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5 - 1
Transf er of Trai ni ngTransf er of Trai ni ng
1. Di agnose and sol ve a t r ansf er of
t r ai ni ng pr obl em.
2. Cr eat e a wor k envi r onment t hat
wi l l f aci l i t at e t r ansf er of
t r ai ni ng.
3. Expl ai n t o a manager how he can
ensur e t hat t r ansf er of t r ai ni ng
occur s.
4. Di scuss t he i mpl i cat i ons of
i dent i cal el ement s, st i mul us
gener al i zat i on, and cogni t i ve
t heor i es f or t r ansf er of t r ai ni ng.5 - 2
5. Devel op a sel f - management modul e
f or a t r ai ni ng pr ogr am.
6. Di scuss t he t echnol ogi es t hat can
be used t o suppor t t r ansf er of
t r ai ni ng.
7. Di scuss t he key f eat ur es of t he
l ear ni ng or gani zat i on.
8. Pr ovi de r ecommendat i ons of how t o
manage knowl edge.
5 - 3
 Pat agoni a’ s cul t ur e suppor t s
t he company’ s busi ness
obj ect i ves and st r at egy by
cr eat i ng condi t i ons under whi ch
i nnovat i ve and cr eat i ve
cl ot hi ng desi gn can occur and
cont r i but i ons t o pr ot ect i ng t he
nat ur al envi r onment can happen
t oo.
 As a r esul t , t he cul t ur e
encour ages l ear ni ng and t he use5 - 4
 Empl oyees and t hei r manager s val ue
t r ai ni ng, suppor t at t endance at
t r ai ni ng pr ogr ams, and encour age
empl oyees t o use on t he j ob what
t hey have l ear ned i n pr ogr ams,
i nt er nshi ps, or t empor ar y
assi gnment s.
 Wi t hout a suppor t i ve cul t ur e or wor k
envi r onment , empl oyees wi l l be
f r ust r at ed i n t r yi ng t o use t r ai ni ng
cont ent on t he j ob.
 Al so, t hey wi l l be l ess ent husi ast i c
about at t endi ng f or mal t r ai ni ng 5 - 5
 Transf er of t rai ni ngTransf er of t rai ni ng r ef er s t o
t r ai nees ef f ect i vel y and
cont i nual l y appl yi ng what t hey
l ear ned i n t r ai ni ng on t hei r j obs.
 The wor k envi r onment pl ays an
i mpor t ant r ol e i n ensur i ng t hat
t r ansf er of t r ai ni ng occur s.
 Tr ansf er of t r ai ni ng i s al so
i nf l uenced by t r ai nee
char act er i st i cs and t r ai ni ng
desi gn.
5 - 6
5 - 7
Trainee Characteristics
Training Design
Work Environment
Create a Learning Environment
Apply Theories of Transfer
Use Self-Management
Climate for Transfer
Management and Peer Support
Opportunity to Perform
Technological Support
n and
 Trai ni ng desi gnTrai ni ng desi gn r ef er s t o f act or s
bui l t i nt o t he t r ai ni ng pr ogr am t o
i ncr ease t he chances t hat t r ansf er
of t r ai ni ng wi l l occur .
 For t r ansf er of t r ai ni ng t o occur
we need t o appl y:
 Tr ansf er of t r ai ni ng t heor i es
 Pr i nci pl es of sel f – management
5 - 8
Theory Emphasis Appropriate Conditions Type of Transfer
Identical elements Training environment is
identical to work
Work environment features
are predictable and stable
General principles are
applicable to many
different work situations
Work environment is
unpredictable and highly
Cognitive theory Meaningful material and
coding schemes
enhance storage and
recall of training
All types of training and
Near and far
5 - 9
 Sel f - managementSel f - management r ef er s t o a
per son’ s at t empt t o cont r ol cer t ai n
aspect s of deci si on maki ng and
behavi or .
 Tr ai ni ng pr ogr ams shoul d pr epar e
empl oyees t o sel f - manage t hei r use
of new ski l l s and behavi or s on t he
j ob.
5 - 10
 Det er mi ni ng t he degr ee of suppor t
and negat i ve consequences i n t he
wor k set t i ng f or usi ng newl y
acqui r ed ski l l s.
 Set t i ng goal s f or usi ng l ear ned
capabi l i t i es.
 Appl yi ng l ear ned capabi l i t i es t o
t he j ob.
 Moni t or i ng use of l ear ned
capabi l i t i es on t he j ob.
 Sel f – r ei nf or cement . 5 - 11
 Work Condi t i onsWork Condi t i ons ( Tr ai nee has
di f f i cul t y usi ng new knowl edge,
ski l l s, or behavi or )
 Ti me pr essur es
 I nadequat e equi pment
 Few oppor t uni t i es t o use ski l l s
 I nadequat e budget
5 - 12
 Lack of Peer SupportLack of Peer Support ( Peer s do
not suppor t use of new knowl edge,
ski l l s, or behavi or )
Di scour age use of new
knowl edge and ski l l s on t he
j ob
Unwi l l i ng t o pr ovi de f eedback
See t r ai ni ng as a wast e of
t i me
5 - 13
 Lack of Management SupportLack of Management Support
( Manager s do not r ei nf or ce t r ai ni ng or
pr ovi de oppor t uni t i es t o use new
knowl edge, ski l l s, or behavi or )
Do not accept i deas or
suggest i ons t hat ar e l ear ned i n
t r ai ni ng
Do not di scuss t r ai ni ng
oppor t uni t i es
Oppose use of ski l l s l ear ned i n
t r ai ni ng
Communi cat e t hat t r ai ni ng i s a
wast e of t i me
Unwi l l i ng t o pr ovi de f eedback and
r ei nf or cement f or t r ai nees t o use
t r ai ni ng cont ent 5 - 14
 Di scuss l apses
 Not e evi dence of
i nadequacy
 Pr ovi de
di r ect i on f or
i mpr ovement
 Ident i f y ski l l s
t arget ed f or
t ransf er
 Ident i f y when
l apses are l i kel y
 Si t uat i ons
 Act i ons t o deal
wi t h l apses
 Ident i f y
personal or
envi ronment
f act ors
cont ri but i ng t o
l apse
 Low sel f -
ef f i cacy
 Ti me pr essur e
 Lack of manager
or peer suppor t
5 - 15
 Di scuss copi ng
ski l l s and
st rat egi es
 Ti me management
 Set t i ng
pr i or i t i es
 Sel f - moni t or i ng
 Sel f - r ewar ds
 Cr eat i ng a
per sonal
suppor t net wor k
 Di scuss
resources t o
ensure t ransf er
of ski l l s
 Manager
 Tr ai ner
 Ot her t r ai nees
5 - 16
5 - 17
Climate for Transfer
Manager Support
Peer Support
Opportunity to
 Super vi sor s and co- wor ker s
encour age and set goal s f or
t r ai nees t o use new ski l l s and
behavi or s acqui r ed i n t r ai ni ng.
 Task cues:Task cues:
 Char act er i st i cs of a t r ai nee’ s
j ob pr ompt or r emi nd hi m t o use
new ski l l s and behavi or s
acqui r ed i n t r ai ni ng.
 Feedback consequences:Feedback consequences:
 Super vi sor s suppor t t he
appl i cat i on of new ski l l s and
behavi or s acqui r ed i n t r ai ni ng.
5 - 18
 Lack of puni shment :Lack of puni shment :
 Tr ai nees ar e not openl y
di scour aged f r om usi ng new ski l l s
and behavi or s acqui r ed i n
t r ai ni ng.
 Ext ri nsi c rei nf orcement consequences:Ext ri nsi c rei nf orcement consequences:
 Tr ai nees r ecei ve ext r i nsi c r ewar ds
f or usi ng new ski l l s and behavi or s
acqui r ed i n t r ai ni ng.
 Int ri nsi c rei nf orcement consequences:Int ri nsi c rei nf orcement consequences:
 Tr ai nees r ecei ve i nt r i nsi c r ewar ds
f or usi ng new ski l l s and behavi or s
acqui r ed i n t r ai ni ng.
5 - 19
5 - 20
LevelLevel DescriptionDescription
Teaching in
Practice Skills
Participate as Trainer
Allow Trainees Opportunity to Practice
Discuss Progress with Trainees; Ask How to
Support Trainees’ Use of New Capabilities
Attend Session
Accommodate Attendance at Training Through
Rearranging Work Schedule; Endorse Employees’
Attending Training
Permit Employees to Attend Training;
Acknowledge Importance of Training
 The Lear ni ng
Or gani zat i on
 Knowl edge and
Knowl edge
5 - 21
 A l earni ng organi zat i on i s a
company t hat has an enhanced
capaci t y t o l ear n, adapt , and
 Tr ai ni ng pr ocesses ar e car ef ul l y
scr ut i ni zed and al i gned wi t h
company goal s.
 Tr ai ni ng i s seen as one par t of a
syst em desi gned t o cr eat e
i nt el l ect ual capi t al .
5 - 22
5 - 23
Key Features of a
Generation and
Critical Systematic
Learning Culture
Encouragement of
Flexibility and
ExperimentationValuing of
 Knowl edgeKnowl edge r ef er s t o:
 what i ndi vi dual s or t eams of
empl oyees know or know how t o do
( human and soci al knowl edge)
 a company’ s r ul es, pr ocesses,
t ool s, and r out i nes ( st r uct ur ed
knowl edge)
 Knowl edge i s ei t her :
 t aci t knowl edge, or
 expl i ci t knowl edge
5 - 24
 Knowl edge managementKnowl edge management r ef er s t o t he
pr ocess of enhanci ng company
per f or mance by:
desi gni ng and i mpl ement i ng
t ool s, pr ocesses, syst ems,
st r uct ur es, and cul t ur es
t o i mpr ove t he cr eat i on,
shar i ng, and use of knowl edge
5 - 25
 Knowl edge management can hel p
compani es:
 Get pr oduct s t o mar ket qui cker
 Bet t er ser ve cust omer s
 Devel op i nnovat i ve pr oduct s and
ser vi ces
 At t r act new empl oyees and r et ai n
cur r ent ones by gi vi ng peopl e t he
oppor t uni t y t o l ear n and devel op
5 - 26
 Ernst & Young has i nf or mat i on
on empl oyees’ ski l l s and
compet enci es t o hel p assembl e
pr oj ect t eams.
 Xerox has cr eat ed a dat abase of
“ communi t i es of i nt er est s: ”
empl oyees t hr oughout t he
or gani zat i on who have a common
i nt er est i n a t echnol ogy,
pr oduct , ser vi ce, or pr ocess
who may not f or mal l y wor k
t oget her , but shar e and bui l d
knowl edge f or t hemsel ves and
t he company
5 - 27

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05 transfer of training

  • 1. 5 - 1 Transf er of Trai ni ngTransf er of Trai ni ng
  • 2. 1. Di agnose and sol ve a t r ansf er of t r ai ni ng pr obl em. 2. Cr eat e a wor k envi r onment t hat wi l l f aci l i t at e t r ansf er of t r ai ni ng. 3. Expl ai n t o a manager how he can ensur e t hat t r ansf er of t r ai ni ng occur s. 4. Di scuss t he i mpl i cat i ons of i dent i cal el ement s, st i mul us gener al i zat i on, and cogni t i ve t heor i es f or t r ansf er of t r ai ni ng.5 - 2
  • 3. 5. Devel op a sel f - management modul e f or a t r ai ni ng pr ogr am. 6. Di scuss t he t echnol ogi es t hat can be used t o suppor t t r ansf er of t r ai ni ng. 7. Di scuss t he key f eat ur es of t he l ear ni ng or gani zat i on. 8. Pr ovi de r ecommendat i ons of how t o manage knowl edge. 5 - 3
  • 4.  Pat agoni a’ s cul t ur e suppor t s t he company’ s busi ness obj ect i ves and st r at egy by cr eat i ng condi t i ons under whi ch i nnovat i ve and cr eat i ve cl ot hi ng desi gn can occur and cont r i but i ons t o pr ot ect i ng t he nat ur al envi r onment can happen t oo.  As a r esul t , t he cul t ur e encour ages l ear ni ng and t he use5 - 4
  • 5.  Empl oyees and t hei r manager s val ue t r ai ni ng, suppor t at t endance at t r ai ni ng pr ogr ams, and encour age empl oyees t o use on t he j ob what t hey have l ear ned i n pr ogr ams, i nt er nshi ps, or t empor ar y assi gnment s.  Wi t hout a suppor t i ve cul t ur e or wor k envi r onment , empl oyees wi l l be f r ust r at ed i n t r yi ng t o use t r ai ni ng cont ent on t he j ob.  Al so, t hey wi l l be l ess ent husi ast i c about at t endi ng f or mal t r ai ni ng 5 - 5
  • 6.  Transf er of t rai ni ngTransf er of t rai ni ng r ef er s t o t r ai nees ef f ect i vel y and cont i nual l y appl yi ng what t hey l ear ned i n t r ai ni ng on t hei r j obs.  The wor k envi r onment pl ays an i mpor t ant r ol e i n ensur i ng t hat t r ansf er of t r ai ni ng occur s.  Tr ansf er of t r ai ni ng i s al so i nf l uenced by t r ai nee char act er i st i cs and t r ai ni ng desi gn. 5 - 6
  • 7. 5 - 7 Trainee Characteristics Training Design Work Environment Motivation Ability Create a Learning Environment Apply Theories of Transfer Use Self-Management Strategies Climate for Transfer Management and Peer Support Opportunity to Perform Technological Support Learning Retention Generalizatio n and Maintenance
  • 8.  Trai ni ng desi gnTrai ni ng desi gn r ef er s t o f act or s bui l t i nt o t he t r ai ni ng pr ogr am t o i ncr ease t he chances t hat t r ansf er of t r ai ni ng wi l l occur .  For t r ansf er of t r ai ni ng t o occur we need t o appl y:  Tr ansf er of t r ai ni ng t heor i es  Pr i nci pl es of sel f – management 5 - 8
  • 9. Theory Emphasis Appropriate Conditions Type of Transfer Identical elements Training environment is identical to work environment Work environment features are predictable and stable Near Stimulus generalization General principles are applicable to many different work situations Work environment is unpredictable and highly variable Far Cognitive theory Meaningful material and coding schemes enhance storage and recall of training All types of training and environments Near and far 5 - 9
  • 10.  Sel f - managementSel f - management r ef er s t o a per son’ s at t empt t o cont r ol cer t ai n aspect s of deci si on maki ng and behavi or .  Tr ai ni ng pr ogr ams shoul d pr epar e empl oyees t o sel f - manage t hei r use of new ski l l s and behavi or s on t he j ob. 5 - 10
  • 11.  Det er mi ni ng t he degr ee of suppor t and negat i ve consequences i n t he wor k set t i ng f or usi ng newl y acqui r ed ski l l s.  Set t i ng goal s f or usi ng l ear ned capabi l i t i es.  Appl yi ng l ear ned capabi l i t i es t o t he j ob.  Moni t or i ng use of l ear ned capabi l i t i es on t he j ob.  Sel f – r ei nf or cement . 5 - 11
  • 12.  Work Condi t i onsWork Condi t i ons ( Tr ai nee has di f f i cul t y usi ng new knowl edge, ski l l s, or behavi or )  Ti me pr essur es  I nadequat e equi pment  Few oppor t uni t i es t o use ski l l s  I nadequat e budget 5 - 12
  • 13.  Lack of Peer SupportLack of Peer Support ( Peer s do not suppor t use of new knowl edge, ski l l s, or behavi or ) Di scour age use of new knowl edge and ski l l s on t he j ob Unwi l l i ng t o pr ovi de f eedback See t r ai ni ng as a wast e of t i me 5 - 13
  • 14.  Lack of Management SupportLack of Management Support ( Manager s do not r ei nf or ce t r ai ni ng or pr ovi de oppor t uni t i es t o use new knowl edge, ski l l s, or behavi or ) Do not accept i deas or suggest i ons t hat ar e l ear ned i n t r ai ni ng Do not di scuss t r ai ni ng oppor t uni t i es Oppose use of ski l l s l ear ned i n t r ai ni ng Communi cat e t hat t r ai ni ng i s a wast e of t i me Unwi l l i ng t o pr ovi de f eedback and r ei nf or cement f or t r ai nees t o use t r ai ni ng cont ent 5 - 14
  • 15.  Di scuss l apses  Not e evi dence of i nadequacy  Pr ovi de di r ect i on f or i mpr ovement  Ident i f y ski l l s t arget ed f or t ransf er  Ident i f y when l apses are l i kel y  Si t uat i ons  Act i ons t o deal wi t h l apses  Ident i f y personal or envi ronment f act ors cont ri but i ng t o l apse  Low sel f - ef f i cacy  Ti me pr essur e  Lack of manager or peer suppor t 5 - 15
  • 16.  Di scuss copi ng ski l l s and st rat egi es  Ti me management  Set t i ng pr i or i t i es  Sel f - moni t or i ng  Sel f - r ewar ds  Cr eat i ng a per sonal suppor t net wor k  Di scuss resources t o ensure t ransf er of ski l l s  Manager  Tr ai ner  Ot her t r ai nees 5 - 16
  • 17. 5 - 17 Climate for Transfer Manager Support Peer Support Opportunity to Perform Technological Support
  • 18.  Super vi sor s and co- wor ker s encour age and set goal s f or t r ai nees t o use new ski l l s and behavi or s acqui r ed i n t r ai ni ng.  Task cues:Task cues:  Char act er i st i cs of a t r ai nee’ s j ob pr ompt or r emi nd hi m t o use new ski l l s and behavi or s acqui r ed i n t r ai ni ng.  Feedback consequences:Feedback consequences:  Super vi sor s suppor t t he appl i cat i on of new ski l l s and behavi or s acqui r ed i n t r ai ni ng. 5 - 18
  • 19.  Lack of puni shment :Lack of puni shment :  Tr ai nees ar e not openl y di scour aged f r om usi ng new ski l l s and behavi or s acqui r ed i n t r ai ni ng.  Ext ri nsi c rei nf orcement consequences:Ext ri nsi c rei nf orcement consequences:  Tr ai nees r ecei ve ext r i nsi c r ewar ds f or usi ng new ski l l s and behavi or s acqui r ed i n t r ai ni ng.  Int ri nsi c rei nf orcement consequences:Int ri nsi c rei nf orcement consequences:  Tr ai nees r ecei ve i nt r i nsi c r ewar ds f or usi ng new ski l l s and behavi or s acqui r ed i n t r ai ni ng. 5 - 19
  • 20. 5 - 20 LevelLevel DescriptionDescription Teaching in Program Practice Skills Reinforcement Participation Encouragement Acceptance Participate as Trainer Allow Trainees Opportunity to Practice Discuss Progress with Trainees; Ask How to Support Trainees’ Use of New Capabilities Attend Session Accommodate Attendance at Training Through Rearranging Work Schedule; Endorse Employees’ Attending Training Permit Employees to Attend Training; Acknowledge Importance of Training HIGHHIGH SUPPORTSUPPORT LOWLOW SUPPORTSUPPORT
  • 21.  The Lear ni ng Or gani zat i on  Knowl edge and Knowl edge Management 5 - 21
  • 22.  A l earni ng organi zat i on i s a company t hat has an enhanced capaci t y t o l ear n, adapt , and change.  Tr ai ni ng pr ocesses ar e car ef ul l y scr ut i ni zed and al i gned wi t h company goal s.  Tr ai ni ng i s seen as one par t of a syst em desi gned t o cr eat e i nt el l ect ual capi t al . 5 - 22
  • 23. 5 - 23 Key Features of a Learning Organization Continuous Learning Knowledge Generation and Sharing Critical Systematic Thinking Learning Culture Encouragement of Flexibility and ExperimentationValuing of Employees
  • 24.  Knowl edgeKnowl edge r ef er s t o:  what i ndi vi dual s or t eams of empl oyees know or know how t o do ( human and soci al knowl edge)  a company’ s r ul es, pr ocesses, t ool s, and r out i nes ( st r uct ur ed knowl edge)  Knowl edge i s ei t her :  t aci t knowl edge, or  expl i ci t knowl edge 5 - 24
  • 25.  Knowl edge managementKnowl edge management r ef er s t o t he pr ocess of enhanci ng company per f or mance by: desi gni ng and i mpl ement i ng t ool s, pr ocesses, syst ems, st r uct ur es, and cul t ur es t o i mpr ove t he cr eat i on, shar i ng, and use of knowl edge 5 - 25
  • 26.  Knowl edge management can hel p compani es:  Get pr oduct s t o mar ket qui cker  Bet t er ser ve cust omer s  Devel op i nnovat i ve pr oduct s and ser vi ces  At t r act new empl oyees and r et ai n cur r ent ones by gi vi ng peopl e t he oppor t uni t y t o l ear n and devel op 5 - 26
  • 27.  Ernst & Young has i nf or mat i on on empl oyees’ ski l l s and compet enci es t o hel p assembl e pr oj ect t eams.  Xerox has cr eat ed a dat abase of “ communi t i es of i nt er est s: ” empl oyees t hr oughout t he or gani zat i on who have a common i nt er est i n a t echnol ogy, pr oduct , ser vi ce, or pr ocess who may not f or mal l y wor k t oget her , but shar e and bui l d knowl edge f or t hemsel ves and t he company 5 - 27