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Marriage Act ( Doma ) Essay
Two New York residents, both women, married lawfully in Canada. When one of the spouses, Thea Spyer, died, she left her estate to the other
spouse, Edith Windsor. Windsor was not able to claim the estate tax exemption for surviving spouses because of the Defense of Marriage Act
(DOMA), a federal law that excluded same–sex partners from the definition of "spouse" in its statutory use. Both the district court and the court of
appeals found that portion of the statute unconstitutional. Granting certiorari, the Supreme Court affirmed. The State of New York recognized
Spyer's and Windsor's Canadian marriage as valid. As such, DOMA "[sought] to injure the very class New York [sought] to protect" and violated
Due Process and Equal Protection principles. The Court reiterated that "'a bare congressional desire to harm a politically unpopular group' cannot
justify disparate treatment of that group." b. Unpacking the "Bite" Cases Animus or a "bare desire to harm" is a prevalent ground for applying
rational basis with bite scrutiny. The court is also likely to use rational basis with bite when analyzing "laws that classify on the basis of an immutable
characteristic or burden a significant right." Classifications based on immutable characteristics – those that an individual cannot control – threaten
principles of fairness integral to Equal Protection doctrine. In closely related Due Process doctrine, a law that burdens a significant right – i.e., burdens a
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Standardized Testing Is Effective And Effective
Education has been an important part of society for centuries. Over the years it has slowly evolved into what it is today. The topic of education has
been controversial since the beginning. It seems as though there is always someone that sees a need for change in how students are being taught and
assessed. More specifically, many people think that standardized testing is not an effective way to assess students. While on the other hand, many also
believe that standardized testing is the most efficient and effective way to assess people of all ages. The debate over standardized testing has been
shown to effect students and the community in many different ways. Standardized assessments have had huge impacts with both teachers and students.
Whether one thinks standardized testing is effective and efficient or misdirecting and unproductive it is a big part of the educational system. While the
argument may present that standardized tests leads to simulated knowledge, others argue that standardized tests are very effective in assessing students.
In America, standardized testing started to show up during the Industrial Revolution when more and more children began attending school rather than
working in factories or on family farms. Due to a "back to basics" movement during the 1970s, there was a big emphasis on "low–level functional skills
and the proliferation of minimum–competency tests"(Marzano 9). However by the time we get to the 1990s, standardized tests began to be
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Marriage Is The Most Important Act Essay
Marriage is the most important act in the life of the majority of men and women. When it is a good marriage, it brings men and women to the fullness
of the life God intended for them.
The difference is this: in the first case, the existence of any contract is denied; in the second case, the existence of a contract is admitted, and the
contract is made, even though at the very moment of making the contract one has every intention of violating it.
Is it only a pleasant companionship which may not survive the trials and tribulations of family life? No one can hope to realize the full fruits of a good
marriage without first understanding what marriage is.
Many erroneous notions regarding marriage are still being circulated these days, particularly in reference to its permanence and its obligations. The
reason for these errors is the failure to recognize the sacredness of marriage. Marriage is not, as some seem to think, a legalizing of sexual
relationships between a man and a woman. It is, instead, a relationship established by God Himself primarily for the generation and education of
children. The very name "Matrimony" signifies this: it comes from two Latin words. matris munus. meaning "the office of motherhood" or "the duty of
the mother," which duty is the generation and education of new life.
What Is Marriage?
Marriage is an institution as old as the human race itself. It started in the Garden of Eden with our first parents. God blessed Adam and Eve: "Increase
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The United States Of The Defense Of Marriage Act ( Doma )
June , 2016 To the editor, Presidential candidate Barack Obama declared just prior to the 2008 General Election, "We are five days away from
fundamentally transforming the United States of America." Fast forward seven and a half years later and the now President Obama has made good on
this threat. In his two terms, President Obama has repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and ended the legal defense of the Defense of Marriage Act
(DOMA). Both of these policies were placed into law by Democratic leadership after they demanded that we conservatives enact neutral policies.
However, it is clear that these Cultural Marxists are anything but neutral. President Obama has signed historic Hate Crimes Legislation that is
increasingly being used to force American citizens to accept and participate in behavior that is against their conscience. It is this freedom of speech,
conscience and association that our constitutions were written to protect. Now the Obama Administration is threatening to withhold our own tax
money from any state that refuses to participate in the madness of so–called "gender identity." Basically, they are demanding that we finance the
destruction of our Christian foundations and constitutions. Yet, this madness is not just on the federal level. Last week we discovered that the
Mooresville Library is also engaged in this propaganda war. Displayed in the children's section for those just learning to read was a book titled Jacob's
New Dress. The author's website
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Defense Of Marriage Act Ruled Unconstitutional
Defense of Marriage Act Ruled Unconstitutional:
How the Supreme Court's Ruling on DOMA Will Affect Same
–Sex Taxpayers
Melissa Williams
Troy University
November 20, 2014
Author's Note
This paper was prepared for Federal Tax Research 6684T, taught by Dr. Kaye Sheridan.
On June 26, 2013, The United States Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), enabling same–sex couples
legally married under state law to be recognized for the purpose and benefit of federal law. Section 3 of DOMA previously defined marriage as the
legal union of two persons of the opposite sex. This definition was challenged in several court cases for violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the
Fifth Amendment. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Edith Windsor in U.S. v. Windsor, declaring DOMA Section 3 unconstitutional and allowing
same–sex couples to be recognized as married for federal purposes. This opens up several opportunities within federal income tax and estate and gift
tax. Some of these benefits include higher standard deductions and gain exclusion; opportunity to lower tax bracket through combining incomes; and
entitlement to the marital deduction, gift splitting, and portability of DSUE. Marriage also results in tax disadvantages such as the marriage penalty,
joint and several liability, and refund offsetting. Taxpayers and tax preparers should be aware of the new planning opportunities available to married
same–sex couples,
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The Defense Of Marriage Act ( Doma )
In defense of marriage by John Corny, President Bill Clinton and the government were able to approve the defense of marriage act (DOMA). DOMA
is defined as the union of a man and a woman which it was what mostly of the people consider to be right. The main question is if people should
continue this or change? The answer is that many activists have been trying to change that definition. This changes has already begun in many states of
the country , and those who supported DOMA long time ago, are not able to support marriage today. There is one thing that has never become
different, it is how people think a kid is best raised by a woman and a man. However, today marriage appears to be in a general agreement that is being
complicated. ... Show more content on ...
Laws afford protection and equality to personal choices relating to marriage, barrier methods for pregnancy, reproduction, family relationship, child
care, and guidance. Homosexual people may see self–determination on these aspects, just as straight people do. It doesn 't take an expert or the
government to be involved to understand the definition of these words. The authority and the court specialists approve any circumstance. Authorized
academics are widely unfavorably opponents. The most outstanding constitutional specialists on this matter are "Cass Sunstein, Erwin Chemerinksky,
and William Eskridge" They estimate that DOMA or other long established marriage laws across the states will be unwelcome and unenforceable as
not in accordance with the constitution. In addition, the actions of disapproving and eliminating long established marriage laws national has already
started. A spokesperson of the Lambda legal corporation which want to stop traditional marriage laws across the states, clearly expressed that they
won 't give up until the same sex or gender marriage come across the entire nation. Many other democrats like "John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, Rep.
Jerrold Nadler, and former presidential candidates Howard Dean and Carol Moseley Braun", all of them have refused DOMA as not in accordance
with the constitution or with the rules and want DOMA to be disproved or refuted by the judicature and with no fundamental or established set of
principles governing,
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Forced Marriage Act 1961 (Cth)
According to section 5 of the Marriage Act 1961 (Cth) marriage can be defined as "...the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others,
voluntarily entered into for life." (AustiLII, n.d.). However, there are also forms of illegal marriage such as forced marriage. Filed under section
270.7A of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth), forcedmarriage can be defined as an illegal marriage whereby the victim entered into the marriage without
freely and fully consenting usually due to the use of coercion, threat or deception or because the victim was mentally incapable of understanding the
nature and effect of the marriage ceremony (Office of Parliamentary Counsel, 2015).
Coercion is the action or practice of persuading someone to do something ... Show more content on ...
This means that more can be done to assist in decreasing the amount of forced marriages in Australia.
One way is to educate students, teachers and religious figures who are able to conduct marriages about forced marriage and its impacts. By
educating people, there is a lesser risk of victims of forced marriage suffering silently and there is also a higher chance of detecting forced marriage
victims amongst both school and religious communities. Religious figures, such as priests and imams, will also be able to understand the
consequences of conducting a forced marriage and will also aid in preventing it.
Another recommendation which will benefit stakeholders is to alter the Marriage Act 1961 (Cth) to ensure that minors should be able to consent to a
marriage along with their parents and in the presence of an authority figure such as a lawyer or a police officer. If this change is implemented then
there is a lesser risk of a minor being forcefully married as there is an authority figure present and they would feel less pressured to succumb to the
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A Cursed Society: The Defense Of Marriage Act
A Cursed Society Almost three years ago from today did the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the definitions of the Defense of Marriage Act as
unconstitutional. In result to this ruling same–sex married couples are now recognized by the federal government and qualify for federal benefits, not
limiting to immigration status. Social Security Administration continue to determine eligibility for benefits based on where a couple resides, not where
they were married (NOLO). On the other end, federal employee benefits and military benefits doesn't depend on where the couple lives. All legally
married same–sex couples that live anywhere in the United States qualify for these federal benefits: federal employee, military, and immigration status.
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Analysis Of The Book ' Fish Out Of Water '
After a retired mobster fakes his death to hide from the mob, he attempts to reconcile with his estranged soccer–mom daughter and grandson, by taking
charge of the annual PTA fundraiser.
GRANDFELLA is a delightful and entertaining mobster–crime, comedy. It conjures up sweet memories of ANALYZE THAT, MEET THE
FLOCKERS, and GOODFELLAS. The tone is light–hearted.
The script features an extremely appealing hook: a seasoned mobster decides to retire and reconcile with his estranged daughter and grandson. He goes
from being a big time mobster negotiator to a small town PTA fundraiser.
There's an amusing "fish out of water" element to the storytelling. Solid themes about second chances, respect, reconnection, and redemption are well
interwoven into the plot.
The script features a very likable and charming protagonist in Nick. He's a retired mobster, forced to fake his death, and he struggles to adjust to
his new world by using his old enforcer techniques. It's a smart story choice. It's fun to watch Nick bring his skills as a gangster to this small town.
They learn from him, as he learns to love and care about others. At the end, he realizes his real family is not his crew, but his daughter and grandson,
as well as the folks in the town.
There's a lot to like about this script. There's a well–defined three–act structure. The goal is clear and the stakes are high. There are some nice plants
and payoffs (the bracelet).
First, the opening sets the tone for this
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Legislative History Of The Marriage Act 2013
Evaluative Legislative History
Below is a legislative history of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act 2013 The act ensured that all people regardless of sex, sexual
orientation, or gender identity have the the opportunity to marry if they so choose.
In addition to the legislative history, comments are provided to highlight context and reasons for and the likely effects of the Act and comment on
matters of interest that arose during the Bills progression through the house.
The amendment was introduced to parliament by Louisa Wall, Labour party MP by way of a private members bill drawn from the ballot. The
introduction of the amendment followed the widespread and worldwide campaign by LGBT equality campaigners to achieve marriage equality for all
people regardless of sex and sexual orientation.
Although many of the legal imbalances between gay and straight couples had already been ironed out in previous legislation such as the Civil Union
Act 2004, the Act went a step further to allow gay couples to adopt a child. This however was only one motivation for those who championed the act,
rather the focus was on having their relationships recognised as equal and as legitimate as that of traditional opposite sex couples.
The bill was drawn from the ballot on th 26th of July 2012. The bill proposed the amendment of section 2 of of the marriage act 1955 to read, "the
union of two people regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity" and introduce
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The Problems With College-Entrance Testing Essay
One of the most stressful experiences for a high school senior is the search for the college. So once these senior students finally develop a plan, why
is it that they may not be able to achieve what they desire? Colleges and universities today are becoming more and more competitive, sometimes to the
point of exclusive. With that it is fair to say that entrance to certain schools may be more difficult and extensive than the others based on popularity
and demand. When this happens, colleges are looking for the best of the best in academics, the student who will represent and be the best for their
institution. So what is the determining factor for college acceptance for students? The most accurate answer would be standardized... Show more content
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Since it is almost impossible to have any one–on–one work with students, the students at the low end of the spectrum will have the most amount of
time, if any, to work individually with teachers. This leaves the advanced students unchallenged with the same tasks that they have already mastered.
Teaching to a test results in multiple disadvantages for students. Educators also know that certain curriculum will be on these tests, so that is what will
be focused on in the classrooms. The curriculum for these tests limits teachers on what they are allowed to teach as well as anything they can teach
outside of the core curriculum. The core curriculum being taught is what will be found on standardized tests. When teachers have to stress these core
subjects, they are not able to teach any additional material that they would like to. Students will not have the opportunity to learn about astronomy, for
example, because they are too occupied with memorizing elements of scientific formulas. While it is important that students have an exceptional
knowledge of core curriculum, they should not be limited to just that. Electives and advanced classes are options for students who already have a
decent grasp on core curriculum and want to broaden their education. However, standards for these advanced classes are being limited and making
educators go over the same curriculum again to improve test scores even more. For example,
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Mccandless Character Analysis
It takes a lot of determination and courage for a person to leave everything that they have in life. Even though, the parents of McCandless provided
him with everything that an average man will dream of, he chose to leave it and wanted a different lifestyle.
He graduates from school having with him about twenty–five thousand dollars at hand and on the contrary to what you and I could do, he chose to
donate all the money to charity. His character is questionable throughout the narration. Although, friends or anyone that comes into contact with us
change us, the act did not apply to him as most of the characters who came into his life did not have any impact on him. However, McCandless,
Ronald Franz, Wayne Westerberg, Carine McCandless are some characters which can lead you to rediscover yourself and change your healthy
way of life to choosing another form of civilization rather than the establishing one. McCandless, abandons the normalized civilization and only
keeps to himself what is necessary to him. He does not accept any form of materials and he follows what is just necessary and is satisfying to him.
For example, when the car that he is driving becomes stuck in the mad instead of being depressed he becomes excited: "He saw the flash flood as an
opportunity to shed unnecessary baggage...." (Krakauer, p.29). He sees the act as an opportunity for him to lose the material that he did not want. He
also saw money as a factor in achieving a good lifestyle
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The Defense Of Marriage Act
Before the Constitutional Convention in 1787, relations between the States were not ideal. To reduce tensions, the new Constitution contained a
provision, the "Full Faith and Credit Clause," which granted each state authority over public Acts, records and judicial proceedings. In 1790, Congress
acted to put the provision into effect by enacting the "Full Faith and Credit Statute." Revised most recently in 1948, it provides, in part, that properly
authenticated shall have the same full faith and credit in every court within the United States. In 1996, to help defend one–man, one–woman marriage
from efforts to redefine it, the U.S. Congress overwhelmingly passed – and President Bill Clinton signed – the "Defense of Marriage Act." This ... Show
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DOMA was intended to defend traditional marriage at the federal and state levels. Consequently, DOMA enabled states–even in the face of claims
made pursuant to the full faith and credit clause (discussed below)–to decline to recognize same–sex marriages from other states. Furthermore, DOMA
defined marriage traditionally in federal law.
As everything in life has its effects, DOMA had a negative affect, which appeared over time. The good side was that this law was applied to the
majority and gave strength to a lot of people but since there was a minority, which doesn't agree with DOMA, it turned negative. DOMA caused many
problems to these minority people, causing many spouses to not get the same rights and claims as others. For example, as a same–sex marriage spouse
you couldn't claim your spouse as anything because according to the state law it's not a legal marriage. Others faced problems such as they couldn't
even visit their spouse or help in any health issues because of the requirement that they be immediate family, and they were not recognized as spouses.
DOMA law in section 2 said, "No state has an obligation to recognize marriages that
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Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act Of 2011
Neighbourhood disputes are a common occurrence to this day with many types of issues regarding aspects such as fencing, building, tree and property
issues continually being arisen in suburban areas. The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) is an establishment that contains certain
laws and rules which help resolve any issues that are to come up between one or more parties. The main source of act that will be used most commonly
throughout this piece is the Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act of 2011 which acts as a source of providing rules about each neighbours
responsibilities and rights for dividing fences and trees so that they are able to resolve the issue without involving any legal actions. There will ... Show
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In regard to s. 13 of the (Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act , 2011) it states that the fence that divides the properties between Robert and
Charlie is considered to be a 'sufficient dividing fence', which is stated as a 'fence for adjoining land of two section of residential land'. The act states
that a sufficient dividing fence should be a minimum height of 0.5 metres and should not exceed 1.8 metres in height. The underlying issue that is
evident is that the fence between the two was in fact 3 metres in height which is well over legal limits. In addition to this, Robert had an inspection
on the fence and discovered that the fence was not in appropriate condition for it to stay there and he did not take actions to apply for the fence to be
Due to the fact that part of the fence has fallen down, there is no question that there has to be a replacement built. Because the original fence was
over the legal length of 1.8 metres, the remaining length of the fence has to also be removed as it cannot be renewed or rebuild back to its original
height of 3 metres. Therefore, Robert should take immediate action in regards to the removal of the rest of the fence that still current stands. This is
due to the fact that the other parts of the oversized fence could still quite possibly injure someone and or damage something of either Robert's and
Charlie's property, which luckily for Robert's instance didn't happen when the
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Big Daddy and the American Dream in Tennessee Williams'...
Big Daddy and the American Dream in Tennessee Williams' Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Tennessee William's Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is a thought–provoking play that explores human relationships of all kinds. The character of Brick is forced
to examine the relationship with his friend, Skipper, his wife, his family, and himself. Other characters, Gooper, Mae, and Big Mama, demonstrate
stifling marriage relationships. Big Daddy, though, is one of the most interesting characters in that he illustrates the strange relationship one can have
with one's possessions.
Watt and Richardson, the editors, state that the play is about "acquisitiveness." That is, the acquiring ofmaterial possessions is central to the play, and
this family. The ... Show more content on ...
Margaret pleads with Brick to dress for Big Daddy's party. She does not want Brick's father to see what a shambles her marriage is in. She asks, "'Brick,
I've laid out your beautiful Shantung silk suit . . . your monogrammed silk shirts . . . your cuff links" (667 act 1). Brick only relents to wearing his
white silk pajamas. He has no need for clothing to serve as his mask since he already has masks of a different kind to hide behind.
Yet, as said before, it is Big Daddy who is most dependent on his relationship with "things." He has a wife decked out like "some massive animal,
the luster of her great diamonds and many pearls, the brilliants set in the silver frames of her glasses" (676 act 2), and speaks with scorn about her
and this need for extravagance. He even goes so far as to act as though he has contempt for money, too. He says, "'But a man can't buy his life with
it, he can't buy back his life with it when his life has been spent'" (682 act 2). Yet these words contradict the words that follow, the words that
express his true inner belief about money and possessions: 'The human animal is a beast that dies and if he's got money he buys and buys and buys
and I think the reason he buys everything he can buy is that in the back of his mind he has the crazy hope that one of his purchases will be life
everlasting!' (683 act 2)
Big Daddy is consumed by possessions, by acquisitiveness. He has been faced with his imminent
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`` Cleaning Up Their Act `` : Effects Of Marriage And...
The research question that Duncan, Wilkerson and England (2006) were concerned with in the article, "Cleaning up their act: The effects of marriage
and cohabitation on licit and illicit drug use", is whether an individual's frequency of engaging in health–risk behaviour is impacted by marriage and
cohabitation. More precisely, the authors investigated the effect of young adults' first experience with marriage and cohabitation on binge drinking,
marijuana use and cigarette smoking. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (2014; 2015), participating in these behaviours has
adverse effects on an individual's health. Marriage, and to a lesser extent cohabitation, have long been associated with a 'cleaning up' process. For
example, a young adult is expected to abstain or limit behaviour typical of the 'single life' once entering a monogamous marriage. Furthermore,
individuals who marry are more likely to be past the standard age of involvement in the aforementioned health–risk behaviours, and desire the approval
of their spouse. In essence, the authors aimed to test the extent of the causal relationship between health–risk behaviour and the transitions of
cohabitation and marriage in young adults.
The article is an example of Life–Course Sociological Research. Welsh and Farrington (2012) described a life–course (or developmental) theoretical
framework as referring to theories that attempt to explain behaviour and changes in behaviour throughout life. More
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Essay about A Character Analysis of Hamlet
Hamlet fascinates many readers and the first thing to point out about him is that he is mysterious. Shakespeare's work demonstrates Hamlet's dilemma
as the role of revenger showing a man of thought forced to be a man of action. Hamlet is extremely philosophical and introspective. He is particularly
drawn to difficult questions or questions that cannot be answered with any certainty. Faced with evidence that his uncle murdered his father,Hamlet
becomes obsessed with proving his uncle's guilt before trying to act. He is equally overwhelmed with questions about the afterlife, about the wisdom of
suicide, and about what happens to bodies after they die.
However, even though he is thoughtful to the point of obsession, Hamlet also behaves ... Show more content on ...
The soliloquies create an effect on the audience showing that Hamlet is depressed and confused. When he speaks, he sounds as if there is something
important he is not saying, maybe something even he is unaware of, creating the sense that Hamlet's character, a philosopher, is extremely troubled at
becoming a man of action.
In Hamlet's second soliloquy, Act 2, Scene 2, his speech moves through anger, self–condemnation and agonised self–accusation, impassioned fury and
mocking self criticism, deep reflection and determination. He continuously points out his faults on how he cannot raise himself to adequate passion to
avenge for his father's murder, he comments on how the actor showed grief for his lines, and how he cannot, even though he has great reason to.
Hamlet's mood is far beyond normal and has gone into philosophical realms, continuously using metaphors to show his disgust and anguish for himself
and his attitudes to the current affairs in the state of his own home.
The soliloquy opens with Hamlet cursing himself as a `rogue and peasant slave'. Hamlet expresses an outburst of hatred, linking it to the actor when he
describes the actor's passion.
Hamlet is outraged that he is not able to shed tears, and when he says `fiction' he is disappointed to see that a man can make himself cry through a
second–hand play, whereas he cannot. Hamlet's outrage here demonstrates his dilemma as the `man of thought' forced to
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The Defense Of Marriage Act
Harrison Alley
Honors Government
April 20, 2015
Marriage is between a man and a woman. Or, at least, that is how The Defense of Marriage Act defines it. The act, passed in 1996, attempted to offer
closure to Americans who wondered how to define marriage in the United States. American advocates for gay rights date back to the early 20th century,
but true advancements in equality haven't been made until the past ten years. Opponents of the act have argued that the decision breeds inequality and
discrimination in a country that was founded to avoid the two. The opponents undoubtedly rejoiced on June 26, 2013 as the Supreme Court ruled that
the wording used in section three of the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional. Section three of the act stated that marriage was "between one
man and one woman" (Gaynor and Blesset, 2). The Defense of Marriage Act is under constant scrutiny and may be completely repealed due to
increased awareness of human rights among Americans, a drastic change in American public opinion, and politicians facing loss of constituent support
if they do not support gay rights and the associated legislation. The Defense of Marriage Act, passed on September 21, 1996, was an act that intended
to provide a concrete definition of marriage and protect it from attempts to redefine it. Due to an increased number of citizens realizing that, because of
their homosexual marriage, they would not receive the same benefits of a heterosexual
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Essay about Act and American College Testing
American College Testing & Strong Interest Inventory
Jadine Marie Sawyer: December 11, 2012
Jean Berry
Walden University
Achievement and Intelligence Assessments It is critical counselors are competent in assessments as it is an integral part of counseling (Whiston, 2013).
Those practicing in the counseling field must be aware of the applications and limitations of the assessing instruments that they are using with clients.
Counselors should consider that they are responsible for the proper purpose and the competency of the assessment that they are using with their
clientele is appropriate for the situation. The American Counseling Association ([ACA], 2014) Code of Ethics standard E.1.a. Assessment stated "The
primary purpose ... Show more content on ...
I wanted to bring up the fact that the American Counseling Association ([ACA], 2014) Code of Ethics has one standard in particular that is important
for us right now. The E.6.a, Appropriateness of Instruments points out to us that counselor needs to be sure that the assessments administered to the
client are appropriate (ACA, 2014). Jadine you should understand that the ACT is a completely appropriate assessment for you at this time to help you
consider your future academic career. Do you feel as if you could take the ACT now?
Client: Oh yes, I understand it now, and think it sounds fine. I will take it.
Jadine proceeds to take the ACT, completing it in the allotted time. I meet to with her now to review herscores.
Counselor: Jadine, good to see you again. I have received the scoring for the ACT assessment you took and am ready to review them with you.
Client: Awesome! I am a little nervous to know how I scored, but I feel like I did ok.
Counselor: The scores can range from 1 to 36 for a composite score. Your composite score was a total 21, which is averaged by the total of the four
subcategories. Your subscale scores for each section were as follows: English 24, Math 19, Social Studies Reading 23, and Science was 18. That
gives you a ranking of 59% in the United States. Your 59% ranking means that 59% "of the students received scores that are the same or lower than you
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The Marriage Act ( 1949 )
According to the Marriage Act (1949), it provides for the restrictions on marriage, stating thus: "A marriage solemnized between persons either of
whom is under the age of sixteen shall be void "
Section 6 of the Marriage Act (1970) also requires that the marriage of any person under the age of eighteen must be with full consent .
Section 11 of the Matrimonial Causes Act states thus:
(11) Grounds on which a marriage is void. A marriage celebrated after 31st July 1971 shall be void on the following grounds only, that is to say:
(a) that it is not a valid marriage under the provisions of [F11the [F12Marriage Acts 1949 to 1986]] (that is to say where:
... (ii) either party is under the age of sixteen ...
It can be said that the lack of capacities and defective formalities which are known to the parties, makes the marriage incurably void and not appealable
(as in the case of a voidable marriage which can be appealed) .
The Children's Act (2004) provides thus:
The Children's Commissioner is to be concerned in particular under this section with the views and interests of children so far as relating to the
following aspects of their well–being–(a)physical and mental health and emotional well–being;
(b)protection from harm and neglect;
(c)education, training and recreation;
(d)the contribution made by them to society;
(e)social and economic well–being .
The Children and young Persons Act (2008) also makes similar provisions for the wellbeing of a child to be the duty of
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Marriage Is A Spiritual Act
Marriage is a Spiritual Act
F irst, we must understand that marriage is a spiritual act. Two specific references in the Old Testament gives us proof that Israel was portrayed as
God's wife; see Jeremiah 2–3 and Hosea 1–3. Also, the Church is referenced heavily in the New Testament scriptures as the bride of Christ; see
Ephesians 5:25–27 and Revelations 19:7–9, 21:1–2. Review these scriptures and view the spiritual act of marriage. Learn how God viewed Israel as His
bride, how He treated His bride, and the expectations He had from His bride.
Marriage is An Example to a Dying World
S econd, we must realize we are to model the spiritual act for a dying world; see Ephesians 5:25–27. The current world we live in is filled with despair,
confusion, isolation, independence, and hurt. The world is filled with hurting people all seeking an answer to their grief. The biblical marriage union
shows to a dying world the best example of love. The entire concept of a biblical marriage – a union created by God and not dissolved until death,
willingly from both parties, shows the world something they so greatly desire but continue to sin against God to obtain. The biblical marriage shows
the world HOW Jesus loves the Church. Does your marriage reflect this example?
Overlooked Parts of Genesis 2:24
T here are two parts of Genesis 2:24 that are overlooked which causes immediate confusion in creating a til death type of marriage. These parts are
overlooked because they are
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Essay on Defense of Marriage Act
Within the last month a highly anticipated law suit toward DOMA or the Defense of Marriage Act has come to a close. A federal judge has named
portions of DOMA as unconstitutional. The verdict is a large win for those supporters of gay rights, as well as giant loss for those that oppose this
type of union (Trotter). To clarify, if this verdict is upheld, federal government would have no say in whether or not to legalize gaymarriage. Each
individual states government would be held responsible to do so (Trotter). Thusly, the issue at hand then becomes should gay marriage be legal?
Marriage in the United States, up until the early 1800's, was a soley private matter. Two individuals were considered "wed" by their peers and religious
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With the new verdict that has come into play, it will empower each state to define their own stance on the legalization of gay marriage, They, and their
residents, may decide whether they are completely against same sex marriage and thusly ban them all together, completely in favor of same–sex
marriages and grant them will full privileges, or lastly, allow for the moderate compromise which are civil unions and registries with similar though
not equal rights. By allowing each states population to make their own choices, each group may then decide whether or not that states views align
with their personal ones. For example, those same sex couple wishing to marry and obtain legal licenses have the option of moving to a state, such as
Massachusetts or Hawaii, to have their relationship validated and covered under the law. Those that oppose it completely can also choose to move to
states where the mass population is tune with their personal convictions and have banned gay marriages altogether. Lastly those citizens who are
somewhere in the middle would simply remain in their current location unaffected by either parties decisions. As far as religious or personal
convictions, those opposed to gay marriage seem to rely on the teachings in the bible, as well as other doctrines specific to their denomination. For
many opponents, the view of gays and their relationships are stained by sin, immorality, frivolity and abnormal behavior.
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Essay about The LGBT Community and the Defense of Marriage...
As of 2015, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community continues to struggle for equal rights held by their straight counterparts.
Socially, LGBT persons are subject to discrimination, hate crimes, and stigma, while legally, LGBT persons encounter obstacles that preclude them
from basic rights afforded to every other subculture in America. One of the most divisive issues related to LGBT rights has been same–sex marriage,
which has been creating conflict both politically and socially dating back to the 1970's (Finnis, 1997). Those in favor of same–sex marriage argue that
regardless of gender or sexual preference, marriage is a basic right that the government has no legitimate interest in blocking. Opponents argue that ...
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From a legislative perspective, DOMA both set a federal standard for marriage while protecting the states' rights to create their own definitions of
marriage and laws without having to recognize states that choose to define marriage in a conflicting manner.
Description of the social problem being addressed
This act was passed to address the social problem of same–sex marriage, which as explained previously, can be viewed from two different angles.
Based on the wording of DOMA, it may be inferred that the act's intentions more closely align with opponents of same–sex marriage, and that the
social problem it aimed to correct was the threat of same–sex marriage. In a webpage that presents its talking points, the National Organization for
Marriage (NOM) defines its beliefs as to why traditional marriage must be protected, targeted toward three of the U.S.'s major religious demographics
(NOM, n.d). NOM's reasoning is that same–sex marriage, by attempting to redefine marriage, puts the institution of marriage at risk which in turn will
contribute to a number of other social problems. These problems include increased risk of poverty, higher crime rates, lower life expectancy rates and
educational disadvantage (NOM, n.d.).
History of this policy or related policies
DOMA was the first federal law addressing same–sex marriage, but the issue had already been addressed in state courts by the time DOMA was
introduced. This occurred with a succession of cases that took place in
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Respect For Marriage Act Essay
For this journal entry, I have decided to review the Respect for Marriage Act. The Respect for Marriage Act, was introduced in 2009, as a repeal to
Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, which deems that the federal government does not recognize marriages of same sex couples. The Respect
for Marriage Act was then reintroduced in 2015. The Respect for Marriage Act is a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and ensure respect for
State regulation of marriage (–congress/senate–bill/29)., amends the Defense of Marriage Act to repeal a provision
that prohibited state, territory, possession, or Indian tribe from being required to recognize any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other
state, ... Show more content on ...
It removes the definition of "spouse" (currently, a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife). (
/114th–congress/senate–bill/29) The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), originally enacted in September of 1996, was a United States federal law that,
before being ruled unconstitutional, defined marriage for federal purposes as the union of a man and woman, and gave states the permission to states
decline recognizing same–sex marriages, even though they were valid under the laws of other states. This was until Section 3 of the Act was struck
down in 2013, (United States v. Windsor), DOMA, in combination with other statutes, had banded same–sex married couples from being recognized as
"spouses" for purposes of federal laws, effectively barring them from receiving federal marriage
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The Girl Child Marriage Act Of 2003
Culture is said to be the way of life of people. It is difficult to divorce man from his culture as it defines him. Girl child marriage is one of the
cultures of the Hausa people of Nigeria. Researches have shown that most Hausa women are married before they are in their early twenties. This
culture has been frowned at by most Nigerians because it robs the girl child the opportunity to choose who she would have really loved to marry
as she does not have the mental ability to make such a decision at a tender age. Also, the health challenges that the girls are prone to is also another
reason for the call of the abolishment of such way of life. The child act of 2003 protects the Nigerian girl child against being forced into an early
marriage; it states that a girl under the age of 18 cannot be contracted into marriage. It is no wonder that the recent proposed girl child marriage bill act
by some senators brought about mixed reactions from Nigerians. Many of these reactions out–rightly condemned not only the propositions but also
those that proposed the law. This work seeks to analyse how the blackberry messenger has been used to convince Nigerians to kick against what most
called 'child slavery act '. Keywords: Girl–child, blackberry messenger, culture, minor, pictures INTRODUCTION Following the alleged proposed
move to legalise girl–child marriage, several reactions from individuals, activists, groups and organisations have evolved. Many took to the streets,
media houses and
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The Fight for Bilingual Education and Women’s Rights in...
The Civil Rights movement, during the 1960s and 1970s, created many changes for both American society and its schools. The transformations were
the result of such movements as Bilingual Education, women's' rights activity, and the passing of the Public Law 94–142 legislation. The incorporation
of these new laws and ideas into society all came with their own consequences. Each of them helped, in some way, to lessen the inequality of minority
groups in America, like students whose primary language was not English, women, and handicapped children. They also faced opposition by certain
groups, who did not feel that their inclusion in American life was necessary. Those fighting for the minorities, though, were steadfast in their... Show
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The third approach, bilingual education, suggested teaching the student's native language and English equally.
According to Urban and Wagoner in American Education: A History, "advocates of this last approach sometimes emphasized biculturalism as well and
bilingualism" (ibid.).
These attempts were both supported and opposed by various parties.
Those who defended incorporation of bilingual education into American schools included politicians and other Hispanic leaders, who were trying to
prevent assimilation. Opposers included "teachers, Anglo politicians, and some
Hispanic intellectuals", who thought that it was important for the children to assimilate in to the society (ibid.).
Women's rights activity also became popular in the 1960s, but did not have many large effects on the schools. Teachers did not want to be involved
with the feminists, and so the activists also distanced themselves from the teachers. The hard work and determination of the feminists did though, bring
about the passing of the Title IX of the Higher Education Act in 1972 (ibid., 320).
This act instilled gender equality in institutions of higher education, and has played a monumental role in regulating fairness among the sexes in
colleges and universities. The Title IX
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The Institution Of Marriage Act Essay
Medha Singh
Sem – III; Roll No. – 513
The institution of marriage provides for a set of rights and obligations of one party towards the other party. Co–habiting is a symbol of this shared
living and separation a negation of this essential quality of marriage.[ 1st Report of the Law Commission, Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, para 6.5. ] The
right to consortium is an essential marital right. In protection of this right, all personal laws provide for a remedy to implement the cohabitation and
establish the right. In furtherance of this Section 9, Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, provides for the remedy of restitution of conjugal rights i.e.
restoration of parties' martial privileges like that of comfort and consortium of one another[ Ela Dasu v. Ela Lachamma, (1990) 2 HLR 249 (Ori).].
Herein the parties are legally enforced to live together and fulfill the marital obligations by obtaining a court decree by the aggrieved party against the
deserting party.
The concept legal intervention for implementation of conjugal privileges was originally found in Jewish laws from where it travelled to England. Old
Hindu personal laws had no concept of restitution of conjugal rights i.e. This was not admitted by the Dharmashastras and the Vedas. India borrowed
from the common law of Britain after the colonial rule in India. The procedure of Restitution of Conjugal Rights was introduced in our country by the
British rulers in
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The Act Of Marriage Has Lost
The act of marriage has lost its appeal for many. Why is that? The view of marriage now is that it is a contract with built in requirements, that the
spouse is just another thing that can help meet the selfish needs of the individual. The spouse is just an easy, built in gratifier, so once one of the
spouses feel like they are not getting their needs met, they leave the marriage. The notion that marriage is an unselfish covenant relationship has been
lost from the minds of those in society and has been replaced with this selfish ideal. The result of this selfish ideal that has replaced covenant
relationship results in the catastrophic dissolution of the family and the surge in failed marriages. The effect then is fear, which in turn precipitates in a
loss of interest in marriage and committed unselfish relationships. So now, society has to be retrained on what marriage actually is, and what God
designed it for.
What is marriage and what did God design it for?
Marriage is a monogamous, covenant relationship between two heterosexual people. A covenant relationship is "an unconditional commitment"
(Balswick & Balswick, 2014, p.8). This is important to understanding what marriage is and what it is not.
Marriage is not a contract, there are no stipulations that can be broken that will dissolve the marriage except for adultery and death. Although a
marriage is a covenant and unconditional the benefits and blessings of it can only be received if there is a proper
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Defense Of Marriage Act
The Defense of Marriage Act was a law passed by Congress stating that individual states were not required to recognize same–sex marriage licenses
issued by other states. President Bill Clinton signed the bill in 1996 (ABC Clio). The act also defined marriage as a relationship between one man and
one woman, which had never been clearly defined before. Most importantly, it prevented same–sex couples from recieving federal benefits such as
health insurance, retirement savings, and social security (Sprigg). The overruling of this act in 2013 forced states to recognize same–sex marriage
licenses given by other states (Supreme Court). It also acted as a step towards same–sex marriage legalization, which took place in a seperate ruling in
2015. Edith ... Show more content on ...
Windsor was held on March 27, 2013 (ABC Clio). The case was granted on December 7, 2012 (ABC Clio). On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court
released their 5–4 decision in favor of Edith Windsor (ABC Clio). This meant that theUnited States Internal Revenue Service owed Windsor the
$363,000 in estate taxes paid in 2009. The five justices that formed the majority were Justices Kennedy, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan
(Supreme Court). The four justices that opposed the argument were Justices Roberts, Scalia, Alito, and Thomas (Supreme
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Defense of Marriage Act Essay example
Defense of Marriage Act
Within our society and the western hemisphere, it is believed that only a man and a woman should be allowed to participate in the sacred ritual of
marriage. These beliefs are instilled through the socialization of society and family. Our society illustrates marriage through the media. Our family
illustrates marriage by first hand experience. In a traditional family, we perceive a man and a woman as our parents. Traditionally, people marry with the
expectation that reproduction will occur, and one will grow old along side of children, and grandchildren. There is an image to marriage, and the
thought of altering that to include same sex unions is disturbing to many.
Gay or same sex marriages ... Show more content on ...
The state of Vermont accepted and promoted same sex marriages by classifying them as "civil unions" in order to maneuver around DOMA. Vermont
believed that "civil unions" would provide lesbian and gay individuals with financial and emotional benefits that are accessible to heterosexual
individuals who are married (Kranz & Cusick, 2000). Vermont's objectives were to provide an inclusive versus separation and discrimination reality
for fellow Vermonters (Kranz & Cusick, 2000). In 1998, Hawaii's state legislation implemented the DOMA amendment that altered the state's
constitution and rejected same sex marriages. "28 states passed laws preventing the recognition of same sex marriages" (Kranz & Cusick, 2000).
Between 1995 and 2000, the 28 states that prevented same sex marriages from being legal were Utah, Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois,
Kansas, Michigan, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Maine, Minnesota,
Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Virginia, Alabama, Alaska, Iowa, Kentucky, Washington, and Hawaii. In 2000, the remaining 19 states didn't
have an "explicit ban on same sex marriages" which included Colorado, Connecticut, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming (Kranz &
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Federal Defense Of Marriage Act
The American concept of marriage foundation has been a foundation for human civilization for centuries. Likewise, forty–one American states revere
matrimony laws of Moses between man and woman. However, the concept of marriage for Americans is under review by the United States Supreme
Court. Citizens interested in changing the Law of Moses will present their purpose and reason challenging the Federal Defense of Marriage Act.
Historical marriage values are questionable to some individuals in American society. Many religious organizations believe marriage should only be
recognized between a man and woman (Adam, 2003). Religious leaders have specified redefining marriage challenges the foundation of sacred
beliefs. On the other hand, considering laws have been made to help people, homosexual activist share it is unethical an act of discrimination to
refuse same sex marriage based on the words it is the law. The psychological research and history stories support homosexual existence as far back as
the ancient Greece era. In fact the homosexual terms come from the Greek dialect such as the word lesbian.
Thus the notion of marriage is an historical ancient foundation of man and woman upheld by citizens, elected officials, and policies. A fundamental
building block for human civilization defines the history of marriage. However, marriage values and views preexisted before the formation of the
American government. Therefore, proclamation of marriage between a man and woman is
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Defense Of Marriage Act Pros And Cons
Defense of Marriage Act
In 1996, President Bill Clinton signs the Defense of Marriage Act. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) allows for all the states to deny same–sex
couples the same rights as their counterparts. It also gives a formal definition to marriage as the union between a man and a woman (Same Sex Marriage
, 2017). The bill does violate the Establishment clause in the First Amendment as the government fails to separate church and state. The document does
allude to the book of Genesis when it defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman (Text–HR, 2017). However, most of the nation did not
approve of same–sex marriages as the time so the President chose to sign the bill that would later be revoked because of court case Obergefell vs
Hodges (Same Sex Marriage, 2017). ... Show more content on ...
As a result, the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, a House of Representative's committee, attempted to uphold the bill's constitutionality. They appealed
to the Supreme Court to overturn the lower courts' decision, but the Supreme Court agreed with the lower courts' decision and deemed the Defense of
Marriage Act unconstitutional in 2013. Then, Obergefell vs Hodges officially stated thatsame–sex marriage is protected under the Fourteenth
Amendment's due process clause in 2015 ("Same Sex Marriage, 2017).
States Reactions
States That Have Not Legalized Same Sex Marriage Although there are 14 states that have not legalized same–sex marriage or strictly placed laws
against same–sex marriage, they will eventually have to secede to the Supreme Court's decision
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Defense Marriage Act Analysis
The Defense Marriage Act is also known as DOMA. This act has been around for decades and continues to change over the years to shape individuals
rights and needs. Individual's perception of marriage equality is constantly evolving, and the number of government officials that recognize same–sex
marriage is constantly changing (Rodriguez & Blumell, 2014). This act not only affects the LGBTQ community and their families, but also affects the
whole nation. Many have different opinions on the topic and what should be in the Defense Marriage Act. Some were elated with the recent decision in
the summer of 2013 the LGBT community where included in the Defense Marriage Act. This arose when the language of section (2) in the DOMA,
was defined as unconstitutional ... Show more content on ...
The section 2 of DOMA it states to give legal relief to any state from recognizing same–sex marriages performed in other jurisdiction (Campbell, 2012).
Cases such as In re Kandu, a couple whom married in Canada attempted to file joint bankruptcy petition but were denied and Wilson V. Ake whom
married in Massachusetts had there marriage license denied in Florida. These various federal lawsuits, some filed alongside of section 3, also
challenged section 2. In the case of Obsergefell v. Hodges on June 26th, 2015 the U.S Supreme Court ruled that the 14th amendment requires all U.S.
state laws to recognize same–sex marriages, this decision left section 2 of DOMA unenforceable (Campbell,
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The Recurring Theme of Revenge in Shakespeare's Hamlet
Whether or not the readers enjoy reading or are fond of the play, Hamlet, it's obviously true that Hamlet's procrastination on taking revenge for his
father's death is a constantly recurring theme throughout the play. To begin with, after the ghost reveals the truth of Claudius killing King Hamlet Sr to
Hamlet and demands Hamlet to seek revenge, Hamlet is somewhat convinced but mostly unsure about what he heard from the ghost, "The spirit that I
have seen may be a devil, and the devil hath power t'assume a pleasing shape, yea, and perhaps, out of my weakness and melancholy, as he is very
potent with such spirits, abuse me to damn me..catch the conscience of the king" (2.2.587–594). The sudden appearance of the ghost triggers Hamlet's
suspicion of the ghost's real identity, in which Hamlet's carefulness not only leads to showing a performance, which corresponds to his father's death to
test the conscience of Claudius, but also delays his vengeance.
Besides, Hamlet fails to take revenge because of the perfectionism although he has a proper opportunity. When Hamlet encounters Claudius praying,
Hamlet confirms what the ghost tells him but he does not carry out his revenge immediately. Now might I do it pat, now he is a praying. And now
I'll do't. And so he goes to heaven; and so am I revenged. That would be scanned: a villain kills my father, and for that I, his sole son, do this same
villain to heavenГ® (3.3.76–82). Hamlet himself wants Claudius to go straight to
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William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing Essay
William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
'Much Ado About Nothing' was written in the years 1598–9 and was know for its genre, which is a classic comedy. The comedy of 'Much Ado About
Nothing' derives from the characters themselves and the manners of the society in which they live. Language is a significant part of the play and the
plot 'Much Ado About Nothing' has a large use of prose. Benedick and Beatrice are the main examples of male and female rivalry.
The plot is made up of several events one of them is,
LEONATO: ...There is a kind of merry war betwixt Signior Benedick and her....
As they are always insulting each other, never the less hurting each other's feelings. ... Show more content on ...
BEATRICE: You had musty victual, and he hath holp to eat it, he is a very trencher man, he hath and excellent stomach.
She is saying to Benedick that this is the only way he does good service by eating, but then the messenger defends him by saying he is a good person.
MESSENGER: A lord to lord, a man to man, stuff'd with all honourable virtues.
She also ironically compares Benedick to a disease that men catch and says a great deal of negative things about Benedick. Which makes us think that
maybe she like s him deep down but only finds this way to express her feelings.
Then her uncle says:
LEONATO: you will never run mad niece. Saying that she will never fall inlove.
Both of them cherish their so they don't reveal their true feelings towards each other. They use fake appearances as when the couple meet, they start to
challenge each other.
BEATRICE: scratching could not make it worse, and t'were such a face as yours were.
BENEDICK: well, you are a rare parrot teacher.
Leonato explains the relationship between Beatrice and Benedick to the messenger. It is friendship of wit and exchange of insults that represent the
modern battle of the sexes. They repeatedly put one another down because of each other's sex, and the advantages and
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Summary: The Gay Marriage Act
How do you feel about same sex marriage? How will same – sex marriage affect society? What laws have been passed by the legislative Branch? The
legislative Branch respected the gay marriage act. It was introduced on June 26, 2013. When the gay marriage act was made, other states recognized it
also. "We The People Act" was introduced to overrule any cases that deal with the right to privacy andsexual orientation giving the right to marry.
Executive Branch: Barack Obama respected gay marriage as well; he was honored from both gay right advocates and most of the U.S for his courage.
Mr. Obama didn't stop there; he invited bisexual leaders to the White House for a meeting to discuss any other issues that the bisexual communities
were dealing ... Show more content on ...
Certain laws didn't recognize their marriage for years many gay and lesbian couples have been separated by immigration laws. Gay military spouses
have been denied benefits available to heterosexual couples, and most people in the military lost their jobs. How does same sex marriage affect
society? Some people did not agree with same sex marriage, most people made comments, protested and went on strike in many states. Citizens in
different states felt that God made female and male and a man should be joined with a female not a female and female it male and
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The Cons of the Standard Aptitude Test
You are sitting in the testing room, anxiety rushing down your body. The smell of the freshly printed scantrons consumes your nose. The fears of
forgetting the math formulas, running out of time, and not knowing the answer distract you from focusing on the test. The SAT, in other words, the
scholastic aptitude test, also known as the test that destroys the lives of millions of high school students, is about to take place and determine your
intelligence in the perspective of the various colleges you are about to apply to. The SATis a collection of multiple–choice sections that unreliably
measure a student performance through critical reading, math, and writing sections, asking questions intended to trick the test taker and convince them
into picking the wrong answer choice. A majority of colleges and universities require students to take the SAT in addition to submitting their transcripts
and college applications, however they have a standard as to what score a student must receive in order to be accepted. Thousands of students have
their dreams crushed and are rejected from their ideal school because of the inability to score high on the test out of 2400. Students with limitless
amounts of talent never get the opportunity to nurture their unique skills because the schools focus more on the student's SAT score, instead of their
overall strengths and expertise. SAT scores should not have a prominent role in college acceptance in that the test is socioeconomically biased to
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Gay Marriage Act Pros And Cons
When the 2016 presidential race began in back in February of 2015. Nobody would've guessed that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would of
became the finalist. But now The finalist have been determined and nobody is one hundred percent sure who is going to become the next president.
But the only thing that has occurred since the beginning of the presidential race and now that is considered to be a very important religious issue, is
that the gay marriage act was passed. The gay marriage act was held up in a supreme court and it ended in a 5–4 vote passing the act, which declared
all states to allow same sex marriages. Trump opposes the act while Clinton supports it, but that may be obvious because passing the act was really a
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Essay about Defense of Marriage Act
The LGBT communities have been and continue to struggle with equal rights with their straight counterparts. Many people will argue the notion that
they support the LGBT community and feel they should have equal rights as heterosexual individuals; however how many of them will agree that
LGBT communities should have the right to marry, adopt, etc. The minute the issue ofmarriage is brought up, many people will argue that marriage is
a union between man and woman. Same sex marriage or marriage among the LGBT community is an issue dating back to the 1970's. Some people
will argue for same sex marriage/marriage among the LGBT community, stating marriage should be a union between two people no matter what their
sexual preference is. ... Show more content on ...
This act was passed to define and protect the institution of marriage which is supposed to be "between a man and a woman". As a tactic, the state
of Vermont promoted same sex marriages by labeling them as "civil unions" (Schowengerdt, 2002). The state of Vermont felt civil unions would
provide gays and lesbians with the same financial benefits as heterosexual couples (Stewart, 2004). In 1998, Hawaii's stated legislation
implemented the DOMA amendment that altered the state's constitution and rejected same sex marriages (Schowengerdt, 2002). Between 1995
and 2000, 28 states passed laws preventing the recognition of same sex marriages (Schowengert, 2002). The purpose of the DOMA was to prevent
gays and lesbians from "exporting same sex marriages to other states" (Finnis, 1997). A Florida Federal Judge denied two women recognition of
their marriage which took place in Massachusetts. As a result of this denial, attemtps were made to force other states and the federal government to
recognize same sex marriages in states where it is legal (Stewart, 2003). Same sex marriages have both pros and cons. With this issue, it seems
society is more concerned about the physical and moral issues behind it. Same sex partners are trying to seek the same benefits as heterosexual
couples. By keeping the DOMA in effect in all states, same sex partners will be
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Marriage Act ( Doma ) Essay

  • 1. Marriage Act ( Doma ) Essay Two New York residents, both women, married lawfully in Canada. When one of the spouses, Thea Spyer, died, she left her estate to the other spouse, Edith Windsor. Windsor was not able to claim the estate tax exemption for surviving spouses because of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a federal law that excluded same–sex partners from the definition of "spouse" in its statutory use. Both the district court and the court of appeals found that portion of the statute unconstitutional. Granting certiorari, the Supreme Court affirmed. The State of New York recognized Spyer's and Windsor's Canadian marriage as valid. As such, DOMA "[sought] to injure the very class New York [sought] to protect" and violated Due Process and Equal Protection principles. The Court reiterated that "'a bare congressional desire to harm a politically unpopular group' cannot justify disparate treatment of that group." b. Unpacking the "Bite" Cases Animus or a "bare desire to harm" is a prevalent ground for applying rational basis with bite scrutiny. The court is also likely to use rational basis with bite when analyzing "laws that classify on the basis of an immutable characteristic or burden a significant right." Classifications based on immutable characteristics – those that an individual cannot control – threaten principles of fairness integral to Equal Protection doctrine. In closely related Due Process doctrine, a law that burdens a significant right – i.e., burdens a ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Standardized Testing Is Effective And Effective Education has been an important part of society for centuries. Over the years it has slowly evolved into what it is today. The topic of education has been controversial since the beginning. It seems as though there is always someone that sees a need for change in how students are being taught and assessed. More specifically, many people think that standardized testing is not an effective way to assess students. While on the other hand, many also believe that standardized testing is the most efficient and effective way to assess people of all ages. The debate over standardized testing has been shown to effect students and the community in many different ways. Standardized assessments have had huge impacts with both teachers and students. Whether one thinks standardized testing is effective and efficient or misdirecting and unproductive it is a big part of the educational system. While the argument may present that standardized tests leads to simulated knowledge, others argue that standardized tests are very effective in assessing students. In America, standardized testing started to show up during the Industrial Revolution when more and more children began attending school rather than working in factories or on family farms. Due to a "back to basics" movement during the 1970s, there was a big emphasis on "low–level functional skills and the proliferation of minimum–competency tests"(Marzano 9). However by the time we get to the 1990s, standardized tests began to be ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Marriage Is The Most Important Act Essay Marriage is the most important act in the life of the majority of men and women. When it is a good marriage, it brings men and women to the fullness of the life God intended for them. The difference is this: in the first case, the existence of any contract is denied; in the second case, the existence of a contract is admitted, and the contract is made, even though at the very moment of making the contract one has every intention of violating it. Is it only a pleasant companionship which may not survive the trials and tribulations of family life? No one can hope to realize the full fruits of a good marriage without first understanding what marriage is. Many erroneous notions regarding marriage are still being circulated these days, particularly in reference to its permanence and its obligations. The reason for these errors is the failure to recognize the sacredness of marriage. Marriage is not, as some seem to think, a legalizing of sexual relationships between a man and a woman. It is, instead, a relationship established by God Himself primarily for the generation and education of children. The very name "Matrimony" signifies this: it comes from two Latin words. matris munus. meaning "the office of motherhood" or "the duty of the mother," which duty is the generation and education of new life. What Is Marriage? Marriage is an institution as old as the human race itself. It started in the Garden of Eden with our first parents. God blessed Adam and Eve: "Increase and ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The United States Of The Defense Of Marriage Act ( Doma ) June , 2016 To the editor, Presidential candidate Barack Obama declared just prior to the 2008 General Election, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." Fast forward seven and a half years later and the now President Obama has made good on this threat. In his two terms, President Obama has repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and ended the legal defense of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Both of these policies were placed into law by Democratic leadership after they demanded that we conservatives enact neutral policies. However, it is clear that these Cultural Marxists are anything but neutral. President Obama has signed historic Hate Crimes Legislation that is increasingly being used to force American citizens to accept and participate in behavior that is against their conscience. It is this freedom of speech, conscience and association that our constitutions were written to protect. Now the Obama Administration is threatening to withhold our own tax money from any state that refuses to participate in the madness of so–called "gender identity." Basically, they are demanding that we finance the destruction of our Christian foundations and constitutions. Yet, this madness is not just on the federal level. Last week we discovered that the Mooresville Library is also engaged in this propaganda war. Displayed in the children's section for those just learning to read was a book titled Jacob's New Dress. The author's website ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Defense Of Marriage Act Ruled Unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act Ruled Unconstitutional: How the Supreme Court's Ruling on DOMA Will Affect Same –Sex Taxpayers Melissa Williams Troy University November 20, 2014 Author's Note This paper was prepared for Federal Tax Research 6684T, taught by Dr. Kaye Sheridan. Abstract On June 26, 2013, The United States Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), enabling same–sex couples legally married under state law to be recognized for the purpose and benefit of federal law. Section 3 of DOMA previously defined marriage as the legal union of two persons of the opposite sex. This definition was challenged in several court cases for violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fifth Amendment. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Edith Windsor in U.S. v. Windsor, declaring DOMA Section 3 unconstitutional and allowing same–sex couples to be recognized as married for federal purposes. This opens up several opportunities within federal income tax and estate and gift tax. Some of these benefits include higher standard deductions and gain exclusion; opportunity to lower tax bracket through combining incomes; and entitlement to the marital deduction, gift splitting, and portability of DSUE. Marriage also results in tax disadvantages such as the marriage penalty, joint and several liability, and refund offsetting. Taxpayers and tax preparers should be aware of the new planning opportunities available to married same–sex couples, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Defense Of Marriage Act ( Doma ) In defense of marriage by John Corny, President Bill Clinton and the government were able to approve the defense of marriage act (DOMA). DOMA is defined as the union of a man and a woman which it was what mostly of the people consider to be right. The main question is if people should continue this or change? The answer is that many activists have been trying to change that definition. This changes has already begun in many states of the country , and those who supported DOMA long time ago, are not able to support marriage today. There is one thing that has never become different, it is how people think a kid is best raised by a woman and a man. However, today marriage appears to be in a general agreement that is being complicated. ... Show more content on ... Laws afford protection and equality to personal choices relating to marriage, barrier methods for pregnancy, reproduction, family relationship, child care, and guidance. Homosexual people may see self–determination on these aspects, just as straight people do. It doesn 't take an expert or the government to be involved to understand the definition of these words. The authority and the court specialists approve any circumstance. Authorized academics are widely unfavorably opponents. The most outstanding constitutional specialists on this matter are "Cass Sunstein, Erwin Chemerinksky, and William Eskridge" They estimate that DOMA or other long established marriage laws across the states will be unwelcome and unenforceable as not in accordance with the constitution. In addition, the actions of disapproving and eliminating long established marriage laws national has already started. A spokesperson of the Lambda legal corporation which want to stop traditional marriage laws across the states, clearly expressed that they won 't give up until the same sex or gender marriage come across the entire nation. Many other democrats like "John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, and former presidential candidates Howard Dean and Carol Moseley Braun", all of them have refused DOMA as not in accordance with the constitution or with the rules and want DOMA to be disproved or refuted by the judicature and with no fundamental or established set of principles governing, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Forced Marriage Act 1961 (Cth) According to section 5 of the Marriage Act 1961 (Cth) marriage can be defined as "...the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life." (AustiLII, n.d.). However, there are also forms of illegal marriage such as forced marriage. Filed under section 270.7A of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth), forcedmarriage can be defined as an illegal marriage whereby the victim entered into the marriage without freely and fully consenting usually due to the use of coercion, threat or deception or because the victim was mentally incapable of understanding the nature and effect of the marriage ceremony (Office of Parliamentary Counsel, 2015). Coercion is the action or practice of persuading someone to do something ... Show more content on ... This means that more can be done to assist in decreasing the amount of forced marriages in Australia. One way is to educate students, teachers and religious figures who are able to conduct marriages about forced marriage and its impacts. By educating people, there is a lesser risk of victims of forced marriage suffering silently and there is also a higher chance of detecting forced marriage victims amongst both school and religious communities. Religious figures, such as priests and imams, will also be able to understand the consequences of conducting a forced marriage and will also aid in preventing it. Another recommendation which will benefit stakeholders is to alter the Marriage Act 1961 (Cth) to ensure that minors should be able to consent to a marriage along with their parents and in the presence of an authority figure such as a lawyer or a police officer. If this change is implemented then there is a lesser risk of a minor being forcefully married as there is an authority figure present and they would feel less pressured to succumb to the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. A Cursed Society: The Defense Of Marriage Act A Cursed Society Almost three years ago from today did the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the definitions of the Defense of Marriage Act as unconstitutional. In result to this ruling same–sex married couples are now recognized by the federal government and qualify for federal benefits, not limiting to immigration status. Social Security Administration continue to determine eligibility for benefits based on where a couple resides, not where they were married (NOLO). On the other end, federal employee benefits and military benefits doesn't depend on where the couple lives. All legally married same–sex couples that live anywhere in the United States qualify for these federal benefits: federal employee, military, and immigration status. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Analysis Of The Book ' Fish Out Of Water ' After a retired mobster fakes his death to hide from the mob, he attempts to reconcile with his estranged soccer–mom daughter and grandson, by taking charge of the annual PTA fundraiser. STORY COMMENTS GRANDFELLA is a delightful and entertaining mobster–crime, comedy. It conjures up sweet memories of ANALYZE THAT, MEET THE FLOCKERS, and GOODFELLAS. The tone is light–hearted. The script features an extremely appealing hook: a seasoned mobster decides to retire and reconcile with his estranged daughter and grandson. He goes from being a big time mobster negotiator to a small town PTA fundraiser. There's an amusing "fish out of water" element to the storytelling. Solid themes about second chances, respect, reconnection, and redemption are well interwoven into the plot. The script features a very likable and charming protagonist in Nick. He's a retired mobster, forced to fake his death, and he struggles to adjust to his new world by using his old enforcer techniques. It's a smart story choice. It's fun to watch Nick bring his skills as a gangster to this small town. They learn from him, as he learns to love and care about others. At the end, he realizes his real family is not his crew, but his daughter and grandson, as well as the folks in the town. There's a lot to like about this script. There's a well–defined three–act structure. The goal is clear and the stakes are high. There are some nice plants and payoffs (the bracelet). First, the opening sets the tone for this ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Legislative History Of The Marriage Act 2013 Evaluative Legislative History Below is a legislative history of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act 2013 The act ensured that all people regardless of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity have the the opportunity to marry if they so choose. In addition to the legislative history, comments are provided to highlight context and reasons for and the likely effects of the Act and comment on matters of interest that arose during the Bills progression through the house. The amendment was introduced to parliament by Louisa Wall, Labour party MP by way of a private members bill drawn from the ballot. The introduction of the amendment followed the widespread and worldwide campaign by LGBT equality campaigners to achieve marriage equality for all people regardless of sex and sexual orientation. Although many of the legal imbalances between gay and straight couples had already been ironed out in previous legislation such as the Civil Union Act 2004, the Act went a step further to allow gay couples to adopt a child. This however was only one motivation for those who championed the act, rather the focus was on having their relationships recognised as equal and as legitimate as that of traditional opposite sex couples. The bill was drawn from the ballot on th 26th of July 2012. The bill proposed the amendment of section 2 of of the marriage act 1955 to read, "the union of two people regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity" and introduce ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Problems With College-Entrance Testing Essay One of the most stressful experiences for a high school senior is the search for the college. So once these senior students finally develop a plan, why is it that they may not be able to achieve what they desire? Colleges and universities today are becoming more and more competitive, sometimes to the point of exclusive. With that it is fair to say that entrance to certain schools may be more difficult and extensive than the others based on popularity and demand. When this happens, colleges are looking for the best of the best in academics, the student who will represent and be the best for their institution. So what is the determining factor for college acceptance for students? The most accurate answer would be standardized... Show more content on ... Since it is almost impossible to have any one–on–one work with students, the students at the low end of the spectrum will have the most amount of time, if any, to work individually with teachers. This leaves the advanced students unchallenged with the same tasks that they have already mastered. Teaching to a test results in multiple disadvantages for students. Educators also know that certain curriculum will be on these tests, so that is what will be focused on in the classrooms. The curriculum for these tests limits teachers on what they are allowed to teach as well as anything they can teach outside of the core curriculum. The core curriculum being taught is what will be found on standardized tests. When teachers have to stress these core subjects, they are not able to teach any additional material that they would like to. Students will not have the opportunity to learn about astronomy, for example, because they are too occupied with memorizing elements of scientific formulas. While it is important that students have an exceptional knowledge of core curriculum, they should not be limited to just that. Electives and advanced classes are options for students who already have a decent grasp on core curriculum and want to broaden their education. However, standards for these advanced classes are being limited and making educators go over the same curriculum again to improve test scores even more. For example, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Mccandless Character Analysis It takes a lot of determination and courage for a person to leave everything that they have in life. Even though, the parents of McCandless provided him with everything that an average man will dream of, he chose to leave it and wanted a different lifestyle. He graduates from school having with him about twenty–five thousand dollars at hand and on the contrary to what you and I could do, he chose to donate all the money to charity. His character is questionable throughout the narration. Although, friends or anyone that comes into contact with us change us, the act did not apply to him as most of the characters who came into his life did not have any impact on him. However, McCandless, Ronald Franz, Wayne Westerberg, Carine McCandless are some characters which can lead you to rediscover yourself and change your healthy way of life to choosing another form of civilization rather than the establishing one. McCandless, abandons the normalized civilization and only keeps to himself what is necessary to him. He does not accept any form of materials and he follows what is just necessary and is satisfying to him. For example, when the car that he is driving becomes stuck in the mad instead of being depressed he becomes excited: "He saw the flash flood as an opportunity to shed unnecessary baggage...." (Krakauer, p.29). He sees the act as an opportunity for him to lose the material that he did not want. He also saw money as a factor in achieving a good lifestyle ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Defense Of Marriage Act Before the Constitutional Convention in 1787, relations between the States were not ideal. To reduce tensions, the new Constitution contained a provision, the "Full Faith and Credit Clause," which granted each state authority over public Acts, records and judicial proceedings. In 1790, Congress acted to put the provision into effect by enacting the "Full Faith and Credit Statute." Revised most recently in 1948, it provides, in part, that properly authenticated shall have the same full faith and credit in every court within the United States. In 1996, to help defend one–man, one–woman marriage from efforts to redefine it, the U.S. Congress overwhelmingly passed – and President Bill Clinton signed – the "Defense of Marriage Act." This ... Show more content on ... DOMA was intended to defend traditional marriage at the federal and state levels. Consequently, DOMA enabled states–even in the face of claims made pursuant to the full faith and credit clause (discussed below)–to decline to recognize same–sex marriages from other states. Furthermore, DOMA defined marriage traditionally in federal law. As everything in life has its effects, DOMA had a negative affect, which appeared over time. The good side was that this law was applied to the majority and gave strength to a lot of people but since there was a minority, which doesn't agree with DOMA, it turned negative. DOMA caused many problems to these minority people, causing many spouses to not get the same rights and claims as others. For example, as a same–sex marriage spouse you couldn't claim your spouse as anything because according to the state law it's not a legal marriage. Others faced problems such as they couldn't even visit their spouse or help in any health issues because of the requirement that they be immediate family, and they were not recognized as spouses. DOMA law in section 2 said, "No state has an obligation to recognize marriages that ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act Of 2011 Introduction Neighbourhood disputes are a common occurrence to this day with many types of issues regarding aspects such as fencing, building, tree and property issues continually being arisen in suburban areas. The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) is an establishment that contains certain laws and rules which help resolve any issues that are to come up between one or more parties. The main source of act that will be used most commonly throughout this piece is the Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act of 2011 which acts as a source of providing rules about each neighbours responsibilities and rights for dividing fences and trees so that they are able to resolve the issue without involving any legal actions. There will ... Show more content on ... In regard to s. 13 of the (Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act , 2011) it states that the fence that divides the properties between Robert and Charlie is considered to be a 'sufficient dividing fence', which is stated as a 'fence for adjoining land of two section of residential land'. The act states that a sufficient dividing fence should be a minimum height of 0.5 metres and should not exceed 1.8 metres in height. The underlying issue that is evident is that the fence between the two was in fact 3 metres in height which is well over legal limits. In addition to this, Robert had an inspection on the fence and discovered that the fence was not in appropriate condition for it to stay there and he did not take actions to apply for the fence to be removed. Due to the fact that part of the fence has fallen down, there is no question that there has to be a replacement built. Because the original fence was over the legal length of 1.8 metres, the remaining length of the fence has to also be removed as it cannot be renewed or rebuild back to its original height of 3 metres. Therefore, Robert should take immediate action in regards to the removal of the rest of the fence that still current stands. This is due to the fact that the other parts of the oversized fence could still quite possibly injure someone and or damage something of either Robert's and Charlie's property, which luckily for Robert's instance didn't happen when the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Big Daddy and the American Dream in Tennessee Williams'... Big Daddy and the American Dream in Tennessee Williams' Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Tennessee William's Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is a thought–provoking play that explores human relationships of all kinds. The character of Brick is forced to examine the relationship with his friend, Skipper, his wife, his family, and himself. Other characters, Gooper, Mae, and Big Mama, demonstrate stifling marriage relationships. Big Daddy, though, is one of the most interesting characters in that he illustrates the strange relationship one can have with one's possessions. Watt and Richardson, the editors, state that the play is about "acquisitiveness." That is, the acquiring ofmaterial possessions is central to the play, and this family. The ... Show more content on ... Margaret pleads with Brick to dress for Big Daddy's party. She does not want Brick's father to see what a shambles her marriage is in. She asks, "'Brick, I've laid out your beautiful Shantung silk suit . . . your monogrammed silk shirts . . . your cuff links" (667 act 1). Brick only relents to wearing his white silk pajamas. He has no need for clothing to serve as his mask since he already has masks of a different kind to hide behind. Yet, as said before, it is Big Daddy who is most dependent on his relationship with "things." He has a wife decked out like "some massive animal, the luster of her great diamonds and many pearls, the brilliants set in the silver frames of her glasses" (676 act 2), and speaks with scorn about her and this need for extravagance. He even goes so far as to act as though he has contempt for money, too. He says, "'But a man can't buy his life with it, he can't buy back his life with it when his life has been spent'" (682 act 2). Yet these words contradict the words that follow, the words that express his true inner belief about money and possessions: 'The human animal is a beast that dies and if he's got money he buys and buys and buys and I think the reason he buys everything he can buy is that in the back of his mind he has the crazy hope that one of his purchases will be life everlasting!' (683 act 2) Big Daddy is consumed by possessions, by acquisitiveness. He has been faced with his imminent ... Get more on ...
  • 16. `` Cleaning Up Their Act `` : Effects Of Marriage And... The research question that Duncan, Wilkerson and England (2006) were concerned with in the article, "Cleaning up their act: The effects of marriage and cohabitation on licit and illicit drug use", is whether an individual's frequency of engaging in health–risk behaviour is impacted by marriage and cohabitation. More precisely, the authors investigated the effect of young adults' first experience with marriage and cohabitation on binge drinking, marijuana use and cigarette smoking. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (2014; 2015), participating in these behaviours has adverse effects on an individual's health. Marriage, and to a lesser extent cohabitation, have long been associated with a 'cleaning up' process. For example, a young adult is expected to abstain or limit behaviour typical of the 'single life' once entering a monogamous marriage. Furthermore, individuals who marry are more likely to be past the standard age of involvement in the aforementioned health–risk behaviours, and desire the approval of their spouse. In essence, the authors aimed to test the extent of the causal relationship between health–risk behaviour and the transitions of cohabitation and marriage in young adults. The article is an example of Life–Course Sociological Research. Welsh and Farrington (2012) described a life–course (or developmental) theoretical framework as referring to theories that attempt to explain behaviour and changes in behaviour throughout life. More ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay about A Character Analysis of Hamlet Hamlet fascinates many readers and the first thing to point out about him is that he is mysterious. Shakespeare's work demonstrates Hamlet's dilemma as the role of revenger showing a man of thought forced to be a man of action. Hamlet is extremely philosophical and introspective. He is particularly drawn to difficult questions or questions that cannot be answered with any certainty. Faced with evidence that his uncle murdered his father,Hamlet becomes obsessed with proving his uncle's guilt before trying to act. He is equally overwhelmed with questions about the afterlife, about the wisdom of suicide, and about what happens to bodies after they die. However, even though he is thoughtful to the point of obsession, Hamlet also behaves ... Show more content on ... The soliloquies create an effect on the audience showing that Hamlet is depressed and confused. When he speaks, he sounds as if there is something important he is not saying, maybe something even he is unaware of, creating the sense that Hamlet's character, a philosopher, is extremely troubled at becoming a man of action. In Hamlet's second soliloquy, Act 2, Scene 2, his speech moves through anger, self–condemnation and agonised self–accusation, impassioned fury and mocking self criticism, deep reflection and determination. He continuously points out his faults on how he cannot raise himself to adequate passion to avenge for his father's murder, he comments on how the actor showed grief for his lines, and how he cannot, even though he has great reason to. Hamlet's mood is far beyond normal and has gone into philosophical realms, continuously using metaphors to show his disgust and anguish for himself and his attitudes to the current affairs in the state of his own home. The soliloquy opens with Hamlet cursing himself as a `rogue and peasant slave'. Hamlet expresses an outburst of hatred, linking it to the actor when he describes the actor's passion. Hamlet is outraged that he is not able to shed tears, and when he says `fiction' he is disappointed to see that a man can make himself cry through a second–hand play, whereas he cannot. Hamlet's outrage here demonstrates his dilemma as the `man of thought' forced to ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Defense Of Marriage Act Harrison Alley Richardson Honors Government April 20, 2015 Marriage is between a man and a woman. Or, at least, that is how The Defense of Marriage Act defines it. The act, passed in 1996, attempted to offer closure to Americans who wondered how to define marriage in the United States. American advocates for gay rights date back to the early 20th century, but true advancements in equality haven't been made until the past ten years. Opponents of the act have argued that the decision breeds inequality and discrimination in a country that was founded to avoid the two. The opponents undoubtedly rejoiced on June 26, 2013 as the Supreme Court ruled that the wording used in section three of the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional. Section three of the act stated that marriage was "between one man and one woman" (Gaynor and Blesset, 2). The Defense of Marriage Act is under constant scrutiny and may be completely repealed due to increased awareness of human rights among Americans, a drastic change in American public opinion, and politicians facing loss of constituent support if they do not support gay rights and the associated legislation. The Defense of Marriage Act, passed on September 21, 1996, was an act that intended to provide a concrete definition of marriage and protect it from attempts to redefine it. Due to an increased number of citizens realizing that, because of their homosexual marriage, they would not receive the same benefits of a heterosexual ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Essay about Act and American College Testing American College Testing & Strong Interest Inventory Jadine Marie Sawyer: December 11, 2012 Jean Berry Walden University Achievement and Intelligence Assessments It is critical counselors are competent in assessments as it is an integral part of counseling (Whiston, 2013). Those practicing in the counseling field must be aware of the applications and limitations of the assessing instruments that they are using with clients. Counselors should consider that they are responsible for the proper purpose and the competency of the assessment that they are using with their clientele is appropriate for the situation. The American Counseling Association ([ACA], 2014) Code of Ethics standard E.1.a. Assessment stated "The primary purpose ... Show more content on ... I wanted to bring up the fact that the American Counseling Association ([ACA], 2014) Code of Ethics has one standard in particular that is important for us right now. The E.6.a, Appropriateness of Instruments points out to us that counselor needs to be sure that the assessments administered to the client are appropriate (ACA, 2014). Jadine you should understand that the ACT is a completely appropriate assessment for you at this time to help you consider your future academic career. Do you feel as if you could take the ACT now? Client: Oh yes, I understand it now, and think it sounds fine. I will take it. Jadine proceeds to take the ACT, completing it in the allotted time. I meet to with her now to review herscores. Counselor: Jadine, good to see you again. I have received the scoring for the ACT assessment you took and am ready to review them with you. Client: Awesome! I am a little nervous to know how I scored, but I feel like I did ok. Counselor: The scores can range from 1 to 36 for a composite score. Your composite score was a total 21, which is averaged by the total of the four subcategories. Your subscale scores for each section were as follows: English 24, Math 19, Social Studies Reading 23, and Science was 18. That gives you a ranking of 59% in the United States. Your 59% ranking means that 59% "of the students received scores that are the same or lower than you ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Marriage Act ( 1949 ) According to the Marriage Act (1949), it provides for the restrictions on marriage, stating thus: "A marriage solemnized between persons either of whom is under the age of sixteen shall be void " Section 6 of the Marriage Act (1970) also requires that the marriage of any person under the age of eighteen must be with full consent . Section 11 of the Matrimonial Causes Act states thus: Nullity (11) Grounds on which a marriage is void. A marriage celebrated after 31st July 1971 shall be void on the following grounds only, that is to say: (a) that it is not a valid marriage under the provisions of [F11the [F12Marriage Acts 1949 to 1986]] (that is to say where: ... (ii) either party is under the age of sixteen ... It can be said that the lack of capacities and defective formalities which are known to the parties, makes the marriage incurably void and not appealable (as in the case of a voidable marriage which can be appealed) . The Children's Act (2004) provides thus: The Children's Commissioner is to be concerned in particular under this section with the views and interests of children so far as relating to the following aspects of their well–being–(a)physical and mental health and emotional well–being; (b)protection from harm and neglect; (c)education, training and recreation; (d)the contribution made by them to society; (e)social and economic well–being . The Children and young Persons Act (2008) also makes similar provisions for the wellbeing of a child to be the duty of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Marriage Is A Spiritual Act Marriage is a Spiritual Act F irst, we must understand that marriage is a spiritual act. Two specific references in the Old Testament gives us proof that Israel was portrayed as God's wife; see Jeremiah 2–3 and Hosea 1–3. Also, the Church is referenced heavily in the New Testament scriptures as the bride of Christ; see Ephesians 5:25–27 and Revelations 19:7–9, 21:1–2. Review these scriptures and view the spiritual act of marriage. Learn how God viewed Israel as His bride, how He treated His bride, and the expectations He had from His bride. Marriage is An Example to a Dying World S econd, we must realize we are to model the spiritual act for a dying world; see Ephesians 5:25–27. The current world we live in is filled with despair, confusion, isolation, independence, and hurt. The world is filled with hurting people all seeking an answer to their grief. The biblical marriage union shows to a dying world the best example of love. The entire concept of a biblical marriage – a union created by God and not dissolved until death, willingly from both parties, shows the world something they so greatly desire but continue to sin against God to obtain. The biblical marriage shows the world HOW Jesus loves the Church. Does your marriage reflect this example? Overlooked Parts of Genesis 2:24 T here are two parts of Genesis 2:24 that are overlooked which causes immediate confusion in creating a til death type of marriage. These parts are overlooked because they are ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Essay on Defense of Marriage Act Within the last month a highly anticipated law suit toward DOMA or the Defense of Marriage Act has come to a close. A federal judge has named portions of DOMA as unconstitutional. The verdict is a large win for those supporters of gay rights, as well as giant loss for those that oppose this type of union (Trotter). To clarify, if this verdict is upheld, federal government would have no say in whether or not to legalize gaymarriage. Each individual states government would be held responsible to do so (Trotter). Thusly, the issue at hand then becomes should gay marriage be legal? Marriage in the United States, up until the early 1800's, was a soley private matter. Two individuals were considered "wed" by their peers and religious ... Show more content on ... With the new verdict that has come into play, it will empower each state to define their own stance on the legalization of gay marriage, They, and their residents, may decide whether they are completely against same sex marriage and thusly ban them all together, completely in favor of same–sex marriages and grant them will full privileges, or lastly, allow for the moderate compromise which are civil unions and registries with similar though not equal rights. By allowing each states population to make their own choices, each group may then decide whether or not that states views align with their personal ones. For example, those same sex couple wishing to marry and obtain legal licenses have the option of moving to a state, such as Massachusetts or Hawaii, to have their relationship validated and covered under the law. Those that oppose it completely can also choose to move to states where the mass population is tune with their personal convictions and have banned gay marriages altogether. Lastly those citizens who are somewhere in the middle would simply remain in their current location unaffected by either parties decisions. As far as religious or personal convictions, those opposed to gay marriage seem to rely on the teachings in the bible, as well as other doctrines specific to their denomination. For many opponents, the view of gays and their relationships are stained by sin, immorality, frivolity and abnormal behavior. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Essay about The LGBT Community and the Defense of Marriage... As of 2015, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community continues to struggle for equal rights held by their straight counterparts. Socially, LGBT persons are subject to discrimination, hate crimes, and stigma, while legally, LGBT persons encounter obstacles that preclude them from basic rights afforded to every other subculture in America. One of the most divisive issues related to LGBT rights has been same–sex marriage, which has been creating conflict both politically and socially dating back to the 1970's (Finnis, 1997). Those in favor of same–sex marriage argue that regardless of gender or sexual preference, marriage is a basic right that the government has no legitimate interest in blocking. Opponents argue that ... Show more content on ... From a legislative perspective, DOMA both set a federal standard for marriage while protecting the states' rights to create their own definitions of marriage and laws without having to recognize states that choose to define marriage in a conflicting manner. Description of the social problem being addressed This act was passed to address the social problem of same–sex marriage, which as explained previously, can be viewed from two different angles. Based on the wording of DOMA, it may be inferred that the act's intentions more closely align with opponents of same–sex marriage, and that the social problem it aimed to correct was the threat of same–sex marriage. In a webpage that presents its talking points, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) defines its beliefs as to why traditional marriage must be protected, targeted toward three of the U.S.'s major religious demographics (NOM, n.d). NOM's reasoning is that same–sex marriage, by attempting to redefine marriage, puts the institution of marriage at risk which in turn will contribute to a number of other social problems. These problems include increased risk of poverty, higher crime rates, lower life expectancy rates and educational disadvantage (NOM, n.d.). History of this policy or related policies DOMA was the first federal law addressing same–sex marriage, but the issue had already been addressed in state courts by the time DOMA was introduced. This occurred with a succession of cases that took place in ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Respect For Marriage Act Essay For this journal entry, I have decided to review the Respect for Marriage Act. The Respect for Marriage Act, was introduced in 2009, as a repeal to Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, which deems that the federal government does not recognize marriages of same sex couples. The Respect for Marriage Act was then reintroduced in 2015. The Respect for Marriage Act is a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and ensure respect for State regulation of marriage (–congress/senate–bill/29)., amends the Defense of Marriage Act to repeal a provision that prohibited state, territory, possession, or Indian tribe from being required to recognize any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other state, ... Show more content on ... It removes the definition of "spouse" (currently, a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife). ( /114th–congress/senate–bill/29) The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), originally enacted in September of 1996, was a United States federal law that, before being ruled unconstitutional, defined marriage for federal purposes as the union of a man and woman, and gave states the permission to states decline recognizing same–sex marriages, even though they were valid under the laws of other states. This was until Section 3 of the Act was struck down in 2013, (United States v. Windsor), DOMA, in combination with other statutes, had banded same–sex married couples from being recognized as "spouses" for purposes of federal laws, effectively barring them from receiving federal marriage ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Girl Child Marriage Act Of 2003 Culture is said to be the way of life of people. It is difficult to divorce man from his culture as it defines him. Girl child marriage is one of the cultures of the Hausa people of Nigeria. Researches have shown that most Hausa women are married before they are in their early twenties. This culture has been frowned at by most Nigerians because it robs the girl child the opportunity to choose who she would have really loved to marry as she does not have the mental ability to make such a decision at a tender age. Also, the health challenges that the girls are prone to is also another reason for the call of the abolishment of such way of life. The child act of 2003 protects the Nigerian girl child against being forced into an early marriage; it states that a girl under the age of 18 cannot be contracted into marriage. It is no wonder that the recent proposed girl child marriage bill act by some senators brought about mixed reactions from Nigerians. Many of these reactions out–rightly condemned not only the propositions but also those that proposed the law. This work seeks to analyse how the blackberry messenger has been used to convince Nigerians to kick against what most called 'child slavery act '. Keywords: Girl–child, blackberry messenger, culture, minor, pictures INTRODUCTION Following the alleged proposed move to legalise girl–child marriage, several reactions from individuals, activists, groups and organisations have evolved. Many took to the streets, media houses and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Fight for Bilingual Education and Women’s Rights in... The Civil Rights movement, during the 1960s and 1970s, created many changes for both American society and its schools. The transformations were the result of such movements as Bilingual Education, women's' rights activity, and the passing of the Public Law 94–142 legislation. The incorporation of these new laws and ideas into society all came with their own consequences. Each of them helped, in some way, to lessen the inequality of minority groups in America, like students whose primary language was not English, women, and handicapped children. They also faced opposition by certain groups, who did not feel that their inclusion in American life was necessary. Those fighting for the minorities, though, were steadfast in their... Show more content on ... The third approach, bilingual education, suggested teaching the student's native language and English equally. According to Urban and Wagoner in American Education: A History, "advocates of this last approach sometimes emphasized biculturalism as well and bilingualism" (ibid.). These attempts were both supported and opposed by various parties. Those who defended incorporation of bilingual education into American schools included politicians and other Hispanic leaders, who were trying to prevent assimilation. Opposers included "teachers, Anglo politicians, and some Hispanic intellectuals", who thought that it was important for the children to assimilate in to the society (ibid.). Women's rights activity also became popular in the 1960s, but did not have many large effects on the schools. Teachers did not want to be involved with the feminists, and so the activists also distanced themselves from the teachers. The hard work and determination of the feminists did though, bring about the passing of the Title IX of the Higher Education Act in 1972 (ibid., 320). This act instilled gender equality in institutions of higher education, and has played a monumental role in regulating fairness among the sexes in colleges and universities. The Title IX ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Institution Of Marriage Act Essay Medha Singh Sem – III; Roll No. – 513 RESTITUION OF CONJUGAL RIGHTS 1.INTRODUCTION The institution of marriage provides for a set of rights and obligations of one party towards the other party. Co–habiting is a symbol of this shared living and separation a negation of this essential quality of marriage.[ 1st Report of the Law Commission, Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, para 6.5. ] The right to consortium is an essential marital right. In protection of this right, all personal laws provide for a remedy to implement the cohabitation and establish the right. In furtherance of this Section 9, Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, provides for the remedy of restitution of conjugal rights i.e. restoration of parties' martial privileges like that of comfort and consortium of one another[ Ela Dasu v. Ela Lachamma, (1990) 2 HLR 249 (Ori).]. Herein the parties are legally enforced to live together and fulfill the marital obligations by obtaining a court decree by the aggrieved party against the deserting party. 2.EMERGENCE OF THE CONCEPT The concept legal intervention for implementation of conjugal privileges was originally found in Jewish laws from where it travelled to England. Old Hindu personal laws had no concept of restitution of conjugal rights i.e. This was not admitted by the Dharmashastras and the Vedas. India borrowed from the common law of Britain after the colonial rule in India. The procedure of Restitution of Conjugal Rights was introduced in our country by the British rulers in ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Act Of Marriage Has Lost The act of marriage has lost its appeal for many. Why is that? The view of marriage now is that it is a contract with built in requirements, that the spouse is just another thing that can help meet the selfish needs of the individual. The spouse is just an easy, built in gratifier, so once one of the spouses feel like they are not getting their needs met, they leave the marriage. The notion that marriage is an unselfish covenant relationship has been lost from the minds of those in society and has been replaced with this selfish ideal. The result of this selfish ideal that has replaced covenant relationship results in the catastrophic dissolution of the family and the surge in failed marriages. The effect then is fear, which in turn precipitates in a loss of interest in marriage and committed unselfish relationships. So now, society has to be retrained on what marriage actually is, and what God designed it for. What is marriage and what did God design it for? Marriage is a monogamous, covenant relationship between two heterosexual people. A covenant relationship is "an unconditional commitment" (Balswick & Balswick, 2014, p.8). This is important to understanding what marriage is and what it is not. Marriage is not a contract, there are no stipulations that can be broken that will dissolve the marriage except for adultery and death. Although a marriage is a covenant and unconditional the benefits and blessings of it can only be received if there is a proper ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Defense Of Marriage Act The Defense of Marriage Act was a law passed by Congress stating that individual states were not required to recognize same–sex marriage licenses issued by other states. President Bill Clinton signed the bill in 1996 (ABC Clio). The act also defined marriage as a relationship between one man and one woman, which had never been clearly defined before. Most importantly, it prevented same–sex couples from recieving federal benefits such as health insurance, retirement savings, and social security (Sprigg). The overruling of this act in 2013 forced states to recognize same–sex marriage licenses given by other states (Supreme Court). It also acted as a step towards same–sex marriage legalization, which took place in a seperate ruling in 2015. Edith ... Show more content on ... Windsor was held on March 27, 2013 (ABC Clio). The case was granted on December 7, 2012 (ABC Clio). On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court released their 5–4 decision in favor of Edith Windsor (ABC Clio). This meant that theUnited States Internal Revenue Service owed Windsor the $363,000 in estate taxes paid in 2009. The five justices that formed the majority were Justices Kennedy, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan (Supreme Court). The four justices that opposed the argument were Justices Roberts, Scalia, Alito, and Thomas (Supreme ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Defense of Marriage Act Essay example Defense of Marriage Act Introduction Within our society and the western hemisphere, it is believed that only a man and a woman should be allowed to participate in the sacred ritual of marriage. These beliefs are instilled through the socialization of society and family. Our society illustrates marriage through the media. Our family illustrates marriage by first hand experience. In a traditional family, we perceive a man and a woman as our parents. Traditionally, people marry with the expectation that reproduction will occur, and one will grow old along side of children, and grandchildren. There is an image to marriage, and the thought of altering that to include same sex unions is disturbing to many. Gay or same sex marriages ... Show more content on ... The state of Vermont accepted and promoted same sex marriages by classifying them as "civil unions" in order to maneuver around DOMA. Vermont believed that "civil unions" would provide lesbian and gay individuals with financial and emotional benefits that are accessible to heterosexual individuals who are married (Kranz & Cusick, 2000). Vermont's objectives were to provide an inclusive versus separation and discrimination reality for fellow Vermonters (Kranz & Cusick, 2000). In 1998, Hawaii's state legislation implemented the DOMA amendment that altered the state's constitution and rejected same sex marriages. "28 states passed laws preventing the recognition of same sex marriages" (Kranz & Cusick, 2000). Between 1995 and 2000, the 28 states that prevented same sex marriages from being legal were Utah, Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Virginia, Alabama, Alaska, Iowa, Kentucky, Washington, and Hawaii. In 2000, the remaining 19 states didn't have an "explicit ban on same sex marriages" which included Colorado, Connecticut, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming (Kranz & Cusick, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Federal Defense Of Marriage Act The American concept of marriage foundation has been a foundation for human civilization for centuries. Likewise, forty–one American states revere matrimony laws of Moses between man and woman. However, the concept of marriage for Americans is under review by the United States Supreme Court. Citizens interested in changing the Law of Moses will present their purpose and reason challenging the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. Historical marriage values are questionable to some individuals in American society. Many religious organizations believe marriage should only be recognized between a man and woman (Adam, 2003). Religious leaders have specified redefining marriage challenges the foundation of sacred beliefs. On the other hand, considering laws have been made to help people, homosexual activist share it is unethical an act of discrimination to refuse same sex marriage based on the words it is the law. The psychological research and history stories support homosexual existence as far back as the ancient Greece era. In fact the homosexual terms come from the Greek dialect such as the word lesbian. Thus the notion of marriage is an historical ancient foundation of man and woman upheld by citizens, elected officials, and policies. A fundamental building block for human civilization defines the history of marriage. However, marriage values and views preexisted before the formation of the American government. Therefore, proclamation of marriage between a man and woman is ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Defense Of Marriage Act Pros And Cons Legislation Defense of Marriage Act In 1996, President Bill Clinton signs the Defense of Marriage Act. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) allows for all the states to deny same–sex couples the same rights as their counterparts. It also gives a formal definition to marriage as the union between a man and a woman (Same Sex Marriage , 2017). The bill does violate the Establishment clause in the First Amendment as the government fails to separate church and state. The document does allude to the book of Genesis when it defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman (Text–HR, 2017). However, most of the nation did not approve of same–sex marriages as the time so the President chose to sign the bill that would later be revoked because of court case Obergefell vs Hodges (Same Sex Marriage, 2017). ... Show more content on ... As a result, the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, a House of Representative's committee, attempted to uphold the bill's constitutionality. They appealed to the Supreme Court to overturn the lower courts' decision, but the Supreme Court agreed with the lower courts' decision and deemed the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional in 2013. Then, Obergefell vs Hodges officially stated thatsame–sex marriage is protected under the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause in 2015 ("Same Sex Marriage, 2017). States Reactions States That Have Not Legalized Same Sex Marriage Although there are 14 states that have not legalized same–sex marriage or strictly placed laws against same–sex marriage, they will eventually have to secede to the Supreme Court's decision ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Defense Marriage Act Analysis The Defense Marriage Act is also known as DOMA. This act has been around for decades and continues to change over the years to shape individuals rights and needs. Individual's perception of marriage equality is constantly evolving, and the number of government officials that recognize same–sex marriage is constantly changing (Rodriguez & Blumell, 2014). This act not only affects the LGBTQ community and their families, but also affects the whole nation. Many have different opinions on the topic and what should be in the Defense Marriage Act. Some were elated with the recent decision in the summer of 2013 the LGBT community where included in the Defense Marriage Act. This arose when the language of section (2) in the DOMA, was defined as unconstitutional ... Show more content on ... The section 2 of DOMA it states to give legal relief to any state from recognizing same–sex marriages performed in other jurisdiction (Campbell, 2012). Cases such as In re Kandu, a couple whom married in Canada attempted to file joint bankruptcy petition but were denied and Wilson V. Ake whom married in Massachusetts had there marriage license denied in Florida. These various federal lawsuits, some filed alongside of section 3, also challenged section 2. In the case of Obsergefell v. Hodges on June 26th, 2015 the U.S Supreme Court ruled that the 14th amendment requires all U.S. state laws to recognize same–sex marriages, this decision left section 2 of DOMA unenforceable (Campbell, ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Recurring Theme of Revenge in Shakespeare's Hamlet Whether or not the readers enjoy reading or are fond of the play, Hamlet, it's obviously true that Hamlet's procrastination on taking revenge for his father's death is a constantly recurring theme throughout the play. To begin with, after the ghost reveals the truth of Claudius killing King Hamlet Sr to Hamlet and demands Hamlet to seek revenge, Hamlet is somewhat convinced but mostly unsure about what he heard from the ghost, "The spirit that I have seen may be a devil, and the devil hath power t'assume a pleasing shape, yea, and perhaps, out of my weakness and melancholy, as he is very potent with such spirits, abuse me to damn me..catch the conscience of the king" (2.2.587–594). The sudden appearance of the ghost triggers Hamlet's suspicion of the ghost's real identity, in which Hamlet's carefulness not only leads to showing a performance, which corresponds to his father's death to test the conscience of Claudius, but also delays his vengeance. Besides, Hamlet fails to take revenge because of the perfectionism although he has a proper opportunity. When Hamlet encounters Claudius praying, Hamlet confirms what the ghost tells him but he does not carry out his revenge immediately. Now might I do it pat, now he is a praying. And now I'll do't. And so he goes to heaven; and so am I revenged. That would be scanned: a villain kills my father, and for that I, his sole son, do this same villain to heavenГ® (3.3.76–82). Hamlet himself wants Claudius to go straight to ... Get more on ...
  • 35. William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing Essay William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing 'Much Ado About Nothing' was written in the years 1598–9 and was know for its genre, which is a classic comedy. The comedy of 'Much Ado About Nothing' derives from the characters themselves and the manners of the society in which they live. Language is a significant part of the play and the plot 'Much Ado About Nothing' has a large use of prose. Benedick and Beatrice are the main examples of male and female rivalry. The plot is made up of several events one of them is, LEONATO: ...There is a kind of merry war betwixt Signior Benedick and her.... As they are always insulting each other, never the less hurting each other's feelings. ... Show more content on ... BEATRICE: You had musty victual, and he hath holp to eat it, he is a very trencher man, he hath and excellent stomach. She is saying to Benedick that this is the only way he does good service by eating, but then the messenger defends him by saying he is a good person. MESSENGER: A lord to lord, a man to man, stuff'd with all honourable virtues. She also ironically compares Benedick to a disease that men catch and says a great deal of negative things about Benedick. Which makes us think that maybe she like s him deep down but only finds this way to express her feelings. Then her uncle says: LEONATO: you will never run mad niece. Saying that she will never fall inlove. Both of them cherish their so they don't reveal their true feelings towards each other. They use fake appearances as when the couple meet, they start to challenge each other.
  • 36. BEATRICE: scratching could not make it worse, and t'were such a face as yours were. BENEDICK: well, you are a rare parrot teacher. Leonato explains the relationship between Beatrice and Benedick to the messenger. It is friendship of wit and exchange of insults that represent the modern battle of the sexes. They repeatedly put one another down because of each other's sex, and the advantages and ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Summary: The Gay Marriage Act How do you feel about same sex marriage? How will same – sex marriage affect society? What laws have been passed by the legislative Branch? The legislative Branch respected the gay marriage act. It was introduced on June 26, 2013. When the gay marriage act was made, other states recognized it also. "We The People Act" was introduced to overrule any cases that deal with the right to privacy andsexual orientation giving the right to marry. Executive Branch: Barack Obama respected gay marriage as well; he was honored from both gay right advocates and most of the U.S for his courage. Mr. Obama didn't stop there; he invited bisexual leaders to the White House for a meeting to discuss any other issues that the bisexual communities were dealing ... Show more content on ... Certain laws didn't recognize their marriage for years many gay and lesbian couples have been separated by immigration laws. Gay military spouses have been denied benefits available to heterosexual couples, and most people in the military lost their jobs. How does same sex marriage affect society? Some people did not agree with same sex marriage, most people made comments, protested and went on strike in many states. Citizens in different states felt that God made female and male and a man should be joined with a female not a female and female it male and ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Cons of the Standard Aptitude Test You are sitting in the testing room, anxiety rushing down your body. The smell of the freshly printed scantrons consumes your nose. The fears of forgetting the math formulas, running out of time, and not knowing the answer distract you from focusing on the test. The SAT, in other words, the scholastic aptitude test, also known as the test that destroys the lives of millions of high school students, is about to take place and determine your intelligence in the perspective of the various colleges you are about to apply to. The SATis a collection of multiple–choice sections that unreliably measure a student performance through critical reading, math, and writing sections, asking questions intended to trick the test taker and convince them into picking the wrong answer choice. A majority of colleges and universities require students to take the SAT in addition to submitting their transcripts and college applications, however they have a standard as to what score a student must receive in order to be accepted. Thousands of students have their dreams crushed and are rejected from their ideal school because of the inability to score high on the test out of 2400. Students with limitless amounts of talent never get the opportunity to nurture their unique skills because the schools focus more on the student's SAT score, instead of their overall strengths and expertise. SAT scores should not have a prominent role in college acceptance in that the test is socioeconomically biased to ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Gay Marriage Act Pros And Cons When the 2016 presidential race began in back in February of 2015. Nobody would've guessed that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would of became the finalist. But now The finalist have been determined and nobody is one hundred percent sure who is going to become the next president. But the only thing that has occurred since the beginning of the presidential race and now that is considered to be a very important religious issue, is that the gay marriage act was passed. The gay marriage act was held up in a supreme court and it ended in a 5–4 vote passing the act, which declared all states to allow same sex marriages. Trump opposes the act while Clinton supports it, but that may be obvious because passing the act was really a democratizing ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Essay about Defense of Marriage Act The LGBT communities have been and continue to struggle with equal rights with their straight counterparts. Many people will argue the notion that they support the LGBT community and feel they should have equal rights as heterosexual individuals; however how many of them will agree that LGBT communities should have the right to marry, adopt, etc. The minute the issue ofmarriage is brought up, many people will argue that marriage is a union between man and woman. Same sex marriage or marriage among the LGBT community is an issue dating back to the 1970's. Some people will argue for same sex marriage/marriage among the LGBT community, stating marriage should be a union between two people no matter what their sexual preference is. ... Show more content on ... This act was passed to define and protect the institution of marriage which is supposed to be "between a man and a woman". As a tactic, the state of Vermont promoted same sex marriages by labeling them as "civil unions" (Schowengerdt, 2002). The state of Vermont felt civil unions would provide gays and lesbians with the same financial benefits as heterosexual couples (Stewart, 2004). In 1998, Hawaii's stated legislation implemented the DOMA amendment that altered the state's constitution and rejected same sex marriages (Schowengerdt, 2002). Between 1995 and 2000, 28 states passed laws preventing the recognition of same sex marriages (Schowengert, 2002). The purpose of the DOMA was to prevent gays and lesbians from "exporting same sex marriages to other states" (Finnis, 1997). A Florida Federal Judge denied two women recognition of their marriage which took place in Massachusetts. As a result of this denial, attemtps were made to force other states and the federal government to recognize same sex marriages in states where it is legal (Stewart, 2003). Same sex marriages have both pros and cons. With this issue, it seems society is more concerned about the physical and moral issues behind it. Same sex partners are trying to seek the same benefits as heterosexual couples. By keeping the DOMA in effect in all states, same sex partners will be ... Get more on ...