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one example of corrosion that we have already met is y.iven
by.!!! electrode in the Daniell cell. When this cell discharp,es
Corrosion mechanisms.
. · ! . The products of metallic corrosion are ionic in nature,
and· corrosion.mechanisms involve electron transfer. They may
thereto~~· ·b;··-dl ;~~-;sed in term~ of ~!~£!!!~£!!~!!!!£~!_£2!!£~1?~~.
An understanding of corrosion mechanisms is very necessary if
corrosion is to be effectively controlled~
t~nt metals, e.g., ~e}/ coz-r-oeLon represents a major problem,
nd vast sums of money are being spent annually in attempts to
a . . .- , . . . ..I • • ! . • . ~ . •
pre~.~n~. or. minimi~e 1.ts e.ffect •
of .this stabili-ty .Ls that once a pure m_etal has been extracted
it often exhibi~s.a tendency, when exposed to an oxi~izing
,.' ·atmo~pher, to rev:~r~ to. the combined state. The l,atter process
is .referred_. to as; metallic corrosion. In case of some impor-
modynamically with respect to the pure metals. A consequence
- . . -............
Although some1 metals (e.g., the platinum, mercury) are
found in the earth's crust in more or less pure state, others,
~·such as.Fe, Al. and Zn'are normally found in combination with
-~--....c:·-~ - ... ~~-
02 or other elements.· These compounds are highly stable ther-
·-· - -- .. .. .. ' ' -
·1. · , attack. accompanies physical deterioration.
'? . . • • ~ • '( ~· I • . f: . -
Co~.x;:~~.Q!l 'is the destructive attack on a metal through
chemical and electrochemical-reactions by the environment.
--,,_.---. '
~ '<,...._Deteriora tio~)by physical causes such as errosion, p;alling or
wear .. ie also included i~ corrosion. In many cases, chemical
- 112 -
r ..
2 e __ ,._
2 u+ ,.
'-~·- .,_...:: ,.-</
takes p1ace.
On a ca.thocli.e area a corresponding reduction reaction ... ta_k~_s
place. 1.. In d~lute acids the aoet li~elJ reduction reaction is
. I •
Zn2+ + 2 eZn
on an anodic area of Zn the oxidation reaction (i.e •• anodic
disso1ation leads to the loss of •etal)
forms is known as local galvanic cell of corrosion. Numer-
ous~1oca1 cells thus occur' on the surface of a small piece of
meta1. This shows that corrosion is electrochemical.
areas. __ The coabi.nation-·of' one anodic and one cathodic reaction
, . .
It is now considered that the surface of a corroding metal is
divided up into, sometimes numerous, anodic areas and cathodic
~~er,, etallic corrosion can occur when a single metal ~~
is placed in a corrosive environment: e.g., pure 'zinc in dilute
wou1d not take place.
I//In aosence of th1.a reduction process, the corrosion oC zinc~--
the reduction is the deposition of copper according to
Cu2+ + 2 e
zn >· zn2+·; + 2 e
taken up bv the reduction~ reaction {in the Daniell cell,
Rive Znso4. The rate of thi~ corrosion
i a liai ted by the rate at ·w-hich - -- - .,....,.
·-·-~··· electrons liberated by the
oxidation reaction --·- ------~· · --· - -~·- - ~--· --~ ..... --
the zinc dissolves:
we can eay that in the cell.en~ironment
the zinc corrodes to
113 -
~) One_important: reason being that metal aurraces are not
uniform, when considered at the microscopic level. There
be iess .rapid. Th~s.can be for a variety of reasons:
2- However, !!~~-!~-~h~-~~~~~£~-~!-~~!~-~£~!~-~~~~!_!~E~!!~!~~·
metalscan still corrode, though the rate o~ corrosion may
----------------------- ··-
' ! •.
in HCl acid if a little CuS04 solution is added.
whole aerie~ _o~ .!!!.£!:~!!£~E!£_~~~!~!!_£!:!!~(local gal vnnic ~-ells)
.. . -envisaged on'the surface of _the metal. In confirmation of this
mechanism we might note that zn will dis~olve much more readily
copper, and the dilute acid also contained copper ions then a
. . ( ; ~
areas and these could be quite sufficient to permit a measurable
-- _,. --~..:~ • ;···· 'i· '
·~--..-: .
ra~e of corrosion. If, e.g., impurities were in the rorm or• ~ • . ! 1 f ,, • .• • ' . .
of-~:;~~g~~-~~~~t~~.£~~il1~~~!._E~.s~i-}~~atoms of
this m~t_a~ _at--~~-~-• s.~r~~ce would const1_:.:i..!_e ~!~i~~~~E!~-~!!!!!~~~£--....--::':-:.. - _7At"'~..J.'"""'.-.-lw.· ..., , •'-.C • ! ~---·- -~--~----~-- ·--.....--.... - •
If very small amounts1- Metals are seldom compl~tely pure.
r· t ';
In case dr a single piece of zinc, it might be expected to be
quite uniform in its properties. How, therefore could the sepa-
rate areas arise.J
being anodic.
In the baniell cell the tw~~different metals are anodic and
cathodic because of their different stnnclnrd electrode potJm_j;-
ials,the metal witb th~_more +ve potential (more noble) being_)
. --~ . - -
~athodic i8nd the one with the more -ve potential (more active)
---·---·· - ~
'But why should these different anodic and cathodic areas exist
on the surface of the zinc·?
leading to the evolution of H2 gas.~
-2 e ~2 .. -+
The activit7 or (A) is due to the fact that the valency· of the
ato•s in th:l.a part is not eai"isfied. The electrons released
in the above reaction are transported in the metal f'r-om (A.) to
the Clat part o'C the surface (B). On._(B) the two electrons are
taken up b7 211+ :ions from the solution.and a reduction (or
cathodic) rea.ct:l.on occurs leading to the evolution of H2
Zn >s Zn2 + + 2 e
. ~
the anode {act~Ye) and an anodic reaction occurs according to
proceeds in an e1ectr.oc}temical manner. The given dLagr-ara shows
that on the heterogeneous Zn surface the part (A) will act as
For this reason the chemical reaction: .:
sn .,_ 2 HCl - ZnCl2 +(Ii~)
actiTe with respect to hydrogen (which is more noble than 7,n).
is above H2 (e0 =zero) in the electromotive series, Zn is more
local galvRnic cell of corrosion
r ~ d.a no ac area
~ cathodic area
- 115 -
. .• . r -.·, .... ;: ._.,.,. ..
. ::.:..:....::.. .......... -~-----.
tion of' zn in pure ;:cids.
In thi.s caee the •etal
Thus consider the diEsolu-
po-tentials......-.... ,_,,. _....... -.. ~ -- ~.....~....""':"'-. ~ ....
tly rli~ferent electrodr• .:"';'_ .... ,"'!.~ ..... .,,~)or" ..
will ·' e.g., be different
crystal faces exposed at
different points at the
surface and these diffe~.
ent races will have slirn-.. - .. '':-.
-~-~!:'..f~~.!:-1- .:'I.~-~9.~·--·~°-~~g~.f_!~~_:>,
since Zn (e0 = -0.1~V)
liquids used in industry.
as an acid solution. Among the environments which cause
corrosion one may cite air: (o2,' tt2o, co2), see water and va r-f ous
In the above.examples, the envtronment has been considered
. I
hydrogen evolution type of corrosion.
-- --~---~ ~
more noble metal) ihe type of corrosion in this case is known as
In the above mentioned examples (in which H2 evolves on the
Unstrained pa rt s
(cathodic areas
unstrained parts. $,trained area acts
. as .~n<:?.c!.e (active or less noble) and in
------~acid media they will ~issolve, while
the unstrained areas act as cathode (more noble) at which hydrogen
.r: _a~ the potential of the strained area
! I l:·-~,"'...
.-. differs slightly from the surrounding..- ~......_~--;=:;·y--~, ..• ,- -. • ·:-·· - . ...
Strained part (corroding)
(anodic area) ·to_ take_· 'pLace in the area under strain,~ ., ··.::!.-.
corrosion in these areas may represent a serious hazard.
Even stra~n in the metal cause corrosion
tT_~--~-~?_ond reason i_!.,~e presence of strain in the metal')
fo~.~xample, when rivets pass through a metal and extensive
The two reactions are exactly balanced because the electron
released in the·fi~st are consumed in the second.
anodic dissolu~ion (or oxi~ation) which leads to
the loss of met~~,~
cathodic as the reduction of H+ ions.
two reactions:
Conclusion: From above it is clear that corrosion is composed of
- 116 -
·-- ...........--.,_
• te(OH) 2 whl;h~le·;J~~?;~~fcn_{)3. f-·:Perric hydro-
rld.e reacts with the enrtronm·e.nt in two waya:· with 02 to form
the oxide Pe203 With co2 to for11 ferric carbonate.
(Z ~ 4)
The H'ern8t reaction is •equation ·for the cathodic
Eo _ RT ln [OH-) 4
ZiJ [ o2 JE =
. r
oC a aore complex eube tanee.. of variable composition known -~s_
{"~t~ (contains Pe(OH)2 part· of which remains (unoxidized),
.~e(Oll)3, Pe203 and ferric carbonate (in acid medium)
If'. a.a is of'ten the caee, the anodic and oa t hodLe areas of" the
corroding iron are in c1ose __ pr~ximity0e~) ions produced at
the anod~_,,r.ea~t-~1 th theee0~~~one, prod~ced at ~b~-· c~~~ode
" . . ' : -.· i . ":"',
resa.1ting i;n the precipi 'tation of Fe(OH)2• J If suf'1"icient o2 is
present further reactions are possible leading to the formation
giv~ng rise to the formation of hydroxide ions
; .,
.. i
The· ·cathodic renction is: 2 H2o + o2 .... 4 e --)+ 4 OJC
since iron will notThus thie reaction involves 02invo'lvied.
Th" .. cnthorlic proce~A could be the same RR described for zinc
·if the iron were corroding in an acidic environment · nu. t 1t
is vel.l known that 1;·on will corrode unde r _neutral or alkaline
conditions and some other, cathodic reactions must therefore be
--~ Fe2+ + 2 eAnodic proceee: Fe
The rusting of iron iR a well known example of corrosion
whteb w~ eee in our every-day life.
Corrosion Of Iron (Rusting of Iron)
- 117 -
will.not occur.
The prevention of Corrosion.
This can be achieved in several ways:
1. The commonest way of preventing corrosion is to insulate
the metal from the corroding at•oaphere by a suitable coat-
ing such as paint. So long as the paint completely covers
the surface is.not porous and remains undamaged, corrosion
anodic area
·Fe ·~Fe2.+ +.2e
Fe rod
iron corroding in water. Corrosion takes place below the
The figure below shows anodic and cathodic areas on a piece or
showing that the potential of a cathodic area in water is de-
pendent on the concentration of dissolved o2. If, therefore,
different areas are exposed to different concentration of 02,,.
l the_Q2_=-E!£~_!!!!~ will be ~ore cathodic (more noble) than
. ~~e 22=~~f!£!~!!~_!!~!! ( l~·ss noble)~ If a pt ece of Fe 1a
partially immersed' in water the o2=.concentration will be great-
est at the surface of the water: this area of the metal will
therefore act as a·cathode to the submerged area (anode) and
·corrosion of the submerged area will then take plnce.
This type of corrosion is known as Differential oxygenation
connected by an e1ectrical condttQ tor,
(see figure). This metal forms the
,..,...... ~ .,..• .te
steel structures a more(1--,,.}t -.; t_J{,( ~ protection or
~~-~·-·:.,... __ a~ti_V:e ttet~.l, e.g. .!.!!-• or~ ie buried
~· af..)· ~ »; close to the structure to. which it ie
may be :
1- Galvanic protection. In the galvanic
very interesting application or electrochemical princjples is
te be found in cathodic protec~ion of metals: this is used often
for buried etructuree nuch as ~pelinee. Cathodic protection -
Protection against corrosion is done in several ways. a
.. ; ' ~ '
Cathodic Protection.
----- -~--·--=- ---=-
•nd cathodic inhibitors.
------- ------
. . ~- . ' '
.. using substances known· ae' iilhibitore. Hal-ting one of thesre...reac-
tions preve.iiis ·the eiectron transfer processes which are
essential for the start oC the corrosion. There are anodic
4. Other methods of corrosion control depend on·preventing
__ either the anodi~ or cathodic reaction .f'rom taking place by
. . .-_ -
ing the metal wi_lli-.6_sui-ta-bl-e-~r-e.agent. Oxide coatings, often
-·--------- • . -- -------~--~ ~~~~t'ff!i?r --·-
resulting naturally from expoeure of. the· metal. to air, are
sometimes, sufficiciently hard and coherent to protect from
further atmospheric effect
Alternatively a metal coating can be applied such as chrom-
ium or zinc~· Zinc, e.g., provides a very effective corrosion
·-reeiatant coating for ·iron, the process of application
being known as galvanizing.
3. A third type of protective coating can be produced bl _reac~-=---
- 119 -
Corrosion will be studied in detail in a separate course.
,. _:.=-.--~ -~·- ___, - ~..-~..:..u:~.::__:-~·~~
corrosion. · 7
cture at a sufficiently negative potential to prevent
p'lati_num, . or, scrap metal, the. battery maintaining the stru-
- r-,,_..: -·,. . -- _...,. . ....,~-----·- -- _.__ - • - -
e1ectrode:can-be any conducting.material such
Hence, th~ positivef'igure).
t leeh-• .le ,.,.... - .
:... 6f~) :r h<..
as graphite -
' '
·cell ia a1so·establiehed but
In polarization protection a
in this case a' battery is
included in the circuit (see
2. Polarization·Protection.
an9de of a galvanic cell and is·eacrificially corroded,
the· structure1.being ~hereby protected.
- 120 -
4. ~nod~c Oxidation or Organic Compounds: also on inert electrodes.
~- Anodic Oxidation Of Inorganic Compounds: also on inert
2• Gas .EW'olu tion : Such as 02 and the halogens. This occurs
on inert electrodes (e.g., noble metals like Pt) which are
not active, and do not undergo anodic dissolut]on.
b) Concentration polarization when the ~low step is the diffu-
si~n or the metal cation fro• the solution near the anode
to the bulk oC solution.
. I
charge transfer rencti.on. In thi!l cane , the ove r-po t.e nt t a I
is ·represented by a Tafel line and a Tafel equation chara-
cteristic of acti.vation-control •
a) ActiYalion overpotential when the slov 3tep is either the
detochaent of a metal atom from the Metal lattice, or a
ciated vi th an overpotential which may be:
ThP. rroeefHJ of Rn()d i c dissol n t f.on of a r:t(' Etnode 1 ~ :tr.~o-
( 1 )+ 2 e~ ·-Cu·Cu
nn nno~~ mny hr.hnv~ nn~ di~~olv~ in the elPctroJyte.
e , fY.·. vhen Cu is mnrle an an nnode in acidified cuso,. ~olu-
tj onn
Dependent on the type of metRl and the nature of solution,
One •ay summRri~~ the Bnorlic prnc~R~~~ previou~ly rtln-
~usoed in this cour~e. These nre:
~· '.~1._,·...C:'..)''.tt'"'•c )-.',(.,.,-, .. # .. 1--;P. ....'l°'/.z LI z.ea I c I
- ]?] -
Kuch thicker oxide films can be produced as a result of corro-
sion,~~~· the rusting of iron. It is believed that the
and oxides oC various thickness are produced on the surface
dependent on the nature of the metal and the composition of
a~r (apart Crom B2, 02, H20 vapour, air may contain other ga~es
resulting rrom'various industrial plants). When thin oxide
rtims or other thin films (e.g. silver sulphide) are formed on
the metal in air, the reaction ia called a tarnishing reaction .. .
When exposed to air, metals undergo atmo~pheric oxidation
oxidation oC metals to form oxide films on the anode surface.
Howaver. another important anodic.~eaction, which ha~ not
been mentioned before, still exists, and this is the anodic·
H2 gas as in ·the case of the corrosion of Zn jn acids.
b) a pa~tial cathodic reaction which exactly balances the anod-
ic ~eaction. e.g., the cathodic reduction of H+ ions to form
-- ...
a) a partial anodic metal dissolution reaction (corrosion),
like the dissolution of Zn in acid solutions~ ~~d
is the basis of corr-o a Lon which involves.
ion of a salt of a more nohJ.c metol. The metRl din~
solves spontaneously (anodic reaction) and the cations of the
more noble metal are reduced and deposited (cathodic reaction).
This is a displacement reaction. Such a displacement reaction
This occurs when an active metal is immersed in a solut-
6. Spontaneous Anodic Dissolution
Anodic Oxidation Of Fuel Gae i~ a fuel cell, such as the
oxidation of H2 to H+ ions in the 112/02 fuel cell.
- 122 -
---·------ --- -·------~-
and the aebll disso1Tes giving rise •o ~as evolution.occurs.
Wh<'n a piece or iron iR 1-ereed in dilate HN03• corrosion
are ~oosldered:
Tvo types of pasgivitynot und~r~o d1.ssolutton or corrosion.
A pa~sive metal does
·~ ...:;-}-._.;.~--~-~ ....-,.,..sJcJ~;,._th1-ck oxide f"l.l.lft~' ,. 'v ,
-:- •. ·.- .. " ~; •  :· ,. - - .'.  1 t·.!:•.
valve' metals ''.such as
----------·- .
are ~~rm~d on cer~tn mPtRl~~ Wll ~!~.b) and tantalum (Ta)_:___.-/
... . . --::-.------:-----·--- -- - .. ~----------=.-:::::: =::!____ ..!~- =:~.
= 1010 .A
. • .. ·.· R
1 r~ =·· 108 A: (Rn~trom), l m~ter = 100 c• = lOOxlo-
. 1 ·~· ·(-~ic~on ~- io-6 = 10-6 I 1010 = 104 lsince .-
i 1 ••.••
Note th.Rt:or more.1 Jl (micron)
b) · Pormn t ion of' thick oxide :fi l•~ mr..y reA.~h R thl clrn~m1 of
-. -·~. P.tttdi~ct under the euh.1ect cf rassivity.
tt) Formntion of very· thin oxide films (50 1). and the rroc~!l~ is
-----Here we ha,;.e · ·tvo po ee f. bill t Les ;
,.,,, ~ .,,,,..... _,_. , ,..
' I
t :
. of eolut1nn one may have:
sui.tRblc el-ectrolvte. Dependent on the type of metal and nature
oxdc fll•e rormed hy polarizJn~ the met~l nR nn anode in a
In Auch an introductory couree, one may concentrate on the
nion 1 n 111A.ny 111onogrnphn nnd t;e.xt bo ok a on corrosion.
atmoApheric oxidation of metals (thin and thick oxides) proceeds
by electrochemical re~ctlonA. The subject of atmospheric oxide
film formation io usually dealt with under the subject or r.orro-
- 123 -
- .
sudden decrease in c.d. is called the paasivating potential (EP).
Thie potential is sometimes known as the Flade potential.
Thie oxide causes a resistance to the passage of current, with
the-result that the current (and consequently the c.d.) decreas-
ws abruptly along (be). The potential corresponding to this
be passivated ae an anode in a cell using the proper electrolyte.
For exe.mple, when we passivat e iron anodically in H2so4 solut-
ions. the metal starts by dissolving actively along the Tafel
line (ab) as shown in the figure. At (b) an oxide
fil• is formed (similar to that formed in chemical passivity)
---~.:.,;.-Thie type of paseivity is produced by polarizing the metal to
-~---·-=- ·- _..._ -- ---------
chemical passivity.
Metal /
passivity of Fe. This pansjvity
arises as a result of formation
bf a thin (1 b t SO')a ou A, coherent,
transparent oxide film which covers
the entire metal surface and pre-
vents .the metal from contacting the solution. Therefore, this
oxide fi~m protects the metal against corrosion. Since this type
of passivity is caueed by a chemical (cone HN03) it ie cnlled
10/ HN03
dil HN03
J Fe /
However, ..when iron ie put in
concentrated HN03 (70 r o~
more), no reaction occurs·
(no gas is evolved), and the -
metal surface remaine bi htr g •
Therefore, it is said that
concentrated HNOT causes the
- 124 -
oxide surrace.
'- ........... ~rod"4:,00. .... l'W'~fl..__~"'e:""-~·
ca1 to ~orm o2 gae and n2o. The ~xy~en gae ta evolved on the
to the ortde. Thie is followed by .~he combination of' OHradi-
02 evolution starts and becomes visible to the naked eye at
the poi~t (d). o2 eYolution r~leee the c.d. along the line
(de) vh~ch represents what is known as transpasaive region. o2
• ; f
evolution reeulte fro• the paeeage of electrons from OH- ions
...t:.7:'-.. ·· r...."'.;.;.';::.'.1"1.-- '·"""'r~ .•. ~•- ..,,_.. -· ·-~ ..--. ----- -~--- .. -.. "' 1.-""
Therefore. when the anode po~ential is increasedor electrons •
. ~;,.,,....,;;;.._-.,-,.x•r-· ..- ..; ,j_
until the eYolution of 02 becomes thermodynamically possible,
(cd) is called the passivity region wher~ a stable oxide film
-- ----- - ~
( Pe.e~) e_es-ts on the surface. (Thi~- o~~~~---~a a good conductor
-.=::..-:.:::::-...::::::::___ _,,____ - ~ ------ - ... - -- -- - --- .::-.
. -1 - . . ... ~
The region represented by the linees'"'"to more poeiti ve values.
Thermodymudc caleulation<have shown t~ the most likely oxide
. . ""'. ·tic.: . )
to· he f'orwed on iron at the pnnf!ivntinP,-potentinl is Pe o •
~~·,.._,....-..;;:,..·----.=-:~-~ -.: _:__ -~-"~,~.--. ~i --.:.:-..~~:-~~ - 2 3
The meta1 remaina JlR.fHtive alonP. the line (cd) which is chara-
cterized by a constant low c.d. although the potential increas-
'>-t .
- 125 -
. .
in the direct.i.D.ILQ_f the metal.
- - . :::::::::=:
3) Cations and anions (e.g. 0--) have their characteristic
) · -- ii n (resulting from the decomposition
2 Th~-_tr~~~_po~~=-<?:-~-~~ ~
of water at the oxide/so~ution boundary) through the oxide
the~ide in the direction of the solution.
betwee~ metal and oxide,
and the second between
oxide and solution (see figure). The passage o.f an anodic cur-
rent in thie system is brought about by:
t t 1 atom info a cation which is transported1) The oxidation o a me ·a ..,. ____
th metal/oxide boundary (or interface), then throughacross e ·~_, ~-
phnao houndnry
phaoc boundary
boundaries the Ciret
system (metal/oxide/solu-
ao l u t t on·ox i demetaltion) with two phaee
Conside~ a three-phase
metal by tarnishing Teactions grows to a considerable thickness.
is made the an electrolyte which does not dissolve
the_ metal or oxide, the thin oxide film already .formed on the
-- --- '
The name valve metals is given for a number of metals which
allow the free passage of current in one direction (cathodic
direction) and hinders the current passing in the other direc-
tion (anodic direction). Thie is because the paeaage of current
in the anodic direction requires a· ·higher free energy of acti-
vation than that required for~the cathodic direction. Typical
valve ~etalo are Nb (niobium) and Ta (tantalum). Lesa typJcnl
valve metals include Ti (titanium), Zr (zirconium), Al (alumin-
ium) and W (tungsten). When a typical valve metal (Nb or Ta)
- 126 -
- .
oC increase oC potential with time at constant c.•. (i) in region
-..-- - ------'7.....
its thickn~se increasefl when the potential inan?lJ.M•~. The rate
ti-"e {,i)
cqnstant c.d.
A o
. "·J.
200 v
formed on the surface Rnd that
.:;:;•: ··-
indicate that an oxide film is
surface of a Yariery of inter-
ference {golden yellow,
blue, pink. etc). These colours
with the appearance on the
high potentials (e.g. 200 V
the f'ol lovlng curve from it a ppenr-s that the po t ent Lal
rises linearl.7 with time along
the region (A) reaching very
•easured ap;ainst a
suitable ref"erence 'iR f'ollowed es e. function of" time. we ohta.1 n
oxi 1fr p:rowth
(new oxide
=cationpotential. (E) as
etnticnl1y. nnd itn
c.d., i.e. fralvano-
growth) at constant
which favours oxide
is nnodically polari?.-
ed (in a solution
When a valve metaJt-~~~~~~~~~~....,,,_,.--~~~~~~~~
oxide phase. This ia illustrated in the follo.., figure.
. ·-----------------=~-
Therefore, the growth of oxide occurs in the middle of the
... '' .. ,J
- 127 -
. id th1cknesa (6) is directly proportional to
The increase of ox e~~"---~-~
) .--:-:.i-herefore, the oxide formation (or growth)
increase in {Er·
--------rate m-;;; be expressed by
( 3)+constant
~---6 ·>
1 I
cathodereference -}-~---------t-:-----~~---
In the electrical circuit, the. reference electrode remains the
same, and if we assume that the po~~ntials (~1 and ¢2) at the
two phase boundaries remain constant during the passage of
current, the increase of the measured potential (E) with time
(~ '<f-J...<'c>-?te • j -~
(1'.Y"'is due to the inc reaee in the .!'oten tial difference QEf") -"'_':'.'"."
the growing oxide. phase with time due to th~_ consu~ption ~f the
~current in oxide growth (see figure).
~hie can be explained in the ~ollowing manner:
( 2)(dE/dt)i =oxide formation rate
(A) is known as the oxide formatiori'rate •
- 128 -
( 7)
the oum of the pre-polartz•tion thickness (60) due to the film
formed in nir (very thin, nbout 20 t. o; Lon s ) plua the increase
in thickness (66) cauAed by the p~esnge of current (coulometric
increeae of oxide thickness)
(time(_!) during oxide growth the t h i ck ne s n ([•) of the ox f de is
Let un consider the coulometric (electrochemical) method. At any
3. Coulomctry which uses the amount of electricity passed.
2. Ellipsometry
1. TntP-rferometry
can be determined by several me tb od s among which one may cite:
The thickness (l)) of the ox Id e .film formed in region (>.)
hrcnun~ wear~ dealing vith an Rnodtc pronees:
the ~olution. Note that the expon~nt1nl hR~ n positiv~ sign
(6)A e:xp ( RH ) •i
1'he relation bPtveen the c , d. ( i) and the electric f"ield l
rPP;ion (A) i~ rxpresf'ec't by eev er-aI e:x-~onei.~ie1 lawe. th/
~--~implP.ot of which j~
conAtant field process. .//.------·-------j -..-------.........__
------- <,
------- '
~~-~-ns constant in r~_g1on (A) R.R Long aa the c.d .. (i·) remains
e orrs t nn t , The:refore, r,RlTnnoetatic anodic film growth ie a
( 5)
The proportionality betv~en the 1ncreAB~ of (&) end the increase
or·(Er) suggests thnt the electric field Atrengtb (ff) (Potent1Rl
divided by dietnnce) Rcroes the oxide phaRe:
- 1?~ -
•·.;.' ,,. ·- '. ~; ,.:,
tial, and sometimes
region (8) shows a bend-down of the potential/
tion. Furthermore,
in the slope of the potential/time
i a decrease
time relation, .e.
( ) of' the galvanoeta.tic curve showa that breakdown
Region B
t · t occur This Ls known as dielectric
of the oxide film st~j"J o . .
martlfe~ted by oacilla tiona :in the valve poten-
brea.kdown and s
by sparking between the electrode and solu-
region (B) of the galvanoatatic curve.
The situation is different inelectronic conductance occurs.
i.e. the conductance is ionic, and no
that only cationa and anions are trans-It muet. pe emphaaized
ported in region (A),
The value of (r) is given by:
= cm3 /coulomb (10)r
The units can be introduced in equation (8) thus (note that i
is in A/cm2).
( 9)= (gf!im)( cm3)( :1le )(coulomb)=
~ gram co omb cm2 cm
ft = molecular weight of oxide
l!I = density.of oxide
n = number of faradays required for the formation of one mole, e.g.' n = 10 for Ta205.
'F = J"araday, 96500 coulomb.
r = Tolume of oxide formed per coulomb
Q = amount of' electricity
M /
= ( 8 n F) 1. t - . ri t = rQ
gets f'or (bb) :
When all the anodic ·current le used ~·for oxide formation, one
- 130

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Note on corrosion

  • 1. one example of corrosion that we have already met is y.iven by.!!! electrode in the Daniell cell. When this cell discharp,es Corrosion mechanisms. , . · ! . The products of metallic corrosion are ionic in nature, and· corrosion.mechanisms involve electron transfer. They may thereto~~· ·b;··-dl ;~~-;sed in term~ of ~!~£!!!~£!!~!!!!£~!_£2!!£~1?~~. An understanding of corrosion mechanisms is very necessary if corrosion is to be effectively controlled~ ..... t~nt metals, e.g., ~e}/ coz-r-oeLon represents a major problem, nd vast sums of money are being spent annually in attempts to a . . .- , . . . ..I • • ! . • . ~ . • pre~.~n~. or. minimi~e 1.ts e.ffect • of .this stabili-ty .Ls that once a pure m_etal has been extracted it often exhibi~s.a tendency, when exposed to an oxi~izing ,.' ·atmo~pher, to rev:~r~ to. the combined state. The l,atter process is .referred_. to as; metallic corrosion. In case of some impor- modynamically with respect to the pure metals. A consequence - . . -............ Although some1 metals (e.g., the platinum, mercury) are found in the earth's crust in more or less pure state, others, ~·such as.Fe, Al. and Zn'are normally found in combination with -~--....c:·-~ - ... ~~- 02 or other elements.· These compounds are highly stable ther- ·-· - -- .. .. .. ' ' - r • ·1. · , attack. accompanies physical deterioration. '? . . • • ~ • '( ~· I • . f: . - Co~.x;:~~.Q!l 'is the destructive attack on a metal through chemical and electrochemical-reactions by the environment. --,,_.---. ' ~ '<,...._Deteriora tio~)by physical causes such as errosion, p;alling or wear .. ie also included i~ corrosion. In many cases, chemical NOTE ON CORlli)SION - 112 -
  • 2. r .. 2 e __ ,._ 2 u+ ,. '-~·- .,_...:: ,.-</ takes p1ace. On a ca.thocli.e area a corresponding reduction reaction ... ta_k~_s place. 1.. In d~lute acids the aoet li~elJ reduction reaction is -- . I • Zn2+ + 2 eZn on an anodic area of Zn the oxidation reaction (i.e •• anodic disso1ation leads to the loss of •etal) forms is known as local galvanic cell of corrosion. Numer- ous~1oca1 cells thus occur' on the surface of a small piece of meta1. This shows that corrosion is electrochemical. areas. __ The coabi.nation-·of' one anodic and one cathodic reaction , . . It is now considered that the surface of a corroding metal is divided up into, sometimes numerous, anodic areas and cathodic acid. ~~er,, etallic corrosion can occur when a single metal ~~ is placed in a corrosive environment: e.g., pure 'zinc in dilute wou1d not take place. I//In aosence of th1.a reduction process, the corrosion oC zinc~-- Cu the reduction is the deposition of copper according to Cu2+ + 2 e are zn >· zn2+·; + 2 e taken up bv the reduction~ reaction {in the Daniell cell, Rive Znso4. The rate of thi~ corrosion i a liai ted by the rate at ·w-hich - -- - .,....,. ·-·-~··· electrons liberated by the oxidation reaction --·- ------~· · --· - -~·- - ~--· --~ ..... -- the zinc dissolves: we can eay that in the cell.en~ironment the zinc corrodes to 113 -
  • 3. ~) One_important: reason being that metal aurraces are not uniform, when considered at the microscopic level. There be iess .rapid. Th~s.can be for a variety of reasons: 2- However, !!~~-!~-~h~-~~~~~£~-~!-~~!~-~£~!~-~~~~!_!~E~!!~!~~· metalscan still corrode, though the rate o~ corrosion may ----------------------- ··- ' ! •. in HCl acid if a little CuS04 solution is added. ! whole aerie~ _o~ .!!!.£!:~!!£~E!£_~~~!~!!_£!:!!~(local gal vnnic ~-ells) .. . -envisaged on'the surface of _the metal. In confirmation of this mechanism we might note that zn will dis~olve much more readily copper, and the dilute acid also contained copper ions then a . . ( ; ~ areas and these could be quite sufficient to permit a measurable -- _,. --~..:~ • ;···· 'i· ' ·~--..-: . ra~e of corrosion. If, e.g., impurities were in the rorm or• ~ • . ! 1 f ,, • .• • ' . . of-~:;~~g~~-~~~~t~~.£~~il1~~~!._E~.s~i-}~~atoms of this m~t_a~ _at--~~-~-• s.~r~~ce would const1_:.:i..!_e ~!~i~~~~E!~-~!!!!!~~~£--....--::':-:.. - _7At"'~..J.'"""'.-.-lw.· ..., , •'-.C • ! ~---·- -~--~----~-- ·--.....--.... - • If very small amounts1- Metals are seldom compl~tely pure. r· t '; In case dr a single piece of zinc, it might be expected to be quite uniform in its properties. How, therefore could the sepa- rate areas arise.J being anodic. In the baniell cell the tw~~different metals are anodic and cathodic because of their different stnnclnrd electrode potJm_j;- • ials,the metal witb th~_more +ve potential (more noble) being_) . --~ . - - ~athodic i8nd the one with the more -ve potential (more active) ---·---·· - ~ 'But why should these different anodic and cathodic areas exist on the surface of the zinc·? leading to the evolution of H2 gas.~
  • 4. -2 e ~2 .. -+ The activit7 or (A) is due to the fact that the valency· of the ato•s in th:l.a part is not eai"isfied. The electrons released in the above reaction are transported in the metal f'r-om (A.) to the Clat part o'C the surface (B). On._(B) the two electrons are taken up b7 211+ :ions from the solution.and a reduction (or cathodic) rea.ct:l.on occurs leading to the evolution of H2 Zn >s Zn2 + + 2 e . ~ the anode {act~Ye) and an anodic reaction occurs according to proceeds in an e1ectr.oc}temical manner. The given dLagr-ara shows that on the heterogeneous Zn surface the part (A) will act as For this reason the chemical reaction: .: sn .,_ 2 HCl - ZnCl2 +(Ii~) actiTe with respect to hydrogen (which is more noble than 7,n). is above H2 (e0 =zero) in the electromotive series, Zn is more local galvRnic cell of corrosion ~A r ~ d.a no ac area B ~ cathodic area I r - 115 - . .• . r -.·, .... ;: ._.,.,. .. . ::.:..:....::.. .......... -~-----. tion of' zn in pure ;:cids. In thi.s caee the •etal Thus consider the diEsolu- po-tentials......-.... ,_,,. _....... -.. ~ -- ~.....~....""':"'-. ~ .... tly rli~ferent electrodr• .:"';'_ .... ,"'!.~ ..... .,,~)or" .. will ·' e.g., be different crystal faces exposed at different points at the surface and these diffe~. ent races will have slirn-.. - .. '':-. -~-~!:'..f~~.!:-1- .:'I.~-~9.~·--·~°-~~g~.f_!~~_:>, '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~-I since Zn (e0 = -0.1~V)
  • 5. ,. liquids used in industry. as an acid solution. Among the environments which cause corrosion one may cite air: (o2,' tt2o, co2), see water and va r-f ous In the above.examples, the envtronment has been considered . I hydrogen evolution type of corrosion. -- --~---~ ~ ' more noble metal) ihe type of corrosion in this case is known as In the above mentioned examples (in which H2 evolves on the liberates. ----- Unstrained pa rt s (cathodic areas unstrained parts. $,trained area acts . as .~n<:?.c!.e (active or less noble) and in ------~acid media they will ~issolve, while the unstrained areas act as cathode (more noble) at which hydrogen .r: _a~ the potential of the strained area ! I l:·-~,"'... I I .-. differs slightly from the surrounding..- ~......_~--;=:;·y--~, ..• ,- -. • ·:-·· - . ... ~! Strained part (corroding) (anodic area) ·to_ take_· 'pLace in the area under strain,~ ., ··.::!.-. corrosion in these areas may represent a serious hazard. Even stra~n in the metal cause corrosion tT_~--~-~?_ond reason i_!.,~e presence of strain in the metal') fo~.~xample, when rivets pass through a metal and extensive b) The two reactions are exactly balanced because the electron released in the·fi~st are consumed in the second. anodic dissolu~ion (or oxi~ation) which leads to the loss of met~~,~ cathodic as the reduction of H+ ions. two reactions: Conclusion: From above it is clear that corrosion is composed of - 116 -
  • 6. ·-- ...........--.,_ • te(OH) 2 whl;h~le·;J~~?;~~fcn_{)3. f-·:Perric hydro- rld.e reacts with the enrtronm·e.nt in two waya:· with 02 to form the oxide Pe203 With co2 to for11 ferric carbonate. (Z ~ 4) The H'ern8t reaction is •equation ·for the cathodic Eo _ RT ln [OH-) 4 ZiJ [ o2 JE = . r oC a aore complex eube tanee.. of variable composition known -~s_ {"~t~ (contains Pe(OH)2 part· of which remains (unoxidized), '-· .~e(Oll)3, Pe203 and ferric carbonate (in acid medium) If'. a.a is of'ten the caee, the anodic and oa t hodLe areas of" the corroding iron are in c1ose __ pr~ximity0e~) ions produced at the anod~_,,r.ea~t-~1 th theee0~~~one, prod~ced at ~b~-· c~~~ode " . . ' : -.· i . ":"', resa.1ting i;n the precipi 'tation of Fe(OH)2• J If suf'1"icient o2 is present further reactions are possible leading to the formation giv~ng rise to the formation of hydroxide ions ; ., .. i The· ·cathodic renction is: 2 H2o + o2 .... 4 e --)+ 4 OJC ~!?!:!:~~~-!!!_!~!~!:_!f_Q2_!!!_~~!"!:!:~!!l_!:!~!~~~~. } since iron will notThus thie reaction involves 02invo'lvied. Th" .. cnthorlic proce~A could be the same RR described for zinc ·if the iron were corroding in an acidic environment · nu. t 1t is vel.l known that 1;·on will corrode unde r _neutral or alkaline conditions and some other, cathodic reactions must therefore be --~ Fe2+ + 2 eAnodic proceee: Fe The rusting of iron iR a well known example of corrosion whteb w~ eee in our every-day life. Corrosion Of Iron (Rusting of Iron) - 117 -
  • 7. will.not occur. The prevention of Corrosion. This can be achieved in several ways: 1. The commonest way of preventing corrosion is to insulate the metal from the corroding at•oaphere by a suitable coat- ing such as paint. So long as the paint completely covers the surface is.not porous and remains undamaged, corrosion .... anodic area ·Fe ·~Fe2.+ +.2e Fe rod surface. -===-- iron corroding in water. Corrosion takes place below the The figure below shows anodic and cathodic areas on a piece or corrosio~~ showing that the potential of a cathodic area in water is de- pendent on the concentration of dissolved o2. If, therefore, different areas are exposed to different concentration of 02,,. l the_Q2_=-E!£~_!!!!~ will be ~ore cathodic (more noble) than . ~~e 22=~~f!£!~!!~_!!~!! ( l~·ss noble)~ If a pt ece of Fe 1a partially immersed' in water the o2=.concentration will be great- est at the surface of the water: this area of the metal will therefore act as a·cathode to the submerged area (anode) and ·corrosion of the submerged area will then take plnce. This type of corrosion is known as Differential oxygenation
  • 8. connected by an e1ectrical condttQ tor, (see figure). This metal forms the ,..,...... ~ .,..• .te ,...,..,rat)•n steel structures a more(1--,,.}t -.; t_J{,( ~ protection or /'!!''l-',..., ~~-~·-·:.,... __ a~ti_V:e ttet~.l, e.g. .!.!!-• or~ ie buried ~· af..)· ~ »; close to the structure to. which it ie e. may be : 1- Galvanic protection. In the galvanic very interesting application or electrochemical princjples is te be found in cathodic protec~ion of metals: this is used often for buried etructuree nuch as ~pelinee. Cathodic protection - Protection against corrosion is done in several ways. a .. ; ' ~ ' Cathodic Protection. ----- -~--·--=- ---=- •nd cathodic inhibitors. ------- ------ . . ~- . ' ' .. using substances known· ae' iilhibitore. Hal-ting one of thesre...reac- tions preve.iiis ·the eiectron transfer processes which are essential for the start oC the corrosion. There are anodic 4. Other methods of corrosion control depend on·preventing __ either the anodi~ or cathodic reaction .f'rom taking place by . . .-_ - ing the metal wi_lli-.6_sui-ta-bl-e-~r-e.agent. Oxide coatings, often -·--------- • . -- -------~--~ ~~~~t'ff!i?r --·- resulting naturally from expoeure of. the· metal. to air, are sometimes, sufficiciently hard and coherent to protect from further atmospheric effect Alternatively a metal coating can be applied such as chrom- ium or zinc~· Zinc, e.g., provides a very effective corrosion ·-reeiatant coating for ·iron, the process of application being known as galvanizing. 3. A third type of protective coating can be produced bl _reac~-=--- 2. - 119 -
  • 9. Corrosion will be studied in detail in a separate course. ,. _:.=-.--~ -~·- ___, - ~..-~..:..u:~.::__:-~·~~ corrosion. · 7 -·~~ - cture at a sufficiently negative potential to prevent p'lati_num, . or, scrap metal, the. battery maintaining the stru- - r-,,_..: -·,. . -- _...,. . ....,~-----·- -- _.__ - • - - e1ectrode:can-be any conducting.material such Hence, th~ positivef'igure). lntrL· t leeh-• .le ,.,.... - . :... 6f~) :r h<.. as graphite - ' ' ·cell ia a1so·establiehed but In polarization protection a in this case a' battery is included in the circuit (see 2. Polarization·Protection. an9de of a galvanic cell and is·eacrificially corroded, the· structure1.being ~hereby protected. - - 120 -
  • 10. 4. ~nod~c Oxidation or Organic Compounds: also on inert electrodes. ~- Anodic Oxidation Of Inorganic Compounds: also on inert .electrodes. 2• Gas .EW'olu tion : Such as 02 and the halogens. This occurs on inert electrodes (e.g., noble metals like Pt) which are not active, and do not undergo anodic dissolut]on. b) Concentration polarization when the ~low step is the diffu- si~n or the metal cation fro• the solution near the anode to the bulk oC solution. . I charge transfer rencti.on. In thi!l cane , the ove r-po t.e nt t a I is ·represented by a Tafel line and a Tafel equation chara- cteristic of acti.vation-control • a) ActiYalion overpotential when the slov 3tep is either the detochaent of a metal atom from the Metal lattice, or a ciated vi th an overpotential which may be: ThP. rroeefHJ of Rn()d i c dissol n t f.on of a r:t(' Etnode 1 ~ :tr.~o- ( 1 )+ 2 e~ ·-Cu·Cu nn nno~~ mny hr.hnv~ nn~ di~~olv~ in the elPctroJyte. e , fY.·. vhen Cu is mnrle an an nnode in acidified cuso,. ~olu- tj onn Dependent on the type of metRl and the nature of solution, One •ay summRri~~ the Bnorlic prnc~R~~~ previou~ly rtln- ~usoed in this cour~e. These nre: ,~·~cntrq~<rxtt'tl',ft~~!!HAT;[QI ~· '.~1._,·...C:'..)''.tt'"'•c )-.',(.,.,-, .. # .. 1--;P. ....'l°'/.z LI z.ea I c I - ]?] -
  • 11. Kuch thicker oxide films can be produced as a result of corro- sion,~~~· the rusting of iron. It is believed that the and oxides oC various thickness are produced on the surface dependent on the nature of the metal and the composition of a~r (apart Crom B2, 02, H20 vapour, air may contain other ga~es resulting rrom'various industrial plants). When thin oxide rtims or other thin films (e.g. silver sulphide) are formed on the metal in air, the reaction ia called a tarnishing reaction .. . When exposed to air, metals undergo atmo~pheric oxidation I oxidation oC metals to form oxide films on the anode surface. Howaver. another important anodic.~eaction, which ha~ not been mentioned before, still exists, and this is the anodic· H2 gas as in ·the case of the corrosion of Zn jn acids. b) a pa~tial cathodic reaction which exactly balances the anod- ic ~eaction. e.g., the cathodic reduction of H+ ions to form -- ... a) a partial anodic metal dissolution reaction (corrosion), like the dissolution of Zn in acid solutions~ ~~d is the basis of corr-o a Lon which involves. ion of a salt of a more nohJ.c metol. The metRl din~ solves spontaneously (anodic reaction) and the cations of the more noble metal are reduced and deposited (cathodic reaction). This is a displacement reaction. Such a displacement reaction This occurs when an active metal is immersed in a solut- 6. Spontaneous Anodic Dissolution Anodic Oxidation Of Fuel Gae i~ a fuel cell, such as the oxidation of H2 to H+ ions in the 112/02 fuel cell. 5. - 122 -
  • 12. ---·------ --- -·------~- and the aebll disso1Tes giving rise •o ~as evolution.occurs. ~--=---- Wh<'n a piece or iron iR 1-ereed in dilate HN03• corrosion are ~oosldered: Tvo types of pasgivitynot und~r~o d1.ssolutton or corrosion. A pa~sive metal does ·~ ...:;-}-._.;.~--~-~ ....-,.,..sJcJ~;,._th1-ck oxide f"l.l.lft~' ,. 'v , -:- •. ·.- .. " ~; • :· ,. - - .'. 1 t·.!:•. valve' metals ''.such as ----------·- . are ~~rm~d on cer~tn mPtRl~~ Wll ~!~.b) and tantalum (Ta)_:___.-/ ... . . --::-.------:-----·--- -- - .. ~----------=.-:::::: =::!____ ..!~- =:~. = 1010 .A . • .. ·.· R 1 r~ =·· 108 A: (Rn~trom), l m~ter = 100 c• = lOOxlo- . 1 ·~· ·(-~ic~on ~- io-6 = 10-6 I 1010 = 104 lsince .- i 1 ••.•• Note th.Rt:or more.1 Jl (micron) .. b) · Pormn t ion of' thick oxide :fi l•~ mr..y reA.~h R thl clrn~m1 of : -. -·~. P.tttdi~ct under the euh.1ect cf rassivity. tt) Formntion of very· thin oxide films (50 1). and the rroc~!l~ is f,• -----Here we ha,;.e · ·tvo po ee f. bill t Les ; ,.,,, ~ .,,,,..... _,_. , ,.. ..,.,... ' I -r:., t : ,. . of eolut1nn one may have: sui.tRblc el-ectrolvte. Dependent on the type of metal and nature oxdc fll•e rormed hy polarizJn~ the met~l nR nn anode in a In Auch an introductory couree, one may concentrate on the nion 1 n 111A.ny 111onogrnphn nnd t;e.xt bo ok a on corrosion. atmoApheric oxidation of metals (thin and thick oxides) proceeds by electrochemical re~ctlonA. The subject of atmospheric oxide film formation io usually dealt with under the subject or r.orro- - 123 -
  • 13. ·~ - . I sudden decrease in c.d. is called the paasivating potential (EP). Thie potential is sometimes known as the Flade potential. Thie oxide causes a resistance to the passage of current, with the-result that the current (and consequently the c.d.) decreas- ws abruptly along (be). The potential corresponding to this be passivated ae an anode in a cell using the proper electrolyte. For exe.mple, when we passivat e iron anodically in H2so4 solut- ions. the metal starts by dissolving actively along the Tafel line (ab) as shown in the figure. At (b) an oxide fil• is formed (similar to that formed in chemical passivity) *'~~~.l$.~~'ft~}1l ---~.:.,;.-Thie type of paseivity is produced by polarizing the metal to -~---·-=- ·- _..._ -- --------- chemical passivity. Metal / I oxide passivity of Fe. This pansjvity arises as a result of formation bf a thin (1 b t SO')a ou A, coherent, transparent oxide film which covers the entire metal surface and pre- vents .the metal from contacting the solution. Therefore, this oxide fi~m protects the metal against corrosion. Since this type of passivity is caueed by a chemical (cone HN03) it ie cnlled Corrosion 10/ HN03 passivity dil HN03 Fe I J Fe / ' However, ..when iron ie put in concentrated HN03 (70 r o~ more), no reaction occurs· (no gas is evolved), and the - metal surface remaine bi htr g • Therefore, it is said that concentrated HNOT causes the ~ - 124 -
  • 14. oxide surrace. '- ........... ~rod"4:,00. .... l'W'~fl..__~"'e:""-~· ca1 to ~orm o2 gae and n2o. The ~xy~en gae ta evolved on the to the ortde. Thie is followed by .~he combination of' OHradi- 02 evolution starts and becomes visible to the naked eye at the poi~t (d). o2 eYolution r~leee the c.d. along the line (de) vh~ch represents what is known as transpasaive region. o2 • ; f evolution reeulte fro• the paeeage of electrons from OH- ions ...t:.7:'-.. ·· r...."'.;.;.';::.'.1"1.-- '·"""'r~ .•. ~•- ..,,_.. -· ·-~ ..--. ----- -~--- .. -.. "' 1.-"" Therefore. when the anode po~ential is increasedor electrons • . ~;,.,,....,;;;.._-.,-,.x•r-· ..- ..; ,j_ until the eYolution of 02 becomes thermodynamically possible, (cd) is called the passivity region wher~ a stable oxide film -- ----- - ~ ( Pe.e~) e_es-ts on the surface. (Thi~- o~~~~---~a a good conductor -.=::..-:.:::::-...::::::::___ _,,____ - ~ ------ - ... - -- -- - --- .::-. . -1 - . . ... ~ The region represented by the linees'"'"to more poeiti ve values. Thermodymudc caleulation<have shown t~ the most likely oxide . . ""'. ·tic.: . ) to· he f'orwed on iron at the pnnf!ivntinP,-potentinl is Pe o • ~~·,.._,....-..;;:,..·----.=-:~-~ -.: _:__ -~-"~,~.--. ~i --.:.:-..~~:-~~ - 2 3 The meta1 remaina JlR.fHtive alonP. the line (cd) which is chara- cterized by a constant low c.d. although the potential increas- c b t ~ ~ ~ '>-t . ~ a - 125 - h
  • 15. . . in the direct.i.D.ILQ_f the metal. - - . :::::::::=: 3) Cations and anions (e.g. 0--) have their characteristic ·1 ) · -- ii n (resulting from the decomposition 2 Th~-_tr~~~_po~~=-<?:-~-~~ ~ of water at the oxide/so~ution boundary) through the oxide ~---- the~ide in the direction of the solution. betwee~ metal and oxide, and the second between oxide and solution (see figure). The passage o.f an anodic cur- / rent in thie system is brought about by: t t 1 atom info a cation which is transported1) The oxidation o a me ·a ..,. ____ th metal/oxide boundary (or interface), then throughacross e ·~_, ~- phnao houndnry (2) phaoc boundary (1) boundaries the Ciret system (metal/oxide/solu- ao l u t t on·ox i demetaltion) with two phaee Conside~ a three-phase metal by tarnishing Teactions grows to a considerable thickness. is made the an electrolyte which does not dissolve the_ metal or oxide, the thin oxide film already .formed on the -- --- ' ,, The name valve metals is given for a number of metals which allow the free passage of current in one direction (cathodic direction) and hinders the current passing in the other direc- tion (anodic direction). Thie is because the paeaage of current in the anodic direction requires a· ·higher free energy of acti- vation than that required for~the cathodic direction. Typical valve ~etalo are Nb (niobium) and Ta (tantalum). Lesa typJcnl valve metals include Ti (titanium), Zr (zirconium), Al (alumin- ium) and W (tungsten). When a typical valve metal (Nb or Ta) ... - 126 -
  • 16. - . oC increase oC potential with time at constant c.•. (i) in region -..-- - ------'7..... its thickn~se increasefl when the potential inan?lJ.M•~. The rate ti-"e {,i) cqnstant c.d. A o . "·J. 200 v E formed on the surface Rnd that .:;:;•: ··- indicate that an oxide film is surface of a Yariery of inter- ference {golden yellow, blue, pink. etc). These colours • with the appearance on the Th high potentials (e.g. 200 V vit.h the f'ol lovlng curve from it a ppenr-s that the po t ent Lal rises linearl.7 with time along the region (A) reaching very -' •easured ap;ainst a suitable ref"erence 'iR f'ollowed es e. function of" time. we ohta.1 n oxi 1fr p:rowth (new oxide =cationpotential. (E) as etnticnl1y. nnd itn c.d., i.e. fralvano- growth) at constant which favours oxide solutionmetal· is nnodically polari?.- ed (in a solution When a valve metaJt-~~~~~~~~~~....,,,_,.--~~~~~~~~ r oxide phase. This ia illustrated in the follo.., figure. . ·-----------------=~- Therefore, the growth of oxide occurs in the middle of the ... '' .. ,J - 127 -
  • 17. (4)or . id th1cknesa (6) is directly proportional to The increase of ox e~~"---~-~ ) .--:-:.i-herefore, the oxide formation (or growth) increase in {Er· --------rate m-;;; be expressed by ( 3)+constant =E Hence: ~---6 ·> ~~f~~--- 1 I f!f2 cathodereference -}-~---------t-:-----~~--- Solutionoxidemetal ,, In the electrical circuit, the. reference electrode remains the same, and if we assume that the po~~ntials (~1 and ¢2) at the two phase boundaries remain constant during the passage of current, the increase of the measured potential (E) with time (~ '<f-J...<'c>-?te • j -~ (1'.Y"'is due to the inc reaee in the .!'oten tial difference QEf") -"'_':'.'"." the growing oxide. phase with time due to th~_ consu~ption ~f the ~current in oxide growth (see figure). . ~hie can be explained in the ~ollowing manner: ( 2)(dE/dt)i =oxide formation rate (A) is known as the oxide formatiori'rate • - 128 -
  • 18. ( 7) the oum of the pre-polartz•tion thickness (60) due to the film formed in nir (very thin, nbout 20 t. o; Lon s ) plua the increase in thickness (66) cauAed by the p~esnge of current (coulometric increeae of oxide thickness) (time(_!) during oxide growth the t h i ck ne s n ([•) of the ox f de is Let un consider the coulometric (electrochemical) method. At any 3. Coulomctry which uses the amount of electricity passed. 2. Ellipsometry 1. TntP-rferometry can be determined by several me tb od s among which one may cite: The thickness (l)) of the ox Id e .film formed in region (>.) hrcnun~ wear~ dealing vith an Rnodtc pronees: the ~olution. Note that the expon~nt1nl hR~ n positiv~ sign (6)A e:xp ( RH ) •i 1'he relation bPtveen the c , d. ( i) and the electric f"ield l rPP;ion (A) i~ rxpresf'ec't by eev er-aI e:x-~onei.~ie1 lawe. th/ ~--~implP.ot of which j~ --- conAtant field process. .//.------·-------j -..-------.........__ ------- <, ------- ' ~~-~-ns constant in r~_g1on (A) R.R Long aa the c.d .. (i·) remains e orrs t nn t , The:refore, r,RlTnnoetatic anodic film growth ie a ( 5) .. The proportionality betv~en the 1ncreAB~ of (&) end the increase or·(Er) suggests thnt the electric field Atrengtb (ff) (Potent1Rl divided by dietnnce) Rcroes the oxide phaRe: - 1?~ - •·.;.' ,,. ·- '. ~; ,.:,
  • 19. tial, and sometimes region (8) shows a bend-down of the potential/ tion. Furthermore, in the slope of the potential/time i a decrease time relation, .e. ( ) of' the galvanoeta.tic curve showa that breakdown Region B t · t occur This Ls known as dielectric of the oxide film st~j"J o . . 1 martlfe~ted by oacilla tiona :in the valve poten- brea.kdown and s by sparking between the electrode and solu- region (B) of the galvanoatatic curve. The situation is different inelectronic conductance occurs. i.e. the conductance is ionic, and no that only cationa and anions are trans-It muet. pe emphaaized ported in region (A), The value of (r) is given by: = cm3 /coulomb (10)r The units can be introduced in equation (8) thus (note that i is in A/cm2). ( 9)= (gf!im)( cm3)( :1le )(coulomb)= ~ gram co omb cm2 cm ft = molecular weight of oxide l!I = density.of oxide n = number of faradays required for the formation of one mole, e.g.' n = 10 for Ta205. 'F = J"araday, 96500 coulomb. r = Tolume of oxide formed per coulomb Q = amount of' electricity (8) M / = ( 8 n F) 1. t - . ri t = rQ gets f'or (bb) : When all the anodic ·current le used ~·for oxide formation, one - 130