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Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240
Hydrogen breath test to detect small intestinal bacterial
overgrowth: a prevalence case–control study in autism
Li Wang1 · Yu‑Mei Yu1 · You‑qi Zhang1 · Jie Zhang1 ·
Na Lu1 · Na Liu2
Received: 9 July 2016 / Accepted: 4 August 2017 / Published
online: 10 August 2017
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017
Keywords Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth · Autism
spectrum disorders · Hydrogen glucose breath test ·
ASD Autism spectrum disorder
GI Gastrointestinal
IBD Inflammatory bowel disease
VTE Venous thromboembolism
NBS Expanded newborn screening
ADI-R Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised
SIBO Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
ATEC Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist
BMI Body mass index
NICU Neonatal intensive care unit
6-GSI 6-Gastrointestinal Severity Index
ID Intellectual disability
IQ Intelligence quotient
H2 Hydrogen
CH4 Methane
SD Standard deviation
IQR Interquartile ranges
LPS Lipopolysaccharide
The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) has
increased over recent years in much of the Western world
[1]. In China, relatively little is known about the prevalence
of ASDs. The underlying causes remain unclear, but both
genetic and environmental factors appear to play a role [2].
High proportions of children with autism suffer from gas-
trointestinal (GI) symptoms, implying a link between autism
and abnormalities in gut microbial functions [3]. A pilot
Abstract The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence
of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) by hydro-
gen breath test in patients with autism spectrum disorders
(ASD) with respect to a consistent control group. From
2011 to 2013, 310 children with ASD and 1240 sex- and
age-matched typical children were enrolled in this study
to undergo glucose breath test. The study participants
were considered to exhibit SIBO when an increase in H2
of ≥20 ppm or CH4 of ≥10 ppm with respect to the fast-
ing value was observed up to 60 min after the ingestion
of glucose. Ninety-six children with autism suffered from
SIBO, giving a prevalence rate of SIBO was 31.0% (95%
CI 25.8–36.1%). In contrast, 9.3% of the typical children
acknowledged SIBO. The difference between groups was
statistically significant (P < 0.0001). The median Autism
Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) score in the chil-
dren with autism and with SIBO was significantly high when
compared with the children without autism and without
SIBO [98 (IQR, 45–120) vs. 63 (32–94), P < 0.001]. For
the autism group, the 6-GI Severity Index (6-GSI) score
was found to be strongly and significantly correlated with
the total ATEC score (r = 0.639, P < 0.0001). SIBO was
significantly associated with worse symptoms of autism,
demonstrating that children with SIBO may significantly
contribute to symptoms of autism.
Li Wang and Yu-Mei Yu are co-first authors.
* Li Wang
[email protected]
1 Department of Pediatrics, Cangzhou Central Hospital, No.
16, Xinhua West Road, Cangzhou 061000, Hebei, China
2 Department of Pediatrics, The Second Hospital of Hebei
Medical University, Shijiazhuang, China
234 Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240
1 3
study suggested the role of gut microbiota in autism as a part
of the “gut-brain” axis [4]. Interestingly, de Theije et al. [5]
showed that autism-like behavior and its intestinal pheno-
type are associated with altered microbial colonization and
activity in a murine model for ASD, with preponderance in
male offspring. However, the data from another study did not
support the hypothesis that the gastrointestinal microbiota
of children with ASD plays a role in the symptomatology
of ASD [6].
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) occurs
when colonic quantities of commensal bacteria are present
in the small bowel. SIBO leads to impaired micronutrient
absorption and increased GI permeability, both of which
may contribute to celiac disease and stunting in children [7].
SIBO has been associated with irritable bowel syndrome [8],
Parkinson’s disease [9], inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
[10], and venous thromboembolism (VTE) [11]. Interest-
ingly, there is no study yet on the interaction between SIBO
and children with ASD. The aim of this study was to assess
the prevalence of SIBO by hydrogen breath test in patients
with ASD with respect to a consistent control group.
Patients and methods
From 2011 to 2013, 310 children with ASD were enrolled
in this study. Those children were all native and singleton
live births who had taken part in expanded newborn screen-
ing (NBS) in Beijing, China from 2008 to 2010, with out-
patient follow-up when the children were 36 months old.
All children will autism analysis. The Autism Diagnostic
Interview-Revised (ADI-R) and DSM-5 criteria were used to
confirm a diagnosis of ASD in outpatient follow-up. Those
protocols were translated into Chinese Mandarin. Chinese-
translated materials along with English materials were
provided in advance. For each child with ASD diagnosis,
we selected 4-to-1 sex- and age-matched controls in those
typical children without ASD diagnosis. To exclude the pos-
sibility that the controls could have any sub-clinical autistic
features, each control subject was also clinically examined
by the pediatrician. The Cangzhou Central Hospital Institu-
tional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects
approved this study. Neither data nor specimens were col-
lected until written informed consents were obtained from
the parents.
Sociodemographic factors [age, sex, body mass index
(BMI), and ethnicity], infant characteristics [chronic com-
plication before pregnancy, pregnancy-induced complica-
tion, mode of delivery, and those transferred to neonatal
intensive care unit (NICU) after delivery], family structure,
area of residence (urban or rural), educational background
of parents, NBS results, whether ASD diagnosis had been
confirmed or expected before follow-up, and family history
of mental illness subdivided hierarchically as ASD were
obtained from outpatient follow-up.
Autism severity was assessed with the Autism Treat-
ment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC), which is an instrument
designed to provide a quantitative assessment of autism
severity [12]. ASD severity was divided into three groups,
according to the ATEC score (mild <50; moderate 50–104;
and severe 104–180). GI symptoms were assessed using a
modified version of the GI Severity Index [13]. Specifically,
we included only the first six items (constipation, diarrhea,
stool consistency, stool smell, flatulence, and abdominal
pain), but did not include “unexplained daytime irritabil-
ity”, “nighttime awakening,” or “abdominal tenderness.” We
call this shortened version the 6-Gastrointestinal Severity
Index (6-GSI). Intellectual disability (ID) status was con-
firmed using DSM-5 in the children in those processes [ID
was defined as the IQ (Intelligence Quotient) <80]. IQ was
assessed using the Combined Raven’s Test and then con-
verted to a standard IQ score according to Chinese children’s
Hydrogen and methane breath test
Glucose breath testing was performed under standard condi-
tions. The glucose breath test was performed in the morn-
ing following oral hygiene using 0.05% chlorhexidine. The
children fasted for a period of 12 h prior to the test. Breath
samples were collected using a non-rebreathing valve setup
(QuinTron Instrument Co. Inc., Menomonee Falls, WI, US).
After collection of the fasting breath, a dose of 50 g of glu-
cose in the form of iso-osmotic solution was administered
and samples were collected 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, and
180 min after the ingestion of glucose. The levels of hydro-
gen (H2) and methane (CH4) in the samples were simultane-
ously measured by gas chromatography using a 12i model
QuinTron MicroLyzer unit (QuinTron Instrument Company,
Milwaukee, WI, US). The results were expressed in parts
per million (ppm). Study participants were considered to
exhibit SIBO when an increase in H2 of ≥20 ppm or CH4
of ≥10 ppm with respect to the fasting value was observed
up to 60 min after the ingestion of glucose [14]. Determina-
tions were performed in an independent laboratory blinded
to clinical and sociodemographic data.
Data analysis
Results are expressed as percentages for categorical vari-
ables and as means (standard deviation, SD) and medians
(interquartile ranges, IQRs) for the continuous variables,
depending on the normal or non-normal distribution of
data. Shapiro–Wilk tests were used for normal distribution
235Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240
1 3
test. Proportions were compared using the Chi-square test.
Two-group comparison of not normally distributed data was
performed using the Mann–Whitney U test, and a two-tailed
Student’s unpaired t test was used for normally distributed
continuous variables.
Correlations among continuous variables were assessed
by the Spearman rank-correlation coefficient. In addition,
associations between the ATEC and 6-GSI scores were also
assessed using logistic regression models in multivariate
adjustment with possible confounders, such as sociode-
mographic factors (age, sex, BMI, and ethnicity), infant
characteristics (chronic complication before pregnancy,
pregnancy-induced complication, mode of delivery, and
those transferred to NICU after delivery), family structure,
area of residence (urban or rural), educational background
of parents, NBS results, whether ASD diagnosis had been
confirmed or expected before follow-up, and family history
of mental illness. All statistical analyses were performed
with SPSS for Windows, version 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago,
IL, US). Statistical significance was defined as P < 0.05.
In our study, 310 children with ASD were included. The
male-to-female ratio was 3.43:1, and the ratios of autistic
disorders to other ASD subtypes were 2.44:1. The rate of
children who had ID was significantly lower in controls as
compared with ASD groups (2.3 vs. 32.6%, P < 0.001).
Ninety-six children with autism suffered from SIBO, giv-
ing a prevalence rate of 31.0% (95% CI 25.8–36.1%). In con-
trast, 9.3% (115/1240; 95% CI 7.7–0.9%) of the typical chil-
dren acknowledged SIBO (Table 1). The difference between
groups was statistically significant (odds ratio 3.33; 95% CI
2.28–7.75; P < 0.0001). In the typical children group, we
found that the rates of SIBO in rural and urban areas were
14.8 and 5.8%, respectively. In the group with autism, it was
50.5 and 21.9%, respectively.
The hydrogen concentrations (ppm) obtained by the glu-
cose breath test were analyzed for the areas under the indi-
vidual curves. The children with autism exhibited greater
(Student’s t test, P < 0.001) mean hydrogen production dur-
ing the first hour of the test, which presumably originated
from the small intestine when compared with the typical
children group (505.32 ± 315.46 vs. 302.14 ± 244.57 ppm
per min, respectively). Between 60 min and 180 min of
the test, the period during which hydrogen production
occurs predominantly in the large intestine, the concentra-
tion of hydrogen in the breath of the children in the ASD
and control groups was similar (4576.77 ± 1012.55 vs.
4365.15 ± 997.52 ppm per min, respectively, P = 0.582)
(Fig. 1a). Figure 1b shows the mean hydrogen concen-
trations (ppm) obtained from the breath tests of children
with and without bacterial overgrowth in the ASD group.
A greater area under the curve for the small intestine was
observed among the 96 children with SIBO compared with
the 214 children without SIBO up to 60 min after the inges-
tion of glucose (893.6 ± 505.56 ppm vs. 375.2 ± 177.1 ppm
per min; Student’s t test, P < 0.001). A similar response was
observed for the colon during the 60–180 min of the test
(5128.9 ± 1262.5 vs. 4021.1 ± 711.8 ppm per min; Student’s
t test, P < 0.001). Figure 2 shows the mean methane con-
centrations (ppm) obtained from the breath tests of children
with and without bacterial overgrowth in the ASD group. In
the small intestine, differences in the area under the curve
were not observed among the 96 children with SIBO in rela-
tion to the 214 children without SIBO up to 60 min after the
ingestion of glucose (P = 0.12). In addition, no significant
difference was observed in the area under the curve for the
colon during the 60 min to 180 min of the test (P = 0.08).
Methane production was observed in 138 (64.5%) of the
214 children who did not exhibit bacterial overgrowth and
Table 1 The prevalence of
SIBO in different groups
ASD autism spectrum disorders, ATEC Autism Treatment
Evaluation Checklist, SIBO small intestinal bac-
terial overgrowth
a ASD was divided into three group, according to ATEC score
(mild <50; moderate 50–104; severe 104–
180). Proportions were compared using the Chi-square test
b P < 0.01 vs. typical children
c P < 0.05 vs. typical children
Cohort No. of children No. of with
Prevalence (%) 95% CI (%) OR (95% CI)
ASDa 310 96 31.0 25.8–36.1 3.33 (2.28–7.75)b
Mild 99 17 17.2 9.7–24.6 1.85 (1.29–3.05)c
Moderate 130 39 30.0 22.1–37.8 3.23 (2.10–6.93)b
Severe 81 40 49.4 38.5–62.3 5.31 (2.76–12.63)b
Typical children 1240 115 9.3 7.7–10.9 Reference
236 Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240
1 3
in 60 (62.5%) of the 96 children with bacterial overgrowth
(X2 test, P = 0.74).
Diarrhea was the most common SIBO symptom (71.0%
of ASD patients), followed by abdominal pain (37.1%), and
abnormal feces (30.0%). Children with autism and with
SIBO were more likely from the rural area (50.0 vs. 21.9%;
P < 0.001), NBS positive (4.2 vs. 0.9%; P = 0.046), ID
(45.8 vs. 26.6%; P = 0.001), and transferred to NICU after
delivery (16.7 vs. 2.4%; P < 0.001), Table 2. Table 3 shown
that transferred to NICU, place of residence, NBS screening
result, ATEC score and 6-GSI were associated with hydro-
gen concentrations (P < 0.05). Associations were not found
between SIBO and sex, age, BMI, ethnicity, chronic compli-
cation before pregnancy, pregnancy-induced complication,
mode of delivery, family structure, educational background
of parents, NBS results, whether ASD diagnosis had been
confirmed or expected before follow-up, and family history
of mental illness (P > 0.05; Table 2).
The median ATEC score in the children with autism was
75(IQR, 38-106). The median ATEC score in the children
Fig. 1 Mean concentrations
of hydrogen (ppm) in breath
samples in different groups. a
Mean concentrations of hydro-
gen (ppm) in breath samples
collected after fasting and at 15,
30, 45, 60, 90, 150 and 180 min
after glucose ingestion from
children in the ASD (n = 310)
and typical children (n = 1240)
groups. Student’s t test,
comparison between groups
for collection time during the
breath test (complementation
of the analysis of area under
the curve). aP < 0.05 vs. typical
children group. b Mean concen-
trations of hydrogen (ppm) in
breath samples collected after
fasting and at 15, 30, 60, 90,
120, 150 and 180 min after glu-
cose ingestion from children in
the autistic group with (n = 96)
and without (n = 214) small
intestinal bacterial overgrowth
(SIBO). aP < 0.05 vs. the
autistic group without SIBO in
relation of the hydrogen produc-
tion in breath test
Fig. 2 Mean concentrations of
methane (ppm) in breath sam-
ples collected after fasting and
at 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and
180 min after glucose ingestion
from children in the autistic
group with (n = 96) and without
(n = 214) SIBO. bP < 0.05
vs. the autistic group without
SIBO in relation of the methane
production in breath test
237Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240
1 3
with autism and with SIBO was significantly high when
compared with the children with autism but without SIBO
[98 (IQR, 45–120) vs. 63 (32–94), P < 0.001]. In addition,
the prevalence of SIBO in the mild group was 17.2% (95%
CI 9.7–24.6%). The corresponding prevalence rates for the
moderate and severe groups were 30.0 and 49.4%, respec-
tively (Table 2). For the autism group, the median 6-GSI
score was 4 (2–7), and the 6-GSI was found to be strongly
and significantly correlated with the total ATEC score
(r = 0.639, P < 0.0001). A significant positive correlation
was also found between the 6-GSI and ATEC scores, using
ordered logistic regression after multivariate adjustment for
the abovementioned possible confounders (P < 0.001).
Recent studies have correlated gut dysfunction with the ASD
group and suggested a possible role of the GI microflora in
the symptomatology and/or severity of symptoms in children
with autism [15]. However, the evidence is rather specula-
tive. To date, no study has directly examined the association
between SIBO detected by hydrogen glucose breath test and
ASD. We had the opportunity to examine this relationship
in a large, population-based Chinese case–control study. We
found that a higher proportion of ASD patients suffered from
Table 2 Baseline characteristics of the enrolled ASD with SIBO
and without SIBOa
SIBO small intestinal bacterial overgrowth ASDs, autism
spectrum disorders, NBS newborn screening, NICU neonatal
intensive care unit, ID
intellectual disability, ATEC Autism Treatment Evaluation
Checklist, 6-GSI 6-GI Severity Index
a Two-group comparison was performed using the Chi-square
test and Mann–Whitney U test or Student’s unpaired t test
N 96 214
Han Chinese (%) 93.8 93.4
Preterm birth (<37 weeks), (%) 11.5 11.2
Assisted delivery (%) 37.5 39.2
Parental depression (%) 12.5 10.8
Chronic complication before pregnancy (%) 10.4 10.2
Pregnancy-induced complication (%) 13.5 11.7
Transfer to NICU (%) 16.7 2.4
Sex of child, male (%) 81.3 75.7
Autistic disorders (%) 75.0 69.1
ID (%) 45.8 26.6
ASDs diagnosis had been confirmed or expected before follow-
up (%) 27.1 22.9
NBS positive (%) 4.2 0.9
Live (rural, %) 50.0 21.9
Marital status, single (%) 9.4 8.4
Family’s socio-professional category, high (%) 11.5 9.8
Family history of ASDs (%) 8.3 9.9
ATEC score, IQR 98 (45–120) 63 (32–94)
6-GSI, IQR 6 (4–9) 2 (1–3)
Hydrogen concentrations 60 min after glucose ingestion, mean
(SD) 893.6 (505.5) 375.2 (177.1)
Hydrogen concentrations 60–180 min after glucose ingestion,
mean (SD) 5128.9 (1262.5) 4021.1 (711.8)
Methane concentrations 60 min after glucose ingestion, mean
(SD) 558.3 (332.2) 528.2 (324.1)
Methane concentrations 60–180 min after glucose ingestion,
mean (SD) 3045.2 (1102.3) 2905 (1054.5)
Table 3 The associations of hydrogen concentration with demo-
graphic and health characteristics of the ASD group
NBS newborn screening, NICU neonatal intensive care unit,
Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist, 6-GSI 6-GI Severity
Characteristics r (Spearman) P
Race 0.08 >0.05
Mode of delivery 0.06 >0.05
Transferred to NICU 0.37 <0.001
Place of residence 0.28 <0.01
NBS screening result 0.32 <0.01
Marital status 0.09 >0.05
Family’s socio-professional
0.13 >0.05
Family history of ASDs 0.12 >0.05
ATEC score 0.48 <0.001
6-GSI 0.59 <0.001
238 Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240
1 3
SIBO than in controls (31.0 vs. 9.3%, P < 0.001). A recent
study of children with autism and their first-degree relatives
found that 37 and 21%, respectively, had increased intestinal
permeability based on a lactulose/mannitol test, compared to
5% of normal subjects [16]. Finegold et al. [17] used a high
throughput sequencing technique, that is, pyrosequencing to
investigate gut bacteria in children with autism vs. controls,
and found several differences at the phylum level, includ-
ing higher levels of Bacteroidetes in the group with severe
autism, and higher levels of Firmicutes in the control group.
Another study indicated that autistic subjects with gastroin-
testinal disease harbor statistically significantly (P = 0.031)
higher counts of C. perfringens in their gut compared to
control children [18]. Furthermore, we found that SIBO was
associated with worse symptoms of autism, demonstrating
that children with more severe autism are more likely to suf-
fer from SIBO. Similarly, Adams et al. [19] reported that the
strong correlation of gastrointestinal symptoms with autism
severity indicated that children with more severe autism are
likely to have more severe gastrointestinal symptoms and
vice versa. Therefore, it is possible that symptoms of autism
are exacerbated or may even be partially due to the underly-
ing gastrointestinal problems.
SIBO had been studied in different groups of children.
Mello et al. [20] found that 21.6% of the children suffered
from SIBO (those from slum areas vs. those from private
schools: 30.9 vs. 2.4%). These values are similar to those
previously reported in Brazil [21] for children living in
slums and those attending private health clinics (37.5 and
2.1% SIBO in each group, respectively). In Australia, SIBO
was found in 27.2% of aboriginal children fewer than 5 years
old [22]. In our study, we found that the rates of SIBO in
the rural and urban areas were 14.8 and 5.8%, respectively.
Interestingly, we also found that 50.5% of the children with
autism live in rural areas and suffered from SIBO, while
21.9% live in urban areas.
In a study of 137 children with ASD, 24% had a history
of at least one gastrointestinal symptom, with diarrhea being
the most prevalent one-occurring in 17% of individuals [23].
Similarly, a study of 172 children with autism spectrum dis-
order found that 22.7% were positive for GI distress, primar-
ily with diarrhea and constipation [24]. A characterization
study of 160 children with ASD found that 59% had GI
dysfunction with diarrhea or unformed stools, constipation,
bloating, and/or gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)[25]. The
exact percentage suffering from SIBO or GI problems varies
from study to study, depending on the age of the study popu-
lation and the different methodologies employed, but there is
a general consensus that GI problems are common in autism.
The cause of these SIBO problems in autism is unclear,
but it appears to partly relate to abnormal gut flora and
possibly to the excessive use of oral antibiotics which can
alter gut flora. Several studies have reported significantly
higher oral antibiotic use in children with autism vs. typi-
cal children [19, 26]. In this study, we also found that
children with autism and with SIBO were more frequently
transferred to NICU after delivery (P = 0.028). In addition,
Luna et al. [27] identified distinctive mucosal microbial
signatures in ASD children with functional gastrointesti-
nal disorders that correlate with cytokine and tryptophan
homeostasis. However, Gondalia et al. [6] found no dif-
ference between GI microbiota of children with autism
and their neurotypical siblings. They suggested that other
explanations for the gastrointestinal dysfunction in this
population should be considered including elevated anxi-
ety and self-restricted diets. More work should be carried
out to assess the relationship between SIBO problems and
Furthermore, we found that SIBO was associated with
worse symptoms of autism. However, it is difficult to estab-
lish whether the changes seen play a causative role or are
merely a consequence of the disease. Interestingly, the
effectiveness of oral, non-absorbable antibiotics in tem-
porarily reducing symptoms of autism [28] suggests that
the relationship may be causal, that is, we hypothesize that
SIBO may significantly contribute to symptoms of autism in
some children. Several possible mechanisms can be inferred.
First, propionate has severe neurological effects in rats and
Clostridia species are propionate producers. Studies by Mac-
Fabe et al. [29] have demonstrated that injecting propionate
directly into specific regions of rat brains in vivo can cause
significant behavioral problems. Second, differences in the
microbiota may also result in altered microbial metabolism
of aromatic amino acids, with consequent changes in sys-
temic metabolites (as reflected in urinary metabolite pro-
files), which could lead to neurological symptoms [30].
Third, the microbiota could also be involved in the disease
etiology via interactions with the immune system [31]. Some
of the possible mechanisms outlined above are more likely
to involve changes within the overall balance of the whole
microbial community, while others may be exerted by spe-
cific bacteria. Fourth, SIBO leads to steatorrhoea, vitamin
B12 absorptive impairment and also injury to the small
intestinal microvilli which itself causes malabsorption [32].
Zhang et al. [33] suggested that decrease in brain vitamin
B12 status across the lifespan that may reflect an adaptation
to increasing antioxidant demand, while accelerated deficits
due to GSH deficiency may contribute to neurodevelopmen-
tal and neuropsychiatric disorders. Finally, many pathogenic
Gram-negative bacteria contain lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
in their cell walls, which can cause damage in various tis-
sues including the brain [3]. LPS-induced inflammation in
the brain increases permeability of the blood–brain barrier
and facilitates an accumulation of high levels of mercury in
the cerebrum, which may aggravate ASD symptoms [34].
A test in rats showed that prenatal LPS exposure decreased
239Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240
1 3
levels of glutathione [35], which is an important antioxidant
involved in heavy metal detoxification in the brain.
The strengths of our study include the fact that it is a
prospective study with a relatively larger sample, making
the results robust and generalizable. Furthermore, we col-
lected data on a wide range of potentially confounding risk
factors, allowing us to estimate the independent effect of
SIBO on ASD. Finally, this is the first study which chose
hydrogen glucose breath test to detect SIBO in children with
ASD. This method is simple and efficient, and has a broad
application prospects.
The following limitations of our study must also be
considered. First, our sample is still relatively young, and
the relationship between SIBO and later-onset ASDs will
require revisiting in future years. Second, the results from
even well-designed observational studies can be influenced
by residual confounding. For example, socioeconomic status
and dietary history would seem important, especially given
that the ASD group with SIBO were more likely to require
the NICU and show more severe symptoms of autism. How-
ever, in this study, the information about socioeconomic sta-
tus and dietary history were not obtained. Third, this was
a prospective observational study; we could not determine
whether SIBO treatment improves clinical manifestations
in children with autism. Properly designed treatment tri-
als are needed to confirm a causal link between SIBO and
ASD. Interestingly, Kang et al. [36] suggested that alter the
gut microbiome and virome can improve GI and behavio-
ral symptoms of ASD. Furthermore, probiotics are hypoth-
esized to positively impact gut microbial communities and
alter the levels of specific potentially harmful metabolites
in children with ASD [37]. Fourth, in addition, a decreased
value of vitamin B12 is an important clinical problem of
SIBO with potential neurological consequences [32, 33].
However, in this study we did not obtain the information
about the dosage of vitamin B12 in the autistic children.
Thus, we cannot determine the association of vitamin B12s
with SIBO and autism. Finally, one of weakness of this study
is in the assessment of SIBO itself, since there is no gold
standard way to diagnose SIBO and the accuracy of all cur-
rent tests, remains limited [38].
Children with ASD tend to suffer from severe SIBO prob-
lems. SIBO was significantly associated with worse symp-
toms of autism, demonstrating that children with SIBO
may also significantly contribute to symptoms of autism.
Strategies to treat SIBO or to improve gut microflora profile
through dietary modulation may help to alleviate gut disor-
ders common in children with autism.
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National
ral Science Foundation of China (30950031). The funding
tions had no role in the design and concept of the study; the
management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; or the
tion, review, or approval of the manuscript.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest All authors have no conflicts of interest to
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123(12):1381–1386 breath test
to detect small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: a prevalence
case–control study in autismAbstract IntroductionPatients
and methodsHydrogen and methane breath testData
Course outcomes: This assessment enables the student to meet
the following course outcomes:
1. Explore the DNP role and advanced practice issues within
collaborative teams across diverse healthcare systems. (PO 1, 6,
8, 9)
2. Examine nursing ways of knowing and the development of
nursing science. (PO 3, 5, 9)
3. Analyze the concepts and principles used in theory
development in nursing. (PO 3, 5. 9)
4. Differentiate research, quality improvement, and evidence
based practice as it relates to the role of the DNP. (PO 3, 5, 6)
5. Demonstrate evidence search techniques to support
translation science (PO 3, 5)
6. Critically appraise level and quality of evidence (PO 3, 5)
7. Translate evidence at the microsystem, mesosystem, and
macrosystem levels of healthcare systems (PO 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9)
Due date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7. The
Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.
Total points possible: 100 points
Preparing the Assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing each component of
this assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have
questions. It is each student's responsibility to save and
maintain all artifacts required in the e-Portfolio (Links to an
external site.).
1. Write a brief 1-2 paragraph weekly reflection addressing the
questions posed in the Reflect section of each weekly module.
Edit your ePorfolio Reflection to include each weekly
2. Include the following sections in your ePorfolio Reflection.
Week 1
· What were the most important concepts you learned in week
· Why are these concepts important?
· How will they prepare you for your future role as a DNP-
prepared nurse?
· In what ways do you feel prepared for your new role? In what
ways do you feel unprepared?
Week 2
· Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly
· What do you value most about your learning this week?
· What else do you need to explore to further grow as a DNP
practice scholar?
Week 3
· Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly
· What personal values, if any, were challenged this week?
· What values can you reaffirm or want to reconsider after this
Week 4
· Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly
· What concepts, theories, models, tools, techniques, and
resources in this week did you find most valuable?
· What issues had you not considered before?
Week 5
· Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly
· How might you use this information in your future role as a
DNP practice scholar?
· What topics, if any, had you not considered before?
Week 6
· Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly
· What knowledge do you still need to demonstrate competency
in the weekly concepts?
· What skills do you need to continue developing to apply these
Week 7
· Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly
· What are the core values and best practices that define the
roles of the DNP practice scholar?
· How will this knowledge improve your effectiveness as a DNP
practice scholar?
· What skills do you need to implement these best practices and
how will you develop them?
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Clinica Chimica Acta
journal homepage:
The fasting 13C-glucose breath test is a more sensitive
evaluation method for
diagnosing hepatic insulin resistance as a cardiovascular risk
factor than
Hirotaka Ezakia,b, Tomokazu Matsuuraa,⁎, Makoto Ayaorib,
Sae Ochia, Yoshihiro Mezakia,
Takahiro Masakia, Masanori Taniwakib, Takayuki Miyakeb,
Masami Sakuradab,
Katsunori Ikewakic
a Department of Laboratory Medicine, The Jikei University
School of Medicine, 3-25-8 Nishi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
105-8461, Japan
b Department of Cardiology, Tokorozawa Heart Center, 2-61-11
Kamiarai, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-1142, Japan
c Division of Anti-aging and Vascular Medicine, National
Defense Medical College, 3-2 Namiki, Tokorozawa, Saitama
359-8513, Japan
Fasting 13C-glucose breath test
Homeostatic model assessment insulin
Hepatic insulin resistance
Cardiovascular risk factors
Background: Although we previously reported the fasting 13C-
glucose breath test (FGBT) was useful for the
diagnosis of hepatic insulin resistance (IR), there has been no
report in an actual clinical setting. We therefore
performed the FGBT in patients with heart disease to assess the
difference in the diagnostic ability of HIR
between the FGBT and HOMA-IR; we also assessed the
relationship between the FGBT and known cardiovascular
risk factors.
Methods: Two hundred patients (100 with ischemic heart
disease [IHD], 50 with non-ischemic heart disease
[NIHD], and 50 with non-cardiac lifestyle-related disease
[NCD]) participated in this study. The data of 40
healthy volunteers [HV] was obtained in our previous study. We
evaluated the 13C excretion rate at 120 min
(C120) as the indicator of hepatic IR in the FGBT.
Results: The value of C120 in each disease group was
significantly lower than in HV, but the HOMA-IR in the IHD
and NCD groups was not significantly different from that in
HV. The value of C120 significantly correlated with
known cardiovascular risk factors.
Conclusions: These results indicated the FGBT is more sensitive
than HOMA-IR for evaluating hepatic IR as a
cardiovascular risk factor and is likely useful for managing
patients to prevent cardiovascular disease.
1. Introduction
Despite accumulating evidence showing that statins reduce the
of coronary heart disease in both primary and secondary
prevention, a
residual risk of roughly 70% still remains [1]. This residual risk
sumably includes low high-density-lipoprotein (HDL)
and glucose intolerance based on insulin resistance (IR) [2].
diseases have been reported to progress under a glucose
intolerant state
with low hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) levels [2], therefore
hepatic IR is important to manage various cardiovascular risk
Glucose clamp tests are recognized as the gold-standard tests
diagnosing IR but are invasive and complicated to use for IR
Although the 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is widely
used for
diagnosing glucose intolerance, this test takes a long time to
and is stressful for patients, requiring frequent blood sampling.
previously reported that the fasting 13C-glucose breath test
(FGBT) is
useful for diagnosing hepatic IR and diabetes mellitus (DM)
healthy volunteers and mild glucose intolerance patients [3].
The result
of FGBT was calculated from the concentration of the 13CO2 in
a pa-
tient’s expired gas. In a fasting state after taking 100 mg of
the rate of 13CO2/
12CO2 in the expired gas of a patient with hepatic IR
decreases compared to that of a healthy volunteer. This is
because the
glycolytic system pathway is suppressed and the
pathway is activated in a fasting state when a patient develops a
resistant state with impaired glucose tolerance [4].
Homeostatic model assessment insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) is
Received 31 May 2019; Received in revised form 13 September
2019; Accepted 28 September 2019
⁎ Corresponding author at: 3-25-8 Nishi-shimbashi, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 105-8461, Japan.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Ezaki),
[email protected] (T. Matsuura), [email protected] (M. Ayaori),
[email protected] (S. Ochi), [email protected] (Y. Mezaki),
[email protected] (T. Masaki), [email protected] (M. Taniwaki),
[email protected] (T. Miyake), [email protected] (M. Sakurada),
[email protected] (K. Ikewaki).
Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27
Available online 10 October 2019
0009-8981/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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widely used as an indicator of IR. However, the reliability of
is reduced in patients with a high fasting blood glucose (FBG)
(> 140 mg/dl) or impaired insulin secretion; such conditions are
not an
issue with the FGBT. The values of HOMA-IR also reportedly
among races [5], so whether or not the reference range of
Caucasoids is applicable to Japanese populations for diagnosing
remains unclear. Again, this issue does not affect the utility of
the FGBT.
The FGBT is a non-invasive and simple test. Furthermore, if the
of the FGBT are found to correlate with residual risk factors,
this test may
be useful for managing risk factors in the early pathologic
stage. To address
this issue, we investigated the relationship between the results
of the FGBT
and the disease profile and biochemical parameters by
performing the
Fig. 1. Study design. HV = healthy volunteer; IHD = ischemic
heart disease; NIHD = non-ischemic heart disease; NCD = non-
cardiac disease.
Table 1
Patient characteristics.
IHD (n = 100) NIHD (n = 50) NCD (n = 50) P value
Age (years old) 68.3 ± 8.9 66.0 ± 9.7 66.0 ± 12.3 0.265
Male gender (n, (%)) 82 (82.0%) 39 (78.0%) 34 (68.0%) 0.153
Hypertension (n, (%)) 47 (47.0%) 20 (40.0%) 34 (68.0%) 0.012
Dyslipidemia (n, (%)) 66 (66.0%) 30 (60.%) 33 (66.0%) 0.745
Diabetes (n, (%)) 41 (41.0%) 9 (18.0%) 8 (16.0%) 0.001
ischemic heart diseas (n, (%)) 100 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) –
non ischemic heart disease (n, (%)) 11 (11.0%) 50 (100%) 0
(0%) –
C120 (mmol/h) 0.245 ± 0.064 0.244 ± 0.055 0.255 ± 0.060
BMI (kg/m2) 24.1 ± 3.1 24.4 ± 2.4 24.3 ± 3.3 0.793
WBC (/mm3) 5920 ± 1570 5575 ± 1634 5535 ± 1467 0.256
hemoglobin (g/dl) 14.1 ± 1.6 14.0 ± 1.6 14.4 ± 1.4 0.429
platelet (104/mm3) 22.6 ± 5.1 21.7 ± 5.9 24.0 ± 5.8 0.107
TP (g/dl) 7.1 ± 0.4 7.1 ± 0.4 7.2 ± 0.4 0.317
Alb (g/dl) 4.2 ± 0.3 4.2 ± 0.2 4.3 ± 0.2 0.191
T-Bil (mg/dl) 0.7 ± 0.3 0.8 ± 0.3 0.8 ± 0.3 0.348
AST (U/L) 25.5 ± 10.0 23.8 ± 5.9 26.6 ± 8.6 0.274
ALT (U/L) 25.3 ± 12.9 21.3 ± 10.4 26.3 ± 12.8 0.084
ALP (U/L) 235 ± 81.8 204 ± 51.7 212 ± 59.3 0.022
γ-GTP (U/L) 37.3 ± 25.5 45.6 ± 31.1 41.5 ± 32.8 0.244
LDH (U/L) 194 ± 36.9 200 ± 37.4 196 ± 29.8 0.627
CPK (U/L) 127 ± 94.7 138 ± 99.7 149 ± 76.2 0.368
HDL-C (mg/dl) 50.7 ± 12.4 55.7 ± 13.5 59.6 ± 18.8 0.002
TG (mg/dl) 120 ± 58.7 114 ± 53.9 134 ± 71.5 0.247
LDL-C (mg/dl) 83.4 ± 24.7 107.7 ± 26.3 109.3 ± 27.6 < 0.001
UA (mg/dl) 5.7 ± 1.0 6.2 ± 1.5 5.8 ± 1.3 0.121
BUN (mg/dl) 16.9 ± 4.4 16.5 ± 4.9 16.1 ± 4.0 0.564
Cr (mg/dl) 0.86 ± 0.21 0.90 ± 0.27 0.85 ± 0.22 0.581
Na (mEq/L) 142 ± 2.0 142 ± 1.8 141 ± 1.9 0.014
K (mEq/L) 4.3 ± 0.4 4.3 ± 0.4 4.2 ± 0.3 0.922
CRP (ng/ml) 0.23 ± 0.5 0.15 ± 0.2 0.12 ± 0.2 0.175
BNP (pg/ml) 30.6 ± 53.4 58.9 ± 61.1 16.0 ± 15.9 < 0.001
FBG (mg/dl) 109 ± 25.4 101 ± 12.3 99 ± 15.8 0.007
HbA1C (%) 6.1 ± 0.7 5.7 ± 0.5 5.7 ± 0.5 < 0.001
IRI (µU/ml) 7.9 ± 7.8 9.9 ± 13.8 6.7 ± 4.0 0.199
HOMA-IR 2.1 ± 2.2 2.7 ± 4.5 1.7 ± 1.2 0.242
eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m2) 68 ± 15.6 67 ± 17.6 68 ± 15.6 0.873
Abbreviations: Alb, albumin; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT
alanine amino transferase; AST, aspartate amino tranferase;
BMI, body mass index; BNP, brain na-
triuretic peptide; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CPK, creatine
phosphokinase; Cr, creatinine; CRP, C-reactive protein; eGFR,
estimate glomerular filtration rate; FBG,
fasting blood glucose; HbA1C, hemogrobin A1C; HDL-C, high-
density lipoprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model
assessment insulin resistance; IHD,
ischemic heart disease; IRI, immunoreactive insulin; K,
potassium; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LDL-C, low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol; Na, sodium; NCD, non-
cardiac heart disease; NIHD, non-ischemic heart disease; T-Bil,
total bilirubin; TG, triglyceride; TP, total protein; UA, uric
acid; WBC, white blood cell; γ-GTP, gamma-
glutamyl transpeptidase
Values are presented as mean ± SD except for categorical
P value was calculated using the chi-squared test for categorical
values and using the one-way ANOVA for continuous values.
H. Ezaki, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27
FGBT in 200 patients who regularly attended Tokorozawa Heart
Center, a
cardiovascular center in Saitama, Japan. We also assessed the
difference in
the results of the FGBT between patients with disease and
healthy volun-
teers, compared with HOMA-IR, a widely used indicator for IR,
as the
primary outcome, and we evaluated the relationship between the
results of
the FGBT and known residual risk factors for cardiovascular
disease as the
secondary outcome.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study population
Two hundred patients who regularly attended Tokorozawa Heart
Center, a cardiovascular center in Saitama, Japan, were
Tokorozawa Heart Center is a regional secondary emergency
facility with 30 beds that specializes in treating cardiovascular
and primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
The 200 patients included 100 ischemic heart disease (IHD) pa-
tients, 50 non-ischemic heart disease (NIHD) patients, and 50
cardiac lifestyle-related disease (NCD) patients (see Fig. 1).
patients mainly had arrhythmia or non-ischemic heart failure;
were confirmed to have no coronary diseases using coronary
graphy or computed tomography before their inclusion in this
The NCD patients were those with lifestyle-related diseases,
such as
hypertension, dyslipidemia, and DM, who regularly attended our
pital to manage their risk factors; they were confirmed to have
no or-
ganic heart disease using echocardiography before their
inclusion in
this study.
Fig. 2. The difference in the value of C120 and HOMA-IR
between the HV group and disease group. A: The difference in
the mean value of C120 (mmol/h) between the
HV group and disease group. There was a significant difference
between the 2 groups (p < 0.001). The P value was calculated
using Student’s t-test. B: The difference
in the mean value of HOMA-IR between the HV group and
disease group. There was a significant difference between the 2
groups (p = 0.020). The P value was
calculated using Student's t-test. Logarithmic transformation
was conducted before analyzing HOMA-IR using Student's t-
test. C: The difference in the mean value of
C120 (mmol/h) between the HV group and each disease profile.
The value of C120 was significantly higher in the HV group
than in any disease profile (IHD group,
NIHD group, and NCD group: p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p < 0.001
respectively). The P value was calculated using a one-way
analysis of variance. The P value
between 2 groups was calculated using Scheffe's method to
analyze C120. D: The difference in the mean value of HOMA-
IR between the HV group and each disease
profile. There were no significant differences between the HV
group and IHD group or between the HV group and NCD group
(p = 0.122, p = 1.000 respectively).
The value of HOMA-IR was significantly lower in the HV group
than in the NIHD group (p = 0.018). The P value was calculated
using a one-way analysis of variance.
The P value between 2 groups was calculated using Bonferroni's
method for analyzing HOMA-IR. HV = healthy volunteer; IHD
= ischemic heart disease;
NIHD = non-ischemic heart disease; NCD = non-cardiac
disease; C120 =
13C excretion rate at 120 min; HOMA-IR = homeostatic model
assessment insulin re-
H. Ezaki, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27
The exclusion criteria were (1) < 20 years old or ≥85 years old,
acute coronary syndrome, (3) end-stage renal disease (including
tients receiving hemodialysis), (4) type 1 DM, (5) pregnant or
become pregnant, (6) shock vitals, (7) scheduled to undergo
surgery or
endoscopic therapy within three months and required to stop
platelet therapy, and 8) doctor in charge objected to the
patient’s par-
We used the data of 40 healthy volunteers (HV group) for a
parison with the disease group (combined IHD group, NIHD
group, and
NCD group). These data had been obtained in our previous
study [3].
2.2. Outcome evaluation and ethical considerations
The FGBT and fasting blood collection were performed in every
patient. The primary outcome was the difference in the value of
(see details below) using the FGBT and HOMA-IR between the
groups and HV group. The secondary outcomes were the
between the known coronary risk factors and the value of C120.
This study was registered with the University Hospital Medical
Information Network-Clinical Trials registry (UMIN-CTR
UMIN000025662). The Ethics Committee of Tokorozawa Heart
(Registration Number: 1504) and The Jikei University School of
Medicine (Registration Number: 18–188 [4850], 28–105 [8348])
proved this study protocol, which was in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki, and all patients gave their written
consent to participate.
2.3. FGBT
The FGBT was performed at 6:00 a.m. in an overnight fasting
(last meal: 21:00). First, patients took 100 mg of glucose
labeled with
13C orally after having a control breath sample collected. Two
later, at rest, patients had their breath sample taken again. 13C-
was created by replacing all carbon atoms with 13C. The 13C-
used in this study was D-Dlucose-U-13C6 (13C: 99 atom%;
Industry Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Breath samples were mailed
to the
Department of Laboratory Medicine, The Jikei University
School of
Medicine. The 13CO2-to-
12CO2 ratio was measured using a carbon di-
oxide carbon isotope ratio analyzer/spectral analyzer POC one
Electronics Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan.). We then calculated the
13C ex-
cretion rate (mmol/h) using the 13CO2-to
12CO2 ratio and patient’s body
surface area.
Our previous study demonstrated that the area under the curve
360 min (AUC360) of the
13C excretion kinetic curve after the ingestion
of labeled glucose reflected the efficiency of glucose
metabolism in the
liver [3]. The 13C excretion rate reached a maximum at 120 min
the start of FGBT and the 13C excretion rate at 120 min (C120)
showed a
strong correlation with the AUC360 value [3]. Furthermore, in
to the AUC360 value [3], the C120 value showed high
diagnostic accu-
racy in the detection of hepatic IR. Because an AUC360 study is
consuming and difficult to perform for large numbers of
patients, we
used the C120 value to evaluate the hepatic IR of patients in
this study.
2.4. Biochemical parameters
Venous blood was collected in a fasting state. A complete blood
count, parameters reflecting the liver and renal function, serum
profile, FBG, fasting immunoreactive insulin levels,
hemoglobin A1C
(HbA1C), C-reactive protein, and brain natriuretic peptide
(BNP) were
analyzed. HOMA-IR was calculated by the following equation:
IR = (FBG × immunoreactive insulin levels)/405.
2.5. Statistical analyses
Categorical variables are presented as the frequency (%). A chi-
squared test was used to compare the distribution of categorical
ables among groups. Differences in C120 values among groups
compared using Student’s t-test, while differences in the
value were compared using Student’s t-test, after logarithmic
mation. Quantitative variables were presented as the mean and
dard deviation. A parametric analysis was performed when
metric parameters showed a parametric distribution after
transformation. Nonparametric analyses were performed for
metric parameters after logarithmic transformation. Differences
in the
distribution of quantitative variables among three groups were
using a one-way analysis of variance. When a significant
difference was
identified among three groups, Bartlett’s test was used to test
homogeneity of variance. Differences between two groups were
pared using the Scheffe test if the variables had equal variance
Bonferroni’s correction if the variables did not have equal
variance. The
correlation between C120 and quantitative variables was
assessed by
Pearson’s correlation coefficient if a variable was
parametrically dis-
tributed and by Spearman’s correlation coefficient if a variable
was not
parametrically distributed.
A multiple regression analysis was performed to analyze
that had a significant correlation with C120. We calculated the
inflation factor (VIF) to measure the degree of multi-
collinearity in the
multiple regression analysis. VIFs were calculated by taking a
and regressing it against all other predictors in the model. A
high cor-
relation with other predictors was represented by a VIF value of
> 5,
Table 2
Differences in glucose metabolism parameters between HV
group and disease group.
HV group (n = 62) Disease group (n = 200) P value vs. HV
group P value between groups
IHD (n = 100) P value vs. HV group NIHD (n = 50) P value vs.
HV group NCD (n = 50) P value vs. HV group
C120 (mmol/h) 0.345 ± 0.05 0.247 ± 0.06
*P < 0.001
0.245 ± 0.06
P < 0.001
0.244 ± 0.06
P < 0.001
0.255 ± 0.06
P < 0.001
P < 0.001
HOMA-IR 1.0 ± 0.4 2.2 ± 2.8
*P < 0.001
2.1 ± 2.2
P = 0.122
2.7 ± 4.5
P = 0.018
1.7 ± 1.2
P = 1.000
P = 0.020
Abbrevations: HbA1C, hemogrobin A1C; HOMA-IR,
homeostatic model assessment insulin resistance; HV, healthy
volunteer; IHD, ischemic heart disease; NCD, non-
cardiac heart disease; NIHD, non-ischemic heart disease.
Values are presented as mean ± SD.
P value was calculated using oneway ANOVA.
P value between 2 groups was calculated using the Scheffe's
method for analyzing C120.
P value between 2 groups was calculated using the Bonferroni's
method for analyzing HOMA-IR.
* P value was calculated using Student's t test. Logarithmic
transformation was conducted before analyzing HOMA-IR using
Student's t test.
H. Ezaki, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27
while no correlation with other predictors was represented as a
value of 1. The correlations between HOMA-IR and quantitative
ables were analyzed in the same way as C120 after logarithmic
formation of HOMA-IR. Two-sided P values of < 0.05 were
to indicate statistical significance. The descriptive assessments
statistical analyses were performed using STATA/IC 15.1
LLC, College Station, TX, USA).
3. Results
We were able to obtain FGBT data and biochemical parameters
all participants. The patient characteristics are shown in Table
1. The
value of C120 in the disease group was significantly lower than
in the
HV group (0.245 ± 0.06 vs. 0.345 ± 0.05p < 0.001, Fig. 2A). Al-
though there were no significant differences in the value of
C120 among
the IHD, NIHD, and NCD groups (Table 1), the value of C120
in each
disease group (IHD group, NIHD group, and NCD group) was
nificantly lower than in the HV group (0.245 ± 0.06 vs.
0.345 ± 0.05p < 0.0001, 0.244 ± 0.05 vs. 0.345 ± 0.05p <
0.0001, 0.255 ± 0.06 vs. 0.345 ± 0.05p = 0.0008, respectively;
Table 2, Fig. 2C). Although the value of HOMA-IR in the
overall disease
group was significantly higher than in the HV group (2.2 ± 2.8
1.0 ± 0.4p = 0.020, Fig. 2B), there were no significant
between the values in the IHD and NCD groups and the HV
(1.0 ± 0.4 vs. 2.1 ± 2.2, p = 0.122, 1.0 ± 0.4 vs. 1.7 ± 1.2,
p = 1.000, respectively; Table 2, Fig. 2D).
The value of C120 was significantly lower in men (p = 0.024,
Table 3) and DM patients (p < 0.001, Table 3) than female and
DM patients, respectively. The value of C120 significantly
with the body mass index (BMI) (r = −0.205 p < 0.001), white
cell (r = −0.209 p = 0.004), hemoglobin (r = −0.139 p = 0.049),
gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (r = −0.201 p < 0.001), HDL-C
(r = 0.144 p = 0.042), C-reactive protein (r = −0.195 p = 0.006),
FBG (r = −0.360 p < 0.001), HbA1C (r = −0.323 p < 0.001), and
HOMA-IR (r = −0.145 p = 0.040) (Table 3). We performed a
regression analysis of these parameters, and only HbA1C was an
dependently significant predictor of C120, as shown in Table 4.
We also
examined the relationship between HOMA-IR and these
The HOMA-IR value was significantly higher in dyslipidemia
than patients without dyslipidemia (p = 0.020), but there was no
nificant difference between DM and non-DM patients (p =
Table 5). The HOMA-IR significantly correlated with the age
(r = −0.184 p = 0.009), BMI (r = 0.447 p < 0.001), white blood
(r = 0.213 p = 0.003), hemoglobin (r = 0.231 p = 0.001), total
ubin (r = −0.140 p = 0.049), alanine amino transferase (r =
p < 0.001), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (r = 0.197 p =
lactate dehydrogenase (r = −0.177 p = 0.012), HDL-C (r =
p < 0.001), triglyceride (r = 0.410 p < 0.001), BNP (r = −0.190
p = 0.007), and HbA1C (r = 0.185 p = 0.009) (Table 5). The
results of
the multiple regression analysis showed that the BMI (p <
HDL-C (p = 0.004), and triglyceride (p = 0.007) were
significant predictors of the HOMA-IR (Table 6).
4. Discussion
4.1. Discussion
In this study, we performed the FGBT in patients who had
vascular disease or lifestyle-related disease requiring
medication in an
actual clinical setting. The FGBT results (value of C120) in
these patients
was significantly lower than in HVs. There were no significant
ences in the value of C120 among the three disease groups,
that the value of C120 was already low in the patients with
related diseases who had not yet developed cardiovascular
Regarding HOMA-IR, there was no significant difference in the
between the IHD group and HV group or between the NCD
group and
HV group. Although the value of C120 in the patients receiving
intervention with lifestyle-related disease (i.e. the NCD group)
was si-
milarly low in the NIHD and IHD groups, the HOMA-IR in the
NCD and
IHD group did not differ significantly from that in the HV
group. These
findings suggested that C120 is a more sensitive indicator for
management than HOMA-IR in the early clinical stage.
The value of C120 was significantly related to the gender,
of DM, BMI, WBC, hemoglobin, gamma-glutamyl
transpeptidase, HDL-
C, C-reactive protein, FBG, HbA1C, and HOMA-IR. This
suggested that
Table 3
Differences in C120 about categorical variables and correlation
between C120
and quantitative variables.
P value
categorical variables
(+) (−)
Male gender 0.242 ± 0.057 0.265 ± 0.071 0.024
Hypertension 0.246 ± 0.051 0.249 ± 0.070 0.732
Dyslipidemia 0.242 ± 0.062 0.256 ± 0.058 0.113
Diabetes 0.224 ± 0.057 0.256 ± 0.060 < 0.001
ischemic heart disease 0.245 ± 0.064 0.249 ± 0.058 0.574
non-ischemic heart disease 0.243 ± 0.055 0.249 ± 0.063 0.535
quantitative variables
correlation coefficient
Age −0.008 0.911
BMI −0.205 0.004
WBC −0.209 0.003
hemoglobin −0.139 0.005
platelet 0.106 0.135
TP −0.058 0.412
Alb 0.038 0.594
T-Bil 0.049 0.488
AST −0.002 0.982
ALT −0.070 0.327
ALP −0.075 0.293
γ-GTP −0.201 0.004
LDH 0.080 0.263
CPK 0.024 0.737
HDL-C 0.144 0.042
TG −0.036 0.614
LDL-C −0.060 0.403
UA −0.009 0.896
BUN −0.079 0.269
Cr −0.014 0.850
Na −0.030 0.676
K 0.132 0.063
CRP −0.195 0.006
BNP −0.037 0.601
FBG −0.360 < 0.001
HbA1C −0.323 < 0.001
IRI −0.101 0.155
HOMA-IR −0.145 0.040
eGFR −0.053 0.454
Abbrevations: Alb, albumin; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT
alanine amino
transferase; AST, aspartate amino tranferase; BMI, body mass
index; BNP, brain
natriuretic peptide; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CPK, creatine
phosphokinase; Cr,
creatinine; CRP, C-reactive protein; eGFR, estimate glomerular
filtration rate;
FBG, fasting blood glucose; HbA1C, hemogrobin A1C; HDL-C,
high-density li-
poprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model
assessment insulin re-
sistance; IHD, ischemic heart disease; IRI, immunoreactive
insulin; K, po-
tassium; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LDL-C, low-density
cholesterol; Na, sodium; NCD, non-cardiac heart disease;
NIHD, non-ischemic
heart disease; T-Bil, total bilirubin; TG, triglyceride; TP, total
protein; UA, uric
acid; WBC, white blood cell; γ-GTP, gamma-glutamyl
Vaalues are presented as mean ± SD of C120 in the colums of
P value was calculated using the Student's t test in categorical
Correlation coefficient and p value were calculated using
Pearson's product
moment correlation coefficient if parameters were
parametrically distributed
and using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient if parameters
were not
parametrically distributed.
Logarithmic transformation was conducted if needed.
H. Ezaki, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27
the results of the FGBT were related to the residual risk factors
based on
the IR. A multivariate analysis showed that HbA1C was the
predictor of C120. That meant that DM was the factor most
influential on
the value of C120. Therefore, to identify the predictors of C120
in the
non-DM state, we performed a multivariate analysis in the
whose HbA1C were less than 6.2% (Table S7). The multiple
analysis showed that the gender and BMI were independent
for C120. In contrast, HOMA-IR, which is widely used as an
indicator of
IR, showed no significant relationship with HbA1C according to
multiple regression analysis, but it was shown to be
significantly related
to the BMI, HDL-C, and triglyceride. This result was unchanged
in the
setting of non-DM patients (Table S8). These results suggested
that both
the FGBT and HOMA-IR were correlated with the residual risk
factors of
ischemic heart disease, but the FGBT was presumably related to
metabolism disorders based on IR, whereas HOMA-IR was
related to
dyslipidemia based on IR.
Although HOMA-IR is widely used for diagnosing IR and DM
the value of HOMA-IR in the Japanese population is reportedly
than that in Caucasian populations, both in a healthy state and
in an
insulin-resistant state [5]. Therefore, false negative cases are
frequent in Japanese patients using global standard reference
values of
HOMA-IR. In addition, the reliability of HOMA-IR was
reported to be
reduced when the FBG level was > 140 mg/dl [7]. Using
diagnose glucose metabolism disorders for Japanese patients
close attention and care because of these problems. HOMA-IR
was re-
ported to have an inverse correlation with BNP [8]. Although
the same
inverse correlation was seen in this study (n = 200 r = −0.190
p = 0.007), HOMA-IR was significantly higher than in the HV
only in the NIHD group (Fig. 2D). Many patients with IR were
sumably included, even among heart failure patients, although
only the
relationship between BNP and HOMA-IR was an inverse
BNP itself may reduce the value of HOMA-IR through several
mechanisms [8]. According to this theory, the IR may be under-
estimated in the NIHD group when evaluated by HOMA-IR
because the
BNP was significantly higher in the NIHD group than in the
groups. On the other hand, the value of C120 did not correlate
with the
BNP, so an underestimation of hepatic IR might not occur in the
group when they are evaluated by the FGBT.
The cut-off values of C120 for diagnosing IR and DM differed
tween genders in our previous study. The cut-off value of C120
for di-
agnosing IR in men was 0.285 mmol/h (sensitivity 84.6%,
84.2%) whereas that in women was 0.323 mmol/h (sensitivity
specificity 85.7%). The cut-off value of C120 for diagnosing
DM in men
was 0.261 mmol/h (sensitivity 100%, specificity 94.7%)
whereas that
in women was 0.308 mmol/h (sensitivity 100%, specificity
95.2%). In
this study, the average value of C120 in women was low
(0.265 ± 0.071), as was that in non-DM women (0.277 ± 0.075),
compared to our previous study. This result seems to suggest
that the
value of C120 was low in patients with cardiac disease or
lated disease. The multivariate analysis showed that gender was
not a
significant predictor of the value of C120 in DM patients who
medical treatment in this study. Given this finding, the FGBT
might not
be suitable for diagnosing patients receiving medical
intervention, al-
though it may be suitable for evaluating the effects of lifestyle
provement or exercise. To clarify this issue, chronological data
needed. A cohort study rather than a non-cross-sectional study
be performed.
Mizrahi, et al. reported that the breath test using 13C-glucose
liably assessed the changes in the liver glucose metabolism, and
degree of IR evaluated using the HOMA-IR and the OGTT [9].
et al. reported that the 13CO2 appearance in exhaled breath
following a
standard OGTT with 13C-glucose provided a valid surrogate
index of the
whole-body glucose disposal rate as measured by the golden
hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp, with good accuracy and
[10]. Maldonado-Hernandez, et al. also reported that the breath
using 13C-glucose for adolescents was a suitable method for IR
screening with a reasonable sensitivity and specificity [11].
In those studies, 13C-glucose was used to perform the 75-g
and frequent breath sampling was needed in order to measure
the area
under the curve of the 13C excretion rate. In contrast, our
method (i.e.
FGBT) requires only a small amount of glucose (100 mg) and 2
samples (baseline and 2 h after taking glucose), making it easy
simple for patients to perform. We previously reported that the
nostic ability of the FGBT using C120 was equivalent to that of
the FGBT
using the AUC360 required 10 breath samples [3]. In actual
settings, the FGBT using C120 is far easier on patients than that
using the
AUC360. The reports mentioned above using the OGTT
involved eva-
luations in a small number of HVs, and there have been no
involving the breath test using glucose in patients with
disease or lifestyle-related disease in actual clinical settings.
This study
showed that patients with lifestyle-related diseases already had
a low
value of C120 before developing cardiac disease, suggesting
that the
FGBT is feasible for the management of risk factors.
Several methods for evaluating IR exist, but most require a
sample and are relatively invasive. The FGBT is a noninvasive
simple method that is correlated with residual risk factors of
vascular disease, including glucose metabolism disorders, BMI,
pidemia (low-HDL cholesterolemia), and inflammation. The
presumably useful for managing the risk factors in patients with
diovascular disease and lifestyle-related disease.
4.2. Limitations
Several limitations associated with the present study warrant
tion. Our present study was a single-center study, which might
caused selection bias. In addition, the study periods differed
the disease group (present study) and HV group (previous
study). This
difference in study period may have affected the results.
However, the
FGBT is still a simple test, and we used the same method and
to measure the value of C120 in the same place using
13C-glucose pro-
duced by the same company. We therefore believe that there
was no
issue with comparing the data obtained in the present study to
Table 4
Results of the multiple regression analysis of C120.
Coefficient Standard error P value 95% confidential interval
Male gender −0.020 0.012 0.093 −0.044 to 0.003 1.53
BMI −0.002 0.002 0.186 −0.005 to 0.001 1.35
WBC −3.3exp(−6) 2.9exp(−6) 0.256 −9.0exp(−6) to 2.4exp(−6)
γ-GTP −0.005 0.008 0.481 −0.020 to 0.010 1.26
HbA1C −0.027 0.007 < 0.001 −0.041 to −0.013 1.18
hemogrobin −0.001 0.003 0.862 −0.007 to 0.006 1.58
HOMA-IR −0.0002 0.006 0.981 −0.013 to 0.012 1.48
HDL-C −0.005 0.020 0.815 −0.034 to 0.043 1.53
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; exp, exponential
function; HbA1C, hemogrobin A1C; HDL-C, high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostatic
model assessment insulin resistance; WBC, white blood cell;
VIF, variance inflation factor; γ-GTP, gamma-glutamyl
Logarithmic transformation was conducted before analyzing if
H. Ezaki, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27
from our previous study.
This study was a cross-sectional study, so longitudinal studies
be needed in order to clarify whether or not the FGBT can
predict the
cardiovascular disease onset risk.
5. Conclusions
The value of C120 was significantly lower in the IHD group,
group, and NCD group than in the HV group, in contrast to
concerning HOMA-IR. The value of C120 significantly
correlated with
the glucose metabolism, BMI, dyslipidemia, and inflammation.
observations suggest that the FGBT is a useful test for
managing car-
diovascular risk factors.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors have read the journal’s policy on conflicts of
and have none to declare in association with this manuscript.
All au-
thors have read the journal’s authorship agreement and have
and approved this manuscript.
We are grateful to Ms. Ristuko Nakayama, a technician in the
Department of Laboratory Medicine of The Jikei University
School of
Medicine, for measuring all of the FGBT samples and for her
fast and
accurate work. We also thank the outpatient medical clerks of
Tokorozawa Heart Center, especially Ms. Yuki Kusama the
chief out-
patient medical clerk, for their kind support.
This research was supported by The Jikei University Research
for Graduate Students and supported in part by the Grant-in-Aid
Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of
(JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP16H03044) and a research
grant from
the Uehara Foundation and the Research Program on Hepatitis
of the
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, AMED
Numbers JP18fk0210009 and JP18fk0310112).
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
[1] P. Libby, The forgotten majority: unfinished business in
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Table 5
Differences in HOMA-IR about categorical variables and
correlation between
HOMA-IR and quantitative variables.
P value
categorical variables
(+) (−)
Male gender 2.1 ± 3.1 2.0 ± 1.5 0.404
Hypertension 2.3 ± 3.2 2.0 ± 2.3 0.254
Dyslipidemia 2.5 ± 3.7 1.6 ± 1.1 0.042
Diabetes 2.1 ± 1.5 2.2 ± 3.2 0.304
ischemic heart disease 2.1 ± 2.2 2.2 ± 3.3 0.214
non-ischemic heart disease 2.5 ± 4.1 2.0 ± 2.0 0.957
quantitative variables
correlation coefficient
Age −0.184 0.009
BMI 0.447 < 0.001
WBC 0.213 0.003
hemoglobin 0.231 0.001
platelet −0.076 0.282
TP −0.012 0.867
Alb −0.032 0.652
T-Bil −0.140 0.049
AST 0.022 0.760
ALT 0.324 < 0.001
ALP 0.061 0.392
γ-GTP 0,1968 0.005
LDH −0.177 0.012
CPK −0.104 0.144
HDL-C −0.432 < 0.001
TG 0.410 < 0.001
LDL-C 0.096 0.175
UA 0.105 0.138
BUN −0.014 0.848
Cr 0.115 0.106
Na −0.013 0.857
K −0.061 0.394
CRP 0.136 0.055
BNP −0.190 0.007
FBG 0.381 < 0.01
HbA1C 0.186 0.009
IRI 0.968 < 0.001
eGFR −0.049 0.493
Abbreviations: Alb, albumin; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT
alanine amino
transferase; AST, aspartate amino tranferase; BMI, body mass
index; BNP, brain
natriuretic peptide; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CPK, creatine
phosphokinase; Cr,
creatinine; CRP, C-reactive protein; eGFR, estimate glomerular
filtration rate;
FBG, fasting blood glucose; HbA1C, hemogrobin A1C; HDL-C,
high-density li-
poprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model
assessment insulin re-
sistance; IHD, ischemic heart disease; IRI, immunoreactive
insulin; K, po-
tassium; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LDL-C, low-density
cholesterol; Na, sodium; NCD, non-cardiac heart disease;
NIHD, non-ischemic
heart disease; T-Bil, total bilirubin; TG, triglyceride; TP, total
protein; UA, uric
acid; WBC, white blood cell; γ-GTP, gamma-glutamyl
Vaalues are presented as mean ± SD of HOMA-IR in the colums
of categorical
P value was calculated using the Student's t test in categorical
Correlation coefficient and p value were calculated using
Pearson's product
moment correlation coefficient if parameters were
parametrically distributed
and using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient if parameters
were not
parametrically distributed.
Logarithmic transformation was conducted if needed.
Table 6
Results of the multiple regression analysis of HOMA-IR.
Coefficient Standard
P value 95% confidential
Age −0.007 0.005 0.194 −0.017 to 0.003 1.37
BMI 0.065 0.017 < 0.001 0.031 to 0.098 1.31
WBC 8.3exp(−6) 0.00003 0.795 −0.00005 to
hemogrobin 0.005 0.036 0.884 −0.066 to 0.076 1.57
ALT 0.179 0.120 0.137 −0.058 to 0.416 1.65
LDH −0.002 0.001 0.166 −0.005 to 0.001 1.19
HDL-C −0.612 0.210 0.004 −1.027 to −0.198 1.47
TG 0.293 0.107 0.007 0.081 to 0.505 1.48
γ-GTP 0.032 0.088 0.713 −0.141 to 0.206 1.43
BNP −0.061 0.048 0.202 −0.156 to 0.033 1.45
HbA1C 0.073 0.077 0.347 −0.080 to 0.226 1.20
Abbreviations: ALT alanine amino transferase; BMI, body mass
index; BNP,
brain natriuretic peptide; exp, exponential function; HbA1C,
hemogrobin A1C;
HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR,
homeostatic model as-
sessment insulin resistance; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; TG,
triglyceride; WBC,
white blood cell; VIF, variance inflation factor; γ-GTP, gamma-
glutamyl trans-
Logarithmic transformation was used before analyzing if
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H. Ezaki, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27
fasting 13C-glucose breath test is a more sensitive evaluation
method for diagnosing hepatic insulin resistance as a
cardiovascular risk factor than HOMA-IRIntroductionMaterials
and methodsStudy populationOutcome evaluation and ethical
considerationsFGBTBiochemical parametersStatistical
Carbon-14 urea breath test: does it work in patients with partial
gastric resection?
Fuat Dede1,5 • Hüseyin Civen2 • Faysal Dane3 • Mehmet
Aliustaoglu4 •
Serdar Turhal3 • Halil Turgut Turoglu1 • Sabahat Inanir1
Received: 3 March 2015 / Accepted: 8 July 2015 / Published
online: 18 July 2015
� The Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine 2015
Objective The diagnostic value of Carbon-14 urea breath
test (C-14 UBT) in the detection of Helicobacter pylori (H.
pylori) infection in non-operated patients has been proved.
However, the efficacy of C-14 UBT in patients with partial
gastric resection (PGR) has not been evaluated yet. Herein,
the results of the C-14 UBT and H. pylori stool antigen test
(HpSAT) in this patient group were compared with the
endoscopic findings.
Methods Multi-breath samples C-14 UBT and HpSAT
were performed in all patients on the same day. Histology
was used as a gold standard for testing C-14 UBT and
HpSAT diagnostic efficacies.
Results 30 patients (mean age: 54.6 ± 11 year) with
PGR were included. The sensitivity and specificity of
standard C-14 UBT were 29 and 100 %, respectively.
When breath samples were collected at 20th min, and[35
CPM was selected as radioactivity threshold, the sensitivity
raised to 86 % without any loss of specificity. The
specificity and sensitivity of the HpSAT were 71 and 96 %,
Conclusions The sensitivity of the standard C-14 UBT
was very poor for patients with PGR, and results of HpSAT
were superior in this population. Certain modifications are
needed if C-14 UBT is to be used in PGR patients.
Keywords Carbon-14 urea breath test � Stool antigen
test � Partial gastrectomy � Gastric cancer � Helicobacter
After the discovery of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in
1982, epidemiologic studies have revealed that it is a very
common pathogen in the society that has infected nearly
half of the world’s population [1, 2]. Geographic area, age,
race, and socioeconomic status determine the prevalence of
H. pylori infection [3]. H. pylori plays an important role in
the development of duodenal ulcer (responsible for
90–95 % of all duodenal ulcers), atrophic gastritis and
gastric cancer (represents nearly 5.5 % of all cancers and
25 % of all infection-related cancers) [4–6]. Because of
this, diagnosing this bacteria and thereafter starting multi-
drug eradication therapy is important. Invasive (endoscopy,
histology, rapid urease test, and culture) and non-invasive
[serology, urea breath test (UBT), and H. pylori stool
antigen test (HpSAT)] methods are used to diagnose this
microorganism [7].
UBT is a very successful method for both initial diag-
nosis of H. pylori and monitoring response to treatment [7].
The principles and mechanisms of the test are as follows:
The labeled urea [with either non-radioactive carbon-13
(C-13) or radioactive carbon-14 (C-14)] in the test material
& Fuat Dede
[email protected]
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Marmara University
School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
Nuclear Medicine Clinic, Kocaeli State Hospital, Kocaeli,
Department of Medical Oncology, Marmara University
School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
Internal Medicine Clinic, Kartal Dr. Lutfi Kirdar Research
and Training Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Nukleer Tip Anabilim Dali, S.B. Marmara Universitesi
Pendik Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi, -1 kat A1 Blok Fevzi
Cakmak Mahallesi Mimar Sinan Caddesi No:41 Ustkaynarca,
Pendik, Istanbul, Turkey
Ann Nucl Med (2015) 29:786–791
DOI 10.1007/s12149-015-1005-3
is degraded to carbon dioxide (CO2) and ammonia with the
presence of urease, an enzyme that is synthesized by H.
pylori. The labeled CO2 is then absorbed from gastric
mucosa and exhaled. The detection of the labeled CO2 in
the exhaled breath confirms the diagnosis of H. pylori.
C-14 UBT is a cheap and rapid test that does not require a
test meal [8]. On the other hand, the need for authorized
centers for handling radioactive material and transport
problems limit its usage. Since C-13 is a stable isotope, it
can be safely used in children and childbearing women.
The major disadvantage of C-13 UBT is its higher cost.
The risk of developing cancer in the residual stomach is
increased in patients who underwent partial gastric resec-
tion (PGR) due to benign (ulcer, etc.) or malignant causes
[9–11]. The incidence of gastric stump cancer reached up
to 2 % in this group [12]. As in non-operated patients,
atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, and
finally gastric cancer are closely related with the H. pylori
infection in PGR patients [1]. Therefore, these high-risk
cases should be screened for H. pylori, and eradication
therapy should be given when the infection is detected [9–
The importance of UBT in patients without history of
gastric surgery is undebatable [13, 14]. However, studies
with C-13 UBT showed that with its relatively low sensi-
tivity and specificity rates (77 and 89 %, respectively), the
test failed to meet the expectations after PGR [15–18].
Decreased gastric volume, decreased bacterial load, rapid
gastric emptying, and increased gastric pH could be
responsible for the failure of the C-14 UBT in partially
gastrectomized patients [17, 19, 20]. Certain modifications
were recommended in order to suppress the effects of these
factors. On the other hand, the diagnostic performance of
C-14 UBT in this patient group has not been fully inves-
tigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the perfor-
mance of the standard and modified C-14 UBT and to
compare results with HpSAT and endoscopy in patients
with PGR.
Materials and methods
A total of 30 gastric cancer patients (F/M = 8/22; mean
age = 54.6 ± 11 years; range = 30–74 years) with PGR
were included in this prospective study. Billroth II pro-
cedure was performed in 26 patients (87 %), Roux-en-Y
anastomosis in 3 patients (10 %), and wedge resection
was done in one case (3 %). The pathology was reported
as adenocarcinoma in all but two patients (94 %). Gas-
trointestinal stromal tumor was the diagnosis in one
patient (3 %) and maltoma in the other one (3 %).
Patients who received eradication therapy for H. pylori
after surgery and patients who were found to have taken
medication (bismuth, antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors,
H2 blockers, and antacids) 4 weeks before the diagnostic
tests were excluded from the study. This study was
approved by the institutional ethics committee and all
patients gave informed consent for participation in the
Histopathological analysis
All patients underwent postoperative routine fiber-optic
esophagogastroscopy 15 days to 4 weeks (median
2.5 weeks) before the non-invasive tests (C-14 UBT and
HpSAT). During procedure, multiple mucosal biopsy
samples were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and
eosin and modified Giemsa. Specimens were examined for
the presence of H. pylori. Histology was used as a gold
standard for testing C-14 UBT and HpSAT diagnostic
Carbon-14 Urea breath test
After an overnight fast, C-14 UBT (Heliprobe
Kibion AB, Uppsala, Sweden) was performed for all
enrolled patients. After ingestion of 37 kBq (1 lCi) C-14
Urea capsule with 50 mL water, the breath samples were
collected at 10th, 20th, and 30th min after ingestion.
During this 30-minute C-14 UBT urea reaction period,
patients lay on the left side horizontally. The results were
expressed as both counts per minute (CPM), and grading
[0–1 (negative for H. pylori infection, CPM B 50), and 2
(positive for H. pylori infection, CPM [ 50)] as suggested
by the manufacturer.
H. pylori stool antigen test (HpSAT)
For all cases, HpSAT was performed simultaneously with
C-UBT on the same day. H. pylori antigens in feces were
investigated by monoclonal antibodies with one-step col-
ored immunochromatography (ImmunoCard STAT!
HpSA, Meridian Diagnostics Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)
technique according to the standard manufacturer
Statistical analysis was performed by GraphPad InStat
Version 3.00 (GraphPad Software Inc, Sandiego, Califor-
nia, USA) and MedCalc Version (MedCalc Soft-
ware, Mariakerke, Belgium). Based on analyzed data,
Kruskal–Wallis test (non-parametric ANOVA), the Mann–
Whitney U-test, Spearman non-parametric correlation,
Ann Nucl Med (2015) 29:786–791 787
ROC curve analysis, and comparison of ROC curves were
used. A p value less than 0.05 was considered significant.
The interval between the surgery and UBT ranged from
27 days to 21 years (mean = 27.7 ± 47 months; med-
ian = 14 months). H. pylori was detected in 7 patients
(23.3 %) at follow-up endoscopy. The mean ages of H.
pylori positive and negative patients were 53 ± 7 and
55 ± 23 years, respectively. No statistically significant
difference in terms of age was detected between these two
groups (Mann–Whitney U-test).
UBT results
With standard C-14 UBT criteria, H. pylori was detected in
2 patients at 10th min, 4 patients at 20th min, and 5 patients
at 30th min. The sensitivity rates for each time point were
29, 57, and 71 %, respectively, while the specificity was
100 % for all (Table 1).
UBT radioactivity counts (CPM)
The C-14 UBT radioactivity counts in non-operated H.
pylori (?) patients were reported to change between 69
CPM and 770 CPM (median and mean 269 and 300 CPM,
respectively) [21]. When the radioactivity counts in H.
pylori positive and negative patients were analyzed sepa-
rately, we found that the breath sampling time did not have
a statistically significant impact on radioactivity count rates
(Kruskal–Wallis test, P [ 0.05, Table 2). When endoscopy
was assumed to be the gold standard, the radioactivity
thresholds for 10th, 20th, and 30th min were found as
[23, [35, and [29 CPM, respectively, by ROC curve
analysis (Fig. 1). The sensitivity, specificity, negative
predictive value (NPV), positive predictive value (PPV),
and accuracy are presented in Table 1. Although no sta-
tistically significant difference was found between three
ROC curves, the best performance was achieved with 20th
min breath sampling and radioactivity threshold[35 CPM.
HpSAT results
It gave true positive results in 5 patients and false-positive
result in one patient. The sensitivity and specificity of
HpSAT in our study population were 71.4 and 95.7 %,
respectively (Table 1).
Elapsed time after surgery
Although not statistically significant, inverse relation
between the prevalence of H. pylori and the elapsed time
after surgery was found in partially gastrectomized patients
(Spearman non-parametric correlation, r: -0.69, p [ 0.05,
Fig. 2).
Regardless of the type and cause of the surgery, patients
with PGR are prone to developing gastric cancer [9–11].
Enterogastric reflux and H. pylori colonization in the
residual stomach are the main risk factors for the occur-
rence of malignancy [16]. In this group of subjects,
Table 1 Results of C-14 UBT
and HpSAT
Test Sensitivity Specificity NPV PPV Accuracy
C-14 UBT
10 [50c 28.6 100 82.1 100 83.3
20 [50c 57.1 100 88.5 100 90
30 [50c 71.4 100 92 100 93
10 [23 85.7 86.9 95.2 66.7 87
20 [35 85.7 100 95.8 100 97
30 [29 71.4 100 92 100 93
HpSAT 71.4 95.7 91.7 83 90
C-14 UBT
and HpSAT 85.7 95.7 95.7 85.7 93.3
Bold values indicate better results
NPV negative predictive value, PPV positive predictive value,
UBT urea breath test, HpSAT H. pylori stool
antigen test
breath sampling time (minute)
counts per minute (CPM)
standard radioactivity threshold
Standard C-14 UBT
788 Ann Nucl Med (2015) 29:786–791
screening for H. pylori is important in order to start multi-
drug eradication therapy after diagnosis for preventing
undesirable consequences. The utility of UBT in normal
population has been proved. However, its usage in PGR is
controversial due to the reported relatively low sensitivity
and specificity rates (77 and 89 %, respectively) [15, 16].
Up to now, all of the studies investigating the performance
of UBT in partially gastrectomized patients have used C-13
non-radioactive isotope as screening tool. Although no
statistically significant difference in terms of sensitivity
and specificity was found between C-13 and C-14 UBT in
normal population, the exact results of C-14 UBT in this
patient group have not been revealed yet [22].
Herein, we studied multi-breath sample C-14 UBT in
patients who underwent distal subtotal gastrectomy due to
gastric malign tumors. Similar to previous results obtained
with C-13 UBT, very low sensitivity rate (28.6 %) was
found for standard C-14 UBT (10th min breath sample and
Table 2 Comparison of
radioactivity counts at 10th,
20th, and 30th min in H. Pylori
(?) and (-) patients
10th min 20th min 30th min p:
H. pylori (?) (n:7) 65.1 ± 72 CPM 77 ± 66 CPM 72 ± 58 CPM
H. pylori (-) (n:23) 15.3 ± 10 CPM 14.3 ± 9 CPM 15.4 ± 8 CPM
p: 0.0011** <0.0001** 0.0174**
p values in bold and italics are statistically significant
CPM counts per minute
* Kruskal–Wallis test (non-parametric ANOVA)
** Mann–Whitney U-test
Fig. 1 ROC curves generated from radioactivity counts
belonging to
10th, 20th, and 30th min breath samples
Fig. 2 Statistically insignificant inverse relation between the
prevalence of H. pylori and the elapsed time after surgery (r: -
0.69, p [ 0.05)
Ann Nucl Med (2015) 29:786–791 789
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Vol.(0123456789)1 3Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27.docx

  • 1. Vol.:(0123456789)1 3 Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240 ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION Hydrogen breath test to detect small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: a prevalence case–control study in autism Li Wang1 · Yu‑Mei Yu1 · You‑qi Zhang1 · Jie Zhang1 · Na Lu1 · Na Liu2 Received: 9 July 2016 / Accepted: 4 August 2017 / Published online: 10 August 2017 © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017 Keywords Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth · Autism spectrum disorders · Hydrogen glucose breath test · Chinese Abbreviations ASD Autism spectrum disorder GI Gastrointestinal IBD Inflammatory bowel disease VTE Venous thromboembolism NBS Expanded newborn screening ADI-R Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised SIBO Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) ATEC Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist BMI Body mass index NICU Neonatal intensive care unit
  • 2. 6-GSI 6-Gastrointestinal Severity Index ID Intellectual disability IQ Intelligence quotient H2 Hydrogen CH4 Methane SD Standard deviation IQR Interquartile ranges LPS Lipopolysaccharide Introduction The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) has increased over recent years in much of the Western world [1]. In China, relatively little is known about the prevalence of ASDs. The underlying causes remain unclear, but both genetic and environmental factors appear to play a role [2]. High proportions of children with autism suffer from gas- trointestinal (GI) symptoms, implying a link between autism and abnormalities in gut microbial functions [3]. A pilot Abstract The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) by hydro- gen breath test in patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) with respect to a consistent control group. From 2011 to 2013, 310 children with ASD and 1240 sex- and age-matched typical children were enrolled in this study to undergo glucose breath test. The study participants were considered to exhibit SIBO when an increase in H2 of ≥20 ppm or CH4 of ≥10 ppm with respect to the fast- ing value was observed up to 60 min after the ingestion of glucose. Ninety-six children with autism suffered from SIBO, giving a prevalence rate of SIBO was 31.0% (95% CI 25.8–36.1%). In contrast, 9.3% of the typical children acknowledged SIBO. The difference between groups was statistically significant (P < 0.0001). The median Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) score in the chil-
  • 3. dren with autism and with SIBO was significantly high when compared with the children without autism and without SIBO [98 (IQR, 45–120) vs. 63 (32–94), P < 0.001]. For the autism group, the 6-GI Severity Index (6-GSI) score was found to be strongly and significantly correlated with the total ATEC score (r = 0.639, P < 0.0001). SIBO was significantly associated with worse symptoms of autism, demonstrating that children with SIBO may significantly contribute to symptoms of autism. Li Wang and Yu-Mei Yu are co-first authors. * Li Wang [email protected] 1 Department of Pediatrics, Cangzhou Central Hospital, No. 16, Xinhua West Road, Cangzhou 061000, Hebei, China 2 Department of Pediatrics, The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, China 1039-2&domain=pdf 234 Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240 1 3 study suggested the role of gut microbiota in autism as a part of the “gut-brain” axis [4]. Interestingly, de Theije et al. [5] showed that autism-like behavior and its intestinal pheno- type are associated with altered microbial colonization and activity in a murine model for ASD, with preponderance in male offspring. However, the data from another study did not support the hypothesis that the gastrointestinal microbiota of children with ASD plays a role in the symptomatology
  • 4. of ASD [6]. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) occurs when colonic quantities of commensal bacteria are present in the small bowel. SIBO leads to impaired micronutrient absorption and increased GI permeability, both of which may contribute to celiac disease and stunting in children [7]. SIBO has been associated with irritable bowel syndrome [8], Parkinson’s disease [9], inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) [10], and venous thromboembolism (VTE) [11]. Interest- ingly, there is no study yet on the interaction between SIBO and children with ASD. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of SIBO by hydrogen breath test in patients with ASD with respect to a consistent control group. Patients and methods From 2011 to 2013, 310 children with ASD were enrolled in this study. Those children were all native and singleton live births who had taken part in expanded newborn screen- ing (NBS) in Beijing, China from 2008 to 2010, with out- patient follow-up when the children were 36 months old. All children will autism analysis. The Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) and DSM-5 criteria were used to confirm a diagnosis of ASD in outpatient follow-up. Those protocols were translated into Chinese Mandarin. Chinese- translated materials along with English materials were provided in advance. For each child with ASD diagnosis, we selected 4-to-1 sex- and age-matched controls in those typical children without ASD diagnosis. To exclude the pos- sibility that the controls could have any sub-clinical autistic features, each control subject was also clinically examined by the pediatrician. The Cangzhou Central Hospital Institu- tional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects approved this study. Neither data nor specimens were col- lected until written informed consents were obtained from
  • 5. the parents. Sociodemographic factors [age, sex, body mass index (BMI), and ethnicity], infant characteristics [chronic com- plication before pregnancy, pregnancy-induced complica- tion, mode of delivery, and those transferred to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) after delivery], family structure, area of residence (urban or rural), educational background of parents, NBS results, whether ASD diagnosis had been confirmed or expected before follow-up, and family history of mental illness subdivided hierarchically as ASD were obtained from outpatient follow-up. Autism severity was assessed with the Autism Treat- ment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC), which is an instrument designed to provide a quantitative assessment of autism severity [12]. ASD severity was divided into three groups, according to the ATEC score (mild <50; moderate 50–104; and severe 104–180). GI symptoms were assessed using a modified version of the GI Severity Index [13]. Specifically, we included only the first six items (constipation, diarrhea, stool consistency, stool smell, flatulence, and abdominal pain), but did not include “unexplained daytime irritabil- ity”, “nighttime awakening,” or “abdominal tenderness.” We call this shortened version the 6-Gastrointestinal Severity Index (6-GSI). Intellectual disability (ID) status was con- firmed using DSM-5 in the children in those processes [ID was defined as the IQ (Intelligence Quotient) <80]. IQ was assessed using the Combined Raven’s Test and then con- verted to a standard IQ score according to Chinese children’s norm. Hydrogen and methane breath test Glucose breath testing was performed under standard condi-
  • 6. tions. The glucose breath test was performed in the morn- ing following oral hygiene using 0.05% chlorhexidine. The children fasted for a period of 12 h prior to the test. Breath samples were collected using a non-rebreathing valve setup (QuinTron Instrument Co. Inc., Menomonee Falls, WI, US). After collection of the fasting breath, a dose of 50 g of glu- cose in the form of iso-osmotic solution was administered and samples were collected 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, and 180 min after the ingestion of glucose. The levels of hydro- gen (H2) and methane (CH4) in the samples were simultane- ously measured by gas chromatography using a 12i model QuinTron MicroLyzer unit (QuinTron Instrument Company, Milwaukee, WI, US). The results were expressed in parts per million (ppm). Study participants were considered to exhibit SIBO when an increase in H2 of ≥20 ppm or CH4 of ≥10 ppm with respect to the fasting value was observed up to 60 min after the ingestion of glucose [14]. Determina- tions were performed in an independent laboratory blinded to clinical and sociodemographic data. Data analysis Results are expressed as percentages for categorical vari- ables and as means (standard deviation, SD) and medians (interquartile ranges, IQRs) for the continuous variables, depending on the normal or non-normal distribution of data. Shapiro–Wilk tests were used for normal distribution 235Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240 1 3 test. Proportions were compared using the Chi-square test. Two-group comparison of not normally distributed data was
  • 7. performed using the Mann–Whitney U test, and a two-tailed Student’s unpaired t test was used for normally distributed continuous variables. Correlations among continuous variables were assessed by the Spearman rank-correlation coefficient. In addition, associations between the ATEC and 6-GSI scores were also assessed using logistic regression models in multivariate adjustment with possible confounders, such as sociode- mographic factors (age, sex, BMI, and ethnicity), infant characteristics (chronic complication before pregnancy, pregnancy-induced complication, mode of delivery, and those transferred to NICU after delivery), family structure, area of residence (urban or rural), educational background of parents, NBS results, whether ASD diagnosis had been confirmed or expected before follow-up, and family history of mental illness. All statistical analyses were performed with SPSS for Windows, version 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, US). Statistical significance was defined as P < 0.05. Results In our study, 310 children with ASD were included. The male-to-female ratio was 3.43:1, and the ratios of autistic disorders to other ASD subtypes were 2.44:1. The rate of children who had ID was significantly lower in controls as compared with ASD groups (2.3 vs. 32.6%, P < 0.001). Ninety-six children with autism suffered from SIBO, giv- ing a prevalence rate of 31.0% (95% CI 25.8–36.1%). In con- trast, 9.3% (115/1240; 95% CI 7.7–0.9%) of the typical chil- dren acknowledged SIBO (Table 1). The difference between groups was statistically significant (odds ratio 3.33; 95% CI 2.28–7.75; P < 0.0001). In the typical children group, we found that the rates of SIBO in rural and urban areas were
  • 8. 14.8 and 5.8%, respectively. In the group with autism, it was 50.5 and 21.9%, respectively. The hydrogen concentrations (ppm) obtained by the glu- cose breath test were analyzed for the areas under the indi- vidual curves. The children with autism exhibited greater (Student’s t test, P < 0.001) mean hydrogen production dur- ing the first hour of the test, which presumably originated from the small intestine when compared with the typical children group (505.32 ± 315.46 vs. 302.14 ± 244.57 ppm per min, respectively). Between 60 min and 180 min of the test, the period during which hydrogen production occurs predominantly in the large intestine, the concentra- tion of hydrogen in the breath of the children in the ASD and control groups was similar (4576.77 ± 1012.55 vs. 4365.15 ± 997.52 ppm per min, respectively, P = 0.582) (Fig. 1a). Figure 1b shows the mean hydrogen concen- trations (ppm) obtained from the breath tests of children with and without bacterial overgrowth in the ASD group. A greater area under the curve for the small intestine was observed among the 96 children with SIBO compared with the 214 children without SIBO up to 60 min after the inges- tion of glucose (893.6 ± 505.56 ppm vs. 375.2 ± 177.1 ppm per min; Student’s t test, P < 0.001). A similar response was observed for the colon during the 60–180 min of the test (5128.9 ± 1262.5 vs. 4021.1 ± 711.8 ppm per min; Student’s t test, P < 0.001). Figure 2 shows the mean methane con- centrations (ppm) obtained from the breath tests of children with and without bacterial overgrowth in the ASD group. In the small intestine, differences in the area under the curve were not observed among the 96 children with SIBO in rela- tion to the 214 children without SIBO up to 60 min after the ingestion of glucose (P = 0.12). In addition, no significant difference was observed in the area under the curve for the colon during the 60 min to 180 min of the test (P = 0.08). Methane production was observed in 138 (64.5%) of the
  • 9. 214 children who did not exhibit bacterial overgrowth and Table 1 The prevalence of SIBO in different groups ASD autism spectrum disorders, ATEC Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist, SIBO small intestinal bac- terial overgrowth a ASD was divided into three group, according to ATEC score (mild <50; moderate 50–104; severe 104– 180). Proportions were compared using the Chi-square test b P < 0.01 vs. typical children c P < 0.05 vs. typical children Cohort No. of children No. of with SIBO Prevalence (%) 95% CI (%) OR (95% CI) ASDa 310 96 31.0 25.8–36.1 3.33 (2.28–7.75)b Mild 99 17 17.2 9.7–24.6 1.85 (1.29–3.05)c Moderate 130 39 30.0 22.1–37.8 3.23 (2.10–6.93)b Severe 81 40 49.4 38.5–62.3 5.31 (2.76–12.63)b Typical children 1240 115 9.3 7.7–10.9 Reference 236 Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240 1 3 in 60 (62.5%) of the 96 children with bacterial overgrowth
  • 10. (X2 test, P = 0.74). Diarrhea was the most common SIBO symptom (71.0% of ASD patients), followed by abdominal pain (37.1%), and abnormal feces (30.0%). Children with autism and with SIBO were more likely from the rural area (50.0 vs. 21.9%; P < 0.001), NBS positive (4.2 vs. 0.9%; P = 0.046), ID (45.8 vs. 26.6%; P = 0.001), and transferred to NICU after delivery (16.7 vs. 2.4%; P < 0.001), Table 2. Table 3 shown that transferred to NICU, place of residence, NBS screening result, ATEC score and 6-GSI were associated with hydro- gen concentrations (P < 0.05). Associations were not found between SIBO and sex, age, BMI, ethnicity, chronic compli- cation before pregnancy, pregnancy-induced complication, mode of delivery, family structure, educational background of parents, NBS results, whether ASD diagnosis had been confirmed or expected before follow-up, and family history of mental illness (P > 0.05; Table 2). The median ATEC score in the children with autism was 75(IQR, 38-106). The median ATEC score in the children Fig. 1 Mean concentrations of hydrogen (ppm) in breath samples in different groups. a Mean concentrations of hydro- gen (ppm) in breath samples collected after fasting and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 150 and 180 min after glucose ingestion from children in the ASD (n = 310) and typical children (n = 1240) groups. Student’s t test, comparison between groups for collection time during the
  • 11. breath test (complementation of the analysis of area under the curve). aP < 0.05 vs. typical children group. b Mean concen- trations of hydrogen (ppm) in breath samples collected after fasting and at 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 min after glu- cose ingestion from children in the autistic group with (n = 96) and without (n = 214) small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). aP < 0.05 vs. the autistic group without SIBO in relation of the hydrogen produc- tion in breath test Fig. 2 Mean concentrations of methane (ppm) in breath sam- ples collected after fasting and at 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 min after glucose ingestion from children in the autistic group with (n = 96) and without (n = 214) SIBO. bP < 0.05 vs. the autistic group without SIBO in relation of the methane production in breath test 237Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240 1 3 with autism and with SIBO was significantly high when
  • 12. compared with the children with autism but without SIBO [98 (IQR, 45–120) vs. 63 (32–94), P < 0.001]. In addition, the prevalence of SIBO in the mild group was 17.2% (95% CI 9.7–24.6%). The corresponding prevalence rates for the moderate and severe groups were 30.0 and 49.4%, respec- tively (Table 2). For the autism group, the median 6-GSI score was 4 (2–7), and the 6-GSI was found to be strongly and significantly correlated with the total ATEC score (r = 0.639, P < 0.0001). A significant positive correlation was also found between the 6-GSI and ATEC scores, using ordered logistic regression after multivariate adjustment for the abovementioned possible confounders (P < 0.001). Discussion Recent studies have correlated gut dysfunction with the ASD group and suggested a possible role of the GI microflora in the symptomatology and/or severity of symptoms in children with autism [15]. However, the evidence is rather specula- tive. To date, no study has directly examined the association between SIBO detected by hydrogen glucose breath test and ASD. We had the opportunity to examine this relationship in a large, population-based Chinese case–control study. We found that a higher proportion of ASD patients suffered from Table 2 Baseline characteristics of the enrolled ASD with SIBO and without SIBOa SIBO small intestinal bacterial overgrowth ASDs, autism spectrum disorders, NBS newborn screening, NICU neonatal intensive care unit, ID intellectual disability, ATEC Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist, 6-GSI 6-GI Severity Index a Two-group comparison was performed using the Chi-square test and Mann–Whitney U test or Student’s unpaired t test
  • 13. SIBO(+) SIBO(−) N 96 214 Han Chinese (%) 93.8 93.4 Preterm birth (<37 weeks), (%) 11.5 11.2 Assisted delivery (%) 37.5 39.2 Parental depression (%) 12.5 10.8 Chronic complication before pregnancy (%) 10.4 10.2 Pregnancy-induced complication (%) 13.5 11.7 Transfer to NICU (%) 16.7 2.4 Sex of child, male (%) 81.3 75.7 Autistic disorders (%) 75.0 69.1 ID (%) 45.8 26.6 ASDs diagnosis had been confirmed or expected before follow- up (%) 27.1 22.9 NBS positive (%) 4.2 0.9 Live (rural, %) 50.0 21.9 Marital status, single (%) 9.4 8.4 Family’s socio-professional category, high (%) 11.5 9.8 Family history of ASDs (%) 8.3 9.9 ATEC score, IQR 98 (45–120) 63 (32–94) 6-GSI, IQR 6 (4–9) 2 (1–3) Hydrogen concentrations 60 min after glucose ingestion, mean (SD) 893.6 (505.5) 375.2 (177.1) Hydrogen concentrations 60–180 min after glucose ingestion, mean (SD) 5128.9 (1262.5) 4021.1 (711.8) Methane concentrations 60 min after glucose ingestion, mean (SD) 558.3 (332.2) 528.2 (324.1) Methane concentrations 60–180 min after glucose ingestion, mean (SD) 3045.2 (1102.3) 2905 (1054.5) Table 3 The associations of hydrogen concentration with demo- graphic and health characteristics of the ASD group NBS newborn screening, NICU neonatal intensive care unit,
  • 14. ATEC Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist, 6-GSI 6-GI Severity Index Characteristics r (Spearman) P Race 0.08 >0.05 Mode of delivery 0.06 >0.05 Transferred to NICU 0.37 <0.001 Place of residence 0.28 <0.01 NBS screening result 0.32 <0.01 Marital status 0.09 >0.05 Family’s socio-professional category 0.13 >0.05 Family history of ASDs 0.12 >0.05 ATEC score 0.48 <0.001 6-GSI 0.59 <0.001 238 Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240 1 3 SIBO than in controls (31.0 vs. 9.3%, P < 0.001). A recent study of children with autism and their first-degree relatives found that 37 and 21%, respectively, had increased intestinal permeability based on a lactulose/mannitol test, compared to 5% of normal subjects [16]. Finegold et al. [17] used a high throughput sequencing technique, that is, pyrosequencing to investigate gut bacteria in children with autism vs. controls, and found several differences at the phylum level, includ- ing higher levels of Bacteroidetes in the group with severe
  • 15. autism, and higher levels of Firmicutes in the control group. Another study indicated that autistic subjects with gastroin- testinal disease harbor statistically significantly (P = 0.031) higher counts of C. perfringens in their gut compared to control children [18]. Furthermore, we found that SIBO was associated with worse symptoms of autism, demonstrating that children with more severe autism are more likely to suf- fer from SIBO. Similarly, Adams et al. [19] reported that the strong correlation of gastrointestinal symptoms with autism severity indicated that children with more severe autism are likely to have more severe gastrointestinal symptoms and vice versa. Therefore, it is possible that symptoms of autism are exacerbated or may even be partially due to the underly- ing gastrointestinal problems. SIBO had been studied in different groups of children. Mello et al. [20] found that 21.6% of the children suffered from SIBO (those from slum areas vs. those from private schools: 30.9 vs. 2.4%). These values are similar to those previously reported in Brazil [21] for children living in slums and those attending private health clinics (37.5 and 2.1% SIBO in each group, respectively). In Australia, SIBO was found in 27.2% of aboriginal children fewer than 5 years old [22]. In our study, we found that the rates of SIBO in the rural and urban areas were 14.8 and 5.8%, respectively. Interestingly, we also found that 50.5% of the children with autism live in rural areas and suffered from SIBO, while 21.9% live in urban areas. In a study of 137 children with ASD, 24% had a history of at least one gastrointestinal symptom, with diarrhea being the most prevalent one-occurring in 17% of individuals [23]. Similarly, a study of 172 children with autism spectrum dis- order found that 22.7% were positive for GI distress, primar- ily with diarrhea and constipation [24]. A characterization study of 160 children with ASD found that 59% had GI
  • 16. dysfunction with diarrhea or unformed stools, constipation, bloating, and/or gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)[25]. The exact percentage suffering from SIBO or GI problems varies from study to study, depending on the age of the study popu- lation and the different methodologies employed, but there is a general consensus that GI problems are common in autism. The cause of these SIBO problems in autism is unclear, but it appears to partly relate to abnormal gut flora and possibly to the excessive use of oral antibiotics which can alter gut flora. Several studies have reported significantly higher oral antibiotic use in children with autism vs. typi- cal children [19, 26]. In this study, we also found that children with autism and with SIBO were more frequently transferred to NICU after delivery (P = 0.028). In addition, Luna et al. [27] identified distinctive mucosal microbial signatures in ASD children with functional gastrointesti- nal disorders that correlate with cytokine and tryptophan homeostasis. However, Gondalia et al. [6] found no dif- ference between GI microbiota of children with autism and their neurotypical siblings. They suggested that other explanations for the gastrointestinal dysfunction in this population should be considered including elevated anxi- ety and self-restricted diets. More work should be carried out to assess the relationship between SIBO problems and autism. Furthermore, we found that SIBO was associated with worse symptoms of autism. However, it is difficult to estab- lish whether the changes seen play a causative role or are merely a consequence of the disease. Interestingly, the effectiveness of oral, non-absorbable antibiotics in tem- porarily reducing symptoms of autism [28] suggests that the relationship may be causal, that is, we hypothesize that SIBO may significantly contribute to symptoms of autism in
  • 17. some children. Several possible mechanisms can be inferred. First, propionate has severe neurological effects in rats and Clostridia species are propionate producers. Studies by Mac- Fabe et al. [29] have demonstrated that injecting propionate directly into specific regions of rat brains in vivo can cause significant behavioral problems. Second, differences in the microbiota may also result in altered microbial metabolism of aromatic amino acids, with consequent changes in sys- temic metabolites (as reflected in urinary metabolite pro- files), which could lead to neurological symptoms [30]. Third, the microbiota could also be involved in the disease etiology via interactions with the immune system [31]. Some of the possible mechanisms outlined above are more likely to involve changes within the overall balance of the whole microbial community, while others may be exerted by spe- cific bacteria. Fourth, SIBO leads to steatorrhoea, vitamin B12 absorptive impairment and also injury to the small intestinal microvilli which itself causes malabsorption [32]. Zhang et al. [33] suggested that decrease in brain vitamin B12 status across the lifespan that may reflect an adaptation to increasing antioxidant demand, while accelerated deficits due to GSH deficiency may contribute to neurodevelopmen- tal and neuropsychiatric disorders. Finally, many pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria contain lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in their cell walls, which can cause damage in various tis- sues including the brain [3]. LPS-induced inflammation in the brain increases permeability of the blood–brain barrier and facilitates an accumulation of high levels of mercury in the cerebrum, which may aggravate ASD symptoms [34]. A test in rats showed that prenatal LPS exposure decreased 239Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2018) 27:233–240 1 3
  • 18. levels of glutathione [35], which is an important antioxidant involved in heavy metal detoxification in the brain. The strengths of our study include the fact that it is a prospective study with a relatively larger sample, making the results robust and generalizable. Furthermore, we col- lected data on a wide range of potentially confounding risk factors, allowing us to estimate the independent effect of SIBO on ASD. Finally, this is the first study which chose hydrogen glucose breath test to detect SIBO in children with ASD. This method is simple and efficient, and has a broad application prospects. The following limitations of our study must also be considered. First, our sample is still relatively young, and the relationship between SIBO and later-onset ASDs will require revisiting in future years. Second, the results from even well-designed observational studies can be influenced by residual confounding. For example, socioeconomic status and dietary history would seem important, especially given that the ASD group with SIBO were more likely to require the NICU and show more severe symptoms of autism. How- ever, in this study, the information about socioeconomic sta- tus and dietary history were not obtained. Third, this was a prospective observational study; we could not determine whether SIBO treatment improves clinical manifestations in children with autism. Properly designed treatment tri- als are needed to confirm a causal link between SIBO and ASD. Interestingly, Kang et al. [36] suggested that alter the gut microbiome and virome can improve GI and behavio- ral symptoms of ASD. Furthermore, probiotics are hypoth- esized to positively impact gut microbial communities and alter the levels of specific potentially harmful metabolites in children with ASD [37]. Fourth, in addition, a decreased value of vitamin B12 is an important clinical problem of
  • 19. SIBO with potential neurological consequences [32, 33]. However, in this study we did not obtain the information about the dosage of vitamin B12 in the autistic children. Thus, we cannot determine the association of vitamin B12s with SIBO and autism. Finally, one of weakness of this study is in the assessment of SIBO itself, since there is no gold standard way to diagnose SIBO and the accuracy of all cur- rent tests, remains limited [38]. Conclusion Children with ASD tend to suffer from severe SIBO prob- lems. SIBO was significantly associated with worse symp- toms of autism, demonstrating that children with SIBO may also significantly contribute to symptoms of autism. Strategies to treat SIBO or to improve gut microflora profile through dietary modulation may help to alleviate gut disor- ders common in children with autism. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Natu- ral Science Foundation of China (30950031). The funding organiza- tions had no role in the design and concept of the study; the collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; or the prepara- tion, review, or approval of the manuscript. Compliance with ethical standards Conflict of interest All authors have no conflicts of interest to dis- close. References
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  • 27. 8, 9) 2. Examine nursing ways of knowing and the development of nursing science. (PO 3, 5, 9) 3. Analyze the concepts and principles used in theory development in nursing. (PO 3, 5. 9) 4. Differentiate research, quality improvement, and evidence based practice as it relates to the role of the DNP. (PO 3, 5, 6) 5. Demonstrate evidence search techniques to support translation science (PO 3, 5) 6. Critically appraise level and quality of evidence (PO 3, 5) 7. Translate evidence at the microsystem, mesosystem, and macrosystem levels of healthcare systems (PO 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9) Due date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment. Total points possible: 100 points Preparing the Assignment Follow these guidelines when completing each component of this assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions. It is each student's responsibility to save and maintain all artifacts required in the e-Portfolio (Links to an external site.). 1. Write a brief 1-2 paragraph weekly reflection addressing the questions posed in the Reflect section of each weekly module. Edit your ePorfolio Reflection to include each weekly reflection. 2. Include the following sections in your ePorfolio Reflection. Week 1 · What were the most important concepts you learned in week 1? · Why are these concepts important? · How will they prepare you for your future role as a DNP- prepared nurse? · In what ways do you feel prepared for your new role? In what ways do you feel unprepared?
  • 28. Week 2 · Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives. · What do you value most about your learning this week? · What else do you need to explore to further grow as a DNP practice scholar? Week 3 · Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives. · What personal values, if any, were challenged this week? · What values can you reaffirm or want to reconsider after this learning? Week 4 · Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives. · What concepts, theories, models, tools, techniques, and resources in this week did you find most valuable? · What issues had you not considered before? Week 5 · Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives. · How might you use this information in your future role as a DNP practice scholar? · What topics, if any, had you not considered before? Week 6 · Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives. · What knowledge do you still need to demonstrate competency in the weekly concepts? · What skills do you need to continue developing to apply these concepts? Week 7 · Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives. · What are the core values and best practices that define the roles of the DNP practice scholar?
  • 29. · How will this knowledge improve your effectiveness as a DNP practice scholar? · What skills do you need to implement these best practices and how will you develop them? Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Clinica Chimica Acta journal homepage: The fasting 13C-glucose breath test is a more sensitive evaluation method for diagnosing hepatic insulin resistance as a cardiovascular risk factor than HOMA-IR Hirotaka Ezakia,b, Tomokazu Matsuuraa,⁎, Makoto Ayaorib, Sae Ochia, Yoshihiro Mezakia, Takahiro Masakia, Masanori Taniwakib, Takayuki Miyakeb, Masami Sakuradab, Katsunori Ikewakic a Department of Laboratory Medicine, The Jikei University School of Medicine, 3-25-8 Nishi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8461, Japan b Department of Cardiology, Tokorozawa Heart Center, 2-61-11 Kamiarai, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-1142, Japan c Division of Anti-aging and Vascular Medicine, National Defense Medical College, 3-2 Namiki, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-8513, Japan A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords:
  • 30. Fasting 13C-glucose breath test Homeostatic model assessment insulin resistance Hepatic insulin resistance Cardiovascular risk factors A B S T R A C T Background: Although we previously reported the fasting 13C- glucose breath test (FGBT) was useful for the diagnosis of hepatic insulin resistance (IR), there has been no report in an actual clinical setting. We therefore performed the FGBT in patients with heart disease to assess the difference in the diagnostic ability of HIR between the FGBT and HOMA-IR; we also assessed the relationship between the FGBT and known cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: Two hundred patients (100 with ischemic heart disease [IHD], 50 with non-ischemic heart disease [NIHD], and 50 with non-cardiac lifestyle-related disease [NCD]) participated in this study. The data of 40 healthy volunteers [HV] was obtained in our previous study. We evaluated the 13C excretion rate at 120 min (C120) as the indicator of hepatic IR in the FGBT. Results: The value of C120 in each disease group was significantly lower than in HV, but the HOMA-IR in the IHD and NCD groups was not significantly different from that in HV. The value of C120 significantly correlated with known cardiovascular risk factors. Conclusions: These results indicated the FGBT is more sensitive than HOMA-IR for evaluating hepatic IR as a cardiovascular risk factor and is likely useful for managing patients to prevent cardiovascular disease. 1. Introduction
  • 31. Despite accumulating evidence showing that statins reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in both primary and secondary prevention, a residual risk of roughly 70% still remains [1]. This residual risk pre- sumably includes low high-density-lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterolemia and glucose intolerance based on insulin resistance (IR) [2]. Cardiac diseases have been reported to progress under a glucose intolerant state with low hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) levels [2], therefore evaluating hepatic IR is important to manage various cardiovascular risk factors. Glucose clamp tests are recognized as the gold-standard tests for diagnosing IR but are invasive and complicated to use for IR screening. Although the 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is widely used for diagnosing glucose intolerance, this test takes a long time to perform and is stressful for patients, requiring frequent blood sampling. We previously reported that the fasting 13C-glucose breath test (FGBT) is useful for diagnosing hepatic IR and diabetes mellitus (DM) among healthy volunteers and mild glucose intolerance patients [3]. The result of FGBT was calculated from the concentration of the 13CO2 in a pa-
  • 32. tient’s expired gas. In a fasting state after taking 100 mg of 13C-glucose, the rate of 13CO2/ 12CO2 in the expired gas of a patient with hepatic IR decreases compared to that of a healthy volunteer. This is because the glycolytic system pathway is suppressed and the gluconeogenesis pathway is activated in a fasting state when a patient develops a hepatic resistant state with impaired glucose tolerance [4]. Homeostatic model assessment insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) is Received 31 May 2019; Received in revised form 13 September 2019; Accepted 28 September 2019 ⁎ Corresponding author at: 3-25-8 Nishi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8461, Japan. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Ezaki), [email protected] (T. Matsuura), [email protected] (M. Ayaori), [email protected] (S. Ochi), [email protected] (Y. Mezaki), [email protected] (T. Masaki), [email protected] (M. Taniwaki), [email protected] (T. Miyake), [email protected] (M. Sakurada), [email protected] (K. Ikewaki). Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27 Available online 10 October 2019 0009-8981/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. T
  • 33. mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] .014&domain=pdf widely used as an indicator of IR. However, the reliability of HOMA-IR is reduced in patients with a high fasting blood glucose (FBG) level (> 140 mg/dl) or impaired insulin secretion; such conditions are not an issue with the FGBT. The values of HOMA-IR also reportedly differ among races [5], so whether or not the reference range of HOMA-IR for Caucasoids is applicable to Japanese populations for diagnosing IR remains unclear. Again, this issue does not affect the utility of the FGBT. The FGBT is a non-invasive and simple test. Furthermore, if the results
  • 34. of the FGBT are found to correlate with residual risk factors, this test may be useful for managing risk factors in the early pathologic stage. To address this issue, we investigated the relationship between the results of the FGBT and the disease profile and biochemical parameters by performing the Fig. 1. Study design. HV = healthy volunteer; IHD = ischemic heart disease; NIHD = non-ischemic heart disease; NCD = non- cardiac disease. Table 1 Patient characteristics. IHD (n = 100) NIHD (n = 50) NCD (n = 50) P value Age (years old) 68.3 ± 8.9 66.0 ± 9.7 66.0 ± 12.3 0.265 Male gender (n, (%)) 82 (82.0%) 39 (78.0%) 34 (68.0%) 0.153 Hypertension (n, (%)) 47 (47.0%) 20 (40.0%) 34 (68.0%) 0.012 Dyslipidemia (n, (%)) 66 (66.0%) 30 (60.%) 33 (66.0%) 0.745 Diabetes (n, (%)) 41 (41.0%) 9 (18.0%) 8 (16.0%) 0.001 ischemic heart diseas (n, (%)) 100 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) – non ischemic heart disease (n, (%)) 11 (11.0%) 50 (100%) 0 (0%) – C120 (mmol/h) 0.245 ± 0.064 0.244 ± 0.055 0.255 ± 0.060 0.531 BMI (kg/m2) 24.1 ± 3.1 24.4 ± 2.4 24.3 ± 3.3 0.793 WBC (/mm3) 5920 ± 1570 5575 ± 1634 5535 ± 1467 0.256 hemoglobin (g/dl) 14.1 ± 1.6 14.0 ± 1.6 14.4 ± 1.4 0.429 platelet (104/mm3) 22.6 ± 5.1 21.7 ± 5.9 24.0 ± 5.8 0.107 TP (g/dl) 7.1 ± 0.4 7.1 ± 0.4 7.2 ± 0.4 0.317 Alb (g/dl) 4.2 ± 0.3 4.2 ± 0.2 4.3 ± 0.2 0.191 T-Bil (mg/dl) 0.7 ± 0.3 0.8 ± 0.3 0.8 ± 0.3 0.348
  • 35. AST (U/L) 25.5 ± 10.0 23.8 ± 5.9 26.6 ± 8.6 0.274 ALT (U/L) 25.3 ± 12.9 21.3 ± 10.4 26.3 ± 12.8 0.084 ALP (U/L) 235 ± 81.8 204 ± 51.7 212 ± 59.3 0.022 γ-GTP (U/L) 37.3 ± 25.5 45.6 ± 31.1 41.5 ± 32.8 0.244 LDH (U/L) 194 ± 36.9 200 ± 37.4 196 ± 29.8 0.627 CPK (U/L) 127 ± 94.7 138 ± 99.7 149 ± 76.2 0.368 HDL-C (mg/dl) 50.7 ± 12.4 55.7 ± 13.5 59.6 ± 18.8 0.002 TG (mg/dl) 120 ± 58.7 114 ± 53.9 134 ± 71.5 0.247 LDL-C (mg/dl) 83.4 ± 24.7 107.7 ± 26.3 109.3 ± 27.6 < 0.001 UA (mg/dl) 5.7 ± 1.0 6.2 ± 1.5 5.8 ± 1.3 0.121 BUN (mg/dl) 16.9 ± 4.4 16.5 ± 4.9 16.1 ± 4.0 0.564 Cr (mg/dl) 0.86 ± 0.21 0.90 ± 0.27 0.85 ± 0.22 0.581 Na (mEq/L) 142 ± 2.0 142 ± 1.8 141 ± 1.9 0.014 K (mEq/L) 4.3 ± 0.4 4.3 ± 0.4 4.2 ± 0.3 0.922 CRP (ng/ml) 0.23 ± 0.5 0.15 ± 0.2 0.12 ± 0.2 0.175 BNP (pg/ml) 30.6 ± 53.4 58.9 ± 61.1 16.0 ± 15.9 < 0.001 FBG (mg/dl) 109 ± 25.4 101 ± 12.3 99 ± 15.8 0.007 HbA1C (%) 6.1 ± 0.7 5.7 ± 0.5 5.7 ± 0.5 < 0.001 IRI (µU/ml) 7.9 ± 7.8 9.9 ± 13.8 6.7 ± 4.0 0.199 HOMA-IR 2.1 ± 2.2 2.7 ± 4.5 1.7 ± 1.2 0.242 eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m2) 68 ± 15.6 67 ± 17.6 68 ± 15.6 0.873 Abbreviations: Alb, albumin; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT alanine amino transferase; AST, aspartate amino tranferase; BMI, body mass index; BNP, brain na- triuretic peptide; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CPK, creatine phosphokinase; Cr, creatinine; CRP, C-reactive protein; eGFR, estimate glomerular filtration rate; FBG, fasting blood glucose; HbA1C, hemogrobin A1C; HDL-C, high- density lipoprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model assessment insulin resistance; IHD, ischemic heart disease; IRI, immunoreactive insulin; K, potassium; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; Na, sodium; NCD, non- cardiac heart disease; NIHD, non-ischemic heart disease; T-Bil, total bilirubin; TG, triglyceride; TP, total protein; UA, uric
  • 36. acid; WBC, white blood cell; γ-GTP, gamma- glutamyl transpeptidase Values are presented as mean ± SD except for categorical variables. P value was calculated using the chi-squared test for categorical values and using the one-way ANOVA for continuous values. H. Ezaki, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27 21 FGBT in 200 patients who regularly attended Tokorozawa Heart Center, a cardiovascular center in Saitama, Japan. We also assessed the difference in the results of the FGBT between patients with disease and healthy volun- teers, compared with HOMA-IR, a widely used indicator for IR, as the primary outcome, and we evaluated the relationship between the results of the FGBT and known residual risk factors for cardiovascular disease as the secondary outcome. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Study population Two hundred patients who regularly attended Tokorozawa Heart Center, a cardiovascular center in Saitama, Japan, were included. Tokorozawa Heart Center is a regional secondary emergency
  • 37. medical facility with 30 beds that specializes in treating cardiovascular disease and primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. The 200 patients included 100 ischemic heart disease (IHD) pa- tients, 50 non-ischemic heart disease (NIHD) patients, and 50 non- cardiac lifestyle-related disease (NCD) patients (see Fig. 1). The NIHD patients mainly had arrhythmia or non-ischemic heart failure; they were confirmed to have no coronary diseases using coronary angio- graphy or computed tomography before their inclusion in this study. The NCD patients were those with lifestyle-related diseases, such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and DM, who regularly attended our hos- pital to manage their risk factors; they were confirmed to have no or- ganic heart disease using echocardiography before their inclusion in this study. Fig. 2. The difference in the value of C120 and HOMA-IR between the HV group and disease group. A: The difference in the mean value of C120 (mmol/h) between the HV group and disease group. There was a significant difference between the 2 groups (p < 0.001). The P value was calculated using Student’s t-test. B: The difference in the mean value of HOMA-IR between the HV group and disease group. There was a significant difference between the 2 groups (p = 0.020). The P value was calculated using Student's t-test. Logarithmic transformation
  • 38. was conducted before analyzing HOMA-IR using Student's t- test. C: The difference in the mean value of C120 (mmol/h) between the HV group and each disease profile. The value of C120 was significantly higher in the HV group than in any disease profile (IHD group, NIHD group, and NCD group: p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p < 0.001 respectively). The P value was calculated using a one-way analysis of variance. The P value between 2 groups was calculated using Scheffe's method to analyze C120. D: The difference in the mean value of HOMA- IR between the HV group and each disease profile. There were no significant differences between the HV group and IHD group or between the HV group and NCD group (p = 0.122, p = 1.000 respectively). The value of HOMA-IR was significantly lower in the HV group than in the NIHD group (p = 0.018). The P value was calculated using a one-way analysis of variance. The P value between 2 groups was calculated using Bonferroni's method for analyzing HOMA-IR. HV = healthy volunteer; IHD = ischemic heart disease; NIHD = non-ischemic heart disease; NCD = non-cardiac disease; C120 = 13C excretion rate at 120 min; HOMA-IR = homeostatic model assessment insulin re- sistance. H. Ezaki, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27 22 The exclusion criteria were (1) < 20 years old or ≥85 years old, (2) acute coronary syndrome, (3) end-stage renal disease (including
  • 39. pa- tients receiving hemodialysis), (4) type 1 DM, (5) pregnant or may become pregnant, (6) shock vitals, (7) scheduled to undergo surgery or endoscopic therapy within three months and required to stop anti- platelet therapy, and 8) doctor in charge objected to the patient’s par- ticipation. We used the data of 40 healthy volunteers (HV group) for a com- parison with the disease group (combined IHD group, NIHD group, and NCD group). These data had been obtained in our previous study [3]. 2.2. Outcome evaluation and ethical considerations The FGBT and fasting blood collection were performed in every patient. The primary outcome was the difference in the value of C120 (see details below) using the FGBT and HOMA-IR between the disease groups and HV group. The secondary outcomes were the relationship between the known coronary risk factors and the value of C120. This study was registered with the University Hospital Medical Information Network-Clinical Trials registry (UMIN-CTR number: UMIN000025662). The Ethics Committee of Tokorozawa Heart Center (Registration Number: 1504) and The Jikei University School of Medicine (Registration Number: 18–188 [4850], 28–105 [8348])
  • 40. ap- proved this study protocol, which was in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and all patients gave their written informed consent to participate. 2.3. FGBT The FGBT was performed at 6:00 a.m. in an overnight fasting state (last meal: 21:00). First, patients took 100 mg of glucose labeled with 13C orally after having a control breath sample collected. Two hours later, at rest, patients had their breath sample taken again. 13C- glucose was created by replacing all carbon atoms with 13C. The 13C- glucose used in this study was D-Dlucose-U-13C6 (13C: 99 atom%; Chlorella Industry Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Breath samples were mailed to the Department of Laboratory Medicine, The Jikei University School of Medicine. The 13CO2-to- 12CO2 ratio was measured using a carbon di- oxide carbon isotope ratio analyzer/spectral analyzer POC one (Otsuka Electronics Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan.). We then calculated the 13C ex- cretion rate (mmol/h) using the 13CO2-to 12CO2 ratio and patient’s body surface area.
  • 41. Our previous study demonstrated that the area under the curve until 360 min (AUC360) of the 13C excretion kinetic curve after the ingestion of labeled glucose reflected the efficiency of glucose metabolism in the liver [3]. The 13C excretion rate reached a maximum at 120 min after the start of FGBT and the 13C excretion rate at 120 min (C120) showed a strong correlation with the AUC360 value [3]. Furthermore, in addition to the AUC360 value [3], the C120 value showed high diagnostic accu- racy in the detection of hepatic IR. Because an AUC360 study is time consuming and difficult to perform for large numbers of patients, we used the C120 value to evaluate the hepatic IR of patients in this study. 2.4. Biochemical parameters Venous blood was collected in a fasting state. A complete blood count, parameters reflecting the liver and renal function, serum lipid profile, FBG, fasting immunoreactive insulin levels, hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C), C-reactive protein, and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) were analyzed. HOMA-IR was calculated by the following equation: HOMA- IR = (FBG × immunoreactive insulin levels)/405.
  • 42. 2.5. Statistical analyses Categorical variables are presented as the frequency (%). A chi- squared test was used to compare the distribution of categorical vari- ables among groups. Differences in C120 values among groups were compared using Student’s t-test, while differences in the HOMA-IR value were compared using Student’s t-test, after logarithmic transfor- mation. Quantitative variables were presented as the mean and stan- dard deviation. A parametric analysis was performed when nonpara- metric parameters showed a parametric distribution after logarithmic transformation. Nonparametric analyses were performed for nonpara- metric parameters after logarithmic transformation. Differences in the distribution of quantitative variables among three groups were assessed using a one-way analysis of variance. When a significant difference was identified among three groups, Bartlett’s test was used to test the homogeneity of variance. Differences between two groups were com- pared using the Scheffe test if the variables had equal variance or Bonferroni’s correction if the variables did not have equal variance. The correlation between C120 and quantitative variables was assessed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient if a variable was
  • 43. parametrically dis- tributed and by Spearman’s correlation coefficient if a variable was not parametrically distributed. A multiple regression analysis was performed to analyze variables that had a significant correlation with C120. We calculated the variance inflation factor (VIF) to measure the degree of multi- collinearity in the multiple regression analysis. VIFs were calculated by taking a predictor and regressing it against all other predictors in the model. A high cor- relation with other predictors was represented by a VIF value of > 5, Table 2 Differences in glucose metabolism parameters between HV group and disease group. HV group (n = 62) Disease group (n = 200) P value vs. HV group P value between groups IHD (n = 100) P value vs. HV group NIHD (n = 50) P value vs. HV group NCD (n = 50) P value vs. HV group C120 (mmol/h) 0.345 ± 0.05 0.247 ± 0.06 *P < 0.001 0.245 ± 0.06 P < 0.001 0.244 ± 0.06 P < 0.001
  • 44. 0.255 ± 0.06 P < 0.001 P < 0.001 HOMA-IR 1.0 ± 0.4 2.2 ± 2.8 *P < 0.001 2.1 ± 2.2 P = 0.122 2.7 ± 4.5 P = 0.018 1.7 ± 1.2 P = 1.000 P = 0.020 Abbrevations: HbA1C, hemogrobin A1C; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model assessment insulin resistance; HV, healthy volunteer; IHD, ischemic heart disease; NCD, non- cardiac heart disease; NIHD, non-ischemic heart disease. Values are presented as mean ± SD. P value was calculated using oneway ANOVA. P value between 2 groups was calculated using the Scheffe's method for analyzing C120. P value between 2 groups was calculated using the Bonferroni's method for analyzing HOMA-IR. * P value was calculated using Student's t test. Logarithmic transformation was conducted before analyzing HOMA-IR using Student's t test. H. Ezaki, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27 23
  • 45. while no correlation with other predictors was represented as a VIF value of 1. The correlations between HOMA-IR and quantitative vari- ables were analyzed in the same way as C120 after logarithmic trans- formation of HOMA-IR. Two-sided P values of < 0.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance. The descriptive assessments and statistical analyses were performed using STATA/IC 15.1 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX, USA). 3. Results We were able to obtain FGBT data and biochemical parameters from all participants. The patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. The value of C120 in the disease group was significantly lower than in the HV group (0.245 ± 0.06 vs. 0.345 ± 0.05p < 0.001, Fig. 2A). Al- though there were no significant differences in the value of C120 among the IHD, NIHD, and NCD groups (Table 1), the value of C120 in each disease group (IHD group, NIHD group, and NCD group) was sig- nificantly lower than in the HV group (0.245 ± 0.06 vs. 0.345 ± 0.05p < 0.0001, 0.244 ± 0.05 vs. 0.345 ± 0.05p < 0.0001, 0.255 ± 0.06 vs. 0.345 ± 0.05p = 0.0008, respectively; Table 2, Fig. 2C). Although the value of HOMA-IR in the
  • 46. overall disease group was significantly higher than in the HV group (2.2 ± 2.8 vs. 1.0 ± 0.4p = 0.020, Fig. 2B), there were no significant differences between the values in the IHD and NCD groups and the HV group (1.0 ± 0.4 vs. 2.1 ± 2.2, p = 0.122, 1.0 ± 0.4 vs. 1.7 ± 1.2, p = 1.000, respectively; Table 2, Fig. 2D). The value of C120 was significantly lower in men (p = 0.024, Table 3) and DM patients (p < 0.001, Table 3) than female and non- DM patients, respectively. The value of C120 significantly correlated with the body mass index (BMI) (r = −0.205 p < 0.001), white blood cell (r = −0.209 p = 0.004), hemoglobin (r = −0.139 p = 0.049), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (r = −0.201 p < 0.001), HDL-C (r = 0.144 p = 0.042), C-reactive protein (r = −0.195 p = 0.006), FBG (r = −0.360 p < 0.001), HbA1C (r = −0.323 p < 0.001), and HOMA-IR (r = −0.145 p = 0.040) (Table 3). We performed a multiple regression analysis of these parameters, and only HbA1C was an in- dependently significant predictor of C120, as shown in Table 4. We also examined the relationship between HOMA-IR and these parameters. The HOMA-IR value was significantly higher in dyslipidemia patients than patients without dyslipidemia (p = 0.020), but there was no sig- nificant difference between DM and non-DM patients (p = 0.304; Table 5). The HOMA-IR significantly correlated with the age
  • 47. (r = −0.184 p = 0.009), BMI (r = 0.447 p < 0.001), white blood cell (r = 0.213 p = 0.003), hemoglobin (r = 0.231 p = 0.001), total bilir- ubin (r = −0.140 p = 0.049), alanine amino transferase (r = 0.324 p < 0.001), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (r = 0.197 p = 0.005), lactate dehydrogenase (r = −0.177 p = 0.012), HDL-C (r = −0.432 p < 0.001), triglyceride (r = 0.410 p < 0.001), BNP (r = −0.190 p = 0.007), and HbA1C (r = 0.185 p = 0.009) (Table 5). The results of the multiple regression analysis showed that the BMI (p < 0.001), HDL-C (p = 0.004), and triglyceride (p = 0.007) were independently significant predictors of the HOMA-IR (Table 6). 4. Discussion 4.1. Discussion In this study, we performed the FGBT in patients who had cardio- vascular disease or lifestyle-related disease requiring medication in an actual clinical setting. The FGBT results (value of C120) in these patients was significantly lower than in HVs. There were no significant differ- ences in the value of C120 among the three disease groups, suggesting that the value of C120 was already low in the patients with lifestyle- related diseases who had not yet developed cardiovascular
  • 48. disease. Regarding HOMA-IR, there was no significant difference in the value between the IHD group and HV group or between the NCD group and HV group. Although the value of C120 in the patients receiving medical intervention with lifestyle-related disease (i.e. the NCD group) was si- milarly low in the NIHD and IHD groups, the HOMA-IR in the NCD and IHD group did not differ significantly from that in the HV group. These findings suggested that C120 is a more sensitive indicator for risk management than HOMA-IR in the early clinical stage. The value of C120 was significantly related to the gender, prevalence of DM, BMI, WBC, hemoglobin, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, HDL- C, C-reactive protein, FBG, HbA1C, and HOMA-IR. This suggested that Table 3 Differences in C120 about categorical variables and correlation between C120 and quantitative variables. P value categorical variables (+) (−) Male gender 0.242 ± 0.057 0.265 ± 0.071 0.024
  • 49. Hypertension 0.246 ± 0.051 0.249 ± 0.070 0.732 Dyslipidemia 0.242 ± 0.062 0.256 ± 0.058 0.113 Diabetes 0.224 ± 0.057 0.256 ± 0.060 < 0.001 ischemic heart disease 0.245 ± 0.064 0.249 ± 0.058 0.574 non-ischemic heart disease 0.243 ± 0.055 0.249 ± 0.063 0.535 quantitative variables correlation coefficient Age −0.008 0.911 BMI −0.205 0.004 WBC −0.209 0.003 hemoglobin −0.139 0.005 platelet 0.106 0.135 TP −0.058 0.412 Alb 0.038 0.594 T-Bil 0.049 0.488 AST −0.002 0.982 ALT −0.070 0.327 ALP −0.075 0.293 γ-GTP −0.201 0.004 LDH 0.080 0.263 CPK 0.024 0.737 HDL-C 0.144 0.042 TG −0.036 0.614 LDL-C −0.060 0.403 UA −0.009 0.896 BUN −0.079 0.269 Cr −0.014 0.850 Na −0.030 0.676 K 0.132 0.063 CRP −0.195 0.006 BNP −0.037 0.601 FBG −0.360 < 0.001 HbA1C −0.323 < 0.001 IRI −0.101 0.155
  • 50. HOMA-IR −0.145 0.040 eGFR −0.053 0.454 Abbrevations: Alb, albumin; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT alanine amino transferase; AST, aspartate amino tranferase; BMI, body mass index; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CPK, creatine phosphokinase; Cr, creatinine; CRP, C-reactive protein; eGFR, estimate glomerular filtration rate; FBG, fasting blood glucose; HbA1C, hemogrobin A1C; HDL-C, high-density li- poprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model assessment insulin re- sistance; IHD, ischemic heart disease; IRI, immunoreactive insulin; K, po- tassium; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; Na, sodium; NCD, non-cardiac heart disease; NIHD, non-ischemic heart disease; T-Bil, total bilirubin; TG, triglyceride; TP, total protein; UA, uric acid; WBC, white blood cell; γ-GTP, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. Vaalues are presented as mean ± SD of C120 in the colums of categorical variables. P value was calculated using the Student's t test in categorical variables. Correlation coefficient and p value were calculated using Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient if parameters were parametrically distributed and using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient if parameters were not
  • 51. parametrically distributed. Logarithmic transformation was conducted if needed. H. Ezaki, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27 24 the results of the FGBT were related to the residual risk factors based on the IR. A multivariate analysis showed that HbA1C was the independent predictor of C120. That meant that DM was the factor most influential on the value of C120. Therefore, to identify the predictors of C120 in the non-DM state, we performed a multivariate analysis in the patients whose HbA1C were less than 6.2% (Table S7). The multiple regression analysis showed that the gender and BMI were independent predictors for C120. In contrast, HOMA-IR, which is widely used as an indicator of IR, showed no significant relationship with HbA1C according to a multiple regression analysis, but it was shown to be significantly related to the BMI, HDL-C, and triglyceride. This result was unchanged in the setting of non-DM patients (Table S8). These results suggested that both the FGBT and HOMA-IR were correlated with the residual risk factors of ischemic heart disease, but the FGBT was presumably related to
  • 52. glucose metabolism disorders based on IR, whereas HOMA-IR was related to dyslipidemia based on IR. Although HOMA-IR is widely used for diagnosing IR and DM [6], the value of HOMA-IR in the Japanese population is reportedly lower than that in Caucasian populations, both in a healthy state and in an insulin-resistant state [5]. Therefore, false negative cases are more frequent in Japanese patients using global standard reference values of HOMA-IR. In addition, the reliability of HOMA-IR was reported to be reduced when the FBG level was > 140 mg/dl [7]. Using HOMA-IR to diagnose glucose metabolism disorders for Japanese patients requires close attention and care because of these problems. HOMA-IR was re- ported to have an inverse correlation with BNP [8]. Although the same inverse correlation was seen in this study (n = 200 r = −0.190 p = 0.007), HOMA-IR was significantly higher than in the HV group only in the NIHD group (Fig. 2D). Many patients with IR were pre- sumably included, even among heart failure patients, although only the relationship between BNP and HOMA-IR was an inverse correlation. BNP itself may reduce the value of HOMA-IR through several proposed
  • 53. mechanisms [8]. According to this theory, the IR may be under- estimated in the NIHD group when evaluated by HOMA-IR because the BNP was significantly higher in the NIHD group than in the other groups. On the other hand, the value of C120 did not correlate with the BNP, so an underestimation of hepatic IR might not occur in the NIHD group when they are evaluated by the FGBT. The cut-off values of C120 for diagnosing IR and DM differed be- tween genders in our previous study. The cut-off value of C120 for di- agnosing IR in men was 0.285 mmol/h (sensitivity 84.6%, specificity 84.2%) whereas that in women was 0.323 mmol/h (sensitivity 88.9%, specificity 85.7%). The cut-off value of C120 for diagnosing DM in men was 0.261 mmol/h (sensitivity 100%, specificity 94.7%) whereas that in women was 0.308 mmol/h (sensitivity 100%, specificity 95.2%). In this study, the average value of C120 in women was low (0.265 ± 0.071), as was that in non-DM women (0.277 ± 0.075), compared to our previous study. This result seems to suggest that the value of C120 was low in patients with cardiac disease or lifestyle-re- lated disease. The multivariate analysis showed that gender was not a significant predictor of the value of C120 in DM patients who required
  • 54. medical treatment in this study. Given this finding, the FGBT might not be suitable for diagnosing patients receiving medical intervention, al- though it may be suitable for evaluating the effects of lifestyle im- provement or exercise. To clarify this issue, chronological data are needed. A cohort study rather than a non-cross-sectional study should be performed. Mizrahi, et al. reported that the breath test using 13C-glucose re- liably assessed the changes in the liver glucose metabolism, and the degree of IR evaluated using the HOMA-IR and the OGTT [9]. Hussain, et al. reported that the 13CO2 appearance in exhaled breath following a standard OGTT with 13C-glucose provided a valid surrogate index of the whole-body glucose disposal rate as measured by the golden standard hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp, with good accuracy and precision [10]. Maldonado-Hernandez, et al. also reported that the breath test using 13C-glucose for adolescents was a suitable method for IR screening with a reasonable sensitivity and specificity [11]. In those studies, 13C-glucose was used to perform the 75-g OGTT, and frequent breath sampling was needed in order to measure the area under the curve of the 13C excretion rate. In contrast, our
  • 55. method (i.e. FGBT) requires only a small amount of glucose (100 mg) and 2 breath samples (baseline and 2 h after taking glucose), making it easy and simple for patients to perform. We previously reported that the diag- nostic ability of the FGBT using C120 was equivalent to that of the FGBT using the AUC360 required 10 breath samples [3]. In actual clinical settings, the FGBT using C120 is far easier on patients than that using the AUC360. The reports mentioned above using the OGTT involved eva- luations in a small number of HVs, and there have been no reports involving the breath test using glucose in patients with cardiovascular disease or lifestyle-related disease in actual clinical settings. This study showed that patients with lifestyle-related diseases already had a low value of C120 before developing cardiac disease, suggesting that the FGBT is feasible for the management of risk factors. Several methods for evaluating IR exist, but most require a blood sample and are relatively invasive. The FGBT is a noninvasive and simple method that is correlated with residual risk factors of cardio- vascular disease, including glucose metabolism disorders, BMI, dysli- pidemia (low-HDL cholesterolemia), and inflammation. The
  • 56. FGBT is presumably useful for managing the risk factors in patients with car- diovascular disease and lifestyle-related disease. 4.2. Limitations Several limitations associated with the present study warrant men- tion. Our present study was a single-center study, which might have caused selection bias. In addition, the study periods differed between the disease group (present study) and HV group (previous study). This difference in study period may have affected the results. However, the FGBT is still a simple test, and we used the same method and machine to measure the value of C120 in the same place using 13C-glucose pro- duced by the same company. We therefore believe that there was no issue with comparing the data obtained in the present study to those Table 4 Results of the multiple regression analysis of C120. Coefficient Standard error P value 95% confidential interval VIF Male gender −0.020 0.012 0.093 −0.044 to 0.003 1.53 BMI −0.002 0.002 0.186 −0.005 to 0.001 1.35 WBC −3.3exp(−6) 2.9exp(−6) 0.256 −9.0exp(−6) to 2.4exp(−6)
  • 57. 1.26 γ-GTP −0.005 0.008 0.481 −0.020 to 0.010 1.26 HbA1C −0.027 0.007 < 0.001 −0.041 to −0.013 1.18 hemogrobin −0.001 0.003 0.862 −0.007 to 0.006 1.58 HOMA-IR −0.0002 0.006 0.981 −0.013 to 0.012 1.48 HDL-C −0.005 0.020 0.815 −0.034 to 0.043 1.53 Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; exp, exponential function; HbA1C, hemogrobin A1C; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model assessment insulin resistance; WBC, white blood cell; VIF, variance inflation factor; γ-GTP, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase Logarithmic transformation was conducted before analyzing if needed. H. Ezaki, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27 25 from our previous study. This study was a cross-sectional study, so longitudinal studies may be needed in order to clarify whether or not the FGBT can predict the cardiovascular disease onset risk. 5. Conclusions The value of C120 was significantly lower in the IHD group, NIHD group, and NCD group than in the HV group, in contrast to findings
  • 58. concerning HOMA-IR. The value of C120 significantly correlated with the glucose metabolism, BMI, dyslipidemia, and inflammation. Our observations suggest that the FGBT is a useful test for managing car- diovascular risk factors. Declaration of Competing Interest The authors have read the journal’s policy on conflicts of interest and have none to declare in association with this manuscript. All au- thors have read the journal’s authorship agreement and have reviewed and approved this manuscript. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Ms. Ristuko Nakayama, a technician in the Department of Laboratory Medicine of The Jikei University School of Medicine, for measuring all of the FGBT samples and for her fast and accurate work. We also thank the outpatient medical clerks of Tokorozawa Heart Center, especially Ms. Yuki Kusama the chief out- patient medical clerk, for their kind support. This research was supported by The Jikei University Research Fund for Graduate Students and supported in part by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of
  • 59. Science (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP16H03044) and a research grant from the Uehara Foundation and the Research Program on Hepatitis of the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, AMED (Grant Numbers JP18fk0210009 and JP18fk0310112). Appendix A. Supplementary data Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https:// References [1] P. Libby, The forgotten majority: unfinished business in cardiovascular risk re- duction, J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 46 (7) (2005) 1225–1228. [2] I. Saito, Y. Kokubo, K. Yamagishi, H. Iso, M. Inoue, S. Tsugane, Diabetes and the risk of coronary heart disease in the general Japanese population: the Japan Public Health Center-based prospective (JPHC) study, Atherosclerosis 216 (1) (2011) 187–191. [3] K. Tanaka, T. Matsuura, D. Shindo, Y. Aida, Y. Matsumoto, K. Nagatsuma, M. Saito, H. Ishii, H. Abe, F. Tanaka, T. Shimada, K. Nakada, K. Ikewaki, Y. Aizawa, H. Tajiri, M. Suzuki, Noninvasive assessment of insulin resistance in the liver using the fasting (13)C-glucose breath test, Transl. Res. 162 (3) (2013) 191–200.
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  • 61. CPK −0.104 0.144 HDL-C −0.432 < 0.001 TG 0.410 < 0.001 LDL-C 0.096 0.175 UA 0.105 0.138 BUN −0.014 0.848 Cr 0.115 0.106 Na −0.013 0.857 K −0.061 0.394 CRP 0.136 0.055 BNP −0.190 0.007 FBG 0.381 < 0.01 HbA1C 0.186 0.009 IRI 0.968 < 0.001 eGFR −0.049 0.493 Abbreviations: Alb, albumin; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT alanine amino transferase; AST, aspartate amino tranferase; BMI, body mass index; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CPK, creatine phosphokinase; Cr, creatinine; CRP, C-reactive protein; eGFR, estimate glomerular filtration rate; FBG, fasting blood glucose; HbA1C, hemogrobin A1C; HDL-C, high-density li- poprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model assessment insulin re- sistance; IHD, ischemic heart disease; IRI, immunoreactive insulin; K, po- tassium; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; Na, sodium; NCD, non-cardiac heart disease; NIHD, non-ischemic heart disease; T-Bil, total bilirubin; TG, triglyceride; TP, total protein; UA, uric
  • 62. acid; WBC, white blood cell; γ-GTP, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. Vaalues are presented as mean ± SD of HOMA-IR in the colums of categorical variables. P value was calculated using the Student's t test in categorical variables. Correlation coefficient and p value were calculated using Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient if parameters were parametrically distributed and using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient if parameters were not parametrically distributed. Logarithmic transformation was conducted if needed. Table 6 Results of the multiple regression analysis of HOMA-IR. Coefficient Standard error P value 95% confidential interval VIF Age −0.007 0.005 0.194 −0.017 to 0.003 1.37 BMI 0.065 0.017 < 0.001 0.031 to 0.098 1.31 WBC 8.3exp(−6) 0.00003 0.795 −0.00005 to 0.00007 1.26 hemogrobin 0.005 0.036 0.884 −0.066 to 0.076 1.57 ALT 0.179 0.120 0.137 −0.058 to 0.416 1.65
  • 63. LDH −0.002 0.001 0.166 −0.005 to 0.001 1.19 HDL-C −0.612 0.210 0.004 −1.027 to −0.198 1.47 TG 0.293 0.107 0.007 0.081 to 0.505 1.48 γ-GTP 0.032 0.088 0.713 −0.141 to 0.206 1.43 BNP −0.061 0.048 0.202 −0.156 to 0.033 1.45 HbA1C 0.073 0.077 0.347 −0.080 to 0.226 1.20 Abbreviations: ALT alanine amino transferase; BMI, body mass index; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; exp, exponential function; HbA1C, hemogrobin A1C; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model as- sessment insulin resistance; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; TG, triglyceride; WBC, white blood cell; VIF, variance inflation factor; γ-GTP, gamma- glutamyl trans- peptidase. Logarithmic transformation was used before analyzing if needed. H. Ezaki, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta 500 (2020) 20–27 26
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  • 66. fasting 13C-glucose breath test is a more sensitive evaluation method for diagnosing hepatic insulin resistance as a cardiovascular risk factor than HOMA-IRIntroductionMaterials and methodsStudy populationOutcome evaluation and ethical considerationsFGBTBiochemical parametersStatistical analysesResultsDiscussionDiscussionLimitationsConclusionsmk :H1_13Acknowledgementsmk:H1_16Supplementary dataReferences
  • 67. ORIGINAL ARTICLE Carbon-14 urea breath test: does it work in patients with partial gastric resection? Fuat Dede1,5 • Hüseyin Civen2 • Faysal Dane3 • Mehmet Aliustaoglu4 • Serdar Turhal3 • Halil Turgut Turoglu1 • Sabahat Inanir1 Received: 3 March 2015 / Accepted: 8 July 2015 / Published online: 18 July 2015 � The Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine 2015 Abstract Objective The diagnostic value of Carbon-14 urea breath test (C-14 UBT) in the detection of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection in non-operated patients has been proved. However, the efficacy of C-14 UBT in patients with partial gastric resection (PGR) has not been evaluated yet. Herein, the results of the C-14 UBT and H. pylori stool antigen test (HpSAT) in this patient group were compared with the endoscopic findings.
  • 68. Methods Multi-breath samples C-14 UBT and HpSAT were performed in all patients on the same day. Histology was used as a gold standard for testing C-14 UBT and HpSAT diagnostic efficacies. Results 30 patients (mean age: 54.6 ± 11 year) with PGR were included. The sensitivity and specificity of standard C-14 UBT were 29 and 100 %, respectively. When breath samples were collected at 20th min, and[35 CPM was selected as radioactivity threshold, the sensitivity raised to 86 % without any loss of specificity. The specificity and sensitivity of the HpSAT were 71 and 96 %, respectively. Conclusions The sensitivity of the standard C-14 UBT was very poor for patients with PGR, and results of HpSAT were superior in this population. Certain modifications are needed if C-14 UBT is to be used in PGR patients. Keywords Carbon-14 urea breath test � Stool antigen test � Partial gastrectomy � Gastric cancer � Helicobacter pylori Introduction
  • 69. After the discovery of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in 1982, epidemiologic studies have revealed that it is a very common pathogen in the society that has infected nearly half of the world’s population [1, 2]. Geographic area, age, race, and socioeconomic status determine the prevalence of H. pylori infection [3]. H. pylori plays an important role in the development of duodenal ulcer (responsible for 90–95 % of all duodenal ulcers), atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer (represents nearly 5.5 % of all cancers and 25 % of all infection-related cancers) [4–6]. Because of this, diagnosing this bacteria and thereafter starting multi- drug eradication therapy is important. Invasive (endoscopy, histology, rapid urease test, and culture) and non-invasive [serology, urea breath test (UBT), and H. pylori stool antigen test (HpSAT)] methods are used to diagnose this microorganism [7]. UBT is a very successful method for both initial diag- nosis of H. pylori and monitoring response to treatment [7].
  • 70. The principles and mechanisms of the test are as follows: The labeled urea [with either non-radioactive carbon-13 (C-13) or radioactive carbon-14 (C-14)] in the test material & Fuat Dede [email protected] 1 Department of Nuclear Medicine, Marmara University School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey 2 Nuclear Medicine Clinic, Kocaeli State Hospital, Kocaeli, Turkey 3 Department of Medical Oncology, Marmara University School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey 4 Internal Medicine Clinic, Kartal Dr. Lutfi Kirdar Research and Training Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey 5 Nukleer Tip Anabilim Dali, S.B. Marmara Universitesi Pendik Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi, -1 kat A1 Blok Fevzi Cakmak Mahallesi Mimar Sinan Caddesi No:41 Ustkaynarca,
  • 71. Pendik, Istanbul, Turkey 123 Ann Nucl Med (2015) 29:786–791 DOI 10.1007/s12149-015-1005-3 1005-3&amp;domain=pdf 1005-3&amp;domain=pdf is degraded to carbon dioxide (CO2) and ammonia with the presence of urease, an enzyme that is synthesized by H. pylori. The labeled CO2 is then absorbed from gastric mucosa and exhaled. The detection of the labeled CO2 in the exhaled breath confirms the diagnosis of H. pylori. C-14 UBT is a cheap and rapid test that does not require a test meal [8]. On the other hand, the need for authorized centers for handling radioactive material and transport problems limit its usage. Since C-13 is a stable isotope, it can be safely used in children and childbearing women. The major disadvantage of C-13 UBT is its higher cost.
  • 72. The risk of developing cancer in the residual stomach is increased in patients who underwent partial gastric resec- tion (PGR) due to benign (ulcer, etc.) or malignant causes [9–11]. The incidence of gastric stump cancer reached up to 2 % in this group [12]. As in non-operated patients, atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, and finally gastric cancer are closely related with the H. pylori infection in PGR patients [1]. Therefore, these high-risk cases should be screened for H. pylori, and eradication therapy should be given when the infection is detected [9– 11]. The importance of UBT in patients without history of gastric surgery is undebatable [13, 14]. However, studies with C-13 UBT showed that with its relatively low sensi- tivity and specificity rates (77 and 89 %, respectively), the test failed to meet the expectations after PGR [15–18]. Decreased gastric volume, decreased bacterial load, rapid gastric emptying, and increased gastric pH could be
  • 73. responsible for the failure of the C-14 UBT in partially gastrectomized patients [17, 19, 20]. Certain modifications were recommended in order to suppress the effects of these factors. On the other hand, the diagnostic performance of C-14 UBT in this patient group has not been fully inves- tigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the perfor- mance of the standard and modified C-14 UBT and to compare results with HpSAT and endoscopy in patients with PGR. Materials and methods Patients A total of 30 gastric cancer patients (F/M = 8/22; mean age = 54.6 ± 11 years; range = 30–74 years) with PGR were included in this prospective study. Billroth II pro- cedure was performed in 26 patients (87 %), Roux-en-Y anastomosis in 3 patients (10 %), and wedge resection was done in one case (3 %). The pathology was reported as adenocarcinoma in all but two patients (94 %). Gas-
  • 74. trointestinal stromal tumor was the diagnosis in one patient (3 %) and maltoma in the other one (3 %). Patients who received eradication therapy for H. pylori after surgery and patients who were found to have taken medication (bismuth, antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers, and antacids) 4 weeks before the diagnostic tests were excluded from the study. This study was approved by the institutional ethics committee and all patients gave informed consent for participation in the study. Histopathological analysis All patients underwent postoperative routine fiber-optic esophagogastroscopy 15 days to 4 weeks (median 2.5 weeks) before the non-invasive tests (C-14 UBT and HpSAT). During procedure, multiple mucosal biopsy samples were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and modified Giemsa. Specimens were examined for the presence of H. pylori. Histology was used as a gold
  • 75. standard for testing C-14 UBT and HpSAT diagnostic efficacies. Carbon-14 Urea breath test After an overnight fast, C-14 UBT (Heliprobe � System, Kibion AB, Uppsala, Sweden) was performed for all enrolled patients. After ingestion of 37 kBq (1 lCi) C-14 Urea capsule with 50 mL water, the breath samples were collected at 10th, 20th, and 30th min after ingestion. During this 30-minute C-14 UBT urea reaction period, patients lay on the left side horizontally. The results were expressed as both counts per minute (CPM), and grading [0–1 (negative for H. pylori infection, CPM B 50), and 2 (positive for H. pylori infection, CPM [ 50)] as suggested by the manufacturer. H. pylori stool antigen test (HpSAT) For all cases, HpSAT was performed simultaneously with 14 C-UBT on the same day. H. pylori antigens in feces were investigated by monoclonal antibodies with one-step col-
  • 76. ored immunochromatography (ImmunoCard STAT! HpSA, Meridian Diagnostics Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) technique according to the standard manufacturer recommendations. Statistics Statistical analysis was performed by GraphPad InStat Version 3.00 (GraphPad Software Inc, Sandiego, Califor- nia, USA) and MedCalc Version (MedCalc Soft- ware, Mariakerke, Belgium). Based on analyzed data, Kruskal–Wallis test (non-parametric ANOVA), the Mann– Whitney U-test, Spearman non-parametric correlation, Ann Nucl Med (2015) 29:786–791 787 123 ROC curve analysis, and comparison of ROC curves were used. A p value less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results The interval between the surgery and UBT ranged from
  • 77. 27 days to 21 years (mean = 27.7 ± 47 months; med- ian = 14 months). H. pylori was detected in 7 patients (23.3 %) at follow-up endoscopy. The mean ages of H. pylori positive and negative patients were 53 ± 7 and 55 ± 23 years, respectively. No statistically significant difference in terms of age was detected between these two groups (Mann–Whitney U-test). UBT results With standard C-14 UBT criteria, H. pylori was detected in 2 patients at 10th min, 4 patients at 20th min, and 5 patients at 30th min. The sensitivity rates for each time point were 29, 57, and 71 %, respectively, while the specificity was 100 % for all (Table 1). UBT radioactivity counts (CPM) The C-14 UBT radioactivity counts in non-operated H. pylori (?) patients were reported to change between 69 CPM and 770 CPM (median and mean 269 and 300 CPM, respectively) [21]. When the radioactivity counts in H.
  • 78. pylori positive and negative patients were analyzed sepa- rately, we found that the breath sampling time did not have a statistically significant impact on radioactivity count rates (Kruskal–Wallis test, P [ 0.05, Table 2). When endoscopy was assumed to be the gold standard, the radioactivity thresholds for 10th, 20th, and 30th min were found as [23, [35, and [29 CPM, respectively, by ROC curve analysis (Fig. 1). The sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value (NPV), positive predictive value (PPV), and accuracy are presented in Table 1. Although no sta- tistically significant difference was found between three ROC curves, the best performance was achieved with 20th min breath sampling and radioactivity threshold[35 CPM. HpSAT results It gave true positive results in 5 patients and false-positive result in one patient. The sensitivity and specificity of HpSAT in our study population were 71.4 and 95.7 %, respectively (Table 1). Elapsed time after surgery
  • 79. Although not statistically significant, inverse relation between the prevalence of H. pylori and the elapsed time after surgery was found in partially gastrectomized patients (Spearman non-parametric correlation, r: -0.69, p [ 0.05, Fig. 2). Discussion Regardless of the type and cause of the surgery, patients with PGR are prone to developing gastric cancer [9–11]. Enterogastric reflux and H. pylori colonization in the residual stomach are the main risk factors for the occur- rence of malignancy [16]. In this group of subjects, Table 1 Results of C-14 UBT and HpSAT t a Test Sensitivity Specificity NPV PPV Accuracy Threshold b C-14 UBT 10 [50c 28.6 100 82.1 100 83.3
  • 80. 20 [50c 57.1 100 88.5 100 90 30 [50c 71.4 100 92 100 93 10 [23 85.7 86.9 95.2 66.7 87 20 [35 85.7 100 95.8 100 97 30 [29 71.4 100 92 100 93 HpSAT 71.4 95.7 91.7 83 90 C-14 UBT d and HpSAT 85.7 95.7 95.7 85.7 93.3 Bold values indicate better results NPV negative predictive value, PPV positive predictive value, UBT urea breath test, HpSAT H. pylori stool antigen test a breath sampling time (minute) b counts per minute (CPM) c standard radioactivity threshold d Standard C-14 UBT 788 Ann Nucl Med (2015) 29:786–791 123 screening for H. pylori is important in order to start multi-
  • 81. drug eradication therapy after diagnosis for preventing undesirable consequences. The utility of UBT in normal population has been proved. However, its usage in PGR is controversial due to the reported relatively low sensitivity and specificity rates (77 and 89 %, respectively) [15, 16]. Up to now, all of the studies investigating the performance of UBT in partially gastrectomized patients have used C-13 non-radioactive isotope as screening tool. Although no statistically significant difference in terms of sensitivity and specificity was found between C-13 and C-14 UBT in normal population, the exact results of C-14 UBT in this patient group have not been revealed yet [22]. Herein, we studied multi-breath sample C-14 UBT in patients who underwent distal subtotal gastrectomy due to gastric malign tumors. Similar to previous results obtained with C-13 UBT, very low sensitivity rate (28.6 %) was found for standard C-14 UBT (10th min breath sample and Table 2 Comparison of
  • 82. radioactivity counts at 10th, 20th, and 30th min in H. Pylori (?) and (-) patients 10th min 20th min 30th min p: H. pylori (?) (n:7) 65.1 ± 72 CPM 77 ± 66 CPM 72 ± 58 CPM 0.84* H. pylori (-) (n:23) 15.3 ± 10 CPM 14.3 ± 9 CPM 15.4 ± 8 CPM 0.80* p: 0.0011** <0.0001** 0.0174** p values in bold and italics are statistically significant CPM counts per minute * Kruskal–Wallis test (non-parametric ANOVA) ** Mann–Whitney U-test Fig. 1 ROC curves generated from radioactivity counts belonging to 10th, 20th, and 30th min breath samples Fig. 2 Statistically insignificant inverse relation between the prevalence of H. pylori and the elapsed time after surgery (r: - 0.69, p [ 0.05) Ann Nucl Med (2015) 29:786–791 789 123