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2018.11.24 DOTNET600 2018
Kouji Matsui – kozy, kekyo
• NAGOYA city, AICHI pref., JP
• Twitter – @kozy_kekyo, @kekyo2 /
• Self employed (I’m looking for a job)
• Microsoft Most Valuable Professional VS
and DevTech 2015-
• Certified Scrum master / Scrum product
• Center CLR organizer.
• .NET/C#/F#/IL/metaprogramming or like…
• Bike rider
What’s the IL2C
◦ Building scheme
Translation details
◦ The runtime types – primitive and string
◦ How works the garbage collector
◦ The value type / boxing
◦ The enum types
◦ The delegate types
◦ How works exceptions
◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
◦ This session contains very complex technology topics reached for LEVEL 600
or above.
◦ Are you ready? ;)
How works and aiming for tiny resource requirements by the IL2C?
How works AOT (ahead of time compilation) by the IL2C?
What’s done, doing and will do the IL2C project?
What’s the IL2C
◦ Building scheme
Translation details
◦ The runtime types – primitive and string
◦ How works the garbage collector
◦ The value type / boxing
◦ The enum types
◦ The delegate types
◦ How works exceptions
◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
What’s the IL2C
A translator for
ECMA-335 CIL/MSIL to C language.
F# Code
Target native
binaryC# Code
What’s the IL2C
What’s the IL2C
IL2C's implementation priorities, we're aiming for:
◦ Better predictability for runtime costs, better human readability for the IL2C
translated C source code.
◦ Very tiny footprint requirements, we are thinking about how fit between tiny
embedded system and large system with many resources.
◦ Better code/runtime portability, minimum requirements are only C99
◦ Better interoperabilities for exist C libraries, we can use standard .NET interop
technics (likely P/Invoke.)
◦ Contains seamless building system for major C toolkits, for example: CMake
system, Arduino IDE, VC++ ...
What’s the IL2C
C Language
(*.c, *.h)
C Language
(*.c, *.h)Target dev C language compiler
(VS, Arduino, mbed and etc…)
Target native
C# Code C# Compiler
F# Compiler
(FCS)F# Code
Another compiler
C language source code
CIL / MSIL ECMA-335 specific binaries
What’s the IL2C
C Language
(*.c, *.h)
C Language
(*.c, *.h)Target dev C language compiler
(VS, Arduino, mbed and etc…)
Target native
C# Code C# Compiler
F# Compiler
(FCS)F# Code
Building schemes (aiming for)
C Language
(*.c, *.h)
C Language
(*.c, *.h)
Target dev C language compiler
(VS, Arduino, mbed and etc…)
Target native
C# Code
C# Compiler
C Language
(*.c, *.h)
IL2C Runtime
(*.c, *.h)
3rd party
What’s the IL2C
◦ Building scheme
Translation details
◦ The runtime types – primitive and string
◦ How works the garbage collector
◦ The value type / boxing
◦ The enum types
◦ The delegate types
◦ How works exceptions
◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
The runtime types – primitive and string
typedef aliases
◦ stdint.h, stdbool.h, wchar_t, float.h
byte short int long sbyte ushort uint ulong
uint8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t int8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t
float double bool char IntPtr UIntPtr
float double bool wchar_t intptr_t uintptr_t
The runtime types – primitive and string
System.String – variable strage space
System_String (heap)
The runtime types – primitive and string
Constant literal string
System_String (.rdata)
const wchar_t[] (.rdata)
IL2C_REF_HEADER (.rdata)
The runtime types – primitive and string
Constant literal string
const wchar_t[] (.rdata)
What’s the IL2C
◦ Building scheme
Translation details
◦ The runtime types – primitive and string
◦ How works the garbage collector
◦ The value type / boxing
◦ The enum types
◦ The delegate types
◦ How works exceptions
◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
How works the garbage collector
Basic strategy – mark and sweep algorithm (NOT include compaction)
Root Root Root
1. Clear mark
2. Set mark 3. Free unmarked
How works the garbage collector: Phase 1
How works the garbage collector: Phase 2
How works the garbage collector: Phase 2
Step2 details
local1 null
How works the garbage collector: Phase 3
What’s the IL2C
◦ Building scheme
Translation details
◦ The runtime types – primitive and string
◦ How works the garbage collector
◦ The value type / boxing
◦ The enum types
◦ The delegate types
◦ How works exceptions
◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
The value type / boxing
System_Int32System_Int32 Boxed
32bit (4bytes)
Bit exactly
sizeof(IL2C_REF_HEADER) +
sizeof(System_ValueType) +
The value type / boxing
System_Int32 Unboxed (System_Int32*)
System_Int32 local
1. Got pointer
2. Dereference
The value type / boxing
Unboxed and NOT copy…
The value type / boxing
The value type / boxing
The value type is restricted for marking
“virtual” by Roslyn.
Therefore we can force virtualize by
assigning the interface.
Will boxed for call
The value type / boxing
Mutable usage by the
virtual method
The value type / boxing : Q1
System_Int32 (System_Int32*)
System_Int32* this)
1. Got pointer
2. Arg0 (this)
Copy-free invoking
The value type / boxing : Q3
System_Int32_VTABLE (.rdata)
System_Int32* this)
Where’s unboxing?
The value type / boxing : Q3
System_Int32_VTABLE (.rdata)
System_ValueType* this)
System_Int32* this)
(And not copy)
We can (have to) manipulate
the instance fields
The value type / boxing : Q2
System_Int32_IFoo_VTABLE (.rdata)
System_ValueType* this)
System_Int32* this)
(And not copy)
We can manipulate the instance
fields, but gonna discard
The value type / boxing
My strategy was:
◦ Q1: The value type methods can access their fields by using unboxed-raw-
pointer. (Copy-free access)
◦ Q2: The interface implementation way can same procedure
→ We have to copy the instance…
◦ Q3: The value type virtual methods same procedure…
Will fix this problem…
What’s the IL2C
◦ Building scheme
Translation details
◦ The runtime types – primitive and string
◦ How works the garbage collector
◦ The value type / boxing
◦ The enum types
◦ The delegate types
◦ How works exceptions
◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
The enum types
Q: How implement the enum types will you use the C language?
C# (IL) C
The enum types
Q: How implement the enum types will you use the C language?
C# (IL) C
It has 2 problems
The enum types
A1: The enum symbol names are globally. We have to able to apply
different names each enum types…
Combined namespace
Combined namespace and
each value symbol
The enum types
A2: In the C language, enum types can’t annotate the storage space.
error C2059: syntax error: ':'
In the C++, we can
use this syntax
The enum types
Final results for IL2C way:
C The IL2C has to calculate real
value at each symbols…
The enum types
Final results for IL2C way:
◦ Each enum types NOT derived from System.Enum type.
◦ We can implicitly convert by bidirection both enum types and integer types.
Convert from Int32 to
Int32EnumType implicitly.
The enum types
Convert from Int32 to
Int32EnumType implicitly.
What’s the IL2C
◦ Building scheme
Translation details
◦ The runtime types – primitive and string
◦ How works the garbage collector
◦ The value type / boxing
◦ The enum types
◦ The delegate types
◦ How works exceptions
◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
The delegate types
The delegate types almost always inherited from System.MulticastDelegate.
◦ System.Delegate type has two member for “Method” and “Target.”
◦ The derived delegate type has the type-safe method named “Invoke.”
void Invoke(
object sender, EventArgs e)
MethodInfo Method;
object Target;
The delegate types
“Method” member is the information for callee.
◦ If callee method is static (not instance method), the “Target” is null.
private static void Form_Clicked(
object sender, EventArgs e)
static method
callee method
Target (instance)
is nothing
class Bar.Form
The delegate types
◦ If callee method is instance (not static method), the “Target” refer to instance.
System.Delegate private void Form_Clicked(
object sender, EventArgs e)
instance method
Target (instance)
callee method
The delegate types
The IL2C way puts the code with instance detection expression.
Detect the “Target” is not NULL
The delegate types
The instance method into value type can assign to delegate and valid.
Refer to:
public override string System.Int32.ToString()
The delegate types
The instance method into value type can assign to delegate and valid.
Resolve for
virtual method pointer
The delegate types
The boxing opcode is very important in this case. Because the “Target”
member type is System.Object, so can’t store the native value or
managed pointer.
value type System.Int32
public override string ToString()
Target (System.Object)
instance method
Target (boxed)
The delegate types
Illustrates, the System.MulticastDelegate can hold multiple delegates
into the delegate. The implementation is the list of delegates.
It contains delegate[]
The delegate types
Illustrates, the System.MulticastDelegate can contain multiple delegates
into one delegate. The implementation is the list of delegates.
The delegate types
We know, these instances came from the heap…
Too many allocation!!
The delegate types
The IL2C way, all delegate types aggregate into the one implement at
“System_Delegate.” It contains list of delegate and it’s NON-array. Most
important thing is the delegate storage size is VARIABLE.
[0] Target
[0] Method
[1] Target
[1] Method
private static void Form_Clicked(
object sender, EventArgs e)
private static void Form_Clicked(
object sender, EventArgs e)
Invocation table
The delegate types
It will reduce heap management cost
[0] Target
[0] Method
[1] Target
[1] Method
private static void Form_Clicked(
object sender, EventArgs e)
private static void Form_Clicked(
object sender, EventArgs e)
The delegate types
The IL2C’s System_Delegate real declaration:
Target instance (or null)
Function pointer
Invocation list
The delegate types
Delegate.Combine() and Delegate.Remove() calculate and store invocation
table only once allocated delegate instance.
Allocate once
Combine the invocation tables
The delegate types
Overall the IL2C translate to the specialized delegate invoker:
CInvocation table
Invoke by function pointer
For all method
What’s the IL2C
◦ Building scheme
Translation details
◦ The runtime types – primitive and string
◦ How works the garbage collector
◦ The value type / boxing
◦ The enum types
◦ The delegate types
◦ How works exceptions
◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
How works exceptions
What’s the “local unwind?”
How works exceptions
What’s the “local unwind?”
Only inside for the method
How works exceptions
What’s the “global unwind?”
How works exceptions
What’s the “global unwind?”
It’s transition by straddling
How works exceptions
Important global unwind things:
◦ We have to find the matched exception filter (“catch” type clause.)
◦ If not found, try to find more filters crawling from stack frame top to bottom.
Stack frame top
Stack frame bottom
How works exceptions
Does the method contains multiple exception blocks?
How works exceptions
Does the method contains multiple exception blocks?
Ignored the exception filter
How works exceptions
The unwind feature is likely stack crawling on the stack frame, but
we have to complete exception handling with bit different:
◦ We have to use the “Exception frame.” instead the stack frame.
◦ It’s only instantiate for each exception blocks.
Exception block 2
Exception block 1
Exception frame 1
Exception frame 2
How works exceptions
How works the exception frames on the global unwind?
Exception frame 1
Exception frame 2
Exception block 1
Exception block 2
How works exceptions
This is the exception frame and overall usage.
Exception frame 3
Exception frame 1
Exception frame 2
This function doesn’t
contain any exception
How works exceptions
The IL2C handles exception by the way:
1. Raise exception with strongly-typed instance.
2. The runtime crawl the exception frames from “Top exception frame” to
bottom. The “g_pTopUnwindFrame” pointer refers top frame.
3. Call the exception filter function from each exception frames.
4. If found the exception type from exception filter function, IL2C found
catchable block. Send the execution context into it (unwind done).
5. If can’t find any cachable block at the bottom frame, the IL2C raise
“Unhandled exception” state.
How works exceptions
What’s the exception filter?
int16_t Function1_ExceptionFilter_0(
System_Exception* ex)
How works exceptions
What’s the exception filter?
Index number for local
exception frame
Method name
“catch (Exception)”
Result is filter number
(unique in each filter)
How works exceptions
If a exception block contain multiple caught blocks?
Contains multiple caught
into one exception block
How works exceptions
If a exception block contain multiple caught blocks?
Result is filter number
Series checks exception type
How works exceptions
The “Filter number” is used for branching identity at the method
body. Illustrated bone of the exception block:
Use this filter function
The filter number
How works exceptions
“il2c_end_try” and another exception handling helpers:
Declared by C language macro. How works these macros details??
How works exceptions
Exception frame
declared each try block
branch using setjmp() result
to try and catch block
Saved current
execution context
How works exceptions
Use longjmp() function. The execution
context will unwind to “saved.”
How the exception raising side?
How works exceptions
A lot… a lot of topics for the exception handling, this session
◦ How works “rethrow” feature?
◦ How works nested rethrow feature?
◦ How works nested local exception block?
◦ How works finally block?
◦ How works filter-fault blocks?
◦ The setjmp and longjmp way (named sjlj) is slower. Can we improve by another
◦ How works asynchronous exception? (NullReferenceException,
ArithmeticException and etc…)
What’s the IL2C
◦ Building scheme
Translation details
◦ The runtime types – primitive and string
◦ How works the garbage collector
◦ The value type / boxing
◦ The enum types
◦ The delegate types
◦ How works exceptions
◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
How works virtual methods
The runtime type information:
(UTF8 string)
How works virtual methods
IL2C_TYPE_VALUE (value type)
IL2C_TYPE_VARIABLE (variable storage size)
The C language not valid using for sizeof()
expression via empty storage space type.
So this field coverered size is 0.
How works virtual methods
The virtual method table (VTABLE) works:
System_String_VTABLE (.rdata)
System_String* this)
How works virtual methods
How works invoking virtual method?
How works virtual methods
How works invoking virtual method? C
… VirtualBaseType_GetStringFromInt32(
VirtualBaseType* this, int32_t value)
How works virtual methods
How works invoking virtual method? C
VirtualBaseType* this, int32_t value)
Subtract offset from this pointer.
But the “offset__” field always 0…
arg0 = this - offset__
How works virtual methods
The interface virtual method table works:
Interface implemented
How works virtual methods
The interface virtual method table works:
TYPE [VirtualNewAndImplementType]
VirtualNewAndImplementType* this)
TYPE [IInterfaceType1]
void GetStringFromInt32 ()
arg0 = this - offset__
The interface VTABLE
contains this pointer’s offset.
Subtract offset to adjust
How works virtual methods
How works invoking interface virtual method? C
True same calculation both the class
VTABLE and interface VTABLE.
arg0 = this - offset__
VirtualNewAndImplementType* this)
How works virtual methods
Implicit implement
How works virtual methods
How works virtual methods C#
1. Find the interface
from mostly derived
2. Listup methods from
found to same signature
3. Find the method from mostly
overrided and NOT newslot
Any question? Thank you for join!!

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Making archive IL2C #6-55 dotnet600 2018

  • 1. Making archive IL2C #6-55 2018.11.24 DOTNET600 2018 - KOUJI MATSUI (@KOZY_KEKYO, @KEKYO2)
  • 2. Kouji Matsui – kozy, kekyo • NAGOYA city, AICHI pref., JP • Twitter – @kozy_kekyo, @kekyo2 / Facebook • Self employed (I’m looking for a job) • Microsoft Most Valuable Professional VS and DevTech 2015- • Certified Scrum master / Scrum product owner • Center CLR organizer. • .NET/C#/F#/IL/metaprogramming or like… • Bike rider
  • 3. Agenda Abstract What’s the IL2C ◦ Building scheme Translation details ◦ The runtime types – primitive and string ◦ How works the garbage collector ◦ The value type / boxing ◦ The enum types ◦ The delegate types ◦ How works exceptions ◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
  • 4. Abstract WARNING: ◦ This session contains very complex technology topics reached for LEVEL 600 or above. ◦ Are you ready? ;) How works and aiming for tiny resource requirements by the IL2C? How works AOT (ahead of time compilation) by the IL2C? What’s done, doing and will do the IL2C project?
  • 5. Agenda Abstract What’s the IL2C ◦ Building scheme Translation details ◦ The runtime types – primitive and string ◦ How works the garbage collector ◦ The value type / boxing ◦ The enum types ◦ The delegate types ◦ How works exceptions ◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
  • 6. What’s the IL2C A translator for ECMA-335 CIL/MSIL to C language. F# Code IL2C Target native binaryC# Code
  • 8. What’s the IL2C IL2C's implementation priorities, we're aiming for: ◦ Better predictability for runtime costs, better human readability for the IL2C translated C source code. ◦ Very tiny footprint requirements, we are thinking about how fit between tiny embedded system and large system with many resources. ◦ Better code/runtime portability, minimum requirements are only C99 compiler. ◦ Better interoperabilities for exist C libraries, we can use standard .NET interop technics (likely P/Invoke.) ◦ Contains seamless building system for major C toolkits, for example: CMake system, Arduino IDE, VC++ ...
  • 9. What’s the IL2C IL2C Assembly (*.dll) C Language (*.c, *.h) C Language (*.c, *.h)Target dev C language compiler (VS, Arduino, mbed and etc…) Target native binary C# Code C# Compiler (Roslyn) F# Compiler (FCS)F# Code Another compiler
  • 10. C language source code CIL / MSIL ECMA-335 specific binaries What’s the IL2C IL2C Assembly (*.dll) C Language (*.c, *.h) C Language (*.c, *.h)Target dev C language compiler (VS, Arduino, mbed and etc…) Target native binary C# Code C# Compiler (Roslyn) F# Compiler (FCS)F# Code
  • 11. Building schemes (aiming for) IL2C Assembly (*.dll) C Language (*.c, *.h) C Language (*.c, *.h) Target dev C language compiler (VS, Arduino, mbed and etc…) Target native binary C# Code C# Compiler (Roslyn) NuGet (*.dll) C Language (*.c, *.h) IL2C Runtime (*.c, *.h) Prebuilt Libraries 3rd party Libraries
  • 12. Agenda Abstract What’s the IL2C ◦ Building scheme Translation details ◦ The runtime types – primitive and string ◦ How works the garbage collector ◦ The value type / boxing ◦ The enum types ◦ The delegate types ◦ How works exceptions ◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
  • 13. The runtime types – primitive and string typedef aliases ◦ stdint.h, stdbool.h, wchar_t, float.h byte short int long sbyte ushort uint ulong uint8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t int8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t float double bool char IntPtr UIntPtr float double bool wchar_t intptr_t uintptr_t
  • 14. The runtime types – primitive and string System.String – variable strage space System_String_VTable System_String (heap) vptr0__ string_body__ “ABCDEFGHIJ0”
  • 15. The runtime types – primitive and string Constant literal string System_String_VTABLE System_String (.rdata) vptr0__ string_body__ const wchar_t[] (.rdata) “ABCDEFGHIJ0”
  • 16. IL2C_REF_HEADER (.rdata) The runtime types – primitive and string Constant literal string System_String vptr0__ string_body__ const wchar_t[] (.rdata) “ABCDEFGHIJ0” pNext type gcMark VTABLE
  • 17. Agenda Abstract What’s the IL2C ◦ Building scheme Translation details ◦ The runtime types – primitive and string ◦ How works the garbage collector ◦ The value type / boxing ◦ The enum types ◦ The delegate types ◦ How works exceptions ◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
  • 18. How works the garbage collector Basic strategy – mark and sweep algorithm (NOT include compaction) Root Root Root 1. Clear mark 2. Set mark 3. Free unmarked
  • 19. How works the garbage collector: Phase 1 IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) pNext type gcMark IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) pNext g_pBeginHeader GCMARK_NOMARK GCMARK_NOMARK
  • 20. How works the garbage collector: Phase 2 IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) pNext type gcMark g_pBeginFrame GCMARK_LIVE GCMARK_LIVE GCMARK_LIVE System_String vptr0__ string_body__ “ABCDEFGHIJ0”
  • 21. How works the garbage collector: Phase 2 Function1() Function2() Function3() local1 local2 local1 local2 local3 g_pBeginFrame local2 GCMARK_LIVE null null null Step2 details local1 null 2
  • 22. How works the garbage collector: Phase 3 IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) pNext type gcMark IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) pNext g_pBeginHeader GCMARK_LIVE GCMARK_NOMARK GCMARK_NOMARK GCMARK_NOMARK GCMARK_LIVE
  • 23. Agenda Abstract What’s the IL2C ◦ Building scheme Translation details ◦ The runtime types – primitive and string ◦ How works the garbage collector ◦ The value type / boxing ◦ The enum types ◦ The delegate types ◦ How works exceptions ◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
  • 24. IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) System_ValueType The value type / boxing pNext type gcMark vptr0__ System_Int32System_Int32 Boxed 32bit (4bytes) Bit exactly sizeof(IL2C_REF_HEADER) + sizeof(System_ValueType) + sizeof(System_Int32)
  • 25. IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) System_ValueType The value type / boxing pNext type gcMark vptr0__ System_Int32 Unboxed (System_Int32*) System_Int32 local 1. Got pointer 2. Dereference (Copy)
  • 26. The value type / boxing Unboxed and NOT copy… Copy-free
  • 27. The value type / boxing Valid? Q1:
  • 28. The value type / boxing Valid? The value type is restricted for marking “virtual” by Roslyn. Therefore we can force virtualize by assigning the interface. Will boxed for call Q2:
  • 29. The value type / boxing Valid? Mutable usage by the virtual method …Boxed? Q3:
  • 30. The value type / boxing : Q1 System_Int32 (System_Int32*) System_Int32_ToString( System_Int32* this) 1. Got pointer 2. Arg0 (this) Copy-free invoking
  • 31. IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) System_ValueType The value type / boxing : Q3 pNext type gcMark vptr0__ System_Int32 System_Int32_VTABLE (.rdata) offset__ System_Int32_Equals(…) System_Object_Finalize(…) System_Int32_GetHashCode(…) System_Int32_ToString(…) System_Int32_ToString( System_Int32* this) Where’s unboxing?
  • 32. The value type / boxing : Q3 System_Int32_VTABLE (.rdata) offset__ System_Int32_Equals_VFunc(…) System_Object_Finalize(…) System_Int32_GetHashCode_VFunc(…) System_Int32_ToString_VFunc(…) System_Int32_ToString_VFunc( System_ValueType* this) System_Int32_ToString( System_Int32* this) Unboxing (And not copy) We can (have to) manipulate the instance fields
  • 33. The value type / boxing : Q2 System_Int32_IFoo_VTABLE (.rdata) offset__ System_Int32_ToString_VFunc(…) System_Int32_ToString_VFunc( System_ValueType* this) System_Int32_ToString( System_Int32* this) Unboxing (And not copy) We can manipulate the instance fields, but gonna discard
  • 34. The value type / boxing My strategy was: ◦ Q1: The value type methods can access their fields by using unboxed-raw- pointer. (Copy-free access) → ◦ Q2: The interface implementation way can same procedure → We have to copy the instance… ◦ Q3: The value type virtual methods same procedure… → Will fix this problem…
  • 35. Agenda Abstract What’s the IL2C ◦ Building scheme Translation details ◦ The runtime types – primitive and string ◦ How works the garbage collector ◦ The value type / boxing ◦ The enum types ◦ The delegate types ◦ How works exceptions ◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
  • 36. The enum types Q: How implement the enum types will you use the C language? translate C# (IL) C
  • 37. The enum types Q: How implement the enum types will you use the C language? translate C# (IL) C It has 2 problems
  • 38. The enum types A1: The enum symbol names are globally. We have to able to apply different names each enum types… C Combined namespace Combined namespace and each value symbol
  • 39. The enum types A2: In the C language, enum types can’t annotate the storage space. C consoleapplication1.c(3): error C2059: syntax error: ':' In the C++, we can use this syntax
  • 40. The enum types Final results for IL2C way: C The IL2C has to calculate real value at each symbols…
  • 41. The enum types Final results for IL2C way: ◦ Each enum types NOT derived from System.Enum type. ◦ We can implicitly convert by bidirection both enum types and integer types. Convert from Int32 to Int32EnumType implicitly. C# IL
  • 42. The enum types Convert from Int32 to Int32EnumType implicitly. C
  • 43. Agenda Abstract What’s the IL2C ◦ Building scheme Translation details ◦ The runtime types – primitive and string ◦ How works the garbage collector ◦ The value type / boxing ◦ The enum types ◦ The delegate types ◦ How works exceptions ◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
  • 44. The delegate types The delegate types almost always inherited from System.MulticastDelegate. ◦ System.Delegate type has two member for “Method” and “Target.” ◦ The derived delegate type has the type-safe method named “Invoke.” System.Object System.Delegate System.MulticastDelegate System.EventHandler void Invoke( object sender, EventArgs e) MethodInfo Method; object Target;
  • 45. The delegate types “Method” member is the information for callee. ◦ If callee method is static (not instance method), the “Target” is null. private static void Form_Clicked( object sender, EventArgs e) static method callee method System.Delegate Target Method Target (instance) is nothing null
  • 46. class Bar.Form The delegate types ◦ If callee method is instance (not static method), the “Target” refer to instance. System.Delegate private void Form_Clicked( object sender, EventArgs e) Target Method instance method Target (instance) callee method
  • 47. The delegate types The IL2C way puts the code with instance detection expression. System_EventHandler_Invoke(…) C C# Detect the “Target” is not NULL
  • 48. The delegate types The instance method into value type can assign to delegate and valid. Refer to: public override string System.Int32.ToString() C#
  • 49. The delegate types The instance method into value type can assign to delegate and valid. boxing Resolve for virtual method pointer IL
  • 50. IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) The delegate types The boxing opcode is very important in this case. Because the “Target” member type is System.Object, so can’t store the native value or managed pointer. value type System.Int32 System.Delegate public override string ToString() Target (System.Object) Method instance method Target (boxed)
  • 51. The delegate types Illustrates, the System.MulticastDelegate can hold multiple delegates into the delegate. The implementation is the list of delegates. It contains delegate[] C#
  • 52. The delegate types Illustrates, the System.MulticastDelegate can contain multiple delegates into one delegate. The implementation is the list of delegates. MulticastDelegate invocationList … delegate[] [0] [1] [2] … System.Delegate … System.Delegate … System.Delegate …
  • 53. IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap)IL2C_REF_HEADERIL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) The delegate types We know, these instances came from the heap… MulticastDelegate invocationList … delegate[] [0] [1] [2] … System.Delegate … System.Delegate … System.Delegate … Too many allocation!!
  • 54. The delegate types The IL2C way, all delegate types aggregate into the one implement at “System_Delegate.” It contains list of delegate and it’s NON-array. Most important thing is the delegate storage size is VARIABLE. System_Delegate … … [0] Target [0] Method [1] Target [1] Method private static void Form_Clicked( object sender, EventArgs e) private static void Form_Clicked( object sender, EventArgs e) Variable Invocation table
  • 55. IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) The delegate types It will reduce heap management cost System_Delegate … … [0] Target [0] Method [1] Target [1] Method private static void Form_Clicked( object sender, EventArgs e) private static void Form_Clicked( object sender, EventArgs e)
  • 56. The delegate types The IL2C’s System_Delegate real declaration: Target instance (or null) Function pointer Invocation list
  • 57. The delegate types Delegate.Combine() and Delegate.Remove() calculate and store invocation table only once allocated delegate instance. C Allocate once Delegate.Combine(…) Combine the invocation tables
  • 58. The delegate types Overall the IL2C translate to the specialized delegate invoker: CInvocation table Invoke by function pointer For all method
  • 59. Agenda Abstract What’s the IL2C ◦ Building scheme Translation details ◦ The runtime types – primitive and string ◦ How works the garbage collector ◦ The value type / boxing ◦ The enum types ◦ The delegate types ◦ How works exceptions ◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
  • 60. How works exceptions What’s the “local unwind?” C#
  • 61. How works exceptions What’s the “local unwind?” C# Only inside for the method
  • 62. How works exceptions What’s the “global unwind?” C#
  • 63. How works exceptions What’s the “global unwind?” C# It’s transition by straddling
  • 64. How works exceptions Important global unwind things: ◦ We have to find the matched exception filter (“catch” type clause.) ◦ If not found, try to find more filters crawling from stack frame top to bottom. Illustrated: Function1() Function2() Function3() Function4() C Function5() null main() Stack frame top Stack frame bottom g_pBeginFrame
  • 65. How works exceptions Does the method contains multiple exception blocks? C#
  • 66. How works exceptions Does the method contains multiple exception blocks? C# Ignored the exception filter
  • 67. How works exceptions The unwind feature is likely stack crawling on the stack frame, but we have to complete exception handling with bit different: ◦ We have to use the “Exception frame.” instead the stack frame. ◦ It’s only instantiate for each exception blocks. Exception block 2 RaiseNestedBlockLocal() null main() Exception block 1 Exception frame 1 Exception frame 2 g_pTopUnwindTarget
  • 68. How works exceptions How works the exception frames on the global unwind? RaiseNestedBlockGlobal() null main() Exception frame 1 g_pTopUnwindTarget RaiseNestedBlockCallee() Exception frame 2 Exception block 1 Exception block 2
  • 69. How works exceptions This is the exception frame and overall usage. C Function3() Exception frame 3 g_pTopUnwindTarget Function1() null main() Exception frame 1 Exception frame 2 Function2() This function doesn’t contain any exception block
  • 70. How works exceptions The IL2C handles exception by the way: 1. Raise exception with strongly-typed instance. 2. The runtime crawl the exception frames from “Top exception frame” to bottom. The “g_pTopUnwindFrame” pointer refers top frame. 3. Call the exception filter function from each exception frames. 4. If found the exception type from exception filter function, IL2C found catchable block. Send the execution context into it (unwind done). 5. If can’t find any cachable block at the bottom frame, the IL2C raise “Unhandled exception” state.
  • 71. How works exceptions What’s the exception filter? C int16_t Function1_ExceptionFilter_0( System_Exception* ex)
  • 72. How works exceptions What’s the exception filter? C Index number for local exception frame Method name “catch (Exception)” Result is filter number (unique in each filter)
  • 73. How works exceptions If a exception block contain multiple caught blocks? C# Contains multiple caught into one exception block
  • 74. How works exceptions If a exception block contain multiple caught blocks? C Result is filter number Series checks exception type
  • 75. How works exceptions The “Filter number” is used for branching identity at the method body. Illustrated bone of the exception block: C Use this filter function The filter number
  • 76. How works exceptions “il2c_try” “il2c_catch” “il2c_end_try” and another exception handling helpers: Declared by C language macro. How works these macros details??
  • 77. How works exceptions C Exception frame declared each try block branch using setjmp() result to try and catch block Saved current execution context
  • 78. How works exceptions C Use longjmp() function. The execution context will unwind to “saved.” How the exception raising side?
  • 79. How works exceptions A lot… a lot of topics for the exception handling, this session uncovererd: ◦ How works “rethrow” feature? ◦ How works nested rethrow feature? ◦ How works nested local exception block? ◦ How works finally block? ◦ How works filter-fault blocks? ◦ The setjmp and longjmp way (named sjlj) is slower. Can we improve by another way? ◦ How works asynchronous exception? (NullReferenceException, ArithmeticException and etc…)
  • 80. Agenda Abstract What’s the IL2C ◦ Building scheme Translation details ◦ The runtime types – primitive and string ◦ How works the garbage collector ◦ The value type / boxing ◦ The enum types ◦ The delegate types ◦ How works exceptions ◦ How works virtual methods (virtual, override and interface implementations)
  • 81. How works virtual methods The runtime type information: IL2C_REF_HEADER (heap) pNext type gcMark System_String vptr0__ string_body__ “ABCDEFGHIJ0” IL2C_RUNTIME_TYPE_DECL (.rdata) pTypeName flags bodySize baseType vptr0 markTarget interfaceCount … “System.String” (UTF8 string) [System.Object] IL2C_RUNTIME_TYPE_DECL Copy … System_String_VTABLE__ …
  • 82. How works virtual methods C IL2C_TYPE_REFERENCE (objref) IL2C_TYPE_VALUE (value type) IL2C_TYPE_VARIABLE (variable storage size) … The C language not valid using for sizeof() expression via empty storage space type. So this field coverered size is 0.
  • 83. How works virtual methods The virtual method table (VTABLE) works: IL2C_RUNTIME_TYPE_DECL … vptr0 … System_String vptr0__ string_body__ System_String_VTABLE (.rdata) offset__ System_String_Equals(…) System_Object_Finalize(…) System_String_GetHashCode(…) System_String_ToString(…) System_String_GetHashCode( System_String* this) 0
  • 84. How works virtual methods How works invoking virtual method? C#
  • 85. How works virtual methods How works invoking virtual method? C VirtualBaseType_VTABLE__ offset__ GetStringFromInt32(…) … VirtualBaseType_GetStringFromInt32( VirtualBaseType* this, int32_t value) 0 vptr0__
  • 86. How works virtual methods How works invoking virtual method? C VirtualBaseType_VTABLE__ offset__ GetStringFromInt32(…) … 0 VirtualBaseType_GetStringFromInt32( VirtualBaseType* this, int32_t value) Subtract offset from this pointer. But the “offset__” field always 0… arg0 = this - offset__
  • 87. How works virtual methods The interface virtual method table works: C# Interface implemented
  • 88. How works virtual methods The interface virtual method table works: TYPE [VirtualNewAndImplementType] … VirtualNewAndImplementType VirtualNewAndImplementType_VTABLE VirtualNewAndImplementType_GetStringFromInt32( VirtualNewAndImplementType* this) vptr0__ vptr0__ vptr_IInterfaceType1 … … VirtualNewAndImplementType_IInterfaceType1_VTABLE offset__ TYPE [IInterfaceType1] … interfaceType vptrInterface void GetStringFromInt32 () offset__ 0 4 +0 +4 arg0 = this - offset__ The interface VTABLE contains this pointer’s offset. Subtract offset to adjust pointer.
  • 89. How works virtual methods How works invoking interface virtual method? C VirtualNewImplements_IInterfaceType1_VTABLE offset__ GetStringFromInt32(…) … 4 True same calculation both the class VTABLE and interface VTABLE. arg0 = this - offset__ VirtualNewAndImplementType_GetStringFromInt32( VirtualNewAndImplementType* this)
  • 90. How works virtual methods C# Implicit implement
  • 91. How works virtual methods C#
  • 92. How works virtual methods C# 1. Find the interface from mostly derived 2. Listup methods from found to same signature 3. Find the method from mostly overrided and NOT newslot
  • 93. Any question? Thank you for join!!