SlideShare a Scribd company logo
1. Companies that outsource research and development and
design jobs:
A. have always made a wise decision.
B. will be more profitable in the long run.
C. run the risk of overseas companies using the information to
produce competitive products.
D. always invest in the overseas companies that take on these
2. For-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations are similar
in that they both:
A. contribute to the welfare of society.
B. seek to earn a profit.
C. have a limited life.
D. must be controlled by a board of directors.
3. Adam Smith believed that countries would prosper if
businesspeople were free to start and run their own businesses.
Businesspeople would make a profit by providing the goods,
services and ideas that others in the economy wanted, and they
would hire others to help increase those profits, leading to
social and economics benefits for many. This idea was called
the __________.
A. kinked demand theory.
B. invisible hand.
C. spending multiplier.
D. demand accelerator.
4. Jake considers himself to be a follower of Thomas Malthus.
Which of the following statements would Jake be most likely to
A. The key to economic growth is to keep taxes and government
regulations to a minimum.
B. Command economies are more likely to encourage economic
growth than free market economies.
C. Allowing people to follow their self-interest is the best way
to generate economic growth and prosperity.
D. A society will not experience sustainable economic progress
unless it accepts the need to limit population growth.
5. Which of the following statements best describes the theory
of comparative advantage?
A. The best way for a nation to ensure full employment is to be
totally self-sufficient rather than relying on other nations to
obtain goods and services.
B. Each nation should produce those goods that it can produce
more efficiently and effectively than other nations, and buy the
goods it cannot produce efficiently from other nations.
C. The nation that has the largest reserves of gold and other
natural resources will enjoy a position of comparative
advantage in trade relationships.
D. A nation should produce those goods for which domestic
demand is comparatively strong, and should import those goods
for which domestic demand is comparatively weak.
6. Free trade between nations generally results in:
A. industrialized nations gaining at the expense of developing
B. an increase of jobs in developed nations.
C. mutually beneficial exchange relationships.
D. higher prices for imported goods.
7. Given the ethical lapses that are prevalent today in our
businesses, which of the following can be done to restore trust
in the free-market system and leaders in general?
A. Business leaders that have broken the law should be given
another chance.
B. New laws making accounting records transparent may help
restore trust.
C. Making the government accountable for business leader
behavior will restore trust.
D. It's up to the government to pass laws requiring ethical
behavior of all leaders, business and otherwise.
8. Laws represent the standards of ________ behavior.
A. ethical
B. legal
C. moral
D. socially responsible
9. A ___________ is a form of business that is owned, and
usually managed, by one person.
A. closed corporation
B. subchapter S corporation
C. sole proprietorship
D. limited partnership
10. ____________ comprise about 20% of all businesses but
account for about 81% of U.S. business receipts.
A. Corporations
B. Partnerships
C. Sole proprietorships
D. Limited liability companies
The U.S. government's Immigration Act of 1990:
A. encouraged entrepreneurs to come to the U.S. through
"investor visas".
B. established a government program to teach American workers
displaced by immigration how to start their own businesses.
C. established guidelines to help entrepreneurs recruit legal
aliens as a source of low cost labor.
11. D. proposed an exchange program for American and
European entrepreneurs to temporarily live internationally in
order to open up foreign branches for their businesses.
Which of the following statements is characteristic of
A. They like certainty
B. They have the ability to visualize a clear path
C. They look at problems and see opportunities
12. D. They prefer to be inventive rather than worry about
whether the invention solves a customer need
A vision for a company is:
A. an explanation of why the company exists and where it wants
to go.
B. the same thing as an objective.
C. a detailed plan that outlines the major organizational
structure of the firm.
13. D. very relevant for the short-term, but less useful for the
_________ planning is a part of contingency planning that is
used to deal with sudden and unexpected changes in the
business environment.
A. Crisis
B. Tactical
C. Operational
14. D. SWOT
Fayol's ____________ principle says that workers' attitudes
would create an environment of pride and loyalty within an
A. esprit de corps
B. hierarchy of loyalty
C. unity of command
15. D. equity
__________ believed that managers were trustworthy and
companies would do well if employees simply did what they
were told.
A. John Keynes
B. Adam Smith
C. Peter Drucker
16. D. Max Weber
17. One strategy U.S. manufacturers have employed in order to
become more competitive is:
A. focusing on providing the lowest priced products.
B. relying on advanced technology and the Internet to unite
C. maintaining a distance relationship with suppliers in an
effort to guard trade secrets.
D. increasing advertising budgets.
18. To strengthen its manufacturing base in the future, U.S. will
have to:
A. uncover lower wage workers in the U.S. to compete with
B. continue to innovate.
C. support students in high school and college interested in
studying the arts.
D. cut the amount of benefits offered to workers.
19. The concept that a hierarchy of human needs could be used
to explain motivation was developed by:
A. Abraham Maslow.
B. Frederick Taylor.
C. Douglas McGregor.
D. Frederick Herzberg.
20. Abraham Maslow thought that once needs at one level of his
hierarchy were met:
A. motivation would diminish.
B. another, higher order need would emerge to motivate that
C. that type of need would never again be an effective
D. he or she would become more interested in lower-level
21. The sense of satisfaction you get when you achieve an
important goal is an intrinsic reward.
T______ F_______
22. Extrinsic rewards are those that are given to a person by
someone else.
23. Since motivation comes from within an individual, there is
little that managers can do to help motivate employees.
24. When unhappy employees leave a company, the firm
normally ends up benefiting financially.
25. A key element of Frederick Taylor's approach was the
time-motion study, which examined the tasks performed to
complete a job and the time needed to complete each task.
26. You agree to purchase a boat from Turner’s Boat dealership
for $30,000. You agree to pay $10,000. in cash and Turner
agrees to finance the balance of $20,000. for 4 years at 8% add-
on interest.
a) What is the amount of your Note?? (Show Calculations)
b) What are the monthly payments??? (Show Calculations)
OL 690: Corporate Social Responsibility Wiki and Plan
Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of a Corporate
Social Responsibility Plan. In Modules Two through Eight, you
will evaluate how a company is exemplifying corporate
citizenship. You will use an individual wiki space to record
reflections on how the content covered in the modules relates to
the company. In Module Eight, upon reading and reflecting on
the wiki entries of your classmates, you will choose a company
for which you would like to work as the global responsibility
director. You cannot select the company about which you have
been posting throughout the semester; you must choose another
student’s company. As the final paper, you will develop a
Corporate Social Responsibility Plan. This final product
represents an authentic demonstration of the competencies
achieved in this course as you put into action all that you have
learned in this course. The project is divided into 10 milestones,
which will be submitted at various points throughout the course
to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions.
Main Elements
The Final Project has four parts:
· Part 1: Selection of a CSR-oriented corporation for wiki posts.
This must be approved by the instructor (Module One: 1–2
· Part 2: Evaluation of the selected company’s exemplifying
corporate citizenship (Modules Two-Eight: 300–500 words for
each post)
· Part 3: Selection of a corporation (based on the wiki posts of
colleagues) for which you would like to be global responsibility
director (Module Eight: 1 page)
· Part 4: Final Paper—Social Responsibility Plan (Module Ten:
8–12 pages).
Part 1: Selection of a CSR-Oriented Corporation:
Select a publicly traded company of which you are a
stakeholder. This may be a company:
· Whose products you use
· That is part of your local community
· That pays your salary
· In which you invest
Note: Your instructor must approve the company you select.
There can be no duplicate companies selected by students. Have
at least 2–3 company names in mind when you conduct your
research. After your company has been approved, in modules
Two through Eight you will evaluate how the company is
exemplifying corporate citizenship. Another classmate will use
your work (the contents of your corporate wiki entries) as the
basis of his or her final paper.
Part 2:Evaluation of the Selected Company
You will use your individual wikis to record reflections on how
the content covered in specific modules relates to a company for
which you are a stakeholder. At each stage of this course-long
project (Modules Two through Eight), you will use your wiki
page to evaluate different aspects of the company’s
exemplification of corporate citizenship based on:
· What the company says about itself
· Your personal experience with the company
· What other stakeholders are currently saying about the
To show how the company is currently exemplifying corporate
citizenship, it will be important that your research utilizes
current resources to support your evaluation. At least two
references are required for each wiki post.
Part 3: Global Responsibility Director: Company Selection
You will review the corporate social responsibility wiki posts of
your classmates. Based on the reports of your classmates, select
a company for which you would like to work as the global
responsibility director. You cannot select the company about
which you have been posting throughout the semester; you must
choose another student’s company. Describe the company you
have selected and include the student’s name who posted about
that company. Provide a rationale for why you have selected
this company. The instructor must approve the company you
Part 4: Final Paper
Your task is to review the current status of the company for
which you were approved (in Module Eight) and make
recommendations for changes with respect to CSR. After careful
review of the status of CSR, stakeholder attitudes, and your own
research, develop a Social Responsibility Plan for this company.
Remember, this plan is to be based on the company for which
you have selected to be the global responsibility director
(Module Eight).
Overview of the Corporate Social Responsibility Plan
You have attained the position of global responsibility director
(for your approved company). Your first task is to review the
current status of the company and make recommendation for
changes with respect to CSR. After careful review of the status
of CSR and stakeholder attitudes, develop a plan for future CSR
changes. Be sure to review the existing documentation and
extend your knowledge with your own research. Research
findings should be properly cited and APA-formatted both
within the body of the paper and in the References page.
The report will be submitted to the board of directors for
approval. Once approval is given, you will work toward
incorporating your CSR programs as major a component of
corporate decision making and activities. Be sure to outline, in
each category, how the company’s vision and values are
If the company has a well-developed CSR plan, your additions
should allow its leadership position to be enhanced.
Include all section headings below in the body of the paper.
Executive Summary
An executive summaryis a short section of a document that
summarizes a longer report in such a way that readers can
rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material
without having to read it all. It will usually contain a brief
statement of what is covered in the major document, background
information, concise analysis and main conclusions.
1. Introduction
This section will review the current state of CSR within the
company. Include:
· Current vision and value statements
· Current programs related to the three spheres and the
· Recent events related to current programs
· Reported stakeholder view of programs and actions of the
2. Economic
Describe the current status of the company with regard to:
· Employee relations
· Corporate culture
· Investor relations
· Suppliers
· The plans and programs you plan to implement to address
issues within economic sphere
3. Political
Describe the current status of the company with regard to:
· Regulatory structures
· Adherence to government regulations
· Relations to government entities
· Describe the plans and programs you plan to implement to
address issues within political sphere
4. Civil Society
Describe the current status of the company with regard to:
· NGOs (non-governmental organizations)
· Local communities
· Customers
· The world
· The plans and programs you plan to implement to address
issues within the civil society sphere
5. Environment
Describe the current status of the company with regard to:
· Local environmental impacts
· Global environmental impacts
· The plans and programs you plan to implement to address
issues within the environment
6. Conclusion
7. References
· At least four references must be used
· References must be formatted in APA
Milestone One: Proposal
In Activity 1.3, you will submit a proposal to your instructor.
This 1–2 page proposal must:
1. Identify the company you have selected
2. Give a brief synopsis of the company, summarizing its
purpose and goals
3. State your rationale and reason for selecting this company
4. Describe your role as a stakeholder in this company
5. Describe at least three other stakeholders and their
relationship to the company you have selected
6. Conclusion: what you hope to gain/understand as you
research about this company
Your instructor must approve the company you select. Because
there can be no duplicate companies selected by students, have
at least two to three companies in mind when you conduct your
research. This milestone is not graded separately, but you will
receive feedback from your instructor.
Milestone Two: The Three Spheres
In 2-2 Corporate Social Responsibility Wiki, you will read
Corporate Social Responsibilities Theories and Building
Sustainable Value Through Fiscal and Social Responsibility. In
a wiki post titled 2-2: The Three Spheres, explain how your
chosen company has demonstrated corporate citizenship in the
economic, political, and civil spheres. Provide specific
examples. Be sure to examine what the company says about
itself, what you have experienced, and what other stakeholders
have said or experienced. Cite at least two sources. This
milestone will be graded using the Wiki Rubric.
Milestone Three: Organizational Vision
In 3-2 Corporate Social Responsibility Wiki, you will read What
Is on the Mind of Great Companies? In a wiki post titled 3-2:
Organizational Vision, explain the following in regard to the
company you have chosen:
· Describe past and present stages of development of the
· How has the company developed? Has the development been
positive or negative? Explain why you think this is the case.
· How has the company's stage of development been reflected in
its vision and value statements over time?
Cite at least two sources. This milestone will be graded using
the Wiki Rubric.
Milestone Four: Impacts of Value Added
In 4-2 Corporate Social Responsibility Wiki, you will read
Social Value Added and Do Consumers Care About Ethics? In a
post titled 4-2: Impacts of Value Added, outline the goals and
indicators for measuring development progress for a nation in
which your selected corporation does business. Which ones are
most important? How do they relate to the business of your
corporation? Is the corporation working with integrity in this
environment? Research the value adds the corporation is
creating for the community and itself. What are the community
reactions? How does this affect the corporation's success? Cite
at least two sources. This milestone will be graded using the
Wiki Rubric.
Milestone Five: Stakeholders
In 5-2 Corporate Social Responsibility Wiki, you will read
Stakeholder Management Capability and A Stakeholder
Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility. In a post titled 5-
2: Stakeholders, answer the following questions:
· How does your selected company involve its stakeholders in
· What has been your experience? What do stakeholders report?
· How do the reports of the different stakeholder groups differ?
· How does the company manage opposing stakeholder
· How do corporate values and vision affect its decisions?
Provide examples. Remember, you are to report on what the
company says about itself, your experience, and the experience
of its stakeholders. Cite at least two sources. This milestone
will be graded using the Wiki Rubric.
Milestone Six: Managing Responsibility
In 6-2 Corporate Social Responsibility, you will Read Moral
Motivation Across Ethical Theories and Corporate
Responsibility and Corporate Reputation. In a post titled 6-2:
Managing Responsibility, answer the following questions:
· How does your selected company manage its reputation and
corporate citizenship?
· What is the company doing right? Where can it improve?
· What has your experience been? What do other stakeholders
report about the company’s citizenship and reputation?
· What makes you remain a stakeholder?
Cite from at least two sources. This milestone will be graded
using the Wiki Rubric.
Milestone Seven: Investments and Assessments
In 7-2 Corporate Social Responsibility, in a post titled 7-2:
Investments and Assessments, you will answer the following
questions regarding the company you have chosen to
· How has your chosen company invested in and assessed its
corporate social responsibility? Where has the company
· What assessment have they used to measure the effectiveness
of their programs?
· What has been your experience? What do other stakeholders
· Is there a difference of opinion about the results? Where does
the difference come from?
Cite at least two sources. This milestone will be graded using
the Wiki Rubric.
Milestone Eight: Sustainability Assessment
In 8-2 Corporate Social Responsibility Wiki, in a post titled 8-
2: Sustainability Assessment, answer the following questions
regarding the company you have chosen to investigate:
· Does your company do business with sustainability and the
global village in mind?
· How does your company meet the standards put forth in the
readings and articles?
· What has been your experience? How do the countries to
which companies expand respond?
Cite from at least two sources. This milestone will be graded
using the Wiki Rubric.
Milestone Nine: Global Responsibility Director: Company
In 8-3 Final Project Milestone #9, you will review the corporate
social responsibility wiki posts of your classmates. Based on the
reports of your classmates, select a company for which you
would like to work as the global responsibility director. You
cannot select the company about which you have been posting
throughout the semester; you must choose another student’s
company. Describe the company you have selected and include
the student’s name who posted about that company. Provide a
rationale for why you have selected this company. The
instructor must approve the company you select. This milestone
is not graded separately, but you will receive feedback from
your instructor.
Milestone Ten: Final Paper
In 10-1 Final Project Milestone #10, you will complete and
submit your Corporate Social Responsibility Plan for grading. It
should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the
main elements of the final product. It should reflect the
incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This
milestone will be graded using the Final Project Rubric.
Deliverable Milestones
Module Due
Non-graded; students will receive feedback from the instructor
Wiki Post: The Three Spheres
Individual Wiki Rubric
Wiki Post: Organizational Vision
Individual Wiki Rubric
Wiki Post: Impacts of Value Added
Individual Wiki Rubric
Wiki Post: Stakeholders
Individual Wiki Rubric
Wiki Post: Managing Responsibility
Individual Wiki Rubric
Wiki Post: Investments and Assessments
Individual Wiki Rubric
Wiki Post: Sustainability Assessment
Individual Wiki Rubric
Global Responsibility Director—Company Selection
Non-graded; students will receive feedback from the instructor
Final Paper: Corporate Social Responsibility Plan
Final Project Rubric
Final Project Rubric
Requirements of submission: Written components of projects
must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable:
double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch
margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. The length of the
paper should be 8–12 pages not including cover page and
resources. Failure to adhere to these requirements of submission
will result in the paper not being graded.
Instructor Feedback: Students can find their feedback in the
grade book as an attachment.
Critical Elements
Not Evident
Executive Summary, Introduction & Conclusion
Includes an insightful executive summary and conclusion; the
four required elements in the introduction are present
Includes an informed executive summary and conclusion; 3–4 of
the required elements in the introduction are present
Includes a logical executive summary and conclusion, but only
2–3 of the required elements in the introduction are present
The executive summary and conclusion are not complete, and
less than half of the required elements in the introduction are
Includes an insightful explanation of all five of the required
Includes an informed explanation of 4–5 of the required
Includes a logical explanation of 3–4 of the required elements
Includes less than three of the required elements
Includes an insightful explanation of all five of the required
Includes an informed explanation of 4–5 of the required
Includes a logical explanation of 3–4 of the required elements
Includes less than three of the required elements
Civil Society
Includes an insightful explanation of all five of the required
Includes an informed explanation of 4–5 of the required
Includes a logical explanation of 3–4 of the required elements
Includes less than three of the required elements
Includes an insightful explanation of all three of the required
Includes an informed explanation of two of the required
Includes an informed explanation of only one of the required
Does not include any of required elements
Effectively incorporates at least four scholarly resources that
reflect depth and breadth of research
Effectively incorporates 2–3 scholarly resources that reflect
depth and breadth of research
Incorporates 1–2 scholarly resources that reflect depth and
breadth of research
Does not incorporate scholarly resources that reflect depth and
breadth of research
· No errors related to organization, grammar and style, and
· Paper meets the required length of 8–12 pages
· Required section headings are used
· Minor errors related to organization, grammar and style, and
· Paper is one page short of the required length
· Most of the required sections headings are used
· Some errors related to organization, grammar and style, and
· Paper is two pages short of the required length
· Section headings are not utilized
· Major errors related to organization, grammar and style, and
· Paper is less than half of the required length
· Section headings are not utilized
Earned Total

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BUS 475 Final Exam Version 4 2015 version
ESSAY ON MY SCHOOL . Online assignment writing service.
ESSAY ON MY SCHOOL . Online assignment writing service.ESSAY ON MY SCHOOL . Online assignment writing service.
ESSAY ON MY SCHOOL . Online assignment writing service.
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  • 1. 1. Companies that outsource research and development and design jobs: A. have always made a wise decision. B. will be more profitable in the long run. C. run the risk of overseas companies using the information to produce competitive products. D. always invest in the overseas companies that take on these jobs. 2. For-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations are similar in that they both: A. contribute to the welfare of society. B. seek to earn a profit. C. have a limited life. D. must be controlled by a board of directors. 3. Adam Smith believed that countries would prosper if businesspeople were free to start and run their own businesses. Businesspeople would make a profit by providing the goods, services and ideas that others in the economy wanted, and they would hire others to help increase those profits, leading to social and economics benefits for many. This idea was called the __________. A. kinked demand theory. B. invisible hand. C. spending multiplier. D. demand accelerator. 4. Jake considers himself to be a follower of Thomas Malthus. Which of the following statements would Jake be most likely to make? A. The key to economic growth is to keep taxes and government regulations to a minimum. B. Command economies are more likely to encourage economic growth than free market economies.
  • 2. C. Allowing people to follow their self-interest is the best way to generate economic growth and prosperity. D. A society will not experience sustainable economic progress unless it accepts the need to limit population growth. 5. Which of the following statements best describes the theory of comparative advantage? A. The best way for a nation to ensure full employment is to be totally self-sufficient rather than relying on other nations to obtain goods and services. B. Each nation should produce those goods that it can produce more efficiently and effectively than other nations, and buy the goods it cannot produce efficiently from other nations. C. The nation that has the largest reserves of gold and other natural resources will enjoy a position of comparative advantage in trade relationships. D. A nation should produce those goods for which domestic demand is comparatively strong, and should import those goods for which domestic demand is comparatively weak. 6. Free trade between nations generally results in: A. industrialized nations gaining at the expense of developing nations. B. an increase of jobs in developed nations. C. mutually beneficial exchange relationships. D. higher prices for imported goods. 7. Given the ethical lapses that are prevalent today in our businesses, which of the following can be done to restore trust in the free-market system and leaders in general? A. Business leaders that have broken the law should be given another chance. B. New laws making accounting records transparent may help restore trust. C. Making the government accountable for business leader behavior will restore trust.
  • 3. D. It's up to the government to pass laws requiring ethical behavior of all leaders, business and otherwise. 8. Laws represent the standards of ________ behavior. A. ethical B. legal C. moral D. socially responsible 9. A ___________ is a form of business that is owned, and usually managed, by one person. A. closed corporation B. subchapter S corporation C. sole proprietorship D. limited partnership 10. ____________ comprise about 20% of all businesses but account for about 81% of U.S. business receipts. A. Corporations B. Partnerships C. Sole proprietorships D. Limited liability companies The U.S. government's Immigration Act of 1990: A. encouraged entrepreneurs to come to the U.S. through "investor visas". B. established a government program to teach American workers displaced by immigration how to start their own businesses. C. established guidelines to help entrepreneurs recruit legal aliens as a source of low cost labor. 11. D. proposed an exchange program for American and European entrepreneurs to temporarily live internationally in
  • 4. order to open up foreign branches for their businesses. Which of the following statements is characteristic of entrepreneurs? A. They like certainty B. They have the ability to visualize a clear path C. They look at problems and see opportunities 12. D. They prefer to be inventive rather than worry about whether the invention solves a customer need A vision for a company is: A. an explanation of why the company exists and where it wants to go. B. the same thing as an objective. C. a detailed plan that outlines the major organizational structure of the firm. 13. D. very relevant for the short-term, but less useful for the long-term. _________ planning is a part of contingency planning that is used to deal with sudden and unexpected changes in the business environment. A. Crisis B. Tactical C. Operational 14. D. SWOT Fayol's ____________ principle says that workers' attitudes
  • 5. would create an environment of pride and loyalty within an organization. A. esprit de corps B. hierarchy of loyalty C. unity of command 15. D. equity __________ believed that managers were trustworthy and companies would do well if employees simply did what they were told. A. John Keynes B. Adam Smith C. Peter Drucker 16. D. Max Weber 17. One strategy U.S. manufacturers have employed in order to become more competitive is: A. focusing on providing the lowest priced products. B. relying on advanced technology and the Internet to unite companies. C. maintaining a distance relationship with suppliers in an effort to guard trade secrets. D. increasing advertising budgets. 18. To strengthen its manufacturing base in the future, U.S. will have to: A. uncover lower wage workers in the U.S. to compete with China. B. continue to innovate. C. support students in high school and college interested in
  • 6. studying the arts. D. cut the amount of benefits offered to workers. 19. The concept that a hierarchy of human needs could be used to explain motivation was developed by: A. Abraham Maslow. B. Frederick Taylor. C. Douglas McGregor. D. Frederick Herzberg. 20. Abraham Maslow thought that once needs at one level of his hierarchy were met: A. motivation would diminish. B. another, higher order need would emerge to motivate that person. C. that type of need would never again be an effective motivator. D. he or she would become more interested in lower-level needs. TRUE OR FALSE 21. The sense of satisfaction you get when you achieve an important goal is an intrinsic reward. T______ F_______ 22. Extrinsic rewards are those that are given to a person by someone else. T______ F________ 23. Since motivation comes from within an individual, there is little that managers can do to help motivate employees. T_______ F________ 24. When unhappy employees leave a company, the firm normally ends up benefiting financially. T________ F________
  • 7. 25. A key element of Frederick Taylor's approach was the time-motion study, which examined the tasks performed to complete a job and the time needed to complete each task. T_______ F______ 26. You agree to purchase a boat from Turner’s Boat dealership for $30,000. You agree to pay $10,000. in cash and Turner agrees to finance the balance of $20,000. for 4 years at 8% add- on interest. a) What is the amount of your Note?? (Show Calculations) b) What are the monthly payments??? (Show Calculations) OL 690: Corporate Social Responsibility Wiki and Plan Guidelines and Rubric Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a Corporate Social Responsibility Plan. In Modules Two through Eight, you will evaluate how a company is exemplifying corporate citizenship. You will use an individual wiki space to record reflections on how the content covered in the modules relates to the company. In Module Eight, upon reading and reflecting on the wiki entries of your classmates, you will choose a company for which you would like to work as the global responsibility director. You cannot select the company about which you have been posting throughout the semester; you must choose another student’s company. As the final paper, you will develop a Corporate Social Responsibility Plan. This final product represents an authentic demonstration of the competencies achieved in this course as you put into action all that you have
  • 8. learned in this course. The project is divided into 10 milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. Main Elements The Final Project has four parts: · Part 1: Selection of a CSR-oriented corporation for wiki posts. This must be approved by the instructor (Module One: 1–2 pages) · Part 2: Evaluation of the selected company’s exemplifying corporate citizenship (Modules Two-Eight: 300–500 words for each post) · Part 3: Selection of a corporation (based on the wiki posts of colleagues) for which you would like to be global responsibility director (Module Eight: 1 page) · Part 4: Final Paper—Social Responsibility Plan (Module Ten: 8–12 pages). Part 1: Selection of a CSR-Oriented Corporation: Select a publicly traded company of which you are a stakeholder. This may be a company: · Whose products you use · That is part of your local community · That pays your salary · In which you invest Note: Your instructor must approve the company you select. There can be no duplicate companies selected by students. Have at least 2–3 company names in mind when you conduct your research. After your company has been approved, in modules Two through Eight you will evaluate how the company is exemplifying corporate citizenship. Another classmate will use your work (the contents of your corporate wiki entries) as the basis of his or her final paper. Part 2:Evaluation of the Selected Company You will use your individual wikis to record reflections on how
  • 9. the content covered in specific modules relates to a company for which you are a stakeholder. At each stage of this course-long project (Modules Two through Eight), you will use your wiki page to evaluate different aspects of the company’s exemplification of corporate citizenship based on: · What the company says about itself · Your personal experience with the company · What other stakeholders are currently saying about the company To show how the company is currently exemplifying corporate citizenship, it will be important that your research utilizes current resources to support your evaluation. At least two references are required for each wiki post. Part 3: Global Responsibility Director: Company Selection You will review the corporate social responsibility wiki posts of your classmates. Based on the reports of your classmates, select a company for which you would like to work as the global responsibility director. You cannot select the company about which you have been posting throughout the semester; you must choose another student’s company. Describe the company you have selected and include the student’s name who posted about that company. Provide a rationale for why you have selected this company. The instructor must approve the company you select. Part 4: Final Paper Your task is to review the current status of the company for which you were approved (in Module Eight) and make recommendations for changes with respect to CSR. After careful review of the status of CSR, stakeholder attitudes, and your own research, develop a Social Responsibility Plan for this company. Remember, this plan is to be based on the company for which you have selected to be the global responsibility director (Module Eight).
  • 10. Overview of the Corporate Social Responsibility Plan You have attained the position of global responsibility director (for your approved company). Your first task is to review the current status of the company and make recommendation for changes with respect to CSR. After careful review of the status of CSR and stakeholder attitudes, develop a plan for future CSR changes. Be sure to review the existing documentation and extend your knowledge with your own research. Research findings should be properly cited and APA-formatted both within the body of the paper and in the References page. The report will be submitted to the board of directors for approval. Once approval is given, you will work toward incorporating your CSR programs as major a component of corporate decision making and activities. Be sure to outline, in each category, how the company’s vision and values are exemplified. If the company has a well-developed CSR plan, your additions should allow its leadership position to be enhanced. Include all section headings below in the body of the paper. Executive Summary An executive summaryis a short section of a document that summarizes a longer report in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all. It will usually contain a brief statement of what is covered in the major document, background information, concise analysis and main conclusions. 1. Introduction This section will review the current state of CSR within the company. Include: · Current vision and value statements · Current programs related to the three spheres and the environment · Recent events related to current programs · Reported stakeholder view of programs and actions of the
  • 11. company 2. Economic Describe the current status of the company with regard to: · Employee relations · Corporate culture · Investor relations · Suppliers Describe: · The plans and programs you plan to implement to address issues within economic sphere 3. Political Describe the current status of the company with regard to: · Regulatory structures · Adherence to government regulations · Relations to government entities · Describe the plans and programs you plan to implement to address issues within political sphere 4. Civil Society Describe the current status of the company with regard to: · NGOs (non-governmental organizations) · Local communities · Customers · The world Describe: · The plans and programs you plan to implement to address issues within the civil society sphere 5. Environment Describe the current status of the company with regard to: · Local environmental impacts · Global environmental impacts Describe: · The plans and programs you plan to implement to address
  • 12. issues within the environment 6. Conclusion 7. References · At least four references must be used · References must be formatted in APA Format Milestone One: Proposal In Activity 1.3, you will submit a proposal to your instructor. This 1–2 page proposal must: 1. Identify the company you have selected 2. Give a brief synopsis of the company, summarizing its purpose and goals 3. State your rationale and reason for selecting this company 4. Describe your role as a stakeholder in this company 5. Describe at least three other stakeholders and their relationship to the company you have selected 6. Conclusion: what you hope to gain/understand as you research about this company Your instructor must approve the company you select. Because there can be no duplicate companies selected by students, have at least two to three companies in mind when you conduct your research. This milestone is not graded separately, but you will receive feedback from your instructor. Milestone Two: The Three Spheres In 2-2 Corporate Social Responsibility Wiki, you will read Corporate Social Responsibilities Theories and Building Sustainable Value Through Fiscal and Social Responsibility. In a wiki post titled 2-2: The Three Spheres, explain how your chosen company has demonstrated corporate citizenship in the economic, political, and civil spheres. Provide specific examples. Be sure to examine what the company says about
  • 13. itself, what you have experienced, and what other stakeholders have said or experienced. Cite at least two sources. This milestone will be graded using the Wiki Rubric. Milestone Three: Organizational Vision In 3-2 Corporate Social Responsibility Wiki, you will read What Is on the Mind of Great Companies? In a wiki post titled 3-2: Organizational Vision, explain the following in regard to the company you have chosen: · Describe past and present stages of development of the organization. · How has the company developed? Has the development been positive or negative? Explain why you think this is the case. · How has the company's stage of development been reflected in its vision and value statements over time? Cite at least two sources. This milestone will be graded using the Wiki Rubric. Milestone Four: Impacts of Value Added In 4-2 Corporate Social Responsibility Wiki, you will read Social Value Added and Do Consumers Care About Ethics? In a post titled 4-2: Impacts of Value Added, outline the goals and indicators for measuring development progress for a nation in which your selected corporation does business. Which ones are most important? How do they relate to the business of your corporation? Is the corporation working with integrity in this environment? Research the value adds the corporation is creating for the community and itself. What are the community reactions? How does this affect the corporation's success? Cite at least two sources. This milestone will be graded using the Wiki Rubric. Milestone Five: Stakeholders In 5-2 Corporate Social Responsibility Wiki, you will read
  • 14. Stakeholder Management Capability and A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility. In a post titled 5- 2: Stakeholders, answer the following questions: · How does your selected company involve its stakeholders in decisions? · What has been your experience? What do stakeholders report? · How do the reports of the different stakeholder groups differ? · How does the company manage opposing stakeholder interests? · How do corporate values and vision affect its decisions? Provide examples. Remember, you are to report on what the company says about itself, your experience, and the experience of its stakeholders. Cite at least two sources. This milestone will be graded using the Wiki Rubric. Milestone Six: Managing Responsibility In 6-2 Corporate Social Responsibility, you will Read Moral Motivation Across Ethical Theories and Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Reputation. In a post titled 6-2: Managing Responsibility, answer the following questions: · How does your selected company manage its reputation and corporate citizenship? · What is the company doing right? Where can it improve? · What has your experience been? What do other stakeholders report about the company’s citizenship and reputation? · What makes you remain a stakeholder? Cite from at least two sources. This milestone will be graded using the Wiki Rubric. Milestone Seven: Investments and Assessments In 7-2 Corporate Social Responsibility, in a post titled 7-2: Investments and Assessments, you will answer the following
  • 15. questions regarding the company you have chosen to investigate: · How has your chosen company invested in and assessed its corporate social responsibility? Where has the company invested? · What assessment have they used to measure the effectiveness of their programs? · What has been your experience? What do other stakeholders say? · Is there a difference of opinion about the results? Where does the difference come from? Cite at least two sources. This milestone will be graded using the Wiki Rubric. Milestone Eight: Sustainability Assessment In 8-2 Corporate Social Responsibility Wiki, in a post titled 8- 2: Sustainability Assessment, answer the following questions regarding the company you have chosen to investigate: · Does your company do business with sustainability and the global village in mind? · How does your company meet the standards put forth in the readings and articles? · What has been your experience? How do the countries to which companies expand respond? Cite from at least two sources. This milestone will be graded using the Wiki Rubric. Milestone Nine: Global Responsibility Director: Company Selection In 8-3 Final Project Milestone #9, you will review the corporate social responsibility wiki posts of your classmates. Based on the reports of your classmates, select a company for which you would like to work as the global responsibility director. You
  • 16. cannot select the company about which you have been posting throughout the semester; you must choose another student’s company. Describe the company you have selected and include the student’s name who posted about that company. Provide a rationale for why you have selected this company. The instructor must approve the company you select. This milestone is not graded separately, but you will receive feedback from your instructor. Milestone Ten: Final Paper In 10-1 Final Project Milestone #10, you will complete and submit your Corporate Social Responsibility Plan for grading. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the main elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This milestone will be graded using the Final Project Rubric. Deliverable Milestones Milestone Deliverables Module Due Grading 1 Proposal One Non-graded; students will receive feedback from the instructor 2 Wiki Post: The Three Spheres Two Individual Wiki Rubric 3 Wiki Post: Organizational Vision Three Individual Wiki Rubric 4 Wiki Post: Impacts of Value Added
  • 17. Four Individual Wiki Rubric 5 Wiki Post: Stakeholders Five Individual Wiki Rubric 6 Wiki Post: Managing Responsibility Six Individual Wiki Rubric 7 Wiki Post: Investments and Assessments Seven Individual Wiki Rubric 8 Wiki Post: Sustainability Assessment Eight Individual Wiki Rubric 9 Global Responsibility Director—Company Selection Eight Non-graded; students will receive feedback from the instructor 10 Final Paper: Corporate Social Responsibility Plan Ten Final Project Rubric Final Project Rubric Requirements of submission: Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. The length of the paper should be 8–12 pages not including cover page and resources. Failure to adhere to these requirements of submission will result in the paper not being graded.
  • 18. Instructor Feedback: Students can find their feedback in the grade book as an attachment. Critical Elements Distinguished Proficient Emerging Not Evident Value Executive Summary, Introduction & Conclusion Includes an insightful executive summary and conclusion; the four required elements in the introduction are present (18-20) Includes an informed executive summary and conclusion; 3–4 of the required elements in the introduction are present (16-17) Includes a logical executive summary and conclusion, but only 2–3 of the required elements in the introduction are present (14-15) The executive summary and conclusion are not complete, and less than half of the required elements in the introduction are present (0-13) 20 Economic Includes an insightful explanation of all five of the required elements (14-15) Includes an informed explanation of 4–5 of the required elements (12-13) Includes a logical explanation of 3–4 of the required elements
  • 19. (11) Includes less than three of the required elements (0-10) 15 Political Includes an insightful explanation of all five of the required elements (14-15) Includes an informed explanation of 4–5 of the required elements (12-13) Includes a logical explanation of 3–4 of the required elements (11) Includes less than three of the required elements (0-10) 15 Civil Society Includes an insightful explanation of all five of the required elements (14-15) Includes an informed explanation of 4–5 of the required elements (12-13) Includes a logical explanation of 3–4 of the required elements (11) Includes less than three of the required elements (0-10) 15 Environment Includes an insightful explanation of all three of the required elements
  • 20. (14-15) Includes an informed explanation of two of the required elements (12-13) Includes an informed explanation of only one of the required elements (11) Does not include any of required elements (0-10) 15 Research Effectively incorporates at least four scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research (10) Effectively incorporates 2–3 scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research (8-9) Incorporates 1–2 scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research (7.5) Does not incorporate scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research (0-7) 10 Writing (Mechanics/Citations) · No errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations · Paper meets the required length of 8–12 pages · Required section headings are used (9-10) · Minor errors related to organization, grammar and style, and
  • 21. citations · Paper is one page short of the required length · Most of the required sections headings are used (8) · Some errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations · Paper is two pages short of the required length · Section headings are not utilized (7) · Major errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations · Paper is less than half of the required length · Section headings are not utilized (0-6) 10 Earned Total Comments: /100