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9.2.2Advanced Cryptography Facts9.2.2Advanced
Cryptography Facts
Advanced cryptography includes the following:
Concepts Definition
The purpose of encryption is obfuscation, making a message
obscure so it is difficult to read.
Cryptographic service providers (CSPs) are software libraries
that can be used to enhance encryption. Applications can use
these libraries to help secure email and provide strong user
The sender of an encrypted message encrypts a message with a
key. Then the message receiver must decrypt the message with a
Key families include:
Symmetric. A symmetric key is where the sender uses a private
key to encrypt a message. Then the recipient uses that same
private key to decrypt it.
Asymmetric. An asymmetric key is where the sender's key and
receiver's key are different for the encryption and decryption
Key length is the number of bits used in a key by a
cryptographic algorithm and can determine the strength.
Modes of
Modes of operations include:
Block Cipher: Provides confidentiality and authenticity
services. A block cipher can encrypt or decrypt one fixed-length
block. It encrypts or decrypts one large chunk of data (or block)
at a time, often combining blocks for additional security.
Block ciphers are more useful when the amount of data is
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC): A plaintext block is combined
with the previous cipher text block, and the result is
encrypted with the key.
Cipher Feedback (CFB): Each cipher text block is fed back into
the encryption and then used to encrypt the next plaintext
Output Feedback (OFB): The output blocks are fed back into the
block cipher. These blocks then make strings of bits to
feed the encryption algorithm, acting as the key generator.
Counter (CTR): Both the sender and recipient access a reliable
counter that computes a new shared value each time a
ciphertext block is exchanged. The counter needs to be
synchronized between both parties.
Galois/Counter Mode (GCM): A variation of the Counter mode,
GCM throughput rates do not require high performance
hardware to produce acceptable high speed communication
The output from a cryptographic process may exhibit the
A simple character change in the plaintext will cause several
characters to change in the cipher text. This is called diffusion.
When two different inputs to a cryptographic function produce
the same output, this is called a collision. Collisions are not
common, but can occur.
A digital signature is a mathematical scheme for demonstrating
the authenticity of digital message or document. A valid digital
signature gives a message credibility, guaranteeing the recipient
that the message has not been tampered with in transit.
Things to consider when choosing your cryptographic methods:
Concept Definition
Low Power
Some devices experience constraints on the amount of energy
available to them. Some of these devices are wireless sensors,
RFID tags, smart cards, mobile phones, and handheld tablets.
These devices need to be secured using cryptography that
fast identification, authentication and data protection. The issue
is that low energy usage, while posing advantages in design and
applicability, is also the cause of some security challenges
because deploying security mechanisms and services consumes
large amount of power.
While the processing power, memory, and network bandwidth of
today's mobile devices are sufficient, battery power levels are
increasing at a modest pace. These devices can still quickly
drain their batteries. A security protocol running over these
should utilize as little energy as possible. During a secure
wireless session, the main sources of energy consumption are
transmission and reception of packets, the overhead messages
required for establishing the session, and cryptographic
computations, in that order.
One method to reduce energy consumption would be to select a
combination of security primitives in a single session. Another
way is to optimize the standard security protocols themselves.
For example, wherever security needs are not that rigid, energy
savings can be obtained by switching to smaller keys. Another
way is to employ hardware acceleration of crypto-mechanisms.
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However, it can be difficult to provide customized hardware for
encryption because this type of hardware is vulnerable to
differential power analysis attacks.
Low Latency
Latency is the delay before a transfer of data begins to follow
an instruction for its transfer. Lightweight ciphers are designed
be efficient based on size and power consumption. A new
emphasis in lightweight ciphers is to achieve a lower latency (a
response time). Automotive authentication systems and high-
speed storage are examples of applications that require lower
Processing all rounds of the cipher in one clock cycle would
achieve lower latency in a block cipher. This kind of
implementation technique is called round unrolling or
unfolding. In general, conventional block ciphers are
implemented with a
loop architecture, which processes one round of the cipher in
one or a few clock cycles and repeats the process until the last
round of the cipher.
High resilience cryptography (also know as leakage-resilient
cryptography) refers to cryptographic protocols that remain
and resistant to side channel attacks.
Side channel attacks exploit devices that leak information to the
outside world, not just through input-output interaction, but
through physical characteristics like power consumption,
timing, and electromagnetic radiation. This information leakage
been successfully used to break many cryptographic algorithms
in common use. These leakages are particularly accessible when
the device is at the hands of an attacker, as is often the case for
modern devices, such as smart cards, mobile phones, and
There are ongoing studies and research in leakage-resilient
cryptography to tackle this challenge from an algorithmic angle.
idea behind the research is to design various cryptographic
schemes that resist side channel attacks.
Data encryption is a common method for ensuring
confidentiality. Safeguarding data confidentiality involves
training. Training
should include strong passwords, user IDs, and multifactor
authentication. Users can also take precautions to minimize the
number of places where the information appears and the number
of times it is actually transmitted to complete a required
transaction. To prevent sensitive information from reaching the
wrong people, access must be restricted to those authorized to
view the data.
Integrity involves maintaining the consistency, accuracy, and
trustworthiness of data over its entire lifecycle. Data must not
changed in transit, and steps must be taken to ensure that data
cannot be altered by unauthorized people. These measures
cryptographic checksums for verification of integrity. Backups
or redundancies must be available to restore the affected data to
its correct state.
Obfuscation is only secure if unwanted eyes don't know the
mechanism used to camouflage the data. Obfuscation masks the
being sent. The goal is to camouflage the text making it
incomprehensible to the interceptor unless the receiver knows
method use to obfuscate the text. If the receiver knows the
method used, he can decipher the message. For example, instead
writing the text normally, you would:
Reverse the order of the letters.
Replace every plaintext letter with a different ciphertext letter.
This is known as a substitution cipher.
Replace a letter with a letter that is 13 places after it in the
alphabet. This substitution cipher is known as ROT13, which
is short for rotate 13. Since there are 26 characters in the
alphabet, to undo the cipher, you apply the same ROT13
Perform an XOR (exclusive or) operation that combines the
plaintext with a key. This is usually done at the bit level: 0
XOR 0 = 0, 0 XOR 1 = 1, 1 XOR 0 = 1, 1 XOR 1 = 0. The XOR
operator is extremely common as a component in more
complex ciphers.
Multifactor authentication is one of the most cost effective
mechanisms companies can use to protect digital assets. As
businesses move their servers into the cloud, better
authentication is needed. With password breaches growing at an
rate, the need to improve authentication practices is undeniable.
Deploying multifactor authentication forces people to use more
than one authentication method, such as something you have
along with something you know.
Non-repudiation is the assurance that someone cannot deny
something. It usually refers to ensuring that a party to a contract
cannot deny the authenticity of their signature on a document or
the sending of a message that they originated. A legal document
may require witnesses so that the person who signs cannot deny
having done so. With a digital signature, the idea is the same.
You need to ensure that a message or document has been
electronically signed by the correct person. Since no security
technology is absolutely foolproof, some experts argue that a
digital signature alone may not guarantee non-repudiation. It is
suggested that multiple approaches be used, such as capturing
unique biometric information and other data about the signer
would be difficult to repudiate collectively.
Resources vs.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical resources,
or devices, embedded with software, sensors, and connectivity
that enables these devices to exchange data with the
manufacturer and other connected devices. These devices are
over the internet in the same way as laptops, tablets, smart
phones, and Bluetooth devices are connected. Some of these
can also remotely monitor or control home components, such as
lighting and heating.
Security protocols built on strong cryptographic algorithms use
a pattern of analysis to defeat attacks, but these algorithms
consume a lot of processor's efficiency. This is a security
constraint because devices with limited capabilities, such as
Internet of
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Things devices, need modified protocols that won't over-burden
processors. The absence of strong security protocols may result
in malicious attacks and malfunctions.
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9.2.4Cryptography Algorithms Facts9.2.4Cryptography
Algorithms Facts
Cryptographic algorithms come in three types, as follows:
Algorithm Explanation
Symmetric Generates a single key that is used for both
encryption and decryption. If the key were to fall in the wrong
hands, messages
encrypted with the key, both past and future, could be
Generates two different yet mathematically related keys. The
encryption key can be shared publicly. This is because the
public key
is used only to encrypt information. It cannot decrypt
information at all. The only key that can decrypt the
information is the private
Instead of being used to encrypt information, hashing keys are
used for signature verification and data integrity checking. They
a string of characters of an undetermined length and convert it
into a string of characters that has a specific length. This output
known as a digest. Hashes should not be able to be
reconstructed from the output of the hash function.
Use the right algorithm.
Remember that modern cryptographic algorithms are extremely
hard to crack; however, they are not 100% secure. As
technology increases, it gets
easier to crack the algorithms.
Avoid already exploited algorithms if possible, including weak
algorithms and deprecated algorithms.
General properties of cryptographic algorithms include:
Property Description
Confusion The relationship between the key and ciphertext
should be as complex as possible.
Diffusion The amount of change to the ciphertext when there is
a change in the input text. The more the amount of change, the
better the
Collision A collision is when two or more inputs create the
same ciphertext.
Use case challenges.
Use Case Description
Common public-key cryptography protocols perform poorly in
low-energy environments making low power devices unsuitable
real-world activities.
One goal of cryptographic algorithms is encrypt and decrypt in
a short amount of time. Strong cryptographic algorithms may
hundreds or thousands of clock cycles making them ill suited
for low-latency applications.
Cryptographic algorithms are more susceptible to cracking if
information about the keys used in the algorithm is known. The
of information about an algorithm is a real-world problem. High
resiliency algorithms or leakage-resilient algorithms are harder
crack, even if some information about the algorithm is know.
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9.3.3Cryptographic Implementation Facts9.3.3
Cryptographic Implementation Facts
Operating systems, applications, and other components of
information systems typically use a hybrid cryptography system.
A hybrid
cryptography system combines the strengths of hashing,
symmetric, and asymmetric encryption, depending on the need
for cryptographic
services. For example:
Use symmetric encryption for fast and efficient encryption of
bulk data.
Use hashing to verify message integrity.
Use asymmetric encryption for authentication and non-
Use asymmetric encryption for secure exchange of symmetric
encryption keys (for example, by encrypting the key used for
symmetric encryption
prior to sharing the key with the recipient). Using asymmetric
cryptography for encryption is best for small pieces of data.
The following table lists some of the applications for
Implementation Description
File System
Encrypting data in files, directories, volumes, and hard drives
provides an additional layer of security for data. Options for
system encryption are as follows:
Encrypting File System (EFS) is available for encrypting files
and directories on NTFS partitions.
GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) and Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
offer encryption options for Linux systems.
BitLocker Drive Encryption (also known as full-volume
encryption) protects offline data access on lost or stolen
laptops or other compromised systems.
In Microsoft Windows, EFS is referred to as file encryption key
A digital signature or signing is a combination of asymmetric
encryption and hashing values. A signature provides
confidentiality, integrity validation, strong authentication, and
non-repudiation. Typically, a digital signature works as follows:
1. A hash value is generated for a message.
2. The hash value is asymmetrically encrypted using the
sender's private key. Non-repudiation is provided because only
the sender could have encrypted the hash using the private key
(only the sender knows the private key).
3. The encrypted hash value and the message are sent.
4. The recipient decrypts the hash using the sender's public key.
5. The recipient hashes the message.
6. Message integrity and sender authenticity (non-repudiation)
is confirmed if the two hash values match.
Digital Envelope
In addition to the digital signatures, the data can be secured
during transmit by secure data transmission. This protects the
message from hackers by using asymmetric encryption to secure
the message before sending it to the recipient. Secure data
transmission uses the following process:
1. The sender requests a copy of the recipient's public key.
2. The recipient or CA sends a digital certificate containing the
public key to the sender.
3. The sender asymmetrically encrypts the message using the
recipient's public key.
4. The sender sends the asymmetrically encrypted message to
the recipient.
5. The recipient uses his private key to decrypt the message.
Trusted Platform
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a hardware chip on the
motherboard that can generate and store cryptographic keys.
A TPM is required to check the integrity of startup files and
components in BitLocker implementations.
The TPM generates a hash of the startup files to verify the
integrity of those files.
Additionally, the TPM creates a hash of system components.
This hash acts as a validation check of the
system to ensure that system components have not changed. The
hash can also be used to uniquely identify
the system.
The system startup key can be saved in the TPM. With the
startup key saved in the TPM, the system can start without
additional intervention.
Without a TPM, the startup key must be stored on a USB drive.
The system will not start without the startup key.
When the startup key is saved in the TPM, you can require an
additional PIN or startup key that must be used to start
the system.
The TPM generates random numbers.
TPM provides full support for asymmetric encryption; therefore,
it can generate public and private keys.
Full Disk
Encryption and
There are many vendors that provide hardware-based full disk
encryption (FDE) devices which require a password or key to
access the encrypted data. A hard disk drive with FDE is
usually referred to as a self-encrypting drive (SED).
Hardware Root Many roots of trust are implemented in
hardware. A TPM is an implementation of a hardware root of
trust. One benefit of
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of Trust using a hardware root of trust is that malware can't
tamper with the functions they provide.
A Hardware Security Module (HSM) is a piece of hardware and
associated software/firmware that is connected to a computer
system to provide cryptographic functions such as encryption,
decryption, key generation, and hashing. HSM devices can also
provide key management. HSMs traditionally come in the form
of a plug-in card or an external security device that can be
attached directly to the computer system. Other names for
HSMs include the following:
Personal Computer Security Module (PCSM)
Secure Application Module (SAM)
Hardware Cryptographic Device
Cryptographic Module
When using a HSM to backup keys, make sure the backup
device attaches directly to the HSM.
The following table identifies how the technologies are
implemented in LAN- and web-based environments:
Technology Description
Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) was developed by VISA
and MasterCard to secure transactions. Credit card data and a
certificate are stored in a plug-in to the user's web browser. An
order received by a SET-enabled merchant server passes the
encrypted payment information to the bank. Approval is
electronically sent to the merchant. SET uses DES and RSA in
addition to
digital signatures.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) was developed by Netscape to
secure internet-based client/server interactions. SSL
authenticates the
server to the client using public key cryptography and digital
certificates and encrypts the entire communication session. SSL
can be
used to protect web (HTTP) traffic as well as TELNET, FTP,
and email.
SSL operates over TCP port 443. SSL operates at the Session
layer of the OSI model. Session keys employed by SSL (Secure
Sockets Layer) are available in 128-bit and 40-bit lengths.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) was developed by Netscape to
secure internet-based client/server interactions. TLS is based on
SSL, but they are not interoperable. TLS authenticates the
server to the client using public key cryptography and digital
TLS encrypts the entire communication session between a
server and a client. TLS can be used to protect web (HTTP)
traffic as
well as TELNET, FTP, and email.
TLS operates over TCP port 443 or port 80. TLS has a specific
version for wireless communications known as Wireless
Layer Security (WTLS).
Secure Hypertext Transport Protocol (S-HTTP) is the old
method for securing communications on web servers. It is a
based encryption technique in which each file is encrypted
separately. S-HTTP is not used any more.
Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure (HTTPS) uses HTTP over
SSL (Secure Socket Layer). It has replaced S-HTTP as the
of securing HTTP (web) traffic. It is a session-based encryption
technology, meaning that the keys used for that session are
valid for
that session only. HTTP-S is used predominantly throughout the
internet. HTTPS operates over TCP port 443.
Secure Shell (SSH) was developed for the UNIX platform to
encrypt or secure communications for remote facilities. SSH
over TCP port 22.
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is a data encryption protocol
for LAN-based applications. IPsec:
Is widely deployed in VPN technology.
Can be used with IP only.
Can be used to encrypt any traffic supported by the IP protocol.
This includes web, email, TELNET, file transfer, and
SNMP traffic, as well as countless others.
Includes both encryption and authentication mechanisms.
Is fully capable of providing a secure communication means for
any LAN or internet-based system using TCP/IP.
Can be used with L2TP or alone to protect data.
Requires either certificates or pre-shared keys.
Functions at the Network layer of the OSI model.
Generally can't be used when a NAT proxy is deployed.
Operates at the Network layer (Layer 3).
Uses UDP port 500.
Secure real-time transport protocol (SRTP) is a secure extension
of RTP (real-time transport protocol) that adds enhanced
features. It was developed to secure VoIP (Voice over IP)
communications. SRTP uses encryption and authentication and
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achieve high throughput in multiple communications
environments, including both hard-wired and wireless
The following table identifies the encryption technologies
implemented to secure email messages:
Technology Description
Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) was one of the first email
securing technologies. It supports digital signatures, digital
and asymmetric key cryptography.
Pretty Good
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a commercial asymmetric
cryptosystem used for email. PGP provides all four
services and uses the RSA public key encryption system for key
exchange and digital signatures. It relies upon the IDEA or
algorithm for encryption and is based on a pass phrase and a
web of trust, not a hierarchy of trust. The public keys used in a
system are stored in a key ring. PGP can also secure the email
attachments to the messages.
Internet Mail
Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) uses a
standard public key encryption, authenticates through digital
signatures, uses X.509 version 3 certificates, and is included in
most web browsers. Similar to PGP, S/MIME can secure email
Message security protocol (MSP) is a military implementation
of PEM.
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9.4.2Cryptographic Attack Facts9.4.2Cryptographic Attack
Cryptanalysis is the method of recovering original data that has
been encrypted without having access to the key used in the
process. This can be done to measure and validate the strength
of a cryptosystem. It can also be done to violate the
confidentiality and/or
integrity of a cryptosystem.
The security of data depends on the secrecy of the keys, not on
the algorithm used to encrypt the data. For this reason, the less
information the
attacker has concerning the key used during encryption, the
stronger the security. Most cryptographic attacks focus on
breaking the key.
Attacks can be classified using one of the following general
Brute Force
In a brute force attack, the attacker tries every known
combination. These types of attacks take the longest amount of
time, though
they are always successful if enough time is allowed.
Cryptosystems are almost always subject to brute force attacks
against the
key. Types of brute force attacks include:
A mathematical attack, which is an attack on a key containing a
small data set. The smaller data set provides fewer
combinations to decipher. A 40-bit encryption is considered
weak and a 128-bit encryption is considered strong. The
longer the key, the more combinations a brute force attack will
A birthday attack is a brute force attack that focuses on hashing
algorithms. The attacker hashes messages until two
plaintext messages are found that produce the same hashed
value. This type of attack is based on the statistic that there is
more than a 50% chance that two out of 23 people in a room
will have the same birthday. To match a selected day, 253
people would need to be in the room.
Types of plaintext attacks include:
A chosen cipher text attack, in which the attacker produces
cipher text and then sends it through a decryption process to
see the resulting plaintext.
A known plaintext attack, in which the attacker has seen the
plaintext and the resulting cipher text. The attacker can make
conclusions about the encrypting key and will have validation if
the encrypting key is discovered.
A chosen plaintext attack, in which the attacker chooses the
plaintext to be encrypted. This can occur when a worker steps
away from the computer and the attacker sends a message and
captures the resulting ciphertext (this attack is also known
as a lunchtime attack or midnight attack). The attacker can
select plaintext that will produce clues to the encryption key
Analytic An analytic attack uses an algebraic manipulation to
reduce the complexity of the algorithm.
Attacks exploiting weaknesses in encryption include:
A statistical attack exploits weaknesses in a cryptosystem, such
as inability to produce random numbers or floating point
A dictionary attack uses known words and common variations.
A weak key attack is an attack on an encrypted algorithm that
contains keys with poorly decrypted ciphertext.
An implementation attack exploits implementation weaknesses,
such as in software, the protocol, or the encryption
A hybrid attack refers to the technique of adding appendages to
known dictionary words. (For example, 1password,
password07, or [email protected])
Encryption attack types include:
A key clustering attack, in which the attacker decrypts an
encoded message using a different key than was used during
A replay attack, in which the attacker attempts to re-transmit
encryption session keys in hopes of accessing the encrypted
resource in a decrypted mode.
A PKI attack, in which the attacker attempts to have a user
accept a fake or spoofed PKI certificate.
A side-channel attack, which is based on information gained
from the physical implementation of a cryptosystem rather
than theoretical weaknesses in the algorithms, such as the
length of time required during encryption or decryption.
In a man-in-the-middle attack, the attacker is able to read,
insert, and modify messages between two parties without either
knowing that the link between them has been compromised.
Downgrade A downgrade attack is often exploited through a
man-in-the-middle attack. Security protocols that employ
encryption may have
different modes of operations. A downgrade attack convinces a
protocol to disregard a high-quality mode of operation and use a
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lower-quality mode instead. For instance, a higher mode may
require an encrypted connection, but a lower mode may use
text. An example of this flaw was found in OpenSSL, which is
an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols.
Use these countermeasures to strengthen the cryptosystem:
Use strong passwords
Implement strong cryptosystems with redundant ciphers
Implement long key spaces

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1. Read the RiskReport to see what requirements are.2. Read the .docx
1. Read the RiskReport to see what requirements are.2. Read the .docx1. Read the RiskReport to see what requirements are.2. Read the .docx
1. Read the RiskReport to see what requirements are.2. Read the .docxblondellchancy
1. Quantitative According to the scoring criteria for the BAI, .docx
1. Quantitative According to the scoring criteria for the BAI, .docx1. Quantitative According to the scoring criteria for the BAI, .docx
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1. Review the results of your assessment using the explanation.docx
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1. Review the results of your assessment using the explanation.docxblondellchancy
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1. Search the internet and learn about the cases of nurses Julie.docx1. Search the internet and learn about the cases of nurses Julie.docx
1. Search the internet and learn about the cases of nurses Julie.docxblondellchancy
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1. Prepare a one page paper on associative analysis. You may researc.docx
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1. Prepare a one page paper on associative analysis. You may researc.docxblondellchancy
1. Prepare a comparative table in which you contrast the charact.docx
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1. Post the link to one news article, preferably a piece of rece.docx
1. Post the link to one news article, preferably a piece of rece.docx1. Post the link to one news article, preferably a piece of rece.docx
1. Post the link to one news article, preferably a piece of rece.docxblondellchancy
1. Please explain fixed and flexible budgeting. Provide an examp.docx
1. Please explain fixed and flexible budgeting. Provide an examp.docx1. Please explain fixed and flexible budgeting. Provide an examp.docx
1. Please explain fixed and flexible budgeting. Provide an examp.docxblondellchancy
1. Open and print the Week 6 Assignment.2. The assignment .docx
1. Open and print the Week 6 Assignment.2. The assignment .docx1. Open and print the Week 6 Assignment.2. The assignment .docx
1. Open and print the Week 6 Assignment.2. The assignment .docxblondellchancy
1. Plato’s Republic takes as its point of departure the question of .docx
1. Plato’s Republic takes as its point of departure the question of .docx1. Plato’s Republic takes as its point of departure the question of .docx
1. Plato’s Republic takes as its point of departure the question of .docxblondellchancy
1. Objective Learn why and how to develop a plan that encompasses a.docx
1. Objective Learn why and how to develop a plan that encompasses a.docx1. Objective Learn why and how to develop a plan that encompasses a.docx
1. Objective Learn why and how to develop a plan that encompasses a.docxblondellchancy
1. Open the attached Excel Assignment.xlsx” file and name it LastN.docx
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1. Open the attached Excel Assignment.xlsx” file and name it LastN.docxblondellchancy
1. must be a research article from either pubmed or google scholar..docx
1. must be a research article from either pubmed or google scholar..docx1. must be a research article from either pubmed or google scholar..docx
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7222019 TestOut LabSimhttpscdn.testout.comclient-v5-.docx

  • 1. 7/22/2019 TestOut LabSim 1/3 9.2.2Advanced Cryptography Facts9.2.2Advanced Cryptography Facts Advanced cryptography includes the following: Concepts Definition Encrypting The purpose of encryption is obfuscation, making a message obscure so it is difficult to read. Cryptographic service providers (CSPs) are software libraries that can be used to enhance encryption. Applications can use these libraries to help secure email and provide strong user authentication. Key Exchange The sender of an encrypted message encrypts a message with a key. Then the message receiver must decrypt the message with a key. Key families include: Symmetric. A symmetric key is where the sender uses a private key to encrypt a message. Then the recipient uses that same private key to decrypt it.
  • 2. Asymmetric. An asymmetric key is where the sender's key and receiver's key are different for the encryption and decryption processes. Key length is the number of bits used in a key by a cryptographic algorithm and can determine the strength. Modes of Operation Modes of operations include: Block Cipher: Provides confidentiality and authenticity services. A block cipher can encrypt or decrypt one fixed-length block. It encrypts or decrypts one large chunk of data (or block) at a time, often combining blocks for additional security. Block ciphers are more useful when the amount of data is known. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC): A plaintext block is combined with the previous cipher text block, and the result is encrypted with the key. Cipher Feedback (CFB): Each cipher text block is fed back into the encryption and then used to encrypt the next plaintext block. Output Feedback (OFB): The output blocks are fed back into the block cipher. These blocks then make strings of bits to feed the encryption algorithm, acting as the key generator. Counter (CTR): Both the sender and recipient access a reliable counter that computes a new shared value each time a ciphertext block is exchanged. The counter needs to be synchronized between both parties. Galois/Counter Mode (GCM): A variation of the Counter mode, GCM throughput rates do not require high performance hardware to produce acceptable high speed communication channels.
  • 3. Output The output from a cryptographic process may exhibit the following: A simple character change in the plaintext will cause several characters to change in the cipher text. This is called diffusion. When two different inputs to a cryptographic function produce the same output, this is called a collision. Collisions are not common, but can occur. Digital Signature A digital signature is a mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of digital message or document. A valid digital signature gives a message credibility, guaranteeing the recipient that the message has not been tampered with in transit. Things to consider when choosing your cryptographic methods: Concept Definition Low Power Devices Some devices experience constraints on the amount of energy available to them. Some of these devices are wireless sensors, RFID tags, smart cards, mobile phones, and handheld tablets. These devices need to be secured using cryptography that provides fast identification, authentication and data protection. The issue is that low energy usage, while posing advantages in design and applicability, is also the cause of some security challenges because deploying security mechanisms and services consumes a
  • 4. large amount of power. While the processing power, memory, and network bandwidth of today's mobile devices are sufficient, battery power levels are increasing at a modest pace. These devices can still quickly drain their batteries. A security protocol running over these devices should utilize as little energy as possible. During a secure wireless session, the main sources of energy consumption are transmission and reception of packets, the overhead messages required for establishing the session, and cryptographic computations, in that order. One method to reduce energy consumption would be to select a combination of security primitives in a single session. Another way is to optimize the standard security protocols themselves. For example, wherever security needs are not that rigid, energy savings can be obtained by switching to smaller keys. Another way is to employ hardware acceleration of crypto-mechanisms. 7/22/2019 TestOut LabSim 2/3 However, it can be difficult to provide customized hardware for encryption because this type of hardware is vulnerable to differential power analysis attacks. Low Latency Latency is the delay before a transfer of data begins to follow an instruction for its transfer. Lightweight ciphers are designed to be efficient based on size and power consumption. A new
  • 5. emphasis in lightweight ciphers is to achieve a lower latency (a lower response time). Automotive authentication systems and high- speed storage are examples of applications that require lower latency. Processing all rounds of the cipher in one clock cycle would achieve lower latency in a block cipher. This kind of implementation technique is called round unrolling or unfolding. In general, conventional block ciphers are implemented with a loop architecture, which processes one round of the cipher in one or a few clock cycles and repeats the process until the last round of the cipher. High Resilience High resilience cryptography (also know as leakage-resilient cryptography) refers to cryptographic protocols that remain secure and resistant to side channel attacks. Side channel attacks exploit devices that leak information to the outside world, not just through input-output interaction, but through physical characteristics like power consumption, timing, and electromagnetic radiation. This information leakage has been successfully used to break many cryptographic algorithms in common use. These leakages are particularly accessible when the device is at the hands of an attacker, as is often the case for modern devices, such as smart cards, mobile phones, and laptops. There are ongoing studies and research in leakage-resilient cryptography to tackle this challenge from an algorithmic angle. The idea behind the research is to design various cryptographic
  • 6. schemes that resist side channel attacks. Supporting Confidentiality Data encryption is a common method for ensuring confidentiality. Safeguarding data confidentiality involves training. Training should include strong passwords, user IDs, and multifactor authentication. Users can also take precautions to minimize the number of places where the information appears and the number of times it is actually transmitted to complete a required transaction. To prevent sensitive information from reaching the wrong people, access must be restricted to those authorized to view the data. Supporting Integrity Integrity involves maintaining the consistency, accuracy, and trustworthiness of data over its entire lifecycle. Data must not be changed in transit, and steps must be taken to ensure that data cannot be altered by unauthorized people. These measures include cryptographic checksums for verification of integrity. Backups or redundancies must be available to restore the affected data to its correct state. Supporting Obfuscation Obfuscation is only secure if unwanted eyes don't know the mechanism used to camouflage the data. Obfuscation masks the data being sent. The goal is to camouflage the text making it
  • 7. incomprehensible to the interceptor unless the receiver knows the method use to obfuscate the text. If the receiver knows the method used, he can decipher the message. For example, instead of writing the text normally, you would: Reverse the order of the letters. Replace every plaintext letter with a different ciphertext letter. This is known as a substitution cipher. Replace a letter with a letter that is 13 places after it in the alphabet. This substitution cipher is known as ROT13, which is short for rotate 13. Since there are 26 characters in the alphabet, to undo the cipher, you apply the same ROT13 substitution. Perform an XOR (exclusive or) operation that combines the plaintext with a key. This is usually done at the bit level: 0 XOR 0 = 0, 0 XOR 1 = 1, 1 XOR 0 = 1, 1 XOR 1 = 0. The XOR operator is extremely common as a component in more complex ciphers. Supporting Authentication Multifactor authentication is one of the most cost effective mechanisms companies can use to protect digital assets. As more businesses move their servers into the cloud, better authentication is needed. With password breaches growing at an alarming rate, the need to improve authentication practices is undeniable. Deploying multifactor authentication forces people to use more than one authentication method, such as something you have along with something you know. Supporting
  • 8. Non- Repudiation Non-repudiation is the assurance that someone cannot deny something. It usually refers to ensuring that a party to a contract cannot deny the authenticity of their signature on a document or the sending of a message that they originated. A legal document may require witnesses so that the person who signs cannot deny having done so. With a digital signature, the idea is the same. You need to ensure that a message or document has been electronically signed by the correct person. Since no security technology is absolutely foolproof, some experts argue that a digital signature alone may not guarantee non-repudiation. It is suggested that multiple approaches be used, such as capturing unique biometric information and other data about the signer that would be difficult to repudiate collectively. Resources vs. Security Constraints The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical resources, or devices, embedded with software, sensors, and connectivity that enables these devices to exchange data with the manufacturer and other connected devices. These devices are connected over the internet in the same way as laptops, tablets, smart phones, and Bluetooth devices are connected. Some of these devices can also remotely monitor or control home components, such as lighting and heating. Security protocols built on strong cryptographic algorithms use
  • 9. a pattern of analysis to defeat attacks, but these algorithms consume a lot of processor's efficiency. This is a security constraint because devices with limited capabilities, such as Internet of 7/22/2019 TestOut LabSim 3/3 Things devices, need modified protocols that won't over-burden processors. The absence of strong security protocols may result in malicious attacks and malfunctions. 7/22/2019 TestOut LabSim 1/1 9.2.4Cryptography Algorithms Facts9.2.4Cryptography Algorithms Facts Cryptographic algorithms come in three types, as follows: Algorithm Explanation Symmetric Generates a single key that is used for both encryption and decryption. If the key were to fall in the wrong hands, messages encrypted with the key, both past and future, could be decrypted. Asymmetric
  • 10. Generates two different yet mathematically related keys. The encryption key can be shared publicly. This is because the public key is used only to encrypt information. It cannot decrypt information at all. The only key that can decrypt the information is the private key. Hashing Instead of being used to encrypt information, hashing keys are used for signature verification and data integrity checking. They take a string of characters of an undetermined length and convert it into a string of characters that has a specific length. This output is known as a digest. Hashes should not be able to be reconstructed from the output of the hash function. Use the right algorithm. Remember that modern cryptographic algorithms are extremely hard to crack; however, they are not 100% secure. As technology increases, it gets easier to crack the algorithms. Avoid already exploited algorithms if possible, including weak algorithms and deprecated algorithms. General properties of cryptographic algorithms include: Property Description Confusion The relationship between the key and ciphertext should be as complex as possible. Diffusion The amount of change to the ciphertext when there is a change in the input text. The more the amount of change, the
  • 11. better the algorithm. Collision A collision is when two or more inputs create the same ciphertext. Use case challenges. Use Case Description Low Power Devices Common public-key cryptography protocols perform poorly in low-energy environments making low power devices unsuitable for real-world activities. Low Latency One goal of cryptographic algorithms is encrypt and decrypt in a short amount of time. Strong cryptographic algorithms may take hundreds or thousands of clock cycles making them ill suited for low-latency applications. High Resiliency Cryptographic algorithms are more susceptible to cracking if information about the keys used in the algorithm is known. The leakage of information about an algorithm is a real-world problem. High
  • 12. resiliency algorithms or leakage-resilient algorithms are harder to crack, even if some information about the algorithm is know. 7/22/2019 TestOut LabSim 1/3 9.3.3Cryptographic Implementation Facts9.3.3 Cryptographic Implementation Facts Operating systems, applications, and other components of information systems typically use a hybrid cryptography system. A hybrid cryptography system combines the strengths of hashing, symmetric, and asymmetric encryption, depending on the need for cryptographic services. For example: Use symmetric encryption for fast and efficient encryption of bulk data. Use hashing to verify message integrity. Use asymmetric encryption for authentication and non- repudiation. Use asymmetric encryption for secure exchange of symmetric encryption keys (for example, by encrypting the key used for symmetric encryption prior to sharing the key with the recipient). Using asymmetric cryptography for encryption is best for small pieces of data. The following table lists some of the applications for cryptography:
  • 13. Implementation Description File System Encryption Encrypting data in files, directories, volumes, and hard drives provides an additional layer of security for data. Options for file system encryption are as follows: Encrypting File System (EFS) is available for encrypting files and directories on NTFS partitions. GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) and Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) offer encryption options for Linux systems. BitLocker Drive Encryption (also known as full-volume encryption) protects offline data access on lost or stolen laptops or other compromised systems. In Microsoft Windows, EFS is referred to as file encryption key (FEK). Digital Signature A digital signature or signing is a combination of asymmetric encryption and hashing values. A signature provides confidentiality, integrity validation, strong authentication, and non-repudiation. Typically, a digital signature works as follows: 1. A hash value is generated for a message. 2. The hash value is asymmetrically encrypted using the sender's private key. Non-repudiation is provided because only the sender could have encrypted the hash using the private key (only the sender knows the private key). 3. The encrypted hash value and the message are sent. 4. The recipient decrypts the hash using the sender's public key.
  • 14. 5. The recipient hashes the message. 6. Message integrity and sender authenticity (non-repudiation) is confirmed if the two hash values match. Digital Envelope In addition to the digital signatures, the data can be secured during transmit by secure data transmission. This protects the message from hackers by using asymmetric encryption to secure the message before sending it to the recipient. Secure data transmission uses the following process: 1. The sender requests a copy of the recipient's public key. 2. The recipient or CA sends a digital certificate containing the public key to the sender. 3. The sender asymmetrically encrypts the message using the recipient's public key. 4. The sender sends the asymmetrically encrypted message to the recipient. 5. The recipient uses his private key to decrypt the message. Trusted Platform Module Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a hardware chip on the motherboard that can generate and store cryptographic keys. A TPM is required to check the integrity of startup files and components in BitLocker implementations. The TPM generates a hash of the startup files to verify the integrity of those files. Additionally, the TPM creates a hash of system components. This hash acts as a validation check of the system to ensure that system components have not changed. The hash can also be used to uniquely identify the system.
  • 15. The system startup key can be saved in the TPM. With the startup key saved in the TPM, the system can start without additional intervention. Without a TPM, the startup key must be stored on a USB drive. The system will not start without the startup key. When the startup key is saved in the TPM, you can require an additional PIN or startup key that must be used to start the system. The TPM generates random numbers. TPM provides full support for asymmetric encryption; therefore, it can generate public and private keys. Full Disk Encryption and Self-Encrypting Drive There are many vendors that provide hardware-based full disk encryption (FDE) devices which require a password or key to access the encrypted data. A hard disk drive with FDE is usually referred to as a self-encrypting drive (SED). Hardware Root Many roots of trust are implemented in hardware. A TPM is an implementation of a hardware root of trust. One benefit of 7/22/2019 TestOut LabSim 2/3 of Trust using a hardware root of trust is that malware can't tamper with the functions they provide.
  • 16. Hardware Security Modules A Hardware Security Module (HSM) is a piece of hardware and associated software/firmware that is connected to a computer system to provide cryptographic functions such as encryption, decryption, key generation, and hashing. HSM devices can also provide key management. HSMs traditionally come in the form of a plug-in card or an external security device that can be attached directly to the computer system. Other names for HSMs include the following: Personal Computer Security Module (PCSM) Secure Application Module (SAM) Hardware Cryptographic Device Cryptographic Module When using a HSM to backup keys, make sure the backup device attaches directly to the HSM. The following table identifies how the technologies are implemented in LAN- and web-based environments: Technology Description Secure Electronic Transaction Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) was developed by VISA and MasterCard to secure transactions. Credit card data and a digital certificate are stored in a plug-in to the user's web browser. An
  • 17. order received by a SET-enabled merchant server passes the encrypted payment information to the bank. Approval is electronically sent to the merchant. SET uses DES and RSA in addition to digital signatures. Secure Sockets Layer Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) was developed by Netscape to secure internet-based client/server interactions. SSL authenticates the server to the client using public key cryptography and digital certificates and encrypts the entire communication session. SSL can be used to protect web (HTTP) traffic as well as TELNET, FTP, and email. SSL operates over TCP port 443. SSL operates at the Session layer of the OSI model. Session keys employed by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) are available in 128-bit and 40-bit lengths. Transport Layer Security Transport Layer Security (TLS) was developed by Netscape to secure internet-based client/server interactions. TLS is based on SSL, but they are not interoperable. TLS authenticates the server to the client using public key cryptography and digital certificates. TLS encrypts the entire communication session between a server and a client. TLS can be used to protect web (HTTP) traffic as well as TELNET, FTP, and email.
  • 18. TLS operates over TCP port 443 or port 80. TLS has a specific version for wireless communications known as Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS). Secure Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure Hypertext Transport Protocol (S-HTTP) is the old method for securing communications on web servers. It is a message- based encryption technique in which each file is encrypted separately. S-HTTP is not used any more. Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure (HTTPS) uses HTTP over SSL (Secure Socket Layer). It has replaced S-HTTP as the method of securing HTTP (web) traffic. It is a session-based encryption technology, meaning that the keys used for that session are valid for that session only. HTTP-S is used predominantly throughout the internet. HTTPS operates over TCP port 443. Secure Shell Secure Shell (SSH) was developed for the UNIX platform to encrypt or secure communications for remote facilities. SSH operates
  • 19. over TCP port 22. Internet Protocol Security Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is a data encryption protocol for LAN-based applications. IPsec: Is widely deployed in VPN technology. Can be used with IP only. Can be used to encrypt any traffic supported by the IP protocol. This includes web, email, TELNET, file transfer, and SNMP traffic, as well as countless others. Includes both encryption and authentication mechanisms. Is fully capable of providing a secure communication means for any LAN or internet-based system using TCP/IP. Can be used with L2TP or alone to protect data. Requires either certificates or pre-shared keys. Functions at the Network layer of the OSI model. Generally can't be used when a NAT proxy is deployed. Operates at the Network layer (Layer 3). Uses UDP port 500. Secure Real-Time Secure real-time transport protocol (SRTP) is a secure extension of RTP (real-time transport protocol) that adds enhanced security features. It was developed to secure VoIP (Voice over IP) communications. SRTP uses encryption and authentication and can
  • 20. 7/22/2019 TestOut LabSim 3/3 Transport Protocol achieve high throughput in multiple communications environments, including both hard-wired and wireless environments. The following table identifies the encryption technologies implemented to secure email messages: Technology Description Privacy Enhanced Mail Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) was one of the first email securing technologies. It supports digital signatures, digital certificates, and asymmetric key cryptography. Pretty Good Privacy Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a commercial asymmetric cryptosystem used for email. PGP provides all four cryptographic services and uses the RSA public key encryption system for key exchange and digital signatures. It relies upon the IDEA or 3DES algorithm for encryption and is based on a pass phrase and a
  • 21. web of trust, not a hierarchy of trust. The public keys used in a PGP system are stored in a key ring. PGP can also secure the email attachments to the messages. Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) uses a standard public key encryption, authenticates through digital signatures, uses X.509 version 3 certificates, and is included in most web browsers. Similar to PGP, S/MIME can secure email attachments. Message Security Protocol Message security protocol (MSP) is a military implementation of PEM. 7/22/2019 TestOut LabSim 1/2 9.4.2Cryptographic Attack Facts9.4.2Cryptographic Attack Facts Cryptanalysis is the method of recovering original data that has been encrypted without having access to the key used in the encryption
  • 22. process. This can be done to measure and validate the strength of a cryptosystem. It can also be done to violate the confidentiality and/or integrity of a cryptosystem. The security of data depends on the secrecy of the keys, not on the algorithm used to encrypt the data. For this reason, the less information the attacker has concerning the key used during encryption, the stronger the security. Most cryptographic attacks focus on breaking the key. Attacks can be classified using one of the following general methods: Attack Type Description Brute Force In a brute force attack, the attacker tries every known combination. These types of attacks take the longest amount of time, though they are always successful if enough time is allowed. Cryptosystems are almost always subject to brute force attacks against the key. Types of brute force attacks include: A mathematical attack, which is an attack on a key containing a small data set. The smaller data set provides fewer combinations to decipher. A 40-bit encryption is considered weak and a 128-bit encryption is considered strong. The longer the key, the more combinations a brute force attack will require. A birthday attack is a brute force attack that focuses on hashing
  • 23. algorithms. The attacker hashes messages until two plaintext messages are found that produce the same hashed value. This type of attack is based on the statistic that there is more than a 50% chance that two out of 23 people in a room will have the same birthday. To match a selected day, 253 people would need to be in the room. Plaintext Types of plaintext attacks include: A chosen cipher text attack, in which the attacker produces cipher text and then sends it through a decryption process to see the resulting plaintext. A known plaintext attack, in which the attacker has seen the plaintext and the resulting cipher text. The attacker can make conclusions about the encrypting key and will have validation if the encrypting key is discovered. A chosen plaintext attack, in which the attacker chooses the plaintext to be encrypted. This can occur when a worker steps away from the computer and the attacker sends a message and captures the resulting ciphertext (this attack is also known as a lunchtime attack or midnight attack). The attacker can select plaintext that will produce clues to the encryption key used. Analytic An analytic attack uses an algebraic manipulation to reduce the complexity of the algorithm. Weakness Exploitation Attacks exploiting weaknesses in encryption include: A statistical attack exploits weaknesses in a cryptosystem, such as inability to produce random numbers or floating point
  • 24. errors. A dictionary attack uses known words and common variations. A weak key attack is an attack on an encrypted algorithm that contains keys with poorly decrypted ciphertext. An implementation attack exploits implementation weaknesses, such as in software, the protocol, or the encryption algorithm. A hybrid attack refers to the technique of adding appendages to known dictionary words. (For example, 1password, password07, or [email protected]) Encryption Encryption attack types include: A key clustering attack, in which the attacker decrypts an encoded message using a different key than was used during encryption. A replay attack, in which the attacker attempts to re-transmit encryption session keys in hopes of accessing the encrypted resource in a decrypted mode. A PKI attack, in which the attacker attempts to have a user accept a fake or spoofed PKI certificate. A side-channel attack, which is based on information gained from the physical implementation of a cryptosystem rather than theoretical weaknesses in the algorithms, such as the length of time required during encryption or decryption. Man-in-the- Middle In a man-in-the-middle attack, the attacker is able to read, insert, and modify messages between two parties without either party knowing that the link between them has been compromised.
  • 25. Downgrade A downgrade attack is often exploited through a man-in-the-middle attack. Security protocols that employ encryption may have different modes of operations. A downgrade attack convinces a protocol to disregard a high-quality mode of operation and use a 7/22/2019 TestOut LabSim 2/2 lower-quality mode instead. For instance, a higher mode may require an encrypted connection, but a lower mode may use clear text. An example of this flaw was found in OpenSSL, which is an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols. Use these countermeasures to strengthen the cryptosystem: Use strong passwords Implement strong cryptosystems with redundant ciphers Implement long key spaces