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Chapter 3
Sampling and Sampling
Mr. Anthony F. Balatar Jr.
Subject Instructor
Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
Steps in Constructing the Sampling Distribution of
the Means
1. Determine the number of possible samples that can be
drawn from the population using the formula:
where N = size of the population
n = size of the sample size
2. List all the possible samples and compute the mean of
each sample.
3. Construct a frequency distribution of the sample means
obtained in Step 2.
Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
Illustrative Example. A population consists of the
numbers 2, 4, 9, 10 and 5. List all possible sample of
size 3 from this population and compute the mean of
each sample.
Using the formula NCn to determine the number of
possible samples that can be drawn from the
population. (N = 5 and n = 3)
NCn = 5C3 = 10
Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
Sample Mean
2, 4, 9 5
2, 4, 10 5.33
2, 4, 5 3.67
2, 9, 10 7
2, 9, 5 5.33
2, 10, 5 5.67
4, 9, 10 7.67
4, 9, 5 6
4, 10, 5 6.33
9, 10, 5 8
There are 10
samples of size
3 that can be
drawn from the
Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
Sample Mean Frequency
3.67 1
5 1
5.33 2
5.67 1
6 1
6.33 1
7 1
7.67 1
8 1
Total n = 10
Make a
distribution of
sample means or
the sampling
distribution of
the sample
Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
A sampling distribution of sample means is a
frequency distribution using the means computed
from all possible random samples of a specific size
taken from a population.
Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
Sample Mean
3.67 1 1/10 or 0.1
5 1 1/10 or 0.1
5.33 2 2/10 or 0.2
5.67 1 1/10 or 0.1
6 1 1/10 or 0.1
6.33 1 1/10 or 0.1
7 1 1/10 or 0.1
7.67 1 1/10 or 0.1
8 1 1/10 or 0.1
Total n = 10 ΣP(X) = 1
Make a
distribution of
sample means
or the
distribution of
the sample
Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
Individual Activity #1
Construct a Complete Sampling Distribution of the
Means using the problem below.
Sample of three cards are drawn at random from a
population of eight cards numbered from 1 to 8.
Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
How many different samples of size n = 3 can be
selected from a population with the following sizes?
1. N = 4
2. N = 8
3. N = 15
4. N = 20
5. N = 50
Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
Construct a Sampling Distribution of the Means
using the problem below.
1.A population consists of the five numbers 2, 3, 6,
8, and 11. Consider samples of size 2 that can be
drawn from this population.
2.A group of students who got the following scores in
a test: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 21. Consider samples
of size 3 that can be drawn from this population.
Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
Construct a Sampling Distribution of the Means
using the problem below.
3.A finite population consists of 8 elements:
10 10 10 10 10 12 18 40
a. How many samples of size n = 2 can be drawn from
this population?
b. List all the possible samples and the corresponding
c. Construct a complete sampling distribution of the
sample means.
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Consider a population consisting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Suppose samples of size (a) 2 and (3) are drawn from
this population. Describe the sampling distribution of
the sample means.
1. What is the mean and variance of the sampling
distribution of the sample means?
2. Compare these values to the mean and variance of
the population.
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Solutions for (a) n = 2:
1. Compute the mean of the population (μ).
𝜇 =
= 3
2. Compute for the variance of the population (σ).
X X - μ (X – μ)2
1 -2 4
2 -1 1
3 0 0
4 1 1
5 2 4
Σ(X – μ)2 = 10
Σ(X – μ)2
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Solutions for (a) n = 2:
3. Determine the number of
possible samples of size n = 2.
Use the formula NCn. Here N = 5
and n = 2. 5C2 = 10
So, there are 10 possible samples
of size 2 that can be drawn.
4. List all possible samples and
their corresponding means.
Samples Mean
1, 2 1.5
1, 3 2
1, 4 2.5
1, 5 3
2, 3 2.5
2, 4 3
2, 5 3.5
3, 4 3.5
3, 5 4
4, 5 4.5
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Solutions for (a) n = 2:
5. Construct the sampling
distribution of the sample
Mean (X)
1.5 1 0.1
2 1 0.1
2.5 2 0.2
3 2 0.2
3.5 2 0.2
4 1 0.1
4.5 1 0.1
Total N = 10 1
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Solutions for (a) n = 2:
6. Compute the mean of the sampling
distribution of the sample means (μX).
Follow these steps:
a. Multiply the sample mean by the
corresponding probability.
b. Add the results.
μX = ΣX · P(X) = 3
So, the mean of the sampling
distribution of the sample means is 3.
Mean (X)
X · P(X)
1.5 0.1 0.15
2 0.1 0.2
2.5 0.2 0.5
3 0.2 0.6
3.5 0.2 0.7
4 0.1 0.4
4.5 0.1 0.45
Total 1 ΣX · P(X) = 3
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Solutions for (a) n = 2:
7. Compute for the variance (σ2
of the sampling distribution of
the sample means. Follow these
a. Subtract the population
mean (μ) from each sample mean
(x). Label this as X – μ.
b. Square the difference. Label
this as (X – μ)2.
c. Multiply the results by the
corresponding probability. Label
this as P(X) · (X – μ)2
d. Add the results.
Mean (X)
X – μ (X – μ)2 P(X) · (X – μ)2
1.5 0.1 -1.5 2.25 0.225
2 0.1 -1 1 0.1
2.5 0.2 -0.5 0.25 0.050
3 0.2 0 0 0
3.5 0.2 0.5 0.25 0.050
4 0.1 1 1 0.1
4.5 0.1 1.5 2.25 0.225
Total 1 0.750
σ2 = ΣP(X) · (X – μ)2 = 0.75
So, the variance of the sampling
distribution is 0.75.
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Solutions for (a) n = 3:
1. Compute the mean of the population (μ).
𝜇 =
= 3
2. Compute for the variance of the population (σ).
X X - μ (X – μ)2
1 -2 4
2 -1 1
3 0 0
4 1 1
5 2 4
Σ(X – μ)2 = 10
Σ(X – μ)2
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Solutions for (a) n = 3:
3. Determine the number of
possible samples of size n = 3.
Use the formula NCn. Here N = 5
and n = 3. 5C3 = 10
So, there are 10 possible samples
of size 3 that can be drawn.
4. List all possible samples and
their corresponding means.
Samples Mean
1, 2, 3 2
1, 2, 4 2.33
1, 2, 5 2.67
1, 3, 4 2.67
1, 3, 5 3
1, 4, 5 3.33
2, 3, 4 3
2, 3, 5 3.33
2, 4, 5 3.67
3, 4, 5 4
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Solutions for (a) n = 3:
5. Construct the sampling
distribution of the sample
Mean (X)
2 1 0.1
2.33 1 0.1
2.67 2 0.2
3 2 0.2
3.33 2 0.2
3.67 1 0.1
4 1 0.1
Total N = 10 1
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Solutions for (a) n = 3:
6. Compute the mean of the sampling
distribution of the sample means (μX).
Follow these steps:
a. Multiply the sample mean by the
corresponding probability.
b. Add the results.
μX = ΣX · P(X) = 3
So, the mean of the sampling
distribution of the sample means is 3.
Mean (X)
X · P(X)
2 0.1 0.2
2.33 0.1 0.23
2.67 0.2 0.53
3 0.2 0.6
3.33 0.2 0.67
3.67 0.1 0.37
4 0.1 0.4
Total 1 ΣX · P(X) = 3
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Solutions for (a) n = 3:
7. Compute for the variance (σ2
of the sampling distribution of
the sample means. Follow these
a. Subtract the population
mean (μ) from each sample mean
(x). Label this as X – μ.
b. Square the difference. Label
this as (X – μ)2.
c. Multiply the results by the
corresponding probability. Label
this as P(X) · (X – μ)2
d. Add the results.
Mean (X)
X – μ (X – μ)2 P(X) · (X – μ)2
2 0.1 -1 1 1/10
2.33 0.1 -0.67 4/9 2/45
2.67 0.2 -0.33 1/9 1/45
3 0.2 0 0 0
3.33 0.2 0.33 1/9 1/45
3.67 0.1 0.67 4/9 2/45
4 0.1 1 1 1/10
Total 1 1/3 = 0.33
σ2 = ΣP(X) · (X – μ)2 = 0.33
So, the variance of the sampling
distribution is 0.33.
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Summary of comparison of the means and variances of the
population and the sampling distribution of the means.
The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means
is always equal to the mean of the population. μx = μ
For n = 2 For n = 3
Distribution of
the Sample
Distribution of
the Sample
Mean μ = 3 μx = 3 μ = 3 μx = 3
Variance σ2 = 2 σ2
x = 0.75 σ2 = 2 σ2
x = 0.33
σ = 1.41 σx = 0.87 σ = 1.41 σx = 0.57
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
The variance of the sampling distribution is obtained
by using the formula 𝝈 𝟐
𝒙 =
𝝈 𝟐
𝑵 − 𝒏
𝑵 −𝟏
. This formula
holds when the population is finite. The examples
shown are all finite population. A finite population
is one that consists of a finite or fixed number of
elements, measurements, or observations; while an
infinite population contains, hypothetically at least,
infinitely elements.
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
The expression
𝑵 − 𝒏
𝑵 −𝟏
is called the finite population
correction factor. In general, when the population
is large and the sample size is small, the correlation
factor is not used since it will be very close to 1.
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Properties of the Sampling Distribution of Sample Mean
If all possible samples of size n are drawn from a population
of size N with mean μ and the variance σ2, then the
sampling distribution of the sample means has the
following properties:
1. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample
means is equal to the population mean μ. That is, μx = μ.
2. The variance of the sampling distribution of the sample
means σ is given by:
𝝈 𝟐
𝒙 =
𝝈 𝟐
𝝈 𝟐
𝒙 =
𝝈 𝟐
𝑵 − 𝒏
𝑵 − 𝟏
for finite population for infinite population
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Properties of the Sampling Distribution of Sample Mean
3. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of
the sample means σ is given by:
𝝈 𝒙 =
𝝈 𝒙 =
𝝈 𝟐
𝑵 − 𝒏
𝑵 − 𝟏
for finite population
for infinite population
𝑵 − 𝒏
𝑵 −𝟏
is the finite
population correction factor
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
The standard deviation (σX) of the sampling distribution of the
sample means is also known as the standard error of the
mean. It measures the degree of accuracy of the sample mean
(σX) as an estimate of the population mean (μ).
A good estimate of the mean is obtained if the standard error of
the mean (σX) is small or close to zero, while a poor estimate, if
the standard error of the mean (σX) is large. Observe that the
value of σX depends on the size of the sample size.
Thus, if we want to get a good estimate of the population mean,
we have to make n sufficiently large. This fact is stated as a
theorem, which is known as the Central Limit Theorem (CLT).
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
The Central Limit Theorem (CLT)
If random samples of size n are drawn from a
population, then as n becomes larger, the sampling
distribution of the mean approaches the normal
distribution, regardless of the shape of the
population distribution.
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Illustrative Example.
A population has a mean of 60 and a standard
deviation of 5. A random sample of 16 measurements
is drawn from this population. Describe the sampling
distribution of the sample means by computing its
mean and standard deviation.
We shall assume that the population is infinite.
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Steps Solution
1. Identify the given information. μ = 60, σ = 5, and n = 16
2. Find the mean of the sampling
distribution. Use the property
that μx = μ.
μx = μ = 60
3. Find the standard deviation of
the sampling distribution. Use
the property that 𝜎𝑥 =
𝜎𝑥 =
= 1.25
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Illustrative Example.
The heights of male college students are normally
distributed with mean of 68 inches and standard
deviation of 3 inches. If 80 samples consisting of 25
students each are drawn from the population, what
would be the expected mean and standard deviation
of the resulting sampling distribution of the means?
We shall assume that the population is infinite.
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Steps Solution
1. Identify the given information. μ = 68, σ = 3, and n = 25
2. Find the mean of the sampling
distribution. Use the property
that μx = μ.
μx = μ = 68
3. Find the standard deviation of
the sampling distribution. Use
the property that 𝜎𝑥 =
𝜎𝑥 =
= 0.6
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
A.Find the finite population correction factor given
the following:
1.N = 200, n = 10
2.N = 2000, n = 10
3.N = 400, n = 40
4.N = 500, n = 10
5.N = 200, n = 20
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
B.Solve the following problems. Assume that the
population is infinite in each case.
1.The scores of individual students on a national
test have a normal distribution with mean 18.6
and standard deviation 5.9. at Federico Ramos
Rural High School, 76 students took the test. If
the scores at this school have the same
distribution as national scores, what are the
mean and standard deviation of the sample
mean for 76 students?
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
2.A molding machine prepares a certain kind of car
spare part with a target diameter of μ = 40.265
mm. The machine has some variability, so the
standard deviation of the diameters is σ = 0.004
mm. A sample of 6 spare parts is inspected each
hour for process control purposes and records
are kept of the sample mean diameter. What will
be the mean and standard deviation of the
numbers recorded?
Solving Problems Involving Sampling
Distribution of the Sample Means
The Central Limit Theorem is of fundamental
importance in statistics because it justifies the use of
normal curve methods for a wide range of problems.
This theorem applies automatically to sampling from
infinite population. It also assures us that no matter
what the shape of the population distribution of the
mean is, the sampling distribution of the sample
means is closely normally distributed whenever n is
Solving Problems Involving Sampling
Distribution of the Sample Means
Consequently, it justifies the use of the formula 𝐳 =
𝑿 −μ
when computing for the probability that X will take on a
value within a given range in the sampling distribution of
𝐳 =
𝑿 − μ
where X = sample mean
μ = population mean
σ = population standard deviation
n = sample size
Solving Problems Involving Sampling
Distribution of the Sample Means
Illustrative Example:
The average time it takes a group of college students to
complete a certain examination is 46.2 minutes. The
standard deviation is 8 minutes. Assume that the variable
is normally distributed.
a. What is the probability that a randomly selected college
student will complete the examination in less than 43
b. If 50 randomly selected college students take the
examination, what is the probability that the mean time it
takes the group to complete the test will be less than 43
Solving Problems Involving Sampling
Distribution of the Sample Means
Solution to (a):
Steps Solution
Identify the given information. μ = 46.2, σ = 8, and X = 43
Identify what is asked for. P(X < 43)
Identify the formula to be used.
Here we are dealing with an individual data
obtained from the population. So, we will be
use the formula z =
𝑥 − 𝜇
to standardize 43.
Solve the problem
z =
𝑥 − 𝜇
43 − 46.2
= −0.4
We shall find P(X < 43) by getting the area
under the normal curve.
P(X < 43) = P(z < -0.4)
= 0.5 – 0.1554
= 0.3446
= 34.46%
Solving Problems Involving Sampling
Distribution of the Sample Means
Solution to (b):
Steps Solution
Identify the given information. μ = 46.2, σ = 8, X = 43, n = 50
Identify what is asked for. P(< 43)
Identify the formula to be used.
Here we are dealing with data from the sample
means. So, we will be use the formula 𝐳 =
𝑿 −μ
standardize 43.
Solve the problem
𝐳 =
𝑿 − μ
43 − 46.2
= −0.2.83
We shall find P(< 43) by getting the area under the
normal curve.
P(X < 43) = P(z < -2.83)
= 0.5 – 0.4997
= 0.0023
= 0.23%
Solving Problems Involving Sampling
Distribution of the Sample Means
Illustrative Example:
The average number of milligrams (mg) of cholesterol in a
cup of a certain brand of ice cream is 660 mg, and the
standard deviation is 35 mg. Assume the variable is
normally distributed.
a. If a cup of ice cream is selected, what is the probability
that the cholesterol content will be more than 670 mg?
b. If a sample of 10 cups of ice cream is selected, what is the
probability that the mean of the sample will be larger
than 670 mg?
Solving Problems Involving Sampling
Distribution of the Sample Means
Solution to (a):
Steps Solution
Identify the given information. μ = 660, σ = 35, and X = 670
Identify what is asked for. P(X > 670)
Identify the formula to be used.
Here we are dealing with an individual data
obtained from the population. So, we will be
use the formula z =
𝑥 − 𝜇
to standardize 670.
Solve the problem
z =
𝑥 − 𝜇
670 − 660
= 0.29
We shall find P(X > 670) by getting the area
under the normal curve.
P(X > 670) = P(z > 0.29)
= 0.5 – 0.1141
= 0.3859
= 38.59%
Solving Problems Involving Sampling
Distribution of the Sample Means
Solution to (b):
Steps Solution
Identify the given information. μ = 660, σ = 35, X = 670 and n = 10
Identify what is asked for. P(X > 670)
Identify the formula to be used.
Here we are dealing with data from the sample
means. So, we will be use the formula 𝐳 =
𝑿 −μ
standardize 670.
Solve the problem
𝐳 =
𝑿 − μ
670 − 660
= 0.9
We shall find P(< 43) by getting the area under the
normal curve.
P(X > 670) = P(z < 0.9)
= 0.5 – 0.3159
= 0.1841
= 18.41%
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Solve the following problems.
1.The average cholesterol content of a certain canned
goods is 215 mg and the standard deviation is 15
mg. Assume the variable is normally distributed.
a.If a a canned good is selected, what is the
probability that the cholesterol content will be
greater than 220 mg?
b.if a sample of 25 canned goods is selected, what is
the probability that the mean of the sample will be
larger than 220 mg?
Finding the Mean and Variance of the
Sampling Distribution of Means
Solve the following problems.
2.The average public high school has 468 students
with a standard deviation of 87.
a.If a public school is selected, what is the
probability that the number of students enrolled is
greater than 400?
b.if a random sample of 38 public elementary school
is selected, what is the probability that the
number of students enrolled is between 445 and

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Chapter 3 sampling and sampling distribution

  • 1. Chapter 3 Sampling and Sampling Distribution Mr. Anthony F. Balatar Jr. Subject Instructor
  • 2. Sampling Distribution of Sample Means Steps in Constructing the Sampling Distribution of the Means 1. Determine the number of possible samples that can be drawn from the population using the formula: NCn where N = size of the population n = size of the sample size 2. List all the possible samples and compute the mean of each sample. 3. Construct a frequency distribution of the sample means obtained in Step 2.
  • 3. Sampling Distribution of Sample Means Illustrative Example. A population consists of the numbers 2, 4, 9, 10 and 5. List all possible sample of size 3 from this population and compute the mean of each sample. Solution: Using the formula NCn to determine the number of possible samples that can be drawn from the population. (N = 5 and n = 3) NCn = 5C3 = 10
  • 4. Sampling Distribution of Sample Means Sample Mean 2, 4, 9 5 2, 4, 10 5.33 2, 4, 5 3.67 2, 9, 10 7 2, 9, 5 5.33 2, 10, 5 5.67 4, 9, 10 7.67 4, 9, 5 6 4, 10, 5 6.33 9, 10, 5 8 There are 10 possible samples of size 3 that can be drawn from the given population.
  • 5. Sampling Distribution of Sample Means Sample Mean Frequency 3.67 1 5 1 5.33 2 5.67 1 6 1 6.33 1 7 1 7.67 1 8 1 Total n = 10 Make a frequency distribution of sample means or the sampling distribution of the sample means.
  • 6. Sampling Distribution of Sample Means A sampling distribution of sample means is a frequency distribution using the means computed from all possible random samples of a specific size taken from a population.
  • 7. Sampling Distribution of Sample Means Sample Mean (X) Frequency Probability P(X) 3.67 1 1/10 or 0.1 5 1 1/10 or 0.1 5.33 2 2/10 or 0.2 5.67 1 1/10 or 0.1 6 1 1/10 or 0.1 6.33 1 1/10 or 0.1 7 1 1/10 or 0.1 7.67 1 1/10 or 0.1 8 1 1/10 or 0.1 Total n = 10 ΣP(X) = 1 Make a probability distribution of sample means or the complete sampling distribution of the sample means.
  • 8. Sampling Distribution of Sample Means Individual Activity #1 Construct a Complete Sampling Distribution of the Means using the problem below. Sample of three cards are drawn at random from a population of eight cards numbered from 1 to 8.
  • 9. Sampling Distribution of Sample Means QUIZ #1 How many different samples of size n = 3 can be selected from a population with the following sizes? 1. N = 4 2. N = 8 3. N = 15 4. N = 20 5. N = 50
  • 10. Sampling Distribution of Sample Means QUIZ #2 Construct a Sampling Distribution of the Means using the problem below. 1.A population consists of the five numbers 2, 3, 6, 8, and 11. Consider samples of size 2 that can be drawn from this population. 2.A group of students who got the following scores in a test: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 21. Consider samples of size 3 that can be drawn from this population.
  • 11. Sampling Distribution of Sample Means QUIZ #2 Construct a Sampling Distribution of the Means using the problem below. 3.A finite population consists of 8 elements: 10 10 10 10 10 12 18 40 a. How many samples of size n = 2 can be drawn from this population? b. List all the possible samples and the corresponding means. c. Construct a complete sampling distribution of the sample means.
  • 12. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Consider a population consisting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Suppose samples of size (a) 2 and (3) are drawn from this population. Describe the sampling distribution of the sample means. 1. What is the mean and variance of the sampling distribution of the sample means? 2. Compare these values to the mean and variance of the population.
  • 13. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Solutions for (a) n = 2: 1. Compute the mean of the population (μ). 𝜇 = Σ𝑋 𝑁 = 1+2+3+4+5 5 = 3 2. Compute for the variance of the population (σ). X X - μ (X – μ)2 1 -2 4 2 -1 1 3 0 0 4 1 1 5 2 4 Σ(X – μ)2 = 10 Σ(X – μ)2
  • 14. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Solutions for (a) n = 2: 3. Determine the number of possible samples of size n = 2. Use the formula NCn. Here N = 5 and n = 2. 5C2 = 10 So, there are 10 possible samples of size 2 that can be drawn. 4. List all possible samples and their corresponding means. Samples Mean 1, 2 1.5 1, 3 2 1, 4 2.5 1, 5 3 2, 3 2.5 2, 4 3 2, 5 3.5 3, 4 3.5 3, 5 4 4, 5 4.5
  • 15. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Solutions for (a) n = 2: 5. Construct the sampling distribution of the sample means. Sample Mean (X) Frequency Probability P(X) 1.5 1 0.1 2 1 0.1 2.5 2 0.2 3 2 0.2 3.5 2 0.2 4 1 0.1 4.5 1 0.1 Total N = 10 1
  • 16. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Solutions for (a) n = 2: 6. Compute the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means (μX). Follow these steps: a. Multiply the sample mean by the corresponding probability. b. Add the results. μX = ΣX · P(X) = 3 So, the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means is 3. Sample Mean (X) Probability P(X) X · P(X) 1.5 0.1 0.15 2 0.1 0.2 2.5 0.2 0.5 3 0.2 0.6 3.5 0.2 0.7 4 0.1 0.4 4.5 0.1 0.45 Total 1 ΣX · P(X) = 3
  • 17. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Solutions for (a) n = 2: 7. Compute for the variance (σ2 X) of the sampling distribution of the sample means. Follow these steps: a. Subtract the population mean (μ) from each sample mean (x). Label this as X – μ. b. Square the difference. Label this as (X – μ)2. c. Multiply the results by the corresponding probability. Label this as P(X) · (X – μ)2 d. Add the results. Sample Mean (X) Probability P(X) X – μ (X – μ)2 P(X) · (X – μ)2 1.5 0.1 -1.5 2.25 0.225 2 0.1 -1 1 0.1 2.5 0.2 -0.5 0.25 0.050 3 0.2 0 0 0 3.5 0.2 0.5 0.25 0.050 4 0.1 1 1 0.1 4.5 0.1 1.5 2.25 0.225 Total 1 0.750 σ2 = ΣP(X) · (X – μ)2 = 0.75 So, the variance of the sampling distribution is 0.75.
  • 18. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Solutions for (a) n = 3: 1. Compute the mean of the population (μ). 𝜇 = Σ𝑋 𝑁 = 1+2+3+4+5 5 = 3 2. Compute for the variance of the population (σ). X X - μ (X – μ)2 1 -2 4 2 -1 1 3 0 0 4 1 1 5 2 4 Σ(X – μ)2 = 10 Σ(X – μ)2
  • 19. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Solutions for (a) n = 3: 3. Determine the number of possible samples of size n = 3. Use the formula NCn. Here N = 5 and n = 3. 5C3 = 10 So, there are 10 possible samples of size 3 that can be drawn. 4. List all possible samples and their corresponding means. Samples Mean 1, 2, 3 2 1, 2, 4 2.33 1, 2, 5 2.67 1, 3, 4 2.67 1, 3, 5 3 1, 4, 5 3.33 2, 3, 4 3 2, 3, 5 3.33 2, 4, 5 3.67 3, 4, 5 4
  • 20. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Solutions for (a) n = 3: 5. Construct the sampling distribution of the sample means. Sample Mean (X) Frequency Probability P(X) 2 1 0.1 2.33 1 0.1 2.67 2 0.2 3 2 0.2 3.33 2 0.2 3.67 1 0.1 4 1 0.1 Total N = 10 1
  • 21. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Solutions for (a) n = 3: 6. Compute the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means (μX). Follow these steps: a. Multiply the sample mean by the corresponding probability. b. Add the results. μX = ΣX · P(X) = 3 So, the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means is 3. Sample Mean (X) Probability P(X) X · P(X) 2 0.1 0.2 2.33 0.1 0.23 2.67 0.2 0.53 3 0.2 0.6 3.33 0.2 0.67 3.67 0.1 0.37 4 0.1 0.4 Total 1 ΣX · P(X) = 3
  • 22. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Solutions for (a) n = 3: 7. Compute for the variance (σ2 X) of the sampling distribution of the sample means. Follow these steps: a. Subtract the population mean (μ) from each sample mean (x). Label this as X – μ. b. Square the difference. Label this as (X – μ)2. c. Multiply the results by the corresponding probability. Label this as P(X) · (X – μ)2 d. Add the results. Sample Mean (X) Probability P(X) X – μ (X – μ)2 P(X) · (X – μ)2 2 0.1 -1 1 1/10 2.33 0.1 -0.67 4/9 2/45 2.67 0.2 -0.33 1/9 1/45 3 0.2 0 0 0 3.33 0.2 0.33 1/9 1/45 3.67 0.1 0.67 4/9 2/45 4 0.1 1 1 1/10 Total 1 1/3 = 0.33 σ2 = ΣP(X) · (X – μ)2 = 0.33 So, the variance of the sampling distribution is 0.33.
  • 23. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Summary of comparison of the means and variances of the population and the sampling distribution of the means. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means is always equal to the mean of the population. μx = μ For n = 2 For n = 3 Population (N=5) Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means Population (N=5) Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means Mean μ = 3 μx = 3 μ = 3 μx = 3 Variance σ2 = 2 σ2 x = 0.75 σ2 = 2 σ2 x = 0.33 Standard Variation σ = 1.41 σx = 0.87 σ = 1.41 σx = 0.57
  • 24. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means The variance of the sampling distribution is obtained by using the formula 𝝈 𝟐 𝒙 = 𝝈 𝟐 𝒏 ∙ 𝑵 − 𝒏 𝑵 −𝟏 . This formula holds when the population is finite. The examples shown are all finite population. A finite population is one that consists of a finite or fixed number of elements, measurements, or observations; while an infinite population contains, hypothetically at least, infinitely elements.
  • 25. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means The expression 𝑵 − 𝒏 𝑵 −𝟏 is called the finite population correction factor. In general, when the population is large and the sample size is small, the correlation factor is not used since it will be very close to 1.
  • 26. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Properties of the Sampling Distribution of Sample Mean If all possible samples of size n are drawn from a population of size N with mean μ and the variance σ2, then the sampling distribution of the sample means has the following properties: 1. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means is equal to the population mean μ. That is, μx = μ. 2. The variance of the sampling distribution of the sample means σ is given by: 𝝈 𝟐 𝒙 = 𝝈 𝟐 𝒏 𝝈 𝟐 𝒙 = 𝝈 𝟐 𝒏 ∙ 𝑵 − 𝒏 𝑵 − 𝟏 for finite population for infinite population
  • 27. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Properties of the Sampling Distribution of Sample Mean 3. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample means σ is given by: 𝝈 𝒙 = 𝝈 𝒏 𝝈 𝒙 = 𝝈 𝟐 𝒏 ∙ 𝑵 − 𝒏 𝑵 − 𝟏 for finite population for infinite population where 𝑵 − 𝒏 𝑵 −𝟏 is the finite population correction factor
  • 28. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means The standard deviation (σX) of the sampling distribution of the sample means is also known as the standard error of the mean. It measures the degree of accuracy of the sample mean (σX) as an estimate of the population mean (μ). A good estimate of the mean is obtained if the standard error of the mean (σX) is small or close to zero, while a poor estimate, if the standard error of the mean (σX) is large. Observe that the value of σX depends on the size of the sample size. Thus, if we want to get a good estimate of the population mean, we have to make n sufficiently large. This fact is stated as a theorem, which is known as the Central Limit Theorem (CLT).
  • 29. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) If random samples of size n are drawn from a population, then as n becomes larger, the sampling distribution of the mean approaches the normal distribution, regardless of the shape of the population distribution.
  • 30. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Illustrative Example. A population has a mean of 60 and a standard deviation of 5. A random sample of 16 measurements is drawn from this population. Describe the sampling distribution of the sample means by computing its mean and standard deviation. We shall assume that the population is infinite.
  • 31. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Steps Solution 1. Identify the given information. μ = 60, σ = 5, and n = 16 2. Find the mean of the sampling distribution. Use the property that μx = μ. μx = μ = 60 3. Find the standard deviation of the sampling distribution. Use the property that 𝜎𝑥 = 𝜎 𝑛 𝜎𝑥 = 𝜎 𝑛 = 5 16 = 5 4 = 1.25
  • 32. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Illustrative Example. The heights of male college students are normally distributed with mean of 68 inches and standard deviation of 3 inches. If 80 samples consisting of 25 students each are drawn from the population, what would be the expected mean and standard deviation of the resulting sampling distribution of the means? We shall assume that the population is infinite.
  • 33. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means Steps Solution 1. Identify the given information. μ = 68, σ = 3, and n = 25 2. Find the mean of the sampling distribution. Use the property that μx = μ. μx = μ = 68 3. Find the standard deviation of the sampling distribution. Use the property that 𝜎𝑥 = 𝜎 𝑛 𝜎𝑥 = 𝜎 𝑛 = 3 25 = 3 5 = 0.6
  • 34. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means QUIZ #3 A.Find the finite population correction factor given the following: 1.N = 200, n = 10 2.N = 2000, n = 10 3.N = 400, n = 40 4.N = 500, n = 10 5.N = 200, n = 20
  • 35. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means QUIZ #3 B.Solve the following problems. Assume that the population is infinite in each case. 1.The scores of individual students on a national test have a normal distribution with mean 18.6 and standard deviation 5.9. at Federico Ramos Rural High School, 76 students took the test. If the scores at this school have the same distribution as national scores, what are the mean and standard deviation of the sample mean for 76 students?
  • 36. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means 2.A molding machine prepares a certain kind of car spare part with a target diameter of μ = 40.265 mm. The machine has some variability, so the standard deviation of the diameters is σ = 0.004 mm. A sample of 6 spare parts is inspected each hour for process control purposes and records are kept of the sample mean diameter. What will be the mean and standard deviation of the numbers recorded?
  • 37. Solving Problems Involving Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means The Central Limit Theorem is of fundamental importance in statistics because it justifies the use of normal curve methods for a wide range of problems. This theorem applies automatically to sampling from infinite population. It also assures us that no matter what the shape of the population distribution of the mean is, the sampling distribution of the sample means is closely normally distributed whenever n is large.
  • 38. Solving Problems Involving Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means Consequently, it justifies the use of the formula 𝐳 = 𝑿 −μ σ 𝒏 when computing for the probability that X will take on a value within a given range in the sampling distribution of X. 𝐳 = 𝑿 − μ σ 𝒏 where X = sample mean μ = population mean σ = population standard deviation n = sample size
  • 39. Solving Problems Involving Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means Illustrative Example: The average time it takes a group of college students to complete a certain examination is 46.2 minutes. The standard deviation is 8 minutes. Assume that the variable is normally distributed. a. What is the probability that a randomly selected college student will complete the examination in less than 43 minutes? b. If 50 randomly selected college students take the examination, what is the probability that the mean time it takes the group to complete the test will be less than 43 minutes?
  • 40. Solving Problems Involving Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means Solution to (a): Steps Solution Identify the given information. μ = 46.2, σ = 8, and X = 43 Identify what is asked for. P(X < 43) Identify the formula to be used. Here we are dealing with an individual data obtained from the population. So, we will be use the formula z = 𝑥 − 𝜇 𝜎 to standardize 43. Solve the problem z = 𝑥 − 𝜇 𝜎 = 43 − 46.2 8 = −0.4 We shall find P(X < 43) by getting the area under the normal curve. P(X < 43) = P(z < -0.4) = 0.5 – 0.1554 = 0.3446 = 34.46%
  • 41. Solving Problems Involving Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means Solution to (b): Steps Solution Identify the given information. μ = 46.2, σ = 8, X = 43, n = 50 Identify what is asked for. P(< 43) Identify the formula to be used. Here we are dealing with data from the sample means. So, we will be use the formula 𝐳 = 𝑿 −μ σ 𝒏 to standardize 43. Solve the problem 𝐳 = 𝑿 − μ σ 𝒏 = 43 − 46.2 8 50 = −0.2.83 We shall find P(< 43) by getting the area under the normal curve. P(X < 43) = P(z < -2.83) = 0.5 – 0.4997 = 0.0023 = 0.23%
  • 42. Solving Problems Involving Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means Illustrative Example: The average number of milligrams (mg) of cholesterol in a cup of a certain brand of ice cream is 660 mg, and the standard deviation is 35 mg. Assume the variable is normally distributed. a. If a cup of ice cream is selected, what is the probability that the cholesterol content will be more than 670 mg? b. If a sample of 10 cups of ice cream is selected, what is the probability that the mean of the sample will be larger than 670 mg?
  • 43. Solving Problems Involving Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means Solution to (a): Steps Solution Identify the given information. μ = 660, σ = 35, and X = 670 Identify what is asked for. P(X > 670) Identify the formula to be used. Here we are dealing with an individual data obtained from the population. So, we will be use the formula z = 𝑥 − 𝜇 𝜎 to standardize 670. Solve the problem z = 𝑥 − 𝜇 𝜎 = 670 − 660 35 = 0.29 We shall find P(X > 670) by getting the area under the normal curve. P(X > 670) = P(z > 0.29) = 0.5 – 0.1141 = 0.3859 = 38.59%
  • 44. Solving Problems Involving Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means Solution to (b): Steps Solution Identify the given information. μ = 660, σ = 35, X = 670 and n = 10 Identify what is asked for. P(X > 670) Identify the formula to be used. Here we are dealing with data from the sample means. So, we will be use the formula 𝐳 = 𝑿 −μ σ 𝒏 to standardize 670. Solve the problem 𝐳 = 𝑿 − μ σ 𝒏 = 670 − 660 35 10 = 0.9 We shall find P(< 43) by getting the area under the normal curve. P(X > 670) = P(z < 0.9) = 0.5 – 0.3159 = 0.1841 = 18.41%
  • 45. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means QUIZ #4 Solve the following problems. 1.The average cholesterol content of a certain canned goods is 215 mg and the standard deviation is 15 mg. Assume the variable is normally distributed. a.If a a canned good is selected, what is the probability that the cholesterol content will be greater than 220 mg? b.if a sample of 25 canned goods is selected, what is the probability that the mean of the sample will be larger than 220 mg?
  • 46. Finding the Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Means QUIZ #4 Solve the following problems. 2.The average public high school has 468 students with a standard deviation of 87. a.If a public school is selected, what is the probability that the number of students enrolled is greater than 400? b.if a random sample of 38 public elementary school is selected, what is the probability that the number of students enrolled is between 445 and 485?