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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
Learning Goal
Learners will understand that they are active members of their community, family, classroom,
neighbourhood and world.
 Lesson 1
Who am I? What makes me happy and healthy?
 Lesson 2
What is a community? Exploring my classroom, my neighbourhood, my country...
 Lesson 3
What happens when we aren’t all becoming happy and healthy?
 Lesson 4
Equality and Fairness: We are all connected!
 Lesson 5
Our very own Declaration of Human Rights
 Lesson 6
Questioning the World around us: Asking questions about Culture, Place and Experience
 Lesson 7
Origins of food
 Lesson 8
How do my values relate to others?
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
Learning Objectives
 Students will cultivate an appreciation and respect for cultural diversity.
 Students will apply concepts learned in class to their community and day-to-day lives.
 Students will think about what they can do to contribute to their own community.
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
'Who am I? What makes me happy and healthy?'
 Good Health and Well-Being (SDG3) and Quality Education (SDG4)
Students will have the tools to think about others and think critically about what makes them
themselves, unique. This is the first step of situating themselves in the world.
Essential Questions
 Who am I?
 What is important to me? Why?
 What do I like to do? What do I dislike? Why?
 What do I want to be in the future? Why?
The teacher can ask students questions throughout the lesson to check for comprehension
Teachers can evaluate students’ self-expression using the following rubric:
1. Limited expression: Ss' share little or no information about themselves
2. Some expression: Ss' share some information but with inconsistent answers
3. Adequate expression: Ss' share information about themselves, their families, their friends, and their
likes and dislikes but don't explain any of their answers
4. Good expression: Ss' share information about themselves, their families... and explain why
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
5. Excellent expression: Ss' share info about themselves, their families... in great detail and give reasons
Sequence of Activities
1. Opening activity
What kind of activities do you like to do in your free time? Explain why.
What kind of activity don't you like to do in your free time? Explain why.
2. Main activity
Ss' create a drawing or a painting of themselves that reflects who or what makes them
who they are... The question is: 'What defines you?'
3. Closing activity
Ss' share their painting with the class to build their communication skills.
4. Examples
The teacher can show Ss' some examples of others' self-portraits
'What is a Community: My Class, My Family, My Neighbourhood'
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
 Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8); Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
(SDG 9); Reduce Inequalities (SDG 10); Sustainable Cities and Communities(SDG 11)
Students will be able to recognize the diverse types of work done at home, at school and
outside of these places with respect for the different professions.
Essential Questions
 Who are the people in my life?
 What role do they play?
 How are the people in our community interconnected?
 How is my daily routine connected with my community?
 What would happen if those people stopped doing their community roles?
 How do we show appreciation for the people in our community?
The teacher can ask students questions and then Ss' will be assessed based on their level of
participation in the activity:
3. Active participation: Ss' communicate clearly, work well with others, contribute to discussion, participate in the play
production and performance
2. Moderate participation: Ss' listen but don't share, work with others, participate in the class discussion, have a role in the
play but don't contribute to the play's design
3. Passive participation: Ss' don't listen or share with others, don't communicate with their teams, don't perform or participate
in the production of the play
Sequence of Activities:
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
Part 1: Sharing and Mapping
➔ Teacher and student sit in a discussion circle. Teacher asks students: 'What are the things that you do
every day?' Students share their answers: ex. 'I eat breakfast, I ride the bus, I put on my clothes, I
go to school, etc.'
➔ Teacher asks students to expand on their answers ex. 'Who helps you with these things? Where do the items
you use for your daily routines come from? Who do you interact with on a daily basis?' The students answer: ex.
“My mom makes breakfast in the morning, my teacher teaches me, my clothes are made by my
grandmother/I buy my clothes at the store, the bus driver drives me to school, etc.”
Part 2: Role Playing
2.1 — Group Work
● Students are grouped into small teams of 2-3.
● Each member of the team shares their scenario from a daily routine and what it would
look like without the key community members who are involved in this routine.
● Members act out what the routine would look like without the key people in their lives,
the key items or tasks which are done by different people in the community.
● Each group picks one scenario to act out.
Example of a role play:
Setting: Small Town, Morning
Student 1 (Student): I am ready to go to school. I am heading to the bus stop and it’s a beautiful
day. I take the bus to school every morning; it’s great!
Student 2 (Bus Driver): I drive the bus every morning, but today I am sick. I will not be able to drive all the
kids to school.
Student 1 (Student): I am waiting for the bus, but it is not here. I don’t think I will be able to go to school
Student 3 (Teacher): I am so worried about my students. I hope they are okay. Nobody came to class
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
Student 1 (Student): Today was my favorite class. We were going to learn about turtles, but I will not be
able to do that. I hope the bus driver is okay!
Student 2 (Bus Driver): I love driving the neighborhood kids to school. I can’t wait to go back to work
tomorrow so they can go to their lessons and learn many great things.
2.2— Skit Presentations
● Groups of 3 students (10 groups total based on 30 student class occupancy) act out their plays.
Part 3: Discussion
After each group has performed their skit, the teacher asks students some follow-up discussion questions.
The teacher will then explain that we will talk about people in our community who help us.
● What kinds of things do we do every day?
● Who were the key community members in the skits that we saw?
● What kinds of jobs, tools, and uniforms do these community members use?
● What kind of connections do we have among us and with different community members?
● What would happen if some community members were no longer a part of our community?
● What are some similarities and differences which we see in our communities and in our
daily routines?
● How do we appreciate our community members every day?
• What makes a community or a neighbourhood:
• Who help us in our neighbourhood:
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
 Zero Hunger (SDG 2); Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls (SDG 5);
Reduce Inequality Among Countries (SDG 10)
Students will understand what inequality is and what it feels like to be affected by inequality.
They will identify examples of inequality.
Essential Questions
 What is inequality?
 How does inequality make us feel?
 How do we see it in our communities?
 Why does inequality happen?
Teacher will introduce the topic of inequality as a concept of some people having something, when others
do not. We'll talk about how unequal amounts of things can be seen in our daily lives.
Teacher will tell Ss' that they have brought some sweets to the class today. (Teacher can bring any type of sweet or
snack-M&Ms, small pieces of chocolate...). 'Today we are going to do an activity with sweets. You cannot eat
anything at all!! You are going to see how we can have some moments in our lives that are unequal. We
are going to talk about how you feel when this happens'.
Teacher will:
○ Distribute the majority of the snacks to one person, and one snack to every other
child in the room.
○ Ask the kids if this distribution of snacks is equal or unequal
○ Ask a few students who have one snack to talk about how they feel when they
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
only get one snack
○ Ask the student with many snacks to talk about how they feel in this situation.
○ Collect all the snacks and then redistribute them. This time the teacher will give an
equal number of snacks to each of the boys in the class, but no snacks to the girls.
○ Ask about their feelings about this distribution of snacks. Is it okay for boys to get more
snacks than girls? Why not?
○ Collect all the snacks a final time. This redistribution will have 2 students with many
snacks, a few more students (between 5-10 depending on class size) with 4-5
snacks, and then the rest of the students (the majority) with only 1 snack.
○ The teacher will again ask the students their perspectives on the distribution of
snacks. 'Is this fair?'
Think about this: Pretend that what you have is not a snack, is food or water. Ss' with the most snacks can
eat 3 meals a day but the people with 1 snack only can eat 1 meal a day.
Students will brainstorm about how they would feel in that situation. Students will brainstorm other things
they see in the world that are distributed unequally- money, toys, clothes, water, food, medicines...
Finally, Ss' will discuss what distribution would be best for everyone.
What would be the solution in this situation:
 No Poverty (SDG 1); Zero Hunger (SDG 2); Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8); Reduced
Inequalities (SDG 10); Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16)
Contributed by MQuintas 10.
Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
Students will understand the rights of all humans to live happy and healthy, without
considering gender, age, disability,...(no poverty, no hunger...). And they will identify moments in
which everyone should receive the same.
Essential Questions
 How does inequality feel?
 What are the things that every kid should have?
 Should we always be treated the same way?
1. Opener: What happened in the last class? Do you remember? How did the activity of the snacks
make you feel in different moments of the class?
2. Activity 1: What basic things you think every child should have? Do you think every child has
access to those things?
3. Activity 2: Teacher reads “The Fairest Teacher of Them All” by Jason Buckley. We talk about the
reading: What happened in the story? Why did Albert change his job? Was Albert doing the right
things treating everyone the same? What should Albert have done?
4. Activity 3: Some Ss' share their comments about the story and a reflection about equality.
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
 Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10); Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16)
Students will understand the meaning of creating a document where we all agree on things that human
beings deserve. Ss' will work together to create a common document, for the greater good of the
community (classroom) where they understand the importance of such a document.
Essential Questions
 What is a declaration of human rights?
 Why is it important to work together?
 How can we work together?
 How will we agree on what goes in this document?
 How do we represent all human rights we agree on?
Teacher walks around during creation of classroom declaration of human rights, making sure Ss' are
working together. The final assessment will be the final declaration of human rights.
1. Opening:
○ Teacher will ask students what they remember about being part of a community.
○ What does it mean to be equal? Unequal?
○ What are ways that we can all be happy members of a community?
○ Teacher will present some articles of the UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) to
students and discuss how this was created (a lot of people got together created a
document where all people would be treated nicely, and where people were would all be
happy in the planet.). Do you think it's necessary? Is it a 'hot spot'? Why? So...
2. Democracy:
○ Teacher explains that they will come up with things that they want to be true, important
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
their classrooms, based on what they learned in the previous lessons, and they
will make a document all together.
○ Teacher explains that students will vote, so when they agree they should raise
their hands and if the majority of the group agrees, they can include it. If doesn't, they
have to vote /discuss again.
3. Creating Articles:
○ Students come up with 10 articles for their declaration of human rights. If the
majority of the class agrees, they can include it.
○ Students should be prompted to think about how fair the articles they are coming
up with are, and how to make sure all students are included in their ideas.
4. Finished UDHR:
○ Students will be put into groups of 2-3, and will draw and write out words for
each of the articles they have created. Each group will be focused on one of the
articles, and will represent it using words and pictures.
○ Teacher will then bind all pictures and create one document for the classroom
declaration of human rights (CDHR).
○ Teacher will wrap up the lesson and give a conclusion.
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
'Questioning the World around us: Asking questions about Culture, Place and Experience'
 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16)
Students will be able to understand the meaning of diversity in day-to-day life and the value of diversity.
They'll learn the importance of other experiences and perspectives.
Essential Questions
 How are other people similar to us?
 How are other people different from us?
 In what ways do people's experiences shape their opinions?
 What can we learn from other people that we cannot learn from other places?
Students generate questions about home life and different cultures, places and experiences.
1. Opening:
- Where children sleep
2. Closing
- Comments about the video based on the book by James Mollison: 'Where children sleep'
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
 No poverty (SDG 1); Zero Hunger (SDG 2); Good Health and Well-Being (SDG 3);Responsible
Production and Consumption (SDG 12)
Students will be able to identify the origins of food production and to understand that the access to different foods is
related to inequalities such as health and poverty. Students will use their own lunch to discuss the origins of their food,
where it comes from and relate their meals to issues of poverty and hunger worldwide.
Essential Questions
 Where does our food come from?
 Why do different cultures consume different foods?
 How is food access unequally distributed throughout the world?
Students will answer two questions at the end of the lesson and will draw a map of food production created by them.
1. Opening:
Hook Ss' into this:
- Where does our food come from? (All food comes from plants or animals)
Food has to be grown, reared or caught.
Food is produced around the world.
Food is changed from farm to fork.
Food is processed on different levels to make it edible and safe
Look at this:
The following ingredients are used to make a vegetable and goat’s cheese tart. State whether the ingredients
are from a plant or animal and its name. The first one has been done for you.
Ingredient Animal / Plant Name of animal or plant
Plain flour plant wheat
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Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
- What's for lunch today?
- Why do you think some places have more food than others?
- How do you feel when you are hungry?
- How do you think being hungry might affect someone in school?
● Draw a picture of what you ate (at home or at school) and write what types of foods are you eating. Where do
they come from? (the ground, an animal, a tree, the farm...).
● Look at these pictures about school-lunches in different countries (some of them hasn't got any fruit or protein and
some of them has got a lot of fats. Which countries have well-rounded meals and which were lacking? )
● Look at your healthy plate(which components of a healthy meal are missing?)
● Draw a map and show the process of the delivery chain of food. Look at the examples:
2. Closing:
- How does food get from the farm to your table?
- Why are some meals unequal in different places?
Contributed by MQuintas 16.
Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
 Quality Education (SDG 4); Reduced inequalities (SDG 10); Peace, Justice and Strong
Institutions (SDG 16 )
Students will learn to cultivate tolerance for all religions and gain a deeper understanding of one's own
personal identity.
Essential Questions
 What's the definition of values?
 How many values do you know?
 All of us have the same values? Why? Why not?
 Are values related to religion? How?
 What is religious tolerance?
 How can we build tolerance and respect for religious diversity?
Students show an understanding about their own values and how these values help people live in a better
1. Write a list of 5 / 10 most important values to you
2. Compare your values with the values of other students. Are they similar?
3. Which of your values is related to your religion? Or to other religions?
4. Watch the 100 people video (A world portrait):
5. Watch the statistics:
Conclusion: Which of the following issues matter most (Choose 6). Explain why?
Contributed by MQuintas 17.
Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María
Contributed by MQuintas 18.

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Education for Sustainable Development-Lesson Plan

  • 1. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (ESD) LESSON PLAN ESO 2 Contributed by MQuintas 1.
  • 2. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA DAILY LESSON PLAN Learning Goal Learners will understand that they are active members of their community, family, classroom, neighbourhood and world. Lessons  Lesson 1 Who am I? What makes me happy and healthy?  Lesson 2 What is a community? Exploring my classroom, my neighbourhood, my country...  Lesson 3 What happens when we aren’t all becoming happy and healthy?  Lesson 4 Equality and Fairness: We are all connected!  Lesson 5 Our very own Declaration of Human Rights  Lesson 6 Questioning the World around us: Asking questions about Culture, Place and Experience  Lesson 7 Origins of food  Lesson 8 How do my values relate to others? Contributed by MQuintas 2.
  • 3. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA Learning Objectives  Students will cultivate an appreciation and respect for cultural diversity.  Students will apply concepts learned in class to their community and day-to-day lives.  Students will think about what they can do to contribute to their own community. Contributed by MQuintas 3.
  • 4. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA LESSON 1 'Who am I? What makes me happy and healthy?' STANDARDS  Good Health and Well-Being (SDG3) and Quality Education (SDG4) GOAL Students will have the tools to think about others and think critically about what makes them themselves, unique. This is the first step of situating themselves in the world. Essential Questions  Who am I?  What is important to me? Why?  What do I like to do? What do I dislike? Why?  What do I want to be in the future? Why? Assessment The teacher can ask students questions throughout the lesson to check for comprehension Teachers can evaluate students’ self-expression using the following rubric: 1. Limited expression: Ss' share little or no information about themselves 2. Some expression: Ss' share some information but with inconsistent answers 3. Adequate expression: Ss' share information about themselves, their families, their friends, and their likes and dislikes but don't explain any of their answers 4. Good expression: Ss' share information about themselves, their families... and explain why Contributed by MQuintas 4.
  • 5. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA 5. Excellent expression: Ss' share info about themselves, their families... in great detail and give reasons Sequence of Activities 1. Opening activity What kind of activities do you like to do in your free time? Explain why. What kind of activity don't you like to do in your free time? Explain why. 2. Main activity Ss' create a drawing or a painting of themselves that reflects who or what makes them who they are... The question is: 'What defines you?' 3. Closing activity Ss' share their painting with the class to build their communication skills. 4. Examples The teacher can show Ss' some examples of others' self-portraits LESSON 2 'What is a Community: My Class, My Family, My Neighbourhood' STANDARDS Contributed by MQuintas 5.
  • 6. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA  Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8); Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9); Reduce Inequalities (SDG 10); Sustainable Cities and Communities(SDG 11) GOAL Students will be able to recognize the diverse types of work done at home, at school and outside of these places with respect for the different professions. Essential Questions  Who are the people in my life?  What role do they play?  How are the people in our community interconnected?  How is my daily routine connected with my community?  What would happen if those people stopped doing their community roles?  How do we show appreciation for the people in our community? Assessment The teacher can ask students questions and then Ss' will be assessed based on their level of participation in the activity: 3. Active participation: Ss' communicate clearly, work well with others, contribute to discussion, participate in the play production and performance 2. Moderate participation: Ss' listen but don't share, work with others, participate in the class discussion, have a role in the play but don't contribute to the play's design 3. Passive participation: Ss' don't listen or share with others, don't communicate with their teams, don't perform or participate in the production of the play Sequence of Activities: Contributed by MQuintas 6.
  • 7. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA Part 1: Sharing and Mapping ➔ Teacher and student sit in a discussion circle. Teacher asks students: 'What are the things that you do every day?' Students share their answers: ex. 'I eat breakfast, I ride the bus, I put on my clothes, I go to school, etc.' ➔ Teacher asks students to expand on their answers ex. 'Who helps you with these things? Where do the items you use for your daily routines come from? Who do you interact with on a daily basis?' The students answer: ex. “My mom makes breakfast in the morning, my teacher teaches me, my clothes are made by my grandmother/I buy my clothes at the store, the bus driver drives me to school, etc.” Part 2: Role Playing 2.1 — Group Work ● Students are grouped into small teams of 2-3. ● Each member of the team shares their scenario from a daily routine and what it would look like without the key community members who are involved in this routine. ● Members act out what the routine would look like without the key people in their lives, or the key items or tasks which are done by different people in the community. ● Each group picks one scenario to act out. Example of a role play: Setting: Small Town, Morning Student 1 (Student): I am ready to go to school. I am heading to the bus stop and it’s a beautiful day. I take the bus to school every morning; it’s great! Student 2 (Bus Driver): I drive the bus every morning, but today I am sick. I will not be able to drive all the kids to school. Student 1 (Student): I am waiting for the bus, but it is not here. I don’t think I will be able to go to school today. Student 3 (Teacher): I am so worried about my students. I hope they are okay. Nobody came to class today. Contributed by MQuintas 7.
  • 8. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA Student 1 (Student): Today was my favorite class. We were going to learn about turtles, but I will not be able to do that. I hope the bus driver is okay! Student 2 (Bus Driver): I love driving the neighborhood kids to school. I can’t wait to go back to work tomorrow so they can go to their lessons and learn many great things. 2.2— Skit Presentations ● Groups of 3 students (10 groups total based on 30 student class occupancy) act out their plays. Part 3: Discussion After each group has performed their skit, the teacher asks students some follow-up discussion questions. The teacher will then explain that we will talk about people in our community who help us. ● What kinds of things do we do every day? ● Who were the key community members in the skits that we saw? ● What kinds of jobs, tools, and uniforms do these community members use? ● What kind of connections do we have among us and with different community members? ● What would happen if some community members were no longer a part of our community? ● What are some similarities and differences which we see in our communities and in our daily routines? ● How do we appreciate our community members every day? EXAMPLES: • What makes a community or a neighbourhood: • Who help us in our neighbourhood: 0Mq3a0rcLw4/VBjfM5gJVsI/AAAAAAAACcw/ZpPTOL3rRUc/s1600/IMG_2813.jpg LESSON 3 'INEQUALITY' STANDARDS Contributed by MQuintas 8.
  • 9. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA  Zero Hunger (SDG 2); Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls (SDG 5); Reduce Inequality Among Countries (SDG 10) GOAL Students will understand what inequality is and what it feels like to be affected by inequality. They will identify examples of inequality. Essential Questions  What is inequality?  How does inequality make us feel?  How do we see it in our communities?  Why does inequality happen? Assessment Introduction: Teacher will introduce the topic of inequality as a concept of some people having something, when others do not. We'll talk about how unequal amounts of things can be seen in our daily lives. Activities: Teacher will tell Ss' that they have brought some sweets to the class today. (Teacher can bring any type of sweet or snack-M&Ms, small pieces of chocolate...). 'Today we are going to do an activity with sweets. You cannot eat anything at all!! You are going to see how we can have some moments in our lives that are unequal. We are going to talk about how you feel when this happens'. Teacher will: ○ Distribute the majority of the snacks to one person, and one snack to every other child in the room. ○ Ask the kids if this distribution of snacks is equal or unequal ○ Ask a few students who have one snack to talk about how they feel when they Contributed by MQuintas 9.
  • 10. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA only get one snack ○ Ask the student with many snacks to talk about how they feel in this situation. ○ Collect all the snacks and then redistribute them. This time the teacher will give an equal number of snacks to each of the boys in the class, but no snacks to the girls. ○ Ask about their feelings about this distribution of snacks. Is it okay for boys to get more snacks than girls? Why not? ○ Collect all the snacks a final time. This redistribution will have 2 students with many snacks, a few more students (between 5-10 depending on class size) with 4-5 snacks, and then the rest of the students (the majority) with only 1 snack. ○ The teacher will again ask the students their perspectives on the distribution of snacks. 'Is this fair?' Conclusion: Think about this: Pretend that what you have is not a snack, is food or water. Ss' with the most snacks can eat 3 meals a day but the people with 1 snack only can eat 1 meal a day. Students will brainstorm about how they would feel in that situation. Students will brainstorm other things they see in the world that are distributed unequally- money, toys, clothes, water, food, medicines... Finally, Ss' will discuss what distribution would be best for everyone. EXAMPLES What would be the solution in this situation: LESSON 4 'EQUALITY and FAIRNESS' STANDARDS  No Poverty (SDG 1); Zero Hunger (SDG 2); Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8); Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10); Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16) Contributed by MQuintas 10.
  • 11. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA GOAL Students will understand the rights of all humans to live happy and healthy, without considering gender, age, disability,...(no poverty, no hunger...). And they will identify moments in which everyone should receive the same. Essential Questions  How does inequality feel?  What are the things that every kid should have?  Should we always be treated the same way? Assessment Activities 1. Opener: What happened in the last class? Do you remember? How did the activity of the snacks make you feel in different moments of the class? 2. Activity 1: What basic things you think every child should have? Do you think every child has access to those things? 3. Activity 2: Teacher reads “The Fairest Teacher of Them All” by Jason Buckley. We talk about the reading: What happened in the story? Why did Albert change his job? Was Albert doing the right things treating everyone the same? What should Albert have done? 4. Activity 3: Some Ss' share their comments about the story and a reflection about equality. LESSON 5 'OUR VERY OWN DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS' STANDARDS Contributed by MQuintas 11.
  • 12. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA  Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10); Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16) GOAL Students will understand the meaning of creating a document where we all agree on things that human beings deserve. Ss' will work together to create a common document, for the greater good of the community (classroom) where they understand the importance of such a document. Essential Questions  What is a declaration of human rights?  Why is it important to work together?  How can we work together?  How will we agree on what goes in this document?  How do we represent all human rights we agree on? Assessment Teacher walks around during creation of classroom declaration of human rights, making sure Ss' are working together. The final assessment will be the final declaration of human rights. Activities 1. Opening: ○ Teacher will ask students what they remember about being part of a community. ○ What does it mean to be equal? Unequal? ○ What are ways that we can all be happy members of a community? ○ Teacher will present some articles of the UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) to students and discuss how this was created (a lot of people got together created a document where all people would be treated nicely, and where people were would all be happy in the planet.). Do you think it's necessary? Is it a 'hot spot'? Why? So... 2. Democracy: ○ Teacher explains that they will come up with things that they want to be true, important Contributed by MQuintas 12.
  • 13. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA in their classrooms, based on what they learned in the previous lessons, and they will make a document all together. ○ Teacher explains that students will vote, so when they agree they should raise their hands and if the majority of the group agrees, they can include it. If doesn't, they have to vote /discuss again. 3. Creating Articles: ○ Students come up with 10 articles for their declaration of human rights. If the majority of the class agrees, they can include it. ○ Students should be prompted to think about how fair the articles they are coming up with are, and how to make sure all students are included in their ideas. 4. Finished UDHR: ○ Students will be put into groups of 2-3, and will draw and write out words for each of the articles they have created. Each group will be focused on one of the articles, and will represent it using words and pictures. ○ Teacher will then bind all pictures and create one document for the classroom declaration of human rights (CDHR). ○ Teacher will wrap up the lesson and give a conclusion. EXAMPLES rights/articles-1-15.html Contributed by MQuintas 13.
  • 14. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA LESSON 6 'Questioning the World around us: Asking questions about Culture, Place and Experience' STANDARDS  Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16) GOAL Students will be able to understand the meaning of diversity in day-to-day life and the value of diversity. They'll learn the importance of other experiences and perspectives. Essential Questions  How are other people similar to us?  How are other people different from us?  In what ways do people's experiences shape their opinions?  What can we learn from other people that we cannot learn from other places? Assessment Students generate questions about home life and different cultures, places and experiences. Activities 1. Opening: - Where children sleep 2. Closing - Comments about the video based on the book by James Mollison: 'Where children sleep' Contributed by MQuintas 14.
  • 15. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA LESSON 7 'ORIGINS OF FOOD' STANDARDS  No poverty (SDG 1); Zero Hunger (SDG 2); Good Health and Well-Being (SDG 3);Responsible Production and Consumption (SDG 12) GOAL Students will be able to identify the origins of food production and to understand that the access to different foods is related to inequalities such as health and poverty. Students will use their own lunch to discuss the origins of their food, where it comes from and relate their meals to issues of poverty and hunger worldwide. Essential Questions  Where does our food come from?  Why do different cultures consume different foods?  How is food access unequally distributed throughout the world? Assessment Students will answer two questions at the end of the lesson and will draw a map of food production created by them. Activities 1. Opening: Hook Ss' into this: - Where does our food come from? (All food comes from plants or animals) Food has to be grown, reared or caught. Food is produced around the world. Food is changed from farm to fork. Food is processed on different levels to make it edible and safe Look at this: The following ingredients are used to make a vegetable and goat’s cheese tart. State whether the ingredients are from a plant or animal and its name. The first one has been done for you. Ingredient Animal / Plant Name of animal or plant Plain flour plant wheat tomatoes milk cheese eggs Contributed by MQuintas 15.
  • 16. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA - What's for lunch today? - Why do you think some places have more food than others? - How do you feel when you are hungry? - How do you think being hungry might affect someone in school? ● Draw a picture of what you ate (at home or at school) and write what types of foods are you eating. Where do they come from? (the ground, an animal, a tree, the farm...). ● Look at these pictures about school-lunches in different countries (some of them hasn't got any fruit or protein and some of them has got a lot of fats. Which countries have well-rounded meals and which were lacking? ) ● Look at your healthy plate(which components of a healthy meal are missing?) ● Draw a map and show the process of the delivery chain of food. Look at the examples: 2. Closing: - How does food get from the farm to your table? - Why are some meals unequal in different places? Contributed by MQuintas 16.
  • 17. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA LESSON 8 'HOW DO MY VALUES RELATE TO OTHERS' STANDARDS  Quality Education (SDG 4); Reduced inequalities (SDG 10); Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16 ) GOAL Students will learn to cultivate tolerance for all religions and gain a deeper understanding of one's own personal identity. Essential Questions  What's the definition of values?  How many values do you know?  All of us have the same values? Why? Why not?  Are values related to religion? How?  What is religious tolerance?  How can we build tolerance and respect for religious diversity? Assessment Students show an understanding about their own values and how these values help people live in a better way. Activities 1. Write a list of 5 / 10 most important values to you 2. Compare your values with the values of other students. Are they similar? 3. Which of your values is related to your religion? Or to other religions? 4. Watch the 100 people video (A world portrait): 5. Watch the statistics: Conclusion: Which of the following issues matter most (Choose 6). Explain why? Contributed by MQuintas 17.
  • 18. Colexio Plurilingüe Compañía de María A CORUÑA KEY SOURCES: Improve_the_World_in_Sixty_Lessons/links/5a1ef8f10f7e9b9d5e021715/Empowering-Students-to-Improve- the-World-in-Sixty-Lessons.pdf Contributed by MQuintas 18.