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St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 1
Director: Ben Carmichael
The narrative revolves around a boy (The Boy – Ben Carmichael) who has to meet a deadline for his essay,
which is due in for the following day. The story is based on previous experiences that have happened to
me where I was pressed for time in completing a piece of work that was due in the following day.
The storyboard itself focuses on Mise en scene, cinematography and sound to convey the story to an
audience. For example the suspense and urgency that needs to be expressed in some parts, such as shots
16-19, require suspenseful music that ‘signifies’ that the character is under pressure.
The use of mise en scene within this storyboard is initially used to denote the location to the audience (a
small bedroom at a desk). Mise en scene is also used in conjunction with sound to turn the mundane
items in the boy’s room, into symbols of his doom.
For example when the boy looks at his clock for the last time a funeral bell chime is heard as soon as the
camera looks towards the clock. Time is the boys constant enemy within the story which is made most
obvious in this shot (shot 24). Cinematography was one of the most vital micro features in my storyboard,
since it accounts for the most symbolism. The main object of the boys temptation is a video game.
Through cinematography the video game can be shown to have power over the boy through the video
game being viewed from a low angle and the boy being viewed from a high angle.The intended target
audience is for teenagers/ young adults, ages 12-21, who struggle with the task of completing pieces of
work by deadlines and how procrastination plays a major part in the delay of completing work. The
audience will be able to ‘personally identify’ (Katz) with the story since it is common within people of this
age group to have been in similar situations.
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 2
Shot 1 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The boy sitsdownat hisdeskwitha cup of teain hishandas he prepareshimself towrite an
essaythat isdue in forthe followingmorning.Hisfacial expressiondenotesanelementof dread
and trepidationatthe prospectof havingto complete anessay.
Camera: Shot Type:
MCU- MediumClose Up
Camera Angle:
Eye level
Camera Movement:
Ambientsound:Computerbuzzingandchairmoving/screechingtosignifyhow he istryingto
settle downandgetready.
Transition: Cut from- shot1 to shot2
Duration: 4 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 3
Shot 2 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: Thisshot establishesthatthe boyissittinginfrontof a computerwaitingtowrite anessay.The
boytakesa sipfromhiscup of tea;he thenplacesthe teaon the desk witha sense of false
purpose thathe isintentoncompletingthe work.
Camera: Shot Type:
OSS - Overthe shoulder
Camera Angle:
Camera Movement:
Ambientsound:Sippingof teaandmug makingcontactwithdesk.
Transition: Cut from - shot2 to shot3
Duration: 3 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 4
Shot 3 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: As time passesbythe boygetsmore and more frustratedat hisinabilitytowrite the essay.His
frustrationisexpressedthroughangrygruntsandhittinghisheadagainst a desk.
Camera: Shot Type:
MS– Mediumshot
Camera Angle:
Camera Movement:
Dialogue:‘Ahhhh!’ –Followedbythe dramaticandcomicthud of his headhittingthe desk.
AmbientSound:Computerbuzzing,rainfall,clock ticking
Transition: Cross-dissolve betweenquickshotsof varyingreactionstosignifytimepassing.
Cut from - shot3 to shot4
Duration: 8 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 5
Shot 4 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: Thisshot isusedto establishthatnothinghasbeendonthatresultsinthe essaysprogress.The
boyhas hisheadslumpeddownonthe deskin despair.
Camera: Shot Type:
OSS - Overthe shoulder
Camera Angle:
Camera Movement:
AmbientSound: Rainfall,computerbuzzing,clockticking loudly.
Transition: Cut From - shot4 to shot 5
Duration: 2 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 6
Shot 5 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The boy liftshisheadupfromthe deskandputs hishandagainsthisface to illustrate thathe is
frustrated.Asthe camera pansthe boy turnshishead and looksupto an objectplacedontopof
the wardrobe.
Camera: Shot Type:
CU – Close-Up
OSS – Overthe shoulder
Camera Angle:
Eye level
Camera Movement:
Pan right
Transition: Fade from – shot 5 to shot 6
Duration: 4 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 7
Shot 6 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The game isshownat the top of a wardrobe inthe bedroom.The game has poweroverthe boy
and providesasense of comicironyto the narrative throughthe verbal code of ‘Left4 Dead’
and thencuttingto a similarclaspinghand.
Camera: Shot Type:
CU- Close-Up
Camera Angle:
Low Angle
Camera Movement:
Tiltup and zoominon the
game slowlytoconnote
the dramatic impactthis
None = N/A
AmbientSound:Clockticking, rainfall,computerbuzz,
Soundtrack: A heavenly choir.
Transition: Fade Into - shot 7
Duration: 4 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 8
Shot 7 Slug line: Internal:Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk in the evening
Action: The boy getsdistractedfromhiswork and starts to lookat the game.He thenliftsuphisarm
and starts reachingoutto it,much like the previousshotof the handreachingoutof the game.
Camera: Shot Type:
MCU– MediumClose-Up
Camera Angle:
Camera Movement:
AmbientSound: Computerbuzz andrain falling.
Soundtrack: A heavenly male choir.Reminiscentof achoirheardin a Cathedral.
Transition: Fade into- shot 8
Duration: 4 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 9
Shot 8 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The camera zoomsin evenfurthertoconnote the gamesimportance tothe boy and seamlessly
appearsas thoughit isinfact his handinside the game movingtowardsthe ‘LEFT4DEAD’title.
The verbal code ‘LEFT4DEAD’ ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) thatthe boyisreachingoutto a game
that will preventhim fromprogressingwhichwouldleadtohisdemise.Thisconnotesthatthe
boywill eventuallybe leftbehindbyothersandtherefore ‘Leftfordead’
Camera: Shot Type:
ECU - Extreme close up
Camera Angle:
Low angle
Camera Movement:
Slow zoomintothe text
AmbientSound: Computerbuzz,rainfall,clockticking.
Soundtrack: Heavenlychoirstill playing.
Transition: Fade from - shot 8 to shot9
Duration: 3 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 10
Shot 9 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The boy grabs hisarm that isreachingout to the game as he strugglestogive intotemptation.
He resiststhe temptationandslapshimself inthe face.He thenwhipshisbodyaroundtoface
the computer.
Camera: Shot Type:
MS– Mid Shot
Camera Angle:
Camera Movement:
SFX: Face slap
Soundtrack: Heavenlychoirnow startingto fade outto ‘The final countdown’ - Europe
Transition: Cut from - shot9 to shot10
Duration: 5 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 11
Shot 10 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The boy hypeshimselfuptowrite the essayby shakinghisfistsat the screen.He liftshisarms
up inanticipation andfrustration ashe convinceshimself thathe will dothe essay.
Camera: Shot Type:
MCU– MediumClose Up
Camera Angle:
Eye Level
Camera Movement:
None = N/A
AmbientSound:ComputerBuzz,rainfall,clock ticking
Soundtrack: ‘The final countdown’ becomeslouderandcontinuestoplay.
Transition: Cut from - shot10 to shot 11
Duration: 3-4 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 12
Shot 11 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The boy has hisarms liftedupandreadyto type.Butat the verylastmoment,justas hisfingers
hitthe keyboarditjumpcutsto the boy holdinganXbox 360 controllerandplayingavideo
Camera: Shot Type:
CU – Close Up
Camera Angle:
Camera Movement:
AmbientSound:Buzzingof computer,soundof videogame,rainoutside clockticking
Soundtrack: When the drumsare aboutto kickin the song abruptlyends asthe jumpcut takes
Transition: JumpCut - between2shots – thencut to shot12
Duration: 5 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 13
Shot 12 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The boy has beenside-trackedandishappilyplaying videogames,until he hearssomeone
makinga noise behindhim.The boypausesandputsdownthe game to turn roundto the
personemittingthe noise.
Camera: Shot Type:
MS-Mid Shot
Camera Angle:
Eye level
Camera Movement:
None = N/A
Dialogue:The motherannouncesabrief “Ahem”(A fake coughtoattract attention)
AmbientSound: Buzzingof computer,soundof videogame,rainoutside,clockticking
Soundtrack: N/A
Transition: Cuts From- shot12 to shot13
Duration: 4-5 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 14
Shot 13 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The motheris standingbehindthe boyimpatientandconcernedasshe tapson herwrist,
makinga gesture thatimpliestime isrunningout.
Camera: Shot Type:
Camera Angle:
Low Angle
Camera Movement:
None = N/A
Soundtrack: N/A
Transition: Cut From- shot 13 to shot14
Duration: 3 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 15
Shot 14 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The boy turnshis headback inconfusionandturnshisheadtowards the clock, the boywhips
hisheadback to face the screenwithanexpressionof awe onhisface,whichisbecause he has
losttrack of time. Afterrealisingthe time he screamslikeagirl!
Camera: Shot Type:
MCU – Mediumclose up
Camera Angle:
Eye level
Camera Movement:
AmbientSound: Computerbuzz,rainfall
SFX: Fast whipmotionsound,screamof woman
Soundtrack: N/A
Transition: Cut from- shot14 to 15
Duration: 5 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 16
Shot 15 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The boy starts typingona keyboardwhichstartsa montage to denote hisprogressioninthe
essayovera passage of time.
Camera: Shot Type:
CU – Close-Up
Camera Angle:
Camera Movement:
None = N/A
AmbientSound:typingonkeyboard, rainfall,computerbuzz,clockticking
Soundtrack: The final countdownstartstoplay for the secondtime
Transition: Fade in- to shot 16
Duration: 3-4 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 17
Shot 16 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The boy isdeterminedtogethisworkdone andis sure that he will be able todo this,as an air
of confidence andborderline arrogance appearsetchedacrosshisface.
Camera: Shot Type:
CU-Close Up
Camera Angle:
Eye Level
Camera Movement:
None = N/A
AmbientSound:Tappingonkeyboard,rainfall,clock ticking,Computerbuzz
Soundtrack: ‘The final countdowncontinuestoplay
Transition: Fade into- shot17
Duration: 3 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 18
Shot 17 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: We see a shotof the screenwhichindicatesthatthe boyisprogressing
Camera: Shot Type:
CU – Close Up
Camera Angle:
Eye level
Camera Movement:
AmbientSound:Tappingonkeyboard,rainfall,clockticking,Computer buzz
Soundtrack: The slow pacedintense musicis still progressing.
Transition: Fade Into– shot 18
Duration: 3 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 19
Shot 18 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: Whenthe shot of the boyfadesinyoucan see thathe is now becomingtired.The boystruggles
to stay awake andstarts to tilthisheaddownas if he isgoingto passout. Eventuallythe boy
Camera: Shot Type:
CU-Close Up
Camera Angle:
Eye level.
Camera Movement:
Soundtrack: ‘The final countdown’ - Europe startstodistortand slow down as the boy’stired
face comesintoshot. “It’sthe final countdo-“*Audiodistortsatthispoint*
Transition: Cuts from- shot18 to 19.
Duration: 4 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 20
Shot 19 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The boy iscompletelyexhaustedandendsuppassingonhisdesk.The montage isbroughtto an
endand the scene cuts toblack on the soundqueue of the headslam
Camera: Shot Type:
CU-Close Up
Camera Angle:
Eye Level
Camera Movement:
AmbientSound: Headslamon desk,rainfall,clockticking,computerbuzz.
SFX: Recordscratch
Soundtrack: ‘The final countdown’- Europe stopsimmediatelybefore the recordsoundeffect
Transition: Fade to Black as soonas the boy’sheadhitsthe table
Duration: 2 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 21
Shot 20 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The Boy wakesupwitha shockto the soundof an alarm, quicklyopeninghis eyes.
Camera: Shot Type:
ECU - Extreme Close Up
Camera Angle:
Camera Movement:
SFX: Subtle lowbassboom insync withboyopeninghiseyes afterhe realisesthathe has fallen
Transition: Fade infrom black to shot20
Cut fromShot 20 to shot21
Duration: 3 seconds.
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 22
Shot 21 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The boy liftshisheadupslowlyashe is still half asleepwithhiseyeshalf shut.A secondafter
makingeye contactwiththe screenthe boy’stiredexpressionchanges toahorrifiedlook
because he hasnot completedthe essay
Camera: Shot Type:
CU-Close Up
Camera Angle:
Eye Level
Camera Movement:
AmbientSound: Birdschirping, computerbuzz,clockticking
Soundtrack: N/A
Transition: Cut From- shot 21 to shot22
Duration: 4 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 23
Shot 22 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The thingsthat the boy haswrittenforthe essayare actuallyjustramblings.The cameraspins
aroundin a 180 degree whippan toface the boywhostill hasa horrifiedexpressiononhisface.
The Boy thenrealisesthathe hasn’tcheckedthe time yet.
Camera: Shot Type:
MCU – MediumClose-Up
Camera Angle:
Eye level
Camera Movement:
Fast zoominon computer
screen Then180 degree
whippan to face the boy.
AmbientSound: Birdschirping,Computerbuzz,Clockticking
Soundtrack: lowbass “Dun Dun” to connote trouble.
Transition: Cut From- shot 22 to shot23
Duration: 5 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 24
Shot 23 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: In anticipationthe boyslowlyturnshisheadsothat he can see the time.He possessesalookof
Camera: Shot Type:
ECU – Extreme Close-Up
Camera Angle:
Eye level
Camera Movement:
Soundtrack: N/A
Transition: Cut fromshot 24 to shot25
Duration: 3-4 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 25
Shot 24 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The clock denotesthatitis nowmorning(7:30 am) and that the boy’stime isup!
Camera: Shot Type:
ECU– Extreme close up
Camera Angle:
CantedHighangle to connote that
time ishisenemy andhas power
Camera Movement:
Fast zoominon the clock
Soundtrack: Chimingof a funeral bell toconnote hisinevitable failure!
Transition: Cut fromshot 24 to shot25
Duration: 2-3 seconds
St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135
FM1: Exploring Film Form
Creative Project - Storyboard
Ben Carmichael – 2025 26
Shot 25 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening
Action: The boy turnshis headback towardsthe monitor withhisface expressingsadnessand concern.
The camera zoomsout froma CU (close up) toa MCU (mediumclose up) untilthe boysfacial
expressionchanges toconnote he hasgivenup.Finallythe boyface plant’sthe desk.
Camera: Shot Type:
CU-Close Up
Camera Angle:
Eye Level
Camera Movement:
ZoomOut to emphasise
the sadness
SFX: windblowingtoconnote emptiness –Stockwind
Transition: Cut to endcredits whenthe boy’sheadhitsthe desk
Duration: 3 seconds

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FM1 - Storyboard Exemplar 2) - 'A' Grade

  • 1. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 1 Director: Ben Carmichael The narrative revolves around a boy (The Boy – Ben Carmichael) who has to meet a deadline for his essay, which is due in for the following day. The story is based on previous experiences that have happened to me where I was pressed for time in completing a piece of work that was due in the following day. The storyboard itself focuses on Mise en scene, cinematography and sound to convey the story to an audience. For example the suspense and urgency that needs to be expressed in some parts, such as shots 16-19, require suspenseful music that ‘signifies’ that the character is under pressure. The use of mise en scene within this storyboard is initially used to denote the location to the audience (a small bedroom at a desk). Mise en scene is also used in conjunction with sound to turn the mundane items in the boy’s room, into symbols of his doom. For example when the boy looks at his clock for the last time a funeral bell chime is heard as soon as the camera looks towards the clock. Time is the boys constant enemy within the story which is made most obvious in this shot (shot 24). Cinematography was one of the most vital micro features in my storyboard, since it accounts for the most symbolism. The main object of the boys temptation is a video game. Through cinematography the video game can be shown to have power over the boy through the video game being viewed from a low angle and the boy being viewed from a high angle.The intended target audience is for teenagers/ young adults, ages 12-21, who struggle with the task of completing pieces of work by deadlines and how procrastination plays a major part in the delay of completing work. The audience will be able to ‘personally identify’ (Katz) with the story since it is common within people of this age group to have been in similar situations.
  • 2. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 2 Shot 1 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The boy sitsdownat hisdeskwitha cup of teain hishandas he prepareshimself towrite an essaythat isdue in forthe followingmorning.Hisfacial expressiondenotesanelementof dread and trepidationatthe prospectof havingto complete anessay. Camera: Shot Type: MCU- MediumClose Up Camera Angle: Eye level Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: Ambientsound:Computerbuzzingandchairmoving/screechingtosignifyhow he istryingto settle downandgetready. Non-Diegetic Sound: N/A Transition: Cut from- shot1 to shot2 Duration: 4 seconds
  • 3. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 3 Shot 2 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: Thisshot establishesthatthe boyissittinginfrontof a computerwaitingtowrite anessay.The boytakesa sipfromhiscup of tea;he thenplacesthe teaon the desk witha sense of false purpose thathe isintentoncompletingthe work. Camera: Shot Type: OSS - Overthe shoulder Camera Angle: Eye-Level Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: Ambientsound:Sippingof teaandmug makingcontactwithdesk. Non-Diegetic Sound: N/A Transition: Cut from - shot2 to shot3 Duration: 3 seconds
  • 4. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 4 Shot 3 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: As time passesbythe boygetsmore and more frustratedat hisinabilitytowrite the essay.His frustrationisexpressedthroughangrygruntsandhittinghisheadagainst a desk. Camera: Shot Type: MS– Mediumshot Camera Angle: Eye-Level/Oblique Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:‘Ahhhh!’ –Followedbythe dramaticandcomicthud of his headhittingthe desk. AmbientSound:Computerbuzzing,rainfall,clock ticking Non-Diegetic Sound: N/A Transition: Cross-dissolve betweenquickshotsof varyingreactionstosignifytimepassing. Cut from - shot3 to shot4 Duration: 8 seconds
  • 5. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 5 Shot 4 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: Thisshot isusedto establishthatnothinghasbeendonthatresultsinthe essaysprogress.The boyhas hisheadslumpeddownonthe deskin despair. Camera: Shot Type: OSS - Overthe shoulder Camera Angle: Highangle Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: AmbientSound: Rainfall,computerbuzzing,clockticking loudly. Non-Diegetic Sound: N/A Transition: Cut From - shot4 to shot 5 Duration: 2 seconds
  • 6. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 6 Shot 5 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The boy liftshisheadupfromthe deskandputs hishandagainsthisface to illustrate thathe is frustrated.Asthe camera pansthe boy turnshishead and looksupto an objectplacedontopof the wardrobe. Camera: Shot Type: CU – Close-Up OSS – Overthe shoulder Camera Angle: Eye level Camera Movement: Pan right Diegetic Sound: AmbientSound:rainfall,computerbuzzing,clockticking Non-Diegetic Sound: N/A Transition: Fade from – shot 5 to shot 6 Duration: 4 seconds
  • 7. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 7 Shot 6 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The game isshownat the top of a wardrobe inthe bedroom.The game has poweroverthe boy and providesasense of comicironyto the narrative throughthe verbal code of ‘Left4 Dead’ and thencuttingto a similarclaspinghand. Camera: Shot Type: CU- Close-Up Camera Angle: Low Angle Camera Movement: Tiltup and zoominon the game slowlytoconnote the dramatic impactthis has. Diegetic Sound: None = N/A Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound:Clockticking, rainfall,computerbuzz, Non-Diegetic Sound: Soundtrack: A heavenly choir. Transition: Fade Into - shot 7 Duration: 4 seconds
  • 8. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 8 Shot 7 Slug line: Internal:Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk in the evening Action: The boy getsdistractedfromhiswork and starts to lookat the game.He thenliftsuphisarm and starts reachingoutto it,much like the previousshotof the handreachingoutof the game. Camera: Shot Type: MCU– MediumClose-Up Camera Angle: HighAngle Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound: Computerbuzz andrain falling. Non-Diegetic Sound: Soundtrack: A heavenly male choir.Reminiscentof achoirheardin a Cathedral. Transition: Fade into- shot 8 Duration: 4 seconds
  • 9. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 9 Shot 8 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The camera zoomsin evenfurthertoconnote the gamesimportance tothe boy and seamlessly appearsas thoughit isinfact his handinside the game movingtowardsthe ‘LEFT4DEAD’title. The verbal code ‘LEFT4DEAD’ ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) thatthe boyisreachingoutto a game that will preventhim fromprogressingwhichwouldleadtohisdemise.Thisconnotesthatthe boywill eventuallybe leftbehindbyothersandtherefore ‘Leftfordead’ Camera: Shot Type: ECU - Extreme close up Camera Angle: Low angle Camera Movement: Slow zoomintothe text ‘LEFT 4 DEAD’ Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound: Computerbuzz,rainfall,clockticking. Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A Soundtrack: Heavenlychoirstill playing. Transition: Fade from - shot 8 to shot9 Duration: 3 seconds
  • 10. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 10 Shot 9 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The boy grabs hisarm that isreachingout to the game as he strugglestogive intotemptation. He resiststhe temptationandslapshimself inthe face.He thenwhipshisbodyaroundtoface the computer. Camera: Shot Type: MS– Mid Shot Camera Angle: Highangle Camera Movement: Static. Diegetic Sound: SFX: Face slap Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound:computerbuzzing,rainfall,clockticking Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A Soundtrack: Heavenlychoirnow startingto fade outto ‘The final countdown’ - Europe Transition: Cut from - shot9 to shot10 Duration: 5 seconds
  • 11. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 11 Shot 10 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The boy hypeshimselfuptowrite the essayby shakinghisfistsat the screen.He liftshisarms up inanticipation andfrustration ashe convinceshimself thathe will dothe essay. Camera: Shot Type: MCU– MediumClose Up Camera Angle: Eye Level Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: None = N/A Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound:ComputerBuzz,rainfall,clock ticking Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A Soundtrack: ‘The final countdown’ becomeslouderandcontinuestoplay. Transition: Cut from - shot10 to shot 11 Duration: 3-4 seconds
  • 12. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 12 Shot 11 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The boy has hisarms liftedupandreadyto type.Butat the verylastmoment,justas hisfingers hitthe keyboarditjumpcutsto the boy holdinganXbox 360 controllerandplayingavideo game. Camera: Shot Type: CU – Close Up Camera Angle: Highangle Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound:Buzzingof computer,soundof videogame,rainoutside clockticking Non-Diegetic Sound: Soundtrack: When the drumsare aboutto kickin the song abruptlyends asthe jumpcut takes place. Transition: JumpCut - between2shots – thencut to shot12 Duration: 5 seconds
  • 13. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 13 Shot 12 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The boy has beenside-trackedandishappilyplaying videogames,until he hearssomeone makinga noise behindhim.The boypausesandputsdownthe game to turn roundto the personemittingthe noise. Camera: Shot Type: MS-Mid Shot Camera Angle: Eye level Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: None = N/A Dialogue:The motherannouncesabrief “Ahem”(A fake coughtoattract attention) AmbientSound: Buzzingof computer,soundof videogame,rainoutside,clockticking Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A Soundtrack: N/A Transition: Cuts From- shot12 to shot13 Duration: 4-5 seconds
  • 14. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 14 Shot 13 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The motheris standingbehindthe boyimpatientandconcernedasshe tapson herwrist, makinga gesture thatimpliestime isrunningout. Camera: Shot Type: MS-MediumShot Camera Angle: Low Angle Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: None = N/A Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound:Tappingonwrist,clockticking,rain,computerbuzzing Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A Soundtrack: N/A Transition: Cut From- shot 13 to shot14 Duration: 3 seconds
  • 15. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 15 Shot 14 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The boy turnshis headback inconfusionandturnshisheadtowards the clock, the boywhips hisheadback to face the screenwithanexpressionof awe onhisface,whichisbecause he has losttrack of time. Afterrealisingthe time he screamslikeagirl! Camera: Shot Type: MCU – Mediumclose up Camera Angle: Eye level Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound: Computerbuzz,rainfall Non-Diegetic Sound: SFX: Fast whipmotionsound,screamof woman Soundtrack: N/A Transition: Cut from- shot14 to 15 Duration: 5 seconds
  • 16. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 16 Shot 15 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The boy starts typingona keyboardwhichstartsa montage to denote hisprogressioninthe essayovera passage of time. Camera: Shot Type: CU – Close-Up Camera Angle: Eye-Level Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: None = N/A Dialogue:Betweenwho?Presentinspeechmarks AmbientSound:typingonkeyboard, rainfall,computerbuzz,clockticking Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A Soundtrack: The final countdownstartstoplay for the secondtime Transition: Fade in- to shot 16 Duration: 3-4 seconds
  • 17. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 17 Shot 16 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The boy isdeterminedtogethisworkdone andis sure that he will be able todo this,as an air of confidence andborderline arrogance appearsetchedacrosshisface. Camera: Shot Type: CU-Close Up Camera Angle: Eye Level Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: None = N/A Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound:Tappingonkeyboard,rainfall,clock ticking,Computerbuzz Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A Soundtrack: ‘The final countdowncontinuestoplay Transition: Fade into- shot17 Duration: 3 seconds
  • 18. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 18 Shot 17 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: We see a shotof the screenwhichindicatesthatthe boyisprogressing Camera: Shot Type: CU – Close Up Camera Angle: Eye level Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound:Tappingonkeyboard,rainfall,clockticking,Computer buzz Non-Diegetic Sound: Soundtrack: The slow pacedintense musicis still progressing. Transition: Fade Into– shot 18 Duration: 3 seconds
  • 19. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 19 Shot 18 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: Whenthe shot of the boyfadesinyoucan see thathe is now becomingtired.The boystruggles to stay awake andstarts to tilthisheaddownas if he isgoingto passout. Eventuallythe boy passesout. Camera: Shot Type: CU-Close Up Camera Angle: Eye level. Camera Movement: Static. Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound:Tappingonkeyboard,rainfall,clockticking,Computerbuzz. Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A Soundtrack: ‘The final countdown’ - Europe startstodistortand slow down as the boy’stired face comesintoshot. “It’sthe final countdo-“*Audiodistortsatthispoint* Transition: Cuts from- shot18 to 19. Duration: 4 seconds
  • 20. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 20 Shot 19 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The boy iscompletelyexhaustedandendsuppassingonhisdesk.The montage isbroughtto an endand the scene cuts toblack on the soundqueue of the headslam Camera: Shot Type: CU-Close Up Camera Angle: Eye Level Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound: Headslamon desk,rainfall,clockticking,computerbuzz. Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A SFX: Recordscratch Soundtrack: ‘The final countdown’- Europe stopsimmediatelybefore the recordsoundeffect takesplace. Transition: Fade to Black as soonas the boy’sheadhitsthe table Duration: 2 seconds
  • 21. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 21 Shot 20 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The Boy wakesupwitha shockto the soundof an alarm, quicklyopeninghis eyes. Camera: Shot Type: ECU - Extreme Close Up Camera Angle: Canted Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound:Clockticking,computerbuzz,birdschirping,Alarmclock Non-Diegetic Sound: SFX: Subtle lowbassboom insync withboyopeninghiseyes afterhe realisesthathe has fallen asleep! Transition: Fade infrom black to shot20 Cut fromShot 20 to shot21 Duration: 3 seconds.
  • 22. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 22 Shot 21 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The boy liftshisheadupslowlyashe is still half asleepwithhiseyeshalf shut.A secondafter makingeye contactwiththe screenthe boy’stiredexpressionchanges toahorrifiedlook because he hasnot completedthe essay Camera: Shot Type: CU-Close Up Camera Angle: Eye Level Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound: Birdschirping, computerbuzz,clockticking Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A Soundtrack: N/A Transition: Cut From- shot 21 to shot22 Duration: 4 seconds
  • 23. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 23 Shot 22 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The thingsthat the boy haswrittenforthe essayare actuallyjustramblings.The cameraspins aroundin a 180 degree whippan toface the boywhostill hasa horrifiedexpressiononhisface. The Boy thenrealisesthathe hasn’tcheckedthe time yet. Camera: Shot Type: MCU – MediumClose-Up Camera Angle: Eye level Camera Movement: Fast zoominon computer screen Then180 degree whippan to face the boy. Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound: Birdschirping,Computerbuzz,Clockticking Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A Soundtrack: lowbass “Dun Dun” to connote trouble. Transition: Cut From- shot 22 to shot23 Duration: 5 seconds
  • 24. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 24 Shot 23 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: In anticipationthe boyslowlyturnshisheadsothat he can see the time.He possessesalookof concern. Camera: Shot Type: ECU – Extreme Close-Up Camera Angle: Eye level Camera Movement: Static Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound:Birdschirping,Computerbuzz,Clockticking Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A Soundtrack: N/A Transition: Cut fromshot 24 to shot25 Duration: 3-4 seconds
  • 25. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 25 Shot 24 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The clock denotesthatitis nowmorning(7:30 am) and that the boy’stime isup! Camera: Shot Type: ECU– Extreme close up Camera Angle: CantedHighangle to connote that time ishisenemy andhas power overhim Camera Movement: Fast zoominon the clock Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound:Birdschirping,Computerbuzz,Clockticking. Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A Soundtrack: Chimingof a funeral bell toconnote hisinevitable failure! Transition: Cut fromshot 24 to shot25 Duration: 2-3 seconds
  • 26. St. Andrew’s Catholic School – CenterNumber- 64135 FM1: Exploring Film Form Creative Project - Storyboard Ben Carmichael – 2025 26 Shot 25 Slug line: INT: Scene takes place in a bedroom at a desk - Evening Action: The boy turnshis headback towardsthe monitor withhisface expressingsadnessand concern. The camera zoomsout froma CU (close up) toa MCU (mediumclose up) untilthe boysfacial expressionchanges toconnote he hasgivenup.Finallythe boyface plant’sthe desk. Camera: Shot Type: CU-Close Up Camera Angle: Eye Level Camera Movement: ZoomOut to emphasise the sadness Diegetic Sound: Dialogue:N/A AmbientSound:Birdschirping,Computerbuzz,Clockticking. Non-Diegetic Sound: Voiceover:N/A SFX: windblowingtoconnote emptiness –Stockwind Transition: Cut to endcredits whenthe boy’sheadhitsthe desk Duration: 3 seconds