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Chapter 16: Inference for Regression
Climate Change
The earth has been getting warmer. Most climate scientists
agree that one important cause of the warming is
the increase in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), a
green house gas. Here is part of a regression
analysis of the mean annual CO2 concentration (CO2) in the
atmosphere, measured in parts per thousand
(ppt), at the top of Mauna Loa in Hawaii and the mean annual
air temperature (Temp) over both land and
sea across the globe, in degrees Celsius.
Let’s first read the dataset into R
climate <- read.table('Climate_Change.txt', sep = 't', header =
and take a look at the data structure:
## 'data.frame': 29 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ year: int 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988
1989 ...
## $ Temp: num 14.2 14.3 14.1 14.3 14.1 ...
## $ CO2 : num 339 340 341 342 344 ...
We see three variables, which are year, Temp (mean annual air
temperature) and CO2 (mean annual CO2
concentration), and there are 29 observations in each variable.
We now take Temp as the response variable and CO2 the
predictor variable, to study their relationship. To see
if linear regression is appropriate, we make a scatterplot of
Temp against CO2
plot(climate$CO2, climate$Temp, xlab = 'CO2 Concentration',
ylab = 'Temperature')
340 350 360 370 380
CO2 Concentration
It seems reasonable to fit a linear model to the dataset, because
both variables are quantitative, the data
points show a linear pattern, and there is no outlier. So, let’s fit
the model:
imod <- lm(Temp ~ CO2, data = climate)
The summary of the fitted model is given by
## Call:
## lm(formula = Temp ~ CO2, data = climate)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -0.16809 -0.07972 0.00194 0.07013 0.18532
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 10.707076 0.481006 22.260 < 2e-16 ***
## CO2 0.010062 0.001336 7.534 4.19e-08 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.09847 on 27 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.6776, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6657
## F-statistic: 56.76 on 1 and 27 DF, p-value: 4.192e-08
which contains a lot of information. We see that R2 = 0.6776
and the SD of residuals se = 0.09847 (the
estimator of population standard deviation σ) with 27 degrees of
freedom. In Coefficients section we
see the intercept b0 = 10.71 and the slope b1 = 0.01. Their
standard errors are SE(b0) = 0.481 and
SE(b1) = 0.00134. Their t-test statistics are t0 = b0/SE(b0) =
22.26 and t1 = b1/SE(b1) = 7.534. Their
corresponding (two-tailed) p-values are very small (<2e-16 and
4.19e-08). As a result, we reject H0 : β1 = 0
and conclude there is a positive correlation between Temp and
CO2. The b1 = 0.01 can be interpreted as
follows: The air temperature will increase by 0.01 degrees
Celsius on average if the CO2 concentration in the
atmosphere increases by 1 ppt. If only focus on the coefficients
we may do
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 10.70707624 0.48100637 22.259739 6.641063e-
## CO2 0.01006241 0.00133563 7.533828 4.191615e-08
To obtain the confidence interval for each regression
coefficient, we may do
confint(imod, level = 0.95)
## 2.5 % 97.5 %
## (Intercept) 9.72013269 11.69401978
## CO2 0.00732192 0.01280289
The 95% (default confidence level) confidence interval for the
slope of CO2 is (0.0073, 0.0128). We are 95%
confident that as CO2 concentration increases by 1 ppt the air
temperature on average will increase by the
amount between 0.0073 and 0.0128 degrees Celsius.
We now need to check if the fitted model meets the
assumptions. From the scatterplot we can see the linearity
assumption is satisfied. Because the data are a time series, we
need to plot the residuals against the time
(year) to check independence assumption. We also need to plot
the residuals against fitted values ŷ (or
x-values) to check constant variance assumptions. Let’s produce
both plots:
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(climate$year, imod$residuals, xlab = 'Time', ylab =
abline(a = 0, b = 0)
plot(imod$fitted.values, imod$residuals, xlab = 'Fitted value',
ylab = 'Residual')
abline(a = 0, b = 0)
1980 1990 2000
14.1 14.3 14.5
Fitted value
The two residual plots are almost identical. Both of them show
no pattern and equal spread across the
x-values, so the independence and constant variance
assumptions are met. To check the Normal distribution
assumption we may use histogram and Q-Q plot of residuals
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
hist(imod$residuals, xlab = 'Residual', main = 'Histogram of
Histogram of Residuals
−0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2
−2 −1 0 1 2
Normal Q−Q Plot
Theoretical Quantiles
The histogram shows a potential right-skewness in the
distribution. The Q-Q plot shows a slight departure
from the straight line especially at two ends. The assumption is
not seriously violated, but the regression
analysis should proceed with caution. Note that it is not easy to
check the normality assumption with only
29 observations. More data should be collected for this purpose.
Now we want to predict the air temperature when the CO2
concentration level is at 355 ppt. First, we need
to make sure that the 355 ppt is in the range of sampled x-
## [1] 338.67 384.84
Then, we create a new dataset for prediction
new <- data.frame(CO2 = c(355))
Suppose we are interested in the mean temperature of all years
with the CO2 concentration at 355 ppt. We
therefore build a 95% confidence interval for the mean
predict(imod, newdata = new, interval = 'confidence', level =
## fit lwr upr
## 1 14.27923 14.2394 14.31906
The predicted mean temperature ŷν = 14.279 and its confidence
interval is (14.239, 14.319). We are 95%
confident that the mean air temperature of all years with CO2
concentration at 355 ppt is between 14.239
and 14.319 (degrees Celsius).
Suppose the CO2 concentration is estimated to be 355 ppt next
year. What are the predicted temperature
and the 95% prediction interval for that temperature for next
predict(imod, newdata = new, interval = 'prediction', level =
## fit lwr upr
## 1 14.27923 14.07329 14.48517
The predicted temperature for next year ŷν = 14.279, and its
prediction interval is (14.073, 14.485). We are
95% confident that the temperature for next year is between
14.073 and 14.485 (degrees Celsius) if the CO2
concentration is at 355 ppt. Note that the prediction interval is
wider than the confidence interval.
It is interesting to build a confidence band and a prediction
band, and plot them to see how the predicted
values and their uncertainties dynamically change with all
possible x-values. To do so, we first need to create
a new sequence of possible x-values within the range of
sampled data:
xx <- seq(min(climate$CO2), max(climate$CO2), length.out =
and create a new dataset for prediction based on xx <- data.frame(CO2 = xx)
Then, we build confidence interval and prediction interval for
each value in
conf <- predict(imod, newdata =, interval =
'confidence', level = .95)
pred <- predict(imod, newdata =, interval =
'prediction', level = .95)
To make the plot we first draw the data points and the
regression line, and then add confidence and prediction
bands to the plot
plot(climate$CO2, climate$Temp, xlab = 'CO2 Concentration',
ylab = 'Temperature')
lines(xx, conf[, 'lwr'], lty = 2, col = 'red')
lines(xx, conf[, 'upr'], lty = 2, col = 'red')
lines(xx, pred[, 'lwr'], lty = 3, col = 'blue')
lines(xx, pred[, 'upr'], lty = 3, col = 'blue')
340 350 360 370 380
CO2 Concentration
As we can see, the prediction band is much wider than the
confidence band, and it covers all the data points.
Note that the prediction interval is NOT parallel, although it
seems to be so. Both intervals actually get
narrower as x-values approach their average, but wider as the x-
values move away from it.
Climate Change
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication
Public Health, Culture, and Colonial Medicine: Smallpox and
Variolation in
Palestine During the British Mandate
Article in Public Health Reports · May 2007
DOI: 10.1177/003335490712200314 · Source: PubMed
2 authors, including:
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Public health ethics View project
Private-public mix and commodification of health View project
Nadav Davidovitch
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
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Public Health Chronicles
398 Public Health Reports / May–June /
Volume 122
PubliC HealtH, Culture, and
Colonial MediCine: SMallPox and
Variolation in PaleStine during
tHe britiSH Mandate
Nadav Davidovitch, MD, MPH, PhD
Zalman Greenberg, MPH, MSc, PhD
In December 1921, in the Arab village of
near Hebron, an epidemic of smallpox broke out
lowing variolation of the population. This practice of
variolation included taking material from the
of a sick person and purposely inoculating
healthy individual. It was carried out mainly by
healers and was a common practice among the
population at the time.
This article reviews the history of smallpox in
Palestine during the British Mandate, focusing on
the smallpox outbreak in Duwaimeh and the
relationship between the local population and British
Mandate authorities in the course of dealing with
epidemic. Vintage photos from the period found at
Israeli Public Health Central Laboratories in
reveal that attempts by Mandatory physicians to
out a mass vaccination of villagers were met
by fierce opposition. In the course of the
campaign, village children were hidden in caves
other hideaways in the vicinity out of fear of
being vaccinated.
Among all the colonial powers around the
public health and addressing outbreaks of contagious
diseases were among key issues of concern in
handling of local administration for both colonial
regimes and the medical community. Much has been
written in recent years about the link between
and colonialism, recognizing the tension that existed
between Western and local medicine as an important
dimension of the history of colonialism.1–3 This
analyzes these aspects by examining how various
ties reacted to the outbreak in the context of
different understandings of the disease and its
prevention. It is also an opportunity to reconstruct
Palestinian rural context that existed in Palestine
the turn of the 20th century and almost disappeared
after the establishment of Israel.
Colonial MediCine in Context
As historians of colonial medicine have shown,
medicine occupied a place within a more
ideological order of the empires.1–4 Colonial efforts
deal with the health of developing regions were
linked to the economic interests of the
Health was not an end in itself, but rather a
uisite for colonial development. Colonial medicine,
or “tropical medicine,” as it was called during the
19th century, was concerned primarily with
the health of Europeans living in the tropics,
these individuals were viewed as essential to the
project’s success. The health of the colonized
was normally only considered when their ill
threatened colonial economic enterprises or the health
of the Europeans. Accordingly, the success or
of health interventions was measured more in terms
the colonies’ production than by measuring the
of health among the native population.
Another aspect of this logic was that colonial
ments usually did little to build rural health
services for
the general native populations. Rural services,
they did exist, were run by missionaries and
primarily on maternal and child health. For most
inhabitants, contact with Western medical services
was limited to occasional medical campaigns such
mass vaccinations during infectious disease epidemics.
Yet, though this policy left a broad field for
action by
local traditional healers, colonial medical authorities
generally discounted the medical knowledge of
populations, and at times persecuted indigenous
health practitioners. Though there were important
exceptions to this pattern—such as in colonial India,
where British doctors drew on local knowledge
for identification of local illnesses and for
their pharmaceutical knowledge by incorporating local
plants and herbs—in general, disapproval of
and practices was the rule.5
Another characteristic of colonial medicine was that
it tended to be narrowly technical in both its
and implementations. Health was defined during the
pre–World War II era as mainly the absence of
and could therefore be achieved by understanding
and developing methods for attacking specific dis-
eases, mainly those that were infectious, one at a
This narrow “disease” approach to health and
appeared to be cheaper and more manageable
efforts to improve the general health and well-being
Public Health Chronicles 399
Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume
colonial subjects through social and economic
ment. Colonial authorities viewed both the
of broad-based health care and efforts to deal with
underlying social and economic determinants of
as both impractical and unnecessary.
HealtH in PaleStine
At the turn of the 20th century, Palestine was
a dis-
tant part of the Ottoman Empire. Infectious
rates were high. Malaria and trachoma were common
ailments.6–8 As several historians of medicine
described in their work on the everyday
of health and disease, we should remember that
demic streets” were an everyday encounter in
places for the local population, in Palestine as
as in other parts of the world.9 High infant
rates, as well as infectious diseases such as
dysentery, malaria, and tuberculosis, had a strong
impact on daily life.7
On several levels, circumstances in Palestine were
conducive to illness and disease. The geography
not provide an easy living, comprising a relatively
area with both swamps and deserts. This territory
on the Islamic pilgrims’ path on their way to
from Mecca, providing the opportunity for a
influx of disease carriers. During the 19th
the population of Palestine suffered from repeated
cholera epidemics transmitted by pilgrims returning
from Mecca and, during the First World War, by
soldiers crossing the country. Most of the
occurred in the old cities such as Jerusalem,
and Jaffa, where infrastructure was inadequate.10
erty, backwardness, absenteeism of the local elite,
the frequent incompetence and indifference of the
central government, with its resulting lack of
social administration, further prepared the ground for
an easy spread of diseases.
Based on their patterns of life, the local Arab
estinian population belonged to three distinct ethnic
groups: peasants (fallahin), the urbanized (hadar),
and nomads and semi-nomad Bedouin tribes (badu).11
During the Ottoman rule, the local population relied
mainly on traditional medicine, including herbal
medicine, bone-setting, cauterization, blood-letting,
leeching, cupping, as well as amulet writers,
and male religious healers.12
The Ottoman public health system was influenced by
increasing contact between the Ottoman Empire and
the European military, commerce, and science, which
triggered various reform movements (Tanzimat). While
reforms regarding health-care institutions were hardly
felt in Palestine, the economy experienced a marked
improvement. Coastal towns in particular benefited
from the increasing European influence and improved
infrastructure.13,14 However, the overwhelming majority
of Palestinians remained peasants, vulnerable to social
and economic inadequacies. At the beginning of
20th century, the area was still relatively
oped even within an Arab context.6,8
The First World War, in which Palestine was one
the battlegrounds, disrupted local life. Ottoman
ities arrested both Arab and Jewish Zionist leaders,
ing some; they conscripted tens of thousands of
farmers, deforested large areas, and commandeered
crops and livestock. As a result, the population
substantially. Those that remained faced starvation
and political chaos and were therefore easy prey
infectious diseases. Many health institutions, especially
those that offered free treatment, shut down or
their operation drastically due to lack of resources
budgetary constraints. The local population had to
primarily on their traditional medicine.12
On December 9, 1917, as World War I neared
end, Jerusalem surrendered to the British forces.
act marked the end of four centuries of Ottoman
British officials arriving in Palestine were
with a poverty-stricken population of approximately
600,000 Arabs and 85,000 Jews. The most
task of the occupying British forces was to
food and medical supplies and to restore social
economic order.15
According to the Interim Report on the Civil Adminis-
tration of Palestine, the British forces found “a country
exhausted by war. The population had been depleted;
the people of the towns were in severe distress;
cultivated land was left untilled; the stocks of
and horses had fallen to a low ebb; the
always scanty, had almost disappeared; orange groves
had been ruined by lack of irrigation; commerce
long been at a standstill.”16
In July 1920, the British Mandate civil
took over from the military. Public health was
the first concerns of the new rule, as expressed in
ous early written reports: “Both the Military
and the
Civil Administrations have paid the closest attention
measures for safeguarding the health of the
The Department of Public Health has a fully
central and local establishment. The sanitation of the
towns is efficiently supervised. A quarantine service
maintained . . . at the present time the
maintains 15 hospitals, 21 dispensaries, eight
and five epidemic posts.”16
The British government focused first and foremost
on ridding Palestine of infectious diseases. The
ment embarked on installing new sewage and
400 Public Health Chronicles
Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume
age systems, invested in swamp drainage projects
hygiene education campaigns, and established a school
hygiene service. It also instituted the registration of
cases of infectious diseases and decreed several
nances related to medical and public health matters,
such as licensing of various health-care
instituting pharmaceutical and food regulations, and
strengthening quarantine measures.17 All of these
measures, however, were only partially implemented
or limited in scope, and investment was restricted.
British administration did not hesitate to rely on
side sources for the advancement of public health.18
Although state hospitals that treated mostly Arab
populations in urban areas were scarce at first,
the British mandate the system was gradually
due to demand from the local Arab
Where access to state hospitals was problematic,
Arab population depended on the Christian missionary
health services. Interestingly, the Jewish community
developed its own medical services as part of the
enterprise, which included other welfare aspects. The
two main Jewish health-care organizations,
and the General Sick Fund (Kupat Holim
also treated Arabs. But in general, medical
between Arabs and Jews during the Mandate
informal, based mainly on private initiatives.
physicians treated private Arab patients in towns and
villages, especially where state hospitals and clinics
scarce. Sometime Jews, especially of Oriental descent,
were treated by Arab physicians.11
Although Palestine was not a British colony, it
run like a colony, without local representation
under tight supervision from London. British authori-
ties proceeded to govern the area much like a
colony, though incorporating it fully into its
The British Mandate in Palestine hopelessly tried
accomplish two contradictory goals: to create a
national home while also protecting the rights of
local Arab population. The inconsistency within Brit-
ish policy and contradicting expectation of Palestinian
Arabs and the Zionist Jewish community were
already in the Balfour Declaration, a letter
November 2, 1917, from the British Foreign
Arthur James Balfour, which supported Zionist
for a Jewish “national home” in Palestine.
to the Palestinian Arab community interpretation,
this letter contradicted other British promises that
supported the Arab vision for Palestine after the
This tension continued to exist over the whole
date period, when both sides—Arab and Jewish—were
dissatisfied with the British administration’s treatment
of Palestine.19 Apart from that, what makes the
Mandate period a unique case study is the side-by-
coexistence of the British administration, the
bodies with their health organizations such as Hadas-
sah and the General Sick Fund (Kupat Holim
religious-related health institutions, and other interna-
tional health enterprises, each with its own agenda
strong emphasis on public health issues. If we add
that the local Palestinian Arab inhabitants, as
well as
Jewish people and their interaction, we have an
cate network that demands its investigation for
the complexities of the country’s social history.
Meanwhile, the Arab and the growing Jewish com-
munities cooperated to some extent with British
tutions, but in parallel retained and built up
quasi-governmental bodies. To sum up the
“Interwar Palestine was one territory, inhabited by
ethnic communities of three religions, governed
four administrative structures.”6
In the next sections, we will take a specific
study to illuminate these complexities. We describe
unique smallpox outbreak and its control by the
authorities as it unfolded. But first, we provide
background on smallpox in Palestine and the British
Public Health Administration.
SMallPox in PaleStine
Smallpox, a viral disease that was officially
in 1980, was a significant infectious disease
history.20 It is very contagious, resulting in about
mortality. It was also the first disease against
which a
vaccine was developed—by Edward Jenner in 1796
an empirical tool, as the cause of the disease
was as
yet unknown.
In Palestine, several outbreaks were recorded during
the 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as
cases imported from endemic areas.21,22 The British
sician Ernst Masterman wrote of “an utterly
epidemic” of smallpox in Jerusalem in 1900.23
As described previously, similar to other infectious
diseases, one of the main routes of infection
was the
Moslem pilgrimage to Mecca.17 During the
rule, vaccinations against smallpox were carried
only sporadically. According to an estimate, only
10% of the local population was ever vaccinated.22
The British Health Services for Palestine commenced
its activities in December 1917 after the occupation
Jerusalem and Jaffa, when the military campaign
Palestine was still not completed. According to
annual report of the British Department of
“There were few relics to be found of any
Government Heath Services, and the testimony of
pre-war residents confirmed the absence of any
organization.”17 While this British description can
Public Health Chronicles 401
Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume
regarded as biased, it is reasonable to say that
due to
lack of comprehensive and coordinated medical
vices under Ottoman rule and the harsh
during the First World War, British officials arriving
Palestine were confronted with a poverty- and
stricken population. In 1922, the British undertook
the first census of the mandate. The population
752,048, comprising 589,177 Muslims (78%),
Jews (11%), 71,464 Christians (10%), and 7,617
(1%) belonging to other groups.24 As described
ously, both Jewish and Arab communities
a high incidence of disease and famine that
mortality rates among all segments of society:
Christian, and Jewish.
The British administration in Palestine was quick
to adopt public health legislation. By May 16,
Public Health Ordinance No. 1 was released to
late the General Health Service of the country
as the practice of medicine; notification of infectious
diseases and births and deaths; vaccination;
and general sanitation.”17
Soon after, more public health legislation followed
with quarantine regulations, pharmacy, anti-malarial
ordinances, water sanitation, and more. Government
hospitals with infections annexes were secured in
large cities. These legislations, together with
administrative regulations, served as the basis for
ting public health measures into action. One of
administrative regulations was related to the
tion of villages and the health duties of
The Mukhtars, the traditional heads of the
had in the British administration (as well as
the Ottoman period) important responsibilities in
sanitation and hygiene, such as in reporting
diseases and implementing isolation or quarantine as
needed. Following the British Annual Health
of 1921, we can reconstruct the formal
between the Mandate public health officers and
local Mukhtars:
All villages are inspected at regular periods by
Officers. In addition, Sanitary Sub-Inspectors make
regular visits [ND, ZG: the sub-inspectors were
Palestinians Arabs as opposed to medical officers
were typically British] . . . Orders in villages are
given to
the Mukhtar. A number of simple sanitary
have been drawn and published. The points raised
the regulations are examined on each visit. Mukhtars
are provided in all cases with books of
forms of births, deaths, and infectious diseases.
lage Registers are kept in each village . . .
In cases
of necessity warning notices are given to
to abate nuisances; and in case of
legal administrative action is taken against offenders.
(Annual Report of the Department of Health,
ment of Palestine for the Year 1921, p. 24)
As implied in the text cited, The Mukhtars’
ness to cooperate with the British Health Department
was subject to local variations and there were cases
noncompliance. These tensions between the health
administration and local communities were expressed
in the smallpox epidemic that broke out in
1921 in the southern part of Palestine, in a small
called Duwaimeh.
Duwaimeh at that time was a small Arab village
“among the western foothills of the Judean
four hours ride from Hebron.” The people there
described as “strong and healthy and well-suited
the pursuit on which a large number of them
for a livelihood, for they are thieves of
distinction.”25 The Duwaimeh population, according
to the 1922 census, comprised 2,441 inhabitants,
of them Muslims.24
On December 19, 1921, a delegation of British
public health workers visited Duwaimeh, following
notification of a smallpox case in the village.
were no public health services in Duwaimeh.
care was given by the local traditional healer, and
Mukhtar, the head of the village, was
responsible for
disease notification. As there were no roads connect-
ing to the village, the delegation arrived there
their horses. After conducting their investigation, the
public health officers were satisfied to hear that
was no other new case of smallpox. After
the smallpox patient, the public health delegation
the village. At the time, they had not known that
ing their visit, 300 children were kept hidden
in the
village and surrounding caves.
These children were variolated by Shaheen, the local
village healer, following the Mukhtar’s order.
is the historical practice of inducing immunity
smallpox by scratching the skin with the purulency
smallpox skin pustules taken from a smallpox
Although an ancient custom, in the modern
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu introduced this practice
into England from Turkey in 1721. Variolation
discarded by the medical community after the
duction of the smallpox vaccine by Edward Jenner
1796, yet variolation continued to be practiced to
20th century mainly by local healers. Many
existed and there were local variations according to
local custom. Shaheen, Duwaimeh’s local healer, took
lymph from pocks of the original first case, a
servant of Hussein the Mukhtar, and inoculated
children on the dorsal aspect of the hand
the thumb and forefinger according to the
402 Public Health Chronicles
Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume
method of the country.”17 The servant was first
by a physician on December 13, 1921. She was
in a pustular stage, taken into isolation in a tent
distance from the village. What was not known by
public health administration was that 300 children
had already been inoculated by the local healer
infected matter from the initial case.
According to the Lancet article describing the
Duwaimeh’s epidemic and the British annual
of the Department of Health from 1922, 120
out of 300 who were variolated (40%)
smallpox.25,26 Another 37 children were secondary
tertiary cases, infected either from the index
case or
from other ill children. Overall, there were 158
of smallpox in the village, including the index
out of a population of 2,441 (6.5%). As we do
not have
the total number of children in the village, age-
rates cannot be calculated. Interestingly, out of the
children who were variolated and developed smallpox,
10 children died (case fatality rate of 12.3%),
out of the 37 naturally occurring cases, six
died (case fatality rate of 16.2%). These data
the known fact that in the past, variolation
with it lower fatality rates than in naturally
cases. This difference became irrelevant after the
Shaheen inoculating a child. Attached to the original
photograph is a thorn that was used for the
This photograph and the other three presented in
article are part of a collection found at the Israeli
Laboratories. It can also be found at the Wellcome
Library for the History of Medicine contained in an
album of photographs (photograph #7) documenting
Duwaimeh outbreak. Lettering in the front of the
“Anti-smallpox campaign, Dawaimeh—Hebron. January—
February 1922”. There is also a typed note stating
that the
album was presented by Dr. Reginald Sibley.
introduction of the much safer technique of smallpox
The rumors on the variolated children were spread
by the Mukhtar’s enemies, and a hospital was
established in the Mukhtar’s house staffed by a
tor, nurses, a cook, and servants. The British
Department wanted to initiate an immediate vaccina-
tion campaign. According to John MacQueen,
work of vaccination was pushed on, and in a short
most of the inhabitants had been vaccinated.”25
Yet the vaccination campaign did not proceed
according to the original British public health
plan. The British group needed to make a
house-to-house inspection” and also to search in
caves, corn bins, roofs, gardens . . . every hole
had to be
searched.”25 Public health workers were actually
hide and seek with the children from the village.
ably the adults were not satisfied either with these
intruders and did not make their efforts easier.
Public health officer getting a child out of a corn-
stone. Photograph from the Israeli Central
Public Health Chronicles 403
Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume
In addition to the practical difficulties of
ing the village community to vaccinate their children
in order to control the smallpox outbreak,
problem emerged. According to the official
apparently the vaccination lymph “proved quite unsat-
isfactory.” Only 172 out of 2,754 vaccinations
positive results. The smallpox vaccinations were
produced by the British Health Department, which
had just recently started its work in the
country. The
Health Department was cooperating with the exist-
ing Pasteur Institute in Palestine, established by
Leo Boehm. In 1913, Dr. Boehm, a young
doctor who had emigrated from Russia to
established the Pasteur Institute for Health, Medicine
and Biology in Palestine. The laboratory was
part of
an international health complex that also included a
mother and child health center operated by Hadassah
and sponsored by the Jewish New York
Nathan Strauss. Boehm, who borrowed Pasteur’s name
without the knowledge of the French laboratory,
Palestine in 1906 and was astonished by the
fact that
under prevailing circumstances at the time,
Child with smallpox. Photograph acquired from the
Israeli Central Laboratories collection.
suspected of having been exposed to rabies
to be sent to Cairo or Constantinople.27 During
First World War, Boehm’s laboratory produced rabies,
smallpox, and cholera vaccines for the disease-
Palestine population, which were also used by
Turkish army.
After the poor results of Boehm’s vaccines,
lymph was obtained from Egypt with much better
come and acceptance from the local population: “The
natives themselves were struck by its greater
and came forward readily enough even to be
for the third time . . . Vaccination with the
lymph marked the turning point in the
It is hard to tell whether this description
reflects the response of the Duwaimeh villagers, as
written material documenting their reaction to the
continuous vaccination efforts remains with us.
probably the new vaccine’s higher “take,” meaning
greater scarification effect, left its impression.
An important fact to consider is that the local
who executed the variolation of the village’s
which brought with it grave consequences, still
404 Public Health Chronicles
Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume
his respectable position in the community.
the local healer, was described in the British report
the outbreak as a “distinguished looking
of over 50 years of age.” He was part of
a family of
traditional healers. It is clear from his descriptions
the public health officers involved that they
his work. Even among the Bedouin, he was
powerful: “He was held as to have skill and
in his profession.” Nevertheless, Shaheen was sent
prison for a month “as a result of his misguided
to limit the spread of the disease.” According
to the
British testimony, his reputation was by no
lessened, but rather considerably enhanced by his
performance in Duwaimeh and especially after his
During the British Mandate rule, smallpox was
observed mainly in the Arab population of Palestine,
invariably following importation from the surround-
ing Arab states. In 1924, another small cluster
of 19
smallpox cases following variolation was observed
Palestine. According to British sources, smallpox vac-
cination campaigns were generally well accepted.
1935, the British Health Department was able to
that “. . . in consequence of the high percentage
of the
House-to-house inspection. Photograph from the Israeli
Central Laboratories collection.
population protected by vaccination, there is little
of a serious spread of the disease resulting
from any
imported cases from neighboring infected countries.”
In early 1949, shortly after the establishment of
Israeli state, the appearance of smallpox in Tel
among Jewish immigrants from Yemen led to the
and last mass smallpox vaccination campaign carried
out by the Israel Ministry of Health. No cases
observed in Israel after 1950.21
Scholarship focusing on the Palestinian Arab popula-
tion during the Mandate period mainly centers
the politics of Palestinian nationalism. Public
remains a relatively unexplored topic. Given the
rent political situation, it is not hard to
how it is that the literature that does exist
on Pales-
tinian Arab health and medicine focuses mainly
contemporary health conditions. Another problem in
the historiography of health in Palestine is that
of the studies of the history of public health focus
Zionist efforts. For the most part, they take an
cal stance toward Western medicine. Many of
Public Health Chronicles 405
Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume
remain in the realm of institutional history, failing
emphasize the colonial dimension of health in
period and how the Palestinian Arab community took
part in this process.
We should remember that Western medicine was
already entering Palestine from the 19th century, but
it would be simplistic to perceive this entrance
as a
smooth, victorious conquest. Similar to David
observation on the history of colonial medicine
India, “There was nothing inevitable about this
cess of medical colonization, nor was it
Part of the power of the colonial medicine
of the period lay in the manner in which
self-consciously conceived of itself as a science,
on careful local observation and eschewing the
informed speculation of the past and the rank
stition associated with local traditional concepts
disease and healing.
Palestine, as in other places, continued to have side
by side an impressive collection of healers,
tional and unconventional, traditional, and a
tradition of self-help. As shown in the case
study of
the Duwaimeh outbreak, traditional healers had a
fundamental position within the local social fabric
that was challenged by the British administration.
both the local population and even some of the
personnel who worked in the field, comprised also
local physicians and nurses, respected the local
ers. Hence, the tensions between different medical
worldviews should be framed as a complicated
of struggles and negotiations among those involved
public health-related disputes: the local populations,
health-care workers, and British administrators. The
entrance of Western medicine into Palestine, as in
colonial regimes, had its own political dimensions.
civilizing power of medicine and public health
was a
crucial part of colonial regimes, and within this
vaccinations had an advantageous position. Yet this
not a simple and uncontested process.
Although vaccinations are considered one of the
most important achievements of medicine in the
20th century, even before the discovery of
through the course of history of medicine immuniza-
tion has, more than once, engendered opposition
that has even reached the level of a civil
Recently, there has been a growing recognition
the potential embodied in historical research on
opposition to vaccination, especially in its ability
serve as a vehicle for gaining better understanding
the politics of the human body and its relation to
modern state.31–33
The fact that for a long time the issue of
was an important component in the colonial system
an important point for historical understanding of
relationships among the state, public health personnel,
and the population. Westerners brought with them
various vaccines with which they wanted to
local populations. Despite their good intentions, many
times this fact caused local populations to identify
vaccination policy Westerners wanted to institute with
a repressive and foreign regime.
While we should not underestimate the tensions
and controversies among the various healers in
estine—conventional vs. traditional, Jewish, Muslim,
or Christian, European or local—in general the
private aspects of health (i.e., self-help, networks
health, and traditional healers) continued to exist
and have a strong influence on everyday life, and
do today.34–36
Recently, health as a historical category has
integrated more fully into the Palestine/Israel
riographies. Many times, concerns of medicine
disease were overshadowed by the more
interest of scholars of the Middle East and
in the political and diplomatic histories of Palestine/
Israel. Much of this scholarship seeks to
the origins and dynamics of the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict and the development that precipitated the
emergence of the state of Israel. The
exploration of
medicine and health can capture broad issues,
across a variety of policy areas, in a way that
can help
reconstruct a richer social history of Palestine/Israel.
Public health and medicine were an important part
the Zionist project and Palestinian historiography. The
intersection of health, politics, and colonialism
enable the construction of a sociocultural history
disease in Palestine. In contrast to the simplistic
that Western medicine “conquered the hearts of
natives,” in fact reciprocal relationships between colo-
nizers and local populations were far more
in regard to perceptions of sickness and health.
Duwaimeh outbreak can also help us to
an almost forgotten history of rural Palestine in
pre-Israeli state era. Interestingly, public health
that meticulously survey the land and its
mainly in relation to then-prevalent infectious
such as malaria, trachoma, or smallpox, can
serve as
extraordinary documents describing the social and cul-
tural context of Palestine and its population.
public health officials, and local healers described
life of their patients in a way that can
provide social
historians rich materials with which to work.
As shown in the Duwaimeh smallpox outbreak,
despite the fact that the outbreak was contained
stamped out, various narratives continued to circulate
among the sides vis-à-vis the event. Although the
406 Public Health Chronicles
Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume
healer in the village was accused of being the
responsible for spreading the disease and causing
the death of many children, the healer’s
tion by the British for his conduct did not
affect his popularity among his neighbors; rather,
the opposite occurred. In addition to the
outbreak, understanding the variolation of more than
300 children gives us the opportunity to analyze
last large smallpox epidemic resulting from
tion documented and recorded in details during
20th century.
Nadav Davidovitch is a Senior Lecturer at the
Department of
Health Systems Management, Faculty of Health
Sciences, Ben-
Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel,
and Adjunct
Lecturer at the Center for the History and Ethics
of Public
Health, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia
New York, NY. Zalman Greenberg is the former
head of the Israeli
Public Health Laboratory, Ministry of Health,
Jerusalem, Israel.
Address correspondence to: Nadav Davidovitch, MD,
PhD, Department of Health Systems Management,
Faculty of
Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
P.O. Box
653, Beer-Sheva, Israel 84105; tel. +972-8-6477421;
fax +972-8-
6477634; e-mail <[email protected]>.
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R Homework for Chapter 16
The product manager at a subsidiary of Kraft Foods, Inc. is
interested in learning how sensitive sales are to
changes in the unit price of a frozen pizza in Dallas, Denver,
Baltimore, and Chicago. The product manager
has been provided data on both Price and Sales volume every
fourth week over a period of nearly four years
for the four cities.
You can find the data file on Blackboard. Download it and put it
in the same folder as your R program file.
Then, use the following command to read in the data
pizza <- read.table('Frozen_Pizza.txt', sep = 't', header =
and answer the questions below.
1. Let’s take Sales as response variable and Price as predictor
variable. Fit a linear regression model to each
of the four cities. Write down the four fitted models. In which
city the pizza sales seem to be more sensitive
to price than in others? Explain.
2. For each of the models fitted above produce a residual plot in
the time order, a residual plot against the
fitted values, and a Q-Q plot. Is there any regression assumption
violated in each model? Explain.
3. For the remaining questions let’s focus on the model for city
Dallas. Show a 90% confidence interval for
the slope of Price and interpret it. Based on the interval can we
say there is a statistically significant linear
relationship between Price and Sales volume? Explain.
4. Conduct a hypothesis test to see if there is a significant
negative correlation between Price and Sales
volume in city Dallas, i.e., test H0 : β1 = 0 vs Ha : β1 < 0. State
your test conclusion.
5. For city Dallas estimate the mean Sales if the Price is $2.50
and $3.00 using 95% confidence intervals.
Interpret both intervals. Can we also estimate the mean Sales if
the Price is $3.50? Explain.
6. For city Dallas we know the pizza price was $2.77 in the last
week of 1996. Suppose the price would increase
to $2.99 in the following week. Can you predict the sales for
that week and account for the uncertainty of
your prediction? Do you think the resulting prediction is useful?
WeekBaltimore VolumeBaltimore PriceDallas VolumeDallas
PriceChicago VolumeChicago PriceDenver VolumeDenver
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  • 1. Chapter 16: Inference for Regression Climate Change The earth has been getting warmer. Most climate scientists agree that one important cause of the warming is the increase in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), a green house gas. Here is part of a regression analysis of the mean annual CO2 concentration (CO2) in the atmosphere, measured in parts per thousand (ppt), at the top of Mauna Loa in Hawaii and the mean annual air temperature (Temp) over both land and sea across the globe, in degrees Celsius. Let’s first read the dataset into R climate <- read.table('Climate_Change.txt', sep = 't', header = TRUE) and take a look at the data structure: str(climate) ## 'data.frame': 29 obs. of 3 variables: ## $ year: int 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 ... ## $ Temp: num 14.2 14.3 14.1 14.3 14.1 ... ## $ CO2 : num 339 340 341 342 344 ... We see three variables, which are year, Temp (mean annual air temperature) and CO2 (mean annual CO2 concentration), and there are 29 observations in each variable. We now take Temp as the response variable and CO2 the
  • 2. predictor variable, to study their relationship. To see if linear regression is appropriate, we make a scatterplot of Temp against CO2 plot(climate$CO2, climate$Temp, xlab = 'CO2 Concentration', ylab = 'Temperature') 340 350 360 370 380 1 4 .1 1 4 .3 1 4 .5 CO2 Concentration Te m p e ra tu re It seems reasonable to fit a linear model to the dataset, because
  • 3. both variables are quantitative, the data points show a linear pattern, and there is no outlier. So, let’s fit the model: imod <- lm(Temp ~ CO2, data = climate) 1 The summary of the fitted model is given by summary(imod) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = Temp ~ CO2, data = climate) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -0.16809 -0.07972 0.00194 0.07013 0.18532 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 10.707076 0.481006 22.260 < 2e-16 *** ## CO2 0.010062 0.001336 7.534 4.19e-08 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 0.09847 on 27 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.6776, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6657 ## F-statistic: 56.76 on 1 and 27 DF, p-value: 4.192e-08 which contains a lot of information. We see that R2 = 0.6776 and the SD of residuals se = 0.09847 (the estimator of population standard deviation σ) with 27 degrees of freedom. In Coefficients section we see the intercept b0 = 10.71 and the slope b1 = 0.01. Their
  • 4. standard errors are SE(b0) = 0.481 and SE(b1) = 0.00134. Their t-test statistics are t0 = b0/SE(b0) = 22.26 and t1 = b1/SE(b1) = 7.534. Their corresponding (two-tailed) p-values are very small (<2e-16 and 4.19e-08). As a result, we reject H0 : β1 = 0 and conclude there is a positive correlation between Temp and CO2. The b1 = 0.01 can be interpreted as follows: The air temperature will increase by 0.01 degrees Celsius on average if the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere increases by 1 ppt. If only focus on the coefficients we may do summary(imod)$coefficients ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 10.70707624 0.48100637 22.259739 6.641063e- 19 ## CO2 0.01006241 0.00133563 7.533828 4.191615e-08 To obtain the confidence interval for each regression coefficient, we may do confint(imod, level = 0.95) ## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## (Intercept) 9.72013269 11.69401978 ## CO2 0.00732192 0.01280289 The 95% (default confidence level) confidence interval for the slope of CO2 is (0.0073, 0.0128). We are 95% confident that as CO2 concentration increases by 1 ppt the air temperature on average will increase by the amount between 0.0073 and 0.0128 degrees Celsius. We now need to check if the fitted model meets the assumptions. From the scatterplot we can see the linearity assumption is satisfied. Because the data are a time series, we need to plot the residuals against the time
  • 5. (year) to check independence assumption. We also need to plot the residuals against fitted values ŷ (or x-values) to check constant variance assumptions. Let’s produce both plots: par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(climate$year, imod$residuals, xlab = 'Time', ylab = 'Residual') abline(a = 0, b = 0) 2 plot(imod$fitted.values, imod$residuals, xlab = 'Fitted value', ylab = 'Residual') abline(a = 0, b = 0) 1980 1990 2000 − 0 .1 5 − 0 .0 5 0 .0 5 0
  • 7. .1 5 Fitted value R e si d u a l The two residual plots are almost identical. Both of them show no pattern and equal spread across the x-values, so the independence and constant variance assumptions are met. To check the Normal distribution assumption we may use histogram and Q-Q plot of residuals par(mfrow = c(1,2)) hist(imod$residuals, xlab = 'Residual', main = 'Histogram of Residuals') qqnorm(imod$residuals) qqline(imod$residuals) Histogram of Residuals Residual F re q
  • 8. u e n cy −0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0 2 4 6 8 −2 −1 0 1 2 − 0 .1 5 − 0 .0 5 0 .0 5 0
  • 9. .1 5 Normal Q−Q Plot Theoretical Quantiles S a m p le Q u a n til e s The histogram shows a potential right-skewness in the distribution. The Q-Q plot shows a slight departure from the straight line especially at two ends. The assumption is not seriously violated, but the regression 3 analysis should proceed with caution. Note that it is not easy to
  • 10. check the normality assumption with only 29 observations. More data should be collected for this purpose. Now we want to predict the air temperature when the CO2 concentration level is at 355 ppt. First, we need to make sure that the 355 ppt is in the range of sampled x- values range(climate$CO2) ## [1] 338.67 384.84 Then, we create a new dataset for prediction new <- data.frame(CO2 = c(355)) Suppose we are interested in the mean temperature of all years with the CO2 concentration at 355 ppt. We therefore build a 95% confidence interval for the mean temperature: predict(imod, newdata = new, interval = 'confidence', level = 0.95) ## fit lwr upr ## 1 14.27923 14.2394 14.31906 The predicted mean temperature ŷν = 14.279 and its confidence interval is (14.239, 14.319). We are 95% confident that the mean air temperature of all years with CO2 concentration at 355 ppt is between 14.239 and 14.319 (degrees Celsius). Suppose the CO2 concentration is estimated to be 355 ppt next year. What are the predicted temperature and the 95% prediction interval for that temperature for next year? predict(imod, newdata = new, interval = 'prediction', level = 0.95)
  • 11. ## fit lwr upr ## 1 14.27923 14.07329 14.48517 The predicted temperature for next year ŷν = 14.279, and its prediction interval is (14.073, 14.485). We are 95% confident that the temperature for next year is between 14.073 and 14.485 (degrees Celsius) if the CO2 concentration is at 355 ppt. Note that the prediction interval is wider than the confidence interval. It is interesting to build a confidence band and a prediction band, and plot them to see how the predicted values and their uncertainties dynamically change with all possible x-values. To do so, we first need to create a new sequence of possible x-values within the range of sampled data: xx <- seq(min(climate$CO2), max(climate$CO2), length.out = 100) and create a new dataset for prediction based on xx <- data.frame(CO2 = xx) Then, we build confidence interval and prediction interval for each value in conf <- predict(imod, newdata =, interval = 'confidence', level = .95) pred <- predict(imod, newdata =, interval = 'prediction', level = .95) To make the plot we first draw the data points and the regression line, and then add confidence and prediction bands to the plot plot(climate$CO2, climate$Temp, xlab = 'CO2 Concentration', ylab = 'Temperature') abline(imod)
  • 12. lines(xx, conf[, 'lwr'], lty = 2, col = 'red') lines(xx, conf[, 'upr'], lty = 2, col = 'red') lines(xx, pred[, 'lwr'], lty = 3, col = 'blue') lines(xx, pred[, 'upr'], lty = 3, col = 'blue') 4 340 350 360 370 380 1 4 .1 1 4 .3 1 4 .5 CO2 Concentration Te m p e ra tu
  • 13. re As we can see, the prediction band is much wider than the confidence band, and it covers all the data points. Note that the prediction interval is NOT parallel, although it seems to be so. Both intervals actually get narrower as x-values approach their average, but wider as the x- values move away from it. 5 Climate Change See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Public Health, Culture, and Colonial Medicine: Smallpox and Variolation in Palestine During the British Mandate Article in Public Health Reports · May 2007 DOI: 10.1177/003335490712200314 · Source: PubMed CITATIONS 8 READS 89 2 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on
  • 14. these related projects: Public health ethics View project Private-public mix and commodification of health View project Nadav Davidovitch Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 155 PUBLICATIONS 1,074 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Nadav Davidovitch on 25 December 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. h_Culture_and_Colonial_Medicine_Smallpox_and_Variolation_ in_Palestine_During_the_British_Mandate?enrichId=rgreq- de905fe25f0f316bab33c2623e32a5dd- XXX&enrichSource=Y292ZXJQYWdlOzYzMTQ5Nzc7QVM6M zEwNTc4NTgzNjcwNzkzQDE0NTEwNTkxMTI3NjY%3D&el=1 _x_2&_esc=publicationCoverPdf h_Culture_and_Colonial_Medicine_Smallpox_and_Variolation_ in_Palestine_During_the_British_Mandate?enrichId=rgreq- de905fe25f0f316bab33c2623e32a5dd- XXX&enrichSource=Y292ZXJQYWdlOzYzMTQ5Nzc7QVM6M zEwNTc4NTgzNjcwNzkzQDE0NTEwNTkxMTI3NjY%3D&el=1 _x_3&_esc=publicationCoverPdf 2?enrichId=rgreq-de905fe25f0f316bab33c2623e32a5dd- XXX&enrichSource=Y292ZXJQYWdlOzYzMTQ5Nzc7QVM6M
  • 15. zEwNTc4NTgzNjcwNzkzQDE0NTEwNTkxMTI3NjY%3D&el=1 _x_9&_esc=publicationCoverPdf commodification-of-health?enrichId=rgreq- de905fe25f0f316bab33c2623e32a5dd- XXX&enrichSource=Y292ZXJQYWdlOzYzMTQ5Nzc7QVM6M zEwNTc4NTgzNjcwNzkzQDE0NTEwNTkxMTI3NjY%3D&el=1 _x_9&_esc=publicationCoverPdf de905fe25f0f316bab33c2623e32a5dd- XXX&enrichSource=Y292ZXJQYWdlOzYzMTQ5Nzc7QVM6M zEwNTc4NTgzNjcwNzkzQDE0NTEwNTkxMTI3NjY%3D&el=1 _x_1&_esc=publicationCoverPdf Id=rgreq-de905fe25f0f316bab33c2623e32a5dd- XXX&enrichSource=Y292ZXJQYWdlOzYzMTQ5Nzc7QVM6M zEwNTc4NTgzNjcwNzkzQDE0NTEwNTkxMTI3NjY%3D&el=1 _x_4&_esc=publicationCoverPdf Id=rgreq-de905fe25f0f316bab33c2623e32a5dd- XXX&enrichSource=Y292ZXJQYWdlOzYzMTQ5Nzc7QVM6M zEwNTc4NTgzNjcwNzkzQDE0NTEwNTkxMTI3NjY%3D&el=1 _x_5&_esc=publicationCoverPdf Gurion_University_of_the_Negev?enrichId=rgreq- de905fe25f0f316bab33c2623e32a5dd- XXX&enrichSource=Y292ZXJQYWdlOzYzMTQ5Nzc7QVM6M zEwNTc4NTgzNjcwNzkzQDE0NTEwNTkxMTI3NjY%3D&el=1 _x_6&_esc=publicationCoverPdf Id=rgreq-de905fe25f0f316bab33c2623e32a5dd- XXX&enrichSource=Y292ZXJQYWdlOzYzMTQ5Nzc7QVM6M zEwNTc4NTgzNjcwNzkzQDE0NTEwNTkxMTI3NjY%3D&el=1 _x_7&_esc=publicationCoverPdf Id=rgreq-de905fe25f0f316bab33c2623e32a5dd-
  • 16. XXX&enrichSource=Y292ZXJQYWdlOzYzMTQ5Nzc7QVM6M zEwNTc4NTgzNjcwNzkzQDE0NTEwNTkxMTI3NjY%3D&el=1 _x_10&_esc=publicationCoverPdf Public Health Chronicles 398 Public Health Reports / May–June / Volume 122 PubliC HealtH, Culture, and Colonial MediCine: SMallPox and Variolation in PaleStine during tHe britiSH Mandate Nadav Davidovitch, MD, MPH, PhD Zalman Greenberg, MPH, MSc, PhD In December 1921, in the Arab village of Duwaimeh near Hebron, an epidemic of smallpox broke out fol- lowing variolation of the population. This practice of variolation included taking material from the blister of a sick person and purposely inoculating another healthy individual. It was carried out mainly by local healers and was a common practice among the local population at the time. This article reviews the history of smallpox in Palestine during the British Mandate, focusing on the smallpox outbreak in Duwaimeh and the
  • 17. inter- relationship between the local population and British Mandate authorities in the course of dealing with the epidemic. Vintage photos from the period found at the Israeli Public Health Central Laboratories in Jerusalem reveal that attempts by Mandatory physicians to carry out a mass vaccination of villagers were met initially by fierce opposition. In the course of the vaccination campaign, village children were hidden in caves and other hideaways in the vicinity out of fear of their being vaccinated. Among all the colonial powers around the world, public health and addressing outbreaks of contagious diseases were among key issues of concern in the handling of local administration for both colonial regimes and the medical community. Much has been written in recent years about the link between health and colonialism, recognizing the tension that existed between Western and local medicine as an important dimension of the history of colonialism.1–3 This article analyzes these aspects by examining how various par- ties reacted to the outbreak in the context of
  • 18. their different understandings of the disease and its possible prevention. It is also an opportunity to reconstruct the Palestinian rural context that existed in Palestine at the turn of the 20th century and almost disappeared after the establishment of Israel. Colonial MediCine in Context As historians of colonial medicine have shown, colonial medicine occupied a place within a more expansive ideological order of the empires.1–4 Colonial efforts to deal with the health of developing regions were closely linked to the economic interests of the colonizers. Health was not an end in itself, but rather a prereq- uisite for colonial development. Colonial medicine, or “tropical medicine,” as it was called during the late 19th century, was concerned primarily with maintaining the health of Europeans living in the tropics, because these individuals were viewed as essential to the colonial project’s success. The health of the colonized subjects was normally only considered when their ill
  • 19. health threatened colonial economic enterprises or the health of the Europeans. Accordingly, the success or failure of health interventions was measured more in terms of the colonies’ production than by measuring the levels of health among the native population. Another aspect of this logic was that colonial govern- ments usually did little to build rural health services for the general native populations. Rural services, when they did exist, were run by missionaries and focused primarily on maternal and child health. For most rural inhabitants, contact with Western medical services was limited to occasional medical campaigns such as mass vaccinations during infectious disease epidemics. Yet, though this policy left a broad field for action by local traditional healers, colonial medical authorities generally discounted the medical knowledge of local populations, and at times persecuted indigenous health practitioners. Though there were important exceptions to this pattern—such as in colonial India, where British doctors drew on local knowledge both for identification of local illnesses and for expanding
  • 20. their pharmaceutical knowledge by incorporating local plants and herbs—in general, disapproval of knowledge and practices was the rule.5 Another characteristic of colonial medicine was that it tended to be narrowly technical in both its design and implementations. Health was defined during the pre–World War II era as mainly the absence of disease, and could therefore be achieved by understanding and developing methods for attacking specific dis- eases, mainly those that were infectious, one at a time. This narrow “disease” approach to health and illness appeared to be cheaper and more manageable than efforts to improve the general health and well-being of Public Health Chronicles 399 Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume 122 colonial subjects through social and economic develop- ment. Colonial authorities viewed both the provision of broad-based health care and efforts to deal with the underlying social and economic determinants of
  • 21. illness as both impractical and unnecessary. HealtH in PaleStine At the turn of the 20th century, Palestine was a dis- tant part of the Ottoman Empire. Infectious disease rates were high. Malaria and trachoma were common ailments.6–8 As several historians of medicine have described in their work on the everyday experiences of health and disease, we should remember that “epi- demic streets” were an everyday encounter in many places for the local population, in Palestine as well as in other parts of the world.9 High infant mortality rates, as well as infectious diseases such as cholera, dysentery, malaria, and tuberculosis, had a strong impact on daily life.7 On several levels, circumstances in Palestine were conducive to illness and disease. The geography did not provide an easy living, comprising a relatively small area with both swamps and deserts. This territory was on the Islamic pilgrims’ path on their way to and
  • 22. from Mecca, providing the opportunity for a steady influx of disease carriers. During the 19th century, the population of Palestine suffered from repeated cholera epidemics transmitted by pilgrims returning from Mecca and, during the First World War, by Turkish soldiers crossing the country. Most of the epidemics occurred in the old cities such as Jerusalem, Tiberias, and Jaffa, where infrastructure was inadequate.10 Pov- erty, backwardness, absenteeism of the local elite, and the frequent incompetence and indifference of the central government, with its resulting lack of effective social administration, further prepared the ground for an easy spread of diseases. Based on their patterns of life, the local Arab Pal- estinian population belonged to three distinct ethnic groups: peasants (fallahin), the urbanized (hadar), and nomads and semi-nomad Bedouin tribes (badu).11 During the Ottoman rule, the local population relied mainly on traditional medicine, including herbal medicine, bone-setting, cauterization, blood-letting, leeching, cupping, as well as amulet writers, midwives, and male religious healers.12 The Ottoman public health system was influenced by increasing contact between the Ottoman Empire and
  • 23. the European military, commerce, and science, which triggered various reform movements (Tanzimat). While reforms regarding health-care institutions were hardly felt in Palestine, the economy experienced a marked improvement. Coastal towns in particular benefited from the increasing European influence and improved infrastructure.13,14 However, the overwhelming majority of Palestinians remained peasants, vulnerable to social and economic inadequacies. At the beginning of the 20th century, the area was still relatively underdevel- oped even within an Arab context.6,8 The First World War, in which Palestine was one of the battlegrounds, disrupted local life. Ottoman author- ities arrested both Arab and Jewish Zionist leaders, kill- ing some; they conscripted tens of thousands of Arab farmers, deforested large areas, and commandeered crops and livestock. As a result, the population declined substantially. Those that remained faced starvation and political chaos and were therefore easy prey to infectious diseases. Many health institutions, especially those that offered free treatment, shut down or limited their operation drastically due to lack of resources and budgetary constraints. The local population had to rely
  • 24. primarily on their traditional medicine.12 On December 9, 1917, as World War I neared its end, Jerusalem surrendered to the British forces. This act marked the end of four centuries of Ottoman rule. British officials arriving in Palestine were confronted with a poverty-stricken population of approximately 600,000 Arabs and 85,000 Jews. The most immediate task of the occupying British forces was to provide food and medical supplies and to restore social and economic order.15 According to the Interim Report on the Civil Adminis- tration of Palestine, the British forces found “a country exhausted by war. The population had been depleted; the people of the towns were in severe distress; much cultivated land was left untilled; the stocks of cattle and horses had fallen to a low ebb; the woodlands, always scanty, had almost disappeared; orange groves had been ruined by lack of irrigation; commerce had long been at a standstill.”16 In July 1920, the British Mandate civil administration took over from the military. Public health was
  • 25. among the first concerns of the new rule, as expressed in vari- ous early written reports: “Both the Military and the Civil Administrations have paid the closest attention to measures for safeguarding the health of the population. The Department of Public Health has a fully organized central and local establishment. The sanitation of the towns is efficiently supervised. A quarantine service is maintained . . . at the present time the Government maintains 15 hospitals, 21 dispensaries, eight clinics, and five epidemic posts.”16 The British government focused first and foremost on ridding Palestine of infectious diseases. The govern- ment embarked on installing new sewage and drain- 400 Public Health Chronicles Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume 122 age systems, invested in swamp drainage projects and hygiene education campaigns, and established a school
  • 26. hygiene service. It also instituted the registration of all cases of infectious diseases and decreed several ordi- nances related to medical and public health matters, such as licensing of various health-care professions, instituting pharmaceutical and food regulations, and strengthening quarantine measures.17 All of these measures, however, were only partially implemented or limited in scope, and investment was restricted. The British administration did not hesitate to rely on out- side sources for the advancement of public health.18 Although state hospitals that treated mostly Arab populations in urban areas were scarce at first, during the British mandate the system was gradually expanded due to demand from the local Arab population.12 Where access to state hospitals was problematic, the Arab population depended on the Christian missionary health services. Interestingly, the Jewish community developed its own medical services as part of the Zionist enterprise, which included other welfare aspects. The two main Jewish health-care organizations, Hadassah and the General Sick Fund (Kupat Holim Clalit), also treated Arabs. But in general, medical relations
  • 27. between Arabs and Jews during the Mandate were informal, based mainly on private initiatives. Jewish physicians treated private Arab patients in towns and villages, especially where state hospitals and clinics were scarce. Sometime Jews, especially of Oriental descent, were treated by Arab physicians.11 Although Palestine was not a British colony, it was run like a colony, without local representation and under tight supervision from London. British authori- ties proceeded to govern the area much like a regular colony, though incorporating it fully into its empire. The British Mandate in Palestine hopelessly tried to accomplish two contradictory goals: to create a Jewish national home while also protecting the rights of the local Arab population. The inconsistency within Brit- ish policy and contradicting expectation of Palestinian Arabs and the Zionist Jewish community were expressed already in the Balfour Declaration, a letter dated November 2, 1917, from the British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour, which supported Zionist plans for a Jewish “national home” in Palestine.
  • 28. According to the Palestinian Arab community interpretation, this letter contradicted other British promises that supported the Arab vision for Palestine after the war. This tension continued to exist over the whole Man- date period, when both sides—Arab and Jewish—were dissatisfied with the British administration’s treatment of Palestine.19 Apart from that, what makes the British Mandate period a unique case study is the side-by- side coexistence of the British administration, the Zionist bodies with their health organizations such as Hadas- sah and the General Sick Fund (Kupat Holim Clalit), religious-related health institutions, and other interna- tional health enterprises, each with its own agenda and strong emphasis on public health issues. If we add to that the local Palestinian Arab inhabitants, as well as Jewish people and their interaction, we have an intri- cate network that demands its investigation for studying the complexities of the country’s social history. Meanwhile, the Arab and the growing Jewish com- munities cooperated to some extent with British insti- tutions, but in parallel retained and built up
  • 29. internal quasi-governmental bodies. To sum up the situation: “Interwar Palestine was one territory, inhabited by two ethnic communities of three religions, governed by four administrative structures.”6 In the next sections, we will take a specific case study to illuminate these complexities. We describe a unique smallpox outbreak and its control by the British authorities as it unfolded. But first, we provide some background on smallpox in Palestine and the British Public Health Administration. SMallPox in PaleStine Smallpox, a viral disease that was officially eradicated in 1980, was a significant infectious disease throughout history.20 It is very contagious, resulting in about 30% mortality. It was also the first disease against which a vaccine was developed—by Edward Jenner in 1796 as an empirical tool, as the cause of the disease was as yet unknown.
  • 30. In Palestine, several outbreaks were recorded during the 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as sporadic cases imported from endemic areas.21,22 The British phy- sician Ernst Masterman wrote of “an utterly unchecked epidemic” of smallpox in Jerusalem in 1900.23 As described previously, similar to other infectious diseases, one of the main routes of infection was the Moslem pilgrimage to Mecca.17 During the Ottoman rule, vaccinations against smallpox were carried out only sporadically. According to an estimate, only about 10% of the local population was ever vaccinated.22 The British Health Services for Palestine commenced its activities in December 1917 after the occupation of Jerusalem and Jaffa, when the military campaign in Palestine was still not completed. According to the annual report of the British Department of Health, “There were few relics to be found of any preexisting Government Heath Services, and the testimony of pre-war residents confirmed the absence of any such organization.”17 While this British description can be
  • 31. Public Health Chronicles 401 Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume 122 regarded as biased, it is reasonable to say that due to lack of comprehensive and coordinated medical ser- vices under Ottoman rule and the harsh conditions during the First World War, British officials arriving in Palestine were confronted with a poverty- and disease- stricken population. In 1922, the British undertook the first census of the mandate. The population was 752,048, comprising 589,177 Muslims (78%), 83,790 Jews (11%), 71,464 Christians (10%), and 7,617 people (1%) belonging to other groups.24 As described previ- ously, both Jewish and Arab communities exhibited a high incidence of disease and famine that raised mortality rates among all segments of society: Muslim, Christian, and Jewish. The British administration in Palestine was quick
  • 32. to adopt public health legislation. By May 16, 1918, Public Health Ordinance No. 1 was released to “regu- late the General Health Service of the country such as the practice of medicine; notification of infectious diseases and births and deaths; vaccination; burials; and general sanitation.”17 Soon after, more public health legislation followed with quarantine regulations, pharmacy, anti-malarial ordinances, water sanitation, and more. Government hospitals with infections annexes were secured in large cities. These legislations, together with other administrative regulations, served as the basis for put- ting public health measures into action. One of these administrative regulations was related to the sanita- tion of villages and the health duties of Mukhtars. The Mukhtars, the traditional heads of the village, had in the British administration (as well as during the Ottoman period) important responsibilities in sanitation and hygiene, such as in reporting infectious diseases and implementing isolation or quarantine as needed. Following the British Annual Health Report of 1921, we can reconstruct the formal
  • 33. relationship between the Mandate public health officers and the local Mukhtars: All villages are inspected at regular periods by Medical Officers. In addition, Sanitary Sub-Inspectors make regular visits [ND, ZG: the sub-inspectors were usually Palestinians Arabs as opposed to medical officers who were typically British] . . . Orders in villages are given to the Mukhtar. A number of simple sanitary regulations have been drawn and published. The points raised in the regulations are examined on each visit. Mukhtars are provided in all cases with books of notification forms of births, deaths, and infectious diseases. Vil- lage Registers are kept in each village . . . In cases of necessity warning notices are given to Mukhtars to abate nuisances; and in case of noncompliance legal administrative action is taken against offenders. (Annual Report of the Department of Health, Govern- ment of Palestine for the Year 1921, p. 24) As implied in the text cited, The Mukhtars’
  • 34. willing- ness to cooperate with the British Health Department was subject to local variations and there were cases of noncompliance. These tensions between the health administration and local communities were expressed in the smallpox epidemic that broke out in December 1921 in the southern part of Palestine, in a small village called Duwaimeh. Duwaimeh at that time was a small Arab village lying “among the western foothills of the Judean range, four hours ride from Hebron.” The people there were described as “strong and healthy and well-suited for the pursuit on which a large number of them depend for a livelihood, for they are thieves of considerable distinction.”25 The Duwaimeh population, according to the 1922 census, comprised 2,441 inhabitants, all of them Muslims.24 On December 19, 1921, a delegation of British public health workers visited Duwaimeh, following the notification of a smallpox case in the village. There were no public health services in Duwaimeh. Health
  • 35. care was given by the local traditional healer, and the Mukhtar, the head of the village, was responsible for disease notification. As there were no roads connect- ing to the village, the delegation arrived there riding their horses. After conducting their investigation, the public health officers were satisfied to hear that there was no other new case of smallpox. After examining the smallpox patient, the public health delegation left the village. At the time, they had not known that dur- ing their visit, 300 children were kept hidden in the village and surrounding caves. These children were variolated by Shaheen, the local village healer, following the Mukhtar’s order. Variolation is the historical practice of inducing immunity against smallpox by scratching the skin with the purulency from smallpox skin pustules taken from a smallpox patient. Although an ancient custom, in the modern period Lady Mary Wortley Montagu introduced this practice into England from Turkey in 1721. Variolation was discarded by the medical community after the intro-
  • 36. duction of the smallpox vaccine by Edward Jenner in 1796, yet variolation continued to be practiced to the 20th century mainly by local healers. Many techniques existed and there were local variations according to the local custom. Shaheen, Duwaimeh’s local healer, took lymph from pocks of the original first case, a female servant of Hussein the Mukhtar, and inoculated the children on the dorsal aspect of the hand between the thumb and forefinger according to the “traditional 402 Public Health Chronicles Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume 122 method of the country.”17 The servant was first seen by a physician on December 13, 1921. She was already in a pustular stage, taken into isolation in a tent some distance from the village. What was not known by the public health administration was that 300 children had already been inoculated by the local healer using
  • 37. infected matter from the initial case. According to the Lancet article describing the Duwaimeh’s epidemic and the British annual report of the Department of Health from 1922, 120 children out of 300 who were variolated (40%) developed smallpox.25,26 Another 37 children were secondary and tertiary cases, infected either from the index case or from other ill children. Overall, there were 158 cases of smallpox in the village, including the index case, out of a population of 2,441 (6.5%). As we do not have the total number of children in the village, age- specific rates cannot be calculated. Interestingly, out of the 120 children who were variolated and developed smallpox, 10 children died (case fatality rate of 12.3%), while out of the 37 naturally occurring cases, six children died (case fatality rate of 16.2%). These data reflect the known fact that in the past, variolation carried with it lower fatality rates than in naturally occurring cases. This difference became irrelevant after the
  • 38. Shaheen inoculating a child. Attached to the original photograph is a thorn that was used for the inoculation. This photograph and the other three presented in this article are part of a collection found at the Israeli Central Laboratories. It can also be found at the Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine contained in an album of photographs (photograph #7) documenting the Duwaimeh outbreak. Lettering in the front of the album: “Anti-smallpox campaign, Dawaimeh—Hebron. January— February 1922”. There is also a typed note stating that the album was presented by Dr. Reginald Sibley. introduction of the much safer technique of smallpox vaccination. The rumors on the variolated children were spread by the Mukhtar’s enemies, and a hospital was quickly established in the Mukhtar’s house staffed by a doc- tor, nurses, a cook, and servants. The British Health Department wanted to initiate an immediate vaccina- tion campaign. According to John MacQueen, “The work of vaccination was pushed on, and in a short time most of the inhabitants had been vaccinated.”25 Yet the vaccination campaign did not proceed
  • 39. according to the original British public health officials’ plan. The British group needed to make a “systematic house-to-house inspection” and also to search in “close caves, corn bins, roofs, gardens . . . every hole had to be searched.”25 Public health workers were actually playing hide and seek with the children from the village. Prob- ably the adults were not satisfied either with these new intruders and did not make their efforts easier. Public health officer getting a child out of a corn- stone. Photograph from the Israeli Central Laboratories collection. Public Health Chronicles 403 Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume 122 In addition to the practical difficulties of convinc- ing the village community to vaccinate their children in order to control the smallpox outbreak, another problem emerged. According to the official reports, apparently the vaccination lymph “proved quite unsat-
  • 40. isfactory.” Only 172 out of 2,754 vaccinations showed positive results. The smallpox vaccinations were not produced by the British Health Department, which had just recently started its work in the country. The Health Department was cooperating with the exist- ing Pasteur Institute in Palestine, established by Dr. Leo Boehm. In 1913, Dr. Boehm, a young Zionist doctor who had emigrated from Russia to Palestine, established the Pasteur Institute for Health, Medicine and Biology in Palestine. The laboratory was part of an international health complex that also included a mother and child health center operated by Hadassah and sponsored by the Jewish New York philanthropists Nathan Strauss. Boehm, who borrowed Pasteur’s name without the knowledge of the French laboratory, visited Palestine in 1906 and was astonished by the fact that under prevailing circumstances at the time, anyone Child with smallpox. Photograph acquired from the Israeli Central Laboratories collection. suspected of having been exposed to rabies needed to be sent to Cairo or Constantinople.27 During the
  • 41. First World War, Boehm’s laboratory produced rabies, smallpox, and cholera vaccines for the disease- stricken Palestine population, which were also used by the Turkish army. After the poor results of Boehm’s vaccines, fresh lymph was obtained from Egypt with much better out- come and acceptance from the local population: “The natives themselves were struck by its greater potency and came forward readily enough even to be vaccinated for the third time . . . Vaccination with the ‘Cairo’ lymph marked the turning point in the campaign.”25 It is hard to tell whether this description accurately reflects the response of the Duwaimeh villagers, as no written material documenting their reaction to the continuous vaccination efforts remains with us. Yet, probably the new vaccine’s higher “take,” meaning its greater scarification effect, left its impression. An important fact to consider is that the local healer who executed the variolation of the village’s children, which brought with it grave consequences, still
  • 42. retained 404 Public Health Chronicles Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume 122 his respectable position in the community. Shaheen, the local healer, was described in the British report of the outbreak as a “distinguished looking gentleman of over 50 years of age.” He was part of a family of traditional healers. It is clear from his descriptions by the public health officers involved that they respected his work. Even among the Bedouin, he was considered powerful: “He was held as to have skill and experience in his profession.” Nevertheless, Shaheen was sent to prison for a month “as a result of his misguided efforts to limit the spread of the disease.” According to the British testimony, his reputation was by no means lessened, but rather considerably enhanced by his performance in Duwaimeh and especially after his imprisonment.25,26
  • 43. During the British Mandate rule, smallpox was observed mainly in the Arab population of Palestine, invariably following importation from the surround- ing Arab states. In 1924, another small cluster of 19 smallpox cases following variolation was observed in Palestine. According to British sources, smallpox vac- cination campaigns were generally well accepted. In 1935, the British Health Department was able to state that “. . . in consequence of the high percentage of the House-to-house inspection. Photograph from the Israeli Central Laboratories collection. population protected by vaccination, there is little fear of a serious spread of the disease resulting from any imported cases from neighboring infected countries.” In early 1949, shortly after the establishment of the Israeli state, the appearance of smallpox in Tel Aviv among Jewish immigrants from Yemen led to the first and last mass smallpox vaccination campaign carried out by the Israel Ministry of Health. No cases were observed in Israel after 1950.21 ConCluSion
  • 44. Scholarship focusing on the Palestinian Arab popula- tion during the Mandate period mainly centers on the politics of Palestinian nationalism. Public health remains a relatively unexplored topic. Given the cur- rent political situation, it is not hard to understand how it is that the literature that does exist on Pales- tinian Arab health and medicine focuses mainly on contemporary health conditions. Another problem in the historiography of health in Palestine is that most of the studies of the history of public health focus on Zionist efforts. For the most part, they take an uncriti- cal stance toward Western medicine. Many of them Public Health Chronicles 405 Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume 122 remain in the realm of institutional history, failing to emphasize the colonial dimension of health in that period and how the Palestinian Arab community took
  • 45. part in this process. We should remember that Western medicine was already entering Palestine from the 19th century, but it would be simplistic to perceive this entrance as a smooth, victorious conquest. Similar to David Arnold’s observation on the history of colonial medicine in India, “There was nothing inevitable about this pro- cess of medical colonization, nor was it uncontested.”4 Part of the power of the colonial medicine discourse of the period lay in the manner in which medicine self-consciously conceived of itself as a science, based on careful local observation and eschewing the ill- informed speculation of the past and the rank super- stition associated with local traditional concepts of disease and healing. Palestine, as in other places, continued to have side by side an impressive collection of healers, conven- tional and unconventional, traditional, and a strong tradition of self-help. As shown in the case study of the Duwaimeh outbreak, traditional healers had a
  • 46. fundamental position within the local social fabric that was challenged by the British administration. Yet both the local population and even some of the health personnel who worked in the field, comprised also of local physicians and nurses, respected the local heal- ers. Hence, the tensions between different medical worldviews should be framed as a complicated context of struggles and negotiations among those involved in public health-related disputes: the local populations, health-care workers, and British administrators. The entrance of Western medicine into Palestine, as in other colonial regimes, had its own political dimensions. The civilizing power of medicine and public health was a crucial part of colonial regimes, and within this scheme, vaccinations had an advantageous position. Yet this was not a simple and uncontested process. Although vaccinations are considered one of the most important achievements of medicine in the 20th century, even before the discovery of antibiotics, through the course of history of medicine immuniza- tion has, more than once, engendered opposition that has even reached the level of a civil rebellion.28–30
  • 47. Recently, there has been a growing recognition of the potential embodied in historical research on opposition to vaccination, especially in its ability to serve as a vehicle for gaining better understanding of the politics of the human body and its relation to the modern state.31–33 The fact that for a long time the issue of vaccinations was an important component in the colonial system is an important point for historical understanding of the relationships among the state, public health personnel, and the population. Westerners brought with them various vaccines with which they wanted to vaccinate local populations. Despite their good intentions, many times this fact caused local populations to identify the vaccination policy Westerners wanted to institute with a repressive and foreign regime. While we should not underestimate the tensions and controversies among the various healers in Pal- estine—conventional vs. traditional, Jewish, Muslim, or Christian, European or local—in general the private aspects of health (i.e., self-help, networks of health, and traditional healers) continued to exist
  • 48. and have a strong influence on everyday life, and still do today.34–36 Recently, health as a historical category has been integrated more fully into the Palestine/Israel histo- riographies. Many times, concerns of medicine and disease were overshadowed by the more immediate interest of scholars of the Middle East and Zionism in the political and diplomatic histories of Palestine/ Israel. Much of this scholarship seeks to understand the origins and dynamics of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the development that precipitated the emergence of the state of Israel. The exploration of medicine and health can capture broad issues, cutting across a variety of policy areas, in a way that can help reconstruct a richer social history of Palestine/Israel. Public health and medicine were an important part of the Zionist project and Palestinian historiography. The intersection of health, politics, and colonialism can enable the construction of a sociocultural history of disease in Palestine. In contrast to the simplistic view that Western medicine “conquered the hearts of
  • 49. the natives,” in fact reciprocal relationships between colo- nizers and local populations were far more complex in regard to perceptions of sickness and health. The Duwaimeh outbreak can also help us to reconstruct an almost forgotten history of rural Palestine in the pre-Israeli state era. Interestingly, public health reports that meticulously survey the land and its inhabitants, mainly in relation to then-prevalent infectious diseases such as malaria, trachoma, or smallpox, can serve as extraordinary documents describing the social and cul- tural context of Palestine and its population. Physicians, public health officials, and local healers described the life of their patients in a way that can provide social historians rich materials with which to work. As shown in the Duwaimeh smallpox outbreak, despite the fact that the outbreak was contained and stamped out, various narratives continued to circulate among the sides vis-à-vis the event. Although the local
  • 50. 406 Public Health Chronicles Public Health Reports / May–June 2007 / Volume 122 healer in the village was accused of being the agent responsible for spreading the disease and causing the death of many children, the healer’s incarcera- tion by the British for his conduct did not adversely affect his popularity among his neighbors; rather, just the opposite occurred. In addition to the Duwaimeh outbreak, understanding the variolation of more than 300 children gives us the opportunity to analyze the last large smallpox epidemic resulting from variola- tion documented and recorded in details during the 20th century. Nadav Davidovitch is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Health Systems Management, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben- Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, and Adjunct Lecturer at the Center for the History and Ethics of Public Health, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY. Zalman Greenberg is the former
  • 51. head of the Israeli Public Health Laboratory, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem, Israel. Address correspondence to: Nadav Davidovitch, MD, MPH, PhD, Department of Health Systems Management, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva, Israel 84105; tel. +972-8-6477421; fax +972-8- 6477634; e-mail <[email protected]>. reFerenCeS 1. Cunningham A, Andrews B, editors. Western medicine as contested knowledge. Manchester (England): Manchester University Press; 1997. 2. Marks S. What is colonial about colonial medicine? And what has hap- pened to imperialism and health? Soc Hist Med 1997;10:205-19. 3. Anderson W. Where is the postcolonial history of medicine? Essay review. Bull Hist Med 1998;72:522-30. 4. Arnold D. Colonizing the body: state medicine and epidemic disease in nineteenth-century India. Berkeley (CA): University of California Press; 1993.
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  • 58. variable. Fit a linear regression model to each of the four cities. Write down the four fitted models. In which city the pizza sales seem to be more sensitive to price than in others? Explain. 2. For each of the models fitted above produce a residual plot in the time order, a residual plot against the fitted values, and a Q-Q plot. Is there any regression assumption violated in each model? Explain. 3. For the remaining questions let’s focus on the model for city Dallas. Show a 90% confidence interval for the slope of Price and interpret it. Based on the interval can we say there is a statistically significant linear relationship between Price and Sales volume? Explain. 4. Conduct a hypothesis test to see if there is a significant negative correlation between Price and Sales volume in city Dallas, i.e., test H0 : β1 = 0 vs Ha : β1 < 0. State your test conclusion. 5. For city Dallas estimate the mean Sales if the Price is $2.50 and $3.00 using 95% confidence intervals. Interpret both intervals. Can we also estimate the mean Sales if the Price is $3.50? Explain. 6. For city Dallas we know the pizza price was $2.77 in the last week of 1996. Suppose the price would increase to $2.99 in the following week. Can you predict the sales for that week and account for the uncertainty of your prediction? Do you think the resulting prediction is useful? Explain. 1 WeekBaltimore VolumeBaltimore PriceDallas VolumeDallas
  • 59. PriceChicago VolumeChicago PriceDenver VolumeDenver Price1/8/1994279822.76582242.553534122.34581712.451/15/19 94269512.98476992.742648622.61593482.41/22/1994287822.78 595782.392049752.77631372.411/29/1994320742.62615952.492 087632.7612712.292/5/1994197652.81648892.213265582.45704 802.222/12/1994223933.02463882.751768912.78534962.482/19 /1994483542.27385572.771943652.77446492.52/26/1994153122 .99421412.642037612.69391972.873/5/1994187862.99540032.5 27885171.55474022.563/12/1994229842.91420712.682366772.5 4436712.653/19/1994287962.72454602.542121512.51421612.63 /26/1994212272.88491252.51565062.78438862.514/2/19941776 12.91354262.871840162.84497752.474/9/1994158893.01435842 .671944632.74436672.584/16/1994173342.96501532.62878302. 45463862.554/23/1994216712.79466742.682642882.69359492.7 74/30/1994197072.76518602.472526062.51462052.665/7/19942 36482.79429222.662733152.42453752.645/14/1994363792.5549 8052.541899592.58404012.665/21/1994222172.79559952.44210 6322.67446192.545/28/1994186642.78456772.541641542.76330 162.736/4/1994127433.11448652.611817292.67379932.586/11/ 1994169092.98435862.622771662.4509362.546/18/1994167332. 81482472.612357142.55437772.576/25/1994186922.91357312.8 31517952.84443892.477/2/1994239912.73538382.511778162.66 468042.487/9/1994171173.04440732.691380102.77399772.727/ 16/1994148463.14376442.81923692.71786522.227/23/19941919 02.9457302.611766072.68407112.727/30/1994205832.82388982 .742336282.44431162.518/6/1994206892.74383112.762304452. 66420492.558/13/1994162513.08647282.52104882.66445812.63 8/20/1994323762.7486572.722391812.55452542.568/27/199454 7062.36406642.712498652.41448722.469/3/1994145643.134424 72.623032492.55483182.359/10/1994225792.73459932.5837140 62.33422412.479/17/1994245422.64560302.541807312.6541883 2.459/24/1994238422.48544842.561944562.68429602.4410/1/1 994225962.69459102.452088412.58457632.3310/8/1994214632. 82487512.522561222.53436672.7410/15/1994188232.99607422. 421930342.72375132.5410/22/1994209672.69551762.46204850 2.55399352.4610/29/1994373532.6556442.392323002.61502732
  • 60. .2811/5/1994213872.93824532.222875392.39573892.2711/12/1 994193632.86375972.682284712.53416132.7111/19/199417457 3365972.692756742.4367472.7111/26/1994211973.33368012.64 2018302.57369112.7112/3/1994462592.46494072.452498572.54 29062.4512/10/1994428642.15545542.512774432.56427302.641 2/17/1994188392.91594722.462123552.62445882.5612/24/1994 202402.88536542.481933192.64436442.6412/31/1994266892.45 06922.363718292.22521922.261/7/1995234892.7591192.433766 242.28779532.161/14/1995170792.82604222.482045352.586736 12.331/21/1995165842.69467672.461677582.85534322.411/28/ 1995401802.36531022.343592002.42514122.362/4/1995426822. 41535552.53533372.45616612.292/11/1995307202.54485462.59 2085262.74594692.382/18/1995348912.55410092.61343852.964 06362.712/25/1995224082.76382982.63639142.05363152.613/4 /1995628152.31487982.471933292.76445512.483/11/199523484 2.71691012.382247332.53437172.553/18/1995226352.64508632 .471572242.73397502.513/25/1995199973.02477602.491728362 .72399162.514/1/1995261332.54468962.582300302.54335082.7 4/8/1995321922.75425492.642503582.65314112.734/15/199532 2092.67522072.572368752.63341952.84/22/1995225482.644108 82.641650332.58278532.814/29/1995169502.95485272.6185174 2.65378502.565/6/1995207502.87465032.673180062.35324952. 855/13/1995194653.13411182.762620682.61275812.775/20/199 5239573.03516062.62685852.42329412.565/27/1995237802.846 28792.361601982.78351472.516/3/1995150133.09476872.51160 2252.69442252.346/10/1995154143.03747612.311783462.69472 222.546/17/1995161453.04694852.371766102.72392632.546/24 /1995146762.96517702.521534312.61313352.697/1/1995293922 .6649832.461680182.69332032.557/8/1995229842.77435352.66 2296392.39410102.437/15/1995153283.15517432.62052502.523 82822.687/22/1995193882.98513412.591862802.73339312.697/ 29/1995194382.97508862.681342932.87331822.578/5/19952455 52.63456512.593019772.25407612.438/12/1995309682.7464074 2.452375142.47357742.678/19/1995333982.63647642.37209131 2.53401532.528/26/1995335122.64494572.591679972.7343822. 79/2/1995288632.84500822.652766702.46417862.349/9/199520
  • 61. 7833.15523102.632165632.53477372.479/16/199521904345751 2.752177142.69504872.59/23/1995210173.12523782.521662232 .94471522.569/30/1995154793.2584452.311393062.99545742.5 210/7/1995263882.76583582.42083252.79478132.5310/14/1995 405632.79505692.52030412.68405752.6410/21/1995423802.775 33302.522097352.7377062.7210/28/1995471112.78495802.5523 10672.65674442.2411/4/1995484202.45623402.533394762.3171 6432.2411/11/1995404282.65482902.711564902.78629142.4911 /18/1995257573.15426842.671964232.78521192.3811/25/19952 06733.14409002.742472292.46454512.4912/2/1995222123.1245 8302.611907222.84469072.412/9/1995241073.05466502.652778 692.7511632.8212/16/1995253992.96530742.62782312.5438421 2.8312/23/1995326552.84611692.562093352.69418892.7112/30 /1995442452.47462652.633395472.34386112.551/6/1996452122 .83632042.535614462.08739132.41/13/1996689453852822.4822 91262.63724812.431/20/1996394212.97640412.652583792.4195 4142.171/27/1996738412.39764722.492451162.43706612.262/3 /1996298263.01817002.593878242.37680512.282/10/199623635 3.04679282.722264682.71501892.712/17/1996202123.21451532 .891461942.95357902.72/24/1996417542.4454272.882878492.0 9316112.993/2/1996354492.55476582.961908732.78400502.673 /9/19961019152.37563592.732062402.7488492.653/16/1996634 982.07666942.692371022.56412382.73/23/1996804492.0551112 2.913791051.94414152.643/30/1996576382.09559152.79152468 2.75371412.734/6/1996149433.28472432.992476412.68351182. 884/13/1996145363.31466382.771999462.69452632.674/20/199 6195493.11499242.711551522.85426372.584/27/1996183293.04 522642.672097462.58346812.795/4/1996146433.35489752.6519 92952.77326862.865/11/1996147783.29455492.631869592.8332 3572.865/18/1996170323.21462102.671791172.67456792.595/2 5/1996243462.9424102.671972442.51428922.546/1/1996262932 .6506772.621703952.68475892.536/8/1996147883.09501092.72 2603432.57432002.636/15/1996178023.21678322.542165692.71 364672.686/22/1996155833.29563762.721952312.72293692.876 /29/1996281632.89376783.051398812.96341312.677/6/1996401 742.64377492.911141103.03329832.687/13/1996192253.085060
  • 62. 02.882025662.62398722.687/20/1996203732.98645992.6118066 72.78328342.887/27/1996219683.04494892.711972942.8313792 .98/3/1996332892.86502142.682300292.71342422.758/10/1996 278102.85500642.762750402.54330932.848/17/1996212533.264 30332.982257092.69369842.628/24/1996177453.28530262.6611 78912.92314612.898/31/1996194833.22442682.771483792.9327 3282.879/7/1996234753.06497382.772233082.72319982.749/14 /1996556642.49393752.751397482.95470022.569/21/199618494 3.07567622.592622642.4382622.929/28/1996204203.11407292. 882163662.61387272.6110/5/1996290072.64488802.762494852. 6521682.3810/12/1996271652.65403622.971428032.97739042.4 110/19/1996258632.73448362.951543952.86607922.4710/26/19 96227722.93474742.831992872.58588932.4611/2/1996415162.5 9669612.564354092.25851122.1111/9/1996230952.97757832.44 2049822.6657472.6211/16/1996221303.08645022.641401702.98 489342.8111/23/1996199943.07595182.581643922.87562232.41 1/30/1996171403.4582382.611273712.95412512.6312/7/199616 2893.4644732.751936492.73450212.4912/14/1996296602.72728 662.843278412.4580902.512/21/1996203143.08590732.7520810 52.76718352.3112/28/1996246372.93458982.772526852.555996 92.36 yearTempCO2198014.180000338.67198114.260000339.8419821 4.050000340.56198314.260000342.21198414.090000343.81198 514.050000345.30198614.120000346.72198714.260000348.441 98814.310000350.96198914.200000352.59199014.380000353.8 3199114.350000355.18199214.120000355.88199314.140000356 .60199414.230000358.03199514.380000359.85199614.2900003 61.62199714.400000362.76199814.570000365.48199914.32000 0367.56200014.330000368.77200114.480000370.36200214.560 000372.39200314.550000374.94200414.480000376.76200514.6 20000378.78200614.540000380.91200714.560000382.71200814 .440000384.84