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Background of the Study
Success is defined as the fact of achieving something planned or attempted. It is the
attainment of the things that people are eager to achieve for. To achieve success, there are
things that must be considered important. Self-esteem and job satisfaction are only two of
those many factors in achieving success.
Self-esteem is what we experience when we feel good about ourselves and when
we feel good inside. When you feel you like what you are doing, where you are going and
feel you have your priorities right (Perera, 2008). Job satisfaction is a variable matter. It
usually depends on the mind of employee or worker. Positive attitude regarding to any
work of a person is stated as job satisfaction. It is a mental condition of a person to any
type of work (Buffett, 2013).
The people who best describe these factors are those who took engineering courses.
Engineering jobs are exciting, challenging, and rewarding and because of the higher
demand for the licensed engineers, this kind of career has a bright future when they have
entered for a job. Their income will be above high average level. Hapak (1935) defines
satisfaction in relation to psychological, physiological and social factors. That is to say that
it is necessary for a person to be satisfied physically, psychologically and socially to attain
job satisfaction. Individuals with low self-esteem show such symptoms as physical
complaints, depression, anxiety, decrease in general health, the attitude of attribution of
their defeats to others, job dissatisfaction and decrease in performance, lack of educational
success and interpersonal problems.
Therefore, consider that self-esteem and job satisfaction are important factors in
achieving someone’s success.
Statement of the Problems
Generally, the study will aim to determine the factors in having self-esteem and
achieving the job satisfaction of successful person.
Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions.
1. How do successful person define job satisfaction?
2. How can individual improve his/her self-esteem?
3. What is the importance of self-esteem and job satisfaction for every person’s success?
Objectives of the Study
The purpose of the study is to accomplish the following goals:
1. To identify the self-esteem that a successful person should possess to be achieved in
his/her personal job.
2. To determine how do job-satisfaction of a successful person help to improve his/her
personal life.
3. To find out the keys in achieving job-satisfaction of a successful person.
Significance of the Study
This study would be significant to the engineers. Who are being satisfied on their
successful job .Who believe to themselves that they can make difference whenever that the
planned by the Lord. It is also important for those individuals who had been not yet satisfied
on their job, and to help them how to cope up with it.
This study will prove insight into the views of a students, in job individuals, and
inspired people to their work to do better and cope challenges in order to commit their
success and to commit also job satisfaction.
This study is also important to the individual’s researcher who work for this study
and to collect data on how to be successful someday and being satisfied from it.
It also help the government to help hose person, who had not yet get their dream
job or not successful individuals yet.
Scope and Delimitations of the Study
This study will focus on the views of a person in dealing with self-esteem and job
satisfaction to achieve success in life.
The scope of this study will be limited to the factors of self-esteem and job
satisfaction in achieving person’s success. A person’s understanding, knowledge, and
perception about how self-esteem and job satisfaction could contribute to achieve success
in life is very much needed.
This study will be further delimited to a successful person employed in a Local
Government Unit specifically in Banisilan, North Cotabato. Topics include actual
interview with the person to come up with the expectations of the study.
Definition and Terms
Civil Engineering is a technical design and construction of public works (buildings,
roads, bridges, hadron, public…) and or technically equivalent private ones.
Engineering refers to the branch of science and technology concerned with the
Satisfaction is the fulfilment of one’s expectations on the pleasure.
Self-Esteem refers to possessing little self-regard can people to become depressed.
Successful is the state of being satisfied with what you have achieved in life.
Self Esteem is what we experience when we feel good about ourselves and when
we feel good inside. When you feel you like what you are doing, where you are going and
feel you have your priorities right (Perera, 2008). A high opinion about yourself and who
you are and what you do and basically a love for yourself is also one of the things that
people often miss or have too tittle of in today’s society (Robinson, 2003). According to
Tracy (2009), your self-esteem is probably the most important part of your personality. It
precedes and predicts your performance in almost everything you do. It is the energy source
or the reactor core of your personality, and how much self-esteem you have determines
your levels of vitality, enthusiasm and personal magnetism. Gross (2009) indicates that
“Global self-esteem is not set in stone. Raising it is possible, but not easy. Global self-
esteem grows as we face and learn from our experiences”.
Lennon (2009) stated that “Part of me suspects that I’m a loser, and the other part
of me thinks I’m God Almighty”. Healthy self-esteem is based on our ability to assess
ourselves accurately and still be accepting to how we are. This means being able to
acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses (we all have them) and at the same time
recognize that we are worth and worthwhile ( Don’t compete with
others. Life is not a race. Set your own standards and try to reach them, don’t be scared to
fail and accept your own limitations (Perera, 2008).
As the world becomes more complex, competitive, challenging, self-esteem is more
important than ever. The shift from a manufacturing-based society to one based on
information, and the emergence of a global economy characterized rapid change have
created growing demands on our psychological resources (Branden, 2007).
Craig (2012) have stated ten reasons why confidence leads to success. When you
believe in yourself you are more likely to take action, to stand up and seize the moment,
and to preserve long after those who doubt themselves. a.) The drive to start things. b.) The
ability to stand up or one self. c.) The ability to say ‘no’. d.) The ability to say ‘yes’. e.)
Confidence overcomes fears. f.) Believe in themselves. g.) Set the bar high enough. h.)
Stretch your limits. i.) Confidence asks questions. j.) Believe in winning.
We all know that self-esteem can be an important part of success. Too little self-
esteem can leave people feeling defeated or depressed. It can also lead people to make bad
choices, fall into destructive relationship, or fail to live up to their full potential. Self-
Esteem levels at the extreme high and low ends of the spectrum and can be damaging, so
the ideas is to strike a balance somewhere in the middle (Cherry, 2016).
Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is a general expression of worker’s positive attitude built up
towards their jobs. Workers maintain an attitude towards their jobs as a result of diverse
features of their jobs and experiences in their job environment. This attitude can be also
negative towards work. If the economic benefits, the social status, the job’s own specific
characteristics and the job expectation employees hoped, are appropriate for employees
desires, this is job satisfaction. Positive attitudes of employees towards the whole business
environment as a result their experiences of work-environment are called job-satisfaction
(Man, et. al. 2011).
Buffet (2016) defined Job satisfaction as a variable matter. It usually depends on
the mind of employee/worker. Positive attitude regarding to any work of a person is stated
as job satisfaction. It is a mental condition of a person to any type of work. Someone may
feel satisfaction to a work and in contrary another person may feel unsatisfactory to the
same work depending on their attitude regarding the work/job.
To elaborate the concept of job satisfaction, it is said that in an organization which
employees work, their job/task and their view to that job and that organization create many
conceptions and expectations may be their status, salary/wages, promotion, job conditions,
working environment and communication environment etc. Job satisfaction is the positive
or negative attitude of employees/workers about these kinds of subjects. According to
Seashore & Taber (2012), Conception of job satisfaction until very recently has been
largely psychological and individualistic in orientation. Empirical studies have been
confirmed to local situations or especial populations with interpretive purposes reflecting
the values of employed individuals or of their managers. However, if job satisfaction
measures are to be useful in monitoring the quality of employment on a society scale, it
will be necessary to enlarge the perspective, to of a large array of associated variables.
There are many aspects to job satisfaction, depending on what each individual
person feels is important. In many ways, the world ’reward’ alone can mean different things
to different people, and in this lesson, we are going to look at job satisfaction and its place
in today’s business environment. Our goals are to understand job satisfaction, or how
someone is with their job and of accomplishment they get from doing it (Wengrzyn, 2009).
Job satisfaction is on the top of the important targets for an establishment which is
in the process of total quality because the provision of total quality, first of all, is based on
the sincere commitment to work of the corporate employees/managers and satisfied with
their jobs; namely, doing their jobs fondly (Man, et. al. 2011).
According to Nilakant & Rao (1977), in recent years, the attitude of job satisfaction
has become closely associated with broader approaches to improve job design and work
organization and quality of work life movement. There is a large number of reported
attempts in proving the quality of work life through participative redesign of jobs and work
flow. Thus, although clear directions of causality in the relationship between job
satisfaction and organizational performance remain unresolved, initial evidence has
suggested that aggregate employee attitudes have a connection with organizational
performance outcomes and vice versa, the organizational performance are collected to job
satisfaction. All the evidence suggests is that the relationship between job satisfaction and
organizational performance is complex and insufficiently researched (Gross & Etzioni,
As noted by Spector (2011), there has been a lot of work conducted to determine
the underlying structure of job satisfaction facets. Most studies have used complex statistics
(e.g., factors analysis) to reduce people’s responses to a large number of facets to a smaller
number of underlying dimensions of job satisfaction.
According to Hill (2011), there are factors affecting job satisfaction: Working
Conditions. Because employees spend much time in their work environment each week,
it’s important for companies to try to optimize working conditions. Opportunity for
Advancement. Employees are more satisfied with their current job if they see a path
available to move up the ranks in the company and be given responsibility and along with
it higher compensation. Workload and Stress level. Dealing with a workload that is far too
heavy and deadlines that are impossible to reach can cause job satisfaction to erode for
even the most dedicated employee. Respect from Co-workers. Employees seek to be
treated with respect by those they work with. Relationship with Supervisors. Effective
management know their employees need recognition and praise for their efforts and
Weir (2013) cited the following in her book “More than Job Satisfaction.” Building
Cathedrals. In a 2010 review/ Brent D. Rosso, PhD, and colleagues noted that finding
meaning in one’s work has been shown to increase motivation, engagement,
empowerment, career development, job satisfaction, individual performance and personal
fulfilment, and decrease absent and stress. A Higher Calling. Researchers have found that
workers who feel a higher calling to their job are among the most content. Make Your Own
Meaning. Fortunately, you don’t have to become a glazier or a zookeeper to find meaning
at works, says Jane E. Dutton, Phl, a professor of business administration and psychology
at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.
Successful Person
Successful people use the ruler of wisdom and experience to measure others. They
are able to see the vulnerability of the youngster that is hidden behind the arrogance and
false self-confidence. The successful person makes provision for the difference between
his ruler and that of the youngster. Once this has been done, the right to do is guide the
young person without preaching (
Tracy (2015) suggested six qualities of wildly successful person. a.) They are
ambitious-They see themselves capable of being the best. b.) They are courageous-
Successful people work to confront the fears that hold most people back. c.) They are
prepared-Successful people review every detail in advance. d.) They are committed-The
top people in every field are completely committed. e.) They are continuous learners-High
achievers recognize that if they’re getting worse. f.) They are responsible-The top people
in our society have an attitude of self-employment.
The following are the seven habits of the world’s most successful person by Demers
J. (2015). a.) They invest in themselves. b.) They aren’t held back by failure. c.) They
think in the long term. d.) They aren’t afraid to move forward. e.) They stay focused. f.)
They stay positive. g.) They understand the meaning of word-life.
Most Inspiring Quotes from World’s Top 9 Richer Billionaires (2014).
1. Bill Gates “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”.
2. Carlos Shim Helu “When you live for other’s opinions, you are dead”.
3. Warren Buffet “Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2; never forget Rule No. 2.”
4. Larry Ellison said “Great achievers are driven; not so much by persecute of success, but
by the fear of failure”.
Ten Tips to Become Successful In your Career ( a.)
Priorities and Goals-Make a list and of your priorities and plan your day. b.) Be focused-
Try to block all the destructions so that you leave the time to truly focus on your tasks and
career. c.) Broaden your skills-Nothing remains the save and so do job requirements. d.)
Socialize-Be ready to participate in social function. e.) Know your merits-Know your
strength and weakness. f.) Accept challenge-Through challenge you will reach ideas of
your personality you have never discovered before. g.) Communication-Learn to
communicate effectively. h.) Avoid gossip-Avoid office gossip about colleagues and the
boss. i.) Relax-Relax and do something different, a lovely that you love doing. j.) Seek
satisfaction-If you are disappointed with what you are doing, tiny to transform it into
something you love.
Ten ways we limit our success and to overcome those artificial barriers by Geisler,
J. (2013). a.) Fear of overstepping our boundaries. b.) Uncertainly as to how wire evaluated
by others. c.) Memories of past missteps. d.) Presumption of unimportance. e.) Bad advice
and overdependence on the humor will. f.) Lack of connection to our basses. g.) Misplaced
focus in tenure versus talent. h.) Immersion in our current work. i.) Waiting for formal
training. j.) Fear of appearing ambitions.
Top Ten Strategies For Becoming Uncommonly Successful (Mayo, 1999). a.)
Create wealth in alignment with your business. b.) Honor Numero Uno; Design your life
around your properties. c.) Visualize every step of your dream and watch the magic
unfold.d.) East does it: Inspired action always trumps forced action. e.) Laser in a one idea,
Business or Income stream at a time. f.) Strengthen your relationship: Your financial
independence id dependent on your connection with others. g.) Develop your muscle:
Bounce back from setback. h.) Stream lines your effort: Align your natural talents with
your goal. i.) Disarm the sneaky inner saboteurs. j.) Shorten your learning curve by learning
from the best.
How to be successful in life: thirteen tips from the world’s most successful people
by Heissman K. (2013). a.) Think Big. b.) Find what you love to do and do it. c.) Learn
how to balance life. d.) Do not be afraid to failure. e.) Have an uncovering resolution to
succeed. f.) B e a man of action. g.) Avoid conflicts. h.) Don’t be afraid of introducing
new ideas. i.) Believe in your capacity to succeed. j.) Always maintain a positive mental
attitude. k.) Don’t let discouragement stop you from pressing on. l.) Be willing to work
hard. m.) Be brave enough to follow your intuition.
Schawbel, D. (2013) presented fourteen things every successful person has in
common. a.) They know when to stay and when to leave. b.) They do more than what’s
asked of them. c.) They are willing to fail in order to succeed. d.) They know that they
make their work luck. e.) They set real goals that they can accomplish. f.) They take
accountability for themselves and their actions. g.) They make change instead of being
affected by it. h.) They are able to adjust to changes in the market place. i.) They can
communicate their story effectively. j.) They ask the right questions to the people. k.) They
are lifelong learners who push themselves out of their comfort zone. l.) They know who
they and their place in the world. m.) They are more excited about the journey than the
pay-out. n.) They create instead of adjust consume.
This section presents the research design, research site, research participants and
the instruments that will be used to gather data. It also includes the data gathering
procedures and data analysis.
Research Design
This research study is a collective case study, as the participant that will be
interviewed for this study is a government official of Banisilan Local Government Unit,
Banisilan, North Cotabato. The participant took an engineering course and graduated at
Cagayan de Oro College (COC). In addition, the participant first became the Vice mayor
for 2 terms before becoming the Municipal mayor of Banisilan.
The researchers will use a qualitative approach when conducting this research
because they are interested in exploring what is with self-esteem and job satisfaction and
how it could lead a person to become successful.
Locale of the Study
The study will be conducted in Banisilan Municipal Hall, Poblacion 1, Banisilan,
North Cotabato with the chosen participant. All interviews will be conducted in the
participant’s respective house. Interviews will be audio recorded.
Research Participant
Convenience sampling allows the researchers to select participant that can be
accessed and data can be easily collected. Only one participant in this research, he
graduated Civil engineering and NAPOLCOM and now he became the Municipal Mayor
of Banisilan, North Cotabato.
Data Collection
Interview will be conducted in his house in Pob. 1, Banisilan, North Cotabato where
he is comfortable and familiar with the surroundings. The interview will approximately last
for 15 minutes and will be audio-recorded. Data collection will start on the second week of
January to February 2017.
The interview questions that will be asked to the participant will be grouped
into three major categories; (a): questions regarding the Self-esteem a person should
possess to be successful in life. (b): questions regarding the job-satisfaction of a successful
person help to improve his personal life. And (c): questions regarding the keys in achieving
job-satisfaction of a successful person. These categories will provide background
information to allow the researchers to understand the self-esteem of a successful person
in his personal job, and included questions stretching from beginning of his job up until he
become a successful one.
Selected person will answer 20 questions established by the researchers in addition
to follow-up questions. The semi-structured interview protocol will allow the researchers
to provide a list of key questions that will help answer the researchers to ask follow-up
questions as proving questions if additional information has needed.
All interviews will be audio-recorded by the researchers.
Data Analysis
This process of data analysis involved organizing data and forming an interpretation
out them. Once the interviews for this study were conducted and audio-recorded,
recordings then will be transcribed by the researchers.
As all transcripts were arranged into key categories, the researchers will
review all of the transcripts and identify three main themes which will be represented as
key findings from the research study.
Data Presentation
This chapter presents the results and findings of the data gathered from the interview.
As the participant became a successful one, there are factors that made him become
what he is now. That involves self-esteem and job satisfaction. There is only one
respondent in the study. The participant is a pure citizen and the Mayor of the municipality
of Banisilan. The following is the detailed description of the participant and his background
Hon. Jesus Faustino Alisasis. Hon. Jesus Faustino Alisasis is an ordinary
citizen of Banisilan who was eager to help his co- citizen specifically the poor ones. He
graduated Civil engineering and NAPOLCOM and now he became the Municipal Mayor
of Banisilan, North Cotabato.
ResearchQuestion 1: To identify the self-esteem that a successful person should possess
to be achieved in his/her personal life.
Theme 1: Confidence. The participant indicated in the study that confidence is
having self-trust. He said that if we trust ourselves we can do what we want to do. He
admitted that if you trust yourself and you trust God that is called confidence.
According to Tracy (2009) your self-esteem is probably the most important part of
your personality. It precedes and predicts your performance in almost everything you do.
It is the energy source or the reactor core of your personality, and how much self-esteem
you have determines your levels of vitality, enthusiasm and personal magnetism.
Theme 2: Known God. He indicated that he felt confidence when he finally known
God. He admitted that he didn’t engage himself to God before more-like he didn’t care
about his existence. But when he knew God, he can really feel and say that he is confident
in whatever he do.
Theme 3: Without God. The participant stated that he was not confident when
God is not within himself. On that times, he can really feel nothing, he have nothing. He
can feel the emptiness in him and that caused unnecessary things (e.g. family conflicts) that
resulted into heavier problems.
Theme 4: The person behind his confidence. The participant recognized that the
one who contributed to his confidence is his wife.
Theme 5: Self-worth. He said that his wife gave him the opportunity to engage
himself with God and to internalize the words of God. According to him, his wife told him
that to be with God is the right thing to do and the right path to take as they walk together
and continue with their journey.
Healthy self-esteem is based on our ability to assess ourselves accurately and still
be accepting to how we are. This means being able to acknowledge our strengths and
weaknesses (we all have them) and at the same time recognize that we are worth and
worthwhile (
Theme 6: I am confident.The participant admitted that he is confident enough
because every time he make his decisions, he seek the lord first and by that he can say that
he is confident. He is confident that the lord will give him the answers that he needs and
he can be truthful to others.
Theme 7: Being true. The specific thing that the respondent do to like himself and
his life is by being true. He indicated that everything that he speak out and the decisions
he’s making is because he is just being true to himself.
Theme 8: Liking yourself and your life. The respondent said that not being with
God caused him not to like himself and his life. He admitted that he have tried all vices
(smoking, alcohols, etc.) before and that caused him to become miserable. But when he
met God he is already confident on the decisions that he is making and he already have
what he needs.
Theme 9: Uncomparison. The respondent don’t compare himself to others
because according to him, every one of us has different destinies and tasks that God has
given us. He said that we have different roles in the community that we live in.
Don’t compete with others. Life is not a race. Set your own standards and try to
reach them, don’t be scared to fail and accept your own limitations Perera (2008).
Theme 10: Impact of confidence. The respondent admitted that it changed his life,
personality, and his plans because only God knows that it is the right thing to do. He stated
that we “we have nothing if we don’t have god.”
Theme 11: Giving someone confidence. He indicated that he could give someone
confidence specially those who are non-believers of God. Someone who doesn’t recognize
God. He could encourage those people that to believe in god and to the word of god is a
wonderful thing we could ever experience.
Research question 2: To determine how job-satisfaction of a successful person help to
improve his/her personal life.
Theme 1: Expectation. He said that he do his very best, he do what he want as a
human being as long as he think it is the right thing to do.
Theme 2: Satisfaction. He was satisfied in his job when he serve the people of
Banisilan specially the poor and the less-fortunate ones. When he can help the poor that
makes him satisfied.
Buffet (2016) defined Job satisfaction as a variable matter. It usually depends on
the mind of employee/worker. Positive attitude regarding to any work of a person in stated
as job satisfaction. It is a mental condition of a person to any type of work. Someone may
feel satisfaction to a work and in contrary another person may feel unsatisfactory to the
same work depending on their attitude regarding the work/job.
Theme 3: Working with people. He enjoy working with the poor ones. Those
extremely poor, less-fortunate, illiterate people are the true people. They speak truly from
their heart. They are the true people.
Theme 4: Job choice. He was attracted to this job because he is able to serve the
people of Banisilan specially those who has never been served from the past
administrations, those extremely poor and never been known.
Theme 5: Job-dissatisfaction. He felt dissatisfaction when someone on his co-
workers committed corruption and bribed him for doing such even though he didn’t which
he didn’t like specially those who wants traditional doings. “I want change but they don’t
want change”
Theme 6: Work with love. He pointed out that he love it when he go to different
barangays, sitios in Banisilan, work with the people there, and make conversations with
them. He really like to mingle with the people, to be like one of them, talk to them about
the problems in their jobs, in their place and look for solutions.
Research question 3: To find out the keys in achieving job- satisfaction of a successful
Theme 1: Success. For him, success is when people become satisfied, when
Banisilan is a progressive one, peaceful one, a good place to live, place to invest, and a
great place to work with the people.
Successful people use the ruler of wisdom and experience to measure others. They
are able to see the vulnerability of the youngster that is hidden behind the arrogance and
false self-confidence. The successful person makes provision for the difference between
his ruler and that of the youngster. Once this has been done, the right to do is guide the
young person without preaching.
Theme 2: Job satisfaction and confidence to be successful. As a mayor, he said
that his term will end soon and he will come back to his normal life, a normal person, but
it is a pleasure to see that the next generation can introduce the municipality of Banisilan
to others that this town is a progressive and a peaceful municipality.
Theme 3: Boost self-esteem. He pointed out that first, one should put God in the
centre of their lives. he indicated that we should help ourselves, our family, other people,
and the community that we live. We should begin it with ourselves and with God because
as what he have said, we can do nothing if we don’t have god.
The data showed that the participant has a self-trust the particular felt confidence
when he has known God for he is nothing without God. The participant recognized that
participant stated that his wife gave him the opportunity to engage himself with God. He
admitted that he is confident for he is being true to everything he says and because he know
that God is with him. The respondent and not compose himself to other and he committed
that having a confidence has changed his life and personality. The participant’s said that
all people can give confidence to those person who are nonbeliever to God to because
confidence of they believe in God.
As his expectation to his life and work he do his they best to do the right thing to
others and as human being. The respondent’s satisfied in his job when he serve the people
of Banisilan and help the poor people. As he help the poor people he also enjoying working
with this kind of people. Because according to him poor speak truly from their heart or they
are the true people. That’s why he choose this job because he was able to serve the people
of Banisilan. The participants also said that sometimes in his job he is being factors life
corruption of his co-workers and other’s violence in the law who committed by his co-
workers. In his job he pointed out that he love doing visiting every barangays in his
community to work with the people in there and make conversation with there. As a whole
he is a poor lover or a community server person. In fact he is a man of action. The
participant’s define success as satisfaction or being satisfied to work. And he also define
this success if his job is well done or he commit his job to serve people of his community.
Connected with this he will become satisfied to his job if the municipality of Banisilan will
become progressive place. In the end the participant’s give an advice to those person who
did not commit self-esteem and job satisfaction. He said that we should put God in our
centre of our lives so we become satisfied I our job.
The results revealed that the respondent defined confidence as having a self-trust,
this study shows that the respondent felt confidence when he finally known God. The
respondent in this study shows that his confidence is deeply anchored with God in which
without the presence of God he can feel the emptiness in him.
The person that is confident and satisfied with their jobs tend to be more successful
in their career they are not just doing their job but they are working with willingness and
love in their hearts. To be successful is not an option, it’s a choice. It goes a lot of processes
that should be done to become a successful one. Anyone could experience hardships,
dissatisfaction, and challenges that could make us not to pursue what we have started but
it doesn’t mean we will be giving up.
Since this study stressed that having self- esteem within oneself and being satisfied
in their jobs could give a big contribution into one’s success, everyone should practice
having self-confidence in anything they do and together with that is having a satisfaction
in the work or job that they have. As the world becomes more complex, competitive,
challenging, self-esteem is more important than ever. The shift from a manufacturing-based
society to one based on information, and the emergence of a global economy characterized
rapid change have created growing demands on our psychological resources Branden
(2007). Job satisfaction is on the top of the important targets for an establishment which is
in the process of total quality. Because, the provision of total quality, first of all, is based
on the sincere commitment to work of the corporate employees/managers and satisfied with
their jobs; namely, doing their jobs fondly Man et al. (2011).
Further qualitative studies should be conducted on self-esteem and job satisfaction
of a successful person to perform his job well and to improve the effectiveness of their
confidence and to boost the productivity of their career. Based on the result, people should
put God in the centre of their lives to have confidence and to achieve job satisfaction to
become successful.
While this study explored the idea of having self-esteem and job-satisfaction
towards success, additional qualitative studies could further explore how self-esteem and
job satisfaction could contribute into one’s success. Since the researchers have only one
respondents, additional studies with larger number of respondent could provide greater
insights about having self- esteem and job satisfaction towards success. The participant
were identified as working on a high position in the government, a study with different
personnel on different agencies (local or private) may also contribute to the idea of self-
esteem and job satisfaction towards success.
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Self-esteem and Job satisfaction Of a Successful Person

  • 1. 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Success is defined as the fact of achieving something planned or attempted. It is the attainment of the things that people are eager to achieve for. To achieve success, there are things that must be considered important. Self-esteem and job satisfaction are only two of those many factors in achieving success. Self-esteem is what we experience when we feel good about ourselves and when we feel good inside. When you feel you like what you are doing, where you are going and feel you have your priorities right (Perera, 2008). Job satisfaction is a variable matter. It usually depends on the mind of employee or worker. Positive attitude regarding to any work of a person is stated as job satisfaction. It is a mental condition of a person to any type of work (Buffett, 2013). The people who best describe these factors are those who took engineering courses. Engineering jobs are exciting, challenging, and rewarding and because of the higher demand for the licensed engineers, this kind of career has a bright future when they have entered for a job. Their income will be above high average level. Hapak (1935) defines satisfaction in relation to psychological, physiological and social factors. That is to say that it is necessary for a person to be satisfied physically, psychologically and socially to attain job satisfaction. Individuals with low self-esteem show such symptoms as physical
  • 2. 2 complaints, depression, anxiety, decrease in general health, the attitude of attribution of their defeats to others, job dissatisfaction and decrease in performance, lack of educational success and interpersonal problems. Therefore, consider that self-esteem and job satisfaction are important factors in achieving someone’s success. Statement of the Problems Generally, the study will aim to determine the factors in having self-esteem and achieving the job satisfaction of successful person. Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions. 1. How do successful person define job satisfaction? 2. How can individual improve his/her self-esteem? 3. What is the importance of self-esteem and job satisfaction for every person’s success?
  • 3. 3 Objectives of the Study The purpose of the study is to accomplish the following goals: 1. To identify the self-esteem that a successful person should possess to be achieved in his/her personal job. 2. To determine how do job-satisfaction of a successful person help to improve his/her personal life. 3. To find out the keys in achieving job-satisfaction of a successful person. Significance of the Study This study would be significant to the engineers. Who are being satisfied on their successful job .Who believe to themselves that they can make difference whenever that the planned by the Lord. It is also important for those individuals who had been not yet satisfied on their job, and to help them how to cope up with it. This study will prove insight into the views of a students, in job individuals, and inspired people to their work to do better and cope challenges in order to commit their success and to commit also job satisfaction. This study is also important to the individual’s researcher who work for this study and to collect data on how to be successful someday and being satisfied from it.
  • 4. 4 It also help the government to help hose person, who had not yet get their dream job or not successful individuals yet. Scope and Delimitations of the Study This study will focus on the views of a person in dealing with self-esteem and job satisfaction to achieve success in life. The scope of this study will be limited to the factors of self-esteem and job satisfaction in achieving person’s success. A person’s understanding, knowledge, and perception about how self-esteem and job satisfaction could contribute to achieve success in life is very much needed. This study will be further delimited to a successful person employed in a Local Government Unit specifically in Banisilan, North Cotabato. Topics include actual interview with the person to come up with the expectations of the study.
  • 5. 5 Definition and Terms Civil Engineering is a technical design and construction of public works (buildings, roads, bridges, hadron, public…) and or technically equivalent private ones. Engineering refers to the branch of science and technology concerned with the design. Satisfaction is the fulfilment of one’s expectations on the pleasure. Self-Esteem refers to possessing little self-regard can people to become depressed. Successful is the state of being satisfied with what you have achieved in life.
  • 6. 6 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Self-esteem Self Esteem is what we experience when we feel good about ourselves and when we feel good inside. When you feel you like what you are doing, where you are going and feel you have your priorities right (Perera, 2008). A high opinion about yourself and who you are and what you do and basically a love for yourself is also one of the things that people often miss or have too tittle of in today’s society (Robinson, 2003). According to Tracy (2009), your self-esteem is probably the most important part of your personality. It precedes and predicts your performance in almost everything you do. It is the energy source or the reactor core of your personality, and how much self-esteem you have determines your levels of vitality, enthusiasm and personal magnetism. Gross (2009) indicates that “Global self-esteem is not set in stone. Raising it is possible, but not easy. Global self- esteem grows as we face and learn from our experiences”. Lennon (2009) stated that “Part of me suspects that I’m a loser, and the other part of me thinks I’m God Almighty”. Healthy self-esteem is based on our ability to assess ourselves accurately and still be accepting to how we are. This means being able to acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses (we all have them) and at the same time recognize that we are worth and worthwhile ( Don’t compete with
  • 7. 7 others. Life is not a race. Set your own standards and try to reach them, don’t be scared to fail and accept your own limitations (Perera, 2008). As the world becomes more complex, competitive, challenging, self-esteem is more important than ever. The shift from a manufacturing-based society to one based on information, and the emergence of a global economy characterized rapid change have created growing demands on our psychological resources (Branden, 2007). Craig (2012) have stated ten reasons why confidence leads to success. When you believe in yourself you are more likely to take action, to stand up and seize the moment, and to preserve long after those who doubt themselves. a.) The drive to start things. b.) The ability to stand up or one self. c.) The ability to say ‘no’. d.) The ability to say ‘yes’. e.) Confidence overcomes fears. f.) Believe in themselves. g.) Set the bar high enough. h.) Stretch your limits. i.) Confidence asks questions. j.) Believe in winning. We all know that self-esteem can be an important part of success. Too little self- esteem can leave people feeling defeated or depressed. It can also lead people to make bad choices, fall into destructive relationship, or fail to live up to their full potential. Self- Esteem levels at the extreme high and low ends of the spectrum and can be damaging, so the ideas is to strike a balance somewhere in the middle (Cherry, 2016). Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction is a general expression of worker’s positive attitude built up towards their jobs. Workers maintain an attitude towards their jobs as a result of diverse features of their jobs and experiences in their job environment. This attitude can be also
  • 8. 8 negative towards work. If the economic benefits, the social status, the job’s own specific characteristics and the job expectation employees hoped, are appropriate for employees desires, this is job satisfaction. Positive attitudes of employees towards the whole business environment as a result their experiences of work-environment are called job-satisfaction (Man, et. al. 2011). Buffet (2016) defined Job satisfaction as a variable matter. It usually depends on the mind of employee/worker. Positive attitude regarding to any work of a person is stated as job satisfaction. It is a mental condition of a person to any type of work. Someone may feel satisfaction to a work and in contrary another person may feel unsatisfactory to the same work depending on their attitude regarding the work/job. To elaborate the concept of job satisfaction, it is said that in an organization which employees work, their job/task and their view to that job and that organization create many conceptions and expectations may be their status, salary/wages, promotion, job conditions, working environment and communication environment etc. Job satisfaction is the positive or negative attitude of employees/workers about these kinds of subjects. According to Seashore & Taber (2012), Conception of job satisfaction until very recently has been largely psychological and individualistic in orientation. Empirical studies have been confirmed to local situations or especial populations with interpretive purposes reflecting the values of employed individuals or of their managers. However, if job satisfaction measures are to be useful in monitoring the quality of employment on a society scale, it will be necessary to enlarge the perspective, to of a large array of associated variables.
  • 9. 9 There are many aspects to job satisfaction, depending on what each individual person feels is important. In many ways, the world ’reward’ alone can mean different things to different people, and in this lesson, we are going to look at job satisfaction and its place in today’s business environment. Our goals are to understand job satisfaction, or how someone is with their job and of accomplishment they get from doing it (Wengrzyn, 2009). Job satisfaction is on the top of the important targets for an establishment which is in the process of total quality because the provision of total quality, first of all, is based on the sincere commitment to work of the corporate employees/managers and satisfied with their jobs; namely, doing their jobs fondly (Man, et. al. 2011). According to Nilakant & Rao (1977), in recent years, the attitude of job satisfaction has become closely associated with broader approaches to improve job design and work organization and quality of work life movement. There is a large number of reported attempts in proving the quality of work life through participative redesign of jobs and work flow. Thus, although clear directions of causality in the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational performance remain unresolved, initial evidence has suggested that aggregate employee attitudes have a connection with organizational performance outcomes and vice versa, the organizational performance are collected to job satisfaction. All the evidence suggests is that the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational performance is complex and insufficiently researched (Gross & Etzioni, 1985).
  • 10. 10 As noted by Spector (2011), there has been a lot of work conducted to determine the underlying structure of job satisfaction facets. Most studies have used complex statistics (e.g., factors analysis) to reduce people’s responses to a large number of facets to a smaller number of underlying dimensions of job satisfaction. According to Hill (2011), there are factors affecting job satisfaction: Working Conditions. Because employees spend much time in their work environment each week, it’s important for companies to try to optimize working conditions. Opportunity for Advancement. Employees are more satisfied with their current job if they see a path available to move up the ranks in the company and be given responsibility and along with it higher compensation. Workload and Stress level. Dealing with a workload that is far too heavy and deadlines that are impossible to reach can cause job satisfaction to erode for even the most dedicated employee. Respect from Co-workers. Employees seek to be treated with respect by those they work with. Relationship with Supervisors. Effective management know their employees need recognition and praise for their efforts and accomplishments. Weir (2013) cited the following in her book “More than Job Satisfaction.” Building Cathedrals. In a 2010 review/ Brent D. Rosso, PhD, and colleagues noted that finding meaning in one’s work has been shown to increase motivation, engagement, empowerment, career development, job satisfaction, individual performance and personal fulfilment, and decrease absent and stress. A Higher Calling. Researchers have found that workers who feel a higher calling to their job are among the most content. Make Your Own Meaning. Fortunately, you don’t have to become a glazier or a zookeeper to find meaning
  • 11. 11 at works, says Jane E. Dutton, Phl, a professor of business administration and psychology at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. Successful Person Successful people use the ruler of wisdom and experience to measure others. They are able to see the vulnerability of the youngster that is hidden behind the arrogance and false self-confidence. The successful person makes provision for the difference between his ruler and that of the youngster. Once this has been done, the right to do is guide the young person without preaching ( Tracy (2015) suggested six qualities of wildly successful person. a.) They are ambitious-They see themselves capable of being the best. b.) They are courageous- Successful people work to confront the fears that hold most people back. c.) They are prepared-Successful people review every detail in advance. d.) They are committed-The top people in every field are completely committed. e.) They are continuous learners-High achievers recognize that if they’re getting worse. f.) They are responsible-The top people in our society have an attitude of self-employment. The following are the seven habits of the world’s most successful person by Demers J. (2015). a.) They invest in themselves. b.) They aren’t held back by failure. c.) They think in the long term. d.) They aren’t afraid to move forward. e.) They stay focused. f.) They stay positive. g.) They understand the meaning of word-life. Most Inspiring Quotes from World’s Top 9 Richer Billionaires (2014).
  • 12. 12 1. Bill Gates “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”. 2. Carlos Shim Helu “When you live for other’s opinions, you are dead”. 3. Warren Buffet “Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2; never forget Rule No. 2.” 4. Larry Ellison said “Great achievers are driven; not so much by persecute of success, but by the fear of failure”. Ten Tips to Become Successful In your Career ( a.) Priorities and Goals-Make a list and of your priorities and plan your day. b.) Be focused- Try to block all the destructions so that you leave the time to truly focus on your tasks and career. c.) Broaden your skills-Nothing remains the save and so do job requirements. d.) Socialize-Be ready to participate in social function. e.) Know your merits-Know your strength and weakness. f.) Accept challenge-Through challenge you will reach ideas of your personality you have never discovered before. g.) Communication-Learn to communicate effectively. h.) Avoid gossip-Avoid office gossip about colleagues and the boss. i.) Relax-Relax and do something different, a lovely that you love doing. j.) Seek satisfaction-If you are disappointed with what you are doing, tiny to transform it into something you love. Ten ways we limit our success and to overcome those artificial barriers by Geisler, J. (2013). a.) Fear of overstepping our boundaries. b.) Uncertainly as to how wire evaluated by others. c.) Memories of past missteps. d.) Presumption of unimportance. e.) Bad advice and overdependence on the humor will. f.) Lack of connection to our basses. g.) Misplaced
  • 13. 13 focus in tenure versus talent. h.) Immersion in our current work. i.) Waiting for formal training. j.) Fear of appearing ambitions. Top Ten Strategies For Becoming Uncommonly Successful (Mayo, 1999). a.) Create wealth in alignment with your business. b.) Honor Numero Uno; Design your life around your properties. c.) Visualize every step of your dream and watch the magic unfold.d.) East does it: Inspired action always trumps forced action. e.) Laser in a one idea, Business or Income stream at a time. f.) Strengthen your relationship: Your financial independence id dependent on your connection with others. g.) Develop your muscle: Bounce back from setback. h.) Stream lines your effort: Align your natural talents with your goal. i.) Disarm the sneaky inner saboteurs. j.) Shorten your learning curve by learning from the best. How to be successful in life: thirteen tips from the world’s most successful people by Heissman K. (2013). a.) Think Big. b.) Find what you love to do and do it. c.) Learn how to balance life. d.) Do not be afraid to failure. e.) Have an uncovering resolution to succeed. f.) B e a man of action. g.) Avoid conflicts. h.) Don’t be afraid of introducing new ideas. i.) Believe in your capacity to succeed. j.) Always maintain a positive mental attitude. k.) Don’t let discouragement stop you from pressing on. l.) Be willing to work hard. m.) Be brave enough to follow your intuition. Schawbel, D. (2013) presented fourteen things every successful person has in common. a.) They know when to stay and when to leave. b.) They do more than what’s asked of them. c.) They are willing to fail in order to succeed. d.) They know that they
  • 14. 14 make their work luck. e.) They set real goals that they can accomplish. f.) They take accountability for themselves and their actions. g.) They make change instead of being affected by it. h.) They are able to adjust to changes in the market place. i.) They can communicate their story effectively. j.) They ask the right questions to the people. k.) They are lifelong learners who push themselves out of their comfort zone. l.) They know who they and their place in the world. m.) They are more excited about the journey than the pay-out. n.) They create instead of adjust consume.
  • 15. 15 METHODOLOGY This section presents the research design, research site, research participants and the instruments that will be used to gather data. It also includes the data gathering procedures and data analysis. Research Design This research study is a collective case study, as the participant that will be interviewed for this study is a government official of Banisilan Local Government Unit, Banisilan, North Cotabato. The participant took an engineering course and graduated at Cagayan de Oro College (COC). In addition, the participant first became the Vice mayor for 2 terms before becoming the Municipal mayor of Banisilan. The researchers will use a qualitative approach when conducting this research because they are interested in exploring what is with self-esteem and job satisfaction and how it could lead a person to become successful.
  • 16. 16 Locale of the Study The study will be conducted in Banisilan Municipal Hall, Poblacion 1, Banisilan, North Cotabato with the chosen participant. All interviews will be conducted in the participant’s respective house. Interviews will be audio recorded. Research Participant Convenience sampling allows the researchers to select participant that can be accessed and data can be easily collected. Only one participant in this research, he graduated Civil engineering and NAPOLCOM and now he became the Municipal Mayor of Banisilan, North Cotabato. Data Collection Interview will be conducted in his house in Pob. 1, Banisilan, North Cotabato where he is comfortable and familiar with the surroundings. The interview will approximately last for 15 minutes and will be audio-recorded. Data collection will start on the second week of January to February 2017.
  • 17. 17 The interview questions that will be asked to the participant will be grouped into three major categories; (a): questions regarding the Self-esteem a person should possess to be successful in life. (b): questions regarding the job-satisfaction of a successful person help to improve his personal life. And (c): questions regarding the keys in achieving job-satisfaction of a successful person. These categories will provide background information to allow the researchers to understand the self-esteem of a successful person in his personal job, and included questions stretching from beginning of his job up until he become a successful one. Selected person will answer 20 questions established by the researchers in addition to follow-up questions. The semi-structured interview protocol will allow the researchers to provide a list of key questions that will help answer the researchers to ask follow-up questions as proving questions if additional information has needed. All interviews will be audio-recorded by the researchers.
  • 18. 18 Data Analysis This process of data analysis involved organizing data and forming an interpretation out them. Once the interviews for this study were conducted and audio-recorded, recordings then will be transcribed by the researchers. As all transcripts were arranged into key categories, the researchers will review all of the transcripts and identify three main themes which will be represented as key findings from the research study.
  • 19. 19 DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Data Presentation This chapter presents the results and findings of the data gathered from the interview. As the participant became a successful one, there are factors that made him become what he is now. That involves self-esteem and job satisfaction. There is only one respondent in the study. The participant is a pure citizen and the Mayor of the municipality of Banisilan. The following is the detailed description of the participant and his background information. Hon. Jesus Faustino Alisasis. Hon. Jesus Faustino Alisasis is an ordinary citizen of Banisilan who was eager to help his co- citizen specifically the poor ones. He graduated Civil engineering and NAPOLCOM and now he became the Municipal Mayor of Banisilan, North Cotabato. Interpretation ResearchQuestion 1: To identify the self-esteem that a successful person should possess to be achieved in his/her personal life.
  • 20. 20 Theme 1: Confidence. The participant indicated in the study that confidence is having self-trust. He said that if we trust ourselves we can do what we want to do. He admitted that if you trust yourself and you trust God that is called confidence. According to Tracy (2009) your self-esteem is probably the most important part of your personality. It precedes and predicts your performance in almost everything you do. It is the energy source or the reactor core of your personality, and how much self-esteem you have determines your levels of vitality, enthusiasm and personal magnetism. Theme 2: Known God. He indicated that he felt confidence when he finally known God. He admitted that he didn’t engage himself to God before more-like he didn’t care about his existence. But when he knew God, he can really feel and say that he is confident in whatever he do. Theme 3: Without God. The participant stated that he was not confident when God is not within himself. On that times, he can really feel nothing, he have nothing. He can feel the emptiness in him and that caused unnecessary things (e.g. family conflicts) that resulted into heavier problems. Theme 4: The person behind his confidence. The participant recognized that the one who contributed to his confidence is his wife. Theme 5: Self-worth. He said that his wife gave him the opportunity to engage himself with God and to internalize the words of God. According to him, his wife told him that to be with God is the right thing to do and the right path to take as they walk together and continue with their journey.
  • 21. 21 Healthy self-esteem is based on our ability to assess ourselves accurately and still be accepting to how we are. This means being able to acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses (we all have them) and at the same time recognize that we are worth and worthwhile ( Theme 6: I am confident.The participant admitted that he is confident enough because every time he make his decisions, he seek the lord first and by that he can say that he is confident. He is confident that the lord will give him the answers that he needs and he can be truthful to others. Theme 7: Being true. The specific thing that the respondent do to like himself and his life is by being true. He indicated that everything that he speak out and the decisions he’s making is because he is just being true to himself. Theme 8: Liking yourself and your life. The respondent said that not being with God caused him not to like himself and his life. He admitted that he have tried all vices (smoking, alcohols, etc.) before and that caused him to become miserable. But when he met God he is already confident on the decisions that he is making and he already have what he needs. Theme 9: Uncomparison. The respondent don’t compare himself to others because according to him, every one of us has different destinies and tasks that God has given us. He said that we have different roles in the community that we live in. Don’t compete with others. Life is not a race. Set your own standards and try to reach them, don’t be scared to fail and accept your own limitations Perera (2008).
  • 22. 22 Theme 10: Impact of confidence. The respondent admitted that it changed his life, personality, and his plans because only God knows that it is the right thing to do. He stated that we “we have nothing if we don’t have god.” Theme 11: Giving someone confidence. He indicated that he could give someone confidence specially those who are non-believers of God. Someone who doesn’t recognize God. He could encourage those people that to believe in god and to the word of god is a wonderful thing we could ever experience. Research question 2: To determine how job-satisfaction of a successful person help to improve his/her personal life. Theme 1: Expectation. He said that he do his very best, he do what he want as a human being as long as he think it is the right thing to do. Theme 2: Satisfaction. He was satisfied in his job when he serve the people of Banisilan specially the poor and the less-fortunate ones. When he can help the poor that makes him satisfied. Buffet (2016) defined Job satisfaction as a variable matter. It usually depends on the mind of employee/worker. Positive attitude regarding to any work of a person in stated as job satisfaction. It is a mental condition of a person to any type of work. Someone may feel satisfaction to a work and in contrary another person may feel unsatisfactory to the same work depending on their attitude regarding the work/job.
  • 23. 23 Theme 3: Working with people. He enjoy working with the poor ones. Those extremely poor, less-fortunate, illiterate people are the true people. They speak truly from their heart. They are the true people. Theme 4: Job choice. He was attracted to this job because he is able to serve the people of Banisilan specially those who has never been served from the past administrations, those extremely poor and never been known. Theme 5: Job-dissatisfaction. He felt dissatisfaction when someone on his co- workers committed corruption and bribed him for doing such even though he didn’t which he didn’t like specially those who wants traditional doings. “I want change but they don’t want change” Theme 6: Work with love. He pointed out that he love it when he go to different barangays, sitios in Banisilan, work with the people there, and make conversations with them. He really like to mingle with the people, to be like one of them, talk to them about the problems in their jobs, in their place and look for solutions. Research question 3: To find out the keys in achieving job- satisfaction of a successful person. Theme 1: Success. For him, success is when people become satisfied, when Banisilan is a progressive one, peaceful one, a good place to live, place to invest, and a great place to work with the people.
  • 24. 24 Successful people use the ruler of wisdom and experience to measure others. They are able to see the vulnerability of the youngster that is hidden behind the arrogance and false self-confidence. The successful person makes provision for the difference between his ruler and that of the youngster. Once this has been done, the right to do is guide the young person without preaching. Theme 2: Job satisfaction and confidence to be successful. As a mayor, he said that his term will end soon and he will come back to his normal life, a normal person, but it is a pleasure to see that the next generation can introduce the municipality of Banisilan to others that this town is a progressive and a peaceful municipality. Theme 3: Boost self-esteem. He pointed out that first, one should put God in the centre of their lives. he indicated that we should help ourselves, our family, other people, and the community that we live. We should begin it with ourselves and with God because as what he have said, we can do nothing if we don’t have god.
  • 25. 25 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary The data showed that the participant has a self-trust the particular felt confidence when he has known God for he is nothing without God. The participant recognized that participant stated that his wife gave him the opportunity to engage himself with God. He admitted that he is confident for he is being true to everything he says and because he know that God is with him. The respondent and not compose himself to other and he committed that having a confidence has changed his life and personality. The participant’s said that all people can give confidence to those person who are nonbeliever to God to because confidence of they believe in God. As his expectation to his life and work he do his they best to do the right thing to others and as human being. The respondent’s satisfied in his job when he serve the people of Banisilan and help the poor people. As he help the poor people he also enjoying working with this kind of people. Because according to him poor speak truly from their heart or they are the true people. That’s why he choose this job because he was able to serve the people of Banisilan. The participants also said that sometimes in his job he is being factors life corruption of his co-workers and other’s violence in the law who committed by his co- workers. In his job he pointed out that he love doing visiting every barangays in his
  • 26. 26 community to work with the people in there and make conversation with there. As a whole he is a poor lover or a community server person. In fact he is a man of action. The participant’s define success as satisfaction or being satisfied to work. And he also define this success if his job is well done or he commit his job to serve people of his community. Connected with this he will become satisfied to his job if the municipality of Banisilan will become progressive place. In the end the participant’s give an advice to those person who did not commit self-esteem and job satisfaction. He said that we should put God in our centre of our lives so we become satisfied I our job. Conclusions The results revealed that the respondent defined confidence as having a self-trust, this study shows that the respondent felt confidence when he finally known God. The respondent in this study shows that his confidence is deeply anchored with God in which without the presence of God he can feel the emptiness in him. The person that is confident and satisfied with their jobs tend to be more successful in their career they are not just doing their job but they are working with willingness and love in their hearts. To be successful is not an option, it’s a choice. It goes a lot of processes that should be done to become a successful one. Anyone could experience hardships, dissatisfaction, and challenges that could make us not to pursue what we have started but it doesn’t mean we will be giving up.
  • 27. 27 Since this study stressed that having self- esteem within oneself and being satisfied in their jobs could give a big contribution into one’s success, everyone should practice having self-confidence in anything they do and together with that is having a satisfaction in the work or job that they have. As the world becomes more complex, competitive, challenging, self-esteem is more important than ever. The shift from a manufacturing-based society to one based on information, and the emergence of a global economy characterized rapid change have created growing demands on our psychological resources Branden (2007). Job satisfaction is on the top of the important targets for an establishment which is in the process of total quality. Because, the provision of total quality, first of all, is based on the sincere commitment to work of the corporate employees/managers and satisfied with their jobs; namely, doing their jobs fondly Man et al. (2011). Recommendations Further qualitative studies should be conducted on self-esteem and job satisfaction of a successful person to perform his job well and to improve the effectiveness of their confidence and to boost the productivity of their career. Based on the result, people should put God in the centre of their lives to have confidence and to achieve job satisfaction to become successful. While this study explored the idea of having self-esteem and job-satisfaction towards success, additional qualitative studies could further explore how self-esteem and
  • 28. 28 job satisfaction could contribute into one’s success. Since the researchers have only one respondents, additional studies with larger number of respondent could provide greater insights about having self- esteem and job satisfaction towards success. The participant were identified as working on a high position in the government, a study with different personnel on different agencies (local or private) may also contribute to the idea of self- esteem and job satisfaction towards success.
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