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Responsibility American Citizen
To Serve and to Protect "I... solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the
United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the
officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So
help me God." That is the oath soldiers who fight for our country pledge to; To serve and to protect,
that is my responsibility to America. Responsibility. It is often exchanged between individuals, it
signifies the state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within
one's power, control, or management. Some believe ... Show more content on ...
Every soldier serving in all branches of our military, including all our veterans are perfect examples.
Others have chosen to demonstrate their responsibility to America through serving in our
government, trying to make a country an ideal one, attempting to solve the unsolvable. John F.
Kennedy, discussed the responsibility American citizens have to our country. In May of 1963, he
stated, "Equality of opportunity does not mean equality of responsibility. All Americans must be
responsible citizens, but some must be more responsible than others, by virtue of their public or their
private position, their role in the family or community, their prospects for the future, or their legacy
from the past. Increased responsibility goes with increased ability, for 'of those to whom much is
given, much is required.'" John F. Kennedy, one of the many presidents to play an immense part in
our country, through his dedication and responsibility to our country he accomplished amazing
things. He revolutionized American politics, as well as, push our country to great lengths and
although he never lived to see it, the United States was the first nation to have a man on the moon.
He left a lasting impact on our
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American Citizen Dbq
What are your rights as an American citizen, and what form of government would best protect those
rights? I believe that my rights are the freedom of speech and the right that everyone should be
equal. The government should protect those rights by giving everyone the same rights and making
sure everyone knows their rights. Also by allowing everyone to obey those rights. The best form of
government to protect those rights would be an equal, truthful, fair, and people government. My
rights as an American citizen should be the right to freedom of speech, and that all men are equal.
Thomas Jefferson, in The Declaration of Independence, said "We hold these truths to be self–
evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their ... Show more content on ...
A government where everyone has and knows the same rights, where all men are treated equally.
John Locke says, in his Second Treatise on Government, "Because men consent to government in
order to preserve their natural rights to life, liberty and property, whenever the government attempts
to take away or destroy the life, liberty, or the property of the people, the government puts itself in a
state of war with the people and the people no longer have to obey the government." (Locke Doc A)
Which states that men give in to the government to maintain their natural rights and whenever the
government tries to take away those rights they go into war and the people no longer have to obey
the government. The people consent to government to keep their rights and if the government tried
taking their rights away, it would not be fair. Jean–Jacques Rousseau says in his most famous work,
The Social Contract, "Each person gives their freedom to the general will, but they also become part
of the general will and have the same power as everyone else." (Rousseau Doc D) Locke is saying
that the people give their freedom to the general will but they become apart of it and have to same
power as everyone else, to me that is saying that everyone is equal. Everyone should have equal
rights, be treated equally, and have the freedom of
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Racism In Claudia Rankine's Citizen : An American Lyric '
Claudia Rankine's contemporary piece, Citizen: An American Lyric exposes America's biggest and
darkest secret, racism, to its severity. While she highlights a vast number of stories that illustrate the
hate crimes that have occurred in the United States during the 21st century, the James Craig
Anderson case is prevalent because his heartbreaking story is known by few individuals throughout
the country. In 2011, James Craig Anderson, a 49–year–old man of Mississippi was nearly beaten to
death by a group of white male teenagers due to the abundance of melanin in his skin. As if this was
not enough, he was then purposely run over by a pickup truck as if he was just a random object in
the road rather than an actual human being. These white young men stole the life away from
Anderson, a devoted husband, and father similar to any other citizen of America simply because of
him being black. While these Ku Klux Klan– reminiscent acts were thought to be "normal" in the
18th and 19th centuries, the 21st century is claimed to be the era of racial growth towards equality.
Being that Anderson's unjustifiable story was not nationally publicized further explains how the
world seems immune to the racial injustice that is apparent today due to the cyclical nature of the
occurrences. James Craig Anderson exemplifies how the world has yet to revolutionize, evidencing
how we are still cemented in a racially insensitive epidemic. In other words, America is still racially
insensitive to those who are seen as an inferior race, African Americans. ` Ultimately, Claudia
Rankine's Citizen: An American Lyric is a collage of poems that illustrates the reality of what it
means to be a black citizen in America by utilizing the second person, "you," that causes these racial
accounts to feel personal to the reader. A citizen is one who is said to be secured by the laws
established by our founding fathers. One who should be able to leave their house without being
unlawfully murdered due to the pigmentation of their skin. One who can naturally live without
dismay. Rankine manifests the reality of black citizenship as insurmountable. In other words,
citizenship was never something that the black community truly held in the ways that one
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Being An American Citizen
What does being a U.S citizen mean to you? Several describe being a U.S citizen as having the right
to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", as stated in the Declaration of Independence. Few
may say that being a U.S citizen is a pure pleasure of being a part of a democracy, where the
supreme authority rest with the people. Yet others may state their right to vote and run for office or
their freedom of religion and speech. Although all of these are correct, being a U.S citizen is more
than just having rights and freedoms. As American citizens, we also have obligations,
responsibilities, and duties we should fulfill. One of these responsibilities is to defend and support
the Constitution. However, in order for us to support the Constitution, ... Show more content on ...
Passed in 1689 by the Parliament in Great Britain, the English Bill of Rights was a British Law that
declared the rights and liberties of the people. In one of the passages, it states "That excessive bail
ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted"
(English Bill of Rights). This right protected the people of unfair fines, bail, and punishments. This
inspired the U.S Constitution to pass this near exact right by saying "Excessive bail shall not be
required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted" (U.S
Constitution). This right guarantees that the amount of bail required and the amount of fine imposed
as punishment must bear a reasonable relationship to the seriousness of the crime involved in the
case. The prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment forbids any punishment judged to be too
harsh and too severe for the crime for which it is
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Citizen : An American Lyric By Claudia Rankine
Thomas Howard 5/6/2016 Untitled "Let's pray that the human race never escapes from Earth to
spread its iniquity elsewhere."– C.S. Lewis Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine is a
lengthy poetic attempt at exposing the competing consciousness pertaining to race and racism in
society, pitting the historical person against the individual. Set side by side with The Souls of Black
Folks and This Land is Your Land by Woodie Guthrie, Citizen takes on a very distinct impression of
separate identities competing in one person. W.E.B. Dubois seems to lay the foundation for the
recurring experience described or seemingly described in Citizen when he says, "It is a peculiar
sensation, this double–consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of
others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity.
One ever feels his two–ness,–an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled
strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being
torn asunder." (Dubois) This passage from Dubois sets up the experience in Citizen, explaining the
sensation of being judged and viewed by yourself and by society around you. To Dubois, the life of
the 'negro' is lived in duality between being black (or negro, as Dubois says) and being American.
The key implication from this described duality is the separation in identity between being 'negro'
and being 'American'. The same
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How Did The Colonists Treat American Citizens
Although the reputation of being a land of the free, the American colonies were quite often filled
with people who were not treated as free citizens or as equals. There was an often misunderstanding
that the American colonists no longer wanted to British citizens anymore, and although that wasn't
the case, they still got treated fairly bad by the British Parliament. The American colonists still
wanted to be viewed as loyal citizens, and seen as equals. Because the British Parliament treated the
American colonies unfairly, the American colonists declared their independence to be freed from the
British Parliament to be treated as equals. Throughout the development of America, people in the
colonies experienced lack of freedom and equality from ... Show more content on ...
Coming out of this, the Quartering Act was developed to provide housing and shelter for the
Redcoats while they were watching over the American colonists. This was a huge invasion of
privacy for the American colonists because not only were they forced to provide a place for the
Redcoats to sleep, but they also had to pay for the ones staying in local inns or other
accommodations. As Britain expanded as a consumer society, the American colonists wanted to
imitate the British taste in clothing, furniture, and housing. In June 1767, the British Parliament
passed a new series of taxes because the cost to keep soldiers in North America reached just over
$76 million. This act was the Declaratory Act. Along with new taxes, Parliament continued to push
for stricter enforcement of trade duties. Many American colonists already pledged to avoid
purchasing British goods, and instead, to make their own homemade items. By 1768, the non–
importation movement had moved across all of the colonies. The colonists protested "taxation
without representation" and called for colonies to coordinate their
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Smoke As An American Citizen
Smoking Parents
Tyler McClellan
September 9, 2015
British Literature B
Life Academy
If I choose to smoke as an American citizen I will if I want simply because it is my right to do so, I
mean after all is that not what this country was founded upon in the first place? Freedom? Yes it is.
Since this is true why would we say you can have your freedom to do as you please but place
stipulations on it? Since the United States is a free country it should be anyone`s right to smoke even
if he or she exposes children to secondhand/thirdhand smoke, especially since recent studies show
that the risk of second–hand and third –hand smoke has been gradually decreasing , and there are
many health hazards other than those associated with smoking that cause death. Smoking is not a
subjective activity because people have an option to be around you or not. Granted you should be
considerate when smoking around you kids or anyone else's kids for that matter. But that does not
mean that you cannot smoke around kids at all. I am not saying that second–hand, or third–hand
smoking isn't a reality, it is but studies show that second–hand smoke has decreased in recent years
meaning that smoking around children is not as big of a risk as one may have it once thought it to
be. In many aspects the United States of America is the most free country in the world. We are
allowed to believe in and do what we want as far as politics, religion, and different activities go. In
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Citizen : An American Lyric
According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, a "citizenship is the common thread
that connects all Americans" ("Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities"). However, regardless of
possessing a citizenship, there is an apparent divide in race, highlighted in Claudia Rankine's
Citizen: An American Lyric, as the author exposes the daily experiences of having dark skin in the
United States, which can strip the feeling of being American for people. For every citizen to feel like
a true citizen of America, a citizenship should not be the only "thread that connects all Americans"
("Citizenship"). Rather, each citizen should have the common feeling of belonging to society, which
is accomplished by people fulfilling their ... Show more content on ...
The neighbor calls this friend "a menacing black guy," not "that nice young man." Then, he proceeds
to tell Rankine that he has called the police (Rankine 15). Once again, in the book, a black person is
portrayed as an animal, as he seems like a threat. Due to the neighbor believing that the friend was a
"menacing" man, rather than the "nice young man," he implies that he thinks that all black people
look the same. This also connects to the ideology that "black people are animals," as most people
cannot tell the difference between each animal from the same species. In addition, the neighbor's
rapid progression towards the calling of law enforcement is shocking. Before even calling Rankine,
he immediately phones the police, signifying racial profiling. If the friend were white, the neighbor
would have taken other actions before calling the police, such as calling Rankine or even asking the
friend what he is doing. Through the two situations, the reader can understand that Rankine's view
of a citizen is one in which there is no discrimination between races; all races receiving equal
treatment. Rankine's opinion of citizenship is a valid one, as black people are also given unjust
treatment from government workers. This includes the use of excessive force by police officers,
such as the infamous case of the Tamir Rice shooting. Shaila Dewan and
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In The United States Of America, American Citizens Have
In the United States of America, American citizens have the constitutional right to vote. The
American people have this voting right to express their freedoms and their beliefs in a political
system that fairly expresses the majority of the population 's vote in an electoral college system. The
state of Ohio's voting requirements requires a person to be a resident of the state, a United States
citizen, not to have been "permanently disfranchised for violations of election laws", and to be 18
years of age with no felony convictions (Ohio Voter Reg. 1). The state of Ohio also states that " You
have not been declared incompetent for voting purposes by a probate court." (Ohio Voter Reg. 1).
The Ohio voter is not required to be proven of ... Show more content on ...
In the Mississippi Voter Application Form and Literacy Test, it states "write in the space below a
reasonable interpretation (the meaning) of the section of the constitution of Mississippi which you
have just copied" (Mississippi Application 1). It was created to completely disenfranchise black
voters, especially in the southern states where African–American literacy rates were extremely low.
During the United States slavery era, African Americans either did not have access of did not have
the opportunity to learn to become either more literate or even literate to some distinct standard of
just being able to begin to learn how to read or write. African Americans were seriously repressed in
physical and mental means during slavery. When the slaves were freed after the Civil War, they were
granted the right to vote shortly after. African American schools had just started to open, churches
were doing everything in their power to place African Americans in positions of power and
education, but a large number of African Americans were still not literate enough to pass the
unjustifiable literacy tests. How would the officials justify that knowing this information was
necessary for voting? The officials used it to prove competence in the ability to vote, but it was
really only used to eliminate/disenfranchise
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The League Of United Latin American Citizens
The League of United Latin American Citizens, or LULAC, states in its website that it "is the oldest
and most widely respected Hispanic civil rights organization in the United States of America."
Established in 1929 by three virtually unheard of Mexican–American civil rights groups, it has
served its Latino population for over 85 years. It was founded at a time when Mexican Americans
needed a voice and, upon its arrival, sparked the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement.
LULAC was able to transform itself through constant re–assessment of its goals and
accomplishments, as it established itself as a Mexican–American champion and leader, while
creating a legacy for coming generations to follow. When Texas was annexed into to the U.S. in
1845, approximately 77,000 Mexicans were living in the state, who had the choice of either
becoming citizens or moving back Mexico. Those who stayed maintained peace with the Anglo
families and leaders for over 50 years after the annexation. However, there soon came a large rush
of new Anglos from all over the country. These new residents created rivalries and competition
between them and the older residents. With the Mexican Civil War going on in Mexico more
Mexicans immigrated to the U.S. mostly settling in Texas, for jobs in the mining and railroad
industries. The nearby civil war made many people believe that a civil war was going to happen in
Texas between the two groups of residents. This created, as stated in the book No Mexicans,
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Analysis Of Claudia Rankine's Citizen: An American Lyric
In Citizen: An American Lyric written by Claudia Rankine, there is a passage where a man is
stopped because he fits the description of a "criminal". The speaker faces immense trauma just
trying to relay to the officer that he is not the perpetrator they are looking for. In fact he is just
another person trying to get home from a long day at the office. The officers refuse to listen which
angers the victim and causes him to curse at the officer saying, "Go ahead hit me motherfucker."
(Rankine 107) While the victim could not have been held for the original reason, he was now
charged with speeding. The victim was then taken down to the station on new charges. After being
wrongfully targeted, held, fingerprinted, and stripped, he was finally let ... Show more content on ...
One phrase is repeated throughout the passage: "And still you are not the guy and still you fit the
description because there is only one guy who is always the guy fitting the description." (Rankine
109) This quote from this piece in the novel refers to how even though the victims of police brutality
are often innocent, they are still labeled as guilty. This ties in with stereotypical racism. Blacks are
labeled as criminals due to their skin color, and the fact that they are still repetitively targeted as
criminals despite the removal of segregation proves that we as a society have no made as great of
advancements as we thought we have. The police are allowed to brush off their mistake as
"harmless" because they claim that the victims of police brutality looked like perpetrator of the
crime, as if that is a good enough reason to forcefully arrest a person with no explanation to that
person. When they are caught making these mistakes, they claim they were attacked first, despite the
common evidence of proof that was not what happened. This phrase is repeated numerous times
throughout the seemingly short passage. The phrase is repeated for emphasis on how the speaker
was just a civilian, who was wrongfully arrested for a crime he did not commit, just based on his
minority status. If police had some kind of protocol to follow before their arrests, then this situation
could have been avoided completely. If the police are really here to help us, then they would have
sought for what was in the best interest of the person who was arrested. There is an urgent need of
change in our justice systems, starting from the arrests themselves. Blacks and other minorities are
being dehumanized and targeted randomly every
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##toric Themes In Claudia Rankine's Citizen : An American...
The racial struggles of Australia tend to closely mimic those of the United States. Claudia Rankine's
collection of poems, "Citizen: An American Lyric" explores these themes. The lyrical themes found
in Midnight Oil's songs relate to Citizen as they exemplify the racial struggle between the
Aborigines and the white settlers of Australia which can easily be related to the struggle of the
blacks and whites in the US which is exemplified in the songs Beds Are Burning, Warakurna, and
The Dead Heart. In the collection of poems, Citizen: An American Lyric, the author, Claudia
Rankine's calls for unity by asking the reader the next time there on public transportation to sit next
to a person of color as opposed to standing for long periods of ... Show more content on ...
In the poem, Rankine describes a white woman with multiple college degrees displaying her
perceived authority over minorities by stating that black women can't get cancer. Rankine presents
this perceived authority as the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow. In the Midnight Oil song
"Warakurna" the band describes the white Australian settlers, pushing into the outback and
meditates on their perceived authority over the native aboriginal population. "Warakurna, camels
roam Fires are warm and dogs are cold not since Lassiter was here black man's got a lot to fear".
The song describes the white Australian settlers pushing their way into the outback and showing
their perceived authority over the aboriginal population, literally saying, "Black man's got a lot to
fear". This is easily relatable to the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow in America with the white
colonists displaying their perceived authority over the people that were made to be property. In
Citizen, Rankine includes several illustrations that coincide with the written poems. The illustrations
on pages 96–97 and 160–161 are of note as they can relate to Midnight Oil's song, "The Dead
Heart" and in particular the lines, "White man came took everyone" and "We carry in our hearts the
true country, and that cannot be stolen. We follow in the steps of our ancestry and that cannot be
broken." The images on pages 96–97 juxtapose the everyday lives of black and white
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American Citizens Role
Main Question Post. When the founding fathers penned the Constitution, they had a set of
guidelines that they wanted both the government, and citizens of America to follow. All of these
ideas were laid out within the Constitution. One of the biggest roles of the federal government is
handling affairs with other nations. This includes everything from defending our citizens, to
international trade. The government maintains a court system that is lower than the Supreme Court.
If it weren't for this lower court system, there would be no checks and balances process, which is
essential in maintaining a fair and equal government. The government handles the monetary
production for the country, ensuring that there is a simple coin system, so that ... Show more content
on ...
American citizens are required to respect and follow all laws, from federal to local, or face
consequences if they disobey the laws. Laws are set up to maintain a safe and stable community for
the citizens. Citizens have to pay taxes, which help fund government activities and employees. The
citizens are expected to vote, because the purpose of the democracy is to ensure that the elected
officials best represent the American citizens. If we do not put in our input on who will be
representing us, it will all be for nothing. Citizens are also supposed to respect the views and ideas
of other citizens. Even though not everyone shares the same views on religion, politics, and lifestyle,
the key to a successful, functional country is the support of all citizens, of every background. When
something is as big and active as the government is, occasional failures are inevitable. While many
of these failures are minimal, and can go unseen by the American citizens, we are not always that
fortunate. The biggest failure in the government's role of national defense was the terrorist attacks
on September 11th, 2001. Government agencies had a heads up that something was going to happen,
and they had surveillance on suspects, but nothing was done about it. The attacks were soon carried
out, and with the terrorists meeting no immediate defense from America, thousands of innocent
citizens were
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Being An American Citizen
Being an American citizen is such an important part of the American life. Many people of different
races have to deal with racism because of this. Being a documented citizen means having the same
American duties and obligations of a citizen. Without documents, one can't have a normal life in
America. The risk of being deported, fired, and decriminalized is still there. Citizenship rights have
changed so much over time, that the system is harder to understand more as time goes by. Today we
think we have to be citizens to be part of America, and those who can't are not allowed to do
anything, which is why immigrants are treated so unequally. Although there have been braceros in
history and even today, there is still inequality, and these systems ... Show more content on ...
Society continues to see these people as foreigners. "Wetbacks" is still a used phrase intended to hurt
others of the Mexican race. Again, this is a form or racism because Europeans were given the
opportunity to document themselves coming in, yet Mexicans had to go through lots of different
migration systems and discrimination along the way. Meanwhile Mexicans continue to cross
illegally, sometimes even using false documents, all for the search of a better life, which is what
makes some Americans so angry; the illegality of the
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African American Citizen Book Review
Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America, explores what it means to be a
Black woman and an American citizen. MHP argues that misrecognition, through stereotypes and
shame, delineates African American women's lived experiences and their political decisions and
participation. Recognition functions as an essential tool to contextualize the connection and
interconnections between groups of people and individuals. The other premise of the text and its
argument lies within the cognitive psychological study of field dependence by focusing on whether
research participants adopted or readjusted themselves within the "crooked room." HP states that,
"Field dependence studies show how individuals locate the upright in a space." Interestingly
enough, cognitive psychologists found that if subjects were placed in a crooked room, in a crooked
chair and then asked to stand up 'straight,' some of the participants adopted to the angle of the room
and ... Show more content on ...
In addition to offering a narrative in which Black women have navigated the historical stereotypes
of Jezebel, Mammy, and Sapphire, she introduces the research methodology of focus groups to offer
the insight of 'real life' Black women and how they identify, contextualize, rationalize and combat
these stereotypes in comparison to their role as citizens. –––– The Chapter 2, is dedicated to the
description, and historical and contemporary manifestations how the crooked room is prescribed to
the Black women through three distorted angles: the licentious and hypersexual Jezebel, the asexual,
white family devotee, Mammy, and the angry black woman, Sapphire. MHP assists her exploration
of these stereotypes with discussions shared by the focus groups and props her analysis and
discussion using public figures, public policy, slavery, and popular culture.
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The Rights Of Fellow American Citizens
The Complacent Majority Students across the United States stand before the American flag pledging
an allegiance to a country that protects every citizen's "unalienable rights". Students are raised to
devote their life to a country they are born into by chance. Unknown to them, they are subject to the
laws and regulations of an outside world that boasts freedom, yet imposes a pledge amongst
children. The American government was once a country of dissent and rebellion. However, as
citizens become radical in the midst of chaos, cower in the face of defeat, comply to a vocal
minority, silence their voice in fear of a powerful nation, abuse of power becomes prevalent, and
citizens must practice the most American form of democracy– civil ... Show more content on ...
In fact, most Japanese American's recount this moment in history as a traumatic experience as they
were forced to leave their homes due to an unjust law. Attorney General Biddle as well as former
Secretary of War Henry Stimson, believed there was "no reasons for mass evacuation" (Irons 41),
and that "[Americans] cannot discriminate among [citizens] on the ground of racial origin" (Irons
41). American's are raised to believe the founding fathers had the best interests of all citizens, and
the Constitution and Bill of Rights are guidelines for all branches of government. In a 6 to 3
Supreme Court ruling against Hirabayashi, a new precedent was set that opposed the guidelines of
law. Although the prosecution had no legal grounds to convict Hirabayashi as anti–Japanese laws
conflict with the laws of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, "the Court's historic malevolence
against minorities" (Irons 5) tends to rule in favor of injustice. Popular opinion was that
Hirabayashi's conviction was the result of government precautions during wartime. In reality, radical
opinions fueled the fears of Americans who unknowingly sacrificed their freedom for the illusion of
safety. Historic government feats are the basis for modern political ideology. American democracy
was built on the successes of both the Greek and Roman empire along with a socialist safety net.
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Citizen An American Lyric By Claudia Rankine
Citizen An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine is a unique piece of literature that truly encompasses
the concept of being a Black Intellectual assessing the state of Black people in the American society.
Among many of Rankine 's passages in Citizen, she addresses microaggressions, racial incidents and
current events surrounding Black Americans. From there her novel further transitions into assessing
high profiled racial and political cases in America of Blacks who have died unjust deaths, as well as
examining the complex ideas of reaching a resolution to race and ethnic issues in America. What
makes this piece of literature unique is that Rankine not only uses political rhetoric to examine the
state of the Black experience but through ... Show more content on ...
Rankine presents the ideas of Blacks maneuvering through the system by explaining situations
which Black people have been affected by systematic racism. For instance, she provides scenarios
that show the relationship between Black people and microaggressions. Two scenarios in particular
are unique to this concept. The first scenario is Rankine discusses is a Black person's work being
copied at school and they are compared to a White person:
"The Route is often associative. You smell good, You are twelve attending Sts. Philip and James
School on White Plains Road and the girl sitting in the seat behind asks you to lean the right during
your exas so she can copy what you have written. Sister Evelyn is in the habit of taping the 100s and
the failing grades to the coat closet doors. The girl is Catholic with waist–length brown hair. You
can't remember her name: Mary? Catherine? You never really speak except for the time she makes
her request and later when she tells you you smell good and have features more like a White person.
You assume she is thanking you for letting her cheat and feels better cheating from almost a White
This passage speaks to the theme of maneuvering through Black spaces because Rankine examines
an instance where Blacks are outcasted and treated in comparison to Whites.. It is clear through this
passage she uses this scenario to exemplify the relationship between Whites and Blacks and how
Blacks in the
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Pros And Cons Of Being An American Citizen
When legislation on Native Americans is being made in the U.S., one of the biggest considerations
that is put in it, is preserving their culture and way of life. Before they universally had citizenship
within the United States, tensions were created regarding whether they would have to give up their
native ways of life in order to be a citizen. This situation is similar to one little island territory today;
where the denizens wish to retain their way of life, yet many of them want citizenship. American
Samoa, a country between Hawaii and Australia, is a United States territory. But what is misleading
about that statement, is that American Samoans, despite the territory having the prefix of
"American," are not U.S. citizens; instead they fall ... Show more content on ...
The U.S. constitution, more specifically the 14th amendment, had defined the terms for U.S.
citizenship, before American Samoa was even a territory. In 1868, the 14th amendment, designed to
create an end Jim Crow laws, had stated that "All persons born or naturalized in the United States,
and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they
reside"(Ponsa). Within this statement lies the question which should determine American Samoan
citizenship; is American Samoa part of the U.S.? The answer to this question is fairly simple, and it
is a resounding yes. Other U.S. territories have already been granted citizenship, but, it is not the
result of this amendment. Instead it is the result of statutes from congress; of which American
Samoa has none. An attempt has been made at using the 14th amendment in the case of Tuaua v.
United States, but the petition has been denied by the Supreme Court(Ponsa). Even the American
Samoan government was opposed to this measure, saying: "'recognizing a right to citizenship at
birth could complicated the legal structure in the territory'"(Ponsa). How could giving American
Samoa citizenship, like every other territory, complicate legal structure? If other states were
perfectly able to gain citizenry, how could American Samoa not? Yet despite these myriad of
questions, and many more, the U.S. government does not seem like they are gonna give in with their
decision that the 14th amendment is not a valid way to
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Essay On American Citizens
"America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable
determination to do the job at hand." – Harry S. Truman. As a country, America has stunned other
nations. Not only have our soldiers done their jobs, but also citizens have always done what they can
to support and respect the valuable and privileged rights that they are given. America has suffered
and overcame many hardships, such as wars, natural disasters, and terrorism attacks and is moving
forward with hope. America, as a nation, fights in multiple perilous wars. Citizens of America must
unite and become a whole to create a strong military base to support the nations. Because of hard–
fought battles, the country obtains the freedom it has today. Taking part in wars also gains America
many vital ... Show more content on ...
Americans draw together and put their own lives at risk to defeat terrorists; for example, in the 9/11
terrorist attack citizens took down the terrorists piloting the United Flight 93. People volunteer their
time to help the injured people, whether it is mentally or physically. Citizens also offer their money
and time to help rebuild any wreckage at the site of the outbreak. Because of these occurrences,
Americans strengthened and improved their security, which prevents putting the country in terror
once again. Terrorist attacks may tear the country down at the time, but it becomes so much stronger
from them afterwards. Wars, natural disasters, and terrorism are just a few of the many hardships
America has overcome with hope. Through all sufferings, Americans continue to persevere with
courage. As Harry S. Truman stated, "America was not built on fear. America was built on courage,
on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand." America is a home of the
brave, and shall continue to prosper and fight for the values established by the founding
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Equality: The Citizens Of The American Dream
To be an American is quite honorable to some people, but others feel like their just forced to be here.
America is a country full of broken promises, false commitment, and covered up by a pile of lies. I
believe the citizens of America expect more truth, and more things to help build the country and not
tear it apart. The American dream is equality, the biggest issue the United States deals with today.
Equality is so important, it brings people together. Equality teaches citizens to come together, and
enjoy life, not to hate each other. If the world was filled with equality, there would be a decrease in
violence, decrease in riots, and increase in love. The American dream is everyone being financially
stable. I do not understand how this
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We As American Citizens
What are the rights of American citizens? (Describe the rights that we have as American citizens that
you value most)
We as Americans value the 1st amendment from the Constitution. The 1st amendment, "protects the
right of Americans to worship...protects freedom of speech and freedom to press" (84, First
Amendment). This right is important because it allows citizens to freely demonstrate their beliefs
and opinions without any interference or punishment from the government. For example, if we did
not have this right, students who have been affected by school shootings and gun violence would not
have the right to petition and have their voices heard by the government
Citizens also value the 6th amendment from the Constitution. The 6th amendment, ... Show more
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The judicial branch's responsibility is to, "hear cases and input a final ruling" (Class Notes, Judicial
Branch & Supreme Court Basic).
How do the branches uphold or fail to uphold the values of the founding fathers?
The branches uphold the value of the found fathers by following the principles in the Constitution.
Principles in the Constitution, include "federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and a
limited government" (Class Notes, Constitution & 3 Branches).
Does the current government (organizations, individuals, etc.) reflect the values that were outlined
in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution? Why or why not?
Yes, because the documents keep our government in check as seen the articles of the Constitution,
where it explicitly states what each branch can and can not do.
Is the government effective in implementing its goals and directives?
Do government intermediaries impede or support the government's aims?
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United Latin American Citizens
1. Discuss the origin and agenda of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)?
The League of United Latin American Citizens was formed in 1929 in the city of Corpus Christi,
Texas. This league was formed by representatives of three different organizations such as; the
League of Latin American Citizens, the Knights of America, and the Sons of America. Then they
adopted a constitution that pointed out the goals they had for the middle–class in political,
economic, and social rights. The organizations mission was to "Make Living Conditions Better for
Future Generations of Mexican Americans"(Mier/Ribera 201). From there on they began to push for
civil rights as well as education and employment for Mexican Americans. LULAC also wanted ...
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This brought a big rivalry between the Mexican Americans and the Anglos. Also on August 2nd of
1942, Jose Diaz a 21–year old male was beaten to death in an Eastside Los Angeles reservoir. Soon
after that, 23 Mexican American teens were young adults were arrested along with on Anglo for
participating in the fight that killed Diaz. These youths were charged with first–degree murder,
second–degree murder, and assault. One tension that caused the zoot suits riots was because Los
Angeles and Oakland fracases were fighting over girlfriends. Eventually these tensions kept
mounting fast and that is when these zoot suit riots began to happen more often.
3. Discuss the Bracero program and the phases of the program?
The Bracero Program was created in 1943 during World War II by the Mexican and United States
governments. This program allowed Mexican citizens to have a temporary labor permit that allowed
them to work in the United States legally. Mexican citizens were allowed to come to the United
States legally and work for some time and get paid, the money they earned they could take back to
Mexico when the journey was over. The program allowed about 200,000 Mexicans(Braceros) to
work in 21 different states with California housing about half the braceros.
4. What led to the arrest of the East LA 13 and Sal Castro's reinstatement as an
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Equal Rights Of Disabled American Citizens
American citizens aren't receiving the same rights in the country as out of it because of its disability
access. The U.S. does not currently, have the same access on disability rights as the U.N. abroad.
When a disabled person wishes to work or live abroad, they must rely on international disability
rights for equal access. Although disabled individuals can be scholars, leaders and hard workers,
they aren't given the same access as such. The rights of disabled American citizens must extend
abroad, in order to truly have equal access. Adopting this treaty would not undercut sovereignty and
supersede already strong domestic policy on the rights of people with disabilities. The opposition
states that disabled Americans should be satisfied with
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The Responsibilities Of An American Citizen
John F. Kennedy summarized the responsibilities if a citizen when he said that people should
concern themselves with what they can do for their country rather than what the country can do for
them. I am Italy and In Italy after two centuries in 2001 compulsory military service disappeared.
Instead, the Italian Senate approved the establishment of professional military service where people
choose to enlist and are paid for their services, similar to the US military. As in Italy and in America
I see similarity on this argument. Today the key responsibilities of an American citizen is paying
taxes and voting, some critics feel is not enough service for the country. The United States of
America has been engaged in very many major wars since ... Show more content on
In the educational course we learned to defend ourselves and the people around us, how to behave in
unexpected and threatening circumstances, and how to help people in situations of medical
emergency. They also taught us about military law regulations and criminology. The Carabineri
helped me to develop and improve my character. I faced a world unfamiliar to me before. I learned
to coexist with many people of different backgrounds and nationalities. I learned to share and
appreciate the uniqueness of each culture and personality. My military experience made me a
stronger person and I would not have become what I am now without it. For all of these reasons I
am grateful I had such experience.
The supporters of the compulsory military service believe that there is a huge disconnect between
the general American population and the brave military men and women fighting and losing their
lives to protect the country. The high standards of living in America further makes a certain
percentage of the population too comfortable and to some extent either apathetic or ignorant of the
plight of the soldiers that are killing and getting killed overseas. The proponents believe that
mandatory conscription is the best way of ensuring that every American is aware of the implications
if war as well as the plight of soldiers in a battlefield (Bardes, Shelley& Schmidt,
The involuntary signing will further make Americans critically think and have more consideration
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American Citizen Participation
As an american citizen there are certain responsibilities politically at least, that they need to follow.
First as an American citizen you need to support and defend the constitution, this entails following
the constitution to the best of your known abilities and judging situations based on upon it.
Stay informed of the issues affecting your community. This responsibility is subject to change for
every person, just based off the fact that everybody has a different community and their respective
issues. This responsibility is pertinent in everyday life and most people obey this follow this without
knowing it as a civil responsibility.
Participate in the democratic process. This process involves voting on all different levels whether it
be state, local, or presidential. The democratic process is the way we make things happen. As
American citizens we make the "of the people" ... Show more content on ...
There are three main reasons for this growth in participation. The first reason is accurate
representation. What this means is now that there were equal voting rights for everybody, the
elections were swayed due to the actual representation of the population of the United States. The
second reason was the due to the media and the popularization of these movements. Many citizens
that were not aware or not involved in the civil rights movement were then personally moved from
seeing what happened and became more politically present. The third reason for the increase in
political participation was from the growing community of previous minorities. What this means is
that for example, before these movements, African American citizens were not allowed to run for
office and were usually scared or physically turned away when trying to participate in anything
involving the government. After the fact, African Americans were allowed to, which caused a new
population to become involved in the
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Citizen Kane And The American Dream
Citizen Kane and the American Dream No one can sum up a man 's life into one word. This was a
thought––intriguingly an idea in the film that still resonates today in our society. Citizen Kane
(1941) is an important film that reflected society 's false belief of the American Dream during its
time. The film was directed and starred by Orson Welles and tells a story of a man name Charles
Foster Kane, who had everything and who lived an ideal life that everyone wanted to have.
However, having many fine possessions of things and a great deal amount of money at his disposal,
did not make him happy. The film reflects on Mr. Kane 's life before his death and his legacy.
Citizen Kane shows how during the era, people wanted to have financial security, happiness and to
gain material success. Although the American Dream is still something people want today, Citizen
Kane shows how attaining the American Dream was something less of a dream during its era. The
film also show the changes of the American Dream from 'dream ' to 'myth ' and explores the dark
side of the held belief. The term American Dream was first coined in 1931 by James Truslow
Adams. The term is defined as, anyone in America can gain wealth and status as long as he or she
worked hard, regardless of their social status. For instance, in one of the most significant scene, it
showed a young Charles Foster Kane playing outside in the snow with his sled, while his mother
watches him from inside the boarding house. In this
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The Privacy Of American Citizens
Brandon Bates
Mr. LaSalle Instructor
English 1A
July 23, 2014
The Privacy of America The privacy of American citizens has been long debated ever since the
N.S.A. was revealed to the public on what it was doing. Since then, American citizens have been
arguing over what the N.S.A. should and shouldn 't be doing. This has lead to the government
changing some things, but not everything and causing the American citizens to get upset and wonder
what is and isn 't being watched. We go through on a daily basis wondering if our next phone call,
that next email, our websites we browse and even our next text message is being monitored by the
government and if it is will it get flagged as something they deem worthy of investigating into. This
constant fear has us wondering what we should and shouldn 't be posting on various social media
sites, taking pictures of or even talking about. By questioning what the N.S.A. is doing, we leave
ourselves pondering what the government should do to adjust what control the N.S.A. should have,
the activities it should be conducting, who they should be monitoring and what gets flagged as
warranting further investigation. Many people believe that the N.S.A. should have restrictions
placed on it that prevent it from having complete access to everything, in which if they are going to
be able to access anything they want to they need to inform the public on what information they are
going to get and how they use it as without this information being
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The Rights Of American Citizens
Intersex Rights American citizens could be being treated unfairly when it comes to their sexual
identity. An intersex human is one possessing any of several variations in sex characteristics
including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that, according to the U.N. Office of the
High Commissioner for Human Rights "do not fit the typical definition for male or female bodies".
Some people would argue that transgender individuals and intersex individuals are considered to be
two heads of the same coin and should be given equal rights to one another. However an intersex
person is born the way they are whereas a transgender person is born a male or a female and wishes
to switch to the other gender. ... Show more content on ...
From the time they are brought into this world their parents as well as themselves must struggle to
find their sexual identity. Now on there other hand transgender people are born with either male
sexual organs or female sexual organs. They feel as if they are one stuck in the other one 's body, but
nonetheless it is a psychological desire within the person 's conscious which seeks to become the
other gender. It 's perfectly fine to push for what you believe in but it 's a totally different ball game
trying to get everyone else to believe to.
People are being treated unfairly and without consideration. According to Elizabeth Ries the author
of "Divergence and disorder" Stated " The conditions once known under the umbrella terms intersex
and hermaphroditism are now generally being called disorders of sex development in medical
settings. The terms might seem synonymous, but in fact there are significant differences with
controversial consequences. The term disorder of sex development may promise clarity for doctors
who diagnose patients with such conditions and provide some relief for parents of children being
born with such conditions, but it has produced considerable rancor among adults who identify as
intersex. Specifically, their problem is with the word disorder. The disability rights movement has
taught us that atypicality does not necessarily mean disordered. Doesn 't disorder imply something is
seriously wrong and needs to
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The Patriot Act is Detrimental to the Rights of American...
Over two hundred years ago, the founding fathers of this great nation signed their names to the
Declaration of Independence, sending a message to Great Britain that they were tired of being
subservient to a monarch who had no respect for his people. These extraordinary men understood
the concept of liberty and embraced it with great passion. They were all too familiar with the
consequences of a government with excess power. In order to prevent America from returning to the
ways of Great Britain, they crafted one of the greatest documents ever written, the Constitution of
the United States of America. Contained in the Constitution is the Bill of Rights which details the
rights the citizens of the United States of America are guaranteed. ... Show more content on ...
in Hulse). On October 23, 2001, Representative F. James Sensenbrenner from the ninth district of
Wisconsin introduced the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 to Congress ("Bill"). The bill contained many
surveillance provisions that the Justice Department had submitted to Congress in the past
("Seeking"). The Bush administration used this time to bully Congress into passing the USA
PATRIOT Act. The administration insinuated that any future attacks were going to be blamed on
members of Congress who stood against the bill ("Surveillance").Unfortunately, many members of
Congress panicked under the pressure of the circumstances and voted in favor of this
unconstitutional bill. Despite the facts that the act had minimal discussion or debate and contained
many provisions that attacked the rights of citizens, the complex, 342 page bill passed with a vote of
ninety–eight to one in the Senate and 356 to sixty–six in the House of Representatives (Cornehls
78). On October 26, 2001, just forty–five days after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, the USA
PATRIOT Act of 2001 became Public Law Number 107–56 with the signature of former President
George W. Bush ("Bill"). The idea that forty–five days was long enough to analyze the bill itself and
the reasons behind the success of the terrorist attacks on September 11 is problematic. The Bush
Administration and Congress "...acted without any careful or systemic effort to determine whether
weaknesses in our
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Analysis Of Claudia Rankine's Citizen: An American Lyric
In Citizen: An American Lyric written by Claudia Rankine, there is a passage where a man is
stopped because he fits the description of a "criminal". The speaker faces immense trauma just
trying to relay to the officer that he is not the perpetrator they are looking for. In fact he is just
another person trying to get home from a long day at the office. The officers refuse to listen which
angers the victim and causes him to curse at the officer saying, "Go ahead hit me motherfucker."
(Rankine 107) While the victim could not have been held for the original reason, he was now
charged with speeding. The victim was then taken down to the station on new charges. After being
wrongfully targeted, held, fingerprinted, and stripped, he was finally let ... Show more content on ...
One phrase is repeated throughout the passage: "And still you are not the guy and still you fit the
description because there is only one guy who is always the guy fitting the description." (Rankine
109) This quote from this piece in the novel refers to how even though the victims of police brutality
are often innocent, they are still labeled as guilty. This ties in with stereotypical racism. Blacks are
labeled as criminals due to their skin color, and the fact that they are still repetitively targeted as
criminals despite the removal of segregation proves that we as a society have no made as great of
advancements as we thought we have. The police are allowed to brush off their mistake as
"harmless" because they claim that the victims of police brutality looked like perpetrator of the
crime, as if that is a good enough reason to forcefully arrest a person with no explanation to that
person. When they are caught making these mistakes, they claim they were attacked first, despite the
common evidence of proof that was not what happened. This phrase is repeated numerous times
throughout the seemingly short passage. The phrase is repeated for emphasis on how the speaker
was just a civilian, who was wrongfully arrested for a crime he did not commit, just based on his
minority status. If police had some kind of protocol to follow before their arrests, then this situation
could have been avoided completely. If the police are really here to help us, then they would have
sought for what was in the best interest of the person who was arrested. There is an urgent need of
change in our justice systems, starting from the arrests themselves. Blacks and other minorities are
being dehumanized and targeted randomly every
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The Japanese American Citizens League
The Japanese American Citizens League, also known by the acronym JACL, is a Nisei organization
founded in 1929 with the initial goal of lobbying for Japanese–American Civil Rights while
promoting the integration of citizens into American culture. Since its inception the JACL has
expanded its mandate to focus on lobbying for the Civil Rights of all Asian–American citizens and
protecting Japanese–American cultural heritage. The JACL is considered one of the oldest and one
of the most influential national organizations promoting social justice and equality throughout the
country. The actions of the JACL have frequently been shaped by and frame in response to varying
historical events as well as both public prejudice and political attitudes. As a result, the organization
has, at times, been both critiqued by the Asian–American community for its support of racist
government policies and praised for its opposition of legislative discrimination. In particular the
organization has been criticized for its complacency during World War Two (1939–1945) with the
federal government 's discriminatory internment of Japanese–American citizens. The origins of the
JACL reside in the large number of Asian immigrants into the United States at the end of the
nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century who typically took up residence in the regions
along the American west coast. Despite being earnest labourers, entrepreneurs, and American
citizens those of Asian ancestry where
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A Speech On The American Citizen Essay
As I stand at this podium, I am reminded of all my predecessors that have made this position a
reality for someone like myself. I owe much gratitude to our country's founding fathers. They built
the constitution this country now sits on. I feel personally obliged to thank the influential figures
that have helped to gradually transform "all men are created equally" to actually include men and
women of all shapes, sizes and forms. Like President Obama, I am "mindful of the sacrifices borne
by our ancestors" (Obama, 1). I promise my presidency will make them nothing less than proud.
President X, thank you for your "service to our nation" (Obama,1). And lastly a thank you is needed
for my comrades, the American citizen. I accept the challenge that you have so graciously given me.
Being the XX citizen to take this Presidential Oath it is impossible not to see how far this country
and it's people have progressed since 1789. Despite our growth, we still have much more to make,
our journey is far from over. I promise to not stunt our country's growth, but give it the tools
necessary to grow. We must learn to truly love our country. We have to learn to love all of it's
people, all of it's land and accept and forgive it's history. In these next four years I plan to usher in
an era of equality. When our future generations read about these four years in their textbooks, I want
them to read that we finally figured it out. That we finally saw one another as equals, That finally,
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Japanese American Citizen Book Review
The Japanese internment camps during the 1940s are often likened to the United States' version of
concentration camps. This period of time was one that allowed fear to win in regards to national
security. Already targets of immigration quotas and systematic violence and racism, Japanese
Americans were the victims of this skeleton in domestic policy during the 1940s. The hypocritical
United States was liberating the Jewish people Nazi Germany, but was sending its own citizens,
with Japanese heritage, to camps of its own. This stark comparison of two developed and "civilized"
countries committing similar crimes to their own citizens presents the question of how and why the
United States government sponsored the internment of Japanese Americans. ... Show more content
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Through their support of the executive, legislative and judicial branches, this process with fully
enforced; therefore Japanese Americans had no choice but to comply despite the obvious violations
against their rights. Japanese Americans economically lost their rights because they had to sell their
possessions and leave their homes, businesses and jobs. At control centers, families and individuals
were registered with numbers, yet another comparison to the Germans use of serial numbers to
identify their Jewish population. In Citizen by Miné Okubo, she illustrates the idea that these
internment camp prisoners could show for their lives is what they could carry. While the number
their luggage is used to match it to the correct family, in the illustration it could be argued that the
tags dehumanize the Japanese Americans and likened them to their luggage. Continuing with the
contrast of the Holocaust, the United States government then "herded [Japanese Americans] into 171
special trains, 500 in each train." In subsequent illustrations, Okubo shows the poor living
conditions while living in the camps. Contained in one of the ten possible internment camps,
Japanese Americans could expect to live in barracks with small living quarters, with a "military–like
routine." Many, if not all, Japanese Americans, felt as if they had lost their freedom, which included
their political status and rights. Some Japanese Americans died in
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Nick As An American Citizen
On May 16, 2017 I interviewed Nick about what it means to be American to him. Nick is an
American citizen that lives in California. He is a father of 4 children. He is a very hard working man
that always holds a job and has a good look on society and how to live through it. To start off, Nick
loves and adores America because "of the rights it provides him as a citizen." He states how luck
each and everyone of people are lucky to be living in such a great country because of the
opportunities it gives. Sure political views may influence the lifestyles of an average American
citizen, but to Nick, he says that it does not affect his everyday life because it is irrelevant. The
American dream to Nick, is to have a nice house with his family and
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The Rights Of American Citizens
In June 2013, Edward Snowden–a former agent for the Central Intelligence Agency–leaked
confidential government information to the public through The Guardian by journalists that
consequently published it on the Internet. In doing so, Snowden exposed the National Security
Agency's (NSA) spy programs that infringe upon the rights of American citizens, which has
catalyzed legal controversy and skepticism towards the United States government due to the
violation of privacy (Liu 2014). The Internet is a vast host for a plethora of information and
communication between people; private activities and messages between people are not protected
under United States laws, which can be exploited. The problem is seen in the NSA's unwarranted ...
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With the ever–changing dynamics of the Internet and its vast freedom, the United States government
needs to update its laws and create new laws to adapt to technology today. Currently, there are laws
today such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) that were passed in order to
incorporate government surveillance into the electronic age; however, "it has not [been]
meaningfully updated since the advent of the World Wide Web" (1264). The Internet has been in
existence since 1969–and since the ECPA has not been updated since then, it is outdated. With such
an outdated and ineffective law, there needs to be changes made to public policy in correlation with
perpetually changing technology to protect the privacy rights of American citizens across social
networks. The CrimPC system is an ideal system to construct new privacy protection and
surveillance laws that do not violate the American Constitution, as "CrimPC regulates more
surveillance techniques than ECPA [by] restricting the use of undercover agents in law enforcement;
neither the ECPA nor any United States statute or constitutional provision regulates undercover
operatives" (1268).
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Essay On Being An American Citizen
America, the land of the free and he home of the brave, but what exactly does this mean to me?
Many countries in the world no matter how old or young they may be cannot compare to the
Democratic free society created by the blood sweat and tears of pilgrims colonist and slaves. The
freedoms and liberties outlined in the Constitution at the time they were written were unheard of.
The bravery of the leaders of the Revolutionary war, the Patriots, and the young and the old is the
same bravery that all our branches of military have today. Being an American citizen was a blessing
that I was born into. However, for other people who were born into less fortunate places would give
anything even their lives to get to America. When the pilgrims first landed here they were looking
for a new life. They were searching for religious freedom. When the other settlements began to form
the settlers were searching for freedoms of their own. The freedom to own land and govern
themselves even tho they were under the King's reign. The bravery of these settlers has to be thought
of as amazing because they survived horrible passages across the Atlantic Ocean. Only, to arrive and
suffer from starvation, suffrage, and terrible seasons. So, when I think of my country I think of these
brave people and realize that this is why I get to live the way that I live ... Show more content on ...
The bravery of these men to fight the greatest trained military in the world is so admirable. The
Patriots of the Revolutionary war were the role models of our military today. I can enjoy the
freedoms of this great nation because I know that our military is protecting the my constitutional
rights and keeping me safe. America not only means freedom, it means that I can enjoy those
freedoms because my rights are protected by the military that fights for the rights of this
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Becoming An American Citizen
America, the most majestic, beautiful, and free nation in the world. I am proud to be an American
citizen. I could not imagine living anywhere else in the world. This nation has so much to give.
Natural resources, vast oceans and rivers, majestic mountains, and fertile valleys. The freedom that
this nation offers to me and my family is an honor and a liberty that I will never abuse. I am 12 years
old and I revere and embrace everything this nation has to offer, however I'm sad to say many of my
peers are not as enthusiastic as I am. Many of them are lazy, do not respect the public property, and
do not help with anything. One of the closest things to my heart are the veterans, they sacrifice their
life so me and my peers can have all
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Mexican American Citizen Rights
After the first decade following the Mexican War, Mexican Americans and Anglo Americans were in
mutual cooperation in New Mexico. Which meant that the Mexican Americans were able to uphold
their institutions and culture. Although they were able to maintain these key aspects, they knew they
would not always be able to control what happened to them if they did not become a state, instead
the government could and would make regulations against them. To solve this impending problem,
they held a convention in Santa Fe, New Mexico. As a result of the fear and convention they
implemented the state constitution, which was set in 1912.
One of the solutions according to the constitution was that all people who were citizens of the state,
including the Mexican Americans, as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe–Hidalgo, would be able to
vote, hold office, sit on juries except for the reasons outlined in the constitution. It was trying to
ensure that despite someone's origins, the people would have the same citizen rights.
The following solution was for the children who were Mexican American. It called for the state to
officially become bilingual, in English and Spanish. The constitution called for the institution for the
accessibility of teachers to learn spanish as well, as it would then become a requirement for them.
The reasoning was articulated so ... Show more content on ...
Especially if they should fall to a small number, they would be protected by the constitution of the
state. It stated in order for it to be amended, three fourths of the electors must be voting in the whole
state and then in that three fourths, two thirds must vote in each county vote for each amendments.
Only then can the majority vote legally to amend the state constitution. This is all in accordance to
the UCLA M159A Course Reader, by Juan Gomez–Quinones
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American Citizen Memo
Since I left Cedar Falls, each day I have missed the love and support I received from you all. When I
moved to Iowa, God called me to bring hope and healing to broken individuals and communities. In
discussions with many of you about our polarized media, increased radical Islamization, global
terrorism and the huge gaps between people of diverse faiths I realized that these issues have hurt
many of us.
As you all know I am very American at heart. God brought me to this country to fulfill God's
purpose. I chose to become a U.S. citizen because of its freedom and values. The U.S. is going
through a difficult period which became worse after the 9/11 attack. I believe that the future health
of the U.S. depends upon addressing the gray areas that are usually overlooked. To me, gray areas
are the middle ground in political, religious and sociological belief systems. By learning about these,
we can understand, accept and embrace our neighbors, coworkers, and family members who either
don't look like us or don't share the faith and values we do.
You know that in Cedar Falls I led a couple of seminars to address some of these issues, to help
people of all political and religious persuasions explore the gray areas and to give us and our next
generation the kind of ... Show more content on ...
I have spent a year setting up a film company in New York. I have done it on my own and it has
been a hard and painful journey. It's the first film company of its kind to be committed to making
films focused on public theology, social justice and mental health and wellness. Filmmaking is an
expensive undertaking. Films require millions of dollars from script writing to display in theaters.
Although I have set up a film company, I don't think I can produce a film without your help and
support. I am looking for the same kind of support you all gave me when I was in Cedar
... Get more on ...

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Responsibility American Citizen

  • 1. Responsibility American Citizen To Serve and to Protect "I... solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." That is the oath soldiers who fight for our country pledge to; To serve and to protect, that is my responsibility to America. Responsibility. It is often exchanged between individuals, it signifies the state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one's power, control, or management. Some believe ... Show more content on ... Every soldier serving in all branches of our military, including all our veterans are perfect examples. Others have chosen to demonstrate their responsibility to America through serving in our government, trying to make a country an ideal one, attempting to solve the unsolvable. John F. Kennedy, discussed the responsibility American citizens have to our country. In May of 1963, he stated, "Equality of opportunity does not mean equality of responsibility. All Americans must be responsible citizens, but some must be more responsible than others, by virtue of their public or their private position, their role in the family or community, their prospects for the future, or their legacy from the past. Increased responsibility goes with increased ability, for 'of those to whom much is given, much is required.'" John F. Kennedy, one of the many presidents to play an immense part in our country, through his dedication and responsibility to our country he accomplished amazing things. He revolutionized American politics, as well as, push our country to great lengths and although he never lived to see it, the United States was the first nation to have a man on the moon. He left a lasting impact on our ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. American Citizen Dbq What are your rights as an American citizen, and what form of government would best protect those rights? I believe that my rights are the freedom of speech and the right that everyone should be equal. The government should protect those rights by giving everyone the same rights and making sure everyone knows their rights. Also by allowing everyone to obey those rights. The best form of government to protect those rights would be an equal, truthful, fair, and people government. My rights as an American citizen should be the right to freedom of speech, and that all men are equal. Thomas Jefferson, in The Declaration of Independence, said "We hold these truths to be self– evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their ... Show more content on ... A government where everyone has and knows the same rights, where all men are treated equally. John Locke says, in his Second Treatise on Government, "Because men consent to government in order to preserve their natural rights to life, liberty and property, whenever the government attempts to take away or destroy the life, liberty, or the property of the people, the government puts itself in a state of war with the people and the people no longer have to obey the government." (Locke Doc A) Which states that men give in to the government to maintain their natural rights and whenever the government tries to take away those rights they go into war and the people no longer have to obey the government. The people consent to government to keep their rights and if the government tried taking their rights away, it would not be fair. Jean–Jacques Rousseau says in his most famous work, The Social Contract, "Each person gives their freedom to the general will, but they also become part of the general will and have the same power as everyone else." (Rousseau Doc D) Locke is saying that the people give their freedom to the general will but they become apart of it and have to same power as everyone else, to me that is saying that everyone is equal. Everyone should have equal rights, be treated equally, and have the freedom of ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Racism In Claudia Rankine's Citizen : An American Lyric ' Claudia Rankine's contemporary piece, Citizen: An American Lyric exposes America's biggest and darkest secret, racism, to its severity. While she highlights a vast number of stories that illustrate the hate crimes that have occurred in the United States during the 21st century, the James Craig Anderson case is prevalent because his heartbreaking story is known by few individuals throughout the country. In 2011, James Craig Anderson, a 49–year–old man of Mississippi was nearly beaten to death by a group of white male teenagers due to the abundance of melanin in his skin. As if this was not enough, he was then purposely run over by a pickup truck as if he was just a random object in the road rather than an actual human being. These white young men stole the life away from Anderson, a devoted husband, and father similar to any other citizen of America simply because of him being black. While these Ku Klux Klan– reminiscent acts were thought to be "normal" in the 18th and 19th centuries, the 21st century is claimed to be the era of racial growth towards equality. Being that Anderson's unjustifiable story was not nationally publicized further explains how the world seems immune to the racial injustice that is apparent today due to the cyclical nature of the occurrences. James Craig Anderson exemplifies how the world has yet to revolutionize, evidencing how we are still cemented in a racially insensitive epidemic. In other words, America is still racially insensitive to those who are seen as an inferior race, African Americans. ` Ultimately, Claudia Rankine's Citizen: An American Lyric is a collage of poems that illustrates the reality of what it means to be a black citizen in America by utilizing the second person, "you," that causes these racial accounts to feel personal to the reader. A citizen is one who is said to be secured by the laws established by our founding fathers. One who should be able to leave their house without being unlawfully murdered due to the pigmentation of their skin. One who can naturally live without dismay. Rankine manifests the reality of black citizenship as insurmountable. In other words, citizenship was never something that the black community truly held in the ways that one ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Being An American Citizen What does being a U.S citizen mean to you? Several describe being a U.S citizen as having the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", as stated in the Declaration of Independence. Few may say that being a U.S citizen is a pure pleasure of being a part of a democracy, where the supreme authority rest with the people. Yet others may state their right to vote and run for office or their freedom of religion and speech. Although all of these are correct, being a U.S citizen is more than just having rights and freedoms. As American citizens, we also have obligations, responsibilities, and duties we should fulfill. One of these responsibilities is to defend and support the Constitution. However, in order for us to support the Constitution, ... Show more content on ... Passed in 1689 by the Parliament in Great Britain, the English Bill of Rights was a British Law that declared the rights and liberties of the people. In one of the passages, it states "That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted" (English Bill of Rights). This right protected the people of unfair fines, bail, and punishments. This inspired the U.S Constitution to pass this near exact right by saying "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted" (U.S Constitution). This right guarantees that the amount of bail required and the amount of fine imposed as punishment must bear a reasonable relationship to the seriousness of the crime involved in the case. The prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment forbids any punishment judged to be too harsh and too severe for the crime for which it is ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Citizen : An American Lyric By Claudia Rankine Thomas Howard 5/6/2016 Untitled "Let's pray that the human race never escapes from Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere."– C.S. Lewis Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine is a lengthy poetic attempt at exposing the competing consciousness pertaining to race and racism in society, pitting the historical person against the individual. Set side by side with The Souls of Black Folks and This Land is Your Land by Woodie Guthrie, Citizen takes on a very distinct impression of separate identities competing in one person. W.E.B. Dubois seems to lay the foundation for the recurring experience described or seemingly described in Citizen when he says, "It is a peculiar sensation, this double–consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One ever feels his two–ness,–an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder." (Dubois) This passage from Dubois sets up the experience in Citizen, explaining the sensation of being judged and viewed by yourself and by society around you. To Dubois, the life of the 'negro' is lived in duality between being black (or negro, as Dubois says) and being American. The key implication from this described duality is the separation in identity between being 'negro' and being 'American'. The same ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. How Did The Colonists Treat American Citizens Although the reputation of being a land of the free, the American colonies were quite often filled with people who were not treated as free citizens or as equals. There was an often misunderstanding that the American colonists no longer wanted to British citizens anymore, and although that wasn't the case, they still got treated fairly bad by the British Parliament. The American colonists still wanted to be viewed as loyal citizens, and seen as equals. Because the British Parliament treated the American colonies unfairly, the American colonists declared their independence to be freed from the British Parliament to be treated as equals. Throughout the development of America, people in the colonies experienced lack of freedom and equality from ... Show more content on ... Coming out of this, the Quartering Act was developed to provide housing and shelter for the Redcoats while they were watching over the American colonists. This was a huge invasion of privacy for the American colonists because not only were they forced to provide a place for the Redcoats to sleep, but they also had to pay for the ones staying in local inns or other accommodations. As Britain expanded as a consumer society, the American colonists wanted to imitate the British taste in clothing, furniture, and housing. In June 1767, the British Parliament passed a new series of taxes because the cost to keep soldiers in North America reached just over $76 million. This act was the Declaratory Act. Along with new taxes, Parliament continued to push for stricter enforcement of trade duties. Many American colonists already pledged to avoid purchasing British goods, and instead, to make their own homemade items. By 1768, the non– importation movement had moved across all of the colonies. The colonists protested "taxation without representation" and called for colonies to coordinate their ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Smoke As An American Citizen Smoking Parents Tyler McClellan September 9, 2015 British Literature B Life Academy If I choose to smoke as an American citizen I will if I want simply because it is my right to do so, I mean after all is that not what this country was founded upon in the first place? Freedom? Yes it is. Since this is true why would we say you can have your freedom to do as you please but place stipulations on it? Since the United States is a free country it should be anyone`s right to smoke even if he or she exposes children to secondhand/thirdhand smoke, especially since recent studies show that the risk of second–hand and third –hand smoke has been gradually decreasing , and there are many health hazards other than those associated with smoking that cause death. Smoking is not a subjective activity because people have an option to be around you or not. Granted you should be considerate when smoking around you kids or anyone else's kids for that matter. But that does not mean that you cannot smoke around kids at all. I am not saying that second–hand, or third–hand smoking isn't a reality, it is but studies show that second–hand smoke has decreased in recent years meaning that smoking around children is not as big of a risk as one may have it once thought it to be. In many aspects the United States of America is the most free country in the world. We are allowed to believe in and do what we want as far as politics, religion, and different activities go. In this ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Citizen : An American Lyric According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, a "citizenship is the common thread that connects all Americans" ("Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities"). However, regardless of possessing a citizenship, there is an apparent divide in race, highlighted in Claudia Rankine's Citizen: An American Lyric, as the author exposes the daily experiences of having dark skin in the United States, which can strip the feeling of being American for people. For every citizen to feel like a true citizen of America, a citizenship should not be the only "thread that connects all Americans" ("Citizenship"). Rather, each citizen should have the common feeling of belonging to society, which is accomplished by people fulfilling their ... Show more content on ... The neighbor calls this friend "a menacing black guy," not "that nice young man." Then, he proceeds to tell Rankine that he has called the police (Rankine 15). Once again, in the book, a black person is portrayed as an animal, as he seems like a threat. Due to the neighbor believing that the friend was a "menacing" man, rather than the "nice young man," he implies that he thinks that all black people look the same. This also connects to the ideology that "black people are animals," as most people cannot tell the difference between each animal from the same species. In addition, the neighbor's rapid progression towards the calling of law enforcement is shocking. Before even calling Rankine, he immediately phones the police, signifying racial profiling. If the friend were white, the neighbor would have taken other actions before calling the police, such as calling Rankine or even asking the friend what he is doing. Through the two situations, the reader can understand that Rankine's view of a citizen is one in which there is no discrimination between races; all races receiving equal treatment. Rankine's opinion of citizenship is a valid one, as black people are also given unjust treatment from government workers. This includes the use of excessive force by police officers, such as the infamous case of the Tamir Rice shooting. Shaila Dewan and ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. In The United States Of America, American Citizens Have In the United States of America, American citizens have the constitutional right to vote. The American people have this voting right to express their freedoms and their beliefs in a political system that fairly expresses the majority of the population 's vote in an electoral college system. The state of Ohio's voting requirements requires a person to be a resident of the state, a United States citizen, not to have been "permanently disfranchised for violations of election laws", and to be 18 years of age with no felony convictions (Ohio Voter Reg. 1). The state of Ohio also states that " You have not been declared incompetent for voting purposes by a probate court." (Ohio Voter Reg. 1). The Ohio voter is not required to be proven of ... Show more content on ... In the Mississippi Voter Application Form and Literacy Test, it states "write in the space below a reasonable interpretation (the meaning) of the section of the constitution of Mississippi which you have just copied" (Mississippi Application 1). It was created to completely disenfranchise black voters, especially in the southern states where African–American literacy rates were extremely low. During the United States slavery era, African Americans either did not have access of did not have the opportunity to learn to become either more literate or even literate to some distinct standard of just being able to begin to learn how to read or write. African Americans were seriously repressed in physical and mental means during slavery. When the slaves were freed after the Civil War, they were granted the right to vote shortly after. African American schools had just started to open, churches were doing everything in their power to place African Americans in positions of power and education, but a large number of African Americans were still not literate enough to pass the unjustifiable literacy tests. How would the officials justify that knowing this information was necessary for voting? The officials used it to prove competence in the ability to vote, but it was really only used to eliminate/disenfranchise ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The League Of United Latin American Citizens The League of United Latin American Citizens, or LULAC, states in its website that it "is the oldest and most widely respected Hispanic civil rights organization in the United States of America." Established in 1929 by three virtually unheard of Mexican–American civil rights groups, it has served its Latino population for over 85 years. It was founded at a time when Mexican Americans needed a voice and, upon its arrival, sparked the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement. LULAC was able to transform itself through constant re–assessment of its goals and accomplishments, as it established itself as a Mexican–American champion and leader, while creating a legacy for coming generations to follow. When Texas was annexed into to the U.S. in 1845, approximately 77,000 Mexicans were living in the state, who had the choice of either becoming citizens or moving back Mexico. Those who stayed maintained peace with the Anglo families and leaders for over 50 years after the annexation. However, there soon came a large rush of new Anglos from all over the country. These new residents created rivalries and competition between them and the older residents. With the Mexican Civil War going on in Mexico more Mexicans immigrated to the U.S. mostly settling in Texas, for jobs in the mining and railroad industries. The nearby civil war made many people believe that a civil war was going to happen in Texas between the two groups of residents. This created, as stated in the book No Mexicans, ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Analysis Of Claudia Rankine's Citizen: An American Lyric In Citizen: An American Lyric written by Claudia Rankine, there is a passage where a man is stopped because he fits the description of a "criminal". The speaker faces immense trauma just trying to relay to the officer that he is not the perpetrator they are looking for. In fact he is just another person trying to get home from a long day at the office. The officers refuse to listen which angers the victim and causes him to curse at the officer saying, "Go ahead hit me motherfucker." (Rankine 107) While the victim could not have been held for the original reason, he was now charged with speeding. The victim was then taken down to the station on new charges. After being wrongfully targeted, held, fingerprinted, and stripped, he was finally let ... Show more content on ... One phrase is repeated throughout the passage: "And still you are not the guy and still you fit the description because there is only one guy who is always the guy fitting the description." (Rankine 109) This quote from this piece in the novel refers to how even though the victims of police brutality are often innocent, they are still labeled as guilty. This ties in with stereotypical racism. Blacks are labeled as criminals due to their skin color, and the fact that they are still repetitively targeted as criminals despite the removal of segregation proves that we as a society have no made as great of advancements as we thought we have. The police are allowed to brush off their mistake as "harmless" because they claim that the victims of police brutality looked like perpetrator of the crime, as if that is a good enough reason to forcefully arrest a person with no explanation to that person. When they are caught making these mistakes, they claim they were attacked first, despite the common evidence of proof that was not what happened. This phrase is repeated numerous times throughout the seemingly short passage. The phrase is repeated for emphasis on how the speaker was just a civilian, who was wrongfully arrested for a crime he did not commit, just based on his minority status. If police had some kind of protocol to follow before their arrests, then this situation could have been avoided completely. If the police are really here to help us, then they would have sought for what was in the best interest of the person who was arrested. There is an urgent need of change in our justice systems, starting from the arrests themselves. Blacks and other minorities are being dehumanized and targeted randomly every ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. ##toric Themes In Claudia Rankine's Citizen : An American... The racial struggles of Australia tend to closely mimic those of the United States. Claudia Rankine's collection of poems, "Citizen: An American Lyric" explores these themes. The lyrical themes found in Midnight Oil's songs relate to Citizen as they exemplify the racial struggle between the Aborigines and the white settlers of Australia which can easily be related to the struggle of the blacks and whites in the US which is exemplified in the songs Beds Are Burning, Warakurna, and The Dead Heart. In the collection of poems, Citizen: An American Lyric, the author, Claudia Rankine's calls for unity by asking the reader the next time there on public transportation to sit next to a person of color as opposed to standing for long periods of ... Show more content on ... In the poem, Rankine describes a white woman with multiple college degrees displaying her perceived authority over minorities by stating that black women can't get cancer. Rankine presents this perceived authority as the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow. In the Midnight Oil song "Warakurna" the band describes the white Australian settlers, pushing into the outback and meditates on their perceived authority over the native aboriginal population. "Warakurna, camels roam Fires are warm and dogs are cold not since Lassiter was here black man's got a lot to fear". The song describes the white Australian settlers pushing their way into the outback and showing their perceived authority over the aboriginal population, literally saying, "Black man's got a lot to fear". This is easily relatable to the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow in America with the white colonists displaying their perceived authority over the people that were made to be property. In Citizen, Rankine includes several illustrations that coincide with the written poems. The illustrations on pages 96–97 and 160–161 are of note as they can relate to Midnight Oil's song, "The Dead Heart" and in particular the lines, "White man came took everyone" and "We carry in our hearts the true country, and that cannot be stolen. We follow in the steps of our ancestry and that cannot be broken." The images on pages 96–97 juxtapose the everyday lives of black and white ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. American Citizens Role Main Question Post. When the founding fathers penned the Constitution, they had a set of guidelines that they wanted both the government, and citizens of America to follow. All of these ideas were laid out within the Constitution. One of the biggest roles of the federal government is handling affairs with other nations. This includes everything from defending our citizens, to international trade. The government maintains a court system that is lower than the Supreme Court. If it weren't for this lower court system, there would be no checks and balances process, which is essential in maintaining a fair and equal government. The government handles the monetary production for the country, ensuring that there is a simple coin system, so that ... Show more content on ... American citizens are required to respect and follow all laws, from federal to local, or face consequences if they disobey the laws. Laws are set up to maintain a safe and stable community for the citizens. Citizens have to pay taxes, which help fund government activities and employees. The citizens are expected to vote, because the purpose of the democracy is to ensure that the elected officials best represent the American citizens. If we do not put in our input on who will be representing us, it will all be for nothing. Citizens are also supposed to respect the views and ideas of other citizens. Even though not everyone shares the same views on religion, politics, and lifestyle, the key to a successful, functional country is the support of all citizens, of every background. When something is as big and active as the government is, occasional failures are inevitable. While many of these failures are minimal, and can go unseen by the American citizens, we are not always that fortunate. The biggest failure in the government's role of national defense was the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Government agencies had a heads up that something was going to happen, and they had surveillance on suspects, but nothing was done about it. The attacks were soon carried out, and with the terrorists meeting no immediate defense from America, thousands of innocent citizens were ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Being An American Citizen Being an American citizen is such an important part of the American life. Many people of different races have to deal with racism because of this. Being a documented citizen means having the same American duties and obligations of a citizen. Without documents, one can't have a normal life in America. The risk of being deported, fired, and decriminalized is still there. Citizenship rights have changed so much over time, that the system is harder to understand more as time goes by. Today we think we have to be citizens to be part of America, and those who can't are not allowed to do anything, which is why immigrants are treated so unequally. Although there have been braceros in history and even today, there is still inequality, and these systems ... Show more content on ... Society continues to see these people as foreigners. "Wetbacks" is still a used phrase intended to hurt others of the Mexican race. Again, this is a form or racism because Europeans were given the opportunity to document themselves coming in, yet Mexicans had to go through lots of different migration systems and discrimination along the way. Meanwhile Mexicans continue to cross illegally, sometimes even using false documents, all for the search of a better life, which is what makes some Americans so angry; the illegality of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. African American Citizen Book Review Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America, explores what it means to be a Black woman and an American citizen. MHP argues that misrecognition, through stereotypes and shame, delineates African American women's lived experiences and their political decisions and participation. Recognition functions as an essential tool to contextualize the connection and interconnections between groups of people and individuals. The other premise of the text and its argument lies within the cognitive psychological study of field dependence by focusing on whether research participants adopted or readjusted themselves within the "crooked room." HP states that, "Field dependence studies show how individuals locate the upright in a space." Interestingly enough, cognitive psychologists found that if subjects were placed in a crooked room, in a crooked chair and then asked to stand up 'straight,' some of the participants adopted to the angle of the room and ... Show more content on ... In addition to offering a narrative in which Black women have navigated the historical stereotypes of Jezebel, Mammy, and Sapphire, she introduces the research methodology of focus groups to offer the insight of 'real life' Black women and how they identify, contextualize, rationalize and combat these stereotypes in comparison to their role as citizens. –––– The Chapter 2, is dedicated to the description, and historical and contemporary manifestations how the crooked room is prescribed to the Black women through three distorted angles: the licentious and hypersexual Jezebel, the asexual, white family devotee, Mammy, and the angry black woman, Sapphire. MHP assists her exploration of these stereotypes with discussions shared by the focus groups and props her analysis and discussion using public figures, public policy, slavery, and popular culture. ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Rights Of Fellow American Citizens The Complacent Majority Students across the United States stand before the American flag pledging an allegiance to a country that protects every citizen's "unalienable rights". Students are raised to devote their life to a country they are born into by chance. Unknown to them, they are subject to the laws and regulations of an outside world that boasts freedom, yet imposes a pledge amongst children. The American government was once a country of dissent and rebellion. However, as citizens become radical in the midst of chaos, cower in the face of defeat, comply to a vocal minority, silence their voice in fear of a powerful nation, abuse of power becomes prevalent, and citizens must practice the most American form of democracy– civil ... Show more content on ... In fact, most Japanese American's recount this moment in history as a traumatic experience as they were forced to leave their homes due to an unjust law. Attorney General Biddle as well as former Secretary of War Henry Stimson, believed there was "no reasons for mass evacuation" (Irons 41), and that "[Americans] cannot discriminate among [citizens] on the ground of racial origin" (Irons 41). American's are raised to believe the founding fathers had the best interests of all citizens, and the Constitution and Bill of Rights are guidelines for all branches of government. In a 6 to 3 Supreme Court ruling against Hirabayashi, a new precedent was set that opposed the guidelines of law. Although the prosecution had no legal grounds to convict Hirabayashi as anti–Japanese laws conflict with the laws of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, "the Court's historic malevolence against minorities" (Irons 5) tends to rule in favor of injustice. Popular opinion was that Hirabayashi's conviction was the result of government precautions during wartime. In reality, radical opinions fueled the fears of Americans who unknowingly sacrificed their freedom for the illusion of safety. Historic government feats are the basis for modern political ideology. American democracy was built on the successes of both the Greek and Roman empire along with a socialist safety net. The ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Citizen An American Lyric By Claudia Rankine Citizen An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine is a unique piece of literature that truly encompasses the concept of being a Black Intellectual assessing the state of Black people in the American society. Among many of Rankine 's passages in Citizen, she addresses microaggressions, racial incidents and current events surrounding Black Americans. From there her novel further transitions into assessing high profiled racial and political cases in America of Blacks who have died unjust deaths, as well as examining the complex ideas of reaching a resolution to race and ethnic issues in America. What makes this piece of literature unique is that Rankine not only uses political rhetoric to examine the state of the Black experience but through ... Show more content on ... Rankine presents the ideas of Blacks maneuvering through the system by explaining situations which Black people have been affected by systematic racism. For instance, she provides scenarios that show the relationship between Black people and microaggressions. Two scenarios in particular are unique to this concept. The first scenario is Rankine discusses is a Black person's work being copied at school and they are compared to a White person: "The Route is often associative. You smell good, You are twelve attending Sts. Philip and James School on White Plains Road and the girl sitting in the seat behind asks you to lean the right during your exas so she can copy what you have written. Sister Evelyn is in the habit of taping the 100s and the failing grades to the coat closet doors. The girl is Catholic with waist–length brown hair. You can't remember her name: Mary? Catherine? You never really speak except for the time she makes her request and later when she tells you you smell good and have features more like a White person. You assume she is thanking you for letting her cheat and feels better cheating from almost a White person". This passage speaks to the theme of maneuvering through Black spaces because Rankine examines an instance where Blacks are outcasted and treated in comparison to Whites.. It is clear through this passage she uses this scenario to exemplify the relationship between Whites and Blacks and how Blacks in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Pros And Cons Of Being An American Citizen When legislation on Native Americans is being made in the U.S., one of the biggest considerations that is put in it, is preserving their culture and way of life. Before they universally had citizenship within the United States, tensions were created regarding whether they would have to give up their native ways of life in order to be a citizen. This situation is similar to one little island territory today; where the denizens wish to retain their way of life, yet many of them want citizenship. American Samoa, a country between Hawaii and Australia, is a United States territory. But what is misleading about that statement, is that American Samoans, despite the territory having the prefix of "American," are not U.S. citizens; instead they fall ... Show more content on ... The U.S. constitution, more specifically the 14th amendment, had defined the terms for U.S. citizenship, before American Samoa was even a territory. In 1868, the 14th amendment, designed to create an end Jim Crow laws, had stated that "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside"(Ponsa). Within this statement lies the question which should determine American Samoan citizenship; is American Samoa part of the U.S.? The answer to this question is fairly simple, and it is a resounding yes. Other U.S. territories have already been granted citizenship, but, it is not the result of this amendment. Instead it is the result of statutes from congress; of which American Samoa has none. An attempt has been made at using the 14th amendment in the case of Tuaua v. United States, but the petition has been denied by the Supreme Court(Ponsa). Even the American Samoan government was opposed to this measure, saying: "'recognizing a right to citizenship at birth could complicated the legal structure in the territory'"(Ponsa). How could giving American Samoa citizenship, like every other territory, complicate legal structure? If other states were perfectly able to gain citizenry, how could American Samoa not? Yet despite these myriad of questions, and many more, the U.S. government does not seem like they are gonna give in with their decision that the 14th amendment is not a valid way to ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay On American Citizens "America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand." – Harry S. Truman. As a country, America has stunned other nations. Not only have our soldiers done their jobs, but also citizens have always done what they can to support and respect the valuable and privileged rights that they are given. America has suffered and overcame many hardships, such as wars, natural disasters, and terrorism attacks and is moving forward with hope. America, as a nation, fights in multiple perilous wars. Citizens of America must unite and become a whole to create a strong military base to support the nations. Because of hard– fought battles, the country obtains the freedom it has today. Taking part in wars also gains America many vital ... Show more content on ... Americans draw together and put their own lives at risk to defeat terrorists; for example, in the 9/11 terrorist attack citizens took down the terrorists piloting the United Flight 93. People volunteer their time to help the injured people, whether it is mentally or physically. Citizens also offer their money and time to help rebuild any wreckage at the site of the outbreak. Because of these occurrences, Americans strengthened and improved their security, which prevents putting the country in terror once again. Terrorist attacks may tear the country down at the time, but it becomes so much stronger from them afterwards. Wars, natural disasters, and terrorism are just a few of the many hardships America has overcome with hope. Through all sufferings, Americans continue to persevere with courage. As Harry S. Truman stated, "America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand." America is a home of the brave, and shall continue to prosper and fight for the values established by the founding ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Equality: The Citizens Of The American Dream To be an American is quite honorable to some people, but others feel like their just forced to be here. America is a country full of broken promises, false commitment, and covered up by a pile of lies. I believe the citizens of America expect more truth, and more things to help build the country and not tear it apart. The American dream is equality, the biggest issue the United States deals with today. Equality is so important, it brings people together. Equality teaches citizens to come together, and enjoy life, not to hate each other. If the world was filled with equality, there would be a decrease in violence, decrease in riots, and increase in love. The American dream is everyone being financially stable. I do not understand how this ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. We As American Citizens What are the rights of American citizens? (Describe the rights that we have as American citizens that you value most) We as Americans value the 1st amendment from the Constitution. The 1st amendment, "protects the right of Americans to worship...protects freedom of speech and freedom to press" (84, First Amendment). This right is important because it allows citizens to freely demonstrate their beliefs and opinions without any interference or punishment from the government. For example, if we did not have this right, students who have been affected by school shootings and gun violence would not have the right to petition and have their voices heard by the government Citizens also value the 6th amendment from the Constitution. The 6th amendment, ... Show more content on ... The judicial branch's responsibility is to, "hear cases and input a final ruling" (Class Notes, Judicial Branch & Supreme Court Basic). How do the branches uphold or fail to uphold the values of the founding fathers? The branches uphold the value of the found fathers by following the principles in the Constitution. Principles in the Constitution, include "federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and a limited government" (Class Notes, Constitution & 3 Branches). Does the current government (organizations, individuals, etc.) reflect the values that were outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution? Why or why not? Yes, because the documents keep our government in check as seen the articles of the Constitution, where it explicitly states what each branch can and can not do. Is the government effective in implementing its goals and directives? Somewhat Do government intermediaries impede or support the government's aims? ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. United Latin American Citizens 1. Discuss the origin and agenda of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)? The League of United Latin American Citizens was formed in 1929 in the city of Corpus Christi, Texas. This league was formed by representatives of three different organizations such as; the League of Latin American Citizens, the Knights of America, and the Sons of America. Then they adopted a constitution that pointed out the goals they had for the middle–class in political, economic, and social rights. The organizations mission was to "Make Living Conditions Better for Future Generations of Mexican Americans"(Mier/Ribera 201). From there on they began to push for civil rights as well as education and employment for Mexican Americans. LULAC also wanted ... Show more content on ... This brought a big rivalry between the Mexican Americans and the Anglos. Also on August 2nd of 1942, Jose Diaz a 21–year old male was beaten to death in an Eastside Los Angeles reservoir. Soon after that, 23 Mexican American teens were young adults were arrested along with on Anglo for participating in the fight that killed Diaz. These youths were charged with first–degree murder, second–degree murder, and assault. One tension that caused the zoot suits riots was because Los Angeles and Oakland fracases were fighting over girlfriends. Eventually these tensions kept mounting fast and that is when these zoot suit riots began to happen more often. 3. Discuss the Bracero program and the phases of the program? The Bracero Program was created in 1943 during World War II by the Mexican and United States governments. This program allowed Mexican citizens to have a temporary labor permit that allowed them to work in the United States legally. Mexican citizens were allowed to come to the United States legally and work for some time and get paid, the money they earned they could take back to Mexico when the journey was over. The program allowed about 200,000 Mexicans(Braceros) to work in 21 different states with California housing about half the braceros. 4. What led to the arrest of the East LA 13 and Sal Castro's reinstatement as an ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Equal Rights Of Disabled American Citizens American citizens aren't receiving the same rights in the country as out of it because of its disability access. The U.S. does not currently, have the same access on disability rights as the U.N. abroad. When a disabled person wishes to work or live abroad, they must rely on international disability rights for equal access. Although disabled individuals can be scholars, leaders and hard workers, they aren't given the same access as such. The rights of disabled American citizens must extend abroad, in order to truly have equal access. Adopting this treaty would not undercut sovereignty and supersede already strong domestic policy on the rights of people with disabilities. The opposition states that disabled Americans should be satisfied with ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Responsibilities Of An American Citizen John F. Kennedy summarized the responsibilities if a citizen when he said that people should concern themselves with what they can do for their country rather than what the country can do for them. I am Italy and In Italy after two centuries in 2001 compulsory military service disappeared. Instead, the Italian Senate approved the establishment of professional military service where people choose to enlist and are paid for their services, similar to the US military. As in Italy and in America I see similarity on this argument. Today the key responsibilities of an American citizen is paying taxes and voting, some critics feel is not enough service for the country. The United States of America has been engaged in very many major wars since ... Show more content on ... In the educational course we learned to defend ourselves and the people around us, how to behave in unexpected and threatening circumstances, and how to help people in situations of medical emergency. They also taught us about military law regulations and criminology. The Carabineri helped me to develop and improve my character. I faced a world unfamiliar to me before. I learned to coexist with many people of different backgrounds and nationalities. I learned to share and appreciate the uniqueness of each culture and personality. My military experience made me a stronger person and I would not have become what I am now without it. For all of these reasons I am grateful I had such experience. The supporters of the compulsory military service believe that there is a huge disconnect between the general American population and the brave military men and women fighting and losing their lives to protect the country. The high standards of living in America further makes a certain percentage of the population too comfortable and to some extent either apathetic or ignorant of the plight of the soldiers that are killing and getting killed overseas. The proponents believe that mandatory conscription is the best way of ensuring that every American is aware of the implications if war as well as the plight of soldiers in a battlefield (Bardes, Shelley& Schmidt, 2014)....refrences..... The involuntary signing will further make Americans critically think and have more consideration for ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. American Citizen Participation As an american citizen there are certain responsibilities politically at least, that they need to follow. First as an American citizen you need to support and defend the constitution, this entails following the constitution to the best of your known abilities and judging situations based on upon it. Stay informed of the issues affecting your community. This responsibility is subject to change for every person, just based off the fact that everybody has a different community and their respective issues. This responsibility is pertinent in everyday life and most people obey this follow this without knowing it as a civil responsibility. Participate in the democratic process. This process involves voting on all different levels whether it be state, local, or presidential. The democratic process is the way we make things happen. As American citizens we make the "of the people" ... Show more content on ... There are three main reasons for this growth in participation. The first reason is accurate representation. What this means is now that there were equal voting rights for everybody, the elections were swayed due to the actual representation of the population of the United States. The second reason was the due to the media and the popularization of these movements. Many citizens that were not aware or not involved in the civil rights movement were then personally moved from seeing what happened and became more politically present. The third reason for the increase in political participation was from the growing community of previous minorities. What this means is that for example, before these movements, African American citizens were not allowed to run for office and were usually scared or physically turned away when trying to participate in anything involving the government. After the fact, African Americans were allowed to, which caused a new population to become involved in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Citizen Kane And The American Dream Citizen Kane and the American Dream No one can sum up a man 's life into one word. This was a thought––intriguingly an idea in the film that still resonates today in our society. Citizen Kane (1941) is an important film that reflected society 's false belief of the American Dream during its time. The film was directed and starred by Orson Welles and tells a story of a man name Charles Foster Kane, who had everything and who lived an ideal life that everyone wanted to have. However, having many fine possessions of things and a great deal amount of money at his disposal, did not make him happy. The film reflects on Mr. Kane 's life before his death and his legacy. Citizen Kane shows how during the era, people wanted to have financial security, happiness and to gain material success. Although the American Dream is still something people want today, Citizen Kane shows how attaining the American Dream was something less of a dream during its era. The film also show the changes of the American Dream from 'dream ' to 'myth ' and explores the dark side of the held belief. The term American Dream was first coined in 1931 by James Truslow Adams. The term is defined as, anyone in America can gain wealth and status as long as he or she worked hard, regardless of their social status. For instance, in one of the most significant scene, it showed a young Charles Foster Kane playing outside in the snow with his sled, while his mother watches him from inside the boarding house. In this ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Privacy Of American Citizens Brandon Bates Mr. LaSalle Instructor English 1A July 23, 2014 The Privacy of America The privacy of American citizens has been long debated ever since the N.S.A. was revealed to the public on what it was doing. Since then, American citizens have been arguing over what the N.S.A. should and shouldn 't be doing. This has lead to the government changing some things, but not everything and causing the American citizens to get upset and wonder what is and isn 't being watched. We go through on a daily basis wondering if our next phone call, that next email, our websites we browse and even our next text message is being monitored by the government and if it is will it get flagged as something they deem worthy of investigating into. This constant fear has us wondering what we should and shouldn 't be posting on various social media sites, taking pictures of or even talking about. By questioning what the N.S.A. is doing, we leave ourselves pondering what the government should do to adjust what control the N.S.A. should have, the activities it should be conducting, who they should be monitoring and what gets flagged as warranting further investigation. Many people believe that the N.S.A. should have restrictions placed on it that prevent it from having complete access to everything, in which if they are going to be able to access anything they want to they need to inform the public on what information they are going to get and how they use it as without this information being ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Rights Of American Citizens Intersex Rights American citizens could be being treated unfairly when it comes to their sexual identity. An intersex human is one possessing any of several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that, according to the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights "do not fit the typical definition for male or female bodies". Some people would argue that transgender individuals and intersex individuals are considered to be two heads of the same coin and should be given equal rights to one another. However an intersex person is born the way they are whereas a transgender person is born a male or a female and wishes to switch to the other gender. ... Show more content on ... From the time they are brought into this world their parents as well as themselves must struggle to find their sexual identity. Now on there other hand transgender people are born with either male sexual organs or female sexual organs. They feel as if they are one stuck in the other one 's body, but nonetheless it is a psychological desire within the person 's conscious which seeks to become the other gender. It 's perfectly fine to push for what you believe in but it 's a totally different ball game trying to get everyone else to believe to. People are being treated unfairly and without consideration. According to Elizabeth Ries the author of "Divergence and disorder" Stated " The conditions once known under the umbrella terms intersex and hermaphroditism are now generally being called disorders of sex development in medical settings. The terms might seem synonymous, but in fact there are significant differences with controversial consequences. The term disorder of sex development may promise clarity for doctors who diagnose patients with such conditions and provide some relief for parents of children being born with such conditions, but it has produced considerable rancor among adults who identify as intersex. Specifically, their problem is with the word disorder. The disability rights movement has taught us that atypicality does not necessarily mean disordered. Doesn 't disorder imply something is seriously wrong and needs to ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Patriot Act is Detrimental to the Rights of American... Over two hundred years ago, the founding fathers of this great nation signed their names to the Declaration of Independence, sending a message to Great Britain that they were tired of being subservient to a monarch who had no respect for his people. These extraordinary men understood the concept of liberty and embraced it with great passion. They were all too familiar with the consequences of a government with excess power. In order to prevent America from returning to the ways of Great Britain, they crafted one of the greatest documents ever written, the Constitution of the United States of America. Contained in the Constitution is the Bill of Rights which details the rights the citizens of the United States of America are guaranteed. ... Show more content on ... in Hulse). On October 23, 2001, Representative F. James Sensenbrenner from the ninth district of Wisconsin introduced the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 to Congress ("Bill"). The bill contained many surveillance provisions that the Justice Department had submitted to Congress in the past ("Seeking"). The Bush administration used this time to bully Congress into passing the USA PATRIOT Act. The administration insinuated that any future attacks were going to be blamed on members of Congress who stood against the bill ("Surveillance").Unfortunately, many members of Congress panicked under the pressure of the circumstances and voted in favor of this unconstitutional bill. Despite the facts that the act had minimal discussion or debate and contained many provisions that attacked the rights of citizens, the complex, 342 page bill passed with a vote of ninety–eight to one in the Senate and 356 to sixty–six in the House of Representatives (Cornehls 78). On October 26, 2001, just forty–five days after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 became Public Law Number 107–56 with the signature of former President George W. Bush ("Bill"). The idea that forty–five days was long enough to analyze the bill itself and the reasons behind the success of the terrorist attacks on September 11 is problematic. The Bush Administration and Congress "...acted without any careful or systemic effort to determine whether weaknesses in our ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Analysis Of Claudia Rankine's Citizen: An American Lyric In Citizen: An American Lyric written by Claudia Rankine, there is a passage where a man is stopped because he fits the description of a "criminal". The speaker faces immense trauma just trying to relay to the officer that he is not the perpetrator they are looking for. In fact he is just another person trying to get home from a long day at the office. The officers refuse to listen which angers the victim and causes him to curse at the officer saying, "Go ahead hit me motherfucker." (Rankine 107) While the victim could not have been held for the original reason, he was now charged with speeding. The victim was then taken down to the station on new charges. After being wrongfully targeted, held, fingerprinted, and stripped, he was finally let ... Show more content on ... One phrase is repeated throughout the passage: "And still you are not the guy and still you fit the description because there is only one guy who is always the guy fitting the description." (Rankine 109) This quote from this piece in the novel refers to how even though the victims of police brutality are often innocent, they are still labeled as guilty. This ties in with stereotypical racism. Blacks are labeled as criminals due to their skin color, and the fact that they are still repetitively targeted as criminals despite the removal of segregation proves that we as a society have no made as great of advancements as we thought we have. The police are allowed to brush off their mistake as "harmless" because they claim that the victims of police brutality looked like perpetrator of the crime, as if that is a good enough reason to forcefully arrest a person with no explanation to that person. When they are caught making these mistakes, they claim they were attacked first, despite the common evidence of proof that was not what happened. This phrase is repeated numerous times throughout the seemingly short passage. The phrase is repeated for emphasis on how the speaker was just a civilian, who was wrongfully arrested for a crime he did not commit, just based on his minority status. If police had some kind of protocol to follow before their arrests, then this situation could have been avoided completely. If the police are really here to help us, then they would have sought for what was in the best interest of the person who was arrested. There is an urgent need of change in our justice systems, starting from the arrests themselves. Blacks and other minorities are being dehumanized and targeted randomly every ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Japanese American Citizens League The Japanese American Citizens League, also known by the acronym JACL, is a Nisei organization founded in 1929 with the initial goal of lobbying for Japanese–American Civil Rights while promoting the integration of citizens into American culture. Since its inception the JACL has expanded its mandate to focus on lobbying for the Civil Rights of all Asian–American citizens and protecting Japanese–American cultural heritage. The JACL is considered one of the oldest and one of the most influential national organizations promoting social justice and equality throughout the country. The actions of the JACL have frequently been shaped by and frame in response to varying historical events as well as both public prejudice and political attitudes. As a result, the organization has, at times, been both critiqued by the Asian–American community for its support of racist government policies and praised for its opposition of legislative discrimination. In particular the organization has been criticized for its complacency during World War Two (1939–1945) with the federal government 's discriminatory internment of Japanese–American citizens. The origins of the JACL reside in the large number of Asian immigrants into the United States at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century who typically took up residence in the regions along the American west coast. Despite being earnest labourers, entrepreneurs, and American citizens those of Asian ancestry where ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. A Speech On The American Citizen Essay As I stand at this podium, I am reminded of all my predecessors that have made this position a reality for someone like myself. I owe much gratitude to our country's founding fathers. They built the constitution this country now sits on. I feel personally obliged to thank the influential figures that have helped to gradually transform "all men are created equally" to actually include men and women of all shapes, sizes and forms. Like President Obama, I am "mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors" (Obama, 1). I promise my presidency will make them nothing less than proud. President X, thank you for your "service to our nation" (Obama,1). And lastly a thank you is needed for my comrades, the American citizen. I accept the challenge that you have so graciously given me. Being the XX citizen to take this Presidential Oath it is impossible not to see how far this country and it's people have progressed since 1789. Despite our growth, we still have much more to make, our journey is far from over. I promise to not stunt our country's growth, but give it the tools necessary to grow. We must learn to truly love our country. We have to learn to love all of it's people, all of it's land and accept and forgive it's history. In these next four years I plan to usher in an era of equality. When our future generations read about these four years in their textbooks, I want them to read that we finally figured it out. That we finally saw one another as equals, That finally, ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Japanese American Citizen Book Review The Japanese internment camps during the 1940s are often likened to the United States' version of concentration camps. This period of time was one that allowed fear to win in regards to national security. Already targets of immigration quotas and systematic violence and racism, Japanese Americans were the victims of this skeleton in domestic policy during the 1940s. The hypocritical United States was liberating the Jewish people Nazi Germany, but was sending its own citizens, with Japanese heritage, to camps of its own. This stark comparison of two developed and "civilized" countries committing similar crimes to their own citizens presents the question of how and why the United States government sponsored the internment of Japanese Americans. ... Show more content on ... Through their support of the executive, legislative and judicial branches, this process with fully enforced; therefore Japanese Americans had no choice but to comply despite the obvious violations against their rights. Japanese Americans economically lost their rights because they had to sell their possessions and leave their homes, businesses and jobs. At control centers, families and individuals were registered with numbers, yet another comparison to the Germans use of serial numbers to identify their Jewish population. In Citizen by Miné Okubo, she illustrates the idea that these internment camp prisoners could show for their lives is what they could carry. While the number their luggage is used to match it to the correct family, in the illustration it could be argued that the tags dehumanize the Japanese Americans and likened them to their luggage. Continuing with the contrast of the Holocaust, the United States government then "herded [Japanese Americans] into 171 special trains, 500 in each train." In subsequent illustrations, Okubo shows the poor living conditions while living in the camps. Contained in one of the ten possible internment camps, Japanese Americans could expect to live in barracks with small living quarters, with a "military–like routine." Many, if not all, Japanese Americans, felt as if they had lost their freedom, which included their political status and rights. Some Japanese Americans died in ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Nick As An American Citizen On May 16, 2017 I interviewed Nick about what it means to be American to him. Nick is an American citizen that lives in California. He is a father of 4 children. He is a very hard working man that always holds a job and has a good look on society and how to live through it. To start off, Nick loves and adores America because "of the rights it provides him as a citizen." He states how luck each and everyone of people are lucky to be living in such a great country because of the opportunities it gives. Sure political views may influence the lifestyles of an average American citizen, but to Nick, he says that it does not affect his everyday life because it is irrelevant. The American dream to Nick, is to have a nice house with his family and ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Rights Of American Citizens In June 2013, Edward Snowden–a former agent for the Central Intelligence Agency–leaked confidential government information to the public through The Guardian by journalists that consequently published it on the Internet. In doing so, Snowden exposed the National Security Agency's (NSA) spy programs that infringe upon the rights of American citizens, which has catalyzed legal controversy and skepticism towards the United States government due to the violation of privacy (Liu 2014). The Internet is a vast host for a plethora of information and communication between people; private activities and messages between people are not protected under United States laws, which can be exploited. The problem is seen in the NSA's unwarranted ... Show more content on ... With the ever–changing dynamics of the Internet and its vast freedom, the United States government needs to update its laws and create new laws to adapt to technology today. Currently, there are laws today such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) that were passed in order to incorporate government surveillance into the electronic age; however, "it has not [been] meaningfully updated since the advent of the World Wide Web" (1264). The Internet has been in existence since 1969–and since the ECPA has not been updated since then, it is outdated. With such an outdated and ineffective law, there needs to be changes made to public policy in correlation with perpetually changing technology to protect the privacy rights of American citizens across social networks. The CrimPC system is an ideal system to construct new privacy protection and surveillance laws that do not violate the American Constitution, as "CrimPC regulates more surveillance techniques than ECPA [by] restricting the use of undercover agents in law enforcement; neither the ECPA nor any United States statute or constitutional provision regulates undercover operatives" (1268). ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Essay On Being An American Citizen America, the land of the free and he home of the brave, but what exactly does this mean to me? Many countries in the world no matter how old or young they may be cannot compare to the Democratic free society created by the blood sweat and tears of pilgrims colonist and slaves. The freedoms and liberties outlined in the Constitution at the time they were written were unheard of. The bravery of the leaders of the Revolutionary war, the Patriots, and the young and the old is the same bravery that all our branches of military have today. Being an American citizen was a blessing that I was born into. However, for other people who were born into less fortunate places would give anything even their lives to get to America. When the pilgrims first landed here they were looking for a new life. They were searching for religious freedom. When the other settlements began to form the settlers were searching for freedoms of their own. The freedom to own land and govern themselves even tho they were under the King's reign. The bravery of these settlers has to be thought of as amazing because they survived horrible passages across the Atlantic Ocean. Only, to arrive and suffer from starvation, suffrage, and terrible seasons. So, when I think of my country I think of these brave people and realize that this is why I get to live the way that I live ... Show more content on ... The bravery of these men to fight the greatest trained military in the world is so admirable. The Patriots of the Revolutionary war were the role models of our military today. I can enjoy the freedoms of this great nation because I know that our military is protecting the my constitutional rights and keeping me safe. America not only means freedom, it means that I can enjoy those freedoms because my rights are protected by the military that fights for the rights of this ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Becoming An American Citizen America, the most majestic, beautiful, and free nation in the world. I am proud to be an American citizen. I could not imagine living anywhere else in the world. This nation has so much to give. Natural resources, vast oceans and rivers, majestic mountains, and fertile valleys. The freedom that this nation offers to me and my family is an honor and a liberty that I will never abuse. I am 12 years old and I revere and embrace everything this nation has to offer, however I'm sad to say many of my peers are not as enthusiastic as I am. Many of them are lazy, do not respect the public property, and do not help with anything. One of the closest things to my heart are the veterans, they sacrifice their life so me and my peers can have all ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Mexican American Citizen Rights After the first decade following the Mexican War, Mexican Americans and Anglo Americans were in mutual cooperation in New Mexico. Which meant that the Mexican Americans were able to uphold their institutions and culture. Although they were able to maintain these key aspects, they knew they would not always be able to control what happened to them if they did not become a state, instead the government could and would make regulations against them. To solve this impending problem, they held a convention in Santa Fe, New Mexico. As a result of the fear and convention they implemented the state constitution, which was set in 1912. One of the solutions according to the constitution was that all people who were citizens of the state, including the Mexican Americans, as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe–Hidalgo, would be able to vote, hold office, sit on juries except for the reasons outlined in the constitution. It was trying to ensure that despite someone's origins, the people would have the same citizen rights. The following solution was for the children who were Mexican American. It called for the state to officially become bilingual, in English and Spanish. The constitution called for the institution for the accessibility of teachers to learn spanish as well, as it would then become a requirement for them. The reasoning was articulated so ... Show more content on ... Especially if they should fall to a small number, they would be protected by the constitution of the state. It stated in order for it to be amended, three fourths of the electors must be voting in the whole state and then in that three fourths, two thirds must vote in each county vote for each amendments. Only then can the majority vote legally to amend the state constitution. This is all in accordance to the UCLA M159A Course Reader, by Juan Gomez–Quinones ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. American Citizen Memo Dear Since I left Cedar Falls, each day I have missed the love and support I received from you all. When I moved to Iowa, God called me to bring hope and healing to broken individuals and communities. In discussions with many of you about our polarized media, increased radical Islamization, global terrorism and the huge gaps between people of diverse faiths I realized that these issues have hurt many of us. As you all know I am very American at heart. God brought me to this country to fulfill God's purpose. I chose to become a U.S. citizen because of its freedom and values. The U.S. is going through a difficult period which became worse after the 9/11 attack. I believe that the future health of the U.S. depends upon addressing the gray areas that are usually overlooked. To me, gray areas are the middle ground in political, religious and sociological belief systems. By learning about these, we can understand, accept and embrace our neighbors, coworkers, and family members who either don't look like us or don't share the faith and values we do. You know that in Cedar Falls I led a couple of seminars to address some of these issues, to help people of all political and religious persuasions explore the gray areas and to give us and our next generation the kind of ... Show more content on ... I have spent a year setting up a film company in New York. I have done it on my own and it has been a hard and painful journey. It's the first film company of its kind to be committed to making films focused on public theology, social justice and mental health and wellness. Filmmaking is an expensive undertaking. Films require millions of dollars from script writing to display in theaters. Although I have set up a film company, I don't think I can produce a film without your help and support. I am looking for the same kind of support you all gave me when I was in Cedar ... Get more on ...