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Units 25 & 26
Task 1
Benjamin Karrass
Task 1
Training day is a crime/thriller film that is about a man training to become a police
officer. Training day is based in LA where the streets are run by gangs and drug
dealers. Denzel Washington who plays Alonso as a corrupt cop help (jake) train to
become a police officer but includes things other officers wouldn't, such as, taking
drugs and stealing money. The film is based over a 24 hour period of when Alonso
trains Jack. i was given the task to analyse a 5 minute of a clip from the film. The
scene is about 4 men from the LAPD including the man training to become a police
officer (Jake) who raid a building and find $4,000,000. The officers know someone is
inside so they take caution when entering the building. We have looked at specific
elements and features in the clip including camera work, sound, editing and Mise En
Camera work:
Camera work takes a big role during all
films in the media industry. It can create
a story and allow the audience watching
to understand new things about what
they may be watching. Camera work
can show the actors facial expressions,
emotions, gestures and body language
throughout the movie. The first shot
used during the new scene is a mid
range shot with the actors moving past the camera, as this happens thew camera
also sways side by side. During a camera shot there is tracking of all the officers
running at eye level to show their point
of view, this makes us the audience
feel like we are there. However
straight after that shot the next one is
the camera moving fast away from the
door, this is a zoom out shot as the
police officers run towards the door.
The next shot used is a pan from the
window towards the door to give the
audience a perspective from inside,
this is also a mid shot. As the shot
cuts to Alonzo he picks up the walkie talk to her if something is happening inside
from the other walkie talkie he planted earlier in the movie. This shot is a close up
with a bit of space to his right side. During the scene outside the camera men are not
using a tripod as i can see that the camera is not fully steady, this means they could
be using a steadicam to reflect you are in the scene.
Units 25 & 26
Task 1
Benjamin Karrass
Furthermore just before they enter
the house the shot is shown to be a
low angle shot as we can see
Alonzo’s had hanging down to his
side in the shot. This may show
power as Alonzo is telling the
officers what to do and as they all
have weapons they can be
dangerous. Just before the police
enter the house we get a feeling of dramatic irony as we know what's going to
happen compared to the person
inside who is just reading his
newspaper. Another low angle shot
is used when Jake is aiming the
gun down at Roger, the shot is a
mid close up as its near someone's
face to see their expressions but at
the same time we can see jakes
face in the back. This also shows
that Jake has power over the
person sitting down, but also shows
from Jakes facial expressions he is
not comfortable with the power. All
others have guns around the owner
while in a low angle shot to show
he's in danger and in a position
where people have power over him.
The cops are also in the low angle
looking down at Roger to show
authority and the position of power,
this emphasises the domination that
is occuring. A close up is used of Roger as he seems confused and concerned as
he is friends with Alonzo. The camera also dips as it wants you to feel whats its like
in Rogers position.Alonzo has power until he sits down and gets on the same level
as Roger.
Furthermore when Alonzo enters the room we see that the camera tilts up and
zooms out to get all of Alonso into the shot, The shot starts off at a mid shot which
then ends up becoming a close up. After another cut Alonzo starts to walk into the
room more so the shot ends up tracking him from the front but stays at a mid shot.
Roger has a close up shot which also shows him having a lot of breathing space, this
could mean he still feels relaxed and doesn't fully know what is going on at the time.
As Alonzo is talking to Roger the camera starts to zoom in on him, this can show
suspense and also show that Alonso is saying something serious. Having Close ups
Units 25 & 26
Task 1
Benjamin Karrass
show emotions on the threats used against Roger, this gives tension to the
audience(low ambiance in the background). After Alonzo is finished talking he gest
Jake to hand him the shotgun, this shot is seen as a high angle shot and Alonzo is
sitting down where Jake is
standing. As some of the
officers leave the room to look
for the money we see Alonzo
walking and stepping onto the
floor, as this happens the
camera is in a mid shot which
pans down to allow us to see
his feet and where he is
Units 25 & 26
Task 1
Benjamin Karrass
As Alonso is standing over
the hole it is a high angle
shot as we see his shoes
however the shot then pans
up to Jake digging the hole.
This shot is a tilt up from
Alonzo’s feet, the shot then
goes onto a point of view
shot from Alonzo looking
down at Jake, many
cigarettes are also in the floor to show
time has passed. This shot shows us
that Alonzo is making others do the work
for him while he just watches.
Furthermore after the digging is done we
see a close up of both jacks and
Alonzo’s face, their facial expressions
shows they are quite nervous as they don't know what they have found. The three
officers then find a box which they
take out, for this shot thay used a
mini crane to lift the camera. We also
see that Alonzo is again not helping
and just watching others do his work
for him. This shot is long as we then
see the spinning stop and watch
Alonzo cut open the plastic. An over
the shoulder mid shot as a man is in the back watching the others open the case.
This first shot can be very useful and good in the filming world as it makes the
audience feel as if they are there behind this man watching the others. As the clip
moves along we then see a extreme close up of the lock breaking from the case, this
can allow the audience to know
what they are trying to do and
why they are breaking into it in
the first place. This also shows
that something is valuable in the
case as we see an extreme long
shot of the lock. Extreme close
ups can make the audience more
aware of what is going on and identify what these 3 men are trying to open in the first
However after the breaking of the case we then go back to the first shot to give us
another perspective on what they are going to do. Such as open the case. As the
men open the case it cuts to a low angle tracking close up of the case opening
Units 25 & 26
Task 1
Benjamin Karrass
revealing all the money. This shot can
make the audience feel like they
opened it as they are following the
case. Furthermore the clip then cuts
back to the over the shoulder mid
shot as we are able to notice the
three officers facial expressions as
they are excited to retrieve all the
money from the case. This is good as
we can understand how they may feel
at the time. As one of the officers
throws a bag of money to one of the
officers it then cuts to a close up of
this man catching it with a straight
face who then approaches to smell it.
We then also get another cut to the
trainer who looks nervous as he doesn't know what is going on, this shot is a close
up and is important for the audience as we can see his facial expressions on how he
is feeling. Many Close ups are used to show the audience who is speaking and their
facial expressions at the time of the scene. Further along the clip we get another
over the shoulder shot where we then see one of the undercover officer holding a
gun next to his face, this can make
the audience feel uncomfortable as it
seems like this man is looking at the
audience as how the shot is placed.
As the training cop gets given the
money we then go back to the first
shot, this allows the audience to see
the hand gestures of the actors and
their emotions through a mid shot.
Used during the clip is a low angle shot while another cop is talking. This can make
the audience see that maybe one of the cops has more power and is looking down
on the cop who is training. The character is also bending down during the shot to
show his is getting on the
same level as the other
cops to talk to them.
After all of the corrupt
officers leave the room it
comes out to a long shot
where we see Rodger with
his hands on his face
allowing the audience to
Units 25 & 26
Task 1
Benjamin Karrass
know he might be feeling nervous. During this shot it then goes onto a high angle
shot as the camera then pans up. However during this scene many close ups of both
Jake and Alonzo are used as they are talking and having a jokey conversation, these
close ups show their facial expressions with jake then being told to shoot Rodger.
Having these shots then can show us how the atmosphere then changes as we then
see jake feel nervous and scared for what he has been asked to do. However as
Alonzo takes the gun off Jake and stands up, this makes the audience feel that
nothing is going to happen until the camera pans down to the gun in a close up
which then shoots, this shocks the audience as people didn't see it coming. When
Alonzo has shot Jeff we see a
high angle shot of him on the
floor as it shows he has
fallen and doesnt have
power. Juxtaposition with
Jake character looking
shocked and Alonzo happy
after Roger has been shot.
Furthermore during part of
the scene we see Jake put
Alonzo in to position with a
high angle shot, this is like
Alonzo's first time being
look down on as he is not
used to it by his facial
expressions (Nervous
Smile). As Alonzo has
never been in that position
he feels uncomfortable. This also occurs with Jake and how he also feels
uncomfortable with power in a low angle looking down on Alonzo.
During the clip both diegetic and non diegetic sound is used, diegetic is sound that
we can hear which both the characters can hear also meaning its in the film.
However non diegetic sound is sound that is added through the editing stage such
as music or sound effects. Background sound is used through the clip as it can
create an atmosphere for the audience to see what the tension may be like in the
room, the background sound is low drow music as it would be too unrealistic for it to
be high pitched and loud. Some diegetic sound includes the power tools such as the
chainsaw breaking the floor, both us and the characters can hear this sound as its
happening in real time. Other sound such as the gunshots and cocking the bullets
are diegetic, also when shells it the ground after gunshots it creates a sense or
realism. Alonzo’s tone of voice also changes during the scene as when he is sitting
with roger he has a high pitch and is happy compared to later where he acts very
Units 25 & 26
Task 1
Benjamin Karrass
serious. The background sound non diegetic sound. Other sound such as the lock
can show the audience what is happening and to allow the audience to hear what
has been opened, this is diegetic as it's happening in the clip and the actors are able
to hear it. During the clip the
music tends to sync the scene,
this usually happens when the
scene becomes tense. An
example of this is when Alonzo
is looking down onto jack
finding something while
digging, the music then syncs
into a heart beat motion as it
feels like Alonzo’s heart is
beating from nerves and
impatiens to see what's in the case.
During the clip the music starts to
get a big louder as they find the
money, this can also make the
audience aware that something is
about to happen and it also
shows the build of suspense.
The actors wouldn't be able to
hear this sound as its non
diegetic and used to gain the
audience's attention. Other
sounds like a zip, the money
or catching it are diegetic as
it's happening in real time with
the actors, these sounds all
provide a sense of
verisimilitude for the
audience, this can also help
relate to the characters such as
jake in the scene, who seems
uncomfortable. During the clip we can see there is a relationship with the other
characters apart from jake, this makes the audience aware that they have a
relationship as characters in the film. Alonzo is very relaxed in his language when he
speaks and the words he uses in the clip, some words such as “your not
comfortable” shows he knows what he's doing and is relaxed during the heist. The
characters also laugh and smile through the clip and this shows they are happy and
not afraid where Jake seems to think what they are doing is a bit suspicious.
Units 25 & 26
Task 1
Benjamin Karrass
Through Non-diegetic sound slow music and humming is added that builds up the
tension in the clip. Having this build the tension shows that the characters may not
know what is going to happen where we do as we can hear the slow music in the
background. During one part of the scene, the gun gets pointed at alonzo creating an
uneasy and silent atmosphere. Intense music starts to get louder as something is
going to happen.
Through the 12 minute clip the editing techniques used are mostly just cuts between
each shot. Shot reverse shot is also used in the clip as we then go back to the same
shots throughout the clip. This shows
that a wide variety of shots are used
during the clip to show different point
of views for the audience. An
example of shot reverse shot in the
clip is when both Alonzo and Jake
with a gun to show the reaction
between each character. Match on
action is presented in the 12 minute
clip as when the door opens it gives
us a view from outside and inside the
house. Slow cuts also help go with
the scene as their are silent
moments and times for the
characters to think. Not many shots
are fast paced but when they are it means tension is being built or something is
about to happen, for example, when they slam the door open and rush the house
many fast paced shots are used.
Continuity is a big part of movies and during this movie it's kept well through the
small clip i've seen. Everything is put in placed and stayed in the right positions
through the clip to keep a constant continuity. The continuity gives the sense of the
clip running all at once in real time as everything stays in the same position. Some
cutaways creates tension In the clip as the shots can become quick when the other
officers ask jake to take the money. Some cuts are quite long depending on the
atmosphere, for example, during the cut of opening the case it is long as it can build
suspense for the audience to wonder what is inside. After finding what's in the case
the pace of the shots start to build up and become quick cuts as we see other
people's expressions. Cutaways between characters are also quick to build tension
in the film. These shots are with the characters surrounding jake when he doesn't
want to take the money. During the scene where Jake is asked to shoot Roger there
are many shot reverse shots as both Jake and Alonzo are talking to each other and
this also shows the tension in the room at the time. Many shots match the beat of the
Units 25 & 26
Task 1
Benjamin Karrass
background sound especially when
the scene become more tense as the
officers start blaming Jake for killing
Mise En Scene:
As Roger is a drug dealer he is
based in the suburbs as he wants to
stay quiet and away from the police.
Roger doesn't want the attention as
his house is quite old and dark
inside. The house is dull and run
down inside to not raise awareness
of people finding things suspicious.
In the house we can see that Roger
is a clever person as he has many
books and is reading a newspaper.
In the shots you can hardly see any
electronics. Roger is also wearing
grey which symbolises wisdom, the
blinds in his house are also down to
not gain any attention from people
outside. During the clip many of the
actors wear bulletproof vests as
part of their costume, this includes
jack too, this can suggest that there
may be a potential for danger. Alonso is the only person that doesn't wear a vest to
show he doesn't care and is not scared if anything happens. Alonso is wearing
casual clothing showing that he is in disguise and making other people do his work
for him while he watches. An example of this was when he asked jack to open the
case and break the lock. This shows that alonso is in chage and tell people what to
do, this also carries out through the whole film. Alonso is wearing all black which can
indicate evil and corruption, this can tell us that alonso could be a corrupt cop.
However jack wears a brown buttoned
up shirt which can indicate earth and a
sense of strength and reliability, it is
also associated with resilience,
dependability, security, and safety. Jack
is also wearing a white shirt underneath
to establish innocence. As some cops
are in the darkness to show they are hidden and may be hiding something. Another
cop named paul also is wearing black to represent darkness. Furthermore Jake is in
Units 25 & 26
Task 1
Benjamin Karrass
the light to show purity and to show that he is good and is not hiding. Alonso wears a
cross around his neck to show religion, this can show the audience he may be a man
of god although he is a corrupt cop and has pursued in illegal acts. As Alonzo is
wearing a chain and has a clean cut it can tell the audience he wants an image and
doesn't want others to mess with him, Alonzo wants respect. They all have relaxed
body language when speaking and opening the box however after its been open
Jake starts to become a bit nervous as its his first day on the job where everyone
else is happy and relaxed.
two very important props in the clip are the briefcase with all the money inside, the
case is dusty to show that its been hidden and is old. This can also show the money
as it being dirty money and wasn't
properly earnt. Another prop is guns
this implies that they may be aware
something bad could happen and
need to be cautious. Guns imply
power, authority and protection.
Alonso is the only person who is not
holding a gun, this could tell us that he
expects others to do the work for him.
One of the actors has the gun to his face which can Intimidate Jake. Alonzo gives
Jake the biggest gun for the scene to test his loyalty and power towards the corrupt
cops. The biggest gun has a name “bitch” this shows that they wanted to give it to
Jack as it will test him, this gun also becomes the first one to be shot during the
scene to show its power. Many other props used are power tools to break the floor in
the kitchen, these include a shovel, knife, hammer and chainsaw. Alonzo is the only
one sitting down and watching the others do the work for him. We know that time has
passed as we see by many ciggarette buds on the floor next to Alonzo’s feet, this
can show us that Alonzo may be stressed and impatient. The money is another prop
which is used without respect as its chucked around the room, this can also show
that its dirty money.
Through the clip the lighting does change
depending on the atmosphere, one part
of the clip all the blinds close which
makes the room dim and dark, the blinds
are closed to not attract attention.
However Jake is seen to be in the light
when talking to Alonzo who is not, this
can show the good and bad between
each character. The kitchen is not dark
as its the most used room and as an
audience we need to see the treasure.
Units 25 & 26
Task 1
Benjamin Karrass
The location of the clip is in a house which can create a safe and peaceful and
comfortable atmosphere, allowing the actors to feel relaxed. However due to the fact
of the corrupt cops have committed another crime of stealing money it creates an
uneasy atmosphere.
Uses and Gratifications:
The uses and gratification theory by Blumler and Katz, Suggests that there are
certain reasons why people respond to different media texts. These include
entertainment and diversion, information and education, social interaction and
personal identity. I feel that the people who watch Training day will be looking for
personal identity, surveillance and diversion.
Personal Identity is where the audience can watch or read media texts which they
can then relate to with their own life experiences. Audiences find it good and
plesuable when they identify themselves with the characters in the film. For
example, people may relate to jake as being an innocent victim.
Surveillance is where someone would always be looking for information regarding
the current ongoings in the world. For example, people living on other places may
find it interesting to know what it's like living in america and what it is like in Los
Angeles. This mainly includes the audience wanting to know what it's like to be in the
Us police force.
Lastly Diversion is where the audience consume media to escape from their
everyday life. They choose to watch or read media texts to divert their attention and
escape from reality into their own world (escape into another world).
Encoding & Decoding:
In Training day Stuart Hall’s Encoding and Decoding theory can be applied. This
theory includes embedding one or multiple messages into the film or a media text. In
the film Training Day the main message is telling us that the LAPD is corrupt.
Antoine Fuqua wanted to try and enforce the idea of the Police being corrupted, this
allowed the us as the audience to realise what is really going on, this allows the
public to see what things are happening in the police force which we may not know
about. The message in the film was very effective as it plays a big role in the film as
we get to see how people act when they want to do the right thing but others don't let
them. The message was also received clearly and effectively to both me and the
audience. There are 3 way where the audience can receive the message, these
being preferred, negotiable or oppositional. Firstly preferred is where someone both
understands and agrees with the message. Negotiable is where someone is both
half and half and does know what to agree with more as they can argue with different
Units 25 & 26
Task 1
Benjamin Karrass
points. Lastly oppositional is where the audience completely disagrees with what the
message is pursuing and telling the audience. Each audience member can be one of
these three. In my opinion i feel that i am preferred as i both understand and agree
with the message, i think it's good to show the audine what really happened as this
can help make a change in the LAPD. However i do feel that some points were

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Training Day Analysis

  • 1. Units 25 & 26 Task 1 Benjamin Karrass Task 1 Genre/Storyline: Training day is a crime/thriller film that is about a man training to become a police officer. Training day is based in LA where the streets are run by gangs and drug dealers. Denzel Washington who plays Alonso as a corrupt cop help (jake) train to become a police officer but includes things other officers wouldn't, such as, taking drugs and stealing money. The film is based over a 24 hour period of when Alonso trains Jack. i was given the task to analyse a 5 minute of a clip from the film. The scene is about 4 men from the LAPD including the man training to become a police officer (Jake) who raid a building and find $4,000,000. The officers know someone is inside so they take caution when entering the building. We have looked at specific elements and features in the clip including camera work, sound, editing and Mise En Scene. Camera work: Camera work takes a big role during all films in the media industry. It can create a story and allow the audience watching to understand new things about what they may be watching. Camera work can show the actors facial expressions, emotions, gestures and body language throughout the movie. The first shot used during the new scene is a mid range shot with the actors moving past the camera, as this happens thew camera also sways side by side. During a camera shot there is tracking of all the officers running at eye level to show their point of view, this makes us the audience feel like we are there. However straight after that shot the next one is the camera moving fast away from the door, this is a zoom out shot as the police officers run towards the door. The next shot used is a pan from the window towards the door to give the audience a perspective from inside, this is also a mid shot. As the shot cuts to Alonzo he picks up the walkie talk to her if something is happening inside from the other walkie talkie he planted earlier in the movie. This shot is a close up with a bit of space to his right side. During the scene outside the camera men are not using a tripod as i can see that the camera is not fully steady, this means they could be using a steadicam to reflect you are in the scene.
  • 2. Units 25 & 26 Task 1 Benjamin Karrass Furthermore just before they enter the house the shot is shown to be a low angle shot as we can see Alonzo’s had hanging down to his side in the shot. This may show power as Alonzo is telling the officers what to do and as they all have weapons they can be dangerous. Just before the police enter the house we get a feeling of dramatic irony as we know what's going to happen compared to the person inside who is just reading his newspaper. Another low angle shot is used when Jake is aiming the gun down at Roger, the shot is a mid close up as its near someone's face to see their expressions but at the same time we can see jakes face in the back. This also shows that Jake has power over the person sitting down, but also shows from Jakes facial expressions he is not comfortable with the power. All others have guns around the owner while in a low angle shot to show he's in danger and in a position where people have power over him. The cops are also in the low angle looking down at Roger to show authority and the position of power, this emphasises the domination that is occuring. A close up is used of Roger as he seems confused and concerned as he is friends with Alonzo. The camera also dips as it wants you to feel whats its like in Rogers position.Alonzo has power until he sits down and gets on the same level as Roger. Furthermore when Alonzo enters the room we see that the camera tilts up and zooms out to get all of Alonso into the shot, The shot starts off at a mid shot which then ends up becoming a close up. After another cut Alonzo starts to walk into the room more so the shot ends up tracking him from the front but stays at a mid shot. Roger has a close up shot which also shows him having a lot of breathing space, this could mean he still feels relaxed and doesn't fully know what is going on at the time. As Alonzo is talking to Roger the camera starts to zoom in on him, this can show suspense and also show that Alonso is saying something serious. Having Close ups
  • 3. Units 25 & 26 Task 1 Benjamin Karrass show emotions on the threats used against Roger, this gives tension to the audience(low ambiance in the background). After Alonzo is finished talking he gest Jake to hand him the shotgun, this shot is seen as a high angle shot and Alonzo is sitting down where Jake is standing. As some of the officers leave the room to look for the money we see Alonzo walking and stepping onto the floor, as this happens the camera is in a mid shot which pans down to allow us to see his feet and where he is stomping.
  • 4. Units 25 & 26 Task 1 Benjamin Karrass As Alonso is standing over the hole it is a high angle shot as we see his shoes however the shot then pans up to Jake digging the hole. This shot is a tilt up from Alonzo’s feet, the shot then goes onto a point of view shot from Alonzo looking down at Jake, many cigarettes are also in the floor to show time has passed. This shot shows us that Alonzo is making others do the work for him while he just watches. Furthermore after the digging is done we see a close up of both jacks and Alonzo’s face, their facial expressions shows they are quite nervous as they don't know what they have found. The three officers then find a box which they take out, for this shot thay used a mini crane to lift the camera. We also see that Alonzo is again not helping and just watching others do his work for him. This shot is long as we then see the spinning stop and watch Alonzo cut open the plastic. An over the shoulder mid shot as a man is in the back watching the others open the case. This first shot can be very useful and good in the filming world as it makes the audience feel as if they are there behind this man watching the others. As the clip moves along we then see a extreme close up of the lock breaking from the case, this can allow the audience to know what they are trying to do and why they are breaking into it in the first place. This also shows that something is valuable in the case as we see an extreme long shot of the lock. Extreme close ups can make the audience more aware of what is going on and identify what these 3 men are trying to open in the first place. However after the breaking of the case we then go back to the first shot to give us another perspective on what they are going to do. Such as open the case. As the men open the case it cuts to a low angle tracking close up of the case opening
  • 5. Units 25 & 26 Task 1 Benjamin Karrass revealing all the money. This shot can make the audience feel like they opened it as they are following the case. Furthermore the clip then cuts back to the over the shoulder mid shot as we are able to notice the three officers facial expressions as they are excited to retrieve all the money from the case. This is good as we can understand how they may feel at the time. As one of the officers throws a bag of money to one of the officers it then cuts to a close up of this man catching it with a straight face who then approaches to smell it. We then also get another cut to the trainer who looks nervous as he doesn't know what is going on, this shot is a close up and is important for the audience as we can see his facial expressions on how he is feeling. Many Close ups are used to show the audience who is speaking and their facial expressions at the time of the scene. Further along the clip we get another over the shoulder shot where we then see one of the undercover officer holding a gun next to his face, this can make the audience feel uncomfortable as it seems like this man is looking at the audience as how the shot is placed. As the training cop gets given the money we then go back to the first shot, this allows the audience to see the hand gestures of the actors and their emotions through a mid shot. Used during the clip is a low angle shot while another cop is talking. This can make the audience see that maybe one of the cops has more power and is looking down on the cop who is training. The character is also bending down during the shot to show his is getting on the same level as the other cops to talk to them. After all of the corrupt officers leave the room it comes out to a long shot where we see Rodger with his hands on his face allowing the audience to
  • 6. Units 25 & 26 Task 1 Benjamin Karrass know he might be feeling nervous. During this shot it then goes onto a high angle shot as the camera then pans up. However during this scene many close ups of both Jake and Alonzo are used as they are talking and having a jokey conversation, these close ups show their facial expressions with jake then being told to shoot Rodger. Having these shots then can show us how the atmosphere then changes as we then see jake feel nervous and scared for what he has been asked to do. However as Alonzo takes the gun off Jake and stands up, this makes the audience feel that nothing is going to happen until the camera pans down to the gun in a close up which then shoots, this shocks the audience as people didn't see it coming. When Alonzo has shot Jeff we see a high angle shot of him on the floor as it shows he has fallen and doesnt have power. Juxtaposition with Jake character looking shocked and Alonzo happy after Roger has been shot. Furthermore during part of the scene we see Jake put Alonzo in to position with a high angle shot, this is like Alonzo's first time being look down on as he is not used to it by his facial expressions (Nervous Smile). As Alonzo has never been in that position he feels uncomfortable. This also occurs with Jake and how he also feels uncomfortable with power in a low angle looking down on Alonzo. Sound During the clip both diegetic and non diegetic sound is used, diegetic is sound that we can hear which both the characters can hear also meaning its in the film. However non diegetic sound is sound that is added through the editing stage such as music or sound effects. Background sound is used through the clip as it can create an atmosphere for the audience to see what the tension may be like in the room, the background sound is low drow music as it would be too unrealistic for it to be high pitched and loud. Some diegetic sound includes the power tools such as the chainsaw breaking the floor, both us and the characters can hear this sound as its happening in real time. Other sound such as the gunshots and cocking the bullets are diegetic, also when shells it the ground after gunshots it creates a sense or realism. Alonzo’s tone of voice also changes during the scene as when he is sitting with roger he has a high pitch and is happy compared to later where he acts very
  • 7. Units 25 & 26 Task 1 Benjamin Karrass serious. The background sound non diegetic sound. Other sound such as the lock can show the audience what is happening and to allow the audience to hear what has been opened, this is diegetic as it's happening in the clip and the actors are able to hear it. During the clip the music tends to sync the scene, this usually happens when the scene becomes tense. An example of this is when Alonzo is looking down onto jack finding something while digging, the music then syncs into a heart beat motion as it feels like Alonzo’s heart is beating from nerves and impatiens to see what's in the case. During the clip the music starts to get a big louder as they find the money, this can also make the audience aware that something is about to happen and it also shows the build of suspense. The actors wouldn't be able to hear this sound as its non diegetic and used to gain the audience's attention. Other sounds like a zip, the money or catching it are diegetic as it's happening in real time with the actors, these sounds all provide a sense of verisimilitude for the audience, this can also help relate to the characters such as jake in the scene, who seems uncomfortable. During the clip we can see there is a relationship with the other characters apart from jake, this makes the audience aware that they have a relationship as characters in the film. Alonzo is very relaxed in his language when he speaks and the words he uses in the clip, some words such as “your not comfortable” shows he knows what he's doing and is relaxed during the heist. The characters also laugh and smile through the clip and this shows they are happy and not afraid where Jake seems to think what they are doing is a bit suspicious.
  • 8. Units 25 & 26 Task 1 Benjamin Karrass Through Non-diegetic sound slow music and humming is added that builds up the tension in the clip. Having this build the tension shows that the characters may not know what is going to happen where we do as we can hear the slow music in the background. During one part of the scene, the gun gets pointed at alonzo creating an uneasy and silent atmosphere. Intense music starts to get louder as something is going to happen. Editing: Through the 12 minute clip the editing techniques used are mostly just cuts between each shot. Shot reverse shot is also used in the clip as we then go back to the same shots throughout the clip. This shows that a wide variety of shots are used during the clip to show different point of views for the audience. An example of shot reverse shot in the clip is when both Alonzo and Jake with a gun to show the reaction between each character. Match on action is presented in the 12 minute clip as when the door opens it gives us a view from outside and inside the house. Slow cuts also help go with the scene as their are silent moments and times for the characters to think. Not many shots are fast paced but when they are it means tension is being built or something is about to happen, for example, when they slam the door open and rush the house many fast paced shots are used. Continuity is a big part of movies and during this movie it's kept well through the small clip i've seen. Everything is put in placed and stayed in the right positions through the clip to keep a constant continuity. The continuity gives the sense of the clip running all at once in real time as everything stays in the same position. Some cutaways creates tension In the clip as the shots can become quick when the other officers ask jake to take the money. Some cuts are quite long depending on the atmosphere, for example, during the cut of opening the case it is long as it can build suspense for the audience to wonder what is inside. After finding what's in the case the pace of the shots start to build up and become quick cuts as we see other people's expressions. Cutaways between characters are also quick to build tension in the film. These shots are with the characters surrounding jake when he doesn't want to take the money. During the scene where Jake is asked to shoot Roger there are many shot reverse shots as both Jake and Alonzo are talking to each other and this also shows the tension in the room at the time. Many shots match the beat of the
  • 9. Units 25 & 26 Task 1 Benjamin Karrass background sound especially when the scene become more tense as the officers start blaming Jake for killing Roger. Mise En Scene: As Roger is a drug dealer he is based in the suburbs as he wants to stay quiet and away from the police. Roger doesn't want the attention as his house is quite old and dark inside. The house is dull and run down inside to not raise awareness of people finding things suspicious. In the house we can see that Roger is a clever person as he has many books and is reading a newspaper. In the shots you can hardly see any electronics. Roger is also wearing grey which symbolises wisdom, the blinds in his house are also down to not gain any attention from people outside. During the clip many of the actors wear bulletproof vests as part of their costume, this includes jack too, this can suggest that there may be a potential for danger. Alonso is the only person that doesn't wear a vest to show he doesn't care and is not scared if anything happens. Alonso is wearing casual clothing showing that he is in disguise and making other people do his work for him while he watches. An example of this was when he asked jack to open the case and break the lock. This shows that alonso is in chage and tell people what to do, this also carries out through the whole film. Alonso is wearing all black which can indicate evil and corruption, this can tell us that alonso could be a corrupt cop. However jack wears a brown buttoned up shirt which can indicate earth and a sense of strength and reliability, it is also associated with resilience, dependability, security, and safety. Jack is also wearing a white shirt underneath to establish innocence. As some cops are in the darkness to show they are hidden and may be hiding something. Another cop named paul also is wearing black to represent darkness. Furthermore Jake is in
  • 10. Units 25 & 26 Task 1 Benjamin Karrass the light to show purity and to show that he is good and is not hiding. Alonso wears a cross around his neck to show religion, this can show the audience he may be a man of god although he is a corrupt cop and has pursued in illegal acts. As Alonzo is wearing a chain and has a clean cut it can tell the audience he wants an image and doesn't want others to mess with him, Alonzo wants respect. They all have relaxed body language when speaking and opening the box however after its been open Jake starts to become a bit nervous as its his first day on the job where everyone else is happy and relaxed. two very important props in the clip are the briefcase with all the money inside, the case is dusty to show that its been hidden and is old. This can also show the money as it being dirty money and wasn't properly earnt. Another prop is guns this implies that they may be aware something bad could happen and need to be cautious. Guns imply power, authority and protection. Alonso is the only person who is not holding a gun, this could tell us that he expects others to do the work for him. One of the actors has the gun to his face which can Intimidate Jake. Alonzo gives Jake the biggest gun for the scene to test his loyalty and power towards the corrupt cops. The biggest gun has a name “bitch” this shows that they wanted to give it to Jack as it will test him, this gun also becomes the first one to be shot during the scene to show its power. Many other props used are power tools to break the floor in the kitchen, these include a shovel, knife, hammer and chainsaw. Alonzo is the only one sitting down and watching the others do the work for him. We know that time has passed as we see by many ciggarette buds on the floor next to Alonzo’s feet, this can show us that Alonzo may be stressed and impatient. The money is another prop which is used without respect as its chucked around the room, this can also show that its dirty money. Through the clip the lighting does change depending on the atmosphere, one part of the clip all the blinds close which makes the room dim and dark, the blinds are closed to not attract attention. However Jake is seen to be in the light when talking to Alonzo who is not, this can show the good and bad between each character. The kitchen is not dark as its the most used room and as an audience we need to see the treasure.
  • 11. Units 25 & 26 Task 1 Benjamin Karrass The location of the clip is in a house which can create a safe and peaceful and comfortable atmosphere, allowing the actors to feel relaxed. However due to the fact of the corrupt cops have committed another crime of stealing money it creates an uneasy atmosphere. Uses and Gratifications: The uses and gratification theory by Blumler and Katz, Suggests that there are certain reasons why people respond to different media texts. These include entertainment and diversion, information and education, social interaction and personal identity. I feel that the people who watch Training day will be looking for personal identity, surveillance and diversion. Personal Identity is where the audience can watch or read media texts which they can then relate to with their own life experiences. Audiences find it good and plesuable when they identify themselves with the characters in the film. For example, people may relate to jake as being an innocent victim. Surveillance is where someone would always be looking for information regarding the current ongoings in the world. For example, people living on other places may find it interesting to know what it's like living in america and what it is like in Los Angeles. This mainly includes the audience wanting to know what it's like to be in the Us police force. Lastly Diversion is where the audience consume media to escape from their everyday life. They choose to watch or read media texts to divert their attention and escape from reality into their own world (escape into another world). Encoding & Decoding: In Training day Stuart Hall’s Encoding and Decoding theory can be applied. This theory includes embedding one or multiple messages into the film or a media text. In the film Training Day the main message is telling us that the LAPD is corrupt. Antoine Fuqua wanted to try and enforce the idea of the Police being corrupted, this allowed the us as the audience to realise what is really going on, this allows the public to see what things are happening in the police force which we may not know about. The message in the film was very effective as it plays a big role in the film as we get to see how people act when they want to do the right thing but others don't let them. The message was also received clearly and effectively to both me and the audience. There are 3 way where the audience can receive the message, these being preferred, negotiable or oppositional. Firstly preferred is where someone both understands and agrees with the message. Negotiable is where someone is both half and half and does know what to agree with more as they can argue with different
  • 12. Units 25 & 26 Task 1 Benjamin Karrass points. Lastly oppositional is where the audience completely disagrees with what the message is pursuing and telling the audience. Each audience member can be one of these three. In my opinion i feel that i am preferred as i both understand and agree with the message, i think it's good to show the audine what really happened as this can help make a change in the LAPD. However i do feel that some points were exaggerated.