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Lizeth Daniela Abello Figueredo
Universidad del Tolima
Practicum 1
Ibague – Tolima
May 11th 2018
My name is Lizeth Daniela Abello Figueredo, I am student of B.A in English, 8th
semester, and I am currently studying the Practicum 1 course. I have some little experience in
teaching English to kids. I am doing my practicum at a local school called Carlos Lleras
Restrepo, located in the same neighborhood I live in. I decided to choose this institution as the
place to practice what I have learnt during my B.A degree because of a relevant reason: I
graduated from this institution in 2012, and now I hope to contribute to this school, all the
knowledge I have acquired at the university. I decided to work with students from 10th grade
because I am interested on acquiring experience with teenagers and young adults. I think
those ages are difficult for the life of any person. Therefore, I aim to put all my effort to help
those kids to learn a language.
Additionally, I decided to use a questionnaire to analyze the need of the students
because the time I had to implement it was not enough to develop other tools such as
interviews or focus groups. The questionnaire I used to discover the needs of the students was
implemented on May 4th, 2018 an consisted on 18 questions about the life of the students,
preferences, likes, and disadvantages regarding personal life and academic context.
The main objectives of this analysis report are to know the population I am observing
to create and orient a class, and to acquire experience and knowledge that will help my future
teaching practices.
Firstly, the need analysis is a requisite from my practicum class and one relevant aim
of it is to find the likes, needs, preferences, drawbacks, and opportunities of the students
regarding their personal and academic fields. Then, I have to plan a class that lasts one hour
taking into consideration all the findings. It is crucial to mention that the needs analysis
instrument I used is a questionnaire with 18 questions related to the lives of the pupils.
And secondly, another important purpose of this analysis report is to get as many
experience as I can to understand how to collaborate on the learning of my students, to re-
think about my future profession, and to see teaching as a series of complex but satisfying
The school where I am going to carry out the class is called Carlos Lleras Restrepo,
this public institution has three smaller and rural schools around the department. Also, this
school is known because of its big spaces such as football courts, labs, and buildings. In
addition, since its creation, this school has been in El Salado neighborhood, a typical low-
class neighborhood surrounded by nature nice people.
Carlos Lleras Restrepo School offers to its students lots of benefits, one of them is the
technician courses that SENA and Universidad del Tolima teach to the 10th and 11th grade
pupils. Also, the philosophy of the school is to form people that will be valuable in the future.
That is why the school implements didactic strategies and non-traditional methods to teach to
make students feel closer to the university life. Also, the institution aims to build students
with critical capacities and values that contribute to the community.
La Institución educativa Carlos Lleras Restrepo, está dedicada a formar integralmente
educandos competentes en los niveles de preescolar, básica y bachilleres técnicos en
Agroturismo, Alojamiento, Guianza, hardware mantenimiento y redes, contabilidad y
finanzas, acompañado de una formación en valores humanos, éticos, morales y liderazgo que
contribuya en su proyecto de vida permitiéndoles un excelente desempeño laboral y a la vez
continuar sus estudios universitarios con eficiencia.
Para el año 2012 seremos una Institución líder en el desarrollo de procesos educativos
técnicos que contribuyan al desarrollo socioeconómico local, donde sus egresados sean
reconocidos por su excelente calidad humana, elevados niveles competitivos en Agroturismo,
Alojamiento, Guianza, hardware mantenimiento y redes,contabilidad y finanzas.
During the observation of the classes I have evidenced two main difficulties in he
students. First, I noticed the technological devices are a big issue that interrupts learning. And,
second, I could see that students are not autonomous learners.
As a starting point, I understand technology has come to our society with a good
purpose which is to make our lives easier; however, I believe human beings must limit the use
we give to such devices and the academic context is not an exception. For example, what I
could observe during some weeks in the school was that students make overuse of their
cellphones. This fact makes them get easily distracted and lose the focus of attention during
the English class. As a result, I would propose teachers to stablish clear rules to the students
since the beginning of the year, so, they need to understand they must adapt to the situations
and places they go.
As a last point, I would like to highlight that the 10th graders I observed are not as
autonomous learners as they are expected to be. I noticed the students only worked properly
when the teacher was paying close attention to their work. For instance, in many class the
students were working in groups, but the groups only worked when the teacher went to their
places to answer doubts, some minutes later they started to misbehave again until the teacher
could pay attention to them once again. To solve this problematic fact, I would suggest
teachers to assign roles and tasks to the students. I believe in that way they can feel committed
to learn. Also, I think the project work method can work with this type of pupils because they
need to develop extra and independent work to accomplish tasks.
1. ¿Crees que es importante aprender inglés?
A hundred percent of the students claimed English is important for their lives.
¿Por qué?
72.73% of the students affirm English is a door to open job and academic
opportunities. On the other side, a 27.27% of the participants claimed English is crucial
because it gives the chance to travel abroad.
2. ¿De qué manera aprendes mejor el inglés? Puedes encerrar más de una opción
22.73% of the participants claimed they learn better by using readings. Nevertheless, a
high number of pupils (18.18%) stated they learnt more properly with a mix of the four
communicative skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening). As the last option, the students
selected “escribiendo y hablando” as they preferred option to learn the language.
3. Qué actividades encuentras divertidas para aprender inglés (encierra las que te
gusten más)
The graph shows that 17.58% of students (16 students) find videos as the funniest
activities to learn English. Also, according to the numbers, with a percentage of 14.29% the
second more interesting activity is to watch movies. Finally, five students (5.49%) stated
physical activities as the best.
4. ¿Has tenido la oportunidad de aprender inglés aparte de las clases que recibes en
el colegio?
The pie chart shows that 20 students -which means a 90% of the whole class- have had
more opportunities to learn English apart from the school classes. And only 2 students
claimed they have never taken any English course outside the school.
5. Marque con una X la opción que considere correcta o responda con sus propias
palabras lo que considere es correcto de acuerdo a la pregunta.
¿Como te sientes en clase de Ingles?
The statistics evidence that 77% of the students feel motivated towards the English
class and 3% feel happy in the lessons; however, a 4.55% of the entire class feel nervous and
a 4.55% feel bored.
6. ¿Cada cuánto participas en clase?
It can be seen that 10% of the total class participates almost always in the class, and
10% sometimes participates, but only a 2% of the students always participate in the lessons.
7. ¿Cómo te sientes compartiendo en familia?
The numbers present that 13 students (59.09%) feel good at home, and 22% feel
happy. Also, 9.09% of the pupils stated they do not share too much time with their families,
and the rest (9.09%) claimed they do not even like to share time with their families.
8. ¿Sientes que en el grupo tienen en cuenta tu opinión cuando participas?
The graph above shows that a 95% of the total group feel their classmates care about
their opinions. And a 4.55% claimed their ideas are not considered for the class.
9. ¿Sientes que puedes expresar tus sentimientos y pensamientos?
The pie chart proofs that 63% of the pupils believe they can express their ideas;
nevertheless, a 36.36% assured they cannot.
Si tu respuesta es SI, ¿Cómo lo haces?
In accordance to the graph, 6 students which means a 40% of the total number, ask to
the partners when they must talk about their feeling, emotions, and thoughts. Also, a 40%
argued they just express what they feel, and a 20% prefer to talk to the teacher.
10. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
The statistics report that 19% of the students practice a sport in their free time. In
addition, 13% likes to sleep, and 1% of the students spend time with their families during
their free time.
11. ¿Cuál es tu género de música preferido?
The chart above shows that the most common music gender for the student is rap -with
a 34%-, the second place is for pop with a 24%, and the last place is occupied by electro, rock,
reggaetón, and baladas with 3% respectively.
12. ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?
According to the statistics, the sport students prefer s football, 36% of them assured
they like it. Basetball is at the second place with 27%, and in the last place it is skateboarding
with a 9%.
13. ¿Cómo prefieres aprender inglés? Marca con una X la opción que más te describe.
The pie chart reveals that 36% of the students learn better with a large variety of
images and visual aids. But, a 31% of them, learn better when they listen to their teacher and
classmates, and only a 13% claimed in it more appropriate for them to learn with activities
that involve music and sounds.
14. ¿Crees que tu opinión es tomada en cuenta en el desarrollo de las clases de inglés?
Although 86% of the students (19 of them) claimed their voice is taken into
consideration for the development of the classes, a 13% of the students feel their opinion is
not relevant for the classes.
15. ¿Para ti es importante qué tu opinión sea tomada en cuenta en el desarrollo de la
clase de inglés?
From the 22 students surveyed, 86% of them think their ideas are important, and a
13% believe their ideas are not crucial.
16. ¿Qué tanto te gusta participar en las siguientes actividades? (5: Me encanta 1: No
me gusta en absoluto)
As the graph shows, a 26% of the pupils prefer to work with activities such as debates.
Meanwhile, a 19% like to work in big groups, and only 8% prefer to work individually.
17. ¿Qué tanto te sientes apoyado en tus actividades escolares en tu hogar? (1: nada
5: Me apoyan mucho)
In accordance to the results in the graph, 36% of the group feel supported at home, a
31% feel totally supported at home, and 3% claim their families do not support them at all.
18. ¿Cuál de las siguientes situaciones impide, obstaculiza o dificulta tu rendimiento
académico? Marca una X en frente de cada situación que te afecta:
The pie chart above evidences that 23% of the students present a lack of motivation
that affects their academic performance. Additionally, 20% of the students states depression
as a drawback to learn properly. And, a 2% claimed a lack of support and help from the
 Most of the students prefer to learn with readings; nevertheless, a high number of
them prefer to use the four communicative skills to learn the language; as a result, I plan to
incorporate activities in accordance with those preferences.
 The majority of the students prefer videos, movies, and visual aids to learn. That
is why I may use some of these sources such as flashcards to assure their learning during my
 A high number of pupils have studied at institutes apart from the school which
means that I must bear in mind those probable different proficiency levels to plan the class.
For example, I may use complex and easy vocabulary, so more advance students can feel also
 As hobbies, most students like to practice sports. Consequently, I may use this
free time activities to make student work in class. For example, I can ask them to talk about
their preferred sport.
 The graph showed that students feel more comfortable when they work in groups.
Therefore, I may incorporate collaborative activities where each pupil has a role. As a plus, it
will help them to listen to the opinions of everyone.
¿Crees que es importante aprender inglés?
¿Por qué?
¿De qué manera aprendes mejor el inglés? Puedes encerrar más de una opción
Qué actividades encuentras divertidas para aprender inglés (encierra las que te
gusten más)
¿Has tenido la oportunidad de aprender inglés aparte de las clases que recibes en
el colegio?
Marque con una X la opción que considere correcta o responda con sus propias
palabras lo que considere es correcto de acuerdo a la pregunta.
¿Cada cuánto participas en clase?
¿Cómo te sientes compartiendo en familia?
¿Sientes que en el grupo tienen en cuenta tu opinión cuando participas?
¿Sientes que puedes expresar tus sentimientos y pensamientos?
Si tu respuesta es SI, ¿Cómo lo haces?
¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
¿Cuál es tu género de música preferido?
¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?
¿Cómo prefieres aprender inglés? Marca con una X la opción que más te describe.
¿Crees que tu opinión es tomada en cuenta en el desarrollo de las clases de inglés?
¿Para ti es importante qué tu opinión sea tomada en cuenta en el desarrollo de la
clase de inglés?
¿Por qué?:
¿Qué tanto te gusta participar en las siguientes actividades? (5: Me encanta 1: No
me gusta en absoluto)
¿Qué tanto te sientes apoyado en tus actividades escolares en tu hogar? (1: nada
5: Me apoyan mucho)
¿Por qué?
¿Cuál de las siguientes situaciones impide, obstaculiza o dificulta tu rendimiento
académico? Marca una X en frente de cada situación que te afecta:
Institución Educativa Carlos Lleras Restrepo. (2007). Plan Educativo Institucional
Recuperado de

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Analysis report

  • 1. NEEDS ANALYSIS REPORT Lizeth Daniela Abello Figueredo Universidad del Tolima Practicum 1 Ibague – Tolima May 11th 2018
  • 2. ABOUT THE PRE-SERVICE TEACHER My name is Lizeth Daniela Abello Figueredo, I am student of B.A in English, 8th semester, and I am currently studying the Practicum 1 course. I have some little experience in teaching English to kids. I am doing my practicum at a local school called Carlos Lleras Restrepo, located in the same neighborhood I live in. I decided to choose this institution as the place to practice what I have learnt during my B.A degree because of a relevant reason: I graduated from this institution in 2012, and now I hope to contribute to this school, all the knowledge I have acquired at the university. I decided to work with students from 10th grade because I am interested on acquiring experience with teenagers and young adults. I think those ages are difficult for the life of any person. Therefore, I aim to put all my effort to help those kids to learn a language. Additionally, I decided to use a questionnaire to analyze the need of the students because the time I had to implement it was not enough to develop other tools such as interviews or focus groups. The questionnaire I used to discover the needs of the students was implemented on May 4th, 2018 an consisted on 18 questions about the life of the students, preferences, likes, and disadvantages regarding personal life and academic context.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION The main objectives of this analysis report are to know the population I am observing to create and orient a class, and to acquire experience and knowledge that will help my future teaching practices. Firstly, the need analysis is a requisite from my practicum class and one relevant aim of it is to find the likes, needs, preferences, drawbacks, and opportunities of the students regarding their personal and academic fields. Then, I have to plan a class that lasts one hour taking into consideration all the findings. It is crucial to mention that the needs analysis instrument I used is a questionnaire with 18 questions related to the lives of the pupils. And secondly, another important purpose of this analysis report is to get as many experience as I can to understand how to collaborate on the learning of my students, to re- think about my future profession, and to see teaching as a series of complex but satisfying steps.
  • 4. ANALYSIS OF THE INSTITUTION The school where I am going to carry out the class is called Carlos Lleras Restrepo, this public institution has three smaller and rural schools around the department. Also, this school is known because of its big spaces such as football courts, labs, and buildings. In addition, since its creation, this school has been in El Salado neighborhood, a typical low- class neighborhood surrounded by nature nice people. Carlos Lleras Restrepo School offers to its students lots of benefits, one of them is the technician courses that SENA and Universidad del Tolima teach to the 10th and 11th grade pupils. Also, the philosophy of the school is to form people that will be valuable in the future. That is why the school implements didactic strategies and non-traditional methods to teach to make students feel closer to the university life. Also, the institution aims to build students with critical capacities and values that contribute to the community. Mission La Institución educativa Carlos Lleras Restrepo, está dedicada a formar integralmente educandos competentes en los niveles de preescolar, básica y bachilleres técnicos en Agroturismo, Alojamiento, Guianza, hardware mantenimiento y redes, contabilidad y finanzas, acompañado de una formación en valores humanos, éticos, morales y liderazgo que contribuya en su proyecto de vida permitiéndoles un excelente desempeño laboral y a la vez continuar sus estudios universitarios con eficiencia.
  • 5. Vission Para el año 2012 seremos una Institución líder en el desarrollo de procesos educativos técnicos que contribuyan al desarrollo socioeconómico local, donde sus egresados sean reconocidos por su excelente calidad humana, elevados niveles competitivos en Agroturismo, Alojamiento, Guianza, hardware mantenimiento y redes,contabilidad y finanzas.
  • 6. ANALYSIS OF OBSERVATION RECORDS During the observation of the classes I have evidenced two main difficulties in he students. First, I noticed the technological devices are a big issue that interrupts learning. And, second, I could see that students are not autonomous learners. As a starting point, I understand technology has come to our society with a good purpose which is to make our lives easier; however, I believe human beings must limit the use we give to such devices and the academic context is not an exception. For example, what I could observe during some weeks in the school was that students make overuse of their cellphones. This fact makes them get easily distracted and lose the focus of attention during the English class. As a result, I would propose teachers to stablish clear rules to the students since the beginning of the year, so, they need to understand they must adapt to the situations and places they go. As a last point, I would like to highlight that the 10th graders I observed are not as autonomous learners as they are expected to be. I noticed the students only worked properly when the teacher was paying close attention to their work. For instance, in many class the students were working in groups, but the groups only worked when the teacher went to their places to answer doubts, some minutes later they started to misbehave again until the teacher could pay attention to them once again. To solve this problematic fact, I would suggest teachers to assign roles and tasks to the students. I believe in that way they can feel committed to learn. Also, I think the project work method can work with this type of pupils because they need to develop extra and independent work to accomplish tasks.
  • 7. REPORT OF RESULTS OF DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT MI NIVEL DE INGLÉS 1. ¿Crees que es importante aprender inglés? A hundred percent of the students claimed English is important for their lives. ¿Por qué?
  • 8. 72.73% of the students affirm English is a door to open job and academic opportunities. On the other side, a 27.27% of the participants claimed English is crucial because it gives the chance to travel abroad. 2. ¿De qué manera aprendes mejor el inglés? Puedes encerrar más de una opción 22.73% of the participants claimed they learn better by using readings. Nevertheless, a high number of pupils (18.18%) stated they learnt more properly with a mix of the four communicative skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening). As the last option, the students selected “escribiendo y hablando” as they preferred option to learn the language. 3. Qué actividades encuentras divertidas para aprender inglés (encierra las que te gusten más)
  • 9. The graph shows that 17.58% of students (16 students) find videos as the funniest activities to learn English. Also, according to the numbers, with a percentage of 14.29% the second more interesting activity is to watch movies. Finally, five students (5.49%) stated physical activities as the best. 4. ¿Has tenido la oportunidad de aprender inglés aparte de las clases que recibes en el colegio?
  • 10. The pie chart shows that 20 students -which means a 90% of the whole class- have had more opportunities to learn English apart from the school classes. And only 2 students claimed they have never taken any English course outside the school. MIS SENTIMIENTOS Y EMOCIONES 5. Marque con una X la opción que considere correcta o responda con sus propias palabras lo que considere es correcto de acuerdo a la pregunta. ¿Como te sientes en clase de Ingles? The statistics evidence that 77% of the students feel motivated towards the English class and 3% feel happy in the lessons; however, a 4.55% of the entire class feel nervous and a 4.55% feel bored.
  • 11. 6. ¿Cada cuánto participas en clase? It can be seen that 10% of the total class participates almost always in the class, and 10% sometimes participates, but only a 2% of the students always participate in the lessons. 7. ¿Cómo te sientes compartiendo en familia?
  • 12. The numbers present that 13 students (59.09%) feel good at home, and 22% feel happy. Also, 9.09% of the pupils stated they do not share too much time with their families, and the rest (9.09%) claimed they do not even like to share time with their families. 8. ¿Sientes que en el grupo tienen en cuenta tu opinión cuando participas? The graph above shows that a 95% of the total group feel their classmates care about their opinions. And a 4.55% claimed their ideas are not considered for the class.
  • 13. 9. ¿Sientes que puedes expresar tus sentimientos y pensamientos? The pie chart proofs that 63% of the pupils believe they can express their ideas; nevertheless, a 36.36% assured they cannot. Si tu respuesta es SI, ¿Cómo lo haces?
  • 14. In accordance to the graph, 6 students which means a 40% of the total number, ask to the partners when they must talk about their feeling, emotions, and thoughts. Also, a 40% argued they just express what they feel, and a 20% prefer to talk to the teacher. MIS GUSTOS Y PREFERENCIAS 10. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? The statistics report that 19% of the students practice a sport in their free time. In addition, 13% likes to sleep, and 1% of the students spend time with their families during their free time.
  • 15. 11. ¿Cuál es tu género de música preferido? The chart above shows that the most common music gender for the student is rap -with a 34%-, the second place is for pop with a 24%, and the last place is occupied by electro, rock, reggaetón, and baladas with 3% respectively. 12. ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?
  • 16. According to the statistics, the sport students prefer s football, 36% of them assured they like it. Basetball is at the second place with 27%, and in the last place it is skateboarding with a 9%. 13. ¿Cómo prefieres aprender inglés? Marca con una X la opción que más te describe. The pie chart reveals that 36% of the students learn better with a large variety of images and visual aids. But, a 31% of them, learn better when they listen to their teacher and classmates, and only a 13% claimed in it more appropriate for them to learn with activities that involve music and sounds.
  • 17. MI ENTORNO 14. ¿Crees que tu opinión es tomada en cuenta en el desarrollo de las clases de inglés? Although 86% of the students (19 of them) claimed their voice is taken into consideration for the development of the classes, a 13% of the students feel their opinion is not relevant for the classes. 15. ¿Para ti es importante qué tu opinión sea tomada en cuenta en el desarrollo de la clase de inglés?
  • 18. From the 22 students surveyed, 86% of them think their ideas are important, and a 13% believe their ideas are not crucial. 16. ¿Qué tanto te gusta participar en las siguientes actividades? (5: Me encanta 1: No me gusta en absoluto) As the graph shows, a 26% of the pupils prefer to work with activities such as debates. Meanwhile, a 19% like to work in big groups, and only 8% prefer to work individually. 17. ¿Qué tanto te sientes apoyado en tus actividades escolares en tu hogar? (1: nada 5: Me apoyan mucho)
  • 19. In accordance to the results in the graph, 36% of the group feel supported at home, a 31% feel totally supported at home, and 3% claim their families do not support them at all. 18. ¿Cuál de las siguientes situaciones impide, obstaculiza o dificulta tu rendimiento académico? Marca una X en frente de cada situación que te afecta:
  • 20. The pie chart above evidences that 23% of the students present a lack of motivation that affects their academic performance. Additionally, 20% of the students states depression as a drawback to learn properly. And, a 2% claimed a lack of support and help from the teacher. CONCLUSIONS  Most of the students prefer to learn with readings; nevertheless, a high number of them prefer to use the four communicative skills to learn the language; as a result, I plan to incorporate activities in accordance with those preferences.  The majority of the students prefer videos, movies, and visual aids to learn. That is why I may use some of these sources such as flashcards to assure their learning during my class.  A high number of pupils have studied at institutes apart from the school which means that I must bear in mind those probable different proficiency levels to plan the class. For example, I may use complex and easy vocabulary, so more advance students can feel also challenged.  As hobbies, most students like to practice sports. Consequently, I may use this free time activities to make student work in class. For example, I can ask them to talk about their preferred sport.  The graph showed that students feel more comfortable when they work in groups. Therefore, I may incorporate collaborative activities where each pupil has a role. As a plus, it will help them to listen to the opinions of everyone.
  • 21. ANEXXES MI NIVEL DE INGLÉS ¿Crees que es importante aprender inglés? ¿Por qué? ¿De qué manera aprendes mejor el inglés? Puedes encerrar más de una opción Qué actividades encuentras divertidas para aprender inglés (encierra las que te gusten más) ¿Has tenido la oportunidad de aprender inglés aparte de las clases que recibes en el colegio? MIS SENTIMIENTOS Y EMOCIONES Marque con una X la opción que considere correcta o responda con sus propias palabras lo que considere es correcto de acuerdo a la pregunta. ¿Cada cuánto participas en clase? ¿Cómo te sientes compartiendo en familia?
  • 22. ¿Sientes que en el grupo tienen en cuenta tu opinión cuando participas? ¿Sientes que puedes expresar tus sentimientos y pensamientos? Si tu respuesta es SI, ¿Cómo lo haces? MIS GUSTOS Y PREFERENCIAS ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? ¿Cuál es tu género de música preferido? ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? ¿Cómo prefieres aprender inglés? Marca con una X la opción que más te describe. MI ENTORNO
  • 23. ¿Crees que tu opinión es tomada en cuenta en el desarrollo de las clases de inglés? ¿Para ti es importante qué tu opinión sea tomada en cuenta en el desarrollo de la clase de inglés? ¿Por qué?: ¿Qué tanto te gusta participar en las siguientes actividades? (5: Me encanta 1: No me gusta en absoluto) ¿Qué tanto te sientes apoyado en tus actividades escolares en tu hogar? (1: nada 5: Me apoyan mucho) ¿Por qué? ¿Cuál de las siguientes situaciones impide, obstaculiza o dificulta tu rendimiento académico? Marca una X en frente de cada situación que te afecta:
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  • 27. REFERENCES Institución Educativa Carlos Lleras Restrepo. (2007). Plan Educativo Institucional Recuperado de pei