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2009 Biermann Lectures: 
“Quarks and the Cosmos” 
I. Cosmic Acceleration and Dark Energy (8 July) 
I. Inflation and Beyond (23 July) 
II. Future Opportunities and Challenges (28 July) 
July 2009 
Michael S. Turner 
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics 
The University of Chicago
• Contributions to the theory of 
convection in stars 
• Modeled the solar 
chromosphere and corona 
• Computed atomic physics 
parameters needed for stars 
• Predicted the solar wind 
(based upon comets) 
• Magnetic fields in the solar 
system and in the Galaxy 
Where is he now?
Between Quarks 
and the Cosmos 
Basic Features 
of the Universe 
tied to 
yyoouunngg sscciieennccee 
iittss ssttoorryy oonnllyy 330000 yyeeaarrss aafftteerr 
tthhee iinnvveennttiioonn ooff tthhee tteelleessccooppee 
Michael S Turner
1916-1918: General RReellaattiivviittyy && ΛΛ 
PS: Never mind Λ 
Michael S Turner
11992299:: JJuusstt OOnnee NNuummbbeerr KK 
(error bars not needed, velocity in km) 
K (H0) = 550 km/s/Mpc 
HHuubbbbllee && HHuummaannssoonn:: ffeeww 110000 ggaallaaxxiieess,, zz << 00..11 
Michael S Turner
Gamow’s Hot Big Bang 
“alpher, bethe, gamow,” 1948
1948: Steady State Theory
Cosmology: TThhee SSeeaarrcchh ffoorr 
TTwwoo NNuummbbeerrss … Sandage 1970 
Michael S Turner
LLaannddaauu oonn 
OOfftteenn iinn EErrrroorr,, 
NNeevveerr iinn DDoouubbtt!! 
Michael S Turner
and at U Mass 
The Redbook, a manual for faculty members 
that explained what a university was, and 
what it wasn't. It cited two courses one 
wouldn't find in a curriculum of higher 
education: witchcraft and cosmology. 
Michael S Turner
Discovery of Cosmic Microwave 
Background, 1964 
Michael S Turner
““TThhee SSttaannddaarrdd MMooddeell”” 
HHoott BBiigg BBaanngg ((cciirrccaa 11997722)) 
““RReeaalliittyy ((pphhyyssiiccss)) BBaasseedd”” 
• BBBBNN ((nnuucclleeaarr pphhyyssiiccss)) 
• CCMMBB ((aattoommiicc pphhyyssiiccss)) 
• SSttrruuccttuurree FFoorrmmaattiioonn ((ggrraavv.. 
• BBeeggiinnss aatt 00..0011 sseecc 
• ΩΩ00 ~~ 00..11 ((bbaarryyoonnss)) 
BBiigg QQuueessttiioonnss 
• ““TThhee nnaauugghhttss””:: HH00,, tt00,, ΩΩ00 
• LLaarrggee eennttrrooppyy ppeerr bbaarryyoonn 
• HHaaddrroonn WWaallll 
• OOrriiggiinn ooff ddeennssiittyy 
Michael S Turner
Michael S Turner
1980s: The GGoo GGoo JJuunnkk BBoonndd DDaayyss 
ooff EEaarrllyy UUnniivveerrssee CCoossmmoollooggyy 
Michael S Turner 
““CCrreeaattiivviittyy BBaasseedd”” 
• IInnffllaattiioonn 
• CCoossmmiicc SSttrriinnggss 
• BBaarryyooggeenneessiiss 
• MMaaggnneettiicc 
• PPhhaassee TTrraannssiittiioonnss 
• HHoott aanndd CCoolldd DDaarrkk 
• DDeeccaayyiinngg PPaarrttiicclleess 
• KKaalluuzzaa--KKlleeiinn
TTwwoo RReeaallllyy IImmppoorrttaanntt IIddeeaass 
TThhaatt CChhaannggeedd CCoossmmoollooggyy 
with deep connections between quarks and the cosmos 
IInnffllaattiioonn:: brief period of rapid 
(accelerated) expansion accounts for 
smoothness, flatness; heat of the big 
bang; and seed inhomogeneities 
PPaarrttiiccllee ddaarrkk mmaatttteerr:: bulk of the dark 
matter that holds the Universe together 
resides in a sea of elementary particles 
left over from the big bang 
Michael S Turner
Cold Dark Matter Transformed 
“Astrophysical Cosmology” 
… and this Institute! 
Michael S Turner
1990s: BBeeggiinnnniinngg ooff DDaattaa--ddrriivveenn 
• COBE! and CMB experiments 
• Redshift surveys (CfA, IRAS, 2dF, SDSS) 
• Large-scale velocity field measurements 
• Gravitational lensing 
• Big telescopes (Keck, …) with big CCD 
• HST, X-ray, gamma-ray, IR, … 
Michael S Turner
Big Glass oonn tthhee GGrroouunndd:: 
44 VVLLTT,, 22 KKeecckkss,, 22 GGeemmiinniiss aanndd 
22 MMaaggeellllaannss
Great Observatories iinn SSppaaccee:: 
HHuubbbbllee,, SSppiittzzeerr,, CChhaannddrraa,, aanndd 
How far can you 
see on a clear 
Back to the birth 
of galaxies
How far can you 
see on a clear day 
with x-ray eyes? 
To supermassive 
black holes at the 
edge of the 
2000s: Era ooff PPrreecciissiioonn CCoossmmoollooggyy 
Michael S Turner 
““FFiisshheerr BBaasseedd”” 
• Cosmological 
• Tests of inflation, CDM 
• Correlating large, 
complex data sets 
• Cosmological 
• Physical parameters 
(e.g., neutrino mass)
The CCoonnsseennssuuss CCoossmmoollooggyy 
dark matter, dark energy, inflation inspired 
fits a large body of precision data! 
Michael S Turner
The Universe cciirrccaa 338800,,000000 yyrrss 
±0.001% Michael Fluctuations 
S Turner
Curve = concordance cosmology 
Michael S Turner
Michael S Turner Sloan Digital Sky Survey Large-scale structure: 
Distribution of 106 galaxies 
in the Universe today
Tracing the history from a slightly lumpy 
Universe to galaxies ablaze 
Michael S Turner
TThhee ““CCoonnsseennssuuss CCoossmmoollooggyy”” 
based upon precision measurements 
• From quark soup to nuclei and atoms to 
galaxies and large-scale structure 
• Flat, accelerating Universe 
• Atoms, exotic dark matter & dark energy 
• Consistent with inflation 
• Precision parameters 
–Ω0 = 1.005 ± 0.006 (uncurved) 
–ΩM = 0.280 ± 0.013 
–ΩB = 0.045 ± 0.0015 
–ΩDE = 0.72 ± 0.015 
–H0 = 70 ± 1.3 km/s/Mpc 
–t0 = 13.73 ± 0.12 Gyr 
–Nν = 4.4 ± 1.5 
CCoonnssiisstteenntt wwiitthh 
aallll ddaattaa,, 
llaabboorraattoorryy aanndd 
Michael S Turner
Cosmic Acceleration is a 
central feature of the 
consensus cosmology 
no cosmic acceleration, no 
consensus cosmology! 
Michael S Turner
DDiissccoovveerryy!! –– 11999988 
Hi z Supernova Team 
Mark Philips 
Supernova Cosmology Project
Two Technological EEnnaabblleerrss:: 
11.. LLaarrggee (110000 MMppiixxeell) CCCCDD 
22.. SSNNee IIaa:: BBrriigghhtt,, 
Standardizable Candles 
(1.4 solar mass bomb)
TThhee DDiissccoovveerryy DDaattaa 
Perlmutter et al, 1999 Riess et al, 1998
CCaarrll SSaaggaann:: 
…… iinn aannyy ccaassee,, tthhee 
eexxttrraaoorrddiinnaarryy eevviiddeennccee iiss 
nnooww iinn ppllaaccee
Curve = concordance cosmology Ω0 = 1.005 ± 0.006 
ΩM = 0.28 ± 0.015 
only consistent if 
ΩΛ-like = 0.72 ± 0.015 
Michael S Turner
11000000 SSNNee ffrroomm:: 
tthhee oorriiggiinnaall tteeaammss ++ 
CCffAA,, CCSSPP,, …… 
MMoorree ddaattaa ssttrroonnggeerr ssiiggnnaall
SDSS-IIII SSuuppeerrnnoovvaa SSuurrvveeyy 
~500 Well studied SNe Ia, suitable for framing
Evidence ffoorr ppaasstt aacccceelleerraattiioonn:: 
IImmppoorrttaanntt rreeaalliittyy cchheecckk 
HST ACS Sample of high-z SNe: A. Riess et al, Ap.J 607, 665 (2004)
SDSS Low-redshift Light curves 
will lead to better understanding 
Michael S Turner 
of Type Ia Supernovae 
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO): 
Zel’dovich’s Standard Ruler
Clusters aass SSttaannddaarrdd RRuulleerrss 
Use constancy of 
the baryon-to-total 
mass ratio as a 
standard ruler 
S. Allen et al, MNRAS 353, 457 (2004); 383, 879 (2007)
New stand alone evidence for 
cosmic acceleration from 
clusters observed by Chandra 
A.Vikhlinin et al, ApJ 692, 1060 (2009) [arXiv:0812.2720] 
36 Clusters w/<z>~0.55 and 49 w/<z>~0.05 
Michael S Turner
Michael S Turner
Michael S Turner
Consistent with 
all observations: 
ΩΛ = 0.71 ± 0.02
Consistent AAggee ffoorr UUnniivveerrssee
Very elastic 
stuff (p < -ρ/3) 
with repulsive 
gravity is 
called “dark 
DDaarrkk EEnneerrggyy 
Defining features: 
• Large negative pressure, p ~ -ρ, so 
that (ρ + 3 p) < 0 
• w = p/ρ (equation-of-state parameter) ~ -1 
• Smoothly distributed 
• Not particulate (dark matter has p ~ 0) 
Simplest example: 
• Energy of the quantum vacuum: w = -1
The Gravity of 
Is Repulsive 
… But How Much Does 
Nothing Weigh? 
Apparently, Way Too Much 
or Possibly Nothing 
to be more precise, the 
answer is nonsensical 
(infinite) – not as bad as a 
finite answer that is off by 
orders of magnitude 
ρvac ≈ 3 x 10-11 eV4
Vacuum EEnneerrggyy PPrroobblleemm SSoollvveedd 
bbyy SSuuppeerrssyymmmmeettrryy oorr ??
Now we have two puzzles: 
Why does nothing weighs so little? 
What is dark energy? 
Puzzles could be related or unrelated!
When in 
doubt, just 
add a 
scalar field 
NB: does not 
address of the 
lightness of 
“Old Gravitational Physics” Hitherto 
Undiscovered Aspects of GR? 
• Primordial inflation explains why the universe is 
accelerating today, E. W. Kolb, S. Matarrese, A. Notari, 
A. Riotto (astro-ph/0503117) 
• On cosmic acceleration without dark energy, E.W. Kolb, 
S. Matarrese, A. Riotto (astro-ph/0506534) 
• Comments on Backreaction and Cosmic Acceleration, 
E. Kolb, S. Matarrese, A. Riotto (astro-ph/0511073) 
• Cosmological background solutions and cosmological 
backreactions, E. Kolb, V. Marra, S. Matarrese, (arXiv: 
Dark Theory Summary 
• Can easily accommodate cosmic 
acceleration (meets Eddington criterion) 
• No satisfactory or even compelling 
explanation (lots of interesting ideas) 
• “GR exceptionalism” (hard to create a 
viable alternative) 
• Very important problem
WWhhyy ddaarrkk eenneerrggyy iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt 
Not in the list of players in the standard model 
(new physics) 
Non-particulate (counterexample to the 2000 yr 
reductionist approach), repulsive gravity 
Could be related to inflation or dark matter or both 
or neither! 
May have other effects (long range forces, 
neutrino mass) 
Controls the destiny of the Universe (though 
probably not evolution of structure etc)
FFrroomm HHeerree ttoo EEtteerrnniittyy
Cannot Understand Our Cosmic 
Destiny Until We Understand What 
Dark Energy Is! 
In the Presence of Dark 
Energy, a Flat Universe 
Can Expand Forever, 
Re-collapse, or Even 
Experience a Big Rip!
Katie, I believe 
in Dark Energy – 
we can see it 
from Alaska!
Current null hypothesis (Λ/quantum 
vacuum energy) is not acceptable 
(maybe enough for astrophysical 
It is a signal for new physics: 
gravitational, particle, or ? And 
fundamental to our understanding 
of the cosmological framework
clue or 
At the very 
least, we can 
now say that 
is the battle 
between two 
dark titans
TTwwoo BBiigg DDaarrkk QQuueessttiioonnss 
Does Dark Energy change with time 
(i.e., is dark energy vacuum energy)? 
No, at the 10 to 20% level 
Does Cosmic Acceleration require 
going beyond General Relativity? 
Not well tested
Probing CCoossmmiicc AAcccceelleerraattiioonn 
aanndd DDaarrkk EEnneerrggyy 
• Primary effect is on the expansion rate 
• Expansion rate controls distances, structure growth 
• Two Qualitatively Different Probes 
– Geometric: distances 
– Dynamic: growth of structure 
– NB: if not GR, changes in growth, lensing
Known PPrroobbeess ooff DDaarrkk EEnneerrggyy 
• Supernovae: Geometric 
• BAO: Geometric + simple physics 
• Weak Lensing: Geometric + dynamic 
• Clusters: Dynamics + geometric 
• Evolution of large-scale structure (dynamic) 
– Must reproduce LCDM 
– Growth factor/red-shift space distortions 
• CMB and other precision data that pin down 
cosmological parameters (provide priors)
Where We Are Today 
Dark Energy: 
ΩDE = 0.76 ± 0.02 
w = -0.94 ± 0.1 
(± 0.1 sys)
New RReessuullttss 440000dd SSuurrvveeyy 
Alexey Vikhlinin et al, CCCP
No Reason to Believe w is Constant 
Allow w to vary: 
w = w0 + wa(1-a) 
a = scale factor 
ΩDE = 0.76 ± 0.02 
w0 = -1 ± 0.2 
wa ~ 0 ± 1 
Possible variation is 
not well constrained
Supernovae: SSiiggnniiffiiccaanntt PPrrooggrreessss 
• Observational side 
– >1000 SNeIa; better studied (more colors, esp. IR, spectra, 
better LC coverage) 
– Warts yes; cancer no 
• Theoretical side 
– Significant improvement in handling of combustion; ignition 
mechanism still a big issue (source of diversity?) 
– Producing more observables 
– Evidence for 1.4 Msun explosion 
– Tests for and models of SNeIa outliers 
• Issues 
– Dust, percent level photometry, need larger local sample/training 
set; demographics, outliers, 
– Better theoretical understanding
Pandora’s Box and SNeIa 
Cosmic Frogs: 
very sensitive 
to cosmic 
• Observational side 
– Big surveys underway (ACT, SPT) 
– First blind detections of clusters (SPT) 
– Results from 400d: constraints to w & stand alone evidence for 
– Clusters can be found by O, X, and SZ 
• Theoretical side 
– Exponential leverage! 
– Significant progress on understanding mass/observable relations 
and formation history 
• Open issues 
– Robustness of mass/observable relations 
– Selection 
– Cluster physics: how much more than
Staniszewski et al, astro-ph/0810.1578 
First Results from the 
South Pole Telescope
eROSITA 2011 
Michael S Turner
• Observational side 
– Two (three) detections with 4% errors! 
– Big surveys underway 
– Need lots of “spectroscopic class” red shifts 
• Theoretical side 
– Powerful & clean; good probe of curvature 
– Geometric + “simple physics” 
• Open issues 
– Exploit other scales (damp, Silk) 
– Systematics: what are they??; how bad?? Small 
compared to 1%
WWeeaakk LLeennssiinngg 
• Observational side 
– Steady progress ( 100 sq deg): signal out to 4 
degrees (CFHTLS), on the way to 1000 sq deg and 
– mild constraints on w; WMAP tension on σ8 gone 
• Theoretical side 
– Theory well understood, but γ ~ σ8 ΩM 
0.4 z0.8 |w|0.15 
– Shear ratio test isolates geometric side 
• Issues 
– Better knowledge of non-linear power spectrum 
– Systematics (image, photo-z: δw ~ 15δz) – see 
Impressive AArrrraayy ooff DDaarrkk EEnneerrggyy 
PPrroojjeeccttss oonn tthhee HHoorriizzoonn 
(pssst, don’t tell Simon “DM” White) 
• CL: SZA, SPT, DES, ACT, 400d, eROSITA 
• CMB et al: WMAP/ACT/SPT/Planck – cosmological 
degeneracies make many other observations valuable 
On the way to few % in w0, 10% in wa, significant tests of 
underlying gravity theory … and deeper understanding of 
dark energy
DDaarrkk SSuummmmaarryy 
• Strong evidence for cosmic acceleration, central 
part of consensus cosmology 
• Theory provides a framework for discussing, but 
not understanding 
• Profound problem whose solution is likely to 
have far reaching consequences 
• Powerful probes: Clusters, SNe, BAO, WL + 
Planck priors 
• Cosmic complementarity: 
– Kinematic and dynamic probes; error ellipses 
– Expt’l complementarity: different systematics/risks 
• Open mind to new ideas: long range force
HHooww MMuucchh iiss EEnnoouugghh??!!## 
Michael S Turner
FFoouurr ““SSttaaggee IIVV”” FFuuttuurreess 
Michael S Turner
1. w = -1 & theory breakthrough 
Percent level measurements of w and wa and LSS 
consistent with ΛCDM 
Theoretical understanding of small vacuum 
Problem Solved for Cosmologists and 
Particle Physicists
2. “w = -1” & theory breakthrough 
Percent level measurements of w and wa and LSS 
consistent with ΛCDM 
New compelling theoretical prediction for time 
variation of w and/or wa – just beyond the 
reach of Stage IV 
Problem Solved for Cosmologists, 
Particle Physicists think about Stage V
3. “w ≠ -1” or wa ≠ 0 
Detection of signature that DE is not 
vacuum energy 
Potential implications for both particle 
physics and cosmology 
With or without theoretical breakthrough 
both Cosmologists, Particle Physicists 
think about what to measure in Stage V
4. w = -1 & no theory breakthrough 
Percent level measurements of w and wa and LSS 
consistent with ΛCDM 
No theoretical understanding of small vacuum 
Problem solved for cosmologists, but not for 
particle physicists 
“Time out”: take a break and think hard about 
what to do next
ΛΛ’’ss CChheecckkeerreedd HHiissttoorryy
EEaarrllyy CCoonnffuussiioonn 
• 1917 – 1929 
– Einstein: static, finite, positively curved Universe 
ρM = 2ρΛ, R = 1/(4πG ρM)1/2 
– de Sitter (1917): vacuum solution, first derivation 
of Hubble’s Law 
– Eddington-Lemaitre long lived cosmologies 
– Hubble discovers expansion 
– Einstein: “my greatest blunder” 
– Eddington remains obsessed
• 1948 – 1970 
– Bondi & Gold, Hoyle: Steady State Cosmology: 
“perfect cosmology” 
– Strong signs of evolution: quasars, radio sources 
and CMB kills a beautiful theory 
– Petrosian, Salpeter & Szekeres (abudnace of z ~ 2 
QSOs) and Gunn & Tinsley (data) 
– Rise of Standard Cosmology (Hot Big Bang)
QQuuaannttuumm VVaaccuuuumm EEnneerrggyy:: 
MMoosstt EEmmbbaarrrraassssiinngg PPrroobblleemm 
iinn aallll ooff PPhhyyssiiccss 
• 1930s: Pauli, “Size of Universe could not reach 
to the moon” 
• 1968: Zel’dovich articulates the problem 
• 1989: Weinberg, “Bone in the throat of 
Most Anticipated SSuurrpprriissee EEvveerr 
• 1981 – 1984: Inflation & CDM 
• 1984 on – “Ω problem” 
• 1984 – 1995: Λ solution, best fit 
Universe, COBE and ΩM ~ 0.3 & 
triumph of ΛCDM 
• 1998: The Accelerating Universe 
• 1998: Cosmology Solved Debate 
• 1998: Birth of Dark Energy 
and a new puzzle 
Rapid acceptance 
it is the missing piece of the puzzle
Quarks and the Cosmos

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Profound Connections Between Quarks and the Cosmos

  • 1. 2009 Biermann Lectures: “Quarks and the Cosmos” I. Cosmic Acceleration and Dark Energy (8 July) I. Inflation and Beyond (23 July) II. Future Opportunities and Challenges (28 July) July 2009 MPA-Garching Michael S. Turner Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics The University of Chicago
  • 2. • Contributions to the theory of convection in stars • Modeled the solar chromosphere and corona • Computed atomic physics parameters needed for stars • Predicted the solar wind (based upon comets) • Magnetic fields in the solar system and in the Galaxy Where is he now?
  • 3. Profound Connections Between Quarks and the Cosmos Basic Features of the Universe tied to Fundamental Physics
  • 4. CCoossmmoollooggyy iiss aa yyoouunngg sscciieennccee iittss ssttoorryy oonnllyy 330000 yyeeaarrss aafftteerr tthhee iinnvveennttiioonn ooff tthhee tteelleessccooppee Michael S Turner
  • 5. 1916-1918: General RReellaattiivviittyy && ΛΛ PS: Never mind Λ Michael S Turner
  • 6. 11992299:: JJuusstt OOnnee NNuummbbeerr KK (error bars not needed, velocity in km) K (H0) = 550 km/s/Mpc HHuubbbbllee && HHuummaannssoonn:: ffeeww 110000 ggaallaaxxiieess,, zz << 00..11 Michael S Turner
  • 7. Gamow’s Hot Big Bang “alpher, bethe, gamow,” 1948
  • 9. Cosmology: TThhee SSeeaarrcchh ffoorr TTwwoo NNuummbbeerrss … Sandage 1970 Michael S Turner
  • 10.
  • 11. LLaannddaauu oonn CCoossmmoollooggiissttss OOfftteenn iinn EErrrroorr,, NNeevveerr iinn DDoouubbtt!! Michael S Turner
  • 12. and at U Mass The Redbook, a manual for faculty members that explained what a university was, and what it wasn't. It cited two courses one wouldn't find in a curriculum of higher education: witchcraft and cosmology. Michael S Turner
  • 13. Discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background, 1964 Michael S Turner
  • 14. ““TThhee SSttaannddaarrdd MMooddeell”” HHoott BBiigg BBaanngg ((cciirrccaa 11997722)) ““RReeaalliittyy ((pphhyyssiiccss)) BBaasseedd”” • BBBBNN ((nnuucclleeaarr pphhyyssiiccss)) • CCMMBB ((aattoommiicc pphhyyssiiccss)) • SSttrruuccttuurree FFoorrmmaattiioonn ((ggrraavv.. pphhyyssiiccss)) • BBeeggiinnss aatt 00..0011 sseecc • ΩΩ00 ~~ 00..11 ((bbaarryyoonnss)) BBiigg QQuueessttiioonnss • ““TThhee nnaauugghhttss””:: HH00,, tt00,, ΩΩ00 • LLaarrggee eennttrrooppyy ppeerr bbaarryyoonn • HHaaddrroonn WWaallll • OOrriiggiinn ooff ddeennssiittyy ppeerrttuurrbbaattiioonnss Michael S Turner
  • 16. 1980s: The GGoo GGoo JJuunnkk BBoonndd DDaayyss ooff EEaarrllyy UUnniivveerrssee CCoossmmoollooggyy Michael S Turner ““CCrreeaattiivviittyy BBaasseedd”” • IInnffllaattiioonn • CCoossmmiicc SSttrriinnggss • BBaarryyooggeenneessiiss • MMaaggnneettiicc MMoonnooppoolleess • PPhhaassee TTrraannssiittiioonnss • HHoott aanndd CCoolldd DDaarrkk MMaatttteerr • DDeeccaayyiinngg PPaarrttiicclleess • KKaalluuzzaa--KKlleeiinn
  • 17. TTwwoo RReeaallllyy IImmppoorrttaanntt IIddeeaass TThhaatt CChhaannggeedd CCoossmmoollooggyy with deep connections between quarks and the cosmos IInnffllaattiioonn:: brief period of rapid (accelerated) expansion accounts for smoothness, flatness; heat of the big bang; and seed inhomogeneities PPaarrttiiccllee ddaarrkk mmaatttteerr:: bulk of the dark matter that holds the Universe together resides in a sea of elementary particles left over from the big bang Michael S Turner
  • 18. Cold Dark Matter Transformed “Astrophysical Cosmology” … and this Institute! Michael S Turner
  • 19. 1990s: BBeeggiinnnniinngg ooff DDaattaa--ddrriivveenn CCoossmmoollooggyy • COBE! and CMB experiments • Redshift surveys (CfA, IRAS, 2dF, SDSS) • Large-scale velocity field measurements • Gravitational lensing • Big telescopes (Keck, …) with big CCD cameras • HST, X-ray, gamma-ray, IR, … Michael S Turner
  • 20. Big Glass oonn tthhee GGrroouunndd:: 44 VVLLTT,, 22 KKeecckkss,, 22 GGeemmiinniiss aanndd 22 MMaaggeellllaannss
  • 21. Great Observatories iinn SSppaaccee:: HHuubbbbllee,, SSppiittzzeerr,, CChhaannddrraa,, aanndd FFeerrmmii
  • 22. How far can you see on a clear day? Back to the birth of galaxies
  • 23. How far can you see on a clear day with x-ray eyes? To supermassive black holes at the edge of the Universe!
  • 24. 2000s: Era ooff PPrreecciissiioonn CCoossmmoollooggyy Michael S Turner ““FFiisshheerr BBaasseedd”” • Cosmological parameters • Tests of inflation, CDM • Correlating large, complex data sets • Cosmological Consistency • Physical parameters (e.g., neutrino mass)
  • 25. The CCoonnsseennssuuss CCoossmmoollooggyy dark matter, dark energy, inflation inspired fits a large body of precision data! Michael S Turner
  • 26. The Universe cciirrccaa 338800,,000000 yyrrss WMAP ±0.001% Michael Fluctuations S Turner
  • 27. Curve = concordance cosmology Michael S Turner
  • 28. Michael S Turner Sloan Digital Sky Survey Large-scale structure: Distribution of 106 galaxies in the Universe today
  • 29. Tracing the history from a slightly lumpy Universe to galaxies ablaze Michael S Turner
  • 30. TThhee ““CCoonnsseennssuuss CCoossmmoollooggyy”” based upon precision measurements • From quark soup to nuclei and atoms to galaxies and large-scale structure • Flat, accelerating Universe • Atoms, exotic dark matter & dark energy • Consistent with inflation • Precision parameters –Ω0 = 1.005 ± 0.006 (uncurved) –ΩM = 0.280 ± 0.013 –ΩB = 0.045 ± 0.0015 –ΩDE = 0.72 ± 0.015 –H0 = 70 ± 1.3 km/s/Mpc –t0 = 13.73 ± 0.12 Gyr –Nν = 4.4 ± 1.5 CCoonnssiisstteenntt wwiitthh aallll ddaattaa,, llaabboorraattoorryy aanndd ccoossmmoollooggiiccaall!! Michael S Turner
  • 31. Cosmic Acceleration is a central feature of the consensus cosmology no cosmic acceleration, no consensus cosmology! Michael S Turner
  • 32.
  • 33. DDiissccoovveerryy!! –– 11999988 Hi z Supernova Team Mark Philips Supernova Cosmology Project
  • 34. Two Technological EEnnaabblleerrss:: 11.. LLaarrggee (110000 MMppiixxeell) CCCCDD CCaammeerraass 22.. SSNNee IIaa:: BBrriigghhtt,, Standardizable Candles (1.4 solar mass bomb)
  • 35. TThhee DDiissccoovveerryy DDaattaa Perlmutter et al, 1999 Riess et al, 1998
  • 36. CCaarrll SSaaggaann:: EExxttrraaoorrddiinnaarryy CCllaaiimmss RReeqquuiirree EExxttrraaoorrddiinnaarryy EEvviiddeennccee
  • 37. …… iinn aannyy ccaassee,, tthhee eexxttrraaoorrddiinnaarryy eevviiddeennccee iiss nnooww iinn ppllaaccee
  • 38. Curve = concordance cosmology Ω0 = 1.005 ± 0.006 ΩM = 0.28 ± 0.015 only consistent if ΩΛ-like = 0.72 ± 0.015 Michael S Turner
  • 39. 11000000 SSNNee ffrroomm:: tthhee oorriiggiinnaall tteeaammss ++ SSNNLLSS,, EESSSSEENNCCEE,, SSDDSSSS,, CCffAA,, CCSSPP,, …… MMoorree ddaattaa ssttrroonnggeerr ssiiggnnaall
  • 40. SDSS-IIII SSuuppeerrnnoovvaa SSuurrvveeyy ~500 Well studied SNe Ia, suitable for framing
  • 41.
  • 42. Evidence ffoorr ppaasstt aacccceelleerraattiioonn:: IImmppoorrttaanntt rreeaalliittyy cchheecckk HST ACS Sample of high-z SNe: A. Riess et al, Ap.J 607, 665 (2004)
  • 43. SDSS Low-redshift Light curves will lead to better understanding Michael S Turner of Type Ia Supernovae gri
  • 44. Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO): Zel’dovich’s Standard Ruler
  • 45. Clusters aass SSttaannddaarrdd RRuulleerrss Use constancy of the baryon-to-total mass ratio as a standard ruler S. Allen et al, MNRAS 353, 457 (2004); 383, 879 (2007)
  • 46. New stand alone evidence for cosmic acceleration from clusters observed by Chandra A.Vikhlinin et al, ApJ 692, 1060 (2009) [arXiv:0812.2720] 36 Clusters w/<z>~0.55 and 49 w/<z>~0.05 Michael S Turner
  • 49. Consistent with all observations: ΩΛ = 0.71 ± 0.02
  • 50. Consistent AAggee ffoorr UUnniivveerrssee
  • 52. Very elastic stuff (p < -ρ/3) with repulsive gravity is called “dark energy”
  • 53. DDaarrkk EEnneerrggyy Defining features: • Large negative pressure, p ~ -ρ, so that (ρ + 3 p) < 0 • w = p/ρ (equation-of-state parameter) ~ -1 • Smoothly distributed • Not particulate (dark matter has p ~ 0) Simplest example: • Energy of the quantum vacuum: w = -1
  • 54. The Gravity of Nothing Is Repulsive … But How Much Does Nothing Weigh? Apparently, Way Too Much or Possibly Nothing to be more precise, the answer is nonsensical (infinite) – not as bad as a finite answer that is off by orders of magnitude ρvac ≈ 3 x 10-11 eV4
  • 55. Vacuum EEnneerrggyy PPrroobblleemm SSoollvveedd bbyy SSuuppeerrssyymmmmeettrryy oorr ??
  • 56. Now we have two puzzles: Why does nothing weighs so little? & What is dark energy? Puzzles could be related or unrelated!
  • 57.
  • 58. Theorists: When in doubt, just add a scalar field NB: does not address of the lightness of nothing
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62. “Old Gravitational Physics” Hitherto Undiscovered Aspects of GR? • Primordial inflation explains why the universe is accelerating today, E. W. Kolb, S. Matarrese, A. Notari, A. Riotto (astro-ph/0503117) • On cosmic acceleration without dark energy, E.W. Kolb, S. Matarrese, A. Riotto (astro-ph/0506534) • Comments on Backreaction and Cosmic Acceleration, E. Kolb, S. Matarrese, A. Riotto (astro-ph/0511073) • Cosmological background solutions and cosmological backreactions, E. Kolb, V. Marra, S. Matarrese, (arXiv: 0901.4566)
  • 63. Dark Theory Summary • Can easily accommodate cosmic acceleration (meets Eddington criterion) • No satisfactory or even compelling explanation (lots of interesting ideas) • “GR exceptionalism” (hard to create a viable alternative) • Very important problem
  • 64. WWhhyy ddaarrkk eenneerrggyy iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt Not in the list of players in the standard model (new physics) Non-particulate (counterexample to the 2000 yr reductionist approach), repulsive gravity Could be related to inflation or dark matter or both or neither! May have other effects (long range forces, neutrino mass) Controls the destiny of the Universe (though probably not evolution of structure etc)
  • 65. FFrroomm HHeerree ttoo EEtteerrnniittyy
  • 66. Cannot Understand Our Cosmic Destiny Until We Understand What Dark Energy Is! In the Presence of Dark Energy, a Flat Universe Can Expand Forever, Re-collapse, or Even Experience a Big Rip!
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 69. Youbetcha Katie, I believe in Dark Energy – we can see it from Alaska!
  • 70. Current null hypothesis (Λ/quantum vacuum energy) is not acceptable (maybe enough for astrophysical cosmologist). It is a signal for new physics: gravitational, particle, or ? And fundamental to our understanding of the cosmological framework
  • 71. Important clue or coincidence? At the very least, we can now say that cosmology is the battle between two dark titans
  • 72. TTwwoo BBiigg DDaarrkk QQuueessttiioonnss Does Dark Energy change with time (i.e., is dark energy vacuum energy)? No, at the 10 to 20% level Does Cosmic Acceleration require going beyond General Relativity? Not well tested
  • 73. Probing CCoossmmiicc AAcccceelleerraattiioonn aanndd DDaarrkk EEnneerrggyy • Primary effect is on the expansion rate • Expansion rate controls distances, structure growth • Two Qualitatively Different Probes – Geometric: distances – Dynamic: growth of structure – NB: if not GR, changes in growth, lensing
  • 74. Known PPrroobbeess ooff DDaarrkk EEnneerrggyy • Supernovae: Geometric • BAO: Geometric + simple physics • Weak Lensing: Geometric + dynamic • Clusters: Dynamics + geometric • Evolution of large-scale structure (dynamic) – Must reproduce LCDM – Growth factor/red-shift space distortions • CMB and other precision data that pin down cosmological parameters (provide priors)
  • 75. Where We Are Today Dark Energy: ΩDE = 0.76 ± 0.02 w = -0.94 ± 0.1 (± 0.1 sys)
  • 76. New RReessuullttss 440000dd SSuurrvveeyy Alexey Vikhlinin et al, CCCP
  • 77. No Reason to Believe w is Constant Allow w to vary: w = w0 + wa(1-a) a = scale factor ΩDE = 0.76 ± 0.02 w0 = -1 ± 0.2 wa ~ 0 ± 1 Possible variation is not well constrained
  • 78. Supernovae: SSiiggnniiffiiccaanntt PPrrooggrreessss • Observational side – >1000 SNeIa; better studied (more colors, esp. IR, spectra, better LC coverage) – Warts yes; cancer no • Theoretical side – Significant improvement in handling of combustion; ignition mechanism still a big issue (source of diversity?) – Producing more observables – Evidence for 1.4 Msun explosion – Tests for and models of SNeIa outliers • Issues – Dust, percent level photometry, need larger local sample/training set; demographics, outliers, – Better theoretical understanding
  • 80. Clusters: Cosmic Frogs: very sensitive to cosmic environment
  • 81. • Observational side CClluusstteerrss – Big surveys underway (ACT, SPT) – First blind detections of clusters (SPT) – Results from 400d: constraints to w & stand alone evidence for DE – Clusters can be found by O, X, and SZ • Theoretical side – Exponential leverage! – Significant progress on understanding mass/observable relations and formation history • Open issues – Robustness of mass/observable relations – Selection – Cluster physics: how much more than
  • 82. Staniszewski et al, astro-ph/0810.1578 First Results from the South Pole Telescope
  • 84. • Observational side BBAAOO – Two (three) detections with 4% errors! – Big surveys underway – Need lots of “spectroscopic class” red shifts • Theoretical side – Powerful & clean; good probe of curvature – Geometric + “simple physics” • Open issues – Exploit other scales (damp, Silk) – Systematics: what are they??; how bad?? Small compared to 1%
  • 85. WWeeaakk LLeennssiinngg • Observational side – Steady progress ( 100 sq deg): signal out to 4 degrees (CFHTLS), on the way to 1000 sq deg and beyond – mild constraints on w; WMAP tension on σ8 gone • Theoretical side – Theory well understood, but γ ~ σ8 ΩM 0.4 z0.8 |w|0.15 – Shear ratio test isolates geometric side • Issues – Better knowledge of non-linear power spectrum – Systematics (image, photo-z: δw ~ 15δz) – see Taylor
  • 86. Impressive AArrrraayy ooff DDaarrkk EEnneerrggyy PPrroojjeeccttss oonn tthhee HHoorriizzoonn (pssst, don’t tell Simon “DM” White) • BAO: SDSS/2dF, WiggleZ, FMOS, BOSS HETDEX, WFMOS, PAU • CL: SZA, SPT, DES, ACT, 400d, eROSITA • SNe: JDEM, DES, PanSTARRS • WL: PS, JDEM, EUCLID, DES, PanSTARRS • CMB et al: WMAP/ACT/SPT/Planck – cosmological degeneracies make many other observations valuable On the way to few % in w0, 10% in wa, significant tests of underlying gravity theory … and deeper understanding of dark energy
  • 87. DDaarrkk SSuummmmaarryy • Strong evidence for cosmic acceleration, central part of consensus cosmology • Theory provides a framework for discussing, but not understanding • Profound problem whose solution is likely to have far reaching consequences • Powerful probes: Clusters, SNe, BAO, WL + Planck priors • Cosmic complementarity: – Kinematic and dynamic probes; error ellipses – Expt’l complementarity: different systematics/risks • Open mind to new ideas: long range force
  • 88. HHooww MMuucchh iiss EEnnoouugghh??!!## Michael S Turner
  • 89. FFoouurr ““SSttaaggee IIVV”” FFuuttuurreess Michael S Turner
  • 90. 1. w = -1 & theory breakthrough Percent level measurements of w and wa and LSS consistent with ΛCDM + Theoretical understanding of small vacuum energy = Problem Solved for Cosmologists and Particle Physicists
  • 91. 2. “w = -1” & theory breakthrough Percent level measurements of w and wa and LSS consistent with ΛCDM + New compelling theoretical prediction for time variation of w and/or wa – just beyond the reach of Stage IV = Problem Solved for Cosmologists, Particle Physicists think about Stage V
  • 92. 3. “w ≠ -1” or wa ≠ 0 Detection of signature that DE is not vacuum energy  Potential implications for both particle physics and cosmology = With or without theoretical breakthrough both Cosmologists, Particle Physicists think about what to measure in Stage V
  • 93. 4. w = -1 & no theory breakthrough Percent level measurements of w and wa and LSS consistent with ΛCDM + No theoretical understanding of small vacuum energy = Problem solved for cosmologists, but not for particle physicists “Time out”: take a break and think hard about what to do next
  • 95. EEaarrllyy CCoonnffuussiioonn • 1917 – 1929 – Einstein: static, finite, positively curved Universe ρM = 2ρΛ, R = 1/(4πG ρM)1/2 – de Sitter (1917): vacuum solution, first derivation of Hubble’s Law – Eddington-Lemaitre long lived cosmologies – Hubble discovers expansion – Einstein: “my greatest blunder” – Eddington remains obsessed
  • 96. RReevviivvaallss • 1948 – 1970 – Bondi & Gold, Hoyle: Steady State Cosmology: “perfect cosmology” – Strong signs of evolution: quasars, radio sources and CMB kills a beautiful theory – Petrosian, Salpeter & Szekeres (abudnace of z ~ 2 QSOs) and Gunn & Tinsley (data) – Rise of Standard Cosmology (Hot Big Bang)
  • 97. QQuuaannttuumm VVaaccuuuumm EEnneerrggyy:: MMoosstt EEmmbbaarrrraassssiinngg PPrroobblleemm iinn aallll ooff PPhhyyssiiccss • 1930s: Pauli, “Size of Universe could not reach to the moon” • 1968: Zel’dovich articulates the problem • 1989: Weinberg, “Bone in the throat of theorists”
  • 98. Most Anticipated SSuurrpprriissee EEvveerr • 1981 – 1984: Inflation & CDM • 1984 on – “Ω problem” • 1984 – 1995: Λ solution, best fit Universe, COBE and ΩM ~ 0.3 & triumph of ΛCDM • 1998: The Accelerating Universe • 1998: Cosmology Solved Debate • 1998: Birth of Dark Energy and a new puzzle Rapid acceptance it is the missing piece of the puzzle
  • 99. Quarks and the Cosmos