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The King of Kings Revealed
In these Last Days
The King of Kings Revealed
By Leader Olumba Olumba Obu
Compiled by: 144 George Morales
Brotherhood of The Cross and Star
The King of Kings Revealed
In these Last Days
The King of Kings Revealed
Brotherhood of The Cross and Star
By Leader Olumba Olumba Obu
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is on the ThroneThe King of Kings and Lord of Lords is on the Throne
We thank the father for the fulfillment of the
promise by our lord Jesus Christ.
“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost,
Whom the Father will send in my name,
he shall teach you all things,
and bring all things to your remembrance,
Whatsoever I have said unto you.”
(John 14:26)
“In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said,
I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
That thou hid these things from the wise and prudent,
And hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father;
For so it seemed good in thy sight.”
(Luke 10:21)
To the end that my glory may sing
Your praise and not be silent. O Lord my God,
I will give thanks to you forever!
(Psalm 30:12)
We thank the Father for the way
He has used his daughter towards the contribution
Of this wonderful book in the pain staking editing
And grammar corrections that has been made.
May our heavenly father Leader Olumba Olumba Obu truly
Bless his daughter, Princess Baptiste for her work.
These special compiled Gospels revealing the
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
to the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star
world and the world at large are to the eye-opening
spiritual awakening of our brethren.
To the true children of the living God
I pray the father lead you to the
accurate knowledge of truth as the
first begotten son of God
has arrived and is on the throne.
Thank You Father
The Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe Leader Olumba Olumba Obu revealed the sacrificial
lamb to the world on Saturday, July 21, 2001 while concluding the morning devotion. Inviting is
Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu to the Hall, the Almighty Father stated, "The entire humanity has
sinned and have fallen short of God's glory." He then instructed the brethren to confess their sins
and ask for forgiveness; after which the first begotten of righteousness is to pray for the
forgiveness of the sins of mankind. "The Lamb that was sacrificed for the propitiation of the sins
of mankind has manifested in flesh and blood. He is today revealed to the entire world as the
King of kings and Lord of Lords; call him to come and continue the service," the Father
affirmed. Then with a loud voice, he invited the king of kings into the great Hall; on his arrival
the Holy Father directed that he should conduct the divine service. "I want the king of kings to
conduct subsequent services.” He declared.
The father, creator and revealer of all spirits went on to ask, "If you were told that it is for the
sake of the King of Kings and Lord of lords that the sins of mankind are forgiven, would you
have believed?” The sins of mankind are blotted out for his sake yet people call him thief,
murder, prostitute, liar, vampire, sorcerers and herbalist." The Holy Father maintained.
His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, the King of kings and Lord of lords who promptly appeared
in the hall in answer to the fathers call was directed by the father to render a brief prayer for and
on behalf of humanity. Directing him on what to plead for in the prayer, the father instructed that
the prayer should be, "Father forgive our sins, protect and bless us, including all the inhabitant of
the world.
Disclosing the significance of forgiveness, the father said, "forgiveness is the beginning of
wisdom, therefore every creature should confess all his sins, for the promise which he made to
forgive every sin, even if it is as red as Crimson has today been fulfilled; and salvation, peace,
love, protection, joy, Liberty, mercy and prosperity have all been bestowed on mankind."
After the brief prayer by his Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, the King of kings, the Holy Father
enjoined everybody to hearken to what he has said and co-exist in love.
Table of Contents
What is Brotherhood of the Cross and Star~~~~~1
Who is the King of Kings? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5
The authorization of the King of Kings ~~~~~~10
The First begotten Son of God~~~~~~~~~~~~~18
The Manifestation of the Son of God~~~~~~~~25
The Crown of Thorns Now Thorn of Glory~~~36
The Divine Kingship of Christ~~~~~~~~~~~~44
The Lord of the New Age~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~48
The Reign of the King of Kings ~~~~~~~~~~~59
And the handkerchief, which had been about his head, not lying with the linen cloths, but
folded in a place by itself.
One body and one spirit, even as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one
faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and throughout all, in us all.
Honor all men; love the brotherhood; fear God; honor the king.
Dear brethren, we want to reveal an important thing to you. The three lessons will give you
an idea of what we are going to reveal. So please, be attentive. You may say that you know
what Brotherhood means, but we know from our hearts, that no one knows the meaning.
People have interpreted different ways. It is as a result of these misconceptions that we have
decided to take this opportunity to preach this gospel. Therefore, today shall go down in
history as a great day: a day of revelation; a day Brotherhood will be revealed to the world.
Professors of history from different universities have from time to time been coming to tell
us the Origin of Brotherhood. We have in each case laughed at the limitation of their wisdom
and have asked them to go and love one another. Anyone on the surface of the globe who
tells you that he has known the foundation of Brotherhood does not tell the truth.
In this Gospel, we are not including the words, "Cross and star," but Brotherhood only.
Search yourselves, you who say, that you are not Brotherhood, whether you are not
Brotherhood. What is the meaning of Brotherhood? It means God, Christ and the Angels. It
means the people of this world, the fishes in the water, the trees in the forests, the grass that
grows in the fields, and the ground we walk on. Brotherhood means the sky, the Wind, the
Moon, the Sun, the Stars. It means the worms, the ants, and the birds. Brotherhood means
every four-footed animal and every creeping thing. In short, Brotherhood means everything
created by God. Brotherhood means oneness. God and everything created by him put
together are Brotherhood.
Who owns Brotherhood? It is God who owns, rules and leads it. But Christ takes charge.
What are the duties of Angels? They are servants in Brotherhood. What are the duties of
people? They too, are workers in Brotherhood. The Stars, Sun, Moon, Fishes, Animals,
Birds, etc., are all workers in Brotherhood.
Brotherhood means oneness. It is the word it is the truth. What is the word? It is God, Christ,
human beings; it is everything in the world. Brotherhood is the word of God. Why is it that
people of this world do not know what Brotherhood means? It is because it is not given to
them to understand. Brotherhood is not a Society it is not a Cult. It is the Spirit of Love. I am
Brotherhood you are Brotherhood. You do not need to say, "I want to be Brotherhood." You
are Brotherhood whether you like it or not. Everybody is Brotherhood. To those who want to
know its origin, we say Brotherhood has no origin. It has no beginning it has no end. Except
a person wants to know the origin of God. Brotherhood was not founded by Christ, angels or
man. It was founded by God himself. God the founder is Love. It is truth; it is good manners,
mercy, and patience. It is humility, meekness, and unity. It is oneness; it is one thought, one
mind, one spirit, one faith, and one hope. There is no division in Brotherhood. From the
smallest child in the cradle to the oldest man: from the smallest village to the biggest city: all
countries in the world put together are Brotherhood.
Anybody who wants to follow me, but does not want to take up the Cross after me, cannot be
my follower (CHRIST). Brethren, our Gospel is about the CROSS. After that celebrated
Gospel on what is Brotherhood during the Pentecostal Convention, many had thought the
Gospels on the Cross and Star would follow. But since my Father did not give the signal
throughout the convention, I could not do anything more than to allow his will to prevail.
This afternoon brethren, it has pleased him and he has given the signal that I should do so.
Therefore, I shall be failing in my duty as his mouthpiece, if I should fail to give you the
Gospel on the 'Cross' today.
Some think to give alms means carrying the Cross: others think that to heal the sick by
praying, means carrying the Cross. Others think to pray three times a day means carrying the
Cross; yet another class of people thinks that to pay tithe, Freewill Offering and Charity
means carrying the Cross. The Cross-has been made into different forms. Some hang it
around their necks; some hang it on their walls. Christ says we should carry the Cross. Do all
those things mean you are carrying the Cross? We all know that Christ fell down with the
Cross-as he was carrying it to Calvary. Does carrying the Cross mean that a piece of wood
has to be carried? Without the Cross, the world could not have been saved. The Cross-is light
and it can also be heavy. For the world to be in perfect peace, each of us must carry the
By what means does one convert a smoker, a snuffer, a fornicator, a thief, a murderer, a
back-stabber, or a liar? Is it by carrying the Cross? If we all should decide today to take up
the Cross, the sins of the world would vanish immediately. What is the Cross? Is it vision and
prophecy? Or building houses for people: giving food to people, buying clothes for them? If
Jesus had only healed and prophesied without carrying the Cross, his work could come to
If you buy a vehicle for brethren to go on ministry works so that their job is less difficult, you
are not carrying the Cross. The Cross-is not as immense as you might have imagined. It is
very small, it is light, but it is also very heavy. What is the Cross? Cross means bearing
another's burdens without complaining: tolerating all sinners, murderers, thieves, and back-
stabbers, etc. If one accuses you falsely, yet you stand firm with Christ: if you are spat on,
jeered at, disgraced without any cause: if you are insulted without just cause, yet you tolerate
such a person wholeheartedly, you are carrying the Cross. If you are informed that someone
has planned to kill you and you will not run away, then you are carrying the Cross. To carry
the Cross does not cost anything. To be able to carry the Cross, you must resign yourself
completely to God. You must be loving, humble, you must have patience, you must
be forgiving, you must see another person as being better than yourself, you must not
be envious. If Jesus did not possess these qualities, he could not have carried the Cross. If
you remain with a cunning man without hurting his feelings for being crafty, if you can stay
with a notorious liar, happily, without stirring up his anger when he tells you a lie, when one
persecutes you falsely and seeks to destroy your life, yet you tolerate him, you are carrying
the real Cross.
You have read in the scriptures about a secret name. That secret name is the Star. The Star is
Christ. The Star is the glory of God and it is the glory of Christ. The Star is the revelation
of God. It is the hidden name that no one knows. The Star indicates the reign and the glory of
Christ. The Star here does not refer to the constellation above. The Star means the brightness
of God and the power of his reign. The Star is the peace of the Almighty God that governs
the universe. There is no other Monarch other than Christ, the Star. From his birth, the great
light has been shinning over Christ's head. It is the only light that shines the whole world
over. Therefore, it is not enough for someone to be a Brotherhood only, or to carry the Cross
alone, but to be worthy children of the Kingdom. To be worthy children of the Kingdom of
God we must be of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. The Star indicates those who will
rule and are ruling with him. The Star is the ruler of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star.
He is Christ, and Christ did not come alone. The Father is here, the Son is here and the Holy
Spirit is here. He is in the Father, Christ is the City of which we are told. No light is needed,
because he shines there. The father and the son shine to eternity.
The name of the morning Star is known to Christ alone and is not known to human beings.
We worship the Star, which is Christ. The Cross-we must carry. The Star is the glory that
reigns over the world. In his first coming, Christ passed through pain and tribulation. The
primary aim of his second coming is to rule in glory. It is the glory indicative of his reign. He
is coming to take up his kingship and rule. His kingdom is here on Earth. The Star means
Christ, his glory and that of his father. He has arrived with the father to live with men on
earth. He comes in glory to rule the whole world. He has not come to serve, suffer and die, as
he did in his first coming. Each time the almighty father sends his Son out; he gives him a
new name. His disciples were also given different names. When he departed from the world,
his disciples were called Christians. When he worked among men, he was called Jesus. He
asked his disciples, "Who do men say that I am?" He was told; he was the Christ, the Son of
God. He warned them not to call him that name and requested them to keep it a secret to
themselves. God knows best why his Son should be given a new name each time he is sent to
earth. When you hear the name Christ, you cannot say who the Anointed One is.
When he is called Star, you cannot distinguish one from the other. The Star radiates light.
His glory and his reign go into eternity. Christ is the light, he is Jehovah God. Imagine how
sweet the name sounds in a believer's ear. It is the light that blinded Saul on his way to
Damascus. Christ's name is only known to the father and the Son.
And again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the
angels of God worship him.
And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of kings, and Lord of
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name, which is above every
name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in
earth, and things under the earth.
Brethren, the above lesson explains the revelation we have for you. The world does not know
the meaning of Christ and Jesus. Even members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star do not
know the meaning of Christ. Most churches are expecting him to be born in their midst, to
be one of their Bishops or Popes or Priests. Who rules now, Churches or Governments?
When the father revealed our Lord Jesus Christ through Apostle Peter, our Lord Jesus Christ
cautioned him to tell no man because it was not yet time for him to be revealed. It is
said that "no one knows the Son except the Father and no one knows the Father except the
Son and he to whomever the Son will reveal him." This is the fullness of time and the hosts
of heaven are being revealed gradually. The Holy Father has been revealed and all creation
bows to him and recognize him as the Solo Spiritual Head, the Creator and Ruler of the
heavens and earth. Nobody is known anymore in the flesh. If you want to know the Father
and know the truth, seek him in spirit.
I recently preached a sermon in which I declared: "The King of kings and Lord of Lords you
hear about is not Roland but God; the Executive council is God's... "If you are spiritually
minded and endowed with understanding you will realize the weight of that statement. You
would have known that the person revealed unto you as the King of kings and Lord of Lords
is God himself.
The Father in that sermon was implying that the King of king's name is not Roland but the
name of God (Olumba Olumba Obu). The Brotherhood world and the universe should know
that the name of the being that bears the title "King of kings and Lord of lords is not Roland."
He has been revealed. He is recognized and known in all planes of existence as "His
Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords."
When he was revealed some years ago, brethren used to address him as his divine majesty.
Then, I corrected them and proclaimed him as His Holiness “The King of Kings and Lord of
Lords.” The only divine majesty is the Holy Father LEADER Olumba Olumba Obu, the sole
spiritual head of the universe.
In this sermon I am going to spell out everything. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is
here. All creation knows that there is only one God who is now on earth dwelling with men
and he has a new name that has been revealed to the chosen ones. He has only one First
Begotten Son and has revealed him to the world as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; he
is the first-born of all creation and he is above all but subject to the Father alone for the
Father is all and all.
Lucifer boasted that he would not recognize or worship Christ because he is a small boy to
him. In his arrogance and pride he fell and was cast away from heaven forever. Let us respect
and hold fast what we have so that we won't lose it. The father loves and blesses those who
fear and respect him. If you challenge and dishonor the First Begotten Son of God, you
challenge and dishonor God himself and have to put yourself in prayers because you have
joined Lucifer and his rebellious angels and your portion shall be with them in the bottomless
ACT 5:39
But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it, lest haply ye be found even to fight against God."
We are witnesses to the fact that, the authority that rules the town is the government.
Before the establishment of a new denomination in a country, the authority or government is
usually consulted for authorization.
The ecclesiastical men are neither recognized nor honored; rather the antichrist called
kings are feared, honored, and worshipped. Only the kings and Queens of the world have the
royal prerogative over others even the millionaires. A king is greater than his other subjects.
The question now is this, are these kings recognized by the angels, spirits and celestial
bodies? If they are not, then they are fake kings because God did not give that status they
usurped it. The only King is Christ and he is the one kept and known by God.
People wonder why Jesus Christ chose to suffer on earth and die like a sacrificial lamb. The
answer is that, he wanted the Kingship, which is an everlasting one from God. Jesus Christ is
the King. Christ is a Hebrew name meaning the anointed King of the visible and invisible
worlds. You can be the Son of God and not a King. You can be a king of the moon or sun but
not of the whole Universe. The one hundred and forty four thousand followers of Christ are
kings who must rule under him for he is the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. Jesus was a
common Hebrew name and Christ means anointed King; therefore Jesus the King.
Jesus Christ the Son of God is a repetition like saying Jehovah God, which means God of
gods. The Efiks call a King, Obong, the Hebrew language is Christ, and all languages have
their own name for King.
The Kingship of Christ is not from man but from God the Father himself. This King must
rule the whole world both the terrestrial and celestial bodies visible and invisible. He has not
come as a Pope or Bishop but as the King to rule the whole world. Therefore, anyone who
believes that Christ is the King is saved. The earthly kings cannot rule the flesh and the
Spirit. There is no other King but Jesus Christ. God has not ordained any other one to
be King that was why he said, "I have not received my glory from man."
The earthly kings appointed by men are the cause of the tribulations, sorrows, hatred, envy,
wars and covetousness, which fill the world today. All these kings are antichrist's who
pervert the cause of nature for their own interest. This is the appointed time for the Son of
man to reign in the world. If people were to believe that Jesus Christ is the King of the world,
they would have obeyed him and would have been happy about it. In his kingdom, there is no
oppression or cheating. Where will you be if you reject him as your King?
Read: Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that
God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
The kings of this earth are not happy to hear that there is another King. However, they are not
bothered about the Pope and Bishops because they know they are still under them.
If the three, wise man had told Herod of a Bishop or Pope born to preach to the Jews, he
would not have ordered the massacre of babies. But to hear that a King has been born to rule
the Jews was an unpardonable and treasonable offense of the highest order. The
Apostles were killed because they preached that Jesus was the King. James was
killed because he preached that Jesus Christ was the King and no other. Anyone can be Jesus
for it is a common name, but Jesus Christ is the King.
Jesus Christ has come to take the Kingship preserved for him from the beginning of the
world. He has come to select his followers who will reign with him forever and ever. The
Moslems and the Hindus do not know the meaning of Christ and so cannot give him the
respect and honor due to him. People who know him forsake sins in order to be with him and
to reign with him.
Read the First Lesson:
And Jesus said unto them, verily I say unto you, that ye which have followed me, in the
regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon
twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
Brethren, you can now see why no earthly kingdom can stand. God's kingdom is at hand and
so no other kingdom will stand. All churches, kingdoms, king's, priests are under the king,
the earthly kings receive honor of men, even the church priest serve them Holy Communion
in their rooms. If Secret society members honor their head or leader, what then do you think
of Christ? He has come to rule the world and to reign forever with his elected ones. The one
hundred and forty-four thousand members will rule with him as kings in his kingdom. There
will be confusion and death in the world, so accept Christ as the King of all kings and be
Which king's name is powerful enough to raise the dead, heal the sick and drive away evil
spirits? In whose name can Lucifer and his evil angels tremble and bow? You are not a king
if you cannot rule yourself and the world of man and spirit. When we pray, "Thy Kingdom
come," it means Christ should reign. The children of Israel asked for a King because they
knew they had no King. Illness ants, beasts, spirits, and angels torment the earthly Kings.
They are powerless and helpless. They cannot control the wind, seas and the oceans. This is
true because they are self-made Kings.
Anyone who regards an earthly king as Christ is as stupid as the king he worships. Christ
rules at will and rules forever. Nobody is capable of dethroning or dictating to him. He came
as a slave in his first advent but in this Second Advent he has come as the King of kings and
Lord of lords.
Every man will see the glory of God; every ear will hear him and every tongue will confess
him as the King of kings and Lord of lords. He will arrange all things in order and will rule
over all. When Christ appears, all earthly kings and kingdoms will cease to be and he will
rule them with his chosen ones.
Read the Second Lesson:
And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of kings, and Lord of
Brethren, you can now see that his coming is with majesty and power to rule in his kingdom,
which has no beginning and no end. Who is he that will not obey him or who will not do his
will? There is no other government but his. The sun, moon, and stars will not shine without
his authority. All wrong things will be changed. The Son of man is coming to reign as was
ordained of him. He will elect his officers and establish a new government. The new people
will be stainless and will worship his name. In his name, every knee will bow and every
tongue will confess him as the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Adam was created first to rule over everything. An angel will not rule, no spirit will rule.
Man must rule, that is why Christ must rule as man, and all things must obey him; death and
Hades must obey him. Let us now use the power he has given us to work for him and serve
him so that we might be elected.
The King of kings and Lord of lords is on earth but the world has not known him. To be
qualified to reign with him, you must purify your hearts. Christ's election does not need
money, place of birth or academic qualification but holiness. Tell the kings of the earth to
humble themselves for the King of kings is here. Tell those living in other plants, the beasts
of the field and the birds of the air to be ready to receive him. Tell the angels and the
spirits to be humble, for the King is here.
Very soon, his influence will cover the heavens and the earth and all things will tremble at
his command. All creations will seek shelter from the King. Behold all things will be
made new. Churches, Schools and Universities will have a new start. Governments built on
fraud; greed and deceit will be no more. Houses and all that is built with blood money will be
pulled down, broken to pieces and a new start will be made. Families built on fornication and
evil will be separated. All satanic parents and children will perish. A new King comes with a
new law. A new King has been born into the world but the world does not know him.
Read the Golden Text:
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name, which is above every
name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in
earth, and things under the earth.
What name is greater than the New Name of Jesus Christ? You are all playing, the fools in
the world should be serious for the King is coming to inspect their works and will not spare
anyone. His name governs all things created by God and his name is above all names. Death
bows to him. He is seen physically and spiritually. There is no other way to salvation except
through the New Name of Jesus Christ.
Why do you choose the things of the world when the Lord is going to destroy them? His
scepter is love, compassion, humility, patience, and goodness. Any child who is disobedient
will perish. To whom will you make your appeal when he is the judge? Everything created
fears him. Therefore, prepare to receive and serve him equitably with joy. There is no way of
escape. He rules over the earth, heaven, and Hades. Whether his name is James or Okon, the
one ordained by God will rule everything and all must obey him.
He, who has ears to hear, let him hear. May the Lord bless the preaching of his word. Amen.
But this I say, he, which soweth sparingly, shall reap also sparingly; and he, which soweth
bountifully, shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so
let him give not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able
to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may
abound to every good work: As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the
poor: his righteousness remaineth forever. Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both
minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your
Brethren, the father has already blessed you. This is just to make it known to you that
whosoever does not possess a grateful heart is not worthy of him. That is why I have come to
thank the father. Today's meeting is education and welfare fellowship. Right now, I have
declared and given the king of kings the authority to address all fellowships everywhere. Do
not expect that the father will come out physically because once the king of kings comes out
it means the father has come out. All the blessings showered on you today are directly from
the father. Hence, I cannot add any more blessings but instead I will assist you momentarily.
Is that not the debt I you? You do not seek me for any other thing apart from receiving the
father's blessings. But no matter the amount of blessings showered on you, you still seek for
money. For that reason I have now come with the money. Re-examine the spiritual food.
But this I say, he, which soweth sparingly, shall reap also sparingly; and he, which soweth
bountifully, shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so
let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is
able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things,
may abound to every good work: (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to
the poor: his righteousness remaineth forever. Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both
minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your
righteousness ;)
That is what I have brought unto you. You have been blessed and I have shared in the
blessings. According to that passage, whosoever plants tuber of cocoyam would expect it to
multiply to have a bounteous harvest. Hence, we except good things.
The king of kings is the one to control everything. The education and welfare board is to take
care of all facets of man's endeavors, including the Christ spiritual Council of churches and
others. We expect every good thing starting from promotion to every other thing to
be straightened all over the world. Do not maintain the slogan that until the Father comes,
you will not be satisfied. If I may ask, is the king of kings not the father? The father in his
son has blessed us. Since you have been blessed, I have equally shared in the blessing of
today and I am filled. I only come to deliver this special message; now I can see everybody is
happy. The blessing, which the king of kings has showered on you are not from him but from
the father. All, the blessing, which ye have received here, are of the father. Do not distinguish
this blessing as coming from the Son, mother, etc.; there is no other blessing aside this, as
this is of the father. The Blessing has been showered on the entire world and it
is sufficient for all.
Normally, today being Friday is meant for the education and welfare board fellowship. They
expected the father to appear physically, which is why the father has come. Now, I
am making an introduction and declaration that whatever fellowship meeting may hold here,
such should be arranged and addressed by the king of kings. He is the one to arrange things
in their normal positions. Therefore all the fellowships starting from the woman, men's and
elders to the rest should receive instructions from him. Things have been changed today.
Therefore, all those who have not come, the father will change them and straighten
everything so as to enable us enjoy them.
I initially arranged the Education, Labor and Welfare Board to fall into three sections. The
Education section is a body on its own, Welfare is on its own and Labor taking the same
shape as an independent body. But those appointed to head the fellowship protested and
demanded that the three bodies be merged. They maintain that as time goes on, things would
be arranged properly to suite the fathers will. But till date nothing has been done. I had
wanted Education to be the body responsible for all the educational administration in this
kingdom. Labor is to tackle the spate of unemployment, the reason being that I do not want
any lazy man in brotherhood. I do not desire to have unemployed and unrighteous people.
That section was to take care of the unemployed and grant them employment so that they
climb high and be promoted. By so doing, those promoted would then have the urge
to render services unto God daily.
Welfare was to take care of the widows and inculcate good behavior in them. In a situation
where one wishes to marry a good wife or husband, they are the ones to look out for the best
behaved ones for them. There is no cheating in Brotherhood, swindling is not wanted here.
The welfare section is to ensure that all and sundry co-exist in peace and liberty. They are the
ones to seek freedom for people. There are no lies, deceit, cheating and oppression in
brotherhood. Welfare is to take care of all the welfare matters concerning brotherhood in the
world. No matter the caliber of people, whether they are lawyers, doctors, they are the ones
to look after them. Ironically, since the establishment of these sections there had been nobody
to effectively handle the affairs of this fellowship.
The present sets of Peace committee members are self-elected members. You can imagine a
situation where one would elect himself as the head and so on. That is not how it is
supposed to be. If you do not have peace in your life how then do you think you will be able
to give peace unto another? Many of them are neither married nor working and yet they
claim to be members of the Peace committee. They just come together to carry out their self-
interest. In the Education, Labor and Welfare fellowship, the Welfare section is the one to
look after all those things. They are to ensure that nobody goes to court; neither formulates
any court in the fellowship. Everything is to be settled indoors in the body and peace insured.
Brotherhood is organized in such a way that there is to be no sin because this is the kingdom
of God which we have so far witnessed. All our discussions are essentially here and about
this kingdom. There should be no gossip. If you are a member of the brotherhood and at the
same time you insult another member of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star outside,
would that depict you as a true member of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star? Such a person
is not worthy of this kingdom. Once you insult somebody that means you are not worthy of
this kingdom; you are a thief and robber, you got in here through the window. I do not want
such a person because they would not be tolerated. Love has been preached to you daily, and
the practical aspect of it all demonstrated to you, yet you claim that you are a secretary but at
the same time abuse another person and insult everybody. You are a chairman and yet you
indulge in vices, what kind of a chairman are you? You are not worthy at all. Let all and
sundry hearken to the divine injunctions of God and put them into practice by loving one
another. That is exactly the order of the day in brotherhood.
Love should be the watchword in all the fellowships. If you do not humble yourselves and
respect each other, then you are not worth to be members of any fellowship in the kingdom. I
would advise you to instead stay quiet.
Henceforth, I have given the king of kings the authority to straighten out and handle
everything including offices and appointments of fellowship chairman. He is the one to
address all the meetings from the Spiritual Counsel of Churches, the Education, Labor and
Welfare to the rest of them all. He should straighten and ensure that things are probably done.
Right from the beginning, a lot of you come in here to play, steal, seek positions etc.; I do not
want such people here.
Instead I want those who love, have mercy, and humility; those who are ready
to render service unto God wholeheartedly; that is all that is expected of you. Therefore, the
king of kings will arrange and straighten everything in the brotherhood world. At any time
you see him, believe fervently that you have seen the father. Do not distinguish him as the
Son. The king of kings is not the father’s “Son" but Olumba Olumba Obu himself. He is the
fully revealed Olumba Olumba Obu. The king of kings is not just the first male child, but
rather he is everything. The Gospel of last Sunday carried this message imparted to you now.
Therefore, do not have it in mind that the father's Son has come out today to address you.
The person seen is not the father's son but the father himself; the reason being that we have
just one God and not two. This is the piece of advice I have for you.
Read 1st Corinthians 6:1-9
Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before
the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be
judged by you are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall
judge angels? How much more things that pertain to this life? If then ye have judgments of
things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. I speak
to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? No, not one that shall be able
to judge between his brethren? But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the
unbelievers. Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with
another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? Why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to
be defrauded? Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren. Know ye not that the
unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.
Brethren, have you seen that everything in brotherhood is linked to righteousness, hence no
act of unrighteousness is wanted here. Henceforth, do not expect the father to come out and
bless you after every meeting. Neither should you go to the Bishops apartment for blessing
nor to the Queen Mother, thinking they are different and separate. That kind of thing does not
exist here because all the blessings given here belong to the father alone. Every work done is
but one. The king of kings is the father and so every blessing showered on you by him is
from the father. He is the one to rearrange everything; he has the authority to change you for
another person who would be better if you fail in your responsibilities when appointed as
the chairman of any fellowship. You would be changed if you were not active when
appointed as secretary. He is the only one to change and rearrange everything.
All this while, I have not been fully satisfied with the job done by the Education, Labor and
Welfare fellowship; that name has been and is still maintained but those at the helm of affairs
do not carry out their responsibilities, not even one. They have not yet started anything. If
you elect somebody who is ignorant of a particular work that means you are the one
indirectly doing the work. Those to be appointed should be those who have love, patience,
humility, and meekness, those who have surrendered themselves to do the father's work
wholeheartedly. That is the thing. Therefore, if there are only two or three persons qualified
for such appointments, there is no problem, because it is said that two or three persons are
better than 50,000 persons if they possess love.
If you look at the Education, Labor and Welfare fellowship, you will easily discern that there
is no love amongst them; they are not coordinated, everybody is operating independently.
The fellowship operates in name only but nothing is being done. Since the inauguration
of the fellowship about 20 years ago, there has neither been any remarkable change nor
achievements on record, which have impressed the father. Now, I want the fellowship to
be rearranged. The Peace board should not have been on its own, but rather a part of this
fellowship, especially under the Welfare. Instead of a merger or affiliation, they have sprung
up to operate independently to fulfill their selfish desire. Consequently, the board is being
managed nonchalantly and unscrupulously as though it meant some other thing or had a
different objective.
The Peace board is the body in charge of peace talks in brotherhood worldwide.
Anything pertaining to peace is within their orbit of operation. This entails that only truthful
persons should be appointed into the board to take care of matters concerning the restoration
of peace. No Idol or irresponsible person is needed on that board. It does not have room for
those who do things the way it pleases them. I do not want anybody to do things the way he
or she wishes in this kingdom.
Read John 5:18-29
Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the Sabbath,
but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God. Then answered Jesus
and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but
what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son
likewise. For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he
will shew him greater works than these that ye may marvel. For as the Father raiseth up the
dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. For the Father judgeth
no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: That all men should honor the Son,
even as they honor the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father, which
hath sent him. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him
that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from
death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead
shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath
life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself and hath given him
authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Marvel not at this: for the
hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth;
they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the
resurrection of damnation.
Brethren, do not bring equality here for I have surrendered all fellowship meetings, and
Leader's representative meetings to the king of kings. The fellowships executives are to be
reshuffled because those at the top are not doing their work. The king of kings is the one to
superintendent and straighten everything. We had hitherto joked over things because if you
do not have anybody that means you are done for. It is said, "In the country of the blind,
the one eyed man is king." That has been the situation, because there was nobody, not even
one. But now is the time for the king of kings to rearrange everything in their positions,
beginning from the woman's fellowship to the Elders fellowship, and the rest of them. He is
to appoint the best hands and get rid of the bad ones. He is the only one with the sole
authority to rearrange everything in brotherhood all over the world. The former things have
passed away. In the past we did as we liked but all that has changed. All the self-appointed
secretaries, chairman, auditors etc., succeeded before because there was nobody to act on
those things. Now, somebody has emerged to take over the appointments of suitable qualified
persons. Have you seen what I have come to accomplish today?
Whether you are a president, Royal highness, whatever your title or position may be in the
world at large, know that everything has been placed under the king of kings control and he
is the one to handle all the affairs of brotherhood. He is the one to oversee the affairs of the
children of God. Hence, when you see him, you have definitely seen the father, mother, Son
and everything, but if you are recalcitrant you are not worthy of him. All those who have
stubbornly refused to carry out their allotted responsibilities and tasks are not worthy to
be part of this kingdom. Such persons are not wanted in brotherhood because brotherhood is
love, patience, obedience, and other virtues. Hence, you must obey; brotherhood is oneness,
working with one mind. Brotherhood is not a place where people come with their
temptations, it is not a place where people come to eat or act as they wish, is it equally not a
place where you exhibit pride. All these attributes are not wanted here.
Read Hebrews 1:4-14
Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more
excellent name than they. For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son,
this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a
Son? And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the
angels of God worship him. And of the angels he saith, who maketh his angels spirits, and his
ministers a flame of fire. But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever: a
scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and
hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness
above thy fellows. And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth;
and the heavens are the works of thine hands: They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they
all shall wax old as doth a garment; And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall
be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. But to which of the angels said
he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Are they not
all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
All these things are as all of you have known, heard and seen so that you would have
nothing to say in defense in the future. A lot of you (children of God) bluntly refuse to adhere
to the instructions when posted to a particular station, but I want you to know that refusing to
embark on any special duty you are sent means you have unconsciously and automatically
ostracized yourself from the fold, and as such you are not worthy to be a child of God. Be
you a Christ servant, witness, or Bishop if you openly refused to go on a mission you are
instructed to embark on that would be taken to mean you have bluntly refused to take up your
work or duty. Your claims that the bishop used to be my brother, that he was my little boy, or
that he was my schoolmate are unnecessary here. To claim that you know him, that he is your
brother in fellowship does not come in at all. Everything is unfolding according to the plan
and he is the one to put everything on their right track.
Some workers are fond of refusing to go to the stations they are posted. If you act in such
a manner, just simply go home and relax. Until doomsday, you cannot be readmitted into
brotherhood or become anything in the kingdom. I have put a stop to these insolent acts in
this place; I do not want it. Simply call a spade a spade, if you are here to serve God then
serve God wholeheartedly. If you are not ready then go away for brotherhood does not seek
anybody. Brotherhood does not lack people.
The Holy Queen mother is right here and all that I am saying now is because of her so that
posterity will bear me out when the time comes. Many of you in your deceitfulness and
craftiness go to the king of king’s residence to concoct stories and when you go to the Queen
Mother's residence, you say something else. You are simply causing confusion by so doing.
Know that the two offices have been merged into one. Only one being exists in brotherhood
and not two, and that is all; The Father himself supervises all the work done here. I can
openly disclose your different lifestyles, craftiness and all the vices you commit here. The
king of kings does not know or do anything about you except the father in him wants it done;
because I am the owner of all works and so I know every one of you. I am aware of all the
insolent acts, craftiness, deceit, theft, falsehood, fornication and other vices you indulge in.
Trials have stopped. I know you all, one by one, whether you pass in here through the
window or directly through the door, I know you all. Do not try any nonsense here.
Instead remain humble. Be contented with what God has bestowed on you and remain in
your positions in happiness.
Brethren, let my peace and blessings abide with the entire world now and forever more.
Rejoice immensely for everything is well with you. As you have seen the father, he has
blessed you; he has already prayed for you and everything has been accomplished. All is well
with you. Go! The father is in front and behind you. Let those who have ears, hear. May God
bless his holy words now and forever more. Amen.
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God
had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But
without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is,
and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I
speak of myself.
He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the
earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. And what he hath seen and heard, that
he testifieth; and no man receiveth his testimony.
Everything has been changed this year, from today 10th of January 1987. Do not think that
the Father will continue to stand here and preach ad infinitum. That time has passed. We are
at the verge of a new dispensation were only Jehovah God and his Christ would reign. I
intend to reveal something to you today. What I am about to reveal to you is your major
sickness and setback, which is the same evil that befall Adam and Eve, your forebears.
God does not tempt any person; this is because no person can tempt God. You are
tempted when you are enticed by the lust of the flesh. God did not tempt Adam in any way.
He was rather taken over by lust and greed. Carefully read and hearken to this piece of
admonition and you will be all right. You are true witnesses to the fact that none of the
Father's exhortation has failed, even those who have backslided and others who are not yet
brotherhood members are aware of this fact. Do not regard Brotherhood as a cinema, theatre
hall or as a child's play. Do not request that, the Father should speak a word for one thing or
the other to happen. That time has passed.
You will recall that before now I use to place my hands on your heads and pray for all of
you as I walk round the Hall, I had at other times sprinkled water and danced round the Hall,
I have also stood here to preach for hours on end. Nonetheless, this is a different year and
such things will no longer take place because something new is about to take place.
I want to reiterate that a time is coming when I shall no longer stand here and talk to you. I
shall at that time also cease to stand before you and dance, as if we are in a competition. That
is not what I have come to do in the world. There is something I am going to reveal to you
when the time comes. Many of you claim you know the Father, do you know the Son? You
profess to know Jehovah God; do you also know his Christ? This is the only mystery that has
not been revealed, and when it is revealed, so many changes will take place. At that time
many of you who claim to love the Father will deny him, and many who claim to be my
children will flee from me, but the true children of God will remain with their Father.
Otherwise why do you tell people that Olumba is your Father but cannot come near him?
None of you is interested in the Father's teachings. You are only interested in watching the
Father dance. Even though you listen to my teachings you do not put them into practice. This
is the source of your problem.
You are told not to harden your heart when you hear his voice. God instructed Adam and
Eve to eat of all the fruits in the garden except one, which is in the midst of the garden, the
tree of good and evil. He told them the day they eat of the fruit they shall die. They were
never sick; neither had they any problem nor died while they complied with God's
instruction. Even if it had taken them a million years, they would not have run out of fruits in
the garden. Though you claim that if you were Adam, you would not have eaten of the
forbidden fruit and that if you were Pontius Pilate, you would not have allowed the Jews to
crucify Christ. But I am telling you today, that if the Christ is revealed now, some of you
here will be the first to cast stones at him.
Why did Adam and Eve eat of the forbidden fruit? They ate it because of lust and self-
indulgence. They were not instructed to eat the fruit by God. They were seeking after their
own glory consequently, they disobeyed God's instruction and adhered to the evil one and
incurred problems for themselves, thereby setting the pace for the problems besetting the
entire world. Moses was instructed to only point his staff at the rock, but instead he struck the
rock not even once but twice. That was a classic case of disobedience, the result was that
Moses was shown the Promised Land but was not allowed to enter it. Brethren, your
salvation, redemption and whatever is your heart's desire depends on your obedience to God's
word. If you obey and do the things I tell you, and refrain from those I tell you not to, the
glory of God will manifest in you. I bring unto the entire world peace, love, truth, mercy and
all the virtues of God. That is what God has in store for you because he has seen your
weakness, stubbornness and nakedness. This is the time of peace and salvation. All the
suffering besetting man started as a result of his headiness and disobedience. When God
ordered all the angels to bow down and worship our Lord Jesus Christ, angel Lucifer refused,
saying that the order was meant for lesser angels.
He thus disobeyed and refused to bow down and worship the little boy. He has since suffered
greatly and is still suffering till date. The fact that, he will not test of the kingdom of God
arises from his act of disobedience. This explains why not all of you are actually clean. There
is one unclean person in your midst and that is Lucifer. Therefore, brethren this is a great
example for mankind in this last generation, especially for those of you who have been here
for many years. Do not joke with the word of God; you are saved once you practice them.
Although mankind is weak, no person can close his eyes against the salvation that he has
seen. The Holy Spirit has come in this last dispensation because God has seen man's
weakness; his depraved pitiful position and has decided to redeem mankind.
The Holy Spirit does not need your money, he is not interested in your beauty or your
greetings or in any thing you have. He came solely to save and redeem mankind and
to establish and organize his kingdom. If you take seriously God's
instruction regarding disobedience, you would not continue to joke with his counsel. You
have no power to repel your enemies because you have disobeyed God. You have no life
because you have disobeyed God. You lack money because you do not obey God. You have
no peace because you do not obey God. You are disgraced because you do not obey God.
You encounter temptation left and right and fall headlong because you disobey God. You fall
sick and become wretched because you refuse to comply with the instructions of God. You
continue to die and reincarnate again and again each time because you have disobeyed God.
It is disobedience that has kept man in the lowly position he finds himself today.
Have you seen the reason why I do not talk, get angry or discuss much with you? It is
because of the love I have for this glory and for God, and I do not wish that any of you
should miss this glory I would like all of you to enjoy this peace and put it on as a garment.
Before now, people were told that no man can see God, they were told that whoever sees
God will die and so man become afraid. People stopped praying to God. Most people run
away when they are told that God has come because of what they heard. Those who are
told to refrain from sin run away because of fear. Fear has caused a lot of confusion among
man. I am also filled with pity for you, because once you commit any kind of sin, you must
suffer. If you tell lies you must suffer. No matter how small the sin you commit, you must
You are all aware of the fact that once the Father comes into your midst, you all panic. I
have seen the fear, which the whole world has about this glory, although you do not know.
This is why I try to draw you nearer myself. I bring down myself to your level because fear
goes with suffering. Once you are afraid, you can never be perfect. I bring you close to
myself so that you will be free to do what is good. I want you all to know that this work is
not that of man.
It is God himself who has come to do all things. If you pray in spirit and refrain from sin you
will see him and you will also know what to do.
CHORUS: Let us adore thee, Thou awesome God.
Read the First Lesson
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God
had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But
without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is,
and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
If you were to know that God has come down, you would not have come in here to laugh and
play, such actions bring punishment to the world. The words we speak are confounding. You
are afraid and have decided to run away because you are told that no man can see God and
live. And where do you run to, to Satan. Now I have come to remove that fear from you so
that you will be able to know the Father, love him and see his glory in you, in name of our
Lord Jesus Christ Amen.
"God forbid" cannot prevent death. What prevents death is the advice given to you to stop
stealing, fornicating and committing all sort of evil. It is this advice that enables you to see
God's glory and enjoy his kingdom. God does not kill anybody. His righteousness,
brightness, power, humility and love are the things we should see and if these things elude
you, you are in trouble and can never see him. People try to run away from God, but where
will you run to that you will not be found if you are a sinner? He is in the deepest sea, in the
mountains, in the sun, moon and stars. If you refrain from sin, you will have peace and live a
happy life.
All the changes you see in the world are as a result of his coming. This is the reason why I
have come to tell you not to be angry nor commit any sin that you may behold his glory and
enjoy his grace. Even if the two hands are joined together in prayer, a sinner shall never go
unpunished. Consequently, all those who speak ill of Brotherhood are inadvertently speaking
ill of God and must suffer. Whoever is afraid of God and fails to believe that it is God that
does this work should pray for himself my daily intercession is for them.
I have said from the onset that the flesh I am clothed with is not the doer of this work; and
even if the whole world should gather in an effort to persuade me to accept even at the risk of
being shot, I will still maintain my stand that this flesh I wear is not the doer of this work.
How can I say I am the doer of the work when I have seen the doer and I have seen
everything, am I crazy?
Do not think that because I joke with you, you should slap me. God is a two-edged sword.
Whoever does not rejoice at his coming is in trouble. If you speak ill of his coming, you are
in trouble. If you speak ill of anybody in this world you are in trouble. If you have been
indulging in any kind of evil, abstain from such now because it is said that the fear of God is
the beginning of wisdom. If you have the fear of God in you, you will no longer
steal, fornicate or indulge in vices, and once you abstain from these vices, you are saved.
This is why the Bible states that: "whoever blasphemes the Father or the Son shall be
forgiven but whoever blasphemes the Holy Spirit shall never be forgiven in this generation
and in the generation to come." Since you have blasphemed the totality of the Godhead,
know that God does not abuse man, he does not use cane on anybody and he does not get
angry. He is the light and he has no business with sin. If you fail to adhere to his instructions,
you will have problems. You are being told so that you may not be angry or bear grudges etc.
It is a fact that man is not God and man has not exhibited his semblance in any way.
Therefore, if you compare man with God, you will have problems. God is the light and you
cannot say anything about him because he is a perfect God. His glory and ruler ship is
baffling. He is so great that his greatness overwhelms the world. Everything is embedded in
him. Beauty, peace, riches, power, heaven and earth are all in him. Therefore, man is not
expected to tell lies, kill, swindle, be stubborn, and murmur etc., anymore. If you do these
things you are in trouble. The reason why these words are preached 24 hours a day, 366 days
a year is for the entire world to be saved and enjoy this glory forever, in name of our Lord
Jesus Christ. There is no more division. There is nether Jew nor Greek, rich or
poor. Strongmen and stubbornness have been wiped away because of my daily intercession.
Do not be afraid. Stop committing sins. Do not say Obu loves me and because of that, you
continue to sin. God has nothing to do with sin. I am not God; I am only a witness. You are
also witnesses. We are all witnesses to his glory.
Right now the weather conditions have changed; nobody knows the rainy season and the dry
any longer. All concoctions have failed. The scientists have failed. If you come up to testify,
you will have nothing to say. When he came in his first advent, he was called Jesus; things
were not like this at that time and he never really showed himself but he humbled himself
unto death, the Father has now raised him up and has given him a new name above all other
That new name is the name he now bears, "The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords." he is
also the first begotten son of god. When you see him, you have seen the Father, and when
you see the Father, you have seen the Son. We are all his children.
I have taught you to love; once you love him, you are one with him. There is neither male nor
female in him. He has come to make us one. I am not the one called the King of Kings and
Lord of Lords; he is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. If the Father chooses to glorify the
Son with himself as he promised long ago, why do you take offense? No single soul can
answer that name. Do not rejoice because you are Obu's child and think that you can come
here and struggle for one positions or the other. Do you know what the King of Kings and
Lord of Lords means? Refrain from sin, do what is good and have love and his glory will be
seen in you.
All those who do good will see him and know him, and they will dwell with him forever. All
those who have love, humble themselves, do not fornicate, have patience, are honest, and do
not eat meat and fish are like him because they take after him. All those who continue to eat
meat and fish, prove stubborn, kill and argue do not see him and have no peace and they have
no please here.
Read the Second Lesson
If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I
speak of myself."
This is why I say nothing. I do not stop you from coming to BCS; I do not abuse you. If you
put these words into practice, you will have peace and you will be enriched. Heaven and
earth and the fullness thereof belong to him and what belongs to him belongs to his children.
No matter how wide a field is it must have a boundary. If you fail to heed his words, you are
in eternal hell and suffering. Do not say you do need God because whoever refuses God
refuses life, peace, goodness and existence. Seek God now that you can find him else a time
shall come when you will see him no more. If that time comes, it will be eternal suffering. He
will not beat you nor talk to you, neither will he deny you food but things will be tough. Do
not be stubborn because no one is exempted from the consequence of stubbornness. When
it was said that people should not marry, quarrel etc., most people were afraid and wondered
how man could survive without marriage and the eating of meat and fish. Have you not seen
that these are things of the past?
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,
and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long, and is kind;
charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up.
You ask for money, children, power, glory etc., these are minor things, which are embedded
in him. Once you call on him, these things come to you. These are the real teachings that
prevail now and once you abide by them, you will have everlasting peace.
Read the Golden Text
He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the
earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. And what he hath seen and heard, that
he testifieth; and no man receiveth his testimony.
Heaven and earth are found in him. What kind of knowledge, city, food and glory are you
looking for which is not in him? With him, you have no problem and no wants. He is the
greatest and he is Omniscient. What do you want to go and study? Once you have him, you
are at the top of everything. This kingdom is faith, hope and love and with these you are at
rest. He is the Father of beauty, grace and wisdom. He is the fountain of living waters. I have
come to take you to the Promised Land and whether you like it or not you have reached
Let those who have ears, hear. May God bless his holy words now and forever more Amen.
First Bible Lesson: Romans 8:16
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.
Second Bible Lesson: Hebrews 1:6
And again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the
angels of God worship him.
Golden Text: 1 John 3:2
Beloved, we are now the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we
know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
Brethren that is the theme of our revelation today. God has never told lies at any time. Man
can lie but God has never told lies. Today you are again revealed publicly to the whole
world, that you are children of God. It is a thing of joy for me and for you and for all
It is so because what man did not hope for, what he thought would only be a matter of dream,
has now become manifested openly at its fullness of time. When a child cries, wherever he
points his finger, if the father is not there, the mother will be there. During the last advent of
Our Lord Jesus Christ, when He claimed He was the son of God, He was accused of
disgracing God. When they went with an intention of killing Him, He asked them, "For
which of the good works do you want to kill me?" He pointed to one and said, "You were
blind is it because I restored your sight that you want to kill me?" He said no. To another He
said, "You died and because I raised you up, is that why you want to kill me?" He said no.
He continued to ask them one by one and they all said, "For the good work, we kill you not
but because you being a man arrogate to yourself the position of God. It was there and then
that He quoted Psalm 82 for them: "Was it not written in your laws that ye are gods, children
of the Most High."
The same is the case today, the spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the
children of God. God knows that you are His children. That is why it is said patience
subsumes good conduct. God does not do anything in a state of confusion but he brings
everything to manifestation at the fullness of time. But believe and rest assured that whatever
he has said, no matter the time lapse, such a thing would surely be manifested.
Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself has said these words. That was why He said I have yet many
things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the spirit of truth is
come He will reveal everything onto you. You are true witness that this sort of a gospel could
not be preached in the past even if it was preached only the corpse of the preacher would be
left on the ground. If because Our Lord Jesus Christ said that He was the Son of God He was
killed, how much more would they have reacted if somebody has attested that all the
inhabitants of the world are the children of God. His corpse would not have reached the
For claiming that Our Lord Jesus was the Christ, all the disciples were beheaded, for they
could not see how a man could be the Christ. That explains why He warned all of them not to
tell any person that He was the Christ until everything was made consummate.
There is time for everything under the sun, as arranged by God. And now is the time for the
manifestation of the sons of God. As a matter of fact, there is nothing to be hidden again, for
the cup is full to the brim. There is no doubt or fear or sorrow or weakness. This is because
this generation is the luckiest. Things that people have hitherto not heard of, you are hearing
them now. And the things which people have never seen, you have seen them now. If
somebody had told you that you are a son of God and that you would refer to your fellow
human beings as brothers and sisters, you would not have believed. Even though the Psalmist
has expressly stated that you are gods, children of the Most High, if you were to stake a claim
that you are a child of God, you would be stoned to death. That is why you are advised to
wait patiently and not murmur because no matter the circumstances, the will of God must
The main reason of our visitation is to reveal the children of God and in its proper
perspective throughout the whole world. This is because Our Lord Jesus Christ did not have
the ability to bring about this manifestation. Even His claim to the sonship of God was
unacceptable at the people, how much more to declare openly that you are the children of
God. But his teaching has indicated that you should love your enemies, bless them that curse
you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be children
of your Father who is in heaven, who makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and
He sends His rain on the just and unjust, which is conclusive that you are truly the Children
of God. He has also indicated that you should not refer to any person as a teacher because
there is only one Teacher, but all of you are brethren. He also instructs you that you should
not call any person "Father" because you all have one father who is in heaven. He also
enjoins that you should not call any person "Lord" because there is only one Lord even Jesus,
the Christ. These have proved most conclusively that you are the children of God.
His disciples went to Him and asked Him to teach them how to pray even as John had taught
his disciples to pray. And he taught them when they pray to say, "Our Father who art in
heaven, hallowed be thy name." Who is that Father in Heaven? Can you not realize that all
those who say the Lord's Prayer are bound by the words of the Lord's Prayer itself; and they
have accepted that they are the children of God, the Father? We always pray, Our Father who
is in heaven, you also pray, why is it that you deny now that He is your father and that you
are His children.
All church denominations, all prayer houses, and all the inhabitants of the world say the
Lord's Prayer, "Our Father, who is in heaven," but today have you not realized that He is Our
Father who is in heaven? Have you not accepted that you are a child of God? Is it not a clear
indication that all the inhabitants of the world are Brotherhood? Has the Father not borne
witness that all of us are children of God? Our hope and faith have now been made manifest
at the time we least expected. When our hope is shattered, the savior appears. So brethren, as
of now, death and hades have been condemned and, you, the children of God have been
justified. Brethren, I do not wish to overload you, let the first lesson now be read.
First Bible Lesson: Romans 8:16
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.
Brethren, have you heard that. Even if all the wealth in the world is bestowed unto you, it is
not comparable to the manifestation of all the inhabitants of the world as the children of God.
That explains why our Lord Jesus Christ said: Howbeit, when the spirit of truth is come He
will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of Himself, but whatsoever he shall hear
that shall he speak, and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall
receive of mine and shall show it unto you, because all things that the Father has are mine.
In the past you always referred to the Son of God in the singular form, but today you all are
the children of God, Brotherhood. You will realize why you can sum up courage to stand
publicly and call somebody a brother wherever you are. You boldly declare yourself as a
child of God, and there is no question.
During the advent of Our Lord Jesus Christ, He was the only person regarded as the Son of
God. The reason for His crucifixion was because He declared Himself the Son of God. This
resulted from the indoctrination of the people by Satan that God does not beget any children
at all. Even though He owns both heavens and the earth and he created man and made
everything, Satan purposely did that to blackmail the Son of God, every person in the world
held onto this. And so any person who declared himself the son of God would be killed.
It was not because of raising the dead that He was killed, nor was He killed because of His
preaching, nor was He killed for any particular reason, but it was because He being a man
declared himself the Son of God. Even when they interrogated Him, one High priest waded
in immediately and inquired from them what other facts they wanted to elucidate from Him
because He has already erred by declaring that He was the Son of God, and for that reason
alone He should be killed. You will realize that the work done by God at this end of time is
really tremendous. The joy that is in heaven and the peace which prevails on earth can better
be imagined than described.
The sadness that besets Satan and Lucifer and his followers cannot be described. All of you
are aware of what Satan and his followers have done in the world at this end of time. In broad
day light they go about culminating that Brotherhood sucks blood, that Brotherhood is
apparition, and juju, and mermaid and is cannibalistic. They roam the whole world with their
propagandist machinery. They also maintain that Brotherhood relates to the false prophets
which the Bible mentions, and that it is Brotherhood which has come to lead men astray.
Compare these calumnious and blasphemous utterances with the teachings of Our Lord Jesus
Christ vis-à-vis what is now transpiring in the world. This explains why it is said when the
battle is tough then the king must lead the army.
Many a times when something happens, we erroneously argue that if God were in existence,
such a thing could not have happened. God is very much in existence. Sometimes we
question why He has not done a particular thing. I would advise you to rest your case and
ponder over it. That state of affairs induced John the Baptist while he was in prison to send
two of his disciples to Our Lord Jesus Christ saying: Art thou he who should come, or are we
to look for another? Why did he send his disciples? It was because all his hope was on Christ
that when He would come, He would liberate the oppressed, He would heal the broken
hearted, He would preach deliverance to the captives and would set at liberty those who were
bruised and he thought that since he was cast into prison, Our Lord Jesus Christ would
definitely come to set him at liberty.
But to his amazement, John waited in prison but he did not hear any person asking him to get
out of the prison yard, and so he sent two of his disciples to ask the young man whether he
was the one who should come or they were to look for another.
But Our Lord Jesus Christ responded immediately; go your way and tell John that the blind
see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and to the poor
the gospel is preached. Can you observe how a statement such as the one made by Our Lord
Jesus Christ was capable of causing a great deal of deliberation in the hearts of a great many
people about the glory of Christ? Come to think of it, in the whole of Israel, all the Israelites
thought that when He would come, He would deliver them from the scourges of Roman
domination, and remove them, sine die, from their tentacles and oppression, and kill the
Roman Empire with its oppressions giving them their full independence and self-
determination as they thought he would appear with battalions of soldiers.
But to their greatest surprise, He came to preach that the people should love their enemies,
bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and fervently pray for those who
despitefully use you and persecute you. At the same time, they were still suffering under the
domination of the Romans and so they concluded that Christ could not be the Messiah.
So brethren, nothing would have caused the Israelites to believe in Him because He did not
show them any sign. They were after signs, liberations and freedom but since such could not
be seen in Him they all conspired that He should be beaten up and killed. If it were possible
for Him to have raised an army and to have sent at least one battalion which would have dealt
a great blow on some of the Roman citizens and destroyed the a part of the Roman Empire to
liberate them so that they gain their independence, it would have been possible for the people
to give Him the benefit of the doubt and to take cognizance of his messiah-ship.
But the fact that, He instead, enunciated that they should love their enemies and neighbors,
nothing would have convinced them to believe in Him as the Messiah. This explains why it is
said that flesh and blood will not inherit this kingdom of God. So brethren, the second lesson
will now be read.
Second Bible Lesson: Hebrews 1:6
And again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the
angels of God worship him.
Brethren, have you heard a very wonderful statement? This of course, is his second
assignment, you are aware that, in his first advent when he executed his assignment, Peter
took up the sword and cut off the ear of one of the servants of the High Priests. He rebuked
Peter and said, “Put your sword into its place for whosoever takes up the sword must surely
perish with the sword. Do you think that I cannot now pray my Father and he shall presently
give me more than twelve legions of angels, but how then can the scriptures be fulfilled, that
thus it must be?"
Do you think that if during his last advent, it was commanded that all angels should bow
down and worship Him, He would have been killed? This is the point which has eluded the
people of the world who argue that "even the Lord Jesus was killed" and so since this one
cannot be killed it should not be linked with God, for it is not God, but they only operate
under the disguise of God.
You have heard the testimony given recently by Professor Bassey Bassey, how they met in a
secret meeting and conspired that He should be killed, and mandated their henchmen to kill,
but all stood tongue-tied and dumbfounded.
Brethren, if there is a man to whom God commands that all the angels should worship him,
you would realize that everything stands consummated. That situation is unquestionable. He
causes everything to be done without any problem, and without any question. He has the
boldness and the courage to do anything whatsoever because everything remains under His
subjection. He is not mindful of the time or day. He does not ask any questions, neither does
He have an opponent for everything is subject under His feet. There is therefore no hindrance
and He has the capability of doing everything whatsoever.
If you do not understand what is referred to as the angels of God, I am now going to name
the lesser ones for you. Heaven is the Throne of God, Earth is His footstool. Therefore fire,
wind, snakes in the field, animal in the bushes, all creeping things, and all winged animals
are angels of God. Further, the thunder, the wind, rain and many other things are the angels
of God. Again Lucifer, death, hades, ocean are all messengers.
Furthermore, sickness of all kinds, lust and human desires, wretchedness, poverty, sleep, are
all His angels. What do you think of this man to whom all angels of God will be commanded
to worship?
You have heard one necromancer confessing that he went to pluck some leaves for the
preparation of his concoction, and the leaves warned him not to pluck them again, because
they are Brotherhood. He also went to dig up certain roots but the roots also warned him not
to dig them up again because they are all Brotherhood.
If you want to prove the sacrosanctity or otherwise of this assertion, from tomorrow go to the
house of the most powerful necromancer, inform him that you want certain preparations of
concoctions and diabology to be compounded for you. He will ask you whom you are
preparing this charm for or against. You tell him you want the charm in order to kill a certain
Brotherhood member.
Even if you tell him that you are a Brotherhood member he will drive you away from his
compound, and he will quarrel with, thereafter he will raise an alarm and will invite the
police to arrest you as you have rendered his diabology ineffective. He will ask if you have
ever heard that any person can kill a Brotherhood member.
To dispose of a preliminary matter, immediately you enter the house of a necromancer, his
diabology, his preparations are rendered useless. That explains why you are refused entry
into certain communities by the citizens, because they know, and have been told that the
moment you parade the community with a song all their preparations of concoction and juju
and charms will be destroyed.
This also explains why if you are sitting with a group of persons, the moment they know that
you are a Brotherhood, they will all desert you for fear that if they stay any longer with you,
the little charms they have will be rendered ineffective. That is why no matter how you
explain that there is nothing in Brotherhood, they will tell you to go away, that you operate
under the guise of God.
Do you think that it was that difficult for Our Lord Jesus Christ to have made a declaration,
but he could not have declared that? Who are you to have made such a declaration, the
consequences which would have followed would be such that your blood will not touch the
Do you think such declaration as "Olumba Olumba Obu is God," you make at the market
place today, any other living person could make it without his blood touching down on the
ground. Much more entering somebody's house and singing whatever flies and whatever
crawls, Olumba Olumba Obu reigns.
You enter the government circles and announce to the officials that Olumba Olumba Obu
who owns all the positions that they occupy, and such house owners and government
officials will not fail to cast you into jail. And again while you are paddling in a canoe, there
is a big storm and you call on the name Olumba Olumba Obu and the winds subsides while
the storm remains still, they would still appreciate what would happen.
The whole world, the inhabitants on land and in water wage a relentless battle but cannot
succeed. What then do you think this power is? It is said, when He will bring His final
begotten into the world, He will command that all the angel of God, winged animals, all
creeping things, all created and uncreated things should bow down and worship Him.
You are a child of God, but in this particular case, He has spotlighted in the new
dispensation, when he will bring the first begotten into the world. He has definitely made a
distinction between "the first begotten," and the "Children of God." Are you the First
Begotten, so that tomorrow you will become infatuated with pride that you are the first
begotten? You are not! It is however a truism that you are a child of God, but you are not the
First Begotten of God. This statement subsumes that all powers in heaven and on earth have
been bestowed on Him, who is the first begotten of God and this includes everything on
earth, winged animals, creeping things and other creations. Therefore these creations together
with trees and angels, must subject themselves onto Him. There is however no doubt that you
are all the Children of God. He has come to rule and judge, to right, to recreate and to
regenerate everything and nothing can rear its ugly head or flap its wings. He has come to
change and reform, to lead, and to teach. He has neither opponents nor deputy nor assistant.
He the monarch of all surveys, the be-all-and-end-all, and nothing can even flap their wings.
All the troubles we have in the world are caused by the lesser angels. If you want to turn left,
death will deal a blow on you, and hades batters you on the head while sickness prey on your
limbs, sleep which is not exempted will knock you down on the ground and hunger will also
exact its demand on you. But now it is commanded that all these angels should bow down
and worship the only begotten of the Father. A local adage has it that the tortoise is willing to
dance but its stiff back could not allow it.
The angels who were mandated to carry out this assignment, were they allowed to work by
prostitutes? The prophets were also sent, did women allow them to undertake their
assignments? This is the whole confusion which plagues the work of God because when the
prophets see these prostitutes and women with long necks and pretty faces, they will jump
unto them and fall off from the expectation of God. But now it is said specifically, "When He
will bring back the first begotten into the world, He will decree that all the angels and all the
creation of God should worship Him. It is meant that man should fear the situation and to ask
what sort of situation it is and from where he has come. God has never done any of His
things haphazardly. He brings everything to its ultimate conclusion, and no one questions
In a family, if the wife suggests a certain method of doing a particular thing, the husband will
disagree with her and suggest another method. There will be a sharp disagreement and the
wife will vow that the husband's method will never be used. If the husband's method is used,
the wife will cause confusion. You can remember what happened when God ordered that all
angels should worship Our Lord Jesus Christ. He was exasperated and promised that the
Name of God would not be heard any longer. Lucifer decided to go his own way. From that
time, people started disobeying God. Satan has indoctrinated the whole world and there is no
place in the world where he has not established his own kingdom. He tell lies against all
those who serve God and as a result they are killed because of false propaganda and false
allegations. It was through this false allegation that Our Lord Jesus Christ was killed. He
foments all the confusion in the world. No person ever recognizes the existence of God.
Scientist have even argued that God does not exist. Even at that time when the world was as
large as it is today, people neither believed in Our Lord Jesus Christ, nor the prophets, nor in
the words of God, how much more, now that the world is expanding with leaps and bounds.
But what happens today, has the world not attested to the fact that the Most High has come to
dwell on earth with man.
Behold a sister from Russia with us. In the morning before she came, she testified that as she
was sleeping, somebody knocked on the door, calling on her. She woke up suddenly because
of the impact the call had on her, and now she is convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that
she has seen God face to face.
All doubting Thomases, the infidels, the unbelievers, the atheists, juju, diabology,
preparation of concoction, witchery, apparition, mermaid, human beings, the wind, the
thunder, the sun and moon have all accepted that the Most High is now on earth. I have told
you several times that neither I nor you are the doer of the work, nor any other person, but it
is the fullness of time. Right now the only question people have is when this phenomenon
started, and there is no answer to it. Satan lied that God has no children but now the Children
of God has multiplied in the world. That is why I say that this generation is the luckiest of all.
The Golden Text will now be read.
Golden Text: 1 John 3:2
Beloved, we are now the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we
know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
Brethren, is that statement not fulfilled today? Have you not seen Him? Have you not been
revealed? Hitherto, did you realize that all the inhabitants of the world were children of God?
But have you not been praying that until Our Lord Jesus Christ descends from the sky? A
great many people still imagine that until the Virgin Mary comes back to the world and is
conceived by the Holy Ghost, before God begets a son, but behold, today, you are revealed as
the children of God. This is indicative of the fact that there is no word of God that touches
the ground which does not create an impact.
It is not today alone that you are a child of God, neither were, you a child of God only
yesterday, but you have always been the children of God. But it was only the machinations of
the evil one. The great liar which was responsible for your non-manifestation, but today, you
have been manifested in your entirety. The God of possibility.
God is the God of Mercy and of Patience and of Love and of Grace, and Peace and of
Invincibility and with whom there is no impossibility. He is the God of Possibility and not
What you lack, He possesses; if you have no life, He has life; if you are without good health,
He is good health. If you have no peace, He is peace. If you do not exist, He is ever existing.
This explains why Our Lord Jesus Christ says: "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy
laden and I will give you rest." How can God argue that He will never go to a certain place
because of diabolical things are buried there? Or that He does not want to see the man
because he is a thief, or because he is a fornicator? Which God can afford to do that? But just
come in and He will change you. He is capable of reforming every person and rearrange
things in their ship-shape order, and there are no problems. His love is sufficient unto all the
generations of mankind, His mercy overwhelms the heavens and the earth. His peace is
perfected and flows like honey in all parts of the world. His truth endures forever. Why then
do we bother ourselves about, while there exists no problems?
Whatever He shuts, no person can open, and whatever He opens, no person can shut. Since
He from the heaven of heavens, has declared that all the inhabitants of the world are His
children, that is a finality and incontestable and therefore consummated. Since He himself
said, I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and your sins and iniquities I will remember
no more, this has also been consummated. Because He is the God of ability and power and is
capable of anything He likes and He has the power to bring into existence that which has
never existed. The doubting Thomases should no longer doubt, because he has said, "I will
change you within the twinkle of an eye."
He has reformed all the inhabitants of world unto himself, He has made everything anew and
Lucifer has returned with sorrow. You have heard that Lucifer was given a very little
opportunity within a short spell of time for him to do anything he likes. Right now, the Father
has assumed his reign and has raised His victorious hand. You must be flabbergasted that
Russia has now accepted the deity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Are you not petrified to notice
how members of all other religions in the Muslim world, Buddhism, Judaism which hitherto
did not accept the Christ, have now accepted him and also believe in God.
Are you not surprised that necromancers, magicians, spiritualist, seers, soothsayers,
hypnotist, mesmerizers, occultist, and members of secret societies who depend on their
diabology to earn their living, are destroying their idols and their diabolical artifacts because
only one God exists. It is fulfilled in the statement made by God that this is the New
Covenant that I will enter into with the house of Israel after those days. I will put my laws in
their minds and write them in their hearts, and they shall not teach any man his neighbor
saying know the Lord, for all shall know me, from the greatest to the least. For I will be
merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more. It is
not because we are righteous, nor because we seek after Him, but because of His promise that
this generation will not pass away until everything is made consummate, it is consummated
this day. There is no more division again in the world whether you are black or white, or
colored, whether you are human or a tree or fish or angels, you are all one.
There is no more chance for you to steal, or to kill, or to oppress, or to indulge in diabology,
or to commit any act of sin or to discriminate or to segregate. That period has now been
waved by God. Right now all human beings in heaven and on earth are but one. Only one
God rules over the heavens and the earth and there is one Lord, one Teacher and one Spirit
rules in heavens and on earth. You all are clean and sanctified excepting one person who will
never be discharged. Who is that one person? He is Lucifer. Whatever you do, you do not do
it out of your own volition but Lucifer is responsible. He establishes all the church
denominations, including the orthodox churches which preach that God helps those who help
themselves. Whatever establishments and organizations that are found in the world are
founded by Lucifer. Included in these are the prayer houses and spiritual churches, to use as
means of causing confusion in the world. A shameless phenomenon now calumniating that
Olumba Olumba Obu is dead and that there is nothing behind Brotherhood. He has even
stated that there is power in Brotherhood but the power is not from God. The question is if
the power is not derived from God is it derived from Lucifer? The Lucifer has invited Our
Lord Jesus Christ to kill Olumba Olumba Obu, has the Christ killed Him? Why can Lucifer
himself not come to kill Olumba Olumba Obu? You really know what happened.
It is no longer a story, the whole world conspiring to write defamatory statements and bear
false witness against Olumba Olumba Obu, and circulate in all universities, but where is the
Lucifer now? Has Brotherhood made any statement retorting or in self-defense? If in a house
somebody consults an oracle which names the husband a wizard, the wife will pack from the
house and nothing will induce her to marry him unless he vindicates himself by swearing to
an oath that he is not a wizard. Even if the husband takes an oath, she will still not live in the
house. You are true witnesses to the fact that of a man is alleged in a community to be a
murderer, until doomsday, all the citizens will never be free with the man. He will be kept at
arm’s length. How much more in this particular case? All the inhabitants of the world
calumniated about one person, alleging that he is a murderer, a cannibal, a Dracula and yet
no person is deterred by such allegations and that alone serves as the most significant
testimony to indicate to you He is God of possibility and not that of impossibility.
Observe now the glad tidings of great joy brought to you that you all are the children of God,
children of the Most High and Satan returns now with sorrow. I have no problem with you
whether you are white or black, because you are the children of God, my problem is with
him, Satan, that man who is in the bottomless pit, while the Most High is spacing
majestically in the world.
Our Lord Jesus Christ has assured that you are clean except one man alone. He also says that
all of you are saved but that man will never be saved. Brethren, there is no doubt, there is no
fear to be called a child of God, for you are neither worthy nor righteous, but since, you have
been the Son of Adam, and the Son of Adam is invariably the son of God, you are all the
children of God.
You were created neither by wood nor by stone nor by any other thing, but by God because
you are the children of God, and the children of God must resemble the Father and you are
now being re-schooled. Of what use is medicine or the preparation of concoction to you
when you are so powerful that when you say, "LET" everything runs away from you; you are
never sick, you are rich and when you knock your forehead on the ground you receive
manifold blessings of God, why should you worry yourself. That is why it is said whoever
regards himself as wise should become foolish that he may be wise in this school of love.
Become like unto small babes because you are now being regenerated and recreated.
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 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
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 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
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 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
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 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
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 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne
 The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne

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The Christ has returned and Revealed: The king of kings Lord of Lords is on the throne

  • 1. The King of Kings Revealed In these Last Days The King of Kings Revealed By Leader Olumba Olumba Obu Compiled by: 144 George Morales Brotherhood of The Cross and Star The King of Kings Revealed CHRIST UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL SCHOOL OF PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY In these Last Days The King of Kings Revealed Brotherhood of The Cross and Star By Leader Olumba Olumba Obu The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is on the ThroneThe King of Kings and Lord of Lords is on the Throne
  • 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the father for the fulfillment of the promise by our lord Jesus Christ. “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, Whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, Whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26) “In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, That thou hid these things from the wise and prudent, And hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; For so it seemed good in thy sight.” (Luke 10:21) To the end that my glory may sing Your praise and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever! (Psalm 30:12) We thank the Father for the way He has used his daughter towards the contribution Of this wonderful book in the pain staking editing And grammar corrections that has been made. May our heavenly father Leader Olumba Olumba Obu truly Bless his daughter, Princess Baptiste for her work. These special compiled Gospels revealing the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star world and the world at large are to the eye-opening spiritual awakening of our brethren. To the true children of the living God I pray the father lead you to the accurate knowledge of truth as the first begotten son of God has arrived and is on the throne. Thank You Father
  • 3. HOLY FATHER REVEALS THE FIRST BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD: The Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe Leader Olumba Olumba Obu revealed the sacrificial lamb to the world on Saturday, July 21, 2001 while concluding the morning devotion. Inviting is Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu to the Hall, the Almighty Father stated, "The entire humanity has sinned and have fallen short of God's glory." He then instructed the brethren to confess their sins and ask for forgiveness; after which the first begotten of righteousness is to pray for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind. "The Lamb that was sacrificed for the propitiation of the sins of mankind has manifested in flesh and blood. He is today revealed to the entire world as the King of kings and Lord of Lords; call him to come and continue the service," the Father affirmed. Then with a loud voice, he invited the king of kings into the great Hall; on his arrival the Holy Father directed that he should conduct the divine service. "I want the king of kings to conduct subsequent services.” He declared. The father, creator and revealer of all spirits went on to ask, "If you were told that it is for the sake of the King of Kings and Lord of lords that the sins of mankind are forgiven, would you have believed?” The sins of mankind are blotted out for his sake yet people call him thief, murder, prostitute, liar, vampire, sorcerers and herbalist." The Holy Father maintained. His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, the King of kings and Lord of lords who promptly appeared in the hall in answer to the fathers call was directed by the father to render a brief prayer for and on behalf of humanity. Directing him on what to plead for in the prayer, the father instructed that the prayer should be, "Father forgive our sins, protect and bless us, including all the inhabitant of the world. Disclosing the significance of forgiveness, the father said, "forgiveness is the beginning of wisdom, therefore every creature should confess all his sins, for the promise which he made to forgive every sin, even if it is as red as Crimson has today been fulfilled; and salvation, peace, love, protection, joy, Liberty, mercy and prosperity have all been bestowed on mankind."
  • 4. After the brief prayer by his Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, the King of kings, the Holy Father enjoined everybody to hearken to what he has said and co-exist in love. THANK YOU FATHER
  • 5. Table of Contents What is Brotherhood of the Cross and Star~~~~~1 Who is the King of Kings? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 The authorization of the King of Kings ~~~~~~10 The First begotten Son of God~~~~~~~~~~~~~18 The Manifestation of the Son of God~~~~~~~~25 The Crown of Thorns Now Thorn of Glory~~~36 The Divine Kingship of Christ~~~~~~~~~~~~44 The Lord of the New Age~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~48 The Reign of the King of Kings ~~~~~~~~~~~59
  • 6. 1 WHAT IS BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR FIRST LESSON: JOHN 20:7 And the handkerchief, which had been about his head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded in a place by itself. SECOND LESSON: EPHESIANS 4:4-6 One body and one spirit, even as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and throughout all, in us all. GOLDEN TEXT: 1 PETER 2:17 Honor all men; love the brotherhood; fear God; honor the king. Dear brethren, we want to reveal an important thing to you. The three lessons will give you an idea of what we are going to reveal. So please, be attentive. You may say that you know what Brotherhood means, but we know from our hearts, that no one knows the meaning. People have interpreted different ways. It is as a result of these misconceptions that we have decided to take this opportunity to preach this gospel. Therefore, today shall go down in history as a great day: a day of revelation; a day Brotherhood will be revealed to the world. Professors of history from different universities have from time to time been coming to tell us the Origin of Brotherhood. We have in each case laughed at the limitation of their wisdom and have asked them to go and love one another. Anyone on the surface of the globe who tells you that he has known the foundation of Brotherhood does not tell the truth. In this Gospel, we are not including the words, "Cross and star," but Brotherhood only. Search yourselves, you who say, that you are not Brotherhood, whether you are not Brotherhood. What is the meaning of Brotherhood? It means God, Christ and the Angels. It means the people of this world, the fishes in the water, the trees in the forests, the grass that grows in the fields, and the ground we walk on. Brotherhood means the sky, the Wind, the Moon, the Sun, the Stars. It means the worms, the ants, and the birds. Brotherhood means every four-footed animal and every creeping thing. In short, Brotherhood means everything created by God. Brotherhood means oneness. God and everything created by him put together are Brotherhood.
  • 7. 2 Who owns Brotherhood? It is God who owns, rules and leads it. But Christ takes charge. What are the duties of Angels? They are servants in Brotherhood. What are the duties of people? They too, are workers in Brotherhood. The Stars, Sun, Moon, Fishes, Animals, Birds, etc., are all workers in Brotherhood. BROTHERHOOD MEANS THE WORD OF GOD Brotherhood means oneness. It is the word it is the truth. What is the word? It is God, Christ, human beings; it is everything in the world. Brotherhood is the word of God. Why is it that people of this world do not know what Brotherhood means? It is because it is not given to them to understand. Brotherhood is not a Society it is not a Cult. It is the Spirit of Love. I am Brotherhood you are Brotherhood. You do not need to say, "I want to be Brotherhood." You are Brotherhood whether you like it or not. Everybody is Brotherhood. To those who want to know its origin, we say Brotherhood has no origin. It has no beginning it has no end. Except a person wants to know the origin of God. Brotherhood was not founded by Christ, angels or man. It was founded by God himself. God the founder is Love. It is truth; it is good manners, mercy, and patience. It is humility, meekness, and unity. It is oneness; it is one thought, one mind, one spirit, one faith, and one hope. There is no division in Brotherhood. From the smallest child in the cradle to the oldest man: from the smallest village to the biggest city: all countries in the world put together are Brotherhood. WHAT IS CROSS Anybody who wants to follow me, but does not want to take up the Cross after me, cannot be my follower (CHRIST). Brethren, our Gospel is about the CROSS. After that celebrated Gospel on what is Brotherhood during the Pentecostal Convention, many had thought the Gospels on the Cross and Star would follow. But since my Father did not give the signal throughout the convention, I could not do anything more than to allow his will to prevail. This afternoon brethren, it has pleased him and he has given the signal that I should do so. Therefore, I shall be failing in my duty as his mouthpiece, if I should fail to give you the Gospel on the 'Cross' today.
  • 8. 3 Some think to give alms means carrying the Cross: others think that to heal the sick by praying, means carrying the Cross. Others think to pray three times a day means carrying the Cross; yet another class of people thinks that to pay tithe, Freewill Offering and Charity means carrying the Cross. The Cross-has been made into different forms. Some hang it around their necks; some hang it on their walls. Christ says we should carry the Cross. Do all those things mean you are carrying the Cross? We all know that Christ fell down with the Cross-as he was carrying it to Calvary. Does carrying the Cross mean that a piece of wood has to be carried? Without the Cross, the world could not have been saved. The Cross-is light and it can also be heavy. For the world to be in perfect peace, each of us must carry the Cross. By what means does one convert a smoker, a snuffer, a fornicator, a thief, a murderer, a back-stabber, or a liar? Is it by carrying the Cross? If we all should decide today to take up the Cross, the sins of the world would vanish immediately. What is the Cross? Is it vision and prophecy? Or building houses for people: giving food to people, buying clothes for them? If Jesus had only healed and prophesied without carrying the Cross, his work could come to nothing. IT MEANS BEARING ONE ANOTHER'S BURDEN If you buy a vehicle for brethren to go on ministry works so that their job is less difficult, you are not carrying the Cross. The Cross-is not as immense as you might have imagined. It is very small, it is light, but it is also very heavy. What is the Cross? Cross means bearing another's burdens without complaining: tolerating all sinners, murderers, thieves, and back- stabbers, etc. If one accuses you falsely, yet you stand firm with Christ: if you are spat on, jeered at, disgraced without any cause: if you are insulted without just cause, yet you tolerate such a person wholeheartedly, you are carrying the Cross. If you are informed that someone has planned to kill you and you will not run away, then you are carrying the Cross. To carry the Cross does not cost anything. To be able to carry the Cross, you must resign yourself completely to God. You must be loving, humble, you must have patience, you must be forgiving, you must see another person as being better than yourself, you must not be envious. If Jesus did not possess these qualities, he could not have carried the Cross. If
  • 9. 4 you remain with a cunning man without hurting his feelings for being crafty, if you can stay with a notorious liar, happily, without stirring up his anger when he tells you a lie, when one persecutes you falsely and seeks to destroy your life, yet you tolerate him, you are carrying the real Cross. WHAT IS STAR? THE GREAT LIGHT You have read in the scriptures about a secret name. That secret name is the Star. The Star is Christ. The Star is the glory of God and it is the glory of Christ. The Star is the revelation of God. It is the hidden name that no one knows. The Star indicates the reign and the glory of Christ. The Star here does not refer to the constellation above. The Star means the brightness of God and the power of his reign. The Star is the peace of the Almighty God that governs the universe. There is no other Monarch other than Christ, the Star. From his birth, the great light has been shinning over Christ's head. It is the only light that shines the whole world over. Therefore, it is not enough for someone to be a Brotherhood only, or to carry the Cross alone, but to be worthy children of the Kingdom. To be worthy children of the Kingdom of God we must be of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. The Star indicates those who will rule and are ruling with him. The Star is the ruler of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. He is Christ, and Christ did not come alone. The Father is here, the Son is here and the Holy Spirit is here. He is in the Father, Christ is the City of which we are told. No light is needed, because he shines there. The father and the son shine to eternity. The name of the morning Star is known to Christ alone and is not known to human beings. We worship the Star, which is Christ. The Cross-we must carry. The Star is the glory that reigns over the world. In his first coming, Christ passed through pain and tribulation. The primary aim of his second coming is to rule in glory. It is the glory indicative of his reign. He is coming to take up his kingship and rule. His kingdom is here on Earth. The Star means Christ, his glory and that of his father. He has arrived with the father to live with men on earth. He comes in glory to rule the whole world. He has not come to serve, suffer and die, as he did in his first coming. Each time the almighty father sends his Son out; he gives him a new name. His disciples were also given different names. When he departed from the world, his disciples were called Christians. When he worked among men, he was called Jesus. He
  • 10. 5 asked his disciples, "Who do men say that I am?" He was told; he was the Christ, the Son of God. He warned them not to call him that name and requested them to keep it a secret to themselves. God knows best why his Son should be given a new name each time he is sent to earth. When you hear the name Christ, you cannot say who the Anointed One is. When he is called Star, you cannot distinguish one from the other. The Star radiates light. His glory and his reign go into eternity. Christ is the light, he is Jehovah God. Imagine how sweet the name sounds in a believer's ear. It is the light that blinded Saul on his way to Damascus. Christ's name is only known to the father and the Son. THANK YOU FATHER
  • 11. 6 WHO IS THE KING OF KINGS? FIRST LESSON: HEBREW 1:6 And again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the angels of God worship him. SECOND LESSON: REVELATION 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords." GOLDEN TEXT: PHILIPPIANS 2:9-10 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name, which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth, and things under the earth. THE TIME OF REVELATION Brethren, the above lesson explains the revelation we have for you. The world does not know the meaning of Christ and Jesus. Even members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star do not know the meaning of Christ. Most churches are expecting him to be born in their midst, to be one of their Bishops or Popes or Priests. Who rules now, Churches or Governments? When the father revealed our Lord Jesus Christ through Apostle Peter, our Lord Jesus Christ cautioned him to tell no man because it was not yet time for him to be revealed. It is said that "no one knows the Son except the Father and no one knows the Father except the Son and he to whomever the Son will reveal him." This is the fullness of time and the hosts of heaven are being revealed gradually. The Holy Father has been revealed and all creation bows to him and recognize him as the Solo Spiritual Head, the Creator and Ruler of the heavens and earth. Nobody is known anymore in the flesh. If you want to know the Father and know the truth, seek him in spirit. THE KING OF KINGS REVEALED AS GOD I recently preached a sermon in which I declared: "The King of kings and Lord of Lords you hear about is not Roland but God; the Executive council is God's... "If you are spiritually minded and endowed with understanding you will realize the weight of that statement. You would have known that the person revealed unto you as the King of kings and Lord of Lords is God himself. The Father in that sermon was implying that the King of king's name is not Roland but the name of God (Olumba Olumba Obu). The Brotherhood world and the universe should know that the name of the being that bears the title "King of kings and Lord of lords is not Roland."
  • 12. 7 He has been revealed. He is recognized and known in all planes of existence as "His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords." When he was revealed some years ago, brethren used to address him as his divine majesty. Then, I corrected them and proclaimed him as His Holiness “The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” The only divine majesty is the Holy Father LEADER Olumba Olumba Obu, the sole spiritual head of the universe. In this sermon I am going to spell out everything. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is here. All creation knows that there is only one God who is now on earth dwelling with men and he has a new name that has been revealed to the chosen ones. He has only one First Begotten Son and has revealed him to the world as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; he is the first-born of all creation and he is above all but subject to the Father alone for the Father is all and all. THE REBELLIOUS SPIRIT Lucifer boasted that he would not recognize or worship Christ because he is a small boy to him. In his arrogance and pride he fell and was cast away from heaven forever. Let us respect and hold fast what we have so that we won't lose it. The father loves and blesses those who fear and respect him. If you challenge and dishonor the First Begotten Son of God, you challenge and dishonor God himself and have to put yourself in prayers because you have joined Lucifer and his rebellious angels and your portion shall be with them in the bottomless pit. ACT 5:39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it, lest haply ye be found even to fight against God." We are witnesses to the fact that, the authority that rules the town is the government. Before the establishment of a new denomination in a country, the authority or government is usually consulted for authorization. MEN OF GOD ARE TREATED WITH CONTEMPT The ecclesiastical men are neither recognized nor honored; rather the antichrist called kings are feared, honored, and worshipped. Only the kings and Queens of the world have the royal prerogative over others even the millionaires. A king is greater than his other subjects. The question now is this, are these kings recognized by the angels, spirits and celestial bodies? If they are not, then they are fake kings because God did not give that status they usurped it. The only King is Christ and he is the one kept and known by God.
  • 13. 8 People wonder why Jesus Christ chose to suffer on earth and die like a sacrificial lamb. The answer is that, he wanted the Kingship, which is an everlasting one from God. Jesus Christ is the King. Christ is a Hebrew name meaning the anointed King of the visible and invisible worlds. You can be the Son of God and not a King. You can be a king of the moon or sun but not of the whole Universe. The one hundred and forty four thousand followers of Christ are kings who must rule under him for he is the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. Jesus was a common Hebrew name and Christ means anointed King; therefore Jesus the King. Jesus Christ the Son of God is a repetition like saying Jehovah God, which means God of gods. The Efiks call a King, Obong, the Hebrew language is Christ, and all languages have their own name for King. CHRIST THE KING IS THE UNIVERSAL RULER The Kingship of Christ is not from man but from God the Father himself. This King must rule the whole world both the terrestrial and celestial bodies visible and invisible. He has not come as a Pope or Bishop but as the King to rule the whole world. Therefore, anyone who believes that Christ is the King is saved. The earthly kings cannot rule the flesh and the Spirit. There is no other King but Jesus Christ. God has not ordained any other one to be King that was why he said, "I have not received my glory from man." The earthly kings appointed by men are the cause of the tribulations, sorrows, hatred, envy, wars and covetousness, which fill the world today. All these kings are antichrist's who pervert the cause of nature for their own interest. This is the appointed time for the Son of man to reign in the world. If people were to believe that Jesus Christ is the King of the world, they would have obeyed him and would have been happy about it. In his kingdom, there is no oppression or cheating. Where will you be if you reject him as your King? Read: Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. The kings of this earth are not happy to hear that there is another King. However, they are not bothered about the Pope and Bishops because they know they are still under them. WHY HEROD MASSACRED THE BABIES If the three, wise man had told Herod of a Bishop or Pope born to preach to the Jews, he would not have ordered the massacre of babies. But to hear that a King has been born to rule the Jews was an unpardonable and treasonable offense of the highest order. The Apostles were killed because they preached that Jesus was the King. James was
  • 14. 9 killed because he preached that Jesus Christ was the King and no other. Anyone can be Jesus for it is a common name, but Jesus Christ is the King. Jesus Christ has come to take the Kingship preserved for him from the beginning of the world. He has come to select his followers who will reign with him forever and ever. The Moslems and the Hindus do not know the meaning of Christ and so cannot give him the respect and honor due to him. People who know him forsake sins in order to be with him and to reign with him. Read the First Lesson: FIRST LESSON: MATTHEW 19:28 And Jesus said unto them, verily I say unto you, that ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. HE HAS COME TO RULE Brethren, you can now see why no earthly kingdom can stand. God's kingdom is at hand and so no other kingdom will stand. All churches, kingdoms, king's, priests are under the king, the earthly kings receive honor of men, even the church priest serve them Holy Communion in their rooms. If Secret society members honor their head or leader, what then do you think of Christ? He has come to rule the world and to reign forever with his elected ones. The one hundred and forty-four thousand members will rule with him as kings in his kingdom. There will be confusion and death in the world, so accept Christ as the King of all kings and be saved. Which king's name is powerful enough to raise the dead, heal the sick and drive away evil spirits? In whose name can Lucifer and his evil angels tremble and bow? You are not a king if you cannot rule yourself and the world of man and spirit. When we pray, "Thy Kingdom come," it means Christ should reign. The children of Israel asked for a King because they knew they had no King. Illness ants, beasts, spirits, and angels torment the earthly Kings. They are powerless and helpless. They cannot control the wind, seas and the oceans. This is true because they are self-made Kings. Anyone who regards an earthly king as Christ is as stupid as the king he worships. Christ rules at will and rules forever. Nobody is capable of dethroning or dictating to him. He came as a slave in his first advent but in this Second Advent he has come as the King of kings and Lord of lords.
  • 15. 10 THE EARTHLY KINGDOMS WILL BE SWALLOWED Every man will see the glory of God; every ear will hear him and every tongue will confess him as the King of kings and Lord of lords. He will arrange all things in order and will rule over all. When Christ appears, all earthly kings and kingdoms will cease to be and he will rule them with his chosen ones. Read the Second Lesson: 2ND LESSON: REVELATION 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords." HE COMES WITH POWER Brethren, you can now see that his coming is with majesty and power to rule in his kingdom, which has no beginning and no end. Who is he that will not obey him or who will not do his will? There is no other government but his. The sun, moon, and stars will not shine without his authority. All wrong things will be changed. The Son of man is coming to reign as was ordained of him. He will elect his officers and establish a new government. The new people will be stainless and will worship his name. In his name, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess him as the King of kings and Lord of lords. Adam was created first to rule over everything. An angel will not rule, no spirit will rule. Man must rule, that is why Christ must rule as man, and all things must obey him; death and Hades must obey him. Let us now use the power he has given us to work for him and serve him so that we might be elected. SOON HIS INFLUENCE WILL BE FELT EVERYWHERE The King of kings and Lord of lords is on earth but the world has not known him. To be qualified to reign with him, you must purify your hearts. Christ's election does not need money, place of birth or academic qualification but holiness. Tell the kings of the earth to humble themselves for the King of kings is here. Tell those living in other plants, the beasts of the field and the birds of the air to be ready to receive him. Tell the angels and the spirits to be humble, for the King is here. Very soon, his influence will cover the heavens and the earth and all things will tremble at his command. All creations will seek shelter from the King. Behold all things will be made new. Churches, Schools and Universities will have a new start. Governments built on fraud; greed and deceit will be no more. Houses and all that is built with blood money will be pulled down, broken to pieces and a new start will be made. Families built on fornication and evil will be separated. All satanic parents and children will perish. A new King comes with a new law. A new King has been born into the world but the world does not know him.
  • 16. 11 Read the Golden Text: GOLDEN TEXT: PHILIPPIANS 2:9-10 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name, which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth, and things under the earth. HE IS GIVEN A NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES What name is greater than the New Name of Jesus Christ? You are all playing, the fools in the world should be serious for the King is coming to inspect their works and will not spare anyone. His name governs all things created by God and his name is above all names. Death bows to him. He is seen physically and spiritually. There is no other way to salvation except through the New Name of Jesus Christ. Why do you choose the things of the world when the Lord is going to destroy them? His scepter is love, compassion, humility, patience, and goodness. Any child who is disobedient will perish. To whom will you make your appeal when he is the judge? Everything created fears him. Therefore, prepare to receive and serve him equitably with joy. There is no way of escape. He rules over the earth, heaven, and Hades. Whether his name is James or Okon, the one ordained by God will rule everything and all must obey him. He, who has ears to hear, let him hear. May the Lord bless the preaching of his word. Amen. THANK YOU FATHER
  • 17. 12 THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE KING OF KINGS SPIRITUAL FOOD: 2 CORINTHIANS 9:6-10 But this I say, he, which soweth sparingly, shall reap also sparingly; and he, which soweth bountifully, shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work: As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth forever. Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness; THE IMPORTANCE OF GRATITUDE: Brethren, the father has already blessed you. This is just to make it known to you that whosoever does not possess a grateful heart is not worthy of him. That is why I have come to thank the father. Today's meeting is education and welfare fellowship. Right now, I have declared and given the king of kings the authority to address all fellowships everywhere. Do not expect that the father will come out physically because once the king of kings comes out it means the father has come out. All the blessings showered on you today are directly from the father. Hence, I cannot add any more blessings but instead I will assist you momentarily. Is that not the debt I you? You do not seek me for any other thing apart from receiving the father's blessings. But no matter the amount of blessings showered on you, you still seek for money. For that reason I have now come with the money. Re-examine the spiritual food. SPIRITUAL FOOD: 2 CORINTHIANS 9:6-10 But this I say, he, which soweth sparingly, shall reap also sparingly; and he, which soweth bountifully, shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work: (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to
  • 18. 13 the poor: his righteousness remaineth forever. Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness ;) That is what I have brought unto you. You have been blessed and I have shared in the blessings. According to that passage, whosoever plants tuber of cocoyam would expect it to multiply to have a bounteous harvest. Hence, we except good things. THE KING OF KING'S JURISDICTION: The king of kings is the one to control everything. The education and welfare board is to take care of all facets of man's endeavors, including the Christ spiritual Council of churches and others. We expect every good thing starting from promotion to every other thing to be straightened all over the world. Do not maintain the slogan that until the Father comes, you will not be satisfied. If I may ask, is the king of kings not the father? The father in his son has blessed us. Since you have been blessed, I have equally shared in the blessing of today and I am filled. I only come to deliver this special message; now I can see everybody is happy. The blessing, which the king of kings has showered on you are not from him but from the father. All, the blessing, which ye have received here, are of the father. Do not distinguish this blessing as coming from the Son, mother, etc.; there is no other blessing aside this, as this is of the father. The Blessing has been showered on the entire world and it is sufficient for all. Normally, today being Friday is meant for the education and welfare board fellowship. They expected the father to appear physically, which is why the father has come. Now, I am making an introduction and declaration that whatever fellowship meeting may hold here, such should be arranged and addressed by the king of kings. He is the one to arrange things in their normal positions. Therefore all the fellowships starting from the woman, men's and elders to the rest should receive instructions from him. Things have been changed today. Therefore, all those who have not come, the father will change them and straighten everything so as to enable us enjoy them.
  • 19. 14 ARRANGEMENT OF THE FELLOWSHIP I initially arranged the Education, Labor and Welfare Board to fall into three sections. The Education section is a body on its own, Welfare is on its own and Labor taking the same shape as an independent body. But those appointed to head the fellowship protested and demanded that the three bodies be merged. They maintain that as time goes on, things would be arranged properly to suite the fathers will. But till date nothing has been done. I had wanted Education to be the body responsible for all the educational administration in this kingdom. Labor is to tackle the spate of unemployment, the reason being that I do not want any lazy man in brotherhood. I do not desire to have unemployed and unrighteous people. That section was to take care of the unemployed and grant them employment so that they climb high and be promoted. By so doing, those promoted would then have the urge to render services unto God daily. Welfare was to take care of the widows and inculcate good behavior in them. In a situation where one wishes to marry a good wife or husband, they are the ones to look out for the best behaved ones for them. There is no cheating in Brotherhood, swindling is not wanted here. The welfare section is to ensure that all and sundry co-exist in peace and liberty. They are the ones to seek freedom for people. There are no lies, deceit, cheating and oppression in brotherhood. Welfare is to take care of all the welfare matters concerning brotherhood in the world. No matter the caliber of people, whether they are lawyers, doctors, they are the ones to look after them. Ironically, since the establishment of these sections there had been nobody to effectively handle the affairs of this fellowship. The present sets of Peace committee members are self-elected members. You can imagine a situation where one would elect himself as the head and so on. That is not how it is supposed to be. If you do not have peace in your life how then do you think you will be able to give peace unto another? Many of them are neither married nor working and yet they claim to be members of the Peace committee. They just come together to carry out their self- interest. In the Education, Labor and Welfare fellowship, the Welfare section is the one to look after all those things. They are to ensure that nobody goes to court; neither formulates any court in the fellowship. Everything is to be settled indoors in the body and peace insured.
  • 20. 15 LOVE IS THE WATCHWORD: Brotherhood is organized in such a way that there is to be no sin because this is the kingdom of God which we have so far witnessed. All our discussions are essentially here and about this kingdom. There should be no gossip. If you are a member of the brotherhood and at the same time you insult another member of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star outside, would that depict you as a true member of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star? Such a person is not worthy of this kingdom. Once you insult somebody that means you are not worthy of this kingdom; you are a thief and robber, you got in here through the window. I do not want such a person because they would not be tolerated. Love has been preached to you daily, and the practical aspect of it all demonstrated to you, yet you claim that you are a secretary but at the same time abuse another person and insult everybody. You are a chairman and yet you indulge in vices, what kind of a chairman are you? You are not worthy at all. Let all and sundry hearken to the divine injunctions of God and put them into practice by loving one another. That is exactly the order of the day in brotherhood. Love should be the watchword in all the fellowships. If you do not humble yourselves and respect each other, then you are not worth to be members of any fellowship in the kingdom. I would advise you to instead stay quiet. THE EMPOWERMENT OF THE KING OF KINGS Henceforth, I have given the king of kings the authority to straighten out and handle everything including offices and appointments of fellowship chairman. He is the one to address all the meetings from the Spiritual Counsel of Churches, the Education, Labor and Welfare to the rest of them all. He should straighten and ensure that things are probably done. Right from the beginning, a lot of you come in here to play, steal, seek positions etc.; I do not want such people here. Instead I want those who love, have mercy, and humility; those who are ready to render service unto God wholeheartedly; that is all that is expected of you. Therefore, the king of kings will arrange and straighten everything in the brotherhood world. At any time you see him, believe fervently that you have seen the father. Do not distinguish him as the
  • 21. 16 Son. The king of kings is not the father’s “Son" but Olumba Olumba Obu himself. He is the fully revealed Olumba Olumba Obu. The king of kings is not just the first male child, but rather he is everything. The Gospel of last Sunday carried this message imparted to you now. Therefore, do not have it in mind that the father's Son has come out today to address you. The person seen is not the father's son but the father himself; the reason being that we have just one God and not two. This is the piece of advice I have for you. Read 1st Corinthians 6:1-9 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? How much more things that pertain to this life? If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? No, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers. Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? Why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind. ONLY RIGHTEOUSNESS REIGNS Brethren, have you seen that everything in brotherhood is linked to righteousness, hence no act of unrighteousness is wanted here. Henceforth, do not expect the father to come out and bless you after every meeting. Neither should you go to the Bishops apartment for blessing nor to the Queen Mother, thinking they are different and separate. That kind of thing does not exist here because all the blessings given here belong to the father alone. Every work done is but one. The king of kings is the father and so every blessing showered on you by him is from the father. He is the one to rearrange everything; he has the authority to change you for another person who would be better if you fail in your responsibilities when appointed as
  • 22. 17 the chairman of any fellowship. You would be changed if you were not active when appointed as secretary. He is the only one to change and rearrange everything. All this while, I have not been fully satisfied with the job done by the Education, Labor and Welfare fellowship; that name has been and is still maintained but those at the helm of affairs do not carry out their responsibilities, not even one. They have not yet started anything. If you elect somebody who is ignorant of a particular work that means you are the one indirectly doing the work. Those to be appointed should be those who have love, patience, humility, and meekness, those who have surrendered themselves to do the father's work wholeheartedly. That is the thing. Therefore, if there are only two or three persons qualified for such appointments, there is no problem, because it is said that two or three persons are better than 50,000 persons if they possess love. OVERHAULING OF THE BOARD If you look at the Education, Labor and Welfare fellowship, you will easily discern that there is no love amongst them; they are not coordinated, everybody is operating independently. The fellowship operates in name only but nothing is being done. Since the inauguration of the fellowship about 20 years ago, there has neither been any remarkable change nor achievements on record, which have impressed the father. Now, I want the fellowship to be rearranged. The Peace board should not have been on its own, but rather a part of this fellowship, especially under the Welfare. Instead of a merger or affiliation, they have sprung up to operate independently to fulfill their selfish desire. Consequently, the board is being managed nonchalantly and unscrupulously as though it meant some other thing or had a different objective. The Peace board is the body in charge of peace talks in brotherhood worldwide. Anything pertaining to peace is within their orbit of operation. This entails that only truthful persons should be appointed into the board to take care of matters concerning the restoration of peace. No Idol or irresponsible person is needed on that board. It does not have room for those who do things the way it pleases them. I do not want anybody to do things the way he or she wishes in this kingdom.
  • 23. 18 Read John 5:18-29 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the Sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God. Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these that ye may marvel. For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father, which hath sent him. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY TO THE KING OF KINGS: Brethren, do not bring equality here for I have surrendered all fellowship meetings, and Leader's representative meetings to the king of kings. The fellowships executives are to be reshuffled because those at the top are not doing their work. The king of kings is the one to superintendent and straighten everything. We had hitherto joked over things because if you do not have anybody that means you are done for. It is said, "In the country of the blind, the one eyed man is king." That has been the situation, because there was nobody, not even one. But now is the time for the king of kings to rearrange everything in their positions, beginning from the woman's fellowship to the Elders fellowship, and the rest of them. He is
  • 24. 19 to appoint the best hands and get rid of the bad ones. He is the only one with the sole authority to rearrange everything in brotherhood all over the world. The former things have passed away. In the past we did as we liked but all that has changed. All the self-appointed secretaries, chairman, auditors etc., succeeded before because there was nobody to act on those things. Now, somebody has emerged to take over the appointments of suitable qualified persons. Have you seen what I have come to accomplish today? Whether you are a president, Royal highness, whatever your title or position may be in the world at large, know that everything has been placed under the king of kings control and he is the one to handle all the affairs of brotherhood. He is the one to oversee the affairs of the children of God. Hence, when you see him, you have definitely seen the father, mother, Son and everything, but if you are recalcitrant you are not worthy of him. All those who have stubbornly refused to carry out their allotted responsibilities and tasks are not worthy to be part of this kingdom. Such persons are not wanted in brotherhood because brotherhood is love, patience, obedience, and other virtues. Hence, you must obey; brotherhood is oneness, working with one mind. Brotherhood is not a place where people come with their temptations, it is not a place where people come to eat or act as they wish, is it equally not a place where you exhibit pride. All these attributes are not wanted here. Read Hebrews 1:4-14 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the angels of God worship him. And of the angels he saith, who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. But to which of the angels said
  • 25. 20 he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? All these things are as all of you have known, heard and seen so that you would have nothing to say in defense in the future. A lot of you (children of God) bluntly refuse to adhere to the instructions when posted to a particular station, but I want you to know that refusing to embark on any special duty you are sent means you have unconsciously and automatically ostracized yourself from the fold, and as such you are not worthy to be a child of God. Be you a Christ servant, witness, or Bishop if you openly refused to go on a mission you are instructed to embark on that would be taken to mean you have bluntly refused to take up your work or duty. Your claims that the bishop used to be my brother, that he was my little boy, or that he was my schoolmate are unnecessary here. To claim that you know him, that he is your brother in fellowship does not come in at all. Everything is unfolding according to the plan and he is the one to put everything on their right track. Some workers are fond of refusing to go to the stations they are posted. If you act in such a manner, just simply go home and relax. Until doomsday, you cannot be readmitted into brotherhood or become anything in the kingdom. I have put a stop to these insolent acts in this place; I do not want it. Simply call a spade a spade, if you are here to serve God then serve God wholeheartedly. If you are not ready then go away for brotherhood does not seek anybody. Brotherhood does not lack people. ONLY ONE BEING EXISTS IN BCS: The Holy Queen mother is right here and all that I am saying now is because of her so that posterity will bear me out when the time comes. Many of you in your deceitfulness and craftiness go to the king of king’s residence to concoct stories and when you go to the Queen Mother's residence, you say something else. You are simply causing confusion by so doing. Know that the two offices have been merged into one. Only one being exists in brotherhood and not two, and that is all; The Father himself supervises all the work done here. I can openly disclose your different lifestyles, craftiness and all the vices you commit here. The king of kings does not know or do anything about you except the father in him wants it done;
  • 26. 21 because I am the owner of all works and so I know every one of you. I am aware of all the insolent acts, craftiness, deceit, theft, falsehood, fornication and other vices you indulge in. Trials have stopped. I know you all, one by one, whether you pass in here through the window or directly through the door, I know you all. Do not try any nonsense here. Instead remain humble. Be contented with what God has bestowed on you and remain in your positions in happiness. Brethren, let my peace and blessings abide with the entire world now and forever more. Rejoice immensely for everything is well with you. As you have seen the father, he has blessed you; he has already prayed for you and everything has been accomplished. All is well with you. Go! The father is in front and behind you. Let those who have ears, hear. May God bless his holy words now and forever more. Amen. THANK YOU FATHER
  • 27. 22 THE FIRST BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD FIRST LESSON: HEBREWS 11:5-6 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. SECOND LESSON: JOHN 7:17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. GOLDEN TEXT: JOHN 3:31-32 He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. And what he hath seen and heard, that he testifieth; and no man receiveth his testimony. GOD'S INTENTION IS TO BRING MAN TO THE TRUTH Everything has been changed this year, from today 10th of January 1987. Do not think that the Father will continue to stand here and preach ad infinitum. That time has passed. We are at the verge of a new dispensation were only Jehovah God and his Christ would reign. I intend to reveal something to you today. What I am about to reveal to you is your major sickness and setback, which is the same evil that befall Adam and Eve, your forebears. God does not tempt any person; this is because no person can tempt God. You are tempted when you are enticed by the lust of the flesh. God did not tempt Adam in any way. He was rather taken over by lust and greed. Carefully read and hearken to this piece of admonition and you will be all right. You are true witnesses to the fact that none of the Father's exhortation has failed, even those who have backslided and others who are not yet brotherhood members are aware of this fact. Do not regard Brotherhood as a cinema, theatre hall or as a child's play. Do not request that, the Father should speak a word for one thing or the other to happen. That time has passed.
  • 28. 23 You will recall that before now I use to place my hands on your heads and pray for all of you as I walk round the Hall, I had at other times sprinkled water and danced round the Hall, I have also stood here to preach for hours on end. Nonetheless, this is a different year and such things will no longer take place because something new is about to take place. I WILL SOON BE SEEN NO LONGER I want to reiterate that a time is coming when I shall no longer stand here and talk to you. I shall at that time also cease to stand before you and dance, as if we are in a competition. That is not what I have come to do in the world. There is something I am going to reveal to you when the time comes. Many of you claim you know the Father, do you know the Son? You profess to know Jehovah God; do you also know his Christ? This is the only mystery that has not been revealed, and when it is revealed, so many changes will take place. At that time many of you who claim to love the Father will deny him, and many who claim to be my children will flee from me, but the true children of God will remain with their Father. Otherwise why do you tell people that Olumba is your Father but cannot come near him? None of you is interested in the Father's teachings. You are only interested in watching the Father dance. Even though you listen to my teachings you do not put them into practice. This is the source of your problem. You are told not to harden your heart when you hear his voice. God instructed Adam and Eve to eat of all the fruits in the garden except one, which is in the midst of the garden, the tree of good and evil. He told them the day they eat of the fruit they shall die. They were never sick; neither had they any problem nor died while they complied with God's instruction. Even if it had taken them a million years, they would not have run out of fruits in the garden. Though you claim that if you were Adam, you would not have eaten of the forbidden fruit and that if you were Pontius Pilate, you would not have allowed the Jews to crucify Christ. But I am telling you today, that if the Christ is revealed now, some of you here will be the first to cast stones at him. Why did Adam and Eve eat of the forbidden fruit? They ate it because of lust and self- indulgence. They were not instructed to eat the fruit by God. They were seeking after their
  • 29. 24 own glory consequently, they disobeyed God's instruction and adhered to the evil one and incurred problems for themselves, thereby setting the pace for the problems besetting the entire world. Moses was instructed to only point his staff at the rock, but instead he struck the rock not even once but twice. That was a classic case of disobedience, the result was that Moses was shown the Promised Land but was not allowed to enter it. Brethren, your salvation, redemption and whatever is your heart's desire depends on your obedience to God's word. If you obey and do the things I tell you, and refrain from those I tell you not to, the glory of God will manifest in you. I bring unto the entire world peace, love, truth, mercy and all the virtues of God. That is what God has in store for you because he has seen your weakness, stubbornness and nakedness. This is the time of peace and salvation. All the suffering besetting man started as a result of his headiness and disobedience. When God ordered all the angels to bow down and worship our Lord Jesus Christ, angel Lucifer refused, saying that the order was meant for lesser angels. He thus disobeyed and refused to bow down and worship the little boy. He has since suffered greatly and is still suffering till date. The fact that, he will not test of the kingdom of God arises from his act of disobedience. This explains why not all of you are actually clean. There is one unclean person in your midst and that is Lucifer. Therefore, brethren this is a great example for mankind in this last generation, especially for those of you who have been here for many years. Do not joke with the word of God; you are saved once you practice them. Although mankind is weak, no person can close his eyes against the salvation that he has seen. The Holy Spirit has come in this last dispensation because God has seen man's weakness; his depraved pitiful position and has decided to redeem mankind. The Holy Spirit does not need your money, he is not interested in your beauty or your greetings or in any thing you have. He came solely to save and redeem mankind and to establish and organize his kingdom. If you take seriously God's instruction regarding disobedience, you would not continue to joke with his counsel. You have no power to repel your enemies because you have disobeyed God. You have no life because you have disobeyed God. You lack money because you do not obey God. You have no peace because you do not obey God. You are disgraced because you do not obey God. You encounter temptation left and right and fall headlong because you disobey God. You fall
  • 30. 25 sick and become wretched because you refuse to comply with the instructions of God. You continue to die and reincarnate again and again each time because you have disobeyed God. It is disobedience that has kept man in the lowly position he finds himself today. Have you seen the reason why I do not talk, get angry or discuss much with you? It is because of the love I have for this glory and for God, and I do not wish that any of you should miss this glory I would like all of you to enjoy this peace and put it on as a garment. Before now, people were told that no man can see God, they were told that whoever sees God will die and so man become afraid. People stopped praying to God. Most people run away when they are told that God has come because of what they heard. Those who are told to refrain from sin run away because of fear. Fear has caused a lot of confusion among man. I am also filled with pity for you, because once you commit any kind of sin, you must suffer. If you tell lies you must suffer. No matter how small the sin you commit, you must suffer. You are all aware of the fact that once the Father comes into your midst, you all panic. I have seen the fear, which the whole world has about this glory, although you do not know. This is why I try to draw you nearer myself. I bring down myself to your level because fear goes with suffering. Once you are afraid, you can never be perfect. I bring you close to myself so that you will be free to do what is good. I want you all to know that this work is not that of man. It is God himself who has come to do all things. If you pray in spirit and refrain from sin you will see him and you will also know what to do. CHORUS: Let us adore thee, Thou awesome God. Read the First Lesson FIRST LESSON: HEBREWS 11:5-6 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
  • 31. 26 HOW TO LIVE IN GOD'S GLORY If you were to know that God has come down, you would not have come in here to laugh and play, such actions bring punishment to the world. The words we speak are confounding. You are afraid and have decided to run away because you are told that no man can see God and live. And where do you run to, to Satan. Now I have come to remove that fear from you so that you will be able to know the Father, love him and see his glory in you, in name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen. "God forbid" cannot prevent death. What prevents death is the advice given to you to stop stealing, fornicating and committing all sort of evil. It is this advice that enables you to see God's glory and enjoy his kingdom. God does not kill anybody. His righteousness, brightness, power, humility and love are the things we should see and if these things elude you, you are in trouble and can never see him. People try to run away from God, but where will you run to that you will not be found if you are a sinner? He is in the deepest sea, in the mountains, in the sun, moon and stars. If you refrain from sin, you will have peace and live a happy life. FEAR GOD AND GIVE HIM HONOR All the changes you see in the world are as a result of his coming. This is the reason why I have come to tell you not to be angry nor commit any sin that you may behold his glory and enjoy his grace. Even if the two hands are joined together in prayer, a sinner shall never go unpunished. Consequently, all those who speak ill of Brotherhood are inadvertently speaking ill of God and must suffer. Whoever is afraid of God and fails to believe that it is God that does this work should pray for himself my daily intercession is for them. I have said from the onset that the flesh I am clothed with is not the doer of this work; and even if the whole world should gather in an effort to persuade me to accept even at the risk of being shot, I will still maintain my stand that this flesh I wear is not the doer of this work. How can I say I am the doer of the work when I have seen the doer and I have seen everything, am I crazy?
  • 32. 27 Do not think that because I joke with you, you should slap me. God is a two-edged sword. Whoever does not rejoice at his coming is in trouble. If you speak ill of his coming, you are in trouble. If you speak ill of anybody in this world you are in trouble. If you have been indulging in any kind of evil, abstain from such now because it is said that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. If you have the fear of God in you, you will no longer steal, fornicate or indulge in vices, and once you abstain from these vices, you are saved. This is why the Bible states that: "whoever blasphemes the Father or the Son shall be forgiven but whoever blasphemes the Holy Spirit shall never be forgiven in this generation and in the generation to come." Since you have blasphemed the totality of the Godhead, know that God does not abuse man, he does not use cane on anybody and he does not get angry. He is the light and he has no business with sin. If you fail to adhere to his instructions, you will have problems. You are being told so that you may not be angry or bear grudges etc. It is a fact that man is not God and man has not exhibited his semblance in any way. Therefore, if you compare man with God, you will have problems. God is the light and you cannot say anything about him because he is a perfect God. His glory and ruler ship is baffling. He is so great that his greatness overwhelms the world. Everything is embedded in him. Beauty, peace, riches, power, heaven and earth are all in him. Therefore, man is not expected to tell lies, kill, swindle, be stubborn, and murmur etc., anymore. If you do these things you are in trouble. The reason why these words are preached 24 hours a day, 366 days a year is for the entire world to be saved and enjoy this glory forever, in name of our Lord Jesus Christ. There is no more division. There is nether Jew nor Greek, rich or poor. Strongmen and stubbornness have been wiped away because of my daily intercession. Do not be afraid. Stop committing sins. Do not say Obu loves me and because of that, you continue to sin. God has nothing to do with sin. I am not God; I am only a witness. You are also witnesses. We are all witnesses to his glory. THE FATHER IS GLORIFIED IN THE SON Right now the weather conditions have changed; nobody knows the rainy season and the dry any longer. All concoctions have failed. The scientists have failed. If you come up to testify, you will have nothing to say. When he came in his first advent, he was called Jesus; things
  • 33. 28 were not like this at that time and he never really showed himself but he humbled himself unto death, the Father has now raised him up and has given him a new name above all other names. That new name is the name he now bears, "The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords." he is also the first begotten son of god. When you see him, you have seen the Father, and when you see the Father, you have seen the Son. We are all his children. I have taught you to love; once you love him, you are one with him. There is neither male nor female in him. He has come to make us one. I am not the one called the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; he is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. If the Father chooses to glorify the Son with himself as he promised long ago, why do you take offense? No single soul can answer that name. Do not rejoice because you are Obu's child and think that you can come here and struggle for one positions or the other. Do you know what the King of Kings and Lord of Lords means? Refrain from sin, do what is good and have love and his glory will be seen in you. All those who do good will see him and know him, and they will dwell with him forever. All those who have love, humble themselves, do not fornicate, have patience, are honest, and do not eat meat and fish are like him because they take after him. All those who continue to eat meat and fish, prove stubborn, kill and argue do not see him and have no peace and they have no please here. Read the Second Lesson SECOND LESSON: JOHN 7:17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself." SEEK FOR HIM NOW WHEN IT IS NOT TOO LATE: This is why I say nothing. I do not stop you from coming to BCS; I do not abuse you. If you put these words into practice, you will have peace and you will be enriched. Heaven and earth and the fullness thereof belong to him and what belongs to him belongs to his children. No matter how wide a field is it must have a boundary. If you fail to heed his words, you are
  • 34. 29 in eternal hell and suffering. Do not say you do need God because whoever refuses God refuses life, peace, goodness and existence. Seek God now that you can find him else a time shall come when you will see him no more. If that time comes, it will be eternal suffering. He will not beat you nor talk to you, neither will he deny you food but things will be tough. Do not be stubborn because no one is exempted from the consequence of stubbornness. When it was said that people should not marry, quarrel etc., most people were afraid and wondered how man could survive without marriage and the eating of meat and fish. Have you not seen that these are things of the past? FIRST WITNESS: 1 CORINTHIANS 13:3-4 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. EVERYTHING IS IN HIM: You ask for money, children, power, glory etc., these are minor things, which are embedded in him. Once you call on him, these things come to you. These are the real teachings that prevail now and once you abide by them, you will have everlasting peace. Read the Golden Text GOLDEN TEXT: JOHN 3:31-32 He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. And what he hath seen and heard, that he testifieth; and no man receiveth his testimony. Heaven and earth are found in him. What kind of knowledge, city, food and glory are you looking for which is not in him? With him, you have no problem and no wants. He is the greatest and he is Omniscient. What do you want to go and study? Once you have him, you are at the top of everything. This kingdom is faith, hope and love and with these you are at rest. He is the Father of beauty, grace and wisdom. He is the fountain of living waters. I have come to take you to the Promised Land and whether you like it or not you have reached there.
  • 35. 30 Let those who have ears, hear. May God bless his holy words now and forever more Amen. THANK YOU FATHER
  • 36. 31 THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SON OF GOD First Bible Lesson: Romans 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Second Bible Lesson: Hebrews 1:6 And again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the angels of God worship him. Golden Text: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, we are now the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. Brethren that is the theme of our revelation today. God has never told lies at any time. Man can lie but God has never told lies. Today you are again revealed publicly to the whole world, that you are children of God. It is a thing of joy for me and for you and for all mankind. It is so because what man did not hope for, what he thought would only be a matter of dream, has now become manifested openly at its fullness of time. When a child cries, wherever he points his finger, if the father is not there, the mother will be there. During the last advent of Our Lord Jesus Christ, when He claimed He was the son of God, He was accused of disgracing God. When they went with an intention of killing Him, He asked them, "For which of the good works do you want to kill me?" He pointed to one and said, "You were blind is it because I restored your sight that you want to kill me?" He said no. To another He said, "You died and because I raised you up, is that why you want to kill me?" He said no. He continued to ask them one by one and they all said, "For the good work, we kill you not but because you being a man arrogate to yourself the position of God. It was there and then that He quoted Psalm 82 for them: "Was it not written in your laws that ye are gods, children of the Most High." The same is the case today, the spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. God knows that you are His children. That is why it is said patience subsumes good conduct. God does not do anything in a state of confusion but he brings everything to manifestation at the fullness of time. But believe and rest assured that whatever he has said, no matter the time lapse, such a thing would surely be manifested.
  • 37. 32 Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself has said these words. That was why He said I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the spirit of truth is come He will reveal everything onto you. You are true witness that this sort of a gospel could not be preached in the past even if it was preached only the corpse of the preacher would be left on the ground. If because Our Lord Jesus Christ said that He was the Son of God He was killed, how much more would they have reacted if somebody has attested that all the inhabitants of the world are the children of God. His corpse would not have reached the ground. For claiming that Our Lord Jesus was the Christ, all the disciples were beheaded, for they could not see how a man could be the Christ. That explains why He warned all of them not to tell any person that He was the Christ until everything was made consummate. There is time for everything under the sun, as arranged by God. And now is the time for the manifestation of the sons of God. As a matter of fact, there is nothing to be hidden again, for the cup is full to the brim. There is no doubt or fear or sorrow or weakness. This is because this generation is the luckiest. Things that people have hitherto not heard of, you are hearing them now. And the things which people have never seen, you have seen them now. If somebody had told you that you are a son of God and that you would refer to your fellow human beings as brothers and sisters, you would not have believed. Even though the Psalmist has expressly stated that you are gods, children of the Most High, if you were to stake a claim that you are a child of God, you would be stoned to death. That is why you are advised to wait patiently and not murmur because no matter the circumstances, the will of God must prevail. The main reason of our visitation is to reveal the children of God and in its proper perspective throughout the whole world. This is because Our Lord Jesus Christ did not have the ability to bring about this manifestation. Even His claim to the sonship of God was unacceptable at the people, how much more to declare openly that you are the children of God. But his teaching has indicated that you should love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven, who makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and He sends His rain on the just and unjust, which is conclusive that you are truly the Children
  • 38. 33 of God. He has also indicated that you should not refer to any person as a teacher because there is only one Teacher, but all of you are brethren. He also instructs you that you should not call any person "Father" because you all have one father who is in heaven. He also enjoins that you should not call any person "Lord" because there is only one Lord even Jesus, the Christ. These have proved most conclusively that you are the children of God. His disciples went to Him and asked Him to teach them how to pray even as John had taught his disciples to pray. And he taught them when they pray to say, "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name." Who is that Father in Heaven? Can you not realize that all those who say the Lord's Prayer are bound by the words of the Lord's Prayer itself; and they have accepted that they are the children of God, the Father? We always pray, Our Father who is in heaven, you also pray, why is it that you deny now that He is your father and that you are His children. All church denominations, all prayer houses, and all the inhabitants of the world say the Lord's Prayer, "Our Father, who is in heaven," but today have you not realized that He is Our Father who is in heaven? Have you not accepted that you are a child of God? Is it not a clear indication that all the inhabitants of the world are Brotherhood? Has the Father not borne witness that all of us are children of God? Our hope and faith have now been made manifest at the time we least expected. When our hope is shattered, the savior appears. So brethren, as of now, death and hades have been condemned and, you, the children of God have been justified. Brethren, I do not wish to overload you, let the first lesson now be read. First Bible Lesson: Romans 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Brethren, have you heard that. Even if all the wealth in the world is bestowed unto you, it is not comparable to the manifestation of all the inhabitants of the world as the children of God. That explains why our Lord Jesus Christ said: Howbeit, when the spirit of truth is come He will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of Himself, but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak, and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you, because all things that the Father has are mine. In the past you always referred to the Son of God in the singular form, but today you all are the children of God, Brotherhood. You will realize why you can sum up courage to stand
  • 39. 34 publicly and call somebody a brother wherever you are. You boldly declare yourself as a child of God, and there is no question. During the advent of Our Lord Jesus Christ, He was the only person regarded as the Son of God. The reason for His crucifixion was because He declared Himself the Son of God. This resulted from the indoctrination of the people by Satan that God does not beget any children at all. Even though He owns both heavens and the earth and he created man and made everything, Satan purposely did that to blackmail the Son of God, every person in the world held onto this. And so any person who declared himself the son of God would be killed. It was not because of raising the dead that He was killed, nor was He killed because of His preaching, nor was He killed for any particular reason, but it was because He being a man declared himself the Son of God. Even when they interrogated Him, one High priest waded in immediately and inquired from them what other facts they wanted to elucidate from Him because He has already erred by declaring that He was the Son of God, and for that reason alone He should be killed. You will realize that the work done by God at this end of time is really tremendous. The joy that is in heaven and the peace which prevails on earth can better be imagined than described. The sadness that besets Satan and Lucifer and his followers cannot be described. All of you are aware of what Satan and his followers have done in the world at this end of time. In broad day light they go about culminating that Brotherhood sucks blood, that Brotherhood is apparition, and juju, and mermaid and is cannibalistic. They roam the whole world with their propagandist machinery. They also maintain that Brotherhood relates to the false prophets which the Bible mentions, and that it is Brotherhood which has come to lead men astray. Compare these calumnious and blasphemous utterances with the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ vis-à-vis what is now transpiring in the world. This explains why it is said when the battle is tough then the king must lead the army. Many a times when something happens, we erroneously argue that if God were in existence, such a thing could not have happened. God is very much in existence. Sometimes we question why He has not done a particular thing. I would advise you to rest your case and ponder over it. That state of affairs induced John the Baptist while he was in prison to send
  • 40. 35 two of his disciples to Our Lord Jesus Christ saying: Art thou he who should come, or are we to look for another? Why did he send his disciples? It was because all his hope was on Christ that when He would come, He would liberate the oppressed, He would heal the broken hearted, He would preach deliverance to the captives and would set at liberty those who were bruised and he thought that since he was cast into prison, Our Lord Jesus Christ would definitely come to set him at liberty. But to his amazement, John waited in prison but he did not hear any person asking him to get out of the prison yard, and so he sent two of his disciples to ask the young man whether he was the one who should come or they were to look for another. But Our Lord Jesus Christ responded immediately; go your way and tell John that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and to the poor the gospel is preached. Can you observe how a statement such as the one made by Our Lord Jesus Christ was capable of causing a great deal of deliberation in the hearts of a great many people about the glory of Christ? Come to think of it, in the whole of Israel, all the Israelites thought that when He would come, He would deliver them from the scourges of Roman domination, and remove them, sine die, from their tentacles and oppression, and kill the Roman Empire with its oppressions giving them their full independence and self- determination as they thought he would appear with battalions of soldiers. But to their greatest surprise, He came to preach that the people should love their enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and fervently pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you. At the same time, they were still suffering under the domination of the Romans and so they concluded that Christ could not be the Messiah. So brethren, nothing would have caused the Israelites to believe in Him because He did not show them any sign. They were after signs, liberations and freedom but since such could not be seen in Him they all conspired that He should be beaten up and killed. If it were possible for Him to have raised an army and to have sent at least one battalion which would have dealt a great blow on some of the Roman citizens and destroyed the a part of the Roman Empire to liberate them so that they gain their independence, it would have been possible for the people to give Him the benefit of the doubt and to take cognizance of his messiah-ship.
  • 41. 36 But the fact that, He instead, enunciated that they should love their enemies and neighbors, nothing would have convinced them to believe in Him as the Messiah. This explains why it is said that flesh and blood will not inherit this kingdom of God. So brethren, the second lesson will now be read. Second Bible Lesson: Hebrews 1:6 And again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the angels of God worship him. Brethren, have you heard a very wonderful statement? This of course, is his second assignment, you are aware that, in his first advent when he executed his assignment, Peter took up the sword and cut off the ear of one of the servants of the High Priests. He rebuked Peter and said, “Put your sword into its place for whosoever takes up the sword must surely perish with the sword. Do you think that I cannot now pray my Father and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels, but how then can the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?" Do you think that if during his last advent, it was commanded that all angels should bow down and worship Him, He would have been killed? This is the point which has eluded the people of the world who argue that "even the Lord Jesus was killed" and so since this one cannot be killed it should not be linked with God, for it is not God, but they only operate under the disguise of God. You have heard the testimony given recently by Professor Bassey Bassey, how they met in a secret meeting and conspired that He should be killed, and mandated their henchmen to kill, but all stood tongue-tied and dumbfounded. Brethren, if there is a man to whom God commands that all the angels should worship him, you would realize that everything stands consummated. That situation is unquestionable. He causes everything to be done without any problem, and without any question. He has the boldness and the courage to do anything whatsoever because everything remains under His subjection. He is not mindful of the time or day. He does not ask any questions, neither does He have an opponent for everything is subject under His feet. There is therefore no hindrance and He has the capability of doing everything whatsoever.
  • 42. 37 If you do not understand what is referred to as the angels of God, I am now going to name the lesser ones for you. Heaven is the Throne of God, Earth is His footstool. Therefore fire, wind, snakes in the field, animal in the bushes, all creeping things, and all winged animals are angels of God. Further, the thunder, the wind, rain and many other things are the angels of God. Again Lucifer, death, hades, ocean are all messengers. Furthermore, sickness of all kinds, lust and human desires, wretchedness, poverty, sleep, are all His angels. What do you think of this man to whom all angels of God will be commanded to worship? You have heard one necromancer confessing that he went to pluck some leaves for the preparation of his concoction, and the leaves warned him not to pluck them again, because they are Brotherhood. He also went to dig up certain roots but the roots also warned him not to dig them up again because they are all Brotherhood. If you want to prove the sacrosanctity or otherwise of this assertion, from tomorrow go to the house of the most powerful necromancer, inform him that you want certain preparations of concoctions and diabology to be compounded for you. He will ask you whom you are preparing this charm for or against. You tell him you want the charm in order to kill a certain Brotherhood member. Even if you tell him that you are a Brotherhood member he will drive you away from his compound, and he will quarrel with, thereafter he will raise an alarm and will invite the police to arrest you as you have rendered his diabology ineffective. He will ask if you have ever heard that any person can kill a Brotherhood member. To dispose of a preliminary matter, immediately you enter the house of a necromancer, his diabology, his preparations are rendered useless. That explains why you are refused entry into certain communities by the citizens, because they know, and have been told that the moment you parade the community with a song all their preparations of concoction and juju and charms will be destroyed. This also explains why if you are sitting with a group of persons, the moment they know that you are a Brotherhood, they will all desert you for fear that if they stay any longer with you, the little charms they have will be rendered ineffective. That is why no matter how you
  • 43. 38 explain that there is nothing in Brotherhood, they will tell you to go away, that you operate under the guise of God. Do you think that it was that difficult for Our Lord Jesus Christ to have made a declaration, but he could not have declared that? Who are you to have made such a declaration, the consequences which would have followed would be such that your blood will not touch the ground. Do you think such declaration as "Olumba Olumba Obu is God," you make at the market place today, any other living person could make it without his blood touching down on the ground. Much more entering somebody's house and singing whatever flies and whatever crawls, Olumba Olumba Obu reigns. You enter the government circles and announce to the officials that Olumba Olumba Obu who owns all the positions that they occupy, and such house owners and government officials will not fail to cast you into jail. And again while you are paddling in a canoe, there is a big storm and you call on the name Olumba Olumba Obu and the winds subsides while the storm remains still, they would still appreciate what would happen. The whole world, the inhabitants on land and in water wage a relentless battle but cannot succeed. What then do you think this power is? It is said, when He will bring His final begotten into the world, He will command that all the angel of God, winged animals, all creeping things, all created and uncreated things should bow down and worship Him. You are a child of God, but in this particular case, He has spotlighted in the new dispensation, when he will bring the first begotten into the world. He has definitely made a distinction between "the first begotten," and the "Children of God." Are you the First Begotten, so that tomorrow you will become infatuated with pride that you are the first begotten? You are not! It is however a truism that you are a child of God, but you are not the First Begotten of God. This statement subsumes that all powers in heaven and on earth have been bestowed on Him, who is the first begotten of God and this includes everything on earth, winged animals, creeping things and other creations. Therefore these creations together with trees and angels, must subject themselves onto Him. There is however no doubt that you are all the Children of God. He has come to rule and judge, to right, to recreate and to
  • 44. 39 regenerate everything and nothing can rear its ugly head or flap its wings. He has come to change and reform, to lead, and to teach. He has neither opponents nor deputy nor assistant. He the monarch of all surveys, the be-all-and-end-all, and nothing can even flap their wings. All the troubles we have in the world are caused by the lesser angels. If you want to turn left, death will deal a blow on you, and hades batters you on the head while sickness prey on your limbs, sleep which is not exempted will knock you down on the ground and hunger will also exact its demand on you. But now it is commanded that all these angels should bow down and worship the only begotten of the Father. A local adage has it that the tortoise is willing to dance but its stiff back could not allow it. The angels who were mandated to carry out this assignment, were they allowed to work by prostitutes? The prophets were also sent, did women allow them to undertake their assignments? This is the whole confusion which plagues the work of God because when the prophets see these prostitutes and women with long necks and pretty faces, they will jump unto them and fall off from the expectation of God. But now it is said specifically, "When He will bring back the first begotten into the world, He will decree that all the angels and all the creation of God should worship Him. It is meant that man should fear the situation and to ask what sort of situation it is and from where he has come. God has never done any of His things haphazardly. He brings everything to its ultimate conclusion, and no one questions Him. In a family, if the wife suggests a certain method of doing a particular thing, the husband will disagree with her and suggest another method. There will be a sharp disagreement and the wife will vow that the husband's method will never be used. If the husband's method is used, the wife will cause confusion. You can remember what happened when God ordered that all angels should worship Our Lord Jesus Christ. He was exasperated and promised that the Name of God would not be heard any longer. Lucifer decided to go his own way. From that time, people started disobeying God. Satan has indoctrinated the whole world and there is no place in the world where he has not established his own kingdom. He tell lies against all those who serve God and as a result they are killed because of false propaganda and false allegations. It was through this false allegation that Our Lord Jesus Christ was killed. He foments all the confusion in the world. No person ever recognizes the existence of God.
  • 45. 40 Scientist have even argued that God does not exist. Even at that time when the world was as large as it is today, people neither believed in Our Lord Jesus Christ, nor the prophets, nor in the words of God, how much more, now that the world is expanding with leaps and bounds. But what happens today, has the world not attested to the fact that the Most High has come to dwell on earth with man. Behold a sister from Russia with us. In the morning before she came, she testified that as she was sleeping, somebody knocked on the door, calling on her. She woke up suddenly because of the impact the call had on her, and now she is convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that she has seen God face to face. All doubting Thomases, the infidels, the unbelievers, the atheists, juju, diabology, preparation of concoction, witchery, apparition, mermaid, human beings, the wind, the thunder, the sun and moon have all accepted that the Most High is now on earth. I have told you several times that neither I nor you are the doer of the work, nor any other person, but it is the fullness of time. Right now the only question people have is when this phenomenon started, and there is no answer to it. Satan lied that God has no children but now the Children of God has multiplied in the world. That is why I say that this generation is the luckiest of all. The Golden Text will now be read. Golden Text: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, we are now the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. Brethren, is that statement not fulfilled today? Have you not seen Him? Have you not been revealed? Hitherto, did you realize that all the inhabitants of the world were children of God? But have you not been praying that until Our Lord Jesus Christ descends from the sky? A great many people still imagine that until the Virgin Mary comes back to the world and is conceived by the Holy Ghost, before God begets a son, but behold, today, you are revealed as the children of God. This is indicative of the fact that there is no word of God that touches the ground which does not create an impact. It is not today alone that you are a child of God, neither were, you a child of God only yesterday, but you have always been the children of God. But it was only the machinations of
  • 46. 41 the evil one. The great liar which was responsible for your non-manifestation, but today, you have been manifested in your entirety. The God of possibility. God is the God of Mercy and of Patience and of Love and of Grace, and Peace and of Invincibility and with whom there is no impossibility. He is the God of Possibility and not impossibility. What you lack, He possesses; if you have no life, He has life; if you are without good health, He is good health. If you have no peace, He is peace. If you do not exist, He is ever existing. This explains why Our Lord Jesus Christ says: "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." How can God argue that He will never go to a certain place because of diabolical things are buried there? Or that He does not want to see the man because he is a thief, or because he is a fornicator? Which God can afford to do that? But just come in and He will change you. He is capable of reforming every person and rearrange things in their ship-shape order, and there are no problems. His love is sufficient unto all the generations of mankind, His mercy overwhelms the heavens and the earth. His peace is perfected and flows like honey in all parts of the world. His truth endures forever. Why then do we bother ourselves about, while there exists no problems? Whatever He shuts, no person can open, and whatever He opens, no person can shut. Since He from the heaven of heavens, has declared that all the inhabitants of the world are His children, that is a finality and incontestable and therefore consummated. Since He himself said, I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and your sins and iniquities I will remember no more, this has also been consummated. Because He is the God of ability and power and is capable of anything He likes and He has the power to bring into existence that which has never existed. The doubting Thomases should no longer doubt, because he has said, "I will change you within the twinkle of an eye." He has reformed all the inhabitants of world unto himself, He has made everything anew and Lucifer has returned with sorrow. You have heard that Lucifer was given a very little opportunity within a short spell of time for him to do anything he likes. Right now, the Father has assumed his reign and has raised His victorious hand. You must be flabbergasted that Russia has now accepted the deity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Are you not petrified to notice
  • 47. 42 how members of all other religions in the Muslim world, Buddhism, Judaism which hitherto did not accept the Christ, have now accepted him and also believe in God. Are you not surprised that necromancers, magicians, spiritualist, seers, soothsayers, hypnotist, mesmerizers, occultist, and members of secret societies who depend on their diabology to earn their living, are destroying their idols and their diabolical artifacts because only one God exists. It is fulfilled in the statement made by God that this is the New Covenant that I will enter into with the house of Israel after those days. I will put my laws in their minds and write them in their hearts, and they shall not teach any man his neighbor saying know the Lord, for all shall know me, from the greatest to the least. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more. It is not because we are righteous, nor because we seek after Him, but because of His promise that this generation will not pass away until everything is made consummate, it is consummated this day. There is no more division again in the world whether you are black or white, or colored, whether you are human or a tree or fish or angels, you are all one. There is no more chance for you to steal, or to kill, or to oppress, or to indulge in diabology, or to commit any act of sin or to discriminate or to segregate. That period has now been waved by God. Right now all human beings in heaven and on earth are but one. Only one God rules over the heavens and the earth and there is one Lord, one Teacher and one Spirit rules in heavens and on earth. You all are clean and sanctified excepting one person who will never be discharged. Who is that one person? He is Lucifer. Whatever you do, you do not do it out of your own volition but Lucifer is responsible. He establishes all the church denominations, including the orthodox churches which preach that God helps those who help themselves. Whatever establishments and organizations that are found in the world are founded by Lucifer. Included in these are the prayer houses and spiritual churches, to use as means of causing confusion in the world. A shameless phenomenon now calumniating that Olumba Olumba Obu is dead and that there is nothing behind Brotherhood. He has even stated that there is power in Brotherhood but the power is not from God. The question is if the power is not derived from God is it derived from Lucifer? The Lucifer has invited Our Lord Jesus Christ to kill Olumba Olumba Obu, has the Christ killed Him? Why can Lucifer himself not come to kill Olumba Olumba Obu? You really know what happened.
  • 48. 43 It is no longer a story, the whole world conspiring to write defamatory statements and bear false witness against Olumba Olumba Obu, and circulate in all universities, but where is the Lucifer now? Has Brotherhood made any statement retorting or in self-defense? If in a house somebody consults an oracle which names the husband a wizard, the wife will pack from the house and nothing will induce her to marry him unless he vindicates himself by swearing to an oath that he is not a wizard. Even if the husband takes an oath, she will still not live in the house. You are true witnesses to the fact that of a man is alleged in a community to be a murderer, until doomsday, all the citizens will never be free with the man. He will be kept at arm’s length. How much more in this particular case? All the inhabitants of the world calumniated about one person, alleging that he is a murderer, a cannibal, a Dracula and yet no person is deterred by such allegations and that alone serves as the most significant testimony to indicate to you He is God of possibility and not that of impossibility. Observe now the glad tidings of great joy brought to you that you all are the children of God, children of the Most High and Satan returns now with sorrow. I have no problem with you whether you are white or black, because you are the children of God, my problem is with him, Satan, that man who is in the bottomless pit, while the Most High is spacing majestically in the world. Our Lord Jesus Christ has assured that you are clean except one man alone. He also says that all of you are saved but that man will never be saved. Brethren, there is no doubt, there is no fear to be called a child of God, for you are neither worthy nor righteous, but since, you have been the Son of Adam, and the Son of Adam is invariably the son of God, you are all the children of God. You were created neither by wood nor by stone nor by any other thing, but by God because you are the children of God, and the children of God must resemble the Father and you are now being re-schooled. Of what use is medicine or the preparation of concoction to you when you are so powerful that when you say, "LET" everything runs away from you; you are never sick, you are rich and when you knock your forehead on the ground you receive manifold blessings of God, why should you worry yourself. That is why it is said whoever regards himself as wise should become foolish that he may be wise in this school of love. Become like unto small babes because you are now being regenerated and recreated.