I set was: to complete the practice logs by setting aside a few minutes of my time every day right after doing the activities to ensure I truly remembered how I was feeling. I was able to complete the logs and accurately document how I was feeling, although some days I wouldn’t do them until later or even the next day, so I was not successful with that aspect of my goal. The third goal I set was: to do the required readings every Sunday afternoon, and ensure my full focus is on them before the next week of learning for the next eight weeks to be successful and stay on top of the workload. I managed to stay on top of the readings and the workload so I was successful in that area, however, I did not do the readings all in one Sunday
  • 5. for each week. Instead, I spread them out across the week and found a time when I was able to instead of trying to cram them all into one Sunday plus my other classes. What went well, what didn't, what I might change I found that what went well for me was being consistent with the practices, and learning to be more open-minded towards different types of practice. What I found didn’t go so well was remembering to log everything. Something I might change in the future would be to try and do mindfulness practices in the morning instead of the evening since I found some evenings I would forget and end up staying up late, or I was really tired. I also want to try more different types of 4 practice. Hjeltnes et al. (2015) propose that formal mindfulness practices (e.g. body scans or pause practices) should be combined with informal mindfulness practices (e.g. mindful walking,
  • 6. cleaning, eating) in order to get the most out of mindfulness and better incorporate mindfulness into the daily routine. I plan to integrate more informal mindfulness practices into my day, in hopes of mindfulness becoming more of a normality since it still feels like a separate part of my day rather than happening naturally. Motivation and dedication Overall, my motivation and dedication to practice were well. I struggled at the beginning with dedication, some days I forgot to do the practices. However, once I set reminders on my phone and whiteboard and settled into a routine, the practices came naturally and became a part of my daily schedule. Some days when I was super busy though, I found it difficult to find time, but I would manage to always squeeze in a practice somewhere, even if that meant opting for a 5-minute pause practice versus a 15-minute body scan. I noticed at some points I lacked motivation, such as in the beginning, during midterms, and during reading week, but I would remind myself of the benefits that mindfulness would bring me,
  • 7. like stress reduction, calmness, and pursuing/being happier, and that would bring me back on track. Future goal A long term goal for my future joy and happiness includes continuing with mindfulness practices, whether formal or informal, such as getting an app for formal practices as well as just doing activities that make me happy and reduce my stress for the next semester, and throughout the rest of my years in university. 5 References Hjeltnes, A., Binder, P., Moltu, C., & Dundas, I. (2015). Facing the fear of failure: An explorative qualitative study of client experiences in a mindfulness-based stress reduction program for university students with academic evaluation anxiety. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 10(1).
  • 8. Kabat-Zinn, J. (2015). Mindfulness. Mindfulness 6(6), 1481– 1483. Yakobi, O., Smilek, D. & Danckert, J. (2021). The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Attention, Executive Control and Working Memory in Healthy Adults: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 45(4), 543–560. Question 1 Provide an example about how people specializing in their areas of comparative advantage benefits you in your day-to-day life. Classmate 1 In the automotive industry, they have an assembly line. Each person or machine is specialized in making one piece of a car. This makes the process of making a car quicker and easier to mass-produce. This helps our day-to-day life because it makes cars less expensive to buy because one person didn't have to make a car all by themselves. Classmate 2 A construction crew felt like a good example to me. If you are
  • 9. having a house built, the person that is responsible for putting the walls up is most likely not the same person who is putting the roof on. Making sure that your construction crew has someone who specializes in each area of a house build wi ll make the process go faster and cause better profits for the company. Question2 Generally speaking, marginal utility decreases as the number of units consumed increases. Can you think of a product where this decline in marginal utility is particularly sharp? Why is this? Classmate 1 Two products that have a sharp decline in marginal utility are stoves and microwaves. This is because usually, families only have one stove and one microwave in their homes. Having more than one of either seems a bit too much. Mainly being because they would only really use one stove and in the current time sometimes getting food to go or delivered is more convenient, so they might not use a stove as much. As for a microwave, there would not really be a need for two unless they rather not wait in between items to reheat. Though of course there might be some places that can need more than one stove or microwave. Classmate 2 I think of tvs as having a very sharp decline in marginal utility. Many people put tvs in their homes for look and shows because it can make the room pop and stand out. Having one or two tvs is reasonable because tvs can be very expensive based on the one you get, but having more than 3 or so can be very excessive and costly since tv services are going up to based on how many tvs a person has in the household. Question 3 The textbook describes how, over some range of output, economies of scale exist in the production of cars. Provide
  • 10. another example of an industry that experiences economies of scale? What factors lead to these economies of scale? Classmate1 An example of an industry that experiences economies of scales is supermarkets. For instance, think of Walmart. Walmart, as do other big supermarkets, has a big purchasing power, meaning that they can buy a large quantity of things at one time, or in other words, they can buy things in bulk. And buying things in bulk means that things can be purchased at a lower price. In addition, because they are able to buy things in bulk, they are also able to get delivery fees at a better price. As stated above, the factor that leads to these economies of scale is that supermarkets can purchase material in bulk and reduce the cost of delivery/ transportation. Classmate 2 When I think of economies of scale, I think of lawncare and landscaping businesses. More like lawncare. In lawncare, they work very hard for most of the year, but during the winter months, these workers and businesses don't have any yards to work on because of the weather brings low demand for lawn care. So all of these workers in the business are hurt because they have nothing to do for those months. As the more lawns you work on, the more workers you need. When the season is done, you have all the workers but no yards.
  • 11. Joy and Happiness Project Plan
  • 12. As an international student at the school, the learning content and environment we are exposed to are very different from our actual experiences. So when we integrated into the life of all English, it made me feel very stressed, and it was challenging to find a way to release the stress, especially during the epidemic. Due to the epidemic outbreak, no one could go out at will, and the method of communication between my friends and I became constrained. Such inability to meet and go out often led to an estrangement between friends. During this period, I often felt lonely, the pressure became great, and I could not release my emotions properly. Therefore, I want to learn how to manage and control myself and learn skills to improve my happiness and happiness through this course. When I finished the first activity in the project map, I was a little lost, and I could not concentrate well; because I had never tried these activities, such as meditation, it took me a lot of time to relax. I often give up when I am doing my work; others easily influence me, so doing exercises And activities is a big challenge. My first plan is to set an alarm clock at 10 in the morning and make a schedule to remind me to do exercises in a place without any disturbance after class every day; I will record it until it becomes my habit of life. The second plan is based on my major of "drawing and Design" because I need to finish my work in my studio at six o 'clock every night. After I finish my career, I can let myself do the activities in the project map because these activities can be very effective for me to relax, and it is easy to let me insist. The third plan is to record my daily activities by video at 10 pm and put them on social software such as Tik Tok; this plan is the most interesting. It can supervise me and also let me see the changes in the process.
  • 13. Even after the course, I can continue to record my life on social software. How to communicate effectively with my partner,I have reached an agreement with my partner this week. We made adequate planning and reasonable time allocation. In standard times, we use WeChat every weekend around 7 am, but it depends on when we finish dinner; If something happens over the weekend that prevents us from meeting online, we move it up to 7 pm Friday. It is also an excellent way to supervise and encourage each other. Regarding the "Authentic Happiness Inventory," my score is 1.96 out of 5, which is indeed a bit low for me. On the "Via character'' website, I measured results that I didn't expect. On “Via charter“, The results I measured were unexpected; In terms of the proportion of my personality, my seven advantages are Honesty, Airness, Kindness, Humor, Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence, and Gratitude. The last one is Teamwork; When the test result came out, I was a little happy and saw that I needed to improve my love and learning. This website is beneficial for me because it enables me to understand my personality better. In the end, I hope that the grades I can achieve in this course are as high as possible. "A+" is my ideal, and I will also try my best to match my ideals. Int D 249: Practice logs my joy and happiness project first/last name______________ WEEK # and DATE (log every day of the week) Mindfulness:
  • 14. Type & number of Minutes Practiced Daily mindfulness REFLECTION: While engaged in this activity, what did I notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions (HEART) Brain (thoughts) Body (sensations) Heart (Emotions) Example Week 1 Sun/Sep 5 Example: Body Scan Mind wandered, thought about work, thought about friends, wondered when this would end Headache, sore right toe, eyebrow twitching Sadness, loneliness Week 1 Mon/Jan 24 Pause-5mins Eat one mindful meal-10 mins My brain is in mess, thought about project, thought epidemic, thought when epidemic end Tired, Low back pain, Headache Worried, High pressure. Week 1 Tues/Jan 25 Pause-5mins Eat one mindful meal-12 mins Thought my relationship and how to make new friends Lack of sleep, Headaches, Sore eyes
  • 15. Loneliness Week 1 Wed/Jan 26 Pause-5mins Eat one mindful meal-10 mins Mind wandered, thought about my study, thought my work and how to finish it. Still lack of sleep, Headaches Sensitive, high pressure Week 1 Thur/Jan 27 Pause-5mins Eat one mindful meal-10 mins Thought the meaning of life, thought future Headaches Confused, Week 1 Fri/Jan 28 Pause-5mins Eat one mindful meal-15 mins Nothing to thought, my brain empty. Little tired Calmness Week 1 Sat/Jan 29 Pause-5mins Eat one mindful meal-13 mins Thought should I going outside or doing some activities Have some energy Happy, Full of vitality Week 1 Sun/ Jan 30 Pause-5mins Eat one mindful meal-10 mins Thought study, thought a new week is coming Tired, fatigue, Eyes acid
  • 16. Nervous and hopeful WEEK # and DATE (one entry per day) Joy and Happiness Activity Type and length of time practiced Joy and Happiness Activity REFLECTION: While engaged or after completing this activity, what did I notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions (HEART) Example: Week 1 Sept 5/21 Gratitude Brain (Thoughts) Thought about how lucky I am Body (Sensations) Warmth Heart (Emotions) Calmness, contentment Week 1 Mon/Jan 24 Honesty Thought If the world were full of honest people, it must avoid many troubles Warmth Contentment, Happiness Week 1 Tues/Jan 25 Justice Thought justice is very important on each area. Thought about how lucky I am a justice people
  • 17. Comfortable, warmth Touched, Righteous Week 1 Wed /Jan 26 Kindness Thought I am really enjoying being a humanity people, kindness can change people’s attitude A little bit tired, hands pain Hopeful, Happiness and Warm heat Week 1 Thur/Jan 27 Humor Thought if you have a humor and happy friend, your life will be filled with happiness and laugh Facial muscle pain Pleasant Week 1 Fri/Jan 28 Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence Though there are many special things we need to find and explore Hands pain, neck uncomfortable Energetic, Pleased Week 1 Sat/Jan 29 Gratitude Though everyone need have gratitude and I am pleasured to be a gratitude guy Warmth and body comfortable Happiness, joy and Energetic Week 1
  • 18. Sun/Jan 30 Wisdom Thought about how lucky I am a wisdom people that help me to solve many problems and doing new things Headaches, neck pain Proud What was the most challenging parts of your practices this week? What might you do differently next time? The most challenging things is to use my character strength, that part is easy but also difficult, because I am not sure when and where can use my character strength, and how to express my thought. There is a different between daily life and hand- write things. Also, the language is a big challenging for me, English is not my first language, so there are many problems when I am doing my work. The next time, I will try to touch different area and friends; maybe I can use same character strength to do different things, I believe it will produce different thought and emotion.
  • 19. WEEK # and DATE (log every day of the week) Mindfulness: Type & number of Minutes Practiced Daily mindfulness REFLECTION: While engaged in this activity, what did I notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions (HEART) Brain (thoughts) Body (sensations) Heart (Emotions) Week 2 Mon/Jan 31
  • 20. Body Scan-15mins Thought my homework and Art & Design project Neck pain, Headaches Stressful Week 2 Tues/Feb 1 Body Scan-15mins Thought when I can finish my things and what to do for the next class Shortness of breath Still stressful and nerves Week 2 Wed/Feb 2 Body Scan-12mins Though when I graduate Headaches and stomach pain Depressed, Sensitive Week 2 Thur/Feb 3 Body Scan-12mins Thought presentation, thought quiz and dinner time Stomach uncomfortable Unhappy Week 2 Fri/Feb 4 Body Scan-10mins Though what is my favourite things during the epidemic Eyes pain Sleepy, fatigue Week 2Sat/Feb 5 Body Scan-10mins Thought my friends’ birthday gift Neck and the lumbar spine pain Hopeful, Enjoying
  • 21. Week 2 Sun/Feb 6 Body Scan-15mins Thought next week schedule and my part-time job The lumbar spine pain Lonely WEEK # and DATE (one entry per day) Joy and Happiness Activity Type and length of time practiced Joy and Happiness Activity REFLECTION: While engaged or after completing this activity, what did I notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions (HEART) Example: Week 2 Sept 5/21 Gratitude Brain (Thoughts) Thought about how lucky I am Body (Sensations) Warmth Heart (Emotions) Calmness, contentment Week 2 Mon/Jan 31 1.Thanks for my professor to give me one chance to drawing. 2. Thanks for my friends to teach me. 3.Thanks for my old friend call me and encourage me. 4.Thanks for my boyfriend give me a surprise.
  • 22. 5.Thanks for my cats give me a warm. Thought I have a choice to choose University of Alberta and I meet lots of good people. Warmth Thankful, happiness Week 2 Tues/Feb 1 1.Thanks for my boyfriend help me to move new apartment. 2.Thanks for my parent gave me best wishes for New Year. 3.Thanks for my friend treat me to dinner on New Year's Eve. 4. Thanks for my neighbor gave a new year gift. 5.Thanks for my manager gave me a red envelope Thought about I still have lots of friend. Thought my family, I miss them so much. Thought traditional Chinese New Year. Comfortable, warmth but neck pain Excited, satisfied Week 2 Wed /Feb 2 1. Thanks for new renter receive my package and gave me back. 2. Thanks for my cats give me lots of fun. 3.Thanks for my friends told me a new movie and watched with me. 4. Thanks for my friend to make a bubble milk tea, delicious. 5. Thanks for rent office solve my problem. Thought about there are many kind friends and people help me to do something, they are very nice. Hands pain, stomach uncomfortable but still warmth Warm heart Week 2 Thur/Feb 3 1. Thanks for my boyfriend to help me assemble the furniture。 2. Thanks for driver take my furniture and sent it to me.
  • 23. 3.Thanks for my manager understand me and gave me more time to relax. 4.Thanks for restaurant make a delicious hot pot. 5.Thanks for restaurant gave me discount. Thought about the food and my job. Thought how to thanks for people who helps me Muscle pain, throat pain Happiness, Excited and Enjoying Week 2 Fri/Feb 4 1. Thanks for my boyfriend taking care of me when I was sick. 2. Thanks for my friend gave me medicine. 3. Thanks for bed give me a warm place. 4. Thanks for my professor gave me time to delay my due date. 5. Thanks for hospital help me to take a test Thought about my health. Thought Covid-19. Good news is not Covid-19. Hands pain, throat pain, the lumbar spine pain. Whole body uncomfortable Sadness, Fatigue, Uncomfortable Week 2 Sat/Feb 5 1. Thanks for my classmate told me what I missed. 2. Thanks for my parent called me and care about me. 3.Thanks for my partner changed the meeting time. 4. Thanks for my boyfriend always by my side. 5.Thanks for my friend help me feed cats. Thought about how lucky I am. Thought my homework. Thought a good and health body. Thought when I am feeling good what I want to do. Still pain on throat, lumbar spine, and stomach. Touched, hopeful. Week 2Sun/Feb 6
  • 24. 1. Thanks for my friends take me to shopping. 2.Thanks for my boyfriend take breath with me. 3. Thanks for my classmate remind me the important date. 4. Thanks for stranger to helping me carry my bag. 5. Thanks for stranger waiting for me on the elevator. Thought my surrounding. Thought about helping people is important. Thought thanks for people, thanks for things. I am so lucky living in here. Hands and feet ache. Neck pain. Contentment, Thankful. In my life, Thankful is important for me. When you feel grateful for the first time, you will feel warm inside, and you will even feel that it makes your life positive instead of complaining. After these seven days of gratitude, you will remember that there are many good people in the world。They help you, whether it is friends, family, teachers, or strangers. This is a positive influence, it brings us is spiritual help, help you to develop in a better direction. You think, this is a wonderful world, nice people in your life.
  • 25. WEEK # and DATE (log every day of the week) Mindfulness: Type & number of Minutes Practiced Daily mindfulness REFLECTION: While engaged in this activity, what did I notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions (HEART) Brain (thoughts) Body (sensations) Heart (Emotions) Week 3 Mon/Feb 7 Breath Awareness practice-10mins Thought about my Art class Neck pain Sensitive Week 3 Tues/Feb 8 Breath Awareness practice-10mins Thought about my friendship Still neck pain Calming Week 3 Wed/Feb 9
  • 26. Breath Awareness practice-10mins Thought about my relationship with my boyfriend stomach pain Sensitive and lonely Week 3 Thur/Feb 10 Breath Awareness practice-10mins Thought about making a breakfast myself The lumbar spine pain Calming Week 3 Fri/Feb 11 Breath Awareness practice-10mins Thought about drinking with my friends and boyfriend tonight Headache Sleepy Week 3 Sat/Feb 12 Breath Awareness practice-10mins Thought about going to grocery shopping later Legs acid Joyful Week 3 Sun/Feb 13 Breath Awareness practice-10mins Thought about my homework which is due tomorrow, but I haven’t start ye Eyes pain Nerves WEEK # and DATE (one entry per day) Joy and Happiness Activity Type and length of time practiced
  • 27. Joy and Happiness Activity REFLECTION: While engaged or after completing this activity, what did I notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions (HEART) Brain (thoughts) Body (sensations) Heart (Emotions) Week 3 Mon/Feb 7 Sleep - 8hours Thought about sleep quantity A little dizzy A bit confused because it is a new start of a week Week 3 Tues/Feb 8 Sleep – 8.5hours Though how can I get good sleep today Headache Stressful but the good relationship with my friends makes me feel delighted Week 3 Wed/Feb 9 Sleep - 9hours Thought about how improved my skill Relaxed Less stressful Week 3 Thur/Feb 10 Sleep - 8hours Thought about what time should I need to sleep
  • 28. Stomach is uncomfortable Feeling of expectation Week 3 Fri/Feb 11 Sleep - 9hour Thought about my sleep quantity is better than before Relaxed but still sleepy Delighted Week 3 Sat/Feb 12 Sleep – 7.5hour Thought about if I have good sleep what influences me Sore throat Warm and happy Week 3 Sun/Feb 13 Sleep - 8hour Thought about sleep is very important things in people’s life Throat still has a bit pain, but my head is clear A bit stressful I think people have good sleep that is significant, when I sleep lack 7 hours, my body feels bad and uncomfortable and the second day, you’re feel spaced out, you feel tired, and you're not have any vitality. But when you sleep arrived 7 hours, even 9 hours, your emotion and body feel good, you don’t have any negative thought, you will be more energetic and motivated to do something, and you'll be more focused.
  • 29. WEEK # and DATE (log every day of the week) Mindfulness: Type & number of Minutes Practiced Daily mindfulness REFLECTION: While engaged in this activity, what did I notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions (HEART) Brain (thoughts) Body (sensations) Heart (Emotions) Week 4 Mon/Feb 14 Mindful Yoga practice- 15mins Thought about the new week is start, what is my plan Back pain Calming Week 4 Tues/Feb 15 Mindful Yoga practice- 20mins Thought about Yoga, why yoga is so difficult! Neck pain, back pain, legs, arms acid Feeling good Week 4 Wed/Feb 16 Mindful Yoga practice- 22mins Thought about Yoga is the good way to keep health and have good emotion
  • 30. Still neck pain and back pain A little bit tired, fatigue Week 4 Thur/Feb 17 Mindful Yoga practice- 15mins Thought about same way to let me relax, like dancing. Muscles pain and acid Calming, happiness Week 4 Fri/Feb 18 Mindful Yoga practice- 15mins It is hard to keep practice every day, want to give up Muscles pain Sleepy and fatigue Week 4 Sat/Feb 19 Mindful Yoga practice- 25mins Thought about my next day planning Body feels good Joyful, calming Week 3 Sun/Feb 20 Mindful Yoga practice- 20mins Though what is the next practice, I love it Body still feels good but muscles a little pain Hopeful calming WEEK # and DATE (one entry per day) Joy and Happiness Activity Type and length of time practiced Joy and Happiness Activity REFLECTION: While engaged or after completing this activity, what did I notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS)
  • 31. and my emotions (HEART) Brain (thoughts) Body (sensations) Heart (Emotions) Week 4 Mon/Feb 14 Walk- 20mins Thought about the Edmonton’s weather. Relax Calming Week 3 Tues/Feb 15 Walk- 25mins Though there are many beautiful places I didn’t find before Breathe easy, body relax Happiness, enjoying Week 4 Wed/Feb 16 Walk- 30mins Thought about next time I need to take photo; I want to share with my friends Foot pain, neck feels stress Less stressful, joyful Week 4 Thur/Feb 17 Run-15mins Thought about weather, it is cold today. I need to wear more. I want to buy a puppy that is so cute. Foot still pains but better than before Feeling of expectation
  • 32. Week 4 Fri/Feb 18 Walk- 20mins Thought about I need to walk with my boyfriends, take him to somewhere and take photo Body feels good A little bit lonely but still happy Week 4 Sat/Feb 19 Walk- 20mins Thought about there are many things i want to share with my parents, I want to tell them what is beautiful in Edmonton. Cold, neck pain Happiness Week 4 Sun/Feb 20 Walk- 30mins Thought about I hate to run but I love to walk outside. I hope the weather good every day. Breathe easy Joyful, feeling of expectation When I walk outside, I saw there are many nice place and good environment. Those I never saw it, because of pandemic, I walk outside just few times, so I missed lots of things. The best thing is I make friends when I went to park, there are many dogs here, I love pets, I enjoy playing with them. When you saw people’s smile face you will feel happiness. Actually, I hate sport, but I love this practice. WEEK # and DATE (log every day of the week) Mindfulness: Type & number of Minutes Practiced
  • 33. Daily mindfulness REFLECTION: While engaged in this activity, what did I notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions (HEART) Brain (thoughts) Body (sensations) Heart (Emotions) Week 5 Mon/Feb 21 Mindful Yoga practice- 20mins Thought about travel, thought about reading week planning Body relaxes Calming and happiness Week 5 Tues/Feb 22 Mindful Yoga practice- 20mins Thought about should I drink tonight, and what is the best gift for my friend’s birthday Breathe easy, but sometimes headaches Sleepy but joyful Week 5 Wed/Feb 23 Mindful Yoga practice- 15mins Thought about I still have project didn’t finished Back pain and headaches A little bit tired and stressful Week 5 Thur/Feb 24 Mindful Yoga practice- 15mins Thought about the next exam time and homework due date Breathe hard
  • 34. Sadness, fearful Week 5 Fri/Feb 25 Mindful Yoga practice- 15mins Time is so fast; I don’t believe today is Friday Neck pain Sleepy Week 5 Sat/Feb 26 Mindful Yoga practice- 20mins Thought about graduate, I want to apply another course to transfer grade. Tinnitus Depressed Week 5 Sun/Feb 27 Mindful Yoga practice- 20mins Thought about the end of reading week, there are many homework I need to do, so many things. Breathe hard, lack sleep Nerves, fatigue WEEK # and DATE (one entry per day) Joy and Happiness Activity Type and length of time practiced Joy and Happiness Activity REFLECTION: While engaged or after completing this activity, what did I notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions (HEART) Brain (thoughts) Body (sensations)
  • 35. Heart (Emotions) Week 5 Mon/Feb 21 Walk- 15 mins Thought about what I must do for my study next week Relax, breathe easy Calming Week 5 Tues/Feb 22 Walk- 25mins Thought about what gift I am going to buy for my best friend. Breathe easy. Throat pain Calming Week 5 Wed/Feb 23 Eat dinner- 1hour Thought about how to lose my weight and keep my health Eyes infection stressful, Week 5 Thur/Feb 24 Walk -15mins Thought about the stupid things I have done last month Neck pain Depressed Week 5 Fri/Feb 25 Rest - 30mins Thought about what topic of the picture I need to draw for my major. Lack of sleep
  • 36. A little bit lonely Week 5 Sat/Feb 26 Thinking - 20mins Thought about what I can do in the following summer break Relax Happiness, joyful Week 5 Sun/Feb 27 Dancing- 1hour Thought about how I can do better on dancing balance Breathe hard, legs acid Tired, fatigue, sleepy I enrolled five courses in this term, so I have big stress, but when I finished this practice, I feel better than before, that is helpful. It is good way to release my pressure, before I take this course, I never try doing some yoga and walk outside every day, but this term, it encourage me to do it and give me positive life. WEEK # and DATE (log every day of the week) Mindfulness: Type & number of Minutes Practiced Daily mindfulness REFLECTION: While engaged in this activity, what did I notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions (HEART) Brain (thoughts)
  • 37. Body (sensations) Heart (Emotions) Week 6 Mon/Feb 28 Body scan-15mins Thought about midterm, my grade Headache, Tinnitus Stressful Week 6 Tues/March 1 Body scan-15mins Thought about looking for a new part time job. Neck pain Sleepy Week 6 Wed/March 2 Body scan-15mins Thought about planning to snowboarding in Banff Comfortable Calming Week 6 Thur/March 3 Body scan-15mins Thought about how to raise my academic efficiency Headache, hand acid Confusing WEEK # and DATE (one entry per day) Joy and Happiness Activity Type and length of time practiced Joy and Happiness Activity REFLECTION:
  • 38. While engaged or after completing this activity, what did I notice about my thinking (BRAIN), my body (SENSATIONS) and my emotions (HEART) Brain (thoughts) Body (sensations) Heart (Emotions) Week 6 Mon/Feb 28 Turn my phone off when I eat a meal Thought about I can’t leave my phone Relax Boring, unhappy Week 6 Tues/March 1 Turn my phone off when I eat a meal Thought about why I am always hungry. why the phone is important for young people Hungry, stomach pain Confusing,nerves Week 6 Wed/March 2 Turn my phone off when I eat a meal Thought about why my boss always chattering for little things Headaches, arms acid Angry and embarrassed Week 6 Thur/March 3 Turn my phone off when I eat a meal Thought about what things can instead of the phone, what topic I need to talk with my friend
  • 39. Feels not bad but tired Depressed, confusing, lonely For this week's practice, I couldn't do it well because it was very difficult. Mobile phone is an important role for me, it gives me a sense of security, when I leave the mobile phone, I will be nervous. But turning your phone off while you're eating is a good start. You'll be really focused on the meal, and you'll want to talk to the people next to you instead of picking up your phone to play instead of communicating. Turning your phone off is a good start, but it's also the hardest part. I think the best part of this exercise is that it made me seriously think about the negative effects of mobile phones on us, the emotional changes caused when we leave them because we are too dependent on them. I hope one day I can use it for less time. INT D 249/WIN2022 KASYLTE/University of Alberta© Scholarly Reflection Paper/IntD249/KASylte Purpose: Int D 249, The Science of Joy and Happiness Scholarly Reflection Paper Assignment (20%) The purpose of the scholarly reflection paper is to review and evaluate the happiness project
  • 40. plan, and the practices required over this term. This reflection will involve a re-examination of your initial project plan and personal goals for practice, your overall motivation to practice over the term, and your dedication to practices. Reflect on how well you completed your plan with a review of what went well, what did not go well and what you might change in the future related to im plem enting joy and happiness activities and practices. One simple goal for your future joy and happiness should be included. Joy and happiness theory and research related to your experience should be referred to throughout the paper as justifications for claims. All refer ences including lectures must be cited and referenced. Format: This is a scholarly reflection and so, the reflection is based on learning knowledge of joy and happiness, including theory and research. Papers should include a minimum of 2 research- based articles and at least 1 theory-based articles related to joy, happiness, mindfulness, and other learning done over the term (i.e., lectures). NOTE: Papers are not a summary of the logs – they are a reflection on the practice experiences over the term. Presentation:
  • 41. Strict APA format required for this scholarly reflection paper. If you have questions about APA, please check the APA 7th Edition. Information is available @ Purdue Owl. Requirements: APA format is a requirement for this paper B U T NO ABSTRACT is required. A title page and references are requirements. APA format for all citations and reference page. Paper length: The scholarly reflection paper body will a maximum of 3 double-spaced pages long plus or minus 10%, excluding title page and references. The entire paper (including title page and references) will be about 5 pages long. Presentation: Spelling, proper punctuation, and readability in terms of grammar and presentation of ideas is expected. Marking See Int D 249, The Science of Joy and Happiness, Scholarly Paper Rubric.