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Isaiah32:15 15till the Spirit is poured on us from on
high, and the desert becomes a fertile field, and the
fertile field seems like a forest.
Pulpit Commentary Homiletics
The Spirit As A Quickening Rain
R. Tuck
The results produced by heavy rains in the Eastare so striking that these
rains become a suggestive figure of the influence of God's Spirit on souls and
on Churches. In times of prolonged drought, the ground is burnt up and
chapped, and every sign of vegetationis destroyed. Then come the rains, the
life in the soil responds, and in a few hours the world is greenagain. The
figure of "pouring forth," or "pouring out," needs, however, to be very
carefully used in relation to God's Spirit. It is only suited to the one aspectof
the Spirit as an influence. It may be misconceivedif applied to Godthe Spirit
regarded, as a Person. When we use this term "pouring" nowadays, we should
carefully keepin mind the figure of the rains, with which it is properly
associated. The JewishChurch thought of the Spirit as an influence. The
Christian Church has receivedthe largerrevelation, and knows of the Holy
Ghostas a Divine Person, "dwelling with us, and being in us." He comes to us.
We may grieve him. He may depart. But only as a figure can we now speak of
him as being "poured on us." The figure of "pouring" is also given in Joel3:1.
from a parched field. Only noxious weeds cangetvitality out of such a soil.
Fields are dead because Godwithholds his rains. Souls are dead, Churches
are dead, because Godwithholds his Spirit. Such withholding is done in
judgment. The deadness ofa Church is always begun in neglectof God, and
self-indulgence. The first love fades out; and then spiritual death waits,
"crouching at the door." Dead, for there are no expressions indicating the life
of trust and love.
II. ONLY GOD CAN QUICKEN THE DEAD. This one thing is always and
altogetherout of human reach. Man can do much; but he cannotmake
anything live. God quickens dead souls, and dead Churches, by the gift of his
Spirit. Life wakens life. The Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters,
and brought forth life. That Spirit of God comes down, like refreshing rains,
upon the thirsty fields. That Spirit of God enters the temple of a human soul,
and the response is life, finding all due expressionin activity: "The wilderness
becomes a fruitful field." "The kingdom of Messiahwas brought in, and set
up, by the pouring out of the Spirit; and so it is still kept up, and will be to the
end." Then, with unceasing constancyandearnestness itbecomes us to pray
for the quickening, reviving grace ofGod the Holy Ghost. - R.T.
Biblical Illustrator
Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high.
Spiritual influences
James Parsons.
1. In what manner is the Spirit poured from on high? It cannotbut be
expectedthat there must be not a little of mystery on such a subject. Yet the
information we possess is distinct and important. There was a distinct
communication of this influence made to the apostles, whichwas accompanied
by immediate and visible signs. But it was intended that this Spirit should
influence the hearts of men in general:an arrangementwas made, in the
Divine goodness, by which the Gospelshould be rendered powerful and
effectualto produce great moral results in the hearts and on the lives of men.
We speak ofthis influence as common and permanent. We pretend not to
state how this Spirit comes down to influence the minds of men: "the wind
bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearestthe sound thereof, but canstnot tell
whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is everyone that is born of the
Spirit." But we do regard it as an essentialprinciple, that the Spirit of God is
poured out upon mankind; and we declare that to rejectthis doctrine is most
perilous to the immortal soul!
2. Forwhat purposes is the Spirit poured from on high? One effectof this
influence on the minds of the apostles at first was a greatand a public one; it
was intended to endow them with those miraculous gifts and graceswhich
were commensurate with the divinity of their claims — the truth of their
mission — the importance of their object. But the more ordinary influences of
the Spirit are still poured out, and are most important to effect the salvation
of the soul. He is the Spirit of repentance — of faith — of power— of
knowledge — of "wisdom and revelation in the knowledge ofChrist" roof
holiness — of comfort— of love — of anticipation.
3. To what extent is the Spirit poured from on high? It is evidently the design
of God that there should be a very wide extensionof this influence.
4. Under what necessityis the Spirit poured from on high? Excepting it were
the case thatsuch an arrangementhad been made, in the mercy of God, for
changing the state of mankind, there could have been no prospectof
happiness on earth, or of everlasting glory hereafter.
1. We ought carefully to ascertainwhetherwe have the communication of this
influence of the Spirit.
2. Pray that there may be an outpouring of this communication. Pray for this
gift for yourselves — for your families — for the Church of God — for the
(James Parsons.)
The pouring-out of the Spirit
Whoeverhas paid any serious attention to religion must be convinced of his
natural weakness andinability to fulfil even his own wishes and resolutions. It
is to meet this undoubted fact of man's natural inability to do the will of God
that the Divine influence of the Holy Spirit was arrangedand promised.
GOSPEL. The Bible shows us our dependence on God as Creator, Preserver,
and Lord.
1. On the first page we find the creation, with all its wonders, recorded. "The
earth was without form, and void." But the Spirit of God moved on the face of
the waters, and forthwith light and order proceeded, life appeared, the
heavens and the earth, and all was very good.
2. Sin came and devastatedthe socialworld. The evil spirit of temptation was
at work.
3. During the times of the prophets the limited range of the Spirit was felt and
more favoured days proclaimed.
4. These promises were revived in the words of Christ, who more particularly
entered into the offices and working of the Holy Ghost and its influence on the
future Church as wellas on the individual lives of Christians. On Him also the
Spirit descendedin a bodily form. He gives definite promises of the particular
gift — promises which the disciples did not rightly apprehend.
5. In subsequent history all was made plain and clear. On the day of Pentecost
was the greatpromise fully realised.
6. The apostles, in all their writings, enter fully into its powerand influence.
Do the converts need wisdom? The Father will give the Spirit of wisdom. Or,
deliverance from corruption? The Spirit works in them to "will and to do" the
goodpleasure. The distinguishing marks of a Christian are that he "walks
after the Spirit"; is "spiritually minded"; that the Spirit dwells in a man as a
Spirit of adoption, confidence, and love; while the apostle glories in tribulation
"because ofthe Holy Ghost," and prays that the disciples may be "filled with
hope" by the power of the Holy Ghost. Thus we see the nature and office of
the Spirit.
divided into two classes.
1. Those who have no adequate apprehensionof the nature or value of divine
things. "The natural man receivethnot the things of God, for they are
foolishness unto him." They are therefore ignorant for want of spiritual
illumination. "But," continues the apostle, "Godhath shined in our hearts to
give the light of the knowledge ofthe glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."
This reveals to us the knowledge ofourselves as ruined and lost.
2. But as there may be light without heat, so there may be knowledge without
practice. The Word of God may be receivedwith joy, but it may not take root
in the soul. It is the glory of the Gospelthat it not only inculcates what is right,
but gives strength to perform it: it teaches whatis evil, and helps to subdue
that evil. All this is wrought by the Holy Ghost.
A national Pentecost
F. James.
Isaiahwas national, and not individual, may easilybe gatheredfrom his
opening words, and from the whole burden of his message.It is of a king he
speaks, andof the effects of a righteous rule. The words of our text are
especiallyaddressedto women, and reveal the sad state of societyas it was
when Isaiah addressedit. There is no hope for the nation when its women are
"careless daughters,"and contemptible of holy things. Woman is the last
bulwark of godliness. If womenare lostto God, all is lost. Yet though the
prophet's heart groans under the lamentable state of the women of his day, he
sees a glad day coming, when the Spirit shall be so outpoured, that societywill
be purified. Upon the outpouring of the Spirit, three things are to take place.
1. There is to be a godly revolution. It may be silent and natural, but is to be
very real. The very wilderness is to become a fruitful field. The desert is to
blossomas the rose. If we study the prophecy of Joel, we see the signs are
revolutionary. And no language employedby Carlyle in his French Revolution
is more potent, more expressive. "Iwill show wonders in the heaven and in
the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke;the sun shall be turned into
darkness and the moon into blood." It is the recreationof the nation that the
prophet has in his mind. Ezekiel's valley of dry bones is to be re-animated.
The national identity as well as the national life is to be restored.
2. There is to be an outburst of new life. The wilderness is to blossom, the
fruitful field is to become a forest. Mazzini must fostera "Young Italy" to-day
if he is to create a new Italy to-morrow. The Spirit generatesnew life. The
visions of possibilities in the young, the fresh dreams of the old, all make for a
new existence.
3. There is also to be a newly organisedgovernment. A king rules in
righteousness. And even the wilderness, type of lawless oppression, is to be
under a just government. Judgment shall rule in the wilderness.
Righteousnessis the basis of peace. Pascalsays, "Philosophysays, know
thyself. Christianity says, know thy God." That is all the difference between
the maxims of the world and the new force that Pentecostcreatedin the
world. When men fall into right relationship with God, they will soonfall into
right relations with one another.
Pentecostwas only a promise, a first-fruit, a miniature fulfilment of the
prophet's great words.
1. There is in our prophecy a restorationof blessing. Acquainted as Isaiah was
with vast reaches ofarid desert, he sees it a fruitful field. Out of death life
comes, and into barrenness, fruitfulness.
2. There is to be a multiplication of blessing. Thatvast, dreary stretchof
desertin the Eastis to be as the Vale of Carmel, luxuriant and beautiful, and
Carmel's valley is to be as precious as Lebanon's forest. And righteousnessis
to swayits sceptre overall. The effectof righteousnessis to be quietness and
assurance forever. The Church of apostolic days was a beautiful miniature of
still largerthings, of richer spiritual results.
3. There is to be a socialbetterment for all. Wherever Christianity goes it
uplifts the races. Unbelief may sneerat Christianity, but it still remains the
greatestcivilising force in the world.
effectregeneration, by convicting men of sin, of righteousness andof
judgment. By breathing into them a new life, and by Divine illumination.
Three things are essentialto a new kingdom. Powerto create it, authority to
govern it, a cause for its existence. Garibaldi found his cause in the degraded
condition of his people. Jesus finds His cause not only in the lost condition of
the human race, but also in the Father's eternal love and purpose. Christ is
said to be seatedat the right hand of power. That word poweris the same as
that from which we getdynamics. The very strength of power, a mighty force.
Christ is at the right hand of Almighty power. There are certain powers in the
world which we call forces;such as gravity, steam, hydraulics, liquid air,
electricity. These forces operate along definite lines, just as surely as a train of
railway carriagesruns along the track of its lines of steel. It is said,
"Wheneveryou obey the law of power, the law of powerobeys you." Now, in
fact, this is just what Petersays. The Holy Ghostis given "to them that obey
Him." If the Holy Spirit is to use a man, work through and by a man, he must
obey the laws of the Spirit. He must be conformed to God's will. Let me now
quote to you some cases where men have been obedient to the Holy Spirit, and
as a result have been filled with powerfrom on high. In eachcase theyhave
obeyed Christ's word — "Tarry ye... until ye be endued with powerfrom on
high." JonathanEdwards, a quiet, strong intellect, strongly Calvinistic, whose
influence in the world has been most mighty, says, "Ifound from time to time
an inward sweetnessthatwould carry me awayin my contemplations. This I
know not how to express otherwise than as a calm, sweetabstractionof the
soul from all the concerns ofthe world, and sometimes a kind of vision of
being alone on the mountains, far from all mankind, sweetlyconversing with
Christ, and wrapped and swallowedup in God." Then there is John Flavel,
who one day journeying alone, had such concentrationof mind, such
ravishing tastes of heavenly joys, that he utterly lost sight and sense ofthis
world, and for some hours knew no more where he was than if a deep sleep
had fallen upon him in the night. Thus we see that these men wholly
consecratedto God, obeying His will, placing themselves in direct
communication with the Spirit of God, leaving their whole being open to the
Spirit's operations, were filled with a Divine powerthat is inexpressible. And
may we not thus lie open to His gracious incoming, and wait daily upon God
"until the Spirit be poured out upon us from on high"?
Spirit's presence is seenin His convictionof the sinner. When He is among us,
men realise their sinfulness, and cry unto God.
(F. James.)
Judgment and mercy
J. H. Jowett, M. A.
Some time ago, amid a very heavy thunderstorm, I heard, betweentwo of the
heaviestpeals, the carolling of a lark! It was a strange and welcome contrast.
All around us the thunder was growling and roaring, but in one of the brief
interludes there came this burst of bird-song. And all about this chapterone
hears the growlof the threatening thunder. There is a gathering storm of
judgment. The future is full of menace. And yet, in the midst of all the
approaching terror, there sounds out this sweetlittle paeanabout fruitful
fields, and righteous relationships, and peacefulhomes, and happy, restful
days. It was everthe way of this greatprophet. The hard note of judgment
was alternatedwith the softernote of mercy. The lark's song is frequently
heard amid the thunder.
(J. H. Jowett, M. A.)
The Spirit poured out
J. H. Jowett, M. A.
THE SPIRIT OF GOD. That in itself would be interesting, but it is rendered
doubly so by the fact that —
THE OUTPOURING (vers. 15-17).
(J. H. Jowett, M. A.)
Results of the outpouring of the Spirit
J. H. Jowett, D. D.
Here is the problem: If the Spirit of God were to be poured out upon a nation,
what would happen?
1. The unfolding of creationin accordance withthe fullest design of God.
"The wilderness a fruitful field," &c. Is that to be taken literally or only
figuratively? Shall we interpret it as only meaning that the wilderness of
meanness and stinginess and greed shall break into the fruitful field of
benevolence and philanthropy, or shall we interpret it according to its literal
meaning that nature itself shall pass into larger bounteousness and
perfection? I think the literal interpretation is the right one. I think Isaiah
means just what he says, that the beautifying of humanity will elicit higher
beauty in the world about us. Throughout the whole book you will find this
doctrine taught, that the perfectionof nature is involved in the redemption of
men. Nature cannot put on all the fulness of her beautiful garments until man
puts on the beauty of holiness. The unfolding of one awaits the evolution of the
other. Scripture affirms that nature is held in bondage. She is fettered, and
unable to realise the full glory of her design, and this because ofthe moral and
spiritual bondage of man. This is not the teaching only of the prophet Isaiah.
It is apostolic teaching. Have you ever paused at that profound word of the
Apostle Paul, where he says that, "the earnest expectationofcreation waiteth
for the revealing of the sons of God"? English translation does not in any
degree express the extraordinary force of the figure which the apostle
employs. What is the figure? It is this. Paul represents nature standing bound,
"with uplifted head, scanning with longing eyes the horizon from which she
looks for help, her hands stretched out to graspand welcome the redemption
into freedom and perfectionwhich she yearns for and confidently expects."
That is the figure: creation, bound and imperfect, yearning and waiting for
her redemption and perfection, which is to come through redeemedman.
2. Judgment and righteousness shalldwell among them as abiding guests.
Righteousnessshall"dwell" there! It shall not be an occasionalvisitor, a
spasmodic impulse, an inconstantand irregular desire. It shall dwell there as
a permanent disposition. It shall not be a weak emotion. It shall be a mighty
passion. When the Spirit of God is poured out upon a people, that people shall
hunger for righteousness. Youknow how it is with mountain air. Down in the
sultry valley we are sluggishand languid. We are indifferent about our food.
We come to it as a custom; we take it as a task. But if we getup into the pure,
strong air of the higher moorlands, our languor drops from us, and our
appetite awakes, andwe turn to our foodwith hunger, and take it with relish.
3. The creationof socialpeace.Put things right, and peace will come.
Maladjustments always produce unrest in the physical and moral life.
(J. H. Jowett, D. D.)
Adam Clarke Commentary
And the fruitful field - dna ,tneicna xis ,.SSM neetfifoS . lemraccahev ‫והכרמל‬
two editions; which seems to make the noun an appellative.
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These files are public domain.
Clarke, Adam. "Commentary on Isaiah32:15". "The Adam Clarke
Commentary". https:
32.html. 1832.
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Albert Barnes'Notes onthe Whole Bible
Until the Spirit - The Spirit of God, as the source ofall blessings, and
especiallyas able to meet and remove the ills of the long calamity and
desolation. This evidently refers to some future period, when the evils which
the prophet was contemplating would be succeededby the spread of the true
religion. If the prophet meant to confine his description of calamities to those
which would attend the invasion of Sennacherib, then this refers to the piety
and prosperity which would prevail after that during the reign of Hezekiah. If
he designed, as Lowth supposes, to describe the calamites which would attend
the invasion of the Chaldeans and the desolationofthe city of Jerusalem
during the captivity, then this refers to the prosperous times that would occur
after their return to their own land. And if he lookedforwardbeyond even
that, then this refers to the times of the Messiahalso, and he designedto
describe the happy period when the Messiahshould have come, and when the
Spirit should be poured out. Vitringa supposes that all three of these events
are referred to. But although the expressions are such as are used in reference
to the times of the Messiah, yetthe word ‹until‘ seems to limit the prediction
to some event previous to that. The plain sense of the passage is, that the city
would lie waste, and would be a pasture for flocks, until the Spirit should be
poured out; that is, would lie waste a long time, and then be succeededby the
merciful interposition of God restoring them to their land and privileges. This
idea would seemto limit it. at the utmost, to the return from Babylon.
Be poured out - This is a common and usual mode of indicating that the
influences of the Spirit of God would be imparted Isaiah44:3; Ezekiel39:29;
Joel2:28-29;Acts 2:17-18.
From on high - From heaven(compare Luke 24:49).
And the wilderness be a fruitful field - Until that change shall come when the
places that are desolate shallbecome fertile, and the places which are now
fertile and prosperous shall become desolate and barren. This may refer to the
time when Jerusalem, that would have lain so long waste, wouldbe again
inhabited and cultivated, and when Babylon, then so prosperous, would
become desolate and ruined. The expressionhas a proverbial castand denotes
change and revolution (see the note at Isaiah29:17).
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Barnes, Albert. "Commentaryon Isaiah32:15". "Barnes'Notesonthe New
Testament". https:
32.html. 1870.
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John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible
Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high,.... That is, Jerusalemshall lie
in ruins until this time comes;which therefore cannot be understood of the
effusion of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, which, as it was before the
destruction of the city by the Romans, so the desolationit was brought to by
the Chaldeans did not lastso long; but must be interpreted of a pouring forth
of the Spirit in his gifts and gracesyet to come, which will bring on the fulness
of the Gentiles, and the conversionof the Jews, and till that time comes
Jerusalemwill continue in a ruinous condition; the sense is the same with that
of Luke 21:24 "Jerusalemshall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the
times of the Gentiles are fulfilled". The Targum of the place is,
"until refreshing comes to us from the face of him, whose Shechinah, or
Majesty, is in the highestheavens;'
with which may be comparedActs 3:19,
and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a
forest; this will be the consequence, fruit, and effectof the effusion of the
Spirit in the latter day; that such parts of the world as were like a wilderness,
barren and unfruitful, producing nothing but the briers and thorns of
impiety, infidelity, superstition, and idolatry, should now become like a
fruitful field; the Gospelbeing now preached everywhere, multitudes of souls
converted, churches raised and formed, and these filled with such as were
laden with the fruits of righteousness;and such places where the Gospelhad
been preachedand professed, and where churches had been planted, and
there were some gooddegree of fruitfulness in word and works, now should
be abundantly more fruitful, and the professors ofreligion more numerous,
and look more like a forest, for number of trees, than a field. Kimchi says this
whole paragraph shall be accomplishedin the days of the Messiah.
Copyright Statement
The New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernisedand adapted
for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. All Rightes Reserved,
Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario.
A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard
Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855
Gill, John. "Commentary on Isaiah 32:15". "The New JohnGill Exposition of
the Entire Bible". https:
32.html. 1999.
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Geneva Study Bible
Until the k spirit shall be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness
shall be a fruitful field, and the l fruitful field shall be counted for a forest.
(k) That is, when the Church will be restored, thus the prophets after they
have denounced God's judgments againstthe wicked, used to comfort the
godly, lest they should faint.
(l) The field which is now fruitful, will be but as a barren forestin comparison
to what it will be then as in (Isaiah 29:17)which will be fulfilled in Christ's
time, for then they who were before as the barren wilderness, being
regenerate willbe fruitful and they who had some beginning of godliness, will
bring forth fruit in such abundance, that their former life will seembut as a
wilderness where no fruit was.
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These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Beza, Theodore. "Commentaryon Isaiah 32:15". "The 1599Geneva Study
Bible". https:
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Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
This can only partially apply to the spiritual revival in Hezekiah‘s time; its
full accomplishmentbelongs to the Christian dispensation, first at Pentecost
(Joel2:28; Acts 2:17), perfectly in coming times (Psalm 104:30;Ezekiel36:26;
Ezekiel39:29;Zechariah 12:10), when the Spirit shall be poured on Israel,
and through it on the Gentiles (Micah 5:7).
wilderness … fruitful field … forest — when Judea, so long waste, shallbe
populous and fruitful, and the land of the enemies of God shall be desolate.
Or, “the field, now fruitful, shall be but as a barren forestin comparison with
what it shall be then” (Isaiah 29:17). The barren shall become fruitful by
regeneration;those already regenerate shallbring forth fruits in such
abundance that their former life shall seembut as a wilderness where no
fruits were.
Copyright Statement
These files are a derivative of an electronic edition prepared from text
scannedby Woodside Bible Fellowship.
This expanded edition of the Jameison-Faussett-BrownCommentary is in the
public domain and may be freely used and distributed.
Jamieson, Robert, D.D.;Fausset,A. R.; Brown, David. "Commentary on
Isaiah32:15". "Commentary Criticaland Explanatory on the Whole Bible".
https: 1871-8.
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Wesley's ExplanatoryNotes
Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a
fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest.
Until — Until the time come, in which Godwill pour, or, as the Hebrew word
properly signifies, reveal, evidently and plentifully pour out his spirit from
heaven upon his people, which was fully accomplishedin the days of the
The fruitful field — God's people who were desolate, shallbe revived and
flourish, and their flourishing enemies shall be brought to destruction.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that
is available on the Christian ClassicsEtherealLibrary Website.
Wesley, John. "Commentary on Isaiah 32:15". "JohnWesley's Explanatory
Notes on the Whole Bible".
https: 1765.
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Calvin's Commentary on the Bible
15.Tillthe Spirit be poured out upon you. Because the Prophet speaks ofthe
Jews among whom God had determined to plant his Church, it was therefore
necessaryto leave to them some hope of salvation, that they might not faint
amidst so greatafflictions; for, while the Lord is severe towards wickedmen
who falselyshelter themselves under his name, yet in some manner he
preserves his Church. The Prophet therefore adds this promise, that they
might know that, whateverbe the severity with which he punishes his people,
still he is always mindful of his covenant;for he never threatens in such a
manner as not to leave some ground for consolation, so as to cheerand
comfort the hearts of believers, even when their affairs are utterly desperate.
Besides, in order that they may fully enjoy the comfort which is offered to
them, he raises their eyes to the very Author of life; and indeed we see that,
when a favorable change takes place, the greaterpart of men fill themselves to
excess withbread and wine, and, when they are pressedby famine, they
neglectGod and solicit the earth.
With goodreason, therefore, does Isaiahsaythat “the Spirit” will come from
on high to refreshand fertilize the earth; and he alludes, I have no doubt, to
that saying of David,
“Sendforth thy Spirit, and they shall be created, and thou wilt renew the face
of the earth.”
(Psalms 104:30.)
Holding out this as an evidence that God is reconciled, he at the same time
declares that the restorationof the Church proceeds solelyfrom the grace of
God, who can remove its barrenness as soonas he has imparted strength from
heaven; for he who createdall things out of nothing, as if they had formerly
existed, is able to renew it in a moment.
And the wilderness become a Carmel. (342)In explaining this comparisonof
“the wilderness” to “Carmel,” commentators are sadly at a loss;but, as I
remarkedon a former passage,(Isaiah29:17,)where a similar phrase
occurred, (343)the Prophet merely, in my opinion, points out the happy effect
of that restoration, namely, that the abundance and plenty of all things will
prove that God is actually reconciledto his people. He says that places which
formerly were “wildernesses”shallbe like “Carmel,” which was a rich and
fertile spot, and on that accountreceives its name; and that “Carmel” shall be
like “a wilderness,” that is, it shall be so fertile, that if we compare what it
now is with what it shall afterwards be, it may seemlike “a wilderness.” It is
an enlarged representationof that unwonted fertility. “Fields now barren and
uncultivated shall be fertile, and cultivated and fertile fields shall yield such
abundant fruit that their present fertility is poverty and barrenness, in
comparisonof the large produce which they shall afterwards yield;” just as if
we should compare the fields of Savoy with those of Sicily and Calabria, and
pronounce them to be a “wilderness.” In a word, he describes unparalleled
fertility, which believers shall enjoy, when they have been reconciledto God,
in order that they may know his favor by his acts of kindness.
While Isaiah thus prophesies concerning the reign of Hezekiah, all this is
declaredby him to relate to the kingdom of Christ as its end and
accomplishment; and therefore, when we come to Christ, we must explain all
this spiritually, so as to understand that we are renewedas soonas the Lord
has sentdown the Spirit from heaven, that we who were “wildernesses” may
become cultivated and fertile fields. Ere the Spirit of God has breathed into
us, we are justly compared to wildernesses ora dry soil; for we produce
nothing but “thorns and briers,” and are by nature unfit for yielding fruits.
Accordingly, they who were barren and unfruitful, when they have been
renewedby the Spirit of God, begin to yield plentiful fruits; and they whose
natural dispositions had some appearance ofgoodness,being renewedby the
same Spirit, will afterwards be so fruitful, that they will appear as if they had
formerly been a “wilderness;” for all that men possess is but a wild forest, till
they have been renewedby Christ. Whenever, therefore, the Church is
afflicted, and when her condition appears to be desperate, let us raise our eyes
to heaven, and depend fully on these promises.
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These files are public domain.
Calvin, John. "Commentary on Isaiah 32:15". "Calvin's Commentary on the
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John Trapp Complete Commentary
Isaiah32:15 Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the
wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest.
Ver. 15. Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high.] Donec Dominus
dignabitar suum favorem et gratiam denuo nobis impertiri, Till God shall
please once more to impart unto us his grace and favour. So he sets them no
certain time of restoration;as desirous thereby to stir them up to pray
continually, and to bring forth fruits worthy amendment of life. This effusion
of "the Spirit upon all flesh" [Joel2:28] - that is, of the best thing upon the
basest- is a very great mercy.
And the wilderness be a fruitful field.] Heb., A Carmel. Such a change
workeththe Spirit of grace - it maketh barren hearts fruitful, and manifesteth
hypocrites, whatever they seem, to be no better than wild trees that bear no
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Trapp, John. "Commentary on Isaiah 32:15". JohnTrapp Complete
Commentary. https:
32.html. 1865-1868.
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Matthew Poole's EnglishAnnotations on the Holy Bible
Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high: and this calamity and
desolationshall, in a manner, continue until the time come, in which God will
pour, or, as the Hebrew word properly signifies, reveal, i.e. evidently and
plentifully pour out, his Spirit from heaven upon his people; which was done
in some sort upon the return of the people from Babylon, when God, by his
Spirit, stirred up the spirit, both of Cyrus to give them liberty of returning to
Jerusalem, and of the people to return and build the city and temple; but was
far more clearlyand fully accomplishedin the days of the Messiah. And
indeed the promises contained in these and the following words and verses
were not fulfilled upon their coming out of Babylon, after which time they had
but a little reviving in their bond. age, as is said, Ezra 9:8, and continued in
servitude and distress under the Persianemperors, Nehemiah9:36,37, and
afterward suffered many and grievous calamities from the kings of Syria and
Egypt, and from the Romans; which suits very ill with that glorious promise
here following, Isaiah32:18. And therefore these promises concernthe times
of the gospel, whenGod’s Spirit was in a most evident and glorious manner
poured forth upon the apostles, andother believing Jews, to the astonishment
of their very adversaries;and when the following promises were in a good
measure fulfilled, and are more fully to be accomplishedin God’s due time.
The wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest;
which is allegoricallyunderstood. The meaning may be this; God’s people,
who were desolate and destroyed, shall be revived and flourish, and their
flourishing enemies shall be brought to desolationand destruction. It may also
signify the conversionof the barren and despisedGentiles, and the rejection of
the Jews, in the time of the Messiah.
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Poole, Matthew, "Commentaryon Isaiah32:15". Matthew Poole's English
Annotations on the Holy Bible.
https: 1685.
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Expository Notes ofDr. Thomas Constable
These reversals wouldnot be final, however. God"s Spirit would effectan
even greaterchange laterin the future (cf. Psalm104:30;Ezekiel36:26-27;
Joel2:28; Zechariah 12:10). Then the wilderness would become fertile, and
what was presently considered fertile would become a veritable jungle so full
of large plants would it be (cf. Isaiah30:23-26). The creationwill burgeon, the
divine curse will be removed, and the damage that sin has causedwill be
reversed(cf. Isaiah 29:17).
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Constable, Thomas. DD. "Commentaryon Isaiah 32:15". "ExpositoryNotes
of Dr. Thomas Constable".
https: 2012.
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JosephBenson's Commentaryof the Old and New Testaments
Isaiah32:15. Until the Spirit be poured upon us, &c. — And this calamity
shall, in a manner, continue until the time come in which God will pour, or, as
eporp,‫יערה‬rly signifies, reveal, that is, evidently and plentifully confer his
Spirit upon his people. Which was done, in some sort, upon their return from
Babylon, when God, by his Spirit, moved Cyrus to give them liberty of
returning to Jerusalem, and the people to return and build the city and
temple. But it was far more clearly and fully accomplishedin the days of the
Messiah, whenGod’s Spirit was in a most evident and glorious manner
poured forth upon the apostles andother believing Jews, to the astonishment
of their very adversaries;and when the following promises were, in a good
measure, fulfilled, and are more fully to be accomplishedin God’s due time.
And the wilderness be a fruitful field — Which expressions are to be
understood allegoricallyofthe conversionof the Gentile nations, which had
been long barren, and of the rejectionof the Jews in the time of the Messiah.
See on Isaiah29:17 .
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Benson, Joseph. "Commentaryon Isaiah32:15". JosephBenson's
Commentary. https:
32.html. 1857.
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George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary
High, as Ezechiel(xxxvii. 10.) saw the dry bones rise again. Under this idea
prosperity is frequently described. The rest of the chapter may very wellbe
explained of the propagationof the gospel. --- Forest. Carmelwas a fertile
spot. Judea shall flourish, and Assyria shall be laid waste. The synagogue will
be rejected, while the Gentiles, (Calmet) formerly so barren, shall embrace
the faith and true piety. (Haydock)
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Haydock, George Leo. "Commentaryon Isaiah 32:15". "George Haydock's
Catholic Bible Commentary".
https: 1859.
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E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes
spirit. Hebrew. ruach. App-9. Compare Joel2:28. Ezekiel36:25-27.
poured. Hebrew. "arah. Occurs in Isaiah3:17; Isaiah22:6, and here in the
"former" portion; and in Isaiah 53:12, the "latter" portion.
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Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Isaiah 32:15". "E.W.
Bullinger's Companion bible Notes".
https: 1909-1922.
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Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged
Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a
fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest.
Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high. This canonly partially apply
to the spiritual revival in Hezekiah's time; its full accomplishmentbelongs to
the Christian dispensation, first at Pentecost(Joel2:28;Acts 2:17), perfectly
in coming times (Psalms 104:30;Ezekiel36:26;Ezekiel39:29;Zechariah
12:10), when the Spirit shall be poured on Israel, and though it on the Gentiles
(Micah 5:7).
And the wilderness be a fruitful field ... - when Judea, so long waste, shallbe
populous and fruitful, and the land of the enemies of God shall be desolate.
Or, 'the field now fruitful shall be but as a barren forest in comparisonwith
what it shall be then.' The barren shall become fruitful by regeneration:thee
already regenerate shallbring forth fruits in such abundance that their
former life shall seembut as a wilderness where no fruits were ('Queen
Elizabeth's Bible'). I prefer the former view: cf. Isaiah32:6, note. Hypocrites,
who now are counted as a "fruitful field," shall then "be counted for a forest"
- i:e., shall be manifested in their true unfruitfulness. Compare Isaiah47:11 :
also Isaiah29:17, note above.
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Jamieson, Robert, D.D.;Fausset,A. R.; Brown, David. "Commentary on
Isaiah32:15". "Commentary Criticaland Explanatory on the Whole Bible -
Unabridged". https:
32.html. 1871-8.
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Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(15) Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high . . .—There was, then, a
fixed limit of the desolationthen described. Isaiah dwelt, as Joel(Joel2:28)
had dwelt before him, on the outpouring of the Spirit which should sweep
awaythe frivolities of a profligate luxury and lead to a nobler life. The effect
of that outpouring is described in symbolic language which had been used
before (see Note on Isaiah29:17), the “wilderness”taking the place of
Till the Spirit is PouredUpon Us from On High
32: 15-20
DIG: What will the restoredKingdom look like? How do these promises of
God compare with those given earlier (see 28:16, 29:17-24, 30:19-26, 32:1-8,
33:20-24)? Whatis distinctive about the imagery Isaiahuses to convey his
REFLECT:How does Isaiah understand what the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit will be like on the LORD’s people? How does that compare to the
disciples’question in Acts 1:5-6? Which is closerto your own view of what it
means to be filled with the Holy Spirit? How so? What does Isaiah sayabout
God’s ultimate desire for you?
Here there is a swift change from the prophecy of warning to the prophecy
of salvation. Once again Isaiahleaps forward to the far eschatologicalfinal
invasion by all the nations of the world. Here, after speaking ofthe
devastationof Judah, Isaiah describes a future time of blessing in the Land
and of the people, for when the GreatTribulation is finally over and God is
ready to restore Isra'el, the millennial Kingdom will be initiated by the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Why? BecauseJesus Christcannot come back
until He is recognizedfor who He is, and invited back by the nation of Isra'el
(see my commentary on RevelationEv – The Basis for the SecondComing of
Jesus Christ). Speaking ofthe believing remnant, Zechariahprophesies:And
I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalemthe
Spirit of grace and supplication. They will look upon Me, the One they have
pierced (at the cross), and they will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only
child, and grieve bitterly for Him as one grieves for a first born (Zechariah
These Scriptures beg for the question, “How long will the judgment
continue? How long will the devastationof Judah last?” ADONAI answered
and said: Until the Holy Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the desert
becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field seems like a forest(32:15). This
says basicallythe same thing as 29:17 except the desertis substituted for
Lebanon. The picture is one of abundance. What was formerly useless for
crops will become fertile, while what was fertile will be become a virtual
jungle. Is anything to hard for the LORD (Genesis 18:14a)?
The judgment will continue until Israel’s national regeneration(Zechariah
12:10-14;Joel2:28-32)and the means of this regenerationis the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit. At that time, the Land will againproduce and become
fruitful. Joelmakes the very same point (see my commentary on Joel). In Joel
1:15 he begins to describe the Dayof the Lord, the Old Covenant term for the
GreatTribulation (in this case the end of the Great Tribulation). He first
describes the Day of the Lord and the judgments that will be poured out in the
remainder of Chapter 1 and the first part of Chapter 2, and then he describes
the total devastationof the crops as a result of the tribulation judgments. But
notice Joel2:21-27. After showing that there will be a massive devastationin
the GreatTribulation that will destroy the crops of Israel, he describes the
regenerationof the land and the crops. In Joel2:15-20 he describes the
destruction of any further armies that would come againstIsrael. But then in
Joel2:21-27 he describes the restorationof the crops. Then in Joel2:28-32, in
the same context, he links the restorationof the Land with the pouring out of
His Spirit. Other prophets also spoke of this outpouring of the Holy Spirit
(Ezekiel36:26-27 and Zechariah 12:10).
We find the very same thing in Isaiah 32. Devastationis seenin 32:12-14
until Judah becomes a wasteland. But that is going to change. When Israelis
restored(Zechariah 12:10-14)there is going to be an outpouring of the Holy
Spirit (Isaiah 33:15 and Joel2:28-32). And what is now a wilderness will
become a fertile field, and what is now a fertile field will be considereda
wilderness by comparison. The LORD has a way of both reversing disasterat
the lastminute (37:36), and overlooking beyond disasterto what He, in His
steadfastness,determines to do.
As the redeemedof Israel enter the Millennial Kingdom, they will have the
same benefit of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit as do believers in
the Church Age today. Therefore, they will have an inward desire to do the
will of God (Ezekiel36:27). There will be four results.
First, justice will dwell in the desertand righteousness live in the fertile
field (32:16). True abundance will be in matters of the spirit. From Isaiah’s
point of view, Judah’s relationship with ADONAI had been like a desert.
Righteousness and justice had withered awaywhile the people had abandoned
God’s ways and pursued after their own goals. This had led to the oppression
of the poor and a disastrous foreignpolicy. Judah had, in effect, cut herselfoff
from her source oflife. But in the far eschatologicalfuture, she would live in
relationship with her God and holy living will once again be hers.
Secondly, the results of righteousness willbe peace (9:6 and 59:8-9),
quietness, and confidence forever. My people will live in peaceful dwelling
places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest (32:17-18). This is seen
more clearly in the progressive revelationofthe New, or RenewedCovenant.
The personwho has receivedthe grace ofthe LORD’s forgiveness is at peace
with Him. ForHe Himself is our peace (Ephesians 2:14a). When Jesus’
characteris centralin our lives, we don’t have to lean upon others to supply
our own needs. The fact that this has not produced significant long term
changes in the world is a testimony to the extent of our sin nature. I don’t
know about your neighborhood, but there is no “Garden of Eden” sign posted
in mine!
Thirdly, the destruction of Israel’s enemies are seen. Though hail flattens
the forestand the city will be leveled completely(32:19). Again Isaiah refers to
a specific city that will be leveled completely at the time of Israel’s restoration,
which, in conjunction with earlier Isaiahpassages, wouldbe the city of
Babylon (see Dk – Babylon, the JewelofKingdoms, will be Overthrown).
Fourthly, we see material blessings forthose in the Millennial Kingdom.
How blessedyou will be, sowing your seedby every stream, and letting your
cattle and donkeys roam free (32:20). Even the animals will be able to roam
free among the crops because the crops will be so plentiful. Blessing (asre)has
three shades of meaning: under divine blessing (Psalm 32:1), enjoying
fulfillment of life (Psalm 112:1), and doing the right thing at the right time
(Psalm 2:12, 137:8-9). For the believer all three are seenin the Messianic
Kingdom: divine favor, personalfulfillment and total righteousness.
We have already seenthe close associationof the Holy Spirit with the
messianic promise (see De – A ShootWill Come Up from the Stump of Jesse).
It is because the Holy Spirit of ADONAI rests on the Messiahthat He is able
to rule as He does. Notonly Him, but also the members of His Kingdom (32:1-
8). John the Baptistunderscored this when he differentiated himself from the
Messiahby saying that he only baptized with water, whereas, the Messiah
would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire (John 7:37-39). So now, just as
Isaiahhad promised, the Messiah, through the Holy Spirit the Father has
given, makes it possible for believers in to live a life of true nobility – one of
generosityand self-giving, one of justice and righteousness,one that the
uncertainties of this life cannot ultimately disrupt. There are inner resources
with which we canmeet everything that comes to us and to triumph over
them. That is the GoodNews.113
Isaiah32:15 – New times!
"… until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high,
and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field,
and the fruitful field is deemed a forest."
Isaiah's reference to the Holy Spirit forms a decisive turning point in his
discourse againstthe waywardcity, Jerusalem. The first part of his prophecy
announces imminent judgment and desolationbecause ofthe complacentand
carnalattitude of the women of the city. But then a new time is heralded, in
which destruction would give wayto complete renovation and the whole land
would share in the effects ofrenewal.
The prophecy is built around a harvest feast, most probably the feastof
booths. This feastwas marked by a greatprocessionfrom the temple to the
pool of Siloam, and this processionmay be alluded to in the words "the hill
and the watchtower," Isaiah32:14. In the days of Jotham and Ahaz, this feast
had become a popular, but frivolous and self-directedevent among the people.
The people took time for fun, but neglectedto concentrate on the meaning of
the feast. So the feastbegan to take on a carnival-like character. Its original
purpose, however, was to commemorate the Lord's care of His people, even in
the dismal conditions of the desertwanderings. The focus of the feastwas to
be on the Giver of the harvest, the God of all good!Because this had been
forgotten, God announces His imminent punishment.
Yet in His punishment the LORD does not abandon His salvation purpose.
The imminent destruction of the city will serve to plant a new city – the
heavenly one! The arrival of the divine Spirit brings a situation in which not
only the city but all creationis renewed. Creationitself shares in the powerof
rebirth, and the image of the paradise comes to mind.
Now one cansuggestseveralevents which point to the fulfillment of this
prophecy in Isaiah's ownlife time. The threat of Sennacheribbrought grave
poverty and distress to the city. And the greatjudgment of the exile brought
all the feasts to an end. We can also see the first rays of fulfillment in the
restorationof the temple and city after the exile. After all, Cyrus is described
as one who is 'anointed.' He was claimedfor a specific task by the Spirit of
God. Yet beyond these fulfillments we canfind the definitive fulfillment only
in the work of the Messiah. Indeed, the whole chapter is messianic, and opens
with an allusion to Christ's reign in righteousness.
Therefore we find the great fulfillment of these words in the feastof Pentecost.
The cross brings the judgment of God to a definitive climax. It is the end of
judgment in the sense that all judgment henceforth only takes place in the
cross. And after the work of the cross, the renewalof life begins. It begins in
the church, the New Jerusalem. The text describes the Spirit as being
'uncovered' or poured out, much in the same waya jar is emptied of its
contents so that its bottom is uncovered. Indeed, here the same word is used as
found in Joel2:28, another prophecy of the day of Pentecost.
The Lord Jesus also connectsthe feastof booths with the day of Pentecost.
When He arrived at the feastof booths on its last day, He said:
"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as
the Scripture has said, 'Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water’."
John. 7:37, 38
And John explains that He said this about the Holy Spirit, which those who
believed in Him were to receive.
Therefore we may see the cross ofChrist as the beginning of the definitive
judgment in the world. And we may see Pentecostas the beginning of the
definitive renewal. The Spirit on high has come down from heaven, and
renewalbegins in the hearts of God's children. Yet it will not stop there.
Indeed, many judgments are foretold, as the book of Revelationmakes clear.
Paul says that the creationgroans in travail, waiting for the redemption of the
sons of God, Romans 8: 22. And he ties the renewalof creationwith the
renewalof our bodies and the work of the Holy Spirit! The Spirit of Christ
will renew not only the church, but all creation. The first fruits of the
Messianic kingdomare already present in the church. But we know: more is
Christ will return to institute His kingdom of righteousness in fullness.
Jerusalemis founded in right and truth – the justice of God as revealedin the
cross. And the effectof this righteousness will be "peace, quietness and trust
forever." Forthe wrath of God againstour sin has been stilled! Now the
renewalcan begin – a renewalwhich affects the whole creation. It's God's
environment first of all!
So we may keepour feasts in the age ofPentecost. The Spirit of Christ dwells
in our hearts and the first fruits of the new age may be with us. How do we
then live? Let all our feasts, andour Pentecostfeastas well, be directed to our
God in heaven, from whom alone all rich blessings flow.
Kingdom Conditions: Four Results of the Outpouring of the Spirit – Isaiah
Postedby Paul Apple on Jul 16, 2009 in Christian | Comments Off
on Kingdom Conditions: Four Results of the Outpouring of the Spirit – Isaiah
We are all familiar with the key NT passage regarding the fruit of the Holy
Gal. 5:22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness,faithfulness, gentleness,self-control;againstsuch things there is no
But there is an OT passagefrom the prophet Isaiahthat speaks ofthe fruit of
the Holy Spirit as well. The contexthere is the future Millennial Kingdom –
but the church certainly experiences right now the spiritual application of this
Time Reference:
32:15 “Until the Spirit is poured out upon us from on high”
(Joel2:28-32;Eze. 39:29; Zech 12:10).
Genre: Hebrew parallelism
“And the wilderness becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field is considered
as a forest.”
Young: As for this karmel (fruitful land), it is to be reckonedas a forest. What
Isaiahmeans is that what at the present is consideredto be a fruitful field will
then be regarded as something far more glorious, as a forestwhere all grows
wild. It is another picture of complete reversal, of complete change.
“Then justice will dwell in the wilderness and righteousness will abide in the
fertile field.”
“And the work of righteousness will be peace, and the service of
righteousness, quietness andconfidence forever.”
peace – shalowm– completeness, soundness,welfare, peace
quietness – shaqat – to be quiet, be tranquil, be at peace, lie still, be
confidence – betach– assurance, security, safety
“Then my people will live in a peacefulhabitation, and in secure dwellings
and in undisturbed resting places;”
(:19) JUDGMENT ON ENEMIES:“And it will hail when the forestcomes
down, and the city will be utterly laid low.”
Difficult verse – references to the forestand the city are difficult to pinpoint;
seems to be presentedin contrastto vs. 20
Dane:Reversalin the powers that dominate the world; “forest” = Assyria or
Guzik: If others feel the pelting hail, or are brought low in humiliation, it
doesn’t matter to those blessedby the poured-out Spirit of God.
(:20) BLESSING ON GOD’S PEOPLE:“How blessedwill you be, you who
sow beside all waters, who let out freely the ox and the donkey.”
Martin: the redeemednation is assuredthat they will be blessedwith
agricultural productivity (cf. Ezek. 36:30) and with no rivalry over each
other’s grazing land.
Young: These sow by ever water, whenever the opportunity arises, and so
enjoy the productivity and richness of a most fertile soil. Nor need they watch
the animals, for these may roam where they will, unhindered and free from all
Ironside: Scripture not only teaches a first and secondcoming of our Lord
JESUS CHRIST;it also predicts a first and secondcoming of the Holy Spirit.
His first coming, to baptize believers into one body and empowerthem to
carry His gospelthroughout the world, occurredat Pentecost.
Peterapplied the words of Joel2 to what then took place, not as indicating
that the prophecy was exhaustedby that outpouring, but that it was of the
same characteras what was yet to come when Israelshall be brought back to
GOD and the Spirit poured out upon them from on high and all the spared
nations be blessedaccordingly. It is of this the present passagespeaks.
What a time of blessing it will be for this poor world when war and strife have
come to an end; sicknessand sorrow flee away;poverty and distress
disappear; and men will enjoy the loving favor of the Lord and find every
need met in abundance. So fruitful will the earth be at that time that a garden
of herbs will become as a forest and the wilderness, as we are told elsewhere,
will blossomas the rose. It is a great mistake to try to spiritualize all this and
deny a coming literal fulfillment. There will, indeed, be greatspiritual
blessings atthat time, but linked with the spiritual will be the literal
fulfillment of this and other prophecies.
The peace ofGod, which passethall understanding, will be the portion of
those who enter the kingdom and enjoy the blessings ofMessiah’s reign, but
we may be sure that the promise that they shall dwell in a peaceable
habitation is to be taken in absolute literalness. There will be protectionfrom
every ill when Messiahtakesoverthe reins of government.
Intro: There are many idealistic goals people are striving to attain: peace,
happiness, calmness. These qualities seldomrealized by direct pursuit, by-
We are living in a restless age.
Life has taken on a frenzied pace.
Look at people around you.
In restaurants, shopping malls, freeways.
Study their faces.
We are living in an uncertain age.
You really don’t know who you can trust.
You read of corrupted police dept.
Judges receiving bribes.
You don’t know where your money can be safe.
Banks fail and the costof living is rising faster than the interest rates.
The stock marketis uncertain.
We have learnedto acceptthis restless anxietyas a way of life.
And with the help of cigarette, booze anddrugs we have learned to cope.
But is this the way God intended man to live?
Listen as God tells us how He wants us to live. Vs. 18 How do you get there?
Certainly we can consentto it as an ideal.
What if everyone was completelyhonest.
What if no one was greedy.
What if we in love consideredthe needs of one another and sought to help.
Many seeing it as ideal seek to attain it.
They make their resolutions and take their vows.
If they attain any degree of successthey become self-righteous, intolerantand
impossible to live with.
Fortunately most of us just fail.
Unfortunately many despair, still consenting yet maintaining the impossibility
of attainment.
The gospeldeclares youcan be righteous.
God will do for you what you can’t do for yourself.
Through the powerof the Holy Spirit He will change you, and remold you
after Christ.
To be right you must start right.
If you started with yourself and are still trying, forgetit.
Start againwith Jesus Christ as you yield more and more you will find
yourself saying, “that’s all right.”
The work in your life will be peace.
The effect.
Assurance (forever).
Dr. John Whitcomb: Isaiah 32
No kingdom coming on earth until the Holy Spirit is poured out from on high;
the whole planet earth will respond to Him; Is. 30:15 – true security; look at
how nation of Israelis threatened constantlytoday; must look to the Lord
alone for security; vs. 19 – God will destroy all the securitysystems of
humans; pride will be smashed
Timothy Dane:
Chaps. 28-35 are one whole unit; 28:1 – eachsectionbegins with a “Woe”;
series ofwarnings – God promising judgment upon specific groups of people;
Chap. 32 does not begin with a “Woe” shouldbe combined with Chap. 31;
The imagery of the outpouring of much water= mighty, gushing overflow on
a parched land; the wilderness will become like a garden; a reversalin the
executionof justice;Is. 57:21 – no peace for the wicked;No peace in the
Middle Eastright now because there is no righteousness;Don’t harden your
hearts; if you want to know how not to live – just look at Israel; God will
change that one day; vs. 20 – the Lord has a promise of blessing for those who
will trust Him
Isaiah32: Until the Ruachis Poured Out on Us
Until naked, uncovered, poured out emptied on us; spirit, wind, breath, from
on high, and it comes to pass that from the Word will be a fruitful field, and
the Carmel(fruitful field) will be a forestof esteemand value. -Yeshayahu
Isa 32:1 Behold, letzedek for righteousness yimelakhwill reign melekh a king,
ulesariym and princes lemishpat will justly rule.
Some of our sages (Rashi, Ibn Ezra) suggestthat this verse refers to the
coming reign of Hezekiah, who would be a more righteous king than his
father Ahaz. However, although Hezekiah was indeed more righteous than his
father, he was by no means a king who’s reign was epitomized by
righteousness, nordid just princes reign with him. In fact the council of his
subordinate rulers was oftenopposedto that of the Lord. At bestHezekiah
might be considereda type for the righteous king to come but neither he nor
any subsequent king of Israelhas ever qualified to meet the plan meaning of
this text. At leastnot until the first century CE/AD when the greatersonof
David (Yeshua) was born of Judah and into the kingdom of Israel.
This text, when read plainly names the king “Tzedek” righteousness.“Behold!
For righteousness willreign a king.” The writer of the book of Hebrews
names the righteous king of Salem(Jerusalem, Peace)as a type for the
Messiah(Heb. 7). There is a correlationhere betweenthe prophetic type
Melkhi-tzedek (My king of righteousness)andthe coming King Messiah(Gen.
Some will say that Yeshua did not reign, and while He has always reigned
with HaShem outside of time and space, it is true that at His first coming he
did not literally take on the physical throne of David and defeatIsrael’s
enemies. However, Scripture clearlyteaches ofa secondcoming of the King
Messiah. WhenHe returns He will reign meta-physically over all creation
upon the throne of David and in deference to HaShem.
Who are the princes that are qualified by their just rule? Yeshua the King of
Righteousnesstold us who they would be:
“Then Kefa (Peter)said to Him (Yeshua), ‘Look, we’ve left everything to
follow You! So what will we have?” And Yeshua saidto them, “Amen,
certainly, I tell you, when the BenAdam Son of Man sits on His glorious
throne in the regeneration, you (Talmidiym) who have followedMe shall also
sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.’” -Matthew 19:27-28
[Luke 22:28-30].
The princes of Isaiah32:1 are Jews who dispense justice according to the will
of the King of Righteousness. The talmidiym of Yeshua alone qualify for this
role. Thus, Yeshua affirms the prophecy of Isaiahin His promise to His
This description of the King of Righteousnessis a further illumination of
Isaiah’s previous prophecy recorded in chapter 11:1-10.
Isa 32:2 And it has come to pass, iysh a man will be as a hiding place from the
wind, and a shelterfrom the rain; as rivers of waterin a dry place, as the
shadow of a greatcliff face in a wearyland.
The man of the presentverse is the Righteous King of the first verse. Verses 1
and 2 give as a beautiful insight into the characterof the King Messiah. In
verse 1 He is called“Righteousness”andHis reign is “Just”. In the present
verse He is describedas “A man”. He is also poeticallyreferred to as “A
hiding place”, “Ashelter”, “Streams ofwater”, and “A shadow”. Eachof
these similes conveys an aspectof the King Messiah’s characterand person.
By naming Him “A man” the prophet puts to flight any gnostic or post-
modern esoteric view of the Messiah. The King Messiahis literally a man
while at the same time being RighteousnessHimself, a title that only God
qualifies for.
He is “A hiding place”. Thatis an intimate description. Those who hide in
Him have drawn nearto seek refuge and protectionfrom the harsh winds of
He is “A shelter”. A hiding place denotes a surrounding protectionwhile a
shelter more specificallyalludes to covering which is above and protects from
that which falls. In this case the rain is seenas a threat that the King Messiah
will shelterIsrael from. The counterpoint to this is seenin the secondto last
verse where the raining hail destroys Assyria, Israel’s enemy.
He is “Rivers of waterin a dry place”. With verse 19 in mind we might
considerthe rain from above as a symbol of water falling in judgement. The
counterpoint is the rivers of waterthat bring life to the desperatelydry land
and her people. Israelwill quench her desperate thirst with the living waters
of the King of Righteousness.
He is “A shadow of a greatcliff face”. This simile conveys a sense of the
immutable and immovable nature of the King’s protection over His people
and the relief that it brings. Travellers in the middle eastoften endure harsh
conditions as they journey through arid places. Thus, when they come across
a cliff face that shelters, cools and protects them they are filled with a sense of
relief and security. The shadow of the righteous brings relief from the hot sun,
whereas the shadow of the wickedmakes the shivering one colderstill.
Isa 32:3 And the eyes of roiym seeing ones will not look away, veazneiy and
the ears of shomei’iym hearing ones will tiksavenahhear, heed, be attentive.
“And the eyes of the righteous shall not be shut, and the ears of those who
receive instruction shall hear.” -Targum Yonatan (2nd Century CE/AD)
This is the counterpoint to Isaiah’s earlier prophecy concerning Judah’s
inability to see or hear the sound teaching and warnings of Hashem.
This seeing and hearing will be upon the entire nation of Israel. The curse of
blindness and wilful resistancewill be removed by the Righteous King and the
renewednation will be judged with justice, tribe by tribe.
Isa 32:4 ulevav And the core being (heart) of nimhariym the hurried
(anxious) will understand lada’at knowledge, uleshonand the tongue of those
who speak nonsense willhurry to speak clearly.
For the Hebrew the lev/levav (heart) is not the seatof emotion. The heart is
the point of convergencefor all aspects ofthe human existence, while it
manifests emotion it is not the sole domain of emotion. Therefore, we
understand “heart” to mean “core being”. Thus when the Scripture says “The
heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperatelywicked” (Jeremiah
17:9) it does not mean “The emotion of man (alone) is deceitful above all
things and desperatelywicked”, ratherit means “Humanity now has a fallen
nature that is manifestedwithin the core of its existence”.In terms of
rabbinical nomenclature we would call this sin affectedaspectof our nature
“Yetzer ha-ra” inclination of the evil.
In the present text the core being of the hasty and anxious personwill be set
free to receive and understand the knowledge that comes from Hashem. In
addition, the one who is undecided and speaks nonsense willbe set free to
speak clearlyand relay the righteous paths of Hashem. All this is the fruit of
the reign of the King of Righteousnessmentionedin verse 1.
Isa 32:5 lenaval The vile fool will no longer be callednadiyv generous, nor the
scoundrel(withholder) said to be shoa noble, free.
"the wickedman shall be no more called just, and they that transgress His
word shall not be called mighty.'' – Targum Yonatan (2nd Century CE/AD)
The Hebrew naval denotes villainy and foolishness. The foolNabal is famous
for his mistreatment of David and his men (1 Sam. 25). The Hebrew text of
verse 5 is a transliterated word play “lo yikarei od naval nadiyv”.
This verse is saying that the truth will no longer be made a lie by the upside
down nature of the wickedtongue. The vile will be known for who they are
and the scoundrel will no longerbe seenas noble.
Isa 32:6 For naval a vile fool will speak vile, foolish words, ve’libo and his
core being (heart) will make wickedness, to practice godless hypocrisy, and to
speak error againstHaShem(YHVH: Mercy), to make empty nefeshthe soul
of the hungry, and he will cause the irrigation of the thirsty to fail.
This is a vehement denunciation of the ruling class ofJerusalemthat explicitly
calls out their vile behaviour and hypocrisy. The King of verse 1 will
illuminate the truth of their actions and evil will be seenfor what it is. It is
often true that a soft heart that has been deluded by lies is quick to repent
when facedwith the realization of evil’s true nature.
We note that those being exposedare speaking error againstGod(YHVH:
Mercy) and that the result is hunger of the soul(nefesh) and not the stomach
(beten). In other words the wickedness ofJerusalem’s rulers and priests has
produced a spiritual hunger in the unlearned classes andhas meant that the
irrigation of Biblical teaching has been stopped up, preventing the people
from receiving the streams of waterthat would otherwise have flowed forth to
However, verse 1 pre-empts this with the promise of the King of
Righteousness, Who will come as streams of life giving water.
The Targum of Yonatan supports this understanding:
"to make the soul of the righteous weary, who desire doctrine, as a hungry
man bread; and the words of the law, which are as waterto him that is
thirsty, they think to cause to cease.''
Isa 32:7 Vecheilay And a scoundrel’s (withholder) keilayn instruments,
vessels, utensils, are raiym evil, injurious: hu he zimot plans to counsel
le’chabeilto bind aniyiym the humble, afflicted, poor beimreiy with speechof
deception, uvdabeir when the words evyon of the needy seek justice.
The instruments of the withholder are those of the false shepherd (Zechariah
11:15), sent againstIsraelby Adonay Himself. These false shepherds, like
those of Zechariah’s time, have claimed to worship Adonay but have instead
syncretisedthe faith of Israeland birthed the idolatry of compromise. Their
deceptive teaching has severelyafflicted those who most needed their care and
their words had denied the needy justice. This in complete opposition to the
coming King and His just princes.
Isa 32:8 venadiyv And the generous one counsels nediyvot generous things;
vehu and he, al upon nediyvot generosityyakum arises.
Once againIbn Ezra and others claim that this refers to Hezekiah. Once
again, if it does, it is only so in the sense that Hezekiahis a type for the
Messiah. However, there is no explicit evidence of Hezekiah acting in this way
toward the people of Jerusalemand Judea during his reign. In fact, this verse
is referring back to the Righteous King of verse 1 Who’s generous counselwill
produce generous outcomes as He arises in Israeland reveals His characterto
those being redeemed through Him. We note that He arises upon generosity
meaning that generosityis an attribute of His character.
Isa 32:9 Women of leisure; komenaharise shemanah listen, hear, receive,
understand koli my voice, banot daughters botchot trusting; hazeinah give ear
to imratiy my speech.
From the very beginning of Isaiah’s prophetic ministry he has pointed out
that the fruit of moral decayis often made manifest in a care free, flirtatious
and selfishlifestyle (Isa. 3:16-26). This had continued to be the case in the lives
of Judah’s leading women. Thus, he once againwarns those same womenof
their need to listen to Hashem and repent of their self-idolatry.
Isaiahuses a formula that is familiar to the writings of the prophets Moses
and Amos (A contemporary of Isaiah).
“And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives
of Lamech, hearkenunto my speech:” -Genesis 4:23
“Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of
Samaria…” -Amos 6:1
Notice the use of the Hebrew “botchot” trusting, a feminine plural from the
root batach. The point is, “What are you trusting in?”
So we see that it is not trust that is important so much as who or what we
place our trust in.
Ibn Ezra sees these womenas allegoricalof the towns of Samaria.
Isa 32:10 Yamiym Days upon shanah a year will tirgaznah agitate, trouble,
perturb you, botechottrusting ones: for the vintage will cease,the gathering
will be worn out and be brought in.
Ibn Ezra suggeststhat “yamiym al shanah” equates to “shanahal shanah”
year after year. However, this is unlikely given the similar use of shanah
elsewhere in Scripture as alluded to by the Scholars Keil & Delitzch:
“Shanahis the current year. In an undefined number of days, at the most a
year from the presenttime (which is sometimes the meaning of yamiym).” -
Keil & Delitzch
Therefore, whatseems to be meant here is that “Within the days of the
current year, you trusting daughters will be troubled, for the vintage will
ceaseand before you get even a small amount of the harvestcollectedyou will
find it to be devoid of any realvalue.”
This is most likely in reference to the invasion of Sennacheribthe Assyrian
ruler, who invaded Judea in 704 BCE/BC and brought devastationand ruin to
the land causing the harvest to ceaseand the ingathering to fail. This means
that Isaiahprophesied these words approximately 702-703, a yearor so prior
to the Assyrian invasion of Judea.
Isa 32:11 Chirdu Tremble, be afraid, women of leisure; regazahquake, rage,
be agitated, botechottrusting ones:veorah make yourself bare, and gird your
This is both a warning of the natural outcome of invasion and at the same
time a call to repentance. The phrase “veorah” is often linked to the donning
of sackclothand is a symbol and practice of repentance and genuine sorrow
for sin as well as a sign of mourning.
These words are reminiscent of the words of the prophet Joel:
“Gird yourselves, and lament, ye priests: howl, ye ministers of the altar: come,
lie all night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God: for the meat offering and the
drink offering is withheld from the house of your God.” -Joel1:13
“Gird your loins” means prepare to flee.
Isa 32:12 Upon your shadayim breasts, wail, mourn, upon the shedeiy-
chemed field of delight, upon the fruitful vine.
Like sackcloth, the beating of the breast is a sign of mourning and repentance.
Here it will be done in response to the failing fields of Judea at the coming
invasion of the Assyrian army. There is a word play here that links the
Hebrew shadayim (breasts) to the shedeiy (field).
Isa 32:13 Upon adamat the land ami of my people thorns and sharp stones
will come up; for, upon all the houses of masos exaltationin the village
The sharp stones and thorns are both literal and allegorical. The stones and
thorns that burden the soilof the middle eastare the bane of the farmers
existence. Theymust be removed constantlyor they will cause the crop to fail
and the feet of the workers to become bruised and cut. Spiritually speaking
Israel’s failure to remove the stones and thorns of idolatry and sin will result
in the failing of the spiritual crop, even in that city that has been exalted as
holy and celebratedwith pilgrimage.
“The village Jubilant” is most likely a poetic title for Jerusalem.
Both God and the prophet continue to callIsrael, and in particular Judah,
“My people”. Godand the prophet Isaiahare suffering the grief and
heartbreak of the suffering of Israel, even when that suffering is the result of
the sin choices ofthe people. Israel, ethnic-religious is always God’s people.
Her identity is not measured by her actions.
Isa 32:14 Because a palace will be forsaken;a multitude in anguish will leave
a ofel vebachanhill fort, and a watchtower will become surrounded by dens
ad-olam perpetually forever (in the world), an exaltation of wild asses, a
pasture of flocks;
“Armon” palace is singular, "the palace", meaning the royal palace. Thus,
Iben Ezra and Yarchi interpret it of the king's palace in Jerusalem. The
Targum of Yonatan paraphrases armon as “the house of the sanctuary”, or
the temple, which was eventually left desolate. Messiahforetoldthis in
Matthew 23:38.
“Ofelvebachan” are saidby some to be the names of two towers in Jerusalem.
“Ofel” is locatedon the south-easternfortified slope of the temple mountain (2
Chronicles 27:3).
The “watchtower” is translated by some (Rashi) to refer to the ramparts or
citadel (Ibn Ezra) of Jerusalembut may also be understood to be the same as
the “Towerof the flock” mentioned in Micah4:8. Migdal Eder (Towerof
Eder [flock]), which is locatedin Bethlehem.
The Hebrew “ad-olam” must be understood relative to the “olam” world it
refers to. There are essentiallytwo worlds:the olam hazeh, literally “world
this one”, and olam haba “world the coming” or “the world to come”,
meaning eternity. Thus, in the present passagethe contextof “ad” perpetually
going round “olam” forever, or in the world, refers to the olam hazeh (present
world) rather than the olam haba (world to come).
Therefore, the desolationbeing spokenof is repeatedover and again
throughout Israel’s history until the Righteous King of Isaiah32:1 returns to
deliver Jerusalemand unite it to the heavenly Jerusalemwhich will exist in
the olam haba ad-olam “In the world to come perpetually forever”.
Isa 32:15 Ad Until yeiareh naked, uncovered, poured out emptied aleiynu on
us ruach spirit, wind, breath, from on high, and it comes to pass that midbar
the wilderness will be a fruitful field, vehacarmeland the Carmel (fruitful
field) be a forestyeichasheivof esteem, value, (countless).
The theme of verses 15 to 20 is one of restoration, which will come to a
repentant Jerusalem. The city being defined by its inhabitants.
The plain meaning is that the desolationdecreedagainstJerusalemwill
continue throughout history until Israelreceives the unveiled Spirit of God
and repents of her sin. As a result she will experience fruitfulness both
physical and spiritual, even in the barren wilderness.
“Ad” until, means, the desolationdescribedin the previous verses will
continue to come againstJerusalem, Judahand all Israel until the unveiled
Spirit is poured out upon the Jewishpeople (Israelethnic, religious) from
above. That is until the Spirit of God is poured out upon the repentant Jewish
The Hebrew “yeiareh” means naked, uncovered, emptied and figuratively,
poured out. This is a description of intimacy and relational force. The Spirit is
to be revealedunveiled to the people of Israel. We know that this work of
redemptive revelationwas begun in Jerusalem(Judah, Israel)in the first
century CE/AD (Acts 2). Ethnic Jews from throughout the world receivedthe
Spirit of Godat the aliyot festivalcelebrationof Sukkot(Pentecost)
[approximately 33 to 39 CE/AD]. The accountof Acts 2 details the Spirit
descending like fire, another symbol of naked, unveiled power, and recalls the
Jewishtradition that says fire descendedupon the elders of Israel at the giving
of the Torahat Sinai.
We note that this was the inception, the beginning of the full filling of this
prophesied promise of Isaiah. While the salvation of the Jewishpeople has
begun and continues as eachone turns to God through Yeshua the Messiah
(Righteous King of verse 1), it will not be complete until the fullness of the
nations have come to Messiah, atwhich time those MessianicJews who have
already receivedthe Spirit from above will be joined by the remnant of ethnic
religious Israel(Romans 11:25-26). WhenShaul (Paul) says “a partial
hardening has come to Israel” it means that part of ethnic Israel continues to
resistMessiahwhile other ethnic Jews acceptHim. When Shaul (Paul) says
“in this way all Israelwill be saved” it means that following the salvationof
the fullness of the nations the remnant of Israel(ethnic) who remain in
disbelief will receive Messiahand be joined to those who are already
Messianic Jews(ethnic), thus, all Israel(ethnic) will be saved and reunited in
The Hebrew “midbar” meaning wilderness, pasture, uninhabited land, comes
from the rootdabar meaning essence, thing, word etc. In fact midbar seems to
be a contractionof the Hebrew “me” meaning from, and “davar” meaning
word, essence. Therefore, as a remez we canread “from the word will come
fruitfulness.” The Word is Messiah, the fruit is right actionborn of Messiahin
Isa 32:16 VeshakhanAnd dwelling bamidbar in the wilderness (ba-in, & mi-
from the, d’bar-word), mishpat judgment utzedakahand righteousness
bacarmelin the Carmel (fruitful land) teishev will dwell, remain, abide.
“And dwelling in and from the Word, right judgements and righteousness we
will abide in the fruit of right action.”
“shakhan” is the rootfrom which we get “Mishkhan” The Tent of Meeting
where the Kadosh HaShem (Glory of YHVH) would presence Himself while
Israelcamped in the desert.
Isa 32:17 And the work of righteousness willbe peace;va’avodatand the
service (effect)of ha-tzadakah the righteousness, ha-shekheitthe shut it
(quietness) vavetachand security (trust) ad-olam perpetually forever (in the
This verse begins with a powerful and timeless statement. “The work of
righteousness willbe peace”.Peace is not the result of military poweror
political alliances but of right action. That is, righteous faith that bears right
In fact the Scripture says “Forno one is righteous, not even one” (Psalm51:4)
and “No one living is righteous before You” (Psalm143:2) and “All have
sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Daniel 9:11; Romans 3:23) and
still further, “Our righteousness is like menstrual rags” (Isaiah64:6).
Therefore, only God and His Messiahare truly righteous. Thus verse 17
draws the reader’s attention back to the first verse of this chapter and the
righteousness ofthe King. Thus, we can read “The work of Righteousness
Himself will bring peace.”Nottemporal but lasting peace.
Yeshua illuminates this truth further:
“Then they askedHim, ‘What must we do to do the works Godrequires?’
Yeshua answered, ‘The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.’”
-Yochanan (John) 6:28-29
This work of righteousness continues within the present world until it meets
the world to come.
It is utter nonsense to claim as Iben Ezra does, that the peace born of
righteousness describedhere happened during Hezekiah’s reign. The
Scripture itself testifies againstthis interpretation. Israeldid not enjoy any
lasting peace during the reign of Hezekiah. One might best describe
Hezekiah’s reign as a temporary reprieve, almostruined completely by
Hezekiah’s own compromisedfaith journey.
Isa 32:18 VeyashavAnd dwelling ami My people in an binevah abode
(shepherd shelter) of peace, uvmishkenot and in dwellings, mivtachiym of
trusting, refuge, confidence, uvimnuchot and in resting places shaananot
secure, quiet, at ease;
Under the reign of the Righteous King Messiah“Mypeople” will dwell in the
abode of The Shepherd (God, Yeshua), and in dwellings of trust and refuge.
Resting secure.
This is a picture of the Mishkhan(Tent of Meeting)and the sukkot(dwellings)
of Israel while she wondered the desert. Uvmishkenot uses the feminine plural
form of Mishkhan. This poetic image is transferred to the Messianic reignand
the city of the New Jerusalem, where there will be no Temple, but God
Himself and the Lamb will be its Temple (Revelation21:22).
Isa 32:19 Uvarad And it will hail, coming down on the forest; and the city
shall be low in a low place.
Having concludedthe prophecy concerning the redemption and peace of
Israelthe prophet now turns back to the coming destructionof Israel’s
enemies. Specificallythe hail coming againstthe forest, which is connectedto
Assyria’s army in Isaiah10:34, and againstthe prosperity and pride of
Nineveh the capitalof Assyria, which is figuratively called a low place and is
ironically made lowerstill.
Isa 32:20 Ashreiychem Happily Blessedare you that scatterseedupon all
mayim waters, meshalesheiythat send forth the feet of the ox and the ass.
As quickly as the prophet had digressed, he now returns to the subjectat
hand, that of Israel’s future redemption and the conditions she will enjoy
under the reign of the King of Righteousness. Seedscatteredonmany waters
is an idiom that conveys fruitfulness and life born of living and abundant
watersupply. The sending forth of the feet of the ox and ass is a picture of the
shore footed path of livestock, from the strong animals used for ploughing and
threshing to the domestic animals of burden, all will be readily available to
Israelin the Messianic Kingdom. This kingdom will begin in the olam hazeh
(present world) and converge with the olam haba (world to come).
Copyright 2018 YaakovBrown
Until the Spirit is Poured Out from on High
by Chad Roberts | Church Life, Holy Spirit |
Chad Roberts
I was in the DominicanRepublic preaching in many wonderful churches when
the Lord showedme this particular Scripture. I had felt a strong connection
to the congregations Iwas visiting on the island, and I knew this was a word,
“in season” forthe people of God. It seems when I travel to other cultures and
worship with other churches, not only do I appreciate a God who is globalin
His glory and worship, but it also deepens my affections for my own
congregation, the people whom God has called me to serve and minister to.
Those are the times I feelI can most feel the pastor’s heart God has graciously
given me.
The Lord sent me to one church where the congregationhad sadly lost their
pastor to an untimely death a short time before I arrived. I met the associate
pastor, (who was now the lead pastor). As I watchedhim pray fervently, I
could sense that the Spirit of God was on him and that God had anointing him
for this greattask. When it came my time to speak, I pleaded with the Lord to
give me the right Scripture that would bring help and comfort to this hurting
congregation. It was Isaiah32:15 that the Lord placed on my heart.
For me, it is a greatpromise as well as a greatchallenge to the Church of
Jesus Christ. It is a reminder that God is at work among His people, but there
is a responsibility on our part before seeing such a promise fulfilled. I want to
invite you to unpack this tremendous verse with me phrase by phrase. Isaiah
32:15 says, “Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, the wilderness
becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is deemed a forest.”
Until the Spirit is poured out upon us from on high
The responsibility we have as Christ followers todayis to seek the powerand
presence ofthe Holy Spirit. I feel this need so deeply because churches have
fallen into a trap of thinking we cando Church without the help of the Holy
I am convincedthat if we are not careful, we could assemble ourselves,sing
our songs, pray our prayers, and preachour sermons and even if the Holy
Spirit was not felt or even recognized, we would still leave thinking it was a
goodservice. This ought not to be! How often do we actively seek the Holy
Spirit in our times of gathering? How often do we plead with Him and remind
Him that unless He comes and blesses ourgatherings and unless He blesses
the preaching and studying of His Word, then our attempts are futile?
Your church and my church would do well to seek the Holy Spirit more than
ever to be, “Pouredout from on high.” When the Holy Spirit comes, He brings
power, comfort, peace, joy, and healing. How in the world can we think we
can do Church apart from His help?
Now, if that is the case with Church services, how much more so is it in life? If
we cannot do Church right without the help of the Spirit, what makes us think
we can live the Christian life we should without His empowerment and
enablement? If it is this critical to Church to have the help of the Holy Spirit,
is it not even more important to have His help in our daily lives?
Humble Beginnings
In the early days of PCC, all we had was the Holy Spirit, and I quickly
discoveredthat was enough!Mostpeople today do not realize that PCC began
with such humble beginnings. We truly did not have anything. All I had was a
dream…a vision really, and that was about it. I remember vividly that as we
prepared for our launch service on January 6, 2001, I rented the conference
room of a hotel that could seatabout 100 people. My church had less than 10
people, 2 flower pots, a lamp and 4 homemade offering plates. That is literally
all we had.
Imagine my surprise when I went to LifeWay to purchase offering plates for
my new church only to discoverthat I could not afford them because they
were $200!I was so discouraged. Satanwas right there telling me, “How can
you build a church when you can’t even buy offering plates?” I could feelhim
laughing at me.
A wonderful and precious lady to me, Betty Hawkins, who went to be with the
Lord in 2003, wentto Carolina pottery and homemade a setof offering plates
for me. Today, we have the nice offering plates, but I still have those beautiful,
humble plates in my library. They are a sweetreminder to me of God’s help
in a difficult time. Our first service on January 6, 2001, had approximately 60
people attend (mostly friends who were supporting our vision), and I was so
excited that I forgot to take an offering!
But the point is, we did not have any of the things my Church has today
exceptone thing…Prayer! When a Church (whether it is 10 people, 100
people or 1,000 people)gets serious aboutseeking the Holy Spirit through
prayer, you can be assuredthat He will be “Pouredout from on high.”
As I watch my congregationgrow, Irealize all the more that it Is not more
technologywe need, it is not biggerbudgets or better marketing. NO! What
we need more today than we did back then is the powerof the Holy Spirit, for
nothing can replace it! May the Spirit be poured out from on high upon your
church and upon my church!
The wilderness becomes a fruitful field
I was in Pensacola,Florida when the Lord told me that it was time to launch
my church. The problem was that I was only 19 years old! I was not married
and did not have a family, I had never pastoreda church as a lead pastor. I
felt as unqualified as anyone could possibly feel. I did not have a launch
team…I didn’t even have one single church member yet! But none of those
factors would matter because I knew in my heart that Godwas calling me to
plant this Church and to do it now! The Holy Spirit firmly told me that
delaying planting the Church would be direct disobedience to His will for my
So, where do you begin such a task, I questioned God. I didn’t have a
building, I didn’t have a budget…I did not even have one single church
member. How do you start a church without any people? I hadn’t been to
Bible College orSeminary. I remember asking the Lord, “Whatwill I say to
people when they ask me, ‘Where did you go to seminary?’ You know what
the Lord said to me? “Chad, you will never leadsomeone to Me, or pray for
healing and counseltheir grief that someone will ask, ‘Where did you go to
school.’” It would be a humbling journey, and while it is not the path for
most, it was the path God had for me.
So here I was, driving North Interstate 65, afraid to say, “Yes” to the Lord,
because I felt so unqualified to do what He was instructing me to do. But God
promised me that if I would trust Him and step out in faith that I would never
be alone. Even though I did not understand near as much back then as I do
today…one thing I got right was this, I had to have the help of the Lord. If we
did not have the Spirit of the Lord, then all we would be is a group of people,
not a church.
And so all these years, through all the growth, all the trials, all the ups and
downs the Lord has been faithful. His Spirit has poured out upon us! He has
met with us eachtime we have gathered and I can honestly say that I have
never experienceda service or any other gathering at PCC that the Lord was
not in our midst!
What was a wilderness (no people, no money, no building…nothing), Godhas
made it into a fruitful field. Even as I type this, my heart overflows with
gratitude to the Lord!
And the fruitful field is deemed a forest
When you commit to going God’s way, you can trust that it is going to be an
exciting journey. I am so thankful the Lord does not leave us to ourselves, but
He continuously guides us because He wants to take us from, “Gloryto glory”
(2 Corinthians 3:18). In my ministry, part of this process has beenwatching
the Lord take a barren wilderness, turning it into a fruitful field, and now I
am trusting that it will become a forest!
While I do not know fully what or how the Lord will accomplishthis, what I
do know is that the Lord’s purpose will “prevail” (Proverbs 19:21). In your
life, are you expecting the Lord to bring growth? Are you living with an
anticipation that God is not finished with you and that your latter years will
be greaterthan the former? Look to the Lord and let your faith grow as you
look back to what He has done and you look forward to what He is going to
One of the greatestlessons Ihave learned through the years of watching the
Lord build His Church, it is this…that God is always working!And that
means that God is always at work in your own life. So do not be discouraged,
even if it seems Godis silent or if feels that God is going to do what He
promised you. I want to remind you that God is faithful and He will help you.
It might be that the greatestneedyou have in your own life is for, “The Spirit
to be poured out from on high.” Ask the Lord to help you first by filling you
with His Spirit. Then what is a barren wilderness in your life can then become
a fruitful field and will one day become a forest to God’s great glory.
The Spirit Be PouredUpon Us
Proverbs 1:22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the
scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will
make known my words unto you.
Isaiah32:13 Upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briers; yea,
upon all the houses of joy in the joyous city:
14 Because the palaces shallbe forsaken;the multitude of the city shall be left;
the forts and towers shall be for dens for ever, a joy of wild asses, a pasture of
15 Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a
fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest.
Isaiah44:2 Thus saith the LORD that made thee, and formed thee from the
womb, which will help thee; Fearnot, O Jacob, my servant; and thou,
Jesurun, whom I have chosen.
3 For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry
ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine
4 And they shall spring up as among the grass, as willows by the water
Ezekiel39:27 When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered
them out of their enemies'lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of
many nations;
28 Then shall they know that I am the LORD their God, which causedthem to
be led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gatheredthem unto their
own land, and have left none of them any more there.
29 Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my
spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD.
Joel2:27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the
LORD your God, and none else:and my people shall never be ashamed.
28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all
flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall
dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I
pour out my spirit.
Zechariah 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy
all the nations that come againstJerusalem.
10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of
Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon
me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth
for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness
for his firstborn.
Acts 2:14 But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said
unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this
known unto you, and hearkento my words:
15 For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of
the day.
16 But this is that which was spokenby the prophet Joel;
17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my
Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and
your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days
of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath;
blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
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Holy spirit poured from on high
Holy spirit poured from on high
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Holy spirit poured from on high

  • 1. HOLY SPIRIT POURED FROMON HIGH EDITED BY GLENN PEASE Isaiah32:15 15till the Spirit is poured on us from on high, and the desert becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field seems like a forest. BIBLEHUB RESOURCES Pulpit Commentary Homiletics The Spirit As A Quickening Rain Isaiah32:15 R. Tuck The results produced by heavy rains in the Eastare so striking that these rains become a suggestive figure of the influence of God's Spirit on souls and on Churches. In times of prolonged drought, the ground is burnt up and chapped, and every sign of vegetationis destroyed. Then come the rains, the life in the soil responds, and in a few hours the world is greenagain. The figure of "pouring forth," or "pouring out," needs, however, to be very carefully used in relation to God's Spirit. It is only suited to the one aspectof the Spirit as an influence. It may be misconceivedif applied to Godthe Spirit regarded, as a Person. When we use this term "pouring" nowadays, we should carefully keepin mind the figure of the rains, with which it is properly associated. The JewishChurch thought of the Spirit as an influence. The
  • 2. Christian Church has receivedthe largerrevelation, and knows of the Holy Ghostas a Divine Person, "dwelling with us, and being in us." He comes to us. We may grieve him. He may depart. But only as a figure can we now speak of him as being "poured on us." The figure of "pouring" is also given in Joel3:1. I. CHRIST'S CHURCH IS TOO OFTEN AS A DEAD THING. Illustrate from a parched field. Only noxious weeds cangetvitality out of such a soil. Fields are dead because Godwithholds his rains. Souls are dead, Churches are dead, because Godwithholds his Spirit. Such withholding is done in judgment. The deadness ofa Church is always begun in neglectof God, and self-indulgence. The first love fades out; and then spiritual death waits, "crouching at the door." Dead, for there are no expressions indicating the life of trust and love. II. ONLY GOD CAN QUICKEN THE DEAD. This one thing is always and altogetherout of human reach. Man can do much; but he cannotmake anything live. God quickens dead souls, and dead Churches, by the gift of his Spirit. Life wakens life. The Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters, and brought forth life. That Spirit of God comes down, like refreshing rains, upon the thirsty fields. That Spirit of God enters the temple of a human soul, and the response is life, finding all due expressionin activity: "The wilderness becomes a fruitful field." "The kingdom of Messiahwas brought in, and set up, by the pouring out of the Spirit; and so it is still kept up, and will be to the end." Then, with unceasing constancyandearnestness itbecomes us to pray for the quickening, reviving grace ofGod the Holy Ghost. - R.T.
  • 3. Biblical Illustrator Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high. Isaiah32:15-17 Spiritual influences James Parsons. I. THERE IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTIONWITH THE CHRISTIAN ECONOMY, THE BESTOWMENTOF SPIRITUAL INFLUENCES ON MANKIND. 1. In what manner is the Spirit poured from on high? It cannotbut be expectedthat there must be not a little of mystery on such a subject. Yet the information we possess is distinct and important. There was a distinct communication of this influence made to the apostles, whichwas accompanied by immediate and visible signs. But it was intended that this Spirit should influence the hearts of men in general:an arrangementwas made, in the Divine goodness, by which the Gospelshould be rendered powerful and effectualto produce great moral results in the hearts and on the lives of men. We speak ofthis influence as common and permanent. We pretend not to state how this Spirit comes down to influence the minds of men: "the wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearestthe sound thereof, but canstnot tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is everyone that is born of the Spirit." But we do regard it as an essentialprinciple, that the Spirit of God is poured out upon mankind; and we declare that to rejectthis doctrine is most perilous to the immortal soul! 2. Forwhat purposes is the Spirit poured from on high? One effectof this influence on the minds of the apostles at first was a greatand a public one; it
  • 4. was intended to endow them with those miraculous gifts and graceswhich were commensurate with the divinity of their claims — the truth of their mission — the importance of their object. But the more ordinary influences of the Spirit are still poured out, and are most important to effect the salvation of the soul. He is the Spirit of repentance — of faith — of power— of knowledge — of "wisdom and revelation in the knowledge ofChrist" roof holiness — of comfort— of love — of anticipation. 3. To what extent is the Spirit poured from on high? It is evidently the design of God that there should be a very wide extensionof this influence. 4. Under what necessityis the Spirit poured from on high? Excepting it were the case thatsuch an arrangementhad been made, in the mercy of God, for changing the state of mankind, there could have been no prospectof happiness on earth, or of everlasting glory hereafter. II. THE FACTS REGARDING THE BESTOWMENT OF SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE UPON MANKIND OUGHT TO PRODUCE ON OUR MINDS THE MOST POWERFULEFFECTS. 1. We ought carefully to ascertainwhetherwe have the communication of this influence of the Spirit. 2. Pray that there may be an outpouring of this communication. Pray for this gift for yourselves — for your families — for the Church of God — for the world. (James Parsons.) The pouring-out of the Spirit Homilist. Whoeverhas paid any serious attention to religion must be convinced of his natural weakness andinability to fulfil even his own wishes and resolutions. It is to meet this undoubted fact of man's natural inability to do the will of God that the Divine influence of the Holy Spirit was arrangedand promised.
  • 5. I. THE INFLUENCE OF THE SPIRIT IN THE PROGRESSOF THE GOSPEL. The Bible shows us our dependence on God as Creator, Preserver, and Lord. 1. On the first page we find the creation, with all its wonders, recorded. "The earth was without form, and void." But the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters, and forthwith light and order proceeded, life appeared, the heavens and the earth, and all was very good. 2. Sin came and devastatedthe socialworld. The evil spirit of temptation was at work. 3. During the times of the prophets the limited range of the Spirit was felt and more favoured days proclaimed. 4. These promises were revived in the words of Christ, who more particularly entered into the offices and working of the Holy Ghost and its influence on the future Church as wellas on the individual lives of Christians. On Him also the Spirit descendedin a bodily form. He gives definite promises of the particular gift — promises which the disciples did not rightly apprehend. 5. In subsequent history all was made plain and clear. On the day of Pentecost was the greatpromise fully realised. 6. The apostles, in all their writings, enter fully into its powerand influence. Do the converts need wisdom? The Father will give the Spirit of wisdom. Or, deliverance from corruption? The Spirit works in them to "will and to do" the goodpleasure. The distinguishing marks of a Christian are that he "walks after the Spirit"; is "spiritually minded"; that the Spirit dwells in a man as a Spirit of adoption, confidence, and love; while the apostle glories in tribulation "because ofthe Holy Ghost," and prays that the disciples may be "filled with hope" by the power of the Holy Ghost. Thus we see the nature and office of the Spirit. II. ITS PRACTICALAPPLICATION TO OURSELVES. All persons are divided into two classes.
  • 6. 1. Those who have no adequate apprehensionof the nature or value of divine things. "The natural man receivethnot the things of God, for they are foolishness unto him." They are therefore ignorant for want of spiritual illumination. "But," continues the apostle, "Godhath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge ofthe glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." This reveals to us the knowledge ofourselves as ruined and lost. 2. But as there may be light without heat, so there may be knowledge without practice. The Word of God may be receivedwith joy, but it may not take root in the soul. It is the glory of the Gospelthat it not only inculcates what is right, but gives strength to perform it: it teaches whatis evil, and helps to subdue that evil. All this is wrought by the Holy Ghost. (Homilist.) A national Pentecost F. James. I. THE NATIONAL IMPORT OF THESE WORDS. Thatthe thought of Isaiahwas national, and not individual, may easilybe gatheredfrom his opening words, and from the whole burden of his message.It is of a king he speaks, andof the effects of a righteous rule. The words of our text are especiallyaddressedto women, and reveal the sad state of societyas it was when Isaiah addressedit. There is no hope for the nation when its women are "careless daughters,"and contemptible of holy things. Woman is the last bulwark of godliness. If womenare lostto God, all is lost. Yet though the prophet's heart groans under the lamentable state of the women of his day, he sees a glad day coming, when the Spirit shall be so outpoured, that societywill be purified. Upon the outpouring of the Spirit, three things are to take place. 1. There is to be a godly revolution. It may be silent and natural, but is to be very real. The very wilderness is to become a fruitful field. The desert is to blossomas the rose. If we study the prophecy of Joel, we see the signs are revolutionary. And no language employedby Carlyle in his French Revolution is more potent, more expressive. "Iwill show wonders in the heaven and in
  • 7. the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke;the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood." It is the recreationof the nation that the prophet has in his mind. Ezekiel's valley of dry bones is to be re-animated. The national identity as well as the national life is to be restored. 2. There is to be an outburst of new life. The wilderness is to blossom, the fruitful field is to become a forest. Mazzini must fostera "Young Italy" to-day if he is to create a new Italy to-morrow. The Spirit generatesnew life. The visions of possibilities in the young, the fresh dreams of the old, all make for a new existence. 3. There is also to be a newly organisedgovernment. A king rules in righteousness. And even the wilderness, type of lawless oppression, is to be under a just government. Judgment shall rule in the wilderness. Righteousnessis the basis of peace. Pascalsays, "Philosophysays, know thyself. Christianity says, know thy God." That is all the difference between the maxims of the world and the new force that Pentecostcreatedin the world. When men fall into right relationship with God, they will soonfall into right relations with one another. II. THE EFFECT OF THE OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY GHOST. Pentecostwas only a promise, a first-fruit, a miniature fulfilment of the prophet's great words. 1. There is in our prophecy a restorationof blessing. Acquainted as Isaiah was with vast reaches ofarid desert, he sees it a fruitful field. Out of death life comes, and into barrenness, fruitfulness. 2. There is to be a multiplication of blessing. Thatvast, dreary stretchof desertin the Eastis to be as the Vale of Carmel, luxuriant and beautiful, and Carmel's valley is to be as precious as Lebanon's forest. And righteousnessis to swayits sceptre overall. The effectof righteousnessis to be quietness and assurance forever. The Church of apostolic days was a beautiful miniature of still largerthings, of richer spiritual results.
  • 8. 3. There is to be a socialbetterment for all. Wherever Christianity goes it uplifts the races. Unbelief may sneerat Christianity, but it still remains the greatestcivilising force in the world. III. THINGS ESSENTIALTO THE NEW ORDER. The Holy Spirit is to effectregeneration, by convicting men of sin, of righteousness andof judgment. By breathing into them a new life, and by Divine illumination. Three things are essentialto a new kingdom. Powerto create it, authority to govern it, a cause for its existence. Garibaldi found his cause in the degraded condition of his people. Jesus finds His cause not only in the lost condition of the human race, but also in the Father's eternal love and purpose. Christ is said to be seatedat the right hand of power. That word poweris the same as that from which we getdynamics. The very strength of power, a mighty force. Christ is at the right hand of Almighty power. There are certain powers in the world which we call forces;such as gravity, steam, hydraulics, liquid air, electricity. These forces operate along definite lines, just as surely as a train of railway carriagesruns along the track of its lines of steel. It is said, "Wheneveryou obey the law of power, the law of powerobeys you." Now, in fact, this is just what Petersays. The Holy Ghostis given "to them that obey Him." If the Holy Spirit is to use a man, work through and by a man, he must obey the laws of the Spirit. He must be conformed to God's will. Let me now quote to you some cases where men have been obedient to the Holy Spirit, and as a result have been filled with powerfrom on high. In eachcase theyhave obeyed Christ's word — "Tarry ye... until ye be endued with powerfrom on high." JonathanEdwards, a quiet, strong intellect, strongly Calvinistic, whose influence in the world has been most mighty, says, "Ifound from time to time an inward sweetnessthatwould carry me awayin my contemplations. This I know not how to express otherwise than as a calm, sweetabstractionof the soul from all the concerns ofthe world, and sometimes a kind of vision of being alone on the mountains, far from all mankind, sweetlyconversing with Christ, and wrapped and swallowedup in God." Then there is John Flavel, who one day journeying alone, had such concentrationof mind, such ravishing tastes of heavenly joys, that he utterly lost sight and sense ofthis world, and for some hours knew no more where he was than if a deep sleep had fallen upon him in the night. Thus we see that these men wholly
  • 9. consecratedto God, obeying His will, placing themselves in direct communication with the Spirit of God, leaving their whole being open to the Spirit's operations, were filled with a Divine powerthat is inexpressible. And may we not thus lie open to His gracious incoming, and wait daily upon God "until the Spirit be poured out upon us from on high"? IV. THE NATURE OF THE SPIRIT'S MANIFESTATIONS. The Holy Spirit's presence is seenin His convictionof the sinner. When He is among us, men realise their sinfulness, and cry unto God. (F. James.) Judgment and mercy J. H. Jowett, M. A. Some time ago, amid a very heavy thunderstorm, I heard, betweentwo of the heaviestpeals, the carolling of a lark! It was a strange and welcome contrast. All around us the thunder was growling and roaring, but in one of the brief interludes there came this burst of bird-song. And all about this chapterone hears the growlof the threatening thunder. There is a gathering storm of judgment. The future is full of menace. And yet, in the midst of all the approaching terror, there sounds out this sweetlittle paeanabout fruitful fields, and righteous relationships, and peacefulhomes, and happy, restful days. It was everthe way of this greatprophet. The hard note of judgment was alternatedwith the softernote of mercy. The lark's song is frequently heard amid the thunder. (J. H. Jowett, M. A.) The Spirit poured out J. H. Jowett, M. A.
  • 10. I. Here is A GREAT PROPHET FORESEEINGTHE OUTPOURING OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD. That in itself would be interesting, but it is rendered doubly so by the fact that — II. HE PROCEEDSTO NAME THE RESULTS WHICH WOULD FOLLOW THE OUTPOURING (vers. 15-17). (J. H. Jowett, M. A.) Results of the outpouring of the Spirit J. H. Jowett, D. D. Here is the problem: If the Spirit of God were to be poured out upon a nation, what would happen? 1. The unfolding of creationin accordance withthe fullest design of God. "The wilderness a fruitful field," &c. Is that to be taken literally or only figuratively? Shall we interpret it as only meaning that the wilderness of meanness and stinginess and greed shall break into the fruitful field of benevolence and philanthropy, or shall we interpret it according to its literal meaning that nature itself shall pass into larger bounteousness and perfection? I think the literal interpretation is the right one. I think Isaiah means just what he says, that the beautifying of humanity will elicit higher beauty in the world about us. Throughout the whole book you will find this doctrine taught, that the perfectionof nature is involved in the redemption of men. Nature cannot put on all the fulness of her beautiful garments until man puts on the beauty of holiness. The unfolding of one awaits the evolution of the other. Scripture affirms that nature is held in bondage. She is fettered, and unable to realise the full glory of her design, and this because ofthe moral and spiritual bondage of man. This is not the teaching only of the prophet Isaiah. It is apostolic teaching. Have you ever paused at that profound word of the Apostle Paul, where he says that, "the earnest expectationofcreation waiteth for the revealing of the sons of God"? English translation does not in any degree express the extraordinary force of the figure which the apostle employs. What is the figure? It is this. Paul represents nature standing bound,
  • 11. "with uplifted head, scanning with longing eyes the horizon from which she looks for help, her hands stretched out to graspand welcome the redemption into freedom and perfectionwhich she yearns for and confidently expects." That is the figure: creation, bound and imperfect, yearning and waiting for her redemption and perfection, which is to come through redeemedman. 2. Judgment and righteousness shalldwell among them as abiding guests. Righteousnessshall"dwell" there! It shall not be an occasionalvisitor, a spasmodic impulse, an inconstantand irregular desire. It shall dwell there as a permanent disposition. It shall not be a weak emotion. It shall be a mighty passion. When the Spirit of God is poured out upon a people, that people shall hunger for righteousness. Youknow how it is with mountain air. Down in the sultry valley we are sluggishand languid. We are indifferent about our food. We come to it as a custom; we take it as a task. But if we getup into the pure, strong air of the higher moorlands, our languor drops from us, and our appetite awakes, andwe turn to our foodwith hunger, and take it with relish. 3. The creationof socialpeace.Put things right, and peace will come. Maladjustments always produce unrest in the physical and moral life. (J. H. Jowett, D. D.) STUDYLIGHT RESOURCES Adam Clarke Commentary And the fruitful field - dna ,tneicna xis ,.SSM neetfifoS . lemraccahev ‫והכרמל‬ two editions; which seems to make the noun an appellative. Copyright Statement These files are public domain.
  • 12. Bibliography Clarke, Adam. "Commentary on Isaiah32:15". "The Adam Clarke Commentary". https: 32.html. 1832. return to 'Jump List' Albert Barnes'Notes onthe Whole Bible Until the Spirit - The Spirit of God, as the source ofall blessings, and especiallyas able to meet and remove the ills of the long calamity and desolation. This evidently refers to some future period, when the evils which the prophet was contemplating would be succeededby the spread of the true religion. If the prophet meant to confine his description of calamities to those which would attend the invasion of Sennacherib, then this refers to the piety and prosperity which would prevail after that during the reign of Hezekiah. If he designed, as Lowth supposes, to describe the calamites which would attend the invasion of the Chaldeans and the desolationofthe city of Jerusalem during the captivity, then this refers to the prosperous times that would occur after their return to their own land. And if he lookedforwardbeyond even that, then this refers to the times of the Messiahalso, and he designedto describe the happy period when the Messiahshould have come, and when the Spirit should be poured out. Vitringa supposes that all three of these events are referred to. But although the expressions are such as are used in reference to the times of the Messiah, yetthe word ‹until‘ seems to limit the prediction to some event previous to that. The plain sense of the passage is, that the city would lie waste, and would be a pasture for flocks, until the Spirit should be poured out; that is, would lie waste a long time, and then be succeededby the merciful interposition of God restoring them to their land and privileges. This idea would seemto limit it. at the utmost, to the return from Babylon. Be poured out - This is a common and usual mode of indicating that the influences of the Spirit of God would be imparted Isaiah44:3; Ezekiel39:29; Joel2:28-29;Acts 2:17-18. From on high - From heaven(compare Luke 24:49).
  • 13. And the wilderness be a fruitful field - Until that change shall come when the places that are desolate shallbecome fertile, and the places which are now fertile and prosperous shall become desolate and barren. This may refer to the time when Jerusalem, that would have lain so long waste, wouldbe again inhabited and cultivated, and when Babylon, then so prosperous, would become desolate and ruined. The expressionhas a proverbial castand denotes change and revolution (see the note at Isaiah29:17). Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Bibliography Barnes, Albert. "Commentaryon Isaiah32:15". "Barnes'Notesonthe New Testament". https: 32.html. 1870. return to 'Jump List' John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high,.... That is, Jerusalemshall lie in ruins until this time comes;which therefore cannot be understood of the effusion of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, which, as it was before the destruction of the city by the Romans, so the desolationit was brought to by the Chaldeans did not lastso long; but must be interpreted of a pouring forth of the Spirit in his gifts and gracesyet to come, which will bring on the fulness of the Gentiles, and the conversionof the Jews, and till that time comes Jerusalemwill continue in a ruinous condition; the sense is the same with that of Luke 21:24 "Jerusalemshall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled". The Targum of the place is, "until refreshing comes to us from the face of him, whose Shechinah, or Majesty, is in the highestheavens;'
  • 14. with which may be comparedActs 3:19, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest; this will be the consequence, fruit, and effectof the effusion of the Spirit in the latter day; that such parts of the world as were like a wilderness, barren and unfruitful, producing nothing but the briers and thorns of impiety, infidelity, superstition, and idolatry, should now become like a fruitful field; the Gospelbeing now preached everywhere, multitudes of souls converted, churches raised and formed, and these filled with such as were laden with the fruits of righteousness;and such places where the Gospelhad been preachedand professed, and where churches had been planted, and there were some gooddegree of fruitfulness in word and works, now should be abundantly more fruitful, and the professors ofreligion more numerous, and look more like a forest, for number of trees, than a field. Kimchi says this whole paragraph shall be accomplishedin the days of the Messiah. Copyright Statement The New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernisedand adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. All Rightes Reserved, Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario. A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855 Bibliography Gill, John. "Commentary on Isaiah 32:15". "The New JohnGill Exposition of the Entire Bible". https: 32.html. 1999. return to 'Jump List' Geneva Study Bible Until the k spirit shall be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness shall be a fruitful field, and the l fruitful field shall be counted for a forest.
  • 15. (k) That is, when the Church will be restored, thus the prophets after they have denounced God's judgments againstthe wicked, used to comfort the godly, lest they should faint. (l) The field which is now fruitful, will be but as a barren forestin comparison to what it will be then as in (Isaiah 29:17)which will be fulfilled in Christ's time, for then they who were before as the barren wilderness, being regenerate willbe fruitful and they who had some beginning of godliness, will bring forth fruit in such abundance, that their former life will seembut as a wilderness where no fruit was. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Beza, Theodore. "Commentaryon Isaiah 32:15". "The 1599Geneva Study Bible". https: 1599-1645. return to 'Jump List' Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible This can only partially apply to the spiritual revival in Hezekiah‘s time; its full accomplishmentbelongs to the Christian dispensation, first at Pentecost (Joel2:28; Acts 2:17), perfectly in coming times (Psalm 104:30;Ezekiel36:26; Ezekiel39:29;Zechariah 12:10), when the Spirit shall be poured on Israel, and through it on the Gentiles (Micah 5:7). wilderness … fruitful field … forest — when Judea, so long waste, shallbe populous and fruitful, and the land of the enemies of God shall be desolate.
  • 16. Or, “the field, now fruitful, shall be but as a barren forestin comparison with what it shall be then” (Isaiah 29:17). The barren shall become fruitful by regeneration;those already regenerate shallbring forth fruits in such abundance that their former life shall seembut as a wilderness where no fruits were. Copyright Statement These files are a derivative of an electronic edition prepared from text scannedby Woodside Bible Fellowship. This expanded edition of the Jameison-Faussett-BrownCommentary is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed. Bibliography Jamieson, Robert, D.D.;Fausset,A. R.; Brown, David. "Commentary on Isaiah32:15". "Commentary Criticaland Explanatory on the Whole Bible". https: 1871-8. return to 'Jump List' Wesley's ExplanatoryNotes Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest. Until — Until the time come, in which Godwill pour, or, as the Hebrew word properly signifies, reveal, evidently and plentifully pour out his spirit from heaven upon his people, which was fully accomplishedin the days of the Messiah. The fruitful field — God's people who were desolate, shallbe revived and flourish, and their flourishing enemies shall be brought to destruction.
  • 17. Copyright Statement These files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian ClassicsEtherealLibrary Website. Bibliography Wesley, John. "Commentary on Isaiah 32:15". "JohnWesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible". https: 1765. return to 'Jump List' Calvin's Commentary on the Bible 15.Tillthe Spirit be poured out upon you. Because the Prophet speaks ofthe Jews among whom God had determined to plant his Church, it was therefore necessaryto leave to them some hope of salvation, that they might not faint amidst so greatafflictions; for, while the Lord is severe towards wickedmen who falselyshelter themselves under his name, yet in some manner he preserves his Church. The Prophet therefore adds this promise, that they might know that, whateverbe the severity with which he punishes his people, still he is always mindful of his covenant;for he never threatens in such a manner as not to leave some ground for consolation, so as to cheerand comfort the hearts of believers, even when their affairs are utterly desperate. Besides, in order that they may fully enjoy the comfort which is offered to them, he raises their eyes to the very Author of life; and indeed we see that, when a favorable change takes place, the greaterpart of men fill themselves to excess withbread and wine, and, when they are pressedby famine, they neglectGod and solicit the earth. With goodreason, therefore, does Isaiahsaythat “the Spirit” will come from on high to refreshand fertilize the earth; and he alludes, I have no doubt, to that saying of David, “Sendforth thy Spirit, and they shall be created, and thou wilt renew the face of the earth.”
  • 18. (Psalms 104:30.) Holding out this as an evidence that God is reconciled, he at the same time declares that the restorationof the Church proceeds solelyfrom the grace of God, who can remove its barrenness as soonas he has imparted strength from heaven; for he who createdall things out of nothing, as if they had formerly existed, is able to renew it in a moment. And the wilderness become a Carmel. (342)In explaining this comparisonof “the wilderness” to “Carmel,” commentators are sadly at a loss;but, as I remarkedon a former passage,(Isaiah29:17,)where a similar phrase occurred, (343)the Prophet merely, in my opinion, points out the happy effect of that restoration, namely, that the abundance and plenty of all things will prove that God is actually reconciledto his people. He says that places which formerly were “wildernesses”shallbe like “Carmel,” which was a rich and fertile spot, and on that accountreceives its name; and that “Carmel” shall be like “a wilderness,” that is, it shall be so fertile, that if we compare what it now is with what it shall afterwards be, it may seemlike “a wilderness.” It is an enlarged representationof that unwonted fertility. “Fields now barren and uncultivated shall be fertile, and cultivated and fertile fields shall yield such abundant fruit that their present fertility is poverty and barrenness, in comparisonof the large produce which they shall afterwards yield;” just as if we should compare the fields of Savoy with those of Sicily and Calabria, and pronounce them to be a “wilderness.” In a word, he describes unparalleled fertility, which believers shall enjoy, when they have been reconciledto God, in order that they may know his favor by his acts of kindness. While Isaiah thus prophesies concerning the reign of Hezekiah, all this is declaredby him to relate to the kingdom of Christ as its end and accomplishment; and therefore, when we come to Christ, we must explain all this spiritually, so as to understand that we are renewedas soonas the Lord has sentdown the Spirit from heaven, that we who were “wildernesses” may become cultivated and fertile fields. Ere the Spirit of God has breathed into us, we are justly compared to wildernesses ora dry soil; for we produce nothing but “thorns and briers,” and are by nature unfit for yielding fruits. Accordingly, they who were barren and unfruitful, when they have been
  • 19. renewedby the Spirit of God, begin to yield plentiful fruits; and they whose natural dispositions had some appearance ofgoodness,being renewedby the same Spirit, will afterwards be so fruitful, that they will appear as if they had formerly been a “wilderness;” for all that men possess is but a wild forest, till they have been renewedby Christ. Whenever, therefore, the Church is afflicted, and when her condition appears to be desperate, let us raise our eyes to heaven, and depend fully on these promises. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Bibliography Calvin, John. "Commentary on Isaiah 32:15". "Calvin's Commentary on the Bible". https: 1840-57. return to 'Jump List' John Trapp Complete Commentary Isaiah32:15 Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest. Ver. 15. Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high.] Donec Dominus dignabitar suum favorem et gratiam denuo nobis impertiri, Till God shall please once more to impart unto us his grace and favour. So he sets them no certain time of restoration;as desirous thereby to stir them up to pray continually, and to bring forth fruits worthy amendment of life. This effusion of "the Spirit upon all flesh" [Joel2:28] - that is, of the best thing upon the basest- is a very great mercy.
  • 20. And the wilderness be a fruitful field.] Heb., A Carmel. Such a change workeththe Spirit of grace - it maketh barren hearts fruitful, and manifesteth hypocrites, whatever they seem, to be no better than wild trees that bear no goodfruit. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Trapp, John. "Commentary on Isaiah 32:15". JohnTrapp Complete Commentary. https: 32.html. 1865-1868. return to 'Jump List' Matthew Poole's EnglishAnnotations on the Holy Bible Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high: and this calamity and desolationshall, in a manner, continue until the time come, in which God will pour, or, as the Hebrew word properly signifies, reveal, i.e. evidently and plentifully pour out, his Spirit from heaven upon his people; which was done in some sort upon the return of the people from Babylon, when God, by his Spirit, stirred up the spirit, both of Cyrus to give them liberty of returning to Jerusalem, and of the people to return and build the city and temple; but was far more clearlyand fully accomplishedin the days of the Messiah. And indeed the promises contained in these and the following words and verses were not fulfilled upon their coming out of Babylon, after which time they had but a little reviving in their bond. age, as is said, Ezra 9:8, and continued in servitude and distress under the Persianemperors, Nehemiah9:36,37, and afterward suffered many and grievous calamities from the kings of Syria and Egypt, and from the Romans; which suits very ill with that glorious promise here following, Isaiah32:18. And therefore these promises concernthe times of the gospel, whenGod’s Spirit was in a most evident and glorious manner
  • 21. poured forth upon the apostles, andother believing Jews, to the astonishment of their very adversaries;and when the following promises were in a good measure fulfilled, and are more fully to be accomplishedin God’s due time. The wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest; which is allegoricallyunderstood. The meaning may be this; God’s people, who were desolate and destroyed, shall be revived and flourish, and their flourishing enemies shall be brought to desolationand destruction. It may also signify the conversionof the barren and despisedGentiles, and the rejection of the Jews, in the time of the Messiah. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Poole, Matthew, "Commentaryon Isaiah32:15". Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible. https: 1685. return to 'Jump List' Expository Notes ofDr. Thomas Constable These reversals wouldnot be final, however. God"s Spirit would effectan even greaterchange laterin the future (cf. Psalm104:30;Ezekiel36:26-27; Joel2:28; Zechariah 12:10). Then the wilderness would become fertile, and what was presently considered fertile would become a veritable jungle so full of large plants would it be (cf. Isaiah30:23-26). The creationwill burgeon, the divine curse will be removed, and the damage that sin has causedwill be reversed(cf. Isaiah 29:17).
  • 22. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Constable, Thomas. DD. "Commentaryon Isaiah 32:15". "ExpositoryNotes of Dr. Thomas Constable". https: 2012. return to 'Jump List' JosephBenson's Commentaryof the Old and New Testaments Isaiah32:15. Until the Spirit be poured upon us, &c. — And this calamity shall, in a manner, continue until the time come in which God will pour, or, as eporp,‫יערה‬rly signifies, reveal, that is, evidently and plentifully confer his Spirit upon his people. Which was done, in some sort, upon their return from Babylon, when God, by his Spirit, moved Cyrus to give them liberty of returning to Jerusalem, and the people to return and build the city and temple. But it was far more clearly and fully accomplishedin the days of the Messiah, whenGod’s Spirit was in a most evident and glorious manner poured forth upon the apostles andother believing Jews, to the astonishment of their very adversaries;and when the following promises were, in a good measure, fulfilled, and are more fully to be accomplishedin God’s due time. And the wilderness be a fruitful field — Which expressions are to be understood allegoricallyofthe conversionof the Gentile nations, which had been long barren, and of the rejectionof the Jews in the time of the Messiah. See on Isaiah29:17 . Copyright Statement
  • 23. These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Benson, Joseph. "Commentaryon Isaiah32:15". JosephBenson's Commentary. https: 32.html. 1857. return to 'Jump List' George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary High, as Ezechiel(xxxvii. 10.) saw the dry bones rise again. Under this idea prosperity is frequently described. The rest of the chapter may very wellbe explained of the propagationof the gospel. --- Forest. Carmelwas a fertile spot. Judea shall flourish, and Assyria shall be laid waste. The synagogue will be rejected, while the Gentiles, (Calmet) formerly so barren, shall embrace the faith and true piety. (Haydock) Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Haydock, George Leo. "Commentaryon Isaiah 32:15". "George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary". https: 1859. return to 'Jump List' E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes spirit. Hebrew. ruach. App-9. Compare Joel2:28. Ezekiel36:25-27.
  • 24. poured. Hebrew. "arah. Occurs in Isaiah3:17; Isaiah22:6, and here in the "former" portion; and in Isaiah 53:12, the "latter" portion. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Isaiah 32:15". "E.W. Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https: 1909-1922. return to 'Jump List' Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest. Until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high. This canonly partially apply to the spiritual revival in Hezekiah's time; its full accomplishmentbelongs to the Christian dispensation, first at Pentecost(Joel2:28;Acts 2:17), perfectly in coming times (Psalms 104:30;Ezekiel36:26;Ezekiel39:29;Zechariah 12:10), when the Spirit shall be poured on Israel, and though it on the Gentiles (Micah 5:7). And the wilderness be a fruitful field ... - when Judea, so long waste, shallbe populous and fruitful, and the land of the enemies of God shall be desolate. Or, 'the field now fruitful shall be but as a barren forest in comparisonwith what it shall be then.' The barren shall become fruitful by regeneration:thee already regenerate shallbring forth fruits in such abundance that their former life shall seembut as a wilderness where no fruits were ('Queen Elizabeth's Bible'). I prefer the former view: cf. Isaiah32:6, note. Hypocrites, who now are counted as a "fruitful field," shall then "be counted for a forest"
  • 25. - i:e., shall be manifested in their true unfruitfulness. Compare Isaiah47:11 : also Isaiah29:17, note above. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission. Bibliography Jamieson, Robert, D.D.;Fausset,A. R.; Brown, David. "Commentary on Isaiah32:15". "Commentary Criticaland Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged". https: 32.html. 1871-8. return to 'Jump List' Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (15) Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high . . .—There was, then, a fixed limit of the desolationthen described. Isaiah dwelt, as Joel(Joel2:28) had dwelt before him, on the outpouring of the Spirit which should sweep awaythe frivolities of a profligate luxury and lead to a nobler life. The effect of that outpouring is described in symbolic language which had been used before (see Note on Isaiah29:17), the “wilderness”taking the place of Lebanon. END OF STUDYLIGHT RESOURCES Till the Spirit is PouredUpon Us from On High 32: 15-20 DIG: What will the restoredKingdom look like? How do these promises of God compare with those given earlier (see 28:16, 29:17-24, 30:19-26, 32:1-8,
  • 26. 33:20-24)? Whatis distinctive about the imagery Isaiahuses to convey his message? REFLECT:How does Isaiah understand what the outpouring of the Holy Spirit will be like on the LORD’s people? How does that compare to the disciples’question in Acts 1:5-6? Which is closerto your own view of what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit? How so? What does Isaiah sayabout God’s ultimate desire for you? Here there is a swift change from the prophecy of warning to the prophecy of salvation. Once again Isaiahleaps forward to the far eschatologicalfinal invasion by all the nations of the world. Here, after speaking ofthe devastationof Judah, Isaiah describes a future time of blessing in the Land and of the people, for when the GreatTribulation is finally over and God is ready to restore Isra'el, the millennial Kingdom will be initiated by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Why? BecauseJesus Christcannot come back until He is recognizedfor who He is, and invited back by the nation of Isra'el (see my commentary on RevelationEv – The Basis for the SecondComing of Jesus Christ). Speaking ofthe believing remnant, Zechariahprophesies:And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalemthe Spirit of grace and supplication. They will look upon Me, the One they have pierced (at the cross), and they will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for Him as one grieves for a first born (Zechariah 12:10-11). These Scriptures beg for the question, “How long will the judgment continue? How long will the devastationof Judah last?” ADONAI answered and said: Until the Holy Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the desert becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field seems like a forest(32:15). This says basicallythe same thing as 29:17 except the desertis substituted for Lebanon. The picture is one of abundance. What was formerly useless for crops will become fertile, while what was fertile will be become a virtual jungle. Is anything to hard for the LORD (Genesis 18:14a)? The judgment will continue until Israel’s national regeneration(Zechariah 12:10-14;Joel2:28-32)and the means of this regenerationis the outpouring of
  • 27. the Holy Spirit. At that time, the Land will againproduce and become fruitful. Joelmakes the very same point (see my commentary on Joel). In Joel 1:15 he begins to describe the Dayof the Lord, the Old Covenant term for the GreatTribulation (in this case the end of the Great Tribulation). He first describes the Day of the Lord and the judgments that will be poured out in the remainder of Chapter 1 and the first part of Chapter 2, and then he describes the total devastationof the crops as a result of the tribulation judgments. But notice Joel2:21-27. After showing that there will be a massive devastationin the GreatTribulation that will destroy the crops of Israel, he describes the regenerationof the land and the crops. In Joel2:15-20 he describes the destruction of any further armies that would come againstIsrael. But then in Joel2:21-27 he describes the restorationof the crops. Then in Joel2:28-32, in the same context, he links the restorationof the Land with the pouring out of His Spirit. Other prophets also spoke of this outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Ezekiel36:26-27 and Zechariah 12:10). We find the very same thing in Isaiah 32. Devastationis seenin 32:12-14 until Judah becomes a wasteland. But that is going to change. When Israelis restored(Zechariah 12:10-14)there is going to be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 33:15 and Joel2:28-32). And what is now a wilderness will become a fertile field, and what is now a fertile field will be considereda wilderness by comparison. The LORD has a way of both reversing disasterat the lastminute (37:36), and overlooking beyond disasterto what He, in His steadfastness,determines to do. As the redeemedof Israel enter the Millennial Kingdom, they will have the same benefit of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit as do believers in the Church Age today. Therefore, they will have an inward desire to do the will of God (Ezekiel36:27). There will be four results. First, justice will dwell in the desertand righteousness live in the fertile field (32:16). True abundance will be in matters of the spirit. From Isaiah’s point of view, Judah’s relationship with ADONAI had been like a desert. Righteousness and justice had withered awaywhile the people had abandoned God’s ways and pursued after their own goals. This had led to the oppression of the poor and a disastrous foreignpolicy. Judah had, in effect, cut herselfoff
  • 28. from her source oflife. But in the far eschatologicalfuture, she would live in relationship with her God and holy living will once again be hers. Secondly, the results of righteousness willbe peace (9:6 and 59:8-9), quietness, and confidence forever. My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest (32:17-18). This is seen more clearly in the progressive revelationofthe New, or RenewedCovenant. The personwho has receivedthe grace ofthe LORD’s forgiveness is at peace with Him. ForHe Himself is our peace (Ephesians 2:14a). When Jesus’ characteris centralin our lives, we don’t have to lean upon others to supply our own needs. The fact that this has not produced significant long term changes in the world is a testimony to the extent of our sin nature. I don’t know about your neighborhood, but there is no “Garden of Eden” sign posted in mine! Thirdly, the destruction of Israel’s enemies are seen. Though hail flattens the forestand the city will be leveled completely(32:19). Again Isaiah refers to a specific city that will be leveled completely at the time of Israel’s restoration, which, in conjunction with earlier Isaiahpassages, wouldbe the city of Babylon (see Dk – Babylon, the JewelofKingdoms, will be Overthrown). Fourthly, we see material blessings forthose in the Millennial Kingdom. How blessedyou will be, sowing your seedby every stream, and letting your cattle and donkeys roam free (32:20). Even the animals will be able to roam free among the crops because the crops will be so plentiful. Blessing (asre)has three shades of meaning: under divine blessing (Psalm 32:1), enjoying fulfillment of life (Psalm 112:1), and doing the right thing at the right time (Psalm 2:12, 137:8-9). For the believer all three are seenin the Messianic Kingdom: divine favor, personalfulfillment and total righteousness. We have already seenthe close associationof the Holy Spirit with the messianic promise (see De – A ShootWill Come Up from the Stump of Jesse). It is because the Holy Spirit of ADONAI rests on the Messiahthat He is able to rule as He does. Notonly Him, but also the members of His Kingdom (32:1- 8). John the Baptistunderscored this when he differentiated himself from the Messiahby saying that he only baptized with water, whereas, the Messiah
  • 29. would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire (John 7:37-39). So now, just as Isaiahhad promised, the Messiah, through the Holy Spirit the Father has given, makes it possible for believers in to live a life of true nobility – one of generosityand self-giving, one of justice and righteousness,one that the uncertainties of this life cannot ultimately disrupt. There are inner resources with which we canmeet everything that comes to us and to triumph over them. That is the GoodNews.113 Isaiah32:15 – New times! "… until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is deemed a forest." Isaiah32:15 Isaiah's reference to the Holy Spirit forms a decisive turning point in his discourse againstthe waywardcity, Jerusalem. The first part of his prophecy announces imminent judgment and desolationbecause ofthe complacentand carnalattitude of the women of the city. But then a new time is heralded, in which destruction would give wayto complete renovation and the whole land would share in the effects ofrenewal. The prophecy is built around a harvest feast, most probably the feastof booths. This feastwas marked by a greatprocessionfrom the temple to the pool of Siloam, and this processionmay be alluded to in the words "the hill and the watchtower," Isaiah32:14. In the days of Jotham and Ahaz, this feast had become a popular, but frivolous and self-directedevent among the people. The people took time for fun, but neglectedto concentrate on the meaning of the feast. So the feastbegan to take on a carnival-like character. Its original purpose, however, was to commemorate the Lord's care of His people, even in the dismal conditions of the desertwanderings. The focus of the feastwas to
  • 30. be on the Giver of the harvest, the God of all good!Because this had been forgotten, God announces His imminent punishment. Yet in His punishment the LORD does not abandon His salvation purpose. The imminent destruction of the city will serve to plant a new city – the heavenly one! The arrival of the divine Spirit brings a situation in which not only the city but all creationis renewed. Creationitself shares in the powerof rebirth, and the image of the paradise comes to mind. Now one cansuggestseveralevents which point to the fulfillment of this prophecy in Isaiah's ownlife time. The threat of Sennacheribbrought grave poverty and distress to the city. And the greatjudgment of the exile brought all the feasts to an end. We can also see the first rays of fulfillment in the restorationof the temple and city after the exile. After all, Cyrus is described as one who is 'anointed.' He was claimedfor a specific task by the Spirit of God. Yet beyond these fulfillments we canfind the definitive fulfillment only in the work of the Messiah. Indeed, the whole chapter is messianic, and opens with an allusion to Christ's reign in righteousness. Therefore we find the great fulfillment of these words in the feastof Pentecost. The cross brings the judgment of God to a definitive climax. It is the end of judgment in the sense that all judgment henceforth only takes place in the cross. And after the work of the cross, the renewalof life begins. It begins in the church, the New Jerusalem. The text describes the Spirit as being 'uncovered' or poured out, much in the same waya jar is emptied of its contents so that its bottom is uncovered. Indeed, here the same word is used as found in Joel2:28, another prophecy of the day of Pentecost. The Lord Jesus also connectsthe feastof booths with the day of Pentecost. When He arrived at the feastof booths on its last day, He said: "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, 'Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water’." John. 7:37, 38 And John explains that He said this about the Holy Spirit, which those who believed in Him were to receive.
  • 31. Therefore we may see the cross ofChrist as the beginning of the definitive judgment in the world. And we may see Pentecostas the beginning of the definitive renewal. The Spirit on high has come down from heaven, and renewalbegins in the hearts of God's children. Yet it will not stop there. Indeed, many judgments are foretold, as the book of Revelationmakes clear. Paul says that the creationgroans in travail, waiting for the redemption of the sons of God, Romans 8: 22. And he ties the renewalof creationwith the renewalof our bodies and the work of the Holy Spirit! The Spirit of Christ will renew not only the church, but all creation. The first fruits of the Messianic kingdomare already present in the church. But we know: more is coming! Christ will return to institute His kingdom of righteousness in fullness. Jerusalemis founded in right and truth – the justice of God as revealedin the cross. And the effectof this righteousness will be "peace, quietness and trust forever." Forthe wrath of God againstour sin has been stilled! Now the renewalcan begin – a renewalwhich affects the whole creation. It's God's environment first of all! So we may keepour feasts in the age ofPentecost. The Spirit of Christ dwells in our hearts and the first fruits of the new age may be with us. How do we then live? Let all our feasts, andour Pentecostfeastas well, be directed to our God in heaven, from whom alone all rich blessings flow. Kingdom Conditions: Four Results of the Outpouring of the Spirit – Isaiah 32:15-20 Postedby Paul Apple on Jul 16, 2009 in Christian | Comments Off on Kingdom Conditions: Four Results of the Outpouring of the Spirit – Isaiah 32:15-20
  • 32. We are all familiar with the key NT passage regarding the fruit of the Holy Spirit: Gal. 5:22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,faithfulness, gentleness,self-control;againstsuch things there is no law.” But there is an OT passagefrom the prophet Isaiahthat speaks ofthe fruit of the Holy Spirit as well. The contexthere is the future Millennial Kingdom – but the church certainly experiences right now the spiritual application of this fruit. Time Reference: 32:15 “Until the Spirit is poured out upon us from on high” (Joel2:28-32;Eze. 39:29; Zech 12:10). Genre: Hebrew parallelism I. (:15b) ABUNDANT PROSPERITY “And the wilderness becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field is considered as a forest.” Young: As for this karmel (fruitful land), it is to be reckonedas a forest. What Isaiahmeans is that what at the present is consideredto be a fruitful field will then be regarded as something far more glorious, as a forestwhere all grows wild. It is another picture of complete reversal, of complete change. II. (:16) JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS
  • 33. “Then justice will dwell in the wilderness and righteousness will abide in the fertile field.” III. (:17) PEACE, QUIETNESS,CONFIDENCE “And the work of righteousness will be peace, and the service of righteousness, quietness andconfidence forever.” peace – shalowm– completeness, soundness,welfare, peace quietness – shaqat – to be quiet, be tranquil, be at peace, lie still, be undisturbed confidence – betach– assurance, security, safety IV. (:18) SAFETYAND SECURITY “Then my people will live in a peacefulhabitation, and in secure dwellings and in undisturbed resting places;” (:19-20) CONCLUSION:SUMMARY OF JUDGMENT AND BLESSING (:19) JUDGMENT ON ENEMIES:“And it will hail when the forestcomes down, and the city will be utterly laid low.” Difficult verse – references to the forestand the city are difficult to pinpoint; seems to be presentedin contrastto vs. 20 Dane:Reversalin the powers that dominate the world; “forest” = Assyria or Israel??? Guzik: If others feel the pelting hail, or are brought low in humiliation, it doesn’t matter to those blessedby the poured-out Spirit of God. (:20) BLESSING ON GOD’S PEOPLE:“How blessedwill you be, you who sow beside all waters, who let out freely the ox and the donkey.” Martin: the redeemednation is assuredthat they will be blessedwith agricultural productivity (cf. Ezek. 36:30) and with no rivalry over each other’s grazing land.
  • 34. Young: These sow by ever water, whenever the opportunity arises, and so enjoy the productivity and richness of a most fertile soil. Nor need they watch the animals, for these may roam where they will, unhindered and free from all dangers. NOTES: Ironside: Scripture not only teaches a first and secondcoming of our Lord JESUS CHRIST;it also predicts a first and secondcoming of the Holy Spirit. His first coming, to baptize believers into one body and empowerthem to carry His gospelthroughout the world, occurredat Pentecost. Peterapplied the words of Joel2 to what then took place, not as indicating that the prophecy was exhaustedby that outpouring, but that it was of the same characteras what was yet to come when Israelshall be brought back to GOD and the Spirit poured out upon them from on high and all the spared nations be blessedaccordingly. It is of this the present passagespeaks. What a time of blessing it will be for this poor world when war and strife have come to an end; sicknessand sorrow flee away;poverty and distress disappear; and men will enjoy the loving favor of the Lord and find every need met in abundance. So fruitful will the earth be at that time that a garden of herbs will become as a forest and the wilderness, as we are told elsewhere, will blossomas the rose. It is a great mistake to try to spiritualize all this and deny a coming literal fulfillment. There will, indeed, be greatspiritual blessings atthat time, but linked with the spiritual will be the literal fulfillment of this and other prophecies. The peace ofGod, which passethall understanding, will be the portion of those who enter the kingdom and enjoy the blessings ofMessiah’s reign, but we may be sure that the promise that they shall dwell in a peaceable habitation is to be taken in absolute literalness. There will be protectionfrom every ill when Messiahtakesoverthe reins of government.
  • 35. Chuck Smith: THE EFFECT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS Intro: There are many idealistic goals people are striving to attain: peace, happiness, calmness. These qualities seldomrealized by direct pursuit, by- product. I. THE NEED FOR QUIETNESSAND ASSURANCE. We are living in a restless age. Life has taken on a frenzied pace. Look at people around you. In restaurants, shopping malls, freeways. Study their faces. We are living in an uncertain age. You really don’t know who you can trust. You read of corrupted police dept. Judges receiving bribes. You don’t know where your money can be safe. Banks fail and the costof living is rising faster than the interest rates. The stock marketis uncertain. We have learnedto acceptthis restless anxietyas a way of life. And with the help of cigarette, booze anddrugs we have learned to cope. But is this the way God intended man to live? Listen as God tells us how He wants us to live. Vs. 18 How do you get there? II. THE NEED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. BEING RIGHT WITH ONE ANOTHER. Certainly we can consentto it as an ideal.
  • 36. What if everyone was completelyhonest. What if no one was greedy. What if we in love consideredthe needs of one another and sought to help. Many seeing it as ideal seek to attain it. They make their resolutions and take their vows. If they attain any degree of successthey become self-righteous, intolerantand impossible to live with. Fortunately most of us just fail. Unfortunately many despair, still consenting yet maintaining the impossibility of attainment. The gospeldeclares youcan be righteous. God will do for you what you can’t do for yourself. Through the powerof the Holy Spirit He will change you, and remold you after Christ. To be right you must start right. If you started with yourself and are still trying, forgetit. Start againwith Jesus Christ as you yield more and more you will find yourself saying, “that’s all right.” III. THE RESULTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. Vs. 17. The work in your life will be peace. The effect. Quietness. Assurance (forever). Dr. John Whitcomb: Isaiah 32
  • 37. No kingdom coming on earth until the Holy Spirit is poured out from on high; the whole planet earth will respond to Him; Is. 30:15 – true security; look at how nation of Israelis threatened constantlytoday; must look to the Lord alone for security; vs. 19 – God will destroy all the securitysystems of humans; pride will be smashed Timothy Dane: Chaps. 28-35 are one whole unit; 28:1 – eachsectionbegins with a “Woe”; series ofwarnings – God promising judgment upon specific groups of people; Chap. 32 does not begin with a “Woe” shouldbe combined with Chap. 31; The imagery of the outpouring of much water= mighty, gushing overflow on a parched land; the wilderness will become like a garden; a reversalin the executionof justice;Is. 57:21 – no peace for the wicked;No peace in the Middle Eastright now because there is no righteousness;Don’t harden your hearts; if you want to know how not to live – just look at Israel; God will change that one day; vs. 20 – the Lord has a promise of blessing for those who will trust Him Isaiah32: Until the Ruachis Poured Out on Us 7/7/2018 0 Comments Until naked, uncovered, poured out emptied on us; spirit, wind, breath, from on high, and it comes to pass that from the Word will be a fruitful field, and the Carmel(fruitful field) will be a forestof esteemand value. -Yeshayahu 32:15
  • 38. Isa 32:1 Behold, letzedek for righteousness yimelakhwill reign melekh a king, ulesariym and princes lemishpat will justly rule. Some of our sages (Rashi, Ibn Ezra) suggestthat this verse refers to the coming reign of Hezekiah, who would be a more righteous king than his father Ahaz. However, although Hezekiah was indeed more righteous than his father, he was by no means a king who’s reign was epitomized by righteousness, nordid just princes reign with him. In fact the council of his subordinate rulers was oftenopposedto that of the Lord. At bestHezekiah might be considereda type for the righteous king to come but neither he nor any subsequent king of Israelhas ever qualified to meet the plan meaning of this text. At leastnot until the first century CE/AD when the greatersonof David (Yeshua) was born of Judah and into the kingdom of Israel. This text, when read plainly names the king “Tzedek” righteousness.“Behold! For righteousness willreign a king.” The writer of the book of Hebrews names the righteous king of Salem(Jerusalem, Peace)as a type for the Messiah(Heb. 7). There is a correlationhere betweenthe prophetic type Melkhi-tzedek (My king of righteousness)andthe coming King Messiah(Gen. 14). Some will say that Yeshua did not reign, and while He has always reigned with HaShem outside of time and space, it is true that at His first coming he did not literally take on the physical throne of David and defeatIsrael’s enemies. However, Scripture clearlyteaches ofa secondcoming of the King Messiah. WhenHe returns He will reign meta-physically over all creation upon the throne of David and in deference to HaShem.
  • 39. Who are the princes that are qualified by their just rule? Yeshua the King of Righteousnesstold us who they would be: “Then Kefa (Peter)said to Him (Yeshua), ‘Look, we’ve left everything to follow You! So what will we have?” And Yeshua saidto them, “Amen, certainly, I tell you, when the BenAdam Son of Man sits on His glorious throne in the regeneration, you (Talmidiym) who have followedMe shall also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.’” -Matthew 19:27-28 [Luke 22:28-30]. The princes of Isaiah32:1 are Jews who dispense justice according to the will of the King of Righteousness. The talmidiym of Yeshua alone qualify for this role. Thus, Yeshua affirms the prophecy of Isaiahin His promise to His disciples. This description of the King of Righteousnessis a further illumination of Isaiah’s previous prophecy recorded in chapter 11:1-10. Isa 32:2 And it has come to pass, iysh a man will be as a hiding place from the wind, and a shelterfrom the rain; as rivers of waterin a dry place, as the shadow of a greatcliff face in a wearyland. The man of the presentverse is the Righteous King of the first verse. Verses 1 and 2 give as a beautiful insight into the characterof the King Messiah. In verse 1 He is called“Righteousness”andHis reign is “Just”. In the present verse He is describedas “A man”. He is also poeticallyreferred to as “A hiding place”, “Ashelter”, “Streams ofwater”, and “A shadow”. Eachof these similes conveys an aspectof the King Messiah’s characterand person.
  • 40. By naming Him “A man” the prophet puts to flight any gnostic or post- modern esoteric view of the Messiah. The King Messiahis literally a man while at the same time being RighteousnessHimself, a title that only God qualifies for. He is “A hiding place”. Thatis an intimate description. Those who hide in Him have drawn nearto seek refuge and protectionfrom the harsh winds of life. He is “A shelter”. A hiding place denotes a surrounding protectionwhile a shelter more specificallyalludes to covering which is above and protects from that which falls. In this case the rain is seenas a threat that the King Messiah will shelterIsrael from. The counterpoint to this is seenin the secondto last verse where the raining hail destroys Assyria, Israel’s enemy. He is “Rivers of waterin a dry place”. With verse 19 in mind we might considerthe rain from above as a symbol of water falling in judgement. The counterpoint is the rivers of waterthat bring life to the desperatelydry land and her people. Israelwill quench her desperate thirst with the living waters of the King of Righteousness. He is “A shadow of a greatcliff face”. This simile conveys a sense of the immutable and immovable nature of the King’s protection over His people and the relief that it brings. Travellers in the middle eastoften endure harsh conditions as they journey through arid places. Thus, when they come across a cliff face that shelters, cools and protects them they are filled with a sense of relief and security. The shadow of the righteous brings relief from the hot sun, whereas the shadow of the wickedmakes the shivering one colderstill.
  • 41. Isa 32:3 And the eyes of roiym seeing ones will not look away, veazneiy and the ears of shomei’iym hearing ones will tiksavenahhear, heed, be attentive. “And the eyes of the righteous shall not be shut, and the ears of those who receive instruction shall hear.” -Targum Yonatan (2nd Century CE/AD) This is the counterpoint to Isaiah’s earlier prophecy concerning Judah’s inability to see or hear the sound teaching and warnings of Hashem. This seeing and hearing will be upon the entire nation of Israel. The curse of blindness and wilful resistancewill be removed by the Righteous King and the renewednation will be judged with justice, tribe by tribe. Isa 32:4 ulevav And the core being (heart) of nimhariym the hurried (anxious) will understand lada’at knowledge, uleshonand the tongue of those who speak nonsense willhurry to speak clearly. For the Hebrew the lev/levav (heart) is not the seatof emotion. The heart is the point of convergencefor all aspects ofthe human existence, while it manifests emotion it is not the sole domain of emotion. Therefore, we understand “heart” to mean “core being”. Thus when the Scripture says “The heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperatelywicked” (Jeremiah 17:9) it does not mean “The emotion of man (alone) is deceitful above all things and desperatelywicked”, ratherit means “Humanity now has a fallen nature that is manifestedwithin the core of its existence”.In terms of rabbinical nomenclature we would call this sin affectedaspectof our nature “Yetzer ha-ra” inclination of the evil.
  • 42. In the present text the core being of the hasty and anxious personwill be set free to receive and understand the knowledge that comes from Hashem. In addition, the one who is undecided and speaks nonsense willbe set free to speak clearlyand relay the righteous paths of Hashem. All this is the fruit of the reign of the King of Righteousnessmentionedin verse 1. Isa 32:5 lenaval The vile fool will no longer be callednadiyv generous, nor the scoundrel(withholder) said to be shoa noble, free. "the wickedman shall be no more called just, and they that transgress His word shall not be called mighty.'' – Targum Yonatan (2nd Century CE/AD) The Hebrew naval denotes villainy and foolishness. The foolNabal is famous for his mistreatment of David and his men (1 Sam. 25). The Hebrew text of verse 5 is a transliterated word play “lo yikarei od naval nadiyv”. This verse is saying that the truth will no longer be made a lie by the upside down nature of the wickedtongue. The vile will be known for who they are and the scoundrel will no longerbe seenas noble. Isa 32:6 For naval a vile fool will speak vile, foolish words, ve’libo and his core being (heart) will make wickedness, to practice godless hypocrisy, and to speak error againstHaShem(YHVH: Mercy), to make empty nefeshthe soul of the hungry, and he will cause the irrigation of the thirsty to fail. This is a vehement denunciation of the ruling class ofJerusalemthat explicitly calls out their vile behaviour and hypocrisy. The King of verse 1 will illuminate the truth of their actions and evil will be seenfor what it is. It is
  • 43. often true that a soft heart that has been deluded by lies is quick to repent when facedwith the realization of evil’s true nature. We note that those being exposedare speaking error againstGod(YHVH: Mercy) and that the result is hunger of the soul(nefesh) and not the stomach (beten). In other words the wickedness ofJerusalem’s rulers and priests has produced a spiritual hunger in the unlearned classes andhas meant that the irrigation of Biblical teaching has been stopped up, preventing the people from receiving the streams of waterthat would otherwise have flowed forth to them. However, verse 1 pre-empts this with the promise of the King of Righteousness, Who will come as streams of life giving water. The Targum of Yonatan supports this understanding: "to make the soul of the righteous weary, who desire doctrine, as a hungry man bread; and the words of the law, which are as waterto him that is thirsty, they think to cause to cease.'' Isa 32:7 Vecheilay And a scoundrel’s (withholder) keilayn instruments, vessels, utensils, are raiym evil, injurious: hu he zimot plans to counsel le’chabeilto bind aniyiym the humble, afflicted, poor beimreiy with speechof deception, uvdabeir when the words evyon of the needy seek justice. The instruments of the withholder are those of the false shepherd (Zechariah 11:15), sent againstIsraelby Adonay Himself. These false shepherds, like those of Zechariah’s time, have claimed to worship Adonay but have instead
  • 44. syncretisedthe faith of Israeland birthed the idolatry of compromise. Their deceptive teaching has severelyafflicted those who most needed their care and their words had denied the needy justice. This in complete opposition to the coming King and His just princes. Isa 32:8 venadiyv And the generous one counsels nediyvot generous things; vehu and he, al upon nediyvot generosityyakum arises. Once againIbn Ezra and others claim that this refers to Hezekiah. Once again, if it does, it is only so in the sense that Hezekiahis a type for the Messiah. However, there is no explicit evidence of Hezekiah acting in this way toward the people of Jerusalemand Judea during his reign. In fact, this verse is referring back to the Righteous King of verse 1 Who’s generous counselwill produce generous outcomes as He arises in Israeland reveals His characterto those being redeemed through Him. We note that He arises upon generosity meaning that generosityis an attribute of His character. Isa 32:9 Women of leisure; komenaharise shemanah listen, hear, receive, understand koli my voice, banot daughters botchot trusting; hazeinah give ear to imratiy my speech. From the very beginning of Isaiah’s prophetic ministry he has pointed out that the fruit of moral decayis often made manifest in a care free, flirtatious and selfishlifestyle (Isa. 3:16-26). This had continued to be the case in the lives of Judah’s leading women. Thus, he once againwarns those same womenof their need to listen to Hashem and repent of their self-idolatry. Isaiahuses a formula that is familiar to the writings of the prophets Moses and Amos (A contemporary of Isaiah).
  • 45. “And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearkenunto my speech:” -Genesis 4:23 “Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria…” -Amos 6:1 Notice the use of the Hebrew “botchot” trusting, a feminine plural from the root batach. The point is, “What are you trusting in?” So we see that it is not trust that is important so much as who or what we place our trust in. Ibn Ezra sees these womenas allegoricalof the towns of Samaria. Isa 32:10 Yamiym Days upon shanah a year will tirgaznah agitate, trouble, perturb you, botechottrusting ones: for the vintage will cease,the gathering will be worn out and be brought in. Ibn Ezra suggeststhat “yamiym al shanah” equates to “shanahal shanah” year after year. However, this is unlikely given the similar use of shanah elsewhere in Scripture as alluded to by the Scholars Keil & Delitzch: “Shanahis the current year. In an undefined number of days, at the most a year from the presenttime (which is sometimes the meaning of yamiym).” - Keil & Delitzch
  • 46. Therefore, whatseems to be meant here is that “Within the days of the current year, you trusting daughters will be troubled, for the vintage will ceaseand before you get even a small amount of the harvestcollectedyou will find it to be devoid of any realvalue.” This is most likely in reference to the invasion of Sennacheribthe Assyrian ruler, who invaded Judea in 704 BCE/BC and brought devastationand ruin to the land causing the harvest to ceaseand the ingathering to fail. This means that Isaiahprophesied these words approximately 702-703, a yearor so prior to the Assyrian invasion of Judea. Isa 32:11 Chirdu Tremble, be afraid, women of leisure; regazahquake, rage, be agitated, botechottrusting ones:veorah make yourself bare, and gird your loins. This is both a warning of the natural outcome of invasion and at the same time a call to repentance. The phrase “veorah” is often linked to the donning of sackclothand is a symbol and practice of repentance and genuine sorrow for sin as well as a sign of mourning. These words are reminiscent of the words of the prophet Joel: “Gird yourselves, and lament, ye priests: howl, ye ministers of the altar: come, lie all night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God: for the meat offering and the drink offering is withheld from the house of your God.” -Joel1:13 “Gird your loins” means prepare to flee.
  • 47. Isa 32:12 Upon your shadayim breasts, wail, mourn, upon the shedeiy- chemed field of delight, upon the fruitful vine. Like sackcloth, the beating of the breast is a sign of mourning and repentance. Here it will be done in response to the failing fields of Judea at the coming invasion of the Assyrian army. There is a word play here that links the Hebrew shadayim (breasts) to the shedeiy (field). Isa 32:13 Upon adamat the land ami of my people thorns and sharp stones will come up; for, upon all the houses of masos exaltationin the village jubilant: The sharp stones and thorns are both literal and allegorical. The stones and thorns that burden the soilof the middle eastare the bane of the farmers existence. Theymust be removed constantlyor they will cause the crop to fail and the feet of the workers to become bruised and cut. Spiritually speaking Israel’s failure to remove the stones and thorns of idolatry and sin will result in the failing of the spiritual crop, even in that city that has been exalted as holy and celebratedwith pilgrimage. “The village Jubilant” is most likely a poetic title for Jerusalem. Both God and the prophet continue to callIsrael, and in particular Judah, “My people”. Godand the prophet Isaiahare suffering the grief and heartbreak of the suffering of Israel, even when that suffering is the result of the sin choices ofthe people. Israel, ethnic-religious is always God’s people. Her identity is not measured by her actions.
  • 48. Isa 32:14 Because a palace will be forsaken;a multitude in anguish will leave a ofel vebachanhill fort, and a watchtower will become surrounded by dens ad-olam perpetually forever (in the world), an exaltation of wild asses, a pasture of flocks; “Armon” palace is singular, "the palace", meaning the royal palace. Thus, Iben Ezra and Yarchi interpret it of the king's palace in Jerusalem. The Targum of Yonatan paraphrases armon as “the house of the sanctuary”, or the temple, which was eventually left desolate. Messiahforetoldthis in Matthew 23:38. “Ofelvebachan” are saidby some to be the names of two towers in Jerusalem. “Ofel” is locatedon the south-easternfortified slope of the temple mountain (2 Chronicles 27:3). The “watchtower” is translated by some (Rashi) to refer to the ramparts or citadel (Ibn Ezra) of Jerusalembut may also be understood to be the same as the “Towerof the flock” mentioned in Micah4:8. Migdal Eder (Towerof Eder [flock]), which is locatedin Bethlehem. The Hebrew “ad-olam” must be understood relative to the “olam” world it refers to. There are essentiallytwo worlds:the olam hazeh, literally “world this one”, and olam haba “world the coming” or “the world to come”, meaning eternity. Thus, in the present passagethe contextof “ad” perpetually going round “olam” forever, or in the world, refers to the olam hazeh (present world) rather than the olam haba (world to come).
  • 49. Therefore, the desolationbeing spokenof is repeatedover and again throughout Israel’s history until the Righteous King of Isaiah32:1 returns to deliver Jerusalemand unite it to the heavenly Jerusalemwhich will exist in the olam haba ad-olam “In the world to come perpetually forever”. Isa 32:15 Ad Until yeiareh naked, uncovered, poured out emptied aleiynu on us ruach spirit, wind, breath, from on high, and it comes to pass that midbar the wilderness will be a fruitful field, vehacarmeland the Carmel (fruitful field) be a forestyeichasheivof esteem, value, (countless). The theme of verses 15 to 20 is one of restoration, which will come to a repentant Jerusalem. The city being defined by its inhabitants. The plain meaning is that the desolationdecreedagainstJerusalemwill continue throughout history until Israelreceives the unveiled Spirit of God and repents of her sin. As a result she will experience fruitfulness both physical and spiritual, even in the barren wilderness. “Ad” until, means, the desolationdescribedin the previous verses will continue to come againstJerusalem, Judahand all Israel until the unveiled Spirit is poured out upon the Jewishpeople (Israelethnic, religious) from above. That is until the Spirit of God is poured out upon the repentant Jewish people. The Hebrew “yeiareh” means naked, uncovered, emptied and figuratively, poured out. This is a description of intimacy and relational force. The Spirit is to be revealedunveiled to the people of Israel. We know that this work of redemptive revelationwas begun in Jerusalem(Judah, Israel)in the first century CE/AD (Acts 2). Ethnic Jews from throughout the world receivedthe
  • 50. Spirit of Godat the aliyot festivalcelebrationof Sukkot(Pentecost) [approximately 33 to 39 CE/AD]. The accountof Acts 2 details the Spirit descending like fire, another symbol of naked, unveiled power, and recalls the Jewishtradition that says fire descendedupon the elders of Israel at the giving of the Torahat Sinai. We note that this was the inception, the beginning of the full filling of this prophesied promise of Isaiah. While the salvation of the Jewishpeople has begun and continues as eachone turns to God through Yeshua the Messiah (Righteous King of verse 1), it will not be complete until the fullness of the nations have come to Messiah, atwhich time those MessianicJews who have already receivedthe Spirit from above will be joined by the remnant of ethnic religious Israel(Romans 11:25-26). WhenShaul (Paul) says “a partial hardening has come to Israel” it means that part of ethnic Israel continues to resistMessiahwhile other ethnic Jews acceptHim. When Shaul (Paul) says “in this way all Israelwill be saved” it means that following the salvationof the fullness of the nations the remnant of Israel(ethnic) who remain in disbelief will receive Messiahand be joined to those who are already Messianic Jews(ethnic), thus, all Israel(ethnic) will be saved and reunited in Messiah. The Hebrew “midbar” meaning wilderness, pasture, uninhabited land, comes from the rootdabar meaning essence, thing, word etc. In fact midbar seems to be a contractionof the Hebrew “me” meaning from, and “davar” meaning word, essence. Therefore, as a remez we canread “from the word will come fruitfulness.” The Word is Messiah, the fruit is right actionborn of Messiahin us. Isa 32:16 VeshakhanAnd dwelling bamidbar in the wilderness (ba-in, & mi- from the, d’bar-word), mishpat judgment utzedakahand righteousness bacarmelin the Carmel (fruitful land) teishev will dwell, remain, abide.
  • 51. “And dwelling in and from the Word, right judgements and righteousness we will abide in the fruit of right action.” “shakhan” is the rootfrom which we get “Mishkhan” The Tent of Meeting where the Kadosh HaShem (Glory of YHVH) would presence Himself while Israelcamped in the desert. Isa 32:17 And the work of righteousness willbe peace;va’avodatand the service (effect)of ha-tzadakah the righteousness, ha-shekheitthe shut it (quietness) vavetachand security (trust) ad-olam perpetually forever (in the world). This verse begins with a powerful and timeless statement. “The work of righteousness willbe peace”.Peace is not the result of military poweror political alliances but of right action. That is, righteous faith that bears right action. In fact the Scripture says “Forno one is righteous, not even one” (Psalm51:4) and “No one living is righteous before You” (Psalm143:2) and “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Daniel 9:11; Romans 3:23) and still further, “Our righteousness is like menstrual rags” (Isaiah64:6). Therefore, only God and His Messiahare truly righteous. Thus verse 17 draws the reader’s attention back to the first verse of this chapter and the righteousness ofthe King. Thus, we can read “The work of Righteousness Himself will bring peace.”Nottemporal but lasting peace. Yeshua illuminates this truth further:
  • 52. “Then they askedHim, ‘What must we do to do the works Godrequires?’ Yeshua answered, ‘The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.’” -Yochanan (John) 6:28-29 This work of righteousness continues within the present world until it meets the world to come. It is utter nonsense to claim as Iben Ezra does, that the peace born of righteousness describedhere happened during Hezekiah’s reign. The Scripture itself testifies againstthis interpretation. Israeldid not enjoy any lasting peace during the reign of Hezekiah. One might best describe Hezekiah’s reign as a temporary reprieve, almostruined completely by Hezekiah’s own compromisedfaith journey. Isa 32:18 VeyashavAnd dwelling ami My people in an binevah abode (shepherd shelter) of peace, uvmishkenot and in dwellings, mivtachiym of trusting, refuge, confidence, uvimnuchot and in resting places shaananot secure, quiet, at ease; Under the reign of the Righteous King Messiah“Mypeople” will dwell in the abode of The Shepherd (God, Yeshua), and in dwellings of trust and refuge. Resting secure. This is a picture of the Mishkhan(Tent of Meeting)and the sukkot(dwellings) of Israel while she wondered the desert. Uvmishkenot uses the feminine plural form of Mishkhan. This poetic image is transferred to the Messianic reignand the city of the New Jerusalem, where there will be no Temple, but God Himself and the Lamb will be its Temple (Revelation21:22).
  • 53. Isa 32:19 Uvarad And it will hail, coming down on the forest; and the city shall be low in a low place. Having concludedthe prophecy concerning the redemption and peace of Israelthe prophet now turns back to the coming destructionof Israel’s enemies. Specificallythe hail coming againstthe forest, which is connectedto Assyria’s army in Isaiah10:34, and againstthe prosperity and pride of Nineveh the capitalof Assyria, which is figuratively called a low place and is ironically made lowerstill. Isa 32:20 Ashreiychem Happily Blessedare you that scatterseedupon all mayim waters, meshalesheiythat send forth the feet of the ox and the ass. As quickly as the prophet had digressed, he now returns to the subjectat hand, that of Israel’s future redemption and the conditions she will enjoy under the reign of the King of Righteousness. Seedscatteredonmany waters is an idiom that conveys fruitfulness and life born of living and abundant watersupply. The sending forth of the feet of the ox and ass is a picture of the shore footed path of livestock, from the strong animals used for ploughing and threshing to the domestic animals of burden, all will be readily available to Israelin the Messianic Kingdom. This kingdom will begin in the olam hazeh (present world) and converge with the olam haba (world to come). Copyright 2018 YaakovBrown Until the Spirit is Poured Out from on High
  • 54. by Chad Roberts | Church Life, Holy Spirit | Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Contributor: Chad Roberts I was in the DominicanRepublic preaching in many wonderful churches when the Lord showedme this particular Scripture. I had felt a strong connection to the congregations Iwas visiting on the island, and I knew this was a word, “in season” forthe people of God. It seems when I travel to other cultures and worship with other churches, not only do I appreciate a God who is globalin His glory and worship, but it also deepens my affections for my own congregation, the people whom God has called me to serve and minister to. Those are the times I feelI can most feel the pastor’s heart God has graciously given me. The Lord sent me to one church where the congregationhad sadly lost their pastor to an untimely death a short time before I arrived. I met the associate
  • 55. pastor, (who was now the lead pastor). As I watchedhim pray fervently, I could sense that the Spirit of God was on him and that God had anointing him for this greattask. When it came my time to speak, I pleaded with the Lord to give me the right Scripture that would bring help and comfort to this hurting congregation. It was Isaiah32:15 that the Lord placed on my heart. For me, it is a greatpromise as well as a greatchallenge to the Church of Jesus Christ. It is a reminder that God is at work among His people, but there is a responsibility on our part before seeing such a promise fulfilled. I want to invite you to unpack this tremendous verse with me phrase by phrase. Isaiah 32:15 says, “Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is deemed a forest.” Until the Spirit is poured out upon us from on high The responsibility we have as Christ followers todayis to seek the powerand presence ofthe Holy Spirit. I feel this need so deeply because churches have fallen into a trap of thinking we cando Church without the help of the Holy Spirit. I am convincedthat if we are not careful, we could assemble ourselves,sing our songs, pray our prayers, and preachour sermons and even if the Holy Spirit was not felt or even recognized, we would still leave thinking it was a goodservice. This ought not to be! How often do we actively seek the Holy Spirit in our times of gathering? How often do we plead with Him and remind Him that unless He comes and blesses ourgatherings and unless He blesses the preaching and studying of His Word, then our attempts are futile? Your church and my church would do well to seek the Holy Spirit more than ever to be, “Pouredout from on high.” When the Holy Spirit comes, He brings power, comfort, peace, joy, and healing. How in the world can we think we can do Church apart from His help? Now, if that is the case with Church services, how much more so is it in life? If we cannot do Church right without the help of the Spirit, what makes us think we can live the Christian life we should without His empowerment and
  • 56. enablement? If it is this critical to Church to have the help of the Holy Spirit, is it not even more important to have His help in our daily lives? Humble Beginnings In the early days of PCC, all we had was the Holy Spirit, and I quickly discoveredthat was enough!Mostpeople today do not realize that PCC began with such humble beginnings. We truly did not have anything. All I had was a dream…a vision really, and that was about it. I remember vividly that as we prepared for our launch service on January 6, 2001, I rented the conference room of a hotel that could seatabout 100 people. My church had less than 10 people, 2 flower pots, a lamp and 4 homemade offering plates. That is literally all we had. Imagine my surprise when I went to LifeWay to purchase offering plates for my new church only to discoverthat I could not afford them because they were $200!I was so discouraged. Satanwas right there telling me, “How can you build a church when you can’t even buy offering plates?” I could feelhim laughing at me. A wonderful and precious lady to me, Betty Hawkins, who went to be with the Lord in 2003, wentto Carolina pottery and homemade a setof offering plates for me. Today, we have the nice offering plates, but I still have those beautiful, humble plates in my library. They are a sweetreminder to me of God’s help in a difficult time. Our first service on January 6, 2001, had approximately 60 people attend (mostly friends who were supporting our vision), and I was so excited that I forgot to take an offering! But the point is, we did not have any of the things my Church has today exceptone thing…Prayer! When a Church (whether it is 10 people, 100 people or 1,000 people)gets serious aboutseeking the Holy Spirit through prayer, you can be assuredthat He will be “Pouredout from on high.” As I watch my congregationgrow, Irealize all the more that it Is not more technologywe need, it is not biggerbudgets or better marketing. NO! What we need more today than we did back then is the powerof the Holy Spirit, for
  • 57. nothing can replace it! May the Spirit be poured out from on high upon your church and upon my church! The wilderness becomes a fruitful field I was in Pensacola,Florida when the Lord told me that it was time to launch my church. The problem was that I was only 19 years old! I was not married and did not have a family, I had never pastoreda church as a lead pastor. I felt as unqualified as anyone could possibly feel. I did not have a launch team…I didn’t even have one single church member yet! But none of those factors would matter because I knew in my heart that Godwas calling me to plant this Church and to do it now! The Holy Spirit firmly told me that delaying planting the Church would be direct disobedience to His will for my life. So, where do you begin such a task, I questioned God. I didn’t have a building, I didn’t have a budget…I did not even have one single church member. How do you start a church without any people? I hadn’t been to Bible College orSeminary. I remember asking the Lord, “Whatwill I say to people when they ask me, ‘Where did you go to seminary?’ You know what the Lord said to me? “Chad, you will never leadsomeone to Me, or pray for healing and counseltheir grief that someone will ask, ‘Where did you go to school.’” It would be a humbling journey, and while it is not the path for most, it was the path God had for me. So here I was, driving North Interstate 65, afraid to say, “Yes” to the Lord, because I felt so unqualified to do what He was instructing me to do. But God promised me that if I would trust Him and step out in faith that I would never be alone. Even though I did not understand near as much back then as I do today…one thing I got right was this, I had to have the help of the Lord. If we did not have the Spirit of the Lord, then all we would be is a group of people, not a church. And so all these years, through all the growth, all the trials, all the ups and downs the Lord has been faithful. His Spirit has poured out upon us! He has met with us eachtime we have gathered and I can honestly say that I have
  • 58. never experienceda service or any other gathering at PCC that the Lord was not in our midst! What was a wilderness (no people, no money, no building…nothing), Godhas made it into a fruitful field. Even as I type this, my heart overflows with gratitude to the Lord! And the fruitful field is deemed a forest When you commit to going God’s way, you can trust that it is going to be an exciting journey. I am so thankful the Lord does not leave us to ourselves, but He continuously guides us because He wants to take us from, “Gloryto glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18). In my ministry, part of this process has beenwatching the Lord take a barren wilderness, turning it into a fruitful field, and now I am trusting that it will become a forest! While I do not know fully what or how the Lord will accomplishthis, what I do know is that the Lord’s purpose will “prevail” (Proverbs 19:21). In your life, are you expecting the Lord to bring growth? Are you living with an anticipation that God is not finished with you and that your latter years will be greaterthan the former? Look to the Lord and let your faith grow as you look back to what He has done and you look forward to what He is going to do. One of the greatestlessons Ihave learned through the years of watching the Lord build His Church, it is this…that God is always working!And that means that God is always at work in your own life. So do not be discouraged, even if it seems Godis silent or if feels that God is going to do what He promised you. I want to remind you that God is faithful and He will help you. It might be that the greatestneedyou have in your own life is for, “The Spirit to be poured out from on high.” Ask the Lord to help you first by filling you with His Spirit. Then what is a barren wilderness in your life can then become a fruitful field and will one day become a forest to God’s great glory.
  • 59. The Spirit Be PouredUpon Us Proverbs 1:22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? 23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. Isaiah32:13 Upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briers; yea, upon all the houses of joy in the joyous city: 14 Because the palaces shallbe forsaken;the multitude of the city shall be left; the forts and towers shall be for dens for ever, a joy of wild asses, a pasture of flocks; 15 Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest. Isaiah44:2 Thus saith the LORD that made thee, and formed thee from the womb, which will help thee; Fearnot, O Jacob, my servant; and thou, Jesurun, whom I have chosen. 3 For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring: 4 And they shall spring up as among the grass, as willows by the water courses. Ezekiel39:27 When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies'lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations; 28 Then shall they know that I am the LORD their God, which causedthem to be led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gatheredthem unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there.
  • 60. 29 Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD. Joel2:27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else:and my people shall never be ashamed. 28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: 29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. Zechariah 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come againstJerusalem. 10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. Acts 2:14 But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearkento my words: 15 For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. 16 But this is that which was spokenby the prophet Joel; 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: 19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: