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American InterContinental University
MGMT 435 Homework Help
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MGMT 435 Week 1 Discussion
The DiscussionBoard(DB) is part of the core of online learning.Classroomdiscussioninanonline
environmentrequiresthe active participationof studentsandthe instructortocreate robust interaction
and dialogue.Everystudentisexpectedtocreate anoriginal response tothe open-endedDBquestion
as well asengage indialogue byrespondingtopostscreatedbyothersthroughoutthe week.Atthe end
of eachunit,DB participationwill be assessedbasedonbothlevel of engagementandthe qualityof the
contributiontothe discussion.
At a minimum,eachstudentwill be expectedtopostanoriginal andthoughtful response tothe DB
questionandcontribute tothe weeklydialogue byrespondingtoatleasttwootherposts fromstudents.
The firstcontributionmustbe postedbefore midnight(Central Time) onWednesdayof eachweek.Two
additional responsesare requiredafterWednesdayof eachweek.Studentsare highlyencouragedto
engage onthe Discussion Boardearlyand often,asthat isthe primaryway the universitytracksclass
attendance andparticipation.
The purpose of the DiscussionBoardisto allow studentstolearnthroughsharingideasandexperiences
as theyrelate tocourse contentand the DB question.Becauseitisnotpossible toengage intwo-way
dialogue afteraconversationhasended,nopoststothe DB will be acceptedafterthe endof each unit.
Reviewthe Terminal CourseObjectives,accessedbyclickingonthe “Course Information”tab at the top
of yourscreen,scrollingdowntothe “Course Objectives”andthenselectingView classobjectives.How
will accomplishingtheseobjectivessupportyoursuccessinmanagement?Whatrisksorchallenges
mighta managerencounterif theyhave notmasteredthese objectives?Explain.
MGMT 435 Week 2 Discussion
The DiscussionBoard(DB) is part of the core of online learning.Classroomdiscussioninanonline
environmentrequiresthe active participationof studentsandthe instructortocreate robust interaction
and dialogue.Everystudentisexpectedtocreate anoriginal response tothe open-endedDBquestion
as well asengage indialogue byrespondingtopostscreatedbyothersthroughoutthe week.Atthe end
of eachunit,DB participationwill be assessedbasedonbothlevel of engagementandthe qualityof the
contributiontothe discussion.
At a minimum,eachstudentwill be expectedtopostanoriginal andthoughtful response tothe DB
questionandcontribute tothe weeklydialogue byrespondingtoat leasttwootherposts fromstudents.
The firstcontributionmustbe postedbefore midnight(Central Time) onWednesdayof eachweek.Two
additional responsesare requiredafterWednesdayof eachweek.Studentsare highlyencouragedto
engage onthe DiscussionBoardearlyand often,asthat isthe primaryway the universitytracksclass
attendance andparticipation.
The purpose of the DiscussionBoardisto allow studentstolearnthroughsharingideasandexperiences
as theyrelate tocourse contentand the DB question.Becauseitisnotpossible toengage intwo-way
dialogue afteraconversationhasended,nopoststothe DB will be acceptedafterthe endof each unit.
Reviewthe Assignmentsforthiscourse,accessedbyclickingonthe “Assignment”tabat the topof your
screen,andthenselectingeachUnit#- Assignment,reviewingthe description,type,anddeliverables.
explainhowthe informationgleaned willsupportyourcareerdevelopmentinmanagement.Please
reviewthe approachproposedbyotherstudents,providingobjectivefeedbackonopportunitiesfor
MGMT 435 Week 3 Discussion
The DiscussionBoard(DB) is part of the core of online learning.Classroomdiscussioninanonline
environmentrequiresthe active participationof studentsandthe instructortocreate robust interaction
and dialogue.Everystudentisexpectedtocreate anoriginal response tothe open-endedDBquestion
as well asengage indialogue byrespondingtopostscreatedbyothersthroughoutthe week.Atthe end
of eachunit,DB participationwill be assessedbasedonbothlevel of engagementandthe qualityof the
contributiontothe discussion.
At a minimum,eachstudent will be expectedtopostanoriginal andthoughtful response tothe DB
questionandcontribute tothe weeklydialogue byrespondingtoatleasttwootherposts fromstudents.
The firstcontributionmustbe postedbefore midnight(Central Time) onWednesday of eachweek.Two
additional responsesare requiredafterWednesdayof eachweek.Studentsare highlyencouragedto
engage onthe DiscussionBoardearlyand often,asthat isthe primaryway the universitytracksclass
attendance andparticipation.
The purpose of the DiscussionBoardisto allow studentstolearnthroughsharingideasandexperiences
as theyrelate tocourse contentand the DB question.Becauseitisnotpossible toengage intwo-way
dialogue afteraconversationhasended,nopoststothe DB will be acceptedafterthe endof each unit.
Reflectingonthe focusandcontentof thiscourse,whatis an importantchallenge facingmanagement
of organizationstoday,andhowwouldyougoaboutaddressingit?Explain.
MGT 435 Week 5 Project II
Unit 5 ProjectCost andTime ManagementIndividualProject2
Deliverable Length:3slidesw/notes&Word docs.
UsingEarned Value toDetermine Status
Jenniferturnedinherstatusreportforthe newlyapprovedmailingactivities.She feelsthatherpieces
are on track withnothingforyouto worryabout. She reportsthe followinginformationforthe critical
path tasks:
You reviewherstatusreportanddetermine thatJenniferdoesnothave a solidgraspof her status.Ben
was unable toprovide youwithanything more than,"Thingsare movingalongjustfine."
• Usingearnedvalue measurementsalongwiththe otherinformationandmetricsavailable,
determine the true statusof Jennifer'sportionof the project.
• Prepare an updatedstatusreport(1 page) forJenniferandshare the measurementsandyour
rationale inyourdeterminationof the statusforthe project.
• Create a 2-3 slide presentationexplainingthe benefitsof usingEVM.
• Be sure to documentsome instructions(1-page document) forJenniferandBen fordetermining
the projectstatusfor theirnextprojectupdate toyou.
• Also,provide materialsthatwouldbe usedtotrainJenniferandBenon the benefitsand
applicationof earnedvalue.
• The materialsshouldincludesome guidelinesforJenniferandBento helpthemcreate andthen
interpretthe metrics.
Please refertothe followingmultimediacourse material(s):
• Unit 5: Cost and Schedule Measures
• Unit 5: ControllingaProject
• Unit 5: Earned Value andRiskManagement
• Unit 5: Earned Value Analysis
Please submityourassignment.
MGT 435 week 5 Project 1
Unit 5 ProjectCost andTime Managementpart 1
Deliverable Length:1-2BodyPages
Costingthe Project
A projecthasan expecteddurationof 34 weekswithacritical pathvariance of 6. Suppose the project
networkisgivenandthe critical pathis identifiedonthe network.Supposethe normal time,crashtime,
and the associatedcostfor eachactivityisgiven.Youhave beenaskedbyyoursupervisortoprepare a
researchpaperthat addressesthe followcriteria:
• What isthe probabilitythatthe projectwill be completedin32 weeksorless?
• If the projectisto be shortenedbyfourdays,listthe processyou wouldtake to determine
whichactivities,inorderof reduction,wouldbe shortenedandthe resultingcost.
• Describe projectcostand the requirementsforitsdeterminationandapplicationinaproduction
• Analyze implicationsof changesin the parametersof projecttimingandcostdetermination.
• Evaluate applicationof projectcostandtimingconceptsona firm'sbusinessoperations.
Presentyourfindingsasa1-2 page Word documentformattedinAPA style.
SubmittingyourassignmentinAPA formatmeans,ata minimum, youwill needthe following:
• Title page:Rememberthe runningheadandtitle inall capital letters.
• Abstract:This isa summaryof yourpaper,not an introduction.Beginwritinginthird-person
• Body:The body of your paperbeginsonthe page followingthe titlepage andabstractpage,and
it mustbe double-spacedbetweenparagraphs.The typeface shouldbe 12-pt.TimesRomanor 12-pt.
Courierinregularblacktype.Do notuse color, boldtype,oritalicsexcept asrequiredforAPA level
headingsandreferences.The deliverablelengthof the bodyof yourpaperfor thisassignmentis3–4
pages.In-textacademiccitationstosupportyourdecisionsandanalysisare required.A varietyof
• Reference page:Referencesthatalignwithyourin-textacademicsourcesare listedonthe final
page of yourpaper.The referencesmustbe inAPA formatusingappropriate spacing,hangindention,
italics,andupper- andlower-case usage asappropriate forthe type of resource used.Remember,the
reference page isnota bibliography,butitisa furtherlistingof the abbreviatedin-textcitationsusedin
the paper.Everyreferenceditemmusthave acorrespondingin-textcitation.
MGMT 435 Week 1 IP
Create the Work BreakdownStructure
You are startingto create the project'sWBS, focusingonthe CRMimplementation.Usingthe library,
create a WBS forthispart of the project,beingsure todefine the phasesandthe deliverablescreatedin
each phase. Choosing1deliverable,definethe activitiesneededtocreate thatdeliverable.Also,define
the dependenciesbetweeneachof the activities.
• Use MicrosoftProjectto documentthe project'sWBS.
• Include abrief butspecificappraisal of the usage of MicrosoftProjectas a tool for estimation
and howthistechnologyassistsinprojectplanning.
• Additionally,prepare adocumentwithinstructionsastothe appropriate view tocommunicate
the WBS to Ben andhis team.
Please refertothe followingmultimediacourse material(s):
• Unit 1: Work BreakdownStructure
• Unit 1: FoundationsforEffective Project
• Unit 1: ProjectSchedule Defined
• Unit 1: FAQ: Activities&PM
Please submityourassignment.
MGMT 435 Week 2 IP
You are workingwithyourteamleadstocreate the projectschedule.Youare veryconcernedaboutthe
intersectionsbetweenthe teams,soyouall are startingwiththe majormilestonesandworking
backwardfrom the newproductlaunch.
Salesof the newproduct are goingto start in 9 monthsand the new CRM systemneedstobe inplace 6
weekspriorsothe salesforce can get theircustomerandprospectinformationenteredintime forthe
bigmarketingmailinggoingout3 weekspriortothe productbeingavailable.Youhave one team
workingonthe marketingprogram(andthe mailingisjustone of theirdeliverables);thisteamisbeing
ledbyJenniferfrommarketing.Youalsohave anotherteamworkingonthe CRM implementationbeing
ledbyBen fromIT. The two teamswill intersectatthe salesforce trainingonthe new system, the new
product,and the newmarketingprogram.Aftertalkingwiththe sponsorandcustomers,itwas
determinedthatthe trainingapproachwouldbe holistic;the marketingprocesswouldbe taughtusing
the newsystem—nottwoseparate classes,butone integratedclass.Instructorswillcome fromboththe
IT and the marketingteams.Youare unsure whichteamleadershouldbe responsiblefortraining;itwill
dependuponthe resourcesanddependencies.
Usingthe listof tasksbelowasa startingpoint,create a schedule byaddingtasks,dependencies,efforts,
and descriptionsof the skillsrequiredtocompleteeachtask.Also,determinethe startandenddates
basedon the dependenciesandeffort(assumeyourresourceshave 50% availabilitytothe project).The
schedule shouldcontainbetween30and 60 tasks/subtasks.Use MicrosoftProject,Excel,Word,orany
otherappropriate tool todocumentyourschedule.Youwill alsoneedtodefine the teammembersyou
will need.Foreachteammemberyouwill need,create abulletedlistof skillsandexpertisethathe or
she musthave to complete the assignedtasks.Forthe effort,describe yourrationale foryourestimate.
• Determine trainingobjectives.
• Create trainingoutline (objectives,phases,topics,andcontent).
• Define activities.
• Create instructorguide.
• Create participantmaterials.
• Create activityguide.
• Reviewtrainingmaterials.
• Conductpilottrainingclass/testtrainingmaterials.
• Delivertrainingtoall of salesforce.
MGMT 435 Week 3 GP
Creatinga Fully-LeveledSchedule
In Unit1, youcreateda workbreakdownstructure forthe entire CRMsystemimplementation.Youalso
elaboratedonthatstructure and identifiedmore detailsforone of the deliverables.InUnit2, you
createda schedule forthe trainingdeliverables.Youalsoidentifiedthe skillsyouneededforthe team.
Now,as a group,you will create afully-leveledschedule forthe entire project(CRMimplementation,
marketingprogram,andtraining).The schedule shouldbe createdinMicrosoftProject.Asagroup,you
will firstneedtodefineandagree onthe following:
• set-upof MicrosoftProject(includinghow youwill workonthe file individuallyandjointly)
• phases
• deliverablesfromeachphase
• milestonesineachphase
• skillsrequiredforeachteam
• resourcesavailabletothe projectwiththe givenskills
• availabilityof eachresource tothe project(donot forgetaboutvacations,training,holidays,
Make sure youdocumentthe resource descriptions(skillsandavailability) inasimple formatforthe
Then,as a group,file the projectschedule intosectionsthatare assignedtoeachteammember.Donot
file the resourcesorassignthemtobe usedbyonlyone teammember.Asindividuals,complete the
followingschedule foryourassignedsection:
• Provide more detail bydefiningthe tasks.
• Assigndependenciesamongtasks,includingleadandlagtime.
• Assignresourcestotasksbasedon the skillsandavailabilitydefinedbythe team.
• Level onlyyoursectionof the project.
• Conducta PERT analysisfor1 sectionof yourschedule.
• Create a baseline foronlyyoursectionof the project.
Please addyourfile.
Your assignmentwillbe gradedinaccordance withthe followingcriteria.Clickhere toview the grading
As a group,complete the followingstepstofinishthe projectschedule:
1. Combine the individualplansintoone plan(if needed).
2. Reviewandrefine the critical path.
3. Identifydependencyandresource conflicts.
4. Level the entire projecttothe extentthatmakessense (rememberthatthe projecthasto be
complete withina9-monthperiodandotherinterimdateswere definedinUnit2).
5. Create a baseline forthe entire project.
6. As youadjustthe schedule tomeetthe requireddates,documentthe trade-offsyoumade and
the risksintroducedbythose trade-offs(ifyoudonothave to make any trade-offsbecauseyoucan
meetthe time frames,see the instructor).
Turn inyour schedule,resourcedescriptions,andtrade-offdescriptionstothe instructor.Be sure to
explainwhichview(s) isbestforevaluatingthe projectschedule,includingthe PERTvalues.
Please refertothe followingmultimediacourse material(s):
• Unit 2: Gantt Charts,Pert,CPM
• Unit 3: ProjectSchedulingTechniques
• Unit 3: The Critical PathMethod
• Unit 3: Critical PathNetworks
• Unit 3: ProjectSchedulingandResource Allocation
Please addyourfile.
Please submityourassignment.
MGMT 435 Week 4 Discussion
he DiscussionBoard(DB) is part of the core of online learning.Classroomdiscussioninanonline
environmentrequiresthe active participationof studentsandthe instructortocreate robust interaction
and dialogue.Everystudentisexpectedtocreate anoriginal response tothe open-endedDBquestion
as well asengage indialogue byrespondingtopostscreatedbyothersthroughoutthe week.Atthe end
of eachunit,DB participationwill be assessedbasedonbothlevel of engagementandthe qualityof the
contributiontothe discussion.
At a minimum,eachstudentwill be expectedtopostanoriginal andthoughtful response tothe DB
questionandcontribute tothe weeklydialogue byrespondingtoatleasttwootherposts fromstudents.
The firstcontributionmustbe postedbefore midnight(Central Time) onWednesdayof eachweek.Two
additional responsesare requiredafterWednesdayof eachweek.Studentsare highlyencouragedto
engage onthe DiscussionBoardearlyand often,asthat isthe primaryway the universitytracksclass
attendance andparticipation.
The purpose of the DiscussionBoardisto allow studentstolearnthroughsharingideasandexperiences
as theyrelate tocourse contentand the DB question.Becauseitisnotpossible toengage intwo-way
dialogue afteraconversationhasended,nopoststothe DB will be acceptedafterthe endof each unit.
Collaborationleveragesthe collective knowledgeof ateam.Peerevaluationandsupport,providedin
the spiritof continuousimprovementandorganizational success,resultinhigherqualitydeliverables
than generallypossible bythe effortsof anindividual.Please describe the processyouplantouse to
conduct research,identifyfindings,anddevelopthe ComprehensiveProjectdue inUnit5 and presenta
brief outline indicatinghowyouintendtoorganize the projectdeliverable.Pleasereview the process
and outlinesof otherstudents,providingobjective feedbackthatwill helpstrengthenthe effectiveness
of theireffortsandthe qualityof the finishedproduct.
In yourown words,please postaresponse tothe DiscussionBoardandcommentonotherpostings.You
will be gradedonthe qualityof yourpostings.
Your assignmentwillbe gradedinaccordance withthe followingcriteria.Clickhere toview the grading
For assistance withyourassignment,pleaseuse yourtext,Webresources,andall course materials.
MGMT 435 Week 4 IP
The projectis progressingwell,andyouhave now beenaskedif there isenoughtime andbudgetto
create and distribute anewmarketingmailing.Thismailingwill be focusedonanew international
marketplace,sothe existingmaterialscannotbe usedasis.The materialswillneedtobe translated
(external resource),havedifferentgraphicsapplied,anduse differentcolors.The costformailing
internationallyistwice the costof the domesticmailing,andthe volume is200,000–250,000 addresses.
A mailinglistwillbe purchasedforthismailingbecause itisanew marketfor the company.
You needtodetermine the costsof thismailing(internal andexternal).Youalsoneedtodetermine the
resource requirementsandidentifyanyconflicts.Jenniferandyouhave a workingsessionlaterthis
weektopull togetherthe information.
• In preparationforthe meeting,create aworksheet(inExcel oranotherspreadsheettool) that
youcan use to create the budgetforthe new mailing.
• Pre populate the worksheetwiththe componentsof the estimate,andprovidedirectionsto
Jenniferinaproceduresdocument(inWord) onhow tocreate a three-pointestimate forthe resulting
• Be sure to alsoinclude the internal costs.
• Also,create a schedule thatidentifiesthe deliverables,activities,andresourcestoproduce this
• Usingthe projectschedule youcreatedasa group,identifythe resourcesyouwilluse andwhat
conflictsthatmay form(inWord).
• Justifyyourchoices.
Please refertothe followingmultimediacourse material(s):
• Unit 4: Cost Methods
• Unit 4: ProjectEstimation,Budgeting,Cost
Please submityourassignment.
Your assignmentwillbe gradedinaccordance withthe followingcriteria.Clickhere toview the grading
For assistance withyourassignment,pleaseuse yourtext,Webresources,andall course materials.
AmericanInterContinental University MGMT435 Unit 1 Assignment
AmericanInterContinental UniversityMGMT/435 MGMT435 MGMT 435 Unit 1 Assignment
AmericanInterContinental University MGMT435 Unit 2 Assignment
AmericanInterContinental UniversityMGMT/435 MGMT435 MGMT 435 Unit 2 Assignment

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American inter continental university mgmt 435 docx

  • 1. American InterContinental University MGMT 435 Homework Help Get help for AmericanInterContinental University MGMT 435. We provide assignment, homework, discussions and case studies help for all subject AmericanInterContinental University for Session 2015-2016 MGMT 435 Week 1 Discussion The DiscussionBoard(DB) is part of the core of online learning.Classroomdiscussioninanonline environmentrequiresthe active participationof studentsandthe instructortocreate robust interaction and dialogue.Everystudentisexpectedtocreate anoriginal response tothe open-endedDBquestion as well asengage indialogue byrespondingtopostscreatedbyothersthroughoutthe week.Atthe end of eachunit,DB participationwill be assessedbasedonbothlevel of engagementandthe qualityof the contributiontothe discussion. At a minimum,eachstudentwill be expectedtopostanoriginal andthoughtful response tothe DB questionandcontribute tothe weeklydialogue byrespondingtoatleasttwootherposts fromstudents. The firstcontributionmustbe postedbefore midnight(Central Time) onWednesdayof eachweek.Two additional responsesare requiredafterWednesdayof eachweek.Studentsare highlyencouragedto engage onthe Discussion Boardearlyand often,asthat isthe primaryway the universitytracksclass attendance andparticipation. The purpose of the DiscussionBoardisto allow studentstolearnthroughsharingideasandexperiences as theyrelate tocourse contentand the DB question.Becauseitisnotpossible toengage intwo-way dialogue afteraconversationhasended,nopoststothe DB will be acceptedafterthe endof each unit. Reviewthe Terminal CourseObjectives,accessedbyclickingonthe “Course Information”tab at the top of yourscreen,scrollingdowntothe “Course Objectives”andthenselectingView classobjectives.How will accomplishingtheseobjectivessupportyoursuccessinmanagement?Whatrisksorchallenges mighta managerencounterif theyhave notmasteredthese objectives?Explain.
  • 2. Discussion-Board-DB-is-pa-37288 MGMT 435 Week 2 Discussion The DiscussionBoard(DB) is part of the core of online learning.Classroomdiscussioninanonline environmentrequiresthe active participationof studentsandthe instructortocreate robust interaction and dialogue.Everystudentisexpectedtocreate anoriginal response tothe open-endedDBquestion as well asengage indialogue byrespondingtopostscreatedbyothersthroughoutthe week.Atthe end of eachunit,DB participationwill be assessedbasedonbothlevel of engagementandthe qualityof the contributiontothe discussion. At a minimum,eachstudentwill be expectedtopostanoriginal andthoughtful response tothe DB questionandcontribute tothe weeklydialogue byrespondingtoat leasttwootherposts fromstudents. The firstcontributionmustbe postedbefore midnight(Central Time) onWednesdayof eachweek.Two additional responsesare requiredafterWednesdayof eachweek.Studentsare highlyencouragedto engage onthe DiscussionBoardearlyand often,asthat isthe primaryway the universitytracksclass attendance andparticipation. The purpose of the DiscussionBoardisto allow studentstolearnthroughsharingideasandexperiences as theyrelate tocourse contentand the DB question.Becauseitisnotpossible toengage intwo-way dialogue afteraconversationhasended,nopoststothe DB will be acceptedafterthe endof each unit. Reviewthe Assignmentsforthiscourse,accessedbyclickingonthe “Assignment”tabat the topof your screen,andthenselectingeachUnit#- Assignment,reviewingthe description,type,anddeliverables. Explainyourproposedapproachforconductingresearchnecessarytodevelopqualitydeliverablesand explainhowthe informationgleaned willsupportyourcareerdevelopmentinmanagement.Please reviewthe approachproposedbyotherstudents,providingobjectivefeedbackonopportunitiesfor improvement. Discussion-Board-DB-is-par-37289
  • 3. MGMT 435 Week 3 Discussion The DiscussionBoard(DB) is part of the core of online learning.Classroomdiscussioninanonline environmentrequiresthe active participationof studentsandthe instructortocreate robust interaction and dialogue.Everystudentisexpectedtocreate anoriginal response tothe open-endedDBquestion as well asengage indialogue byrespondingtopostscreatedbyothersthroughoutthe week.Atthe end of eachunit,DB participationwill be assessedbasedonbothlevel of engagementandthe qualityof the contributiontothe discussion. At a minimum,eachstudent will be expectedtopostanoriginal andthoughtful response tothe DB questionandcontribute tothe weeklydialogue byrespondingtoatleasttwootherposts fromstudents. The firstcontributionmustbe postedbefore midnight(Central Time) onWednesday of eachweek.Two additional responsesare requiredafterWednesdayof eachweek.Studentsare highlyencouragedto engage onthe DiscussionBoardearlyand often,asthat isthe primaryway the universitytracksclass attendance andparticipation. The purpose of the DiscussionBoardisto allow studentstolearnthroughsharingideasandexperiences as theyrelate tocourse contentand the DB question.Becauseitisnotpossible toengage intwo-way dialogue afteraconversationhasended,nopoststothe DB will be acceptedafterthe endof each unit. Reflectingonthe focusandcontentof thiscourse,whatis an importantchallenge facingmanagement of organizationstoday,andhowwouldyougoaboutaddressingit?Explain. Discussion-Board-DB-is-par-37292 MGT 435 Week 5 Project II Unit 5 ProjectCost andTime ManagementIndividualProject2 Deliverable Length:3slidesw/notes&Word docs. UsingEarned Value toDetermine Status Jenniferturnedinherstatusreportforthe newlyapprovedmailingactivities.She feelsthatherpieces are on track withnothingforyouto worryabout. She reportsthe followinginformationforthe critical path tasks:
  • 4. You reviewherstatusreportanddetermine thatJenniferdoesnothave a solidgraspof her status.Ben was unable toprovide youwithanything more than,"Thingsare movingalongjustfine." • Usingearnedvalue measurementsalongwiththe otherinformationandmetricsavailable, determine the true statusof Jennifer'sportionof the project. • Prepare an updatedstatusreport(1 page) forJenniferandshare the measurementsandyour rationale inyourdeterminationof the statusforthe project. • Create a 2-3 slide presentationexplainingthe benefitsof usingEVM. • Be sure to documentsome instructions(1-page document) forJenniferandBen fordetermining the projectstatusfor theirnextprojectupdate toyou. • Also,provide materialsthatwouldbe usedtotrainJenniferandBenon the benefitsand applicationof earnedvalue. • The materialsshouldincludesome guidelinesforJenniferandBento helpthemcreate andthen interpretthe metrics. Please refertothe followingmultimediacourse material(s): • Unit 5: Cost and Schedule Measures • Unit 5: ControllingaProject • Unit 5: Earned Value andRiskManagement • Unit 5: Earned Value Analysis Please submityourassignment. Cost-and-Time-Mana-39527 MGT 435 week 5 Project 1 Unit 5 ProjectCost andTime Managementpart 1 Deliverable Length:1-2BodyPages
  • 5. Costingthe Project A projecthasan expecteddurationof 34 weekswithacritical pathvariance of 6. Suppose the project networkisgivenandthe critical pathis identifiedonthe network.Supposethe normal time,crashtime, and the associatedcostfor eachactivityisgiven.Youhave beenaskedbyyoursupervisortoprepare a researchpaperthat addressesthe followcriteria: • What isthe probabilitythatthe projectwill be completedin32 weeksorless? • If the projectisto be shortenedbyfourdays,listthe processyou wouldtake to determine whichactivities,inorderof reduction,wouldbe shortenedandthe resultingcost. • Describe projectcostand the requirementsforitsdeterminationandapplicationinaproduction facility. • Analyze implicationsof changesin the parametersof projecttimingandcostdetermination. • Evaluate applicationof projectcostandtimingconceptsona firm'sbusinessoperations. Presentyourfindingsasa1-2 page Word documentformattedinAPA style. SubmittingyourassignmentinAPA formatmeans,ata minimum, youwill needthe following: • Title page:Rememberthe runningheadandtitle inall capital letters. • Abstract:This isa summaryof yourpaper,not an introduction.Beginwritinginthird-person voice. • Body:The body of your paperbeginsonthe page followingthe titlepage andabstractpage,and it mustbe double-spacedbetweenparagraphs.The typeface shouldbe 12-pt.TimesRomanor 12-pt. Courierinregularblacktype.Do notuse color, boldtype,oritalicsexcept asrequiredforAPA level headingsandreferences.The deliverablelengthof the bodyof yourpaperfor thisassignmentis3–4 pages.In-textacademiccitationstosupportyourdecisionsandanalysisare required.A varietyof academicsourcesisencouraged. • Reference page:Referencesthatalignwithyourin-textacademicsourcesare listedonthe final page of yourpaper.The referencesmustbe inAPA formatusingappropriate spacing,hangindention, italics,andupper- andlower-case usage asappropriate forthe type of resource used.Remember,the reference page isnota bibliography,butitisa furtherlistingof the abbreviatedin-textcitationsusedin the paper.Everyreferenceditemmusthave acorrespondingin-textcitation. Cost-and-Time-Manag-39529
  • 6. MGMT 435 Week 1 IP Create the Work BreakdownStructure You are startingto create the project'sWBS, focusingonthe CRMimplementation.Usingthe library, create a WBS forthispart of the project,beingsure todefine the phasesandthe deliverablescreatedin each phase. Choosing1deliverable,definethe activitiesneededtocreate thatdeliverable.Also,define the dependenciesbetweeneachof the activities. • Use MicrosoftProjectto documentthe project'sWBS. • Include abrief butspecificappraisal of the usage of MicrosoftProjectas a tool for estimation and howthistechnologyassistsinprojectplanning. • Additionally,prepare adocumentwithinstructionsastothe appropriate view tocommunicate the WBS to Ben andhis team. Please refertothe followingmultimediacourse material(s): • Unit 1: Work BreakdownStructure • Unit 1: FoundationsforEffective Project • Unit 1: ProjectSchedule Defined • Unit 1: FAQ: Activities&PM Please submityourassignment. Breakdown-Structure-Y-39904 MGMT 435 Week 2 IP
  • 7. You are workingwithyourteamleadstocreate the projectschedule.Youare veryconcernedaboutthe intersectionsbetweenthe teams,soyouall are startingwiththe majormilestonesandworking backwardfrom the newproductlaunch. Salesof the newproduct are goingto start in 9 monthsand the new CRM systemneedstobe inplace 6 weekspriorsothe salesforce can get theircustomerandprospectinformationenteredintime forthe bigmarketingmailinggoingout3 weekspriortothe productbeingavailable.Youhave one team workingonthe marketingprogram(andthe mailingisjustone of theirdeliverables);thisteamisbeing ledbyJenniferfrommarketing.Youalsohave anotherteamworkingonthe CRM implementationbeing ledbyBen fromIT. The two teamswill intersectatthe salesforce trainingonthe new system, the new product,and the newmarketingprogram.Aftertalkingwiththe sponsorandcustomers,itwas determinedthatthe trainingapproachwouldbe holistic;the marketingprocesswouldbe taughtusing the newsystem—nottwoseparate classes,butone integratedclass.Instructorswillcome fromboththe IT and the marketingteams.Youare unsure whichteamleadershouldbe responsiblefortraining;itwill dependuponthe resourcesanddependencies. Usingthe listof tasksbelowasa startingpoint,create a schedule byaddingtasks,dependencies,efforts, and descriptionsof the skillsrequiredtocompleteeachtask.Also,determinethe startandenddates basedon the dependenciesandeffort(assumeyourresourceshave 50% availabilitytothe project).The schedule shouldcontainbetween30and 60 tasks/subtasks.Use MicrosoftProject,Excel,Word,orany otherappropriate tool todocumentyourschedule.Youwill alsoneedtodefine the teammembersyou will need.Foreachteammemberyouwill need,create abulletedlistof skillsandexpertisethathe or she musthave to complete the assignedtasks.Forthe effort,describe yourrationale foryourestimate. • Determine trainingobjectives. • Create trainingoutline (objectives,phases,topics,andcontent). • Define activities. • Create instructorguide. • Create participantmaterials. • Create activityguide. • Reviewtrainingmaterials. • Conductpilottrainingclass/testtrainingmaterials. • Delivertrainingtoall of salesforce. your-team-leads-t-39908
  • 8. MGMT 435 Week 3 GP Creatinga Fully-LeveledSchedule In Unit1, youcreateda workbreakdownstructure forthe entire CRMsystemimplementation.Youalso elaboratedonthatstructure and identifiedmore detailsforone of the deliverables.InUnit2, you createda schedule forthe trainingdeliverables.Youalsoidentifiedthe skillsyouneededforthe team. Now,as a group,you will create afully-leveledschedule forthe entire project(CRMimplementation, marketingprogram,andtraining).The schedule shouldbe createdinMicrosoftProject.Asagroup,you will firstneedtodefineandagree onthe following: • set-upof MicrosoftProject(includinghow youwill workonthe file individuallyandjointly) • phases • deliverablesfromeachphase • milestonesineachphase • skillsrequiredforeachteam • resourcesavailabletothe projectwiththe givenskills • availabilityof eachresource tothe project(donot forgetaboutvacations,training,holidays, etc.) Make sure youdocumentthe resource descriptions(skillsandavailability) inasimple formatforthe instructor. Then,as a group,file the projectschedule intosectionsthatare assignedtoeachteammember.Donot file the resourcesorassignthemtobe usedbyonlyone teammember.Asindividuals,complete the followingschedule foryourassignedsection: • Provide more detail bydefiningthe tasks. • Assigndependenciesamongtasks,includingleadandlagtime. • Assignresourcestotasksbasedon the skillsandavailabilitydefinedbythe team. • Level onlyyoursectionof the project. • Conducta PERT analysisfor1 sectionof yourschedule.
  • 9. • Create a baseline foronlyyoursectionof the project. Please addyourfile. Your assignmentwillbe gradedinaccordance withthe followingcriteria.Clickhere toview the grading rubric. As a group,complete the followingstepstofinishthe projectschedule: 1. Combine the individualplansintoone plan(if needed). 2. Reviewandrefine the critical path. 3. Identifydependencyandresource conflicts. 4. Level the entire projecttothe extentthatmakessense (rememberthatthe projecthasto be complete withina9-monthperiodandotherinterimdateswere definedinUnit2). 5. Create a baseline forthe entire project. 6. As youadjustthe schedule tomeetthe requireddates,documentthe trade-offsyoumade and the risksintroducedbythose trade-offs(ifyoudonothave to make any trade-offsbecauseyoucan meetthe time frames,see the instructor). Turn inyour schedule,resourcedescriptions,andtrade-offdescriptionstothe instructor.Be sure to explainwhichview(s) isbestforevaluatingthe projectschedule,includingthe PERTvalues. Please refertothe followingmultimediacourse material(s): • Unit 2: Gantt Charts,Pert,CPM • Unit 3: ProjectSchedulingTechniques • Unit 3: The Critical PathMethod • Unit 3: Critical PathNetworks • Unit 3: ProjectSchedulingandResource Allocation Please addyourfile. Please submityourassignment. Leveled-Schedule-In-39912
  • 10. MGMT 435 Week 4 Discussion he DiscussionBoard(DB) is part of the core of online learning.Classroomdiscussioninanonline environmentrequiresthe active participationof studentsandthe instructortocreate robust interaction and dialogue.Everystudentisexpectedtocreate anoriginal response tothe open-endedDBquestion as well asengage indialogue byrespondingtopostscreatedbyothersthroughoutthe week.Atthe end of eachunit,DB participationwill be assessedbasedonbothlevel of engagementandthe qualityof the contributiontothe discussion. At a minimum,eachstudentwill be expectedtopostanoriginal andthoughtful response tothe DB questionandcontribute tothe weeklydialogue byrespondingtoatleasttwootherposts fromstudents. The firstcontributionmustbe postedbefore midnight(Central Time) onWednesdayof eachweek.Two additional responsesare requiredafterWednesdayof eachweek.Studentsare highlyencouragedto engage onthe DiscussionBoardearlyand often,asthat isthe primaryway the universitytracksclass attendance andparticipation. The purpose of the DiscussionBoardisto allow studentstolearnthroughsharingideasandexperiences as theyrelate tocourse contentand the DB question.Becauseitisnotpossible toengage intwo-way dialogue afteraconversationhasended,nopoststothe DB will be acceptedafterthe endof each unit. Collaborationleveragesthe collective knowledgeof ateam.Peerevaluationandsupport,providedin the spiritof continuousimprovementandorganizational success,resultinhigherqualitydeliverables than generallypossible bythe effortsof anindividual.Please describe the processyouplantouse to conduct research,identifyfindings,anddevelopthe ComprehensiveProjectdue inUnit5 and presenta brief outline indicatinghowyouintendtoorganize the projectdeliverable.Pleasereview the process and outlinesof otherstudents,providingobjective feedbackthatwill helpstrengthenthe effectiveness of theireffortsandthe qualityof the finishedproduct. In yourown words,please postaresponse tothe DiscussionBoardandcommentonotherpostings.You will be gradedonthe qualityof yourpostings. Your assignmentwillbe gradedinaccordance withthe followingcriteria.Clickhere toview the grading rubric. For assistance withyourassignment,pleaseuse yourtext,Webresources,andall course materials. Board-DB-is-p-39914
  • 11. MGMT 435 Week 4 IP The projectis progressingwell,andyouhave now beenaskedif there isenoughtime andbudgetto create and distribute anewmarketingmailing.Thismailingwill be focusedonanew international marketplace,sothe existingmaterialscannotbe usedasis.The materialswillneedtobe translated (external resource),havedifferentgraphicsapplied,anduse differentcolors.The costformailing internationallyistwice the costof the domesticmailing,andthe volume is200,000–250,000 addresses. A mailinglistwillbe purchasedforthismailingbecause itisanew marketfor the company. You needtodetermine the costsof thismailing(internal andexternal).Youalsoneedtodetermine the resource requirementsandidentifyanyconflicts.Jenniferandyouhave a workingsessionlaterthis weektopull togetherthe information. • In preparationforthe meeting,create aworksheet(inExcel oranotherspreadsheettool) that youcan use to create the budgetforthe new mailing. • Pre populate the worksheetwiththe componentsof the estimate,andprovidedirectionsto Jenniferinaproceduresdocument(inWord) onhow tocreate a three-pointestimate forthe resulting budget. • Be sure to alsoinclude the internal costs. • Also,create a schedule thatidentifiesthe deliverables,activities,andresourcestoproduce this mailing. • Usingthe projectschedule youcreatedasa group,identifythe resourcesyouwilluse andwhat conflictsthatmay form(inWord). • Justifyyourchoices. Please refertothe followingmultimediacourse material(s): • Unit 4: Cost Methods • Unit 4: ProjectEstimation,Budgeting,Cost Please submityourassignment. Your assignmentwillbe gradedinaccordance withthe followingcriteria.Clickhere toview the grading rubric.
  • 12. For assistance withyourassignment,pleaseuse yourtext,Webresources,andall course materials. progressing-well-and-y-39916 AmericanInterContinental University MGMT435 Unit 1 Assignment AmericanInterContinental UniversityMGMT/435 MGMT435 MGMT 435 Unit 1 Assignment 435-MGMT435-MGMT-4-41139 AmericanInterContinental University MGMT435 Unit 2 Assignment AmericanInterContinental UniversityMGMT/435 MGMT435 MGMT 435 Unit 2 Assignment 435-MGMT435-MGMT-4-41146