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Decision Making Strategy
“Develop a Decision-Making Plan at SFO
International Air Port”
By: Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin
CSU Global
MS-Organizational Leadership
21 January 2015
The San Francisco International Air Port (Aerodrome) is one of the major stops
for Many travelers from all walks of life. I would never consider the SFO Air Port to
be at a pit stop but a stop of comfort and relaxation for the visitor and traveler. Upon
my 3 day observation I did notice much more development that could and should
be implemented within the overall infrastructure of the SFO Air Port. This
development of the SFO International Air Port could make the Aerodrome a model
example of how a community could exists within an Air Port that accommodates
hundreds of thousands of commuters each year. The San Francisco Travel
Association stated, “In 2010, San Francisco welcomed 15.92 million visitors, an
increase of 3.1 percent from 2009. These visitors spent $8.34 billion in 2010, up 6.2
percent from the previous year. “The tourism industry generated $485 million in
taxes for the City of San Francisco, up 4 percent from the previous year. Tourism
supported 67,122 jobs in 2010 with an annual payroll of $1.88 billion. In 2010, there
was an average of 126,931 visitors in San Francisco each day.
Introduction (Cont)
Visitor spending equated to $22.84 million daily (including spending related to
meetings and conventions” (STA, 2014). San Francisco International could
Surely raise their revenue and also become an example of a model community
within the Bay Area by expanding their plans to create a Utopia that
encompasses family, community, employment, socializing, and society. The
creation of a team of developers, architect engineers, researchers, community
developers, and a host of other planners to ensure this plan is created and built
will also add to the financial success of the San Francisco Bay Area. Upon
excellent observation of the New SFO International Aerodrome it is clear that
some added development can be implemented to form a airport that will be
a fine example for Other airports to follow by. The construction of this plan
strategic development will be used to make sure the plan is a success rather
than a disaster. All of this will be done through transformational leadership.
What Will Be Discussed Within This PowerPoint
 The Plan
 Leadership role, including its responsibilities.
 Breakdown of the decision-making process
 Policies, external agencies/organizations, employee motivation,
communication strategies, team-building needs, relationship-building
needs, and individual differences (EQ)
 Complete Summary Outline
 Hypothesis-implications your plan may have on future organizational
 The new development plans would consist of working on the International
Terminal Main Hall, International Terminal Garages, and Domestic Garages by
building upward and using air space, but also remembering the air space needed
for planes. Safety should always be the mindset of all engineers and building
this new infrastructural society should not be above 25 to 30 stories tall unless
they see safety measures that would allow them to build more floors.
 “San Francisco International Airport (SFO) offers non-stop links with more than
30 international points on five continents with 29 international carriers. The Bay
Area's largest airport connects non-stop with more than 65 cities in the U.S. on
20 domestic airlines. For up-to-the-minute departure and arrival information,
airport maps and details on shopping, dining, cultural exhibitions, ground
transportation and more, visit (SFA, 2014). Why use SFO? This
would be ground breaking for the entire country or should I say world. To watch
a leading Airport create a utopia that would be a model to follow by truly would
be brilliant. Developing this plan would also help the economy with new job
creations and also affordable housing for air port workers, commuters, and
frequent flyers that need easy access to and from diverse air lines.
 The International Terminal Main Hall would be the building development that
would focus on the lively hood of the corporations and other small businesses
that would want to take up residency there. By offering a bonus weather it be
tax bonuses, city bonuses, or accommodations for hiring low income
employees to work within their offices this option should be available
immediately to all businesses that agree to sign a lease.
The SFO Airport currently
employees over 33,580 workers.
The over all plan would be to
employee and extra 50,000
employees with the new
developments of housing,
restaurants, banks, work office
buildings, hotels, shopping
mall, theaters, grocery stores,
food courts, medical facilities,
family day cares, social security
offices, and senior citizen
33,580 People Work at SFO
Distributionof On-Airport Jobs
Ground Trans.
Admin., Gov’t
& Security
Thesis Statement
Project managers are change agents: they make project goals
their own and use their skills and expertise to inspire a sense of
shared purpose within the project team. They enjoy the organized
adrenaline of new challenges and the responsibility of driving
business results” (PMI, 2015). It is the sole duty of all project
managers and change agents to ensure that new implemented
work is done with ease and employees can adapted to the new
changes without problems.
 Direct Impacts
 On Airport – 33,600 jobs, $5.5 billion in business activity
 Off Airport – 82,800 jobs from $9.1 billion in visitor
 Off Airport – 36,400 jobs from cargo valued at $17 billion,
originating in the Bay Area and shipped from SFO
 Spin-off “ripple” effects of 135,500 jobs and
$24.6 billion in business revenues
 $2.5 billion in state and local tax revenues
(SFO, 2015)
The Leaders of Development
at SFO International Airport
Current SFO Leaders and Commissioners
 LARRY MAZZOLA, President, Airport Commission
 LINDA S. CRAYTON, Vice President, Airport Commission
 RICHARD J. GUGGENHIME Member, Airport Commission
 PETER A. STERN, Member, Airport Commission
My Development Role as a Project Manager/Change Agent
Within the position of ‘Project Manager/Change Agent’ I would be
responsible for making sure that all proper licenses where obtained, all
members of the management team where on the same page, the PMS
teams where in place, and implementation of the plan was achievable.
“Project managers are change agents: they make project goals their
own and use their skills and expertise to inspire a sense of shared
purpose within the project team. They enjoy the organized adrenaline
of new challenges and the responsibility of driving business results”
(PMI, 2015). It is the sole duty of all project managers and change
agents to ensure that new implemented work is done with ease and
employees can adapted to the new changes without problems.
The Decision Making Process
(The Steps)
To ensure that the steps made within the plan are wise and
trustworthy the decision making steps I would be utilizing will be:
Rational Decision Making
 Intuitive decision making
Creative decision making
Rational Decision Making
Measure balanced and weighting out the pros and cons within this decision making
process. By doing a rational decision making process I would have to include; budget,
employee, changes, infrastructure, demographics, and population
“Process of making a logically sound decision. In this model, the leader follows a
series of steps to arrive at a decision. This model is best used when information on
alternative options can be gathered” (CSU Global, 2015)
Upon Implementation of the new development plans every aspect of the plan should
Intuitive Decision Making
This form of decision making within the plan of development is strictly through
Intuition and decrement. Intuitive decision making is usually done by the seasoned project
Manager and change agent whom somewhat can use their mindset through maturity from
`past development projects.
“Intuitive decision making relies on a leader’s experience with the same or a similar
problem. The leader makes a decision based on her knowledge, experience, and training.”
(CSU Global, 2015)
In order for any excellent project manager or change agent to be able to use intuitive
measurements when planning they need the experience, and a excellent thought process.
Creative Decision Making
‘Innovation is Key’ when using creative decision making the best of the best planners
and developers need to be hired to complete the job. Compensating creative thinkers with
excellent monetary benefits is the plan because without creative thinkers and decision
makers the ideas would never flourish, be relevant or exists.
“Creative decision making is the process of being innovative when making decisions.
After identifying and gathering information on the situation, the problem is set aside. Then
during the illumination phase, the leader spontaneously gains the insight needed to address
the situation. With this method of decision making, managers learn to view “situations” as
opportunities as opposed to “problems.”
Innovation and creative thinking will illuminate the development process.
Policies create a climate of rules and ethical
business values that should be
followed by the: employer, employee, and
customer to ensure safety,
equality, and high quality service. The
policies should change along with the
demographic changes, and when more
employees are hired. Being a change
agent this would be part of the job
description to ensure that the adequate
policies are in place. Policies bring upon
democracy, but with rules and
regulations. Within some forms of
government they call policies and procedures
Guidance, and that is what policies and
procedures must do guide the organization
and business in the correct direction to do the
right thing.
Guidance: A guidance refers to any
written communication that explains
an Agency or Center policy or
procedure. The term guidance
generally refers to guidance for
regulated entities (e.g., the
pharmaceutical industry).
External Agencies and
External agencies and
organizations would always
have to follow the policies that
govern the aerodrome for
guidance, safety, and
procedures. Many of the
outside agencies will have
their own policies and
procedures conjunction with
SFO International Airport.
External agencies and
organizations would be
 merchant vendor
 construction companies
 medical agencies
 Hazmat
 public works and other retail
merchants that purchase
Employee Motivation and The Change
As a Change Agent it is extremely
Important that you also put into
practice motivation and Moral. Many
companies often re-develop the
company but forget to keep the
employees motivated while the
changes are taking place. Using the
10 motivational measurements on the
right will make sure that the
employees stay encouraged
regarding the job. During change you
never want excellent employees
jumping ship.
Communication Strategies
Communication are means of channels that people use to converse with
One another. Within the airport the means of communication will be open
by: phone, intercom, email, and intra mail. The channels of communication
will always remain open in case of a disaster.
Communication strategies should:
 Outline the objective/goals of the communication
 Identify stakeholders : CAS , SAP, and West Dog
 Define key messages
 Pinpoint potential communication methods and vehicles for communicating
Information for a specific purpose
 Specify the mechanisms that will be used to obtain feedback on the strategy
Team-Building Needs, Relationship-Building
Needs, and Individual Differences
Team Building Needs
When building a infrastructure as
grand as this one you must employ
teams that could actually cover the
campus territory. The new structure
would be about 25-30 stories high and
would need practically a army of
employees and others to maintain the
campus. Team building would be
excellent for promotions, incentives, and
moral. One of the biggest teams that
would need to be developed is a PMS
Team-Building Needs, Relationship-Building
Needs, and Individual Differences (Cont)
Relationship-Building Needs
One of the fundamentals that the PMS team needs to live by is how to build worker
relationships to make the work place run smoother. Building meaningful relationships within
your work place and also community is vital to the success of the airport. Within the
community the SFO International Airport has and will continue to build meaningful
relationships with community advisory boards, county commissioners, the community, and
all other stakeholders involved.
We need relationships in order to win allies to our cause. In order to get support from
People outside our organizations, we need to build relationships in which people know and
trust us. Our relationships give meaning and richness to our work and to our lives. We all
need a community of people to share the joys and the struggles of organizing and making
community change. A little bit of camaraderie goes a long way (CTB, 2015).
Team-Building Needs, Relationship-Building
Needs, and Individual Differences
Individual Differences
Individual differences are not just different opinions or different work ethics it is also different
cultures. Within the work place having a cultural day would be a plan of action that would be
excellent. This would not just be for the employees, but also for the SFO International Aerodrome as
well. Embracing others cultures with a theme or a day of cultural understand would be an
exceptional plan.
“Adversity, rather than a distinct occurrence, is more likely to be an ongoing unfavorable
condition. It may or may not set you back, but it often makes it harder to move forward. You
might, for instance, have ongoing difficulty reaching the population you’re concerned with, or
your organization might never have quite enough money” (CTB, 2015).
EQ (Emotional Intelligence)
What do you do in case of a disaster?
Emotional Intelligence is something that
must be taught within the SFO
International Airport. Emotional
Intelligence during disasters helps
employees to use their mind and not just
their emotions. It teaches employees
how to be aware of a situation and not
just rely on emotions when making
rational decisions. Emotional
Intelligence makes the employee and
organization aware of self and
organization. Implementing a EQ
training class yearly would be an
excellent ideal with certification.
“We all know that time spent at
work is right with stress and
challenge, but few realize that
blindly diving into your work actually
reduces your job performance.
Why?” (Talent Smart,
Disaster Awareness
(West Dog)
The creation of a new designated
plan would have to be put in place
during the construction of the
added development and after.
Every safety measure will be used
during construction due to the
distraction that comes with
construction. In case of any
disaster or emergency WEST
DOG will be in place as a needed
vice of disaster awareness and
Coordinate fast responses by affiliate
airports to specific operational or
logistical needs by providing available,
voluntary resources to help return a
disaster-impacted airport to operational status.
 WESTDOG affiliates support the impacted
airport by:
 Providing rapid assessment.
 Establishing liaisons with other airports.
 Supplying skilled personnel.
 Providing relief to resident staff impacted
by prolonged high-tempo disaster response
and recovery operations.
 Sharing specialized equipment.
 Providing lessons learned from disasters.
Safety and Security
On the agenda at SFO International
Airport safety and security will
always be on the top of the list of
measurements that was, will, and
always be installed within the
infrastructure. CAS (Covenant
Aviation Security and TSA (The
Transportation Security
Administration) are the two top
security organizations working with
SFO International Airport
“Covenant Aviation Security (CAS) is
committed to providing world-class
security and world-class customer service
to the flying public. CAS is a private
company under contract with the federal
government to provide passenger and
baggage screening at San Francisco
International Airport (SFO)” (Covenant,
TSA (The Transportation Security Administration.
“TSA was created to strengthen the security of the
nation’s transportation systems and ensure the
freedom of movement for people and
commerce. TSA uses a risk-based strategy and
works closely with transportation, law enforcement
and intelligence communities to set the standard for
excellence in transportation security.
Summary Outline of the Plan
The plan will consist of classes, training, disaster awareness
which will include:
 Stakeholders,
 Implementation of new policies which embrace new
 Development
 PMS teams to create other teams and to work with all change agents
 Update safety and security measurements with CAS, STA, and West Dog.
 Develop EQ training classes
 Develop communication strategies
 Implement training classes for managers regarding employee motivation
Problems & Challenges
Many of the problems that would possibly arise would be from:
 Employees not being able to adapt to change
 New security measurements and disaster precautions
 Zoning, permits, and city planning.
 Building and creating this addition to the infrastructure will bring upon many
opportunities like:
 Job Creation
 City Development
 The opportunity for SFO International Airport to become a number model
SFO International Airport will be a airport to be
followed once this plan of development is
implemented. Sustainably along with exceptional
future revenue will be within the works based off the
new career opportunities this massive development
will create. If there are any skeptics within the works
they would soon be investors or stakeholders to see
such a immense project thrive and prosper for the
benefit of city, state, and community.
Communication Strategies. Retrieved January 23, 2015, from http://
Commissioners' Profiles. Retrieved January 21, 2015, from
/airport-commission/commissioners-profiles Facts & Statistics.
Covenant Aviation Contact Us - Cargo Security Services | Aviation Security Services
San Francisco Airport Security SFO. Retrieved January 22, 2015, from es/sfo/
Developing and Issuing Guidance. Retrieved January 22, 2015,
ures/UCM073004.pdf Module 2: Decision Making Techniques, Tools and
Approaches. Retrieved January 21, 2015, from 294564
Module 8: The Decision Leader. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from 86
Overcoming Mind Blindness with Emotional Intelligence. Retrieved January 21,
2015, from Blindness-with-
Retrieved January 21, 2015, from
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Section 7. Building and Sustaining Relationships. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from functions/build sustain-
Strong revenue helps close deficits in San Francisco budget plan. (2013, May 31).
Retrieved January 23, 2015, from
francisco-budget- idUSL2N0EC1UW20130601
Transportation Security Administration. Retrieved January 22, 2015, from
Who are Project Managers? Retrieved January 21, 2015, from
WESTDOG Western Airports Disaster Operations Group. (2011, January 1). Retrieved January 23,
2015, from
Wikipedia.(Retrieved January 22, 2015, from
33,580 People Work at SFO. Retrieved January 21, 2015, from rts/2012_
_economic_impact_study.ppt#923,12,33,580 People Work at SFO

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#1 decision making strategy class pp handout page

  • 1. Decision Making Strategy “Develop a Decision-Making Plan at SFO International Air Port” By: Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin CSU Global MS-Organizational Leadership 21 January 2015
  • 2. Introduction The San Francisco International Air Port (Aerodrome) is one of the major stops for Many travelers from all walks of life. I would never consider the SFO Air Port to be at a pit stop but a stop of comfort and relaxation for the visitor and traveler. Upon my 3 day observation I did notice much more development that could and should be implemented within the overall infrastructure of the SFO Air Port. This development of the SFO International Air Port could make the Aerodrome a model example of how a community could exists within an Air Port that accommodates hundreds of thousands of commuters each year. The San Francisco Travel Association stated, “In 2010, San Francisco welcomed 15.92 million visitors, an increase of 3.1 percent from 2009. These visitors spent $8.34 billion in 2010, up 6.2 percent from the previous year. “The tourism industry generated $485 million in taxes for the City of San Francisco, up 4 percent from the previous year. Tourism supported 67,122 jobs in 2010 with an annual payroll of $1.88 billion. In 2010, there was an average of 126,931 visitors in San Francisco each day.
  • 3. Introduction (Cont) Visitor spending equated to $22.84 million daily (including spending related to meetings and conventions” (STA, 2014). San Francisco International could Surely raise their revenue and also become an example of a model community within the Bay Area by expanding their plans to create a Utopia that encompasses family, community, employment, socializing, and society. The creation of a team of developers, architect engineers, researchers, community developers, and a host of other planners to ensure this plan is created and built will also add to the financial success of the San Francisco Bay Area. Upon excellent observation of the New SFO International Aerodrome it is clear that some added development can be implemented to form a airport that will be a fine example for Other airports to follow by. The construction of this plan strategic development will be used to make sure the plan is a success rather than a disaster. All of this will be done through transformational leadership.
  • 4. Summary What Will Be Discussed Within This PowerPoint  The Plan  Leadership role, including its responsibilities.  Breakdown of the decision-making process  Policies, external agencies/organizations, employee motivation, communication strategies, team-building needs, relationship-building needs, and individual differences (EQ)  Complete Summary Outline  Hypothesis-implications your plan may have on future organizational problems/challenges/opportunities.
  • 5. THE PLAN  The new development plans would consist of working on the International Terminal Main Hall, International Terminal Garages, and Domestic Garages by building upward and using air space, but also remembering the air space needed for planes. Safety should always be the mindset of all engineers and building this new infrastructural society should not be above 25 to 30 stories tall unless they see safety measures that would allow them to build more floors.  “San Francisco International Airport (SFO) offers non-stop links with more than 30 international points on five continents with 29 international carriers. The Bay Area's largest airport connects non-stop with more than 65 cities in the U.S. on 20 domestic airlines. For up-to-the-minute departure and arrival information, airport maps and details on shopping, dining, cultural exhibitions, ground transportation and more, visit (SFA, 2014). Why use SFO? This would be ground breaking for the entire country or should I say world. To watch a leading Airport create a utopia that would be a model to follow by truly would be brilliant. Developing this plan would also help the economy with new job creations and also affordable housing for air port workers, commuters, and frequent flyers that need easy access to and from diverse air lines.
  • 6. THE PLAN (Cont)  The International Terminal Main Hall would be the building development that would focus on the lively hood of the corporations and other small businesses that would want to take up residency there. By offering a bonus weather it be tax bonuses, city bonuses, or accommodations for hiring low income employees to work within their offices this option should be available immediately to all businesses that agree to sign a lease.
  • 7. The SFO Airport currently employees over 33,580 workers. The over all plan would be to employee and extra 50,000 employees with the new developments of housing, restaurants, banks, work office buildings, hotels, shopping mall, theaters, grocery stores, food courts, medical facilities, family day cares, social security offices, and senior citizen housing. 33,580 People Work at SFO 7 Distributionof On-Airport Jobs Concessions 15% Construction 3% Passenger Airlines 47% Freight Transport 2% Aviation Support Services 7% Passenger Ground Trans. 17% Admin., Gov’t & Security 9%
  • 8. Thesis Statement Project managers are change agents: they make project goals their own and use their skills and expertise to inspire a sense of shared purpose within the project team. They enjoy the organized adrenaline of new challenges and the responsibility of driving business results” (PMI, 2015). It is the sole duty of all project managers and change agents to ensure that new implemented work is done with ease and employees can adapted to the new changes without problems.
  • 9. Findings 9  Direct Impacts  On Airport – 33,600 jobs, $5.5 billion in business activity  Off Airport – 82,800 jobs from $9.1 billion in visitor spending  Off Airport – 36,400 jobs from cargo valued at $17 billion, originating in the Bay Area and shipped from SFO  Spin-off “ripple” effects of 135,500 jobs and $24.6 billion in business revenues  $2.5 billion in state and local tax revenues (SFO, 2015)
  • 10. The Leaders of Development at SFO International Airport Current SFO Leaders and Commissioners FOR FULL COMMISIONERS PROFILE GO TO:  LARRY MAZZOLA, President, Airport Commission  LINDA S. CRAYTON, Vice President, Airport Commission  RICHARD J. GUGGENHIME Member, Airport Commission  PETER A. STERN, Member, Airport Commission
  • 11. “Leadership” My Development Role as a Project Manager/Change Agent Within the position of ‘Project Manager/Change Agent’ I would be responsible for making sure that all proper licenses where obtained, all members of the management team where on the same page, the PMS teams where in place, and implementation of the plan was achievable. “Project managers are change agents: they make project goals their own and use their skills and expertise to inspire a sense of shared purpose within the project team. They enjoy the organized adrenaline of new challenges and the responsibility of driving business results” (PMI, 2015). It is the sole duty of all project managers and change agents to ensure that new implemented work is done with ease and employees can adapted to the new changes without problems.
  • 12. The Decision Making Process (The Steps) To ensure that the steps made within the plan are wise and trustworthy the decision making steps I would be utilizing will be: Rational Decision Making  Intuitive decision making Creative decision making
  • 13. Rational Decision Making Measure balanced and weighting out the pros and cons within this decision making process. By doing a rational decision making process I would have to include; budget, employee, changes, infrastructure, demographics, and population “Process of making a logically sound decision. In this model, the leader follows a series of steps to arrive at a decision. This model is best used when information on alternative options can be gathered” (CSU Global, 2015) Upon Implementation of the new development plans every aspect of the plan should be rationalized.
  • 14. Intuitive Decision Making This form of decision making within the plan of development is strictly through Intuition and decrement. Intuitive decision making is usually done by the seasoned project Manager and change agent whom somewhat can use their mindset through maturity from `past development projects. “Intuitive decision making relies on a leader’s experience with the same or a similar problem. The leader makes a decision based on her knowledge, experience, and training.” (CSU Global, 2015) In order for any excellent project manager or change agent to be able to use intuitive measurements when planning they need the experience, and a excellent thought process.
  • 15. Creative Decision Making ‘Innovation is Key’ when using creative decision making the best of the best planners and developers need to be hired to complete the job. Compensating creative thinkers with excellent monetary benefits is the plan because without creative thinkers and decision makers the ideas would never flourish, be relevant or exists. “Creative decision making is the process of being innovative when making decisions. After identifying and gathering information on the situation, the problem is set aside. Then during the illumination phase, the leader spontaneously gains the insight needed to address the situation. With this method of decision making, managers learn to view “situations” as opportunities as opposed to “problems.” Innovation and creative thinking will illuminate the development process.
  • 16. Policies Policies create a climate of rules and ethical business values that should be followed by the: employer, employee, and customer to ensure safety, equality, and high quality service. The policies should change along with the demographic changes, and when more employees are hired. Being a change agent this would be part of the job description to ensure that the adequate policies are in place. Policies bring upon democracy, but with rules and regulations. Within some forms of government they call policies and procedures Guidance, and that is what policies and procedures must do guide the organization and business in the correct direction to do the right thing. Guidance: A guidance refers to any written communication that explains an Agency or Center policy or procedure. The term guidance generally refers to guidance for regulated entities (e.g., the pharmaceutical industry).
  • 17. External Agencies and Organizations External agencies and organizations would always have to follow the policies that govern the aerodrome for guidance, safety, and procedures. Many of the outside agencies will have their own policies and procedures conjunction with SFO International Airport. External agencies and organizations would be considered;  merchant vendor  construction companies  medical agencies  Hazmat  public works and other retail merchants that purchase space.
  • 18. Employee Motivation and The Change Agent As a Change Agent it is extremely Important that you also put into practice motivation and Moral. Many companies often re-develop the company but forget to keep the employees motivated while the changes are taking place. Using the 10 motivational measurements on the right will make sure that the employees stay encouraged regarding the job. During change you never want excellent employees jumping ship.
  • 19. Communication Strategies Communication are means of channels that people use to converse with One another. Within the airport the means of communication will be open by: phone, intercom, email, and intra mail. The channels of communication will always remain open in case of a disaster. Communication strategies should:  Outline the objective/goals of the communication  Identify stakeholders : CAS , SAP, and West Dog  Define key messages  Pinpoint potential communication methods and vehicles for communicating Information for a specific purpose  Specify the mechanisms that will be used to obtain feedback on the strategy
  • 20. -PMS- Team-Building Needs, Relationship-Building Needs, and Individual Differences Team Building Needs When building a infrastructure as grand as this one you must employ teams that could actually cover the campus territory. The new structure would be about 25-30 stories high and would need practically a army of employees and others to maintain the campus. Team building would be excellent for promotions, incentives, and moral. One of the biggest teams that would need to be developed is a PMS team.
  • 21. -PMS- Team-Building Needs, Relationship-Building Needs, and Individual Differences (Cont) Relationship-Building Needs One of the fundamentals that the PMS team needs to live by is how to build worker relationships to make the work place run smoother. Building meaningful relationships within your work place and also community is vital to the success of the airport. Within the community the SFO International Airport has and will continue to build meaningful relationships with community advisory boards, county commissioners, the community, and all other stakeholders involved. We need relationships in order to win allies to our cause. In order to get support from People outside our organizations, we need to build relationships in which people know and trust us. Our relationships give meaning and richness to our work and to our lives. We all need a community of people to share the joys and the struggles of organizing and making community change. A little bit of camaraderie goes a long way (CTB, 2015).
  • 22. -PMS- Team-Building Needs, Relationship-Building Needs, and Individual Differences Individual Differences Individual differences are not just different opinions or different work ethics it is also different cultures. Within the work place having a cultural day would be a plan of action that would be excellent. This would not just be for the employees, but also for the SFO International Aerodrome as well. Embracing others cultures with a theme or a day of cultural understand would be an exceptional plan. “Adversity, rather than a distinct occurrence, is more likely to be an ongoing unfavorable condition. It may or may not set you back, but it often makes it harder to move forward. You might, for instance, have ongoing difficulty reaching the population you’re concerned with, or your organization might never have quite enough money” (CTB, 2015).
  • 23. EQ (Emotional Intelligence) What do you do in case of a disaster? Emotional Intelligence is something that must be taught within the SFO International Airport. Emotional Intelligence during disasters helps employees to use their mind and not just their emotions. It teaches employees how to be aware of a situation and not just rely on emotions when making rational decisions. Emotional Intelligence makes the employee and organization aware of self and organization. Implementing a EQ training class yearly would be an excellent ideal with certification. “We all know that time spent at work is right with stress and challenge, but few realize that blindly diving into your work actually reduces your job performance. Why?” (Talent Smart, 2015).
  • 24. Disaster Awareness (West Dog) The creation of a new designated plan would have to be put in place during the construction of the added development and after. Every safety measure will be used during construction due to the distraction that comes with construction. In case of any disaster or emergency WEST DOG will be in place as a needed vice of disaster awareness and properness. Coordinate fast responses by affiliate airports to specific operational or logistical needs by providing available, voluntary resources to help return a disaster-impacted airport to operational status.  WESTDOG affiliates support the impacted airport by:  Providing rapid assessment.  Establishing liaisons with other airports.  Supplying skilled personnel.  Providing relief to resident staff impacted by prolonged high-tempo disaster response and recovery operations.  Sharing specialized equipment.  Providing lessons learned from disasters.
  • 25. Safety and Security On the agenda at SFO International Airport safety and security will always be on the top of the list of measurements that was, will, and always be installed within the infrastructure. CAS (Covenant Aviation Security and TSA (The Transportation Security Administration) are the two top security organizations working with SFO International Airport “Covenant Aviation Security (CAS) is committed to providing world-class security and world-class customer service to the flying public. CAS is a private company under contract with the federal government to provide passenger and baggage screening at San Francisco International Airport (SFO)” (Covenant, 2015) TSA (The Transportation Security Administration. “TSA was created to strengthen the security of the nation’s transportation systems and ensure the freedom of movement for people and commerce. TSA uses a risk-based strategy and works closely with transportation, law enforcement and intelligence communities to set the standard for excellence in transportation security.
  • 26. Summary Outline of the Plan The plan will consist of classes, training, disaster awareness which will include:  Stakeholders,  Implementation of new policies which embrace new  Development  PMS teams to create other teams and to work with all change agents  Update safety and security measurements with CAS, STA, and West Dog.  Develop EQ training classes  Develop communication strategies  Implement training classes for managers regarding employee motivation
  • 27. Hypothesis Problems & Challenges Many of the problems that would possibly arise would be from:  Employees not being able to adapt to change  New security measurements and disaster precautions  Zoning, permits, and city planning. Opportunities  Building and creating this addition to the infrastructure will bring upon many opportunities like:  Job Creation  City Development  The opportunity for SFO International Airport to become a number model aerodrome.
  • 28. Conclusion SFO International Airport will be a airport to be followed once this plan of development is implemented. Sustainably along with exceptional future revenue will be within the works based off the new career opportunities this massive development will create. If there are any skeptics within the works they would soon be investors or stakeholders to see such a immense project thrive and prosper for the benefit of city, state, and community.
  • 29. References Communication Strategies. Retrieved January 23, 2015, from http:// Commissioners' Profiles. Retrieved January 21, 2015, from /airport-commission/commissioners-profiles Facts & Statistics. Covenant Aviation Contact Us - Cargo Security Services | Aviation Security Services San Francisco Airport Security SFO. Retrieved January 22, 2015, from es/sfo/ Developing and Issuing Guidance. Retrieved January 22, 2015, from ceofMedicalProductsandTobacco/CDER/ManualofPoliciesProced ures/UCM073004.pdf Module 2: Decision Making Techniques, Tools and Approaches. Retrieved January 21, 2015, from 294564
  • 30. Reference Module 8: The Decision Leader. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from 86 Overcoming Mind Blindness with Emotional Intelligence. Retrieved January 21, 2015, from Blindness-with- Emotional-Intelligence-476380513-p-1.html Retrieved January 21, 2015, from Safety & Security. Retrieved January 22, 2015, from sfo/safety-security Section 7. Building and Sustaining Relationships. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from functions/build sustain- relationships/main
  • 31. References Strong revenue helps close deficits in San Francisco budget plan. (2013, May 31). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from francisco-budget- idUSL2N0EC1UW20130601 Transportation Security Administration. Retrieved January 22, 2015, from Who are Project Managers? Retrieved January 21, 2015, from /About-Us/About-Us-Who-are-Project-Managers.aspx WESTDOG Western Airports Disaster Operations Group. (2011, January 1). Retrieved January 23, 2015, from Wikipedia.(Retrieved January 22, 2015, from 33,580 People Work at SFO. Retrieved January 21, 2015, from rts/2012_ _economic_impact_study.ppt#923,12,33,580 People Work at SFO

Editor's Notes

  1. San Francisco International Airport (IATA: SFO) opened on May 7, 1927 on 150 acres (607,000 m²) of cow pasture leased from prominent local landowner Ogden L. Mills, and was named Mills Field Municipal Airport. During the economic boom of the 1990s and the dot-com boom, SFO became the 6th busiest international airport in the world. However, since the boom times ended, it has fallen back out of the top twenty (Wikipedia, 2015). How can San Francisco International rank number one? With the add changes and development of a community or utopia SFO could rank number one in the world of city attractions and destinations in the category of aviation and aerodrome's
  2. Transformational leaders lead change in inspirational and visionary ways. One of the keys to transformational leadership is the focus on the development of others, as well as meeting goals through moral decisions. Nelson Mandela is an example of a transformational leader (CSU Global, 2015).
  3. The plan of action within this summary is to create a plan of development that would help create a infrastructure that would make SFO International a model airport that would encompass community and culture with substantial revenue for the betterment of the San Francisco Bay Area.
  4. The International Terminal Main Hall would be the building development that would focus on the lively hood of the corporations and other small businesses that would want to take up residency their. By offering a bonus weather it be tax bonuses, city bonuses, or accommodations for hiring low income employees to work within their offices this option should be available immediately to all businesses that agree to sign a lease.
  5. Many companies, organizations, and corporations are looking for office space that is closer to the air port and would accommodate their employees all in one space. Some organizations would probably be willing to purchase an entire floor for their organization that would include housing, and offices for their employees. By doing this you would eliminate the need for corporate employees having to go rent a room somewhere in the city, rush to a corporate office, then rush back to the air port to catch a flight which many usually miss.
  6. The current stats regarding the SFO come directly from FLYSFO:,12,33,580 People Work at SFO
  7. Will this eliminate the tourist business within San Francisco? I would have to say no, but it will make people more willing to travel to the area and give them easy access with accommodations for sleeping by using a timeshare or also give them access to hotel accommodations. Building this new utopia or world at the airport would actually bring in tourist just to see what it has to offer you could even do building tours on campus. Businesses that take up residency within the new office buildings should always be encouraged to hire employees from the Bay Area regardless of what city as long as they are from the San Francisco Bay Area particularly from the BART map line. This would ensure employees get to work in a timely manner.
  8. The current commisioners would be very important to the creation and development of these plans. The SF/BAY AREA currently generates a high amount of revenue each year and by developing this plan would just add to the numbers. May 31 (Reuters) - San Francisco's mayor proposed a two-year city budget plan on Friday that would close deficits of $124 million in the next fiscal year and $256 million the following year and seize on strengthening revenue to build reserves totaling 4 percent of general fund revenue” (Reuters, 2013). Read
  9. These agencies will be the ones that will encompass the new facility and must follow the guidance policies that are put in place for all to live, work, and build by.
  10. The PMS Team is the team that plays mediator between the higher ups and the subordinates. You could say they are some what the balance within the organization. A vital part of the PMS job is to give evaluations and feedback. Many of the PMS managers will be in management meetings with reports and stats. The picture above of SFO International is a sky view show casing where the building will take place.
  11. It is essential that the PMS team create a infrastructure of relationships and teams to ensure work is satisfactory and complete. This also means building relationships with community leaders and advisory boards that will have a input into the creation of such a massive development plan.
  12. Performance Management Teams are essential when it comes to building businesses. They are used as the go between to ensure that the management teams orders and instructions are followed through. Many PMS teams use evaluation methods and feed backs to help find out what is needed in order for the company to be a success.
  13. EQ also reflects the intelligence and maturity of the organizations. Dealing with a organization that is to in mature within business is not good for business. Emotional Intelligence will help the infrastructure within development stages to flourish and also help the organization make the correct decisions.
  14. West Dog is a intra and outer organization that helps with rapid response when it comes relief during disasters. They also help with creating channels of communication in order to make safety and security measures available.
  15. “Covenant Aviation Security (CAS) is committed to providing world-class security and world-class customer service to the flying public. CAS is a private company under contract with the federal government to provide passenger and baggage screening at San Francisco International Airport (SFO)” (Covenant, 2015) TSA (The Transportation Security Administration
  16. The overall plan should involve all and every aspect of zoning, commissioners, stakeholders, and any other county and city department that is willing to see the overall plans through.