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* @author Derek Harter
* @cwid 123 45 678
* @class
* @ide Visual Studio Community 2017
* @date
* @assg C++ Stacks videos
* @description A Stack ADT with two concrete
* examples: an array based stack implementaiton (AStack),
* a linked list based implementation (LStack).
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
/** stack (base class)
* The basic definition of the Stack Abstract Data Type (ADT)
* and stack operations. All declared functions here are
* virtual, they must be implemented by concrete derived
* classes.
template <class T>
class Stack
/** clear
* Method to clear out or empty any items on stack,
* put stack back to empty state.
* Postcondition: Stack is empty.
virtual void clear() = 0;
/** isEmpty
* Function to determine whether the stack is empty. Needed
* because it is undefined to pop from empty stack. This
* function will not change the state of the stack (const).
* @returns bool true if stack is empty, false otherwise.
virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;
/** push
* Add a new item onto top of stack.
* @param newItem The item of template type T to push on
top of
* the current stack.
virtual void push(const T& newItem) = 0;
/** top
* Return the top item from the stack. Note in this ADT,
* at the top item does not remove the top item. Some ADT
* top() and pop() as one operation. It is undefined to try and
* peek at the top item of an empty stack. Derived classes
* throw an exception if this is attempted.
* @returns T Returns the top item from stack.
virtual T top() const = 0;
/** pop
* Remove the item from the top of the stack. It is undefined
* it means to try and pop from an empty stack. Derived
classes should
* throw an exception if pop() from empty is attempted.
virtual void pop() = 0;
/** size
* Accessor method to provide the current size of the stack.
virtual int size() const = 0;
/** tostring
* Represent stack as a string
virtual string tostring() const = 0;
// operload operators, mostly to support boolean comparison
// two stacks for testing
bool operator==(const Stack<T>& rhs) const;
virtual const T& operator[](int index) const = 0;
// overload output stream operator for all stacks using
template <typename U>
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Stack<U>&
/** Stack equivalence
* Compare two given stacks to determine if they are equal or
* stacks are equal if they are both of the same size, and each
* item on each stack is equal at the same position on the stack.
* This function relies on overloaded operator[] to access items
on stack
* by index for the comparison.
* @param rhs The stack on the right hand side of the boolean
* expression to compare this stack against to check for
* @returns bool Returns true if the stacks are equal, and false
template <class T>
bool Stack<T>::operator==(const Stack& rhs) const
// if number of items on the stacks don't match, then they can't
// be equivalent
if (this->size() != rhs.size())
return false;
// otherwise need to check each item individually
for (int index = 0; index < this->size(); index++)
if ((*this)[index] != rhs[index])
return false;
// if we get to this point, all items checked were equivalent, so
// we are done and the answer is yes the stacks are equal
return true;
/** Stack output stream operator
* Friend function for Stack ADT, overload output stream
operator to allow
* easy output of stack representation to an output stream.
template <typename U>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Stack<U>& aStack)
out << aStack.tostring();
return out;
/** Empty stack exception
* Class for empty stack exceptions
class EmptyStackException
string message;
message = "Error: operation on empty stack";
EmptyStackException(string str)
message = "Error: " + str + " attempted on emtpy stack";
string what()
return message;
/** InvalidIndex stack exception
* Class for InvalidIndex stack exceptions
class InvalidIndexStackException
string message;
message = "Error: invalid index attempted on stack";
InvalidIndexStackException(string str)
message = "Error: " + str + " invalid index reference on
string what()
return message;
/** stack (array implementation)
* Implementation of the stack ADT as a fixed array. This
* uses dynamic memory allocation, and demonstrates doubling
the size
* of the allocated space as needed to grow stack.
* @var allocSize The amount of memory currently allocated
for this stack.
* @var topIndex The index pointing to top item location on
stack array. The stack
* grows from 0 up, so the top also indicates the current size
of the stack.
* @var items The items on the stack. This is a dynamically
allocated array that
* can grow if needed when stack exceeds current allocation.
template <class T>
class AStack : public Stack<T>
int allocSize; // amount of memory allocated
int topIndex; // index to top item on stack, stack
T* items;
AStack(int initialAlloc = 100); // constructor
AStack(T initItems[], int length);
~AStack(); // destructor
void clear();
bool isEmpty() const;
void push(const T& newItem);
T top() const;
void pop();
int size() const;
string tostring() const;
const T& operator[](int index) const;
/** stack (array) constructor
* Constructor for stack. Default to enough room for 100 items
* @param initialAlloc Initial space to allocate for stack,
defaults to
* 100.
template <class T>
AStack<T>::AStack(int initialAlloc)
allocSize = initialAlloc;
topIndex = 0;
items = new T[allocSize];
/** stack (array) array constructor
* Constructor for stack. Copy items from an array as initial
* on the stack.
* @param items An array of items to copy/push onto the stack.
The item
* at index 0 of the array will be the bottom of the stack, and
* last item will end up on the top.
* @param length The total number of items in the array to
copy/push onto
* the new stack.
template <class T>
AStack<T>::AStack(T initItems[], int length)
allocSize = length;
topIndex = 0;
items = new T[allocSize];
// copy the init items to our block of memory. Also
// we update the topIndex to use as our iterator index
// and incidentally it will be correctly set to point to
// the top of the stack once this copy is finished.
for (topIndex = 0; topIndex < length; topIndex++)
items[topIndex] = initItems[topIndex];
/** stack (array) destructor
template <class T>
// free up currently allocated memory
delete [] items;
/** stack (array) clear
* Function to initialize the stack back to an empty state.
* Postcondition: topIndex = 0; isEmpty() == true
template <class T>
void AStack<T>::clear()
topIndex = 0;
/** stack (array) isEmpty
* Determine whether stack is currently empty or not.
* @returns returns true if the stack is empty, otherwis
* returns false.
template <class T>
bool AStack<T>::isEmpty() const
return topIndex == 0;
/** stack (array) push
* Add newItem to the top of the stack.
* Preconditon: The stack exists
* Postcondition: The stack is changed and newItem is added to
the top
* of the stack.
* @param newItem The new item to push on top of this stack.
template <class T>
void AStack<T>::push(const T& newItem)
// if stack is full, grow it
if (topIndex == allocSize)
// double the current size
allocSize = 2 * allocSize;
// alloc the new space
T* newItems = new T[allocSize];
// and copy the stack to the new storage space
for (int index = 0; index < topIndex; index++)
newItems[index] = items[index];
// free up the old space, start using the new space
delete [] items;
items = newItems;
// add the item, and increment our top
items[topIndex] = newItem;
/** stack (array) top
* Peek at and return the top element of the stack.
* Preconditon: The stack exists and is not empty
* Postcondition: If the stack is empty, we throw StackEmpty
* exception; otherwise, the top element of the stack is
* returned
* @param newItem The new item to push on top of this stack.
template <class T>
T AStack<T>::top() const
//assert(topIndex != 0);
if (topIndex == 0)
throw EmptyStackException("AStack<T>::top()");
return items[topIndex - 1];
/** stack (array) pop
* Remove the top element from the stack. Some ADT combine
* and top. We have two separate operations in this ADT.
* Preconditon: The stack exists and is not empty.
* Postcondition: If the stack is empty, we throw StackEmpty
* exception; otherwise the top element of the stack is removed
* from the stack.
template <class T>
void AStack<T>::pop()
// assert(topIndex != 0);
if (topIndex == 0)
throw EmptyStackException("AStack<T>::pop()");
/** Stack (array) size
* Return the current size (number of items) on this stack.
* @returns int Returns the current stack size.
template <class T>
int AStack<T>::size() const
return topIndex;
/** Stack (array) tostring
* Represent this stack as a string.
* @returns string Returns the contents of stack as a string.
template <class T>
string AStack<T>::tostring() const
ostringstream out;
out << "--TopTop--" << endl;
for (int index = topIndex- 1; index >= 0; index--)
out << items[index] << endl;
out << "--Bottom--" << endl;
return out.str();
/** Stack (array) indexing operator
* Access internel elements of stack using indexing operator[].
* This is not a normal stack operation, we use mainly for
* so that we can compare if two stack are equal at each internal
* element of the stack. For this reason, this operator should
* probably be private to the Stack class.
* @param index The index of the item onf the stack we want to
* and return, where index 0 represents the bottom of the stack
* index == size-1 is the top.
* @returns T Returns the item at "index" on the stack.
template <class T>
const T& AStack<T>::operator[](int index) const
// bounds checking, we will throw our stack exception if fails
if (index < 0 || index >= topIndex)
// otherwise we can directly access the asked for item from our
items array
return items[index];
/** Node
* A basic node contaning an item and a link to the next node in
* the linked list.
template <class T>
struct Node
T item;
Node<T>* link;
/** stack (linked list implementation)
* Implementation of the stack ADT as a dynamic linked list.
This implementation
* uses link nodes and grows (and shrinks) the nodes as items
popped and pushed
* onto stack.
template <class T>
class LStack : public Stack<T>
LStack(); // default constructor
~LStack(); // destructor
void clear();
bool isEmpty() const;
void push(const T& newItem);
T top() const;
void pop();
int size() const;
string tostring() const;
const T& operator[](int index) const;
Node<T>* stackTop;
int numItems;
/** stack (list) constructor
* Constructor for linked list version of stack.
template <class T>
stackTop = NULL;
numItems = 0;
/** stack (list) destructor
* Destructor for linked list version of stack.
template <class T>
/** stack (list) clear
template <class T>
void LStack<T>::clear()
Node<T>* temp;
// iterate through Nodes in stack, freeing them up
// as we visit them
while (stackTop != NULL)
temp = stackTop;
stackTop = stackTop->link;
// dellocate this Node memory
delete temp;
numItems = 0;
/** stack (list) isEmpty
template <class T>
bool LStack<T>::isEmpty() const
return stackTop == NULL;
/** stack (list) push
template <class T>
void LStack<T>::push(const T& newItem)
// dynamically allocate space for the new Node to hold
// this newItem
Node<T>* newNode = new Node<T>;
// initialize the node
newNode->item = newItem;
newNode->link = stackTop;
// now make this new node the new top of stack
stackTop = newNode;
/** stack (list) top
template <class T>
T LStack<T>::top() const
//assert(stackTop != NULL)
if (stackTop == NULL)
throw EmptyStackException("LStack<T>::top()");
return stackTop->item;
/** stack (list) pop
template <class T>
void LStack<T>::pop()
//assert(stackTop != NULL)
if (stackTop == NULL)
throw EmptyStackException("LStack<T>::pop()");
// keep track of the current top, so we can deallocate
Node<T>* temp;
temp = stackTop;
// pop off the top
stackTop = stackTop->link;
// deallocate the old top now
delete temp;
// update size after removal
/** Stack (list) size
* Return the current size (number of items) on this stack.
* @returns int Returns the current stack size.
template <class T>
int LStack<T>::size() const
return numItems;
/** stack (list) tostring
* Represent this stack as a string.
* @returns string Returns the contents of stack as a string.
template <class T>
string LStack<T>::tostring() const
ostringstream out;
Node<T>* temp = stackTop;
out << "--TopTop--" << endl;
while (temp != NULL)
out << temp->item << endl;
temp = temp->link;
out << "--Bottom--" << endl;
return out.str();
/** Stack (list) indexing operator
* Access internel elements of stack using indexing operator[].
* This is not a normal stack operation, we use mainly for
* so that we can compare if two stack are equal at each internal
* element of the stack. For this reason, this operator should
* probably be private to the Stack class.
* @param index The index of the item on the stack we want to
* and return, where index 0 represents the bottom of the stack
* index == size-1 is the top.
* @returns T Returns the item at "index" on the stack.
template <class T>
const T& LStack<T>::operator[](int index) const
// bounds checking, we will throw our stack exception if fails
if (index < 0 || index >= numItems)
throw InvalidIndexStackException("LStack<T>::operator[]");
// otherwise we will have to search our list for the desired item
// we will search backwards, so the stackTop node is at index
// numItems-1, and we iterate back through the list till we
// arrive at index
int currentIndex = numItems - 1;
Node<T>* currentNode = stackTop;
while (currentIndex != index)
currentNode = currentNode->link;
return currentNode->item;
* @author Jane Programmer
* @cwid 123 45 678
* @class
* @ide Visual Studio Community 2017
* @date
* @assg Assignment 10
* @description Assignment 10 Applications of stacks.
* the given functions and algorithms using a stack data type.
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include "Stack.hpp"
using namespace std;
// you can put your function implementations here, or
// create a header named StackApplications.hpp and
implementation file
// named StackApplicaitons.cpp and include the header file here
// #include "StackApplications.hpp"
/** main
* The main entry point for this program. Execution of this
* will begin with this main function.
* @param argc The command line argument count which is the
number of
* command line arguments provided by user when they
* the program.
* @param argv The command line arguments, an array of
* arrays.
* @returns An int value indicating program exit status.
Usually 0
* is returned to indicate normal exit and a non-zero value
* is returned to indicate an error condition.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
cout << "-------------- Test doParenthesisBalance() --------------
<< endl << endl;
string expression = "()";
cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> testing balanced
expression: '"
<< expression << "'" << endl;
//bool balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression);
//cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl;
expression = "(()((())))";
cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> testing balanced
expression: '"
<< expression << "'" << endl;
//balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression);
//cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl;
expression = "((((()))(()((()))))()(()))";
cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> testing balanced
expression: '"
<< expression << "'" << endl;
//balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression);
//cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl;
expression = "";
cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> testing empty expression,
should evaluate as balanced: '"
<< expression << "'" << endl;
//balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression);
//cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl;
expression = "(";
cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> simple unbalanced
expression: '"
<< expression << "'" << endl;
//balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression);
//cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl;
expression = ")";
cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> simple unbalanced
expression: '"
<< expression << "'" << endl;
//balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression);
//cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl;
expression = "((()(())())";
cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> complex unbalanced
expression: '"
<< expression << "'" << endl;
//balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression);
//cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl;
expression = "((((()))(()((())))()(()))";
cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> complex unbalanced
expression: '"
<< expression << "'" << endl;
//balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression);
//cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
cout << "-------------- Test decodeIDSequence() -----------------
<< endl << endl;
string result;
string sequence = "IIII";
cout << "<decodeIDSequence()> testing simple increase
sequence: '"
<< sequence << "'" << endl;
//result = decodeIDSequence(sequence);
//cout << " result: " << result << endl;
//assert(result == "12345");
sequence = "DDDD";
cout << "<decodeIDSequence()> testing simple decrease
sequence: '"
<< sequence << "'" << endl;
//result = decodeIDSequence(sequence);
//cout << " result: " << result << endl;
//assert(result == "54321");
sequence = "";
cout << "<decodeIDSequence()> testing empty: '"
<< sequence << "'" << endl;
//result = decodeIDSequence(sequence);
//cout << " result: " << result << endl;
//assert(result == "1");
sequence = "IDIDII";
cout << "<decodeIDSequence()> testing general sequence: '"
<< sequence << "'" << endl;
//result = decodeIDSequence(sequence);
//cout << " result: " << result << endl;
//assert(result == "1325467");
sequence = "IIDDIDID";
cout << "<decodeIDSequence()> testing general sequence: '"
<< sequence << "'" << endl;
//result = decodeIDSequence(sequence);
//cout << " result: " << result << endl;
//assert(result == "125437698");
cout << endl << endl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
cout << "-------------- Test insertItemOnSortedStack() ----------
<< endl << endl;
LStack<int> sortedStack;
// general test
cout << "<insertItemOnSortedStack()> general test, insert in
<< endl << endl;
cout << "before inserting: " << endl
<< sortedStack << endl;
//insertItemOnSortedStack(4, sortedStack);
cout << "after inserting: " << endl
<< sortedStack << endl;
//int stackSize = 6;
//int expectedItems1[] = {1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8};
//AStack<int> expectedStack1(expectedItems1, stackSize);
//assert(sortedStack == expectedStack1);
// test insert on empty stack
cout << "<insertItemOnSortedStack()> test inesrtion to empty
stack:" << endl << endl;
cout << "before inserting: " << endl
<< sortedStack << endl;
//insertItemOnSortedStack(5, sortedStack);
cout << "after inserting: " << endl
<< sortedStack << endl;
//stackSize = 1;
//int expectedItems2[] = {5};
//AStack<int> expectedStack2(expectedItems2, stackSize);
//assert(sortedStack == expectedStack2);
// test insert at top of stack
cout << "<insertItemOnSortedStack()> test insertion to top of
stack:" << endl << endl;
cout << "before inserting: " << endl
<< sortedStack << endl;
//insertItemOnSortedStack(9, sortedStack);
cout << "after inserting: " << endl
<< sortedStack << endl;
//stackSize = 2;
//int expectedItems3[] = {5, 9};
//AStack<int> expectedStack3(expectedItems3, stackSize);
//assert(sortedStack == expectedStack3);
// test insert at bottom of stack
cout << "<insertItemOnSortedStack()> test insertion to bottom
of stack:" << endl << endl;
cout << "before inserting: " << endl
<< sortedStack << endl;
//insertItemOnSortedStack(1, sortedStack);
cout << "after inserting: " << endl
<< sortedStack;
//stackSize = 3;
//int expectedItems4[] = {1, 5, 9};
//AStack<int> expectedStack4(expectedItems4, stackSize);
//assert(sortedStack == expectedStack4);
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "-------------- Test sortStack() ----------------------------
<< endl << endl;
LStack<string> aStack;
// general test of stackSort() function
cout << "<sortStack()> general test:" << endl << endl;
cout << "before sorting:" << endl
<< aStack << endl;
cout << "after sorting: " << endl
<< aStack << endl;
//stackSize = 5;
//string expectedItems5[] = {"Allan", "Bobbie", "Chris",
"Susan", "Tom"};
//AStack<string> expectedStack5(expectedItems5, stackSize);
//assert(aStack == expectedStack5);
// sort an empty stack
cout << "<sortStack()> sort an empty stack:" << endl << endl;
cout << "before sorting:" << endl
<< aStack << endl;
cout << "after sorting: " << endl
<< aStack << endl;
//AStack<string> expectedStack6; // empty stack
//assert(aStack == expectedStack6);
// sort stack with single item
cout << "<sortStack()> sort single item sized stack:" << endl
<< endl;
cout << "before sorting:" << endl
<< aStack << endl;
cout << "after sorting: " << endl
<< aStack << endl;
//stackSize = 1;
//string expectedItems7[] = {"Alice"};
//AStack<string> expectedStack7(expectedItems7, stackSize);
//assert(aStack == expectedStack7);
// sort already sorted stack
cout << "<sortStack()> sort already sorted stack:" << endl <<
cout << "before sorting:" << endl
<< aStack << endl;
cout << "after sorting: " << endl
<< aStack << endl;
//stackSize = 4;
//string expectedItems8[] = {"Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "Dave"};
//AStack<string> expectedStack8(expectedItems8, stackSize);
//assert(aStack == expectedStack8);
// return 0 to indicate successful completion
return 0;
More practice with recursion.
Practice writing some template functions.
Use stack ADT to implement given algorithms.
Look at some common applications of stacks.Description
In this assignment, you will be using the Stack abstract data
type we developed this week and discussed in our weeks
lectures, to implement 4 functions that use a stack data type to
accomplish their algorithms. The functions range from
relatively simple, straight forward use of a stack, to a bit more
complex. But in all 4 cases, you should only need to use the
abstract stack interface functions push(), pop(), top(), and
isEmpty() in order to successfully use our Stack type for this
assignment and the function you are asked to write.
For this assignment you need to perform the following tasks.
1. In the rst task, we will write a function that will check if a
string of parenthesis is matching. Strings will be given to the
function of the format "(()((())))", using only opening "(" and
closing ")". Your function should be named
doParenthesisMatch(). It takes a single string as input, and it
returns a boolean result of true if the parenthesis match, and
false otherwise.
The algorithm to check for matching parenthesis using a stack is
fairly simple. A pseudo-code description migth be
for each charcter c in expression do
if c is an open paren ’(’ push it on stack
if c is a close paren ’)’:
if stack is empty
answer is false, because we can’t match the current ’)’
else pop stack, because we just matched an open ’(’ with a close
Your function will be given a C++ string class as input. It is
relatively simple to parse each character of a C++ string. Here
is an example for loop to do this:
s = "(())";
for (size_t index = 0; index < s.length(); index++)
{ char c = s[index];
// handle char c of the string expression s here }
2. In the next task, we will also write a function that decodes a
string expression. Given a sequence consisting of ’I’ and ’D’
characters, where ’I’ denotes increasing and ’D’ denotes
decreasing, decode the given sequence to construct a "minimum
number" without repeated digits.
An example of some inputs and outputs will make it clear what
is meant by a "minimal number".
If you are given 4 characters in the input sequence, the result
will be a number with 5 characters, and further only the digits
’12345’ would be in the "minimal number" output. Each ’I’ and
’D’ in the input denotes that the next digit in the output should
go up (increase) or go down (decrease) respectively. As you can
see for the input sequence "IDI" you have to accommodate the
sequence, thus the output goes from 1 to 3 for the initial
increase, becase in order to then decrease, and also only have
the digits ’123’, we need 3 for the second digit so the third can
decrease to 2.
Take a moment to think how you might write an algorithm to
solve this problem? It may be di cult to think of any solution
involving a simple iterative loop (though a recursive function is
not too di cult).
However, the algorithm is relatively simple if we use a stack.
Here is the pseudo-code:
for each character c in input sequence
push character index+1 onto stack (given 0 based index in C)
if we have processed all characters or c == ’I’ (an increase) do
pop each index from stack and append it to the end of result
Your function should be named decodeIDSequence(). It will
take a string of input sequence, like "IDI" as input, and it will
return a string type, the resulting minimal number. Notice we
will be constructing a string to return here, so simply start with
an empty string ~string result = ""‘ and append the digits to the
end when you pop them from the stack as described.
3. In the third task, you will write two functions that will be
able to sort a stack. First of all, you should write a simpler
method that, given an already sorted stack as input, and an item
of the same type as the stack type, the item should be inserted
into the correct position on the sorted stack to keep it sorted.
For example, the stacks will be sorted in ascending order, where
the item at the bottom of the stack is the smallest value, and the
item at the top is the largest, like this:
top: 8 7 5 3 1 :bottom
If we call the function to insert a 4 into this sorted stack, the
result should be:
top: 8 7 5 4 3 1
Your function should be called insertItemOnSortedStack(). This
function takes an item as its rst parameter, and a reference to a
Stack as its second parameter. You should create and use
another temporary stack in your function in order to accmplish
the task. The pseudo-code to accomplish this insertion is
relatively simple:
given inputStack
and create temporaryStack for this algorithm
while top of inputStack > item we want to insert do pop topItem
from inputStack push topItem onto the temporaryStack
at this point, items on inputStack are <= to the item we want to
insert so push item onto inputStack
now put items back from temporaryStack to original inputStack
while temporaryStack is not empty
do pop topItem from temporaryStack push topItem onto the
inputStack done
The tests given for the insert function use an AStack<int> (a
stack of integers) for the tests. You can originally create your
function to use a Stack<int> & as its second input parameter. It
is important that the stack be a reference parameter here. Also
notice that instead of specifying an AStack<int> &, we specify
the abstract base class Stack<int> &. This is to demonstrate the
power of using virtual classes and class abstractions. If you
specify the base class, you can pass an AStack or an LStack or
any class that is derived from the base Stack class, as long as
that class implements all of the virtual functions of the abstract
Stack interface. Once you have your function working for
Stack<int> &, templatize your function. We practiced creating
function templates in a previous assignment. Here it should be
relatively simple, you simply need to add the template <class
before the function, and change the <int> to <T> to templatize.
Once you do this, you function should still work and pass the
tests using an <int> type.
Once you have your insertItemOnSortedStack() template
function working, it is even easier to use this function to create
a sortStack() function. We could implement this function again
using a temporary stack, but for this fourth and nal function I
want you instead to create a recursive function. A recursive
function in this case is going to work in essentially the same
way, but we will be using the OS/system function call stack
implicitly to perform the algorithm, rather than explicitly
creating and using our own temporary stack.
Create a function called sortStack(). This function should take a
Stack<string> & (a reference to a Stack of <string> types) as its
only parameters. You will later templatize this function as well,
but all of the tests of sortStack() use stacks of strings, so get it
working rst for strings, then try and templatize the function.
This is a void funciton, it doesn’t return a result, but it
implicitly causes the stack it is given to become sorted.
The function, as the name implies, will take an unsorted stack,
and will sort them in the same order we used previously, e.g. in
ascending order with the smallest item at the bottom of the
stack, and the largest at the top. The pseudo-code to accomplish
this using a recursize algorithm is as follows:
given inputStack as an input parameter
# the base case
if inputStack is empty, do nothing (return)
# the general case
take top item from inputStack and save it in a local variable call
sortStack(inputStack) recursively on this now smaller stack
# on return, the stack should be sorted, so
insertItemOnSortedStack(my item I popped, inputStack)
Once you have it working for <string> type stacks, also
templatize your sortStack() function, so that it will actually
work to sort a Stack of any type.
In this assignment you will only be given 2 les, an assg-10-
tests.cpp le with a main function and unit tests of the functions
you are to write. You will also use the Stack.hpp header le that
was developed and shown in the videos for class this week. You
should not have to add or change any code in Stack.hpp. You
just need to use the Stack class to implement your
code/functions for this assignment. As usual, the tests have been
commented out. I strongly suggest you implement the functions
one at a time, in the order described above, and uncomment
each test 1 at a time to test your work incrementally. If you
implement your code correctly and uncomment all of the tests,
you should get the following correct output:
-------------- Test doParenthesisBalance() ----------------------
<doParenthesisBalance()> testing balanced expression: ’()’
balanced: true
<doParenthesisBalance()> testing balanced expression:
’(()((())))’ balanced: true
<doParenthesisBalance()> testing balanced expression:
’((((()))(()((()))))()(()))’ balanced: true
<doParenthesisBalance()> testing empty expression, should
evaluate as balanced: ’’ balanced: true
<doParenthesisBalance()> simple unbalanced expression: ’(’
balanced: false
<doParenthesisBalance()> simple unbalanced expression: ’)’
balanced: false
<doParenthesisBalance()> complex unbalanced expression:
’((()(())())’ balanced: false
<doParenthesisBalance()> complex unbalanced expression:
’((((()))(()((())))()(()))’ balanced: false
-------------- Test decodeIDSequence() --------------------------
<decodeIDSequence()> testing simple increase sequence: ’IIII’
result: 12345
<decodeIDSequence()> testing simple decrease sequence:
’DDDD’ result: 54321
<decodeIDSequence()> testing empty: ’’ result: 1
<decodeIDSequence()> testing general sequence: ’IDIDII’
result: 1325467
<decodeIDSequence()> testing general sequence: ’IIDDIDID’
result: 125437698
-------------- Test insertItemOnSortedStack() -----------------
<insertItemOnSortedStack()> general test, insert in middle:
before inserting:
after inserting:
<insertItemOnSortedStack()> test inesrtion to empty stack:
before inserting:
after inserting:
<insertItemOnSortedStack()> test insertion to top of stack:
before inserting:
after inserting:
<insertItemOnSortedStack()> test insertion to bottom of stack:
before inserting:
after inserting:
-------------- Test sortStack() -------------------------------
<sortStack()> general test:
before sorting:
after sorting:
<sortStack()> sort an empty stack:
before sorting: --TopTop---Bottom--
after sorting: --TopTop--
<sortStack()> sort single item sized stack: before sorting:
after sorting:
<sortStack()> sort already sorted stack:
before sorting:
after sorting:
--Bottom--Assignment Submission
A MyLeoOnline submission folder has been created for this
assignment. You should attach and upload your completed assg-
10.cpp source les to the submission folder to complete this
assignment. I didn’t put the code/functions in a separate
.cpp/.hpp le, but feel free to make a le named
StackApplications.[hpp|cpp] with function prototypes and your
4 functions implementations if you like, and submit it that way,
though I will accept the functions simply above the main() in
the assg-10.cpp le this week, if you prefer.Requirements and
Grading Rubrics
Program Execution, Output and Functional Requirements
1. Your program must compile, run and produce some sort of
output to be graded. 0 if not satis ed.
2. (25 pts.) doParenthesisMatch() is implemented correctly and
is passing all of the tests. Used a stack of from our class
Stack.hpp to implement the algorithm.
3. (25 pts.) decodeIDSequence() implemented and correct. Used
a stack from our class Stack.hpp stack implemenation to
implement the asked for algorithm.
4. (25 pts.) insertItemOnSortedStack() implemented and
working. The function is correctly templatized. The function
takes a reference to the Stack abstract class as it second
5. (25 pts.) sortStack() implemented as described and working.
The function was implemented using recursion as required. The
function was templatized as asked for. The function takes a
reference to a Stack base class as its only parameter.
Program Style
Your programs must conform to the style and formatting
guidelines given for this class. The following is a list of the
guidelines that are required for the assignment to be submitted
this week.
1. Most importantly, make sure you gure out how to set your
indentation settings correctly. All programs must use 2 spaces
for all indentation levels, and all indentation levels must be
correctly indented. Also all tabs must be removed from les, and
only 2 spaces used for indentation.
2. A function header must be present for member functions you
de ne. You must give a short description of the function, and
document all of the input parameters to the function, as well as
the return value and data type of the function if it returns a
value for the member functions, just like for regular functions.
However, setter and getter methods do not require function
3. You should have a document header for your class. The class
header document should give a description of the class. Also
you should document all private member variables that the class
manages in the class document header.
4. Do not include any statements (such as system("pause") or
inputting a key from the user to continue) that are meant to keep
the terminal from going away. Do not include any code that is
speci c to a single operating system, such as the
system("pause") which is Microsoft Windows speci c.

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@author Derek Harter @cwid 123 45 678 @class .docx

  • 1. /** * @author Derek Harter * @cwid 123 45 678 * @class * @ide Visual Studio Community 2017 * @date * @assg C++ Stacks videos * * @description A Stack ADT with two concrete impelementation * examples: an array based stack implementaiton (AStack), and * a linked list based implementation (LStack). */ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** stack (base class) * The basic definition of the Stack Abstract Data Type (ADT) * and stack operations. All declared functions here are * virtual, they must be implemented by concrete derived * classes. */ template <class T> class Stack { public: /** clear * Method to clear out or empty any items on stack,
  • 2. * put stack back to empty state. * Postcondition: Stack is empty. */ virtual void clear() = 0; /** isEmpty * Function to determine whether the stack is empty. Needed * because it is undefined to pop from empty stack. This * function will not change the state of the stack (const). * * @returns bool true if stack is empty, false otherwise. */ virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0; /** push * Add a new item onto top of stack. * * @param newItem The item of template type T to push on top of * the current stack. */ virtual void push(const T& newItem) = 0; /** top * Return the top item from the stack. Note in this ADT, peeking * at the top item does not remove the top item. Some ADT combine * top() and pop() as one operation. It is undefined to try and * peek at the top item of an empty stack. Derived classes should * throw an exception if this is attempted. * * @returns T Returns the top item from stack. */ virtual T top() const = 0;
  • 3. /** pop * Remove the item from the top of the stack. It is undefined what * it means to try and pop from an empty stack. Derived classes should * throw an exception if pop() from empty is attempted. */ virtual void pop() = 0; /** size * Accessor method to provide the current size of the stack. */ virtual int size() const = 0; /** tostring * Represent stack as a string */ virtual string tostring() const = 0; // operload operators, mostly to support boolean comparison between // two stacks for testing bool operator==(const Stack<T>& rhs) const; virtual const T& operator[](int index) const = 0; // overload output stream operator for all stacks using tostring() template <typename U> friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Stack<U>& aStack); }; /** Stack equivalence
  • 4. * Compare two given stacks to determine if they are equal or not. * stacks are equal if they are both of the same size, and each corresponding * item on each stack is equal at the same position on the stack. * This function relies on overloaded operator[] to access items on stack * by index for the comparison. * * @param rhs The stack on the right hand side of the boolean comparison * expression to compare this stack against to check for equivalence. * * @returns bool Returns true if the stacks are equal, and false otherwise. */ template <class T> bool Stack<T>::operator==(const Stack& rhs) const { // if number of items on the stacks don't match, then they can't // be equivalent if (this->size() != rhs.size()) { return false; } // otherwise need to check each item individually for (int index = 0; index < this->size(); index++) { if ((*this)[index] != rhs[index]) { return false; } }
  • 5. // if we get to this point, all items checked were equivalent, so // we are done and the answer is yes the stacks are equal return true; } /** Stack output stream operator * Friend function for Stack ADT, overload output stream operator to allow * easy output of stack representation to an output stream. */ template <typename U> ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Stack<U>& aStack) { out << aStack.tostring(); return out; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Empty stack exception * Class for empty stack exceptions */ class EmptyStackException { private: string message; public: EmptyStackException() { message = "Error: operation on empty stack"; } EmptyStackException(string str)
  • 6. { message = "Error: " + str + " attempted on emtpy stack"; } string what() { return message; } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** InvalidIndex stack exception * Class for InvalidIndex stack exceptions */ class InvalidIndexStackException { private: string message; public: InvalidIndexStackException() { message = "Error: invalid index attempted on stack"; } InvalidIndexStackException(string str) { message = "Error: " + str + " invalid index reference on stack"; } string what() { return message; }
  • 7. }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** stack (array implementation) * Implementation of the stack ADT as a fixed array. This implementation * uses dynamic memory allocation, and demonstrates doubling the size * of the allocated space as needed to grow stack. * * @var allocSize The amount of memory currently allocated for this stack. * @var topIndex The index pointing to top item location on stack array. The stack * grows from 0 up, so the top also indicates the current size of the stack. * @var items The items on the stack. This is a dynamically allocated array that * can grow if needed when stack exceeds current allocation. */ template <class T> class AStack : public Stack<T> { private: int allocSize; // amount of memory allocated int topIndex; // index to top item on stack, stack T* items; public: AStack(int initialAlloc = 100); // constructor AStack(T initItems[], int length); ~AStack(); // destructor void clear(); bool isEmpty() const;
  • 8. void push(const T& newItem); T top() const; void pop(); int size() const; string tostring() const; const T& operator[](int index) const; }; /** stack (array) constructor * Constructor for stack. Default to enough room for 100 items * * @param initialAlloc Initial space to allocate for stack, defaults to * 100. */ template <class T> AStack<T>::AStack(int initialAlloc) { allocSize = initialAlloc; topIndex = 0; items = new T[allocSize]; } /** stack (array) array constructor * Constructor for stack. Copy items from an array as initial items * on the stack. * * @param items An array of items to copy/push onto the stack. The item * at index 0 of the array will be the bottom of the stack, and the * last item will end up on the top. * @param length The total number of items in the array to
  • 9. copy/push onto * the new stack. */ template <class T> AStack<T>::AStack(T initItems[], int length) { allocSize = length; topIndex = 0; items = new T[allocSize]; // copy the init items to our block of memory. Also // we update the topIndex to use as our iterator index // and incidentally it will be correctly set to point to // the top of the stack once this copy is finished. for (topIndex = 0; topIndex < length; topIndex++) { items[topIndex] = initItems[topIndex]; } } /** stack (array) destructor */ template <class T> AStack<T>::~AStack() { // free up currently allocated memory delete [] items; } /** stack (array) clear * Function to initialize the stack back to an empty state. * Postcondition: topIndex = 0; isEmpty() == true */ template <class T>
  • 10. void AStack<T>::clear() { topIndex = 0; } /** stack (array) isEmpty * Determine whether stack is currently empty or not. * * @returns returns true if the stack is empty, otherwis * returns false. */ template <class T> bool AStack<T>::isEmpty() const { return topIndex == 0; } /** stack (array) push * Add newItem to the top of the stack. * Preconditon: The stack exists * Postcondition: The stack is changed and newItem is added to the top * of the stack. * @param newItem The new item to push on top of this stack. */ template <class T> void AStack<T>::push(const T& newItem) { // if stack is full, grow it if (topIndex == allocSize) { // double the current size allocSize = 2 * allocSize;
  • 11. // alloc the new space T* newItems = new T[allocSize]; // and copy the stack to the new storage space for (int index = 0; index < topIndex; index++) { newItems[index] = items[index]; } // free up the old space, start using the new space delete [] items; items = newItems; } // add the item, and increment our top items[topIndex] = newItem; topIndex++; } /** stack (array) top * Peek at and return the top element of the stack. * Preconditon: The stack exists and is not empty * Postcondition: If the stack is empty, we throw StackEmpty * exception; otherwise, the top element of the stack is * returned * @param newItem The new item to push on top of this stack. */ template <class T> T AStack<T>::top() const { //assert(topIndex != 0); if (topIndex == 0) { throw EmptyStackException("AStack<T>::top()"); }
  • 12. else { return items[topIndex - 1]; } } /** stack (array) pop * Remove the top element from the stack. Some ADT combine pop * and top. We have two separate operations in this ADT. * Preconditon: The stack exists and is not empty. * Postcondition: If the stack is empty, we throw StackEmpty * exception; otherwise the top element of the stack is removed * from the stack. */ template <class T> void AStack<T>::pop() { // assert(topIndex != 0); if (topIndex == 0) { throw EmptyStackException("AStack<T>::pop()"); } else { topIndex--; } } /** Stack (array) size * Return the current size (number of items) on this stack. * * @returns int Returns the current stack size. */
  • 13. template <class T> int AStack<T>::size() const { return topIndex; } /** Stack (array) tostring * Represent this stack as a string. * * @returns string Returns the contents of stack as a string. */ template <class T> string AStack<T>::tostring() const { ostringstream out; out << "--TopTop--" << endl; for (int index = topIndex- 1; index >= 0; index--) { out << items[index] << endl; } out << "--Bottom--" << endl; return out.str(); } /** Stack (array) indexing operator * Access internel elements of stack using indexing operator[]. * This is not a normal stack operation, we use mainly for testing * so that we can compare if two stack are equal at each internal * element of the stack. For this reason, this operator should * probably be private to the Stack class. *
  • 14. * @param index The index of the item onf the stack we want to access * and return, where index 0 represents the bottom of the stack and * index == size-1 is the top. * * @returns T Returns the item at "index" on the stack. */ template <class T> const T& AStack<T>::operator[](int index) const { // bounds checking, we will throw our stack exception if fails if (index < 0 || index >= topIndex) { throw InvalidIndexStackException("AStack<T>::operator[]"); } // otherwise we can directly access the asked for item from our items array else { return items[index]; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Node * A basic node contaning an item and a link to the next node in * the linked list. */ template <class T> struct Node { T item; Node<T>* link;
  • 15. }; /** stack (linked list implementation) * Implementation of the stack ADT as a dynamic linked list. This implementation * uses link nodes and grows (and shrinks) the nodes as items popped and pushed * onto stack. */ template <class T> class LStack : public Stack<T> { public: LStack(); // default constructor ~LStack(); // destructor void clear(); bool isEmpty() const; void push(const T& newItem); T top() const; void pop(); int size() const; string tostring() const; const T& operator[](int index) const; private: Node<T>* stackTop; int numItems; }; /** stack (list) constructor * Constructor for linked list version of stack. */ template <class T> LStack<T>::LStack()
  • 16. { stackTop = NULL; numItems = 0; } /** stack (list) destructor * Destructor for linked list version of stack. */ template <class T> LStack<T>::~LStack() { clear(); } /** stack (list) clear * */ template <class T> void LStack<T>::clear() { Node<T>* temp; // iterate through Nodes in stack, freeing them up // as we visit them while (stackTop != NULL) { temp = stackTop; stackTop = stackTop->link; // dellocate this Node memory delete temp; } numItems = 0;
  • 17. } /** stack (list) isEmpty * */ template <class T> bool LStack<T>::isEmpty() const { return stackTop == NULL; } /** stack (list) push * */ template <class T> void LStack<T>::push(const T& newItem) { // dynamically allocate space for the new Node to hold // this newItem Node<T>* newNode = new Node<T>; // initialize the node newNode->item = newItem; newNode->link = stackTop; // now make this new node the new top of stack stackTop = newNode; numItems++; } /** stack (list) top * */
  • 18. template <class T> T LStack<T>::top() const { //assert(stackTop != NULL) if (stackTop == NULL) { throw EmptyStackException("LStack<T>::top()"); } else { return stackTop->item; } } /** stack (list) pop * */ template <class T> void LStack<T>::pop() { //assert(stackTop != NULL) if (stackTop == NULL) { throw EmptyStackException("LStack<T>::pop()"); } else { // keep track of the current top, so we can deallocate Node<T>* temp; temp = stackTop; // pop off the top stackTop = stackTop->link; // deallocate the old top now
  • 19. delete temp; // update size after removal numItems--; } } /** Stack (list) size * Return the current size (number of items) on this stack. * * @returns int Returns the current stack size. */ template <class T> int LStack<T>::size() const { return numItems; } /** stack (list) tostring * Represent this stack as a string. * * @returns string Returns the contents of stack as a string. */ template <class T> string LStack<T>::tostring() const { ostringstream out; Node<T>* temp = stackTop; out << "--TopTop--" << endl; while (temp != NULL) { out << temp->item << endl; temp = temp->link;
  • 20. } out << "--Bottom--" << endl; return out.str(); } /** Stack (list) indexing operator * Access internel elements of stack using indexing operator[]. * This is not a normal stack operation, we use mainly for testing * so that we can compare if two stack are equal at each internal * element of the stack. For this reason, this operator should * probably be private to the Stack class. * * @param index The index of the item on the stack we want to access * and return, where index 0 represents the bottom of the stack and * index == size-1 is the top. * * @returns T Returns the item at "index" on the stack. */ template <class T> const T& LStack<T>::operator[](int index) const { // bounds checking, we will throw our stack exception if fails if (index < 0 || index >= numItems) { throw InvalidIndexStackException("LStack<T>::operator[]"); } // otherwise we will have to search our list for the desired item // we will search backwards, so the stackTop node is at index // numItems-1, and we iterate back through the list till we // arrive at index else
  • 21. { int currentIndex = numItems - 1; Node<T>* currentNode = stackTop; while (currentIndex != index) { currentIndex--; currentNode = currentNode->link; } return currentNode->item; } } /** * @author Jane Programmer * @cwid 123 45 678 * @class * @ide Visual Studio Community 2017 * @date * @assg Assignment 10 * * @description Assignment 10 Applications of stacks. Implement * the given functions and algorithms using a stack data type. */ #include <iostream> #include <cassert> #include "Stack.hpp" using namespace std; // you can put your function implementations here, or alternatively // create a header named StackApplications.hpp and
  • 22. implementation file // named StackApplicaitons.cpp and include the header file here // #include "StackApplications.hpp" /** main * The main entry point for this program. Execution of this program * will begin with this main function. * * @param argc The command line argument count which is the number of * command line arguments provided by user when they started * the program. * @param argv The command line arguments, an array of character * arrays. * * @returns An int value indicating program exit status. Usually 0 * is returned to indicate normal exit and a non-zero value * is returned to indicate an error condition. */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << "-------------- Test doParenthesisBalance() -------------- --------" << endl << endl; string expression = "()"; cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> testing balanced expression: '" << expression << "'" << endl; //bool balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression); //cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl;
  • 23. //assert(balanced); expression = "(()((())))"; cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> testing balanced expression: '" << expression << "'" << endl; //balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression); //cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl; //assert(balanced); expression = "((((()))(()((()))))()(()))"; cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> testing balanced expression: '" << expression << "'" << endl; //balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression); //cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl; //assert(balanced); expression = ""; cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> testing empty expression, should evaluate as balanced: '" << expression << "'" << endl; //balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression); //cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl; //assert(balanced); expression = "("; cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> simple unbalanced expression: '" << expression << "'" << endl; //balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression); //cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl; //assert(!balanced); expression = ")"; cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> simple unbalanced
  • 24. expression: '" << expression << "'" << endl; //balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression); //cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl; //assert(!balanced); expression = "((()(())())"; cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> complex unbalanced expression: '" << expression << "'" << endl; //balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression); //cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl; //assert(!balanced); expression = "((((()))(()((())))()(()))"; cout << "<doParenthesisBalance()> complex unbalanced expression: '" << expression << "'" << endl; //balanced = doParenthesisBalance(expression); //cout << " balanced: " << boolalpha << balanced << endl; //assert(!balanced); cout << endl << endl; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- cout << "-------------- Test decodeIDSequence() ----------------- ---------" << endl << endl; string result; string sequence = "IIII"; cout << "<decodeIDSequence()> testing simple increase sequence: '" << sequence << "'" << endl; //result = decodeIDSequence(sequence);
  • 25. //cout << " result: " << result << endl; //assert(result == "12345"); sequence = "DDDD"; cout << "<decodeIDSequence()> testing simple decrease sequence: '" << sequence << "'" << endl; //result = decodeIDSequence(sequence); //cout << " result: " << result << endl; //assert(result == "54321"); sequence = ""; cout << "<decodeIDSequence()> testing empty: '" << sequence << "'" << endl; //result = decodeIDSequence(sequence); //cout << " result: " << result << endl; //assert(result == "1"); sequence = "IDIDII"; cout << "<decodeIDSequence()> testing general sequence: '" << sequence << "'" << endl; //result = decodeIDSequence(sequence); //cout << " result: " << result << endl; //assert(result == "1325467"); sequence = "IIDDIDID"; cout << "<decodeIDSequence()> testing general sequence: '" << sequence << "'" << endl; //result = decodeIDSequence(sequence); //cout << " result: " << result << endl; //assert(result == "125437698"); cout << endl << endl; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 26. cout << "-------------- Test insertItemOnSortedStack() ---------- --------" << endl << endl; LStack<int> sortedStack; sortedStack.push(1); sortedStack.push(3); sortedStack.push(5); sortedStack.push(7); sortedStack.push(8); // general test cout << "<insertItemOnSortedStack()> general test, insert in middle:" << endl << endl; cout << "before inserting: " << endl << sortedStack << endl; //insertItemOnSortedStack(4, sortedStack); cout << "after inserting: " << endl << sortedStack << endl; //int stackSize = 6; //int expectedItems1[] = {1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8}; //AStack<int> expectedStack1(expectedItems1, stackSize); //assert(sortedStack == expectedStack1); // test insert on empty stack sortedStack.clear(); cout << "<insertItemOnSortedStack()> test inesrtion to empty stack:" << endl << endl; cout << "before inserting: " << endl << sortedStack << endl; //insertItemOnSortedStack(5, sortedStack); cout << "after inserting: " << endl << sortedStack << endl; //stackSize = 1;
  • 27. //int expectedItems2[] = {5}; //AStack<int> expectedStack2(expectedItems2, stackSize); //assert(sortedStack == expectedStack2); // test insert at top of stack cout << "<insertItemOnSortedStack()> test insertion to top of stack:" << endl << endl; cout << "before inserting: " << endl << sortedStack << endl; //insertItemOnSortedStack(9, sortedStack); cout << "after inserting: " << endl << sortedStack << endl; //stackSize = 2; //int expectedItems3[] = {5, 9}; //AStack<int> expectedStack3(expectedItems3, stackSize); //assert(sortedStack == expectedStack3); // test insert at bottom of stack cout << "<insertItemOnSortedStack()> test insertion to bottom of stack:" << endl << endl; cout << "before inserting: " << endl << sortedStack << endl; //insertItemOnSortedStack(1, sortedStack); cout << "after inserting: " << endl << sortedStack; //stackSize = 3; //int expectedItems4[] = {1, 5, 9}; //AStack<int> expectedStack4(expectedItems4, stackSize); //assert(sortedStack == expectedStack4); cout << endl << endl; cout << "-------------- Test sortStack() ----------------------------
  • 28. ----" << endl << endl; LStack<string> aStack; aStack.push("Susan"); aStack.push("Tom"); aStack.push("Allan"); aStack.push("Bobbie"); aStack.push("Chris"); // general test of stackSort() function cout << "<sortStack()> general test:" << endl << endl; cout << "before sorting:" << endl << aStack << endl; //sortStack(aStack); cout << "after sorting: " << endl << aStack << endl; //stackSize = 5; //string expectedItems5[] = {"Allan", "Bobbie", "Chris", "Susan", "Tom"}; //AStack<string> expectedStack5(expectedItems5, stackSize); //assert(aStack == expectedStack5); // sort an empty stack aStack.clear(); cout << "<sortStack()> sort an empty stack:" << endl << endl; cout << "before sorting:" << endl << aStack << endl; //sortStack(aStack); cout << "after sorting: " << endl << aStack << endl; //AStack<string> expectedStack6; // empty stack //assert(aStack == expectedStack6);
  • 29. // sort stack with single item aStack.push("Alice"); cout << "<sortStack()> sort single item sized stack:" << endl << endl; cout << "before sorting:" << endl << aStack << endl; //sortStack(aStack); cout << "after sorting: " << endl << aStack << endl; //stackSize = 1; //string expectedItems7[] = {"Alice"}; //AStack<string> expectedStack7(expectedItems7, stackSize); //assert(aStack == expectedStack7); // sort already sorted stack aStack.push("Bob"); aStack.push("Carol"); aStack.push("Dave"); cout << "<sortStack()> sort already sorted stack:" << endl << endl; cout << "before sorting:" << endl << aStack << endl; //sortStack(aStack); cout << "after sorting: " << endl << aStack << endl; //stackSize = 4; //string expectedItems8[] = {"Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "Dave"}; //AStack<string> expectedStack8(expectedItems8, stackSize); //assert(aStack == expectedStack8); // return 0 to indicate successful completion return 0; }
  • 30. Objectives More practice with recursion. Practice writing some template functions. Use stack ADT to implement given algorithms. Look at some common applications of stacks.Description In this assignment, you will be using the Stack abstract data type we developed this week and discussed in our weeks lectures, to implement 4 functions that use a stack data type to accomplish their algorithms. The functions range from relatively simple, straight forward use of a stack, to a bit more complex. But in all 4 cases, you should only need to use the abstract stack interface functions push(), pop(), top(), and isEmpty() in order to successfully use our Stack type for this assignment and the function you are asked to write. For this assignment you need to perform the following tasks. 1. In the rst task, we will write a function that will check if a string of parenthesis is matching. Strings will be given to the function of the format "(()((())))", using only opening "(" and closing ")". Your function should be named doParenthesisMatch(). It takes a single string as input, and it returns a boolean result of true if the parenthesis match, and false otherwise. The algorithm to check for matching parenthesis using a stack is fairly simple. A pseudo-code description migth be for each charcter c in expression do if c is an open paren ’(’ push it on stack if c is a close paren ’)’: do if stack is empty answer is false, because we can’t match the current ’)’ else pop stack, because we just matched an open ’(’ with a close ’)’ done done Your function will be given a C++ string class as input. It is
  • 31. relatively simple to parse each character of a C++ string. Here is an example for loop to do this: s = "(())"; for (size_t index = 0; index < s.length(); index++) { char c = s[index]; // handle char c of the string expression s here } 2. In the next task, we will also write a function that decodes a string expression. Given a sequence consisting of ’I’ and ’D’ characters, where ’I’ denotes increasing and ’D’ denotes decreasing, decode the given sequence to construct a "minimum number" without repeated digits. An example of some inputs and outputs will make it clear what is meant by a "minimal number". sequence output IIII -> 12345 DDDD -> 54321 ID -> 132 IDIDII -> 1325467 IIDDIDID -> 125437698 If you are given 4 characters in the input sequence, the result will be a number with 5 characters, and further only the digits ’12345’ would be in the "minimal number" output. Each ’I’ and ’D’ in the input denotes that the next digit in the output should go up (increase) or go down (decrease) respectively. As you can
  • 32. see for the input sequence "IDI" you have to accommodate the sequence, thus the output goes from 1 to 3 for the initial increase, becase in order to then decrease, and also only have the digits ’123’, we need 3 for the second digit so the third can decrease to 2. Take a moment to think how you might write an algorithm to solve this problem? It may be di cult to think of any solution involving a simple iterative loop (though a recursive function is not too di cult). However, the algorithm is relatively simple if we use a stack. Here is the pseudo-code: for each character c in input sequence do push character index+1 onto stack (given 0 based index in C) if we have processed all characters or c == ’I’ (an increase) do pop each index from stack and append it to the end of result done done Your function should be named decodeIDSequence(). It will take a string of input sequence, like "IDI" as input, and it will return a string type, the resulting minimal number. Notice we will be constructing a string to return here, so simply start with an empty string ~string result = ""‘ and append the digits to the end when you pop them from the stack as described. 3. In the third task, you will write two functions that will be able to sort a stack. First of all, you should write a simpler method that, given an already sorted stack as input, and an item of the same type as the stack type, the item should be inserted into the correct position on the sorted stack to keep it sorted. For example, the stacks will be sorted in ascending order, where the item at the bottom of the stack is the smallest value, and the item at the top is the largest, like this: top: 8 7 5 3 1 :bottom If we call the function to insert a 4 into this sorted stack, the result should be: top: 8 7 5 4 3 1
  • 33. Your function should be called insertItemOnSortedStack(). This function takes an item as its rst parameter, and a reference to a Stack as its second parameter. You should create and use another temporary stack in your function in order to accmplish the task. The pseudo-code to accomplish this insertion is relatively simple: given inputStack and create temporaryStack for this algorithm while top of inputStack > item we want to insert do pop topItem from inputStack push topItem onto the temporaryStack done at this point, items on inputStack are <= to the item we want to insert so push item onto inputStack now put items back from temporaryStack to original inputStack while temporaryStack is not empty do pop topItem from temporaryStack push topItem onto the inputStack done The tests given for the insert function use an AStack<int> (a stack of integers) for the tests. You can originally create your function to use a Stack<int> & as its second input parameter. It is important that the stack be a reference parameter here. Also notice that instead of specifying an AStack<int> &, we specify the abstract base class Stack<int> &. This is to demonstrate the power of using virtual classes and class abstractions. If you specify the base class, you can pass an AStack or an LStack or any class that is derived from the base Stack class, as long as that class implements all of the virtual functions of the abstract Stack interface. Once you have your function working for Stack<int> &, templatize your function. We practiced creating function templates in a previous assignment. Here it should be relatively simple, you simply need to add the template <class T> before the function, and change the <int> to <T> to templatize. Once you do this, you function should still work and pass the tests using an <int> type. Once you have your insertItemOnSortedStack() template
  • 34. function working, it is even easier to use this function to create a sortStack() function. We could implement this function again using a temporary stack, but for this fourth and nal function I want you instead to create a recursive function. A recursive function in this case is going to work in essentially the same way, but we will be using the OS/system function call stack implicitly to perform the algorithm, rather than explicitly creating and using our own temporary stack. Create a function called sortStack(). This function should take a Stack<string> & (a reference to a Stack of <string> types) as its only parameters. You will later templatize this function as well, but all of the tests of sortStack() use stacks of strings, so get it working rst for strings, then try and templatize the function. This is a void funciton, it doesn’t return a result, but it implicitly causes the stack it is given to become sorted. The function, as the name implies, will take an unsorted stack, and will sort them in the same order we used previously, e.g. in ascending order with the smallest item at the bottom of the stack, and the largest at the top. The pseudo-code to accomplish this using a recursize algorithm is as follows: given inputStack as an input parameter # the base case if inputStack is empty, do nothing (return) # the general case take top item from inputStack and save it in a local variable call sortStack(inputStack) recursively on this now smaller stack # on return, the stack should be sorted, so insertItemOnSortedStack(my item I popped, inputStack) Once you have it working for <string> type stacks, also templatize your sortStack() function, so that it will actually work to sort a Stack of any type. In this assignment you will only be given 2 les, an assg-10- tests.cpp le with a main function and unit tests of the functions you are to write. You will also use the Stack.hpp header le that was developed and shown in the videos for class this week. You should not have to add or change any code in Stack.hpp. You
  • 35. just need to use the Stack class to implement your code/functions for this assignment. As usual, the tests have been commented out. I strongly suggest you implement the functions one at a time, in the order described above, and uncomment each test 1 at a time to test your work incrementally. If you implement your code correctly and uncomment all of the tests, you should get the following correct output: -------------- Test doParenthesisBalance() ---------------------- <doParenthesisBalance()> testing balanced expression: ’()’ balanced: true <doParenthesisBalance()> testing balanced expression: ’(()((())))’ balanced: true <doParenthesisBalance()> testing balanced expression: ’((((()))(()((()))))()(()))’ balanced: true <doParenthesisBalance()> testing empty expression, should evaluate as balanced: ’’ balanced: true <doParenthesisBalance()> simple unbalanced expression: ’(’ balanced: false <doParenthesisBalance()> simple unbalanced expression: ’)’ balanced: false <doParenthesisBalance()> complex unbalanced expression: ’((()(())())’ balanced: false <doParenthesisBalance()> complex unbalanced expression: ’((((()))(()((())))()(()))’ balanced: false -------------- Test decodeIDSequence() -------------------------- <decodeIDSequence()> testing simple increase sequence: ’IIII’ result: 12345 <decodeIDSequence()> testing simple decrease sequence: ’DDDD’ result: 54321 <decodeIDSequence()> testing empty: ’’ result: 1 <decodeIDSequence()> testing general sequence: ’IDIDII’ result: 1325467 <decodeIDSequence()> testing general sequence: ’IIDDIDID’ result: 125437698 -------------- Test insertItemOnSortedStack() ----------------- <insertItemOnSortedStack()> general test, insert in middle:
  • 36. before inserting: --TopTop-- 8 7 5 3 1 --Bottom-- after inserting: --TopTop-- 8 7 5 4 3 1 --Bottom-- <insertItemOnSortedStack()> test inesrtion to empty stack: before inserting: --TopTop---Bottom-- after inserting: --TopTop-- 5 --Bottom-- <insertItemOnSortedStack()> test insertion to top of stack: before inserting: --TopTop-- 5 --Bottom-- after inserting: --TopTop-- 9 5 --Bottom-- <insertItemOnSortedStack()> test insertion to bottom of stack: before inserting:
  • 37. --TopTop-- 9 5 --Bottom-- after inserting: --TopTop-- 9 5 1 --Bottom-- -------------- Test sortStack() ------------------------------- <sortStack()> general test: before sorting: --TopTop-- Chris Bobbie Allan Tom Susan --Bottom-- after sorting: --TopTop-- Tom Susan Chris Bobbie Allan --Bottom-- <sortStack()> sort an empty stack: before sorting: --TopTop---Bottom-- after sorting: --TopTop-- --Bottom-- <sortStack()> sort single item sized stack: before sorting: --TopTop-- Alice --Bottom--
  • 38. after sorting: --TopTop-- Alice --Bottom-- <sortStack()> sort already sorted stack: before sorting: --TopTop-- Dave Carol Bob Alice --Bottom-- after sorting: --TopTop-- Dave Carol Bob Alice --Bottom--Assignment Submission A MyLeoOnline submission folder has been created for this assignment. You should attach and upload your completed assg- 10.cpp source les to the submission folder to complete this assignment. I didn’t put the code/functions in a separate .cpp/.hpp le, but feel free to make a le named StackApplications.[hpp|cpp] with function prototypes and your 4 functions implementations if you like, and submit it that way, though I will accept the functions simply above the main() in the assg-10.cpp le this week, if you prefer.Requirements and Grading Rubrics Program Execution, Output and Functional Requirements 1. Your program must compile, run and produce some sort of output to be graded. 0 if not satis ed. 2. (25 pts.) doParenthesisMatch() is implemented correctly and is passing all of the tests. Used a stack of from our class Stack.hpp to implement the algorithm.
  • 39. 3. (25 pts.) decodeIDSequence() implemented and correct. Used a stack from our class Stack.hpp stack implemenation to implement the asked for algorithm. 4. (25 pts.) insertItemOnSortedStack() implemented and working. The function is correctly templatized. The function takes a reference to the Stack abstract class as it second parameter. 5. (25 pts.) sortStack() implemented as described and working. The function was implemented using recursion as required. The function was templatized as asked for. The function takes a reference to a Stack base class as its only parameter. Program Style Your programs must conform to the style and formatting guidelines given for this class. The following is a list of the guidelines that are required for the assignment to be submitted this week. 1. Most importantly, make sure you gure out how to set your indentation settings correctly. All programs must use 2 spaces for all indentation levels, and all indentation levels must be correctly indented. Also all tabs must be removed from les, and only 2 spaces used for indentation. 2. A function header must be present for member functions you de ne. You must give a short description of the function, and document all of the input parameters to the function, as well as the return value and data type of the function if it returns a value for the member functions, just like for regular functions. However, setter and getter methods do not require function headers. 3. You should have a document header for your class. The class header document should give a description of the class. Also you should document all private member variables that the class manages in the class document header. 4. Do not include any statements (such as system("pause") or inputting a key from the user to continue) that are meant to keep the terminal from going away. Do not include any code that is
  • 40. speci c to a single operating system, such as the system("pause") which is Microsoft Windows speci c. 1 1 1