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1. How did the case study impact your thoughts about your own
2. What were your thoughts and observations as you created
your own balance sheet?
3. How might the balance sheet help you in future financial
4. How close to reality do you think your estimated personal
cash flow statement will be if you track your actual income and
expenses for a month?
1. It gave me the desire to track my finances more closely and
objectively. I liked how we can determine our net worth through
some simple calculations and our inflows and outflows per
month. Generally, I rely on simple finance apps like
Mint to track my finances. Currently, I do not create
monthly budgets, but I now believe such action could be
2. I know that I have more assets than I am counting in the
excel sheet. Therefore, my net worth is potentially higher. I also
have a variety of streaming platforms.
I would benefit from switching from one platform to another
month by month to save money. Streaming platforms are not a
significant expense. Currently, my most considerable expense is
transportation. Since gas prices are falling, this will help
increase my surplus.
3. Accounting is math: it either works or doesn’t. Each can be
traced from its inception (a sale, an expense, a money transfer)
to the line on the financial statement. Since I don’t have much
experience with financials, I try to seek out a mentor who is a
family member. A balance sheet will ensure that I am not
spending foolishly and ensure I am making appropriate
purchases within the limits I set for myself. Proper planning
will ensure I maximize my net worth.
4. It is important to consider cash flow when planning for the
. It is important to save money every month in order to
be able to make better financial decisions in the future. I hope
to use some investing approaches for beginners to purchase
funds without getting into debt. Most people underestimate how
much they truly spend in a month. Therefore, I am
underestimating how much I spend as well. I eat out quite a bit
with friends and family, so my restaurant bill for the holidays
might be higher than anticipated.
Foreign Policy Association
China and America
Author(s): David M. Lampton
Source: Great Decisions , 2018, (2018), pp. 35-46
Published by: Foreign Policy Association
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to Great Decisions
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Xi, Jinping, “Secure a Decisive Vic-
tory in Building a Moderately Prosper-
ous Society in All Respects and Strive
for the Great Success of Socialism with
Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.”
The Great Hall of the People of Beijing,
October 18, 2017. Available free online:
In this speech, delivered to over 2,000
Communist Party members at the 19th
Party Congress, Chinese President Xi Jin-
ping lays out plans for Chinese economic
and political development by 2050.
China and America:
the new geopolitical equation
by David M. Lampton
DAVID M. LAMPTON is Hyman Professor and Director of
China Studies at Johns Hopkins University—SAIS in Wash-
ington, DC. He is current Chairman of The Asia Foundation,
and past President of the National Committee on U.S.-China
Relations, and his most recent book is: Following the Lead-
er: Ruling China, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping (Uni-
versity of California Press, 2014). With two colleagues, he
is writing a book on Beijing’s railway building effort aimed
at connecting southern China to Southeast Asia. The views
expressed are his own and he wishes to thank Jill Huang and
Ji Zhaojin for their research assistance.
The U.S. and China were on an increasingly friction-
laden path even before China’s President Xi Jinping
took office five years ago. Problems have grown
since. Developments following the inauguration of U.S.
President Donald Trump have compounded uncertainties
and risks, though two presidential summits in 2017 had a pa-
tina of cooperation. For the last decade and a half, China has
implemented an expansive strategy of economic outreach
and growth of national capacities, including of military and
diplomatic power. What are the challenges and opportunities
for the U.S. in its relations with China? What can be done to
improve prospects for productively managing differences,
as the tectonic plates of global power shift?
During the 71 years spanning 1945–2016, the U.S. used
its dominant economic, military and ideological power,
along with that of its allies, to conceive of, build and support
global institutions, alliances and regimes that have contrib-
uted to international growth and tolerable peace. Ironically,
in so doing, the U.S. fostered the emergence of other power
centers. Predictably, these increasingly capable countries
now have growing ambitions and ability to pursue their
interests. China is notable in this regard as a geopolitical,
economic and security competitor with whom the U.S. will
increasingly have to negotiate cooperation. Still, Beijing is
not Washington’s biggest threat, and there are many potential
gains to be had from collaboration.
U.S. President Donald Trump (L) and Chinese President Xi
Jinping shake hands at a joint news conference held after their
meeting in
Beijing on November 9, 2017. (ARTYOM
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2 0 1 8
Before you read, download the compan-
ion Glossary that includes definitions
and a guide to acronyms and abbreviations
used in the article. Go to www.great and select a topic in the
Resources section on the right-hand side
of the page.
Power is relative, not absolute. In
2013, China’s global share of gross do-
mestic product (GDP) exceeded that of
the U.S. for the first time, as measured
by the World Bank. As late as 1990, the
U.S. could act more unilaterally than it
can today. At that time, it commanded
almost 21% of global GDP, compared
to today’s approximately 15.5%; Chi-
na, by contrast, possessed less than 4%
of global GDP compared to today’s
nearly 18% and growing.
External perceptions of power and
strength are also germane, particularly
in periods of crisis and transition. A
spring 2017 poll by the Pew Research
Center found that although more coun-
tries globally still name the U.S. as “the
world’s leading economic power” over
China, the gap is narrowing. Mean-
while, perceptions of U.S. economic
power have declined among most key
allies and trading partners, and a major-
ity of EU countries surveyed put the
U.S. in second place after China. Aus-
tralians believed that “China leads the
U.S. by a two-to-one margin.”
After years of protracted and cost-
ly entanglements all over the world,
there is evidently a dwindling supply
of political will in the U.S. for a global
leadership role. Nonetheless, the U.S.
possesses unique strengths, potential
and resilience that many Chinese pop-
ulists and nationalists underestimate.
Considering the U.S.’s modestly sized
population (about 323 million, com-
pared to China’s nearly 1.4 billion),
the country controls a remarkably out-
sized share of global GDP. In per capita
GDP terms (reflecting standard of liv-
ing for average citizens) the U.S. leads
China by a very considerable margin.
Moreover, as Arthur Kroeber, manag-
ing director of the global economic
research firm Gavekal Dragonomics,
points out, “In terms of [technology]
licensing value…the U.S. tech sector
is 60 times stronger than China’s.”
The image of China as an unstoppable
leviathan is overstated, and Beijing’s
leaders run the risk of overestimating
their own strength. Security anxieties
among China’s neighbors, engendered
by Beijing’s growing power, further
diminish the country’s economic in-
fluence. Washington’s challenge now
is to maintain its power share and play
its cards shrewdly. The wisest path
forward is for both countries to ne-
gotiate cooperation. The first step for
the U.S. is to get its domestic house
in order.
The state of play in Washington
Soon after taking office in January
2017, President Trump backed
off several elements of his campaign
rhetoric, at least temporarily, includ-
ing: protectionism expressed as threats
of dramatic tariff hikes; an inclination
to alter the long-standing “One China”
policy, by which the U.S. recognizes
Beijing as the official government of
China, rather than Taiwan’s govern-
ment, over which Beijing claims sov-
ereignty; and impulses toward conflict
in the South China Sea, where regional
states maintain competing territo-
rial claims. In addition, though Trump
continues to call for greater security
contributions from U.S. allies, he has
conveyed reassurances to partners that
Washington still values its alliances, in
particular the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization (NATO).
The first summit between President
Trump and President Xi was held in
April 2017 at Trump’s private Mar-a-
Lago resort in Florida. The two lead-
ers rejiggered the Barack Obama-era
(2009–17) Strategic and Economic
Dialogue by agreeing to establish four
parallel consultation mechanisms fo-
cusing on core economic, diplomatic,
security, cyber, and cultural and hu-
man rights frictions. A 100-day nego-
tiation period was initiated to address
economic disputes in finance and trade
SOURCE: World Bank, International Comparison Program
database *as measured in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
P* (IN
China vs. US Percentage of Global GDP
’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00 ’02 ’04 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16
US share of GDP
2016 World GDP:
$120.139 trillion
China share of GDP
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C H I N A A N D A M E R I C A 3
under the framework of the U.S.-China
Comprehensive Economic Dialogue,
and the presidents made efforts to
establish personal rapport and direct
There were less positive develop-
ments as well. Trump’s withdrawal from
the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) (the
massive trade pact negotiations be-
tween the U.S. and 11 other Pacific Rim
countries) three days after being sworn
into office, and his stated intention to
withdraw from the Paris Climate Agree-
ment, frayed the U.S.’s mantle as leader
on international institution-building
and interdependence issues. Washing-
ton’s partners in the TPP negotiations,
notably Japan, were left high and dry,
having made domestically painful
concessions to meet U.S. demands
that Washington then scuttled. Japan’s
Prime Minister Shinzō Abe (2006–07;
2012–present) soon sought to resurrect
the TPP without Washington, and major
progress in this direction was made in a
meeting of trade ministers in November
2017 in Danang, Vietnam, at which the
U.S. was not represented. In Germany,
Chancellor Angela Merkel (2005–pres-
ent) has sought to forge trade and other
relationships not based in U.S. central-
ity. In May 2017, following a Group of
Seven (G-7) summit, Merkel told one
audience that: “The era in which we
[Europeans] could fully rely on others
is over to some extent.”
In short, abundant chances to en-
hance China’s international leadership
have fallen into Beijing’s lap. President
Xi has already moved into the void to
champion economic globalization and
ecological responsibility. This was evi-
dent in a headline-grabbing speech at
the World Economic Forum in January
2017, in which he emphasized com-
mitment to “growing an open global
economy,” and noted that “no one will
emerge as a winner in a trade war.” In
his lengthy speech to China’s 19th Na-
tional Party Congress of the Communist
Party (hereafter, the Party Congress)
in October, he reaffirmed dedication
to environmental issues and a model
of sustainable development guided by
“harmonious co-existence between man
and nature.”
The North
Korea problem
When he left office in January 2017,
President Obama told President-elect
Trump that the most pressing national
security challenge he would face would
be North Korea’s efforts to advance its
nuclear and missile programs and to
threaten Asia-Pacific allies, U.S. re-
gional bases and even the continental
U.S. Moreover, this effort could ener-
gize a new round of nuclear prolifera-
tion in Asia, perhaps featuring the ac-
quisition of nuclear weapons by Japan
and South Korea. This would multiply
the number of such weapons, foster an
arms race and compound instabilities.
Pyongyang’s nuclear effort became
highly visible during the Bill Clinton
administration (1993–2001), continued
through the George W. Bush (2001–09)
and Obama periods, and landed in the
lap of President Trump. Not even a
year into Trump’s presidency, North
Korea has already tested missiles over
Japan and conducted its sixth nuclear
test, in September 2017. Over the last
two decades, there has been an unceas-
ing stream of conferences, multilateral
sanctions, interim deals, threats and
joint military exercises involving vari-
ous countries, but none of these efforts,
including periodic shows of disapprov-
al from Beijing, have deflected North
Korea from its chosen course. The rul-
ing Kim dynasty has demonstrated an
unshakeable commitment to acquiring
weapons of mass destruction, believing
that this is its “insurance policy” against
forcible removal from power. There
have been occasional glimmers of hope
that some formula for denuclearization
might be found and faithfully imple-
mented, but these efforts have failed
to get off the figurative launch pad, or
have blown up shortly after lift-off.
President Trump has communicated
that he believes his White House pre-
decessors were right to press Beijing to
ramp up pressure on North Korea, and
correct in their assessment that Beijing
had sufficient means to do so. Howev-
er, Trump also came into office feeling
strongly that past administrations had
not taken a sufficiently transactional ap-
proach with Beijing. He therefore sug-
gested that Washington would give Bei-
jing concessions in other areas—trade
and Taiwan among them—in exchange
for cooperation on North Korea. In one
post on the social media platform Twit-
ter, he wrote: “The United States is con-
sidering, in addition to other options,
stopping all trade with any country do-
ing business with North Korea.”
Presidents Trump and Xi initially
labored to reach economic accommo-
dations and cooperate on North Korean
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denuclearization, but the burden of
accumulating frictions soon weighed
more heavily. In June 2017, Washing-
ton sold Taiwan weapons and equip-
ment valued at $1.4 billion. The U.S.
Department of State’s 2017 Traffick-
ing in Persons Report “downgraded”
China (in human rights terms) and
the U.S. slapped secondary economic
sanctions on Chinese trading and cer-
tain financial entities (and individuals)
for directly or indirectly aiding North
Korean weapons programs. China’s
ambassador to the U.S., Cui Tiankai,
responded: “[Attempts] to create le-
verage against China on the Korean
nuclear issue by challenging China on
Taiwan and the South China Sea are
equally destructive.” The ambassador
went on to say that “secondary sanc-
tions imposed by the U.S. on Chinese
entities and individuals according to
U.S. domestic laws are also not ac-
ceptable.” In both Congress and the
executive branch, moves were made
and are now underway to subject Chi-
nese foreign direct investment (FDI) in
the U.S. to more scrutiny, to constrain
technology flows to China and to fight
forced technology transfer provisions
imposed on U.S. firms seeking market
access in China. The White House has
called on the U.S. Trade Representa-
tive to “investigate” China’s practices
in these regards. In August 2017, more
secondary sanctions were imposed on
Beijing with respect to North Korea.
In early September, the United Na-
tions (UN) Security Council (UNSC)
imposed additional sanctions on North
Korea with the backing of China and
Russia, though they watered down U.S.
proposals before agreeing.
One reason for this seesaw in rela-
tions with Beijing is that the Trump
administration effectively attempted
to outsource its North Korea policy
to China. The fundamental obstacle
to this approach remains that China
opposes actions that would destabi-
lize, much less topple, the regime in
Pyongyang. Beijing has consistently
shown that two principles govern its
North Korea policy. First, it oppos-
es North Korea becoming a nuclear
weapons-capable country. Second,
it will not put sufficient pressure on
Pyongyang to risk North Korea’s col-
lapse. Beijing does not want unrest in
North Korea spilling into northeast
China. It wants a buffer state between
itself and South Korea (and U.S. forc-
es there), and leverage over Washing-
ton. Successive Chinese leaders have
adhered to these priorities despite
periodic slaps in the face by the Kim
dynasty. Beijing sustained this posture
during the November 2017 Trump-Xi
summit: Vice Foreign Minister Zheng
Zeguang told reporters that China
wanted to “maintain [note: not in-
crease] pressure regarding the nuclear
activities” of North Korea and “pro-
mote peaceful resolution of the issue
through dialogue and negotiation.”
While Beijing did in fact interrupt
North Korean currency-earning coal
exports to China in the first quarter of
2017, its overall trade with Pyongyang
grew 37.4% over the same period in
2016. Though Beijing joined the other
four members of the UNSC in impos-
ing new sanctions, it carefully avoided
affecting its ongoing deals and exports
to Pyongyang. China’s northeastern
provinces have interests in North Ko-
rea and resist shutting down their trade
there. Shipping through Hong Kong to
North Korea continues to be an impor-
tant hole in the sanctions dike.
In short, China is doing just enough
to avoid rupture with Washington,
without doing so much as to endanger
North Korea’s survival. With the limits
to China’s will and capacity to change
North Korea’s behavior revealed, what
will the White House do? What hap-
pens if Beijing comes to be seen by
Washington as proactively undermin-
ing U.S. efforts?
In a remarkable June 2017 tweet,
the U.S. president conceded that de-
pending on China to bring North Ko-
rea to heel had not worked: “While I
greatly appreciate the efforts of Presi-
dent Xi & China to help with North
Korea,” he wrote, “it has not worked
out. At least I know China tried!” U.S.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson put a
more hopeful cast on things, saying:
“We have not given up hope” and ex-
pressing the intention of the U.S. to
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C H I N A A N D A M E R I C A 3
wage a “peaceful pressure campaign
[on North Korea].” Shortly thereafter,
the president ratcheted up pressure.
“I am very disappointed in China,”
he tweeted. “Our foolish past leaders
have allowed them to make hundreds
of billions of dollars a year in trade,
yet they do NOTHING for us with
North Korea…We will no longer al-
low this to continue.” During Presi-
dent Trump’s first trip to China in No-
vember 2017, he took a more concil-
iatory tone, proclaiming the “mutual
commitment” of the two presidents to
the denuclearization of North Korea.
Of the numerous reasons that
Trump’s approach has not borne fruit,
three are dominant. First, Pyongyang
is able to resist potentially lethal pres-
sure from China. Second, for Beijing,
a nuclearized peace on the Korean Pen-
insula is preferable to war there. And
third, while President Trump has gy-
rated on whether the U.S. approach to
Pyongyang should rely on force or dia-
logue, the Chinese have never wavered
in their aversion to the use of force to
denuclearize North Korea.
Consequently, the current U.S. ad-
ministration is left with the same stark
choices as its predecessors, except
that Trump has staked even more on
the issue and North Korea is further
down its deliverable nuclear weapons
path. Washington has never attacked
a nuclear-capable country. The U.S.’s
options—none of them ideal—fall into
three categories:
n 1. Implicitly or explicitly accept that
North Korea has nuclear weapons and
deter Pyongyang from using them, as
was done with the Soviet Union and
China. This approach has two variants:
One is to seek to negotiate a freeze in
North Korean warhead and missile
levels and testing (with verification),
and negotiate a peace agreement. The
second option is simply to establish a
deterrent relationship without official
agreements—just the promise of cer-
tain destruction if weapons are used or
n 2. Persist in a policy of tightening
sanctions, knowing that there are lim-
its to the pressure China will apply on
North Korea and that North Korea has
a seemingly endless capacity to endure
such punitive measures. In this scenar-
io, Pyongyang continues to build more
warheads and develop their means of
n 3. Use force to try to destroy North
Korea’s nuclear capacity (or the regime
entirely), knowing that Pyongyang’s
death throes could take hundreds of
thousands (possibly millions) of South
Korean and other lives with it.
It is time for Washington, in close
consultation with its South Korean and
Japanese allies, to seriously consider
either explicitly or implicitly acknowl-
edging that North Korea has a modest
nuclear deterrent, and to prevent North
Korea’s use of these capabilities (and
proliferation) just as Washington did
with the Soviet Union and China. The
wisdom of such a policy partially hing-
es on whether or not one conceives of
North Korean leaders as rational; that is,
whether one believes that their instinct
for survival outweighs their impulsive-
ness. A principal downside to adopting
an overt approach of deterrence is that
it would likely encourage others in Asia
(not least South Korea and Japan) to
obtain their own “deterrent,” thereby
multiplying regional nuclear actors and
the attendant dangers. Of course this
would also stimulate Beijing to further
boost its capacities, thereby fueling a
regional arms race.
In sum, President Trump initially
put other contentious issues with China
on the back burner, hoping to achieve
his primary goal—North Korea’s de-
nuclearization. When that failed, the
front burner of the U.S.-China relation-
ship became crowded with previously
repressed issues: U.S. freedom of navi-
gation operations in the South China
Sea, talk of steel and aluminum tariffs,
weapons sales to Taiwan, the threat of
tightened restrictions on technology
and investment flows, and second-
ary sanctions on Chinese institutions
and individuals. Some of these threats
have been pursued, others downplayed
or delayed, and still others seemingly
abandoned, leaving Beijing, Washing-
ton’s allies and many others confused.
This brings us to executive branch
Executive branch
White House personnel, not least those
involved in national security, have been
in continual flux since Inauguration
Day. Deep divisions on trade policy
persist among the president’s senior ad-
visors. Across all agencies, nomination
and confirmation of officials has been
painstakingly slow. As of mid-Novem-
ber 2017, only 469 out of over 600 key
positions requiring Senate confirma-
tion had been nominated—249 had
been confirmed and 144 posts still had
no nominee. In the State Department,
only 56 out of 152 slots had been filled;
at the Defense Department, 26 out of
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54; and, at the Commerce Department,
10 out of 21. This leaves key agen-
cies staffed with politically insecure
(“acting”) personnel. Although many
of these individuals are very capable,
foreign governments do not know with
whom they can engage with confi-
dence, and the risks of ill-considered
policy, spotty implementation and in-
action increase.
President Trump initially gave mem-
bers of his own family notable roles in
dealing with Beijing: His son-in-law
Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka
liaised with the Chinese and advised
the president. This blurred lines with
the State Department and other agen-
cies and dimmed what should have
been a bright line between family and
national interests. In the run-up to the
president’s November trip to Beijing,
family members became less involved
as far as China was concerned, at least
Looking ahead, the U.S. Congress
is already moving into campaign mode
for the pivotal 2018 midterm elections.
The upcoming struggle for Capitol
Hill is unlikely to improve the climate
for dispassionate debate about China
policy. Alternatively, Congress may
become so preoccupied with domestic
politics that it does not focus on China
at all.
The state of play in Beijing
The driving consideration in Chi-
nese political life for Xi Jinping’s
first term (2012–17) was the 19th Party
Congress (October 18–24, 2017). The
Party Congress is held only once ev-
ery five years, and is used to set the
party’s foreign and domestic policy
agendas and select its leadership. Prior
to this conclave, President Xi—who
also serves as general secretary of the
Communist Party (CCP) and chair-
man of the Central Military Commis-
sion—had two desires, each in ten-
sion with the other. First, he sought
to cultivate stable relations with the
Obama administration and thereafter
the Trump administration, looking to
keep U.S.-China relations on an even
keel. At home, however, he wanted to
appear tough on the U.S: Xi remains
determined to be seen domestically as
a staunch guardian of China’s equities:
Taiwan, the South and East China Seas,
North Korea, economic interests and
“national dignity.” He stated his driv-
ing aspiration succinctly when he first
took office: “great rejuvenation of the
Chinese nation.”
In April 2017, at the Mar-a-La-
go summit, Xi therefore held out to
Trump the prospect of the aforemen-
tioned 100-day negotiation aimed at
producing quick, politically satisfy-
ing and visible trade gains. Yet when
the first Comprehensive Economic
Dialogue discussions in Washington
rolled around 100 days later, Beijing
gave very little. Xi’s principal conces-
sion was U.S. beef exports—dear to
ranchers in the American West, but not
a game changer. In short, Xi was pre-
occupied with consolidating power up
until the conclusion of the 19th Party
Congress. Being soft on the U.S. was
inconsistent with the logic of building
his nationalistic coalition at home.
Domestically, Xi has restored
key aspects of strongman politics
and moved the CCP to center stage
in society and governance. The 19th
Party Congress was less a pro forma
reappointment than a coronation. Xi
augmented his already considerable
power by building a more pliable
seven-person Standing Committee of
the Politburo. He put a close confidant
in charge of anti-corruption work (Li
Zhanshu), disposed of opponents and
potential competitors (Sun Zhengcai),
weakened competitive factional net-
works (the Communist Youth League),
embedded his “Thought on Socialism
with Chinese Characteristics for a New
Era” in the CCP Constitution—as only
Chairman Mao Zedong, China’s revo-
lutionary communist leader (1949–76)
and paramount leader Deng Xiaoping
(1978–92) had done before—and made
possible (though not inevitable) his re-
tention of power beyond his second
five-year term, heretofore an evolv-
ing retirement norm in Beijing. Even
before the recent Party Congress, Xi
had achieved the exalted status of “core
Despite his political achievements,
however, President Xi faces constraints
and is deeply insecure about the forces
roiling below the surface in Chinese so-
ciety. Ministries, provinces, localities,
corrupt individuals and interest groups
cannot be counted on to comply with
orders from the top. The sweeping anti-
corruption campaign that Xi launched
at the close of the 18th Party Congress
in 2012 has won him popular support,
but also created enemies among its ac-
tual and potential targets. Demographi-
cally, China’s median age is increas-
ing rapidly, as is the dependency ratio,
meaning that health and retirement
costs associated with an aging popu-
lation will grow and the working-age
population will decline.
The Chinese economy is awash in
corporate debt (though it has huge fi-
nancial assets), and there is a shadow
banking and irregular financial sector
creating enormous uncertainties. Eco-
nomic efficiency (total factor produc-
tivity) in the state-owned enterprise
sector has been declining for years. Ex-
cess production capacity in key sectors
weakens the economy, requiring end-
less central subsidies. It also motivates
dumping products abroad. All this, in
combination with political uncertain-
ties, periodically stimulates large-scale
capital movements from China abroad.
These are sometimes so large that Bei-
jing imposes capital controls, as was
done in 2015–16. Tightened capital
controls, in turn, slow Chinese foreign
investments. Most fundamentally, Xi
must worry that the growing middle
class and already disaffected intellec-
tuals may not remain quiescent forever.
Xi’s foreign policy
When it comes to national strategy and
dealing with the U.S., President Xi is
in charge. Washington will be dealing
with him as the leader of an increasing-
ly capable China for the foreseeable fu-
ture. Some issues to consider include:
What can we expect the contours of
Xi’s future foreign policy to be? How
can Washington influence them and
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C H I N A A N D A M E R I C A 3
how should it respond? And, most fun-
damentally, how can the U.S. increase
its own comprehensive power?
Under Xi, Beijing has become
progressively more assertive in safe-
guarding national interests and winning
more say for China abroad. Beijing
views Washington as simultaneously
gridlocked at home and increasingly
alienated from its traditional friends
in the international arena. As a former
Chinese vice-minister of foreign af-
fairs wrote recently: “We have entered
a `Post-American Era,’ meaning that
the so-called `Pax Americana’ and the
American century is over…The most
obvious characteristic of a Post-Amer-
ican Era is a reconfiguration of the
global power balance, with developing
nations gaining strength year by year.”
This assessment reinforces Beijing’s
current course. Americans should be
concerned when People’s Daily, the of-
ficial newspaper of the CCP, carries a
piece ridiculing Trump’s Washington
as “a bizarre soap opera,” and saying
that “U.S. foreign policy is in total
disarray, and world regard for the U.S.
has plummeted.” The piece goes on to
say, “China cannot afford to play such
political games. As a country with 1.4
billion people, China must focus on
economic development, and a strong
central leadership is needed.” Broad-
minded Chinese who see a progressive
and successful U.S. as being advanta-
geous to China’s political reform and
long-term interests are alarmed at de-
velopments in the U.S.
Xi has expansively asserted sover-
eignty in the South China Sea, pres-
sured India on its shared border in the
Himalayas, pushed along the median
line separating Japan and China in the
East China Sea and punished South
Korea economically over defensive
missile deployments. This muscular
trend is also evident in Xi’s July 2017
announcement of a “red line” for dis-
sidents in Hong Kong who are pushing
for more autonomy and electoral re-
form, as well as his warning to outsid-
ers not to seek to “infiltrate” and “sabo-
tage” the mainland from Hong Kong.
Xi has ratcheted up political, economic
and surveillance pressures on Taiwan
since the independence-leaning Demo-
cratic Progressive Party formed a gov-
ernment there in May 2016.
Xi’s muscularity is also a reflec-
tion of China’s more than three-decade
trend of modernization in its military
structure, operations and equipment—
particularly its naval, air force, missile,
space and cyber components. A major
reorganization of the military launched
in 2015 signals accelerated efforts to
boost capacities and Xi’s personal
control over the armed forces. China’s
civilian R&D and manufacturing in-
dustries are making increasing con-
tributions to the People’s Liberation
China Sea
Sea of
East China
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2 0 1 8
Army’s (PLA) arsenal, and in the pro-
cess growing the military-industrial
complex. The Pentagon’s 2017 report
to Congress concluded that, “China’s
military modernization is targeting
capabilities with the potential to de-
grade core U.S. military-technological
advantages.” In late July 2017, on the
occasion of the 90th anniversary of the
PLA founding, Xi reviewed a huge
military parade in Inner Mongolia at
which 40% of the weapons displayed
had not been seen before. All of these
were domestically produced.
Under Xi there has been progres-
sively closer alignment with Putin’s
Russia, though important frictions re-
main between Moscow and Beijing.
Growing cooperation is evident with
respect to Syria and North Korea, and
to UN voting. In July 2017, Beijing
announced joint naval exercises in the
Baltic Sea with Moscow—exercises
focusing on “strengthening Sino-Rus-
sia naval combat and coordinating ca-
pabilities.” China Daily, China’s most
widely circulated English-language
newspaper, observed: “This is the first
time the Chinese navy is conducting
exercises at NATO’s doorstep.” En-
hanced sanctions imposed by the U.S.
government on both Russian and Chi-
nese entities and individuals may serve
to drive the two countries even closer.
Geostrategically, Beijing is making
very sizable international infrastructure
investments in ports, transportation
and power grids through the Belt and
Road Initiative (BRI). This nominally
$1 trillion effort aims to make China
a connectivity hub for the region and
beyond. The BRI’s projects combine
the wish lists of almost every Chinese
bureaucracy, locality and enterprise,
as well as the aspirations of recipient
countries. Beijing hopes BRI projects
will absorb its substantial excess do-
mestic production.
To be sure, there are enormous chal-
lenges facing Beijing in this effort.
Some of these include: problematic
financing and debt loads in developing
countries; insufficient revenue flows
for planned projects; inappropriate
technology; substandard construction;
corruption; and local backlash against
Chinese intrusion and land acquisition.
In addition, China’s assertiveness with
respect to sovereignty disputes makes
some of its neighbors reluctant to par-
ticipate in BRI, including Vietnam and
India (the latter boycotted the May
2017 Belt and Road Forum). Even in
Hong Kong, a special administrative
region of China, the local populace is
concerned about a planned high-speed
railroad that would run directly from
China into the heart of the city, because
Chinese law enforcement would come
with it.
Nonetheless, BRI represents the
prospect of increased geo-economic
and geostrategic clout. In 2016, China
was the leading trade partner of 124
countries, compared to the U.S.’s 76—
almost a complete reversal from just
Chinese President Xi Jinping reviews the armed forces as part
of the commemorations to
mark the 90th founding anniversary of the People’s Liberation
Army at Zhurihe military
training base in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous
Region, July 30, 2017. (XINHUA/
Chinese company digging a tunnel in Laos for high-speed rail
project, in June 2017. (DAVID
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C H I N A A N D A M E R I C A 3
ten years earlier. Washington would
be making a strategic error in assum-
ing that China’s outward thrust is des-
tined to fail. It is almost certain that
a modern, high(er)-speed, Chinese-
constructed rail line will be completed
from Kunming in southwestern China
to Bangkok, Thailand and beyond well
before a decade has passed. This will
orient 600 million emerging consum-
ers in Southeast Asia with growing pur-
chasing power toward China. Beijing is
also developing several other economic
corridors around its periphery. This
connectivity push is a developmentally
and strategically sound policy direc-
tion; indeed, BRI was even enshrined
in the CCP Constitution at the 19th
Party Congress.
Geopolitically, Beijing seeks to
drive wedges between the U.S. and its
allies and close friends [notably South
Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Aus-
tralia, Europe and the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)],
and to establish multilateral organiza-
tions that provide Beijing with new
regional and global platforms for ac-
tion and influence. Beijing hopes to
diminish post-World War II (WWII)
U.S. sway, without destroying the in-
ternational structure that helped China
get where it is today. This ambition is
reflected in Beijing’s central role in the
formation of the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO), a Eurasian secu-
rity grouping involving Central Asia,
Russia and others as observers; the
BRICS grouping (of five major emerg-
ing economies: Brazil, Russia, India,
China and South Africa) and BRICS
Bank; and the Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank (AIIB), with an im-
pressive list of 80 members, including
China’s neighbors and all G-7 mem-
bers, except the U.S. and Japan. All this
is occurring as Beijing boosts its clout
in established organizations such as the
World Bank and the International Mon-
etary Fund (IMF).
Some of this is good news for a
world order that has been deeply in-
fluenced by U.S. policies since WWII.
Increasing China’s role in the global
trade system, boosting its voting share
in multilateral institutions such as the
World Bank and the IMF, and encour-
aging China to provide international
public goods have been features of
U.S. policy for decades. However,
China also uses its growing strength
to press sensitive issues in its relations
with the U.S. and with its neighbors—
Hong Kong, Taiwan and countries with
interests in the East and South China
Seas. Moreover, Beijing no longer ac-
quiesces to U.S. military domination of
its periphery. Its disquiet with “close-
in” U.S. maritime and air surveillance
is apparent. The gradual placement of
U.S. and allied anti-ballistic missile
defenses in East Asia to guard against
North Korean intimidation is another
raw spot. Consequently, there are peri-
odic Chinese air and sea challenges to
U.S. naval and air forces that elevate
the risks of accidents and miscalcula-
tions. Beijing steadily builds cyber,
space and strategic deterrent and de-
fense capabilities, further energizing
an action-reaction spiral among China,
its neighbors and the U.S. Of course,
looked at from Beijing’s perspective,
the U.S. is striving to maintain or in-
crease its technological lead across the
full range of military power. Gross U.S.
military spending is about two and a
half times that of China.
Issues and approaches
The above developments give rise
to two key policy questions (set-
ting aside the issue of North Korea,
treated above): how to foster an eco-
nomic balance of power in Asia and
how to achieve more reciprocity in re-
lations with China.
Fostering a balance of
economic power
Comprehensive national power has
three components: the capacities to co-
erce, materially induce and persuade.
The U.S.’s regional and global role
throughout the post-WWII period has
been underpinned by its large and bal-
anced portfolio of these three power
Moving into the new millennium,
however, U.S. missteps, global de-
velopments and intelligent moves by
others have combined to diminish the
U.S.’s relative strength. Factors in-
clude: the combined weight of post-
9/11 conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan;
the 2008–09 global financial crisis
(which hit the U.S. harder than China);
China’s impressive economic growth
combined with Beijing’s “going global
policy” initiated in the early 2000s to
encourage domestic firms to invest
abroad; the 2011 Obama administra-
tion “pivot to Asia,” which sought to
rebalance U.S. interests away from Eu-
rope and the Middle East and toward
Asia, but over-emphasized U.S. mili-
tary power, alienating China to no posi-
tive effect; Washington’s policy bias
against infrastructure construction in
its World Bank, Asian Development
Bank, Export-Import Bank and U.S.
Agency for International Development
(USAID) programs; domestic gover-
nance problems in the U.S. itself; and
counterproductive opposition to initia-
tives such as the AIIB and the TPP. The
shortening economic leg of U.S. power
in Asia weakens U.S. capacity to main-
tain balance.
How might Washington lengthen
that leg, beyond getting back into the
regional trade agreement game and
concluding a bilateral investment
agreement with Beijing? A central
part of Xi Jinping’s geo-economic vi-
sion is to expand regional links and
promote urbanization and economic
growth on China’s periphery, making
China the central node for the region.
In East, Southeast and South Asia this
means north-south connectivity; that
is, creating goods and services sup-
ply chains that originate in China and
extend to the Indian Ocean, the South
China Sea, the Andaman Sea, the Bay
of Bengal and beyond. In order to
maintain influence, the U.S. will need
to become more involved in the con-
struction of regional infrastructure and
collaborate to foster linkages that are
not just north-south, but also east-west
(which would involve links from In-
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2 0 1 8
SOURCE: China General Administration of Customs; The Wall
Street Journal
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
S (
China’s Global Trade Surplus
dia to Vietnam, through Burma, Thai-
land, Cambodia and on to Japan and
the wider Pacific, including the U.S.).
This would involve participation from
U.S. companies, foreign aid and de-
velopment agencies, allies, and mul-
tilateral development agencies. Bal-
anced connectivity between China and
the U.S. would help avoid spheres of
influence that give rise to resentment
and conflict.
Achieving more
Prior to the 2000s, China was preoc-
cupied with its own development, be-
ing neither a major exporter nor a sig-
nificant source of outward investment.
Once China joined the World Trade
Organization (WTO) in 2001, its trade
and investment abroad grew enormous-
ly, as did its global trade surplus and the
U.S. bilateral trade deficit with China.
Beijing soon had the technology,
capital and capacity to take advantage
of opportunities abroad without simul-
taneously providing commensurate ac-
cess to China for the U.S. and others,
particularly in the services, IT and ag-
riculture sectors. China’s global trade
surplus exploded, creating huge cash
reserves that needed to be kept abroad
in order to avoid generating domestic
inflation. Beijing bought U.S. Trea-
sury securities in enormous quantities
to soak up the cash, but soon sought
higher returns by buying tangible for-
eign assets. As has been widely report-
ed, China has conspicuously expanded
its outward FDI, purchasing factories,
property, resources, R&D facilities,
etc. China’s outward foreign invest-
ment exceeded its inward FDI for the
first time in 2014; its FDI in the U.S.
grew rapidly.
Compounding all this, from about
2008 on, the pace of domestic econom-
ic, financial and foreign trade liberal-
ization in China slowed. While Xi Jin-
ping’s accession to power in 2012–13
initially promised to energize market-
based reforms, the ensuing years have
revealed his determination to pursue a
wide range of muscular industrial poli-
cies, known as “Made in China 2025.”
Consequently, the issues of “reciproc-SOURCE: US Census
S (
US – China Trade De�cit: from near zero to over
$350 billion in nearly 20 years
’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00 ’02 ’04 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16
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C H I N A A N D A M E R I C A 3
ity” and “fairness” have moved front
and center in U.S.-China relations.
There is enough blame to go around,
but some analysts in the U.S. believe
that U.S. trade negotiators at the time of
China’s WTO entry “dropped the ball”
on pushing for access to China for U.S.
service providers.
It is one thing to identify inequities
and another to find remedies that don’t
disproportionately hurt U.S. interests
and innocent bystanders. Limiting Chi-
nese investment into U.S. employment-
generating firms diminishes domestic
U.S. job opportunities. An example of
perverse results from retaliation can be
found in the Trump administration’s
threatened tariffs on imported steel
from China and other suppliers. That
threat, made in 2017, led to a surge in
U.S. steel imports in anticipation of
price rises, while also raising the spec-
ter of higher costs for U.S. steel users
and public consumers. So, while feel-
ings of resentment mount in the U.S.,
finding ways to enhance reciprocity
that don’t injure everyone is hard. On
the other hand, ignoring the problem
invites extremist proposals at home and
contempt from Beijing.
President Trump’s November 2017
trip to China attempted to address in-
equities on the trade front. Beijing and
Washington collaborated on bundling
an assortment of already agreed-upon
transactions, memoranda of under-
standing, letters of intent and new
deals, to produce a huge headline figure
($253.5 billion) for benefits bestowed
on the U.S. as a “result” of the presi-
dent’s trip. But the actual transactions
in the package did little to address the
fundamental issue of the tilted field on
which U.S.-China trading and invest-
ment is played out.
Negotiating cooperation
The U.S. today faces policy choices
in its relationship with China the
magnitude of which it has not confront-
ed in Asia since the earliest days of the
Cold War. In terms of economic en-
gagement with Asia and China, Ameri-
cans must ask themselves how to pro-
ceed. The U.S. can continue to advance
its interests through multilateral trade
arrangements, or it can do so through
bilateral trade arrangements, negotiat-
ed one by one between Washington and
individual countries, as advocated thus
far by the Trump administration. With
respect to a more level playing field
between China and the U.S., the U.S.
must consider what points of leverage
it has to extract reciprocity from Bei-
jing without unduly hurting itself and
innocent bystanders. What tools does
the U.S. need to develop to be more
effective in its economic engagement
with Asia? For instance, should the
Export-Import Bank be strengthened?
And should U.S. infrastructure devel-
opment and foreign assistance funds be
increased or reduced?
Turning to security issues, the U.S.
must consider a host of policy alterna-
tives. Washington must decide whether
to strive for balance in Asia or to seek
to maintain its primacy in the region. In
doing so, it must consider what primacy
looks like in an age of interdependence.
Relatedly, the U.S. might choose to
prioritize its five security alliances in
Asia (with Japan, South Korea, the
Philippines, Thailand and Australia),
or alternatively to work gradually with
Beijing and others to develop security
structures that include both powers. In
seeking to balance China’s strength,
would it be a feasible strategy to de-
velop a coalition of China’s neighbors,
including India, or would this ignite a
regional arms race? Finally, the U.S.
faces difficult choices in North Korea.
It can accept the fact that Pyongyang
already has nuclear weapons and seek
to deter their use, proceed along the
course of gradually tightening pressure
on North Korea, or pursue a third path
that involves the use of force.
Each one of these policy choices has
ramifications throughout the regional
and global systems. Beijing and Wash-
ington must manage the challenges and
prioritize the key tasks that, if handled
well, will lay the foundation for mutual
benefit and peace. The U.S. is no longer
in a position to compel cooperation; co-
operation must be negotiated.
Vietnamese cheer as the convoy transporting U.S. President
Donald Trump passes by on
Nguyen Van Linh Road on November 10, 2017, in Danang,
Vietnam. President Trump, who
was on a 12-day Asia trip, took part in the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC)
summit hosted by Vietnam. The APEC meeting aims to promote
free trade throughout the
Asia-Pacific region. (LINH PHAM/GETTY IMAGES)
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discussion questions
suggested readings
To access web links to these readings, as well as links to
additional, shorter readings and suggested web sites,
and click on the topic under Resources, on the right-hand side
of the page
Don’t forget: Ballots start on page 105!
Christensen, Thomas J., The China Challenge: Shaping the
Choices of a Rising Power (1st ed.). 400 pp. New York: W.W.
Norton & Company, 2016. Christensen, the former U.S. deputy
assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs,
gues that instead of working to hinder China’s rise, the U.S.
instead seek to steer its trajectory away from regional
toward taking on a positive role in the international arena.
Garver, John W., China’s Quest: The History of Foreign Rela-
tions of the People’s Republic of China (1st ed.). 888 pp. New
York: Oxford University Press, 2016. A sweeping history of the
People’s Republic of China since its emergence in 1949, this
focuses on the country’s foreign policy, emphasizing how the
nese government has prioritized internal stability in the
of its international agenda.
Kroeber, Arthur R., China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to
Know (1st ed.). 336 pp. New York: Oxford University Press,
Kroeber, an economist, employs a historical perspective to tell
story of China’s economic development into the world’s first or
second biggest economy in the 21st century.
Lampton, David M., Following the Leader: Ruling China, From
Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping. 312 pp. Berkeley, CA: University
of California Press, 2014. Based on more than 500 interviews
high-level Chinese officials, Lampton presents an intimate look
China’s last 40 years and the leaders propelling the country
Pomfret, John, The Beautiful Country and the Middle King-
dom: America and China, 1776 to the Present (Reprint ed.).
704 pp. New York: Picador, 2017. Long time foreign correspon-
dent John Pomfret details the coevolution of the U.S. and China
throughout history.
Shambaugh, David, China’s Future? (1st ed.) 244 pp. Malden,
MA: Polity Press, 2016. This book assesses various scenarios
China’s future economy, society, politics, national security and
foreign relations, as well as their potential effects.
Wu, Guoguang, China’s Party Congress (Reprint ed.). 384 pp.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017. This book
analyzes the composition and role of the Chinese Party
outlining the ways in which informal politics and formal
in China interact with one another and legitimize
Xi, Jinping, “Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moder-
ately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the
Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New
Era.” The Great Hall of the People of Beijing, October 18,
2017. Available free online:
special/2017-11/03/c_136725942.htm>. In this speech,
to over 2,000 Communist Party members at the 19th Party Con-
gress, Chinese President Xi Jinping lays out plans for Chinese
economic and political development by 2050.
1. Keeping in mind the Donald Trump administration’s
from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and its vow to pull out
from the Paris Climate Agreement, what does China’s pursuit of
leadership roles in multilateral organizations like the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization, the BRICS grouping and the Asian
frastructure Investment Bank mean for U.S. influence in Asia
beyond? Do China’s actions present any opportunities for the
2. Considering China’s recent 19th Party Congress, how might
President Xi Jinping’s consolidation of power domestically
Beijing’s dynamics with Washington? How do domestic
shape Xi’s foreign policy? Likewise, how do President Trump’s
domestic considerations shape his policy approach to China and
Asia more broadly?
3. What are U.S. policy options with respect to deterring an in-
creasingly belligerent North Korea? To what extent can the U.S.
rely on China to put pressure on North Korea? What are the
and benefits associated with theoretical military action by the
against Kim Jong Un’s regime?
4. How might a power balance that favors China over the U.S.
Asia impact regional security issues such as North Korean
proliferation, South China Sea territorial disputes or Taiwan?
might the U.S. balance with China to avoid creating spheres of
ence that could lead to conflict? Should the U.S. prioritize its
security alliances in Asia, or should it work gradually with
and others to develop security structures that include both
5. In the years following its entry into the World Trade
Beijing has taken advantage of market openness abroad, without
multaneously providing commensurate access to China for the
and others. How might the U.S. push for greater reciprocity
China? What are the potential pitfalls of pursuing “fairer”
6. What does China hope to achieve with its “Belt and Road Ini-
tiative” (BRI)? What are some of the challenges facing Beijing
in this effort?
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China looks at the world: the world looks at China
Author(s): David M. Lampton
Source: Great Decisions , 2010, (2010), pp. 43-54
Published by: Foreign Policy Association
Stable URL:
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Chinese military jets of the PLA ( People 's Liberation Army)
fly over Tiananmen Square during a grand military
parade for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the
founding of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing ,
China , Oct. 1, 2009. (Imaginechina via AP Images)
China looks at the world:
the world looks at China
by David M. Lampton
Never periphery of the before global of has international
population a country moved with developments some from 20%
of the global population moved from the
periphery of international developments
to the center of them with such rapidity. In 1976,
the year of Mao Zedong's demise, the Chinese
Communist elite defined national security in
terms of economic self-sufficiency, support for
Third World revolution and a closed ideological
system in which intellectual contamination from
the West and the Soviet Union was a principal
danger. Today, China is in many (but not all)
ways a status quo power. It is a self-acknowl-
edged beneficiary of, and cheerleader for, inter-
dependence. And, it is a country that eschews
revolution (at home or abroad) with the same
alacrity that it embraced it 40 years ago.
In 1976, the era was officially defined as an
"era of war and revolution"- today it is the "era
of peace and development." China has been
transformed from an aggrieved victim nation
lamenting a world system in which the "imperi-
alists" had repeatedly stripped away sovereignty,
into a generally self-confident great power in a
system largely built by others. In short, Beijing's
national security circumstances and behavior
have changed, with implications for China's
neighbors, the U.S . and the global system. Many,
perhaps most, of these changes have been posi-
tive; some less so.
A lot has changed in China and with regard to
its role in the world since 1976.
At that time, the sign in the lobby of the
Beijing Hotel may have proclaimed "China
has friends all over the world," but no serious
person in China, or anywhere else, then be-
lieved that. China's leaders still had a tenuous
relationship with Washington and a war with
Moscow was possible. Today, China has dip-
lomatic relations with 175 countries and "stra-
tegic partnerships" with 17. 43
What are
concerns and
goals , and
how do its
affect its
neighbors , the
U.S. and the
/ s H y man Pro fe s s o r,
director of China Stud-
ies, and dean of faculty at
the School of Advanced
International Studies of
Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity. Former president
of the National Commit-
tee on United States-Chi-
na Relations, his most re-
cent book is: The Three
Faces of Chinese Power:
Might, Money, and Minds
( University of California
Press , 2008). The author
thanks Tabi t ha Mai lory
for her research assis-
tance and comments on
an earlier draft.
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Then, the country was largely cut
off from the world, with a one-room
airport terminal more than adequate to
serve the capital of a nation that com-
prised 25% of the world's population.
In recent years, air travel has been
growing at close to 10% a year.
In the mid- 1 970s , China had a prim-
itive and small nuclear deterrent force;
today it is acquiring a new generation
of land-mobile ballistic missiles and
missile-launching submarines.
Seven years after the U.S. had put
men on the moon, China did not have
any realistic prospect for manned space
flight; by late 2008, it had knocked an
aging satellite out of orbit and had put
six astronauts into space and safely re-
trieved them.
In that year, virtually none of Chi-
nese gross domestic product (GDP)
was involved in foreign trade; by 2008,
about 70% of China's GDP was con-
nected to exports and imports.
In 1976, China held virtually no
U.S. government and/or private debt;
today, it holds over U.S. $1 trillion in
such instruments, making Washington
and Beijing mutual financial hostages.
And for that year, China's C02
emissions were about one quarter of
those of the U.S., but by 2006-2007,
it had become the world's largest C02
emitter, threatening not only its own
environment, but also arousing interna-
tional demands that China contribute to
global environmental security.
Nothing so defines the difficulty of
dealing with China today as the jux-
taposition of its strengths and weak-
nesses. While the outside world may be
fixated on China's growing muscles, its
leaders generally are still more preoc-
cupied with their nation's disabilities
and vulnerabilities. The international
community sees Beijing's mounting
strengths and expects more rapid po-
litical liberalization and greater relative
effort in addressing issues of the global
commons. Yet, the first thing on Chi-
nese leaders' minds when they arise in
the morning generally is the staggering
domestic agenda they confront. From
their perspective, they need to husband
their scarce resources to deal with a
domestic agenda often on the ragged
edge of control, believing that they
currently enjoy a window of opportu-
nity for growth that soon may close, not
least because of its aging population.
As one interviewee in Shanghai recent-
ly put it to this author: "Strategically,
our number one priority is Chinese
Communist party (CCP) survival, eco-
nomic growth...." Consequently, with
respect to issues such as global warm-
ing, civil liberties and dealings with
reprehensible states, one finds China's
resistance to change explained by ref-
erence to its internal needs for stability
and economic growth. In short, China
has many reasons to cooperate with the
world, and in many important respects
it desires to do so, but the titanic forces
of domestic social and political turmoil
that are accompanying its moderniza-
tion do not always make this easy or
In order to respond to a changing
China, it is important to understand
the framework through which its
leaders look at the world. Some key
questions to consider include: Can a
China with growing comprehensive
national power feel secure at the same
time that the rest of the world does?
Can a China that places primacy on
economic growth cooperate to effec-
tively address global environmental
challenges? •
China's national
security strategy
China's serves national internal security development. strategy
It serves internal development. It
does so by increasing the flow of re-
sources into China and minimizing the
external threats and drains that might
divert leadership attention and scarce
resources from its domestic growth and
social change agenda. More specifical-
ly, Beijing's national security strategy
consists of four broad, interrelated and
evolving elements.
Since the late 1970s, Deng Xiao-
ping and his successors have felt they
could see about 20 years into the fu-
ture. When they have looked ahead,
they have thus far felt confident that
a weakened Soviet Union/Russia and
a preoccupied U.S. have made a big-
power war involving China unlikely.
Therefore, the first element of Beijing's
security strategy is the assessment that
China has at least a two-decade-long
window of opportunity during which
it can keep military spending at a rela-
tively low fraction of GDP and focus
human and material resources on the
modernization of the economy and so-
ciety. Although military spending and
defense modernization have advanced
impressively in recent years, China's
rapid economic growth- nearly 10%
annually for more than three decades-
has enabled civilian leaders to maintain
defense spending at a relatively low
level of GDP while keeping the military
at least modestly satisfied with increas-
ing resources. Beijing learned from the
1991 implosion of the Soviet Union
that an economy that overinvests in its
military apparatus and underinvests in
human needs erodes regime legitimacy
to the point where even an enormous
military cannot save the regime from
the wrath of its own people.
Second, foreign and national secu-
rity policy are to provide the cocoon
for a tumultuous internal economic and
social transformation process, whose
defining features are urbanization, mar-
ketization and globalization. Each of
these changes is wrenching, such as the
relocation of 300^-00 million peasants
into urban areas over the last 30 years
(with a like number still to go). Simi-
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China vs. U.S. Defense Expenditures, 1989 - 2008
NOTE: There are several estimates of China's military
expenditures, with the U.S. Department
of Defense estimate more than double that of the IISS estimate
displayed here.
larly, remaking the Chinese economy
from a state-owned-and-managed op-
eration into a predominantly nonstate-
owned structure involves creating
winners and losers on an enormous
scale- once again, a perilous politi-
cal undertaking. Therefore, the job of
foreign and national security policy,
beyond providing physical security
on the conventional and nuclear lev-
els, is to make sure that the domestic
modernization process has the interna-
tional technological, financial and hu-
man inputs necessary for success. This
means ensuring that Chinese industry
has access to foreign markets for its
exports and assuring the uninterrupted
flow of strategic materials and financial
resources into China.
A third element of the strategy is to
reassure neighbors and more-distant
powers that as China's military grows
in reach and punch, the People's Re-
public of China (PRC) will not threaten
either the prevailing global order or the
core interests of other powers. Were
Beijing's rise to be perceived as a threat
to either its neighbors or the current
dominant power, the U.S., this would
elicit international counterreactions
that would retard China's domestic
modernization. Central to this reassur-
ance effort has been China's participa-
tion in international multilateral orga-
nizations; its generally careful use of
military power outside its borders over
the last 30 years; growing involvement
in military-to-military exchanges and
United Nations peacekeeping efforts;
gradually expanding transparency; and
Beijing's welcoming of foreign direct
investment that not only has fostered
growth in China, but also given for-
eigners a positive stake in China's suc-
The final element of this strategy
has been to keep U. S .-China relations
on a relatively even keel. A militarily
hostile U.S. would force a dangerous
diversion of human and financial re-
sources away from domestic modern-
ization. A hostile U.S. would not pro-
vide the trade surplus, technological
and human inputs that have contributed
so much to China's progress. And, a
hostile U.S. might make the prospect
of an eventual resolution of the Taiwan
issue more difficult. So, from Beijing's
perspective, productive Sino- American
relations are central to everything it
wants to achieve, at least for now and
the foreseeable future.
This four-pronged strategy, of
course, leaves unanswered how Chi-
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A Chinese bicyclist peddles past a massive television screen
rebroadcasting the 60th anni-
versary military parade in Beijing on Oct. 26, 2009. Although
military spending and defense
modernization have advanced impressively in recent years,
China 's rapid economic growth
has enabled civilian leaders to maintain defense spending at a
still relatively low level of
GDP. (UPI/Stephen Shaver /Landov)
na will use its heightened power two
decades hence. On the one hand, it is
entirely possible (and, indeed, central
to America's strategy with respect to
China) that 20 years from now the PRC
will have so invested itself in global
interdependence that it will become an
increasingly stabilizing force, or as then
U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert
Zoellick put it in September 2005, a
responsible "stakeholder" in the inter-
national system. On the other hand, a
more sobering possibility exists, name-
ly, that Beijing's greater power gives it
greater capacity to meet its own narrow
interests without due regard for others,
and that those greater capabilities will
give rise to new, more expansive objec-
tives. The policy implication of the first
scenario is that America's enlightened
self-interest lies in facilitating Chinese
growth and involvement international-
ly, in the belief that multiplying strands
of interdependence will incline China
in the direction of cooperative and con-
structive behavior. No one can be sure
that this happy scenario will material-
ize. But, if outside powers now exces-
sively focus on the uncertain and pos-
sibly deleterious uses of Chinese power
decades hence, and consequently seek
to slow and constrain that growth and
involvement today, this certainly will
decrease Beijing's propensity to coop-
erate now and in the future. One can
be more certain about the downside of
trying to constrain Chinese growth than
one can be about the pacifying conse-
quences of interdependence.
China's interests
and fears
Given China's national security strat-
egy, its historical experience of hav-
ing been a great nation cast upon hard
times in the 19th and 20th centuries and
the success of Beijing's domestic de-
velopment policies and diplomacy over
the past three decades, there is a wide-
spread leadership and popular consen-
sus on the mainland about the PRC's
current core interests and what consti-
tute the principal threats to them. The
regime's core interest is survival. Many
things are seen as potential threats to
that, most prominently internal insta-
bility. In 2008 there were 90,000 mass
incidents in China: tumult stemming
from income and social inequality, en-
vironmental concerns, corruption and
justice-related issues. While most of
these disturbances remain localized and
limited to a domestic audience, China's
leaders are ever vigilant for possible
connections between the activities of
foreigners and domestic discontent.
Throughout their history, the Chi-
nese have believed that internal solidar-
ity is the greatest resource for survival
and that outsiders wishing to weaken
or dominate China first seek to increase
internal division. There are, of course,
the more traditional conventional mili-
tary and economic threats that worry
Beijing (discussed below), but PRC
leaders are highly concerned that the
actions and policies of foreign groups,
foreign governments or international
organizations may make the job of
internal governance more difficult. At
the same time, they recognize how
beneficial China's engagement with the
world has been overall. The stock and
trade of a PRC foreign minister or am-
bassador is to effectively protest actual
and imagined foreign "interference in
the internal affairs of China."
Threats from China's
The PRC's national capital is near the
eastern seaboard on the North China
Plain, very far from China's western
periphery. This periphery is vast in its
geographic extent, rich in natural re-
sources and populated by "minority"
peoples with identities and cultures
quite distinct from the numerically
dominant Han population, who con-
stitute more than 90% of the country's
total population. Put bluntly, these mi-
nority peoples (the Uyghurs, Tibetans
and others) that Beijing trusts least
occupy a large percentage (nearly one
third) of China's real estate- and stra-
tegic ground at that. Moreover, these
peoples have a history of association
with their ethnic and religious brethren
who straddle the PRC's far-flung bor-
ders and with their diasporas around the
world. To various extents they would
like as much autonomy from Beijing
as they can get.
These realities, combined with the
economic opportunities pulling Han
migrants into these areas, not to men-
tion Beijing's "Go West" development
effort, all have combined to produce
various central policies over the years,
some more accommodating than others.
However, the long-term trend has been
to let the migration of Han people into
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these regions in order to weaken the
hold of native peoples over their tra-
ditional areas and dilute their cultures,
breeding resentment on both sides,
which intermittently leads to violence.
These processes were at work in March
2008 in areas of China with significant
Tibetan populations and most recently
in July 2009 among the Uyghurs (a
Turkic minority group of considerable
size) in Xinjiang. In both cases, there
was violence directed against the Han
by aggrieved indigenous persons, re-
prisal by Hans, and violent repression
by the central government and its local
If this were the end of the story, one
could say this is a tragic, albeit famil-
iar, saga of continental expansion by a
dominant group, muscularly displac-
ing native peoples and their cultures.
In the Han Chinese narrative, howev-
er, there often have been connections
(sometimes imagined and sometimes
real) between the discontent of mi-
nority peoples and external agitation,
aimed at weakening Beijing's gover-
nance capacity and fragmenting the
nation. In the 1950s, 1960s and into
the 1970s, the U.S., as former Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer
John Kenneth Knaus recounts, was in-
timately connected to efforts to foster
unrest in Tibet in order to destabilize
the Communist regime in Beijing.
In the early 1960s, the Soviet Union
used economic distress in China to
encourage disaffected local people in
Xinjiang to cross the border into the
U.S.S.R.'s then subordinate Central
Asian republics. When his Holiness
the Dalai Lama sought the support of
the U.S. government and people for
his movement, this bred distrust in
Beijing. In the same way, the World
Uyghur Congress, which held its 3rd
general assembly in Washington , D .C . ,
in 2009, and the 2005 establishment
of the International Uyghur Human
Rights and Democracy Foundation in
Washington, D.C., both reinforce the
presumed connection between dis-
content in China's West and policy in
Washington. Concisely, the first job
of Chinese national security policy
is to secure the nation's borders, con-
solidate control over its vast periphery
and the people who live there and to
keep "meddling" foreigners out. To
the foreigners, problems in these ar-
eas are seen through the lens of self-
determination and human rights- to
the Chinese government, these issues
are viewed more through the lenses of
"terrorism" and/or "separatism," both
national security challenges.
Turning to China's offshore periph-
ery, specifically Taiwan, the island al-
most certainly would have fallen to
Mao Zedong's forces had U.S. Presi-
dent Harry S. Truman (1945-53) not
sent the 7th Fleet into the Taiwan Strait
as part of his broader decision to in-
tervene in the war on the Korean Pen-
insula in June 1950. Thereafter, in the
mid-1950s, Washington signed a de-
fense treaty with Taiwan (the Republic
of China, or ROC) and had other secu-
rity relationships with the island, some
of which were terminated at the end
of 1979 as part of the Sino- American
normalization agreement a year ear-
lier. In the PRC narrative, reunifica-
tion has been prevented by Washing-
ton's policies and actions, though in
more recent years cross-Taiwan Strait
economic and cultural integration has
somewhat eased Beijing's anxiet-
ies. Nonetheless, the Taiwan Strait is
the one place in the world where one
could currently imagine a direct con-
flict between nuclear powers.
These issues of China's unstable
periphery and the action of foreigners,
real and imagined, become directly
linked to regime security because a
key element of the CCP's legitimacy,
beyond economic growth, rests on its
ability to reunify the country follow-
ing its dismemberment in the 19th and
20th centuries (Xinjiang, Hainan Island,
Tibet, Hong Kong and Macau already
have been "brought back to the fold
of the Motherland"). For Beijing and
the PRC citizenry, Taiwan remains the
principal item of unfinished territorial
business, beyond offshore claims in the
East and South China seas, which are
not trivial. Moreover, linking China's
Han majority and the Beijing elite to-
gether is the shared belief that, in the
case of Xinjiang and Tibet, the Chinese
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state has brought to these "backward"
regions the blessings of development
and yet the more central government
subsidies these areas have received, the
more hostile they have become. There-
fore, resentment at what is perceived as
ingratitude reinforces the nationalism
of unification. As a result, Beijing's
central leaders are under popular do-
mestic pressure from the Han majority
to get tougher and tighten their grip on
China's western periphery at precisely
the time when much of the rest of the
world is calling for accommodation.
Beyond the combined threats to
territorial unification and regime le-
gitimacy that China's vast periphery
presents, China's elite also perceives
an array of more "traditional" security
threats in the military and economic
realms, the latter reaching beyond
the narrow confines of economics to
the vulnerabilities that are intrinsic
to interdependence. Some of these
threats have long existed and others
are newer, reflecting China's growing
involvement in the world system. •
Military- related concerns
Two related large threats categories are of of particular
military- related threats are of particular
concern to Beijing: frictions with oth-
er big powers and failed states along
China's periphery, along with techno-
logical developments with respect to
weapons systems.
China's regional
China lives in a tough neighborhood,
not only bordered by 14 land neigh-
bors, but several additional big mari-
time states as well. Throughout most of
recorded history, China's imperial, then
Republican, and now PRC leaders have
focused on managing relations with the
peoples and states that surround China.
Many different elements have made
such management difficult: the expan-
sionist desires of some (Japan from
1894 to 1945); territorial and resource-
related disputes with others (the Soviet
Union/Russia, India, Vietnam, Korea,
the Philippines and Japan); minority
groups straddling common borders to
China's south, west and north; conflicts
in neighboring countries that drew Bei-
jing in (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and
Korea); the historically derived fear of
China's small bordering states and so-
cieties that they will be culturally and
economically dominated by their big
neighbor (Myanmar/Burma, Vietnam,
the Russian Far East and the Koreas);
and China's constant anxiety that its
neighbors will allow themselves to be
used strategically as a counterweight to
China itself (e.g., India, Japan, Vietnam,
Mongolia, Central Asian states and the
Koreas- not to mention Taiwan). Two
countries are highly indicative of the
depth, breadth and interconnectedness
of Beijing's regional national security
concerns: India and Japan.
China and India have frictions (not
least their respective relations with
Pakistan). China and India's long-
standing border dispute involving two
principal tracts of territory, one about
the same size as Switzerland and the
other three times that size, has been
quiescent for some time; nonetheless,
it has incendiary potential. New Delhi
and Beijing held a 13th round of nego-
tiations in August 2009. Moreover, the
Administration of President George W.
Bush (2001-2009) was widely viewed
in China to be seeking an improved re-
lationship with New Delhi as leverage
against an ever-stronger Beijing. In the
Chinese view, Bush's 2008 final agree-
ment (the U.S .-India Nuclear Coopera-
tion Approval and Non-Proliferation
Enhancement Act) to move ahead with
Indo-U.S. civilian nuclear cooperation
even though India detonated nuclear
weapons in 1998, remains outside the
1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Trea-
ty,* and has a substantial unconstrained
military nuclear- weapons sector, dem-
onstrated that the U.S. was seeking In-
dian strategic support by trading away
Washington's usually sacred nonpro-
liferation concerns. As one Chinese
security specialist put it to the author
in mid-2009: "The U.S. uses nonpro-
liferation as tactics, not as strategy-
look at India relations! They are trying
to check China- smart tactics, but bad
strategy.... The U.S. does not system-
atically care about nonproliferation."
With respect to Japan, the legacy of
mistrust stemming from World War II
Japanese aggression is not far from the
surface in the minds of most Chinese;
nor is the anxiety that Japanese citizens
feel at the prospect of a regionally dom-
inant China well hidden either. In recent
years, one of Beijing's underlying fears
is that the U.S. -stretched strategical-
ly in the Middle East and Central Asia,
and with severe financial constraints-
will seek to deputize Tokyo to play an
ever-larger regional, and eventually
global, security role. In 2007, 55% of
Chinese polled saw Japan as "a country
striving to strengthen its military capa-
bilities." This fear is stoked by efforts
to strengthen the U.S .-Japan security
relationship in light of dangers on the
Korean Peninsula, dating back to the
Clinton Administration; Washington
and Tokyo's cooperation on the place-
ment of antiballistic missile systems
in Japan and aboard Japanese naval
vessels and the joint development of
such systems; periodic and recent ef-
forts in Japan to modify its "peace con-
stitution"; the increasing willingness
of Tokyo to send military and peace-
keeping forces at ever-greater distance
from Japanese shores (as the Chinese
themselves are doing); and periodic
ruminations in Japan about whether
or not Tokyo needs to contemplate ob-
taining nuclear weapons. For their part,
the Japanese do not feel comfortable
with a growing Chinese navy sitting
astride the sea lanes of communica-
tion* through which 80% of Japan's
petroleum imports flow. This mutual
strategic mistrust is further exacerbated
*For definition, see glossary on p. 103
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by Sino-Japanese offshore territorial
disputes in areas thought to be rich in
hydrocarbon resources. These disputes
also have significant nationalistic im-
plications for both sides.
Therefore as China surveys its re-
gional environment, it sees a complex
and sometimes dangerous setting, one
in which there are currently four nucle-
ar states (Russia, North Korea, Pakistan
and India), two of which are highly un-
stable and all of which present compli-
cated issues for Beijing. Further, it sees
another four nearby societies that could
go nuclear in reasonable time frames
were there a decision made to do so
(Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Iran).
In addition, China has four failed
or near-failing states along its borders
(Afghanistan, Myanmar, Pakistan and
North Korea). Afghanistan and My an-
'Action -reaction cycle'
and the quest for deterrence
reaction cycle in which "Country A" acquires a new mili-
tary capability (often as a result of technological advance),
thereby motivating "Country B" to develop an offsetting,
if not leapfrogging or asymmetric, capability, in turn set-
ting off an endless spiraling cycle of challenge and response.
This was a well-understood phenomenon during the cold
war (1945-91) in the context of U.S.-Soviet relations. The
consequences of prolonged cycles of action and reaction are
to boost each side to ever-higher levels of destructive capa-
bility, impose ever-greater financial costs on each society
(and others who must respond), and provide progressively
less security to everyone as both sides move up the escala-
tory ladder. Some of these tendencies are taking shape in the
U.S .-China relationship, a situation that concerns both sides.
This can be seen in two related areas- the security and cred-
ibility of China's nuclear deterrent and the related issue of
ballistic missile defense (BMD).
China has a relatively small nuclear force, the exact number
of warheads being a state secret. Currently, the Chinese nuclear
arsenal is thought to be in the 25CMOO warhead range. It is
thought to be growing. In contrast, the U.S. had approximately
2,200 deployed warheads in 2009; this number will drop to as
few as 1,500-1,675 if the July 2009 U.S .-Russia joint under-
standing for a follow-on treaty to the Strategic Arms Reduction
Treaty is agreed to and fully implemented over time. Regard-
less, China has a relatively modest fraction of the warheads
that the U.S. currently possesses. Further, only a small (though
growing) percentage of the PRC's total warheads are capable
of reaching the U.S. aboard approximately 45 intercontinental
ballistic missiles. However, Beijing's nuclear and conventional
missiles could strike U.S . forces in much of Asia. Until
most of China's strategic warheads were in fixed sites on land,
unable to be launched rapidly because they were liquid-fueled.
This meant that the Chinese deterrent force was relatively vul-
nerable to a hypothetical first strike, with either nuclear or con-
ventional "smart" weapons. Chinese fears of this admittedly re-
mote possibility were not lessened by the Bush
post-9/11 talk of preemptive warfare and its 2002 nuclear pos-
ture review that explicitly included the Taiwan Strait as a place
where it was conceivable the U.S. could employ its nuclear
capability. The U.S . has never adopted a policy of "no first
which China has repeatedly urged on Washington. The combi-
nation of U.S. doctrine and Chinese vulnerabilities has led Bei-
jing to be unsure about the credibility of its nuclear deterrent.
Compounding Beijing's anxieties about its deterrent, the
U.S., particularly under the Bush Administration, placed a
high priority on developing and deploying BMD. This in-
cluded not only fielding systems under U.S. control, but also
providing some BMD capabilities to U.S. allies and friends
in Europe (upsetting Moscow) and Japan, Taiwan and South
Korea. All this greatly disconcerts Beijing. As one former Chi-
nese arms control negotiator in Geneva, Switzerland, put it
to the author in July 2009, "BMD is a big deal and had a big
effect on China's deterrent- a problem." These moves in Asia
are worrisome to Beijing for reasons beyond the suspicion that
China (not North Korea) is the real object of these defensive
systems. In particular, given China's relatively low numbers of
strategic warheads, a rather small U.S ./allied missile defense
system could hypothetically destroy whatever few warheads
might remain after a hypothetical U.S. disarming first strike
(either conventional or nuclear), leaving China vulnerable to
Washington's large number of remaining warheads. A Chi-
nese general explained Beijing's concerns to this author in
"We believe that strategic nukes are very important to Chi-
nese power and the numbers are top secret. . . .Chinese nukes
small in number, [and] as far as capabilities, not on a par with
the U.S. and Russia, so China is very worried about its
ties. ...The U.S. and China have different concerns. The U.S.
is concerned with China's new capabilities and numbers, but
China is concerned with its own capabilities."
The deterrence playbook developed during the cold war by
Washington and Moscow enumerates the kinds of responses
that can be made by a nation fearing for the credibility of its
nuclear retaliatory force. China is doing all of these things- it
is traveling down a well-worn trail. It is making its land-based
force harder to find by making it mobile; putting an increasing
percentage of its retaliatory force out to sea on submarines
where it is harder to find; developing the capability to put more
than one warhead on missiles, thereby multiplying the targets
with which any defensive system would have to deal, and in-
creasing the number of warheads in a cost-effective manner;
and the PRC military is acquiring systems and capabilities to
interfere with the sensors and computers that are integral to
U.S. defenses. It is these developments and dynamics that, in
part, account for the successful 2007 Chinese antisatellite test;
increasing Chinese cyberwarfare activity directed at the U.S.
and others; China's more assertive naval pushback against U.S.
surveillance activities in international waters (but in China's
exclusive economic zone) near the PRC; and for China's 2009
unveiling of its new generation of ballistic missile submarines,
49 I
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Chinese farmer Gao Xianzhang looks at two baby-shaped pears
growing in moulds in a
pear tree at his farm in Lianghexia village , north China's
Hebei province , Aug. 29, 2009.
Gao has created 10,000 of these minimarvels this season, which
he plans to export to Eu-
rope. (Imaginechina via AP Images)
mar pump illegal drugs across their
borders into China, as do Vietnam,
Laos and Pakistan. Pakistan, a nuclear
state with an unstable polity, is highly
volatile, while a portion of its terri-
tory is a haven for jihadists. North
Korea- a Marxist dynasty that regu-
larly makes outlandish threats, trans-
fers dangerous technology to states
of concern (e.g., Syria and Iran) and
supplies China with unwelcome refu-
gees in profusion- poses its own set
of challenges. With respect to North
Korea, every destabilizing initiative
by Pyongyang brings new demands
upon Beijing "to do something" about
its wayward neighbor and presumed
client. Moreover these states, and oth-
ers nearby, also figure in human traf-
ficking and refugee-related concerns.
For instance, from Myanmar in late
August 2009, there were approxi-
mately 30,000 Burmese citizens and
irregular soldiers that crossed the bor-
der into the PRC to escape civil strife
in northern Myanmar.
In short, China is truly in a tough re-
gion. Beijing seeks to be able to protect
and advance its growing interests, in
part by developing ever-more capable
military forces. This does not inevita-
bly foretell Chinese military expansion,
but it does mean that steadily growing
Chinese military strength is part of the
future of Asia, as well as that of the
broader international system. •
of interdependence
When perceived Mao surveyed a predatory the world, interna-
he perceived a predatory interna-
tional system in which "self-reliance"
best served China's security- China
would be most secure when it depended
on no outside power(s), international
institutions or external economic rela-
tionships. This vision kept China poor
(in Mao's 27 years of post-1949 rule,
China's share of global GDP remained
almost unchanged at less than 5%).
Deng had a different vision, one
built on comparative advantage, Chi-
na's integration into world systems,
and cooperation with advanced nations
and international institutions such as
the U.S. and the World Bank* to help
transform China. Such involvement
would foster growth, which would
increase the welfare of the Chinese
people, which would enhance regime
support, which would expand China's
global stature, which, in turn, would
further foster growth - a virtuous cycle .
All this, of course, came at the price of
ever-greater Chinese integration with,
and dependence upon, global systems
and processes. A dramatic example of
this is China's increasing reliance on
the international grain-trading system,
a food dependency that Mao would
never have contemplated or tolerated.
The same applies to oil.
This mounting interdependence has
meant that the costs of unstable global
systems have become ever greater for
China itself. The security problem for
China is how to realize the gains from
interdependence while minimizing its
dangers and costs. This category of
threat has many dimensions, but four
significant issues help illustrate the
thinking of Beijing's policymakers:
protectionism; financial interdepen-
dence; strategic materials; and global
PROTECTIONISM China is not an
export-led economy to the extent one
associates the term with the "little
dragon economies" of Taiwan, Hong
Kong, South Korea and Singapore, in
part because the PRC provides less val-
ue added to its exports than the others.
Nonetheless, nominally nearly 70% of
China's GDP is composed of foreign
trade. Even if this considerably over-
states the PRC's real dependence on ex-
ports, the 23% decline in PRC exports
from July 2008 to July 2009 is more
than worrisome to Beijing- it is poten-
tially destabilizing, given that (in 2005)
80 million people were working "in the
This content downloaded from
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All use subject to
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a visit
to the
gas-fired Taiyanggong Thermal Power Plant in Beijing, Feb. 21
, 2009.
Clinton and Chinese officials agreed to focus their governments
' efforts
on stabilizing the battered global economy and combating
climate change.
(AP Photo/Greg Baker)
field of foreign trade," according to the
PRC minister of commerce. Moreover,
customs revenues and taxes on export-
oriented and foreign-invested firms ac-
count for a significant fraction of gov-
ernment income at all levels, with the
minister of commerce noting in 2005
that "the import and export tax revenue
accounts for about 18% of the nation's
total." Consequently, a high priority for
China's central government is to make
sure that the world, especially markets
for China's exports, stays open for
business. Concurrently, Beijing needs
to increase domestic consumption as a
driver of economic growth.
CES It almost has become a cliche
that Communist China is
"capitalist" America's bank-
er, holding in excess of $1
trillion U.S. dollar-denom-
inated debt, making China
the largest foreign holder of
U.S. securities in the world
as of August 2009. Chinese
corporations and other PRC
investors are not doing this
as charity for the U.S., but
rather because despite all
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1. How did the case study impact your thoughts about your own fina.docx

  • 1. 1. How did the case study impact your thoughts about your own finances? 2. What were your thoughts and observations as you created your own balance sheet? 3. How might the balance sheet help you in future financial planning? 4. How close to reality do you think your estimated personal cash flow statement will be if you track your actual income and expenses for a month? 1. It gave me the desire to track my finances more closely and objectively. I liked how we can determine our net worth through some simple calculations and our inflows and outflows per month. Generally, I rely on simple finance apps like Mint to track my finances. Currently, I do not create monthly budgets, but I now believe such action could be helpful. 2. I know that I have more assets than I am counting in the excel sheet. Therefore, my net worth is potentially higher. I also have a variety of streaming platforms. I would benefit from switching from one platform to another month by month to save money. Streaming platforms are not a significant expense. Currently, my most considerable expense is transportation. Since gas prices are falling, this will help increase my surplus. 3. Accounting is math: it either works or doesn’t. Each can be traced from its inception (a sale, an expense, a money transfer) to the line on the financial statement. Since I don’t have much experience with financials, I try to seek out a mentor who is a
  • 2. family member. A balance sheet will ensure that I am not spending foolishly and ensure I am making appropriate purchases within the limits I set for myself. Proper planning will ensure I maximize my net worth. 4. It is important to consider cash flow when planning for the future . It is important to save money every month in order to be able to make better financial decisions in the future. I hope to use some investing approaches for beginners to purchase funds without getting into debt. Most people underestimate how much they truly spend in a month. Therefore, I am underestimating how much I spend as well. I eat out quite a bit with friends and family, so my restaurant bill for the holidays might be higher than anticipated. Foreign Policy Association China and America Author(s): David M. Lampton Source: Great Decisions , 2018, (2018), pp. 35-46 Published by: Foreign Policy Association Stable URL: JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and
  • 3. facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected] Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at Foreign Policy Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Great Decisions This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC�������������� All use subject to 35 Xi, Jinping, “Secure a Decisive Vic- tory in Building a Moderately Prosper- ous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.” The Great Hall of the People of Beijing, October 18, 2017. Available free online: < special/2017-11/03/c_136725942.htm>. In this speech, delivered to over 2,000 Communist Party members at the 19th Party Congress, Chinese President Xi Jin- ping lays out plans for Chinese economic and political development by 2050.
  • 4. China and America: the new geopolitical equation by David M. Lampton 3 DAVID M. LAMPTON is Hyman Professor and Director of China Studies at Johns Hopkins University—SAIS in Wash- ington, DC. He is current Chairman of The Asia Foundation, and past President of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, and his most recent book is: Following the Lead- er: Ruling China, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping (Uni- versity of California Press, 2014). With two colleagues, he is writing a book on Beijing’s railway building effort aimed at connecting southern China to Southeast Asia. The views expressed are his own and he wishes to thank Jill Huang and Ji Zhaojin for their research assistance. The U.S. and China were on an increasingly friction- laden path even before China’s President Xi Jinping took office five years ago. Problems have grown since. Developments following the inauguration of U.S. President Donald Trump have compounded uncertainties and risks, though two presidential summits in 2017 had a pa- tina of cooperation. For the last decade and a half, China has implemented an expansive strategy of economic outreach and growth of national capacities, including of military and diplomatic power. What are the challenges and opportunities for the U.S. in its relations with China? What can be done to improve prospects for productively managing differences, as the tectonic plates of global power shift? During the 71 years spanning 1945–2016, the U.S. used
  • 5. its dominant economic, military and ideological power, along with that of its allies, to conceive of, build and support global institutions, alliances and regimes that have contrib- uted to international growth and tolerable peace. Ironically, in so doing, the U.S. fostered the emergence of other power centers. Predictably, these increasingly capable countries now have growing ambitions and ability to pursue their interests. China is notable in this regard as a geopolitical, economic and security competitor with whom the U.S. will increasingly have to negotiate cooperation. Still, Beijing is not Washington’s biggest threat, and there are many potential gains to be had from collaboration. U.S. President Donald Trump (L) and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands at a joint news conference held after their meeting in Beijing on November 9, 2017. (ARTYOM IVANOV/TASS/GETTY IMAGES) This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC�������������� All use subject to 2 0 1 8 36 3 Before you read, download the compan- ion Glossary that includes definitions
  • 6. and a guide to acronyms and abbreviations used in the article. Go to www.great and select a topic in the Resources section on the right-hand side of the page. ! Power is relative, not absolute. In 2013, China’s global share of gross do- mestic product (GDP) exceeded that of the U.S. for the first time, as measured by the World Bank. As late as 1990, the U.S. could act more unilaterally than it can today. At that time, it commanded almost 21% of global GDP, compared to today’s approximately 15.5%; Chi- na, by contrast, possessed less than 4% of global GDP compared to today’s nearly 18% and growing. External perceptions of power and strength are also germane, particularly in periods of crisis and transition. A spring 2017 poll by the Pew Research Center found that although more coun- tries globally still name the U.S. as “the world’s leading economic power” over China, the gap is narrowing. Mean- while, perceptions of U.S. economic power have declined among most key allies and trading partners, and a major- ity of EU countries surveyed put the U.S. in second place after China. Aus- tralians believed that “China leads the U.S. by a two-to-one margin.”
  • 7. After years of protracted and cost- ly entanglements all over the world, there is evidently a dwindling supply of political will in the U.S. for a global leadership role. Nonetheless, the U.S. possesses unique strengths, potential and resilience that many Chinese pop- ulists and nationalists underestimate. Considering the U.S.’s modestly sized population (about 323 million, com- pared to China’s nearly 1.4 billion), the country controls a remarkably out- sized share of global GDP. In per capita GDP terms (reflecting standard of liv- ing for average citizens) the U.S. leads China by a very considerable margin. Moreover, as Arthur Kroeber, manag- ing director of the global economic research firm Gavekal Dragonomics, points out, “In terms of [technology] licensing value…the U.S. tech sector is 60 times stronger than China’s.” The image of China as an unstoppable leviathan is overstated, and Beijing’s leaders run the risk of overestimating their own strength. Security anxieties among China’s neighbors, engendered by Beijing’s growing power, further diminish the country’s economic in- fluence. Washington’s challenge now is to maintain its power share and play its cards shrewdly. The wisest path forward is for both countries to ne-
  • 8. gotiate cooperation. The first step for the U.S. is to get its domestic house in order. The state of play in Washington Soon after taking office in January 2017, President Trump backed off several elements of his campaign rhetoric, at least temporarily, includ- ing: protectionism expressed as threats of dramatic tariff hikes; an inclination to alter the long-standing “One China” policy, by which the U.S. recognizes Beijing as the official government of China, rather than Taiwan’s govern- ment, over which Beijing claims sov- ereignty; and impulses toward conflict in the South China Sea, where regional states maintain competing territo- rial claims. In addition, though Trump continues to call for greater security contributions from U.S. allies, he has conveyed reassurances to partners that Washington still values its alliances, in particular the North Atlantic Treaty Or- ganization (NATO). The first summit between President Trump and President Xi was held in April 2017 at Trump’s private Mar-a- Lago resort in Florida. The two lead- ers rejiggered the Barack Obama-era (2009–17) Strategic and Economic Dialogue by agreeing to establish four
  • 9. parallel consultation mechanisms fo- cusing on core economic, diplomatic, security, cyber, and cultural and hu- man rights frictions. A 100-day nego- tiation period was initiated to address economic disputes in finance and trade SOURCE: World Bank, International Comparison Program database *as measured in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) 0% 15% 10% 5% 20% YEARS SH AR E O F G LO BA L G D P* (IN TR
  • 10. IL LI O N S U S D O LL AR S) China vs. US Percentage of Global GDP ’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00 ’02 ’04 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 2016: 17.83% 2016: 15.46% US share of GDP 2016 World GDP: $120.139 trillion China share of GDP This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC��������������
  • 11. All use subject to C H I N A A N D A M E R I C A 3 37 under the framework of the U.S.-China Comprehensive Economic Dialogue, and the presidents made efforts to establish personal rapport and direct communication. There were less positive develop- ments as well. Trump’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) (the massive trade pact negotiations be- tween the U.S. and 11 other Pacific Rim countries) three days after being sworn into office, and his stated intention to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agree- ment, frayed the U.S.’s mantle as leader on international institution-building and interdependence issues. Washing- ton’s partners in the TPP negotiations, notably Japan, were left high and dry, having made domestically painful concessions to meet U.S. demands that Washington then scuttled. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzō Abe (2006–07; 2012–present) soon sought to resurrect the TPP without Washington, and major progress in this direction was made in a meeting of trade ministers in November
  • 12. 2017 in Danang, Vietnam, at which the U.S. was not represented. In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel (2005–pres- ent) has sought to forge trade and other relationships not based in U.S. central- ity. In May 2017, following a Group of Seven (G-7) summit, Merkel told one audience that: “The era in which we [Europeans] could fully rely on others is over to some extent.” In short, abundant chances to en- hance China’s international leadership have fallen into Beijing’s lap. President Xi has already moved into the void to champion economic globalization and ecological responsibility. This was evi- dent in a headline-grabbing speech at the World Economic Forum in January 2017, in which he emphasized com- mitment to “growing an open global economy,” and noted that “no one will emerge as a winner in a trade war.” In his lengthy speech to China’s 19th Na- tional Party Congress of the Communist Party (hereafter, the Party Congress) in October, he reaffirmed dedication to environmental issues and a model of sustainable development guided by “harmonious co-existence between man and nature.” The North Korea problem When he left office in January 2017,
  • 13. President Obama told President-elect Trump that the most pressing national security challenge he would face would be North Korea’s efforts to advance its nuclear and missile programs and to threaten Asia-Pacific allies, U.S. re- gional bases and even the continental U.S. Moreover, this effort could ener- gize a new round of nuclear prolifera- tion in Asia, perhaps featuring the ac- quisition of nuclear weapons by Japan and South Korea. This would multiply the number of such weapons, foster an arms race and compound instabilities. Pyongyang’s nuclear effort became highly visible during the Bill Clinton administration (1993–2001), continued through the George W. Bush (2001–09) and Obama periods, and landed in the lap of President Trump. Not even a year into Trump’s presidency, North Korea has already tested missiles over Japan and conducted its sixth nuclear test, in September 2017. Over the last two decades, there has been an unceas- ing stream of conferences, multilateral sanctions, interim deals, threats and joint military exercises involving vari- ous countries, but none of these efforts, including periodic shows of disapprov- al from Beijing, have deflected North Korea from its chosen course. The rul- ing Kim dynasty has demonstrated an unshakeable commitment to acquiring
  • 14. weapons of mass destruction, believing that this is its “insurance policy” against forcible removal from power. There have been occasional glimmers of hope that some formula for denuclearization might be found and faithfully imple- mented, but these efforts have failed to get off the figurative launch pad, or have blown up shortly after lift-off. President Trump has communicated that he believes his White House pre- decessors were right to press Beijing to ramp up pressure on North Korea, and correct in their assessment that Beijing had sufficient means to do so. Howev- er, Trump also came into office feeling strongly that past administrations had not taken a sufficiently transactional ap- proach with Beijing. He therefore sug- gested that Washington would give Bei- jing concessions in other areas—trade and Taiwan among them—in exchange for cooperation on North Korea. In one post on the social media platform Twit- ter, he wrote: “The United States is con- sidering, in addition to other options, stopping all trade with any country do- ing business with North Korea.” Presidents Trump and Xi initially labored to reach economic accommo- dations and cooperate on North Korean (AMMER/WIENER ZEITUNG/VIENNA, AUSTRIA)
  • 15. This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC�������������� All use subject to 2 0 1 8 38 3 denuclearization, but the burden of accumulating frictions soon weighed more heavily. In June 2017, Washing- ton sold Taiwan weapons and equip- ment valued at $1.4 billion. The U.S. Department of State’s 2017 Traffick- ing in Persons Report “downgraded” China (in human rights terms) and the U.S. slapped secondary economic sanctions on Chinese trading and cer- tain financial entities (and individuals) for directly or indirectly aiding North Korean weapons programs. China’s ambassador to the U.S., Cui Tiankai, responded: “[Attempts] to create le- verage against China on the Korean nuclear issue by challenging China on Taiwan and the South China Sea are equally destructive.” The ambassador went on to say that “secondary sanc- tions imposed by the U.S. on Chinese entities and individuals according to
  • 16. U.S. domestic laws are also not ac- ceptable.” In both Congress and the executive branch, moves were made and are now underway to subject Chi- nese foreign direct investment (FDI) in the U.S. to more scrutiny, to constrain technology flows to China and to fight forced technology transfer provisions imposed on U.S. firms seeking market access in China. The White House has called on the U.S. Trade Representa- tive to “investigate” China’s practices in these regards. In August 2017, more secondary sanctions were imposed on Beijing with respect to North Korea. In early September, the United Na- tions (UN) Security Council (UNSC) imposed additional sanctions on North Korea with the backing of China and Russia, though they watered down U.S. proposals before agreeing. One reason for this seesaw in rela- tions with Beijing is that the Trump administration effectively attempted to outsource its North Korea policy to China. The fundamental obstacle to this approach remains that China opposes actions that would destabi- lize, much less topple, the regime in Pyongyang. Beijing has consistently shown that two principles govern its North Korea policy. First, it oppos- es North Korea becoming a nuclear weapons-capable country. Second,
  • 17. it will not put sufficient pressure on Pyongyang to risk North Korea’s col- lapse. Beijing does not want unrest in North Korea spilling into northeast China. It wants a buffer state between itself and South Korea (and U.S. forc- es there), and leverage over Washing- ton. Successive Chinese leaders have adhered to these priorities despite periodic slaps in the face by the Kim dynasty. Beijing sustained this posture during the November 2017 Trump-Xi summit: Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang told reporters that China wanted to “maintain [note: not in- crease] pressure regarding the nuclear activities” of North Korea and “pro- mote peaceful resolution of the issue through dialogue and negotiation.” While Beijing did in fact interrupt North Korean currency-earning coal exports to China in the first quarter of 2017, its overall trade with Pyongyang grew 37.4% over the same period in 2016. Though Beijing joined the other four members of the UNSC in impos- ing new sanctions, it carefully avoided affecting its ongoing deals and exports to Pyongyang. China’s northeastern provinces have interests in North Ko- rea and resist shutting down their trade there. Shipping through Hong Kong to North Korea continues to be an impor- tant hole in the sanctions dike.
  • 18. In short, China is doing just enough to avoid rupture with Washington, without doing so much as to endanger North Korea’s survival. With the limits to China’s will and capacity to change North Korea’s behavior revealed, what will the White House do? What hap- pens if Beijing comes to be seen by Washington as proactively undermin- ing U.S. efforts? In a remarkable June 2017 tweet, the U.S. president conceded that de- pending on China to bring North Ko- rea to heel had not worked: “While I greatly appreciate the efforts of Presi- dent Xi & China to help with North Korea,” he wrote, “it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!” U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson put a more hopeful cast on things, saying: “We have not given up hope” and ex- pressing the intention of the U.S. to Sea of Japan Yellow Sea PACIFIC OCEAN Amur
  • 22. This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC�������������� All use subject to C H I N A A N D A M E R I C A 3 39 wage a “peaceful pressure campaign [on North Korea].” Shortly thereafter, the president ratcheted up pressure. “I am very disappointed in China,” he tweeted. “Our foolish past leaders have allowed them to make hundreds of billions of dollars a year in trade, yet they do NOTHING for us with North Korea…We will no longer al- low this to continue.” During Presi- dent Trump’s first trip to China in No- vember 2017, he took a more concil- iatory tone, proclaiming the “mutual commitment” of the two presidents to the denuclearization of North Korea. Of the numerous reasons that Trump’s approach has not borne fruit, three are dominant. First, Pyongyang is able to resist potentially lethal pres- sure from China. Second, for Beijing, a nuclearized peace on the Korean Pen- insula is preferable to war there. And
  • 23. third, while President Trump has gy- rated on whether the U.S. approach to Pyongyang should rely on force or dia- logue, the Chinese have never wavered in their aversion to the use of force to denuclearize North Korea. Consequently, the current U.S. ad- ministration is left with the same stark choices as its predecessors, except that Trump has staked even more on the issue and North Korea is further down its deliverable nuclear weapons path. Washington has never attacked a nuclear-capable country. The U.S.’s options—none of them ideal—fall into three categories: n 1. Implicitly or explicitly accept that North Korea has nuclear weapons and deter Pyongyang from using them, as was done with the Soviet Union and China. This approach has two variants: One is to seek to negotiate a freeze in North Korean warhead and missile levels and testing (with verification), and negotiate a peace agreement. The second option is simply to establish a deterrent relationship without official agreements—just the promise of cer- tain destruction if weapons are used or proliferated. n 2. Persist in a policy of tightening sanctions, knowing that there are lim- its to the pressure China will apply on North Korea and that North Korea has
  • 24. a seemingly endless capacity to endure such punitive measures. In this scenar- io, Pyongyang continues to build more warheads and develop their means of delivery. n 3. Use force to try to destroy North Korea’s nuclear capacity (or the regime entirely), knowing that Pyongyang’s death throes could take hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of South Korean and other lives with it. It is time for Washington, in close consultation with its South Korean and Japanese allies, to seriously consider either explicitly or implicitly acknowl- edging that North Korea has a modest nuclear deterrent, and to prevent North Korea’s use of these capabilities (and proliferation) just as Washington did with the Soviet Union and China. The wisdom of such a policy partially hing- es on whether or not one conceives of North Korean leaders as rational; that is, whether one believes that their instinct for survival outweighs their impulsive- ness. A principal downside to adopting an overt approach of deterrence is that it would likely encourage others in Asia (not least South Korea and Japan) to obtain their own “deterrent,” thereby multiplying regional nuclear actors and the attendant dangers. Of course this would also stimulate Beijing to further boost its capacities, thereby fueling a regional arms race.
  • 25. In sum, President Trump initially put other contentious issues with China on the back burner, hoping to achieve his primary goal—North Korea’s de- nuclearization. When that failed, the front burner of the U.S.-China relation- ship became crowded with previously repressed issues: U.S. freedom of navi- gation operations in the South China Sea, talk of steel and aluminum tariffs, weapons sales to Taiwan, the threat of tightened restrictions on technology and investment flows, and second- ary sanctions on Chinese institutions and individuals. Some of these threats have been pursued, others downplayed or delayed, and still others seemingly abandoned, leaving Beijing, Washing- ton’s allies and many others confused. This brings us to executive branch decision-making. Executive branch decision-making White House personnel, not least those involved in national security, have been in continual flux since Inauguration Day. Deep divisions on trade policy persist among the president’s senior ad- visors. Across all agencies, nomination and confirmation of officials has been painstakingly slow. As of mid-Novem- ber 2017, only 469 out of over 600 key
  • 26. positions requiring Senate confirma- tion had been nominated—249 had been confirmed and 144 posts still had no nominee. In the State Department, only 56 out of 152 slots had been filled; at the Defense Department, 26 out of (KAL/THE ECONOMIST/LONDON, ENGLAND) This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC�������������� All use subject to 2 0 1 8 40 3 54; and, at the Commerce Department, 10 out of 21. This leaves key agen- cies staffed with politically insecure (“acting”) personnel. Although many of these individuals are very capable, foreign governments do not know with whom they can engage with confi- dence, and the risks of ill-considered policy, spotty implementation and in- action increase. President Trump initially gave mem- bers of his own family notable roles in dealing with Beijing: His son-in-law
  • 27. Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka liaised with the Chinese and advised the president. This blurred lines with the State Department and other agen- cies and dimmed what should have been a bright line between family and national interests. In the run-up to the president’s November trip to Beijing, family members became less involved as far as China was concerned, at least publicly. Looking ahead, the U.S. Congress is already moving into campaign mode for the pivotal 2018 midterm elections. The upcoming struggle for Capitol Hill is unlikely to improve the climate for dispassionate debate about China policy. Alternatively, Congress may become so preoccupied with domestic politics that it does not focus on China at all. The state of play in Beijing The driving consideration in Chi- nese political life for Xi Jinping’s first term (2012–17) was the 19th Party Congress (October 18–24, 2017). The Party Congress is held only once ev- ery five years, and is used to set the party’s foreign and domestic policy agendas and select its leadership. Prior to this conclave, President Xi—who also serves as general secretary of the
  • 28. Communist Party (CCP) and chair- man of the Central Military Commis- sion—had two desires, each in ten- sion with the other. First, he sought to cultivate stable relations with the Obama administration and thereafter the Trump administration, looking to keep U.S.-China relations on an even keel. At home, however, he wanted to appear tough on the U.S: Xi remains determined to be seen domestically as a staunch guardian of China’s equities: Taiwan, the South and East China Seas, North Korea, economic interests and “national dignity.” He stated his driv- ing aspiration succinctly when he first took office: “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” In April 2017, at the Mar-a-La- go summit, Xi therefore held out to Trump the prospect of the aforemen- tioned 100-day negotiation aimed at producing quick, politically satisfy- ing and visible trade gains. Yet when the first Comprehensive Economic Dialogue discussions in Washington rolled around 100 days later, Beijing gave very little. Xi’s principal conces- sion was U.S. beef exports—dear to ranchers in the American West, but not a game changer. In short, Xi was pre- occupied with consolidating power up until the conclusion of the 19th Party Congress. Being soft on the U.S. was
  • 29. inconsistent with the logic of building his nationalistic coalition at home. Domestically, Xi has restored key aspects of strongman politics and moved the CCP to center stage in society and governance. The 19th Party Congress was less a pro forma reappointment than a coronation. Xi augmented his already considerable power by building a more pliable seven-person Standing Committee of the Politburo. He put a close confidant in charge of anti-corruption work (Li Zhanshu), disposed of opponents and potential competitors (Sun Zhengcai), weakened competitive factional net- works (the Communist Youth League), embedded his “Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” in the CCP Constitution—as only Chairman Mao Zedong, China’s revo- lutionary communist leader (1949–76) and paramount leader Deng Xiaoping (1978–92) had done before—and made possible (though not inevitable) his re- tention of power beyond his second five-year term, heretofore an evolv- ing retirement norm in Beijing. Even before the recent Party Congress, Xi had achieved the exalted status of “core leader.” Despite his political achievements, however, President Xi faces constraints
  • 30. and is deeply insecure about the forces roiling below the surface in Chinese so- ciety. Ministries, provinces, localities, corrupt individuals and interest groups cannot be counted on to comply with orders from the top. The sweeping anti- corruption campaign that Xi launched at the close of the 18th Party Congress in 2012 has won him popular support, but also created enemies among its ac- tual and potential targets. Demographi- cally, China’s median age is increas- ing rapidly, as is the dependency ratio, meaning that health and retirement costs associated with an aging popu- lation will grow and the working-age population will decline. The Chinese economy is awash in corporate debt (though it has huge fi- nancial assets), and there is a shadow banking and irregular financial sector creating enormous uncertainties. Eco- nomic efficiency (total factor produc- tivity) in the state-owned enterprise sector has been declining for years. Ex- cess production capacity in key sectors weakens the economy, requiring end- less central subsidies. It also motivates dumping products abroad. All this, in combination with political uncertain- ties, periodically stimulates large-scale capital movements from China abroad. These are sometimes so large that Bei- jing imposes capital controls, as was done in 2015–16. Tightened capital
  • 31. controls, in turn, slow Chinese foreign investments. Most fundamentally, Xi must worry that the growing middle class and already disaffected intellec- tuals may not remain quiescent forever. Xi’s foreign policy When it comes to national strategy and dealing with the U.S., President Xi is in charge. Washington will be dealing with him as the leader of an increasing- ly capable China for the foreseeable fu- ture. Some issues to consider include: What can we expect the contours of Xi’s future foreign policy to be? How can Washington influence them and This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC�������������� All use subject to C H I N A A N D A M E R I C A 3 41 how should it respond? And, most fun- damentally, how can the U.S. increase its own comprehensive power? Under Xi, Beijing has become progressively more assertive in safe- guarding national interests and winning
  • 32. more say for China abroad. Beijing views Washington as simultaneously gridlocked at home and increasingly alienated from its traditional friends in the international arena. As a former Chinese vice-minister of foreign af- fairs wrote recently: “We have entered a `Post-American Era,’ meaning that the so-called `Pax Americana’ and the American century is over…The most obvious characteristic of a Post-Amer- ican Era is a reconfiguration of the global power balance, with developing nations gaining strength year by year.” This assessment reinforces Beijing’s current course. Americans should be concerned when People’s Daily, the of- ficial newspaper of the CCP, carries a piece ridiculing Trump’s Washington as “a bizarre soap opera,” and saying that “U.S. foreign policy is in total disarray, and world regard for the U.S. has plummeted.” The piece goes on to say, “China cannot afford to play such political games. As a country with 1.4 billion people, China must focus on economic development, and a strong central leadership is needed.” Broad- minded Chinese who see a progressive and successful U.S. as being advanta- geous to China’s political reform and long-term interests are alarmed at de- velopments in the U.S. Xi has expansively asserted sover-
  • 33. eignty in the South China Sea, pres- sured India on its shared border in the Himalayas, pushed along the median line separating Japan and China in the East China Sea and punished South Korea economically over defensive missile deployments. This muscular trend is also evident in Xi’s July 2017 announcement of a “red line” for dis- sidents in Hong Kong who are pushing for more autonomy and electoral re- form, as well as his warning to outsid- ers not to seek to “infiltrate” and “sabo- tage” the mainland from Hong Kong. Xi has ratcheted up political, economic and surveillance pressures on Taiwan since the independence-leaning Demo- cratic Progressive Party formed a gov- ernment there in May 2016. Xi’s muscularity is also a reflec- tion of China’s more than three-decade trend of modernization in its military structure, operations and equipment— particularly its naval, air force, missile, space and cyber components. A major reorganization of the military launched in 2015 signals accelerated efforts to boost capacities and Xi’s personal control over the armed forces. China’s civilian R&D and manufacturing in- dustries are making increasing con- tributions to the People’s Liberation South
  • 34. China Sea Sea of Japan East China Sea PACIFIC OCEAN Yellow Sea Bay of Bengal M ekong L. Baykal Ganges Yangtze Huang RUSS IA CHINA MONGOLIA KAZAKHSTAN
  • 40. 300 Mi0 300 Km0 This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC�������������� All use subject to 2 0 1 8 42 3 Army’s (PLA) arsenal, and in the pro- cess growing the military-industrial complex. The Pentagon’s 2017 report to Congress concluded that, “China’s military modernization is targeting capabilities with the potential to de- grade core U.S. military-technological advantages.” In late July 2017, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the PLA founding, Xi reviewed a huge military parade in Inner Mongolia at which 40% of the weapons displayed had not been seen before. All of these were domestically produced. Under Xi there has been progres- sively closer alignment with Putin’s Russia, though important frictions re-
  • 41. main between Moscow and Beijing. Growing cooperation is evident with respect to Syria and North Korea, and to UN voting. In July 2017, Beijing announced joint naval exercises in the Baltic Sea with Moscow—exercises focusing on “strengthening Sino-Rus- sia naval combat and coordinating ca- pabilities.” China Daily, China’s most widely circulated English-language newspaper, observed: “This is the first time the Chinese navy is conducting exercises at NATO’s doorstep.” En- hanced sanctions imposed by the U.S. government on both Russian and Chi- nese entities and individuals may serve to drive the two countries even closer. Geostrategically, Beijing is making very sizable international infrastructure investments in ports, transportation and power grids through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This nominally $1 trillion effort aims to make China a connectivity hub for the region and beyond. The BRI’s projects combine the wish lists of almost every Chinese bureaucracy, locality and enterprise, as well as the aspirations of recipient countries. Beijing hopes BRI projects will absorb its substantial excess do- mestic production. To be sure, there are enormous chal-
  • 42. lenges facing Beijing in this effort. Some of these include: problematic financing and debt loads in developing countries; insufficient revenue flows for planned projects; inappropriate technology; substandard construction; corruption; and local backlash against Chinese intrusion and land acquisition. In addition, China’s assertiveness with respect to sovereignty disputes makes some of its neighbors reluctant to par- ticipate in BRI, including Vietnam and India (the latter boycotted the May 2017 Belt and Road Forum). Even in Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, the local populace is concerned about a planned high-speed railroad that would run directly from China into the heart of the city, because Chinese law enforcement would come with it. Nonetheless, BRI represents the prospect of increased geo-economic and geostrategic clout. In 2016, China was the leading trade partner of 124 countries, compared to the U.S.’s 76— almost a complete reversal from just Chinese President Xi Jinping reviews the armed forces as part of the commemorations to mark the 90th founding anniversary of the People’s Liberation Army at Zhurihe military training base in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, July 30, 2017. (XINHUA/ LI GANG/GETTY IMAGES)
  • 43. Chinese company digging a tunnel in Laos for high-speed rail project, in June 2017. (DAVID M. LAMPTON) This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC�������������� All use subject to C H I N A A N D A M E R I C A 3 43 ten years earlier. Washington would be making a strategic error in assum- ing that China’s outward thrust is des- tined to fail. It is almost certain that a modern, high(er)-speed, Chinese- constructed rail line will be completed from Kunming in southwestern China to Bangkok, Thailand and beyond well before a decade has passed. This will orient 600 million emerging consum- ers in Southeast Asia with growing pur- chasing power toward China. Beijing is also developing several other economic corridors around its periphery. This connectivity push is a developmentally and strategically sound policy direc- tion; indeed, BRI was even enshrined in the CCP Constitution at the 19th Party Congress.
  • 44. Geopolitically, Beijing seeks to drive wedges between the U.S. and its allies and close friends [notably South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Aus- tralia, Europe and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)], and to establish multilateral organiza- tions that provide Beijing with new regional and global platforms for ac- tion and influence. Beijing hopes to diminish post-World War II (WWII) U.S. sway, without destroying the in- ternational structure that helped China get where it is today. This ambition is reflected in Beijing’s central role in the formation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a Eurasian secu- rity grouping involving Central Asia, Russia and others as observers; the BRICS grouping (of five major emerg- ing economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and BRICS Bank; and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), with an im- pressive list of 80 members, including China’s neighbors and all G-7 mem- bers, except the U.S. and Japan. All this is occurring as Beijing boosts its clout in established organizations such as the World Bank and the International Mon- etary Fund (IMF). Some of this is good news for a world order that has been deeply in- fluenced by U.S. policies since WWII.
  • 45. Increasing China’s role in the global trade system, boosting its voting share in multilateral institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF, and encour- aging China to provide international public goods have been features of U.S. policy for decades. However, China also uses its growing strength to press sensitive issues in its relations with the U.S. and with its neighbors— Hong Kong, Taiwan and countries with interests in the East and South China Seas. Moreover, Beijing no longer ac- quiesces to U.S. military domination of its periphery. Its disquiet with “close- in” U.S. maritime and air surveillance is apparent. The gradual placement of U.S. and allied anti-ballistic missile defenses in East Asia to guard against North Korean intimidation is another raw spot. Consequently, there are peri- odic Chinese air and sea challenges to U.S. naval and air forces that elevate the risks of accidents and miscalcula- tions. Beijing steadily builds cyber, space and strategic deterrent and de- fense capabilities, further energizing an action-reaction spiral among China, its neighbors and the U.S. Of course, looked at from Beijing’s perspective, the U.S. is striving to maintain or in- crease its technological lead across the full range of military power. Gross U.S. military spending is about two and a
  • 46. half times that of China. Issues and approaches The above developments give rise to two key policy questions (set- ting aside the issue of North Korea, treated above): how to foster an eco- nomic balance of power in Asia and how to achieve more reciprocity in re- lations with China. Fostering a balance of economic power Comprehensive national power has three components: the capacities to co- erce, materially induce and persuade. The U.S.’s regional and global role throughout the post-WWII period has been underpinned by its large and bal- anced portfolio of these three power instruments. Moving into the new millennium, however, U.S. missteps, global de- velopments and intelligent moves by others have combined to diminish the U.S.’s relative strength. Factors in- clude: the combined weight of post- 9/11 conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan; the 2008–09 global financial crisis (which hit the U.S. harder than China); China’s impressive economic growth combined with Beijing’s “going global
  • 47. policy” initiated in the early 2000s to encourage domestic firms to invest abroad; the 2011 Obama administra- tion “pivot to Asia,” which sought to rebalance U.S. interests away from Eu- rope and the Middle East and toward Asia, but over-emphasized U.S. mili- tary power, alienating China to no posi- tive effect; Washington’s policy bias against infrastructure construction in its World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Export-Import Bank and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) programs; domestic gover- nance problems in the U.S. itself; and counterproductive opposition to initia- tives such as the AIIB and the TPP. The shortening economic leg of U.S. power in Asia weakens U.S. capacity to main- tain balance. How might Washington lengthen that leg, beyond getting back into the regional trade agreement game and concluding a bilateral investment agreement with Beijing? A central part of Xi Jinping’s geo-economic vi- sion is to expand regional links and promote urbanization and economic growth on China’s periphery, making China the central node for the region. In East, Southeast and South Asia this means north-south connectivity; that is, creating goods and services sup- ply chains that originate in China and
  • 48. extend to the Indian Ocean, the South China Sea, the Andaman Sea, the Bay of Bengal and beyond. In order to maintain influence, the U.S. will need to become more involved in the con- struction of regional infrastructure and collaborate to foster linkages that are not just north-south, but also east-west (which would involve links from In- This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC�������������� All use subject to 2 0 1 8 44 3 SOURCE: China General Administration of Customs; The Wall Street Journal 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 200 300 400
  • 49. 500 100 600 IN BI LL IO N S ( U S D O LL AR S) China’s Global Trade Surplus dia to Vietnam, through Burma, Thai- land, Cambodia and on to Japan and the wider Pacific, including the U.S.). This would involve participation from U.S. companies, foreign aid and de- velopment agencies, allies, and mul- tilateral development agencies. Bal- anced connectivity between China and the U.S. would help avoid spheres of influence that give rise to resentment and conflict.
  • 50. Achieving more reciprocity Prior to the 2000s, China was preoc- cupied with its own development, be- ing neither a major exporter nor a sig- nificant source of outward investment. Once China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, its trade and investment abroad grew enormous- ly, as did its global trade surplus and the U.S. bilateral trade deficit with China. Beijing soon had the technology, capital and capacity to take advantage of opportunities abroad without simul- taneously providing commensurate ac- cess to China for the U.S. and others, particularly in the services, IT and ag- riculture sectors. China’s global trade surplus exploded, creating huge cash reserves that needed to be kept abroad in order to avoid generating domestic inflation. Beijing bought U.S. Trea- sury securities in enormous quantities to soak up the cash, but soon sought higher returns by buying tangible for- eign assets. As has been widely report- ed, China has conspicuously expanded its outward FDI, purchasing factories, property, resources, R&D facilities, etc. China’s outward foreign invest- ment exceeded its inward FDI for the first time in 2014; its FDI in the U.S. grew rapidly.
  • 51. Compounding all this, from about 2008 on, the pace of domestic econom- ic, financial and foreign trade liberal- ization in China slowed. While Xi Jin- ping’s accession to power in 2012–13 initially promised to energize market- based reforms, the ensuing years have revealed his determination to pursue a wide range of muscular industrial poli- cies, known as “Made in China 2025.” Consequently, the issues of “reciproc-SOURCE: US Census Bureau 350 250 200 150 100 50 300 0 IN BI LL IO
  • 52. N S ( U S D O LL AR S) US – China Trade De�cit: from near zero to over $350 billion in nearly 20 years ’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00 ’02 ’04 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC�������������� All use subject to C H I N A A N D A M E R I C A 3 45 ity” and “fairness” have moved front and center in U.S.-China relations. There is enough blame to go around, but some analysts in the U.S. believe that U.S. trade negotiators at the time of China’s WTO entry “dropped the ball” on pushing for access to China for U.S.
  • 53. service providers. It is one thing to identify inequities and another to find remedies that don’t disproportionately hurt U.S. interests and innocent bystanders. Limiting Chi- nese investment into U.S. employment- generating firms diminishes domestic U.S. job opportunities. An example of perverse results from retaliation can be found in the Trump administration’s threatened tariffs on imported steel from China and other suppliers. That threat, made in 2017, led to a surge in U.S. steel imports in anticipation of price rises, while also raising the spec- ter of higher costs for U.S. steel users and public consumers. So, while feel- ings of resentment mount in the U.S., finding ways to enhance reciprocity that don’t injure everyone is hard. On the other hand, ignoring the problem invites extremist proposals at home and contempt from Beijing. President Trump’s November 2017 trip to China attempted to address in- equities on the trade front. Beijing and Washington collaborated on bundling an assortment of already agreed-upon transactions, memoranda of under- standing, letters of intent and new deals, to produce a huge headline figure ($253.5 billion) for benefits bestowed on the U.S. as a “result” of the presi-
  • 54. dent’s trip. But the actual transactions in the package did little to address the fundamental issue of the tilted field on which U.S.-China trading and invest- ment is played out. Negotiating cooperation The U.S. today faces policy choices in its relationship with China the magnitude of which it has not confront- ed in Asia since the earliest days of the Cold War. In terms of economic en- gagement with Asia and China, Ameri- cans must ask themselves how to pro- ceed. The U.S. can continue to advance its interests through multilateral trade arrangements, or it can do so through bilateral trade arrangements, negotiat- ed one by one between Washington and individual countries, as advocated thus far by the Trump administration. With respect to a more level playing field between China and the U.S., the U.S. must consider what points of leverage it has to extract reciprocity from Bei- jing without unduly hurting itself and innocent bystanders. What tools does the U.S. need to develop to be more effective in its economic engagement with Asia? For instance, should the Export-Import Bank be strengthened? And should U.S. infrastructure devel- opment and foreign assistance funds be increased or reduced?
  • 55. Turning to security issues, the U.S. must consider a host of policy alterna- tives. Washington must decide whether to strive for balance in Asia or to seek to maintain its primacy in the region. In doing so, it must consider what primacy looks like in an age of interdependence. Relatedly, the U.S. might choose to prioritize its five security alliances in Asia (with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand and Australia), or alternatively to work gradually with Beijing and others to develop security structures that include both powers. In seeking to balance China’s strength, would it be a feasible strategy to de- velop a coalition of China’s neighbors, including India, or would this ignite a regional arms race? Finally, the U.S. faces difficult choices in North Korea. It can accept the fact that Pyongyang already has nuclear weapons and seek to deter their use, proceed along the course of gradually tightening pressure on North Korea, or pursue a third path that involves the use of force. Each one of these policy choices has ramifications throughout the regional and global systems. Beijing and Wash- ington must manage the challenges and prioritize the key tasks that, if handled well, will lay the foundation for mutual
  • 56. benefit and peace. The U.S. is no longer in a position to compel cooperation; co- operation must be negotiated. Vietnamese cheer as the convoy transporting U.S. President Donald Trump passes by on Nguyen Van Linh Road on November 10, 2017, in Danang, Vietnam. President Trump, who was on a 12-day Asia trip, took part in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit hosted by Vietnam. The APEC meeting aims to promote free trade throughout the Asia-Pacific region. (LINH PHAM/GETTY IMAGES) This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC�������������� All use subject to 46 C H I N A A N D A M E R I C A discussion questions suggested readings To access web links to these readings, as well as links to additional, shorter readings and suggested web sites, GO TO and click on the topic under Resources, on the right-hand side
  • 57. of the page Don’t forget: Ballots start on page 105! Christensen, Thomas J., The China Challenge: Shaping the Choices of a Rising Power (1st ed.). 400 pp. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2016. Christensen, the former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, ar- gues that instead of working to hinder China’s rise, the U.S. should instead seek to steer its trajectory away from regional aggression toward taking on a positive role in the international arena. Garver, John W., China’s Quest: The History of Foreign Rela- tions of the People’s Republic of China (1st ed.). 888 pp. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. A sweeping history of the People’s Republic of China since its emergence in 1949, this book focuses on the country’s foreign policy, emphasizing how the Chi- nese government has prioritized internal stability in the formulation of its international agenda. Kroeber, Arthur R., China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know (1st ed.). 336 pp. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Kroeber, an economist, employs a historical perspective to tell the story of China’s economic development into the world’s first or second biggest economy in the 21st century. Lampton, David M., Following the Leader: Ruling China, From Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping. 312 pp. Berkeley, CA: University
  • 58. of California Press, 2014. Based on more than 500 interviews with high-level Chinese officials, Lampton presents an intimate look at China’s last 40 years and the leaders propelling the country forward. Pomfret, John, The Beautiful Country and the Middle King- dom: America and China, 1776 to the Present (Reprint ed.). 704 pp. New York: Picador, 2017. Long time foreign correspon- dent John Pomfret details the coevolution of the U.S. and China throughout history. Shambaugh, David, China’s Future? (1st ed.) 244 pp. Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2016. This book assesses various scenarios for China’s future economy, society, politics, national security and foreign relations, as well as their potential effects. Wu, Guoguang, China’s Party Congress (Reprint ed.). 384 pp. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017. This book analyzes the composition and role of the Chinese Party Congress, outlining the ways in which informal politics and formal institutions in China interact with one another and legitimize authoritarianism. Xi, Jinping, “Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moder- ately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.” The Great Hall of the People of Beijing, October 18, 2017. Available free online: < special/2017-11/03/c_136725942.htm>. In this speech,
  • 59. delivered to over 2,000 Communist Party members at the 19th Party Con- gress, Chinese President Xi Jinping lays out plans for Chinese economic and political development by 2050. 1. Keeping in mind the Donald Trump administration’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and its vow to pull out from the Paris Climate Agreement, what does China’s pursuit of leadership roles in multilateral organizations like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS grouping and the Asian In- frastructure Investment Bank mean for U.S. influence in Asia and beyond? Do China’s actions present any opportunities for the U.S.? 2. Considering China’s recent 19th Party Congress, how might President Xi Jinping’s consolidation of power domestically affect Beijing’s dynamics with Washington? How do domestic concerns shape Xi’s foreign policy? Likewise, how do President Trump’s domestic considerations shape his policy approach to China and to Asia more broadly? 3. What are U.S. policy options with respect to deterring an in- creasingly belligerent North Korea? To what extent can the U.S. rely on China to put pressure on North Korea? What are the risks and benefits associated with theoretical military action by the U.S. against Kim Jong Un’s regime? 4. How might a power balance that favors China over the U.S.
  • 60. in Asia impact regional security issues such as North Korean nuclear proliferation, South China Sea territorial disputes or Taiwan? How might the U.S. balance with China to avoid creating spheres of influ- ence that could lead to conflict? Should the U.S. prioritize its existing security alliances in Asia, or should it work gradually with Beijing and others to develop security structures that include both powers? 5. In the years following its entry into the World Trade Organization, Beijing has taken advantage of market openness abroad, without si- multaneously providing commensurate access to China for the U.S. and others. How might the U.S. push for greater reciprocity with China? What are the potential pitfalls of pursuing “fairer” policies? 6. What does China hope to achieve with its “Belt and Road Ini- tiative” (BRI)? What are some of the challenges facing Beijing in this effort? This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:21:35 UTC�������������� All use subject to
  • 61. China looks at the world: the world looks at China Author(s): David M. Lampton Source: Great Decisions , 2010, (2010), pp. 43-54 Published by: Foreign Policy Association Stable URL: JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected] Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Great Decisions This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:13:49 UTC�������������� All use subject to Chinese military jets of the PLA ( People 's Liberation Army)
  • 62. fly over Tiananmen Square during a grand military parade for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing , China , Oct. 1, 2009. (Imaginechina via AP Images) China looks at the world: the world looks at China by David M. Lampton Never periphery of the before global of has international population a country moved with developments some from 20% the of the global population moved from the periphery of international developments to the center of them with such rapidity. In 1976, the year of Mao Zedong's demise, the Chinese Communist elite defined national security in terms of economic self-sufficiency, support for Third World revolution and a closed ideological system in which intellectual contamination from the West and the Soviet Union was a principal danger. Today, China is in many (but not all) ways a status quo power. It is a self-acknowl- edged beneficiary of, and cheerleader for, inter- dependence. And, it is a country that eschews revolution (at home or abroad) with the same alacrity that it embraced it 40 years ago. In 1976, the era was officially defined as an "era of war and revolution"- today it is the "era of peace and development." China has been transformed from an aggrieved victim nation
  • 63. lamenting a world system in which the "imperi- alists" had repeatedly stripped away sovereignty, into a generally self-confident great power in a system largely built by others. In short, Beijing's national security circumstances and behavior have changed, with implications for China's neighbors, the U.S . and the global system. Many, perhaps most, of these changes have been posi- tive; some less so. A lot has changed in China and with regard to its role in the world since 1976. At that time, the sign in the lobby of the Beijing Hotel may have proclaimed "China has friends all over the world," but no serious person in China, or anywhere else, then be- lieved that. China's leaders still had a tenuous relationship with Washington and a war with Moscow was possible. Today, China has dip- lomatic relations with 175 countries and "stra- tegic partnerships" with 17. 43 4 What are China's security concerns and goals , and
  • 64. how do its perceptions affect its neighbors , the U.S. and the world? DAVID M. LAMPTON / s H y man Pro fe s s o r, director of China Stud- ies, and dean of faculty at the School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins Univer- sity. Former president of the National Commit- tee on United States-Chi- na Relations, his most re- cent book is: The Three Faces of Chinese Power: Might, Money, and Minds ( University of California Press , 2008). The author thanks Tabi t ha Mai lory for her research assis- tance and comments on an earlier draft. This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021
  • 65. 06:13:49 UTC�������������� All use subject to ļSļ Then, the country was largely cut off from the world, with a one-room airport terminal more than adequate to serve the capital of a nation that com- prised 25% of the world's population. In recent years, air travel has been growing at close to 10% a year. In the mid- 1 970s , China had a prim- itive and small nuclear deterrent force; today it is acquiring a new generation of land-mobile ballistic missiles and missile-launching submarines. Seven years after the U.S. had put men on the moon, China did not have any realistic prospect for manned space flight; by late 2008, it had knocked an aging satellite out of orbit and had put six astronauts into space and safely re- trieved them. In that year, virtually none of Chi- nese gross domestic product (GDP) was involved in foreign trade; by 2008,
  • 66. about 70% of China's GDP was con- nected to exports and imports. In 1976, China held virtually no U.S. government and/or private debt; today, it holds over U.S. $1 trillion in such instruments, making Washington and Beijing mutual financial hostages. And for that year, China's C02 emissions were about one quarter of those of the U.S., but by 2006-2007, it had become the world's largest C02 emitter, threatening not only its own environment, but also arousing interna- tional demands that China contribute to global environmental security. Nothing so defines the difficulty of dealing with China today as the jux- taposition of its strengths and weak- nesses. While the outside world may be fixated on China's growing muscles, its leaders generally are still more preoc- cupied with their nation's disabilities and vulnerabilities. The international community sees Beijing's mounting strengths and expects more rapid po- litical liberalization and greater relative effort in addressing issues of the global commons. Yet, the first thing on Chi-
  • 67. nese leaders' minds when they arise in the morning generally is the staggering domestic agenda they confront. From their perspective, they need to husband their scarce resources to deal with a domestic agenda often on the ragged edge of control, believing that they currently enjoy a window of opportu- nity for growth that soon may close, not least because of its aging population. As one interviewee in Shanghai recent- ly put it to this author: "Strategically, our number one priority is Chinese Communist party (CCP) survival, eco- nomic growth...." Consequently, with respect to issues such as global warm- ing, civil liberties and dealings with reprehensible states, one finds China's resistance to change explained by ref- erence to its internal needs for stability and economic growth. In short, China has many reasons to cooperate with the world, and in many important respects it desires to do so, but the titanic forces of domestic social and political turmoil that are accompanying its moderniza- tion do not always make this easy or possible. In order to respond to a changing
  • 68. China, it is important to understand the framework through which its leaders look at the world. Some key questions to consider include: Can a China with growing comprehensive national power feel secure at the same time that the rest of the world does? Can a China that places primacy on economic growth cooperate to effec- tively address global environmental challenges? • China's national security strategy China's serves national internal security development. strategy It serves internal development. It does so by increasing the flow of re- sources into China and minimizing the external threats and drains that might divert leadership attention and scarce resources from its domestic growth and social change agenda. More specifical- ly, Beijing's national security strategy consists of four broad, interrelated and evolving elements. Since the late 1970s, Deng Xiao- ping and his successors have felt they could see about 20 years into the fu- ture. When they have looked ahead, they have thus far felt confident that a weakened Soviet Union/Russia and
  • 69. a preoccupied U.S. have made a big- power war involving China unlikely. Therefore, the first element of Beijing's security strategy is the assessment that China has at least a two-decade-long window of opportunity during which it can keep military spending at a rela- tively low fraction of GDP and focus human and material resources on the modernization of the economy and so- ciety. Although military spending and defense modernization have advanced impressively in recent years, China's rapid economic growth- nearly 10% annually for more than three decades- has enabled civilian leaders to maintain defense spending at a relatively low level of GDP while keeping the military at least modestly satisfied with increas- ing resources. Beijing learned from the 1991 implosion of the Soviet Union that an economy that overinvests in its military apparatus and underinvests in human needs erodes regime legitimacy to the point where even an enormous military cannot save the regime from the wrath of its own people.
  • 70. Second, foreign and national secu- rity policy are to provide the cocoon for a tumultuous internal economic and social transformation process, whose defining features are urbanization, mar- ketization and globalization. Each of these changes is wrenching, such as the relocation of 300^-00 million peasants into urban areas over the last 30 years (with a like number still to go). Simi- 44 This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:13:49 UTC�������������� All use subject to China vs. U.S. Defense Expenditures, 1989 - 2008 CHINA LUCIDITY INFORMATION DESIGN NOTE: There are several estimates of China's military expenditures, with the U.S. Department of Defense estimate more than double that of the IISS estimate displayed here. larly, remaking the Chinese economy from a state-owned-and-managed op- eration into a predominantly nonstate-
  • 71. owned structure involves creating winners and losers on an enormous scale- once again, a perilous politi- cal undertaking. Therefore, the job of foreign and national security policy, beyond providing physical security on the conventional and nuclear lev- els, is to make sure that the domestic modernization process has the interna- tional technological, financial and hu- man inputs necessary for success. This means ensuring that Chinese industry has access to foreign markets for its exports and assuring the uninterrupted flow of strategic materials and financial resources into China. A third element of the strategy is to reassure neighbors and more-distant powers that as China's military grows in reach and punch, the People's Re- public of China (PRC) will not threaten either the prevailing global order or the core interests of other powers. Were Beijing's rise to be perceived as a threat to either its neighbors or the current dominant power, the U.S., this would elicit international counterreactions that would retard China's domestic modernization. Central to this reassur-
  • 72. ance effort has been China's participa- tion in international multilateral orga- nizations; its generally careful use of military power outside its borders over the last 30 years; growing involvement in military-to-military exchanges and United Nations peacekeeping efforts; gradually expanding transparency; and Beijing's welcoming of foreign direct investment that not only has fostered growth in China, but also given for- eigners a positive stake in China's suc- cess. The final element of this strategy has been to keep U. S .-China relations on a relatively even keel. A militarily hostile U.S. would force a dangerous diversion of human and financial re- sources away from domestic modern- ization. A hostile U.S. would not pro- vide the trade surplus, technological and human inputs that have contributed so much to China's progress. And, a hostile U.S. might make the prospect of an eventual resolution of the Taiwan issue more difficult. So, from Beijing's perspective, productive Sino- American relations are central to everything it wants to achieve, at least for now and the foreseeable future.
  • 73. This four-pronged strategy, of course, leaves unanswered how Chi- jļ^ IMCB^WfOllNWlOWPBWM | 45 This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:13:49 UTC�������������� All use subject to A Chinese bicyclist peddles past a massive television screen rebroadcasting the 60th anni- versary military parade in Beijing on Oct. 26, 2009. Although military spending and defense modernization have advanced impressively in recent years, China 's rapid economic growth has enabled civilian leaders to maintain defense spending at a still relatively low level of GDP. (UPI/Stephen Shaver /Landov) R| na will use its heightened power two decades hence. On the one hand, it is entirely possible (and, indeed, central to America's strategy with respect to China) that 20 years from now the PRC will have so invested itself in global interdependence that it will become an
  • 74. increasingly stabilizing force, or as then U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick put it in September 2005, a responsible "stakeholder" in the inter- national system. On the other hand, a more sobering possibility exists, name- ly, that Beijing's greater power gives it greater capacity to meet its own narrow interests without due regard for others, and that those greater capabilities will give rise to new, more expansive objec- tives. The policy implication of the first scenario is that America's enlightened self-interest lies in facilitating Chinese growth and involvement international- ly, in the belief that multiplying strands of interdependence will incline China in the direction of cooperative and con- structive behavior. No one can be sure that this happy scenario will material- ize. But, if outside powers now exces- sively focus on the uncertain and pos- sibly deleterious uses of Chinese power decades hence, and consequently seek to slow and constrain that growth and involvement today, this certainly will decrease Beijing's propensity to coop- erate now and in the future. One can be more certain about the downside of trying to constrain Chinese growth than
  • 75. one can be about the pacifying conse- quences of interdependence. China's interests and fears Given China's national security strat- egy, its historical experience of hav- ing been a great nation cast upon hard times in the 19th and 20th centuries and the success of Beijing's domestic de- velopment policies and diplomacy over the past three decades, there is a wide- spread leadership and popular consen- sus on the mainland about the PRC's current core interests and what consti- tute the principal threats to them. The regime's core interest is survival. Many things are seen as potential threats to that, most prominently internal insta- bility. In 2008 there were 90,000 mass incidents in China: tumult stemming from income and social inequality, en- vironmental concerns, corruption and justice-related issues. While most of these disturbances remain localized and limited to a domestic audience, China's leaders are ever vigilant for possible connections between the activities of foreigners and domestic discontent.
  • 76. Throughout their history, the Chi- nese have believed that internal solidar- ity is the greatest resource for survival and that outsiders wishing to weaken or dominate China first seek to increase internal division. There are, of course, the more traditional conventional mili- tary and economic threats that worry Beijing (discussed below), but PRC leaders are highly concerned that the actions and policies of foreign groups, foreign governments or international organizations may make the job of internal governance more difficult. At the same time, they recognize how beneficial China's engagement with the world has been overall. The stock and trade of a PRC foreign minister or am- bassador is to effectively protest actual and imagined foreign "interference in the internal affairs of China." Threats from China's frontier The PRC's national capital is near the eastern seaboard on the North China Plain, very far from China's western periphery. This periphery is vast in its geographic extent, rich in natural re-
  • 77. sources and populated by "minority" peoples with identities and cultures quite distinct from the numerically dominant Han population, who con- stitute more than 90% of the country's total population. Put bluntly, these mi- nority peoples (the Uyghurs, Tibetans and others) that Beijing trusts least occupy a large percentage (nearly one third) of China's real estate- and stra- tegic ground at that. Moreover, these peoples have a history of association with their ethnic and religious brethren who straddle the PRC's far-flung bor- ders and with their diasporas around the world. To various extents they would like as much autonomy from Beijing as they can get. These realities, combined with the economic opportunities pulling Han migrants into these areas, not to men- tion Beijing's "Go West" development effort, all have combined to produce various central policies over the years, some more accommodating than others. However, the long-term trend has been to let the migration of Han people into I 46 This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:13:49 UTC��������������
  • 78. All use subject to S £ I o 5 0 ,2 £ !" X n > ci 1 s z CHINA these regions in order to weaken the hold of native peoples over their tra- ditional areas and dilute their cultures, breeding resentment on both sides, which intermittently leads to violence. These processes were at work in March
  • 79. 2008 in areas of China with significant Tibetan populations and most recently in July 2009 among the Uyghurs (a Turkic minority group of considerable size) in Xinjiang. In both cases, there was violence directed against the Han by aggrieved indigenous persons, re- prisal by Hans, and violent repression by the central government and its local administrations. If this were the end of the story, one could say this is a tragic, albeit famil- iar, saga of continental expansion by a dominant group, muscularly displac- ing native peoples and their cultures. In the Han Chinese narrative, howev- er, there often have been connections (sometimes imagined and sometimes real) between the discontent of mi- nority peoples and external agitation, aimed at weakening Beijing's gover- nance capacity and fragmenting the nation. In the 1950s, 1960s and into the 1970s, the U.S., as former Cen- tral Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer John Kenneth Knaus recounts, was in- timately connected to efforts to foster unrest in Tibet in order to destabilize the Communist regime in Beijing. In the early 1960s, the Soviet Union used economic distress in China to
  • 80. encourage disaffected local people in Xinjiang to cross the border into the U.S.S.R.'s then subordinate Central Asian republics. When his Holiness the Dalai Lama sought the support of the U.S. government and people for his movement, this bred distrust in Beijing. In the same way, the World Uyghur Congress, which held its 3rd general assembly in Washington , D .C . , in 2009, and the 2005 establishment of the International Uyghur Human Rights and Democracy Foundation in Washington, D.C., both reinforce the presumed connection between dis- content in China's West and policy in Washington. Concisely, the first job of Chinese national security policy is to secure the nation's borders, con- solidate control over its vast periphery and the people who live there and to keep "meddling" foreigners out. To the foreigners, problems in these ar- eas are seen through the lens of self- determination and human rights- to the Chinese government, these issues are viewed more through the lenses of "terrorism" and/or "separatism," both national security challenges. Turning to China's offshore periph- ery, specifically Taiwan, the island al- most certainly would have fallen to
  • 81. Mao Zedong's forces had U.S. Presi- dent Harry S. Truman (1945-53) not sent the 7th Fleet into the Taiwan Strait as part of his broader decision to in- tervene in the war on the Korean Pen- insula in June 1950. Thereafter, in the mid-1950s, Washington signed a de- fense treaty with Taiwan (the Republic of China, or ROC) and had other secu- rity relationships with the island, some of which were terminated at the end of 1979 as part of the Sino- American normalization agreement a year ear- lier. In the PRC narrative, reunifica- tion has been prevented by Washing- ton's policies and actions, though in more recent years cross-Taiwan Strait economic and cultural integration has somewhat eased Beijing's anxiet- ies. Nonetheless, the Taiwan Strait is the one place in the world where one could currently imagine a direct con- flict between nuclear powers. These issues of China's unstable periphery and the action of foreigners, real and imagined, become directly linked to regime security because a key element of the CCP's legitimacy,
  • 82. beyond economic growth, rests on its ability to reunify the country follow- ing its dismemberment in the 19th and 20th centuries (Xinjiang, Hainan Island, Tibet, Hong Kong and Macau already have been "brought back to the fold of the Motherland"). For Beijing and the PRC citizenry, Taiwan remains the principal item of unfinished territorial business, beyond offshore claims in the East and South China seas, which are not trivial. Moreover, linking China's Han majority and the Beijing elite to- gether is the shared belief that, in the case of Xinjiang and Tibet, the Chinese 47 I This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:13:49 UTC�������������� All use subject to Km state has brought to these "backward" regions the blessings of development and yet the more central government subsidies these areas have received, the more hostile they have become. There- fore, resentment at what is perceived as
  • 83. ingratitude reinforces the nationalism of unification. As a result, Beijing's central leaders are under popular do- mestic pressure from the Han majority to get tougher and tighten their grip on China's western periphery at precisely the time when much of the rest of the world is calling for accommodation. Beyond the combined threats to territorial unification and regime le- gitimacy that China's vast periphery presents, China's elite also perceives an array of more "traditional" security threats in the military and economic realms, the latter reaching beyond the narrow confines of economics to the vulnerabilities that are intrinsic to interdependence. Some of these threats have long existed and others are newer, reflecting China's growing involvement in the world system. • Military- related concerns Two related large threats categories are of of particular military- related threats are of particular concern to Beijing: frictions with oth- er big powers and failed states along China's periphery, along with techno- logical developments with respect to weapons systems.
  • 84. China's regional environment China lives in a tough neighborhood, not only bordered by 14 land neigh- bors, but several additional big mari- time states as well. Throughout most of recorded history, China's imperial, then Republican, and now PRC leaders have focused on managing relations with the peoples and states that surround China. Many different elements have made such management difficult: the expan- sionist desires of some (Japan from 1894 to 1945); territorial and resource- related disputes with others (the Soviet Union/Russia, India, Vietnam, Korea, the Philippines and Japan); minority groups straddling common borders to China's south, west and north; conflicts in neighboring countries that drew Bei- jing in (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Korea); the historically derived fear of China's small bordering states and so- cieties that they will be culturally and economically dominated by their big neighbor (Myanmar/Burma, Vietnam, the Russian Far East and the Koreas); and China's constant anxiety that its neighbors will allow themselves to be used strategically as a counterweight to China itself (e.g., India, Japan, Vietnam, Mongolia, Central Asian states and the
  • 85. Koreas- not to mention Taiwan). Two countries are highly indicative of the depth, breadth and interconnectedness of Beijing's regional national security concerns: India and Japan. China and India have frictions (not least their respective relations with Pakistan). China and India's long- standing border dispute involving two principal tracts of territory, one about the same size as Switzerland and the other three times that size, has been quiescent for some time; nonetheless, it has incendiary potential. New Delhi and Beijing held a 13th round of nego- tiations in August 2009. Moreover, the Administration of President George W. Bush (2001-2009) was widely viewed in China to be seeking an improved re- lationship with New Delhi as leverage against an ever-stronger Beijing. In the Chinese view, Bush's 2008 final agree- ment (the U.S .-India Nuclear Coopera- tion Approval and Non-Proliferation Enhancement Act) to move ahead with Indo-U.S. civilian nuclear cooperation even though India detonated nuclear weapons in 1998, remains outside the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Trea- ty,* and has a substantial unconstrained
  • 86. military nuclear- weapons sector, dem- onstrated that the U.S. was seeking In- dian strategic support by trading away Washington's usually sacred nonpro- liferation concerns. As one Chinese security specialist put it to the author in mid-2009: "The U.S. uses nonpro- liferation as tactics, not as strategy- look at India relations! They are trying to check China- smart tactics, but bad strategy.... The U.S. does not system- atically care about nonproliferation." With respect to Japan, the legacy of mistrust stemming from World War II Japanese aggression is not far from the surface in the minds of most Chinese; nor is the anxiety that Japanese citizens feel at the prospect of a regionally dom- inant China well hidden either. In recent years, one of Beijing's underlying fears is that the U.S. -stretched strategical- ly in the Middle East and Central Asia, and with severe financial constraints- will seek to deputize Tokyo to play an ever-larger regional, and eventually global, security role. In 2007, 55% of Chinese polled saw Japan as "a country striving to strengthen its military capa-
  • 87. bilities." This fear is stoked by efforts to strengthen the U.S .-Japan security relationship in light of dangers on the Korean Peninsula, dating back to the Clinton Administration; Washington and Tokyo's cooperation on the place- ment of antiballistic missile systems in Japan and aboard Japanese naval vessels and the joint development of such systems; periodic and recent ef- forts in Japan to modify its "peace con- stitution"; the increasing willingness of Tokyo to send military and peace- keeping forces at ever-greater distance from Japanese shores (as the Chinese themselves are doing); and periodic ruminations in Japan about whether or not Tokyo needs to contemplate ob- taining nuclear weapons. For their part, the Japanese do not feel comfortable with a growing Chinese navy sitting astride the sea lanes of communica- tion* through which 80% of Japan's petroleum imports flow. This mutual strategic mistrust is further exacerbated *For definition, see glossary on p. 103 48 This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:13:49 UTC�������������� All use subject to
  • 88. by Sino-Japanese offshore territorial disputes in areas thought to be rich in hydrocarbon resources. These disputes also have significant nationalistic im- plications for both sides. Therefore as China surveys its re- gional environment, it sees a complex and sometimes dangerous setting, one in which there are currently four nucle- ar states (Russia, North Korea, Pakistan and India), two of which are highly un- stable and all of which present compli- cated issues for Beijing. Further, it sees another four nearby societies that could go nuclear in reasonable time frames were there a decision made to do so (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Iran). In addition, China has four failed or near-failing states along its borders (Afghanistan, Myanmar, Pakistan and North Korea). Afghanistan and My an- 'Action -reaction cycle' and the quest for deterrence GREAT POWERS CAN BECOME TRAPPED in an action- reaction cycle in which "Country A" acquires a new mili- tary capability (often as a result of technological advance),
  • 89. thereby motivating "Country B" to develop an offsetting, if not leapfrogging or asymmetric, capability, in turn set- ting off an endless spiraling cycle of challenge and response. This was a well-understood phenomenon during the cold war (1945-91) in the context of U.S.-Soviet relations. The consequences of prolonged cycles of action and reaction are to boost each side to ever-higher levels of destructive capa- bility, impose ever-greater financial costs on each society (and others who must respond), and provide progressively less security to everyone as both sides move up the escala- tory ladder. Some of these tendencies are taking shape in the U.S .-China relationship, a situation that concerns both sides. This can be seen in two related areas- the security and cred- ibility of China's nuclear deterrent and the related issue of ballistic missile defense (BMD). China has a relatively small nuclear force, the exact number of warheads being a state secret. Currently, the Chinese nuclear arsenal is thought to be in the 25CMOO warhead range. It is also thought to be growing. In contrast, the U.S. had approximately 2,200 deployed warheads in 2009; this number will drop to as few as 1,500-1,675 if the July 2009 U.S .-Russia joint under- standing for a follow-on treaty to the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty is agreed to and fully implemented over time. Regard- less, China has a relatively modest fraction of the warheads that the U.S. currently possesses. Further, only a small (though growing) percentage of the PRC's total warheads are capable of reaching the U.S. aboard approximately 45 intercontinental
  • 90. ballistic missiles. However, Beijing's nuclear and conventional missiles could strike U.S . forces in much of Asia. Until recently, most of China's strategic warheads were in fixed sites on land, unable to be launched rapidly because they were liquid-fueled. This meant that the Chinese deterrent force was relatively vul- nerable to a hypothetical first strike, with either nuclear or con- ventional "smart" weapons. Chinese fears of this admittedly re- mote possibility were not lessened by the Bush Administration's post-9/11 talk of preemptive warfare and its 2002 nuclear pos- ture review that explicitly included the Taiwan Strait as a place where it was conceivable the U.S. could employ its nuclear capability. The U.S . has never adopted a policy of "no first use," which China has repeatedly urged on Washington. The combi- nation of U.S. doctrine and Chinese vulnerabilities has led Bei- jing to be unsure about the credibility of its nuclear deterrent. Compounding Beijing's anxieties about its deterrent, the U.S., particularly under the Bush Administration, placed a high priority on developing and deploying BMD. This in- cluded not only fielding systems under U.S. control, but also providing some BMD capabilities to U.S. allies and friends in Europe (upsetting Moscow) and Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. All this greatly disconcerts Beijing. As one former Chi-
  • 91. nese arms control negotiator in Geneva, Switzerland, put it to the author in July 2009, "BMD is a big deal and had a big effect on China's deterrent- a problem." These moves in Asia are worrisome to Beijing for reasons beyond the suspicion that China (not North Korea) is the real object of these defensive systems. In particular, given China's relatively low numbers of strategic warheads, a rather small U.S ./allied missile defense system could hypothetically destroy whatever few warheads might remain after a hypothetical U.S. disarming first strike (either conventional or nuclear), leaving China vulnerable to Washington's large number of remaining warheads. A Chi- nese general explained Beijing's concerns to this author in mid-2009: "We believe that strategic nukes are very important to Chi- nese power and the numbers are top secret. . . .Chinese nukes are small in number, [and] as far as capabilities, not on a par with the U.S. and Russia, so China is very worried about its capabili- ties. ...The U.S. and China have different concerns. The U.S. is concerned with China's new capabilities and numbers, but China is concerned with its own capabilities." The deterrence playbook developed during the cold war by Washington and Moscow enumerates the kinds of responses that can be made by a nation fearing for the credibility of its nuclear retaliatory force. China is doing all of these things- it is traveling down a well-worn trail. It is making its land-based force harder to find by making it mobile; putting an increasing
  • 92. percentage of its retaliatory force out to sea on submarines where it is harder to find; developing the capability to put more than one warhead on missiles, thereby multiplying the targets with which any defensive system would have to deal, and in- creasing the number of warheads in a cost-effective manner; and the PRC military is acquiring systems and capabilities to interfere with the sensors and computers that are integral to U.S. defenses. It is these developments and dynamics that, in part, account for the successful 2007 Chinese antisatellite test; increasing Chinese cyberwarfare activity directed at the U.S. and others; China's more assertive naval pushback against U.S. surveillance activities in international waters (but in China's exclusive economic zone) near the PRC; and for China's 2009 unveiling of its new generation of ballistic missile submarines, 49 I This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:13:49 UTC�������������� All use subject to Chinese farmer Gao Xianzhang looks at two baby-shaped pears growing in moulds in a pear tree at his farm in Lianghexia village , north China's Hebei province , Aug. 29, 2009. Gao has created 10,000 of these minimarvels this season, which he plans to export to Eu- rope. (Imaginechina via AP Images)
  • 93. U I mar pump illegal drugs across their borders into China, as do Vietnam, Laos and Pakistan. Pakistan, a nuclear state with an unstable polity, is highly volatile, while a portion of its terri- tory is a haven for jihadists. North Korea- a Marxist dynasty that regu- larly makes outlandish threats, trans- fers dangerous technology to states of concern (e.g., Syria and Iran) and supplies China with unwelcome refu- gees in profusion- poses its own set of challenges. With respect to North Korea, every destabilizing initiative by Pyongyang brings new demands upon Beijing "to do something" about its wayward neighbor and presumed client. Moreover these states, and oth- ers nearby, also figure in human traf- ficking and refugee-related concerns. For instance, from Myanmar in late August 2009, there were approxi- mately 30,000 Burmese citizens and irregular soldiers that crossed the bor- der into the PRC to escape civil strife in northern Myanmar. In short, China is truly in a tough re- gion. Beijing seeks to be able to protect and advance its growing interests, in
  • 94. part by developing ever-more capable military forces. This does not inevita- bly foretell Chinese military expansion, but it does mean that steadily growing Chinese military strength is part of the future of Asia, as well as that of the broader international system. • Vulnerabilities of interdependence When perceived Mao surveyed a predatory the world, interna- he perceived a predatory interna- tional system in which "self-reliance" best served China's security- China would be most secure when it depended on no outside power(s), international institutions or external economic rela- tionships. This vision kept China poor (in Mao's 27 years of post-1949 rule, China's share of global GDP remained almost unchanged at less than 5%). Deng had a different vision, one built on comparative advantage, Chi- na's integration into world systems, and cooperation with advanced nations and international institutions such as the U.S. and the World Bank* to help transform China. Such involvement would foster growth, which would increase the welfare of the Chinese
  • 95. people, which would enhance regime support, which would expand China's global stature, which, in turn, would further foster growth - a virtuous cycle . All this, of course, came at the price of ever-greater Chinese integration with, and dependence upon, global systems and processes. A dramatic example of this is China's increasing reliance on the international grain-trading system, a food dependency that Mao would never have contemplated or tolerated. The same applies to oil. This mounting interdependence has meant that the costs of unstable global systems have become ever greater for China itself. The security problem for China is how to realize the gains from interdependence while minimizing its dangers and costs. This category of threat has many dimensions, but four significant issues help illustrate the thinking of Beijing's policymakers: protectionism; financial interdepen- dence; strategic materials; and global warming. PROTECTIONISM China is not an export-led economy to the extent one associates the term with the "little dragon economies" of Taiwan, Hong
  • 96. Kong, South Korea and Singapore, in part because the PRC provides less val- ue added to its exports than the others. Nonetheless, nominally nearly 70% of China's GDP is composed of foreign trade. Even if this considerably over- states the PRC's real dependence on ex- ports, the 23% decline in PRC exports from July 2008 to July 2009 is more than worrisome to Beijing- it is poten- tially destabilizing, given that (in 2005) 80 million people were working "in the 50 This content downloaded from ������������� on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 06:13:49 UTC�������������� All use subject to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a visit to the gas-fired Taiyanggong Thermal Power Plant in Beijing, Feb. 21 , 2009. Clinton and Chinese officials agreed to focus their governments ' efforts on stabilizing the battered global economy and combating climate change. (AP Photo/Greg Baker) field of foreign trade," according to the PRC minister of commerce. Moreover,
  • 97. customs revenues and taxes on export- oriented and foreign-invested firms ac- count for a significant fraction of gov- ernment income at all levels, with the minister of commerce noting in 2005 that "the import and export tax revenue accounts for about 18% of the nation's total." Consequently, a high priority for China's central government is to make sure that the world, especially markets for China's exports, stays open for business. Concurrently, Beijing needs to increase domestic consumption as a driver of economic growth. FINANCIAL INTERDEPENDEN- CES It almost has become a cliche that Communist China is "capitalist" America's bank- er, holding in excess of $1 trillion U.S. dollar-denom- inated debt, making China the largest foreign holder of U.S. securities in the world as of August 2009. Chinese corporations and other PRC investors are not doing this as charity for the U.S., but rather because despite all