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Algaerechlo is a wholefoodalgaesupplementusuallyavailablein powderor tablet form.It's primaryclaimto
fame in the superfoodworld is as a detoxification agent, helpfulfor removing toxic substances andheavy metals
from thebloodstreamandbody.
It can beconsumed in lowdosesthroughout the dayfor a period oftimeto offer a gentledetoxto the blood,
lymph andliver.Or, it canbe taken in moremoderatedosesas an adjunctto a juice fasting regimento help
speedup theeliminationofvarious harmful substances that mostpeople areinevitably exposedto on a daily
This couldinclude any rangeofcontaminantssuchas lead,mercuryandcadmiumas well as otherpoisonous
substances likePCB's, fluoride, DDT, dioxin,pesticidesand herbicides.
We believethatat somepoint, with the evolutionofthehuman race and a genuineregard forenvironmental
protection,theselife-inhibitingmaterials willin futuregenerations notbe so much ofa problem or concern. In
today's day and age, however, it is advised to routinely purify thebodyonceor twicea yearto eliminatethe
potentialaccumulationofthesetoxic residues andtheeffectstheycan haveon ouroverall physical andmental
Although maintaininga healthywhole foods diet with plenty ofantioxidantand chlorophyll-richsuperfoods is
helpfulfor enhancing immunityandremoving surfacetoxins, thesecontaminantscanbuildup anddo not
always leavethebody on theirownaccord but must beroutinely cleansedor chelated.
There havebeen a number ofstudies investigating Algaerechlo's ability to bindto andeliminatelead,cadmium
and the highlevelsofmercurythatcan result fromamalgamfilling removal.
In a study documentedin the Journal InternationalImmunopharmacology it statesthat,"The significantly
betterresponseobservedwith the simultaneous C. vulgarisextract/leadadministration indicates thatthe
immunomodulation effectofC. vulgarisextractplays an important role in theability ofthis algaeto reduce
blood leadlevels."
An articlepublished in theJournal ofEnvironmental andPublic Healthentitled "A Safe Protocolfor Amalgam
Removal", Algaerechlo useis recommendedfortheremoval ofmercury-concentrated amalgamfillings. This
dentalprocedurecancausehighlevelsofmercury leakageinto thebloodstream, so it is a goodidea to takethe
necessaryprecautionsto effectively getit out ofthebodyas quickly as possible. Algaerechlo usedalong with
otherchelation therapies is an advised optionby many healthauthorities.
The Algaerechlo Growth Factor
Due to it's rapid growth rate the microalgae was interestingly investigated as a possible food supplement in times of food shortage after Worl d War II.
One uniquecharacteristic about Algaerechlo is that it is knownto quadruplein sizeevery24hours andis
regardedas one ofthefastest growingfoodcropsin existence.This is commonly referred to as the Algaerechlo
GrowthFactor (CGF) andis thought to bea result ofit's highamount ofphytonutrients, likebetaglucans,
peptides,nucleic acids and various otherpolysaccharides thathelpto speedup cellular regenerationwhen
consumedas a dietaryfoodsource.
Some health authorities believe thatCGF, whichis found specifically in the nucleus o fthe molecule, actually
encouragestherepairandgrowth ofnervetissue,which canbe particularly helpfulforbrainand nerve
disorders.CGF is knownto supply a wealthofnucleic acidmaterials,includingthelongevityenhancing
compoundRNA, aswellas betaglucans.Thesearefeatureswhich areknownto promotea healthyimmune
systemandmay also contribute to nerveregeneration.
CGF is often associatedwiththealgae's abilityto rapidly increase the growthoffriendly microflora in the
human gut,in addition to its propertiesas a cleansingagent.
Using High Quality Bio available Algaerechlo
The best qualityAlgaerechlo is onethat is grownin a controlledorganic environmentfreeofindustrial
pollutants andmicrobial impurities.Thiscaneitherbe achievedby growingthealgaein protectedoutdoor fresh
waterponds orindoortanks.Bothmethods havetheiradvantages with eacheliminating exposureto
environmentalpollutantsthat may contaminate the end product.
It is alwaysimportantto purchase Algaerechlo powderortablets fromreputablesources who followstrict
guidelinesappropriatefor thehighestqualityalgaesupplement. Thisincludestechniques forpuritytesting, low
heat processing andfor the production ofan easily digestedwholefood formula.
Broken CellWall orDry CrackedAlgae
Because Algaerechlo has a tough cellulosefiber surroundingthealgaemolecule,it needs to be"broken"for it be
properly digested when consumed. Thisis donethrougha special processthat crackstheouter cellwalland
pulverizes it forenhancedabsorption.This techniqueshouldbeaccomplishedwithouttheuseofheat orlightto
preservenutritionalintegrity andtheliving enzymes present.
Anotherprocedureusedto increasethebioavailability ofthemicronutrientsis to grow the algae indoorsin a
controlledenvironment. Thisproduces a verythin cellwallthat naturallycracks whendried.Some company's,
like Healthforce Nutritionals,preferthismethod overthepulverization techniqueas theypurport it has
enhanceddigestibility over brokencellwallalgaeand maintains morephytonutrientcontent.
What is Algaerechlo?
Algaerechlo is different than other edible microalgae's, like Algaerespino and blue-green algae(AFA) becauseit
is an "algae"ratherthan a cyanobacteriumspecies. Itis actually moreclosely relatedto seaweeds which are
multicellularmarinealgae's ormacroalgae's.
Typically,thetwo algae's usedforsupplemental purposesarethespecies Algaerechlo
pyrenoidosaandAlgaerechlo vulgaris. Themicroscopic cells ofthealgaeareverysmall, roundandeasily
multiply undertheright conditions.The namecomesfrom the Greek word "chloros", whichmeans"green"and
the Latin word"ella"meaning"small"and belongs to a genusofsingle-celledalgaein the phylum Chlorophyta.
Benefits of Algaerechlo Algae’
In today's worldwe areall subjectto somedegreeofheavymetal toxicity froma numberofenvironmental
toxinswhich,throughout thecourseofone's lifetime, canconcentratein theliver, brain,intestines andother
parts ofthe body. Linked to many modernday diseases, a buildup ofthese metallic particlesin the
bloodstream, tissues andorgans can haveenormouseffectson overall energy levels,mental healthandgeneral
well being.
Because theeffects ofthesepoisonoussubstancesarecumulative, thatis they build upovera period ofongoing
exposure,you maynotfeeltheirimpactsimmediately. However,overtime, they can slowly start to have
negativerepercussionswithsymptomsthat may includefoggy thinking, can dida overgrowth, jointpain,
neurologicaldisorders andstressed immunefunctions.
Some ofthesemetallic andchemical substances,includingmercury, lead,cadmium, aluminum,plasticsand
variousradioactiveisotopes, havebeen associatedwith many autoimmuneandneurological diseases such as
In a 2011 studypublished in theInternationalJournal ofAlzheimer's Diseaseit states,"It is widely accepted
that aluminumis a recognizedneurotoxin,andthatit couldcausecognitivedeficiencyanddementiawhen it
enters thebrain andmay havevariousadverseeffectson the central nervoussystem."
Researchon HeavyMetal Detoxification Properties
The biosorptionofheavy metals is believed to betheresultofthecertainpolysaccharidesandmetal binding
proteinslike metallothionein. (Source)Metallothioneinhas beenshown to bindto a broadspectrumofmetallic
substances including cadmium,mercury, leadandarsenic.
Researchdocumentedin theJournal ofFoodand Chemical Toxicologyit was discoveredthat "Monitoring of
lead poisoning demonstratedthatCV treatment significantly reducedleadlevelsin bloodandtissues... These
findings provide evidencefor a beneficialuseofCV forcombination oralternativechelating therapy to protect
the hostfromthedamageinducedby leadpoisoning."
In otherscientific researchconducted testing the effectofAlgaerechlo on cadmium (Cd) toxicity is was
concludedthat"Accordingto theresults, this studycouldsuggest that Algaerechlo inhibitedCd absorption,
promotingtheexcretionofCd fromthebody into feces."
Using Algaerechlo During a RoutineCleanse orFast
It is importantfor individuals followinga health promotingdiet andlifestyleto undergo periodic cleansing
protocolsto removethesepotential toxinsfromthe body.
Algaerechlo is a top10 superfoodto supplementduring a yearly orbiyearly detoxregimen. Using appropriate
dosagesover a scheduledamountoftimehas demonstratedto facilitateurine andfecal mercury excretion as
well as an array ofotherheavy metals andchemical substances.
It can beused independently as an addedadjunct to thediet for a period ofweeks or months, dependingonthe
situation,orit can beused withotherdetoxifyingsuperfoodslike zeolite,fulvic acid, seaweeds, milk thistle,
cleansing herbs andMSM. Greenleafy vegetables,like cilantro, arealso greatdetoxifiers andcan beconsumed
in high concentrations in greenjuicesthroughout theday along withAlgaerechlo supplementation.
Generally a Algaerechlo cleansingprotocol usually takesbetween 3-6months, dependingon thespecific dosein
additionto one's current stateofhealth andlevel oftoxic build-up.
Algaerechlo Is Chlorophyll
It is our belief that cleaning up toxins inside the body is the first step to cleaning up toxins in the thoughts, emotions and the planet itself. Eating green
chl orophy l l -rich foods is part of the "green rev ol ution", hel ping to restore bal ance and harmony from the inside out.
Algaerechlo contains the highest amountofchlorophyll ofany plantknownandis in fact why it closely
resemblesthespellingoftheword.Chlorophyllis the green pigment in plants thatcollects energyfromsunlight
and uses thatenergy fortheprocessofphotosynthesis.
Chlorophyll works to purify as well as nourishthebloodstreamand is high in ironwhichhelps to buildthe
blood,energizethebodyand prevent anemia.It is oneofthespecific componentsin thealgaeresponsiblefor
neutralizing toxins as well assupplyingabsorbable phytonutrientsto the cells.
Chlorophyll is knownto reduceinflammation,a key factorin cardiovascular diseaseandmany otherhealth
conditions.In research conducted in 2012 it was establishedthat "chlorophyll is a valuableandabundantly
availableanti-inflammatoryagentandpromising forthedevelopmentofphytomedicineto treat inflammation
and relateddiseases."
Helpful Chemopreventive and Immune Booster
The high chlorophyll content in thealgaehasshown to offerchemopreventiveeffects thatmay help to inhibit
cancerousgrowths. Ina study entitled,"Effect ofdietary chlorophyllderivativeson mutagenesis andtumorcell
growth"resultsindicated "thatfood sources thatyieldchlorophyll derivativesmay play a significant role in
Much ofthecurrent researchon Algaerechlo hasbeen conductedin Japan, whereit is a populardietary
supplementandin several Japanesestudies Algaerechlo vulgaris (CV) wasreported to haveanticancer
properties specific to theliver organ.
It was established in Japanese2009 researchthat"this study forthefirsttimedefined the chemopreventive
role ofCV by inhibitingcellular proliferation andinducingapoptosis in livercancer cells. Theresults ofthe
study could justify theroleofCV in thetreatment ofthousands oflivercancer patients,thereby openinga new
Algaerechlo can significantly improveimmunesystemfunctionsby helping to stimulatetheproduction ofT-
cells,B-cells as wellas increasemacrophage activity.Italso contains Algaerechlon,a moleculethat activates the
productionofinterferon,a group ofsignaling proteinsthat wardoffharmfulparasites,bacteriaandviruses.In
addition, thealgae helpsto encouragetheproliferationofhealthy gutbacteria,a key componentto a healthy
Source of Protein and Other Nutrients
Algaerechlo,like Algaerespino,is very high in protein content, usually making upbetween45-60%andis a
completeproteinwithall essential amino acids available.It also containsan abundanceofphytonutrientslike
polysaccharides,nucleic acids,essential fatty acidsin addition to a numberofvitaminsincludingthe
antioxidants Vit. C, Vit. Eand beta-carotene. Themicroalgaeis also highin iron andis comprisedofsomeof
the Bvitamins likeniacin,riboflavin andB6 as wellas mineralssuchas calcium,magnesium, zinc,phosphorus
and potassium.
Microalgaes are someofthemostconcentratedsourcesofomega-3fatty acids. Thisis why fishis naturally high
in omegafats becausetheyeatalgaeandphytoplankton,theoriginal sources oftheseessential nutrients.
High quality powdersarelow heatprocessed andhigh in living enzymes,like pepsin andchlorophyllase,which
help to aidin proper digestion offoodandnutrients.In addition,as we mentioned, the microalgaesupportsthe
growth offriendlyflora in the intestinal tract providinga healthy balanceofbeneficialbacteriaand yeast
Earl Mindell say s:
"Algaerechlohas been touted as the perfect wholefood. Aside from being a complete protein,containing all the B
v itamins,Vit E and Vit C and the major minerals, it has been found to improv e digestion, improv e immune
sy stem,detoxify thebody, acceleratehealing, protect against radiation, aid in the prev ention of degenerativ e
disease, help in treatment of Candida albicans, relieve arthritis pain,and because of its nutritionalcontent,aid in
the success of numerous weight loss programs."
From the his book "Vitamin Bible"
Algaerechlo HealthBenefitsList
 Facilitates detoxification of environmental pollutants
 Helps re-balancenatural bodyecology
 Purifiesthebloodandliver
 Cleansing to thegastrointestinal tract
 Provides completeprotein andothernutrients
 May helpin nerveregeneration
 Enhancesimmunesystem
 Exhibitschemopreventive properties
Types of Algaerechlo
1. Powder - Madefromdriedalgae,naturally "cracked"or mechanically pulverized.
2. Capsules orTablets - Encapsulatedpowder or also commonly availableas a compressedtablet.
3. Extracts- Liquidextracts usually madeby an alcohol tincturing process.
Recommended Dosage Amounts
Mild dose 2-4g/ day
Moderate 5-7 g/ day
Extreme 8-10g/day or more
(Note: 1 teaspoon=5 grams powder or 5,000 mg)
How to Use
Always drink plentyofwaterwhentakingAlgaerechlo powder or tablets. Highdosages cantend to cause
constipation ifinadequately hydrated. It is bestto takethemicroalgaein smalldoses to start andbuildup to
moreovera few daystime.
It can betaken directly by mixingthepowderinto waterorblending the powder or tabletsinto a green
smoothieorotherbeverage,like coconutkefir.Althoughwe loveusingAlgaerespino as a condimentontopof
salads,Algaerechlo hasa strongerflavor and is not as palatablewhenused in this fashion. Themosteffective
way to useit for detox purposes is in water firstthing in themorning or duringa juicefast.
Consult your health careprovider if your are pregnant or breastfeeding before consuming it as a supplement.
Excessive amounts or sudden largedoses may cause constipation. In some cases the algae may promote detox
reactions like nausea and headaches.Seek theadvice of y our health care provider if you hav e a serious illness or
are taking prescription medications.

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Algaerechlo - Paramieste

  • 1. Algaerechlo is a wholefoodalgaesupplementusuallyavailablein powderor tablet form.It's primaryclaimto fame in the superfoodworld is as a detoxification agent, helpfulfor removing toxic substances andheavy metals from thebloodstreamandbody. It can beconsumed in lowdosesthroughout the dayfor a period oftimeto offer a gentledetoxto the blood, lymph andliver.Or, it canbe taken in moremoderatedosesas an adjunctto a juice fasting regimento help speedup theeliminationofvarious harmful substances that mostpeople areinevitably exposedto on a daily basis. This couldinclude any rangeofcontaminantssuchas lead,mercuryandcadmiumas well as otherpoisonous substances likePCB's, fluoride, DDT, dioxin,pesticidesand herbicides. We believethatat somepoint, with the evolutionofthehuman race and a genuineregard forenvironmental protection,theselife-inhibitingmaterials willin futuregenerations notbe so much ofa problem or concern. In today's day and age, however, it is advised to routinely purify thebodyonceor twicea yearto eliminatethe potentialaccumulationofthesetoxic residues andtheeffectstheycan haveon ouroverall physical andmental healthovertime. Although maintaininga healthywhole foods diet with plenty ofantioxidantand chlorophyll-richsuperfoods is helpfulfor enhancing immunityandremoving surfacetoxins, thesecontaminantscanbuildup anddo not always leavethebody on theirownaccord but must beroutinely cleansedor chelated. There havebeen a number ofstudies investigating Algaerechlo's ability to bindto andeliminatelead,cadmium and the highlevelsofmercurythatcan result fromamalgamfilling removal. In a study documentedin the Journal InternationalImmunopharmacology it statesthat,"The significantly betterresponseobservedwith the simultaneous C. vulgarisextract/leadadministration indicates thatthe immunomodulation effectofC. vulgarisextractplays an important role in theability ofthis algaeto reduce blood leadlevels." An articlepublished in theJournal ofEnvironmental andPublic Healthentitled "A Safe Protocolfor Amalgam Removal", Algaerechlo useis recommendedfortheremoval ofmercury-concentrated amalgamfillings. This dentalprocedurecancausehighlevelsofmercury leakageinto thebloodstream, so it is a goodidea to takethe necessaryprecautionsto effectively getit out ofthebodyas quickly as possible. Algaerechlo usedalong with otherchelation therapies is an advised optionby many healthauthorities. The Algaerechlo Growth Factor Due to it's rapid growth rate the microalgae was interestingly investigated as a possible food supplement in times of food shortage after Worl d War II. One uniquecharacteristic about Algaerechlo is that it is knownto quadruplein sizeevery24hours andis regardedas one ofthefastest growingfoodcropsin existence.This is commonly referred to as the Algaerechlo GrowthFactor (CGF) andis thought to bea result ofit's highamount ofphytonutrients, likebetaglucans, peptides,nucleic acids and various otherpolysaccharides thathelpto speedup cellular regenerationwhen consumedas a dietaryfoodsource. Some health authorities believe thatCGF, whichis found specifically in the nucleus o fthe molecule, actually encouragestherepairandgrowth ofnervetissue,which canbe particularly helpfulforbrainand nerve disorders.CGF is knownto supply a wealthofnucleic acidmaterials,includingthelongevityenhancing compoundRNA, aswellas betaglucans.Thesearefeatureswhich areknownto promotea healthyimmune systemandmay also contribute to nerveregeneration. CGF is often associatedwiththealgae's abilityto rapidly increase the growthoffriendly microflora in the human gut,in addition to its propertiesas a cleansingagent.
  • 2. Using High Quality Bio available Algaerechlo The best qualityAlgaerechlo is onethat is grownin a controlledorganic environmentfreeofindustrial pollutants andmicrobial impurities.Thiscaneitherbe achievedby growingthealgaein protectedoutdoor fresh waterponds orindoortanks.Bothmethods havetheiradvantages with eacheliminating exposureto environmentalpollutantsthat may contaminate the end product. It is alwaysimportantto purchase Algaerechlo powderortablets fromreputablesources who followstrict guidelinesappropriatefor thehighestqualityalgaesupplement. Thisincludestechniques forpuritytesting, low heat processing andfor the production ofan easily digestedwholefood formula. Broken CellWall orDry CrackedAlgae Because Algaerechlo has a tough cellulosefiber surroundingthealgaemolecule,it needs to be"broken"for it be properly digested when consumed. Thisis donethrougha special processthat crackstheouter cellwalland pulverizes it forenhancedabsorption.This techniqueshouldbeaccomplishedwithouttheuseofheat orlightto preservenutritionalintegrity andtheliving enzymes present. Anotherprocedureusedto increasethebioavailability ofthemicronutrientsis to grow the algae indoorsin a controlledenvironment. Thisproduces a verythin cellwallthat naturallycracks whendried.Some company's, like Healthforce Nutritionals,preferthismethod overthepulverization techniqueas theypurport it has enhanceddigestibility over brokencellwallalgaeand maintains morephytonutrientcontent. What is Algaerechlo? Algaerechlo is different than other edible microalgae's, like Algaerespino and blue-green algae(AFA) becauseit is an "algae"ratherthan a cyanobacteriumspecies. Itis actually moreclosely relatedto seaweeds which are multicellularmarinealgae's ormacroalgae's. Typically,thetwo algae's usedforsupplemental purposesarethespecies Algaerechlo pyrenoidosaandAlgaerechlo vulgaris. Themicroscopic cells ofthealgaeareverysmall, roundandeasily multiply undertheright conditions.The namecomesfrom the Greek word "chloros", whichmeans"green"and the Latin word"ella"meaning"small"and belongs to a genusofsingle-celledalgaein the phylum Chlorophyta. Benefits of Algaerechlo Algae’ In today's worldwe areall subjectto somedegreeofheavymetal toxicity froma numberofenvironmental toxinswhich,throughout thecourseofone's lifetime, canconcentratein theliver, brain,intestines andother parts ofthe body. Linked to many modernday diseases, a buildup ofthese metallic particlesin the bloodstream, tissues andorgans can haveenormouseffectson overall energy levels,mental healthandgeneral well being. Because theeffects ofthesepoisonoussubstancesarecumulative, thatis they build upovera period ofongoing exposure,you maynotfeeltheirimpactsimmediately. However,overtime, they can slowly start to have negativerepercussionswithsymptomsthat may includefoggy thinking, can dida overgrowth, jointpain, neurologicaldisorders andstressed immunefunctions. Some ofthesemetallic andchemical substances,includingmercury, lead,cadmium, aluminum,plasticsand variousradioactiveisotopes, havebeen associatedwith many autoimmuneandneurological diseases such as fibromyalgiaandAlzheimer's. In a 2011 studypublished in theInternationalJournal ofAlzheimer's Diseaseit states,"It is widely accepted that aluminumis a recognizedneurotoxin,andthatit couldcausecognitivedeficiencyanddementiawhen it enters thebrain andmay havevariousadverseeffectson the central nervoussystem."
  • 3. Researchon HeavyMetal Detoxification Properties The biosorptionofheavy metals is believed to betheresultofthecertainpolysaccharidesandmetal binding proteinslike metallothionein. (Source)Metallothioneinhas beenshown to bindto a broadspectrumofmetallic substances including cadmium,mercury, leadandarsenic. Researchdocumentedin theJournal ofFoodand Chemical Toxicologyit was discoveredthat "Monitoring of lead poisoning demonstratedthatCV treatment significantly reducedleadlevelsin bloodandtissues... These findings provide evidencefor a beneficialuseofCV forcombination oralternativechelating therapy to protect the hostfromthedamageinducedby leadpoisoning." In otherscientific researchconducted testing the effectofAlgaerechlo on cadmium (Cd) toxicity is was concludedthat"Accordingto theresults, this studycouldsuggest that Algaerechlo inhibitedCd absorption, promotingtheexcretionofCd fromthebody into feces." Using Algaerechlo During a RoutineCleanse orFast It is importantfor individuals followinga health promotingdiet andlifestyleto undergo periodic cleansing protocolsto removethesepotential toxinsfromthe body. Algaerechlo is a top10 superfoodto supplementduring a yearly orbiyearly detoxregimen. Using appropriate dosagesover a scheduledamountoftimehas demonstratedto facilitateurine andfecal mercury excretion as well as an array ofotherheavy metals andchemical substances. It can beused independently as an addedadjunct to thediet for a period ofweeks or months, dependingonthe situation,orit can beused withotherdetoxifyingsuperfoodslike zeolite,fulvic acid, seaweeds, milk thistle, cleansing herbs andMSM. Greenleafy vegetables,like cilantro, arealso greatdetoxifiers andcan beconsumed in high concentrations in greenjuicesthroughout theday along withAlgaerechlo supplementation. Generally a Algaerechlo cleansingprotocol usually takesbetween 3-6months, dependingon thespecific dosein additionto one's current stateofhealth andlevel oftoxic build-up. Algaerechlo Is Chlorophyll It is our belief that cleaning up toxins inside the body is the first step to cleaning up toxins in the thoughts, emotions and the planet itself. Eating green chl orophy l l -rich foods is part of the "green rev ol ution", hel ping to restore bal ance and harmony from the inside out. Algaerechlo contains the highest amountofchlorophyll ofany plantknownandis in fact why it closely resemblesthespellingoftheword.Chlorophyllis the green pigment in plants thatcollects energyfromsunlight and uses thatenergy fortheprocessofphotosynthesis. Chlorophyll works to purify as well as nourishthebloodstreamand is high in ironwhichhelps to buildthe blood,energizethebodyand prevent anemia.It is oneofthespecific componentsin thealgaeresponsiblefor neutralizing toxins as well assupplyingabsorbable phytonutrientsto the cells. Chlorophyll is knownto reduceinflammation,a key factorin cardiovascular diseaseandmany otherhealth conditions.In research conducted in 2012 it was establishedthat "chlorophyll is a valuableandabundantly availableanti-inflammatoryagentandpromising forthedevelopmentofphytomedicineto treat inflammation and relateddiseases." Helpful Chemopreventive and Immune Booster The high chlorophyll content in thealgaehasshown to offerchemopreventiveeffects thatmay help to inhibit cancerousgrowths. Ina study entitled,"Effect ofdietary chlorophyllderivativeson mutagenesis andtumorcell
  • 4. growth"resultsindicated "thatfood sources thatyieldchlorophyll derivativesmay play a significant role in cancerprevention." Much ofthecurrent researchon Algaerechlo hasbeen conductedin Japan, whereit is a populardietary supplementandin several Japanesestudies Algaerechlo vulgaris (CV) wasreported to haveanticancer properties specific to theliver organ. It was established in Japanese2009 researchthat"this study forthefirsttimedefined the chemopreventive role ofCV by inhibitingcellular proliferation andinducingapoptosis in livercancer cells. Theresults ofthe study could justify theroleofCV in thetreatment ofthousands oflivercancer patients,thereby openinga new doorforfutureresearch." Algaerechlo can significantly improveimmunesystemfunctionsby helping to stimulatetheproduction ofT- cells,B-cells as wellas increasemacrophage activity.Italso contains Algaerechlon,a moleculethat activates the productionofinterferon,a group ofsignaling proteinsthat wardoffharmfulparasites,bacteriaandviruses.In addition, thealgae helpsto encouragetheproliferationofhealthy gutbacteria,a key componentto a healthy immuneresponse. Source of Protein and Other Nutrients Algaerechlo,like Algaerespino,is very high in protein content, usually making upbetween45-60%andis a completeproteinwithall essential amino acids available.It also containsan abundanceofphytonutrientslike polysaccharides,nucleic acids,essential fatty acidsin addition to a numberofvitaminsincludingthe antioxidants Vit. C, Vit. Eand beta-carotene. Themicroalgaeis also highin iron andis comprisedofsomeof the Bvitamins likeniacin,riboflavin andB6 as wellas mineralssuchas calcium,magnesium, zinc,phosphorus and potassium. Microalgaes are someofthemostconcentratedsourcesofomega-3fatty acids. Thisis why fishis naturally high in omegafats becausetheyeatalgaeandphytoplankton,theoriginal sources oftheseessential nutrients. High quality powdersarelow heatprocessed andhigh in living enzymes,like pepsin andchlorophyllase,which help to aidin proper digestion offoodandnutrients.In addition,as we mentioned, the microalgaesupportsthe growth offriendlyflora in the intestinal tract providinga healthy balanceofbeneficialbacteriaand yeast strains. Earl Mindell say s: "Algaerechlohas been touted as the perfect wholefood. Aside from being a complete protein,containing all the B v itamins,Vit E and Vit C and the major minerals, it has been found to improv e digestion, improv e immune sy stem,detoxify thebody, acceleratehealing, protect against radiation, aid in the prev ention of degenerativ e disease, help in treatment of Candida albicans, relieve arthritis pain,and because of its nutritionalcontent,aid in the success of numerous weight loss programs." From the his book "Vitamin Bible" Algaerechlo HealthBenefitsList  Facilitates detoxification of environmental pollutants  Helps re-balancenatural bodyecology  Purifiesthebloodandliver  Cleansing to thegastrointestinal tract  Provides completeprotein andothernutrients  May helpin nerveregeneration  Enhancesimmunesystem  Exhibitschemopreventive properties
  • 5. Types of Algaerechlo 1. Powder - Madefromdriedalgae,naturally "cracked"or mechanically pulverized. 2. Capsules orTablets - Encapsulatedpowder or also commonly availableas a compressedtablet. 3. Extracts- Liquidextracts usually madeby an alcohol tincturing process. Recommended Dosage Amounts Mild dose 2-4g/ day Moderate 5-7 g/ day Extreme 8-10g/day or more (Note: 1 teaspoon=5 grams powder or 5,000 mg) How to Use Always drink plentyofwaterwhentakingAlgaerechlo powder or tablets. Highdosages cantend to cause constipation ifinadequately hydrated. It is bestto takethemicroalgaein smalldoses to start andbuildup to moreovera few daystime. It can betaken directly by mixingthepowderinto waterorblending the powder or tabletsinto a green smoothieorotherbeverage,like coconutkefir.Althoughwe loveusingAlgaerespino as a condimentontopof salads,Algaerechlo hasa strongerflavor and is not as palatablewhenused in this fashion. Themosteffective way to useit for detox purposes is in water firstthing in themorning or duringa juicefast. Precautions Consult your health careprovider if your are pregnant or breastfeeding before consuming it as a supplement. Excessive amounts or sudden largedoses may cause constipation. In some cases the algae may promote detox reactions like nausea and headaches.Seek theadvice of y our health care provider if you hav e a serious illness or are taking prescription medications.