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Trench Conditions In Ww1 Essay
Early on in World War 1, protection for troops became a vital aspect of war as a result of the
increased power, accuracy and precision of newly developed weapons. Armies began to dig large
corridors in the ground that became known as trenches. Originally thought to only be a temporary
defensive tactic soon became a primary part of warfare. However, the conditions in the trenches
became harsh and unsanitary due to battle raging around them and the lack of previsions. As a
result, illness and disease spread rapidly and the reality of war as well as the traumatic experiences
soldiers faced impacted troops in the short and long term. As trenches became a more frequent
tactic, the simple design was improved and adjusted to suit the troops, area and task that it would be
used for. They became a very important part of tactical warfare and some layouts could be very
complex. Trenches were first used on the Western Front by both opposing sides. Due to severe
exhaustion, dwindling resources and the horrific death toll, both sides dug into the ground and
assumed a defensive post. Most trenches were dug deep enough that men couldn't be seen from
above. Troops were then ordered to seek momentary cover in the trenches (FIGURE 1) however
eventually it became their permanent front line. ... Show more content on ...
Illnesses such as trench fever and trench foot were common due to rodents, insects and lice. Trench
Foot was a disease caused by wet, muddy and cold trench conditions. This caused damaged sensory
nerves, inflammation and swollen limbs. (FIGURE 4) Similar to Malaria, Trench Fever wasn't a
severe disease however affected an estimated 380,000–520,000 members of the British Army. The
illness was transmitted via various insects found in the trenches. Several attempts were made to find
a treatment however were unsuccessful but could be prevented by dousing clothing into insecticides.
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Gun Safety Essay
Gun Safety
Some people like to shoot guns for hunting, some like to shoot them for recreation. Whatever the
reason, when using guns, there are steps you need to take to be safe, whether shooting or storing
them. The first basic rule is to never assume your gun is not loaded. No matter what, always check
to make sure there is no ammunition in the gun. Another big rule is to remember that the safety
(which is to prevent the gun from firing) of the gun is a mechanical device and can fail. Always
point the gun in a safe direction (which is away from people, etc.). Horseplay should be avoided at
all times when handling a gun. For storage, always make sure the gun is unloaded and locked in a
location that is inaccessible to children. ... Show more content on ...
***For added protection, there are different types of storage and/or locks for guns also. The first is a
lockbox. It is a small metal case that is used for handguns. An advantage of this case is that there is
quick access if the lock is pushbutton. A disadvantage is that it costs more than a trigger or cable
lock. The average price is anywhere from $40 to $200+. Second, a gun vault or safe comes in a
variety of sizes to fit all types of guns. Some advantages are that it is difficult to steal, allows for
numerous guns of different sizes, there is storage for other items and valuables, and they are usually
fire safe. Some disadvantages are that it costs more than cable locks or lock boxes and they are also
heavy and difficult to move. The price range is anywhere from $100 to $2000. The cable lock is a
cable that is inserted into the chamber and locked (like a bike lock) to prevent a shell from being
fired. Advantages are that the long cables are able to thread through several guns and they are
inexpensive. Disadvantages are that the cable is thin and can be easily cut. Price ranges from free to
$20+. Next the trigger lock is a two piece rigid cylinder that fits behind the trigger so it cannot
move. A combination opens this lock. Advantages are that it is inexpensive, they are widely
available, and there is quick access to the gun. Some disadvantages are that they may break easily
and may not prevent theft because the locks can be removed later. Some models can be
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Gun Control And Self-Defense
Self Defense some people take self defense classes to protect themselves from kidnap, fight , or rob.
But, some people carry gun instead of leanings how to fight. In united stairs carry gun is legal,
because It legals, there are shooting in many place such as school, concert, or movie theater. That is
why there are some augment about gun control. People thought that gun should be carried around
like bottle of water. However I believe that carry gun is a big source of self defense, it protects
people from rape and rob. Many women are big rist of rape and violence. Women should carry gun
to protect themselves from any harm because they are weak, they are not strong enough to fight
againt men. It would have been safe if women have in her ... Show more content on
People are not happy with the gun anymore. No matter if it benefit the self defense if it cause
violence, kill, or murder, people would not happy with it. Finally, its not the gun, it about the people
who use the gun. They have to make sure are gun in the right hand. If in the right hand, it would use
for self defense only. Gun are know for self defense protect people from rob. It a second armament
say people have right to bear arm. What we need is full education on gun. We need to fully
understand how to correctly use them and understand that nothing scary because they there to
protect you. For example, what if someone breaks in to you house, he has a gun, what would you
do? You cant use a knife to protect yourself. She need gun to shoot gun. According to–criss–profile, (CNN) A California homeowner exercised his right
to bear arms –– and take pictures –– after a group of people tried to break into his home.' As we can
see that some people opinion only see the bad side of guns. They open their mind to understand why
gun are protecting from rob or burglar. Still some inograne people still think guns are for violence.
They still believe I guns are band then there will be less crime. Fro instance, Arguments Made By
Liberal Lawmakers posted by wrote, 'Private citizens shouldn't have
handguns, because they aren't "military weapons'', but private citizens shouldn't have "assault
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Argumentative Essay: Are Guns Safe For Children?
Shooting a gun, even safely, for fun or for marksmanship is looked down upon. This is because in
today's world, guns are seen as a symbol of death. This has been created by the rise of deaths caused
by gun violence and accidental shootings. Because of this, many parents do not allow their children
to shoot a gun. In spite of this, some parents are choosing to let their children shoot guns. In the eyes
of others, these parents are considered bad parents because they are endangering the lives of their
children. Actually, these parents have a good reason to let their children shoot guns. New studies are
showing that shooting a gun can help the development of a child. Even though there are some gun
violence and safety concerns, parents who allow ... Show more content on ...
In fact, to "Invite a child to learn how to shoot and the message is: I trust your ability to listen and
learn. I trust your ability to concentrate. I welcome you into a dangerous adult activity because you
are sensible and trustworthy...hearing an adult call them to their higher selves can be enormously
empowering. " (Baum 1). In other words, when a parent lets their child shoot a gun, they are trusting
them to use it safely. And when a child hears that their parents are asking them to be their best to
participate in a 'dangerous adult activity', children, who often don't get to do so, will listen and
become more trustful towards their parents. These parents are not bad parents, they are only building
a trustful relationship with their children by letting them shoot a gun. Another reason to why parents
who let their children shoot guns are good parents is because letting children shoot guns disciplines
them. Evidently, Dan Baum of TIME magazine explains "While traveling around the country talking
to gun owners, I met several who told me that when their teenage sons or daughters were going "off
the rails" – drinking, experimenting with drugs and getting poor grades – they started taking them
shooting. The very counterintuitive nature of the invitation – giving guns to druggies? – snapped the
children into focus...The discipline and focus that marksmanship
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My First Day When I Arrived During The United States
I can still clearly remember the second day when I arrived in the United States. I started to attend a
public high school. During my pre–calculus class, suddenly, the speaker broadcasted something like
"Code blue, this is not a warning. Teachers need to lock the door, and students please move away
from the windows". I was clueless since I barely spoke any English back then. Although, soon I
realized how dangerous the situation was. Someone brought a gun to school, and the police were
chasing after him in the hallway.
This brought us to our interview topic, which is regarding gun controls. I was lucky to have
someone, who's brother used to be in the military, Devin Friske as my interviewee. We started the
conversation with why America ... Show more content on ...
We then shift the focus to concealed carrying. Devin believes that open carrying is actually less
dangerous than concealed carrying. Since people know the fact that person has a gun. He also
mentioned his brother often concealed carry a handgun in his holster, although he would never want
to do that. Since his brother was in the military, he was properly trained with guns, and have a valid
license to do so. I followed with a question that, why people need to go through a test on how to
properly drive a car, but do not have to go through any training or checking to operate a gun. He
nodded and told me each time when he and his brother go to a gun range, his brother will treat the
weapon with respect, handle it carefully. Although, there are plenty of people do not have a brother
who was in the military. They learned from their father or their friends when they were six or seven
years old during a hunting trip. We reached an agreement with that, many other developed countries
have strict regulations on guns, and America should do the same.
Devin brought up another point that even the guns are heavily regulated, it would be still hard to
stop people from borrowing guns from each other. If two people have the same gun, it could be
easily mixed and creates complications. I asked him why people do not like having a fingerprint
sensor on the gun. He thinks the gun manufacturers do not like that since it adds cost to productions.
Also, this will
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Gun Control Laws
While many people believe there should be more gun control and the possibility of banning guns all
together, I believe the gun control laws should not be changed. Although there are many reasons that
may persuade people to choose to ban guns, I believe that there are several other reasons that lead to
all the tragedies with guns in America. Banning guns is not an answer the gun problem in America,
there are a few other things that could be done to stop gun violence. In this essay I will tell about
why I believe gun control laws should not be changed. After the many shootings in schools over the
past two years, many people believe guns should be made illegal for civillians to posses or purchase
guns. While this may make it difficult for ... Show more content on ...
Also, many people obtain guns from stealing it from another person, or buying it off a citizen who is
unknowledgable or uncaring for the law, or the temperment of the buyer. Besides, if a person who is
of age, and has a clear record wishes to buy a gun to be violent with it, there is no way of preventing
him or her. Anyone who believes strengthening the gun control laws would reduce gun violence is
correct. However, if someone wants to kill someone, not having a gun is unfortunately not going to
stop him or her. If a gun is not accessible, a person who wishes to kill someone will use another
weapon that is accessible, such as a knife or bludgeon of sorts. Banning guns will lessen gun
violence, but will bring up a rise in violence with other weapons. Unfortunately, many people
possess guns would should not posses one. However I do not see it feasible to strengthen guns laws.
I believe that there should be stronger penalties for people who are caught with a gun illegally and
stronger penalties for people who are or threaten violence with a gun. This would make people think
twice about smuggling a gun, or carry them when they are not supposed to. This might also
influence Congress to pass a law for a stronger background check on people purchasing a gun,
which would satisfy both sides of this argument. A stronger penalty for gun offenders might cause
the amount of violence without a gun to rise a
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Gun Control Restrictions
The United States has 88.8 guns per 100 people, which is the highest total in the world. The guns
was first intended for hunting and self–protection. Later on, it was brought into the military for use.
For that reason, people believe that guns can only be used in the military. Others say that the Second
Amendment gives them the right to have guns and use it for protection. This was for if any person
tried to attack them, they would have protection with them at all times. Later on, guns got used for
the wrongs reasons. More crimes were being develop, like the assassination of President John F.
Kennedy. Now, people want more restrictions on gun ownership and how it should be used. If some
restrictions were to be made, some say it will not make much of a difference. Guns use had lead to
violence in the past, but also it coud be a good protection for humans against attackers. The
argument that may still be going on today is if the United States should put more restrictions on gun
ownership and use. The reasons why people are still asking for more restrictions is because more
crimes and shooting as been happening lately. There were about 126 mass shootings around 2001 to
2014. The opponents of this issue think that if more restrictions were made, that would not change
the fact that there would be as much shootings as there was. Reasons to believe this was that even
with more restrictions, shootings would still go on. Nothing would stop the criminals from killing
others. Now,
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Persuasive Essay On Gun Control
An immense majority of citizens want to implement gun control and another majority want to
discharge their second amendment with no boundaries. This right hast in positive and negative
views as a result of the way people decide to use their weapons. Some characters instantly think of
violence when hearing the word "gun". Guns and violence have a great deal in relation and that
gives the second amendment an authentic bad reputation. Criminals and terrorists also give guns a
unfavorable consideration. People think negatively about the right to bear arms because of the
following events such as, mass murder, gang related murders/shootings, and armed burglaries. These
positions are the main things distressing the government to have higher control over guns. Despite
the fact that the situations exist all through the nation, numerous favorable things come along with
this right as well. People discount the superiority of owning a gun and comprehend how it benefits
the government and population. A gun can be used widely for basic self–protection. Individuals
carry their gun around with themselves in order to be guarded against others whom may cause harm
upon them. Hunting can also be popular for using a gun as a sport, bringing many positive outcomes
for the hunters. Not only do hunters benefits from guns but so do the government. Countless citizens
throughout the country buy guns legally for their benefits and with these purchases: the government
makes an immense amount of money by
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Guns And Crime And Violence Essay
Guns and crime. These two words sound interesting, right? Now think about it deeply, do they really
link to each other? Do guns surely lead to crime and violent issues? If so, should governments set
restrictive rules for people who own and use the guns, such as provide the mental health reports, and
test the shooting skills before purchasing the guns? These questions have been mentioned and
discussed over and over again in today's world. We can often hear the news about gun violence, such
as a tragic mass shooting somewhere around the world and tons of victims who died from the
accident, or husband that shot his wife by accident. Thus, many people, especially people in
America, are asking, and even doubting whether or not it is beneficial to own guns at home without
a license. In my opinion, I think that owning a gun can be helpful sometimes in some ways, as it can
always be the extremely powerful and helpful weapon for self–defense, especially when help from
the law enforcement officers are not available.
Being a student in the United States, I have often heard many stories about gun violence. I always
thought it was something that would never happen to me and people around me until that Friday
night. I clearly remember that it was a chill and windy night. A dark sky was full of the blazing stars,
and a round bright moon hanging in the sky. Everything just seemed so quiet and perfect. During the
time, I was sleeping peacefully in bed, and all of a sudden I heard someone
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The Issue Of Gun Violence
Gun Violence
Guns have been is society for centuries. They have been used for hunting, war, and even safety.
However, in the past several years they have begun to take the lives of many innocent victims, often
young children. In response to the killings in Newtown, Conn., it has been noted, "If this were a
country, the number of children killed by gun violence would violate international law." (Browne–
Marshall) F.B.I. data shows in 2011, 1,668 African American children were killed due to guns. Day
by day gun violence is rising and it is not only in ghetto neighborhoods.
It has spread to the suburbs and small towns. Gun violence rates have increased in the last decade
due to hatred and societal issues, and while shooters and victims both face many difficult obstacles,
there are some solutions that the public and schools can enforce through awareness.
One major cause of Gun Violence is hatred, which can lead to many different outcomes. These
outcomes can either have a good affect on some or a negative. For example, Getting caught and now
having a criminal record. Some may learn from this and never commit another crime. The rest on
the other hand can be more raged when released from jail. This will cause them to escalate down the
same path as before. These people are causing the same problems to society as before. Therefore
they are a living threat to everyone around them.
Another cause of gun violence is social
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The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control
Gun control is an obviously controversial issue in American society. Gun advocates want no
restrictions on what they can buy or whom guns can be sold to, gun control advocates are the
opposite. In this paper, I will be arguing in favor of gun control, using the moral theory of
Utilitarianism to explain who should be able to own guns, and under what conditions; I will be using
John Stuart Mill's stance on utilitarianism to reference my argument. I will also be using LaFollette's
"Gun Control" to back up my argument. Because of such events as mass shootings becoming a more
frequent problem, I argue that people should be monitored and screened thoroughly when applying
to own a gun; also, that the number of guns sold to the public should be restricted, as well as the
types of guns. Using LaFollette's scales, I am arguing for moderate abolition (MA) and moderate
restrictions (MR) on guns.
LaFollette presents the question "Do citizens have a 'serious right to bear arms'?". This question is
presented from a moral point of view, not a constitutional one, and is viewed on by both gun
advocates and gun control advocates. Are there sufficient arguments against private gun ownership,
or compelling arguments why the government should allow guns? LaFollette presents these other
questions only to scratch on the surface of a possible answer to the first question. In uncovering a
possible answer, LaFollette uses words like fundamental rights, fundamental interests, and
derivative rights
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The Pros and Cons of Gun Control in the United States Essay
Gun control is a growing issue as of late, due to recent events such as school shootings as well as
crimes which are committed daily due to gun violence the issue has been more controversial than
ever before. IT is true that by owing a gun you can feel a sense of self– empowerment as it can
allow you to protect yourself as well as your loved ones. However, owing a gun is a double edge
sword in today's world. The reason is that with the sudden increase in gun violence more people
have beganbegun to become anti–gun. The government does help by passing laws which will not
allow certain people to own or buy guns. The problem with that type of situation is that those people
can still own guns by going through a third party in order to receive ... Show more content on ...
The biggest pro when it comes to owning a gun is the sense of security and protection it allows you
to obtain being a homeowner or family member. It allows you to understand that if you are being
burglarized or if somebody does try to break into your home a gun provides you a way to protect
yourself as well as your family. It is a fact that 74% of burglars stay away from homes are occupied
by those who own guns due to the fear of what could happen. The best part about owning a gun is
you can keep burglars or vandals at bay without even having to fire your gun;, just the sight of a gun
will keep people from trying to break into your homes.
Now for the con side of this debate, first I would have to say that having a gun is extremely risky.
There is danger associated with owning a gun. You can be foolish and leave your gun where
children may have access to it which can lead to more pressing issues. This is why when small
children are in the house keep your guns hidden and do not allow them to know where these guns
are. Also I wo9uld like to say that video games which incorporate gun violence can put ideas in a
child's head that guns are fun. This is far from the truth as guns are not fun and should not be viewed
as a fun hobby to get into, especially by younger children.
Another con to consider when owning a gun is the risk of harming friend, neighbor, or even a family
member by accident. Looking into gun control I have found information which shows
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Gun Control : A Violation Of Rights?
Gun Control: A Violation of Rights? There are a myriad of issues that citizens of the United States
do not have enough education about. These people may only know one side, or may not know any
side at all. Various topics range from abortion to gay rights. One issue in particular that deserves a
great deal of attention is gun control. Certainly many Americans have heard little snippets about the
opposing views on the issue; however, not all people have enough education to make informed
decisions on where they stand with the issue. Numerous questions can be brought up from not
knowing any information, but one specific question that Americans should be concerned with is, is
gun control a violation of Americans' Constitutional rights? Gun control is worthy of sustained
research and writing because it is a huge national issue. It is important for citizens of the United
States to be informed about the MYRIAD of issues that arise within the country, and also around the
world; therefore, if people living in the country want to become productive members of our society,
they should start to learn about the various issues that country deals with (one of them being gun
control). When people gather more and more information about issues such as gun control, they will
be able to form better opinions about the problems, and thus, have a better say in what steps the
government takes in tackling those issues. Personally, I am interested in this topic because my
boyfriend is a
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Persuasive Essay On Gun Control
Gun control continues be a controversial and divisive topic in United States. The United States is the
country with the highest rate of civilian gun ownership. Many people buy guns to protect themselves
and their families. Some people buy guns for suicide, and some for crimes. Guns can bring security
to many people, as well as insecurity for many. Should people be allow to have guns?
According to US News, "We Need Gun Control to Stop More Than Criminals" by Susan Milligan,
criminals don't allow the laws, so guns control don't stop them from crime, but there are have a
tragedy about guns. In New Mexico, a twelve year old boy shot two classmates. Just because his
family has gun, so he got the gun easily. If his family have not gun, tragedy would not have
happened. The second gun tragedy is about a retired policeman shoot a men who was texting during
a movie time in Movie Theater. If he could not bring a gun into the theater, the tragedy would not
have happened. An experienced killer shot two people at the grocery store. If he had a strict
background survey before he bought the gun, it wouldn't have happened. Gun control can stop a lot
of murders.
According to the article "5 arguments against gun control–and why they are all wrong" by Evan
Defilippis and Devin Hughes described good people will stop it. A good man with guns can prevent
bad men who have guns. Also; A good man needs guns to protect himself and family. The gun–free
zone is dangerous, which ordinary residents who cannot be protecting themselves because bad guys
are more assault to gun–free zones. Criminals will prefer to choose a no gun zone because there is
no resistance. Guns are just a tool for criminals, and they can use other weapons, such as knives.
Gun control cannot prevent terrorists from going to crime. The bad man can find weapon in another
From those two articles in the above have different opinions about gun control. One is supporting
other is against gun control. First, "We Need Gun Control to Stop More Than Criminals" by Susan
Milligan describe three of the reasons why people should support gun control. The author believes
that gun control has brought about many tragedies. For example, young children shot their
classmates because
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Persuasive Essay On Why Guns Are Bad
Have you ever thought of owning a gun?These weapons are used everyday in combat against other
countries and also by police officers in situations where they feel their life is in danger.We expect so
little from actual citizens when they acquire a weapon, then we wonder why there's such a high
number of murderers and many massacres happening around us,owning a weapon is a great
responsibility especially for those with children for the fact that their has been cases in which
children have died in the past for handling a gun left in a unsafe place.
Initially, Owning a gun for the sake of our safety and that of our loved ones can be a good reason as
to why someone could own a gun, it essential so when you have someone breaking into your house
or threatening the life of your family, but having this at an unsafe place could be really tragic for the
simplicity that any young kid could see it as a toy and may point it at someone and accidentally hurt
them or even more seriously kill them we as state should enforce a law that if something like this
ever happens we should hold the person which the weapon is registered to accountable for the
accidental deaths caused by their weapon.
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Gun Control And Income Inequality
What is considered gun control and income inequality? How long have these topics been problems
in America and why have they not been taken care of? Everyone has seen the stories on the news
and on the internet of the mass shootings and the income inequality between men and women. I was
always into the gun control conversation because my entire family was. Recently gun control has
been back on the news due to two mass shootings. One took place in Las Vegas at a concert and
another took place in Texas at a church. People say that if we had more regulations and made
background checks harder those mass shootings may not have happened. However, I was not into
the income inequality because I was too young to really understand what it was when it became a
hot topic in the news. Income inequality has not been on the news recently but is still an issue to
many people. I have researched both topics on many different websites. The articles I found and
used are from professors and people who research these topics. Gun control can be a good and a
terrible thing. Some people say there is no such thing as gun control and some say gun control
already exists. What exactly is gun control? Well, everyone has their own view on what gun control
is and what it should contain. Some say gun control is taking away guns, people taking and passing
tests, and making more laws and regulations. Others say gun control should not exist and that it is
not needed anywhere in the United States. There is no
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Should Guns Be Allowed Public Places?
December 15, 1791 Second amendment to the United States Constitution protects the rights of the
people to bear arms. As for many people this I've been known for years but it was brought to my
attention that I was asked today " should guns be allowed in public places?"; such as schools, parks
and malls. As I was being questioned, it took me a minute answer, I agree gun should be allowed in
places but here's my reasons why. Growing up I always seen my father protect, defend, and honored
his family at any cost. So I 'm big on protection. Guns in schools should be allowed but only in the
right hands, Parks are dangerous and even though your child maybe having fun and your keeping a
close eye, you never know who 's watching from a far, and last but not least malls, Around a certain
time there are some people who watches your closer than you know. People are dangerous in the
world. I believe guns should be allowed but only in The right hands. Policemen and anyone who
takes the class and passes all test should be able to their weapon wherever they please.
" If someone was to ever break into the house, I would lay down my life so you and your mother
could get to safety." My father once told me as little girl. "If you see a gun in the house do you touch
it?" "No sir." I responded "Do you know why we have a gun in the house?" "Yes sir, for our
protection." Growing up with a military father his main things were order and protection. When I
was younger I never
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Guns In John Steinbeck's The Grapes Of Wrath
Guns are one of the first things that people turn to, but what they don't know is that it eventually
backfires and changes their future. For example: when Davy shoots Finch and Baska the first thing
he turns to is a gun, not once does he think about talking to them about what's going through their
heads,instead he shoots then and will eventually end up in jail for his actions. Guns are also a
symbol of peace making.He shot them because the Land family was a nice calm family until Finch
and Baska can and stirred everything up, so Davy shot them so PEACE could come once again.
Additionally when Finch and Baska are breaking into the Land family's house Ruben
explains:"Then the door handle turned– the back door, off the kitchen. I knew that little squeal. How
I wanted to be Davy coming in, smoky and quiet and shaking off water, but Favy was inside already
sleeping not five feet from me, breathing through his nose in satisfied draughts. Nor was it Dad, for
I could hear him too, rolling to the fro in sleep, wrestling his headache." (48) This quote is
explaining how ... Show more content on ...
We didn't see him at first , though he'd not worked hard at concealment. He simply picked a spot–in
view of the house and shaded from morning sun–and sat still.He'd even entered the barn and
retrieved an old straight–back chair to ease the wait."(299) As Jape is sitting there waiting for his
move he sits there just waiting. Eventually Jape Waltzer shot and he hit Jeremiah in his right side.
Jape turned to a gun first and it his future by putting him on the run from the police again and, it also
ruined the land families future because they don't have a dad now. By turning to a Gun Jape Waltzer
made his world at peace again by stopping all the chaos just from shooting an innocent
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Should Guns All Together?
America was built by men who did not follow laws of the colonial time period they would store
guns in a shed and if the red coats (British soldiers) started to cause any trouble, these men would be
ready to arm themselves at a moment's notice. Hence the name minute men. And since that is how
the states won the war against England it would make since that it would be one of the first rights
that we have as American. But now a days people are abusing the right to bare arms, especially
during the past few decades. With massive shootings from almost every place that you would think
is safe. From elementary schools to clinics. People even question whether those who are supposed to
keep us from harm are even safe. So should we ban guns all together? No, that would cause more
harm than good but what we could do is make it harder for people to get guns. At this moment I
could go down to a store like Walmart, fill out a couple pieces of paper, cough up forty dollars and
in two weeks, may be less, own my very own pistil. That is too easy, what should be done before I'm
even allowed to buy gun, is some sort of mental health screening. Something that is going to say
"Yes, mentally she is in no danger to herself or to anyone else." A mental evaluation will lessen the
number of people able to gain a gun, keep a gun and help the final verdict of a case. Having a law
that requires a mental evaluation will make less people able to buy a gun for three reasons. The first
and probably the
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Persuasive Essay On Gun Control
Everyone knows it, especially living in Texas, many people try to change or modify it but nobody
has been quite successful. It is second amendment written in the constitution, the right to bear arms,
it was clearly important if it was the second right after the freedom of speech1. Guns can cause mass
destruction when put into the wrong hands, or they could be great protection to those in danger.
Guns are a very common form of protection owning guns are so common that about thirty five
percent of all household's own guns. For many people the winter brings warms thoughts of warm
sugarplums and hot chocolate. However, for most Texans the thought of winter brings deer stands
and waking up early in the morning to go hunting2. Most of these hunters have to take certain
courses and they can easily purchase a gun that can take down very large wild animals. These guns
that are so easily purchased are the rights that were given to us by the U.S. constitution. There are so
many people that believe tightening gun laws will lower the amount of terrible violence's that
happen at the hand of gun holders. Tightening these laws does not make gun violence decrease, in
fact it makes the amount of crime that occurs go up. During the 1920s the prohibition started which
made consuming alcohol illegal for all3. During the time that alcohol was illegal the crime rate went
up because people did not stop drinking they just started to hide the fact that they were. There were
so many people that
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Violence And Gun Violence
On January 17, 2017, "Surge in the Violence" was released by the Crime lab at the University of
Chicago, which had combined a report on the statistics of homicides taken place in the year 2015
and 2016. The number of homicides taken place in the year of 2016 has soared by record high of 67
percent than the previous year. Chicago is one of the busiest and advanced cities in the world and
getting such high numbers in the field of crime is a shame and leaves a bad impression on the rest of
the world. The violence related to guns has also increased enormously and according to "Chicago
Tribune", 2,958 people have been shot dead by now this year. Though the data shows that the
homicides by gun has decreased significantly but the number is still a problem. The gun violence
now is a serious problem and the current situation demands strict gun laws.
During the past years gun violence has seen an enormous increase in various parts of the world and
majority of the cases been reported in the United States. The case includes victims such as children,
senior citizens and young adults engaging in violence or getting caught in the crossfires. The life of
common people is being affected, people are concerned as to how they can live safe lives when guns
are being used in increasing numbers. On an average, every day you hear about some sort of gun
violence affecting people either in your hometown or in another part of the world. It is a shame for a
country like United States to have such high
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Persuasive Essay On Gun Control
In the United States, 1 out 3 homes with kids have guns and approximately 1.7 million children live
in homes with an unlocked, loaded gun. Having unprotected guns lying around is not only extremely
dangerous, it can also lead to fatal accidents. Diane Dimond and David A. Fryxell both agree that
adults who own guns need to be responsible about having guns in homes to protect their children
and as a nation, we are accountable to open up a legitimate conversation regarding gun control.
Having such a powerful weapon end up in the wrong hands will lead to devastating tragedies and
can possibly destroy families. This nation needs to understand that without having an open
conversation to make a change our country will not progress but it will lead to increased homicides.
Owning a gun comes with a sense of power and false invincibility. Some may argue that guns are
just tools, the same way a knife is just a tool yet a gun is a tool that can take away someone else's
life in any second. So imagine a child being able to have such a deadly weapon in their possession.
In Roswell New Mexico, there was a school shooting that involved a 12–year–old boy, who got
ahold of this gun from his own home and used it to shoot two of his classmates. The two students
were both hospitalized and one student is now restricted the use of one arm. {Diamond, 1} In this
situation things probably would have turned out differently if the parents of the 12–year–old were
more responsible about their guns.The
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Shooting Dad by Sarah Vowell
"Shooting Dad," by Sarah Vowell, is about two completely different groups, with contrasting views,
that can learn to get along with one another. The reader learns through unsubtle clues that Vowell is
a Democrat and her father is a Republican. These collective groups offer completely different
viewpoints on many topics, therefore Vowell has a hard time getting along with her father. Vowell is
not a strong supporter of guns; however her father has magazine subscriptions devoted to gun
ownership, owns many guns, and belongs to an association for gun enthusiasts. Each group had their
own areas devoted toward their favorite candidates and used the kitchen and living room for neutral
zones. Vowell and her father both share the trait of a messy work area, but in their own way. Her
father's work area, in the shop, consisted of a "museum of death," that displayed antler from deer
that he had previously shot and metal shavings from ammunition covering the surface of the floor.
Vowell spent her free time in the music room, which had musical instruments and staff paper
covering her available surfaces. Vowell decided her opinion on all firearms when she was six years
old. After shooting it once, she knew that guns were not made for her use. She disliked the gun so
much that she whispered to it the gun as if it were a possession of Satan as soon as it went off. Years
later her father completed a replica of the Big Horn Gun. It was a cannon that was used by white
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Persuasive Essay On Gun Control
It appears as though the repetitive and unfortunate tragedies of mass shootings have become
incorporated into the everyday life of American culture. We are forced to live in a heightened degree
of fear, skepticism, and hesitation concerning our public safety. This phenomenon could reasonably
occur in response to the vast ineffectiveness of the country's current gun laws. Frequently, similar
misfortunes arise, yet few major changes are implemented to prevent them from reoccurring in the
future. We cannot let this trend continue any further. Some individuals claim that increased gun
control is useless and infringes upon the Second Amendment. However, it limits civilians' weapons
grade, obstructs those deemed unfit to wield them, and insures a greater level of security, thus
should be executed. Perhaps the most obvious defense against stronger restrictions on guns is the
Second Amendment: "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms." However, the phrasing of the
statement–which conforms to the tendencies throughout the Constitution as a whole–is ambiguous.
It signifies that the basic rights to own guns are constitutionally ensured, but its extent of regulation
may vary depending on how the legislators see fit. Logically, under no circumstance does a civilian
need to possess of military grade weapons. Neither hunting nor self–defense requires guns of that
standard. Similarly, there is the common phrase uttered by members of the National Rifle
Association (NRA) and other gun
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Guns Are A Controversial Topic
Guns are a very controversial topic for almost all people. There is a good amount of people who are
progun, for reasons such as self–defense, hunting, and so on. There is also a good amount of people
who are antigun, for reasons such as they kill people, they are dangerous, and so on. The people who
own them, view guns as tools or toys, vs. the people who are scared of them, view them as killing
machines. There are many different views, thoughts, and opinions on guns, but there is only one that
is right. In "Get a Knife, Get a Dog, but Get Rid of Guns" by Molly Ivins, the author is antigun. She
claims to be proknife, which is very interesting seeing as a good portion of the reason why people
are antigun is because guns kill people and you ... Show more content on ...
t This making her point here not make sense, because if the point was to cause less murders and
attacks it would not be very effective. It would be a better, more effective, idea for her to have been
anti gun and anit knife, so basically anit weapon. Molly Ivins claims to take what the second
amendment says literally, but she does not do this very well. The second amendment says, "A well–
regulated militia being necessary to the security of the free state, the right of the people to keep and
bear arms shall not be infringed"(qtd in Ivins323). Notice it says nothing about the people who own
guns having to be part of the well–regulated militia, which she claims here, "It says quite clearly that
guns are for those who form part of a well–regulated militia, that is, the armed force, including the
National Guard."(Ivins324). The amendment truly just says that in order to have a militia people
must have the right to own guns, which is something the author does not include in her
interpretation. Where she was going with her interpretation can be seen and it does make sense in a
way, but in the end it just seems like she made it so it fit here viewpoint. Ivins also say, "Fourteen–
year–old boys are not part of a well–regulated militia."(Ivins323). This should not even be included,
because of the fact that fourteen–year–old boys cannot even legally own guns. This means that they
would have gotten them illegaly, so if
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Coastal Artillery Research Paper
Coastal Artillery is an anti–ship artillery used to defend the coast with heavy sized weapons. In this
essay, you will learn a few facts on the history of Coastal artillery, and weaponry.
From the middle ages to WWII, Coastal artillery was highly important to the U.S. in the defense of
the coast and in naval battles. One of the first uses of coastal artillery was in 1381, but it expanded
in the 16th century, during the Age of Discoveries. In 1794, Coastal artillery was established as a
branch in the army, creating the first system in 1794 and the second system in 1804. Coastal artillery
was organized into 7 regiments, two of which were created in 1898. However, in 1901 Coastal
Artillery was abolished having created 126 heavy artillery and 30 ... Show more content on ...
The Army has used coastal artillery in many wars, and using the weaponry to defend the United
States coast. Because of the lack of Airplanes, and much of America's enemies could only reach
using the sea. They used heavy fortifications but also used things like, submarine minefields, nets
and booms, ships, and maybe even planes themselves. All of the armed forces contributed to the
defense of the coast. In WWI, Subs and planes became more useful and important.
Coastal artillery was responsible for the installation and operation of controlled mine fields.
Weapons for discharging missiles, placed along the shore for defense against naval attack. After
WWI, all but 10 regiments were disbanded. In 1922, coastal artillery acquired new 16–inch and 14–
inch weapons, however they received them in short supply. Fifteen Philippine Scouts Coastal
Artillery were created in 1922.
It was considered that one shore–based gun was equal to three naval guns of the same caliber. Land
based guns also benefited in most cases from additional protection to walls. The larges guns used by
coastal artillery were generally of 16–inch diameter. The 14–inch gun M1907 and its variants were
large weapons installed between 1895 and 1945. They weighed around 111,900 pounds, and were
495 inches in length. Shooting a shell that weighed 1,660 pounds. The gunners would feed this
weapon by hand. These were just a few weapons used by the Coastal
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Analysis Of The Man In Richard Wright's The Man Who Was...
In Richard Wright's "The Man Who Was Almost a Man," Dave finds himself throughout the course
of the story. Throughout the story, Dave is constantly seeking the pleasure of obtaining and then
eventually shooting a gun in order to be a man and find himself. However, Dave does not expect the
consequences that are to follow the pursuit of pleasure. The moral of the story pertains to the role
pleasure and its consequences have in development and finding oneself. The story narrates a
common, but little talked about problem, that runs rampant in today's society. In the story "The Man
Who Was Almost a Man," Richard Wright illustrates Dave's development, or lack thereof, through
the symbols of the gun, the train, and the mule.
The most obvious symbol mentioned in this story is the gun. Throughout the story, the gun is
constantly shown as a symbol for power, as well as masculinity and independence. Several times
throughout the course of the story the narrator states, "If anybody could shoot a gun, he could"
(Wright 222). In the fields, Dave is treated as a child, and he believes that he is an adult and should
be treated as once, which includes owning a gun. Dave is disillusioned by the gun, and believes that
it will solve all of his problems and strengthen his weaknesses, including granting him
independence. Dave fails to realize that not being able to properly operate a gun only relinquishes
freedom. This can be further evidenced when Dave accidentally shoots Jenny, the mule. This
situation should have put an end to Dave's obsession with power and guns, but instead he was still
fascinated, demonstrating his lack of maturity and development. Overall, the gun demonstrates the
maturity, independence, and developmental level that Dave wishes to achieve, but severely lacks.
Mr. Hawkins's mule, Jenny, represents Dave. Overall, Dave fears working on the fields under
everyone else for the rest of his life, constantly being treated as a child. Dave connects with the mule
and consciously draws connections between the two of them such as the time Dave states, "They
treat me like a mule, n then they beat me" (Wright 221). Dave believes he is treated like a mule, and
believes there is little hope for anything
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Analysis Of The Movie ' The Dark Night Rises '
The Dark Night Rises July 20th 2012 held the midnight premiere of the anticipated film, The Dark
Night Rises, this night was also the premiere of an idea in my head, that I passionately hated guns.
The Aurora shooting was a massacre that carved a deep impression on my beliefs in relation to guns
and even more so, the moral people. It was after that incident that I began to see America's ethical
spine for what it really was, bent and partially broken. As the ethical backbone of this country
continues to twist and curve in uncomfortable directions, I fear the safety of the future. A dark night
did rise in that midnight hour and continues to do so with every incident and heartbreak this country
endures. Life is no longer sacred, hope is deferred and this nation is lost searching for a solution.
Guns have become somewhat of an arch nemesis to many in this country. There is only one
implication that guns reveal, and that is death. To possess, to use, to practice with a gun is to imply
that one intends to inflict bodily harm on another and although in some cases this intention may be
good, in most, it is not. Even in the hands of those who assume the duty to protect this country, are
questioned on whether or not using a gun was the right decision. If a police officer can be found
guilty of misuse of a firearm; men and women who have trained and practiced physically and
mentally on how to operate a gun, how then can a normal citizen expect to use one correctly?
American is
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Trench Warfare Dbq
In World War 1, there were many new tactics that war has never seen before. Trench warfare was
one of the new tactics that they used in World War 1. They used the trenches for many things. In
World War 1 and All Quiet on the Western Front. They are an accurate portrayal of each other
because of the way they fought while in cover, built them, and the way they put all their resources in
The first reason Trench Warfare was an accurate portrayal of American history and All Quiet on the
Western Front is because of the way they fought while in cover in them. In World War 1, they would
use the walls of the trench as cover while they would shoot over the wall and hope that they would
hit an enemy. In All Quiet on the Western Front, they did
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Oscar Zeta Acosta, A Strong And Honorable Man Essay
His appearance combined with the time and place he lived in made many things in his life difficult
to accomplish but it also made him, Oscar Zeta Acosta, a strong and honorable man. Starting with
the fact that there was a lot of racism, drugs and violence going on while he was growing up.
Violence especially was a big issue. In those days, firearms were owned by anyone who either had
the money or knew a way to get it and most of the times they fell into the wrong hands.
Q: Hello Mr. Acosta, How are you doing this fine sunny day?
Acosta: Hi, I'm actually doing good, aside from the unsupportable pain my goddamn ulcers cause
me. I swear there are times in which I can't stand the fucking pain.
Q: I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Acosta, but moving on to other matters, as you can probably see, there
are many issues concerning many aspects of the economy and politics but for now, I would like to
focus on firearms and the many problems it's causing not just here in California but in the United
States as a whole. And so I would like to ask you for your sincere and honest opinion on the matter.
Acosta: Yes, unfortunately there are still many issues happening at this very moment and one of
them is in fact the possession and usage of firearms and of course I will answer and give you my
honest opinion regarding this topic.
Q: Well first I would like to inform you, if you haven't heard so already, about the massive school
shooting that there has been in various schools ranging from elementary
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Gun Trade: Video Analysis
The assigned video for this week of the course is titled "Maximize your gun trade". The video
features a gentleman who's name is not mentioned as the presenter, and is provided by way of (source The
video was published to the site on 14 Dec 13, by TCArmory.
The video begins with a young guy talking about getting the most out of your gun's trade–in value.
There are some methods a person can use in order to obtain a good price. Things like condition,
finish, and the overall condition of the internal components. He briefly mentions accessories, but
most just tend to care about how many magazines will come with the traded weapon.
For the first example, he will be showing the viewing audience a SIG P226 semi automatic pistol.
Using this box, he demonstrates what is present in order to obtain a good payout. Having the
original instruction manual, box, and paperwork can make a difference to some potential buyers of
the weapon. As far as the weapon goes, it appears to be in good mechanical working order. He notes
also some small spots of surface rust, which can negatively effect the price. With more of the
components with the gun, it is more appealing to a ... Show more content on ...
He shows just the gun, with a magazine inserted. He notes that this weapon came with a holster,
extra magazines, and a bunch of other extras that would demand a higher price. He shows on the
underside of the barrel, towards the muzzle, that a bad color job was attempted (and failed). Making
modifications to a gun may decrease it's value. He advises to get the gun clean, and presentable
before going in to negotiate your trade. When he mentions a gun shop selling a dirty gun, I have to
say I have never heard of. Ever. I would not buy a gun that is dirty, just out of sheer spite of it's
neglect. Because a shop would have to clean a dirty gun, potentially, they could deduct the price you
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Rhetorical Devices In Ted Talk Speech
With over one million views, Dan Gross' TED Talk capitalizes on the issue of gun control. The
viewer gains a deep insight on an individual's views who left their dream career to become a gun
control activist. Dan Gross uses rhetorical speech and persuasion in order to educate his audience on
why "gun violence can't be our new normal." Dan Gross, the head of the Brady Campaign to
Prevent Gun Violence, entices the audience by using the following rhetorical, persuasive, and visual
elements throughout his speech:
● Dressed professionally in a suit.
● Began speaking about his passion, then tied it into a personal tragedy.
● Found a common ground with the audience.
● Used statistics to gain credibility.
● Revealed how media allow people to look past gun issues. (Gross)
If the viewer takes a deeper look at these six key persuasive elements listed above, it is shown how
Gross' speech is precisely outlined to ultimately create a persuasive monologue. Dan very naturally
uses a few of the rhetorical strategies discussed in class to create impactful persuasion.
Before Dan even speaks, a viewer will see him as credible simply due to his appearance. Dan is
dressed in a well–fitted suit, has a clean shave, and his hair gelled back. Dan then begins his speech
with a personal narrative. He speaks about his passion for advertising that came to an end when his
own brother was shot in the head at the Empire State Building. Gross uses an emotional tone and old
family photographs to create
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The Controversy Over Gun Control
In the past few years Gun control has become a hot topic throughout America. With all the shootings
going around the United States, we are faced with controversies over gun control. Americans believe
that their government is going to do whatever is best for them, but is that true when they are trying
to strip us of our rights that were created for us over 300 years ago. Our country has been thriving
with the amendments and laws set before us, and today we are trying to change them. But by just
changing a few laws is that really going to stop a criminal from getting what they wanted, there
criminals for a reason. Our second amendment gives us the right to bear arms and protect our selves
from enemies foreign and domestic. This is the foundation of country; we fight to keep the right that
were given to us, so that we can protect our families, our country, and our freedom. America has
always prided it self on being "the land of the free", but with freedom comes sacrifices. However,
most Americans do not see the significance of freedom, because we are sitting on our couches living
normal lives, and on the other hand we have those individuals that joined the armed forces to keep
us a safe and protect our freedom. Lawrence Hunter stated that "The Founders understood that the
right to own and bear laws is as fundamental and as essential to maintaining liberty..." With liberty
comes freedom and the right to bear arms, how would the solders feel if they came home and their
rights were
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Guns and Violence Essay
Guns and Violence
School shootings, gang violence, drive by shootings, murder, and thousands of acts of violence are
committed every day. Members of our society criticize their own people for this violence while they
continue to sit back and do nothing about it. These acts of violence have many contributing factors.
Violence in our country today is escalating because we don't control the distribution of the guns
sold. There are not enough restrictions on guns sold legally. The illegal purchase of guns through the
black market is out of control. There is not enough education on the usage and storage of guns.
There are not many restrictions on the distributions of guns. Guns are sold to any one ... Show more
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These guns are sold on what is called the black market to basically anyone. Anyone of any age, with
no waiting period, no matter what your criminal record is, can purchase these guns. The fact that
these guns are sold illegally allows guns to fall into the wrong hands. Gang members and murderers
purchase these guns and go onto the streets and kill members of our own families. These problems
are trying to be prevented by catching them and putting them in jail. By this point it is too late,
someone?s child or mother has been killed. If the guns were taken out of their hands the crime
would never be committed.
There should be guidelines set to insure the safety of our society before the gun is purchased. There
should be a safety test given before the gun could be purchased. A test to show that the owners know
how to properly use the gun. It is a requirement to take a test to show your ability before you get
your drivers license, why not a before you buy a gun? There should also be a class taught teaching
the proper storage of a gun. Teaching to keep the gun in a locked cabinet with the key in separate
area. And the three to five day waiting period should remain.
I do agree that there are many legitimate reasons for the purchasing of guns. Some men and women
enjoy hunting. This, being a sport they enjoy, makes such a purchase understandable. Other men and
women feel they
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The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control
I'm pro–life for the obvious reason people are pro–life...I believe the unborn child is a life and the
most vulnerable and innocent of human beings at that. As a living being an unborn child would have
an individual right, like the rest of us, to live and must rely on us born folks to protect them.
However, I believe that it must often be an unfathomably difficult situation and decision for a
woman considering abortion and I have compassion not judgment for her.
I think the concept that someone is a hypocrite bc they also oppose gun control (which is usually
code for eliminating guns all together) and universal healthcare (or government–run healthcare) is
based on the false logic that they they are the opposite of being for life and based on the equally
faulty assumption that they would work in this country. Far from it, in my humble opinion.
Guns do not unequivocally equal death. This is demonstrated by the fact that Americans own 300
million firearms...if guns, not criminals, were the problem our problems would be far worse.
Furthermore, I believe that we have the right to defend our lives, families and property from those
who would unlawfully and forcefully take them. It is naive to believe that if we had more gun
control that evil men would not still seek to steal, kill, rape and destroy. Further, guns are not only a
last line of defense but a deterrent. In England, home invasions occur while residents are home six
times more often than in America...I believe that's
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Persuasive Essay On Gun Control
Imagine you are a little boy, no older than the young age of six, entering school. The first day
arrives, however conflicting feelings – from excitement to anxiety – emerge. Suddenly, a harsh
metallic booming sound erupts, and within a mere sliver of time, you lay dead on the floor in a pool
of blood. Unfortunately, this scenario is not merely hypothetical. Scores of innocent individuals are
routinely massacred, killed by the mentally ill with legally bought guns: guns made for war, guns
made to maximize death and horror. An increase in gun restrictions are essential in ending this gun
violence epidemic plaguing the nation.
Above all else, properly enforced background checks are necessary to prevent future mass
shootings. Without them, the mentally ill and violent criminals are able to acquire guns, needlessly
endangering innocent lives . Preventing this would be simple, as all necessary data is readily
available. The saddening fact is many "hundreds of fingerprints and final case reports held by the
Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps were] not passed to the FBI's criminal history database. The
branches had a compliance rate of about 70 percent" (Cohen). This level of frank disregard for
safety, particularly concerning human life, is nothing short of abhorrent. How are 30% of criminal
records not transferred to the FBI's criminal history database – in the most developed country in the
world no less? Lamentably, these fundamental flaws translate to real–life consequences. Such as in
the case of the mass shooter, Kelley, "who killed 25 people and an unborn child at a Texas church,"
where the Air force secretary in charge of the investigation claims "she was not aware of past
problems relating to sharing criminal data"(Cohen). Due to the complacency of government
officials, this unborn baby will never see the light of day. Scores of families wallow in utter
devastation, but the killings continue unabated. Many pro–gun advocates respond to this by
claiming that in mass shootings like these, simply arming victims would lead to reduced deaths.
However, Richard Martinez, a man who "grew up around guns" and "later served as a military
police officer in the US Army" tells a different story (Kindy). He tells a story of
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Why Guns Should Not Be Taken Away All Together
Guns all around the world have done harm to people such as killing them, but has also saved the
lives of people as a use of protection, which is why I believe that guns should not be taken away all
together. It is in my hope that I can get people to understand that guns have a meaning behind them
both good and bad and that regulations within the gun control need to be set in place. A safety and
mandatory training should be in place for anyone who is purchasing a gun. To be able to get a gun or
firearm one must go through a training process of however many hours a week for however long to
be cleared to own and carry a gun to ensure confidence in knowing how to use one and for the safety
of a person. The chosen target audience for this topic would be anyone that has or is thinking about
purchasing a gun. It is pointed towards this audience because accidents and deaths occur all the time
and put people in danger when one does not know how to use a gun properly. This mandatory
training will not only teach one how to use a gun but will also ensure that the people that are sold a
gun had the training and are aware of the safeties and can shoot at an accuracy. This will stop many
of the accidents from happening, allowing for people to feel safe and confident that the owners of a
gun are trained in how to use it. After reading this message, it is hopeful that the audience's response
would be to step back and take a safety training course if one owns a gun. I feel it should be
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Essay On Gun Violence
Everyday 93 Americans are killed by guns. Whether it is due to homicide or suicide, it does not
matter. At the end of the day gun violence is increasing exponentially. In numerous states, gun laws
have been placed in the hopes of reducing gun violence. But now many people believe that gun
violence should be treated as a public health problem. I for one feel that gun violence should be put
in the category of public health. Every year more than 30,000 people are victims to gun related
incidents. It has become such an issue that gun violence is causing more deaths than some life
threatening diseases. Well first off, I obviously feel that gun violence is a public health issue. The
reason for that is because at this point it is considered a Health Crisis (or Public Health Crisis). This
means "a difficult situation or complex health system that affects humans in one or more geographic
areas from a particular locality to encompass the entire planet." It is considered that because now the
amount of people affected by gun violence is so high that guns are ahead of HIV, Parkinson's,
Malnutrition, Anemia, Viral Hepatitis, and much more for cause of deaths. Yet the funding for
research for gun violence is very low compared to the other leading causes of deaths in the United
States. Question: Should gun violence be treated as a public health problem ? Every year in the
united states more than 30,000 people die from gun violence. Researchers say that gun violence is
getting out of
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The Pros And Cons Of Gun-Free Zones
It is 10 years from now and you friend are living in a nice house with a family. They are home
cleaning while their husband is at work and their kids are at school. They hear someone break in and
they need to protect themselves, but they do not have a gun because the government banned them.
How are they going to protect themselves? The person breaking into their house will not stop and
think: "Oh crap, it is against the law to break into someone's house and hold them at gunpoint, I
need to leave now". Criminals do not follow laws. There has been a debate going on for years about
whether or not we need more gun–free zones or more background checks when someone wants to
buy a gun. There are people in the United States that want to amend the second amendment and
there are people who want to get rid of gun–free zones. Getting rid of gun–free zones will help
reduce crime in the United States and help create a safer home.
Many people want more gun–free zones because they think that people will actually listen to the law
and not bring a gun and that will cause the crime rate to decrease. According to
98.4% of mass public shootings from 1950 to July 2016 of shootings are in gun–free zones and
96.2% of all shootings from January 1998 to December 2015 are in gun–free zones. Remembering
the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina back in 2015 where Dylann Roof killed 9 and
injured 1, Roof went to a place where there were no security guards and hopefully no
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Trench Conditions In Ww1 Essay

  • 1. Trench Conditions In Ww1 Essay Early on in World War 1, protection for troops became a vital aspect of war as a result of the increased power, accuracy and precision of newly developed weapons. Armies began to dig large corridors in the ground that became known as trenches. Originally thought to only be a temporary defensive tactic soon became a primary part of warfare. However, the conditions in the trenches became harsh and unsanitary due to battle raging around them and the lack of previsions. As a result, illness and disease spread rapidly and the reality of war as well as the traumatic experiences soldiers faced impacted troops in the short and long term. As trenches became a more frequent tactic, the simple design was improved and adjusted to suit the troops, area and task that it would be used for. They became a very important part of tactical warfare and some layouts could be very complex. Trenches were first used on the Western Front by both opposing sides. Due to severe exhaustion, dwindling resources and the horrific death toll, both sides dug into the ground and assumed a defensive post. Most trenches were dug deep enough that men couldn't be seen from above. Troops were then ordered to seek momentary cover in the trenches (FIGURE 1) however eventually it became their permanent front line. ... Show more content on ... Illnesses such as trench fever and trench foot were common due to rodents, insects and lice. Trench Foot was a disease caused by wet, muddy and cold trench conditions. This caused damaged sensory nerves, inflammation and swollen limbs. (FIGURE 4) Similar to Malaria, Trench Fever wasn't a severe disease however affected an estimated 380,000–520,000 members of the British Army. The illness was transmitted via various insects found in the trenches. Several attempts were made to find a treatment however were unsuccessful but could be prevented by dousing clothing into insecticides. (BugBitten. ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Gun Safety Essay Gun Safety Some people like to shoot guns for hunting, some like to shoot them for recreation. Whatever the reason, when using guns, there are steps you need to take to be safe, whether shooting or storing them. The first basic rule is to never assume your gun is not loaded. No matter what, always check to make sure there is no ammunition in the gun. Another big rule is to remember that the safety (which is to prevent the gun from firing) of the gun is a mechanical device and can fail. Always point the gun in a safe direction (which is away from people, etc.). Horseplay should be avoided at all times when handling a gun. For storage, always make sure the gun is unloaded and locked in a location that is inaccessible to children. ... Show more content on ... ***For added protection, there are different types of storage and/or locks for guns also. The first is a lockbox. It is a small metal case that is used for handguns. An advantage of this case is that there is quick access if the lock is pushbutton. A disadvantage is that it costs more than a trigger or cable lock. The average price is anywhere from $40 to $200+. Second, a gun vault or safe comes in a variety of sizes to fit all types of guns. Some advantages are that it is difficult to steal, allows for numerous guns of different sizes, there is storage for other items and valuables, and they are usually fire safe. Some disadvantages are that it costs more than cable locks or lock boxes and they are also heavy and difficult to move. The price range is anywhere from $100 to $2000. The cable lock is a cable that is inserted into the chamber and locked (like a bike lock) to prevent a shell from being fired. Advantages are that the long cables are able to thread through several guns and they are inexpensive. Disadvantages are that the cable is thin and can be easily cut. Price ranges from free to $20+. Next the trigger lock is a two piece rigid cylinder that fits behind the trigger so it cannot move. A combination opens this lock. Advantages are that it is inexpensive, they are widely available, and there is quick access to the gun. Some disadvantages are that they may break easily and may not prevent theft because the locks can be removed later. Some models can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Gun Control And Self-Defense Self Defense some people take self defense classes to protect themselves from kidnap, fight , or rob. But, some people carry gun instead of leanings how to fight. In united stairs carry gun is legal, because It legals, there are shooting in many place such as school, concert, or movie theater. That is why there are some augment about gun control. People thought that gun should be carried around like bottle of water. However I believe that carry gun is a big source of self defense, it protects people from rape and rob. Many women are big rist of rape and violence. Women should carry gun to protect themselves from any harm because they are weak, they are not strong enough to fight againt men. It would have been safe if women have in her ... Show more content on ... People are not happy with the gun anymore. No matter if it benefit the self defense if it cause violence, kill, or murder, people would not happy with it. Finally, its not the gun, it about the people who use the gun. They have to make sure are gun in the right hand. If in the right hand, it would use for self defense only. Gun are know for self defense protect people from rob. It a second armament say people have right to bear arm. What we need is full education on gun. We need to fully understand how to correctly use them and understand that nothing scary because they there to protect you. For example, what if someone breaks in to you house, he has a gun, what would you do? You cant use a knife to protect yourself. She need gun to shoot gun. According to–criss–profile, (CNN) A California homeowner exercised his right to bear arms –– and take pictures –– after a group of people tried to break into his home.' As we can see that some people opinion only see the bad side of guns. They open their mind to understand why gun are protecting from rob or burglar. Still some inograne people still think guns are for violence. They still believe I guns are band then there will be less crime. Fro instance, Arguments Made By Liberal Lawmakers posted by wrote, 'Private citizens shouldn't have handguns, because they aren't "military weapons'', but private citizens shouldn't have "assault ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Argumentative Essay: Are Guns Safe For Children? Shooting a gun, even safely, for fun or for marksmanship is looked down upon. This is because in today's world, guns are seen as a symbol of death. This has been created by the rise of deaths caused by gun violence and accidental shootings. Because of this, many parents do not allow their children to shoot a gun. In spite of this, some parents are choosing to let their children shoot guns. In the eyes of others, these parents are considered bad parents because they are endangering the lives of their children. Actually, these parents have a good reason to let their children shoot guns. New studies are showing that shooting a gun can help the development of a child. Even though there are some gun violence and safety concerns, parents who allow ... Show more content on ... In fact, to "Invite a child to learn how to shoot and the message is: I trust your ability to listen and learn. I trust your ability to concentrate. I welcome you into a dangerous adult activity because you are sensible and trustworthy...hearing an adult call them to their higher selves can be enormously empowering. " (Baum 1). In other words, when a parent lets their child shoot a gun, they are trusting them to use it safely. And when a child hears that their parents are asking them to be their best to participate in a 'dangerous adult activity', children, who often don't get to do so, will listen and become more trustful towards their parents. These parents are not bad parents, they are only building a trustful relationship with their children by letting them shoot a gun. Another reason to why parents who let their children shoot guns are good parents is because letting children shoot guns disciplines them. Evidently, Dan Baum of TIME magazine explains "While traveling around the country talking to gun owners, I met several who told me that when their teenage sons or daughters were going "off the rails" – drinking, experimenting with drugs and getting poor grades – they started taking them shooting. The very counterintuitive nature of the invitation – giving guns to druggies? – snapped the children into focus...The discipline and focus that marksmanship ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. My First Day When I Arrived During The United States I can still clearly remember the second day when I arrived in the United States. I started to attend a public high school. During my pre–calculus class, suddenly, the speaker broadcasted something like "Code blue, this is not a warning. Teachers need to lock the door, and students please move away from the windows". I was clueless since I barely spoke any English back then. Although, soon I realized how dangerous the situation was. Someone brought a gun to school, and the police were chasing after him in the hallway. This brought us to our interview topic, which is regarding gun controls. I was lucky to have someone, who's brother used to be in the military, Devin Friske as my interviewee. We started the conversation with why America ... Show more content on ... We then shift the focus to concealed carrying. Devin believes that open carrying is actually less dangerous than concealed carrying. Since people know the fact that person has a gun. He also mentioned his brother often concealed carry a handgun in his holster, although he would never want to do that. Since his brother was in the military, he was properly trained with guns, and have a valid license to do so. I followed with a question that, why people need to go through a test on how to properly drive a car, but do not have to go through any training or checking to operate a gun. He nodded and told me each time when he and his brother go to a gun range, his brother will treat the weapon with respect, handle it carefully. Although, there are plenty of people do not have a brother who was in the military. They learned from their father or their friends when they were six or seven years old during a hunting trip. We reached an agreement with that, many other developed countries have strict regulations on guns, and America should do the same. Devin brought up another point that even the guns are heavily regulated, it would be still hard to stop people from borrowing guns from each other. If two people have the same gun, it could be easily mixed and creates complications. I asked him why people do not like having a fingerprint sensor on the gun. He thinks the gun manufacturers do not like that since it adds cost to productions. Also, this will ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Gun Control Laws While many people believe there should be more gun control and the possibility of banning guns all together, I believe the gun control laws should not be changed. Although there are many reasons that may persuade people to choose to ban guns, I believe that there are several other reasons that lead to all the tragedies with guns in America. Banning guns is not an answer the gun problem in America, there are a few other things that could be done to stop gun violence. In this essay I will tell about why I believe gun control laws should not be changed. After the many shootings in schools over the past two years, many people believe guns should be made illegal for civillians to posses or purchase guns. While this may make it difficult for ... Show more content on ... Also, many people obtain guns from stealing it from another person, or buying it off a citizen who is unknowledgable or uncaring for the law, or the temperment of the buyer. Besides, if a person who is of age, and has a clear record wishes to buy a gun to be violent with it, there is no way of preventing him or her. Anyone who believes strengthening the gun control laws would reduce gun violence is correct. However, if someone wants to kill someone, not having a gun is unfortunately not going to stop him or her. If a gun is not accessible, a person who wishes to kill someone will use another weapon that is accessible, such as a knife or bludgeon of sorts. Banning guns will lessen gun violence, but will bring up a rise in violence with other weapons. Unfortunately, many people possess guns would should not posses one. However I do not see it feasible to strengthen guns laws. I believe that there should be stronger penalties for people who are caught with a gun illegally and stronger penalties for people who are or threaten violence with a gun. This would make people think twice about smuggling a gun, or carry them when they are not supposed to. This might also influence Congress to pass a law for a stronger background check on people purchasing a gun, which would satisfy both sides of this argument. A stronger penalty for gun offenders might cause the amount of violence without a gun to rise a ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Gun Control Restrictions The United States has 88.8 guns per 100 people, which is the highest total in the world. The guns was first intended for hunting and self–protection. Later on, it was brought into the military for use. For that reason, people believe that guns can only be used in the military. Others say that the Second Amendment gives them the right to have guns and use it for protection. This was for if any person tried to attack them, they would have protection with them at all times. Later on, guns got used for the wrongs reasons. More crimes were being develop, like the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Now, people want more restrictions on gun ownership and how it should be used. If some restrictions were to be made, some say it will not make much of a difference. Guns use had lead to violence in the past, but also it coud be a good protection for humans against attackers. The argument that may still be going on today is if the United States should put more restrictions on gun ownership and use. The reasons why people are still asking for more restrictions is because more crimes and shooting as been happening lately. There were about 126 mass shootings around 2001 to 2014. The opponents of this issue think that if more restrictions were made, that would not change the fact that there would be as much shootings as there was. Reasons to believe this was that even with more restrictions, shootings would still go on. Nothing would stop the criminals from killing others. Now, ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Persuasive Essay On Gun Control An immense majority of citizens want to implement gun control and another majority want to discharge their second amendment with no boundaries. This right hast in positive and negative views as a result of the way people decide to use their weapons. Some characters instantly think of violence when hearing the word "gun". Guns and violence have a great deal in relation and that gives the second amendment an authentic bad reputation. Criminals and terrorists also give guns a unfavorable consideration. People think negatively about the right to bear arms because of the following events such as, mass murder, gang related murders/shootings, and armed burglaries. These positions are the main things distressing the government to have higher control over guns. Despite the fact that the situations exist all through the nation, numerous favorable things come along with this right as well. People discount the superiority of owning a gun and comprehend how it benefits the government and population. A gun can be used widely for basic self–protection. Individuals carry their gun around with themselves in order to be guarded against others whom may cause harm upon them. Hunting can also be popular for using a gun as a sport, bringing many positive outcomes for the hunters. Not only do hunters benefits from guns but so do the government. Countless citizens throughout the country buy guns legally for their benefits and with these purchases: the government makes an immense amount of money by ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Guns And Crime And Violence Essay Guns and crime. These two words sound interesting, right? Now think about it deeply, do they really link to each other? Do guns surely lead to crime and violent issues? If so, should governments set restrictive rules for people who own and use the guns, such as provide the mental health reports, and test the shooting skills before purchasing the guns? These questions have been mentioned and discussed over and over again in today's world. We can often hear the news about gun violence, such as a tragic mass shooting somewhere around the world and tons of victims who died from the accident, or husband that shot his wife by accident. Thus, many people, especially people in America, are asking, and even doubting whether or not it is beneficial to own guns at home without a license. In my opinion, I think that owning a gun can be helpful sometimes in some ways, as it can always be the extremely powerful and helpful weapon for self–defense, especially when help from the law enforcement officers are not available. Being a student in the United States, I have often heard many stories about gun violence. I always thought it was something that would never happen to me and people around me until that Friday night. I clearly remember that it was a chill and windy night. A dark sky was full of the blazing stars, and a round bright moon hanging in the sky. Everything just seemed so quiet and perfect. During the time, I was sleeping peacefully in bed, and all of a sudden I heard someone ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Issue Of Gun Violence Gun Violence Guns have been is society for centuries. They have been used for hunting, war, and even safety. However, in the past several years they have begun to take the lives of many innocent victims, often young children. In response to the killings in Newtown, Conn., it has been noted, "If this were a country, the number of children killed by gun violence would violate international law." (Browne– Marshall) F.B.I. data shows in 2011, 1,668 African American children were killed due to guns. Day by day gun violence is rising and it is not only in ghetto neighborhoods. It has spread to the suburbs and small towns. Gun violence rates have increased in the last decade due to hatred and societal issues, and while shooters and victims both face many difficult obstacles, there are some solutions that the public and schools can enforce through awareness. One major cause of Gun Violence is hatred, which can lead to many different outcomes. These outcomes can either have a good affect on some or a negative. For example, Getting caught and now having a criminal record. Some may learn from this and never commit another crime. The rest on the other hand can be more raged when released from jail. This will cause them to escalate down the same path as before. These people are causing the same problems to society as before. Therefore they are a living threat to everyone around them. Another cause of gun violence is social ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control Gun control is an obviously controversial issue in American society. Gun advocates want no restrictions on what they can buy or whom guns can be sold to, gun control advocates are the opposite. In this paper, I will be arguing in favor of gun control, using the moral theory of Utilitarianism to explain who should be able to own guns, and under what conditions; I will be using John Stuart Mill's stance on utilitarianism to reference my argument. I will also be using LaFollette's "Gun Control" to back up my argument. Because of such events as mass shootings becoming a more frequent problem, I argue that people should be monitored and screened thoroughly when applying to own a gun; also, that the number of guns sold to the public should be restricted, as well as the types of guns. Using LaFollette's scales, I am arguing for moderate abolition (MA) and moderate restrictions (MR) on guns. LaFollette presents the question "Do citizens have a 'serious right to bear arms'?". This question is presented from a moral point of view, not a constitutional one, and is viewed on by both gun advocates and gun control advocates. Are there sufficient arguments against private gun ownership, or compelling arguments why the government should allow guns? LaFollette presents these other questions only to scratch on the surface of a possible answer to the first question. In uncovering a possible answer, LaFollette uses words like fundamental rights, fundamental interests, and derivative rights ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Pros and Cons of Gun Control in the United States Essay Gun control is a growing issue as of late, due to recent events such as school shootings as well as crimes which are committed daily due to gun violence the issue has been more controversial than ever before. IT is true that by owing a gun you can feel a sense of self– empowerment as it can allow you to protect yourself as well as your loved ones. However, owing a gun is a double edge sword in today's world. The reason is that with the sudden increase in gun violence more people have beganbegun to become anti–gun. The government does help by passing laws which will not allow certain people to own or buy guns. The problem with that type of situation is that those people can still own guns by going through a third party in order to receive ... Show more content on ... The biggest pro when it comes to owning a gun is the sense of security and protection it allows you to obtain being a homeowner or family member. It allows you to understand that if you are being burglarized or if somebody does try to break into your home a gun provides you a way to protect yourself as well as your family. It is a fact that 74% of burglars stay away from homes are occupied by those who own guns due to the fear of what could happen. The best part about owning a gun is you can keep burglars or vandals at bay without even having to fire your gun;, just the sight of a gun will keep people from trying to break into your homes. Now for the con side of this debate, first I would have to say that having a gun is extremely risky. There is danger associated with owning a gun. You can be foolish and leave your gun where children may have access to it which can lead to more pressing issues. This is why when small children are in the house keep your guns hidden and do not allow them to know where these guns are. Also I wo9uld like to say that video games which incorporate gun violence can put ideas in a child's head that guns are fun. This is far from the truth as guns are not fun and should not be viewed as a fun hobby to get into, especially by younger children. Another con to consider when owning a gun is the risk of harming friend, neighbor, or even a family member by accident. Looking into gun control I have found information which shows ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Gun Control : A Violation Of Rights? Gun Control: A Violation of Rights? There are a myriad of issues that citizens of the United States do not have enough education about. These people may only know one side, or may not know any side at all. Various topics range from abortion to gay rights. One issue in particular that deserves a great deal of attention is gun control. Certainly many Americans have heard little snippets about the opposing views on the issue; however, not all people have enough education to make informed decisions on where they stand with the issue. Numerous questions can be brought up from not knowing any information, but one specific question that Americans should be concerned with is, is gun control a violation of Americans' Constitutional rights? Gun control is worthy of sustained research and writing because it is a huge national issue. It is important for citizens of the United States to be informed about the MYRIAD of issues that arise within the country, and also around the world; therefore, if people living in the country want to become productive members of our society, they should start to learn about the various issues that country deals with (one of them being gun control). When people gather more and more information about issues such as gun control, they will be able to form better opinions about the problems, and thus, have a better say in what steps the government takes in tackling those issues. Personally, I am interested in this topic because my boyfriend is a ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Persuasive Essay On Gun Control Gun control continues be a controversial and divisive topic in United States. The United States is the country with the highest rate of civilian gun ownership. Many people buy guns to protect themselves and their families. Some people buy guns for suicide, and some for crimes. Guns can bring security to many people, as well as insecurity for many. Should people be allow to have guns? According to US News, "We Need Gun Control to Stop More Than Criminals" by Susan Milligan, criminals don't allow the laws, so guns control don't stop them from crime, but there are have a tragedy about guns. In New Mexico, a twelve year old boy shot two classmates. Just because his family has gun, so he got the gun easily. If his family have not gun, tragedy would not have happened. The second gun tragedy is about a retired policeman shoot a men who was texting during a movie time in Movie Theater. If he could not bring a gun into the theater, the tragedy would not have happened. An experienced killer shot two people at the grocery store. If he had a strict background survey before he bought the gun, it wouldn't have happened. Gun control can stop a lot of murders. According to the article "5 arguments against gun control–and why they are all wrong" by Evan Defilippis and Devin Hughes described good people will stop it. A good man with guns can prevent bad men who have guns. Also; A good man needs guns to protect himself and family. The gun–free zone is dangerous, which ordinary residents who cannot be protecting themselves because bad guys are more assault to gun–free zones. Criminals will prefer to choose a no gun zone because there is no resistance. Guns are just a tool for criminals, and they can use other weapons, such as knives. Gun control cannot prevent terrorists from going to crime. The bad man can find weapon in another way. From those two articles in the above have different opinions about gun control. One is supporting other is against gun control. First, "We Need Gun Control to Stop More Than Criminals" by Susan Milligan describe three of the reasons why people should support gun control. The author believes that gun control has brought about many tragedies. For example, young children shot their classmates because ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Persuasive Essay On Why Guns Are Bad Have you ever thought of owning a gun?These weapons are used everyday in combat against other countries and also by police officers in situations where they feel their life is in danger.We expect so little from actual citizens when they acquire a weapon, then we wonder why there's such a high number of murderers and many massacres happening around us,owning a weapon is a great responsibility especially for those with children for the fact that their has been cases in which children have died in the past for handling a gun left in a unsafe place. Initially, Owning a gun for the sake of our safety and that of our loved ones can be a good reason as to why someone could own a gun, it essential so when you have someone breaking into your house or threatening the life of your family, but having this at an unsafe place could be really tragic for the simplicity that any young kid could see it as a toy and may point it at someone and accidentally hurt them or even more seriously kill them we as state should enforce a law that if something like this ever happens we should hold the person which the weapon is registered to accountable for the accidental deaths caused by their weapon. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Gun Control And Income Inequality What is considered gun control and income inequality? How long have these topics been problems in America and why have they not been taken care of? Everyone has seen the stories on the news and on the internet of the mass shootings and the income inequality between men and women. I was always into the gun control conversation because my entire family was. Recently gun control has been back on the news due to two mass shootings. One took place in Las Vegas at a concert and another took place in Texas at a church. People say that if we had more regulations and made background checks harder those mass shootings may not have happened. However, I was not into the income inequality because I was too young to really understand what it was when it became a hot topic in the news. Income inequality has not been on the news recently but is still an issue to many people. I have researched both topics on many different websites. The articles I found and used are from professors and people who research these topics. Gun control can be a good and a terrible thing. Some people say there is no such thing as gun control and some say gun control already exists. What exactly is gun control? Well, everyone has their own view on what gun control is and what it should contain. Some say gun control is taking away guns, people taking and passing tests, and making more laws and regulations. Others say gun control should not exist and that it is not needed anywhere in the United States. There is no ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Should Guns Be Allowed Public Places? THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS December 15, 1791 Second amendment to the United States Constitution protects the rights of the people to bear arms. As for many people this I've been known for years but it was brought to my attention that I was asked today " should guns be allowed in public places?"; such as schools, parks and malls. As I was being questioned, it took me a minute answer, I agree gun should be allowed in places but here's my reasons why. Growing up I always seen my father protect, defend, and honored his family at any cost. So I 'm big on protection. Guns in schools should be allowed but only in the right hands, Parks are dangerous and even though your child maybe having fun and your keeping a close eye, you never know who 's watching from a far, and last but not least malls, Around a certain time there are some people who watches your closer than you know. People are dangerous in the world. I believe guns should be allowed but only in The right hands. Policemen and anyone who takes the class and passes all test should be able to their weapon wherever they please. " If someone was to ever break into the house, I would lay down my life so you and your mother could get to safety." My father once told me as little girl. "If you see a gun in the house do you touch it?" "No sir." I responded "Do you know why we have a gun in the house?" "Yes sir, for our protection." Growing up with a military father his main things were order and protection. When I was younger I never ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Guns In John Steinbeck's The Grapes Of Wrath Guns are one of the first things that people turn to, but what they don't know is that it eventually backfires and changes their future. For example: when Davy shoots Finch and Baska the first thing he turns to is a gun, not once does he think about talking to them about what's going through their heads,instead he shoots then and will eventually end up in jail for his actions. Guns are also a symbol of peace making.He shot them because the Land family was a nice calm family until Finch and Baska can and stirred everything up, so Davy shot them so PEACE could come once again. Additionally when Finch and Baska are breaking into the Land family's house Ruben explains:"Then the door handle turned– the back door, off the kitchen. I knew that little squeal. How I wanted to be Davy coming in, smoky and quiet and shaking off water, but Favy was inside already sleeping not five feet from me, breathing through his nose in satisfied draughts. Nor was it Dad, for I could hear him too, rolling to the fro in sleep, wrestling his headache." (48) This quote is explaining how ... Show more content on ... We didn't see him at first , though he'd not worked hard at concealment. He simply picked a spot–in view of the house and shaded from morning sun–and sat still.He'd even entered the barn and retrieved an old straight–back chair to ease the wait."(299) As Jape is sitting there waiting for his move he sits there just waiting. Eventually Jape Waltzer shot and he hit Jeremiah in his right side. Jape turned to a gun first and it his future by putting him on the run from the police again and, it also ruined the land families future because they don't have a dad now. By turning to a Gun Jape Waltzer made his world at peace again by stopping all the chaos just from shooting an innocent ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Should Guns All Together? America was built by men who did not follow laws of the colonial time period they would store guns in a shed and if the red coats (British soldiers) started to cause any trouble, these men would be ready to arm themselves at a moment's notice. Hence the name minute men. And since that is how the states won the war against England it would make since that it would be one of the first rights that we have as American. But now a days people are abusing the right to bare arms, especially during the past few decades. With massive shootings from almost every place that you would think is safe. From elementary schools to clinics. People even question whether those who are supposed to keep us from harm are even safe. So should we ban guns all together? No, that would cause more harm than good but what we could do is make it harder for people to get guns. At this moment I could go down to a store like Walmart, fill out a couple pieces of paper, cough up forty dollars and in two weeks, may be less, own my very own pistil. That is too easy, what should be done before I'm even allowed to buy gun, is some sort of mental health screening. Something that is going to say "Yes, mentally she is in no danger to herself or to anyone else." A mental evaluation will lessen the number of people able to gain a gun, keep a gun and help the final verdict of a case. Having a law that requires a mental evaluation will make less people able to buy a gun for three reasons. The first and probably the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Persuasive Essay On Gun Control Everyone knows it, especially living in Texas, many people try to change or modify it but nobody has been quite successful. It is second amendment written in the constitution, the right to bear arms, it was clearly important if it was the second right after the freedom of speech1. Guns can cause mass destruction when put into the wrong hands, or they could be great protection to those in danger. Guns are a very common form of protection owning guns are so common that about thirty five percent of all household's own guns. For many people the winter brings warms thoughts of warm sugarplums and hot chocolate. However, for most Texans the thought of winter brings deer stands and waking up early in the morning to go hunting2. Most of these hunters have to take certain courses and they can easily purchase a gun that can take down very large wild animals. These guns that are so easily purchased are the rights that were given to us by the U.S. constitution. There are so many people that believe tightening gun laws will lower the amount of terrible violence's that happen at the hand of gun holders. Tightening these laws does not make gun violence decrease, in fact it makes the amount of crime that occurs go up. During the 1920s the prohibition started which made consuming alcohol illegal for all3. During the time that alcohol was illegal the crime rate went up because people did not stop drinking they just started to hide the fact that they were. There were so many people that ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Violence And Gun Violence On January 17, 2017, "Surge in the Violence" was released by the Crime lab at the University of Chicago, which had combined a report on the statistics of homicides taken place in the year 2015 and 2016. The number of homicides taken place in the year of 2016 has soared by record high of 67 percent than the previous year. Chicago is one of the busiest and advanced cities in the world and getting such high numbers in the field of crime is a shame and leaves a bad impression on the rest of the world. The violence related to guns has also increased enormously and according to "Chicago Tribune", 2,958 people have been shot dead by now this year. Though the data shows that the homicides by gun has decreased significantly but the number is still a problem. The gun violence now is a serious problem and the current situation demands strict gun laws. During the past years gun violence has seen an enormous increase in various parts of the world and majority of the cases been reported in the United States. The case includes victims such as children, senior citizens and young adults engaging in violence or getting caught in the crossfires. The life of common people is being affected, people are concerned as to how they can live safe lives when guns are being used in increasing numbers. On an average, every day you hear about some sort of gun violence affecting people either in your hometown or in another part of the world. It is a shame for a country like United States to have such high ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Persuasive Essay On Gun Control In the United States, 1 out 3 homes with kids have guns and approximately 1.7 million children live in homes with an unlocked, loaded gun. Having unprotected guns lying around is not only extremely dangerous, it can also lead to fatal accidents. Diane Dimond and David A. Fryxell both agree that adults who own guns need to be responsible about having guns in homes to protect their children and as a nation, we are accountable to open up a legitimate conversation regarding gun control. Having such a powerful weapon end up in the wrong hands will lead to devastating tragedies and can possibly destroy families. This nation needs to understand that without having an open conversation to make a change our country will not progress but it will lead to increased homicides. Owning a gun comes with a sense of power and false invincibility. Some may argue that guns are just tools, the same way a knife is just a tool yet a gun is a tool that can take away someone else's life in any second. So imagine a child being able to have such a deadly weapon in their possession. In Roswell New Mexico, there was a school shooting that involved a 12–year–old boy, who got ahold of this gun from his own home and used it to shoot two of his classmates. The two students were both hospitalized and one student is now restricted the use of one arm. {Diamond, 1} In this situation things probably would have turned out differently if the parents of the 12–year–old were more responsible about their guns.The ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Shooting Dad by Sarah Vowell "Shooting Dad," by Sarah Vowell, is about two completely different groups, with contrasting views, that can learn to get along with one another. The reader learns through unsubtle clues that Vowell is a Democrat and her father is a Republican. These collective groups offer completely different viewpoints on many topics, therefore Vowell has a hard time getting along with her father. Vowell is not a strong supporter of guns; however her father has magazine subscriptions devoted to gun ownership, owns many guns, and belongs to an association for gun enthusiasts. Each group had their own areas devoted toward their favorite candidates and used the kitchen and living room for neutral zones. Vowell and her father both share the trait of a messy work area, but in their own way. Her father's work area, in the shop, consisted of a "museum of death," that displayed antler from deer that he had previously shot and metal shavings from ammunition covering the surface of the floor. Vowell spent her free time in the music room, which had musical instruments and staff paper covering her available surfaces. Vowell decided her opinion on all firearms when she was six years old. After shooting it once, she knew that guns were not made for her use. She disliked the gun so much that she whispered to it the gun as if it were a possession of Satan as soon as it went off. Years later her father completed a replica of the Big Horn Gun. It was a cannon that was used by white merchants ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Persuasive Essay On Gun Control It appears as though the repetitive and unfortunate tragedies of mass shootings have become incorporated into the everyday life of American culture. We are forced to live in a heightened degree of fear, skepticism, and hesitation concerning our public safety. This phenomenon could reasonably occur in response to the vast ineffectiveness of the country's current gun laws. Frequently, similar misfortunes arise, yet few major changes are implemented to prevent them from reoccurring in the future. We cannot let this trend continue any further. Some individuals claim that increased gun control is useless and infringes upon the Second Amendment. However, it limits civilians' weapons grade, obstructs those deemed unfit to wield them, and insures a greater level of security, thus should be executed. Perhaps the most obvious defense against stronger restrictions on guns is the Second Amendment: "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms." However, the phrasing of the statement–which conforms to the tendencies throughout the Constitution as a whole–is ambiguous. It signifies that the basic rights to own guns are constitutionally ensured, but its extent of regulation may vary depending on how the legislators see fit. Logically, under no circumstance does a civilian need to possess of military grade weapons. Neither hunting nor self–defense requires guns of that standard. Similarly, there is the common phrase uttered by members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other gun ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Guns Are A Controversial Topic Guns are a very controversial topic for almost all people. There is a good amount of people who are progun, for reasons such as self–defense, hunting, and so on. There is also a good amount of people who are antigun, for reasons such as they kill people, they are dangerous, and so on. The people who own them, view guns as tools or toys, vs. the people who are scared of them, view them as killing machines. There are many different views, thoughts, and opinions on guns, but there is only one that is right. In "Get a Knife, Get a Dog, but Get Rid of Guns" by Molly Ivins, the author is antigun. She claims to be proknife, which is very interesting seeing as a good portion of the reason why people are antigun is because guns kill people and you ... Show more content on ... t This making her point here not make sense, because if the point was to cause less murders and attacks it would not be very effective. It would be a better, more effective, idea for her to have been anti gun and anit knife, so basically anit weapon. Molly Ivins claims to take what the second amendment says literally, but she does not do this very well. The second amendment says, "A well– regulated militia being necessary to the security of the free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"(qtd in Ivins323). Notice it says nothing about the people who own guns having to be part of the well–regulated militia, which she claims here, "It says quite clearly that guns are for those who form part of a well–regulated militia, that is, the armed force, including the National Guard."(Ivins324). The amendment truly just says that in order to have a militia people must have the right to own guns, which is something the author does not include in her interpretation. Where she was going with her interpretation can be seen and it does make sense in a way, but in the end it just seems like she made it so it fit here viewpoint. Ivins also say, "Fourteen– year–old boys are not part of a well–regulated militia."(Ivins323). This should not even be included, because of the fact that fourteen–year–old boys cannot even legally own guns. This means that they would have gotten them illegaly, so if ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Coastal Artillery Research Paper Coastal Artillery is an anti–ship artillery used to defend the coast with heavy sized weapons. In this essay, you will learn a few facts on the history of Coastal artillery, and weaponry. From the middle ages to WWII, Coastal artillery was highly important to the U.S. in the defense of the coast and in naval battles. One of the first uses of coastal artillery was in 1381, but it expanded in the 16th century, during the Age of Discoveries. In 1794, Coastal artillery was established as a branch in the army, creating the first system in 1794 and the second system in 1804. Coastal artillery was organized into 7 regiments, two of which were created in 1898. However, in 1901 Coastal Artillery was abolished having created 126 heavy artillery and 30 ... Show more content on ... The Army has used coastal artillery in many wars, and using the weaponry to defend the United States coast. Because of the lack of Airplanes, and much of America's enemies could only reach using the sea. They used heavy fortifications but also used things like, submarine minefields, nets and booms, ships, and maybe even planes themselves. All of the armed forces contributed to the defense of the coast. In WWI, Subs and planes became more useful and important. Coastal artillery was responsible for the installation and operation of controlled mine fields. Weapons for discharging missiles, placed along the shore for defense against naval attack. After WWI, all but 10 regiments were disbanded. In 1922, coastal artillery acquired new 16–inch and 14– inch weapons, however they received them in short supply. Fifteen Philippine Scouts Coastal Artillery were created in 1922. It was considered that one shore–based gun was equal to three naval guns of the same caliber. Land based guns also benefited in most cases from additional protection to walls. The larges guns used by coastal artillery were generally of 16–inch diameter. The 14–inch gun M1907 and its variants were large weapons installed between 1895 and 1945. They weighed around 111,900 pounds, and were 495 inches in length. Shooting a shell that weighed 1,660 pounds. The gunners would feed this weapon by hand. These were just a few weapons used by the Coastal ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Analysis Of The Man In Richard Wright's The Man Who Was... In Richard Wright's "The Man Who Was Almost a Man," Dave finds himself throughout the course of the story. Throughout the story, Dave is constantly seeking the pleasure of obtaining and then eventually shooting a gun in order to be a man and find himself. However, Dave does not expect the consequences that are to follow the pursuit of pleasure. The moral of the story pertains to the role pleasure and its consequences have in development and finding oneself. The story narrates a common, but little talked about problem, that runs rampant in today's society. In the story "The Man Who Was Almost a Man," Richard Wright illustrates Dave's development, or lack thereof, through the symbols of the gun, the train, and the mule. The most obvious symbol mentioned in this story is the gun. Throughout the story, the gun is constantly shown as a symbol for power, as well as masculinity and independence. Several times throughout the course of the story the narrator states, "If anybody could shoot a gun, he could" (Wright 222). In the fields, Dave is treated as a child, and he believes that he is an adult and should be treated as once, which includes owning a gun. Dave is disillusioned by the gun, and believes that it will solve all of his problems and strengthen his weaknesses, including granting him independence. Dave fails to realize that not being able to properly operate a gun only relinquishes freedom. This can be further evidenced when Dave accidentally shoots Jenny, the mule. This situation should have put an end to Dave's obsession with power and guns, but instead he was still fascinated, demonstrating his lack of maturity and development. Overall, the gun demonstrates the maturity, independence, and developmental level that Dave wishes to achieve, but severely lacks. Mr. Hawkins's mule, Jenny, represents Dave. Overall, Dave fears working on the fields under everyone else for the rest of his life, constantly being treated as a child. Dave connects with the mule and consciously draws connections between the two of them such as the time Dave states, "They treat me like a mule, n then they beat me" (Wright 221). Dave believes he is treated like a mule, and believes there is little hope for anything ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Analysis Of The Movie ' The Dark Night Rises ' The Dark Night Rises July 20th 2012 held the midnight premiere of the anticipated film, The Dark Night Rises, this night was also the premiere of an idea in my head, that I passionately hated guns. The Aurora shooting was a massacre that carved a deep impression on my beliefs in relation to guns and even more so, the moral people. It was after that incident that I began to see America's ethical spine for what it really was, bent and partially broken. As the ethical backbone of this country continues to twist and curve in uncomfortable directions, I fear the safety of the future. A dark night did rise in that midnight hour and continues to do so with every incident and heartbreak this country endures. Life is no longer sacred, hope is deferred and this nation is lost searching for a solution. Guns have become somewhat of an arch nemesis to many in this country. There is only one implication that guns reveal, and that is death. To possess, to use, to practice with a gun is to imply that one intends to inflict bodily harm on another and although in some cases this intention may be good, in most, it is not. Even in the hands of those who assume the duty to protect this country, are questioned on whether or not using a gun was the right decision. If a police officer can be found guilty of misuse of a firearm; men and women who have trained and practiced physically and mentally on how to operate a gun, how then can a normal citizen expect to use one correctly? American is ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Trench Warfare Dbq In World War 1, there were many new tactics that war has never seen before. Trench warfare was one of the new tactics that they used in World War 1. They used the trenches for many things. In World War 1 and All Quiet on the Western Front. They are an accurate portrayal of each other because of the way they fought while in cover, built them, and the way they put all their resources in them. The first reason Trench Warfare was an accurate portrayal of American history and All Quiet on the Western Front is because of the way they fought while in cover in them. In World War 1, they would use the walls of the trench as cover while they would shoot over the wall and hope that they would hit an enemy. In All Quiet on the Western Front, they did ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Oscar Zeta Acosta, A Strong And Honorable Man Essay His appearance combined with the time and place he lived in made many things in his life difficult to accomplish but it also made him, Oscar Zeta Acosta, a strong and honorable man. Starting with the fact that there was a lot of racism, drugs and violence going on while he was growing up. Violence especially was a big issue. In those days, firearms were owned by anyone who either had the money or knew a way to get it and most of the times they fell into the wrong hands. Q: Hello Mr. Acosta, How are you doing this fine sunny day? Acosta: Hi, I'm actually doing good, aside from the unsupportable pain my goddamn ulcers cause me. I swear there are times in which I can't stand the fucking pain. Q: I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Acosta, but moving on to other matters, as you can probably see, there are many issues concerning many aspects of the economy and politics but for now, I would like to focus on firearms and the many problems it's causing not just here in California but in the United States as a whole. And so I would like to ask you for your sincere and honest opinion on the matter. Acosta: Yes, unfortunately there are still many issues happening at this very moment and one of them is in fact the possession and usage of firearms and of course I will answer and give you my honest opinion regarding this topic. Q: Well first I would like to inform you, if you haven't heard so already, about the massive school shooting that there has been in various schools ranging from elementary ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Gun Trade: Video Analysis The assigned video for this week of the course is titled "Maximize your gun trade". The video features a gentleman who's name is not mentioned as the presenter, and is provided by way of (source The video was published to the site on 14 Dec 13, by TCArmory. The video begins with a young guy talking about getting the most out of your gun's trade–in value. There are some methods a person can use in order to obtain a good price. Things like condition, finish, and the overall condition of the internal components. He briefly mentions accessories, but most just tend to care about how many magazines will come with the traded weapon. For the first example, he will be showing the viewing audience a SIG P226 semi automatic pistol. Using this box, he demonstrates what is present in order to obtain a good payout. Having the original instruction manual, box, and paperwork can make a difference to some potential buyers of the weapon. As far as the weapon goes, it appears to be in good mechanical working order. He notes also some small spots of surface rust, which can negatively effect the price. With more of the components with the gun, it is more appealing to a ... Show more content on ... He shows just the gun, with a magazine inserted. He notes that this weapon came with a holster, extra magazines, and a bunch of other extras that would demand a higher price. He shows on the underside of the barrel, towards the muzzle, that a bad color job was attempted (and failed). Making modifications to a gun may decrease it's value. He advises to get the gun clean, and presentable before going in to negotiate your trade. When he mentions a gun shop selling a dirty gun, I have to say I have never heard of. Ever. I would not buy a gun that is dirty, just out of sheer spite of it's neglect. Because a shop would have to clean a dirty gun, potentially, they could deduct the price you are ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Rhetorical Devices In Ted Talk Speech With over one million views, Dan Gross' TED Talk capitalizes on the issue of gun control. The viewer gains a deep insight on an individual's views who left their dream career to become a gun control activist. Dan Gross uses rhetorical speech and persuasion in order to educate his audience on why "gun violence can't be our new normal." Dan Gross, the head of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, entices the audience by using the following rhetorical, persuasive, and visual elements throughout his speech: ● Dressed professionally in a suit. ● Began speaking about his passion, then tied it into a personal tragedy. ● Found a common ground with the audience. ● Used statistics to gain credibility. ● Revealed how media allow people to look past gun issues. (Gross) If the viewer takes a deeper look at these six key persuasive elements listed above, it is shown how Gross' speech is precisely outlined to ultimately create a persuasive monologue. Dan very naturally uses a few of the rhetorical strategies discussed in class to create impactful persuasion. Before Dan even speaks, a viewer will see him as credible simply due to his appearance. Dan is dressed in a well–fitted suit, has a clean shave, and his hair gelled back. Dan then begins his speech with a personal narrative. He speaks about his passion for advertising that came to an end when his own brother was shot in the head at the Empire State Building. Gross uses an emotional tone and old family photographs to create ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. The Controversy Over Gun Control In the past few years Gun control has become a hot topic throughout America. With all the shootings going around the United States, we are faced with controversies over gun control. Americans believe that their government is going to do whatever is best for them, but is that true when they are trying to strip us of our rights that were created for us over 300 years ago. Our country has been thriving with the amendments and laws set before us, and today we are trying to change them. But by just changing a few laws is that really going to stop a criminal from getting what they wanted, there criminals for a reason. Our second amendment gives us the right to bear arms and protect our selves from enemies foreign and domestic. This is the foundation of country; we fight to keep the right that were given to us, so that we can protect our families, our country, and our freedom. America has always prided it self on being "the land of the free", but with freedom comes sacrifices. However, most Americans do not see the significance of freedom, because we are sitting on our couches living normal lives, and on the other hand we have those individuals that joined the armed forces to keep us a safe and protect our freedom. Lawrence Hunter stated that "The Founders understood that the right to own and bear laws is as fundamental and as essential to maintaining liberty..." With liberty comes freedom and the right to bear arms, how would the solders feel if they came home and their rights were ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Guns and Violence Essay Guns and Violence School shootings, gang violence, drive by shootings, murder, and thousands of acts of violence are committed every day. Members of our society criticize their own people for this violence while they continue to sit back and do nothing about it. These acts of violence have many contributing factors. Violence in our country today is escalating because we don't control the distribution of the guns sold. There are not enough restrictions on guns sold legally. The illegal purchase of guns through the black market is out of control. There is not enough education on the usage and storage of guns. There are not many restrictions on the distributions of guns. Guns are sold to any one ... Show more content on ... These guns are sold on what is called the black market to basically anyone. Anyone of any age, with no waiting period, no matter what your criminal record is, can purchase these guns. The fact that these guns are sold illegally allows guns to fall into the wrong hands. Gang members and murderers purchase these guns and go onto the streets and kill members of our own families. These problems are trying to be prevented by catching them and putting them in jail. By this point it is too late, someone?s child or mother has been killed. If the guns were taken out of their hands the crime would never be committed. There should be guidelines set to insure the safety of our society before the gun is purchased. There should be a safety test given before the gun could be purchased. A test to show that the owners know how to properly use the gun. It is a requirement to take a test to show your ability before you get your drivers license, why not a before you buy a gun? There should also be a class taught teaching the proper storage of a gun. Teaching to keep the gun in a locked cabinet with the key in separate area. And the three to five day waiting period should remain. I do agree that there are many legitimate reasons for the purchasing of guns. Some men and women enjoy hunting. This, being a sport they enjoy, makes such a purchase understandable. Other men and women feel they ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control I'm pro–life for the obvious reason people are pro–life...I believe the unborn child is a life and the most vulnerable and innocent of human beings at that. As a living being an unborn child would have an individual right, like the rest of us, to live and must rely on us born folks to protect them. However, I believe that it must often be an unfathomably difficult situation and decision for a woman considering abortion and I have compassion not judgment for her. I think the concept that someone is a hypocrite bc they also oppose gun control (which is usually code for eliminating guns all together) and universal healthcare (or government–run healthcare) is based on the false logic that they they are the opposite of being for life and based on the equally faulty assumption that they would work in this country. Far from it, in my humble opinion. Guns do not unequivocally equal death. This is demonstrated by the fact that Americans own 300 million firearms...if guns, not criminals, were the problem our problems would be far worse. Furthermore, I believe that we have the right to defend our lives, families and property from those who would unlawfully and forcefully take them. It is naive to believe that if we had more gun control that evil men would not still seek to steal, kill, rape and destroy. Further, guns are not only a last line of defense but a deterrent. In England, home invasions occur while residents are home six times more often than in America...I believe that's ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Persuasive Essay On Gun Control Imagine you are a little boy, no older than the young age of six, entering school. The first day arrives, however conflicting feelings – from excitement to anxiety – emerge. Suddenly, a harsh metallic booming sound erupts, and within a mere sliver of time, you lay dead on the floor in a pool of blood. Unfortunately, this scenario is not merely hypothetical. Scores of innocent individuals are routinely massacred, killed by the mentally ill with legally bought guns: guns made for war, guns made to maximize death and horror. An increase in gun restrictions are essential in ending this gun violence epidemic plaguing the nation. Above all else, properly enforced background checks are necessary to prevent future mass shootings. Without them, the mentally ill and violent criminals are able to acquire guns, needlessly endangering innocent lives . Preventing this would be simple, as all necessary data is readily available. The saddening fact is many "hundreds of fingerprints and final case reports held by the Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps were] not passed to the FBI's criminal history database. The branches had a compliance rate of about 70 percent" (Cohen). This level of frank disregard for safety, particularly concerning human life, is nothing short of abhorrent. How are 30% of criminal records not transferred to the FBI's criminal history database – in the most developed country in the world no less? Lamentably, these fundamental flaws translate to real–life consequences. Such as in the case of the mass shooter, Kelley, "who killed 25 people and an unborn child at a Texas church," where the Air force secretary in charge of the investigation claims "she was not aware of past problems relating to sharing criminal data"(Cohen). Due to the complacency of government officials, this unborn baby will never see the light of day. Scores of families wallow in utter devastation, but the killings continue unabated. Many pro–gun advocates respond to this by claiming that in mass shootings like these, simply arming victims would lead to reduced deaths. However, Richard Martinez, a man who "grew up around guns" and "later served as a military police officer in the US Army" tells a different story (Kindy). He tells a story of ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Why Guns Should Not Be Taken Away All Together Guns all around the world have done harm to people such as killing them, but has also saved the lives of people as a use of protection, which is why I believe that guns should not be taken away all together. It is in my hope that I can get people to understand that guns have a meaning behind them both good and bad and that regulations within the gun control need to be set in place. A safety and mandatory training should be in place for anyone who is purchasing a gun. To be able to get a gun or firearm one must go through a training process of however many hours a week for however long to be cleared to own and carry a gun to ensure confidence in knowing how to use one and for the safety of a person. The chosen target audience for this topic would be anyone that has or is thinking about purchasing a gun. It is pointed towards this audience because accidents and deaths occur all the time and put people in danger when one does not know how to use a gun properly. This mandatory training will not only teach one how to use a gun but will also ensure that the people that are sold a gun had the training and are aware of the safeties and can shoot at an accuracy. This will stop many of the accidents from happening, allowing for people to feel safe and confident that the owners of a gun are trained in how to use it. After reading this message, it is hopeful that the audience's response would be to step back and take a safety training course if one owns a gun. I feel it should be ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Essay On Gun Violence Everyday 93 Americans are killed by guns. Whether it is due to homicide or suicide, it does not matter. At the end of the day gun violence is increasing exponentially. In numerous states, gun laws have been placed in the hopes of reducing gun violence. But now many people believe that gun violence should be treated as a public health problem. I for one feel that gun violence should be put in the category of public health. Every year more than 30,000 people are victims to gun related incidents. It has become such an issue that gun violence is causing more deaths than some life threatening diseases. Well first off, I obviously feel that gun violence is a public health issue. The reason for that is because at this point it is considered a Health Crisis (or Public Health Crisis). This means "a difficult situation or complex health system that affects humans in one or more geographic areas from a particular locality to encompass the entire planet." It is considered that because now the amount of people affected by gun violence is so high that guns are ahead of HIV, Parkinson's, Malnutrition, Anemia, Viral Hepatitis, and much more for cause of deaths. Yet the funding for research for gun violence is very low compared to the other leading causes of deaths in the United States. Question: Should gun violence be treated as a public health problem ? Every year in the united states more than 30,000 people die from gun violence. Researchers say that gun violence is getting out of ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. The Pros And Cons Of Gun-Free Zones It is 10 years from now and you friend are living in a nice house with a family. They are home cleaning while their husband is at work and their kids are at school. They hear someone break in and they need to protect themselves, but they do not have a gun because the government banned them. How are they going to protect themselves? The person breaking into their house will not stop and think: "Oh crap, it is against the law to break into someone's house and hold them at gunpoint, I need to leave now". Criminals do not follow laws. There has been a debate going on for years about whether or not we need more gun–free zones or more background checks when someone wants to buy a gun. There are people in the United States that want to amend the second amendment and there are people who want to get rid of gun–free zones. Getting rid of gun–free zones will help reduce crime in the United States and help create a safer home. Many people want more gun–free zones because they think that people will actually listen to the law and not bring a gun and that will cause the crime rate to decrease. According to 98.4% of mass public shootings from 1950 to July 2016 of shootings are in gun–free zones and 96.2% of all shootings from January 1998 to December 2015 are in gun–free zones. Remembering the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina back in 2015 where Dylann Roof killed 9 and injured 1, Roof went to a place where there were no security guards and hopefully no ... Get more on ...