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The Middle East State System
Course overview
This course aims to educate students regarding the modern (post–1970) trajectory of US foreign policy in regards the Middle East, and how such
policy has influenced the Middle East state system. Both in recent history and presently, the US role in the region has been pivotal in shaping the
regional system as well as ensuring the stability of the regional status quo. The various interests that drive US foreign policy in the region will be
The US, of course, does not implement its foreign policy in a void, and therefore gaining a background on the regional state and non–state actors that
the US must grapple with is vital. The regional dynamics which affected the US position in the region, such as the Arab Spring, also must be accounted
for in any thorough description of the formulation of US policy.
To account for these factors, the course utilizes both a chronological approach to the historical development of US foreign policy toward the region, as
well as including substantial background on the important regional actors with which the US interacts with. Finally, it includes a select few readings
related to theoretical concepts in International Relations to provide a context for analysis of policy. All these elements should grant students a
well–rounded comprehension of the various factors which influence the Middle East state system and related US foreign policy.
Through this course, students should gain a fuller understanding of the role that the
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Why Did The Persian Gulf War Happen
The Persian Gulf War
The reason why the Persian Gulf War happened needs to go back to what happened after the long lasting war between Iran and Iraq. Iran and Iraq
ministers met in Geneva looking for peace. Saddam Hussein surprisingly was willing to give up the territories that his troops occupied a long time ago
to dissolve the conflict. Just two weeks later, Saddam Hussain accused Kuwait for transporting oil from the Ar–Rumaylah oil field located on their
common border illegally. Kuwait has links with Iraq. In a sense Kuwait was like a kid brother or sister that are kind of from the same family. Iraq had
problem with debt because they borrowed money from many countries due to the war between Iran and Iraq. He used this opportunity to try to clear
his debt by demanding Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to cancel out Iraq's debt. He accused Kuwait to keep oil prices low in an attempt to satisfy Western
oil buying nations in their own interest. Hosni Mubarak was the president at the time and he first tried to start a negotiation between Iraq and Kuwait ...
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When Iraq formally added Kuwait to its own territory United States and other Western nations tried to stop it. The United Nations demanded Iraq
to withdraw their troops from Kuwait Before January 1991 or they are going to view Iraq as a threat and take action. Saddam Hussein refused to
obey and didn't withdraw. This is when the first United States air force planes landed in Saudi Arabia. These planes were filled with troops sent by
NATO allies to guard a possible attack from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia tried to gain Muslim support by declaring a jihad (holy war). When that
didn't work he tried to gain Palestinian support by offering to help with Israeli occupied territory problem if they help evacuate Kuwait. When that
failed he made peace with Iran so that Iraq can fight with all of its
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Persian Gulf War Research Paper
The Persian Gulf War began in August of 1990 and lasted until President George H. W. Bush declared a ceasefire on February 28, 1991. This war
was a result of Iraq invading Kuwait in order to gain control of the Persian Gulf and all trading posts in nearby port cities. Saddam Hussein, the
president of Iraq, believed that invading and seizing control of Kuwait would give him strategical and economical advantages over the other nations in
the region. Once Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Kuwait, President Bush and the leaders of other nations sent troops to prepare for a war to
break out. The Persian Gulf War was a short, four month war between Iraq and the rest of the world for the freedom of Kuwait.
Throughout history the Middle East ... Show more content on ...
Saddam Hussein was not forced out of power mainly because the cease fire treaty was declared by George Bush before the Iraqis were ultimately
defeated (Persian Gulf War, 2009). In the years after the war, U.S. and Britain mandated a no–fly zone over Iraq but the country continued to shoot
down aircrafts. Iraq made every attempt possible to frustrate the U.N. while they attempted to carry out peace terms, like the United Nations weapons
inspections (Persian Gulf War, 2009). Peace terms were very difficult to carry out with Iraq.
The Persian Gulf War had a huge impact on all the countries that were involved. The victory gave the U.S. credibility since the loss in the Vietnam
War (The Gulf War, n.d.). Kuwait's infrastructure and oil fields were a complete wreck (The Gulf War, n.d.). Thousands of people in Kuwait and
Iraq were displaced and wounded, this had a horrible social effect on the region (The Gulf War, n.d.). Iraq also suffered major damage in Basra and
Baghdad. They had to restore their oil economy (The Gulf War, n.d.). Although not much good came out of the war, it left its mark in
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U.s. National Security Strategy
The Way Ahead for American and Iranian Relations: Engaging in a Cold War
Over the past 37 years, Iran has become one of the most complex and stubborn national security strategy issues that the United States has had to deal
with. Once a key U.S. ally in the region, Iran is now a chief protagonist. To complicate matters, recently, the U.S. has found itself simultaneously an
adversary and a quasi–ally of Iran. An example of this duality would be: on one hand, Iran has provided support to terrorist organizations, like
Al–Qaeda, that have attacked the U.S. and its allies. On the other hand, the U.S. has found itself on the same side of the fight with Iran against the
Islamic State of Iraq and al–Sham (ISIS). Now and in the future the U.S. National Security Strategy (NSS) will have to consist of a combination of
diplomatic, economic, and military action, while also partnering with regional and international partners, if the U.S. expects to contain Iran's disruptive
influence and ensure compliance with the brokered nuclear agreement.
In contradiction to U.S. goals, Iran's interest lay in becoming the dominant power in the Persian Gulf region and the Islamic world. It has gone about
this by being a catalyst for much of the turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa. Iran has supported terrorist groups, instigated uprisings in
neighboring countries, pursued a nuclear program and is regarded by some as a threat to global stability and Western Civilization (Barrett, 2012). With
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Mesopotamia And The Persian Gulf
The Ubaid Period 6500 to 3800BC used a distinctive style of painted pottery which spread throughout most of Mesopotamia and the Persian Gulf. The
first settlement in southern Mesopotamia was established at Eridu around 5300BC by farmers who brought with them the first pioneered irrigation of
agriculture. Eridu remained an important religious center when it was gradually surpassed in size by the nearby city of Uruk.
Eridu was a Sumerian city on the coast of the Persian Gulf and was the world's first city where three separate cultures were fused to become the
ancestors of the Sumerians. The peasant Ubaidian farmers living in mud–brick huts and practicing irrigation, the mobile nomadic Semitic animal
herders living in tents and the fisherman who lived in reed huts next to the marshlands. ... Show more content on ...
Conquered by the Semitic speaking kings of the Akkadian Empire in 2350BC, the Sumerian language continued as a sacred language. Native Sumerian
rule re–emerged during the Third Dynasty of Ur in 2112 to 2004BC with the Akkadian language continuing to be used.These Sumerian cities were
headed by a priest–king with their own specific patron god or goddess. In additon the priest–king was assisted by a council of elders that included both
men and women. Uruk became the most urbanized city in the world surpassing for the first time a population of 50,000
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Essay on Comparison between Panama and the United Arab...
I chose to compare the United Arab Emirates to Panama because both countries are experiencing significant economic growth even though many
countries are experiencing problems with the economy. Both countries are located in close proximity to important regional waterways. The United
Arab Emirates has the Straits of Hormuz, while Panama has the Panama Canal. The Strait of Hormuz is a waterway between the Gulf of Oman and the
Persian Gulf. It is bordered by Iran, United Arab Emirates, and Oman Musandam Peninsula. About 20% of all the world's petroleum passes through the
Strait of Hormuz. At its narrowest, it is 21 nautical miles wide. The Strait is used to import and export items into the countries that border the strait, ...
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Since 2008, the economy of the United Arab Emirates has been steadily increasing. In 2012, the economy of the United Arab Emirates grew 4.4%.
Panama also is experiencing a period of significant economic growth. Over the past year, the economy of Panama grew 10%, putting Panama as one
of the fastest growing economies in the Latin American as well as in the world. I believe the reason for such significant economic growth in both
countries is mainly due to import/export of goods through the waterways located by each country. United Arab Emirates had imports totaling 273.5
billion dollars and exports totaling 314 billion in 2012. Panama's imported goods totaled 26.61 billion dollars and exported goods totaled 18.87 billion
dollars in 2012.
The top five products exported from the United Arab Emirates are crude petroleum, refined petroleum, gold, petroleum gas, and raw aluminum. The
top exported product is crude petroleum which accounts for approximately 44% of all exported goods. The top five imported products are jewelry,
refined petroleum, broadcasting equipment, cars, and computers. The top imported good is jewelry, which accounts for approximately 8.1% of all
imported goods. The top five products exported from Panama are antibiotics, refined petroleum, passenger and cargo ships, packaged medicaments, and
crude petroleum. Antibiotics is the top exported good accounting for approximately 28% of all exported goods. The top five products imported into the
country are
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Persian Gulf War Essay
The Persian Gulf War all started because of one country's greed for oil. Iraq accused Kuwait of pumping oil and not sharing the benfits, and Kuwait
was pumping more oil than allowed under quotas set by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, it decreased the price of oil, Iraq's main
export. Iraq's complaints against Kuwait grew more and more harsh, but they were mostly about money. When Iraqi forces began to assemble near the
Kuwaiti border in the summer of 1990, several Arab states tried to intervene the dispute. Kuwait didn't want to look weak so they didn't ask for any
help from the United States or other non–Arab powers for support. Arab mediators convinced Iraq and Kuwait to negotiate their differences in Saudi
Arabia, on ... Show more content on ...
Still other countries made other contributions: Turkey allowed air bases on its territory to be used by coalition planes, and Japan and Germany gave
financial support. The primary goal of the force was to prevent further Iraqi action, but most countries were aware the force might eventually be used to
drive Iraq from Kuwait.
The Iraqis tried to prevent and split the growing international coalition through several means. They made it clear that their adversaries would pay
heavily if war broke out, and they hinted they would use chemical weapons and missile attacks on cities. Iraq also held citizens of coalition countries
who had been in Kuwait at the time of the invasion and said they would be held in militarily camp areas in effect using them as human shields to
prevent coalition attacks. Iraq finally released the last of the foreigners in December 1990 under pressure from several Arab nations. The coalition's
greatest military concern during the closing months of 1990 was that Iraqi forces would attack before coalition forces were fully in place, but no such
attack took place.
On November 29, with coalition forces over whelming in Saudi Arabia and Iraq showing no signs of retreat, the
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The Patriot Missile System: The Persian Gulf War
Scuds on Scope Air Defense had a prominent involvement in The Persian Gulf War. The Patriot missile system demonstrated its effectiveness in
combat in 1990 and United States (U.S.) forces as well as Iraqi forces utilized the Homing All the Way Killer (HAWK) missile system. Air Defense's
considerable involvement in the Persian Gulf War accredited to the developments and capabilities of the Patriot missile system along with the
HAWK missile system's Iraqi dilemma. First of all, The Patriot missile system played a vital role during the Persian Gulf War. The Persian Gulf War
was a short war from 2 August 1990 to 28 February 1991. Colonel Joseph G. Garrett, the 11th Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Brigade Commander was
the Air Defense ... Show more content on ...
Even with these systems at the enemies' hands, they were never able to successfully take down the coalition aircraft. The system has deployed
various times in several conflicts around the globe. "Although HAWK missile batteries were deployed by the U.S. Army during the conflicts in
Vietnam and Persian Gulf, American troops have never fired this weapon in combat"(United, n.d.). The only reason that U.S. troops never engaged
targets, was because there was a lack of need for it. For instance, there were many Scud missile launches during the Persian Gulf War, however Patriot
battalions were in place to defend against Scuds. Meanwhile, HAWK is an Air–Breathing target weapon, which the enemy did not have access to at the
time. The HAWK missile system has a fairly short history compared to many other weapons and Units. At only 35 years of Army service, it was
short lived and underutilized. The missile system spent most of its time in the Army National Guard (ARNG) rather than active service. This was
mainly due to its high mobility and ease of deployment, making it less cost effective to have active component units. HAWK is a highly praised
Surface to Air Missile (SAM) system, but is no longer in the U.S. Army's arsenal. However, countries such as Sweden, Japan and several Asian Pacific
countries are still utilizing
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The Persian Gulf War : Operation Desert Storm
Keerthana Senthil
St. Clair
Afri–Asian 9
19 February 2015
The Persian Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm In August 1990 the leader of Iraq, Saddam Hussein commanded his military to invade Kuwait. Leaving
this to be the first time a United Member Nation had attacked just one of its fellow United Member Nation. Kuwait is a small country located at the
North–Western end of the Persian Gulf, this gulf separates South Western Asia and the Arabian Peninsula. Saddam Hussein was known to be a
ruthless dictator. Refugees fled Kuwait, as many were robbed, assaulted, and looted. According to legends, that Hussein himself accepted, during the
war with Iran he had used poison gas against both Iranian troops and Iraqi civilians because they opposed to his regime (Carlisle 3). With this certain
example we can furthermore comprehend Hussein's brutality and desire for power.
Iraq and Kuwait are both member nations of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and by no doubt were rich from the oil revenue. Iraq
mainly utilized this wealth into constructing a strong army, whereas Kuwait used the money to provide a better quality of life for its citizens. Hussein
had major war–debts that incurred from Iran–Iraq war that he could not pay off. Kuwait seemed to be a good choice for Hussein as the country was a
part of Iraq during the Ottoman Empire and only gained sovereignty in 1961. Furthermore a significant amount Iraq's war debts are from Kuwait.
Seizing Kuwait for Hussein proved
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Interview With My Father: The Persian Gulf War
On September 13, 2015, I had the opportunity to interview my father, Dale Driver, regarding historical events that have taken place in his life. Various
significant historical happenings have taken place and affected him either emotionally or spiritually, including the 2001 terrorist attacks, Space Shuttle
Challenger disaster, fall of the Berlin Wall, and PersianGulf War. However, my father stated that he considers the Persian Gulf War as the most
memorable and directly impactful event. His following retelling of the story illustrated the powerful impacts the Persian Gulf War had on not only the
countries involved, but also himself, his wife, and other United States citizens.
Following Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's accusation that Kuwait unlawfully ... Show more content on ...
Their future, which had recently seemed so perfectly planned out, suddenly was filled with fear and uncertainty. Questions upon questions flooded
their minds. What if Dale is drafted and sent overseas to fight? What if something goes wrong? How do we balance our loyalty to our country with our
loyalty to one another?
The young engaged couple spent many hours crying together and praying together about the dilemma at hand. They felt peace, knowing that God was
in full control of the situation. They could do nothing but wait.
Weeks passed, and the early end to the Persian Gulf War ensured that Dale wouldn't have to leave to be involved in the war. The fighting ceased in
early 1991, and Dale and Monica were married on July 27 of the same year.
Although the war did not end up having extreme direct effects on my father, like he had imagined, it still was a very impactful event. He was
emotionally affected by the possibility of having to leave his fiancГ©e to serve his country. For the following years of his life, my father has
continued to view the Persian Gulf War as one of the most significant and memorable historical events during his
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The Strait Of Hormuz Should Be Completely International...
In the past and present people and goods have and continue to move around the world. Trade has been used to improve lives and countries all around
the world. Passageways, including the Strait of Hormuz, have been used or created to make trade more efficient and cheaper. Waterways have helped
militaries and aid groups create peace in regions. The Strait of Hormuz is different than the Panama and Suez Canals. The Strait of Hormuz should be
completely international waters as it is economically important and a vital military strategic point.
The Strait of Hormuz (also referred to as "the Strait") is located in the Persian Gulf region in the Middle East. The Gulf of Oman leads into the Strait
and through the Strait the Persian Gulf can ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the Strait, its width and depth changes. At different points in the Strait, the width varies from twenty one to fifty two nautical miles (thirty
three to ninety six kilometers) (globalsecurity). The lowest depth is twenty seven fathoms (fifty meters). Due to the shallow depth of the Strait, oil
tankers and cargo ships can only use certain paths to sail through the Strait. Ships can only sail in a ten nautical mile wide section at the narrowest point
("Strait of Hormuz", Briney). These factors limit the number of shipping lanes, which then limits the number of ships able to pass each day.
In the past thousand years, several empires have controlled the Strait. The ancient Greeks and later the Persian Empire used the Strait to conquer the
modern–day Gulf Region. The island of Hormoz, which is controlled today by Iran, was the capital of the Kingdom of Hormuz from the fourteenth to
late sixteenth century. The name Hormuz is derived from the Persian God Hormoz. In the early seventeenth century the Portuguese took control of the
Kingdom of Hormuz. The Strait of Hormuz was named after the city Hormuz on the island of Hormoz (heritageinstitute).
During the different reigns of power, many different supplies, tools, and resources were traded through the Strait. The Persians and ancient Greeks
brought stone and styles of architecture that shaped the later Kingdom of Hormuz. Traders from India and China
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Persian Gulf War Research Paper
The Persian Gulf War was a quick and easy victory for the United States and other coalition countries. From the time that the Coalition used force
against Iraq it only took the coalition a little more than a month to defeat the Iraqi forces. When Operation Desert Storm started Commander H.
Norman Schwarzkopf told his troops "My confidence in you is total; our cause is just. Now you must be the thunder and lightning of Desert Storm"
(Foster 24). Saddam Hussein became president of Iraq in 1979 (Foster 9). The Iran Iraq War lasted from 1980 through 1988. Iran has is seen as the
dominant country in the middle east but has undergone an Islamic Revolution led by ShГa Muslims. Saddam Hussein wanted to be known as the
dominant country in the middle ... Show more content on ...
Desert Sabre was a massive coalition ground attack led by the United States. It started just north of Saudi Arabia into Kuwait and Southern Iraq
("Persian Gulf War." Britannica). The elite Iraqi Republican Guard mounted a defense south of Al
–Basrah in southeastern Iraq, but most were defeated
by February 27. At the same time as Desert Sabre, the United States led forces went into Iraq 120 miles west of Kuwait attacking Iraq's armored
reserves from the rear ("Persian Gulf War" Within three days of Desert, Sabre Kuwait city was taken back by the coalition and
liberated ("Persian Gulf War" President George H.W. Bush declared a ceasefire on February 28, 1991, officially ending the Persian
Gulf War. Iraq finally agreed to recognize Kuwait's sovereignty. Iraq also agreed to get rid of all its weapons of mass destruction. This included
nuclear and chemical weapons. The coalition decided not to remove Saddam Hussein from power leaving him as the leader of Iraq ("Persian Gulf War"
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Persian Gulf War Analysis
The Persian Gulf War started in the year of 1990, and continued until its end in the year of 1991 under the presidency of George H.W Bush.
According to Kevin M. Schultz, "the Vietnam War was the first televised war, but the Persian Gulf War was the first to be televised live" (p. 538). The
Persian Gulf War was mainly in the hands of two countries, them being the Middle Eastern country named Iraq, and the United States. First and
foremost, this conflict started due to Saddam Hussein, who was the dictator of Iraq, tried to invade Kuwait. Subsequently, "Bush feared that Hussein
might threaten American oil supplies" (Schultz, 2015), so therefore the U.S and other nations all decided on an embargo on Iraq. Since Hussein didn't
remove his troops
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US Intervention In The Persian Gulf
On September 11, 1990, President George Herbert Walker Bush outlined the reasons why America had the duty to intervene in the Persian Gulf. On
January 1991, the United States went to war in what was named Operation Desert Storm to stop the dictator Saddam Hussein, who had invaded Kuwait
and was moving towards Saudi Arabia. President Bush believed that the United States, together with other twenty nations, had to put an end to
inhuman behaviors and to aggressions brought upon countries by dictators. America had to maintain its role of economic power in the world and
protect world's precious resources such as oil. It was necessary to help Kuwait's government by making Iraqi forces back down and leave the territory.
In fact, Iraq was putting at sake the security of the Persian Gulf, and something needed to be ... Show more content on ...
In fact, it was in control of 10% of the oil reserves, and Kuwait had precious oil resources too. Oil was an extremely vital resource for the world, and
America could not risk losing it. Moreover, tyranny was not only endangering Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, but all the countries around them. The King
of Saudi Arabia had requested help, and the U.S., along with other nations, had military forces dispatched on the territory, ready for a counterattack.
America called for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait, restoring its legitimate government. Also, the United Nations requested for all hostages of foreign
origins to be released. President Bush made a point that America was not going to be in the territory just temporarily because of its role of protecting,
helping, and defending its friends. In addition, it was important to deter Iraq from creating weapons of mass destruction. The United States, as a great
power, had the duty to act against dictatorships, and since the economic situation was going to be altered, it was crucial to stop Saddam Hussein
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The Persian Gulf War And The Arab War
Persian Gulf War A brief history of the middle east and the nation of Iraq prior to the Persian Gulf War will help explain why the Persian Gulf War
was viewed as necessary by the allied countries. The formation of a coalition of countries, the use of innovative military equipment, and strategic
military operations helped the allied forces secure victory in the Persian Gulf War. The effects of this victory and subsequent conflict have changed
our world as we know it. The Persian Gulf is one of the oldest known trade routes in the world. Conflict is a major issue in that region also. Oil is a
part of the reason there is conflict. Great Britain used to control Iraq because of the oil in the nation. Iraq has been a nation with copious amounts of
border conflicts and wars. Saddam Hussein, who supported the Ba 'athist party, assumed the role of president of Iraq in 1979. In September 1980,
Saddam Hussein ordered his troops into Iran oil fields, thus starting the Iraq–Iran war; another Iraqi conflict; in which Saddam Hussein was fighting
Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a ShД«Кїite who disliked Saddam Hussein. ("Saddam Hussein") Saddam Hussein could be classified as
brutal leader, as he warred against the ethnic groups the Kurds, and the ShД«Кїites. He used biological and chemical weapons while fighting, and
continued to build up his military. ("Saddam Hussein") In 1990, he accused Kuwait of drilling Iraq's crude oil. Hussein also blamed Kuwait and other
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Notes On The Mystery Discoveries
Goal: Slide Show For Real Cool Nation
Word count in this document: 1230
Title: Mystery discoveries
We all love to think about what else could be out there that we don 't know about. We love mysteries. And when we get a glimpse of something
mysterious, we are intrigued and want to learn more. On some special occasions, you get a glimpse of something truly mysterious. For example, in
2013, an Iranian vessel found the dead carcass of an unknown sea creature in the Persian Gulf. Now, three years later, people are still coming up with
theories on what it could be. It has remained an exciting mystery for us all during these past few years.
Let 's take a look at some more mysteries!
Iranian Vessell photo credit: Show more content on ...
At the time it was found, it was floating very close to an oil rig. This might mean something, and it might not at the same time. Whatever this carcass
is, it 's worth looking at and trying to figure out why it died and where it was going.
Huge photo credit:
In most pictures, it 's difficult to realize just how massive this thing is. Here, you can see its enormousness compared to the ship and the people
investigating the mass. It 's huge! It 's crazy to see how big some of the creatures in the ocean are. We don 't always get to see them because they
are always hidden under the water, but when we do get to see them, it 's awesome. The people on this boat must have been thrilled to see a creature
this big so close up and personal! It must have been a very exciting day.
Float photo credit:
When this carcass was found, it was floating just at the top of the water. It would undulate with the flow of the waves as they rocked it. Something
like this appears a little frightening when you see it just floating on top of the water like that. You never know what 's going to be in the ocean and
you never know what you 're going to see next. I know I would have been a little nervous seeing this just float right past my boat! You have to be
careful out there in the depths of the sea, and if I saw this I know I would have my
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Essay on Persian Gulf War
The Persian Gulf is one of the few regions whose importance to the United States is obvious. The flow of Gulf oil will continue to be crucial to the
economic well–being of the industrialized world for the foreseeable future; developments in the Gulf will have a critical impact on issues ranging from
Arab–Israeli relations and religious extremism to terrorism and nuclear nonproliferation. Every president since Richard Nixon has recognized that
ensuring Persian Gulf security and stability is a vital U.S. interest.
The Clinton administration's strategy for achieving this goal during the president's first term was its attempted "dual containment" of Iraq
and Iran. This is more a slogan than a strategy, however, and the policy may... Show more content on ...
Hence no U.S. Gulf policy will satisfy everyone in every respect. That makes it all the more essential that any adjustment in U.S. policy toward Iraq
and Iran be preceded by extensive consultations with friendly Gulf leaders. Inadequate dialogue and unilateral action have caused some insecurity in
the region and weakened trust in U.S. steadfastness.
When the British withdrew from the Persian Gulf in 1971, the United States became the principal foreign power in the region. For almost three
decades it has pursued the goal of preserving regional stability, using a variety of means to that end, particularly regarding the northern Gulf powers of
Iraq and Iran.
At first the United States relied on Iran as its chief regional proxy, supporting the shah's regime in the hope that it would be a source of stability. This
policy collapsed in 1979 with the Iranian Revolution, when Iran switched from staunch ally to implacable foe. During the 1980s, the United States
strove to maintain a de facto balance of power between Iraq and Iran so that neither would be able to achieve a regional hegemony that might threaten
American interests. The United States provided some help to Iraq during the Iran–Iraq War of 1980–88, moved in other ways to counter the spread of
Iranian–backed Islamic militancy, and provided––with Israeli encouragement––some help to Iran,
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The Persian Gulf War Essay example
Wars have been apart of this world almost as long as anything else has. Even in the Bible days there are records of wars. There are many reasons
that states choose to go to war. Sometimes it is for the expansion of a nation or state, other times it is for financial gains, and it also could be for
security or defense purposes. Whatever the case may be, wars have been apart of human life and will always be. There were no differences when it
came to the Persian Gulf War. This war involved the United States, Iraq, and Kuwait. When trying to determine the purpose behind this war I chose to
view it from a comparison of both the realist and liberalist views on the war.
The Case
The Persian Gulf War stemmed from tension over ... Show more content on ...
U.S. and other UN member nations began sending troops to Saudi Arabia within the week and the world – wide coalition began to form under UN
authority. Allied forces bombed the Iraqi military and use ground forces to quickly liberate Kuwait (Grossman, 16).
Realism Theory
Realism tends to focus on the struggle for power between states in an anarchic international system. The major actors of realism are the states
themselves. Realism presents a realistic view of international relations and focuses primarily on how the world is literally, rather than how it ought to
be. Realist believes that states are rational, unitary actors whose aim is to enhance their power and security by all means. There is evidence that Iraq
was a unitary actor who, just as the realists believe, fought in order to enhance its power and security. Though, some could argue that the Persian Gulf
War was justified, there is sufficient evidence that concludes otherwise. Whether or not the public considered the Persian Gulf War justifiable, the main
issue is that it was a battle that resulted in the death of thousands of lives, both soldiers and civilians.
Realist Analysis
The Persian Gulf War was far from being a just war because of all the violence and killings that occurred, while fighting. Evidence proves that the
Persian Gulf War was simply a massacre of Iraqi soldiers and civilians in an all out, no holds bar, battle.
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A Brief Look at the Persian Gulf War
Persian Gulf War, also called Gulf War, (1990
–91), international conflict that was triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990. Iraq's
leader, Saddam Hussein, ordered the invasion and occupation of Kuwait with the apparent aim of acquiring that nation's large oil reserves, canceling a
large debt Iraq owed Kuwait, and expanding Iraqi power in the region1. The Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein claimed as a reason for the invasion a
territorial dispute over the Shatt al–Arab, the waterway which forms the boundary between the two countries2. Saddam Hussein believed that Iran was
in turmoil and that his forces could achieve quick victory3.
Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion and occupation of neighboring Kuwait in early August 1990. Alarmed by these actions, fellow Arab
powers such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt called on the United States and other Western nations to intervene. Hussein defied United Nations Security
Council demands to withdraw from Kuwait by mid–January 1991 and the Persian Gulf War began with a massive U.S.–led air offensive known as
Operation Desert Storm4. After 42 days of relentless attacks by the allied coalition in the air and on the ground, U.S. President George H.W. Bush
declared a cease–fire on February 28; by that time, most Iraqi forces in Kuwait had either surrendered or run away. Though the Persian Gulf War was
initially considered an unqualified success for the international coalition, simmering conflict in the troubled region led
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United Arab Emirates
The gulf country that I chose as my analysis topic is UAE (United Arab Emirates). In this essay I have mentioned touch languages, religions, life style,
economy and political factors. The population of UAE was 9.27 million in 2016, with the GDP of 3.847 billion USD, these statistics show that United
Arab Emirates is a developed and economically strong country situated in Middle East.
United Arab Emirates (UAE) could be a country on the Arabian Peninsula set on the southeastern coast of the Persian Gulf and the northwestern coast
of the Gulf of Muscat and Oman. The UAE consists of seven emirates and was based on a pair of Gregorian calendar month 1971 as a federation. Six
of the seven emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al... Show more content on ...
This is why I chose this country(UAE) as my topic where people from different backgrounds ad cultural value celebrate their differences together.
The United Arab Emirates is home to an upscale cultural heritage that has been powerfully influenced by its distinctive setting. The region's varied
piece of land, desert, oasis, mountains and coast, settled the normal lifestyles that evolved over the centuries. A resilience and resourcefulness
necessary to survive in these harsh conditions was fostered by society's old social group structure: every family was historically sure by obligations of
mutual help to his immediate relatives and to the tribe as well. Among the tribe a personality's unselfish welcome was the supply of his honor and
pride. a standard faith, Islam, conjointly provided the cement that made the society stick together through thick and thin.
The largest group, the Bani Yas, roamed the large sandy areas that cowl most of the emirates of Abu Dhabi and metropolis, also alternative tribes, too,
like the Awamir and Manasir, shared this difficult setting for various generations. All the subtribes and clans were acquainted with wander nice
distances with their camels in search of grazing, moving as entire family units. most Bani Yas
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The Persian Gulf War Essay
The Persian Gulf War
The war in the Persian Gulf was a war of religious favor, cruel leadership, and greed. Desert Storm or more commonly known ass The Golf War was
the same type of war that had accrued in this area for many years except for one fact. In Operation Desert Storm, it was a mix of sophisticated
technology and the combined leadership and cooperation from the coalition that was used to end the war in a quick and timely manner. Which in the
end probably saved thousands of lives.
In 1979 Saddam Hussien took control of Iraq, and immediately made his presence known when he killed 21 of his cabinet members. He wanted to
make his country whole once again. So in 1990 he invaded Kuwait and in less than ... Show more content on ...
The names of a few of the major countries were Australia, Canada, Czechoslovakia, and Italy. The war was financed by countries that were unable to
send in troops. More than 53 billion was pledged. Saudi Arabia and southern Kuwait were the largest donors. Switzerland also contributed to the allies,
after being neutral during both World War I and World War II.
The largest tank battle in the war conclusively showed the superiority of the coalition's tanks new technology that allowed them to attach at an
impossible distance where they were basically immune from Iraq fire. Another benefit to the new technology was the new types of metal they were
making the tanks out of. It was strong and most importantly light which was necessary for maneuverability reasons. As a whole, the battles showed that
the coalition clearly out classed the tactics of the Iraq's emphasized pitched engagements and linear movements as they had been taught by there soviet
leaders. In the entire Gulf War Iraq lost around 4,000 tanks and the coalition lost only 4. This quote states the truth about the situation inDesert Storm.
"Iraq went from the fourth largest army in the world to the second biggest army in Iraq in 100 hours." Said Lieutenant General Tom Kelly.
On the final night of the war, within hours of the cease fire, two United States Air Force bombers
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U.s. Involvement During The Persian Gulf War
.Mohammadamin Montazer
Mr. Kanna
U.S. History, period 1
29 May 2015
U.S. Involvement in 1st Persian Gulf War
"One of the good things about the way the Gulf War ended in 1991 is, you 'd see the Vietnam veterans marching with the Gulf War veterans" (George
H. W. Bush). President Bush stated that the PersianGulf War was not fully supported by the soldiers who fought in the war. Gulf War veterans
marched like Vietnam veterans because they also viewed the war as unjustified. Persian Gulf War veterans would say, "American soldiers lost their
lives' for oil." The first Persian Gulf War started from August 2, 1990 and ended on February 28, 1991. This war began by the invasion of Kuwait by
Iraq. During this invasion some of the oil fields of Kuwait were set on fire and some of the oil spilled to the Persian Gulf. The Persian Gulf was the
oil supplier for western countries. So anything happened to the Persian Gulf, the western countries will naturally react. The factors that led to The
United States' involvement in the first Persian Gulf War included Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, his control over a sizable share of the
world's oil reserves and his power over the economies of the world. Many Americans believe that the first Persian Gulf War was not necessary for the
United States.
On August 2, 1990, Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, attacked Kuwait as a result of overproduction of oil in Kuwait, which had cost Iraq an estimated
$14 billion a year when oil process of obtaining the
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Causes and Effects of the Persian Gulf War Essay
Causes and Effects of the Persian Gulf War
The Persian Gulf War, often referred to as Operation Desert Storm, was perhaps one of the most successful war campaigns in the history of warfare.
Saddam Hussein, leader of Iraq, invaded Kuwait in 1990. In 1991, after weeks of air strikes, US ground forces entered Iraq and Kuwait and eliminated
Iraqi presence in 60 hours.
Why Would Iraq invade Kuwait?
Kuwait supplies much of the world's oil supplies, and when Hussein invaded Kuwait, he controlled 24% of the world's oil supplies (O'Hara). Though
this is a good reason, it is not the only one. Iraq's real excuse for annexing Kuwait was that he believed that Kuwait was producing more oil than it was
supposed to, taking out of Iraq's ... Show more content on ...
Just before the United States began air strikes over Iraq, Hussein decided to test his new weapon on the city of Iraq. Little damage was caused, but it
just was another excuse for the United States to attack (NSA).
What happened after the Persian Gulf War?
"Because the world would not look the other way...tonight, Kuwait is free." Those were the words of President Bush after the end of OperationDesert
Storm. Though free, Kuwait was a war torn country. While Iraqi troops were retreating, they set fire to many of the Kuwait oil fields causing a
constant blaze. Along with a defeat, Iraq has to accept strict cease–fire terms set on by the UN. They include No–Fly–Zones on the north and south
borders of Iraq, frequent military inspections, destroy all chemical and ballistic missiles in its possession, and stop any nuclear weapons programs
Though only about 367 Americans died in this war, about 160 of them were from friendly fire, which is when someone is killed by their own country
on accident. This is because of the new "high–tech" weapons where at times, only infrared light can be read, making it impossible to decipher which
is friend or foe (Friendly Fire).
After the war, many of the soldiers who fought developed what is known as Gulf War Syndrome. Speculation is that the cause may be chemical or
biological weapons used, but nothing has ever been confirmed (Brown).
Towards the beginning
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Comparing Military Operations In Vietnam War, Persian Gulf...
The ways in which the United States has conducted its military operations since becoming an independent nation has largely depended upon the
overall political and military objectives of each individual conflict. The United States first three hot wars after the end of World War II display the
marked difference in US objectives and the operations used to achieve them better than any other modern wars in which American troops participated.
By and large the Korean War, Vietnam War, and PersianGulf War had virtually no similarities, particularly in the ways in which each was fought.
These differences lay largely in the technology available at the time of each conflict as well as the over all world situation in which they occurred. If any
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Johnson made this decision for a multitude of reasons ranging from trying to keep attention on his preferred domestic agenda to avoiding the
political devastation wrought by fighting a stagnating war. Most important reason behind Johnson's decision for limited war however was to do
what Truman had been unable to do, prevent the great communist powers from finding reason to involve themselves directly in the conflict. For this
purpose Johnson made the decision to fight a generally no specific type of war, fighting without defined fronts, there by keeping the war from being
able to expand. In the Persian Gulf War the first President Bush also chose to keep his war limited though his reasoning was not entirely similar to
his predecessors. Whereas Truman and Johnson had sought to limit their wars to avoid enraging China and the Soviet Union, Bush I was determined
not expand his war beyond its approved scope. The great differences between Korean, Vietnam and the Persian Gulf lie in how the military objectives
and operations used to achieve them evolved over the course of the conflict. In the Korean War Truman was initially determined to ensure that
operations would go only so far as to achieve the most justifiable goal
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Essay about The Persian Gulf War
Wars have been apart of this world almost as long as anything else has. Even in the Bible days there are records of wars. There are many reasons
that states choose to go to war. Sometimes it is for the expansion of a nation or state, other times it is for financial gains, and it also could be for
security or defense purposes. Whatever the case may be, wars have been apart of human life and will always be. There were no differences when it
came to the Persian Gulf War. This war involved the United States, Iraq, and Kuwait. When trying to determine the purpose behind this war I chose to
view it from a comparison of both the realist and liberalist views on the war.
The Case
The Persian Gulf War stemmed from tension over ... Show more content on ...
According to Albert Bin, "the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency estimated 100,000 Iraqi military deaths" (Bin, 237). Philip Taylor adds, "the
United States had only 148 killed in action, 458 wounded, and 121 died through non combat incidents" (Taylor, 102). The United States victory was
the most lopsided in recent history, in terms of numbers who died when looking at both sides. Casualties did not only occur during the progress of
the war, "about 12,000 Iraqi civilians died during the war, and 5,000 civilians died since the end of the war due to wounds, lack of medical care, or
malnutrition" (Lopez 1991). These statistics reinforce the realist belief concerning wars because of the numerous deaths that resulted from the Persian
Gulf War; That is, the casualty count of the war supports the belief that the war was inadequate and preposterous due to the lack of concern for lives,
rather the concern for substantial power and stability. Both Iraq and the United States were at war only because they both had oil interests that would
help to expand either state's power.
The United States savage bombing campaign caused most of the Iraqi deaths. The air campaign of the United States was very successful in terms of
doing what it set out to do and that was to bomb everything that supported Iraq's war. This even includes some civilian facilities. Nothing was safe;
Radar installations, military airfields, bunkers, electric power plants, highways, water treatment facilities,
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First Persian Gulf War: 1990-1991 Essay
First Persian Gulf War: 1990–1991
The First Persian Gulf War between 1990 and 1991 was the most militarily efficient campaign in US history where comparatively few lives were lost.
This war accomplished many goals, including that it secured the economic advantages for the "Western World".
It encouraged a free flow of natural resources, established the value of air power and superiority, and verified that a free alliance for justice will
prevail over armed aggression. In the end, the United State's goals were accomplished: Kuwait was liberated from Saddam and peace settled into the
Middle East (Rayment).
The Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan on December 27, 1979. This posed a threat on the United States because of their oil ties in... Show more content
on ...
Iraq had considered Kuwait to be basically a part of Iraq so land disputes were also common (Lee). Saddam had been disputing the control of two
islands, Bubiyan and Warba, by Kuwait that blocked Iraqi access to theGulf. Another answer to this threat was a dispute over the Rumaila oil fields
that crossed the Iraq–Kuwait border. Iraq claimed that Kuwait had been using "slant drilling" to siphon off Iraqi oil (Allen, 65). These badly defined
borders caused constant claims by Iraq that Kuwait was illegally tapping into Iraqi oil supply (Lee).
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens, was one of the only people that predicted that the problem was going to lead to the attack of an Arab
neighbor. He had come about this idea because of a collection of offensive missiles on the Kuwait and Jordanian border (Allen, 67). Hussein met with
the U.S. ambassador April Glaspieto learn if the United States would block a partial invasion of Kuwait to secure the oil field and two islands (Richie,
26). Officials from both Iraq and Kuwait had been meeting in Jiddah and Saudi Arabia to compromise but no agreements had been made. On August 1,
1990 representatives from Iraq stated that Kuwait was not taking the negotiations seriously (Allen, 65).
After being reassured by Middle Eastern leaders that Saddam was not going to invade Kuwait, satellite images showed the opposite. On August 1,
1990 a "logistics train" of fuel tanks, artillery, helicopters and fighter jets, appeared at the
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Persian Gulf War Analysis
The United States has long been looked as the authority of nations. Thus, when issues broke out in the Middle East, The United States was called to
step in. When Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Egypt called for help. Consequently, the Persian Gulf War began, led by
the United States that lasted 42 days.
First, I choose to research about the Persian Gulf because it seemed like a very reliable source. This website provided additional
information by including a video. Additionally, I liked how the information was accessible in a labeled drop–down paragraph.
Secondly, The Gulf War relates to Unit 13 since the war shows American foreign policy. After the hardships of the seventies, Americans felt like their
world dominance had deteriorated. However, by winning the Gulf War it displayed the U.S. policy towards nations that were in need of military aid.
Unfortunately, "Though the Persian Gulf War was initially considered an unqualified success for the international coalition, simmering conflict in the
troubled region led to a second Gulf War–known as the Iraq War–that began in 2003." ... Show more content on ...
The first being, that the war lasted 42 days. To me, this was surprising because the Vietnam War lasted for nearly ten years! That is quite a big
difference. Secondly, something else I found enthralling was that "the objective of which was to win the war in the air and minimize combat on the
ground as much as possible." The reason why this was interesting was that I believe this a smart move from the U.S. Lastly, one thing I could not
believe was that Iraq's Saddam Hussein, "was not forced from power." This was surprising because Saddam Hussein's ideas continued to spread, thus
leading into the Iraq
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The Persian Gulf War : Operation Desert Storm
The Persian Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm In August 1990 the leader of Iraq, Saddam Hussein commanded his military to invade Kuwait.
Refugees fled Kuwait, as many citizens were robbed, assaulted, and looted. Kuwait is a small country located at the North–Western end of the Persian
Gulf, this gulf separates South Western Asia and the Arabian Peninsula. Saddam Hussein was well known to be a ruthless dictator. Leaving this to be
the first time a UN member nation had invaded one of its fellow UN member nations. According to legends, that Hussein himself accepted, during the
war Iraq– Iran war he had used poison gas against both Iranian troops and Iraqi civilians because they opposed to his regime (Carlisle 3). With this
certain example we can furthermore comprehend Hussein's brutality and desire for power.
Iraq and Kuwait are both member nations of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and by no doubt were rich from the oil revenue. Iraq
mainly utilized this wealth into constructing a strong army, whereas Kuwait used the money to provide a better quality of life for its citizens. Hussein
had major war–debts that incurred from Iran–Iraq war that he could not pay off. Kuwait seemed to be a good choice for Hussein as the country was a
part of Iraq during the Ottoman Empire and only gained sovereignty in 1961. Furthermore a significant amount Iraq's war debts are from Kuwait.
Seizing Kuwait for Hussein proved immunity, as now there would not be much stopping him
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Persian Gulf War Analysis
The Persian Gulf War is also known as Americans Operation Desert storm. It was one of the most major events in American history from 1990 to
1991. The Americans fought in this war and had a great excuse for conquering Kuwait. The Gulf War was upraised by Saddam's violent tendencies in
ordering an invasion of Kuwait. The nation large oil reserves had canceled a large debt that Iraq owed to Kuwait. Iraq also had an expansion of power
in the region. On August 3 the United Nations Security Council called for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait, and on August 6 the council imposed a
worldwide ban on trade with Iraq. The Iraqi government responded by formally annexing Kuwait on August 8. (Britannica, 2015) The environment
always seems to be the victim of ... Show more content on ...
Saddam Hussein felt smothered, and unable to find money to repay the other Arab states for Iraq's previous war with Iran. The only way for Iraq
to obtain revenue was through oil exports. Kuwait, who didn't need the extra revenue, was overproducing which drove prices down, and drove
Saddam's frustration up (Wilson, 1995). Enough time has elapsed to study the economic impact of the Gulf War on the region. Most of the
economic costs were incurred by Iraq. Losses in military equipment alone totaled over $50 billion (Wilson, 1995). The time and effort needed to
repair the damage and build replacement facilities will take years to accomplish. This will also be difficult for Iraq because of the pending arms
embargo on the state. The economic position may be easier for Kuwait, although the impact is still hard–felt. The most expansive damage was that
inflicted upon the oil installations. Overall, the costliest damage was the environmental disaster caused by the oil slicks, which cost more the $700
million to clean–up (Wilson, 1995). From 1991–1992, Kuwait's oil industry severely deteriorated and suffered a massive drop in production due the
destruction of their oil wells. Kuwait's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased as a result of its growing oil industry. Namely, oil exports were on
the rise once again. Still, the economic costs incurred by Kuwait will have to be managed for a long time. Moreover, there remains
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The Persian Gulf War: A USLed War Against Saddam Hussein's...
A)The Persian Gulf War a U.S.– led war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq. The level of analysis that best explains that event is the individual level.
Saddam Hussein made the decision to attack Kuwait in August of 1990. I believe that the cause of this war was based on one individual (Saddam
Hussein) because of his previous decision to dissolve conflict and return territory that his troop had occupied. The Persian Gulf War led to countries
chain gang to each other. With Britain, France, Germany, the Soviet Union, Japan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia versusIraq, Jordan, Algeria, the Sudan,
Yemen, Tunisia and the PLO. The sequences of events was caused by Saddam Hussein's choice to occupy Kuwait, because of allegation that there was
overproduction of
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The Iraq War: The Persian Gulf War
The Gulf war and the Iraq war were two wars in which the primary antagonist was Saddam Hussein. These two are current wars that coercied the
establishment of the Middle East, as well as global security, it has been contemplated that the real direction leading toward the intervention of the west
in both wars, was not what the alliance wanted that was, led by the United States. This brought about justifying their intervention, instead of targeting
the retaliation from the West, which was protected by the Middle East and the oil supply that was close to falling in Sudan Hussein's full control. Now
these wars are both similar to the concept America's policy in regard to its benefit, throughout the nation. One author and military patriot qouted ...
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strict policy against assassination. The given section of the ordered label "Restrictions on Intelligence Activities," Ford had outlawed political
assassination on all personnel ( ): Section 5(g), entitled "Prohibition on Assassination," states: "No employee of the United States Government shall
engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination. ( )" Now, if Hussein was able to find him, then U.S. still would not be able to kill him,
since they cannot hire others to assassinate Hussein, which will be totally against the law. Also, according to the former senior Special Forces officer
who had firsthand experience of Gulf War assassination operations, "No one can tell you we weren't trying to kill Saddam. We were, and that's a fact.
We weren't very good because he is a [master] at deception, and keeping his presence low–profile.( )"
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Analytical Failure Of Iraq During Persian Gulf War
Analytical Failure of Iraq in Persian Gulf War Affiliation Student's Name Introduction Failures analysis is the process of gathering data and
information in order to find the cause of failure especially when the goal had been set. Analytical failure of war, on the other hand, is failures by
decision making bodies to make appropriate decision which will lead to victory. This failures occurs when military and political leaders come up
with war strategies which when implemented leads to failures or losses. War analytical failures are always attributed to lack of sufficient intelligence
information about the opponents, failure to predict possible long term consequences, having misleading information, poor leadership and overreliance
on weapons without knowing their weakness. In contrast, however, military disaster can befall some territories, irrespective well informed their
generals are, because of weakness in their abilities. Super powerful countries may also face the same problem because their leaders may misperceive
on coming warnings and threats or make poor calculations in the way they respond to possible catastrophic dangers1. Strategic intelligence is essential
in making the most appropriate decisions when it comes to defense policies. There should be proper gathering, analysis and appreciations of pertinent
and factual data. In most intelligence failures, problems always starts with collection of data from the ground by professionals who then analyses
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The Persian Gulf War
Was the Gulf War a fight on the protection and freedom of a defenseless nation. Or was it what laid beneath Kuwait's city in its rich oil field
reserves. The Gulf War or also called the Persian Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm or the First Iraqi War was a very cooperative
fight against the regime of Saddam Hussein. The precursor of the Gulf War were laid down many years before the war began. Iraq always was very
pugnacious with the surrounding nations. In the 1960's a seizure of power aquired in Iraq and the Ba'athist political party
took power. By the late 1970's a leading Ba'athist political leader General Saddam Hussein became the official President of Iraq. Saddam built up the
Iraqi army and began war that lasted a staggering 8 long years ... Show more content on ...
After President Bush Sr. saw all of this he began to change, his speeches became more on protecting the innocent people of Kuwait and
keeping them free. He also talked about Saddam Hussein being the next "Adolf Hitler" and he needed to be taken care of. After the war in 1991
President Bush received a very high regards for the victory. And the controversy began to take place on whether any
mistakes on his policy were the result of the war breaking out in the first place. Throughout the 1980's America continuously kept an eye on Saddam
Hussein on the long war of Iraq and Iran. The Reagan administration misconceived a favor to sale guns to the Iran
contra scandal. America always liked Iraq despite having Saddam Hussein . Evidence showed that Saddam Hussein might have weapons of mass
destruction and using deadly gas against against the Kurdish. America wanted to help Iraq but they had huge
unemployment and they were in a bad economic state, the oil prices were down and they were deeply in debt with the Arab states. In mid 1990
Saddam had said that Kuwait was apparently draining Iraqi oil beside the border. Saddam said that the oil rightfuly belonged
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Persian Gulf And Iraq War
Ashlyn Naughton
Ms. Howie
Honors English III
December 9, 2015
Persian Gulf & Iraq War
The Persian Gulf/ Iraq War was one of the longest wars in American history. The Iraq War alone lasted nine years, and the Persian Gulf War lasted a
little over a year. Many veterans faced hardships upon returning home. These hardships include: illness, homelessness, and unemployment in the midst
of one of America 's worst economic depressions in history. Shouldn 't veterans be treated better?
The Persian Gulf War, otherwise known as the Gulf War was an international conflict that began in August of 1990 whenIraq invaded Kuwait. Kuwait
is located on the northwestern corner of the Persian Gulf. Kuwait is considered a wealthy country, with many oil refineries and a great military
advantage with the location along the Gulf ("Kuwait"). Iraq 's leader Saddam Hussein, ordered the invasion, with the goal of gaining possession of
large oil reserves and expanding Iraqi power in Kuwait ("Persian"). On August 3, 1990 the United Nations calls for Iraq to withdraw their forces
from Kuwait. After Iraq fails to cooperate, the United Nations begins a worldwide ban of trade with Iraq. By January 1991, Iraq had still failed to
remove their presence in Kuwait, the United Nations authorizes the use of excessive force. On January 16, 1991 the United States lead a massive air
campaign against Iraq. Air bombardment began in mission to get Iraq out of Kuwait. This air campaign became known as a mission
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The American Of The Persian Gulf
If they would just leave us alone, this wouldn 't have happened. It all started in 1908. Oil reserves were found in the Persian Gulf. We had oil, but not
enough money to extract and refine the oil. The big bucks British did though. They were given a lot of profit from this and had freedom to extract all
the Iranian oil that they pleased. This maddened the people of Iran. They watched their Shah and these British business men become filthy rich while
the rest of the country was dirt poor. Our hopes were raised when our Iranian Prime Minister Mosaddegh took over the Anglo–Persian Oil Company.
We all loved Mosaddegh's ideas. He was going to build schools, give poor farmers more land, give unemployment insurance to workers, and, the
greatest ... Show more content on ...
The Shah was not religious enough and did not want any of our religious cultures anymore. He had started to have many oppressive polices that
everyone hated. He was selling out to foreign interests with no concern to the people of Iran. Some of us hated his rights for women either too
many or too few. He did not allow any political views to be expressed against him, only for him, which lead to the SAVAK. He had secret agents
everywhere, and they looked out for illegal political activity. No one had any feeling of safety. Anyone protesting was met with bullets, no rubber
bullets or pepper spray. Ayatollah Khomeini revealed the Shah for what a thief he was. A newspaper article stated that Ayatollah Khomeini was a
closet homosexual and British agent. All press was run by the government, so this deeply angered the Iranian people. They protested and were shot by
police, but instead of retreating, the Iranians pushed forward and protested against the Shah. The Shah went on a trip to Egypt and never returned to Iran.
The Iranians were over–joyed and took over all police stations and the government. There were huge crowds swarming the city streets of Iran.
Crowds took down any signs of publicity for their Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Cars were honking, people were screaming and cheering and were
overwhelmed with joy. We had our way, we got it, and we had our new leader Ayatollah Khomeini. When we found out that Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
was in the United States and was given
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Saudi Arabia And The Persian Gulf
Qatar, a country located in the Middle East by Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf, has a thriving economy due to the vast amount of oil and gas
reserves located along its vast coastline. Although there are actually only 250,000 native Qataris living in the country, they have an average income of
$400,000 each. Gross domestic product, which is considered the total amount of goods and services produced in a country over the course of a year, is
measured at one hundred and ninety–eight billion in Qatar (Economy overview: Qatar). Qatar essentially constructed urban and industrial projects
around major oil refineries and seaports. Surprisingly, this country, which has a total population of 2,123,160, is uniquely prospering due to revenue
from ... Show more content on ...
Qatar's total exports were valued at $57.82 billion, with natural gas, oil, fertilizers, and steel as popular export commodities ("Qatar Economic
Forecast"). Japan is considered Qatar's major trading partner when it comes to exports. Qatar works with a trade surplus, with revenues gained that are
reinvested into imports that has helped this country maintain a rapidly growing economy ("Qatar Economy"). On the other hand, Qatar imports food,
chemicals, and machinery and transport equipment from countries such as the United States (14.2 percent), Saudi Arabia (8.6 percent), and the United
Kingdom (6.4 percent) (Economy overview: Qatar). Qatar has become an economic powerhouse, ranging from the 1950's up until over the past
couple of years due to several reasons. Since Qatar is located on the world's largest natural–gas reserve, this has allowed the country to employ more
than ninety two percent of its citizens in government–funded jobs (Bates). In 1955, Hamad bin Khalifah Al Than impeached his father and after this
occurred, Qatar became a force to deal with in the region and beyond (Bates). First, Al Than allowed the U.S. set up its military headquarters just
outside of the capital of Qatar. Hamad went on to build the world 's largest facilities for compressing liquid natural gas, which now exports to Europe,
Japan, and India (Bates). "It really projected Qatar to a role of importance in the
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Persian Gulf War
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Im (names) and this is our ignite talk on the Persian Gulf War.
The Persian Gulf War was between the United States and Iraq. It started August 2, 1990 and didn't end until February 28, 1991. Iraq was ordered by
their leader Saddam Hussein to invade Kuwait because they had to pay for 8 year war between them and Iran and they wanted to gain access to the oil
market. Which the only way to do this was accessing the Persian Gulf and Kuwait was the easiest country to invade for them to do this. This brought
immediate economic sanctions against Iraq by members of the U.N. Security Council this was because Iraq violated U.N. sanctions. The U.S.
President George H. W. Bush deployed U.S. forces into Saudi Arabia,... Show more content on ...
This earned the war the nickname the Video Game War after the daily broadcast of images from cameras on board U.S. bombers during Operation
Desert Storm.
There were two very important operations that took place during the Persian Gulf War. The first one was called "Operation Desert Shield". This was a
U.S operational name for the buildup of U.S forces in Saudi Arabia. To surround and contain Iraq's armed forces.This operation took place from 2
August 1990, to 16 January 1991. The second operation was called "Operation Desert Storm". The U.S. name of the airland conflict from 17 January
1991, through 11 April 1991. This was the attack on Iraq's armed forces. So basically the first operation was the setup and the second operation was the
The initial conflict to expel Iraqi troops from Kuwait began with an aerial and naval bombardment on 17 January 1991, continuing for five weeks.
This was followed by a ground assault on 24 February. This was a decisive victory for the Coalition forces, who liberated Kuwait and advanced into
Iraqi territory. The Coalition ceased its advance, and declared a ceasefire 100 hours after the ground campaign started. Aerial and ground combat was
confined to Iraq, Kuwait, and areas on Saudi Arabia's border. Iraq launched Scud missiles against Coalition military targets in Saudi Arabia and against
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The United States
The U.S. seeks to provide for its security by stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons. We have led internationally to levy economic sanctions
against Iran. Our diplomatic efforts have already halted Iran's nuclear program. The United States has an enduring interest in freedom of navigation and
overflight as well as the safety and sustainability of the air and maritime environments. We are seeking stability in the Middle East, ensuring the free
flow of energy from the region to the world while promoting democracy and upholding human rights. We will carry out this through investing in the
ability of Israel, Jordan, and our Gulf partners to deter aggression while maintaining our unwavering commitment to Israel's security, including... Show
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Tehran can threaten major energy market fluctuations from oil production and maritime security through control of the Straits of Hormuz. TheStrait of
Hormuz link the Persian Gulf and the flow of oil to the world. Iran is aware of the significance of the Strait of Hormuz. "While Iran's capability to
actually "close" the strait is questionable, there is little doubt that it could quickly wreak havoc on the global economy by doing much less." (Iran and
the Strait of Hormuz.: Part 3 Stratfor, 2009). Global stability is constantly in jeopardy through Iran's continued support of terrorist activities. (Rhode,
H., n.d., The Sources of Iranian Negotiating Behavior) states "Yet the Iranian government has not been dissuaded from sponsoring and implementing
terror tactics, and has not been convinced to halt its illegal nuclear program." Iran has demonstrated their intent to continue their nuclear program
regardless of international sanctions and admonishment. They continue to support terrorist activities throughout the region. There is no sign that if Iran
was able to produce weapons grade nuclear material that it would not be used by a violent extremist organization. Iran can disrupt or control maritime
trade and security of the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz. Iranian leadership views compromise and requests for negotiations as a sign of
weakness and an opportunity for exploitation. "Compromise (as we in the West understand this
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History Is Filled With Wars
History is filled with wars. Wars are one among the foremost attention grabbing, nevertheless the scariest, aspects of history. If there have been no
wars, the globe would be terribly totally different. One will agree that we have a tendency to learn our mistakes from wars. However, history is
understood for continuation itself. There for, there are continuously new problems and conflicts that result in wars. It's a part of attribute to disagree
most things for numerous reasons. After all, everyone seems to be totally different and have distinctive points of read some wars run off over land,
whereas others occur to safeguard a nation's respect and honor. Twentieth century is replete of the many major wars. However, one among the war that
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The dispute results in a series of minor military exchanges on the border that were increasing in intensity.
While the causes of the conflict were various and varied, one in all the principals was access to, and management of, the Shatt–al–Arab waterway. The
Shatt–al–Arab itself was necessary for variety of reasons. The primary is that it permits for agricultural production in a section with a dry, wet climate.
The waterway served as a way of transportation for moving agricultural and different merchandise each with within the country and to ports for export.
End tabs container.
The empire claimed each facet throughout their rule, though the Ottomans did usually not dominate the Persian facet. Supported the strength of this, Al–
Iraq claimed the east bank (Iranian side) of the stream, a crucial piece of property, since the Shatt – al – Arab is its solely outlet to the gulf. Al Iraq
united to the division of the waterway with Asian nation (Iran) in a very 1975 written agreement. This gave Al–Iraq management of most of the
waterway and needed Asian nation to pay toll whenever its ships used the water method. This agreement settled the border dispute over the Shatt al
Arab waterway in Iran 's favor. At a similar time, Iraq renounced a long–standing claim to the southwestern portion of Asian
... Get more on ...

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The Middle East State System

  • 1. The Middle East State System Course overview This course aims to educate students regarding the modern (post–1970) trajectory of US foreign policy in regards the Middle East, and how such policy has influenced the Middle East state system. Both in recent history and presently, the US role in the region has been pivotal in shaping the regional system as well as ensuring the stability of the regional status quo. The various interests that drive US foreign policy in the region will be examined. The US, of course, does not implement its foreign policy in a void, and therefore gaining a background on the regional state and non–state actors that the US must grapple with is vital. The regional dynamics which affected the US position in the region, such as the Arab Spring, also must be accounted for in any thorough description of the formulation of US policy. To account for these factors, the course utilizes both a chronological approach to the historical development of US foreign policy toward the region, as well as including substantial background on the important regional actors with which the US interacts with. Finally, it includes a select few readings related to theoretical concepts in International Relations to provide a context for analysis of policy. All these elements should grant students a well–rounded comprehension of the various factors which influence the Middle East state system and related US foreign policy. Through this course, students should gain a fuller understanding of the role that the ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Why Did The Persian Gulf War Happen The Persian Gulf War The reason why the Persian Gulf War happened needs to go back to what happened after the long lasting war between Iran and Iraq. Iran and Iraq ministers met in Geneva looking for peace. Saddam Hussein surprisingly was willing to give up the territories that his troops occupied a long time ago to dissolve the conflict. Just two weeks later, Saddam Hussain accused Kuwait for transporting oil from the Ar–Rumaylah oil field located on their common border illegally. Kuwait has links with Iraq. In a sense Kuwait was like a kid brother or sister that are kind of from the same family. Iraq had problem with debt because they borrowed money from many countries due to the war between Iran and Iraq. He used this opportunity to try to clear his debt by demanding Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to cancel out Iraq's debt. He accused Kuwait to keep oil prices low in an attempt to satisfy Western oil buying nations in their own interest. Hosni Mubarak was the president at the time and he first tried to start a negotiation between Iraq and Kuwait ... Show more content on ... When Iraq formally added Kuwait to its own territory United States and other Western nations tried to stop it. The United Nations demanded Iraq to withdraw their troops from Kuwait Before January 1991 or they are going to view Iraq as a threat and take action. Saddam Hussein refused to obey and didn't withdraw. This is when the first United States air force planes landed in Saudi Arabia. These planes were filled with troops sent by NATO allies to guard a possible attack from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia tried to gain Muslim support by declaring a jihad (holy war). When that didn't work he tried to gain Palestinian support by offering to help with Israeli occupied territory problem if they help evacuate Kuwait. When that failed he made peace with Iran so that Iraq can fight with all of its ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Persian Gulf War Research Paper The Persian Gulf War began in August of 1990 and lasted until President George H. W. Bush declared a ceasefire on February 28, 1991. This war was a result of Iraq invading Kuwait in order to gain control of the Persian Gulf and all trading posts in nearby port cities. Saddam Hussein, the president of Iraq, believed that invading and seizing control of Kuwait would give him strategical and economical advantages over the other nations in the region. Once Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Kuwait, President Bush and the leaders of other nations sent troops to prepare for a war to break out. The Persian Gulf War was a short, four month war between Iraq and the rest of the world for the freedom of Kuwait. Throughout history the Middle East ... Show more content on ... Saddam Hussein was not forced out of power mainly because the cease fire treaty was declared by George Bush before the Iraqis were ultimately defeated (Persian Gulf War, 2009). In the years after the war, U.S. and Britain mandated a no–fly zone over Iraq but the country continued to shoot down aircrafts. Iraq made every attempt possible to frustrate the U.N. while they attempted to carry out peace terms, like the United Nations weapons inspections (Persian Gulf War, 2009). Peace terms were very difficult to carry out with Iraq. The Persian Gulf War had a huge impact on all the countries that were involved. The victory gave the U.S. credibility since the loss in the Vietnam War (The Gulf War, n.d.). Kuwait's infrastructure and oil fields were a complete wreck (The Gulf War, n.d.). Thousands of people in Kuwait and Iraq were displaced and wounded, this had a horrible social effect on the region (The Gulf War, n.d.). Iraq also suffered major damage in Basra and Baghdad. They had to restore their oil economy (The Gulf War, n.d.). Although not much good came out of the war, it left its mark in ... Get more on ...
  • 4. U.s. National Security Strategy The Way Ahead for American and Iranian Relations: Engaging in a Cold War Over the past 37 years, Iran has become one of the most complex and stubborn national security strategy issues that the United States has had to deal with. Once a key U.S. ally in the region, Iran is now a chief protagonist. To complicate matters, recently, the U.S. has found itself simultaneously an adversary and a quasi–ally of Iran. An example of this duality would be: on one hand, Iran has provided support to terrorist organizations, like Al–Qaeda, that have attacked the U.S. and its allies. On the other hand, the U.S. has found itself on the same side of the fight with Iran against the Islamic State of Iraq and al–Sham (ISIS). Now and in the future the U.S. National Security Strategy (NSS) will have to consist of a combination of diplomatic, economic, and military action, while also partnering with regional and international partners, if the U.S. expects to contain Iran's disruptive influence and ensure compliance with the brokered nuclear agreement. In contradiction to U.S. goals, Iran's interest lay in becoming the dominant power in the Persian Gulf region and the Islamic world. It has gone about this by being a catalyst for much of the turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa. Iran has supported terrorist groups, instigated uprisings in neighboring countries, pursued a nuclear program and is regarded by some as a threat to global stability and Western Civilization (Barrett, 2012). With ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Mesopotamia And The Persian Gulf The Ubaid Period 6500 to 3800BC used a distinctive style of painted pottery which spread throughout most of Mesopotamia and the Persian Gulf. The first settlement in southern Mesopotamia was established at Eridu around 5300BC by farmers who brought with them the first pioneered irrigation of agriculture. Eridu remained an important religious center when it was gradually surpassed in size by the nearby city of Uruk. Eridu was a Sumerian city on the coast of the Persian Gulf and was the world's first city where three separate cultures were fused to become the ancestors of the Sumerians. The peasant Ubaidian farmers living in mud–brick huts and practicing irrigation, the mobile nomadic Semitic animal herders living in tents and the fisherman who lived in reed huts next to the marshlands. ... Show more content on ... Conquered by the Semitic speaking kings of the Akkadian Empire in 2350BC, the Sumerian language continued as a sacred language. Native Sumerian rule re–emerged during the Third Dynasty of Ur in 2112 to 2004BC with the Akkadian language continuing to be used.These Sumerian cities were headed by a priest–king with their own specific patron god or goddess. In additon the priest–king was assisted by a council of elders that included both men and women. Uruk became the most urbanized city in the world surpassing for the first time a population of 50,000 ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Essay on Comparison between Panama and the United Arab... I chose to compare the United Arab Emirates to Panama because both countries are experiencing significant economic growth even though many countries are experiencing problems with the economy. Both countries are located in close proximity to important regional waterways. The United Arab Emirates has the Straits of Hormuz, while Panama has the Panama Canal. The Strait of Hormuz is a waterway between the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. It is bordered by Iran, United Arab Emirates, and Oman Musandam Peninsula. About 20% of all the world's petroleum passes through the Strait of Hormuz. At its narrowest, it is 21 nautical miles wide. The Strait is used to import and export items into the countries that border the strait, ... Show more content on ... Since 2008, the economy of the United Arab Emirates has been steadily increasing. In 2012, the economy of the United Arab Emirates grew 4.4%. Panama also is experiencing a period of significant economic growth. Over the past year, the economy of Panama grew 10%, putting Panama as one of the fastest growing economies in the Latin American as well as in the world. I believe the reason for such significant economic growth in both countries is mainly due to import/export of goods through the waterways located by each country. United Arab Emirates had imports totaling 273.5 billion dollars and exports totaling 314 billion in 2012. Panama's imported goods totaled 26.61 billion dollars and exported goods totaled 18.87 billion dollars in 2012. The top five products exported from the United Arab Emirates are crude petroleum, refined petroleum, gold, petroleum gas, and raw aluminum. The top exported product is crude petroleum which accounts for approximately 44% of all exported goods. The top five imported products are jewelry, refined petroleum, broadcasting equipment, cars, and computers. The top imported good is jewelry, which accounts for approximately 8.1% of all imported goods. The top five products exported from Panama are antibiotics, refined petroleum, passenger and cargo ships, packaged medicaments, and crude petroleum. Antibiotics is the top exported good accounting for approximately 28% of all exported goods. The top five products imported into the country are ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Persian Gulf War Essay The Persian Gulf War all started because of one country's greed for oil. Iraq accused Kuwait of pumping oil and not sharing the benfits, and Kuwait was pumping more oil than allowed under quotas set by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, it decreased the price of oil, Iraq's main export. Iraq's complaints against Kuwait grew more and more harsh, but they were mostly about money. When Iraqi forces began to assemble near the Kuwaiti border in the summer of 1990, several Arab states tried to intervene the dispute. Kuwait didn't want to look weak so they didn't ask for any help from the United States or other non–Arab powers for support. Arab mediators convinced Iraq and Kuwait to negotiate their differences in Saudi Arabia, on ... Show more content on ... Still other countries made other contributions: Turkey allowed air bases on its territory to be used by coalition planes, and Japan and Germany gave financial support. The primary goal of the force was to prevent further Iraqi action, but most countries were aware the force might eventually be used to drive Iraq from Kuwait. The Iraqis tried to prevent and split the growing international coalition through several means. They made it clear that their adversaries would pay heavily if war broke out, and they hinted they would use chemical weapons and missile attacks on cities. Iraq also held citizens of coalition countries who had been in Kuwait at the time of the invasion and said they would be held in militarily camp areas in effect using them as human shields to prevent coalition attacks. Iraq finally released the last of the foreigners in December 1990 under pressure from several Arab nations. The coalition's greatest military concern during the closing months of 1990 was that Iraqi forces would attack before coalition forces were fully in place, but no such attack took place. On November 29, with coalition forces over whelming in Saudi Arabia and Iraq showing no signs of retreat, the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Patriot Missile System: The Persian Gulf War Scuds on Scope Air Defense had a prominent involvement in The Persian Gulf War. The Patriot missile system demonstrated its effectiveness in combat in 1990 and United States (U.S.) forces as well as Iraqi forces utilized the Homing All the Way Killer (HAWK) missile system. Air Defense's considerable involvement in the Persian Gulf War accredited to the developments and capabilities of the Patriot missile system along with the HAWK missile system's Iraqi dilemma. First of all, The Patriot missile system played a vital role during the Persian Gulf War. The Persian Gulf War was a short war from 2 August 1990 to 28 February 1991. Colonel Joseph G. Garrett, the 11th Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Brigade Commander was the Air Defense ... Show more content on ... Even with these systems at the enemies' hands, they were never able to successfully take down the coalition aircraft. The system has deployed various times in several conflicts around the globe. "Although HAWK missile batteries were deployed by the U.S. Army during the conflicts in Vietnam and Persian Gulf, American troops have never fired this weapon in combat"(United, n.d.). The only reason that U.S. troops never engaged targets, was because there was a lack of need for it. For instance, there were many Scud missile launches during the Persian Gulf War, however Patriot battalions were in place to defend against Scuds. Meanwhile, HAWK is an Air–Breathing target weapon, which the enemy did not have access to at the time. The HAWK missile system has a fairly short history compared to many other weapons and Units. At only 35 years of Army service, it was short lived and underutilized. The missile system spent most of its time in the Army National Guard (ARNG) rather than active service. This was mainly due to its high mobility and ease of deployment, making it less cost effective to have active component units. HAWK is a highly praised Surface to Air Missile (SAM) system, but is no longer in the U.S. Army's arsenal. However, countries such as Sweden, Japan and several Asian Pacific countries are still utilizing ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Persian Gulf War : Operation Desert Storm Keerthana Senthil St. Clair Afri–Asian 9 19 February 2015 The Persian Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm In August 1990 the leader of Iraq, Saddam Hussein commanded his military to invade Kuwait. Leaving this to be the first time a United Member Nation had attacked just one of its fellow United Member Nation. Kuwait is a small country located at the North–Western end of the Persian Gulf, this gulf separates South Western Asia and the Arabian Peninsula. Saddam Hussein was known to be a ruthless dictator. Refugees fled Kuwait, as many were robbed, assaulted, and looted. According to legends, that Hussein himself accepted, during the war with Iran he had used poison gas against both Iranian troops and Iraqi civilians because they opposed to his regime (Carlisle 3). With this certain example we can furthermore comprehend Hussein's brutality and desire for power. Iraq and Kuwait are both member nations of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and by no doubt were rich from the oil revenue. Iraq mainly utilized this wealth into constructing a strong army, whereas Kuwait used the money to provide a better quality of life for its citizens. Hussein had major war–debts that incurred from Iran–Iraq war that he could not pay off. Kuwait seemed to be a good choice for Hussein as the country was a part of Iraq during the Ottoman Empire and only gained sovereignty in 1961. Furthermore a significant amount Iraq's war debts are from Kuwait. Seizing Kuwait for Hussein proved ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Interview With My Father: The Persian Gulf War On September 13, 2015, I had the opportunity to interview my father, Dale Driver, regarding historical events that have taken place in his life. Various significant historical happenings have taken place and affected him either emotionally or spiritually, including the 2001 terrorist attacks, Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, fall of the Berlin Wall, and PersianGulf War. However, my father stated that he considers the Persian Gulf War as the most memorable and directly impactful event. His following retelling of the story illustrated the powerful impacts the Persian Gulf War had on not only the countries involved, but also himself, his wife, and other United States citizens. Following Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's accusation that Kuwait unlawfully ... Show more content on ... Their future, which had recently seemed so perfectly planned out, suddenly was filled with fear and uncertainty. Questions upon questions flooded their minds. What if Dale is drafted and sent overseas to fight? What if something goes wrong? How do we balance our loyalty to our country with our loyalty to one another? The young engaged couple spent many hours crying together and praying together about the dilemma at hand. They felt peace, knowing that God was in full control of the situation. They could do nothing but wait. Weeks passed, and the early end to the Persian Gulf War ensured that Dale wouldn't have to leave to be involved in the war. The fighting ceased in early 1991, and Dale and Monica were married on July 27 of the same year. Although the war did not end up having extreme direct effects on my father, like he had imagined, it still was a very impactful event. He was emotionally affected by the possibility of having to leave his fiancГ©e to serve his country. For the following years of his life, my father has continued to view the Persian Gulf War as one of the most significant and memorable historical events during his ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Strait Of Hormuz Should Be Completely International... In the past and present people and goods have and continue to move around the world. Trade has been used to improve lives and countries all around the world. Passageways, including the Strait of Hormuz, have been used or created to make trade more efficient and cheaper. Waterways have helped militaries and aid groups create peace in regions. The Strait of Hormuz is different than the Panama and Suez Canals. The Strait of Hormuz should be completely international waters as it is economically important and a vital military strategic point. The Strait of Hormuz (also referred to as "the Strait") is located in the Persian Gulf region in the Middle East. The Gulf of Oman leads into the Strait and through the Strait the Persian Gulf can ... Show more content on ... Throughout the Strait, its width and depth changes. At different points in the Strait, the width varies from twenty one to fifty two nautical miles (thirty three to ninety six kilometers) (globalsecurity). The lowest depth is twenty seven fathoms (fifty meters). Due to the shallow depth of the Strait, oil tankers and cargo ships can only use certain paths to sail through the Strait. Ships can only sail in a ten nautical mile wide section at the narrowest point ("Strait of Hormuz", Briney). These factors limit the number of shipping lanes, which then limits the number of ships able to pass each day. In the past thousand years, several empires have controlled the Strait. The ancient Greeks and later the Persian Empire used the Strait to conquer the modern–day Gulf Region. The island of Hormoz, which is controlled today by Iran, was the capital of the Kingdom of Hormuz from the fourteenth to late sixteenth century. The name Hormuz is derived from the Persian God Hormoz. In the early seventeenth century the Portuguese took control of the Kingdom of Hormuz. The Strait of Hormuz was named after the city Hormuz on the island of Hormoz (heritageinstitute). During the different reigns of power, many different supplies, tools, and resources were traded through the Strait. The Persians and ancient Greeks brought stone and styles of architecture that shaped the later Kingdom of Hormuz. Traders from India and China ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Persian Gulf War Research Paper The Persian Gulf War was a quick and easy victory for the United States and other coalition countries. From the time that the Coalition used force against Iraq it only took the coalition a little more than a month to defeat the Iraqi forces. When Operation Desert Storm started Commander H. Norman Schwarzkopf told his troops "My confidence in you is total; our cause is just. Now you must be the thunder and lightning of Desert Storm" (Foster 24). Saddam Hussein became president of Iraq in 1979 (Foster 9). The Iran Iraq War lasted from 1980 through 1988. Iran has is seen as the dominant country in the middle east but has undergone an Islamic Revolution led by ShГa Muslims. Saddam Hussein wanted to be known as the dominant country in the middle ... Show more content on ... Desert Sabre was a massive coalition ground attack led by the United States. It started just north of Saudi Arabia into Kuwait and Southern Iraq ("Persian Gulf War." Britannica). The elite Iraqi Republican Guard mounted a defense south of Al –Basrah in southeastern Iraq, but most were defeated by February 27. At the same time as Desert Sabre, the United States led forces went into Iraq 120 miles west of Kuwait attacking Iraq's armored reserves from the rear ("Persian Gulf War" Within three days of Desert, Sabre Kuwait city was taken back by the coalition and liberated ("Persian Gulf War" President George H.W. Bush declared a ceasefire on February 28, 1991, officially ending the Persian Gulf War. Iraq finally agreed to recognize Kuwait's sovereignty. Iraq also agreed to get rid of all its weapons of mass destruction. This included nuclear and chemical weapons. The coalition decided not to remove Saddam Hussein from power leaving him as the leader of Iraq ("Persian Gulf War" ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Persian Gulf War Analysis The Persian Gulf War started in the year of 1990, and continued until its end in the year of 1991 under the presidency of George H.W Bush. According to Kevin M. Schultz, "the Vietnam War was the first televised war, but the Persian Gulf War was the first to be televised live" (p. 538). The Persian Gulf War was mainly in the hands of two countries, them being the Middle Eastern country named Iraq, and the United States. First and foremost, this conflict started due to Saddam Hussein, who was the dictator of Iraq, tried to invade Kuwait. Subsequently, "Bush feared that Hussein might threaten American oil supplies" (Schultz, 2015), so therefore the U.S and other nations all decided on an embargo on Iraq. Since Hussein didn't remove his troops ... Get more on ...
  • 14. US Intervention In The Persian Gulf On September 11, 1990, President George Herbert Walker Bush outlined the reasons why America had the duty to intervene in the Persian Gulf. On January 1991, the United States went to war in what was named Operation Desert Storm to stop the dictator Saddam Hussein, who had invaded Kuwait and was moving towards Saudi Arabia. President Bush believed that the United States, together with other twenty nations, had to put an end to inhuman behaviors and to aggressions brought upon countries by dictators. America had to maintain its role of economic power in the world and protect world's precious resources such as oil. It was necessary to help Kuwait's government by making Iraqi forces back down and leave the territory. In fact, Iraq was putting at sake the security of the Persian Gulf, and something needed to be ... Show more content on ... In fact, it was in control of 10% of the oil reserves, and Kuwait had precious oil resources too. Oil was an extremely vital resource for the world, and America could not risk losing it. Moreover, tyranny was not only endangering Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, but all the countries around them. The King of Saudi Arabia had requested help, and the U.S., along with other nations, had military forces dispatched on the territory, ready for a counterattack. America called for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait, restoring its legitimate government. Also, the United Nations requested for all hostages of foreign origins to be released. President Bush made a point that America was not going to be in the territory just temporarily because of its role of protecting, helping, and defending its friends. In addition, it was important to deter Iraq from creating weapons of mass destruction. The United States, as a great power, had the duty to act against dictatorships, and since the economic situation was going to be altered, it was crucial to stop Saddam Hussein ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Persian Gulf War And The Arab War Persian Gulf War A brief history of the middle east and the nation of Iraq prior to the Persian Gulf War will help explain why the Persian Gulf War was viewed as necessary by the allied countries. The formation of a coalition of countries, the use of innovative military equipment, and strategic military operations helped the allied forces secure victory in the Persian Gulf War. The effects of this victory and subsequent conflict have changed our world as we know it. The Persian Gulf is one of the oldest known trade routes in the world. Conflict is a major issue in that region also. Oil is a part of the reason there is conflict. Great Britain used to control Iraq because of the oil in the nation. Iraq has been a nation with copious amounts of border conflicts and wars. Saddam Hussein, who supported the Ba 'athist party, assumed the role of president of Iraq in 1979. In September 1980, Saddam Hussein ordered his troops into Iran oil fields, thus starting the Iraq–Iran war; another Iraqi conflict; in which Saddam Hussein was fighting Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a ShД«Кїite who disliked Saddam Hussein. ("Saddam Hussein") Saddam Hussein could be classified as brutal leader, as he warred against the ethnic groups the Kurds, and the ShД«Кїites. He used biological and chemical weapons while fighting, and continued to build up his military. ("Saddam Hussein") In 1990, he accused Kuwait of drilling Iraq's crude oil. Hussein also blamed Kuwait and other surrounding ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Notes On The Mystery Discoveries Goal: Slide Show For Real Cool Nation Word count in this document: 1230 Title: Mystery discoveries We all love to think about what else could be out there that we don 't know about. We love mysteries. And when we get a glimpse of something mysterious, we are intrigued and want to learn more. On some special occasions, you get a glimpse of something truly mysterious. For example, in 2013, an Iranian vessel found the dead carcass of an unknown sea creature in the Persian Gulf. Now, three years later, people are still coming up with theories on what it could be. It has remained an exciting mystery for us all during these past few years. Let 's take a look at some more mysteries! Iranian Vessell photo credit: Show more content on ... At the time it was found, it was floating very close to an oil rig. This might mean something, and it might not at the same time. Whatever this carcass is, it 's worth looking at and trying to figure out why it died and where it was going. Huge photo credit: In most pictures, it 's difficult to realize just how massive this thing is. Here, you can see its enormousness compared to the ship and the people investigating the mass. It 's huge! It 's crazy to see how big some of the creatures in the ocean are. We don 't always get to see them because they are always hidden under the water, but when we do get to see them, it 's awesome. The people on this boat must have been thrilled to see a creature this big so close up and personal! It must have been a very exciting day. Float photo credit: When this carcass was found, it was floating just at the top of the water. It would undulate with the flow of the waves as they rocked it. Something
  • 17. like this appears a little frightening when you see it just floating on top of the water like that. You never know what 's going to be in the ocean and you never know what you 're going to see next. I know I would have been a little nervous seeing this just float right past my boat! You have to be careful out there in the depths of the sea, and if I saw this I know I would have my ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Essay on Persian Gulf War The Persian Gulf is one of the few regions whose importance to the United States is obvious. The flow of Gulf oil will continue to be crucial to the economic well–being of the industrialized world for the foreseeable future; developments in the Gulf will have a critical impact on issues ranging from Arab–Israeli relations and religious extremism to terrorism and nuclear nonproliferation. Every president since Richard Nixon has recognized that ensuring Persian Gulf security and stability is a vital U.S. interest. The Clinton administration's strategy for achieving this goal during the president's first term was its attempted "dual containment" of Iraq and Iran. This is more a slogan than a strategy, however, and the policy may... Show more content on ... Hence no U.S. Gulf policy will satisfy everyone in every respect. That makes it all the more essential that any adjustment in U.S. policy toward Iraq and Iran be preceded by extensive consultations with friendly Gulf leaders. Inadequate dialogue and unilateral action have caused some insecurity in the region and weakened trust in U.S. steadfastness. When the British withdrew from the Persian Gulf in 1971, the United States became the principal foreign power in the region. For almost three decades it has pursued the goal of preserving regional stability, using a variety of means to that end, particularly regarding the northern Gulf powers of Iraq and Iran. At first the United States relied on Iran as its chief regional proxy, supporting the shah's regime in the hope that it would be a source of stability. This policy collapsed in 1979 with the Iranian Revolution, when Iran switched from staunch ally to implacable foe. During the 1980s, the United States strove to maintain a de facto balance of power between Iraq and Iran so that neither would be able to achieve a regional hegemony that might threaten American interests. The United States provided some help to Iraq during the Iran–Iraq War of 1980–88, moved in other ways to counter the spread of Iranian–backed Islamic militancy, and provided––with Israeli encouragement––some help to Iran, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Persian Gulf War Essay example Introduction Wars have been apart of this world almost as long as anything else has. Even in the Bible days there are records of wars. There are many reasons that states choose to go to war. Sometimes it is for the expansion of a nation or state, other times it is for financial gains, and it also could be for security or defense purposes. Whatever the case may be, wars have been apart of human life and will always be. There were no differences when it came to the Persian Gulf War. This war involved the United States, Iraq, and Kuwait. When trying to determine the purpose behind this war I chose to view it from a comparison of both the realist and liberalist views on the war. The Case The Persian Gulf War stemmed from tension over ... Show more content on ... U.S. and other UN member nations began sending troops to Saudi Arabia within the week and the world – wide coalition began to form under UN authority. Allied forces bombed the Iraqi military and use ground forces to quickly liberate Kuwait (Grossman, 16). Realism Theory Realism tends to focus on the struggle for power between states in an anarchic international system. The major actors of realism are the states themselves. Realism presents a realistic view of international relations and focuses primarily on how the world is literally, rather than how it ought to be. Realist believes that states are rational, unitary actors whose aim is to enhance their power and security by all means. There is evidence that Iraq was a unitary actor who, just as the realists believe, fought in order to enhance its power and security. Though, some could argue that the Persian Gulf War was justified, there is sufficient evidence that concludes otherwise. Whether or not the public considered the Persian Gulf War justifiable, the main issue is that it was a battle that resulted in the death of thousands of lives, both soldiers and civilians. Realist Analysis The Persian Gulf War was far from being a just war because of all the violence and killings that occurred, while fighting. Evidence proves that the Persian Gulf War was simply a massacre of Iraqi soldiers and civilians in an all out, no holds bar, battle.
  • 20. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. A Brief Look at the Persian Gulf War Persian Gulf War, also called Gulf War, (1990 –91), international conflict that was triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990. Iraq's leader, Saddam Hussein, ordered the invasion and occupation of Kuwait with the apparent aim of acquiring that nation's large oil reserves, canceling a large debt Iraq owed Kuwait, and expanding Iraqi power in the region1. The Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein claimed as a reason for the invasion a territorial dispute over the Shatt al–Arab, the waterway which forms the boundary between the two countries2. Saddam Hussein believed that Iran was in turmoil and that his forces could achieve quick victory3. Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion and occupation of neighboring Kuwait in early August 1990. Alarmed by these actions, fellow Arab powers such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt called on the United States and other Western nations to intervene. Hussein defied United Nations Security Council demands to withdraw from Kuwait by mid–January 1991 and the Persian Gulf War began with a massive U.S.–led air offensive known as Operation Desert Storm4. After 42 days of relentless attacks by the allied coalition in the air and on the ground, U.S. President George H.W. Bush declared a cease–fire on February 28; by that time, most Iraqi forces in Kuwait had either surrendered or run away. Though the Persian Gulf War was initially considered an unqualified success for the international coalition, simmering conflict in the troubled region led ... Get more on ...
  • 22. United Arab Emirates The gulf country that I chose as my analysis topic is UAE (United Arab Emirates). In this essay I have mentioned touch languages, religions, life style, economy and political factors. The population of UAE was 9.27 million in 2016, with the GDP of 3.847 billion USD, these statistics show that United Arab Emirates is a developed and economically strong country situated in Middle East. United Arab Emirates (UAE) could be a country on the Arabian Peninsula set on the southeastern coast of the Persian Gulf and the northwestern coast of the Gulf of Muscat and Oman. The UAE consists of seven emirates and was based on a pair of Gregorian calendar month 1971 as a federation. Six of the seven emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al... Show more content on ... This is why I chose this country(UAE) as my topic where people from different backgrounds ad cultural value celebrate their differences together. The United Arab Emirates is home to an upscale cultural heritage that has been powerfully influenced by its distinctive setting. The region's varied piece of land, desert, oasis, mountains and coast, settled the normal lifestyles that evolved over the centuries. A resilience and resourcefulness necessary to survive in these harsh conditions was fostered by society's old social group structure: every family was historically sure by obligations of mutual help to his immediate relatives and to the tribe as well. Among the tribe a personality's unselfish welcome was the supply of his honor and pride. a standard faith, Islam, conjointly provided the cement that made the society stick together through thick and thin. The largest group, the Bani Yas, roamed the large sandy areas that cowl most of the emirates of Abu Dhabi and metropolis, also alternative tribes, too, like the Awamir and Manasir, shared this difficult setting for various generations. All the subtribes and clans were acquainted with wander nice distances with their camels in search of grazing, moving as entire family units. most Bani Yas ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Persian Gulf War Essay The Persian Gulf War The war in the Persian Gulf was a war of religious favor, cruel leadership, and greed. Desert Storm or more commonly known ass The Golf War was the same type of war that had accrued in this area for many years except for one fact. In Operation Desert Storm, it was a mix of sophisticated technology and the combined leadership and cooperation from the coalition that was used to end the war in a quick and timely manner. Which in the end probably saved thousands of lives. In 1979 Saddam Hussien took control of Iraq, and immediately made his presence known when he killed 21 of his cabinet members. He wanted to make his country whole once again. So in 1990 he invaded Kuwait and in less than ... Show more content on ... The names of a few of the major countries were Australia, Canada, Czechoslovakia, and Italy. The war was financed by countries that were unable to send in troops. More than 53 billion was pledged. Saudi Arabia and southern Kuwait were the largest donors. Switzerland also contributed to the allies, after being neutral during both World War I and World War II. The largest tank battle in the war conclusively showed the superiority of the coalition's tanks new technology that allowed them to attach at an impossible distance where they were basically immune from Iraq fire. Another benefit to the new technology was the new types of metal they were making the tanks out of. It was strong and most importantly light which was necessary for maneuverability reasons. As a whole, the battles showed that the coalition clearly out classed the tactics of the Iraq's emphasized pitched engagements and linear movements as they had been taught by there soviet leaders. In the entire Gulf War Iraq lost around 4,000 tanks and the coalition lost only 4. This quote states the truth about the situation inDesert Storm. "Iraq went from the fourth largest army in the world to the second biggest army in Iraq in 100 hours." Said Lieutenant General Tom Kelly. On the final night of the war, within hours of the cease fire, two United States Air Force bombers ... Get more on ...
  • 24. U.s. Involvement During The Persian Gulf War .Mohammadamin Montazer Mr. Kanna U.S. History, period 1 29 May 2015 U.S. Involvement in 1st Persian Gulf War "One of the good things about the way the Gulf War ended in 1991 is, you 'd see the Vietnam veterans marching with the Gulf War veterans" (George H. W. Bush). President Bush stated that the PersianGulf War was not fully supported by the soldiers who fought in the war. Gulf War veterans marched like Vietnam veterans because they also viewed the war as unjustified. Persian Gulf War veterans would say, "American soldiers lost their lives' for oil." The first Persian Gulf War started from August 2, 1990 and ended on February 28, 1991. This war began by the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. During this invasion some of the oil fields of Kuwait were set on fire and some of the oil spilled to the Persian Gulf. The Persian Gulf was the oil supplier for western countries. So anything happened to the Persian Gulf, the western countries will naturally react. The factors that led to The United States' involvement in the first Persian Gulf War included Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, his control over a sizable share of the world's oil reserves and his power over the economies of the world. Many Americans believe that the first Persian Gulf War was not necessary for the United States. On August 2, 1990, Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, attacked Kuwait as a result of overproduction of oil in Kuwait, which had cost Iraq an estimated $14 billion a year when oil process of obtaining the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Causes and Effects of the Persian Gulf War Essay Causes and Effects of the Persian Gulf War The Persian Gulf War, often referred to as Operation Desert Storm, was perhaps one of the most successful war campaigns in the history of warfare. Saddam Hussein, leader of Iraq, invaded Kuwait in 1990. In 1991, after weeks of air strikes, US ground forces entered Iraq and Kuwait and eliminated Iraqi presence in 60 hours. Why Would Iraq invade Kuwait? Kuwait supplies much of the world's oil supplies, and when Hussein invaded Kuwait, he controlled 24% of the world's oil supplies (O'Hara). Though this is a good reason, it is not the only one. Iraq's real excuse for annexing Kuwait was that he believed that Kuwait was producing more oil than it was supposed to, taking out of Iraq's ... Show more content on ... Just before the United States began air strikes over Iraq, Hussein decided to test his new weapon on the city of Iraq. Little damage was caused, but it just was another excuse for the United States to attack (NSA). What happened after the Persian Gulf War? "Because the world would not look the other way...tonight, Kuwait is free." Those were the words of President Bush after the end of OperationDesert Storm. Though free, Kuwait was a war torn country. While Iraqi troops were retreating, they set fire to many of the Kuwait oil fields causing a constant blaze. Along with a defeat, Iraq has to accept strict cease–fire terms set on by the UN. They include No–Fly–Zones on the north and south borders of Iraq, frequent military inspections, destroy all chemical and ballistic missiles in its possession, and stop any nuclear weapons programs (Brown). Though only about 367 Americans died in this war, about 160 of them were from friendly fire, which is when someone is killed by their own country on accident. This is because of the new "high–tech" weapons where at times, only infrared light can be read, making it impossible to decipher which is friend or foe (Friendly Fire). After the war, many of the soldiers who fought developed what is known as Gulf War Syndrome. Speculation is that the cause may be chemical or
  • 26. biological weapons used, but nothing has ever been confirmed (Brown). Towards the beginning ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Comparing Military Operations In Vietnam War, Persian Gulf... The ways in which the United States has conducted its military operations since becoming an independent nation has largely depended upon the overall political and military objectives of each individual conflict. The United States first three hot wars after the end of World War II display the marked difference in US objectives and the operations used to achieve them better than any other modern wars in which American troops participated. By and large the Korean War, Vietnam War, and PersianGulf War had virtually no similarities, particularly in the ways in which each was fought. These differences lay largely in the technology available at the time of each conflict as well as the over all world situation in which they occurred. If any ... Show more content on ... Johnson made this decision for a multitude of reasons ranging from trying to keep attention on his preferred domestic agenda to avoiding the political devastation wrought by fighting a stagnating war. Most important reason behind Johnson's decision for limited war however was to do what Truman had been unable to do, prevent the great communist powers from finding reason to involve themselves directly in the conflict. For this purpose Johnson made the decision to fight a generally no specific type of war, fighting without defined fronts, there by keeping the war from being able to expand. In the Persian Gulf War the first President Bush also chose to keep his war limited though his reasoning was not entirely similar to his predecessors. Whereas Truman and Johnson had sought to limit their wars to avoid enraging China and the Soviet Union, Bush I was determined not expand his war beyond its approved scope. The great differences between Korean, Vietnam and the Persian Gulf lie in how the military objectives and operations used to achieve them evolved over the course of the conflict. In the Korean War Truman was initially determined to ensure that operations would go only so far as to achieve the most justifiable goal ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay about The Persian Gulf War Introduction Wars have been apart of this world almost as long as anything else has. Even in the Bible days there are records of wars. There are many reasons that states choose to go to war. Sometimes it is for the expansion of a nation or state, other times it is for financial gains, and it also could be for security or defense purposes. Whatever the case may be, wars have been apart of human life and will always be. There were no differences when it came to the Persian Gulf War. This war involved the United States, Iraq, and Kuwait. When trying to determine the purpose behind this war I chose to view it from a comparison of both the realist and liberalist views on the war. The Case The Persian Gulf War stemmed from tension over ... Show more content on ... According to Albert Bin, "the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency estimated 100,000 Iraqi military deaths" (Bin, 237). Philip Taylor adds, "the United States had only 148 killed in action, 458 wounded, and 121 died through non combat incidents" (Taylor, 102). The United States victory was the most lopsided in recent history, in terms of numbers who died when looking at both sides. Casualties did not only occur during the progress of the war, "about 12,000 Iraqi civilians died during the war, and 5,000 civilians died since the end of the war due to wounds, lack of medical care, or malnutrition" (Lopez 1991). These statistics reinforce the realist belief concerning wars because of the numerous deaths that resulted from the Persian Gulf War; That is, the casualty count of the war supports the belief that the war was inadequate and preposterous due to the lack of concern for lives, rather the concern for substantial power and stability. Both Iraq and the United States were at war only because they both had oil interests that would help to expand either state's power. The United States savage bombing campaign caused most of the Iraqi deaths. The air campaign of the United States was very successful in terms of doing what it set out to do and that was to bomb everything that supported Iraq's war. This even includes some civilian facilities. Nothing was safe; Radar installations, military airfields, bunkers, electric power plants, highways, water treatment facilities, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. First Persian Gulf War: 1990-1991 Essay First Persian Gulf War: 1990–1991 The First Persian Gulf War between 1990 and 1991 was the most militarily efficient campaign in US history where comparatively few lives were lost. This war accomplished many goals, including that it secured the economic advantages for the "Western World". It encouraged a free flow of natural resources, established the value of air power and superiority, and verified that a free alliance for justice will prevail over armed aggression. In the end, the United State's goals were accomplished: Kuwait was liberated from Saddam and peace settled into the Middle East (Rayment). The Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan on December 27, 1979. This posed a threat on the United States because of their oil ties in... Show more content on ... Iraq had considered Kuwait to be basically a part of Iraq so land disputes were also common (Lee). Saddam had been disputing the control of two islands, Bubiyan and Warba, by Kuwait that blocked Iraqi access to theGulf. Another answer to this threat was a dispute over the Rumaila oil fields that crossed the Iraq–Kuwait border. Iraq claimed that Kuwait had been using "slant drilling" to siphon off Iraqi oil (Allen, 65). These badly defined borders caused constant claims by Iraq that Kuwait was illegally tapping into Iraqi oil supply (Lee). Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens, was one of the only people that predicted that the problem was going to lead to the attack of an Arab neighbor. He had come about this idea because of a collection of offensive missiles on the Kuwait and Jordanian border (Allen, 67). Hussein met with the U.S. ambassador April Glaspieto learn if the United States would block a partial invasion of Kuwait to secure the oil field and two islands (Richie, 26). Officials from both Iraq and Kuwait had been meeting in Jiddah and Saudi Arabia to compromise but no agreements had been made. On August 1, 1990 representatives from Iraq stated that Kuwait was not taking the negotiations seriously (Allen, 65). After being reassured by Middle Eastern leaders that Saddam was not going to invade Kuwait, satellite images showed the opposite. On August 1, 1990 a "logistics train" of fuel tanks, artillery, helicopters and fighter jets, appeared at the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Persian Gulf War Analysis The United States has long been looked as the authority of nations. Thus, when issues broke out in the Middle East, The United States was called to step in. When Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Egypt called for help. Consequently, the Persian Gulf War began, led by the United States that lasted 42 days. First, I choose to research about the Persian Gulf because it seemed like a very reliable source. This website provided additional information by including a video. Additionally, I liked how the information was accessible in a labeled drop–down paragraph. Secondly, The Gulf War relates to Unit 13 since the war shows American foreign policy. After the hardships of the seventies, Americans felt like their world dominance had deteriorated. However, by winning the Gulf War it displayed the U.S. policy towards nations that were in need of military aid. Unfortunately, "Though the Persian Gulf War was initially considered an unqualified success for the international coalition, simmering conflict in the troubled region led to a second Gulf War–known as the Iraq War–that began in 2003." ... Show more content on ... The first being, that the war lasted 42 days. To me, this was surprising because the Vietnam War lasted for nearly ten years! That is quite a big difference. Secondly, something else I found enthralling was that "the objective of which was to win the war in the air and minimize combat on the ground as much as possible." The reason why this was interesting was that I believe this a smart move from the U.S. Lastly, one thing I could not believe was that Iraq's Saddam Hussein, "was not forced from power." This was surprising because Saddam Hussein's ideas continued to spread, thus leading into the Iraq ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Persian Gulf War : Operation Desert Storm The Persian Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm In August 1990 the leader of Iraq, Saddam Hussein commanded his military to invade Kuwait. Refugees fled Kuwait, as many citizens were robbed, assaulted, and looted. Kuwait is a small country located at the North–Western end of the Persian Gulf, this gulf separates South Western Asia and the Arabian Peninsula. Saddam Hussein was well known to be a ruthless dictator. Leaving this to be the first time a UN member nation had invaded one of its fellow UN member nations. According to legends, that Hussein himself accepted, during the war Iraq– Iran war he had used poison gas against both Iranian troops and Iraqi civilians because they opposed to his regime (Carlisle 3). With this certain example we can furthermore comprehend Hussein's brutality and desire for power. Iraq and Kuwait are both member nations of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and by no doubt were rich from the oil revenue. Iraq mainly utilized this wealth into constructing a strong army, whereas Kuwait used the money to provide a better quality of life for its citizens. Hussein had major war–debts that incurred from Iran–Iraq war that he could not pay off. Kuwait seemed to be a good choice for Hussein as the country was a part of Iraq during the Ottoman Empire and only gained sovereignty in 1961. Furthermore a significant amount Iraq's war debts are from Kuwait. Seizing Kuwait for Hussein proved immunity, as now there would not be much stopping him ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Persian Gulf War Analysis The Persian Gulf War is also known as Americans Operation Desert storm. It was one of the most major events in American history from 1990 to 1991. The Americans fought in this war and had a great excuse for conquering Kuwait. The Gulf War was upraised by Saddam's violent tendencies in ordering an invasion of Kuwait. The nation large oil reserves had canceled a large debt that Iraq owed to Kuwait. Iraq also had an expansion of power in the region. On August 3 the United Nations Security Council called for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait, and on August 6 the council imposed a worldwide ban on trade with Iraq. The Iraqi government responded by formally annexing Kuwait on August 8. (Britannica, 2015) The environment always seems to be the victim of ... Show more content on ... Saddam Hussein felt smothered, and unable to find money to repay the other Arab states for Iraq's previous war with Iran. The only way for Iraq to obtain revenue was through oil exports. Kuwait, who didn't need the extra revenue, was overproducing which drove prices down, and drove Saddam's frustration up (Wilson, 1995). Enough time has elapsed to study the economic impact of the Gulf War on the region. Most of the economic costs were incurred by Iraq. Losses in military equipment alone totaled over $50 billion (Wilson, 1995). The time and effort needed to repair the damage and build replacement facilities will take years to accomplish. This will also be difficult for Iraq because of the pending arms embargo on the state. The economic position may be easier for Kuwait, although the impact is still hard–felt. The most expansive damage was that inflicted upon the oil installations. Overall, the costliest damage was the environmental disaster caused by the oil slicks, which cost more the $700 million to clean–up (Wilson, 1995). From 1991–1992, Kuwait's oil industry severely deteriorated and suffered a massive drop in production due the destruction of their oil wells. Kuwait's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased as a result of its growing oil industry. Namely, oil exports were on the rise once again. Still, the economic costs incurred by Kuwait will have to be managed for a long time. Moreover, there remains ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Persian Gulf War: A USLed War Against Saddam Hussein's... A)The Persian Gulf War a U.S.– led war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq. The level of analysis that best explains that event is the individual level. Saddam Hussein made the decision to attack Kuwait in August of 1990. I believe that the cause of this war was based on one individual (Saddam Hussein) because of his previous decision to dissolve conflict and return territory that his troop had occupied. The Persian Gulf War led to countries chain gang to each other. With Britain, France, Germany, the Soviet Union, Japan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia versusIraq, Jordan, Algeria, the Sudan, Yemen, Tunisia and the PLO. The sequences of events was caused by Saddam Hussein's choice to occupy Kuwait, because of allegation that there was overproduction of ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Iraq War: The Persian Gulf War The Gulf war and the Iraq war were two wars in which the primary antagonist was Saddam Hussein. These two are current wars that coercied the establishment of the Middle East, as well as global security, it has been contemplated that the real direction leading toward the intervention of the west in both wars, was not what the alliance wanted that was, led by the United States. This brought about justifying their intervention, instead of targeting the retaliation from the West, which was protected by the Middle East and the oil supply that was close to falling in Sudan Hussein's full control. Now these wars are both similar to the concept America's policy in regard to its benefit, throughout the nation. One author and military patriot qouted ... Show more content on ... strict policy against assassination. The given section of the ordered label "Restrictions on Intelligence Activities," Ford had outlawed political assassination on all personnel ( ): Section 5(g), entitled "Prohibition on Assassination," states: "No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination. ( )" Now, if Hussein was able to find him, then U.S. still would not be able to kill him, since they cannot hire others to assassinate Hussein, which will be totally against the law. Also, according to the former senior Special Forces officer who had firsthand experience of Gulf War assassination operations, "No one can tell you we weren't trying to kill Saddam. We were, and that's a fact. We weren't very good because he is a [master] at deception, and keeping his presence low–profile.( )" ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Analytical Failure Of Iraq During Persian Gulf War Analytical Failure of Iraq in Persian Gulf War Affiliation Student's Name Introduction Failures analysis is the process of gathering data and information in order to find the cause of failure especially when the goal had been set. Analytical failure of war, on the other hand, is failures by decision making bodies to make appropriate decision which will lead to victory. This failures occurs when military and political leaders come up with war strategies which when implemented leads to failures or losses. War analytical failures are always attributed to lack of sufficient intelligence information about the opponents, failure to predict possible long term consequences, having misleading information, poor leadership and overreliance on weapons without knowing their weakness. In contrast, however, military disaster can befall some territories, irrespective well informed their generals are, because of weakness in their abilities. Super powerful countries may also face the same problem because their leaders may misperceive on coming warnings and threats or make poor calculations in the way they respond to possible catastrophic dangers1. Strategic intelligence is essential in making the most appropriate decisions when it comes to defense policies. There should be proper gathering, analysis and appreciations of pertinent and factual data. In most intelligence failures, problems always starts with collection of data from the ground by professionals who then analyses ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Persian Gulf War Was the Gulf War a fight on the protection and freedom of a defenseless nation. Or was it what laid beneath Kuwait's city in its rich oil field reserves. The Gulf War or also called the Persian Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm or the First Iraqi War was a very cooperative fight against the regime of Saddam Hussein. The precursor of the Gulf War were laid down many years before the war began. Iraq always was very pugnacious with the surrounding nations. In the 1960's a seizure of power aquired in Iraq and the Ba'athist political party took power. By the late 1970's a leading Ba'athist political leader General Saddam Hussein became the official President of Iraq. Saddam built up the Iraqi army and began war that lasted a staggering 8 long years ... Show more content on ... After President Bush Sr. saw all of this he began to change, his speeches became more on protecting the innocent people of Kuwait and keeping them free. He also talked about Saddam Hussein being the next "Adolf Hitler" and he needed to be taken care of. After the war in 1991 President Bush received a very high regards for the victory. And the controversy began to take place on whether any mistakes on his policy were the result of the war breaking out in the first place. Throughout the 1980's America continuously kept an eye on Saddam Hussein on the long war of Iraq and Iran. The Reagan administration misconceived a favor to sale guns to the Iran contra scandal. America always liked Iraq despite having Saddam Hussein . Evidence showed that Saddam Hussein might have weapons of mass destruction and using deadly gas against against the Kurdish. America wanted to help Iraq but they had huge unemployment and they were in a bad economic state, the oil prices were down and they were deeply in debt with the Arab states. In mid 1990 Saddam had said that Kuwait was apparently draining Iraqi oil beside the border. Saddam said that the oil rightfuly belonged to ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Persian Gulf And Iraq War Ashlyn Naughton Ms. Howie Honors English III December 9, 2015 Persian Gulf & Iraq War The Persian Gulf/ Iraq War was one of the longest wars in American history. The Iraq War alone lasted nine years, and the Persian Gulf War lasted a little over a year. Many veterans faced hardships upon returning home. These hardships include: illness, homelessness, and unemployment in the midst of one of America 's worst economic depressions in history. Shouldn 't veterans be treated better? The Persian Gulf War, otherwise known as the Gulf War was an international conflict that began in August of 1990 whenIraq invaded Kuwait. Kuwait is located on the northwestern corner of the Persian Gulf. Kuwait is considered a wealthy country, with many oil refineries and a great military advantage with the location along the Gulf ("Kuwait"). Iraq 's leader Saddam Hussein, ordered the invasion, with the goal of gaining possession of large oil reserves and expanding Iraqi power in Kuwait ("Persian"). On August 3, 1990 the United Nations calls for Iraq to withdraw their forces from Kuwait. After Iraq fails to cooperate, the United Nations begins a worldwide ban of trade with Iraq. By January 1991, Iraq had still failed to remove their presence in Kuwait, the United Nations authorizes the use of excessive force. On January 16, 1991 the United States lead a massive air campaign against Iraq. Air bombardment began in mission to get Iraq out of Kuwait. This air campaign became known as a mission ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The American Of The Persian Gulf If they would just leave us alone, this wouldn 't have happened. It all started in 1908. Oil reserves were found in the Persian Gulf. We had oil, but not enough money to extract and refine the oil. The big bucks British did though. They were given a lot of profit from this and had freedom to extract all the Iranian oil that they pleased. This maddened the people of Iran. They watched their Shah and these British business men become filthy rich while the rest of the country was dirt poor. Our hopes were raised when our Iranian Prime Minister Mosaddegh took over the Anglo–Persian Oil Company. We all loved Mosaddegh's ideas. He was going to build schools, give poor farmers more land, give unemployment insurance to workers, and, the greatest ... Show more content on ... The Shah was not religious enough and did not want any of our religious cultures anymore. He had started to have many oppressive polices that everyone hated. He was selling out to foreign interests with no concern to the people of Iran. Some of us hated his rights for women either too many or too few. He did not allow any political views to be expressed against him, only for him, which lead to the SAVAK. He had secret agents everywhere, and they looked out for illegal political activity. No one had any feeling of safety. Anyone protesting was met with bullets, no rubber bullets or pepper spray. Ayatollah Khomeini revealed the Shah for what a thief he was. A newspaper article stated that Ayatollah Khomeini was a closet homosexual and British agent. All press was run by the government, so this deeply angered the Iranian people. They protested and were shot by police, but instead of retreating, the Iranians pushed forward and protested against the Shah. The Shah went on a trip to Egypt and never returned to Iran. The Iranians were over–joyed and took over all police stations and the government. There were huge crowds swarming the city streets of Iran. Crowds took down any signs of publicity for their Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Cars were honking, people were screaming and cheering and were overwhelmed with joy. We had our way, we got it, and we had our new leader Ayatollah Khomeini. When we found out that Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was in the United States and was given ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Saudi Arabia And The Persian Gulf Qatar, a country located in the Middle East by Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf, has a thriving economy due to the vast amount of oil and gas reserves located along its vast coastline. Although there are actually only 250,000 native Qataris living in the country, they have an average income of $400,000 each. Gross domestic product, which is considered the total amount of goods and services produced in a country over the course of a year, is measured at one hundred and ninety–eight billion in Qatar (Economy overview: Qatar). Qatar essentially constructed urban and industrial projects around major oil refineries and seaports. Surprisingly, this country, which has a total population of 2,123,160, is uniquely prospering due to revenue from ... Show more content on ... Qatar's total exports were valued at $57.82 billion, with natural gas, oil, fertilizers, and steel as popular export commodities ("Qatar Economic Forecast"). Japan is considered Qatar's major trading partner when it comes to exports. Qatar works with a trade surplus, with revenues gained that are reinvested into imports that has helped this country maintain a rapidly growing economy ("Qatar Economy"). On the other hand, Qatar imports food, chemicals, and machinery and transport equipment from countries such as the United States (14.2 percent), Saudi Arabia (8.6 percent), and the United Kingdom (6.4 percent) (Economy overview: Qatar). Qatar has become an economic powerhouse, ranging from the 1950's up until over the past couple of years due to several reasons. Since Qatar is located on the world's largest natural–gas reserve, this has allowed the country to employ more than ninety two percent of its citizens in government–funded jobs (Bates). In 1955, Hamad bin Khalifah Al Than impeached his father and after this occurred, Qatar became a force to deal with in the region and beyond (Bates). First, Al Than allowed the U.S. set up its military headquarters just outside of the capital of Qatar. Hamad went on to build the world 's largest facilities for compressing liquid natural gas, which now exports to Europe, Japan, and India (Bates). "It really projected Qatar to a role of importance in the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Persian Gulf War Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Im (names) and this is our ignite talk on the Persian Gulf War. The Persian Gulf War was between the United States and Iraq. It started August 2, 1990 and didn't end until February 28, 1991. Iraq was ordered by their leader Saddam Hussein to invade Kuwait because they had to pay for 8 year war between them and Iran and they wanted to gain access to the oil market. Which the only way to do this was accessing the Persian Gulf and Kuwait was the easiest country to invade for them to do this. This brought immediate economic sanctions against Iraq by members of the U.N. Security Council this was because Iraq violated U.N. sanctions. The U.S. President George H. W. Bush deployed U.S. forces into Saudi Arabia,... Show more content on ... This earned the war the nickname the Video Game War after the daily broadcast of images from cameras on board U.S. bombers during Operation Desert Storm. There were two very important operations that took place during the Persian Gulf War. The first one was called "Operation Desert Shield". This was a U.S operational name for the buildup of U.S forces in Saudi Arabia. To surround and contain Iraq's armed forces.This operation took place from 2 August 1990, to 16 January 1991. The second operation was called "Operation Desert Storm". The U.S. name of the airland conflict from 17 January 1991, through 11 April 1991. This was the attack on Iraq's armed forces. So basically the first operation was the setup and the second operation was the attack. The initial conflict to expel Iraqi troops from Kuwait began with an aerial and naval bombardment on 17 January 1991, continuing for five weeks. This was followed by a ground assault on 24 February. This was a decisive victory for the Coalition forces, who liberated Kuwait and advanced into Iraqi territory. The Coalition ceased its advance, and declared a ceasefire 100 hours after the ground campaign started. Aerial and ground combat was confined to Iraq, Kuwait, and areas on Saudi Arabia's border. Iraq launched Scud missiles against Coalition military targets in Saudi Arabia and against ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The United States The U.S. seeks to provide for its security by stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons. We have led internationally to levy economic sanctions against Iran. Our diplomatic efforts have already halted Iran's nuclear program. The United States has an enduring interest in freedom of navigation and overflight as well as the safety and sustainability of the air and maritime environments. We are seeking stability in the Middle East, ensuring the free flow of energy from the region to the world while promoting democracy and upholding human rights. We will carry out this through investing in the ability of Israel, Jordan, and our Gulf partners to deter aggression while maintaining our unwavering commitment to Israel's security, including... Show more content on ... Tehran can threaten major energy market fluctuations from oil production and maritime security through control of the Straits of Hormuz. TheStrait of Hormuz link the Persian Gulf and the flow of oil to the world. Iran is aware of the significance of the Strait of Hormuz. "While Iran's capability to actually "close" the strait is questionable, there is little doubt that it could quickly wreak havoc on the global economy by doing much less." (Iran and the Strait of Hormuz.: Part 3 Stratfor, 2009). Global stability is constantly in jeopardy through Iran's continued support of terrorist activities. (Rhode, H., n.d., The Sources of Iranian Negotiating Behavior) states "Yet the Iranian government has not been dissuaded from sponsoring and implementing terror tactics, and has not been convinced to halt its illegal nuclear program." Iran has demonstrated their intent to continue their nuclear program regardless of international sanctions and admonishment. They continue to support terrorist activities throughout the region. There is no sign that if Iran was able to produce weapons grade nuclear material that it would not be used by a violent extremist organization. Iran can disrupt or control maritime trade and security of the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz. Iranian leadership views compromise and requests for negotiations as a sign of weakness and an opportunity for exploitation. "Compromise (as we in the West understand this ... Get more on ...
  • 42. History Is Filled With Wars History is filled with wars. Wars are one among the foremost attention grabbing, nevertheless the scariest, aspects of history. If there have been no wars, the globe would be terribly totally different. One will agree that we have a tendency to learn our mistakes from wars. However, history is understood for continuation itself. There for, there are continuously new problems and conflicts that result in wars. It's a part of attribute to disagree most things for numerous reasons. After all, everyone seems to be totally different and have distinctive points of read some wars run off over land, whereas others occur to safeguard a nation's respect and honor. Twentieth century is replete of the many major wars. However, one among the war that ... Show more content on ... The dispute results in a series of minor military exchanges on the border that were increasing in intensity. While the causes of the conflict were various and varied, one in all the principals was access to, and management of, the Shatt–al–Arab waterway. The Shatt–al–Arab itself was necessary for variety of reasons. The primary is that it permits for agricultural production in a section with a dry, wet climate. The waterway served as a way of transportation for moving agricultural and different merchandise each with within the country and to ports for export. End tabs container. The empire claimed each facet throughout their rule, though the Ottomans did usually not dominate the Persian facet. Supported the strength of this, Al– Iraq claimed the east bank (Iranian side) of the stream, a crucial piece of property, since the Shatt – al – Arab is its solely outlet to the gulf. Al Iraq united to the division of the waterway with Asian nation (Iran) in a very 1975 written agreement. This gave Al–Iraq management of most of the waterway and needed Asian nation to pay toll whenever its ships used the water method. This agreement settled the border dispute over the Shatt al Arab waterway in Iran 's favor. At a similar time, Iraq renounced a long–standing claim to the southwestern portion of Asian ... Get more on ...