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Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment
of Requirement for Literature Degree
at English Literature Department
NIM: AI.140252
You who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice. He will
amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah
and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment. Indeed, we offered
the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to
bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and
ignorant. (QS. Al-Ahzab: 70-72)1
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah dan Katakanlah
Perkataan yang benar, niscaya Allah memperbaiki bagimu amalan-amalanmu
dan mengampuni bagimu dosa-dosamu. dan Barangsiapa mentaati Allah dan
Rasul-Nya, Maka Sesungguhnya ia telah mendapat kemenangan yang besar.
Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengemukakan amanat kepada langit, bumi dan
gunung-gunung, Maka semuanya enggan untuk memikul amanat itu dan mereka
khawatir akan mengkhianatinya, dan dipikullah amanat itu oleh manusia.
Sesungguhnya manusia itu Amat zalim dan Amat bodoh. (QS. Al-Ahzab: 70-
Maulawi Sher, The Holy Qur’an, (United Kingdem: Islam International Publications, 2004), p.
Nafan Akhun, Al-Qur’an Terjemahan, (Semarang: Thoa Putra, 2007), p. 543.
In the name of Allah SWT most gracious merciful and the Prophet Muhammad
SAW, the inspiration of Moslem‟s life, I dedicate this thesis to my beloved father,
DARMAN and mother SYAMSI, you are my hero and thanks for your praying. My
little sister Delmitayou are my strangth thanks for your supports, encouragement,
patient, helping. I do love you all. I feel so prestigious because living around the super
skillful and wise people as you are all
For my best friends SitiAminahdanSitiHoiruna and other friends who cannot be
said one by one. I would like to say thanks a lot for your care and suggestion that are
given to me as long as my journey in writing this thesis. The last for all people who
have helped me in writing this thesis, I would like to say thank you so much. I love
you all as always.
Firstly, the writer would like to say Alhamdullilahirabil’alamin, all the praise to
Allah SWT the lord of all creatures, for His Blessing from the starting point of my
study until now the end of my study. After that, Shalawat and salambe upon to our
Prophet Muhammad SAW, hopefully we will get His syafa’atlater at The Last Day.To
accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many people. So,
the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are:
1. Dr. H. HadriHasan, MA as a the rector of the State Islamic University of
SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi.
2. Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd. I as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty.
3. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed as the first Dean of Academic. Dr. H. M. Fadil, M.Ag as
the second Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag., M.Pd.I as the third Dean
of University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty.
4. The Head of English Literature DepartmentUlfatmiAzlan, SS., MA.
5. The secretary of English Literature DepartmentDian Mukhlisa, MA.
6. My supervisors Dr. Alfian, M. Ed and Tira Mariana, M. Hum, I would like to
express her deepest gratitude to people who helped the writer inaccomplishing
this thesis. I would like to thank who have helped,adused, supported and
suggested me in writing this thesis and finish this thesis.
7. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, then contribution
and assistant during studying in UIN of SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi.
8. The Head and officers of the library of UIN and public library of Jambi
9. My beloved parents, brothers and sister who gave fully supporting to the writer.
10.The last but not least, to all classmates ELITE 2014 who have given additional
suggestion and support.
This thesis is still far away from perfection. I need some critics and suggestions,
so that I can be better in the future. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will give
positive contributions for readers, especially for the students of English Literature
Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty.
Jambi, November th
The writer
Ninik Marianti
Nim: AI.140252
…… Marianti, Nanik, 2018: The Safety and Esteem Fulfillment ofThomas as Seen in the
Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball. English Literature
Department Adab and HumanitiesFaculty, The State Islamic
University SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi.
Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M. Ed
Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, M. Hum
This thesis analyzes the safety and esteem fulfillmentofThomas as seen inthe
Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball. This study is designed to find out the factors that
influence Thomas to fulfill safety, how Thomas fulfill safety and esteem and esteem and
the effects of safety and esteem fulfillment of Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film by
Wes Ball.
The writer usesSafety and Esteem Theory by Maslowto support the writing of
this thesis. This study is descriptive qualitative since the data are collected, analyzed
and described in the form of words rather than numerical scores or statistics. The data
of the research are the pictures and dialogue expressed by the main character.
The research result shows thatfirst, there are two factors of Thomas to fulfill
safety and esteem, such as intrinsic factor; where Tomas feels afraid and wants
someone to help him to get out of the village. It happens when the first time he comes
to that place. The extrinsic factors are thepeople in village do not respect him and he
wants to prove if he can bring people to get out from village.Second, there are three
ways used by Thomas to fulfill his safety and esteem; making good relationship,
where Thomas makes good relationship with the people in village; commitment,
where he always tries to find the way to get out by running away to themaze and
communicate the needs to others where he works together to find the to get out from
village, third, there are two effects of safety and esteem fulfillment the Thomas in the
Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball such as positive self-confidence; where Thomas
feels confidence to bring the people get out of from village and he is happy where he
cries because of happy when he could bring the people get out of village.
…… Marianti, Nanik, 2018 : The Safety and Esteem Fulfillment ofThomas as Seen in the
Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball. English Literature
Department Adab and HumanitiesFaculty, The State Islamic
University SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi.
Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M. Ed
Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, M. Hum
Tesis ini menganalisis pemenuhan rasa amanand dihargaithomas seperti yang
terlihat di filmMaze Runner oleh Wes Ball. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk mengetahui
faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Thomas untuk memenuhi rasa amanand dihargai,
bagaimanaThomas memenuhi memenuhi rasa amanand dihargaidan dampak
pemenuhan rasa amanand dihargaiThomas dalam film Maze Runner oleh Wes Ball.
Penulis menggunakan teori Rasa Amanand DihargaiolehMaslowuntuk
mendukung penulisan skripsi ini. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif karena data
dikumpulkan, dianalisis dan dijelaskan dalam bentuk kata-kata daripada skor numerik
atau statistik. Data penelitian adalah gambar dan dialog yang diungkapkan oleh
karakter utama.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, ada dua faktor yang
mendukungThomas untuk memenuhi keselamatan dan harga diri, seperti faktor
intrinsik; di mana Tomas merasa takut dan ingin seseorang membantunya keluar dari
desa. Itu terjadi ketika pertama kali dia datang ke tempat itu dan faktor ekstrinsik;
dimana orang-orang di desa.Selanjutnya tidak menghormatinya dan dia ingin
membuktikan jika dia dapat membawa orang keluar dari desa.Kedua, ada tiga cara
yang digunakan Thomas untuk memenuhi keselamatan dan harga dirinya; menjalin
hubungan baik, di mana Thomas menjalin hubungan baik dengan orang-orang di desa;
komitmen, di mana ia selalu berusaha menemukan cara untuk keluar dengan
melarikan diri ke labirin dan mengkomunikasikan kebutuhan kepada orang lain di
mana dia bekerja bersama untuk menemukan untuk keluar dari desa. Ketiga, ada dua
efek keselamatan dan penghargaan yang memenuhi Thomas di Film Maze Runner
oleh Wes Ball seperti kepercayaan diri yang positif; di mana Thomas merasa percaya
diri untuk membawa orang-orang keluar dari desa dan dia senang di mana dia
menangis karena bahagia ketika dia bisa membawa orang-orang keluar dari desa.
SWT : Subhanahu Wata’ala
SAW : Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
UIN : UniversitasIslam Negeri
STS : Sultan Thaha Saifuddin
PAGE OF TITLE.......................................................................................... i
LETTER OF RATIFICATION .................................................................. iii
ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT.......................................................... iv
DEDICATION.............................................................................................. vi
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. ix
ABBREVIATION......................................................................................... xi
TABLE OF CONTENT...............................................................................xii
1.1 Background of the Problem...........................................................1
1.2 Formulation of the Problem...........................................................4
1.3 Limitation of the Problem .............................................................5
1.4 Purpose of the Research ................................................................5
1.5 Significance of the Research .........................................................6
2.1 Safety and Esteem Theory.............................................................7
2.2 Psychological Approach................................................................12
2.3 The Factors Influence Person to fulfill Needs...............................15
2.4 The Ways to Fulfill Safety and Esteem Needs...............................17
2.5 The Effects of Safety and Esteem Needs .......................................19
2.6 Review of Related Research..........................................................20
3.1 Design of Research........................................................................25
3.2 Source of Data...............................................................................27
3.3 Technique of Data Collection........................................................27
3.4 Technique of Data Analysis ..........................................................28
3.5 The Research Schedule...................................................................28
4.1 The Factors that Influence Thomas to Fulfill Safety and
Esteem ...........................................................................................30
1. Intrinsic Factor..........................................................................30
2. Extrinsic Factor.........................................................................36
4.2 Safety and EsteemThomas ............................................................39
1. Making Good Relationship.......................................................39
2. Commitment .............................................................................42
3. Communicate the Needs to Others ...........................................44
4.3 The Effects of Safety and Esteem .................................................45
1. Positive Self-Confidence.........................................................45
2. Thomas Felt Happiness ...........................................................47
5.1 Conclusions… ..........................................................................49
5.2 Suggestions…........................................................................... 50
1.1 Background of the Problem
In daily life, everybody felt many events and tragedies, as the human who
think, people should be able to make their life better for their future. The events and
tragedies sometimes reflected in the literary work and it can gaveknowledge to the
people around the world, because literature as a description from reality that happen in
society, make it as history.3
A literary work could be a reflection of a society or events
in the time that it is written.4
It means that a writer cannot discharge himself from
environment, culture, social issues, politic economy and nature around.
Correlated to the literary work, many experts said that literature is born based on the societies‟
condition and literature is created to be understood and used by some societies.5
It means that
literature can be imaginative which writing in since of fiction.Wellek and Warren
statedliterature is primarily an imitation of life as it is and of social life in particular because
literature is no substitute for sociology or politics. It
FaizalRisdianto, Introduction To Literature, (Yogakarta: Trust Media Publishing, 2011), p. 5
Terry Egleton, Litarary Theory An Introduction, Australia, 2005, p. 3
NyomanKuthaRatna, Teori, danTeknikPenelitianSastra,Cet. Ke-III
edisirevisi,(Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajar, 2000), p. 62-63
had its own justification and aim.6
It means that literary works are picture of human life, there
are many discipline or opinion which can be called as literature. It can be said that literature is
everything which is written and seen as an activity of human being from their imagination
through a work.
There are some kinds of literary work such as: film, novel, drama,
autobiography, short story, and poetries. From those kinds of literary works above the
writer interests in analyzing film, where the title is Maze Runner by Wes Ball. Film is
considered to be an important art form, a source of popular entertainment and a
powerful method for education or introduction citizens. In creating literary work, an
author or an art must care with some aspect. They are economic, social, ideology,
culture, and psychology. If they care with those aspects, the result or their work will
be nice or good.
Definition of film had taken from many book but all have same meaning. Amy
Villarejosaid in her articles “Film is series of picture which is taken from moving
object and shows a series of moving event which in sequence. It functions as entertain
media, education and the light”.7
It means that film gavegreat deal of pleasure to a
great many people does not necessarily that they are significant from the culture and
historical evidence. But the fact they reach a mass audience signifies that films do
connect with some part of the conscious or unconscious experience of the general
public or, at least, a large proportion of it. Literary aspect in film is scenario.
Wellek and Warren in M. Keith Booker, A Practical Introduction to Literary Theory and
Criticism,(United Stated of America: Linda Moser Book Center, Betty L &Sokol, 1996), p. 19
Amy Villarejo, Film Studies the Basic, (New York: Library of Congres, 2007), Third Edition,
p. 12.
Duration:01: 04:18:560 –01: 04:23:126
The writer is interested to choose the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ballin this
research, because the writer knows that film is literary work that describes the
behavior of human life. September, 17, 2014. A teen wakes up in the center of a maze
with no memory of his past, he is found in community of boys who have built a
village. Every day the strongest and fittest runners run into the maze every morning to
find a way out from the village. Every night the doors to the maze close because there
are grievers who kill those who are stuck inside. Nobody ever survives a night in the
maze, but they believed that there must be a way out from the village.
Thomasis the man that needs to fulfill Safety and Esteem of Maslow‟s
Hierarchy of Need in the Maze Runner by Wes Ball, he does not remember about his
past, but when he wanted to try to go from the village he finds in the center of a
grievers maze, and he could not go from the village. He is afraid because the village is
always attack by the grievers. That is why he needs to get safety. So, he tries to finds
the way to go outside from the village and cross the center of a grievers maze. It can
be seen in the picture below:
Picture 18
Thomas : There must be the way9
Duration:01: 04:18:560 –01: 04:23:126
From the picture above, it tells when Thomaswanted to do something to fulfill
his needs. He wanted to get safety that is why he needs to go outside from the village.
He tries to make the maze in his room and he always tries to find the out from the
village. He runs into the maze to find the way out from the village, unfortunately he
cannot do it, because when he runs he came back again to the same place.
This research is important because every human need something in her or his
life such as air, eat, house, safety, love, respect and free, If one of needs does not fill in
life, that person can be felt an annoyance psychology‟s problem, the annoyance can be
felt disappointed, does not make relationship to each other or gaveup and frustration.
In this thesis the writer is focused on the Safety and Esteem needson the Thomas as
the main character. At this level, the need for safety and respect drives human
behavior. In order to solve problems such as depression, and anxiety.
Finally, based on the reasons above, the writer will analyze this thesis under
the title “The Effects of Safety and Esteem Fulfillment ofThomas as Seen in the
Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball”.
1.2 Formulation of the Problem
Based on the background of the problems above, the writer makes the
formulation of the problems arranged as follows:
1. What are the factors that influence Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem as seen
in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball?
2. How does Thomasfulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes
3. What are the effects of safety and esteem fulfillment of Thomas in the Maze
Runner’s Film by Wes Ball?
1.3 Limitation of the Problem
In this research, the writer focuses on the effects safety and esteem fulfillment
the Thomas. The writer takes Thomas as the main character because he had big
ambition to fulfill the safety and esteem as the way to get out from the village in the
center of a grievers maze as seen in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. The writer
will take the dialogues and the pictures of Thomas from the film as the answer of the
1.4 Purpose of the Research
The purposes of the research are:
1. To find out the factors that influence Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem as
seen in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball.
2. To find out how Thomasfulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film
byWes Ball.
3. To find out the effects of safety and esteem fulfillment of Thomas in the Maze
Runner’s Film byWes Ball.
1.5 Significance of the Research
In this research, the writer would like to find out the factors that influence
Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. The
writer hopes this research will develop the writing ability and gaveadditional
information and knowledge to the writer and the readers, especially to the
students and lecturesEnglish Literature Departmentwanted to read and watch the
film and even who wanted to analyze the same film. The writer hopes this
research will make other people easier to identifythe benefits from the Thomas to
his life the Maze Runner’s Film byWes Balland takes the positive side of this film.
Last but not the last, this research can gavecontribution to the society, and it will be
useful to the next researcher.
2.1 Safety and Esteem Theory
Human beings have certain basic needs. They must have food, water, air, and
shelter to survive. If any one of these basic needs is not met, then humans cannot
survive.Abraham Maslowstated that: “Basic needs are similar to instincts or standard
of human life and play a major role in motivating behavior. Physiological, security,
social, and esteem needs are deficiency needs (also known as D-needs), meaning that
these needs arise due to deprivation”.10
It means the every human need to fulfill their
needs for life in the world, because it is the standard of human basic needs.
In this research the writer wanted to use the Abraham Maslow theory, this
theory is very suitable to use for making this research became clear, which the object
is personal life. According to Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs starts at the basic
physiological needs we need just to stay alive.11
Once these are made we have a need
for safety, then we wanted love and affection. Within our group we wanted to have
self-esteem. Finally we have a need of satisfying our full potential that Maslow calls
Self Actualization. The five needs in Maslow‟s Hierarchy include: Physiological (air,
Adiele, Achievement of Abraham Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory among Teachers:
Implications for Human Resource Management in The Secondary School System in Rivers State,
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 2013, 140, p. 105
AvneetKaur, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory: Applications and Criticisms, Journal of
Management and Business Studies, Volume 3, Number 10 (2013), p. 75.
food, sleep, stimulation, activity), Safety (security; protection from harm),
Social (love, friendship, comradeship) Esteem (self-respect, personal worth,
autonomy) and Actualization (full potential).12
It can be seen in the picture below:
Picture 213
From the picture above, it can be known that there are five of needs based on
Maslow‟s theory, such as; Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem and Actualization. In
this research the writer will focus on Safety and Esteem because Thomas is a person
who needs to fulfill his life to get out from the village. If the physiological needs are
relatively well gratified, there then emerges a new set of needs, which Abraham
Maslow may categorize roughly as the safety needs (security; stability; dependency;
protection; freedom from fear, from anxiety and chaos; need for structure, order, law,
limits; strength in the protector; and so on). Every person in society generally prefers a
safe, orderly, predictable, lawful, organized world, which he can count on and in which
unexpected, unmanageable, chaotic, or other dangerous things do not happen. In any
AvneetKaur, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory: Applications and Criticisms, p. 75.
Adiele, Achievement of Abraham Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory among Teachers:
Implications for Human Resource Management in The Secondary School System in Rivers State, p. 107
case, someone had powerful parents or protectors whoshield him from harm.14
someone lives in a chaos situation or under war condition where there are real threats
to law, to order and to the authority of a Nation, the safety needs can became very
urgent under that circumstance. Someone who lives in that situation will defend
himself in different way whether to avoid the situation and find another safe place to
stay or even to fight back to annihilate those threats. Instinctively, they will not even
think other needs besides safety needs first.
Safety (security; protection from harm) here, we might include living in a safe
area away from threats. This level is more likely to be found in children as they have a
greater need to feel safe. Those who worry about small things, such as drinking out of
plastic glasses have strong security needs and these include needs for safety and
security. Security needs are important for survival, but they were not as demanding as
the physiological needs.15
Examples of security needs include a desire for steady
employment, health care, safe neighborhoods, and shelter from the environment.
After all mentioned needs above have already fulfilled, everyone had a strong
desire for a stable, firmly based, usually high evaluation of themselves, for self-
respect, or self-esteem, and for the esteem of others. Self-esteem is the value we place
on ourselves. It is our assessment of our worth as a human being based on our
approval or disapproval of ourselves and our behavior. These needs may therefore be
classified into two subsidiary sets. These are, first, the desire for strength, for
AvneetKaur, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory: Applications and Criticisms, p. 75.
AishwaryaShahrawat and RenuShahrawat, Application of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in a
Historical Context: Case Studies of Four Prominent Figures, Department of Applied Psychology,
University of Delhi (South Campus), New Delhi, India, 2011, p. 43
achievement, for adequacy, for mastery and competence, for confidence in the face of
the world, and for independence and freedom. Second, they were the desire for
reputation or prestige (defining it as respect or esteem from other people), status, fame
and glory, dominance, recognition, attention, importance, dignity, or appreciation.
These needs have been relatively stressed by Alfred Adler and his followers, and have
been relatively neglected by Freud.16
According to Jerry Michinton, Esteem‟sneed leads to feelings of self-
confidence, worth, strength, capability, and adequacy, of being useful and necessary in
the world. But thwarting of these needs produces feelings of inferiority, of weakness,
and of helplessness. These feelings in turn gaverise to either basic discouragement or
else compensatory or neurotic trends. An appreciation of the necessity of basic self-
confidence and an understanding of how helpless people are without it can be easily
gained from a study of severe traumatic neurosis. Actually, there are three aspects of
self- esteem:
1. Our feeling about ourselves: With high self-esteem, we accept ourselves
unconditionally exactly as we are; we appreciate our value as a human
2. Our feeling about life: we accept responsibility for and have a feeling of
control over every part of our lives. We hold ourselves responsibility for
what occurs in our lives and believe that ultimately, what happen to us
occurs primarily because of our choices and decisions, rather outside
3. Our relationship; we have a tolerance of and respect for all people, along
with the belief that they were entitled to the same rights we wish for
Dobie, Theory Into Practice-Psychological, (USE California, 1990), p. 51
Jerry Michinton, Maximum Self-Esteem, (Kuala Lumpur, Golden Books Centre SDN. BHD,
1996), p. 20
The most stable and therefore most healthy self-esteem is based on deserved
respect from others rather than on external fame or celebrity and unwarranted
adulation. Esteem (self-respect, personal worth, autonomy) on this level, people act
from their ego needs.18
They value the options of others, in order to believe in
themselves. It is a matter of self-respect through respect from others. After the first
three needs have been satisfied, esteem needs became increasingly important and these
include the need for things that reflect on self-esteem, personal worth, social
recognition, and accomplishment.The writer needs a reference Maslow to know
basically of needs and the writer focus on safety and esteem needs in this research and
also to compare this reference to the situation. This theory will help the writer to know
the safety and esteem the Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball.
Based on the quotations above, it can be concluded if the safety and esteem can
be applied in making dream came true and also relationship to every people we canget
better life and happy forever. In this thesis the writer will use the Maslow‟s Hierarchy
of Needs theory because this theory was more close to the problems so the writer
needs a reference Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs to know the Thomas to fulfill safety
and esteem in the Thomas in this research and also to compare this reference to the
situation. This theory will help the writer to know the factors the Thomas to fulfill
safety and esteem in the Thomas as seen in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball.
p. 53.
Sophie King-Hil, Critical analysis of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need, The STeP Journal, 2015,
2.2 Psychological Approach
Here the writer uses psychological approach because the writer analysis about
the factors that influence to Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s
Film by Wes Ball. Sigmen Freud‟s work and theories helps shape our views of
childhood, personality, memory, sexuality, and therapy. Psychology is the scientific
study of mind and behavior.19
Psychology is the study of human and animal behavior
with the object of understanding why living beings behave as they do. It is a study of
all human affairs, mind, situation and condition also behavior and action deal with
human daily activity. Psychology‟s most famous figure is also of the most influential
and controversial thinkers of the twentieth century. The character‟s behavior in the
story may indicate it is psychology condition. “Bahwadidalamfiksipsikologi yang
utamacerita.Dimanaseorangtokohmengapabegini, mengapapendirianyabegitu,
It means that id as important part of our
personality human‟s psychology state is basically drive from people personality and
thus people acts and reacts to what had happened to them from their thoughts,
emotions and behaviors, because everyone in the world had different one and another.
Freud provided convincing evidence, through his many careful record case studies,
that most of our actions are by psychological force solver which we have very limit
Steven Pinker, Introduction of Psychology, (Fall, Major Approach to Psychology, Journal,
2001), p. 1
Dobie, Theory Into Practice-Psychological, p. 51
control. Generally psychology by Freud by had three kinds or partsof psychology.
There are id, ego and superego.21
“Teorikepribadianmenurut Freud padaumumnyadibagimenjaditigayaitu: id
atauEs,egoatauIch and superego atau Umber Ich. Id adalahdorongan-
dorongan primitive yang harusdipuaskedan, salahsatunyaadalah libido.Id
dengandemikianadalahsubjektif primer,
bertugasuntukmengontrol Id. Sedangkan superego berisi kata hati.”22
From the writer above it can be concluded that definition about id, ego and
superego. Id is a component that contains the personality, where the system work with
the principles of fun “pleasure principle”. Freud‟s seminar work on personality
provided a modal with three components.23
They are:
1. Id: a basic, intrinsic force which express itself either as Eros, the love
instinct(with an energy referred to as the „libido‟), or as Thanatos, the
destructive or death instinct.
The foundation of Freud‟s contribution to modern psychology is his emphasis
on the unconscious aspect of the human psyche. It can be seen on the Handbook of
Critical Approaches to literature is the reservoir of libido, the primary source of all
psychic energy. It functions to fulfill the primordial life principle, which Freud
considers to be the pleasure principle without consciousness or semblance or ration
order, the id is characterized by a tremendous and amorphous vitality. The id is, in
short, the source of all our aggressions and desires. It is lawless, asocial and amoral. It
WilfrendElguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, p. 156-157
NyomanKuthaRatna, Teori, MetodedanTeknikPenelitianSastra,p. 62-63
Anonim.Psychoanaliytic Approach. [Online]
LLL/theories/ psychoanaliytic/, (accessed February 10, 2017 at 11.55 am)
is function is to gratify our instincts for pleasure without regard.24
From the
explanation above, that is the attitude heedless of consequence without consciousness.
It is the dangerous potentialities.
2. Ego: this part of the personality tries to keep a balance and sits between
instinctive forces of the superego and the id.
The ego is protected the individual. Ego is unconscious: the ego nevertheless
comprises what we ordinarily think of as the conscious mind.
3. Superego: a basic, instinctive force which is a drive towards the individual‟s
ideal self. This super conscientiousness is as extreme as the id.
From the explanation above, from the Freud‟s three components, can be seen
that the id is dominated by the pleasure principle and the ego by the reality principle
and the superego is dominated by the morality principle. We might say that the idcan
make devils, that the superego will have us behave as angels and that it remains for the
ego to keep us healthy human beings by maintaining a balance between these two
opposing force. In the simple, three components that Freud provide is all to know
about id the source of libido or negative characteristic or full of the devil and ego is
moral concerning base on environment, and ego is the positive value that have in
human mind.
WilfrendElguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, p. 156-157
LilatulFitriyah and Mohammad Jauhar, PengantarPsikologiUmum, (Jakarta:
PrestasiPustakarya, 2014), p. 172
2.3 The Factors ThatInfluence Safety and Esteem
Every person needs to fulfill the needs in his or her life. Khalil Abduljalil and
YuserrieZainuddin said that there are two factors that influence person wanted to
fulfill the needsin his or her life, they were intrinsic and extrinsic factor;25
2.3.1 Intrinsic Factor
Intrinsic factor means the factor came from his or her mine, it is
individual‟s motivational stimuli are coming from within. The individual had the
desire to do something for his or her life, because its results are in accordance with
his belief system or fulfills a desire and therefore importance is attached to it.26
this research intrinsic factor in Thomas‟ mind because he needssecurity and also
protection from harm. It means that intrinsic factor involves engaging in
a behavior because it is personally rewarding; essentially, performing an activity
for its own sake rather than the desire for some external reward. According to
Fitriyah and Jauhar intrinsic motivation can be seen below:27
Faktor internal yakni yang berasal dari dalam individu, yang terdiri atas;
a. Persepsi individu mengenai diri sendiri
Persepsi seseorang tentang dirinya sendiri akan mendorong dan
mengarahkan prilaku seseorang untuk bertindak.
b. Harga diri dan prestasi
Faktor ini mendoron atau mengarahkan individu (memotivasi) untuk
berusaha agar menjadi probadi yang mandiri, kuat dan memperoleh
kebebasan serta mendapatkan status tertentu dalam lingkungan
masyarakat; serta dapat mendorong individu untuk berprestasi.
Abraham Maslow, Motivation Personality, (United Stated of America: Universal Container
Corporation, 1954), p. 36
Abraham Maslow, Motivation Personality, p. 37
LilatulFitriyah and Mohammad Jauhar, PengantarPsikologiUmum, (Jakarta:
PrestasiPustakarya, 2014), p. 172
c. Harapan
Adanya harapan-harapan akan masa depan. Harapan ini merupakan
informasi objektif dari lingkungan yang mempengaruhi sikap dan perasaan
subjektif seseorang. Harapan merupakan tujuan dari perilaku.
d. Kebutuhan.
Manusia dimotivasi oleh kebutuhan untuk menjadikan dirinya sendiri
berfungsi secara penuh, sehingga mampu meraih potensinya secara total.
Kebutuhan akan mendorong dan mengarahkan sesorang untuk mencari
atau menghindari, mengarahkan dan memberi respon terhadap tekanan
yang dialaminya.
e. Kepuasan
Lebih merupakan suatu dorongan afektif yang muncul dari dalam diri
individu mencapai goal atau tujuan yang diinginkan dari suatu perilaku.28
2.3.2 Extrinsic Factor
Extrinsic factor means the factor came for outside, it is individual‟s
motivational stimuli are coming from outside.29
In other words, our desires to
fulfill something for his or her life are controlled by an outside source. Note that
even though the stimuli are coming from outside, the result of performing the
tasked will still be rewarding for the individual performing the tasked.It this
research extrinsic factor in Thomas‟ mind because he does not get respect from the
people around him. It means that extrinsic factor is external in nature and the most
well-known. According to Fitriyah and Jauhar extrinsic motivation can be seen
Faktor eksternal yakni faktor yang berasal dari luar diri individu yang
terdiri atas;
LilatulFitriyah and Mohammad Jauhar, PengantarPsikologiUmum, , p. 173
Abraham Maslow, Motivation Personality, p. 37
a. Jenis dan sifat pekerjaan
Dorongan untuk bekerja pada jenis dan sifat pekerjaan tertentu sesuai
dengan objek pekerjaan yang tersedia akan mengarahkan individu untuk
menentukan sikap atau pilihan pekerjaan yang akan ditekuni.
b. Kelompok kerja di mana individu bergabung
Kelompok kerja atau organisasi tempat di mana individu bergabung dapat
mendorong atau mengarahkan perilaku individu dalam mencapai sesuatu
tujuan perilaku tertentu.
c. Situasi lingkungan pada umumnya
Setiap individu terdorong untuk berhubungan dengan rasa mampunya
dalam melakukan interaksi secara efektif dengan lingkungannya.
d. Sistem imbalan yang diterima
Imbalan merupakan karakteristik atau kualitas dari objek pemuas yang
dibutuhkan oleh seseorang yang dapat mempengaruhi motivasi atau dapat
mengubah arah tingkah laku dari satu objek ke objek yang lain yang
mempunyai imbalan yang lebih besar.31
From explanations above it can be known that there are two factors that a
person wanted to fulfill the needs in his or her life, such as intrinsic and extrinsic
factor. The writer will use this theory to find out the factors influence the Thomas
to fulfill safety and esteem as seen in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball.
2.4 The Ways to Fulfill Safety and Esteem Needs
There are three ways a person to fulfill the safety and esteem needs in life, it
can be seen in human behavior.32
2.4.1 Making Good Relationship
Making good relationship is the activities that always near with other and
they will be family who will take care of us. Many people will do anything to do
what they wanted to, it can be seen from their hobbit in doing their activities in the
LilatulFitriyah and Mohammad Jauhar, PengantarPsikologiUmum, , p. 174
Griffin, Hierarchy Needs of Abraham Maslow’s, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007), p. 125
By making good relationship with people around us, it will make us easy to
fulfill the needs in life, because when people can fulfill it they will feel happy in
life and will not feel disappointed.34
2.4.2 Commitment
Commitment is a promise or agreement to do something. People will do
their wanted to have because they have commitment in life, because success in any
aspect of life starts with good mindset.35
In order to truly “go all out” and make
unprecedented progress, people must make the decision at a core level to hold
nothing back and people must take a good look at life and decide that nothing is
going to stand in the way of success. It means that commitmentis goal, focus on
what’s important and hold accountable.
2.4.3 Communicate the needs to others
Make sure you are committed to something or someone because of genuine
compassion or interest rather than a sense of obligation.After reevaluating all of
commitments to causes, events, or relationships, it might find that some of them do
not align with the values.36
Spending time with people whose company our value,
or doing work that people believe can make a difference allows them to fulfill the
needs.It means that address the needs with others respectfully, but directly.
Griffin, Hierarchy Needs of Abraham Maslow’s, p. 126
BAARD, Intrinsic Need Satisfaction: A Motivational Basis of Performance and Well-Being
in Two Work Settings, Journal University of Rochester, p. 6
Baumate and Blaury, The Need To Belong: Desire For Interpersonal Attachments as a
Fundamental Human Motivation, Journal of Psychological Bulleti, 2011, p. 3.
Griffin, Hierarchy Needs of Abraham Maslow’s, p. 126
From the explanations above, it can be known that there are three ways a
person to fulfill the safety and esteem needs in life, such as making good
relationship, commitment and communicate the needs to others. The writer will
use this theory to the Thomasfulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film
by Wes Ball.
2.5 The Effects of Safety and Esteem Needs
There are two effects from the fulfillmentof safety and esteem needs when it
had done. These effects gave positive side if the person could fulfill it. It can be seen
2.5.1 Self-Confidence
The effect from safety is self-confidence because it can make people
braveness and believe that they can solve their problems in. The effect of self-
confidence is commonly come from one‟s personal judgment, ability, power, etc.
One increases self-confidence from experiences of having mastered particular
activities. It is a positivebelief that in the future one can generally accomplish what
one wishes to do. Self-confidence is not the same as self-esteem, which is an
evaluation of one‟s own worth, whereas self-confidence is more specifically trust
from one‟s ability to achieve some goal.37
Lianto,AktualisasiTeoriKebutuhan Abraham
M.MaslowBagiPeningkatanKinerjaIndividuDalamOrganisasi, Jurnal,
SekolahTinggiIlmuEkonomiIdyaDarma Pontianak, 2011, p. 2
2.5.2 Happiness
The people who can fulfill the safety and esteemthey would feel confident
and capable in life. Their life would be different because they can pass the
uncomfortable situation and they would be happy. Happiness is a mental or
emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or
pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.38
From the explanations above it can be concluded that the writer will use
this theory to find out the effects of safety and esteem fulfillment the Thomas in
the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball.
2.6 Previous Related Research
There have been some research conducted by scholars. First is
SiskaTyasChrisnari,English Study Program Language and Literature Department
Faculty of Culture Studies University of Brawijaya,with the title “An Analysis of the
Way in Deciding Between Love and Self Esteem in Gnomeo and Juliet
Movie”Jakarta 2014.39
This research focusedon how is psychological conflict that
underwent by the main characters on Gnomeo and Juliet Movie Cartoon. The main
characters have the problem in Deciding between love and self-esteem, and the
researcher uses the theory of Abraham Maslow to reveal this problem. In this theory,
the researcher tries to know the steps that taken by the main characters in choosing
Lianto,AktualisasiTeoriKebutuhan Abraham
M.MaslowBagiPeningkatanKinerjaIndividuDalamOrganisasi, p. 3
SiskaTyasChrisnari, An Analysis of the Way in Deciding Between Love and Self Esteem in
Gnomeo and Juliet Movie, Skripsi: English Study Program Language and Literature Department
Faculty of Culture Studies University of Brawijaya, p. 4
between their love and self-esteem. Based on the analysis, the researcher found that
there are three steps that taken by the main characters to reveal their problem. The first
steps is that they realize that they fallen in love each other. The second step is they
realize that their love is above everything and the last or the third step is that they
struggle to proof that love can make everything better.
Second is FibryHallaFanani, Department of Languages and Literature Faculty
ofCultuRal Studies UniversitasBrawijaya, with the title “The Influence of Self-
Esteem To Sexual Behavior of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele In El
James’Fifty Shades of Grey” Jakarta2014.40
This research focused the self-esteem
influence sexual behavior portrayed in the novel entitled Fifty Shades of Grey by EL
James. The writer usesFifty Shades of Grey novel. Since self - esteem had
bothpsychological and sociological dimensions, bothare taken into
considerationtogether in conducting research studies. The researcher used socio-
psychologicaltheory. This research reveals that Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele as
the main characters in the novel practice dominant-submissive sexual relationship. The
researcher found the differences level of self-esteem between Christian Grey and
Anastasia Steele. For details, according to the evidences, the writer assumes Christian
Grey as the dominant is categorized having higher self-esteem compared to Anastasia
Steele as the submissive who is categorized having low self-esteem.
FibryHallaFanani,The Influence of Self-Esteem To Sexual Behavior of Christian Grey and
Anastasia Steele In El James,Skripsi: Fifty Shades of Grey, Department OF Languages And Literature
Faculty of CultuRal Studies UniversitasBrawijaya 2014, p. 4
Third is AstriVantiOktavia, English Department, Faculty of
HumanitiesUniversity Semarang, with the title “Magwitch’s Self Esteem Motive
Described InCharles Dickens’sGreat Expectations”, Semarang 2013.41
research focused the self-esteem motive of Magwitch as the peripheral character in
Dicken‟s Great Expectations. The researcher used self-esteem theory and
psychological approach.. The result of the analysis shows that Magwitch is described
as the peripheral character of Dicken‟s Great Expectations. He is described as a person
who is loyal, kind, sensitive, fatherly, smart, hard worker, and struggle. He is also
described as a person who is stubborn, clumsy and rude. Magwitch belongs to round
static character, since he had more than one specific trait, but he does not change
during the story. Magwitch experiences both internal and external conflict. The setting
in this story is divided into setting of place, time and social. The setting in this story is
divided into setting of place, time and social. Setting of place in this novel is in
London. Settings of time in this novel are on 19th century. Setting of social in this
novel is about the class system of Victorian England, since this novel tells us about the
gaps between the rich and poor in extreme society.
Fourth isAlsonnySastrawan, English Letters Department, Adab and
Humanities Faculty, Bina Nusantara University, with the title “The Fulfillment of
Milo’s Needs Based on Paul W.S Anderson’s Pompeii (2014) Through Maslow’s
AstriVantiOktavia, Magwitch’s Self Esteem Motive Described In Charles Dickens’s Great
Expectations, 2013, p. 4
Hierarchy of Needs”Jakarta 2014.42
This research focused the needs of human being.
Library research is used to analysis pictures and dialogues from Pompeii Movie by
using Hierachyof needs theory. The researcher used Hierachy of needs theory on
Physiological need, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, self-esteem needs and
self-actualization needs which are represented in the main character. The researcher
found there are five needs which are physiological needs, safety needs, love and
belongingness needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs. The need that
Milo had fulfilled is physiological needs, love and belongingness needs, self-esteem
needs, self-actualization needs and another is not fulfilled.
Fifth is SyifaFauziah, English Letters Department, Adab and Humanities
Faculty, SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University, with the title “Hierarchy of
Needs Analysis of the Main Character in You Again Film,”Jakarta 2014.43This
research deals with an hierarchy of human needs represented by a female character in
You Again film. The analysis focuses on the female character namely Marni Olivia
Olsen, a teenager girl who lives in NewYork. She‟s a successful public relation
executive who ever bullied when she was at school. The researcher used Abraham H.
Maslow‟stheoryas the basic concepts and frameworks of thinking. The concepts
contain five needs: physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs,
AlsonnySastrawan, The Fulfillment of Milo’s Needs Based on Paul W.S Anderson’s Pompeii
(2014) Through Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, p. 4
SyifaFauziah, Hierarchy of Needs Analysis of the Main Character in You Again Film,
Skripsi: English Letters Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic
University, Jakarta 2014, p. 4.
esteem needs and, self-actualization needs. The researcher foundthe main character
(Marni Olivia Olsen) can fulfill those needs even though she had to face
From the preview related research above, most of them analyze about
Hierarchy of Needsin the film, the same points of their research with the writer are in
the theory and the method of the research where the theory is purposed by the Maslow
which call Hierarchy of Needs and the method is analyzing about descriptive data such
as writer or spoken, at the person who is observed in this research. The different of
this research with them is the purposed of the research, most of them analyzed on
Hierachy of needs such as physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging
needs, esteem needs and, self-actualization needs, but the writer focuses on safety and
esteem on the Thomas, so the writer will use safety and esteem theory by Maslow to
find outThomasfulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball.
3.1 Design of Research
In writing this thesis, the writer uses descriptive qualitative research that is
suitable with the aim of this research. Qualitative research may be in descriptive form.
The data collects in the form of words as a descriptive explanation than a number. The
result of the research contains quotation from the data to illustrate and substantive the
presentation. Descriptive research is a research which aims to describe a phenomenon
accurately based on the characteristic of research, where the data are analyzed through
interpreting, not statistical analysis. According to Denzin and Lincoln define:
“Qualitative research is multimethod in focus, involving an interpretive,
naturalistic approach to its subject matter. This means that qualitative
researchers study thing in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or
interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them.
Qualitative research involves the studied use and collection of a variety of
empirical materials-case study, personal experience, introspective, life story,
interview, observational, historical, interactional, and visual texts-that describe
routine and problematic moments and meaning in individuals‟ lives.”44
From the quotation above qualitative research is a method in focus, naturalistic
approach to it is subject matter. It means that qualitative researchers study thing in
their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of
the meanings people bring to them.
Denzin and Lincoln in John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry And Research Design, (United
States of America: California, 1997), p. 15
In collecting data, the writer uses the library research. The writer watches film
and read the books, articles, journals, and cyber data, as the second data that relates to
the topic.45
It is clear that those data collected by the writer in form of words or
quotation that taken from the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Balland other sources.
Descriptive is: “Data yang dikumpulkanberupa kata-kata, gambardanbukanangka-
angka, halitudisebabkanolehpenerapanmetodekualitatif.”46
According to Merriam in
his book also stated that “Qualitative research is planning a research project can be
compared to planning for a variation trip”.47
So, qualitative research is analyzing about
descriptive data and is it a process to do a research such as writer or spoken, at the
person who is observed in this research, where qualitative research also analyzing
about the data from outside which the data still not right. Qualitative research method
is the method that rely on research through libraries that rely on data that is almost
entirely from the library.
It means that qualitative research is analyzing about descriptive data such as
writer or spoken, at the person who is observed in this research, where qualitative
research also analyzing about the data from outside which the data still not right.48
using this qualitative research, the writer felt easy to analyze the film.Based on those
statements, it can be concluded that qualitative research is analyzing about descriptive
Umar, MetodePenelitianUntukSekripsidanTesisBisnis, (Jakarta: PT Raja GrafindoPersada,
2011), p. 22.
Sugiyono, MetodePenelitianKuantitatifKualitatifdan R & D,(Bandung: Alfabeta, 2009), p. 19
Sharan B. Merriam, Rualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education, (New
York City,1998), p. 3.
Martinis Yamin,MetodologiPenelitianPendidikandanSosialKualitatifdanKuantitatif,
(Jakarta: GaungPersada Press, 2009), p. 186
Sugiyono, MetodePenelitianKuantitatifKualitatif, p. 240
data that is collected is in the form of the situation of the natural object. Where
descriptive data such as writer or spoken, by using qualitative research a writer can
answer about the question in analyzing the problem Thomas to fulfill safety and
esteem in the Thomasas seen in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball.
3.2 Source of the Data
The source of the data in this research the writer took the data from the Maze
Runner’s Film byWes Ball. Maze Runner the film that directed Wes Ball. Which
released in September, 17, 2014 by a production house Relativity Media Official
Site.Action September, 17, 2014 won the Academy Award second PialaOscar
(2/11/2016) di USC Galen Center, Los Angeles USA. The writer will use the script
and the pictures from the film.
3.3 Technique of Data Collection
In other get the information in this research, writer uses library research. In this
research, writer uses documentation technique to get the data and the data from the
film Maze Runner. Sugiyono stated that “Dokumenmerupakancatatanperistiwa yang
sudahberlalu. Dokumenbisaberbentuktulisan, gambarataukarya-karya monumental
There are some steps of the technique of the data collection that will
be done by the writer in this research, these are:
Sugiyono, MetodePenelitianKuantitatifKualitatif, p. 243
1. Downloading the Film
The writer downloads the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball from Movie 21
Online. com and takes the script from the
2. Watching the FilmRepeatedly
The writer watches the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball repeatedly and takes
the scenesthat related to the research questions
3. Reading the Script and Marking the Sentences
The writer reads the script and marks the words or sentences that related to the
research questions
3.4 Technique of Data Analysis
The writer had several techniques from the data analysis, in order to make this
research more specific. In qualitative research, technique analysis data is used to
answer the formulation of the problem.50
In analysis the data, the writer used a
technique of data analysis. In this thesis, the writer uses documentation technique
descriptive analysis because this research is descriptive. It is why the writer describes,
analysis the data that had been found in in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ballto find
the answer the formulation of the problem that have been formulated. The steps of
techniques of data analysis are:
1. Identifying and Classifying the Data
The writer identifies and classifies the data that related to the research
2. Describing the Data
After the data have identified and classified, the writer describes the data based
on the research questions
3. Analyzing the Data
The writer analyzes the data based on the Maslow‟s Needs Hierarchy Theory
which only focuses on safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes
4. Making the Conclusion
After all the data have described and analyzedthe data the writer makes the
conclusion of the research.
Thischapter represents the finding and analysis of the data, analyzing through
the words mean analyzing the words of the text of a story, another principle of
analyzing the characters to behave according to their characteristic in the story in this
study the writer chose the theory of safety and esteem for this study discusses. Based
on the findings of the data, exposure data obtained, and based on the discussion in
accordance with the theory.
4.1 The Factors that InfluenceThomas to Fulfill Safety and Esteem
The writer finds that there are two factors that influence the Thomas to
fulfill safety and esteem described in the Maze Runner’s Film it can be seen in the
explanations below:
1. Intrinsic Factor
Intrinsic factor means the factor which comes from himself.It is
individual‟s motivational stimuli are coming from one‟s self. The individual had
desire to do something for Thomas‟ life, because its results are in accordance with
his belief system or fulfills a desire and therefore importance is attached to it. In
this place, there is village with the name Glade where the greenie and other people
stay.It can be seen from the picture below
Duration: 00:01:25,880 - 00:01:29,043
a. Self-Esteem and Achievement
Thomas does not get any friends when he comesin the village, he feels
afraid because there is grievers who always make the people in the village feel
afraid, so he wants to find the way to go outside from the village. The people
in the village always feel negative to Thomas, because they could feel there is
something when they see Thomas the first time.
Picture 151
The picture above showsthat Thomas comes for the first time to the
new place. He istransferred with box that brought him up into arrive the new
place nameis glade. The strange situation starts to him. He does not
feelsuitable with the new place. The people in the village also did not like to
him and did not want to help him, they always underestimate Thomas in every
situation. It can be seen from the dialogues below:
Thomas : Hey! Hey! Help me!52
Duration: 00:01:25,880 - 00:01:29,043
Duration: 00:02:33,120 -00:02:34,535
The dialogue above showsThomasfeels afraid, and he wants someone
help him to get out from that situation. It happen with the first time when he
comes to that place, from that situation he feelsthere is something wrong with
that place and he wants to go from there and he forget all about himself, it a
normal situation he needs three days to remember his name. He stays in in the
middle of the maze and the village is very high and impossible to able climb
the peak.
Picture 253
The picture above shows as a Greenie, it calls for a new comer, he
looked at the around, he surprised with the place, the place located in the
middle of the maze are very high and impossible to able climb the peak. He
felt different with the place that he came from before. They are sleeping, eating
and preparing all the things with their own in that place and every month there
always food supplies and the greenie are sent by the box. From this situation he
wants to get the achievement if he can be better than the runner people in the
Duration : 00:08:21,400 -00:08:23,209
Duration: 00:08:19,200 -00:08:21,248
Picture 354
The pictureabove proves that Thomashad a something different with
the other people in that place. That situation happen when chuck prepared their
bad that made like oscillation for the place when they wanted to sleep the bad
hang between two trees, when Chuck explain about that place, Thomaswalks
away to the walls of Maze. It can be seen from the dialogues below:
Thomas : I thought no one was allowed to leave.
Chuck: I said we're not allowed to leave.55
The dialogue above showed that Thomashad something different with
other people, he curious about all the thing in that place when Chuck did not
allow him to walk near to the maze, he walks and finds two people run from
the maze, he though all of people in that place forbidden to go to the maze but
he findsthe fact and wrong perception when he saw the people out from the
Duration: 00:09:18,640 -00:09:19,641
Duration: 00:09:18,640 -00:09:19,641
b. Expectance
Thomas talked to Chuck about the fact that he had seen, and Chuck told
that they are different with Thomas. Thomas feels the people in the village did
not believe to him if he can bring the get out, it caused Thomas has a dream to
bring the people get out from village.
Picture 456
Thomas : You guys can't just keep me here.57
From the picture and quotation above prove that Thomasfelt strange
with that new place and he wanted to go from that village, and he tried to go
near of the maze, and one of the person tries to stop him. He talked to other
people in there that they cannot keep him and let he go away from the village.
Then dialog told about people tried to prohibit Thomas to go to the maze,
Everyone already knew that maze is danger and they tried to save Thomas:
Duration: 00:12:46,880-00:12:48,848
Duration: 00:26:12,480 --> 00:26:13,925
Picture 558
Thomas : How is that even possible?59
Based on the quotation above, show that Thomas hear maze sound, and
his friend gaveexplanation that maze change every night, it will make they
difficult to go out from the village, and Thomasdid not believe about it, he
finds one thing strange from that village.
Picture 660
According of picture above, Thomas had seen his friend name is Ben.
He is stung by the monster and if someone had stung, it will change with the
dangerous monster so he should killed with drop out into the maze. Ben talked
to Thomas that all of disorder of himself is fault by Thomas, and Thomasdid
not understand what did Ben mean.
Duration: 00:12:46,880-00:12:48,848
Duration: 00:11:32,800 --> 00:11:34,689
Duration: 00:11:32,800 --> 00:11:34,689
2. Extrinsic Factor
Extrinsic factor means the factor came for outside, it is individual‟s
motivational stimuli are coming from outside. In other words, our desires to fulfill
something for his or her life are controlled by an outside source. Note that even
though the stimuli are coming from outside, the result of performing the tasked
will still be rewarding for the individual performing the tasked. It means that
extrinsic factor is external in nature and the most well-known.
a. Environmental Situation
The environment in the village makes Thomas wants to get out from
village. He feels afraid because of Griever and he also could not get respect
from the people in the village.
Picture 761
Thomas : Yeah, well, he's still an asshole.62
From the picture and dialogue above showed that Thomasis underrated
by Gally, Galy thinks that Thomasdid not do anything and only make difficult
Duration: 00:14:15,720 --> 00:14:17,53
Duration: 00:14:18,640 --> 00:14:19,84
other people in there, this situation happen when Thomaswanted to know more
about the maze and he tried to stand near of the maze, and Galycame and push
Thomas until he fall into the ground.
Picture 863
Thomas : What if I wanted to be a runner?
Newt : Have you listened to a word I've just said?64
Based on the picture and dialogue above explain Thomas told to Newt
that he wanted to be a runner, then Newt answer the question of Thomas that
not just anyone can be runner of the maze, it should pass the rigorous selection
and the only people elected who can get a job as a runner.
b. Received Reward
Thomas proves that he can run quickly than the runner in the village.
He wants to get reward and he could get believes from the people if he can
bring them get out from village. Newt cannot believe if Thomas will do the
best when he runs.
Duration: 00:35:06,840-00:35:10,375
Duration: 00:35:06,840-00:35:10,375
Picture 965
Minho: Take a look around. There's nowhere to go!66
Based on the picture and the quotation above, show that when Minho
and Albywanted to know the cause of Ben death and they go to maze but when
the maze star close Minho andAlbyis injuredand Minho difficult to bring Alby
go out from the maze, while in outside ohmaze Thomas look that even and
tried to help them with run to the maze and then maze already close.Thomas
tries to hideAlby that had stung by monster, and he asked Minho to help him to
save their friend, but Minho blame Thomasthat they had trap in maze, and it
will impossible to go out from the maze because the maze had already change.
Minho did not believe that what will Thomaswill save them from Griever.
From the explanations above it can be conclude that there are two
factor of Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem, such as; Intrinsic Factor, where
Tomas wants to get self-esteem and achievement because he did not get
respect in the village and he wants to prove that he can get better
achievementthan the runner in the villageand he has expectance could bring
Duration: 00:16:16,960 --> 00:16:19,440
people get out from village;Extrinsic Factor, where the environmental situation
makes him did not feel comfortable to stay in the village because there is
Griever who always kill people and he wants to get received reward from
people village if he can bring them all get out from village.
4.2 Safety and Esteemof Thomas
There are three ways which Thomas does to fulfill safety and esteem in the
Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. It can be seen in explanations below:
1. Making Good Relationship
Making good relationship is the activities that always near with other and
they will be family who will take care of us. Many people will do anything to do
what they wanted to, it can be seen from their hobbit in doing their activities in the
day. By making good relationship with people around us, it will make us easy to
fulfill the needs in life, because when people can fulfill it they will feel happy in
life and will not feel disappointed. 67
Picture 1068
BAARD, “Intrinsic Need Satisfaction: A Motivational Basis of Performance and Well-Being
in Two Work Settings”, Journal University of Rochester, p. 6
Duration: 00:19:16,960 --> 00:19:18,325
Duration: 00:49:54,920-00:49:56,524
Based on the picture above showed about Thomas remembered his name
for the first time when he came to the village, he felt happy and surprise when he
began know what his name before, while other friends look at Thomas and gave
congratulation to Thomas and they feel happy finallyThomas remembered about
his name. It is because of Thomas friends. It can be seen from dialogue below:
Thomas : I remember my name. I'm Thomas!
The dialogue above showed Thomas gave to announcement to other friends
that he can remember his name for the first time, it is because support from the
other friend, it happen when Thomas do fighting with Galy and Thomas fall into
the ground and his hand hit the ground, while his friends cheers and make a circle
around the arena. Then other friend congratulation to Thomas and say welcome to
the new place.
Picture 1169
Thomas : as I said.70
Duration: 00:35:53,280-00:35:54,455
Duration: 00:49:54,920-00:49:56,524
From the picture above showed that Thomas is received to join in the group
and the name of Thomas will write to the wall of maze, like what they do before
write the name into the wall as prove as family, while if the other people pass
away so their name will crossed out from the wall Alby said that he became their
part right now and will do cooperative like other people in the village.
Picture 1371
Thomas : two, three.72
From the picture above show that Thomas does good cooperativeto hid
Alby, one of their friend. They hung up Alby on the maze wall that grown with
climbing plants, it is one of the good cooperative to help save Alby that had stung
by Griever before (monster)
Duration: 00:49:54,920-00:49:56,524
Duration: 00:20:10,000 --> 00:20:11,923
Picture 1573
Thomas : Everyone get a hand on it. Came on.74
Based on the picture and quotation above, show that Thomas and his friend
wanted to know what kinds the griever that had be enemy for them and they triedto
bringGriverfrom the maze.From the explanation above it could be conclude that
Thomas makes a good relationship to other friend to fulfill safety and esteem for
example when Thomas tries to save Alby from the grievers, he does cooperative
with Minho to hid Alby to the wall of the Maze.
2. Commitment
Commitment is a promise or agreement to do something. People will do
their wanted to have because they have commitment in life, because success in any
aspect of life starts with good mindset.
Picture 1275
Newt : Go dig us up some more fertilizer
Duration: 00:49:54,920-00:49:56,524
Duration: 00:40:46,880 --> 00:40:48,041
Duration: 00:40:46,880 --> 00:40:48,041
The picture and dialogue above showed they do farming for their life, then
Newt asked Thomas to take some fertilizer for their plants. For the first Thomas
refuse it, it because he did not know where he will get same fertilizer but when
Newt inform that he will get it in the middle out of the woods and then Thomas go
with the basket to dig some fertilize.
Picture 1476
Minho : Run!77
From the picture and quotation above, show that Minho and Thomas do a
cooperative to kill the monster when the maze began to close Thomas get the idea
to make the trap to monster with let the maze already close so that the Griever will
killed by maze, while Minho gave a support to Thomas runs faster from the maze
that start to change.
3. Communicate the needs to others
Make sure you are committed to something or someone because of genuine
compassion or interest rather than a sense of obligation. After reevaluating all of
commitments to causes, events, or relationships, it might find that some of them do
not align with the values. Spending time with people whose company our value, or
doing work that people believe can make a difference allows them to fulfill the
needs. It means that address the needs with others respectfully, but directly.
Picture 1678
Minho : So, what's the plan? You're gonna go out and dissectthat thing
all by yourself?
Thomas : I will if I have to.79
From the picture and quotation above show that Thomaswanted to do
something and Minho wanted to know what the idea of Thomas and Thomas
communicate that he wanted to dissect Griverand finds something that will answer
the right way to go from the village. And Minho tried to collect the other friend to
help them go to maze to find BangkaiGriver.
Duration: 00:47:25,080 --> 00:47:26,605
Duration: 00:47:28,840 --> 00:47:30,604
From the explanation above it could be concluded that there are three ways
used by Thomas to fulfill his safety and esteem; making good relationship, where
Thomas makes good relationship with the people in village to bring them get out
from the village;commitment, where he always tried to find the way to get out
by running to themaze and communicate the needs to others where he works
together to find the to get out from village.
4.3 TheEffects of Safety and Esteem
1. Positive Self-Confidence
The effect from safety is self-confidence because it can make people
braveness and believe that they can solve their problems in. This particular need
typically pertains to personal security, such as having shelter above one‟s head or
ensuring that they are safe from bodily harm. However, it can also come into play
in eLearning environments. The key is to create a supportive and calm setting that
does not trigger their security needs. People can do this by using stress relieving
background music in your eLearning course, calming them with colors, or utilizing
imagery that makes them feel safe and secure.80
Lianto,AktualisasiTeoriKebutuhan Abraham
M.MaslowBagiPeningkatanKinerjaIndividuDalamOrganisasi, Jurnal,
SekolahTinggiIlmuEkonomiIdyaDarma Pontianak, 2011, p. 2
Picture 1781
Thomas : We're gonna get out of here.All of us.Okay?I promise.82
From the picture and quotation above prove that when Thomashad safety
from Chuck who gavesome food to Thomas when he get punishment, and the
Chuch told to Thomas that he miss his parents so much and he feel sad because he
cannot remember about his parent.Then Thomastalked to Chuck with his confident
that all of member in the village will get out and he promise to Chock to bring all
of people from there.
From the picture and dialogue above it could be conclude that after
Thomas know more about the maze, he got his confident and he made a promise to
Chuck to bring them go from the glade. It proved the effect of safety will arise the
2. Thomas Felt Happiness
The people who can fulfill the esteem they would feel confident and happy.
Thomas fells happy because he can bring his friends get out from village, even he
ever got hurt by them, he still love them. It can be seen below:
Duration: 01:04:51,600-01:04:52,965
Duration: 01:04:57,480 --> 01:04:58,970
Picture 1883
Thomas :This place isn't our home.84
Based on picture and quotation above Thomastried to make suretoGallyand
other friends that the place not suitable with them. They have found theright way to go
out from the maze. Thomastried to askedGallyand the other friendsto follow with
them. It is because if they still stay in the village so the givers will came back to attack
them. After many event that have done by Thomas little by little he understand what
should he do for the next for to take off people from the glade. They finds the way in
the maze, they should pass the maze for go out from the maze.
Picture 1985
Duration: 01:28:21,720 --> 01:28:24,451
Duration: 01:28:21,720 --> 01:28:24,451
Duration: 01:39:06,360-01:39:07,805
From the picture above, show that when they successes to go out from maze,
they find the people whosent to the glade it because there are reason for that mission it
about what will happen in the future. they called it the Flare A deadly virus that
attacks the brain. They sent then to the maze it because the researcher wanted to know
the brain activity so that they will get neutralizer for that virus.
From the picture and dialogue above it could be conclude that there are two
Effects of safety and esteem fulfillment the Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film by
Wes Ball, such as; positive self-confidence, where Thomas is confidence to bring the
people get out from village and he is happy where Thomas cried because of happy
when he could bring the people get out of village.
4.4 Conclusions
Based on the finding and analysis in the chapter four, the writer concludes:
There are two factors of Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem, such asintrinsic
factor,where Tomas wants to get self-esteem and achievement because he did not get
respect in the village and he wants to prove that he can get better achievement than the
runner in the village and he has expectance could bring people get out from
village,extrinsic factor, where the environmental situation makes him did not feel
comfortable to stay in the village because there is Griever who always kill people and
he wants to get received reward from people village if he can bring them all get out
from village.
There are three ways used by Thomas to fulfill his safety and esteem; making
good relationship, where Thomas makes good relationship with the people in village
to bring them get out from the village; commitment, where he always tried to find
the way to get out by running to themaze and communicate the needs to others
where he works together to find the to get out from village.
There are two effects of safety and esteem fulfillment the Thomas in the Maze
Runner’s Film by Wes Ball such as; positive self-confidence, where Thomas is
confidence to bring the people get out from village and he is happy where he cried
because of happy when he could bring the people get out of village.
4.5 Suggestions
At the end of this thesis, the writer would like to give some suggestions:
People needed to be respected with the people around us, we must be positive
thinking with people around us, and we have to support people who want to bring
something good things.
The writer hopes that the other researcher can continue the research about
safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball, because there are many
other cases which is good to be discussed and analyzed. Since this study only
discusses about the ambitious main character, the writer suggests the next researchers
to conduct further research to focus on all needs based on Maslow Theory. Do not be
afraid to do a literary research because analyzing a literary work is not hard and as
long as we study hard in linguistic and literature, there is only the different perception
about linguistic and literature relate to many others field of science.
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There's this kid who wakes up in an elevator with no memory of his past other than the
fact that his name is Thomas. When it the elevator doors open, he is pulled into a huge
glade by a bunch of teenage boys who also have no memories besides what they
should be called. They all share a strange vocabulary, a fondness for capitalizing
words to make them special, and the same mysterious fate.Thomas gradually discovers
that the Glade (see what they did there? Capitalize it and BOOM, you got yourself a
name) is run by two boys, Alby and Newt, who maintain order by enforcing strict
rules and keeping all of the boys busy harvesting food and whatnot. This is important
because outside the Glade is the Maze, a terrifying labyrinth of high walls covered in
ivy that houses strange, lethal creatures known as Grievers. So the boys are stuck
trying to stay alive as well as "solving" the Maze by running through it as fast as they
can while tracking movements of the walls and trying to find an exit.86
Then, a day after Thomas's arrival, a girl is delivered through the elevator into the
Glade. The boys are stunned, perplexed, worried, and perhaps a little excited to have
someone who doesn't smell like day-old socks and Axe body spray (just kidding,
geez). However, unlike each of the boys, she shows up mumbling strange prophetic
words and then lapses into a coma. To make matters worse, her arrival triggers
everything in the Glade to change: the sun disappears, the deliveries of supplies stop
coming, and the doors stay open at night which allows the Grievers to pick kids off
one-by-one. Oh goodie.Thomas has a brilliant idea, and figures out that maybe the
walls of the Maze aren't moving for funsies, but that maybe their movements are
actually a code. So they do an arts 'n' crafts project and discover that the maze is in
fact spelling out words. Thomas also discovers that the Cliff that they all thought was
just a cliff turns out to be where the Grievers are coming from. If they can come and
go through a weird black hole over the edge of a cliff, then maybe so can the boys.
Shmop, Maze Runner,, accessed July 08, 2018at
11.55 am
de that
ide to
rs but
The girl, Teresa, wakes up and tells Thomas that they knew each other before they
were put in the Glade and oh, by the way, they can communicate telepathically.
In an act of desperation to get his memory back, Thomas gets himself stung by a
Griever and discovers the Griever Hole is indeed an exit. Not only that, the co
the Maze has been spelling out is their ticket to escape.A large group of them dec
make a run for it, knowing that it could be suicide trying to take on the Grieve
figuring that nothing could be worse than being stuck in the Glade. They succeed, only
to find out that what they've been doing is an experiment being conducted by the
Creators, a group called WICKED, who may or may not be evil. The boys and Teresa
then get "rescued" by some kind of rebel group and brought to a safe haven while
being told about "the Flare" an apocalyptic occurrence that killed off half of the
world's population. The epilogue reveals that the "rebel group" may just be another
variable in the experiment, and they weren't the only group being evaluated. We smell
a sequel
No PICTURES Explanations
1 Thomas : There must
be the way
(p. 3)
Thomas : Hey! Hey! Help
(p. 31)
Thomas : I thought no one
was allowed to leave.
(p. 32)
Chuck : I said we're not
allowed to leave.
(p. 33)
Thomas : You guys can't just
keep me here.
5 (p. 34)
Thomas : How is that even
(p. 35)
Thomas : What if I wanted to
be a runner?
(p. 35)
Thomas : Yeah, well, he's still
an asshole.
(p. 36)
Newt : Have you listened to a
word I've just said?
(p. 37)
Minho: Take a look around. There's
nowhere to go!
(p. 38)
Thomas : I remember my
name. I'm Thomas!
(p. 39)
Thomas : as I said.
(p. 40)
Thomas : two, three
(p. 40)
Thomas : Everyone get a
hand on it. Came on
(p. 42)
Newt : Go dig us up some more
(p. 43)
Minho : Run!
(p. 43)
Minho : So, what's the plan?
You're gonna go out and dissect that
17 thing all by yourself?
Thomas : I will if I have to.
(p. 44)
Thomas : We're gonna get out
of here. All of us. Okay? I promise.
(p. 47)
Thomas :This place isn't our
19 (p. 48)
(p. 48)
Ninik Marianti (AI.140252) BK - Nanik Marianty-converted.docx

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  • 2. ii
  • 3. iii
  • 4. iv
  • 5. MOTTO v You who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice. He will amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment. Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant. (QS. Al-Ahzab: 70-72)1 Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah dan Katakanlah Perkataan yang benar, niscaya Allah memperbaiki bagimu amalan-amalanmu dan mengampuni bagimu dosa-dosamu. dan Barangsiapa mentaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya, Maka Sesungguhnya ia telah mendapat kemenangan yang besar. Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengemukakan amanat kepada langit, bumi dan gunung-gunung, Maka semuanya enggan untuk memikul amanat itu dan mereka khawatir akan mengkhianatinya, dan dipikullah amanat itu oleh manusia. Sesungguhnya manusia itu Amat zalim dan Amat bodoh. (QS. Al-Ahzab: 70- 72)2
  • 6. MOTTO v i 1 Maulawi Sher, The Holy Qur’an, (United Kingdem: Islam International Publications, 2004), p. 642. 2 Nafan Akhun, Al-Qur’an Terjemahan, (Semarang: Thoa Putra, 2007), p. 543.
  • 7. DEDICATION vi In the name of Allah SWT most gracious merciful and the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the inspiration of Moslem‟s life, I dedicate this thesis to my beloved father, DARMAN and mother SYAMSI, you are my hero and thanks for your praying. My little sister Delmitayou are my strangth thanks for your supports, encouragement, patient, helping. I do love you all. I feel so prestigious because living around the super skillful and wise people as you are all For my best friends SitiAminahdanSitiHoiruna and other friends who cannot be said one by one. I would like to say thanks a lot for your care and suggestion that are given to me as long as my journey in writing this thesis. The last for all people who have helped me in writing this thesis, I would like to say thank you so much. I love you all as always.
  • 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT vii Firstly, the writer would like to say Alhamdullilahirabil’alamin, all the praise to Allah SWT the lord of all creatures, for His Blessing from the starting point of my study until now the end of my study. After that, Shalawat and salambe upon to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, hopefully we will get His syafa’atlater at The Last Day.To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many people. So, the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are: 1. Dr. H. HadriHasan, MA as a the rector of the State Islamic University of SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi. 2. Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd. I as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 3. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed as the first Dean of Academic. Dr. H. M. Fadil, M.Ag as the second Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag., M.Pd.I as the third Dean of University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 4. The Head of English Literature DepartmentUlfatmiAzlan, SS., MA. 5. The secretary of English Literature DepartmentDian Mukhlisa, MA. 6. My supervisors Dr. Alfian, M. Ed and Tira Mariana, M. Hum, I would like to express her deepest gratitude to people who helped the writer inaccomplishing this thesis. I would like to thank who have helped,adused, supported and suggested me in writing this thesis and finish this thesis.
  • 9. viii 7. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, then contribution and assistant during studying in UIN of SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi. 8. The Head and officers of the library of UIN and public library of Jambi province. 9. My beloved parents, brothers and sister who gave fully supporting to the writer. 10.The last but not least, to all classmates ELITE 2014 who have given additional suggestion and support. This thesis is still far away from perfection. I need some critics and suggestions, so that I can be better in the future. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will give positive contributions for readers, especially for the students of English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty. Jambi, November th 2018 The writer Ninik Marianti Nim: AI.140252
  • 10. ABSTRACT ix …… Marianti, Nanik, 2018: The Safety and Esteem Fulfillment ofThomas as Seen in the Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball. English Literature Department Adab and HumanitiesFaculty, The State Islamic University SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi. Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M. Ed Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, M. Hum This thesis analyzes the safety and esteem fulfillmentofThomas as seen inthe Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball. This study is designed to find out the factors that influence Thomas to fulfill safety, how Thomas fulfill safety and esteem and esteem and the effects of safety and esteem fulfillment of Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. The writer usesSafety and Esteem Theory by Maslowto support the writing of this thesis. This study is descriptive qualitative since the data are collected, analyzed and described in the form of words rather than numerical scores or statistics. The data of the research are the pictures and dialogue expressed by the main character. The research result shows thatfirst, there are two factors of Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem, such as intrinsic factor; where Tomas feels afraid and wants someone to help him to get out of the village. It happens when the first time he comes to that place. The extrinsic factors are thepeople in village do not respect him and he wants to prove if he can bring people to get out from village.Second, there are three ways used by Thomas to fulfill his safety and esteem; making good relationship, where Thomas makes good relationship with the people in village; commitment, where he always tries to find the way to get out by running away to themaze and communicate the needs to others where he works together to find the to get out from village, third, there are two effects of safety and esteem fulfillment the Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball such as positive self-confidence; where Thomas feels confidence to bring the people get out of from village and he is happy where he cries because of happy when he could bring the people get out of village.
  • 11. ABSTRAK x …… Marianti, Nanik, 2018 : The Safety and Esteem Fulfillment ofThomas as Seen in the Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball. English Literature Department Adab and HumanitiesFaculty, The State Islamic University SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi. Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M. Ed Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, M. Hum Tesis ini menganalisis pemenuhan rasa amanand dihargaithomas seperti yang terlihat di filmMaze Runner oleh Wes Ball. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Thomas untuk memenuhi rasa amanand dihargai, bagaimanaThomas memenuhi memenuhi rasa amanand dihargaidan dampak pemenuhan rasa amanand dihargaiThomas dalam film Maze Runner oleh Wes Ball. Penulis menggunakan teori Rasa Amanand DihargaiolehMaslowuntuk mendukung penulisan skripsi ini. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif karena data dikumpulkan, dianalisis dan dijelaskan dalam bentuk kata-kata daripada skor numerik atau statistik. Data penelitian adalah gambar dan dialog yang diungkapkan oleh karakter utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, ada dua faktor yang mendukungThomas untuk memenuhi keselamatan dan harga diri, seperti faktor intrinsik; di mana Tomas merasa takut dan ingin seseorang membantunya keluar dari desa. Itu terjadi ketika pertama kali dia datang ke tempat itu dan faktor ekstrinsik; dimana orang-orang di desa.Selanjutnya tidak menghormatinya dan dia ingin membuktikan jika dia dapat membawa orang keluar dari desa.Kedua, ada tiga cara yang digunakan Thomas untuk memenuhi keselamatan dan harga dirinya; menjalin hubungan baik, di mana Thomas menjalin hubungan baik dengan orang-orang di desa; komitmen, di mana ia selalu berusaha menemukan cara untuk keluar dengan melarikan diri ke labirin dan mengkomunikasikan kebutuhan kepada orang lain di mana dia bekerja bersama untuk menemukan untuk keluar dari desa. Ketiga, ada dua efek keselamatan dan penghargaan yang memenuhi Thomas di Film Maze Runner oleh Wes Ball seperti kepercayaan diri yang positif; di mana Thomas merasa percaya diri untuk membawa orang-orang keluar dari desa dan dia senang di mana dia menangis karena bahagia ketika dia bisa membawa orang-orang keluar dari desa.
  • 12. ABBREVIATION xi SWT : Subhanahu Wata’ala SAW : Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam UIN : UniversitasIslam Negeri STS : Sultan Thaha Saifuddin
  • 13. TABLE OF CONTENT xii PAGE OF TITLE.......................................................................................... i APPROVAL...................................................................................................ii LETTER OF RATIFICATION .................................................................. iii ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT.......................................................... iv MOTTO..........................................................................................................v DEDICATION.............................................................................................. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...........................................................................vii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. ix ABSTRAK......................................................................................................x ABBREVIATION......................................................................................... xi TABLE OF CONTENT...............................................................................xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Problem...........................................................1 1.2 Formulation of the Problem...........................................................4 1.3 Limitation of the Problem .............................................................5 1.4 Purpose of the Research ................................................................5 1.5 Significance of the Research .........................................................6 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Safety and Esteem Theory.............................................................7 2.2 Psychological Approach................................................................12 2.3 The Factors Influence Person to fulfill Needs...............................15 2.4 The Ways to Fulfill Safety and Esteem Needs...............................17 2.5 The Effects of Safety and Esteem Needs .......................................19 2.6 Review of Related Research..........................................................20 3.1 Design of Research........................................................................25 3.2 Source of Data...............................................................................27 3.3 Technique of Data Collection........................................................27 3.4 Technique of Data Analysis ..........................................................28 3.5 The Research Schedule...................................................................28
  • 14. TABLE OF CONTENT xii i CHAPTER IV FINDING AND ANALYSIS 4.1 The Factors that Influence Thomas to Fulfill Safety and Esteem ...........................................................................................30 1. Intrinsic Factor..........................................................................30 2. Extrinsic Factor.........................................................................36 4.2 Safety and EsteemThomas ............................................................39 1. Making Good Relationship.......................................................39 2. Commitment .............................................................................42 3. Communicate the Needs to Others ...........................................44 4.3 The Effects of Safety and Esteem .................................................45 1. Positive Self-Confidence.........................................................45 2. Thomas Felt Happiness ...........................................................47 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusions… ..........................................................................49 5.2 Suggestions…........................................................................... 50 REFERENCES APPENDIX I APPEND
  • 15. HAPTER I 1 Metode INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Problem In daily life, everybody felt many events and tragedies, as the human who think, people should be able to make their life better for their future. The events and tragedies sometimes reflected in the literary work and it can gaveknowledge to the people around the world, because literature as a description from reality that happen in society, make it as history.3 A literary work could be a reflection of a society or events in the time that it is written.4 It means that a writer cannot discharge himself from environment, culture, social issues, politic economy and nature around. Correlated to the literary work, many experts said that literature is born based on the societies‟ condition and literature is created to be understood and used by some societies.5 It means that literature can be imaginative which writing in since of fiction.Wellek and Warren statedliterature is primarily an imitation of life as it is and of social life in particular because literature is no substitute for sociology or politics. It 3 FaizalRisdianto, Introduction To Literature, (Yogakarta: Trust Media Publishing, 2011), p. 5 4 Terry Egleton, Litarary Theory An Introduction, Australia, 2005, p. 3 5 NyomanKuthaRatna, Teori, danTeknikPenelitianSastra,Cet. Ke-III edisirevisi,(Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajar, 2000), p. 62-63
  • 16. 2 had its own justification and aim.6 It means that literary works are picture of human life, there are many discipline or opinion which can be called as literature. It can be said that literature is everything which is written and seen as an activity of human being from their imagination through a work. There are some kinds of literary work such as: film, novel, drama, autobiography, short story, and poetries. From those kinds of literary works above the writer interests in analyzing film, where the title is Maze Runner by Wes Ball. Film is considered to be an important art form, a source of popular entertainment and a powerful method for education or introduction citizens. In creating literary work, an author or an art must care with some aspect. They are economic, social, ideology, culture, and psychology. If they care with those aspects, the result or their work will be nice or good. Definition of film had taken from many book but all have same meaning. Amy Villarejosaid in her articles “Film is series of picture which is taken from moving object and shows a series of moving event which in sequence. It functions as entertain media, education and the light”.7 It means that film gavegreat deal of pleasure to a great many people does not necessarily that they are significant from the culture and historical evidence. But the fact they reach a mass audience signifies that films do connect with some part of the conscious or unconscious experience of the general public or, at least, a large proportion of it. Literary aspect in film is scenario. 6 Wellek and Warren in M. Keith Booker, A Practical Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism,(United Stated of America: Linda Moser Book Center, Betty L &Sokol, 1996), p. 19 7 Amy Villarejo, Film Studies the Basic, (New York: Library of Congres, 2007), Third Edition, p. 12.
  • 17. 8 8 Duration:01: 04:18:560 –01: 04:23:126 The writer is interested to choose the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ballin this research, because the writer knows that film is literary work that describes the behavior of human life. September, 17, 2014. A teen wakes up in the center of a maze with no memory of his past, he is found in community of boys who have built a village. Every day the strongest and fittest runners run into the maze every morning to find a way out from the village. Every night the doors to the maze close because there are grievers who kill those who are stuck inside. Nobody ever survives a night in the maze, but they believed that there must be a way out from the village. Thomasis the man that needs to fulfill Safety and Esteem of Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Need in the Maze Runner by Wes Ball, he does not remember about his past, but when he wanted to try to go from the village he finds in the center of a grievers maze, and he could not go from the village. He is afraid because the village is always attack by the grievers. That is why he needs to get safety. So, he tries to finds the way to go outside from the village and cross the center of a grievers maze. It can be seen in the picture below: Picture 18 Thomas : There must be the way9
  • 18. 9 9 Duration:01: 04:18:560 –01: 04:23:126 From the picture above, it tells when Thomaswanted to do something to fulfill his needs. He wanted to get safety that is why he needs to go outside from the village. He tries to make the maze in his room and he always tries to find the out from the village. He runs into the maze to find the way out from the village, unfortunately he cannot do it, because when he runs he came back again to the same place. This research is important because every human need something in her or his life such as air, eat, house, safety, love, respect and free, If one of needs does not fill in life, that person can be felt an annoyance psychology‟s problem, the annoyance can be felt disappointed, does not make relationship to each other or gaveup and frustration. In this thesis the writer is focused on the Safety and Esteem needson the Thomas as the main character. At this level, the need for safety and respect drives human behavior. In order to solve problems such as depression, and anxiety. Finally, based on the reasons above, the writer will analyze this thesis under the title “The Effects of Safety and Esteem Fulfillment ofThomas as Seen in the Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball”. 1.2 Formulation of the Problem Based on the background of the problems above, the writer makes the formulation of the problems arranged as follows: 1. What are the factors that influence Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem as seen in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball?
  • 19. 5 2. How does Thomasfulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball? 3. What are the effects of safety and esteem fulfillment of Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball? 1.3 Limitation of the Problem In this research, the writer focuses on the effects safety and esteem fulfillment the Thomas. The writer takes Thomas as the main character because he had big ambition to fulfill the safety and esteem as the way to get out from the village in the center of a grievers maze as seen in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. The writer will take the dialogues and the pictures of Thomas from the film as the answer of the problems. 1.4 Purpose of the Research The purposes of the research are: 1. To find out the factors that influence Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem as seen in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. 2. To find out how Thomasfulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball. 3. To find out the effects of safety and esteem fulfillment of Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball.
  • 20. 6 1.5 Significance of the Research In this research, the writer would like to find out the factors that influence Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. The writer hopes this research will develop the writing ability and gaveadditional information and knowledge to the writer and the readers, especially to the students and lecturesEnglish Literature Departmentwanted to read and watch the film and even who wanted to analyze the same film. The writer hopes this research will make other people easier to identifythe benefits from the Thomas to his life the Maze Runner’s Film byWes Balland takes the positive side of this film. Last but not the last, this research can gavecontribution to the society, and it will be useful to the next researcher.
  • 21. CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Safety and Esteem Theory Human beings have certain basic needs. They must have food, water, air, and shelter to survive. If any one of these basic needs is not met, then humans cannot survive.Abraham Maslowstated that: “Basic needs are similar to instincts or standard of human life and play a major role in motivating behavior. Physiological, security, social, and esteem needs are deficiency needs (also known as D-needs), meaning that these needs arise due to deprivation”.10 It means the every human need to fulfill their needs for life in the world, because it is the standard of human basic needs. In this research the writer wanted to use the Abraham Maslow theory, this theory is very suitable to use for making this research became clear, which the object is personal life. According to Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs starts at the basic physiological needs we need just to stay alive.11 Once these are made we have a need for safety, then we wanted love and affection. Within our group we wanted to have self-esteem. Finally we have a need of satisfying our full potential that Maslow calls Self Actualization. The five needs in Maslow‟s Hierarchy include: Physiological (air, 10 Adiele, Achievement of Abraham Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory among Teachers: Implications for Human Resource Management in The Secondary School System in Rivers State, Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 2013, 140, p. 105 11 AvneetKaur, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory: Applications and Criticisms, Journal of Management and Business Studies, Volume 3, Number 10 (2013), p. 75. 7
  • 22. 8 food, sleep, stimulation, activity), Safety (security; protection from harm), Social (love, friendship, comradeship) Esteem (self-respect, personal worth, autonomy) and Actualization (full potential).12 It can be seen in the picture below: Picture 213 From the picture above, it can be known that there are five of needs based on Maslow‟s theory, such as; Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem and Actualization. In this research the writer will focus on Safety and Esteem because Thomas is a person who needs to fulfill his life to get out from the village. If the physiological needs are relatively well gratified, there then emerges a new set of needs, which Abraham Maslow may categorize roughly as the safety needs (security; stability; dependency; protection; freedom from fear, from anxiety and chaos; need for structure, order, law, limits; strength in the protector; and so on). Every person in society generally prefers a safe, orderly, predictable, lawful, organized world, which he can count on and in which unexpected, unmanageable, chaotic, or other dangerous things do not happen. In any 12 AvneetKaur, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory: Applications and Criticisms, p. 75. 13 Adiele, Achievement of Abraham Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory among Teachers: Implications for Human Resource Management in The Secondary School System in Rivers State, p. 107
  • 23. 9 case, someone had powerful parents or protectors whoshield him from harm.14 If someone lives in a chaos situation or under war condition where there are real threats to law, to order and to the authority of a Nation, the safety needs can became very urgent under that circumstance. Someone who lives in that situation will defend himself in different way whether to avoid the situation and find another safe place to stay or even to fight back to annihilate those threats. Instinctively, they will not even think other needs besides safety needs first. Safety (security; protection from harm) here, we might include living in a safe area away from threats. This level is more likely to be found in children as they have a greater need to feel safe. Those who worry about small things, such as drinking out of plastic glasses have strong security needs and these include needs for safety and security. Security needs are important for survival, but they were not as demanding as the physiological needs.15 Examples of security needs include a desire for steady employment, health care, safe neighborhoods, and shelter from the environment. After all mentioned needs above have already fulfilled, everyone had a strong desire for a stable, firmly based, usually high evaluation of themselves, for self- respect, or self-esteem, and for the esteem of others. Self-esteem is the value we place on ourselves. It is our assessment of our worth as a human being based on our approval or disapproval of ourselves and our behavior. These needs may therefore be classified into two subsidiary sets. These are, first, the desire for strength, for 14 AvneetKaur, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory: Applications and Criticisms, p. 75. 15 AishwaryaShahrawat and RenuShahrawat, Application of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in a Historical Context: Case Studies of Four Prominent Figures, Department of Applied Psychology, University of Delhi (South Campus), New Delhi, India, 2011, p. 43
  • 24. 10 achievement, for adequacy, for mastery and competence, for confidence in the face of the world, and for independence and freedom. Second, they were the desire for reputation or prestige (defining it as respect or esteem from other people), status, fame and glory, dominance, recognition, attention, importance, dignity, or appreciation. These needs have been relatively stressed by Alfred Adler and his followers, and have been relatively neglected by Freud.16 According to Jerry Michinton, Esteem‟sneed leads to feelings of self- confidence, worth, strength, capability, and adequacy, of being useful and necessary in the world. But thwarting of these needs produces feelings of inferiority, of weakness, and of helplessness. These feelings in turn gaverise to either basic discouragement or else compensatory or neurotic trends. An appreciation of the necessity of basic self- confidence and an understanding of how helpless people are without it can be easily gained from a study of severe traumatic neurosis. Actually, there are three aspects of self- esteem: 1. Our feeling about ourselves: With high self-esteem, we accept ourselves unconditionally exactly as we are; we appreciate our value as a human being. 2. Our feeling about life: we accept responsibility for and have a feeling of control over every part of our lives. We hold ourselves responsibility for what occurs in our lives and believe that ultimately, what happen to us occurs primarily because of our choices and decisions, rather outside factors. 3. Our relationship; we have a tolerance of and respect for all people, along with the belief that they were entitled to the same rights we wish for ourselves.17 16 Dobie, Theory Into Practice-Psychological, (USE California, 1990), p. 51 17 Jerry Michinton, Maximum Self-Esteem, (Kuala Lumpur, Golden Books Centre SDN. BHD, 1996), p. 20
  • 25. 11 The most stable and therefore most healthy self-esteem is based on deserved respect from others rather than on external fame or celebrity and unwarranted adulation. Esteem (self-respect, personal worth, autonomy) on this level, people act from their ego needs.18 They value the options of others, in order to believe in themselves. It is a matter of self-respect through respect from others. After the first three needs have been satisfied, esteem needs became increasingly important and these include the need for things that reflect on self-esteem, personal worth, social recognition, and accomplishment.The writer needs a reference Maslow to know basically of needs and the writer focus on safety and esteem needs in this research and also to compare this reference to the situation. This theory will help the writer to know the safety and esteem the Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. Based on the quotations above, it can be concluded if the safety and esteem can be applied in making dream came true and also relationship to every people we canget better life and happy forever. In this thesis the writer will use the Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs theory because this theory was more close to the problems so the writer needs a reference Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs to know the Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem in the Thomas in this research and also to compare this reference to the situation. This theory will help the writer to know the factors the Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem in the Thomas as seen in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. p. 53. 18 Sophie King-Hil, Critical analysis of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need, The STeP Journal, 2015,
  • 26. 12 2.2 Psychological Approach Here the writer uses psychological approach because the writer analysis about the factors that influence to Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. Sigmen Freud‟s work and theories helps shape our views of childhood, personality, memory, sexuality, and therapy. Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior.19 Psychology is the study of human and animal behavior with the object of understanding why living beings behave as they do. It is a study of all human affairs, mind, situation and condition also behavior and action deal with human daily activity. Psychology‟s most famous figure is also of the most influential and controversial thinkers of the twentieth century. The character‟s behavior in the story may indicate it is psychology condition. “Bahwadidalamfiksipsikologi yang manadilukiskan, tidakhanyasebuahperistiwatetapimerupakantingkahlakudantindakantandukparatokoh utamacerita.Dimanaseorangtokohmengapabegini, mengapapendirianyabegitu, didasarkanpadalatarbelakangkejiwaanya”.20 It means that id as important part of our personality human‟s psychology state is basically drive from people personality and thus people acts and reacts to what had happened to them from their thoughts, emotions and behaviors, because everyone in the world had different one and another. Freud provided convincing evidence, through his many careful record case studies, that most of our actions are by psychological force solver which we have very limit 19 Steven Pinker, Introduction of Psychology, (Fall, Major Approach to Psychology, Journal, 2001), p. 1 20 Dobie, Theory Into Practice-Psychological, p. 51
  • 27. 13 control. Generally psychology by Freud by had three kinds or partsof psychology. There are id, ego and superego.21 “Teorikepribadianmenurut Freud padaumumnyadibagimenjaditigayaitu: id atauEs,egoatauIch and superego atau Umber Ich. Id adalahdorongan- dorongan primitive yang harusdipuaskedan, salahsatunyaadalah libido.Id dengandemikianadalahsubjektif primer, duniabatinsebelumindividumempunyaipengalamantentangdunialuar.Ego bertugasuntukmengontrol Id. Sedangkan superego berisi kata hati.”22 From the writer above it can be concluded that definition about id, ego and superego. Id is a component that contains the personality, where the system work with the principles of fun “pleasure principle”. Freud‟s seminar work on personality provided a modal with three components.23 They are: 1. Id: a basic, intrinsic force which express itself either as Eros, the love instinct(with an energy referred to as the „libido‟), or as Thanatos, the destructive or death instinct. The foundation of Freud‟s contribution to modern psychology is his emphasis on the unconscious aspect of the human psyche. It can be seen on the Handbook of Critical Approaches to literature is the reservoir of libido, the primary source of all psychic energy. It functions to fulfill the primordial life principle, which Freud considers to be the pleasure principle without consciousness or semblance or ration order, the id is characterized by a tremendous and amorphous vitality. The id is, in short, the source of all our aggressions and desires. It is lawless, asocial and amoral. It 21 WilfrendElguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, p. 156-157 22 NyomanKuthaRatna, Teori, MetodedanTeknikPenelitianSastra,p. 62-63 23 Anonim.Psychoanaliytic Approach. [Online] LLL/theories/ psychoanaliytic/, (accessed February 10, 2017 at 11.55 am)
  • 28. 14 is function is to gratify our instincts for pleasure without regard.24 From the explanation above, that is the attitude heedless of consequence without consciousness. It is the dangerous potentialities. 2. Ego: this part of the personality tries to keep a balance and sits between instinctive forces of the superego and the id. The ego is protected the individual. Ego is unconscious: the ego nevertheless comprises what we ordinarily think of as the conscious mind. 3. Superego: a basic, instinctive force which is a drive towards the individual‟s ideal self. This super conscientiousness is as extreme as the id. From the explanation above, from the Freud‟s three components, can be seen that the id is dominated by the pleasure principle and the ego by the reality principle and the superego is dominated by the morality principle. We might say that the idcan make devils, that the superego will have us behave as angels and that it remains for the ego to keep us healthy human beings by maintaining a balance between these two opposing force. In the simple, three components that Freud provide is all to know about id the source of libido or negative characteristic or full of the devil and ego is moral concerning base on environment, and ego is the positive value that have in human mind. 24 WilfrendElguerin et al. Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, p. 156-157
  • 29. 15 27 LilatulFitriyah and Mohammad Jauhar, PengantarPsikologiUmum, (Jakarta: PrestasiPustakarya, 2014), p. 172 2.3 The Factors ThatInfluence Safety and Esteem Every person needs to fulfill the needs in his or her life. Khalil Abduljalil and YuserrieZainuddin said that there are two factors that influence person wanted to fulfill the needsin his or her life, they were intrinsic and extrinsic factor;25 2.3.1 Intrinsic Factor Intrinsic factor means the factor came from his or her mine, it is individual‟s motivational stimuli are coming from within. The individual had the desire to do something for his or her life, because its results are in accordance with his belief system or fulfills a desire and therefore importance is attached to it.26 It this research intrinsic factor in Thomas‟ mind because he needssecurity and also protection from harm. It means that intrinsic factor involves engaging in a behavior because it is personally rewarding; essentially, performing an activity for its own sake rather than the desire for some external reward. According to Fitriyah and Jauhar intrinsic motivation can be seen below:27 Faktor internal yakni yang berasal dari dalam individu, yang terdiri atas; a. Persepsi individu mengenai diri sendiri Persepsi seseorang tentang dirinya sendiri akan mendorong dan mengarahkan prilaku seseorang untuk bertindak. b. Harga diri dan prestasi Faktor ini mendoron atau mengarahkan individu (memotivasi) untuk berusaha agar menjadi probadi yang mandiri, kuat dan memperoleh kebebasan serta mendapatkan status tertentu dalam lingkungan masyarakat; serta dapat mendorong individu untuk berprestasi. 25 Abraham Maslow, Motivation Personality, (United Stated of America: Universal Container Corporation, 1954), p. 36 26 Abraham Maslow, Motivation Personality, p. 37
  • 30. 16 30 LilatulFitriyah and Mohammad Jauhar, PengantarPsikologiUmum, (Jakarta: PrestasiPustakarya, 2014), p. 172 c. Harapan Adanya harapan-harapan akan masa depan. Harapan ini merupakan informasi objektif dari lingkungan yang mempengaruhi sikap dan perasaan subjektif seseorang. Harapan merupakan tujuan dari perilaku. d. Kebutuhan. Manusia dimotivasi oleh kebutuhan untuk menjadikan dirinya sendiri berfungsi secara penuh, sehingga mampu meraih potensinya secara total. Kebutuhan akan mendorong dan mengarahkan sesorang untuk mencari atau menghindari, mengarahkan dan memberi respon terhadap tekanan yang dialaminya. e. Kepuasan Lebih merupakan suatu dorongan afektif yang muncul dari dalam diri individu mencapai goal atau tujuan yang diinginkan dari suatu perilaku.28 2.3.2 Extrinsic Factor Extrinsic factor means the factor came for outside, it is individual‟s motivational stimuli are coming from outside.29 In other words, our desires to fulfill something for his or her life are controlled by an outside source. Note that even though the stimuli are coming from outside, the result of performing the tasked will still be rewarding for the individual performing the tasked.It this research extrinsic factor in Thomas‟ mind because he does not get respect from the people around him. It means that extrinsic factor is external in nature and the most well-known. According to Fitriyah and Jauhar extrinsic motivation can be seen below:30 Faktor eksternal yakni faktor yang berasal dari luar diri individu yang terdiri atas; 28 LilatulFitriyah and Mohammad Jauhar, PengantarPsikologiUmum, , p. 173 29 Abraham Maslow, Motivation Personality, p. 37
  • 31. 17 a. Jenis dan sifat pekerjaan Dorongan untuk bekerja pada jenis dan sifat pekerjaan tertentu sesuai dengan objek pekerjaan yang tersedia akan mengarahkan individu untuk menentukan sikap atau pilihan pekerjaan yang akan ditekuni. b. Kelompok kerja di mana individu bergabung Kelompok kerja atau organisasi tempat di mana individu bergabung dapat mendorong atau mengarahkan perilaku individu dalam mencapai sesuatu tujuan perilaku tertentu. c. Situasi lingkungan pada umumnya Setiap individu terdorong untuk berhubungan dengan rasa mampunya dalam melakukan interaksi secara efektif dengan lingkungannya. d. Sistem imbalan yang diterima Imbalan merupakan karakteristik atau kualitas dari objek pemuas yang dibutuhkan oleh seseorang yang dapat mempengaruhi motivasi atau dapat mengubah arah tingkah laku dari satu objek ke objek yang lain yang mempunyai imbalan yang lebih besar.31 From explanations above it can be known that there are two factors that a person wanted to fulfill the needs in his or her life, such as intrinsic and extrinsic factor. The writer will use this theory to find out the factors influence the Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem as seen in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. 2.4 The Ways to Fulfill Safety and Esteem Needs There are three ways a person to fulfill the safety and esteem needs in life, it can be seen in human behavior.32 2.4.1 Making Good Relationship Making good relationship is the activities that always near with other and they will be family who will take care of us. Many people will do anything to do what they wanted to, it can be seen from their hobbit in doing their activities in the 31 LilatulFitriyah and Mohammad Jauhar, PengantarPsikologiUmum, , p. 174 32 Griffin, Hierarchy Needs of Abraham Maslow’s, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007), p. 125
  • 32. 18 day.33 By making good relationship with people around us, it will make us easy to fulfill the needs in life, because when people can fulfill it they will feel happy in life and will not feel disappointed.34 2.4.2 Commitment Commitment is a promise or agreement to do something. People will do their wanted to have because they have commitment in life, because success in any aspect of life starts with good mindset.35 In order to truly “go all out” and make unprecedented progress, people must make the decision at a core level to hold nothing back and people must take a good look at life and decide that nothing is going to stand in the way of success. It means that commitmentis goal, focus on what’s important and hold accountable. 2.4.3 Communicate the needs to others Make sure you are committed to something or someone because of genuine compassion or interest rather than a sense of obligation.After reevaluating all of commitments to causes, events, or relationships, it might find that some of them do not align with the values.36 Spending time with people whose company our value, or doing work that people believe can make a difference allows them to fulfill the needs.It means that address the needs with others respectfully, but directly. 33 Griffin, Hierarchy Needs of Abraham Maslow’s, p. 126 34 BAARD, Intrinsic Need Satisfaction: A Motivational Basis of Performance and Well-Being in Two Work Settings, Journal University of Rochester, p. 6 35 Baumate and Blaury, The Need To Belong: Desire For Interpersonal Attachments as a Fundamental Human Motivation, Journal of Psychological Bulleti, 2011, p. 3. 36 Griffin, Hierarchy Needs of Abraham Maslow’s, p. 126
  • 33. 19 From the explanations above, it can be known that there are three ways a person to fulfill the safety and esteem needs in life, such as making good relationship, commitment and communicate the needs to others. The writer will use this theory to the Thomasfulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. 2.5 The Effects of Safety and Esteem Needs There are two effects from the fulfillmentof safety and esteem needs when it had done. These effects gave positive side if the person could fulfill it. It can be seen below: 2.5.1 Self-Confidence The effect from safety is self-confidence because it can make people braveness and believe that they can solve their problems in. The effect of self- confidence is commonly come from one‟s personal judgment, ability, power, etc. One increases self-confidence from experiences of having mastered particular activities. It is a positivebelief that in the future one can generally accomplish what one wishes to do. Self-confidence is not the same as self-esteem, which is an evaluation of one‟s own worth, whereas self-confidence is more specifically trust from one‟s ability to achieve some goal.37 37 Lianto,AktualisasiTeoriKebutuhan Abraham M.MaslowBagiPeningkatanKinerjaIndividuDalamOrganisasi, Jurnal, SekolahTinggiIlmuEkonomiIdyaDarma Pontianak, 2011, p. 2
  • 34. 20 2.5.2 Happiness The people who can fulfill the safety and esteemthey would feel confident and capable in life. Their life would be different because they can pass the uncomfortable situation and they would be happy. Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.38 From the explanations above it can be concluded that the writer will use this theory to find out the effects of safety and esteem fulfillment the Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. 2.6 Previous Related Research There have been some research conducted by scholars. First is SiskaTyasChrisnari,English Study Program Language and Literature Department Faculty of Culture Studies University of Brawijaya,with the title “An Analysis of the Way in Deciding Between Love and Self Esteem in Gnomeo and Juliet Movie”Jakarta 2014.39 This research focusedon how is psychological conflict that underwent by the main characters on Gnomeo and Juliet Movie Cartoon. The main characters have the problem in Deciding between love and self-esteem, and the researcher uses the theory of Abraham Maslow to reveal this problem. In this theory, the researcher tries to know the steps that taken by the main characters in choosing 38 Lianto,AktualisasiTeoriKebutuhan Abraham M.MaslowBagiPeningkatanKinerjaIndividuDalamOrganisasi, p. 3 39 SiskaTyasChrisnari, An Analysis of the Way in Deciding Between Love and Self Esteem in Gnomeo and Juliet Movie, Skripsi: English Study Program Language and Literature Department Faculty of Culture Studies University of Brawijaya, p. 4
  • 35. 21 between their love and self-esteem. Based on the analysis, the researcher found that there are three steps that taken by the main characters to reveal their problem. The first steps is that they realize that they fallen in love each other. The second step is they realize that their love is above everything and the last or the third step is that they struggle to proof that love can make everything better. Second is FibryHallaFanani, Department of Languages and Literature Faculty ofCultuRal Studies UniversitasBrawijaya, with the title “The Influence of Self- Esteem To Sexual Behavior of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele In El James’Fifty Shades of Grey” Jakarta2014.40 This research focused the self-esteem influence sexual behavior portrayed in the novel entitled Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James. The writer usesFifty Shades of Grey novel. Since self - esteem had bothpsychological and sociological dimensions, bothare taken into considerationtogether in conducting research studies. The researcher used socio- psychologicaltheory. This research reveals that Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele as the main characters in the novel practice dominant-submissive sexual relationship. The researcher found the differences level of self-esteem between Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele. For details, according to the evidences, the writer assumes Christian Grey as the dominant is categorized having higher self-esteem compared to Anastasia Steele as the submissive who is categorized having low self-esteem. 40 FibryHallaFanani,The Influence of Self-Esteem To Sexual Behavior of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele In El James,Skripsi: Fifty Shades of Grey, Department OF Languages And Literature Faculty of CultuRal Studies UniversitasBrawijaya 2014, p. 4
  • 36. 22 Third is AstriVantiOktavia, English Department, Faculty of HumanitiesUniversity Semarang, with the title “Magwitch’s Self Esteem Motive Described InCharles Dickens’sGreat Expectations”, Semarang 2013.41 This research focused the self-esteem motive of Magwitch as the peripheral character in Dicken‟s Great Expectations. The researcher used self-esteem theory and psychological approach.. The result of the analysis shows that Magwitch is described as the peripheral character of Dicken‟s Great Expectations. He is described as a person who is loyal, kind, sensitive, fatherly, smart, hard worker, and struggle. He is also described as a person who is stubborn, clumsy and rude. Magwitch belongs to round static character, since he had more than one specific trait, but he does not change during the story. Magwitch experiences both internal and external conflict. The setting in this story is divided into setting of place, time and social. The setting in this story is divided into setting of place, time and social. Setting of place in this novel is in London. Settings of time in this novel are on 19th century. Setting of social in this novel is about the class system of Victorian England, since this novel tells us about the gaps between the rich and poor in extreme society. Fourth isAlsonnySastrawan, English Letters Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, Bina Nusantara University, with the title “The Fulfillment of Milo’s Needs Based on Paul W.S Anderson’s Pompeii (2014) Through Maslow’s 41 AstriVantiOktavia, Magwitch’s Self Esteem Motive Described In Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations, 2013, p. 4
  • 37. 23 Hierarchy of Needs”Jakarta 2014.42 This research focused the needs of human being. Library research is used to analysis pictures and dialogues from Pompeii Movie by using Hierachyof needs theory. The researcher used Hierachy of needs theory on Physiological need, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs which are represented in the main character. The researcher found there are five needs which are physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs. The need that Milo had fulfilled is physiological needs, love and belongingness needs, self-esteem needs, self-actualization needs and another is not fulfilled. Fifth is SyifaFauziah, English Letters Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University, with the title “Hierarchy of Needs Analysis of the Main Character in You Again Film,”Jakarta 2014.43This research deals with an hierarchy of human needs represented by a female character in You Again film. The analysis focuses on the female character namely Marni Olivia Olsen, a teenager girl who lives in NewYork. She‟s a successful public relation executive who ever bullied when she was at school. The researcher used Abraham H. Maslow‟stheoryas the basic concepts and frameworks of thinking. The concepts contain five needs: physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, 42 AlsonnySastrawan, The Fulfillment of Milo’s Needs Based on Paul W.S Anderson’s Pompeii (2014) Through Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, p. 4 43 SyifaFauziah, Hierarchy of Needs Analysis of the Main Character in You Again Film, Skripsi: English Letters Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta 2014, p. 4.
  • 38. 24 esteem needs and, self-actualization needs. The researcher foundthe main character (Marni Olivia Olsen) can fulfill those needs even though she had to face severalobstacles. From the preview related research above, most of them analyze about Hierarchy of Needsin the film, the same points of their research with the writer are in the theory and the method of the research where the theory is purposed by the Maslow which call Hierarchy of Needs and the method is analyzing about descriptive data such as writer or spoken, at the person who is observed in this research. The different of this research with them is the purposed of the research, most of them analyzed on Hierachy of needs such as physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs and, self-actualization needs, but the writer focuses on safety and esteem on the Thomas, so the writer will use safety and esteem theory by Maslow to find outThomasfulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball.
  • 39. CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH 3.1 Design of Research In writing this thesis, the writer uses descriptive qualitative research that is suitable with the aim of this research. Qualitative research may be in descriptive form. The data collects in the form of words as a descriptive explanation than a number. The result of the research contains quotation from the data to illustrate and substantive the presentation. Descriptive research is a research which aims to describe a phenomenon accurately based on the characteristic of research, where the data are analyzed through interpreting, not statistical analysis. According to Denzin and Lincoln define: “Qualitative research is multimethod in focus, involving an interpretive, naturalistic approach to its subject matter. This means that qualitative researchers study thing in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. Qualitative research involves the studied use and collection of a variety of empirical materials-case study, personal experience, introspective, life story, interview, observational, historical, interactional, and visual texts-that describe routine and problematic moments and meaning in individuals‟ lives.”44 From the quotation above qualitative research is a method in focus, naturalistic approach to it is subject matter. It means that qualitative researchers study thing in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. 44 Denzin and Lincoln in John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry And Research Design, (United States of America: California, 1997), p. 15 25
  • 40. 26 In collecting data, the writer uses the library research. The writer watches film and read the books, articles, journals, and cyber data, as the second data that relates to the topic.45 It is clear that those data collected by the writer in form of words or quotation that taken from the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Balland other sources. Descriptive is: “Data yang dikumpulkanberupa kata-kata, gambardanbukanangka- angka, halitudisebabkanolehpenerapanmetodekualitatif.”46 According to Merriam in his book also stated that “Qualitative research is planning a research project can be compared to planning for a variation trip”.47 So, qualitative research is analyzing about descriptive data and is it a process to do a research such as writer or spoken, at the person who is observed in this research, where qualitative research also analyzing about the data from outside which the data still not right. Qualitative research method is the method that rely on research through libraries that rely on data that is almost entirely from the library. It means that qualitative research is analyzing about descriptive data such as writer or spoken, at the person who is observed in this research, where qualitative research also analyzing about the data from outside which the data still not right.48 By using this qualitative research, the writer felt easy to analyze the film.Based on those statements, it can be concluded that qualitative research is analyzing about descriptive 45 Umar, MetodePenelitianUntukSekripsidanTesisBisnis, (Jakarta: PT Raja GrafindoPersada, 2011), p. 22. 46 Sugiyono, MetodePenelitianKuantitatifKualitatifdan R & D,(Bandung: Alfabeta, 2009), p. 19 47 Sharan B. Merriam, Rualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education, (New York City,1998), p. 3. 48 Martinis Yamin,MetodologiPenelitianPendidikandanSosialKualitatifdanKuantitatif, (Jakarta: GaungPersada Press, 2009), p. 186
  • 41. 27 49 Sugiyono, MetodePenelitianKuantitatifKualitatif, p. 240 data that is collected is in the form of the situation of the natural object. Where descriptive data such as writer or spoken, by using qualitative research a writer can answer about the question in analyzing the problem Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem in the Thomasas seen in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. 3.2 Source of the Data The source of the data in this research the writer took the data from the Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball. Maze Runner the film that directed Wes Ball. Which released in September, 17, 2014 by a production house Relativity Media Official Site.Action September, 17, 2014 won the Academy Award second PialaOscar (2/11/2016) di USC Galen Center, Los Angeles USA. The writer will use the script and the pictures from the film. 3.3 Technique of Data Collection In other get the information in this research, writer uses library research. In this research, writer uses documentation technique to get the data and the data from the film Maze Runner. Sugiyono stated that “Dokumenmerupakancatatanperistiwa yang sudahberlalu. Dokumenbisaberbentuktulisan, gambarataukarya-karya monumental dariseseorang.”49 There are some steps of the technique of the data collection that will be done by the writer in this research, these are:
  • 42. 28 50 Sugiyono, MetodePenelitianKuantitatifKualitatif, p. 243 1. Downloading the Film The writer downloads the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball from Movie 21 Online. com and takes the script from the 2. Watching the FilmRepeatedly The writer watches the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball repeatedly and takes the scenesthat related to the research questions 3. Reading the Script and Marking the Sentences The writer reads the script and marks the words or sentences that related to the research questions 3.4 Technique of Data Analysis The writer had several techniques from the data analysis, in order to make this research more specific. In qualitative research, technique analysis data is used to answer the formulation of the problem.50 In analysis the data, the writer used a technique of data analysis. In this thesis, the writer uses documentation technique descriptive analysis because this research is descriptive. It is why the writer describes, analysis the data that had been found in in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ballto find the answer the formulation of the problem that have been formulated. The steps of techniques of data analysis are:
  • 43. 29 1. Identifying and Classifying the Data The writer identifies and classifies the data that related to the research questions 2. Describing the Data After the data have identified and classified, the writer describes the data based on the research questions 3. Analyzing the Data The writer analyzes the data based on the Maslow‟s Needs Hierarchy Theory which only focuses on safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. 4. Making the Conclusion After all the data have described and analyzedthe data the writer makes the conclusion of the research.
  • 44. CHAPTER IV FINDING AND ANALYSIS Thischapter represents the finding and analysis of the data, analyzing through the words mean analyzing the words of the text of a story, another principle of analyzing the characters to behave according to their characteristic in the story in this study the writer chose the theory of safety and esteem for this study discusses. Based on the findings of the data, exposure data obtained, and based on the discussion in accordance with the theory. 4.1 The Factors that InfluenceThomas to Fulfill Safety and Esteem The writer finds that there are two factors that influence the Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem described in the Maze Runner’s Film it can be seen in the explanations below: 1. Intrinsic Factor Intrinsic factor means the factor which comes from himself.It is individual‟s motivational stimuli are coming from one‟s self. The individual had desire to do something for Thomas‟ life, because its results are in accordance with his belief system or fulfills a desire and therefore importance is attached to it. In this place, there is village with the name Glade where the greenie and other people stay.It can be seen from the picture below 30
  • 45. 31 52 Duration: 00:01:25,880 - 00:01:29,043 a. Self-Esteem and Achievement Thomas does not get any friends when he comesin the village, he feels afraid because there is grievers who always make the people in the village feel afraid, so he wants to find the way to go outside from the village. The people in the village always feel negative to Thomas, because they could feel there is something when they see Thomas the first time. Picture 151 The picture above showsthat Thomas comes for the first time to the new place. He istransferred with box that brought him up into arrive the new place nameis glade. The strange situation starts to him. He does not feelsuitable with the new place. The people in the village also did not like to him and did not want to help him, they always underestimate Thomas in every situation. It can be seen from the dialogues below: Thomas : Hey! Hey! Help me!52 51 Duration: 00:01:25,880 - 00:01:29,043
  • 46. 32 53 Duration: 00:02:33,120 -00:02:34,535 The dialogue above showsThomasfeels afraid, and he wants someone help him to get out from that situation. It happen with the first time when he comes to that place, from that situation he feelsthere is something wrong with that place and he wants to go from there and he forget all about himself, it a normal situation he needs three days to remember his name. He stays in in the middle of the maze and the village is very high and impossible to able climb the peak. Picture 253 The picture above shows as a Greenie, it calls for a new comer, he looked at the around, he surprised with the place, the place located in the middle of the maze are very high and impossible to able climb the peak. He felt different with the place that he came from before. They are sleeping, eating and preparing all the things with their own in that place and every month there always food supplies and the greenie are sent by the box. From this situation he wants to get the achievement if he can be better than the runner people in the village.
  • 47. 33 54 Duration : 00:08:21,400 -00:08:23,209 55 Duration: 00:08:19,200 -00:08:21,248 Picture 354 The pictureabove proves that Thomashad a something different with the other people in that place. That situation happen when chuck prepared their bad that made like oscillation for the place when they wanted to sleep the bad hang between two trees, when Chuck explain about that place, Thomaswalks away to the walls of Maze. It can be seen from the dialogues below: Thomas : I thought no one was allowed to leave. Chuck: I said we're not allowed to leave.55 The dialogue above showed that Thomashad something different with other people, he curious about all the thing in that place when Chuck did not allow him to walk near to the maze, he walks and finds two people run from the maze, he though all of people in that place forbidden to go to the maze but he findsthe fact and wrong perception when he saw the people out from the maze.
  • 48. 34 56 Duration: 00:09:18,640 -00:09:19,641 57 Duration: 00:09:18,640 -00:09:19,641 b. Expectance Thomas talked to Chuck about the fact that he had seen, and Chuck told that they are different with Thomas. Thomas feels the people in the village did not believe to him if he can bring the get out, it caused Thomas has a dream to bring the people get out from village. Picture 456 Thomas : You guys can't just keep me here.57 From the picture and quotation above prove that Thomasfelt strange with that new place and he wanted to go from that village, and he tried to go near of the maze, and one of the person tries to stop him. He talked to other people in there that they cannot keep him and let he go away from the village. Then dialog told about people tried to prohibit Thomas to go to the maze, Everyone already knew that maze is danger and they tried to save Thomas:
  • 49. 35 59 Duration: 00:12:46,880-00:12:48,848 60 Duration: 00:26:12,480 --> 00:26:13,925 Picture 558 Thomas : How is that even possible?59 Based on the quotation above, show that Thomas hear maze sound, and his friend gaveexplanation that maze change every night, it will make they difficult to go out from the village, and Thomasdid not believe about it, he finds one thing strange from that village. Picture 660 According of picture above, Thomas had seen his friend name is Ben. He is stung by the monster and if someone had stung, it will change with the dangerous monster so he should killed with drop out into the maze. Ben talked to Thomas that all of disorder of himself is fault by Thomas, and Thomasdid not understand what did Ben mean. 58 Duration: 00:12:46,880-00:12:48,848
  • 50. 36 61 Duration: 00:11:32,800 --> 00:11:34,689 62 Duration: 00:11:32,800 --> 00:11:34,689 2. Extrinsic Factor Extrinsic factor means the factor came for outside, it is individual‟s motivational stimuli are coming from outside. In other words, our desires to fulfill something for his or her life are controlled by an outside source. Note that even though the stimuli are coming from outside, the result of performing the tasked will still be rewarding for the individual performing the tasked. It means that extrinsic factor is external in nature and the most well-known. a. Environmental Situation The environment in the village makes Thomas wants to get out from village. He feels afraid because of Griever and he also could not get respect from the people in the village. Picture 761 Thomas : Yeah, well, he's still an asshole.62 From the picture and dialogue above showed that Thomasis underrated by Gally, Galy thinks that Thomasdid not do anything and only make difficult
  • 51. 37 63 Duration: 00:14:15,720 --> 00:14:17,53 64 Duration: 00:14:18,640 --> 00:14:19,84 other people in there, this situation happen when Thomaswanted to know more about the maze and he tried to stand near of the maze, and Galycame and push Thomas until he fall into the ground. Picture 863 Thomas : What if I wanted to be a runner? Newt : Have you listened to a word I've just said?64 Based on the picture and dialogue above explain Thomas told to Newt that he wanted to be a runner, then Newt answer the question of Thomas that not just anyone can be runner of the maze, it should pass the rigorous selection and the only people elected who can get a job as a runner. b. Received Reward Thomas proves that he can run quickly than the runner in the village. He wants to get reward and he could get believes from the people if he can bring them get out from village. Newt cannot believe if Thomas will do the best when he runs.
  • 52. 38 65 Duration: 00:35:06,840-00:35:10,375 66 Duration: 00:35:06,840-00:35:10,375 Picture 965 Minho: Take a look around. There's nowhere to go!66 Based on the picture and the quotation above, show that when Minho and Albywanted to know the cause of Ben death and they go to maze but when the maze star close Minho andAlbyis injuredand Minho difficult to bring Alby go out from the maze, while in outside ohmaze Thomas look that even and tried to help them with run to the maze and then maze already close.Thomas tries to hideAlby that had stung by monster, and he asked Minho to help him to save their friend, but Minho blame Thomasthat they had trap in maze, and it will impossible to go out from the maze because the maze had already change. Minho did not believe that what will Thomaswill save them from Griever. From the explanations above it can be conclude that there are two factor of Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem, such as; Intrinsic Factor, where Tomas wants to get self-esteem and achievement because he did not get respect in the village and he wants to prove that he can get better achievementthan the runner in the villageand he has expectance could bring
  • 53. 39 68 Duration: 00:16:16,960 --> 00:16:19,440 people get out from village;Extrinsic Factor, where the environmental situation makes him did not feel comfortable to stay in the village because there is Griever who always kill people and he wants to get received reward from people village if he can bring them all get out from village. 4.2 Safety and Esteemof Thomas There are three ways which Thomas does to fulfill safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. It can be seen in explanations below: 1. Making Good Relationship Making good relationship is the activities that always near with other and they will be family who will take care of us. Many people will do anything to do what they wanted to, it can be seen from their hobbit in doing their activities in the day. By making good relationship with people around us, it will make us easy to fulfill the needs in life, because when people can fulfill it they will feel happy in life and will not feel disappointed. 67 Picture 1068 67 BAARD, “Intrinsic Need Satisfaction: A Motivational Basis of Performance and Well-Being in Two Work Settings”, Journal University of Rochester, p. 6
  • 54. 40 69 Duration: 00:19:16,960 --> 00:19:18,325 70 Duration: 00:49:54,920-00:49:56,524 Based on the picture above showed about Thomas remembered his name for the first time when he came to the village, he felt happy and surprise when he began know what his name before, while other friends look at Thomas and gave congratulation to Thomas and they feel happy finallyThomas remembered about his name. It is because of Thomas friends. It can be seen from dialogue below: Thomas : I remember my name. I'm Thomas! The dialogue above showed Thomas gave to announcement to other friends that he can remember his name for the first time, it is because support from the other friend, it happen when Thomas do fighting with Galy and Thomas fall into the ground and his hand hit the ground, while his friends cheers and make a circle around the arena. Then other friend congratulation to Thomas and say welcome to the new place. Picture 1169 Thomas : as I said.70
  • 55. 41 71 Duration: 00:35:53,280-00:35:54,455 72 Duration: 00:49:54,920-00:49:56,524 From the picture above showed that Thomas is received to join in the group and the name of Thomas will write to the wall of maze, like what they do before write the name into the wall as prove as family, while if the other people pass away so their name will crossed out from the wall Alby said that he became their part right now and will do cooperative like other people in the village. Picture 1371 Thomas : two, three.72 From the picture above show that Thomas does good cooperativeto hid Alby, one of their friend. They hung up Alby on the maze wall that grown with climbing plants, it is one of the good cooperative to help save Alby that had stung by Griever before (monster)
  • 56. 42 74 Duration: 00:49:54,920-00:49:56,524 75 Duration: 00:20:10,000 --> 00:20:11,923 Picture 1573 Thomas : Everyone get a hand on it. Came on.74 Based on the picture and quotation above, show that Thomas and his friend wanted to know what kinds the griever that had be enemy for them and they triedto bringGriverfrom the maze.From the explanation above it could be conclude that Thomas makes a good relationship to other friend to fulfill safety and esteem for example when Thomas tries to save Alby from the grievers, he does cooperative with Minho to hid Alby to the wall of the Maze. 2. Commitment Commitment is a promise or agreement to do something. People will do their wanted to have because they have commitment in life, because success in any aspect of life starts with good mindset. Picture 1275 Newt : Go dig us up some more fertilizer 73 Duration: 00:49:54,920-00:49:56,524
  • 57. 43 76 Duration: 00:40:46,880 --> 00:40:48,041 77 Duration: 00:40:46,880 --> 00:40:48,041 The picture and dialogue above showed they do farming for their life, then Newt asked Thomas to take some fertilizer for their plants. For the first Thomas refuse it, it because he did not know where he will get same fertilizer but when Newt inform that he will get it in the middle out of the woods and then Thomas go with the basket to dig some fertilize. Picture 1476 Minho : Run!77 From the picture and quotation above, show that Minho and Thomas do a cooperative to kill the monster when the maze began to close Thomas get the idea to make the trap to monster with let the maze already close so that the Griever will killed by maze, while Minho gave a support to Thomas runs faster from the maze that start to change. 3. Communicate the needs to others Make sure you are committed to something or someone because of genuine compassion or interest rather than a sense of obligation. After reevaluating all of
  • 58. 44 commitments to causes, events, or relationships, it might find that some of them do not align with the values. Spending time with people whose company our value, or doing work that people believe can make a difference allows them to fulfill the needs. It means that address the needs with others respectfully, but directly. Picture 1678 Minho : So, what's the plan? You're gonna go out and dissectthat thing all by yourself? Thomas : I will if I have to.79 From the picture and quotation above show that Thomaswanted to do something and Minho wanted to know what the idea of Thomas and Thomas communicate that he wanted to dissect Griverand finds something that will answer the right way to go from the village. And Minho tried to collect the other friend to help them go to maze to find BangkaiGriver. 78 Duration: 00:47:25,080 --> 00:47:26,605 79 Duration: 00:47:28,840 --> 00:47:30,604
  • 59. 45 From the explanation above it could be concluded that there are three ways used by Thomas to fulfill his safety and esteem; making good relationship, where Thomas makes good relationship with the people in village to bring them get out from the village;commitment, where he always tried to find the way to get out by running to themaze and communicate the needs to others where he works together to find the to get out from village. 4.3 TheEffects of Safety and Esteem 1. Positive Self-Confidence The effect from safety is self-confidence because it can make people braveness and believe that they can solve their problems in. This particular need typically pertains to personal security, such as having shelter above one‟s head or ensuring that they are safe from bodily harm. However, it can also come into play in eLearning environments. The key is to create a supportive and calm setting that does not trigger their security needs. People can do this by using stress relieving background music in your eLearning course, calming them with colors, or utilizing imagery that makes them feel safe and secure.80 80 Lianto,AktualisasiTeoriKebutuhan Abraham M.MaslowBagiPeningkatanKinerjaIndividuDalamOrganisasi, Jurnal, SekolahTinggiIlmuEkonomiIdyaDarma Pontianak, 2011, p. 2
  • 60. 46 Picture 1781 Thomas : We're gonna get out of here.All of us.Okay?I promise.82 From the picture and quotation above prove that when Thomashad safety from Chuck who gavesome food to Thomas when he get punishment, and the Chuch told to Thomas that he miss his parents so much and he feel sad because he cannot remember about his parent.Then Thomastalked to Chuck with his confident that all of member in the village will get out and he promise to Chock to bring all of people from there. From the picture and dialogue above it could be conclude that after Thomas know more about the maze, he got his confident and he made a promise to Chuck to bring them go from the glade. It proved the effect of safety will arise the self-confidence. 2. Thomas Felt Happiness The people who can fulfill the esteem they would feel confident and happy. Thomas fells happy because he can bring his friends get out from village, even he ever got hurt by them, he still love them. It can be seen below: 81 Duration: 01:04:51,600-01:04:52,965 82 Duration: 01:04:57,480 --> 01:04:58,970
  • 61. 47 Picture 1883 Thomas :This place isn't our home.84 Based on picture and quotation above Thomastried to make suretoGallyand other friends that the place not suitable with them. They have found theright way to go out from the maze. Thomastried to askedGallyand the other friendsto follow with them. It is because if they still stay in the village so the givers will came back to attack them. After many event that have done by Thomas little by little he understand what should he do for the next for to take off people from the glade. They finds the way in the maze, they should pass the maze for go out from the maze. Picture 1985 83 Duration: 01:28:21,720 --> 01:28:24,451 84 Duration: 01:28:21,720 --> 01:28:24,451 85 Duration: 01:39:06,360-01:39:07,805
  • 62. 48 From the picture above, show that when they successes to go out from maze, they find the people whosent to the glade it because there are reason for that mission it about what will happen in the future. they called it the Flare A deadly virus that attacks the brain. They sent then to the maze it because the researcher wanted to know the brain activity so that they will get neutralizer for that virus. From the picture and dialogue above it could be conclude that there are two Effects of safety and esteem fulfillment the Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball, such as; positive self-confidence, where Thomas is confidence to bring the people get out from village and he is happy where Thomas cried because of happy when he could bring the people get out of village.
  • 63. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 4.4 Conclusions Based on the finding and analysis in the chapter four, the writer concludes: There are two factors of Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem, such asintrinsic factor,where Tomas wants to get self-esteem and achievement because he did not get respect in the village and he wants to prove that he can get better achievement than the runner in the village and he has expectance could bring people get out from village,extrinsic factor, where the environmental situation makes him did not feel comfortable to stay in the village because there is Griever who always kill people and he wants to get received reward from people village if he can bring them all get out from village. There are three ways used by Thomas to fulfill his safety and esteem; making good relationship, where Thomas makes good relationship with the people in village to bring them get out from the village; commitment, where he always tried to find the way to get out by running to themaze and communicate the needs to others where he works together to find the to get out from village. There are two effects of safety and esteem fulfillment the Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball such as; positive self-confidence, where Thomas is confidence to bring the people get out from village and he is happy where he cried because of happy when he could bring the people get out of village. 49
  • 64. 50 4.5 Suggestions At the end of this thesis, the writer would like to give some suggestions: People needed to be respected with the people around us, we must be positive thinking with people around us, and we have to support people who want to bring something good things. The writer hopes that the other researcher can continue the research about safety and esteem in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball, because there are many other cases which is good to be discussed and analyzed. Since this study only discusses about the ambitious main character, the writer suggests the next researchers to conduct further research to focus on all needs based on Maslow Theory. Do not be afraid to do a literary research because analyzing a literary work is not hard and as long as we study hard in linguistic and literature, there is only the different perception about linguistic and literature relate to many others field of science.
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  • 68. APPENDIX I SYNOPSIS OF THE MAZE RUNNER’S FILM BY WES BALL There's this kid who wakes up in an elevator with no memory of his past other than the fact that his name is Thomas. When it the elevator doors open, he is pulled into a huge glade by a bunch of teenage boys who also have no memories besides what they should be called. They all share a strange vocabulary, a fondness for capitalizing words to make them special, and the same mysterious fate.Thomas gradually discovers that the Glade (see what they did there? Capitalize it and BOOM, you got yourself a name) is run by two boys, Alby and Newt, who maintain order by enforcing strict rules and keeping all of the boys busy harvesting food and whatnot. This is important because outside the Glade is the Maze, a terrifying labyrinth of high walls covered in ivy that houses strange, lethal creatures known as Grievers. So the boys are stuck trying to stay alive as well as "solving" the Maze by running through it as fast as they can while tracking movements of the walls and trying to find an exit.86 Then, a day after Thomas's arrival, a girl is delivered through the elevator into the Glade. The boys are stunned, perplexed, worried, and perhaps a little excited to have someone who doesn't smell like day-old socks and Axe body spray (just kidding, geez). However, unlike each of the boys, she shows up mumbling strange prophetic words and then lapses into a coma. To make matters worse, her arrival triggers everything in the Glade to change: the sun disappears, the deliveries of supplies stop coming, and the doors stay open at night which allows the Grievers to pick kids off one-by-one. Oh goodie.Thomas has a brilliant idea, and figures out that maybe the walls of the Maze aren't moving for funsies, but that maybe their movements are actually a code. So they do an arts 'n' crafts project and discover that the maze is in fact spelling out words. Thomas also discovers that the Cliff that they all thought was just a cliff turns out to be where the Grievers are coming from. If they can come and go through a weird black hole over the edge of a cliff, then maybe so can the boys. 86 Shmop, Maze Runner,, accessed July 08, 2018at 11.55 am
  • 69. de that ide to rs but The girl, Teresa, wakes up and tells Thomas that they knew each other before they were put in the Glade and oh, by the way, they can communicate telepathically. In an act of desperation to get his memory back, Thomas gets himself stung by a Griever and discovers the Griever Hole is indeed an exit. Not only that, the co the Maze has been spelling out is their ticket to escape.A large group of them dec make a run for it, knowing that it could be suicide trying to take on the Grieve figuring that nothing could be worse than being stuck in the Glade. They succeed, only to find out that what they've been doing is an experiment being conducted by the Creators, a group called WICKED, who may or may not be evil. The boys and Teresa then get "rescued" by some kind of rebel group and brought to a safe haven while being told about "the Flare" an apocalyptic occurrence that killed off half of the world's population. The epilogue reveals that the "rebel group" may just be another variable in the experiment, and they weren't the only group being evaluated. We smell a sequel
  • 70. APPENDIX II THE IMPORTANT SCENCE IN THE MAZE RUNNER’S FILM BY WES BALL No PICTURES Explanations 1 Thomas : There must be the way (p. 3) Thomas : Hey! Hey! Help me! 2 (p. 31) Thomas : I thought no one was allowed to leave. (p. 32) 3 Chuck : I said we're not
  • 71. allowed to leave. (p. 33) 4 Thomas : You guys can't just keep me here. 5 (p. 34) Thomas : How is that even possible? 6 (p. 35) Thomas : What if I wanted to be a runner? 7 (p. 35) Thomas : Yeah, well, he's still an asshole. 8 (p. 36)
  • 72. Newt : Have you listened to a word I've just said? 9 (p. 37) Minho: Take a look around. There's nowhere to go! 10 (p. 38) Thomas : I remember my name. I'm Thomas! 11 (p. 39) Thomas : as I said. (p. 40) 12 Thomas : two, three
  • 73. (p. 40) 13 Thomas : Everyone get a hand on it. Came on 14 (p. 42) Newt : Go dig us up some more fertilizer 15 (p. 43) Minho : Run! (p. 43) 16
  • 74. Minho : So, what's the plan? You're gonna go out and dissect that 17 thing all by yourself? Thomas : I will if I have to. (p. 44) Thomas : We're gonna get out of here. All of us. Okay? I promise. 18 (p. 47) Thomas :This place isn't our home. 19 (p. 48) (p. 48) 20