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Module 5 Struggle Cash Flow
As a Credit Analyst for a community bank it is my
responsibility to look at a company's "cash flow" and determine
their ability to repay debt. The debt they are asking for is an
investment to (hopefully) improve the overall strength and
production of the company. However for every twenty-five good
company's and businesses, there is one that limps along and
struggles with cash flow and ultimately to repay their debts, let
alone there shareholders, or themselves. If I was the financial
manager of the company described above, I would have to find a
way to "limp" my company through two painful and risky years.
With money inevitably gone in a six month period, and
production of an earth-shattering product not being available for
two years, the first and most important thing I would do is raise
more capital. Of course the capital being raised would be hard
earned capital because many people don't want to tie up their
money for two years with no immediate returns, and the only
chance of a return at all comes from a "break-through" product.
That being said I would have High risk high reward share of
stocks to be sold to raise more capital. The NPV of the project
will require a higher return due to a higher discount rate the
project will have since it needs funding now but won’t see cash
flow from the funding for at least two years. This means stock
that is going to be sold will cost the company more upfront to
entice investors in a hurry up and wait game for two years. The
payoff will be worth it after two years, but that’s two years
there cash is tied up treading water for a substandard company.
I would present the following to the stakeholders and everyone
with an interest in the company:
Funds are needed to keep production going for two years. While
no return will be guaranteed for at least two years. The return
after that period will be enough to make the investment a
positive one. I would offer more shares at a lower cost (if
possible) to ensure investors that any return on their investment
will be big.
Budgeting would be first and most important thing I would do. I
would cut every cost I reasonably could without putting the new
product in jeopardy. I would stretch any and all money as thin
as possible to ensure it was being maximized towards the
production of the new product.
I would put together a forecast and budget for the next two
years and show them exactly where and to what their money is
going towards. At the end of that two year period, I would show
them ROI numbers and how they will slowly climb to positive
amounts and ultimately payback all of their investments with
In the end, I would convince investors and shareholders that
their money was being used wisely with forecasts and
projections, they will see their returns in the future years that
after a certain amount of time, will be higher than the current
discount rate. A strict two years of budgeting and cutting costs
would be implemented to ensure the maximum efficiency was
being obtained from investment funding. If issues were to come
up over those two years and more funding were to be needed, I
would speak with Banks about possibly putting our debts on
interest-only payments for the remainder of the two years. Other
necessary measures may have to be taken such as small layoffs’,
or trying someway to expedite the timeline of this new product.
Brealey, R. A. (2011). Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (9th
ed.). Atlanta, GA: McGraw-Hill Education. Section 13.2 Cash
W. (2013, March 01). Budgeting in a Small Business. Retrieved
September 22, 2018, from #1/small
Discuss the importance of establishing a personal brand,
especially in a highly competitive labour market. How can a
personal brand impact a potential employer’s perception of you?
We can add an example of a company also. Answer both
Minimum 250 words**
This is what I have so far: "Your brand is what people say about
you when you're not in the room" Jeff Bezos, the founder of
In order to be a leader and be successful in your business, I
believe it is crucial to have a personal brand that identifies you
and what you stand for. Your personal brand communicates and
sets out your values, beliefs and long-term goals.
You can fix it though or take it out if you'd like, we could also
talk about Nike for example and how it has built a brand around
athletes, high-performance products and customers who want to
live active lifestyles
4 Page essay/~$quirments.docx
4 Page essay/Readings/Merge Democracy and Media and
Lesson 3 Media, Socialization, and Public OpinionDemocracy
and Media and Politics
The Media and Democracy
A democracy relies on an informed public, and no entity
provides more information for the public than the media. A free
press (or a press that is able to disseminate information without
fear of government retribution) is one of the signs that a
democracy is functioning effectively. The media can play
several key roles for the public:Educative Role - keeping people
educated about different facets of government and
politicsWatchdog Role - the media role of investigating and
reporting on government and public affairsSocialization Role -
the media role of helping introduce the public to information
and cultural values
The struggle between the media and democracy is that the
increasing level of media power is not necessarily being used
for the good of the public. The media has become increasingly
partisan and divisive making it difficult for the public to discern
what is unbiased news and what is political propaganda. We
have returned to colonial times when the press was simply a
means to convince the public of a particular political
position.Media Bias
Most people believe that the job of the media is to report the
news in an objective, or unbiased, fashion. However, the public
believes that the media has become increasingly biased in the
way that the cover news. In 2009, a Pew Center for the People
& the Press survey showed the following:
What percent of Americans believe...
The press is politically biased - 60%The stories in the media are
often inaccurate - 63%Media stories tend to favor one side -
74%Media are influenced by powerful interests and people -
It is apparent that the public at large does not trust the media.
However, there is an irony to this lack of trust. As a public, we
tend to believe news that is consistent with our point of view,
while we largely ignore (or openly challenge) news that is in
opposition to our views. So, basically, we are what we watch.
Unfortunately for us, media coverage has become increasingly
negative over the last few years as attack journalism has
become increasingly more common during our election cycles
(and even during non-election years). Attach journalism is an
approach to reporting where the reporter takes an adversarial
position towards candidates and elected officials.
Self-Identified Republicans & Democrats Television diagram -
How the Media Covers Politics
When it comes to covering politics, the media receives criticism
from all sides. The media receives low marks from candidates,
parties, interest groups, and the public at large. According to
political scientist Thomas Patterson, one reason for this is the
tendency of the media to cover politics as a game. Patterson and
others argue that reporters are taught that the most important
element in covering political stories is conflict.
Politics provides elements of drama and conflict that fit into the
news demands of most media organizations. In this sense,
politics is treated by the media like a game. Whether it is a
political campaign, a legislative debate over policy, or a
Supreme Court decision, there will always be two sides; just as
in a tennis or boxing match.
This approach to coverage often leads to very negative news
coverage, which in turn can turn off the public and encourage
low voter turnout. The media are often criticized for
emphasizing scandal, mistakes, misstatements and negative
campaigning related to candidates.
Of course, journalists defend their coverage. They do this in
two ways: they emphasize that it is in the public's interest to
know all that they can about politics, both positive and
negative; and they maintain that they are professionals and
maintain the highest standards of news selection.
Please see below for some key terms:Libel - The defamation of
the character of a person in print. Slander is an oral defamation.
In American law, it is usually of an individual because it is hard
to determine what defames a group.Negative campaigning - The
use of personal attacks to vilify the character or policy positions
of the opposing candidate(s) (a form of argumentum ad
hominem) instead of defeating them by means of rational
argument.Skew - To make uneven. A statistical distribution of
votes can be skewed by being predominantly cast toward one
side. Negatively, a description of a candidate or of his (or her)
position on issues is skewed if it is interpreted in a slanted or
distorted way to make it appear more extreme than it really is.
4 Page essay/Readings/New Media1.html
Lesson 3 Media, Socialization, and Public OpinionNew Media
The media landscape is definitely changing. We have watched
newspaper and magazine print subscriptions decline as internet
based media continues to trend upwards. New Media refers to
alternative news sources such as the internet, satellite radio and
social media. As young people continue to pay more attention to
new sources of media as opposed to the traditional sources of
media, candidates are being forced to pay more attention to
these alternative sources of media. A 2013, Pew Center survey
found that 22% of adults use Facebook as a useful way to get
their news. In addition, there has been an increase in satirical
news (The Colbert Report, The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart)
further blurring the line between fantasy and reality in the
political news arena. Look at the graph below for more
information regarding where Americans are getting their news
Type of Media Preferred as Main News Source, by Age diagram
4 Page essay/Readings/Public Opinion and Measurement.html
Lesson 3 Media, Socialization, and Public OpinionPublic
Opinion and MeasurementPublic Opinion
Public Opinion represents the thoughts, attitudes, and
evaluations made by people about certain ideas, policies, or
individuals. In a democracy, public opinion is very important
because of the political power individuals have to shape their
government through voting. In a sense, voting is the ultimate
expression of public opinion.
Government officials, political parties, candidates for office,
and interest groups all try to influence public opinion. These
same groups also monitor and record public opinion. The media
and public opinion researchers also monitor opinion. They do
this primarily through polling, which involves asking a sample
of representative individuals their opinions on a range of
questions and then using the results to draw conclusions about
public opinion.
The ultimate expression of public opinion is voting. Other than
elections, the most relied upon means of understanding how and
why citizens feel the way they do are public opinion polls. In a
democracy, public opinion matters greatly. It can influence the
outcome of policy debates and the positions taken by elected
officials who rely on individuals to vote for them.Measuring
Public Opinion
"Do you think the polls are right?" This is an often-asked
question. With the technological developments of the 20th
century, notably computers, public opinion polling has become
increasingly scientific and increasingly reliable.
Survey Research is the measurement of public opinion. At the
heart of a poll is a random sample. A poll whose sample is
random means that everyone in a given population has an equal
chance of being included in the poll. This makes the process
scientific and more reliable because the poll will be
representative of the given population, which is the goal.
A polling organization, such as The Gallup Organization, first
identifies a population they want the poll to represent. This
usually is defined as "national adults," those 18 and over living
in telephone households.
They then use a computerized process to draw random telephone
numbers and reach adults over 18.
Using random sampling, a poll of 1,000 adults nationwide is
accurate to within 2 to 4 percentage points. Increasing the
sample size would not increase the accuracy very much, and
would make it much more expensive.
For more information, The Gallup Organization gives a very
good explanation of how polls are conducted.
4 Page essay/Readings/Regulating the Media1.html
Lesson 3 Media, Socialization, and Public OpinionRegulating
the Media
The media's rights are protected under the First Amendment.
The Federal government, mainly through Supreme Court
decisions, has taken the view that a free press is so necessary
for democracy, and so fragile, that it deserves special
protection. As such, the media has great latitude and freedom in
reporting the news.
Internet Censorship -
censorship-sorry-1st-amendment.htmlGovernment Regulation &
the FCC
Government regulation of media content is relatively rare. The
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) does monitor the
usage of TV and radio stations because they are broadcasted
over frequencies and airwaves that are public, and thus they fall
under the regulatory authority of the government. Despite this,
the FCC has almost no authority to regulate the internet, cable
& satellite TV or satellite radio.Protecting Those Who Report
the News
One of the most important sources of information for a
journalist is often confidential sources. In this scenario,
informants offer up information in exchange for their identities
being kept secret. This protection can get more complicated
when the information in question is extremely sensitive in
nature or impacts national security. In New York Times v.
United States, or what came to be known as The Pentagon
Papers case, the court ruled that, because the information did
not pose serious harm to national security, the Federal
government could not restrict media from reporting illegally
obtained information about U.S. involvement in the Vietnam
War. Shield laws are laws that protect journalists from being
forced to disclose confidential information in a legal
4 Page essay/Readings/The News Demystified1.html
Lesson 3 Media, Socialization, and Public OpinionThe News
In the television age, the media have attained an unprecedented
level of influence in American politics. Political candidates live
and die through news coverage and political TV advertising.
Controversial political issues can be decided by how much and
what kind of information is conveyed to the public. And media
"personalities," such as network news anchors and talk show
hosts, have become political power brokers.
The network news has only 30 minutes to report world events,
and newspapers have a limited amount of space. How do
journalists judge what is newsworthy? According to political
scientist Doris Graber, who has written numerous books on the
subject, there are generally five criteria for choosing
stories:The story has a strong impact on the viewer.
The story involves natural or man-made violence, conflict,
disaster, or scandal.
The story has familiarity in that it discusses well-known
individuals or familiar situations.
The story has proximity in that, even if national news, it is
presented with a local angle. News from home, especially for
local media, is generally more important than news from
somewhere else.
The story is timely and novel, reporting on an issue or event
currently of interest or concern. Stories that are novel, or
different, stand out from the rest.The Gatekeeper
In any organization, one or a relative few individuals are
responsible for making decisions. In media organizations,
someone has to make editing decisions and programming
These "gatekeepers" – newspaper editors and publishers, TV
news directors, network news anchors – are primarily
responsible for what you see, hear, and read through the media.
They literally allow certain material into the news and keep
certain material out of the news. Remember, sex and violence
sell. The “sexier” a story is, the more likely the public is to
watch and follow that story (think about our fascination with
following trials where violent crimes have occurred).
In the past ten years, the number of violent crimes has been
decreasing. Yet the public perceives that crime has been getting
worse. Do you think the criteria for selecting news items, as
outlined above, could have something to do with this
perception?Print v. Television
Newspapers and TV provide very different kinds of information.
In general, newspapers can provide a much greater amount of
information and discusses things in greater depth than television
because newspapers are not limited by time as is television
A network news broadcast, after accounting for advertising, has
22 minutes to report world news. This situation forces news
directors to choose the most important or newsworthy stories
for broadcast and to spend only a minute or two on each one.
Newspapers, on the other hand, are under fewer limitations and
can cover a range of information and go into significant detail.
It used to be the case that most people got a majority of their
information about politics from newspapers. That began to
change, however, in the 1970s, television became the dominant
medium for news coverage. The percentage of households
subscribing to a daily newspaper has plummeted since its high
point roughly 50 years ago, and the percentage of households
tuning into network and cable TV programming has risen
How much of your information do you get from TV news as
opposed to print news? Has this changed over the years?
4 Page essay/Requirments.docx
Discussion Board 3 – Obtaining Funds
Discussion Board 3 – Obtaining Funds
In the world of business, cash is often the key to the
success of a firm. While there are other ways to obtain equity
and value in a company, cash is the factor that allows a business
to continue to make investments and financial decisions which
allow for its growth and success in the future. However, a
reality for many businesses, especially small businesses starting
out and working on growth, is that cash flows may be tough to
come by as they are focusing on building a brand and
establishing a name for themselves. There are options for
struggling businesses in need of a temporary cash increase,
though. First, since many small businesses are being rejected
for bank loans, there are alternative methods by which banks
and capital companies are providing money to firms with the
agreement that they will receive a percentage of future revenues
from those companies. In order to maintain the affordability of
these deals, the company receiving the capital is required to
make payments based on month cash flows, which allows that
company to only pay what they can afford. Another method for
increasing cash flow is to sell excess capacity of operations to
other firms which may accept alternative currencies in exchange
for cash, which allows the company in need of cash to utilize
resources already available for cash now. Finally, crowdfunding
is another alternative method for increasing cash flows, and is
also a method of advertising to gain additional visibility for
name and purpose of the company (Bagga, 2018).
During this time when cash flow is limited, it is important
to express to stakeholders what is being done in the interim, and
what the long term plan is with regard to the project being
worked and how it will provide positive impacts to the company
and the industry alike. Being transparent with the stakeholders
is key to their continued support and confidence in the firm
(Boyce, 2015).
Bagga, B. (2018, July 10). 3 Unique Ways Small Businesses
Can Increase Cash Flow. Retrieved
Boyce, C. (2015, February 6). How to Explain Cash Flow to
Your Stakeholders. Retrieved from
Standardized Rubrics Template
Discussion Board Rubric (50 points)
Levels of Achievement
Content 70% (35 points)
Not present
Key Topics (10 points)
10 points
All key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are
answered in the thread.
8 to 9 points
Most key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt
are answered in the thread.
1 to 7 points
At least one key components of the Discussion Board Forum
prompt are answered in the thread.
0 points
Clarity and Relevance of Support of Key Topics (5 points)
5 points
There is a clear, logical flow to the major points to the thread
4 points
There is a mostly clear and mostly logical flow to the major
points to the thread
1 to 3 points
There is a little clarity and the flow is not in a coherent logical
0 points
Depth of Explanation and Details of each Key Topic (15 points)
14 to 15 points
Major points are supported by the following:
· Textbook and article (at least 2 citations in current APA
· Good examples (pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples
are acceptable); and
· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing
implications, comparing/contrasting concepts)
13 points
Major points are supported by the following:
· Textbook and article (at least 1 citations in current APA
· Examples (mostly pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples
are acceptable); and
· Some thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing
implications, comparing/contrasting concepts)
1 to 12 points
Major points are supported by the following:
· Textbook only
· Examples did not provide any substantive value to the post
· Little thoughtful analysis was incorporated into the discussion
0 points
Replies (5 points)
5 points
Each reply brings clarity to the issue being discussed, relating
issues to Scripture/Biblical principles and experiences enhance
the original post were used
4 points
Each reply brings some clarity to the issue being discussed,
relating issues to Some Scripture/Biblical principles and
experiences enhance the original post were used
1 to 3 points
Each reply brings little clarity to the issue being discussed,
relating issues to few, if any, Scripture/Biblical principles and
experiences enhance the original post were used.
0 points
Structure 30% (15 points)
Not present
Spelling, Grammar, and APA Format (5 points)
5 points
Proper spelling, grammar, and current APA format are used.
4 points
Mostly proper spelling, grammar, and current APA format are
1 to 3 points
Little attention was given to proper spelling, grammar, and
current APA format.
0 points
Length Requirements (5 points)
5 points
The required word count (at least 300 words) is met.
4 points
The word count (> 250 words) is almost met.
1 to 3 points
The word count was substantially lower than expected. (Less
than 250 words)
0 points
Replies (5 points)
5 points
You submitted at least two replies to classmates’ posts and
Proper spelling, grammar, and current APA format are used.
4 points
You submitted at least two replies with mostly proper spelling,
grammar, and current APA format are used.
1 to 3 points
You only submitted one reply and/or little attention was given
to proper spelling, grammar, and current APA format.
0 points
15Module 5 Struggle Cash FlowCOLLAPSEAs a Credit A.docx

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  • 1. 1 5 Module 5 Struggle Cash Flow COLLAPSE As a Credit Analyst for a community bank it is my responsibility to look at a company's "cash flow" and determine their ability to repay debt. The debt they are asking for is an investment to (hopefully) improve the overall strength and production of the company. However for every twenty-five good company's and businesses, there is one that limps along and struggles with cash flow and ultimately to repay their debts, let alone there shareholders, or themselves. If I was the financial manager of the company described above, I would have to find a way to "limp" my company through two painful and risky years. With money inevitably gone in a six month period, and production of an earth-shattering product not being available for two years, the first and most important thing I would do is raise more capital. Of course the capital being raised would be hard earned capital because many people don't want to tie up their money for two years with no immediate returns, and the only chance of a return at all comes from a "break-through" product. That being said I would have High risk high reward share of stocks to be sold to raise more capital. The NPV of the project will require a higher return due to a higher discount rate the project will have since it needs funding now but won’t see cash flow from the funding for at least two years. This means stock that is going to be sold will cost the company more upfront to entice investors in a hurry up and wait game for two years. The payoff will be worth it after two years, but that’s two years there cash is tied up treading water for a substandard company.
  • 2. I would present the following to the stakeholders and everyone with an interest in the company: Funds are needed to keep production going for two years. While no return will be guaranteed for at least two years. The return after that period will be enough to make the investment a positive one. I would offer more shares at a lower cost (if possible) to ensure investors that any return on their investment will be big. Budgeting would be first and most important thing I would do. I would cut every cost I reasonably could without putting the new product in jeopardy. I would stretch any and all money as thin as possible to ensure it was being maximized towards the production of the new product. I would put together a forecast and budget for the next two years and show them exactly where and to what their money is going towards. At the end of that two year period, I would show them ROI numbers and how they will slowly climb to positive amounts and ultimately payback all of their investments with interest. In the end, I would convince investors and shareholders that their money was being used wisely with forecasts and projections, they will see their returns in the future years that after a certain amount of time, will be higher than the current discount rate. A strict two years of budgeting and cutting costs would be implemented to ensure the maximum efficiency was being obtained from investment funding. If issues were to come up over those two years and more funding were to be needed, I would speak with Banks about possibly putting our debts on interest-only payments for the remainder of the two years. Other necessary measures may have to be taken such as small layoffs’, or trying someway to expedite the timeline of this new product.
  • 3. Brealey, R. A. (2011). Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (9th ed.). Atlanta, GA: McGraw-Hill Education. Section 13.2 Cash flows W. (2013, March 01). Budgeting in a Small Business. Retrieved September 22, 2018, from #1/small businessbudget1.html Discussion/~$quiremnts.docx Discussion/Pic.png Discussion/Requiremnts.docx Discuss the importance of establishing a personal brand, especially in a highly competitive labour market. How can a personal brand impact a potential employer’s perception of you? We can add an example of a company also. Answer both questions Minimum 250 words** This is what I have so far: "Your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room" Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon In order to be a leader and be successful in your business, I believe it is crucial to have a personal brand that identifies you and what you stand for. Your personal brand communicates and sets out your values, beliefs and long-term goals. You can fix it though or take it out if you'd like, we could also talk about Nike for example and how it has built a brand around athletes, high-performance products and customers who want to live active lifestyles
  • 4. 4 Page essay/~$quirments.docx 4 Page essay/Readings/Merge Democracy and Media and Politics.html Lesson 3 Media, Socialization, and Public OpinionDemocracy and Media and Politics The Media and Democracy A democracy relies on an informed public, and no entity provides more information for the public than the media. A free press (or a press that is able to disseminate information without fear of government retribution) is one of the signs that a democracy is functioning effectively. The media can play several key roles for the public:Educative Role - keeping people educated about different facets of government and politicsWatchdog Role - the media role of investigating and reporting on government and public affairsSocialization Role - the media role of helping introduce the public to information and cultural values The struggle between the media and democracy is that the increasing level of media power is not necessarily being used for the good of the public. The media has become increasingly partisan and divisive making it difficult for the public to discern what is unbiased news and what is political propaganda. We have returned to colonial times when the press was simply a means to convince the public of a particular political position.Media Bias Most people believe that the job of the media is to report the news in an objective, or unbiased, fashion. However, the public believes that the media has become increasingly biased in the way that the cover news. In 2009, a Pew Center for the People & the Press survey showed the following:
  • 5. What percent of Americans believe... The press is politically biased - 60%The stories in the media are often inaccurate - 63%Media stories tend to favor one side - 74%Media are influenced by powerful interests and people - 74% It is apparent that the public at large does not trust the media. However, there is an irony to this lack of trust. As a public, we tend to believe news that is consistent with our point of view, while we largely ignore (or openly challenge) news that is in opposition to our views. So, basically, we are what we watch. Unfortunately for us, media coverage has become increasingly negative over the last few years as attack journalism has become increasingly more common during our election cycles (and even during non-election years). Attach journalism is an approach to reporting where the reporter takes an adversarial position towards candidates and elected officials. Self-Identified Republicans & Democrats Television diagram - How the Media Covers Politics When it comes to covering politics, the media receives criticism from all sides. The media receives low marks from candidates, parties, interest groups, and the public at large. According to political scientist Thomas Patterson, one reason for this is the tendency of the media to cover politics as a game. Patterson and others argue that reporters are taught that the most important element in covering political stories is conflict. Politics provides elements of drama and conflict that fit into the news demands of most media organizations. In this sense, politics is treated by the media like a game. Whether it is a political campaign, a legislative debate over policy, or a Supreme Court decision, there will always be two sides; just as in a tennis or boxing match. This approach to coverage often leads to very negative news
  • 6. coverage, which in turn can turn off the public and encourage low voter turnout. The media are often criticized for emphasizing scandal, mistakes, misstatements and negative campaigning related to candidates. Of course, journalists defend their coverage. They do this in two ways: they emphasize that it is in the public's interest to know all that they can about politics, both positive and negative; and they maintain that they are professionals and maintain the highest standards of news selection. Please see below for some key terms:Libel - The defamation of the character of a person in print. Slander is an oral defamation. In American law, it is usually of an individual because it is hard to determine what defames a group.Negative campaigning - The use of personal attacks to vilify the character or policy positions of the opposing candidate(s) (a form of argumentum ad hominem) instead of defeating them by means of rational argument.Skew - To make uneven. A statistical distribution of votes can be skewed by being predominantly cast toward one side. Negatively, a description of a candidate or of his (or her) position on issues is skewed if it is interpreted in a slanted or distorted way to make it appear more extreme than it really is. 4 Page essay/Readings/New Media1.html Lesson 3 Media, Socialization, and Public OpinionNew Media The media landscape is definitely changing. We have watched newspaper and magazine print subscriptions decline as internet based media continues to trend upwards. New Media refers to alternative news sources such as the internet, satellite radio and social media. As young people continue to pay more attention to new sources of media as opposed to the traditional sources of media, candidates are being forced to pay more attention to these alternative sources of media. A 2013, Pew Center survey found that 22% of adults use Facebook as a useful way to get their news. In addition, there has been an increase in satirical news (The Colbert Report, The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart) further blurring the line between fantasy and reality in the
  • 7. political news arena. Look at the graph below for more information regarding where Americans are getting their news today. Type of Media Preferred as Main News Source, by Age diagram - news.aspx 4 Page essay/Readings/Public Opinion and Measurement.html Lesson 3 Media, Socialization, and Public OpinionPublic Opinion and MeasurementPublic Opinion Public Opinion represents the thoughts, attitudes, and evaluations made by people about certain ideas, policies, or individuals. In a democracy, public opinion is very important because of the political power individuals have to shape their government through voting. In a sense, voting is the ultimate expression of public opinion. Government officials, political parties, candidates for office, and interest groups all try to influence public opinion. These same groups also monitor and record public opinion. The media and public opinion researchers also monitor opinion. They do this primarily through polling, which involves asking a sample of representative individuals their opinions on a range of questions and then using the results to draw conclusions about public opinion. The ultimate expression of public opinion is voting. Other than elections, the most relied upon means of understanding how and why citizens feel the way they do are public opinion polls. In a democracy, public opinion matters greatly. It can influence the outcome of policy debates and the positions taken by elected officials who rely on individuals to vote for them.Measuring Public Opinion "Do you think the polls are right?" This is an often-asked question. With the technological developments of the 20th
  • 8. century, notably computers, public opinion polling has become increasingly scientific and increasingly reliable. Survey Research is the measurement of public opinion. At the heart of a poll is a random sample. A poll whose sample is random means that everyone in a given population has an equal chance of being included in the poll. This makes the process scientific and more reliable because the poll will be representative of the given population, which is the goal. A polling organization, such as The Gallup Organization, first identifies a population they want the poll to represent. This usually is defined as "national adults," those 18 and over living in telephone households. They then use a computerized process to draw random telephone numbers and reach adults over 18. Using random sampling, a poll of 1,000 adults nationwide is accurate to within 2 to 4 percentage points. Increasing the sample size would not increase the accuracy very much, and would make it much more expensive. For more information, The Gallup Organization gives a very good explanation of how polls are conducted. 4 Page essay/Readings/Regulating the Media1.html Lesson 3 Media, Socialization, and Public OpinionRegulating the Media The media's rights are protected under the First Amendment. The Federal government, mainly through Supreme Court decisions, has taken the view that a free press is so necessary for democracy, and so fragile, that it deserves special protection. As such, the media has great latitude and freedom in reporting the news. Internet Censorship - censorship-sorry-1st-amendment.htmlGovernment Regulation & the FCC Government regulation of media content is relatively rare. The
  • 9. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) does monitor the usage of TV and radio stations because they are broadcasted over frequencies and airwaves that are public, and thus they fall under the regulatory authority of the government. Despite this, the FCC has almost no authority to regulate the internet, cable & satellite TV or satellite radio.Protecting Those Who Report the News One of the most important sources of information for a journalist is often confidential sources. In this scenario, informants offer up information in exchange for their identities being kept secret. This protection can get more complicated when the information in question is extremely sensitive in nature or impacts national security. In New York Times v. United States, or what came to be known as The Pentagon Papers case, the court ruled that, because the information did not pose serious harm to national security, the Federal government could not restrict media from reporting illegally obtained information about U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Shield laws are laws that protect journalists from being forced to disclose confidential information in a legal proceeding. 4 Page essay/Readings/The News Demystified1.html Lesson 3 Media, Socialization, and Public OpinionThe News Demystified In the television age, the media have attained an unprecedented level of influence in American politics. Political candidates live and die through news coverage and political TV advertising. Controversial political issues can be decided by how much and what kind of information is conveyed to the public. And media "personalities," such as network news anchors and talk show hosts, have become political power brokers. The network news has only 30 minutes to report world events, and newspapers have a limited amount of space. How do journalists judge what is newsworthy? According to political scientist Doris Graber, who has written numerous books on the
  • 10. subject, there are generally five criteria for choosing stories:The story has a strong impact on the viewer. The story involves natural or man-made violence, conflict, disaster, or scandal. The story has familiarity in that it discusses well-known individuals or familiar situations. The story has proximity in that, even if national news, it is presented with a local angle. News from home, especially for local media, is generally more important than news from somewhere else. The story is timely and novel, reporting on an issue or event currently of interest or concern. Stories that are novel, or different, stand out from the rest.The Gatekeeper In any organization, one or a relative few individuals are responsible for making decisions. In media organizations, someone has to make editing decisions and programming decisions. These "gatekeepers" – newspaper editors and publishers, TV news directors, network news anchors – are primarily responsible for what you see, hear, and read through the media. They literally allow certain material into the news and keep certain material out of the news. Remember, sex and violence sell. The “sexier” a story is, the more likely the public is to watch and follow that story (think about our fascination with following trials where violent crimes have occurred). In the past ten years, the number of violent crimes has been decreasing. Yet the public perceives that crime has been getting worse. Do you think the criteria for selecting news items, as outlined above, could have something to do with this perception?Print v. Television Newspapers and TV provide very different kinds of information. In general, newspapers can provide a much greater amount of
  • 11. information and discusses things in greater depth than television because newspapers are not limited by time as is television news. A network news broadcast, after accounting for advertising, has 22 minutes to report world news. This situation forces news directors to choose the most important or newsworthy stories for broadcast and to spend only a minute or two on each one. Newspapers, on the other hand, are under fewer limitations and can cover a range of information and go into significant detail. It used to be the case that most people got a majority of their information about politics from newspapers. That began to change, however, in the 1970s, television became the dominant medium for news coverage. The percentage of households subscribing to a daily newspaper has plummeted since its high point roughly 50 years ago, and the percentage of households tuning into network and cable TV programming has risen steadily. How much of your information do you get from TV news as opposed to print news? Has this changed over the years? 4 Page essay/Requirments.docx 1 Running head: DISCUSSION BOARD 3 – OBTAINING FUNDS 6 DISCUSSION BOARD 3 – OBTAINING FUNDS Discussion Board 3 – Obtaining Funds
  • 12. Discussion Board 3 – Obtaining Funds In the world of business, cash is often the key to the success of a firm. While there are other ways to obtain equity and value in a company, cash is the factor that allows a business to continue to make investments and financial decisions which allow for its growth and success in the future. However, a reality for many businesses, especially small businesses starting out and working on growth, is that cash flows may be tough to come by as they are focusing on building a brand and establishing a name for themselves. There are options for struggling businesses in need of a temporary cash increase, though. First, since many small businesses are being rejected for bank loans, there are alternative methods by which banks and capital companies are providing money to firms with the agreement that they will receive a percentage of future revenues from those companies. In order to maintain the affordability of these deals, the company receiving the capital is required to make payments based on month cash flows, which allows that company to only pay what they can afford. Another method for
  • 13. increasing cash flow is to sell excess capacity of operations to other firms which may accept alternative currencies in exchange for cash, which allows the company in need of cash to utilize resources already available for cash now. Finally, crowdfunding is another alternative method for increasing cash flows, and is also a method of advertising to gain additional visibility for name and purpose of the company (Bagga, 2018). During this time when cash flow is limited, it is important to express to stakeholders what is being done in the interim, and what the long term plan is with regard to the project being worked and how it will provide positive impacts to the company and the industry alike. Being transparent with the stakeholders is key to their continued support and confidence in the firm (Boyce, 2015). References Bagga, B. (2018, July 10). 3 Unique Ways Small Businesses Can Increase Cash Flow. Retrieved from Boyce, C. (2015, February 6). How to Explain Cash Flow to Your Stakeholders. Retrieved from Standardized Rubrics Template Discussion Board Rubric (50 points) Criteria Levels of Achievement Content 70% (35 points) Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Key Topics (10 points) 10 points All key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are
  • 14. answered in the thread. 8 to 9 points Most key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread. 1 to 7 points At least one key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread. 0 points Clarity and Relevance of Support of Key Topics (5 points) 5 points There is a clear, logical flow to the major points to the thread 4 points There is a mostly clear and mostly logical flow to the major points to the thread 1 to 3 points There is a little clarity and the flow is not in a coherent logical manner. 0 points Depth of Explanation and Details of each Key Topic (15 points) 14 to 15 points Major points are supported by the following: · Textbook and article (at least 2 citations in current APA format) · Good examples (pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples are acceptable); and · Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, comparing/contrasting concepts) 13 points Major points are supported by the following: · Textbook and article (at least 1 citations in current APA format) · Examples (mostly pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples are acceptable); and · Some thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing
  • 15. implications, comparing/contrasting concepts) 1 to 12 points Major points are supported by the following: · Textbook only · Examples did not provide any substantive value to the post · Little thoughtful analysis was incorporated into the discussion post. 0 points Replies (5 points) 5 points Each reply brings clarity to the issue being discussed, relating issues to Scripture/Biblical principles and experiences enhance the original post were used 4 points Each reply brings some clarity to the issue being discussed, relating issues to Some Scripture/Biblical principles and experiences enhance the original post were used 1 to 3 points Each reply brings little clarity to the issue being discussed, relating issues to few, if any, Scripture/Biblical principles and experiences enhance the original post were used. 0 points Structure 30% (15 points) Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Spelling, Grammar, and APA Format (5 points) 5 points Proper spelling, grammar, and current APA format are used. 4 points Mostly proper spelling, grammar, and current APA format are used. 1 to 3 points
  • 16. Little attention was given to proper spelling, grammar, and current APA format. 0 points Length Requirements (5 points) 5 points The required word count (at least 300 words) is met. 4 points The word count (> 250 words) is almost met. 1 to 3 points The word count was substantially lower than expected. (Less than 250 words) 0 points Replies (5 points) 5 points You submitted at least two replies to classmates’ posts and Proper spelling, grammar, and current APA format are used. 4 points You submitted at least two replies with mostly proper spelling, grammar, and current APA format are used. 1 to 3 points You only submitted one reply and/or little attention was given to proper spelling, grammar, and current APA format. 0 points