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Feedback for Professor on week 1 discussion
Mental health and illness are always a question for individuals
in the criminal justice system, regardless of their age.
Understanding mental health and how that might impact
decision making and criminal behavior are important questions.
But you need to look at the alignment of your Research Problem
/ Purpose / Question. These should all be different ways of
saying the same thing. So, if you are talking about mental
illness and rehabilitation in one, you should be talking about
illness and rehabilitation in all of them. Please work on this
alignment for both the quantitative research design and the
qualitative research design for Week 2.
Week 1 discussion question
Specific Program of Study and Area of Concentration
My major and program of study is PhD in Forensic Psychology
with a concentration in victimology. My career interest is to
work with juveniles that are charged with serious and
violent murderers. Working with juveniles that has committed
serious and violent crimes has always been a fascination of
mine, the fascination stems from my interest in understanding
their thought process and thinking, their social background,
their environmental background and any mental health
Social Problem
The social problem with juvenile murderers is that behavioral
problems and mental health diagnosis are often grossly
Quantitative Research Problem
The Scholarly community does not know the proper
therapeutic therapies to apply to these child murderers instead
of putting them in prison.
Quantitative Research Purpose
The purpose of this quantitative research is developing a
research study that will be implemented into juvenile prisons, to
better rehabilitate these children instead of further damaging
them, implementing programs that will better prepare them for
future release.
Quantitative Research Question
The quantitative research question is as follows; What is the
relationship of a diagnosed mental illness and juvenil es that
commit serious and violent murders.
Qualitative Research Problem
The scholarly community does not know that behavioral
problems and mental illnesses may result in children becoming
serious violent murders. The qualitative research
problem is does diagnosed mental health diagnoses contribute to
juveniles becoming murderers.
Qualitative Research Purpose
The purpose of this qualitative study is to correlate previous
studies of juvenile murderers and mental health illnesses. As
a result, strategic rehabilitation programs will help in
reintegrated back into society.
Qualitative Research Question
In this qualitative research the question will be posed
as, are their early signs of mental health diagnoses that will
detect juvenile murders, and can detecting these early signs
reduce the number of juvenile murderers?
Please review the previous questions and revised as needed.
Please keep layout as is and the assignment should reflect the
exact same layout. Also, answer question below…
Theory or Conceptual Framework:Identify a specific
psychological or sociological theory or specific aspects of a
conceptual framework that guides the scenario. Briefly describe
how the specific theory or conceptual framework guides your
research question and will aid in interpretation of results. If this
is the same as described for the quantitative scenario, then just
indicate “same as quantitative.”
· To help identify a specific theory visit:
· m
Alignment of scenario elements is important. See the Examples
of Aligned and Misaligned Scenarios document, which can be
downloaded from the Week 2 Learning Resources area of the
Alignment and Misalignment Examples of Scenario Elements
In PSYC-8412 Research Foundations you build quantitative and
qualitative research scenarios that include each of the
following key elements:
Social problem or phenomenon of interest
• Research problem
• Research purpose
• Research questions
• Theoretical or conceptual framework
• Research design
• Sampling strategy
o Sampling criteria (qualitative only)
o Data sources (qualitative only)
• Data collection method
• Variables (quantitative only)
• Analysis plan
• Trustworthiness (qualitative only)
All these key elements must logically align. Although the figure
a linear flow, it is critical to understand that alignment is an
process. For example, if after identifying a research problem
research purpose additional research questions emerge, then the
problem and purpose must be refined to align with the
research questions. Similarly, if variables of interest are
identified that
are not represented in the research problem, purpose, or
questions, and
that do not fit with the theoretical or conceptual framework,
then those
elements will need to be refined to capture all of the variables
of interest.
You will be piecing together your scenarios week-to-week,
adding new elements until a solid alignment of your research
emerges. Because of the iterative nature of alignment, you
should not be
surprised that as a new element is added to your scenario that
elements may need to be modified to maintain alignment.
There are several ways for elements within a scenario to
misalign, and it is not possible to provide examples of all
possible issues. In this document there are week-to-week
example scenarios that demonstrate logically aligned elements
and some examples of the many ways elements become logically
misaligned. Studying these will help you avoid some
common misalignment issues and understand how changing one
element, sometimes even a single word, can affect
alignment. Below is one student’s reflection in Week 5 of the
I too struggled with the concept and terminology. For me, it is
in fact the language that is used, and such
is definitely 'foreign' of sorts. As you go along though, it is all
beginning to make sense. Initially the
feedback also was 'foreign' but now, going back and reviewing
the question, answers, feedback are
beginning to all make sense. Even feedback that suggests that
one simple word be changed makes sense
as what I submitted could possibly be misconstrued and cause
the study to go in a different direction. I'm
beginning to understand how changing one simple word can
make a difference. Research terminology
requires that things be concise and getting into the habit of
relaying information properly makes all the
difference. I am beginning to speak 'research'. I believe it
merely takes practice. One almost has to
develop a mental research template and think from another part
of the brain and perspective. (K. Jackson,
Week 5 discussion post, September 29, 2018)
A table of contents is on the next page with active links to help
you navigate the document.
Page 2 of 43
Table of Contents
.............................. 3
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Checking Week 1 Quantitative Alignment
....................................................................................... ........
......................................... 5
...................................................... 6
Checking Week 1 Qualitative Alignment
........................................... 7
.............................. 8
.................................................... 9
Checking Week 2 Quantitative Alignment
....................................... 10
.................................................... 11
Checking Week 2 Qualitative Alignment
.......................................................................................... .....
......................................... 12
............................ 13
.................................................. 14
Checking Week 3 Quantitative Alignment
....................................... 15
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Checking Week 4 Qualitative Alignment
......................................... 18
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Checking Week 6 Quantitative Alignment
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Checking Week 7 Quantitative Alignment
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Checking Week 8 Quantitative Alignment
....................................... 30
............................ 32
.................................................... 33
Checking Week 9 Qualitative Scenario Alignment
....................................................................................... ........
.......................... 34
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.................................................. 37
Checking Week 10 Qualitative Scenario Alignment
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Checking Week 10 Qualitative Scenario Alignment
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Page 3 of 43
Week 1
Scenario Pieces of Primary Interest
In Week 1 the focus is on identifying a social problem or
phenomenon of interest and specifying a research problem,
research purpose, and research question for both a quantitative
and qualitative research scenario. Typically, a thorough
review and understanding of the relevant literature is needed to
identify a bona fide research problem. We know that you
have not already conducted such a thorough literature review.
For purposes of this course, the research problem—
something the scholarly community does not know—simply
needs to be plausible. On the following pages are an example
of a quantitative scenario and an example of a qualitative
scenario with these four elements that demonstrate alignment
and misalignment.
Page 4 of 43
Week 1 Quantitative Scenario Example
Social Problem or Phenomenon of Interest: Critical thinking
skills in the
United States have been reported to be lower than critical
thinking skills in other
industrialized countries.
Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know the
extent to
which critical thinking skills differ between graduating seniors
from a high
school at which the curriculum was problem-based compared to
a high school
with lecture-based curriculum.
Research Purpose: The purpose of this quantitative study is to
determine the
extent of difference in critical thinking skill scores between
graduating seniors
from high schools with a problem-based versus lecture-based
Research Question: What is the extent of difference in critical
thinking skill
scores between graduating seniors from high schools with a
versus lecture-based curriculum?
The social problem or phenomenon
can be, and typically is, broad.
The research problem narrows the
scope and identifies something
specific the scholarly community does
not know.
It conjectures that differences in
critical thinking skills may differ
based on type of curriculum.
It explicitly, or at least implicitly,
identifies the population of interest—
here it is graduating seniors.
The research purpose identifies the
study as quantitative and, otherwise,
simply repeats the research problem.
This could not be a qualitative study
because to determine differences in
critical thinking skills requires a
quantitative measure.
If the research purpose focused on
graduating seniors from public versus
private high schools, it would not be
aligned with the research problem,
which was about type of curriculum.
The research question simply replaces “the purpose of this
quantitative study is to determine” from the purpose with “what
is”—everything else is exactly the same.
If the research question asked about critical thinking scores and
overall GPA, it would not be aligned with the problem or
neither of which mention GPA.
Page 5 of 43
Checking Week 1 Quantitative Alignment
One way to visually check alignment is to create a table of the
key concepts represented in each key element. If every
concept in one element is contained in the other elements, then
it is aligned (see first table below). If, however, a concept
in one element is missing in the other elements, then it is
misaligned (see second table below).
Aligned Concepts Across Elements
Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question
Critical thinking Critical thinking Critical thinking
Graduating seniors Graduating seniors Graduating seniors
Problem-based curriculum Problem-based curriculum Problem-
based curriculum
Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-
based curriculum
If the concepts of critical thinking, graduating seniors, problem-
based curriculum and lecture-based curriculum
are included in the research problem; then, the research purpose
and research question should also contain the same
If these concepts appear in the
problem statement
The scholarly community does not
know the extent to which critical
thinking skills differ between
graduating seniors from a high
school at which the curriculum was
problem-based compared to a high
school with lecture-based curriculum.
Then, they should be contained in the
purpose statement
The purpose of this quantitative study
is to determine the extent of difference
in critical thinking skill scores
between graduating seniors from
high schools with a problem-based
versus lecture-based curriculum.
and in the research question
What is the extent of difference in
critical thinking skill scores between
graduating seniors from high schools
with a problem-based versus lecture-
based curriculum?
Misaligned Concepts Across Elements
Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question
Critical thinking Critical thinking Critical thinking
Graduating seniors Graduating seniors Graduating seniors
Problem-based curriculum Problem-based curriculum Problem-
based curriculum
Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-
based curriculum
Public high schools
Private high schools
Page 6 of 43
Week 1 Qualitative Scenario Example
Social Problem or Phenomenon of Interest: Critical thinking
skills in the
United States have been reported to be lower than critical
thinking skills in other
industrialized countries.
Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know
what classroom
experiences contribute to students’ critical thinking skills or the
range of experiences across elementary grade levels.
Research Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study is to
identify classroom
experiences that contribute to students’ critical thinking skills
and to map the
developmental range of these experiences across elementary
grade levels.
Research Question 1: What classroom experiences contribute to
critical thinking skills?
Research Question 2: What are the developmental range of
experiences across
elementary grade levels?
The social problem or phenomenon
can be, and typically is, broad. And,
the same social problem or
phenomenon can be addressed by
either quantitative or qualitative
It is the research problem that
determines a quantitative or
qualitative approach.
Previously, the quantitative scenario
focused on “differences” in critical
thinking skills between two groups.
Here, the research problem focuses on
It conjectures that some classroom
experiences contribute to students’
critical thinking skills, and it
conjectures that the types of classroom
experiences may depend on the
developmental range of students.
It explicitly identifies the population
of interest as elementary grades.
The research purpose identifies the
study as qualitative to “identify”
classroom experiences and “map” the
developmental range.
If the research purpose focused on
students’ behavior or disciplinary
practices, it would not be aligned with
the research problem.
Because the research problem and research purpose are about
different things—(a) classroom experiences, and (b)
range of experiences—two separate research questions are
needed. One
focused on the classroom experiences that contribute to
critical thinking skills, the other focused on the developmental
range of
those experiences.
If a research question asked about experiences in accelerated
versus regular or remedial classrooms, it would not be aligned
with the
problem or purpose, which only refer to elementary grade
levels. If
understanding experiences in different types of classrooms is of
then such would need to be incorporated in the research problem
research purpose.
Page 7 of 43
Checking Week 1 Qualitative Alignment
The tables below extract the key concepts in the qualitative
scenario and the additional concepts that were described that
would result in misalignment.
Aligned Concepts Across Elements
Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question
Classroom experiences Classroom experiences Classroom
Developmental range of experiences Developmental range of
experiences Developmental range of experiences
Critical thinking skills Critical thinking skills Critical thinking
Elementary grade levels Elementary grade levels Elementary
grade levels
Misaligned Concepts Across Elements
Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question
Classroom experiences Classroom experiences Classroom
Developmental range of experiences Developmental range of
experiences Developmental range of experiences
Critical thinking skills Critical thinking skills Critical thinking
Elementary grade levels Elementary grade levels Elementary
grade levels
Students’ behavior
Disciplinary practices
Accelerated classrooms
Regular classrooms
Remedial classrooms
Page 8 of 43
Week 2
Scenario Pieces of Primary Interest
In Week 2 the focus is on adding a theoretical or conceptual
framework to the quantitative and qualitative scenarios
proposed in Week 1. Although not part of the scenarios,
learning resources this week help you understand the primary
purpose of a literature review and to identify and evaluate
scientific sources of information.
A theory or conceptual framework is necessary in designing a
dissertation study and plays a key role in guiding the
research questions and interpreting the results of a study. On
the following pages the quantitative scenario example and
the qualitative scenario example are carried forward from Week
1 with the theoretical or conceptual framework element
added to demonstrate alignment and misalignment.
Page 9 of 43
Week 2 Quantitative Scenario Example
(Highlighted element is new this week)
Social Problem: Critical thinking skills in the United States
have been reported
to be lower than critical thinking skills in other industrialized
Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know the
extent to
which critical thinking skills differ between graduating seniors
from a high
school at which the curriculum was problem-based compared to
a high school
with lecture-based curriculum.
Research Purpose: The purpose of this quantitative study is to
determine the
extent of difference in critical thinking skill scores between
graduating seniors
from high schools with a problem-based versus lecture-based
Research Question: What is the extent of difference in critical
thinking skill
scores between graduating seniors from high schools with a
versus lecture-based curriculum?
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework: The cognitive and social
theory of learning is a dynamic and collaborative process in
which students are
actively involved in their learning, rather than being passive
listeners of a
lecture. This theory fits and guides the research question
expecting differences in
critical thinking skills between students in a problem-based
versus lecture-based
curriculum and will inform the interpretation of the results.
In this quantitative scenario
differences in critical thinking skills
are expected to be different depending
on type of curriculum: problem-based
or lecture-based.
A theoretical or conceptual framework
needs to be one that leads the
researcher to that expectation and that
will aid in the interpretation of the
Here, the cognitive and social
constructivist theory of learning
provides the foundation for expecting
and interpreting differences in critical
thinking skills between those from a
school that uses a problem-based
curriculum versus lecture-based
A biopsychosocial framework would
not fit because there is nothing in the
research problem, purpose, or question
that refers to biological or
psychological factors that affect
critical thinking.
Nor would a gender roles conceptual
framework fit because there is nothing
prior that refers to gender roles
affecting critical thinking.
Page 10 of 43
Checking Week 2 Quantitative Alignment
The tables below extract the key concepts in the quantitative
scenario and the additional concepts that were described that
would result in misalignment.
Aligned Concepts Across Elements
Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question
Critical thinking Critical thinking Critical thinking
Graduating seniors Graduating seniors Graduating seniors
Problem-based curriculum Problem-based curriculum Problem-
based curriculum
Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-
based curriculum
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
Cognitive and social constructivist theory of learning guides the
expectation and interpretation of differences in students’
critical thinking skills as a result of problem-based versus
lecture-based curriculum exposure.
Misaligned Concepts Across Elements
Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question
Critical thinking Critical thinking Critical thinking
Graduating seniors Graduating seniors Graduating seniors
Problem-based curriculum Problem-based curriculum Problem-
based curriculum
Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-
based curriculum
Public high schools
Private high schools
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
Biopsychosocial framework would not fit because there is
nothing in the research problem, purpose, or question that
refers to biological or psychological factors that affect critical
Gender roles conceptual framework would not fit because there
is nothing in prior elements that refers to gender roles
affecting critical thinking.
Page 11 of 43
Week 2 Qualitative Scenario Example
(Highlighted element is new this week)
Social Problem or Phenomenon of Interest: Critical thinking
skills in the
United States have been reported to be lower than critical
thinking skills in other
industrialized countries.
Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know
what classroom
experiences contribute to students’ critical thinking skills or the
range of experiences across elementary grade levels.
Research Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study is to
identify classroom
experiences that contribute to students’ critical thinking skills
and to map the
developmental range of these experiences across elementary
grade levels.
Research Question 1: What classroom experiences contribute to
critical thinking skills?
Research Question 2: What are the developmental range of
experiences across
elementary grade levels?
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework: The cognitive and social
theory of learning, Kurfiss’s (1988) eight principles of critical
thinking teaching
practices, and a developmental perspective form the conceptual
framework for
this study. Each of these relate to identifying classroom
experiences that
contribute to students’ critical thinking skills and the
developmental perspective
also allows mapping of classroom experiences across
elementary grade levels.
Each of these elements of the conceptual framework will also
guide thematic
coding of lesson plans and classroom observations, and aid in
the interpretation
of results.
In the research problem there is
conjecture that some classroom
experiences contribute to students’
critical thinking skills, and that the
types of classroom experiences may
depend on the developmental range of
students across elementary grades.
A theoretical or conceptual framework
needs to support the conjectures, guide
the specific research questions, and
serve as an aid in the interpretation of
the results.
Here, three elements make up the
conceptual framework.
1. The cognitive and social
constructivist theory of learning
supports the conjecture that
critical thinking skills can be
enhanced by dynamic and
collaborative classroom
experiences that actively involve
students in the learning process.
2. Kurfiss’s (1988) eight principles
of critical thinking teaching
3. Developmental perspective of
classroom experiences.
The cognitive and social constructivist
theoretical lens, the eight principles of
critical thinking teaching practices,
and a developmental perspective will
guide data partitioning of lesson plans
and observations of classroom
exercises, and the coding and
interpretation of classroom experience
themes that contribute to critical
thinking skills.
Grounded theory would not fit the scenario because, first,
theory is a research design not a theoretical or conceptual
and, second, the purpose of the study is to identify and
developmentally map classroom experiences that contribute to
students’ critical thinking skills, not to develop a theory, which
is the
end goal of grounded theory.
The transformative emancipatory paradigm would not fit as a
conceptual framework because it is about giving voice to
marginalized groups, which is not a focus of the scenario’s
problem, purpose, or questions.
Page 12 of 43
Checking Week 2 Qualitative Alignment
The tables below extract the key concepts in the qualitative
scenario and the additional concepts that were described that
would result in misalignment.
Aligned Concepts Across Elements
Research problem Research purpose Research question
Classroom experiences Classroom experiences Classroom
Developmental range of experiences Developmental range of
experiences Developmental range of experiences
Critical thinking skills Critical thinking skills Critical thinking
Elementary grade levels Elementary grade levels Elementary
grade levels
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
Cognitive and social constructivist theory of learning supports
the conjecture that critical thinking skills can be enhanced
by dynamic and collaborative classroom experiences that
actively involve students in the learning process.
Kurfiss’s (1988) eight principles of critical thinking teaching
practices dovetail with the cognitive and social
constructivist theory of learning to specifically identify
teaching practices that actively involve students in the learning
A developmental perspective takes into account the
developmental range of teaching practices and actively involved
students across elementary grades.
Misaligned Concepts Across Elements
Research problem Research purpose Research question
Classroom experiences Classroom experiences Classroom
Developmental range of experiences Developmental range of
experiences Developmental range of experiences
Critical thinking skills Critical thinking skills Critical thinking
Elementary grade levels Elementary grade levels Elementary
grade levels
Students’ behavior
Disciplinary practices
Accelerated classrooms
Regular classrooms
Remedial classrooms
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
Grounded theory does not fit because it is a research design for
the purpose of generating a new theory.
The transformative emancipatory paradigm does not fit because
it is about giving voice to marginalized groups.
Page 13 of 43
Week 3
Scenario Pieces of Primary Interest
In Week 3 the focus is only on the quantitative scenario, adding
a specific …

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Mental health of juvenile murderers

  • 1. Feedback for Professor on week 1 discussion Mental health and illness are always a question for individuals in the criminal justice system, regardless of their age. Understanding mental health and how that might impact decision making and criminal behavior are important questions. But you need to look at the alignment of your Research Problem / Purpose / Question. These should all be different ways of saying the same thing. So, if you are talking about mental illness and rehabilitation in one, you should be talking about illness and rehabilitation in all of them. Please work on this alignment for both the quantitative research design and the qualitative research design for Week 2. Week 1 discussion question Specific Program of Study and Area of Concentration My major and program of study is PhD in Forensic Psychology with a concentration in victimology. My career interest is to work with juveniles that are charged with serious and violent murderers. Working with juveniles that has committed serious and violent crimes has always been a fascination of mine, the fascination stems from my interest in understanding their thought process and thinking, their social background, their environmental background and any mental health diagnosis. Social Problem The social problem with juvenile murderers is that behavioral problems and mental health diagnosis are often grossly overlooked. Quantitative Research Problem The Scholarly community does not know the proper therapeutic therapies to apply to these child murderers instead of putting them in prison. Quantitative Research Purpose
  • 2. The purpose of this quantitative research is developing a research study that will be implemented into juvenile prisons, to better rehabilitate these children instead of further damaging them, implementing programs that will better prepare them for future release. Quantitative Research Question The quantitative research question is as follows; What is the relationship of a diagnosed mental illness and juvenil es that commit serious and violent murders. Qualitative Research Problem The scholarly community does not know that behavioral problems and mental illnesses may result in children becoming serious violent murders. The qualitative research problem is does diagnosed mental health diagnoses contribute to juveniles becoming murderers. Qualitative Research Purpose The purpose of this qualitative study is to correlate previous studies of juvenile murderers and mental health illnesses. As a result, strategic rehabilitation programs will help in reintegrated back into society. Qualitative Research Question In this qualitative research the question will be posed as, are their early signs of mental health diagnoses that will detect juvenile murders, and can detecting these early signs reduce the number of juvenile murderers? Please review the previous questions and revised as needed. Please keep layout as is and the assignment should reflect the exact same layout. Also, answer question below… Theory or Conceptual Framework:Identify a specific psychological or sociological theory or specific aspects of a conceptual framework that guides the scenario. Briefly describe how the specific theory or conceptual framework guides your research question and will aid in interpretation of results. If this is the same as described for the quantitative scenario, then just
  • 3. indicate “same as quantitative.” · To help identify a specific theory visit: · m · Alignment of scenario elements is important. See the Examples of Aligned and Misaligned Scenarios document, which can be downloaded from the Week 2 Learning Resources area of the classroom. https://journals-sagepub- Alignment and Misalignment Examples of Scenario Elements In PSYC-8412 Research Foundations you build quantitative and qualitative research scenarios that include each of the following key elements: Social problem or phenomenon of interest • Research problem • Research purpose • Research questions • Theoretical or conceptual framework • Research design • Sampling strategy
  • 4. o Sampling criteria (qualitative only) o Data sources (qualitative only) • Data collection method • Variables (quantitative only) • Analysis plan • Trustworthiness (qualitative only) All these key elements must logically align. Although the figure depicts a linear flow, it is critical to understand that alignment is an iterative process. For example, if after identifying a research problem and research purpose additional research questions emerge, then the research problem and purpose must be refined to align with the additional research questions. Similarly, if variables of interest are identified that are not represented in the research problem, purpose, or questions, and that do not fit with the theoretical or conceptual framework, then those elements will need to be refined to capture all of the variables
  • 5. of interest. You will be piecing together your scenarios week-to-week, continually adding new elements until a solid alignment of your research idea emerges. Because of the iterative nature of alignment, you should not be surprised that as a new element is added to your scenario that previous elements may need to be modified to maintain alignment. There are several ways for elements within a scenario to misalign, and it is not possible to provide examples of all possible issues. In this document there are week-to-week example scenarios that demonstrate logically aligned elements and some examples of the many ways elements become logically misaligned. Studying these will help you avoid some common misalignment issues and understand how changing one element, sometimes even a single word, can affect alignment. Below is one student’s reflection in Week 5 of the course: I too struggled with the concept and terminology. For me, it is in fact the language that is used, and such is definitely 'foreign' of sorts. As you go along though, it is all beginning to make sense. Initially the
  • 6. feedback also was 'foreign' but now, going back and reviewing the question, answers, feedback are beginning to all make sense. Even feedback that suggests that one simple word be changed makes sense as what I submitted could possibly be misconstrued and cause the study to go in a different direction. I'm beginning to understand how changing one simple word can make a difference. Research terminology requires that things be concise and getting into the habit of relaying information properly makes all the difference. I am beginning to speak 'research'. I believe it merely takes practice. One almost has to develop a mental research template and think from another part of the brain and perspective. (K. Jackson, Week 5 discussion post, September 29, 2018) A table of contents is on the next page with active links to help you navigate the document. Page 2 of 43 Table of Contents
  • 7. WEEK 1 SCENARIO PIECES OF PRIMARY INTEREST ............................................................................................... .............................. 3 WEEK 1 QUANTITATIVE SCENARIO EXAMPLE ............................................................................................... .................................................... 4 Checking Week 1 Quantitative Alignment ....................................................................................... ........ ......................................... 5 WEEK 1 QUALITATIVE SCENARIO EXAMPLE ............................................................................................... ...................................................... 6 Checking Week 1 Qualitative Alignment ............................................................................................... ........................................... 7 WEEK 2 SCENARIO PIECES OF PRIMARY INTEREST ............................................................................................... .............................. 8 WEEK 2 QUANTITATIVE SCENARIO EXAMPLE ............................................................................................... .................................................... 9 Checking Week 2 Quantitative Alignment ............................................................................................... ....................................... 10 WEEK 2 QUALITATIVE SCENARIO EXAMPLE ............................................................................................... .................................................... 11 Checking Week 2 Qualitative Alignment .......................................................................................... ..... ......................................... 12
  • 8. WEEK 3 SCENARIO PIECES OF PRIMARY INTEREST ............................................................................................... ............................ 13 WEEK 3 QUANTITATIVE SCENARIO EXAMPLE ............................................................................................... .................................................. 14 Checking Week 3 Quantitative Alignment ............................................................................................... ....................................... 15 WEEK 4 SCENARIO PIECES OF PRIMARY INTEREST ............................................................................................... ............................ 16 WEEK 4 QUALITATIVE SCENARIO EXAMPLE ............................................................................................... .................................................... 17 Checking Week 4 Qualitative Alignment ............................................................................................... ......................................... 18 WEEK 5 MIXED METHOD DESIGN ............................................................................................... ..................................................... 19 MERGING QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE SCENARIOS INTO A MIXED METHODS DESIGN .................................................................................... 20 WEEK 6 SCENARIO PIECES OF PRIMARY INTEREST ............................................................................................... ............................ 21 WEEK 6 QUANTITATIVE SCENARIO EXAMPLE
  • 9. ............................................................................................... .................................................. 22 Checking Week 6 Quantitative Alignment ............................................................................................... ....................................... 23 WEEK 7 SCENARIO PIECES OF PRIMARY INTEREST ............................................................................................... ............................ 24 WEEK 7 QUANTITATIVE SCENARIO EXAMPLE ................................................................................. .............. .................................................. 25 Checking Week 7 Quantitative Alignment ............................................................................................... ....................................... 26 WEEK 8 SCENARIO PIECES OF PRIMARY INTEREST ............................................................................................... ........................... 28 WEEK 8 QUANTITATIVE SCENARIO EXAMPLE ............................................................................................... .................................................. 29 Checking Week 8 Quantitative Alignment ............................................................................................... ....................................... 30 WEEK 9 SCENARIO PIECES OF PRIMARY INTEREST ............................................................................................... ............................ 32 WEEK 9 QUALITATIVE SCENARIO EXAMPLE ............................................................................................... .................................................... 33 Checking Week 9 Qualitative Scenario Alignment
  • 10. ....................................................................................... ........ .......................... 34 WEEK 10 SCENARIO PIECES OF PRIMARY INTEREST ............................................................................................... .......................... 36 WEEK 10 QUALITATIVE SCENARIO EXAMPLE ............................................................................................... .................................................. 37 Checking Week 10 Qualitative Scenario Alignment ............................................................................................... ........................ 38 WEEK 11 SCENARIO PIECES OF PRIMARY INTEREST ............................................................................................... .......................... 40 WEEK 11 QUALITATIVE SCENARIO EXAMPLE ............................................................................................... .................................................. 41 Checking Week 10 Qualitative Scenario Alignment ............................................................................................... ........................ 42 Page 3 of 43 Week 1 Scenario Pieces of Primary Interest
  • 11. In Week 1 the focus is on identifying a social problem or phenomenon of interest and specifying a research problem, research purpose, and research question for both a quantitative and qualitative research scenario. Typically, a thorough review and understanding of the relevant literature is needed to identify a bona fide research problem. We know that you have not already conducted such a thorough literature review. For purposes of this course, the research problem— something the scholarly community does not know—simply needs to be plausible. On the following pages are an example of a quantitative scenario and an example of a qualitative scenario with these four elements that demonstrate alignment and misalignment. Page 4 of 43 Week 1 Quantitative Scenario Example Social Problem or Phenomenon of Interest: Critical thinking skills in the United States have been reported to be lower than critical thinking skills in other
  • 12. industrialized countries. Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know the extent to which critical thinking skills differ between graduating seniors from a high school at which the curriculum was problem-based compared to a high school with lecture-based curriculum. Research Purpose: The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine the extent of difference in critical thinking skill scores between graduating seniors from high schools with a problem-based versus lecture-based curriculum. Research Question: What is the extent of difference in critical thinking skill scores between graduating seniors from high schools with a problem-based versus lecture-based curriculum?
  • 13. The social problem or phenomenon can be, and typically is, broad. The research problem narrows the scope and identifies something specific the scholarly community does not know. It conjectures that differences in critical thinking skills may differ based on type of curriculum. It explicitly, or at least implicitly, identifies the population of interest— here it is graduating seniors. The research purpose identifies the study as quantitative and, otherwise, simply repeats the research problem.
  • 14. This could not be a qualitative study because to determine differences in critical thinking skills requires a quantitative measure. If the research purpose focused on graduating seniors from public versus private high schools, it would not be aligned with the research problem, which was about type of curriculum. The research question simply replaces “the purpose of this quantitative study is to determine” from the purpose with “what is”—everything else is exactly the same. If the research question asked about critical thinking scores and overall GPA, it would not be aligned with the problem or purpose, neither of which mention GPA. Page 5 of 43
  • 15. Checking Week 1 Quantitative Alignment One way to visually check alignment is to create a table of the key concepts represented in each key element. If every concept in one element is contained in the other elements, then it is aligned (see first table below). If, however, a concept in one element is missing in the other elements, then it is misaligned (see second table below). Aligned Concepts Across Elements Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question Critical thinking Critical thinking Critical thinking Graduating seniors Graduating seniors Graduating seniors Problem-based curriculum Problem-based curriculum Problem- based curriculum Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-based curriculum Lecture- based curriculum If the concepts of critical thinking, graduating seniors, problem- based curriculum and lecture-based curriculum are included in the research problem; then, the research purpose and research question should also contain the same concepts.
  • 16. If these concepts appear in the problem statement The scholarly community does not know the extent to which critical thinking skills differ between graduating seniors from a high school at which the curriculum was problem-based compared to a high school with lecture-based curriculum. Then, they should be contained in the purpose statement The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine the extent of difference in critical thinking skill scores
  • 17. between graduating seniors from high schools with a problem-based versus lecture-based curriculum. and in the research question What is the extent of difference in critical thinking skill scores between graduating seniors from high schools with a problem-based versus lecture- based curriculum? Misaligned Concepts Across Elements Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question Critical thinking Critical thinking Critical thinking Graduating seniors Graduating seniors Graduating seniors Problem-based curriculum Problem-based curriculum Problem- based curriculum Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-based curriculum Lecture- based curriculum
  • 18. Public high schools Private high schools GPA Page 6 of 43 Week 1 Qualitative Scenario Example Social Problem or Phenomenon of Interest: Critical thinking skills in the United States have been reported to be lower than critical thinking skills in other industrialized countries. Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know what classroom experiences contribute to students’ critical thinking skills or the developmental range of experiences across elementary grade levels. Research Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study is to identify classroom
  • 19. experiences that contribute to students’ critical thinking skills and to map the developmental range of these experiences across elementary grade levels. Research Question 1: What classroom experiences contribute to students’ critical thinking skills? Research Question 2: What are the developmental range of experiences across elementary grade levels? The social problem or phenomenon
  • 20. can be, and typically is, broad. And, the same social problem or phenomenon can be addressed by either quantitative or qualitative research. It is the research problem that determines a quantitative or qualitative approach. Previously, the quantitative scenario focused on “differences” in critical thinking skills between two groups. Here, the research problem focuses on “experiences.” It conjectures that some classroom experiences contribute to students’ critical thinking skills, and it conjectures that the types of classroom experiences may depend on the
  • 21. developmental range of students. It explicitly identifies the population of interest as elementary grades. The research purpose identifies the study as qualitative to “identify” classroom experiences and “map” the developmental range. If the research purpose focused on students’ behavior or disciplinary practices, it would not be aligned with the research problem. Because the research problem and research purpose are about two different things—(a) classroom experiences, and (b) developmental range of experiences—two separate research questions are needed. One focused on the classroom experiences that contribute to students’ critical thinking skills, the other focused on the developmental
  • 22. range of those experiences. If a research question asked about experiences in accelerated classrooms versus regular or remedial classrooms, it would not be aligned with the problem or purpose, which only refer to elementary grade levels. If understanding experiences in different types of classrooms is of interest, then such would need to be incorporated in the research problem and research purpose. Page 7 of 43 Checking Week 1 Qualitative Alignment The tables below extract the key concepts in the qualitative scenario and the additional concepts that were described that would result in misalignment. Aligned Concepts Across Elements
  • 23. Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question Classroom experiences Classroom experiences Classroom experiences Developmental range of experiences Developmental range of experiences Developmental range of experiences Critical thinking skills Critical thinking skills Critical thinking skills Elementary grade levels Elementary grade levels Elementary grade levels Misaligned Concepts Across Elements Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question Classroom experiences Classroom experiences Classroom experiences Developmental range of experiences Developmental range of experiences Developmental range of experiences Critical thinking skills Critical thinking skills Critical thinking skills Elementary grade levels Elementary grade levels Elementary grade levels Students’ behavior Disciplinary practices Accelerated classrooms
  • 24. Regular classrooms Remedial classrooms Page 8 of 43 Week 2 Scenario Pieces of Primary Interest In Week 2 the focus is on adding a theoretical or conceptual framework to the quantitative and qualitative scenarios proposed in Week 1. Although not part of the scenarios, learning resources this week help you understand the primary purpose of a literature review and to identify and evaluate scientific sources of information. A theory or conceptual framework is necessary in designing a dissertation study and plays a key role in guiding the research questions and interpreting the results of a study. On the following pages the quantitative scenario example and the qualitative scenario example are carried forward from Week 1 with the theoretical or conceptual framework element
  • 25. added to demonstrate alignment and misalignment. Page 9 of 43 Week 2 Quantitative Scenario Example (Highlighted element is new this week) Social Problem: Critical thinking skills in the United States have been reported to be lower than critical thinking skills in other industrialized countries. Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know the extent to which critical thinking skills differ between graduating seniors from a high school at which the curriculum was problem-based compared to a high school with lecture-based curriculum. Research Purpose: The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine the
  • 26. extent of difference in critical thinking skill scores between graduating seniors from high schools with a problem-based versus lecture-based curriculum. Research Question: What is the extent of difference in critical thinking skill scores between graduating seniors from high schools with a problem-based versus lecture-based curriculum? Theoretical or Conceptual Framework: The cognitive and social constructivist theory of learning is a dynamic and collaborative process in which students are actively involved in their learning, rather than being passive listeners of a lecture. This theory fits and guides the research question expecting differences in critical thinking skills between students in a problem-based versus lecture-based curriculum and will inform the interpretation of the results. In this quantitative scenario
  • 27. differences in critical thinking skills are expected to be different depending on type of curriculum: problem-based or lecture-based. A theoretical or conceptual framework needs to be one that leads the researcher to that expectation and that will aid in the interpretation of the results. Here, the cognitive and social constructivist theory of learning provides the foundation for expecting and interpreting differences in critical thinking skills between those from a school that uses a problem-based curriculum versus lecture-based curriculum.
  • 28. A biopsychosocial framework would not fit because there is nothing in the research problem, purpose, or question that refers to biological or psychological factors that affect critical thinking. Nor would a gender roles conceptual framework fit because there is nothing prior that refers to gender roles affecting critical thinking. Page 10 of 43 Checking Week 2 Quantitative Alignment The tables below extract the key concepts in the quantitative scenario and the additional concepts that were described that would result in misalignment.
  • 29. Aligned Concepts Across Elements Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question Critical thinking Critical thinking Critical thinking Graduating seniors Graduating seniors Graduating seniors Problem-based curriculum Problem-based curriculum Problem- based curriculum Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-based curriculum Lecture- based curriculum Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Cognitive and social constructivist theory of learning guides the expectation and interpretation of differences in students’ critical thinking skills as a result of problem-based versus lecture-based curriculum exposure. Misaligned Concepts Across Elements Research Problem Research Purpose Research Question Critical thinking Critical thinking Critical thinking Graduating seniors Graduating seniors Graduating seniors Problem-based curriculum Problem-based curriculum Problem- based curriculum Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-based curriculum Lecture-
  • 30. based curriculum Public high schools Private high schools GPA Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Biopsychosocial framework would not fit because there is nothing in the research problem, purpose, or question that refers to biological or psychological factors that affect critical thinking. Gender roles conceptual framework would not fit because there is nothing in prior elements that refers to gender roles affecting critical thinking. Page 11 of 43 Week 2 Qualitative Scenario Example (Highlighted element is new this week) Social Problem or Phenomenon of Interest: Critical thinking skills in the
  • 31. United States have been reported to be lower than critical thinking skills in other industrialized countries. Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know what classroom experiences contribute to students’ critical thinking skills or the developmental range of experiences across elementary grade levels. Research Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study is to identify classroom experiences that contribute to students’ critical thinking skills and to map the developmental range of these experiences across elementary grade levels. Research Question 1: What classroom experiences contribute to students’ critical thinking skills? Research Question 2: What are the developmental range of experiences across elementary grade levels? Theoretical or Conceptual Framework: The cognitive and social constructivist
  • 32. theory of learning, Kurfiss’s (1988) eight principles of critical thinking teaching practices, and a developmental perspective form the conceptual framework for this study. Each of these relate to identifying classroom experiences that contribute to students’ critical thinking skills and the developmental perspective also allows mapping of classroom experiences across elementary grade levels. Each of these elements of the conceptual framework will also guide thematic coding of lesson plans and classroom observations, and aid in the interpretation of results. In the research problem there is conjecture that some classroom experiences contribute to students’ critical thinking skills, and that the types of classroom experiences may depend on the developmental range of
  • 33. students across elementary grades. A theoretical or conceptual framework needs to support the conjectures, guide the specific research questions, and serve as an aid in the interpretation of the results. Here, three elements make up the conceptual framework. 1. The cognitive and social constructivist theory of learning supports the conjecture that critical thinking skills can be enhanced by dynamic and collaborative classroom experiences that actively involve students in the learning process. 2. Kurfiss’s (1988) eight principles of critical thinking teaching practices.
  • 34. 3. Developmental perspective of classroom experiences. The cognitive and social constructivist theoretical lens, the eight principles of critical thinking teaching practices, and a developmental perspective will guide data partitioning of lesson plans and observations of classroom exercises, and the coding and interpretation of classroom experience themes that contribute to critical thinking skills. Grounded theory would not fit the scenario because, first, grounded theory is a research design not a theoretical or conceptual framework and, second, the purpose of the study is to identify and developmentally map classroom experiences that contribute to students’ critical thinking skills, not to develop a theory, which is the
  • 35. end goal of grounded theory. The transformative emancipatory paradigm would not fit as a conceptual framework because it is about giving voice to marginalized groups, which is not a focus of the scenario’s research problem, purpose, or questions. Page 12 of 43 Checking Week 2 Qualitative Alignment The tables below extract the key concepts in the qualitative scenario and the additional concepts that were described that would result in misalignment. Aligned Concepts Across Elements Research problem Research purpose Research question Classroom experiences Classroom experiences Classroom experiences Developmental range of experiences Developmental range of experiences Developmental range of experiences
  • 36. Critical thinking skills Critical thinking skills Critical thinking skills Elementary grade levels Elementary grade levels Elementary grade levels Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Cognitive and social constructivist theory of learning supports the conjecture that critical thinking skills can be enhanced by dynamic and collaborative classroom experiences that actively involve students in the learning process. Kurfiss’s (1988) eight principles of critical thinking teaching practices dovetail with the cognitive and social constructivist theory of learning to specifically identify teaching practices that actively involve students in the learning process. A developmental perspective takes into account the developmental range of teaching practices and actively involved students across elementary grades. Misaligned Concepts Across Elements Research problem Research purpose Research question Classroom experiences Classroom experiences Classroom experiences Developmental range of experiences Developmental range of
  • 37. experiences Developmental range of experiences Critical thinking skills Critical thinking skills Critical thinking skills Elementary grade levels Elementary grade levels Elementary grade levels Students’ behavior Disciplinary practices Accelerated classrooms Regular classrooms Remedial classrooms Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Grounded theory does not fit because it is a research design for the purpose of generating a new theory. The transformative emancipatory paradigm does not fit because it is about giving voice to marginalized groups. Page 13 of 43 Week 3
  • 38. Scenario Pieces of Primary Interest In Week 3 the focus is only on the quantitative scenario, adding a specific …