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Interactive Textbook 365 The Energy of Waves
1 The Nature of Waves
The Energy of Waves
Name Class Date
After you read this section, you should be able to answer
these questions:
• What is a wave, and how does it transmit energy?
• How do waves move?
• What are the different types of waves?
What Is Wave Energy?
A wave is any disturbance that transmits energy
through matter or empty space. Energy can be carried
away from its source by a wave. However, the material
through which the wave moves is not transmitted. For
example, a ripple caused by a rock thrown into a pond
does not move water out of the pond.
A wave travels through a material or substance called
a medium. A medium may be a solid, a liquid, or a gas.
The plural of medium is media.
Wave motion
A wave travels through the medium, but the medium does not travel. In
a pond, lake or ocean, the medium through which a wave travels is the
water. The waves in a pond travel towards the shore. However, the water
and the leaf floating on the surface only travel up and down.
How Can Waves Do Work?
As a wave travels, it does work on everything in its
path. The waves traveling through a pond do work on
the water. Anything floating on the surface of the water
moves up and down. The fact that any object on the
water moves indicates that the waves are transferring
energy. Waves can transfer energy through a medium or
without a medium.
BEFORE YOU READ National Science
Education Standards
PS 3a
As you read the section,
make a table of the types of
waves. Have columns for the
type of wave, what it moves
through, its direction of mo-
tion, and how it transmits
1. Identify What does a
wave move through?
2. Describe What indicates
that a water wave transfers
energy to a floating object?
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Interactive Textbook 366 The Energy of Waves
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The Nature of Waves continued
When a particle vibrates (moves back and forth), it
can pass its energy to the particle next to it. The second
particle will vibrate like the first particle and may pass
the energy on to another particle. In this way, energy is
transmitted through a medium.
A particle can pass energy to the particle next to it. The particle receiving
the energy will vibrate like the first particle. This is shown by the Newton’s
pendulum above. When the moving steel ball collides with another steel
ball, its energy is given to that ball. Notice that the first ball stops, but its
energy is passed on to a third ball.
Waves that require a medium are called mechanical
waves. Mechanical waves include sound waves, ocean
waves, and earthquake waves. For example, consider a
radio inside a jar. If all of the air from inside the jar is
removed to create a vacuum, the radio can not be heard.
Waves that transfer energy without a medium are
called electromagnetic waves. Examples of electromag-
netic waves include visible light, microwaves, TV and
radio signals, and X-rays used by dentists and doctors.
Electromagnetic waves may also go through matter, such
as air, water, or glass. Light waves travel from the sun through
space toward Earth. Light waves then travel through the air
in the atmosphere to reach the surface of Earth.
To reach the Earth, light travels from the sun, through the vacuum
of space. The light then travels through the particles of the atmo-
sphere before reaching the surface of the earth.
Vacuum of space: no medium
a medium
3. Describe How did the
last ball in the figure on the
right gain energy?
PS 3a Energy is a property
of many substances and is
associated with heat, light,
electricity, mechanical motion,
sound, nuclei, and the nature of
a chemical. Energy is transferred
in many ways.
4. Identify What kinds of
waves need a medium to
transfer their energy? What
kinds of waves don’t need
a medium to transfer their
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Interactive Textbook 367 The Energy of Waves
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The Nature of Waves continued
What Are the Different Types of Waves?
Waves transfer energy through vibrations. However,
the way particles in a wave vibrate depends on the type
of wave. Waves are classified based on the direction in
which wave particles vibrate compared with the direc-
tion in which waves move. There are two main types of
waves, transverse waves and longitudinal waves.
Waves in which the particles vibrate in an up-and-
down motion are called transverse waves. Particles in
a transverse wave move at right angles relative to the
direction of the wave. See the figure below. The highest
point in a transverse wave is a crest. The lowest point in
a transverse wave is a trough.
The wave travels to the right.
The points along
the rope vibrate
up and down.
Motion of a Transverse Wave
A wave traveling down a length of rope is an example of a transverse wave.
The wave travels to the right. The particles in the medium, the rope, travel
up-and-down. The particles in the wave and the medium are moving at right
angles to each other.
All electromagnetic waves are transverse waves.
Remember, electromagnetic waves can travel through
space or through a medium. Electromagnetic waves are
transverse waves because the wave vibrations are at right
angles to the direction the wave is traveling.
5. Identify What are the two
main types of waves?
6. Identify What is the
direction of a transverse
wave relative to its direction
of motion?
7. Describe Why is an
electromagnetic wave
identified as a transverse wave?
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Interactive Textbook 368 The Energy of Waves
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The Nature of Waves continued
Waves in which the particles of the medium vibrate
back and forth along the path of the wave are called
longitudinal waves. For example, pushing together two
ends of a spring causes the coils to crowd together. When
you let go, a longitudinal wave is created in the spring
that travels along the length of the spring.
In a longitudinal wave, a compression is the location
of the crowded particles. A rarefaction is where the
particles are spread apart.
Compressions and rarefactions are similar to crests
and troughs in a transverse wave. See the figure below.
Troughs Crests
Transverse wave
Rarefactions Compressions
Longitudinal wave
Comparing Longitudinal and Transverse Waves
A wave traveling along the length of a spring is an example of a longitudinal
wave. The wave travels to the right. The particles in the medium, the spring,
move back-and-forth. The particles in wave and the medium are moving
along the same direction as each other.
The troughs and crests of a transverse wave represent an up-and-down mo-
tion around a central point. Similarly, the rarefactions and compressions of a
longitudinal wave represent a back-and-forth motion around a central point.
A sound wave is an example of a longitudinal wave.
Sound waves travel by compressions and rarefactions of
air particles.
Sound energy is carried away from a drum by a longitudinal wave
through the air.
When the drumhead moves out
after being hit, a compression is
created in the air particles.
When the drumhead moves
back in, a rarefaction is
8. Describe How do the
particles of a longitudinal
wave vibrate?
9. Describe How could you
produce a transverse wave in
a spring?
10. Identify Circle the
compression part of the
wave in the second figure.
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Interactive Textbook 369 The Energy of Waves
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The Nature of Waves continued
When waves move at or near the surface between
two media a surface wave may form. For example, this
occurs when an ocean wave comes into shallow water
at the shore. Surface waves travel in both transverse and
longitudinal motion. A particle in a surface wave will
appear to move in a circular motion.
Wave Motion
Ocean waves are surface waves. A floating bottle shows the circular motion of
particles in a surface wave.
Summary of Wave Types and Their Motion Through Space
mechanical wave electromagnetic wave
transverse wave longitudinal wave surface wave transverse wave
travel at right
angles to
the direction
of the wave
travel back-
and-forth in
the direction
of the wave
particles travel
both at right
angles to, and
back-and-forth in
the direction of
the wave motion
particles travel
at right angles
to the direction
of the wave
needs a
does not need
a medium
11. Identify An ocean wave
forms a surface wave as it
comes into shallow water.
What are the two media in-
volved in forming the surface
12. Identify Which type of
wave must have a medium in
order to travel?
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Interactive Textbook 370 The Energy of Waves
Name Class Date
medium a physical environment in which
phenomena occur
longitudinal wave a wave in which the particles
of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction
of wave motion
transverse wave a wave in which the particles
of the medium move perpendicularly to the
direction the wave is traveling
wave a periodic disturbance in a solid, liquid, or
gas as energy is transmitted through a medium
1. Describe How does energy travel through a wave in a medium?
2. Identify Determine the method of energy transfer, and the wave type for each
wave source.
Wave source Wave energy transfer
(electromagnetic wave or
mechanical wave)
Wave type (transverse
wave, longitudinal wave,
or surface wave)
Light emitted from a light bulb
Sound coming from a violin
Rock dropped in a pond
3. Apply Concepts A ribbon is tied to the first loop of a spring as a marker. The
spring is pulled and then released to create a longitudinal wave. Where is the
ribbon after three complete vibrations?
4. Recall Label each wave part as a crest, trough, compression, or rarefaction
according to its description.
Wave Part Description
particles are crowded toward
each other
particles are at their highest
particles are at their lowest
particles are spread away from
each other
Section 1 Review NSES PS 3a
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Interactive Textbook 371 The Energy of Waves
2 Properties of Waves
The Energy of Waves
Name Class Date
National Science
Education Standards
PS 3a
With a partner, discuss the
properties of a wave and
how they affect the energy of
a wave.
1. Describe What is the
amplitude of a wave?
2. Explain Why do waves of
large amplitude carry more
After you read this section, you should be able to answer
these questions:
• What are ways to describe a wave?
• What determines the energy of a wave?
What Is the Amplitude of a Wave?
An earthquake in the ocean can make a transverse
wave called a tsunami. The waves can get very tall as
they reach land. The amplitude of a transverse wave
is related to the height of the wave. Amplitude is the
maximum distance the particles of the wave vibrate
away from their rest position. The rest position, shown
in the figure below, is the location of the particles of the
medium before the wave gets there.
The amplitude of a transverse wave is measured from the rest position
to the crest or the trough of the wave.
Rest position
Taller waves have larger amplitudes, and shorter
waves have smaller amplitudes. It takes more energy to
create a wave with a large amplitude. Therefore, it carries
more energy.
A wave with a larger amplitude
carries more energy.
A wave with a smaller amplitude
carries less energy.
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Interactive Textbook 372 The Energy of Waves
Name Class Date
Properties of Waves continued
What Is the Wavelength of a Wave?
The wavelength is the distance between any point
on a wave and the identical point on the next wave. A
wavelength is the distance between two neighboring
crests or two compressions. The distance between two
troughs or two rarefactions next to each other is also a
wavelength. See the figure below.
Measuring Wavelengths
Longitudinal wave
Transverse wave
A wavelength can be measured between any two identical points on
neighboring waves.
Suppose you have two waves of the same amplitude.
The wave with a shorter wavelength carries more energy
than the wave with a longer wavelength.
A wave with a short wavelength carries more energy.
A wave with a long wavelength carries less energy.
Math Focus
3. Infer What is the distance
between a crest and a trough
next to a crest? Hint: use the
figure for help.
PS 3a Energy is a property of
many substances and is associated
with heat, light, electricity,
mechanical motion, sound,
nuclei, and the nature of a
chemical. Energy is transferred
in many ways.
4. Identify There are
two groups of waves with
the same amplitude. One
contains waves of short
wavelength and the other
has waves of long wave-
length. Which waves have
the most energy?
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Interactive Textbook 373 The Energy of Waves
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Properties of Waves continued
What Is the Frequency of a Wave?
The frequency of a wave is the number of waves
produced in a given amount of time. Frequency is often
expressed in hertz (Hz). One hertz equals one wave per
second (1 Hz  1/s).
Frequency is the number of
waves that pass a certain
point in a given amount
of time. Frequency can be
measured by counting the
waves that pass a certain
point in a certain amount of
time. In the image shown
here, two waves passed by
in 10 s. The frequency is
2/10 s  0.2 1/s  0.2 Hz.
When the amplitudes of two waves are equal, the
wave with the higher frequency has more energy.
Lower-frequency waves carry less energy.
What Is Wave Speed?
Wave speed is the speed at which a wave travels
through a medium. Wave speed is symbolized by v. The
speed of a wave is a property of the medium. Changing
the medium of a wave changes its speed. For example,
light travels faster in air than in water.
The equation for calculating speed is v  	  f. 	 is
the Greek letter lambda and means the wavelength. f is
the frequency of the wave.
Let’s do a problem. What is the speed of a wave whose
wavelength is 5 m and frequency is 4 Hz (or 4 1/s)?
Step 1: write the equation v  l  f
Step 2: replace l and f with their values
v  5 m  4 1/s  20 m/s
Math Focus
5. Determine If a source of
waves produces 30 waves per
second, what is the frequency
in hertz?
6. Applying Concepts What
would the time of the lower
clock read if the frequency of
the wave were 0.1 Hz?
6. Identify When the am-
plitudes of waves are equal,
which frequency waves have
the most energy?
Math Focus
7. Calculate What is the speed
of a wave whose wavelength is
30 m and frequency is 20 Hz?
Show your work.
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Interactive Textbook 374 The Energy of Waves
Name Class Date
Section 2 Review NSES PS 3a
amplitude the maximum distance that the
particles of a wave’s medium vibrate from
their rest position
frequency the number of waves produced in a
given amount of time
wavelength the distance from any point on a
wave to an identical point on the next wave
wave speed the speed at which a wave travels
through a medium
1. Apply Concepts The distance between the crest and trough of an ocean wave is
1 meter. What is the amplitude of the wave?
2. Identify Indicate whether the wave description should result in higher-energy
wave, or a lower-energy wave.
Wave description Wave energy
high amplitude
low frequency
low wavelength
3. Apply Concepts Explain how to produce a longitudinal wave on a spring that has large
energy. There are two answers; one involves wavelength and the other frequency.
4. Math Concepts What is the speed of a wave that has a wave length of 100 m and a
frequency of 25 Hz? Show your work.
5. Apply Concepts A sound wave has a frequency of 125 Hz and a speed of 5000 m/s.
What is the wavelength of the wave? Show your work.
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Interactive Textbook 375 The Energy of Waves
3 Wave Interactions
The Energy of Waves
Name Class Date
After you read this section, you should be able to answer
these questions:
• How do waves interact with objects?
• How do waves behave when they move between
two media?
• How do waves interact with other waves?
Why Do Waves Reflect?
A reflection occurs when a wave bounces back after
hitting a barrier. All waves can be reflected. Light waves
reflecting off an object allow you to see that object. For
example, light waves from the sun reflecting off the moon
allow you to see the moon. Sound wave can also reflect.
Sound waves reflecting off a barrier are called an echo.
The waves in this photograph were formed by drops of water that fell
into a container of water. When the waves caused by the drops of water
hit one side of the container, they reflect off. The shape of the reflected
waves is opposite that of the waves that struck the side of the tank.
Waves are not always reflected when they hit a barrier.
Sometimes they pass through a substance. When a wave
passes through a substance, it is transmitted. Light waves
transmitted through a glass window allow light to enter a
room. Light waves transmitted through eyeglasses allow
the wearer to see through them.
National Science
Education Standards
PS 3a
In your science notebook,
define each new vocabulary
word. Include sketches
illustrating reflection,
refraction, diffraction, and
both kinds of interference.
1. Infer How does your
reflection in a bathroom
mirror look when you raise
you right arm?
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Interactive Textbook 376 The Energy of Waves
Name Class Date
Wave Interactions continued
Why Do Waves Diffract?
Diffraction is the bending of waves around a barrier
or through an opening. Waves usually travel in a straight
line. When a wave reaches the edge of an object or an
opening in a barrier, it may curve or bend.
The amount of diffraction of a wave depends on its
wavelength and the size of the barrier opening. Sound
waves are relatively long. You can hear voices from one
classroom diffract through the opening of a door into
another classroom. Light waves are relatively short. You
cannot see who is speaking in the other classroom.
If the barrier or opening is
larger than the wavelength of
the wave, there is only a small
amount of diffraction.
If the barrier or opening is the
same size or smaller than the
wavelength of an approaching
wave, the amount of diffraction
is large.
Why Do Waves Refract?
Refraction is the bending of a wave as the wave
passes from one medium to another. The wave changes
speed as it passes from one material to the other. The
change in speed causes the wavelength to change. The
resulting wave bends and travels in a new direction.
This light wave is refracted as
it passes into a new medium.
The light wave is passing
from air into water. The wave
is refracted because the
speed of the wave changes.
2. Describe What is
3. Describe Suppose the
opening in the lower figure
were made larger. What
would happen to the shape
of the diffracted wave?
4. Describe What happens
to a wave because of
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Interactive Textbook 377 The Energy of Waves
Name Class Date
Wave Interactions continued
When light waves from the sun pass through a droplet
of water in the air, the light is refracted. The different
colors of light travel at different speeds through the drop.
Therefore, the different colors are refracted by different
amounts. The light is dispersed, or spread out, into its
separate colors. The result is a rainbow.
White light
(from the sun)
Glass prism
White light is separated into its component colors when it passes
through a prism. The red light is refracted the least. The violet light is
refracted the most.
What Is Wave Interference?
All matter has volume. Therefore, objects cannot be
in the same space at the same time. However, waves are
made up of energy, not matter. So, more than one wave
may be in the same space at the same time. Two waves can
meet, share the same space, and pass through each other.
When two or more waves meet and share the same
space, they overlap. Interference is the combination of
two or more waves to form a single wave.
Constructive interference occurs when the crests of
one wave overlap with the crests of another wave or
waves. The troughs of both waves will also overlap.
The energy of the waves adds together to make a
higher-energy wave. The new wave has higher crests,
deeper troughs, and, therefore, higher amplitude.
Waves continuingWaves approaching Waves overlapping
Constructive Interference When waves combine by constructive interference,
the combined wave has a larger amplitude.
5. Describe What does light
do when it disperses?
6. Identify The order of
the dispersed colors can be
remembered by the mne-
monic ROY G. BIV. Draw a
line coming from the prism
that shows the direction that
orange would move in.
7. Identify What is the
combination of two or more
waves to form a single wave
8. Describe What does the
medium do after the waves
have overlapped and are
continuing their movement?
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Interactive Textbook 378 The Energy of Waves
Name Class Date
Wave Interactions continued
Destructive interference occurs when the crests of
one wave overlap with the troughs of another wave. The
energy of the new wave is less than the energy of both
waves. The new wave has lower amplitude than the original
waves. If a crest and trough of the same amplitude meet and
cancel, the result is no wave at all.
Destructive Interference When two waves with the same amplitude combine by
destructive interference, they cancel each other out.
Waves approaching Waves overlapping Waves continuing
How Is a Standing Wave Created?
In a standing wave, the pattern of vibrations makes
it appear as if the wave is standing still. A standing wave
is caused by interference between a wave and a reflected
wave. For example, pluck a guitar string. The string
makes a standing wave like the top wave shown in the
figure below.
Destructive interference
Constructive interference
A rope vibrating at certain frequencies
can create a standing wave. The initial
wave travels down the rope and will be
reflected back when it reaches the end.
In a standing wave, certain parts of the
wave are always at the rest position.
This point is caused by destructive inter-
ference between the waves. Constructive
interference can be seen at points in the
wave where there is large amplitude.
Remember, a standing wave only looks as if it is stand-
ing still. Waves are actually moving in two directions.
Standing waves can be formed with transverse waves or
with longitudinal waves.
9. Describe What parts of
a wave overlap during
destructive interference?
10. Describe What causes a
standing wave?
11. Identify Draw two
arrows in the bottom figure
that show the locations of
destructive interference.
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Interactive Textbook 379 The Energy of Waves
Name Class Date
Wave Interactions continued
Resonant frequencies are the frequencies at which
standing waves are created. Resonance occurs when two
objects naturally vibrate at the same frequency. The reso-
nating object absorbs energy from the vibrating object
and vibrates also. For example, when a guitar string is
plucked, the wood body vibrates at the same frequency
as the string.
When you pluck the guitar string, you hear a musical
note. The vibrating wood body makes sound waves in the
air. The sound waves that reach your ear make parts of
your ear vibrate, so you hear the sound of the note.
Standing Wave
Wave Interactions
crests of two
waves overlap
crest and trough of
two waves overlap
crests and troughs
overlap such that
the wave looks to
be standing still
Interaction with
another wave
Interaction with a barrier
between two
Summary of Wave Interactions
12. Describe When does
resonance occur?
13. Identify What two
interactions can occur when
a wave strikes a barrier?
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Interactive Textbook 380 The Energy of Waves
Name Class Date
Section 3 Review NSES PS 3a
diffraction a change in the direction of a wave
when the wave finds an obstacle or an edge,
such as an opening
interference the combination of two or more
waves that results in a single wave
reflection the bouncing back of a ray of light,
sound, or heat when the ray hits a surface that
it does not go through
refraction the bending of a wavefront as the
wavefront passes between two substances in
which the speed of the wave differs
resonance a phenomenon that occurs when two
objects naturally vibrate at the same frequency;
the sound produced by one object causes the
other object to vibrate.
standing wave a pattern of vibration that
simulates a wave that is standing still
1. Describe Suppose two students grab an end of a rope. Both shake the rope once
in an upward direction to create crests traveling at each other. What would you
see when the crests meet? What type of interference does this show?
2. Describe Suppose two students grab an end of a rope. Both shake the rope once,
but one makes a crest and the other a trough traveling at each other. What would
you see when the crest and trough meet? What type of interference does this show?
3. Identify Using the vocabulary words above, fill in the table below by writing
which wave interaction most likely caused the situation described.
Wave situation Wave interaction
The image of an object in a mirror
A straight pencil appears to bend
when the bottom half is placed in a
glass of water
Two rocks dropped in the water a
meter apart produce a large wave
centered between them
A radio turned on in one classroom
can be heard down the hall in a
second classroom

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Wave Energy Types and Motion

  • 1. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 365 The Energy of Waves SECTION 1 The Nature of Waves The Energy of Waves Name Class Date CHAPTER 20 After you read this section, you should be able to answer these questions: • What is a wave, and how does it transmit energy? • How do waves move? • What are the different types of waves? What Is Wave Energy? A wave is any disturbance that transmits energy through matter or empty space. Energy can be carried away from its source by a wave. However, the material through which the wave moves is not transmitted. For example, a ripple caused by a rock thrown into a pond does not move water out of the pond. A wave travels through a material or substance called a medium. A medium may be a solid, a liquid, or a gas. The plural of medium is media. Wave motion A wave travels through the medium, but the medium does not travel. In a pond, lake or ocean, the medium through which a wave travels is the water. The waves in a pond travel towards the shore. However, the water and the leaf floating on the surface only travel up and down. How Can Waves Do Work? As a wave travels, it does work on everything in its path. The waves traveling through a pond do work on the water. Anything floating on the surface of the water moves up and down. The fact that any object on the water moves indicates that the waves are transferring energy. Waves can transfer energy through a medium or without a medium. BEFORE YOU READ National Science Education Standards PS 3a STUDY TIP As you read the section, make a table of the types of waves. Have columns for the type of wave, what it moves through, its direction of mo- tion, and how it transmits energy. READING CHECK 1. Identify What does a wave move through? READING CHECK 2. Describe What indicates that a water wave transfers energy to a floating object?
  • 2. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 366 The Energy of Waves SECTION 1 Name Class Date The Nature of Waves continued WAVES CAN TRANSFER ENERGY THROUGH A MEDIUM When a particle vibrates (moves back and forth), it can pass its energy to the particle next to it. The second particle will vibrate like the first particle and may pass the energy on to another particle. In this way, energy is transmitted through a medium. A particle can pass energy to the particle next to it. The particle receiving the energy will vibrate like the first particle. This is shown by the Newton’s pendulum above. When the moving steel ball collides with another steel ball, its energy is given to that ball. Notice that the first ball stops, but its energy is passed on to a third ball. Waves that require a medium are called mechanical waves. Mechanical waves include sound waves, ocean waves, and earthquake waves. For example, consider a radio inside a jar. If all of the air from inside the jar is removed to create a vacuum, the radio can not be heard. WAVES CAN TRANSFER ENERGY WITHOUT A MEDIUM Waves that transfer energy without a medium are called electromagnetic waves. Examples of electromag- netic waves include visible light, microwaves, TV and radio signals, and X-rays used by dentists and doctors. Electromagnetic waves may also go through matter, such as air, water, or glass. Light waves travel from the sun through space toward Earth. Light waves then travel through the air in the atmosphere to reach the surface of Earth. To reach the Earth, light travels from the sun, through the vacuum of space. The light then travels through the particles of the atmo- sphere before reaching the surface of the earth. Sun Vacuum of space: no medium Atmosphere: a medium Earth TAKE A LOOK 3. Describe How did the last ball in the figure on the right gain energy? STANDARDS CHECK PS 3a Energy is a property of many substances and is associated with heat, light, electricity, mechanical motion, sound, nuclei, and the nature of a chemical. Energy is transferred in many ways. 4. Identify What kinds of waves need a medium to transfer their energy? What kinds of waves don’t need a medium to transfer their energy?
  • 3. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 367 The Energy of Waves SECTION 1 Name Class Date The Nature of Waves continued What Are the Different Types of Waves? Waves transfer energy through vibrations. However, the way particles in a wave vibrate depends on the type of wave. Waves are classified based on the direction in which wave particles vibrate compared with the direc- tion in which waves move. There are two main types of waves, transverse waves and longitudinal waves. TRANSVERSE WAVES Waves in which the particles vibrate in an up-and- down motion are called transverse waves. Particles in a transverse wave move at right angles relative to the direction of the wave. See the figure below. The highest point in a transverse wave is a crest. The lowest point in a transverse wave is a trough. Crests Troughs The wave travels to the right. The points along the rope vibrate up and down. Motion of a Transverse Wave A wave traveling down a length of rope is an example of a transverse wave. The wave travels to the right. The particles in the medium, the rope, travel up-and-down. The particles in the wave and the medium are moving at right angles to each other. All electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. Remember, electromagnetic waves can travel through space or through a medium. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves because the wave vibrations are at right angles to the direction the wave is traveling. READING CHECK 5. Identify What are the two main types of waves? READING CHECK 6. Identify What is the direction of a transverse wave relative to its direction of motion? READING CHECK 7. Describe Why is an electromagnetic wave identified as a transverse wave?
  • 4. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 368 The Energy of Waves SECTION 1 Name Class Date The Nature of Waves continued LONGITUDINAL WAVES Waves in which the particles of the medium vibrate back and forth along the path of the wave are called longitudinal waves. For example, pushing together two ends of a spring causes the coils to crowd together. When you let go, a longitudinal wave is created in the spring that travels along the length of the spring. In a longitudinal wave, a compression is the location of the crowded particles. A rarefaction is where the particles are spread apart. Compressions and rarefactions are similar to crests and troughs in a transverse wave. See the figure below. Troughs Crests Transverse wave Rarefactions Compressions Longitudinal wave Comparing Longitudinal and Transverse Waves A wave traveling along the length of a spring is an example of a longitudinal wave. The wave travels to the right. The particles in the medium, the spring, move back-and-forth. The particles in wave and the medium are moving along the same direction as each other. The troughs and crests of a transverse wave represent an up-and-down mo- tion around a central point. Similarly, the rarefactions and compressions of a longitudinal wave represent a back-and-forth motion around a central point. A sound wave is an example of a longitudinal wave. Sound waves travel by compressions and rarefactions of air particles. Sound energy is carried away from a drum by a longitudinal wave through the air. When the drumhead moves out after being hit, a compression is created in the air particles. When the drumhead moves back in, a rarefaction is created. READING CHECK 8. Describe How do the particles of a longitudinal wave vibrate? CriticalThinking 9. Describe How could you produce a transverse wave in a spring? TAKE A LOOK 10. Identify Circle the compression part of the wave in the second figure.
  • 5. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 369 The Energy of Waves SECTION 1 Name Class Date The Nature of Waves continued SURFACE WAVE When waves move at or near the surface between two media a surface wave may form. For example, this occurs when an ocean wave comes into shallow water at the shore. Surface waves travel in both transverse and longitudinal motion. A particle in a surface wave will appear to move in a circular motion. Wave Motion Ocean waves are surface waves. A floating bottle shows the circular motion of particles in a surface wave. Summary of Wave Types and Their Motion Through Space wave mechanical wave electromagnetic wave transverse wave longitudinal wave surface wave transverse wave particles travel at right angles to the direction of the wave motion particles travel back- and-forth in the direction of the wave motion particles travel both at right angles to, and back-and-forth in the direction of the wave motion particles travel at right angles to the direction of the wave motion needs a medium does not need a medium CriticalThinking 11. Identify An ocean wave forms a surface wave as it comes into shallow water. What are the two media in- volved in forming the surface wave? TAKE A LOOK 12. Identify Which type of wave must have a medium in order to travel?
  • 6. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 370 The Energy of Waves Name Class Date SECTION VOCABULARY medium a physical environment in which phenomena occur longitudinal wave a wave in which the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of wave motion transverse wave a wave in which the particles of the medium move perpendicularly to the direction the wave is traveling wave a periodic disturbance in a solid, liquid, or gas as energy is transmitted through a medium 1. Describe How does energy travel through a wave in a medium? 2. Identify Determine the method of energy transfer, and the wave type for each wave source. Wave source Wave energy transfer (electromagnetic wave or mechanical wave) Wave type (transverse wave, longitudinal wave, or surface wave) Light emitted from a light bulb Sound coming from a violin Rock dropped in a pond 3. Apply Concepts A ribbon is tied to the first loop of a spring as a marker. The spring is pulled and then released to create a longitudinal wave. Where is the ribbon after three complete vibrations? 4. Recall Label each wave part as a crest, trough, compression, or rarefaction according to its description. Wave Part Description particles are crowded toward each other particles are at their highest point particles are at their lowest point particles are spread away from each other Section 1 Review NSES PS 3a
  • 7. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 371 The Energy of Waves SECTION 2 Properties of Waves The Energy of Waves Name Class Date CHAPTER 20 National Science Education Standards PS 3a STUDY TIP With a partner, discuss the properties of a wave and how they affect the energy of a wave. READING CHECK 1. Describe What is the amplitude of a wave? READING CHECK 2. Explain Why do waves of large amplitude carry more energy? After you read this section, you should be able to answer these questions: • What are ways to describe a wave? • What determines the energy of a wave? What Is the Amplitude of a Wave? An earthquake in the ocean can make a transverse wave called a tsunami. The waves can get very tall as they reach land. The amplitude of a transverse wave is related to the height of the wave. Amplitude is the maximum distance the particles of the wave vibrate away from their rest position. The rest position, shown in the figure below, is the location of the particles of the medium before the wave gets there. The amplitude of a transverse wave is measured from the rest position to the crest or the trough of the wave. Rest position Amplitude RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AMPLITUDE AND ENERGY Taller waves have larger amplitudes, and shorter waves have smaller amplitudes. It takes more energy to create a wave with a large amplitude. Therefore, it carries more energy. A wave with a larger amplitude carries more energy. A wave with a smaller amplitude carries less energy. BEFORE YOU READ
  • 8. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 372 The Energy of Waves SECTION 2 Name Class Date Properties of Waves continued What Is the Wavelength of a Wave? The wavelength is the distance between any point on a wave and the identical point on the next wave. A wavelength is the distance between two neighboring crests or two compressions. The distance between two troughs or two rarefactions next to each other is also a wavelength. See the figure below. Measuring Wavelengths Wavelength Wavelength Longitudinal wave Transverse wave Wavelength Wavelength A wavelength can be measured between any two identical points on neighboring waves. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WAVELENGTH AND ENERGY Suppose you have two waves of the same amplitude. The wave with a shorter wavelength carries more energy than the wave with a longer wavelength. A wave with a short wavelength carries more energy. A wave with a long wavelength carries less energy. Math Focus 3. Infer What is the distance between a crest and a trough next to a crest? Hint: use the figure for help. STANDARDS CHECK PS 3a Energy is a property of many substances and is associated with heat, light, electricity, mechanical motion, sound, nuclei, and the nature of a chemical. Energy is transferred in many ways. 4. Identify There are two groups of waves with the same amplitude. One contains waves of short wavelength and the other has waves of long wave- length. Which waves have the most energy?
  • 9. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 373 The Energy of Waves SECTION 2 Name Class Date Properties of Waves continued What Is the Frequency of a Wave? The frequency of a wave is the number of waves produced in a given amount of time. Frequency is often expressed in hertz (Hz). One hertz equals one wave per second (1 Hz 1/s). Frequency is the number of waves that pass a certain point in a given amount of time. Frequency can be measured by counting the waves that pass a certain point in a certain amount of time. In the image shown here, two waves passed by in 10 s. The frequency is 2/10 s 0.2 1/s 0.2 Hz. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FREQUENCY AND ENERGY When the amplitudes of two waves are equal, the wave with the higher frequency has more energy. Lower-frequency waves carry less energy. What Is Wave Speed? Wave speed is the speed at which a wave travels through a medium. Wave speed is symbolized by v. The speed of a wave is a property of the medium. Changing the medium of a wave changes its speed. For example, light travels faster in air than in water. The equation for calculating speed is v f. is the Greek letter lambda and means the wavelength. f is the frequency of the wave. Let’s do a problem. What is the speed of a wave whose wavelength is 5 m and frequency is 4 Hz (or 4 1/s)? Step 1: write the equation v l f Step 2: replace l and f with their values v 5 m 4 1/s 20 m/s Math Focus 5. Determine If a source of waves produces 30 waves per second, what is the frequency in hertz? CriticalThinking 6. Applying Concepts What would the time of the lower clock read if the frequency of the wave were 0.1 Hz? READING CHECK 6. Identify When the am- plitudes of waves are equal, which frequency waves have the most energy? Math Focus 7. Calculate What is the speed of a wave whose wavelength is 30 m and frequency is 20 Hz? Show your work.
  • 10. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 374 The Energy of Waves Name Class Date Section 2 Review NSES PS 3a SECTION VOCABULARY amplitude the maximum distance that the particles of a wave’s medium vibrate from their rest position frequency the number of waves produced in a given amount of time wavelength the distance from any point on a wave to an identical point on the next wave wave speed the speed at which a wave travels through a medium 1. Apply Concepts The distance between the crest and trough of an ocean wave is 1 meter. What is the amplitude of the wave? 2. Identify Indicate whether the wave description should result in higher-energy wave, or a lower-energy wave. Wave description Wave energy high amplitude low frequency low wavelength 3. Apply Concepts Explain how to produce a longitudinal wave on a spring that has large energy. There are two answers; one involves wavelength and the other frequency. 4. Math Concepts What is the speed of a wave that has a wave length of 100 m and a frequency of 25 Hz? Show your work. 5. Apply Concepts A sound wave has a frequency of 125 Hz and a speed of 5000 m/s. What is the wavelength of the wave? Show your work.
  • 11. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 375 The Energy of Waves SECTION 3 Wave Interactions The Energy of Waves Name Class Date CHAPTER 20 After you read this section, you should be able to answer these questions: • How do waves interact with objects? • How do waves behave when they move between two media? • How do waves interact with other waves? Why Do Waves Reflect? A reflection occurs when a wave bounces back after hitting a barrier. All waves can be reflected. Light waves reflecting off an object allow you to see that object. For example, light waves from the sun reflecting off the moon allow you to see the moon. Sound wave can also reflect. Sound waves reflecting off a barrier are called an echo. The waves in this photograph were formed by drops of water that fell into a container of water. When the waves caused by the drops of water hit one side of the container, they reflect off. The shape of the reflected waves is opposite that of the waves that struck the side of the tank. Waves are not always reflected when they hit a barrier. Sometimes they pass through a substance. When a wave passes through a substance, it is transmitted. Light waves transmitted through a glass window allow light to enter a room. Light waves transmitted through eyeglasses allow the wearer to see through them. National Science Education Standards PS 3a STUDY TIP In your science notebook, define each new vocabulary word. Include sketches illustrating reflection, refraction, diffraction, and both kinds of interference. CriticalThinking 1. Infer How does your reflection in a bathroom mirror look when you raise you right arm? BEFORE YOU READ
  • 12. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 376 The Energy of Waves SECTION 3 Name Class Date Wave Interactions continued Why Do Waves Diffract? Diffraction is the bending of waves around a barrier or through an opening. Waves usually travel in a straight line. When a wave reaches the edge of an object or an opening in a barrier, it may curve or bend. The amount of diffraction of a wave depends on its wavelength and the size of the barrier opening. Sound waves are relatively long. You can hear voices from one classroom diffract through the opening of a door into another classroom. Light waves are relatively short. You cannot see who is speaking in the other classroom. If the barrier or opening is larger than the wavelength of the wave, there is only a small amount of diffraction. If the barrier or opening is the same size or smaller than the wavelength of an approaching wave, the amount of diffraction is large. Why Do Waves Refract? Refraction is the bending of a wave as the wave passes from one medium to another. The wave changes speed as it passes from one material to the other. The change in speed causes the wavelength to change. The resulting wave bends and travels in a new direction. This light wave is refracted as it passes into a new medium. The light wave is passing from air into water. The wave is refracted because the speed of the wave changes. READING CHECK 2. Describe What is diffraction? TAKE A LOOK 3. Describe Suppose the opening in the lower figure were made larger. What would happen to the shape of the diffracted wave? READING CHECK 4. Describe What happens to a wave because of refraction?
  • 13. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 377 The Energy of Waves SECTION 3 Name Class Date Wave Interactions continued REFRACTION OF DIFFERENT COLORS When light waves from the sun pass through a droplet of water in the air, the light is refracted. The different colors of light travel at different speeds through the drop. Therefore, the different colors are refracted by different amounts. The light is dispersed, or spread out, into its separate colors. The result is a rainbow. White light (from the sun) Glass prism Red Yellow Green Violet White light is separated into its component colors when it passes through a prism. The red light is refracted the least. The violet light is refracted the most. What Is Wave Interference? All matter has volume. Therefore, objects cannot be in the same space at the same time. However, waves are made up of energy, not matter. So, more than one wave may be in the same space at the same time. Two waves can meet, share the same space, and pass through each other. When two or more waves meet and share the same space, they overlap. Interference is the combination of two or more waves to form a single wave. CONSTRUCTIVE INTERFERENCE Constructive interference occurs when the crests of one wave overlap with the crests of another wave or waves. The troughs of both waves will also overlap. The energy of the waves adds together to make a higher-energy wave. The new wave has higher crests, deeper troughs, and, therefore, higher amplitude. Waves continuingWaves approaching Waves overlapping Constructive Interference When waves combine by constructive interference, the combined wave has a larger amplitude. READING CHECK 5. Describe What does light do when it disperses? TAKE A LOOK 6. Identify The order of the dispersed colors can be remembered by the mne- monic ROY G. BIV. Draw a line coming from the prism that shows the direction that orange would move in. READING CHECK 7. Identify What is the combination of two or more waves to form a single wave called? TAKE A LOOK 8. Describe What does the medium do after the waves have overlapped and are continuing their movement?
  • 14. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 378 The Energy of Waves SECTION 3 Name Class Date Wave Interactions continued DESTRUCTIVE INTERFERENCE Destructive interference occurs when the crests of one wave overlap with the troughs of another wave. The energy of the new wave is less than the energy of both waves. The new wave has lower amplitude than the original waves. If a crest and trough of the same amplitude meet and cancel, the result is no wave at all. Destructive Interference When two waves with the same amplitude combine by destructive interference, they cancel each other out. Waves approaching Waves overlapping Waves continuing How Is a Standing Wave Created? In a standing wave, the pattern of vibrations makes it appear as if the wave is standing still. A standing wave is caused by interference between a wave and a reflected wave. For example, pluck a guitar string. The string makes a standing wave like the top wave shown in the figure below. Destructive interference Constructive interference A rope vibrating at certain frequencies can create a standing wave. The initial wave travels down the rope and will be reflected back when it reaches the end. In a standing wave, certain parts of the wave are always at the rest position. This point is caused by destructive inter- ference between the waves. Constructive interference can be seen at points in the wave where there is large amplitude. Remember, a standing wave only looks as if it is stand- ing still. Waves are actually moving in two directions. Standing waves can be formed with transverse waves or with longitudinal waves. READING CHECK 9. Describe What parts of a wave overlap during destructive interference? READING CHECK 10. Describe What causes a standing wave? TAKE A LOOK 11. Identify Draw two arrows in the bottom figure that show the locations of destructive interference.
  • 15. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 379 The Energy of Waves SECTION 3 Name Class Date Wave Interactions continued RESONANCE Resonant frequencies are the frequencies at which standing waves are created. Resonance occurs when two objects naturally vibrate at the same frequency. The reso- nating object absorbs energy from the vibrating object and vibrates also. For example, when a guitar string is plucked, the wood body vibrates at the same frequency as the string. When you pluck the guitar string, you hear a musical note. The vibrating wood body makes sound waves in the air. The sound waves that reach your ear make parts of your ear vibrate, so you hear the sound of the note. Refraction Constructive Interference Destructive Interference Standing Wave Wave Interactions Reflection Diffraction Interference crests of two waves overlap crest and trough of two waves overlap crests and troughs overlap such that the wave looks to be standing still Interaction with another wave Interaction with a barrier Interaction between two mediums bounces back bends around Summary of Wave Interactions READING CHECK 12. Describe When does resonance occur? TAKE A LOOK 13. Identify What two interactions can occur when a wave strikes a barrier?
  • 16. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Textbook 380 The Energy of Waves Name Class Date Section 3 Review NSES PS 3a SECTION VOCABULARY diffraction a change in the direction of a wave when the wave finds an obstacle or an edge, such as an opening interference the combination of two or more waves that results in a single wave reflection the bouncing back of a ray of light, sound, or heat when the ray hits a surface that it does not go through refraction the bending of a wavefront as the wavefront passes between two substances in which the speed of the wave differs resonance a phenomenon that occurs when two objects naturally vibrate at the same frequency; the sound produced by one object causes the other object to vibrate. standing wave a pattern of vibration that simulates a wave that is standing still 1. Describe Suppose two students grab an end of a rope. Both shake the rope once in an upward direction to create crests traveling at each other. What would you see when the crests meet? What type of interference does this show? 2. Describe Suppose two students grab an end of a rope. Both shake the rope once, but one makes a crest and the other a trough traveling at each other. What would you see when the crest and trough meet? What type of interference does this show? 3. Identify Using the vocabulary words above, fill in the table below by writing which wave interaction most likely caused the situation described. Wave situation Wave interaction The image of an object in a mirror A straight pencil appears to bend when the bottom half is placed in a glass of water Two rocks dropped in the water a meter apart produce a large wave centered between them A radio turned on in one classroom can be heard down the hall in a second classroom