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Television During The Vietnam War
In recent history, humans are able to access new resources that people didn't have in the past such as
the television, national archives and the internet. The television was introduced to Australia on the
16th September 1956 (first broadcast 'Good evening, and welcome to television.'). Televisions
provide us with a visual account of events rather than primarily text. The Vietnam war was the first
major conflict to be broadcasted on television. Images of casualties and deaths were shown on the
televisions for people to see and historians believe that this has changed people's view on the
Vietnam war ( often known as 'The living room war" or "Television war")
The National Archives is also a resource that people can access especially historians to gather
primary resources and revisit past issues. At the end of every year the National Archive releases
Cabinet minutes from 30 years ago. ... Show more content on ...
Due to the two world wars the United Nations was established to prevent another world horror from
occurring. Before the United Nations, the League of Nations was formed to express their concerns
and settle disputes however due to the lack of power it failed. However, luckily a second attempt
was made and UN was created on 24 October 1945.
The principle bodies of the United Nations consists of General assembly, Security council,
Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship council, International Court of Justice and Secretariat.
The Security Council is considered as the most important principle body as it has the power to
authorise military force to enforce its solution. The permanent five members of the Security Council
are the five most powerful countries at the end of WW2 which includes United States, France,
China, Great Britain and Russia. Each member has the right to object the Security Council
resolutions that it disagrees with. The aims of the UN
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Australia 's Film And Television Industry
Australia's film and television industry has experienced drastic changes since the rise of national
cinema. Leading the world film industry, Australia was home to the first film studio and feature film
at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906)
toured England from 1908 as the longest film ever made, popularising a new genre of bushranger
movies and epitomising the Ned Kelly legend as a significant aspect in Australian cultural identity
(Juddery, 2008). The beginning of Australia's film industry built itself on bushranger films, with the
focus being local audiences rather than foreign, as stated by Judder. However, power struggles
within the industry and banning of the bushranger genre saw to the quick demise of the film
industry in 1912. Another aspect contributing to the demise is the emergence of competition with
Britain and the US releasing two feature films each to Australia's eight, later decreasing to three
against the US' 212 in 1914. Soon thereafter, the industry was dominated by foreign productions.
This is evidenced in the 1994 documentary Celluloid Heroes, which states that "during one week in
1959, 1500 fine dramatic actors appeared on Melbourne television, and only 5 Australians",
resulting in the 1960 Postmaster–General Charles Davidson to implement local content
requirements, beginning with TV stations required to broadcast 40 per cent Australian content every
28 days with four hours in peak time, which was
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1950s Home Appliances
Home Appliances
1950s was a decade of great technological development.
1950s home appliances raised standards of living and released housewives from the strain of
household chores.
The most representative item would have been the washing machine. This was a massive time saver
and allowed women to keep up to date with the cleaning, to keep a comfortable home and do all the
cooking as well as having some leisure time.
They were very populous in America but it wasn't until the 1950s that it was introduced in Australia,
Almost every home appliance was invented in earlier years overseas and introduced to Australia
Australians in the 1950s could afford more entertainment products than ever before. Television was
the most representative ... Show more content on ...
He tapped into the young teen market and thrilled audiences with his original style of music and
hip–gyrating 'bad–boy' image. Entertainment was very much influenced by the American culture.
In 1950 Australian began to reject the Australian culture in favour of cultural influence trends such
as Britain and America.
The television industry had been established in America in the 1940s. After WW2 they quickly
turned to the airways and been producing mass television exports. 1950 in Australia 83% of
television content was source from America while the rest was sourced from Britain. For example
the 10 most popular programs on Australian Commercial television where all American such as
Perry Mason, the Finstones and I love Lucy.
Post WW2 Holden began 'The Project 2000' car design. A group of design personnel made a trip to
America resulting in a handmade model being shipped back to Australia for the car to be extently
tested. By the end of 1940s this car called the 'SX' was released to a massive audience including the
prime minister of Australia. The production began to average about 10 per day. By the beginning of
1950s Holden had an overflowing waiting list. 12 months later 20,000 cars were being produced
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Vizio Case Summary
Vizio uses unprecedented technologies to ensure that their products are of the highest quality
available. This approach has helped the company prosper and grow to great levels in the
entertainment industry. Vizio now offers everything from multiple types of televisions (LCD, LED,
3–D) to home theatre products, tablets, and wireless routers. While their main product remains to be
their televisions, the variety of products that they now offer are rapidly becoming popular amongst
consumers in North America. Although Vizio's newer products are a huge success, we believe that
for now Vizio's televisions would be the best product to offer in the Australian market.
When looking at the high demand for television in the Australia ... Show more content on ...
Their standard products have already outperformed the competitors in the North American market
and we therefore are confident that offering the unaltered products in the similar Australian market
will produce the same results.
Price is a factor that holds a large portion of Vizio's executive's visions for the company. They are
strong believers in offering the greatest entertainment for a very affordable price. This is what
creates the advantage they posses over competitors. There is a strategically effective approach the
company takes in order to offer these products in the price range in which they do. The televisions
themselves are designed in America, but manufactured in Taiwan by Amtrans Technology Ltd. They
are then imported to America by Amtrans. Amtrans is widely known as being the best quality
producer of HDTV's and is the second largest producer of flat panel televisions. As for the screens
on the televisions, Vizio's LCD screens are made by LG and their plasma's are made by Panasonic.
This ensures that all of their televisions offer the same, if not better quality, than Vizio's competitors.
Using such a large manufacturer such as Amtrans also allows Vizio to import and sell their products
for cheaper than other companies. Therefore, we believe using this process will allow Vizio to
import their televisions to Australia for around the same cost as those companies that they will be
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Analysis Of Channel Ten 's Strategic Position And...
Introduction and Company Profile
Network Ten is one of Australia's leading free–to air television broadcasters. With a focus on quality
entertainment and news content with a substantial supply of material online and on digital
platforms. These broadcasting platforms offer multiple free–to–air channels; TEN, ELEVEN and
ONE as well as their digital platform, ten play. All channels of employ Network Ten's corporate
vision "we create innovative and authentic multi–platform content that entertains and engages the
young at heart".
Objective of the Report
The objective of this report is to present an analysis of Channel Ten's financial position and
performance among like companies on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX).
Industry Analysis
An Industry Analysis was conducted focusing on the last five years based on the industries that
related to Channel Ten. The free–to–air television broadcasting in Australia Industry shows how the
direct industry that Channel Ten is in is performing. Video and DVD Hire Outlets in Australia
Industry reflects whether the audience for rented film and TV shows out–number the audience
which prefers to rely on what is being shown on free–to–air television. Lastly, the Sports
Administrative Services in Australia industry represents the importance of free–to–air sport
broadcasting and the surety it brings to revenue levels for networks like Channel Ten.
Free–to–Air Television Broadcasting in Australia
Companies in the Free–to–Air Television
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Australian Cultural Diversity
The aim of this report is to investigate how cultural diversity is represented on free–to–air TV and
compare this with survey results and research on Australian society.
Websites like the Australian Bureau of Statistics were used to find information about Australian
society. A survey was conducted with 20 people aged 18 to 45+ to find out if cultural diversity is
represented well on Australian free to air TV. Approximately 10 hours of Australian programs and
advertisements on various free–to–air TV channels were watched. Australian television programs
are set in different categories such as Soaps and Dramas, Television commercials, Reality
Television, SBS and commercials in between the shows breaks.
Analysis of ... Show more content on ...
A study was conducted in 2013 by Ebiquity which analyzed 4,459 ads, from more than 900 brands
and 318 different product categories. It was found that 76% of the people who starred in TV ads
aired were white, 9% were Asian, 5% were African, 3 % were Indian and 2% were Middle Eastern,
Latino and Pacific Islander and less than 1% were Aboriginal. According to Aaron Rigby the
director of Ebiquity Asia Pacific "We have generations of Australians today who do not identify
with the "White Australian" stereotype featured in over three quarters of television commercials".
Despite most advertisements not showing an accurate representation of cultural diversity in
Australia, some advertisements display it well. A television commercial that displays cultural
diversity well is Change our Tune, from Australia Post. This commercial showcases a variety of
cultures including; Indian, Polynesian, Asian, Caucasian, Aboriginal and African. All individuals
from these diverse cultures come together to enjoy football, this shows that Australia is a welcoming
and accepting nation. Another such commercial is Spring Lamb 2016 which demonstrates people
from different backgrounds, shapes and sizes coming together to enjoy lamb. These commercials are
excellent examples of how other commercials should portray Australia however not enough
commercials are providing an accurate representation of Australian cultural
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The Changing Nature Of Australian Television Industry In...
Hsie Assignment Mark Louka
Good morning/afternoon Miss and peers. today ill be talking about "the changing nature of
Australian television industry from 1950 until the year 2010." The Australian television has
comparably changed since the years 1950–2010. Melbourne started Australian television
temporarily in 1929.
In 1955 Sydney and Melbourne were distributed licences. "Good evening and welcome to
television." These few words is the birth of television which Bruce Gyngell, said in, Sydney, on the
16th of September 1956. In 1956 channel nine and channel 7 began testing. Melbourne set in motion
the Melbourne Olympic games to test the television stations that were running at the time.
Television at the time wasn't cheap and only a little amount
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Australian Television Industry
Good morning Ms Angrisano and my fellow students. Today I will be speaking to you about the
changing nature of the Australian television industry from 1950's to 2010. Television was introduced
in Australia around 1956. It was popular to the extent that within a few years it was the main source
of entertainment. This effected the way Australians live. They began staying at home more rather
than going to the movies or going to play sports. America played a big part on this as it was our
main influence. Australia enjoyed their shows, fashion, values and latest trends. Just like America
influencing Australia, Australia also impacted on countries worldwide. Australia was no longer an
isolated island, Television has joined a gap between Australia and other countries this was done
through staying up to date and getting in with new trends. Since television has increased popularity
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Television stations started focusing on sports, music, movies and many exciting shows. Television
flourished and began to be vital in all Australian households. Children could watch creative
colourful cartoons for hours and family's enjoyed watching their favourite shows together.
The 1980's was the rise of rock and roll, fashion and modern clear pictures. Sports programmes
flourished especially cricket and sports gambling.
In the 1990's technology was the main focus of all countries around the world. Companies such
Microsoft and Apple had a huge impact of technology in general especially the technological
advances in digital television and pay television. This has gained most Australians the abitily to
choose freely what they would like to watch such as movies, news, sports for more than 24 hours a
day. These varieties has also open the channel to more technological development and business
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Social Exclusion In Australia Persuasive Essay
Slide one Good afternoon fellow classmates and Mrs. Bolton. For this PIP Proposal, my focus
question is how does Australia claim to be a multicultural country but lacks the representation of
people of colour in the media.
Slide two– The reason I choose this topic is that I have realised that when watching television on
channel 7, 9, and ten that there are zero people of colour present., According to SBS, Osman Faruqi
says "Australia has a problem with diversity on television. If we don't see people from culturally
diverse backgrounds working in certain professions, it makes it harder for us to think we can break
through" Yes Australia claims not to be racist country and gives opportunities to every race. But if I
can't turn on the T.V and see people of colour than which part of that statement is true? ... Show
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I'll be examining whether Australia's lack multiculturalism in the media is an evolutionary change or
transformative change. I will be investing how individuals and groups experience social exclusion
within Australia at the micro, meso and macro levels. Slide four– Methodologies I plan on using are
a case study, statistical analysis, and questionnaire. This case study will be focusing on the
population of Australian and examining the multiculturalism and seeing how it is shown on a micro,
meso and macro level. Statistical Analysis this will be investigating the occupation of Australians
and be comparing the racial stereotypical jobs to the reality in Australian. Questionnaire this will be
used to discover the general public reaction to the lack of People of Colour in the media.
Slide five– In this PIP I'll be focusing on diversity on
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americanisation of australian television Essay
The Americanization of Australian Television is a sad and terrible thing. It is a process whereby
ordinary Australians are bombarded every day with images of American lifestyle, so much that it
merges almost unnoticed into their own lifestyle. It is a process whereby our home–grown
entertainment industry is overwhelmed by the enormous powerhouse of the American economy,
with drastic effects upon the modern Australian nation. Not only is Australian free to air TV being
dominated by American produced shows, but a lot of the content on the Australian TV shows is
sourced from America. American culture is part of Australian mass consumer culture, It dominates
our television.
If we look at the early history of Australian television, ... Show more content on ...
I have tried. The only local program I could praise is Wildside" ( Cited in the Sydney Morning
Herald, David Dale). So whilst there are many Australians concerned over this issue there are so
many more that do not see the affect the American TV culture is having on Australian television and
its identity, the distinction between what is inside and outside Australian culture is slipping away.
The influence of Americanisation upon Australian Free–to–air TV is clearly evident, If we look at
the top 10 shows that are viewed by the Australian public today it would be obvious that the top two
shows are both American produced, Lost and Desperate Housewives (Top 10 shows, Who
Lost and Desperate Housewives are doing very well, loading up the viewing figures in the US
favour. But go back six months and the picture would be far more balanced. Jump eight years back,
and Blue Heelers was holding its own against Friends (Bell Phillip, 'Television' 1997 Twenty Most
popular programs). The Australian audience is becoming more Americanised, as more and more
prefer watching American TV shows opposed to the ones made in Australia. Shows like SVU, Law
and Order, CSI (and its derivatives), NCIS, and the OC, dominate the TV screens of many
Australian households today. Ordinary Australians spend many hours watching TV (especially
Australian youth),
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How and Why Did American Popular Culture Influence...
The 1950s and 1960s were times of unprecedented change, and Australian society was influenced
greatly by American popular culture, through various mediums, such as: music, film, television and
fashion. This especially affected teenagers. It will be explained how Australian society was
impacted by American popular culture, and also why American popular culture had such an affect.
Australian developed its own responses to these influences, and the extent of this will also be
explored. The 1950s meant the emergence of the teenager; it also brought peace and prosperity to
many. And during the fifties there were far more American films released in Australia, and they
became more popular than many Australian films. Films were of great influence ... Show more
content on ...
During the tour parents and police were ignored, and Australian teenagers were lapping it up, the
overseas excitement was finally there for then to fully be a part of. But the psychedelic styles of the
sixties were so strong and unsympathetic to other styles that it was inevitable that Psychedelia
departed as quickly as it arrived. The fifties and sixties were completely different in so many ways;
the times had changed a lot in the transition of decades. The types of music, for one, were in great
contrast. By the sixties the rock–'n'–roll and pelvic thrusting of the fifties had transformed into the
pop, rock and folk music of the likes of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan. Teenagers
changed a lot over the two decades a lot, too. The tight pant, leather jacket bodgies, with their
greased hair, and the widgies, with their rope petticoats and flared dresses, were replaced by the
teenagers of the Psychedelic era. These teenagers preferred the swirled shapes and bright colours,
with their newly found mini–skirts, and for the guys it was paisley shirts. Although the two decades
were different in themselves, there is still a parallel running between the two. Both were times of
change, with popular culture culminated for the newly recognised youth, each decade had their own
brand of pop music, and their own brand of teenagers. However, the teenagers of the sixties, despite
the overuse of
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Neighbours Research Paper
What is Neighbours?
Neighbours is an Australian television show which previously was broadcasted on the channel 7
network (18th of March in 1985. Although, channel 7 ended the show after Watson's Daughters,
since they had greater success than Neighbours. The show had began since TV executive named
Reg Watson suggested the thought of creating a show which centred around true–like stories; stories
of how adults and teenagers solved the problems and who they could trust to turn to. Channel 10
bought Neighbours after the cancellation of the show. This Soap Opera is based around the lives of
the people who live and work in Erinsborough, a fictional suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. The series
mainly focuses on the people that live in Ramsay Street.
How did it influence ... Show more content on ...
These issues that they focus on are family ones, fights between different generations, school
hardships and relationships problems. Neighbours is primarily focused on teenage and adult life so
that it can connect to a widespread audience. This is evident through the high percentage of people
from both age groups; which enjoy the show and how the program is more popular in England than
in Australia.
Even though Neighbours is based in Australia it does discuss about common issues that often occur
outside of Australia. Furthermore, this has helped influence people to take advice and have
inspiration from the characters to help create guidelines in order to have a good and fulfilling life.
Through the insight of Australia in Neighbours; by how people act within the show, Australia has
become a more desirable location to live in. This is exhibited through the intellectual and laid back
attitude of Aussies.
How is Neighbours remembered?
Neighbours is remembered through its popularity within the entertainment industry. However,
Neighbours is an ongoing television program and it is also one of Australia's most successful media
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Society In The 1970's
In many dictionaries society is described as a community of people living together in a group or
nation. Even though it may simply mean that; society is one of the sociological terms derived from a
Latin word "socious" meaning friendship or companionship. It is a large grouping sharing the same
cultural, social and geographical location. Society consists of people and their mutual awareness and
interactions with each other, it is a network of social relationships. Society can be shown as a group
of unique individuals who share the same culture and social structure, the members of the society
may have different ethnic groups but they share the same society. Society is not a constant it can
never stay the same it always changes with the people. ... Show more content on ...
It was also one of Australia's first soap operas to be made. It used comedy and melodrama to
captivate the audience. It struck the taboo subjects of the 1970s such as homosexuality which was
illegal at the time, it also changed the perspective of many Australians on those subjects. It became a
success and has been regarded as an iconic Australian television show of the 1970s and paved the
path for other shows to follow. The show had many controversies but it was rated Australia's
number one show in
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Australian Films
Week 1: Screening Australianness 'Newsfront' (1978) Newsfront (1978) is about the commencement
of Australian television. It notions the changing times; the context before the television was a
household object. The movie marks the beginning of mass social and political change that was
intensified by World War II. With countless men at war, Australian women were able to enter and
overtake male roles in the workforce. As a result, Feminism was strengthening. Along with the
Women's movement into the workforce, Robert Menzie's 16–year service as the Prime Minister
created the 'Menzies Era', where great Australian change has said to be recorded. In such a
conservative era, political and social revolutions were difficult to adjust to, ... Show more content on ...
Kenny (2006) is an Australian mock documentary about a blue collar Aussie bloke, attempting to
belong in social situations outside of Australia. But Kenny has taught me, that you can take an
individual out of Australia, but you can't take Australia out of an individual. The mock documentary
had greater success in America than Australia. The depiction of work–class Australian men, in the
film, showed the amount of pride Kenny takes in completing his dirty job well. Kenny's character
struggles to belong in his immediate setting, and seeks for his identity in the work that he
undertakes. His Australian identity is obvious in the mass use of colloquial language that displayed
Kenny's stereotypical Aussie communication methods. Australian film and television deal with such
themes by accepting the reality of Australian contexts. The Australian demographic are known for
their rough humour and approach, hence the depiction of an Australian man, or woman, can be
taken lightly and not offensively. At the same time, film and television are careful in representing
Indigenous Australian as opposed to stereotypical white Australians. It is these historical, political,
socio–economic ideologies that shape Australia's national 'type'. Week 3: Screening Indigeneity
'Mabo' (2012) Mabo (2012) revolves around the historical events that led to the abolishment of 'terra
nullius'. Translated into English, 'terra nullius' means
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Missing Home Case Study
Organisation/Lender: Commonwealth Bank of Australia ValEx Ref: 4775092
Fax/Email to: ES_ITO_ITSMO_BackOffice_and_Products Contact: Divneet Matharu
Borrower: RESHMI DEVI SHARMA and ASHIS Valuer Ref: 9945650.1 PRASAD SHARMA
Loan Ref. No.: VOX000003289198
HAWTHORNE QLD 4171 TITLE DETAILS LOT 3, SP271195, Section: , County is Stanley,
Parish is Bulimba Encumbrances/Restr'ns: None evident or disclosed Site Dimensions: Not Readily
Available Site Area: N/A
LGA: Brisbane City STOREY MIX) ZONE MAIN BUILDING: Unit with 1 Bedroom, and 1
Bathroom Current Use: Residential Circa: 1965 Addition(s): 2014 ... Show more content on ...
The Valuation is prepared on the assumption that the Lender as referred to in the valuation report
(and no other) may rely on the valuation for mortgage finance purposes and the Lender has
complied with its own lending guidelines as well as prudent finance industry lending practices, and
has considered all prudent aspects of credit risk for any potential borrower including the borrowers
ability to service and repay any mortgage loan. Further, the valuation is prepared on the assumption
that the Lender is providing mortgage financing at a conservative and prudent loan to value ratio
(LVR). The valuer accepts no liability whatsoever if prudent lending practices fail to be strictly
observed and/or if the lender relies solely on this valuation, and no other criteria, to advance loan
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American Influence On Australia In The 1970's
In the 1970s, many international countries and continents such as Britain, America, Europe and Asia
influenced Australia. Many categories in Australian culture were influences, for example,
entertainment, music and sport. During the seventies, Australia changed and modified its culture.
Entertainment and music changed significantly in the seventies and many countries contributed to
what it became. The seventies were renowned for their disco music. It began in the mid–1970s with
inspiration of American artists such as KC and the Sunshine Band. European performers Leo Sayer
and ABBA were also popular in Australia. The Americans and British also influenced other
categories and subcategories of music like glam rock, shock rockers and punk. The ... Show more
content on ...
In 1977, there was a national poll to ask the public what they would want the national anthem to be.
The results were that 43 per cent preferred 'Advanced Australia Fair' to the 19 per cent who wanted
the original anthem, 'God save the Queen'. This implies that Australia is slowly moving away from
its British ties. However, it is becoming more Americanised. In the seventies, American branding
heavily influenced Australia. There were still classic British brands such as Lipton and Mini Cooper.
However, American foods were becoming increasingly popular. The appearance of food chains
became widespread since it was affordable, convenient and you can consume it where you want.
There were fast food stores such as McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut. There were also popular
brands like Coca–Cola. American–styled food was trending with the introduction of new snacks and
drink and more variety. In addition, American products was mostly pre–packaged and frozen so this
meant that they were more time saving to prepare and eat. The repercussions of this were consumers
were able to buy convenient products at low prices. However, the competition against the big
supermarkets forced smaller store to close. With the increasingly popular Americanised food, it had
repercussions on the sport. Although Australians were great sport fans and spectators, the sport
participation decreased. This might be the result of the unhealthy food chains and pre–packaged or
frozen foods. This resulted in rising obesity and heart disease rates. Sport participation was not the
only thing that was affect by Americanism. Before Australia were more traditional similar to their
British roots but in the seventies sport adopted the American way of sport. Sport events changed to
appeal more to the television viewers and presented more glamorous, showy features like mascots
and cheerleaders. The World Series Cricket was also a result
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Television In The 50's
During the 50's, culture became a major focus of Australia and began to take control of the country.
There were many varieties of entertainment to appeal to the needs of all people of Australia. And if
something became popular, television would help promote it.
Television enters the living room
Televisions were present in 90% of homes and watching television was a hobby that nearly half the
population was addicted to it. Before its arrival in 1956, many people had to travel out to a cinema
or a theatre and seek their own source of entertainment. Whereas television was available to them
for free. Within a few years, as cheap TVs entered many more homes and soon everyone was
hooked to the television, this caused debates and many other arguments ... Show more content on ...
When people had been returning from the war, there was a massive increase in car ownership
therefore roads were built all around Australia. The first Australian made car was the Holden–FX,
although only a small amount of cars could be made daily.
Air travel was not a favored mode of transport for the people of the 1950's. The aircrafts were not a
sturdy build resulting in an incredibly long and bumpy flight. Around this time, many Australian's
preferred to make their long distant journey's using a steam train, although around the same time the
diesel trains were introduces and they quickly became the preferred way to travel as they were
cleaner, faster and most certainly more efficient. Ships were a common mode of transport for
Australians who wished to make a holiday to Europe, although this took a longer amount of time.
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Australian National Culture
Contemporary Australian television is a heterogeneous site that gives valuable insights into the
various tendencies that cohere to make what is considered to be Australia's national culture. By
examining the different cultural and spatial levels of Australian television, including demographics,
ethnicity, stereotypes and global influences, it becomes clear how convoluted the sense of Australian
national culture is. This is due to the understanding of Australian culture itself not being a unified
category. Therefore, this begs the question of whether the national Australian culture revealed on
television is aligned with the national Australian culture that is evident throughout physical reality
of society today.
As evident within Australian society, Australia's culture is made up of stringent and complex sets of
ethic, values and beliefs. Due to its multiculturalist outlook there is a strong premise among
Australian people that Australians on a whole are very accepting and tolerant people. Additionally,
Australian's believe that as people they themselves are peaceful and laid–back. When dissecting
Australian culture most will agree that Australian's believe in comradeship, 'mateship' and the "fair
go". However, whilst this idealized image of Australian culture is a prevalent opinion, it is
questionable that this image is mirrored within contemporary Australian television.
Australia is a nation rich in ethnic diversity. Despite this, it is clear that the Australia
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Film Analysis: Puberty Blues
Puberty Blues
Over many years, Australian film and Television has increased in popularity and have been
produced solely for the purpose of leisure and entertainment, however some films and TV shows,
show Australian Historical depth and are an accurate representation of Australia. A prime example
of this is 'Puberty Blues'. Puberty blues was created and aired in 2012 and was a more modern take
on the real life during the mid to late 1970's. The two main characters, 13 year olds Debbie and Sue
are inseparable best friends who set off through the coming of age process. Puberty Blues addresses
the sexism of surf culture and youth way of life of teenagers in Australia during that time. Fashion,
sexism, surf culture and the adolescence way of life are all elements that contribute to making
puberty blues historically accurate.
The first historical accuracy used in the TV show was that fashion was essential to all teens.
Growing up in the early 70's as a teenager in Australia was that fashion was a must have. Clothing
such as crop tops, button ups and bootleg jeans were a crucial part of growing up. From being a cool
kid, to being a little less ... Show more content on ...
Sexism is a major problem that has occurred for many years. Sexism is used during this series when
it highlights a complete disrespect to woman during the late 70's period. Although in today's society,
gone are the days where girls are expected to do everything for men. Chauvinism occurred in real
life when women must have obeyed the instructions on men. They were expected to cook their
meals, clean their homes and do general "woman" jobs for them each day. Sexism is used
throughout the series when the girls would sit on the beach and mind the boys gear and essentials.
This also occurred in real life during this era. Most cases of sexism used in the series were accurate
to women in the 70's who had a dominant male in their
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Master Chef Australia ( 2016 )
Reality television plays a huge part in many of our lives, yet nobody really knows how "real" they
actually are. All reality television shows and programs have a specific but different aim, purpose and
target audience. They also all fall under different categories in the genre of reality television, this
includes competitions, talk shows and "real life" situations. The program that is under specific
investigation is Master Chef Australia (2016). Master Chef Australia is one of the largest cooking
competitions shown on Australian television. This report will scrutinize how Master Chef Australia
is constructed and will discuss how "real" it really is.
2.1 Summary
Master Chef Australia is a cooking competition that is shown on Australian television and has many
views. Master Chef begins with a large group of ambitious Australian chefs from all walks of life,
needing to impress the three qualified critiques/judges, Matt Preston, Gary Mahigan and George
Calombaris to receive one of twenty–four aprons, to proceed into the competition. The show
consists of the twenty– four contestants competing against each other is many different challenges
that push them to their limits, with two contestants going home each week, they all need to fight for
their spot in the competition and prove that they will be the one going home with the prize of $250,
000 to start their own food dream, a regular column in a national food magazine, an Alfa Romeo and
of course the Master Chef trophy.
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The Contribution Of The Identity Of Australia
Anh Do
In the history of Australia, there are a variety of people in their respective areas have made
outstanding achievements, made a contribution to the identity of Australia. Among these people,
Anh Do is probably the most instructive and interesting person. As his book "happy refugees"
implied, Anh experienced suffering in his early years. At the same time, he has maintained an
optimistic attitude, this pain into an inspirational story, to share with you. At present, Anh has made
achievements in various fields such as writers, films, television, artists, live performances and
corporate speeches ( 2017). Anne 's story is sure to shape the identity of Australia.
This report will analyze the achievements of Anhe and his ... Show more content on
In 2013, when he was at the peak of his career as a comedian and writer, Angel turned his hand
(Artist Profile 2017).
After introducing Anh 's life experience, Anh 's achievements in the fields of writers, films,
television, artists, live performances and presentations will be displayed one by one.
The author
As the author, Anh 's most famous works are "the happiest refugees". This book tells how Anhe and
his family fled to Australia as refugees. While it involves a variety of negative themes such as war,
fled, pirate and racism, it inspires readers and emits their hopes. "This book is" the most surprising
and inspiring reading of years "( 2017), Russell Crowe, the book" laughter and tears
". This book has received various awards from Anh, including the 2011 Annual Yearbook 2011, the
Independent Yearbook 2011 and the 2011 Nielsen BookData Book (ABA) Choice Award.
In addition to this book, Anh also wrote many other books, including "crazy monster", "hot dog",
"small refugee" and so on ( 2017). As an author, Anhe is popular among readers. He
uses his wit, fascinating and warmth to inspire and encourage the reader.
Film and television
Since 2000, he has played a fraction of the film "SeaChange" ( 2017), and his film
and television work has already begun. Later, he participated in a variety of movies and tv, such as
solo, double fist, good news week, thank God
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Influence Of Popular Culture In The 1960s
Australian popular culture in the 1960s had multiple features, many of which were influenced by the
social changes and counter culture at the time. The primary aspects of Australian popular culture in
the 1960s were; music, fashion, film, sport and television. In Australia, the fashion of the 1960s
emulated the political and cultural changes at the time. This fashion revolution was youth driven and
showed their rejection of social standards. For women, the mini skirt came into trend, introduced by
fashion icon Twiggy (Leslie Hornby). This above–the–knee skirt came into fashion in a revolt
against people telling women how to express themselves and their bodies that came with the
womens rights movement and the introduction of the pill. Men wore tunics, capes and more
feminine clothing as pants became tighter and they dawned silk scarfs. This shift from masculine
clothing to dabbling in the side of feminine, was because of the changing idea of gender and
sexuality. Men also tried to recreate the look of the Beatles; in sharp and clean suits due the bands
popularity at the time. Nearing the end of the 1960s, hippie fashion came into style. This era of
fashion was dominated by bright, swirling colours, tie–dye, paisley prints, loose fitting clothing,
flowers, peace signs, etc. This change in fashion was in response to the Vietnam war. People wore
their clothes as a political statement, showing their embracement towards love and freedom. 1960s
music in Australia was heavily
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Post War Australia
The statement 'Developments in popular culture in post–war Australia and their impact on society
were influenced in particular by American and British culture', when taken in reference to the
timeline lasting from the 1950's to the present day, is extremely accurate. Not only did American
and British influence affect the Australian lifestyle in the later half of the 20th century, in particular
the 1970's and 80's; but the rise of developments such as the 'World Wide Web' and online 'Social
Networks' from American origins in the 1990's and the previous and current decades have had an
extremely large influence on the popular culture of the modern nation today.
Even before the lifting of the clouds of the Second Great War, Australia had been ... Show more
content on ...
The advancement of television throughout the 60's and into the modern day carried with it
influences directly from the countries of origin. Popular television shows contained aspects of the
cultures where they were made, American culture was thoroughly embedded in programmes such as
the 1990s sitcom "Friends", and the culture of the United Kingdom would arise in otherwise
irrelevant media such as the 1960's–present science fiction "Doctor Who". These subtle aspects–
whilst the norm for the countries of origin– were obvious and glaringly different to the culture of
Australia. Due to the popularity of foreign television programmes, Australians– particularly youths–
began to adopt the cultural themes portrayed within them. Many popular television programmes
from the 1980's to the 1990's came directly from American
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Technological Advances In Australia Essay
Over the past century we have seen a number of technological achievements that have improved the
living standards in Australia. With inventions ranging from the television to the affordable car, all
these achievements have come together to make the modern country Australia which many call "the
lucky country". There are three main technological advancements that were pivotal during post
WW2 in making the country that we know today.
The development of an affordable car in the early 1950s changed the way people lived their lives by
making private travel faster and more efficient. For once people were no longer limited to the place
where they lived, people who lived in remote areas of Australia were less isolated with the car
increasing their connectedness with urban areas in Australia. Employment opportunities increased
for people who owned a car because they were no longer limited to jobs within their local area, also
having benefits to the economy by decreasing times from going to and from work. People were also
able to go on holidays to further places for cheaper prices which increased the amount of business in
retail because ... Show more content on ...
In 1956 black and white television was introduced to Australia changing the way citizens
experienced the world and accessed information. Prior to television citizens' form of entertainment
was in the form of radio where they could get their daily news and entertainment. Television
brought American culture to Australia exposing viewers to TV shows such as I Love Lucy, 77
Sunset Strip, etc. In fact, 74% of all films imported into Australia were from America. Sport was
able to be Big name rock stars such as Elvis, The Beatles and Buddy Holly became icons in
Australia encouraging the rock n' roll culture. Consequently, advancing forms of communication
technology allowed businesses to advertise more widely increasing the amount of
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How Did The American Culture Influence Australia In The 1960s
1950s After the turmoil and loss that WW2 brought to Australian society, Australians saw the
emergence of a more conservative society . Teenagers now were encouraged to attend University,
this new pressure to become a successful adult was the driving force for the new teenage subculture
that emerged from 1950–1979. 1960s Following the era of the 1950s, when teenagers felt the
pressure of obtaining an education and becoming successful adults, the 1960's brought about great
social change. These changes were brought about with a greater influx of immigrants who brought
new ideas, customs and foods. American culture also became an overriding influence on Australian
teenagers. 1970s The 1970s brought about even more change to the economy, politics, society and
technology. The ... Show more content on ...
o The miniskirt shocked most people because a lot more skin was exposed than what society was
used to seeing. o One of the biggest fashion icons of the 1960s was Twiggy who had boy short
hair,was very thin and could be found on many covers of fashion magazines. Music o American
music continued to influence youth culture in the 1960s and dances like the twist and the boogaloo
where being danced at discos all around the country. o Bands like the Rolling Stones and The Beach
Boys visited Australia and in 1964 Beatle mania hit the country. o The Australian band, "The
Seekers" became popular overseas in America and Britain, they sold over a million records in both
countries. Television/Radio o In the 1960s television in Australia became connected to the
international satellite system. This connected people in remote parts of Australia to television.
Programs could be broadcast between cities and like other countries, Australia could now receive
important information about global events. o This new television technology had an impact on
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Americanization of the Australian Media Essay
Americanization of the Australian Media
The Australian television and media have become americanised through the influence of American
media and television programs in Australia.
This research will only concentrate on the extent of Americanisation in Australia through the
influence on television and the film industry as the aspect of Americanisation covers a wide range
from fashion to language. To fully understand the topic of the hypothesis, proper exploration of the
definitions of 'identity' and 'culture' are of relevance. 'Identity' and 'culture' play an integral role in
what an Australian represents as well as how the world views Australians. The meaning of 'identity'
can be summarized as; 'The collective aspect of the set of ... Show more content on
It is applied indiscriminately within the Australian media to label array of factors seen as threatening
to national identity, way of life or values. This uncomplimentary use of Americanisation sees
Australia as adopting social practices and cultural values which originates in the United States.
(Bennett 1999)
Television has, without doubt, received more attention from Americanisation critics on media
globalization more than any of the other domains e.g. fashion, language. According to Tony Bennett
(1999, p.207) the early 1960s represented the peak in the Americanisation of popular culture
measured by the proportion of American material transmitted. Most analysists now agree that about
half of Australian television scheduled is taken up with imports, with US material dominating the
commercial channels and British programs comprising the bulk of overseas material broadcast by
the ABC (Bennett 1999, p.212). In what is probably the most systematic comparison of international
flows, Tapio Varis reported that Australia has seen a decline from 57 per cent of imported
programming to 40 per cent in 1983, although the proportion of imported programs at prime time
was slightly higher at 46 per cent. Although Australia's proportion of imported television is high
compared to the Western European countries (yet significantly lower than New Zealand),
commentators have generally claimed that such imported programs do not attract
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The Impact Of Television On The Australian Economy
The television industry is one of the most rapidly changing media industries to date. Its evolution
from black and white, to colour, to digital and now three–dimensional viewing, there is nothing
slow about its development. Focusing particularly on commercial free–to–air (FTA) television, the
FTA television industry plays a critical role in the Australian ecosystem. Due to its free delivery, it
generates $3.2 billion per annum in economic and advertising surplus (Venture Consulting, 2015).
This is why the value of commercial FTA television to the Australian public remains high whereby
FTA television is watched by more than 14 million Australians daily (Free TV Australia, 2014).
However, television nowadays is much more than a medium of entertainment and information. It is
also used as a method for engaging in social interaction (Morely, 1986, p. 22), and this digital divide
of interaction is what harms the television industry. The launch of streaming services not only
confronts the traditional 'linear' TV format by allowing users to select what they want to watch and
when they want it, it also broadens the offering to almost any device (Spooner, 2015). The research
methods in the television industry despite its strength as a medium, must however, walk hand in
hand with the fast progression of new technology and challenge the rise of digital omnivores.
What research has been done:
There is no doubt that the average Australian household has a variety of
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Internationalisation Of Australia Sports:...
The fifth trend is "Internationalisation of Australia sports". Television and media broadcasting has
allowed sports played throughout the world to be broadcasted instantly to Australia Television.
Currently in South Korea the Pyeong Chang 2018 Olympic Winter Games are being held, this major
event is broadcasted instantly to every television in the world. Now that the media can broadcast
popular sports all around the world, this gives the media more profit as more people are tuning in to
watch. This results in more exposure for the sponsors. This trend affects my participation in
Ballroom Dance as this sport isn't exposed as much as other sports like Touch Football. Touch
Football had in 2015 – 2016 694,427 Participants, See appendix D.
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Jedda's Influence On Australian Popular Culture
After the end of WW2 there was an increase in wealth for many Australians. This meant that
Australians were able to afford more entertainment products, which resulted in the introduction of
televisions. Australia was a growing community and there was a "quest for Australian identity."
(Wiliam, S, 2016)
Before the introduction of television and during World War 2, radio was Australia's most popular
form of entertainment. This is likely because at the end of the 1950s, radios became more
accessible. In 1955, approximately 97% of Australian homes owned a radio set. In the evenings
families would gather together to listen to many programs on the radio. The radio in this time
consisted of many shows including music, drama, entertainment and quiz ... Show more content on ...
The introduction of television was greeted with great excitement by most Australians in the 1950s,
but some of society was opposed against the idea of televisions. This was because some people
believed that television would allow "Australia to become over–run by American culture, thus
threatening the development of the Australian identity." (Wiliam, S, 2016). The amount of American
shows that were broadcast in Australia at the time would have given people these views about
Australian culture. "Eventually, many of our British cultural legacies would give way to new
American ideals." (Wiliam, S. 2016). Some of the people thought that the American influence would
impact "Australia's ability to carve out its own national identity." (Wiliam, S. 2016). Other people of
the time that were opposed to the idea of televisions believed that the content on televisions was
superficial and unsophisticated and contained no educational or cultural benefits.(Wiliam, S, 2016)
This left people concerned that television would encourage people to become less active in the
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Mental Film Analysis
If you were to make a movie on your life, would you act as you normally would or would you
change it up a bit?
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Tari Kao–Wong and today's discussion is about
whether or not Australian films describe the reality of Australian lives. Representations of families
in Australian films and television programs are unrealistic. The films do not accurately represent life
in Australia, the settings in Australian films are rundown and the people in the films are just insane.
In the film Mental, there is a family of seven people, there are five daughters and a mother and a
father. This family is not exactly a normal family; in this family they consider themselves as mental
people. In the movie Mental, the mother ... Show more content on ...
There is a family that is very weird and crazy. People in the family are trying to make themselves
disabled to get more money because they live in the ghetto. Living in the ghetto could accurately
represent some peoples living conditions in life, but in Australia there can be some nice
neighbourhoods and nice people. The suburb that they live in is very rundown and is full of drug
addicts. The people in the neighbourhood even throw bricks at the ambulance. There are also old
ladies in the film Housos that are making a drug delivery; you wouldn't usually see old ladies
carrying around drugs or making deliveries for bikie gangs or any gangs. There is also a lot of bad
language in this film. The people in the film are swearing at the cops and are even climbing
buildings to get away from them. Normal people would cooperate with the police in a nicer manner.
In the film Housos the family got some money from one of the relatives and bought a stripping pole
and put it in the middle of the living room. Normally people would not spend their money on
putting a stripping pole in the middle of the living room, some people would either save up or buy a
house but spending it on a pole? That is a very strange way of living in the
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Multiculturalism In Australia Essay
Multiculturalism in relation to Society and Culture is how persons work corporately in regards to
their culture in a society. However, over time the growth of Australia's population has increase their
culture in the country, yet the spectrum of persons in the media remains the same. Despite Australia
having a multicultural policy that describe the "cultural and ethnic diversity of contemporary
Australia". It is inefficient in the media, on a macro level. With the rise of media, there is a common
trend with the persons in the industry being all Caucasian according to PWC recent report. This
trend has interest me due to 6.7 million of Australians were born oversea. My interest is influenced
by persons in the macro world, Osman Faruqi statement ... Show more content on ...
This will examine the spectrum of multiculturalism on three levels. Australia's television program,
character history and also Australia's diversity at the marco level such as media and government.
Both qualitative and quantitative research methodology will be use to investigate the hypothesis.
The use of case study, questionnaire, interview and statistical analysis will be used to observe and
asks questions about the views of the micro, meso and macro levels of society on my topic.
Problems that could occur with these methodology is not having enough adequate data to proceed
the with each analysis. Secondary research will be used to make subjective judgments about what
data is useful and what is not for the motive for the research process.
America would be the cross–cultural component in regrades to their multicultural policy integrated
into their lifestyle and media. I will be able to compare what a successful multicultural country that
is integrated both into their lifestyle and media to a country that is only integrated into their lifestyle.
This will look into the television shows that showcase their identity as a multicultural country. How
representation has a ripple effect in the all three levels such as job opportunities and
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Australian Sports In The 1950s
Sport in Australia has grown increasingly important from 1945 to the present day as more traditional
sports soon expanded into a wider variety of sports with many factors contributing to this change.
As a result of the war, many men wanted membership opportunities to sporting clubs to reinforce
the bonding of mateship they gained during the war. As well as Australian men getting more
involved in sports, migrants from European countries started arriving in Australia, they also brought
with them an interest in sports and in particular soccer. As the growing popularity of soccer was
introduced it increased interest in more cultures to build clubs originating from their own country
impacting on Australia's multicultural upbringing. From the 1970s ... Show more content on ...
This includes factors such as sporting competitions and television expansion. This has left a positive
impact on Australia as a nation because of the way our lifestyle has changed in the ways of pop
culture as we are now a country which is connected to others throughout the world. The increase in
growth of popularity in sports throughout the years has lead to an increase of Australian viewers of
sports making our national identity stronger in the terms of being a 'sports mad' country. Many clubs
throughout Australia have been built by migrants from across the globe which helped build our
culture of sports and a multicultural society therefore leaving a positive impact on the Australian
people. The negative impacts that the increase of popular culture had on sports was it drew it big
television companies to pay large sums of money to sponsor certain players, teams or competition
leaving some of the many role models of the sporting industry to let down there fans. Television is
also have left negative impact on sports as it allowed the companies to dictate when the games
would be played to allow maximum audience. Many people would argue that this is a bad decision
because the times may not be best suited to play that type of game and could injure the players
because it could be too hot or too cold at the time. Another negative impact of television is it lead to
Australians becoming increasing unfit
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Changes Of Australian Pop Culture
Changes in Australian Pop Culture 1945 to the present
During 1945 to the present there has been many changes in Australian pop culture, these areas of
pop culture include Film, television, radio, music, fashion, sport and communication. Popular
Culture refers to the beliefs, attitudes and lifestyles shared by a group of people.
Film in Australia has a large part of the Australian lifestyle and has had many major changes in
Popular Culture from 1945 to the present. The first film to be released was the Ned Kelly Gang in
1945. Australia has produced many successful films during this time and has had many influences
on Australian pop culture. During the 1940s and 1950s the film industry was lacking from
Government policy changes ... Show more content on ...
The 1990s marked a new era for Australian films. The biggest changes in the Australian film
industry in the 1990s was the arrival of the DVD in 1999 and the Internet which enabled people to
access films online, causing less people to go to the cinemas which had a huge impact on the film
industry. The 2000s marked the start of a new century and an advanced film industry.
Television has had many changes in pop culture since 1945 and has been an important part of
Australia 's national identity. Television was first introduced in Australia in September 1956, which
was introduced just before the 1956 Olympics hosted in Melbourne, television was first screened in
grainy black and white. For the first few years after television had been released in Australia,
television was mainly dominated by American programs, however in a few years it had become the
most popular form of entertainment. Television decreased the audience of the radio programs and in
1965 it was around 9 out of 10 Australian families that owned a Television set. By 1959, it was
estimated that over 50 percent of families in Sydney owned a television set. Early Australian
television broadcast news, quiz programmes, movies, music programmes and sport. There was only
a few television studios to produce programs in Australia at the time which meant most local content
had to be broadcasted live. In 1966 Australia
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The Australian Television Industry Analysis
From Contents to Devices: The Australian Television Industry Analysis
The emergence of the internet and digital globalisation forces the entire media and entertainment
industry to digitalize and accelerate its online distribution world widely, the commercial television
industry is not an exception. During this transforming period, the continuous rise in popularity of
online video–sharing websites like YouTube and the increasing prevalence of mobile video playback
devices seem to suggest that commercial television has passed its glory days. However, an outlook
of the global media and entertainment industry posted by PwC (2015) pointed out that free–to–air
television occupied the largest share of the global advertising market in 2014 with 31%, and will
remain 29% in next five years. Therefore, whether the free–to–air television industry is in crisis or
still profitable with huge potential is depends on the industry and regulation background in the
particular area. This essay will take Australian commercial television industry as an example to
analyse its challenges and future development trend. The analysis will focus on the particular
situation faced by Australian television industry, especially the free–to–air television, and tread
different channels of Australian free–to–air television as a whole. It will firstly introduce the
historical development of Australian free–to–air television and draw a brief sketch of how this
industry is formed and regulated. Then, this analysis
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Diversity In Australia
Is Australian casting diverse enough?
Australia is a very diverse, multi–cultural nation with the majority of the population having
migrated from Asia, Africa and Europe. Almost every single home in Australia has a television and
almost every single Australian watches free–to–air television daily.
Walking down the street, you are likely to encounter people of all colours and sexualities. Because
of Australia's incredible multi–culturalism and growing LGBTQIA community, you would expect to
see the same mixture of different ethnicities and sexualities on mainstream television, but we don't.
TV networks such as the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS), the Australian Broadcasting
Company (ABC) and National Indigenous Television (NITV) are more ... Show more content on ...
In the early 1990s, the Communication Law Centre and the Media Entertainment and Arts
Allegiance aka Actors Equity (MEAAA), with some assistance from the Office of Multicultural
Affairs began a campaign to address what they felt was poor record of achievement when it came to
the proper portrayal of cultural diversity in popular television drama. This came after research into
the representation of non–English speaking people in Australian television drama. At that time, it
was estimated that less than 2% of available roles were given to performers of culturally diverse
backgrounds and there were no continuing or recurring roles for indigenous performers (May,
2001). Australian TV networks are failing to represent the people who make up the majority of this
country's population; it being one of the most culturally diverse countries on the planet. One of the
main excuses given by producers and directors when asked why they don't cast ethnic/LGBTQIA
actors is that there are no actors from those two communities who want the job. That is a lie. If you
go to any Performing Arts schools or centres in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth or all of Australia, you
will find actors of colour as well as LGBTQIA actors waiting for a chance to be cast in a good role,
or any role available. Another excuse that is regularly given out is that they would not know what to
do with such characters. They would not know how to properly
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Television Impact On Australia
The first television that introduced to Australia was in 1956, and it was the primary source of
entertainment. The television had a major impact on the lifestyles of Australians. After using the
television, all Australians spent more time staying at home and entertain themselves rather than
going out to the cinema or other venues. Television's effects were not only of activity associated
with interests, but in terms also of the intensity or strength of the viewer's feeling of interest in
different things. The television was one of the most popular products that helped make professional
and college sports big businesses. However, it provided comedy and dramatic shows to a vast
audience that might not otherwise have had access to them. Television
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How Does Australia Become Too Americanised
Is Australia becoming too Americanised? Americanisation is to make or become American in
character. American culture is overriding the culture of our nation and will continue to as American
aspects keep becoming larger within Australia. Over the past years Australia's identity is being
merged with America, as aspects like American foods/ brands, TV/film, trends and slang are
becoming extremely popular and influencing Australian citizens. Through these common American
aspects our Australian culture as what it is stereotyped to be fading dramatically.
American based food industries and American brands are becoming increasingly popular within
Australia. Businesses such as McDonald's are more common within Australia compared to places
like the UK as the amount of McDonald's is significantly less. Although McDonalds is an American
company they include Australian produce such as meats to make it seem Australian. Many typical
Australian food brands are actually owned by other American companies, such as vegemite
originally owned by Kraft but is now currently owned by a US Confectionary company. Due to the
change in ownership the once know ... Show more content on ...
After the war, Australia struggled to keep up with the increase in Hollywood films and television
programs. This was shown as during the 1960's, 83% of television programs viewed in Australia
were American. America's population is larger than Australia, and as both are English speaking
countries, it is cheaper for America to produce films due to the higher demand and higher economy.
Australian films often include American actors as this creates a higher rating and higher demand to
see the film. As the majority of movies are America based or have American actors, it influences
how Australian's behave and act in terms of language and common slang, as what is portrayed in
American comes forward into
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Civil Rights Movement In Australia
During the middle of the 20th century, 1950 to 1960, post World War 2, the Civil Rights movement
started coming along in America and Australia. Due to both countries commencing their movement
between the same decades, there were multitudes of similarities, such as protests, and petitions for
American Negroes and Australian Indigenous rights. The media had a massive contribution to the
support of this movement. Comparatively there were some differences between the country's
movements. The people of colour in America had to endure racist television broadcasts, whereas
Australia had inspiring Aboriginal actors, and .
Both America and Australia had to endure a disgraceful time of segregation. Public areas that would
normally be open to white people ... Show more content on ...
[BOOK] A Testament of Hope. HarperOne 1986 [Accessed 17 May 16]
PBS, American Experience, 2010 [ONLINE] –
americanexperience/freedom riders/people/roster [Accessed 10 May 16]
SBS, Inspiring Black Women who have Changed Australia, 2015–
news/article/2015/03/06/20–inspiring–black–women–who–have–changed–australia [Accessed 19
May 16]
Skwirk, Charles Perkins: Freedom Rides, N/A [ONLINE] ––c_s–14_u–
people–and–politics–in–the–post–war–period/people–and–power [Accessed 15 May 16]
National Museum Australia, The Fights for Civil Rights, 2014 [ONLINE] – [Accessed 14 May
... Get more on ...
Film Industry Case Study
The main objective of this case study is to analyze the policy of co–production in screen industries
between Australia and China based on the nation's situation and the history of film industry. The
main problem is how to utilize this policy to enhance government cooperation and business model
to apply those policies into the cooperation procedure. The other problem is the shortage of
sustainability of film business and to find out the solutions to develop a model to be used as a best
practice framework for the successful integration of film tourism in a Destinations Marketing
Strategy (DMS). These can be further broken down into: 1. Analyze the coproduction policy and
evaluate the level of economic value of this policy. 2. Analyze film ... Show more content on ...
Main organization
Screen Australia 's Head of Business and Audience
Sydney films Production Company
Joint investment,Shared Copyright
What is the Co–production refund policy?
Australia and China Co–production refund policy from 2007.
Filmmaking requires a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources, if investor
cannot obtain the expected return, it will bring heavy pressure to producers. Therefore, in order to
attract increasing Chinese directors entre to Australia for shooting and film framing and editing,
August 2007,the chief of China 's state administration of radio, film and television and the
Australian Ambassador to China represented the government of Australia and the government of the
people's republic of China sign a film co–production agreement.
According to this agreement, the Australia government provides three–promotion refund policy:
1. China and Australia co–production are received 40% refund.
2. Visual effect is received 30% refund.
3. Shooting in Australia is received 16.5% refund.
In addition, this agreement can also with the superposition state and territory governments
preferential measures, avoiding the trouble as much as possible to reduce the cost and improve the
return investment. After signing the agreement up to now, a total of four co–production movie
successful production, total investment is nearly sixty–eight million,
The advantages of applying the refund of co–production
1. The
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Television During The Vietnam War

  • 1. Television During The Vietnam War In recent history, humans are able to access new resources that people didn't have in the past such as the television, national archives and the internet. The television was introduced to Australia on the 16th September 1956 (first broadcast 'Good evening, and welcome to television.'). Televisions provide us with a visual account of events rather than primarily text. The Vietnam war was the first major conflict to be broadcasted on television. Images of casualties and deaths were shown on the televisions for people to see and historians believe that this has changed people's view on the Vietnam war ( often known as 'The living room war" or "Television war") The National Archives is also a resource that people can access especially historians to gather primary resources and revisit past issues. At the end of every year the National Archive releases Cabinet minutes from 30 years ago. ... Show more content on ... Due to the two world wars the United Nations was established to prevent another world horror from occurring. Before the United Nations, the League of Nations was formed to express their concerns and settle disputes however due to the lack of power it failed. However, luckily a second attempt was made and UN was created on 24 October 1945. The principle bodies of the United Nations consists of General assembly, Security council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship council, International Court of Justice and Secretariat. The Security Council is considered as the most important principle body as it has the power to authorise military force to enforce its solution. The permanent five members of the Security Council are the five most powerful countries at the end of WW2 which includes United States, France, China, Great Britain and Russia. Each member has the right to object the Security Council resolutions that it disagrees with. The aims of the UN ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Australia 's Film And Television Industry Australia's film and television industry has experienced drastic changes since the rise of national cinema. Leading the world film industry, Australia was home to the first film studio and feature film at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906) toured England from 1908 as the longest film ever made, popularising a new genre of bushranger movies and epitomising the Ned Kelly legend as a significant aspect in Australian cultural identity (Juddery, 2008). The beginning of Australia's film industry built itself on bushranger films, with the focus being local audiences rather than foreign, as stated by Judder. However, power struggles within the industry and banning of the bushranger genre saw to the quick demise of the film industry in 1912. Another aspect contributing to the demise is the emergence of competition with Britain and the US releasing two feature films each to Australia's eight, later decreasing to three against the US' 212 in 1914. Soon thereafter, the industry was dominated by foreign productions. This is evidenced in the 1994 documentary Celluloid Heroes, which states that "during one week in 1959, 1500 fine dramatic actors appeared on Melbourne television, and only 5 Australians", resulting in the 1960 Postmaster–General Charles Davidson to implement local content requirements, beginning with TV stations required to broadcast 40 per cent Australian content every 28 days with four hours in peak time, which was ... Get more on ...
  • 3. 1950s Home Appliances Home Appliances 1950s was a decade of great technological development. 1950s home appliances raised standards of living and released housewives from the strain of household chores. The most representative item would have been the washing machine. This was a massive time saver and allowed women to keep up to date with the cleaning, to keep a comfortable home and do all the cooking as well as having some leisure time. They were very populous in America but it wasn't until the 1950s that it was introduced in Australia, Almost every home appliance was invented in earlier years overseas and introduced to Australia later. Entertainment Australians in the 1950s could afford more entertainment products than ever before. Television was the most representative ... Show more content on ... He tapped into the young teen market and thrilled audiences with his original style of music and hip–gyrating 'bad–boy' image. Entertainment was very much influenced by the American culture. In 1950 Australian began to reject the Australian culture in favour of cultural influence trends such as Britain and America. Technology The television industry had been established in America in the 1940s. After WW2 they quickly turned to the airways and been producing mass television exports. 1950 in Australia 83% of television content was source from America while the rest was sourced from Britain. For example the 10 most popular programs on Australian Commercial television where all American such as Perry Mason, the Finstones and I love Lucy. Transport Post WW2 Holden began 'The Project 2000' car design. A group of design personnel made a trip to America resulting in a handmade model being shipped back to Australia for the car to be extently tested. By the end of 1940s this car called the 'SX' was released to a massive audience including the prime minister of Australia. The production began to average about 10 per day. By the beginning of 1950s Holden had an overflowing waiting list. 12 months later 20,000 cars were being produced annually. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Vizio Case Summary Product Vizio uses unprecedented technologies to ensure that their products are of the highest quality available. This approach has helped the company prosper and grow to great levels in the entertainment industry. Vizio now offers everything from multiple types of televisions (LCD, LED, 3–D) to home theatre products, tablets, and wireless routers. While their main product remains to be their televisions, the variety of products that they now offer are rapidly becoming popular amongst consumers in North America. Although Vizio's newer products are a huge success, we believe that for now Vizio's televisions would be the best product to offer in the Australian market. When looking at the high demand for television in the Australia ... Show more content on ... Their standard products have already outperformed the competitors in the North American market and we therefore are confident that offering the unaltered products in the similar Australian market will produce the same results. Price Price is a factor that holds a large portion of Vizio's executive's visions for the company. They are strong believers in offering the greatest entertainment for a very affordable price. This is what creates the advantage they posses over competitors. There is a strategically effective approach the company takes in order to offer these products in the price range in which they do. The televisions themselves are designed in America, but manufactured in Taiwan by Amtrans Technology Ltd. They are then imported to America by Amtrans. Amtrans is widely known as being the best quality producer of HDTV's and is the second largest producer of flat panel televisions. As for the screens on the televisions, Vizio's LCD screens are made by LG and their plasma's are made by Panasonic. This ensures that all of their televisions offer the same, if not better quality, than Vizio's competitors. Using such a large manufacturer such as Amtrans also allows Vizio to import and sell their products for cheaper than other companies. Therefore, we believe using this process will allow Vizio to import their televisions to Australia for around the same cost as those companies that they will be competing ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Analysis Of Channel Ten 's Strategic Position And... Introduction and Company Profile Network Ten is one of Australia's leading free–to air television broadcasters. With a focus on quality entertainment and news content with a substantial supply of material online and on digital platforms. These broadcasting platforms offer multiple free–to–air channels; TEN, ELEVEN and ONE as well as their digital platform, ten play. All channels of employ Network Ten's corporate vision "we create innovative and authentic multi–platform content that entertains and engages the young at heart". Objective of the Report The objective of this report is to present an analysis of Channel Ten's financial position and performance among like companies on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Industry Analysis An Industry Analysis was conducted focusing on the last five years based on the industries that related to Channel Ten. The free–to–air television broadcasting in Australia Industry shows how the direct industry that Channel Ten is in is performing. Video and DVD Hire Outlets in Australia Industry reflects whether the audience for rented film and TV shows out–number the audience which prefers to rely on what is being shown on free–to–air television. Lastly, the Sports Administrative Services in Australia industry represents the importance of free–to–air sport broadcasting and the surety it brings to revenue levels for networks like Channel Ten. Free–to–Air Television Broadcasting in Australia Companies in the Free–to–Air Television ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Australian Cultural Diversity Introduction The aim of this report is to investigate how cultural diversity is represented on free–to–air TV and compare this with survey results and research on Australian society. Procedure Websites like the Australian Bureau of Statistics were used to find information about Australian society. A survey was conducted with 20 people aged 18 to 45+ to find out if cultural diversity is represented well on Australian free to air TV. Approximately 10 hours of Australian programs and advertisements on various free–to–air TV channels were watched. Australian television programs are set in different categories such as Soaps and Dramas, Television commercials, Reality Television, SBS and commercials in between the shows breaks. Analysis of ... Show more content on ... A study was conducted in 2013 by Ebiquity which analyzed 4,459 ads, from more than 900 brands and 318 different product categories. It was found that 76% of the people who starred in TV ads aired were white, 9% were Asian, 5% were African, 3 % were Indian and 2% were Middle Eastern, Latino and Pacific Islander and less than 1% were Aboriginal. According to Aaron Rigby the director of Ebiquity Asia Pacific "We have generations of Australians today who do not identify with the "White Australian" stereotype featured in over three quarters of television commercials". Despite most advertisements not showing an accurate representation of cultural diversity in Australia, some advertisements display it well. A television commercial that displays cultural diversity well is Change our Tune, from Australia Post. This commercial showcases a variety of cultures including; Indian, Polynesian, Asian, Caucasian, Aboriginal and African. All individuals from these diverse cultures come together to enjoy football, this shows that Australia is a welcoming and accepting nation. Another such commercial is Spring Lamb 2016 which demonstrates people from different backgrounds, shapes and sizes coming together to enjoy lamb. These commercials are excellent examples of how other commercials should portray Australia however not enough commercials are providing an accurate representation of Australian cultural ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Changing Nature Of Australian Television Industry In... Hsie Assignment Mark Louka Good morning/afternoon Miss and peers. today ill be talking about "the changing nature of Australian television industry from 1950 until the year 2010." The Australian television has comparably changed since the years 1950–2010. Melbourne started Australian television temporarily in 1929. In 1955 Sydney and Melbourne were distributed licences. "Good evening and welcome to television." These few words is the birth of television which Bruce Gyngell, said in, Sydney, on the 16th of September 1956. In 1956 channel nine and channel 7 began testing. Melbourne set in motion the Melbourne Olympic games to test the television stations that were running at the time. Television at the time wasn't cheap and only a little amount ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Australian Television Industry Good morning Ms Angrisano and my fellow students. Today I will be speaking to you about the changing nature of the Australian television industry from 1950's to 2010. Television was introduced in Australia around 1956. It was popular to the extent that within a few years it was the main source of entertainment. This effected the way Australians live. They began staying at home more rather than going to the movies or going to play sports. America played a big part on this as it was our main influence. Australia enjoyed their shows, fashion, values and latest trends. Just like America influencing Australia, Australia also impacted on countries worldwide. Australia was no longer an isolated island, Television has joined a gap between Australia and other countries this was done through staying up to date and getting in with new trends. Since television has increased popularity ... Show more content on ... Television stations started focusing on sports, music, movies and many exciting shows. Television flourished and began to be vital in all Australian households. Children could watch creative colourful cartoons for hours and family's enjoyed watching their favourite shows together. The 1980's was the rise of rock and roll, fashion and modern clear pictures. Sports programmes flourished especially cricket and sports gambling. In the 1990's technology was the main focus of all countries around the world. Companies such Microsoft and Apple had a huge impact of technology in general especially the technological advances in digital television and pay television. This has gained most Australians the abitily to choose freely what they would like to watch such as movies, news, sports for more than 24 hours a day. These varieties has also open the channel to more technological development and business ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Social Exclusion In Australia Persuasive Essay Slide one Good afternoon fellow classmates and Mrs. Bolton. For this PIP Proposal, my focus question is how does Australia claim to be a multicultural country but lacks the representation of people of colour in the media. Slide two– The reason I choose this topic is that I have realised that when watching television on channel 7, 9, and ten that there are zero people of colour present., According to SBS, Osman Faruqi says "Australia has a problem with diversity on television. If we don't see people from culturally diverse backgrounds working in certain professions, it makes it harder for us to think we can break through" Yes Australia claims not to be racist country and gives opportunities to every race. But if I can't turn on the T.V and see people of colour than which part of that statement is true? ... Show more content on ... I'll be examining whether Australia's lack multiculturalism in the media is an evolutionary change or transformative change. I will be investing how individuals and groups experience social exclusion within Australia at the micro, meso and macro levels. Slide four– Methodologies I plan on using are a case study, statistical analysis, and questionnaire. This case study will be focusing on the population of Australian and examining the multiculturalism and seeing how it is shown on a micro, meso and macro level. Statistical Analysis this will be investigating the occupation of Australians and be comparing the racial stereotypical jobs to the reality in Australian. Questionnaire this will be used to discover the general public reaction to the lack of People of Colour in the media. Slide five– In this PIP I'll be focusing on diversity on ... Get more on ...
  • 10. americanisation of australian television Essay The Americanization of Australian Television is a sad and terrible thing. It is a process whereby ordinary Australians are bombarded every day with images of American lifestyle, so much that it merges almost unnoticed into their own lifestyle. It is a process whereby our home–grown entertainment industry is overwhelmed by the enormous powerhouse of the American economy, with drastic effects upon the modern Australian nation. Not only is Australian free to air TV being dominated by American produced shows, but a lot of the content on the Australian TV shows is sourced from America. American culture is part of Australian mass consumer culture, It dominates our television. If we look at the early history of Australian television, ... Show more content on ... I have tried. The only local program I could praise is Wildside" ( Cited in the Sydney Morning Herald, David Dale). So whilst there are many Australians concerned over this issue there are so many more that do not see the affect the American TV culture is having on Australian television and its identity, the distinction between what is inside and outside Australian culture is slipping away. The influence of Americanisation upon Australian Free–to–air TV is clearly evident, If we look at the top 10 shows that are viewed by the Australian public today it would be obvious that the top two shows are both American produced, Lost and Desperate Housewives (Top 10 shows, Who Magazine.). Lost and Desperate Housewives are doing very well, loading up the viewing figures in the US favour. But go back six months and the picture would be far more balanced. Jump eight years back, and Blue Heelers was holding its own against Friends (Bell Phillip, 'Television' 1997 Twenty Most popular programs). The Australian audience is becoming more Americanised, as more and more prefer watching American TV shows opposed to the ones made in Australia. Shows like SVU, Law and Order, CSI (and its derivatives), NCIS, and the OC, dominate the TV screens of many Australian households today. Ordinary Australians spend many hours watching TV (especially Australian youth), ... Get more on ...
  • 11. How and Why Did American Popular Culture Influence... The 1950s and 1960s were times of unprecedented change, and Australian society was influenced greatly by American popular culture, through various mediums, such as: music, film, television and fashion. This especially affected teenagers. It will be explained how Australian society was impacted by American popular culture, and also why American popular culture had such an affect. Australian developed its own responses to these influences, and the extent of this will also be explored. The 1950s meant the emergence of the teenager; it also brought peace and prosperity to many. And during the fifties there were far more American films released in Australia, and they became more popular than many Australian films. Films were of great influence ... Show more content on ... During the tour parents and police were ignored, and Australian teenagers were lapping it up, the overseas excitement was finally there for then to fully be a part of. But the psychedelic styles of the sixties were so strong and unsympathetic to other styles that it was inevitable that Psychedelia departed as quickly as it arrived. The fifties and sixties were completely different in so many ways; the times had changed a lot in the transition of decades. The types of music, for one, were in great contrast. By the sixties the rock–'n'–roll and pelvic thrusting of the fifties had transformed into the pop, rock and folk music of the likes of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan. Teenagers changed a lot over the two decades a lot, too. The tight pant, leather jacket bodgies, with their greased hair, and the widgies, with their rope petticoats and flared dresses, were replaced by the teenagers of the Psychedelic era. These teenagers preferred the swirled shapes and bright colours, with their newly found mini–skirts, and for the guys it was paisley shirts. Although the two decades were different in themselves, there is still a parallel running between the two. Both were times of change, with popular culture culminated for the newly recognised youth, each decade had their own brand of pop music, and their own brand of teenagers. However, the teenagers of the sixties, despite the overuse of ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Neighbours Research Paper What is Neighbours? Neighbours is an Australian television show which previously was broadcasted on the channel 7 network (18th of March in 1985. Although, channel 7 ended the show after Watson's Daughters, since they had greater success than Neighbours. The show had began since TV executive named Reg Watson suggested the thought of creating a show which centred around true–like stories; stories of how adults and teenagers solved the problems and who they could trust to turn to. Channel 10 bought Neighbours after the cancellation of the show. This Soap Opera is based around the lives of the people who live and work in Erinsborough, a fictional suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. The series mainly focuses on the people that live in Ramsay Street. How did it influence ... Show more content on ... These issues that they focus on are family ones, fights between different generations, school hardships and relationships problems. Neighbours is primarily focused on teenage and adult life so that it can connect to a widespread audience. This is evident through the high percentage of people from both age groups; which enjoy the show and how the program is more popular in England than in Australia. Even though Neighbours is based in Australia it does discuss about common issues that often occur outside of Australia. Furthermore, this has helped influence people to take advice and have inspiration from the characters to help create guidelines in order to have a good and fulfilling life. Through the insight of Australia in Neighbours; by how people act within the show, Australia has become a more desirable location to live in. This is exhibited through the intellectual and laid back attitude of Aussies. How is Neighbours remembered? Neighbours is remembered through its popularity within the entertainment industry. However, Neighbours is an ongoing television program and it is also one of Australia's most successful media ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Society In The 1970's In many dictionaries society is described as a community of people living together in a group or nation. Even though it may simply mean that; society is one of the sociological terms derived from a Latin word "socious" meaning friendship or companionship. It is a large grouping sharing the same cultural, social and geographical location. Society consists of people and their mutual awareness and interactions with each other, it is a network of social relationships. Society can be shown as a group of unique individuals who share the same culture and social structure, the members of the society may have different ethnic groups but they share the same society. Society is not a constant it can never stay the same it always changes with the people. ... Show more content on ... It was also one of Australia's first soap operas to be made. It used comedy and melodrama to captivate the audience. It struck the taboo subjects of the 1970s such as homosexuality which was illegal at the time, it also changed the perspective of many Australians on those subjects. It became a success and has been regarded as an iconic Australian television show of the 1970s and paved the path for other shows to follow. The show had many controversies but it was rated Australia's number one show in ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Australian Films Week 1: Screening Australianness 'Newsfront' (1978) Newsfront (1978) is about the commencement of Australian television. It notions the changing times; the context before the television was a household object. The movie marks the beginning of mass social and political change that was intensified by World War II. With countless men at war, Australian women were able to enter and overtake male roles in the workforce. As a result, Feminism was strengthening. Along with the Women's movement into the workforce, Robert Menzie's 16–year service as the Prime Minister created the 'Menzies Era', where great Australian change has said to be recorded. In such a conservative era, political and social revolutions were difficult to adjust to, ... Show more content on ... Kenny (2006) is an Australian mock documentary about a blue collar Aussie bloke, attempting to belong in social situations outside of Australia. But Kenny has taught me, that you can take an individual out of Australia, but you can't take Australia out of an individual. The mock documentary had greater success in America than Australia. The depiction of work–class Australian men, in the film, showed the amount of pride Kenny takes in completing his dirty job well. Kenny's character struggles to belong in his immediate setting, and seeks for his identity in the work that he undertakes. His Australian identity is obvious in the mass use of colloquial language that displayed Kenny's stereotypical Aussie communication methods. Australian film and television deal with such themes by accepting the reality of Australian contexts. The Australian demographic are known for their rough humour and approach, hence the depiction of an Australian man, or woman, can be taken lightly and not offensively. At the same time, film and television are careful in representing Indigenous Australian as opposed to stereotypical white Australians. It is these historical, political, socio–economic ideologies that shape Australia's national 'type'. Week 3: Screening Indigeneity 'Mabo' (2012) Mabo (2012) revolves around the historical events that led to the abolishment of 'terra nullius'. Translated into English, 'terra nullius' means ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Missing Home Case Study Organisation/Lender: Commonwealth Bank of Australia ValEx Ref: 4775092 Fax/Email to: ES_ITO_ITSMO_BackOffice_and_Products Contact: Divneet Matharu Borrower: RESHMI DEVI SHARMA and ASHIS Valuer Ref: 9945650.1 PRASAD SHARMA Loan Ref. No.: VOX000003289198 1. PROPERTY SUMMARY – UNIT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3/394 Wynnum Road, HAWTHORNE QLD 4171 TITLE DETAILS LOT 3, SP271195, Section: , County is Stanley, Parish is Bulimba Encumbrances/Restr'ns: None evident or disclosed Site Dimensions: Not Readily Available Site Area: N/A ZONING/INSTRUMENT: QPP–LMR2 – LOW MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2 OR 3 LGA: Brisbane City STOREY MIX) ZONE MAIN BUILDING: Unit with 1 Bedroom, and 1 Bathroom Current Use: Residential Circa: 1965 Addition(s): 2014 ... Show more content on ... The Valuation is prepared on the assumption that the Lender as referred to in the valuation report (and no other) may rely on the valuation for mortgage finance purposes and the Lender has complied with its own lending guidelines as well as prudent finance industry lending practices, and has considered all prudent aspects of credit risk for any potential borrower including the borrowers ability to service and repay any mortgage loan. Further, the valuation is prepared on the assumption that the Lender is providing mortgage financing at a conservative and prudent loan to value ratio (LVR). The valuer accepts no liability whatsoever if prudent lending practices fail to be strictly observed and/or if the lender relies solely on this valuation, and no other criteria, to advance loan ... Get more on ...
  • 16. American Influence On Australia In The 1970's In the 1970s, many international countries and continents such as Britain, America, Europe and Asia influenced Australia. Many categories in Australian culture were influences, for example, entertainment, music and sport. During the seventies, Australia changed and modified its culture. Entertainment and music changed significantly in the seventies and many countries contributed to what it became. The seventies were renowned for their disco music. It began in the mid–1970s with inspiration of American artists such as KC and the Sunshine Band. European performers Leo Sayer and ABBA were also popular in Australia. The Americans and British also influenced other categories and subcategories of music like glam rock, shock rockers and punk. The ... Show more content on ... In 1977, there was a national poll to ask the public what they would want the national anthem to be. The results were that 43 per cent preferred 'Advanced Australia Fair' to the 19 per cent who wanted the original anthem, 'God save the Queen'. This implies that Australia is slowly moving away from its British ties. However, it is becoming more Americanised. In the seventies, American branding heavily influenced Australia. There were still classic British brands such as Lipton and Mini Cooper. However, American foods were becoming increasingly popular. The appearance of food chains became widespread since it was affordable, convenient and you can consume it where you want. There were fast food stores such as McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut. There were also popular brands like Coca–Cola. American–styled food was trending with the introduction of new snacks and drink and more variety. In addition, American products was mostly pre–packaged and frozen so this meant that they were more time saving to prepare and eat. The repercussions of this were consumers were able to buy convenient products at low prices. However, the competition against the big supermarkets forced smaller store to close. With the increasingly popular Americanised food, it had repercussions on the sport. Although Australians were great sport fans and spectators, the sport participation decreased. This might be the result of the unhealthy food chains and pre–packaged or frozen foods. This resulted in rising obesity and heart disease rates. Sport participation was not the only thing that was affect by Americanism. Before Australia were more traditional similar to their British roots but in the seventies sport adopted the American way of sport. Sport events changed to appeal more to the television viewers and presented more glamorous, showy features like mascots and cheerleaders. The World Series Cricket was also a result ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Television In The 50's During the 50's, culture became a major focus of Australia and began to take control of the country. There were many varieties of entertainment to appeal to the needs of all people of Australia. And if something became popular, television would help promote it. Television enters the living room Televisions were present in 90% of homes and watching television was a hobby that nearly half the population was addicted to it. Before its arrival in 1956, many people had to travel out to a cinema or a theatre and seek their own source of entertainment. Whereas television was available to them for free. Within a few years, as cheap TVs entered many more homes and soon everyone was hooked to the television, this caused debates and many other arguments ... Show more content on ... When people had been returning from the war, there was a massive increase in car ownership therefore roads were built all around Australia. The first Australian made car was the Holden–FX, although only a small amount of cars could be made daily. Air travel was not a favored mode of transport for the people of the 1950's. The aircrafts were not a sturdy build resulting in an incredibly long and bumpy flight. Around this time, many Australian's preferred to make their long distant journey's using a steam train, although around the same time the diesel trains were introduces and they quickly became the preferred way to travel as they were cleaner, faster and most certainly more efficient. Ships were a common mode of transport for Australians who wished to make a holiday to Europe, although this took a longer amount of time. ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Australian National Culture Contemporary Australian television is a heterogeneous site that gives valuable insights into the various tendencies that cohere to make what is considered to be Australia's national culture. By examining the different cultural and spatial levels of Australian television, including demographics, ethnicity, stereotypes and global influences, it becomes clear how convoluted the sense of Australian national culture is. This is due to the understanding of Australian culture itself not being a unified category. Therefore, this begs the question of whether the national Australian culture revealed on television is aligned with the national Australian culture that is evident throughout physical reality of society today. As evident within Australian society, Australia's culture is made up of stringent and complex sets of ethic, values and beliefs. Due to its multiculturalist outlook there is a strong premise among Australian people that Australians on a whole are very accepting and tolerant people. Additionally, Australian's believe that as people they themselves are peaceful and laid–back. When dissecting Australian culture most will agree that Australian's believe in comradeship, 'mateship' and the "fair go". However, whilst this idealized image of Australian culture is a prevalent opinion, it is questionable that this image is mirrored within contemporary Australian television. Australia is a nation rich in ethnic diversity. Despite this, it is clear that the Australia ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Film Analysis: Puberty Blues Puberty Blues Over many years, Australian film and Television has increased in popularity and have been produced solely for the purpose of leisure and entertainment, however some films and TV shows, show Australian Historical depth and are an accurate representation of Australia. A prime example of this is 'Puberty Blues'. Puberty blues was created and aired in 2012 and was a more modern take on the real life during the mid to late 1970's. The two main characters, 13 year olds Debbie and Sue are inseparable best friends who set off through the coming of age process. Puberty Blues addresses the sexism of surf culture and youth way of life of teenagers in Australia during that time. Fashion, sexism, surf culture and the adolescence way of life are all elements that contribute to making puberty blues historically accurate. The first historical accuracy used in the TV show was that fashion was essential to all teens. Growing up in the early 70's as a teenager in Australia was that fashion was a must have. Clothing such as crop tops, button ups and bootleg jeans were a crucial part of growing up. From being a cool kid, to being a little less ... Show more content on ... Sexism is a major problem that has occurred for many years. Sexism is used during this series when it highlights a complete disrespect to woman during the late 70's period. Although in today's society, gone are the days where girls are expected to do everything for men. Chauvinism occurred in real life when women must have obeyed the instructions on men. They were expected to cook their meals, clean their homes and do general "woman" jobs for them each day. Sexism is used throughout the series when the girls would sit on the beach and mind the boys gear and essentials. This also occurred in real life during this era. Most cases of sexism used in the series were accurate to women in the 70's who had a dominant male in their ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Master Chef Australia ( 2016 ) Reality television plays a huge part in many of our lives, yet nobody really knows how "real" they actually are. All reality television shows and programs have a specific but different aim, purpose and target audience. They also all fall under different categories in the genre of reality television, this includes competitions, talk shows and "real life" situations. The program that is under specific investigation is Master Chef Australia (2016). Master Chef Australia is one of the largest cooking competitions shown on Australian television. This report will scrutinize how Master Chef Australia is constructed and will discuss how "real" it really is. 2.1 Summary Master Chef Australia is a cooking competition that is shown on Australian television and has many views. Master Chef begins with a large group of ambitious Australian chefs from all walks of life, needing to impress the three qualified critiques/judges, Matt Preston, Gary Mahigan and George Calombaris to receive one of twenty–four aprons, to proceed into the competition. The show consists of the twenty– four contestants competing against each other is many different challenges that push them to their limits, with two contestants going home each week, they all need to fight for their spot in the competition and prove that they will be the one going home with the prize of $250, 000 to start their own food dream, a regular column in a national food magazine, an Alfa Romeo and of course the Master Chef trophy. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Contribution Of The Identity Of Australia Anh Do In the history of Australia, there are a variety of people in their respective areas have made outstanding achievements, made a contribution to the identity of Australia. Among these people, Anh Do is probably the most instructive and interesting person. As his book "happy refugees" implied, Anh experienced suffering in his early years. At the same time, he has maintained an optimistic attitude, this pain into an inspirational story, to share with you. At present, Anh has made achievements in various fields such as writers, films, television, artists, live performances and corporate speeches ( 2017). Anne 's story is sure to shape the identity of Australia. This report will analyze the achievements of Anhe and his ... Show more content on ... In 2013, when he was at the peak of his career as a comedian and writer, Angel turned his hand (Artist Profile 2017). Achievement After introducing Anh 's life experience, Anh 's achievements in the fields of writers, films, television, artists, live performances and presentations will be displayed one by one. The author As the author, Anh 's most famous works are "the happiest refugees". This book tells how Anhe and his family fled to Australia as refugees. While it involves a variety of negative themes such as war, fled, pirate and racism, it inspires readers and emits their hopes. "This book is" the most surprising and inspiring reading of years "( 2017), Russell Crowe, the book" laughter and tears ". This book has received various awards from Anh, including the 2011 Annual Yearbook 2011, the Independent Yearbook 2011 and the 2011 Nielsen BookData Book (ABA) Choice Award. In addition to this book, Anh also wrote many other books, including "crazy monster", "hot dog", "small refugee" and so on ( 2017). As an author, Anhe is popular among readers. He uses his wit, fascinating and warmth to inspire and encourage the reader. Film and television Since 2000, he has played a fraction of the film "SeaChange" ( 2017), and his film
  • 22. and television work has already begun. Later, he participated in a variety of movies and tv, such as solo, double fist, good news week, thank God ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Influence Of Popular Culture In The 1960s Australian popular culture in the 1960s had multiple features, many of which were influenced by the social changes and counter culture at the time. The primary aspects of Australian popular culture in the 1960s were; music, fashion, film, sport and television. In Australia, the fashion of the 1960s emulated the political and cultural changes at the time. This fashion revolution was youth driven and showed their rejection of social standards. For women, the mini skirt came into trend, introduced by fashion icon Twiggy (Leslie Hornby). This above–the–knee skirt came into fashion in a revolt against people telling women how to express themselves and their bodies that came with the womens rights movement and the introduction of the pill. Men wore tunics, capes and more feminine clothing as pants became tighter and they dawned silk scarfs. This shift from masculine clothing to dabbling in the side of feminine, was because of the changing idea of gender and sexuality. Men also tried to recreate the look of the Beatles; in sharp and clean suits due the bands popularity at the time. Nearing the end of the 1960s, hippie fashion came into style. This era of fashion was dominated by bright, swirling colours, tie–dye, paisley prints, loose fitting clothing, flowers, peace signs, etc. This change in fashion was in response to the Vietnam war. People wore their clothes as a political statement, showing their embracement towards love and freedom. 1960s music in Australia was heavily ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Post War Australia The statement 'Developments in popular culture in post–war Australia and their impact on society were influenced in particular by American and British culture', when taken in reference to the timeline lasting from the 1950's to the present day, is extremely accurate. Not only did American and British influence affect the Australian lifestyle in the later half of the 20th century, in particular the 1970's and 80's; but the rise of developments such as the 'World Wide Web' and online 'Social Networks' from American origins in the 1990's and the previous and current decades have had an extremely large influence on the popular culture of the modern nation today. Even before the lifting of the clouds of the Second Great War, Australia had been ... Show more content on ... The advancement of television throughout the 60's and into the modern day carried with it influences directly from the countries of origin. Popular television shows contained aspects of the cultures where they were made, American culture was thoroughly embedded in programmes such as the 1990s sitcom "Friends", and the culture of the United Kingdom would arise in otherwise irrelevant media such as the 1960's–present science fiction "Doctor Who". These subtle aspects– whilst the norm for the countries of origin– were obvious and glaringly different to the culture of Australia. Due to the popularity of foreign television programmes, Australians– particularly youths– began to adopt the cultural themes portrayed within them. Many popular television programmes from the 1980's to the 1990's came directly from American ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Technological Advances In Australia Essay Over the past century we have seen a number of technological achievements that have improved the living standards in Australia. With inventions ranging from the television to the affordable car, all these achievements have come together to make the modern country Australia which many call "the lucky country". There are three main technological advancements that were pivotal during post WW2 in making the country that we know today. The development of an affordable car in the early 1950s changed the way people lived their lives by making private travel faster and more efficient. For once people were no longer limited to the place where they lived, people who lived in remote areas of Australia were less isolated with the car increasing their connectedness with urban areas in Australia. Employment opportunities increased for people who owned a car because they were no longer limited to jobs within their local area, also having benefits to the economy by decreasing times from going to and from work. People were also able to go on holidays to further places for cheaper prices which increased the amount of business in retail because ... Show more content on ... In 1956 black and white television was introduced to Australia changing the way citizens experienced the world and accessed information. Prior to television citizens' form of entertainment was in the form of radio where they could get their daily news and entertainment. Television brought American culture to Australia exposing viewers to TV shows such as I Love Lucy, 77 Sunset Strip, etc. In fact, 74% of all films imported into Australia were from America. Sport was able to be Big name rock stars such as Elvis, The Beatles and Buddy Holly became icons in Australia encouraging the rock n' roll culture. Consequently, advancing forms of communication technology allowed businesses to advertise more widely increasing the amount of ... Get more on ...
  • 26. How Did The American Culture Influence Australia In The 1960s 1950s After the turmoil and loss that WW2 brought to Australian society, Australians saw the emergence of a more conservative society . Teenagers now were encouraged to attend University, this new pressure to become a successful adult was the driving force for the new teenage subculture that emerged from 1950–1979. 1960s Following the era of the 1950s, when teenagers felt the pressure of obtaining an education and becoming successful adults, the 1960's brought about great social change. These changes were brought about with a greater influx of immigrants who brought new ideas, customs and foods. American culture also became an overriding influence on Australian teenagers. 1970s The 1970s brought about even more change to the economy, politics, society and technology. The ... Show more content on ... o The miniskirt shocked most people because a lot more skin was exposed than what society was used to seeing. o One of the biggest fashion icons of the 1960s was Twiggy who had boy short hair,was very thin and could be found on many covers of fashion magazines. Music o American music continued to influence youth culture in the 1960s and dances like the twist and the boogaloo where being danced at discos all around the country. o Bands like the Rolling Stones and The Beach Boys visited Australia and in 1964 Beatle mania hit the country. o The Australian band, "The Seekers" became popular overseas in America and Britain, they sold over a million records in both countries. Television/Radio o In the 1960s television in Australia became connected to the international satellite system. This connected people in remote parts of Australia to television. Programs could be broadcast between cities and like other countries, Australia could now receive important information about global events. o This new television technology had an impact on cinema ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Americanization of the Australian Media Essay Americanization of the Australian Media The Australian television and media have become americanised through the influence of American media and television programs in Australia. This research will only concentrate on the extent of Americanisation in Australia through the influence on television and the film industry as the aspect of Americanisation covers a wide range from fashion to language. To fully understand the topic of the hypothesis, proper exploration of the definitions of 'identity' and 'culture' are of relevance. 'Identity' and 'culture' play an integral role in what an Australian represents as well as how the world views Australians. The meaning of 'identity' can be summarized as; 'The collective aspect of the set of ... Show more content on ... It is applied indiscriminately within the Australian media to label array of factors seen as threatening to national identity, way of life or values. This uncomplimentary use of Americanisation sees Australia as adopting social practices and cultural values which originates in the United States. (Bennett 1999) Television has, without doubt, received more attention from Americanisation critics on media globalization more than any of the other domains e.g. fashion, language. According to Tony Bennett (1999, p.207) the early 1960s represented the peak in the Americanisation of popular culture measured by the proportion of American material transmitted. Most analysists now agree that about half of Australian television scheduled is taken up with imports, with US material dominating the commercial channels and British programs comprising the bulk of overseas material broadcast by the ABC (Bennett 1999, p.212). In what is probably the most systematic comparison of international flows, Tapio Varis reported that Australia has seen a decline from 57 per cent of imported programming to 40 per cent in 1983, although the proportion of imported programs at prime time was slightly higher at 46 per cent. Although Australia's proportion of imported television is high compared to the Western European countries (yet significantly lower than New Zealand), commentators have generally claimed that such imported programs do not attract ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Impact Of Television On The Australian Economy Introduction: The television industry is one of the most rapidly changing media industries to date. Its evolution from black and white, to colour, to digital and now three–dimensional viewing, there is nothing slow about its development. Focusing particularly on commercial free–to–air (FTA) television, the FTA television industry plays a critical role in the Australian ecosystem. Due to its free delivery, it generates $3.2 billion per annum in economic and advertising surplus (Venture Consulting, 2015). This is why the value of commercial FTA television to the Australian public remains high whereby FTA television is watched by more than 14 million Australians daily (Free TV Australia, 2014). However, television nowadays is much more than a medium of entertainment and information. It is also used as a method for engaging in social interaction (Morely, 1986, p. 22), and this digital divide of interaction is what harms the television industry. The launch of streaming services not only confronts the traditional 'linear' TV format by allowing users to select what they want to watch and when they want it, it also broadens the offering to almost any device (Spooner, 2015). The research methods in the television industry despite its strength as a medium, must however, walk hand in hand with the fast progression of new technology and challenge the rise of digital omnivores. What research has been done: There is no doubt that the average Australian household has a variety of ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Internationalisation Of Australia Sports:... The fifth trend is "Internationalisation of Australia sports". Television and media broadcasting has allowed sports played throughout the world to be broadcasted instantly to Australia Television. Currently in South Korea the Pyeong Chang 2018 Olympic Winter Games are being held, this major event is broadcasted instantly to every television in the world. Now that the media can broadcast popular sports all around the world, this gives the media more profit as more people are tuning in to watch. This results in more exposure for the sponsors. This trend affects my participation in Ballroom Dance as this sport isn't exposed as much as other sports like Touch Football. Touch Football had in 2015 – 2016 694,427 Participants, See appendix D. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Jedda's Influence On Australian Popular Culture After the end of WW2 there was an increase in wealth for many Australians. This meant that Australians were able to afford more entertainment products, which resulted in the introduction of televisions. Australia was a growing community and there was a "quest for Australian identity." (Wiliam, S, 2016) Before the introduction of television and during World War 2, radio was Australia's most popular form of entertainment. This is likely because at the end of the 1950s, radios became more accessible. In 1955, approximately 97% of Australian homes owned a radio set. In the evenings families would gather together to listen to many programs on the radio. The radio in this time consisted of many shows including music, drama, entertainment and quiz ... Show more content on ... The introduction of television was greeted with great excitement by most Australians in the 1950s, but some of society was opposed against the idea of televisions. This was because some people believed that television would allow "Australia to become over–run by American culture, thus threatening the development of the Australian identity." (Wiliam, S, 2016). The amount of American shows that were broadcast in Australia at the time would have given people these views about Australian culture. "Eventually, many of our British cultural legacies would give way to new American ideals." (Wiliam, S. 2016). Some of the people thought that the American influence would impact "Australia's ability to carve out its own national identity." (Wiliam, S. 2016). Other people of the time that were opposed to the idea of televisions believed that the content on televisions was superficial and unsophisticated and contained no educational or cultural benefits.(Wiliam, S, 2016) This left people concerned that television would encourage people to become less active in the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Mental Film Analysis If you were to make a movie on your life, would you act as you normally would or would you change it up a bit? Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Tari Kao–Wong and today's discussion is about whether or not Australian films describe the reality of Australian lives. Representations of families in Australian films and television programs are unrealistic. The films do not accurately represent life in Australia, the settings in Australian films are rundown and the people in the films are just insane. In the film Mental, there is a family of seven people, there are five daughters and a mother and a father. This family is not exactly a normal family; in this family they consider themselves as mental people. In the movie Mental, the mother ... Show more content on ... There is a family that is very weird and crazy. People in the family are trying to make themselves disabled to get more money because they live in the ghetto. Living in the ghetto could accurately represent some peoples living conditions in life, but in Australia there can be some nice neighbourhoods and nice people. The suburb that they live in is very rundown and is full of drug addicts. The people in the neighbourhood even throw bricks at the ambulance. There are also old ladies in the film Housos that are making a drug delivery; you wouldn't usually see old ladies carrying around drugs or making deliveries for bikie gangs or any gangs. There is also a lot of bad language in this film. The people in the film are swearing at the cops and are even climbing buildings to get away from them. Normal people would cooperate with the police in a nicer manner. In the film Housos the family got some money from one of the relatives and bought a stripping pole and put it in the middle of the living room. Normally people would not spend their money on putting a stripping pole in the middle of the living room, some people would either save up or buy a house but spending it on a pole? That is a very strange way of living in the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Multiculturalism In Australia Essay Multiculturalism in relation to Society and Culture is how persons work corporately in regards to their culture in a society. However, over time the growth of Australia's population has increase their culture in the country, yet the spectrum of persons in the media remains the same. Despite Australia having a multicultural policy that describe the "cultural and ethnic diversity of contemporary Australia". It is inefficient in the media, on a macro level. With the rise of media, there is a common trend with the persons in the industry being all Caucasian according to PWC recent report. This trend has interest me due to 6.7 million of Australians were born oversea. My interest is influenced by persons in the macro world, Osman Faruqi statement ... Show more content on ... This will examine the spectrum of multiculturalism on three levels. Australia's television program, character history and also Australia's diversity at the marco level such as media and government. Both qualitative and quantitative research methodology will be use to investigate the hypothesis. The use of case study, questionnaire, interview and statistical analysis will be used to observe and asks questions about the views of the micro, meso and macro levels of society on my topic. Problems that could occur with these methodology is not having enough adequate data to proceed the with each analysis. Secondary research will be used to make subjective judgments about what data is useful and what is not for the motive for the research process. America would be the cross–cultural component in regrades to their multicultural policy integrated into their lifestyle and media. I will be able to compare what a successful multicultural country that is integrated both into their lifestyle and media to a country that is only integrated into their lifestyle. This will look into the television shows that showcase their identity as a multicultural country. How representation has a ripple effect in the all three levels such as job opportunities and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Australian Sports In The 1950s Sport in Australia has grown increasingly important from 1945 to the present day as more traditional sports soon expanded into a wider variety of sports with many factors contributing to this change. As a result of the war, many men wanted membership opportunities to sporting clubs to reinforce the bonding of mateship they gained during the war. As well as Australian men getting more involved in sports, migrants from European countries started arriving in Australia, they also brought with them an interest in sports and in particular soccer. As the growing popularity of soccer was introduced it increased interest in more cultures to build clubs originating from their own country impacting on Australia's multicultural upbringing. From the 1970s ... Show more content on ... This includes factors such as sporting competitions and television expansion. This has left a positive impact on Australia as a nation because of the way our lifestyle has changed in the ways of pop culture as we are now a country which is connected to others throughout the world. The increase in growth of popularity in sports throughout the years has lead to an increase of Australian viewers of sports making our national identity stronger in the terms of being a 'sports mad' country. Many clubs throughout Australia have been built by migrants from across the globe which helped build our culture of sports and a multicultural society therefore leaving a positive impact on the Australian people. The negative impacts that the increase of popular culture had on sports was it drew it big television companies to pay large sums of money to sponsor certain players, teams or competition leaving some of the many role models of the sporting industry to let down there fans. Television is also have left negative impact on sports as it allowed the companies to dictate when the games would be played to allow maximum audience. Many people would argue that this is a bad decision because the times may not be best suited to play that type of game and could injure the players because it could be too hot or too cold at the time. Another negative impact of television is it lead to Australians becoming increasing unfit ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Changes Of Australian Pop Culture Changes in Australian Pop Culture 1945 to the present During 1945 to the present there has been many changes in Australian pop culture, these areas of pop culture include Film, television, radio, music, fashion, sport and communication. Popular Culture refers to the beliefs, attitudes and lifestyles shared by a group of people. Film: Film in Australia has a large part of the Australian lifestyle and has had many major changes in Popular Culture from 1945 to the present. The first film to be released was the Ned Kelly Gang in 1945. Australia has produced many successful films during this time and has had many influences on Australian pop culture. During the 1940s and 1950s the film industry was lacking from Government policy changes ... Show more content on ... The 1990s marked a new era for Australian films. The biggest changes in the Australian film industry in the 1990s was the arrival of the DVD in 1999 and the Internet which enabled people to access films online, causing less people to go to the cinemas which had a huge impact on the film industry. The 2000s marked the start of a new century and an advanced film industry. Television: Television has had many changes in pop culture since 1945 and has been an important part of Australia 's national identity. Television was first introduced in Australia in September 1956, which was introduced just before the 1956 Olympics hosted in Melbourne, television was first screened in grainy black and white. For the first few years after television had been released in Australia, television was mainly dominated by American programs, however in a few years it had become the most popular form of entertainment. Television decreased the audience of the radio programs and in 1965 it was around 9 out of 10 Australian families that owned a Television set. By 1959, it was estimated that over 50 percent of families in Sydney owned a television set. Early Australian television broadcast news, quiz programmes, movies, music programmes and sport. There was only a few television studios to produce programs in Australia at the time which meant most local content had to be broadcasted live. In 1966 Australia ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Australian Television Industry Analysis From Contents to Devices: The Australian Television Industry Analysis The emergence of the internet and digital globalisation forces the entire media and entertainment industry to digitalize and accelerate its online distribution world widely, the commercial television industry is not an exception. During this transforming period, the continuous rise in popularity of online video–sharing websites like YouTube and the increasing prevalence of mobile video playback devices seem to suggest that commercial television has passed its glory days. However, an outlook of the global media and entertainment industry posted by PwC (2015) pointed out that free–to–air television occupied the largest share of the global advertising market in 2014 with 31%, and will remain 29% in next five years. Therefore, whether the free–to–air television industry is in crisis or still profitable with huge potential is depends on the industry and regulation background in the particular area. This essay will take Australian commercial television industry as an example to analyse its challenges and future development trend. The analysis will focus on the particular situation faced by Australian television industry, especially the free–to–air television, and tread different channels of Australian free–to–air television as a whole. It will firstly introduce the historical development of Australian free–to–air television and draw a brief sketch of how this industry is formed and regulated. Then, this analysis ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Diversity In Australia Is Australian casting diverse enough? Australia is a very diverse, multi–cultural nation with the majority of the population having migrated from Asia, Africa and Europe. Almost every single home in Australia has a television and almost every single Australian watches free–to–air television daily. Walking down the street, you are likely to encounter people of all colours and sexualities. Because of Australia's incredible multi–culturalism and growing LGBTQIA community, you would expect to see the same mixture of different ethnicities and sexualities on mainstream television, but we don't. TV networks such as the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS), the Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC) and National Indigenous Television (NITV) are more ... Show more content on ... In the early 1990s, the Communication Law Centre and the Media Entertainment and Arts Allegiance aka Actors Equity (MEAAA), with some assistance from the Office of Multicultural Affairs began a campaign to address what they felt was poor record of achievement when it came to the proper portrayal of cultural diversity in popular television drama. This came after research into the representation of non–English speaking people in Australian television drama. At that time, it was estimated that less than 2% of available roles were given to performers of culturally diverse backgrounds and there were no continuing or recurring roles for indigenous performers (May, 2001). Australian TV networks are failing to represent the people who make up the majority of this country's population; it being one of the most culturally diverse countries on the planet. One of the main excuses given by producers and directors when asked why they don't cast ethnic/LGBTQIA actors is that there are no actors from those two communities who want the job. That is a lie. If you go to any Performing Arts schools or centres in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth or all of Australia, you will find actors of colour as well as LGBTQIA actors waiting for a chance to be cast in a good role, or any role available. Another excuse that is regularly given out is that they would not know what to do with such characters. They would not know how to properly ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Television Impact On Australia The first television that introduced to Australia was in 1956, and it was the primary source of entertainment. The television had a major impact on the lifestyles of Australians. After using the television, all Australians spent more time staying at home and entertain themselves rather than going out to the cinema or other venues. Television's effects were not only of activity associated with interests, but in terms also of the intensity or strength of the viewer's feeling of interest in different things. The television was one of the most popular products that helped make professional and college sports big businesses. However, it provided comedy and dramatic shows to a vast audience that might not otherwise have had access to them. Television ... Get more on ...
  • 38. How Does Australia Become Too Americanised Is Australia becoming too Americanised? Americanisation is to make or become American in character. American culture is overriding the culture of our nation and will continue to as American aspects keep becoming larger within Australia. Over the past years Australia's identity is being merged with America, as aspects like American foods/ brands, TV/film, trends and slang are becoming extremely popular and influencing Australian citizens. Through these common American aspects our Australian culture as what it is stereotyped to be fading dramatically. American based food industries and American brands are becoming increasingly popular within Australia. Businesses such as McDonald's are more common within Australia compared to places like the UK as the amount of McDonald's is significantly less. Although McDonalds is an American company they include Australian produce such as meats to make it seem Australian. Many typical Australian food brands are actually owned by other American companies, such as vegemite originally owned by Kraft but is now currently owned by a US Confectionary company. Due to the change in ownership the once know ... Show more content on ... After the war, Australia struggled to keep up with the increase in Hollywood films and television programs. This was shown as during the 1960's, 83% of television programs viewed in Australia were American. America's population is larger than Australia, and as both are English speaking countries, it is cheaper for America to produce films due to the higher demand and higher economy. Australian films often include American actors as this creates a higher rating and higher demand to see the film. As the majority of movies are America based or have American actors, it influences how Australian's behave and act in terms of language and common slang, as what is portrayed in American comes forward into ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Civil Rights Movement In Australia During the middle of the 20th century, 1950 to 1960, post World War 2, the Civil Rights movement started coming along in America and Australia. Due to both countries commencing their movement between the same decades, there were multitudes of similarities, such as protests, and petitions for American Negroes and Australian Indigenous rights. The media had a massive contribution to the support of this movement. Comparatively there were some differences between the country's movements. The people of colour in America had to endure racist television broadcasts, whereas Australia had inspiring Aboriginal actors, and . Both America and Australia had to endure a disgraceful time of segregation. Public areas that would normally be open to white people ... Show more content on ... [BOOK] A Testament of Hope. HarperOne 1986 [Accessed 17 May 16] PBS, American Experience, 2010 [ONLINE] – americanexperience/freedom riders/people/roster [Accessed 10 May 16] SBS, Inspiring Black Women who have Changed Australia, 2015– news/article/2015/03/06/20–inspiring–black–women–who–have–changed–australia [Accessed 19 May 16] Skwirk, Charles Perkins: Freedom Rides, N/A [ONLINE] ––c_s–14_u– 117_t–319_c–1079/charles–perkins–freedom–rides/nsw/charles–perkins–freedom–rides/power– people–and–politics–in–the–post–war–period/people–and–power [Accessed 15 May 16] National Museum Australia, The Fights for Civil Rights, 2014 [ONLINE] – [Accessed 14 May ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Film Industry Case Study The main objective of this case study is to analyze the policy of co–production in screen industries between Australia and China based on the nation's situation and the history of film industry. The main problem is how to utilize this policy to enhance government cooperation and business model to apply those policies into the cooperation procedure. The other problem is the shortage of sustainability of film business and to find out the solutions to develop a model to be used as a best practice framework for the successful integration of film tourism in a Destinations Marketing Strategy (DMS). These can be further broken down into: 1. Analyze the coproduction policy and evaluate the level of economic value of this policy. 2. Analyze film ... Show more content on ... Main organization Screen Australia 's Head of Business and Audience Sydney films Production Company Joint investment,Shared Copyright What is the Co–production refund policy? Australia and China Co–production refund policy from 2007. Filmmaking requires a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources, if investor cannot obtain the expected return, it will bring heavy pressure to producers. Therefore, in order to attract increasing Chinese directors entre to Australia for shooting and film framing and editing, August 2007,the chief of China 's state administration of radio, film and television and the Australian Ambassador to China represented the government of Australia and the government of the people's republic of China sign a film co–production agreement. According to this agreement, the Australia government provides three–promotion refund policy: 1. China and Australia co–production are received 40% refund. 2. Visual effect is received 30% refund. 3. Shooting in Australia is received 16.5% refund. In addition, this agreement can also with the superposition state and territory governments preferential measures, avoiding the trouble as much as possible to reduce the cost and improve the return investment. After signing the agreement up to now, a total of four co–production movie successful production, total investment is nearly sixty–eight million, The advantages of applying the refund of co–production 1. The
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