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P&Qc a m p a i g n
P&Qc h a l l e n g e
P&Qn e x t g e n
T h e r o a d m a p …
P&Qc h a l l e n g e w o r k s h o p s
N e e d m o r e s u p p o r t ?
1. Nexidia is sponsoring a set of workshops during 2013/14 to help market leaders complete
their first Strategic Quality Framework. (SQF). Led by Martin Hill-Wilson
2. All eight stages in the framework will be covered, sometimes grouped together when it
makes sense. Each workshop will be a mix of debate/decision and action planning. The
goal being to complete that stage and then prepare for the next stage(s) of the SQF in
between workshops
3. The final two workshops will focus on preparing for the assessment process as defined in
the P&Q Challenge. Separate site visits will then follow. The ‘class of 2014’ will convene to
showcase and celebrate launching their first SQF
4. Organisation are allocated up to three places per workshop. For consistency, the team
needs at least one anchor person to attend all workshops. Others can be invited according
to workshop topic
5. Participants will be provided with planning workbooks, pre-designed online surveys to
gather stakeholder input prior to each workshop and membership of
which will provide access to all resources and a private forum for discussion between
participating teams
P&Qc h a l l e n g e w o r k s h o p s
N e e d m o r e s u p p o r t ?
6. There is no direct cost to participating in the workshops. However as token of each
organisation’s commitment, written confirmation from an executive sponsor is
required. This should be obtained in response to being taken through key elements of
this presentation
7. Once executive sponsorship is received, membership to is granted
and detailed agendas for the whole workshop programme are released to help
schedule all activities up front. The executive sponsor is also invited by Martin Hill-
Wilson and Jonathan Wax to dinner for further tips on how to support the programme’s
success and thereafter at the end of the year celebrations
8. The workshops are listed on the next slide. Note that the first four workshops require
preparation in the form of an assessment of current capability. Details can be found
later in this presentation for each stage. All five workshops also require follow through
afterwards based on the activity planning during the sessions
Who Defines Quality?
For Which Outcomes?
Workshop 1
For What Inputs?
What Is Success?
What Drives Quality?
Who Gets Involved?
Why Get Involved?
Celebrating Success
Workshop 2
Workshop 3
Workshop 4
How Is Quality
Workshop 5Workshop 6Site Visits
Class of ’14
Preparing for
P&Q Challenge #1
Preparing for
P&Q Challenge #2
On site
Jan - March ‘14
Assessments 1&2
March ‘14
P&Qo r i e n t a t i o n
T h e s t o r y s o f a r …
187 survey participants
122 Linkedin members
100 road show participants
Survey presentations
PPF conference
CCMA awards
Call Centre & Customer Service Conference
P&Qc a m p a i g n
Crowd source the
next generation of
performance & quality
best practice
All the discussion led to a series
of key insights - seeing the context
of P&Q as an ecosystem
P&Qa c t i v i t y
P&Qc r o w d s o u r c e d w i s d o m
P&Qc h a l l e n g e
The Strategic Quality Framework
answered how a P&Q ecosystem
is adapted
Finally, the P&Q challenge
incentives everyone to trial it
All the elements that make up Performance & Quality
interact with each other like an ecosystem
That means when you upgrade one element
you must consider how it affects the overall ecosystem
A healthy ecosystem constantly adapts
to new internal and external changes
That means we have to maintain our P&Q ecosystems as
much as use them!
P&Qc r o w d s o u r c e d w i s d o m
T h o s e k e y i n s i g h t s …
Annual Best Practice Dinner
All completed assessments receive P&Q challenge awards
Best upgrade examples have opportunity to present
Achievement #1
A completed ‘Strategic Quality Framework’ review
Ability to show how previous and upgraded ecosystems compare
Ability to visualise how upgraded ecosystem works
Achievement #2
A plan to implement upgraded version
Ability to show how upgrades are being introduced
Ability to show targeted & actual benefits of upgrade
T h e i n c e n t i v e …
P&Qs t r a t e g i c p l a n n i n g f r a m e w o r k
T h e p l a n n i n g t o o l k i t
The health check and eight point Strategic Quality Framework (SQF) provide a structure
within which to debate what you want to adapt within your current P&Q ecosystem
It is recommended you invite a core team to work through the framework and invite
others to participate (via surveys, as workshop participants) when needed
You can work through this on your own or as one of the organisations taking part in the
P&Q Challenge workshops
Who Defines Quality?
External Surveys
Internal Surveys
Performance Mgt
‘Fixing It’
Best Practice
Team Leaders
Quality Team
Peer to Peer
1 2 3
Process Based
Systems Based
Needs Based
Self Managed
For Which Outcomes? From What Inputs?
What Drives Quality?
Who Gets Involved?Why Get Involved?
What Is Success?
How Is Quality
Adds measurable value & does no harm
Ensures assessments/processes/KPIs are relevant to the outcome we are trying to drive
Provides a clear view of where we are
Enjoys top down and bottom up buy-in
Provides one approach that fits all areas e.g. collections, customer service
Operates simplified processes throughout the organisation
Uses technology as an enabler
Requires a flexible mind-set culture and avoids the tick box mentality
Empowers a culture of people being listened to, valued and encouraged
Moves away from the ‘pull’ to the ‘push’ from the front line re: innovations
Enables the front line view of quality to influence management performance decisions
Finds a better way of working with those that set the regulatory compliance agenda so it’s more
relevant for the front line & for customers
Delivers right first time customer contact
Seeks out customers & builds communication and relationships
Has the flexibility to respond to customer drivers as their needs change month-on-month
Has the ability to make changes & track their effects
Has an organic flow through ‘continuous improvement’
Is something that remains meaningful & can evolve
Is judged by the success/speed & efficiency with which changes/improvements can be made
What makes a healthy P&Q ecosystem?
Who Defines Quality?
O u t c o m e s
A clear description of what Quality means that everyone can understand based on the
views of those we decide to include
Q u e s t i o n s
C u s t o m e r s : Do we just cater to their common needs or also include segment and
individual needs?
R e g u l a t o r s : What are their actual guidelines versus in-house interpretation?
L e a d e r s h i p : Is this just Customer Services? Or are other senior views also valued?
A d v i s o r s : How do we distil their daily experiences of what Quality means?
O t h e r s : Are there others who influence rather than define what Quality means?
Such as partners, suppliers, competitors or third parties
I s s u e s
• How/when are these views gathered?
• Do some carry more weight than others?
• Can this description be linked with an overall goal/ambition/mission for Quality?
Who Defines Quality?
Regarding the current way we define quality
• What works and what causes issues?
• Who should contribute to this assessment?
• How is the insight then best used as input to this question?
Follow up
• How do we assess the understanding of quality for those involved once we have
defined it?
• Do we need to upgrade our Customer Service strategy and key goals to align with
this new definition of quality?
• Does this new definition affect others? What do they need to know/do?
• What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan?
• How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
For Which Outcomes?
O u t c o m e s
Clarity on the scope of our P&Q activity
Q u e s t i o n s
P e r f o r m a n c e : Just advisors or any other roles? Just Contact Centre or any other
Service touch points? Any beyond that?
C o m p l i a n c e : How is this defined? By regulators, in-house, others e.g. partners?
I m p r o v e m e n t : As related to just people improvement? Or Customer Service
processes/ policies as well? Or the entire customer journey across
all functions? Does this include product/service fixes as well?
I n n o v a t i o n : Are we interested in just new ideas that impact Customer Service? Or
other functions as well? If so which ones and for what topics?
I s s u e s
• This decision is linked to our strategic view of Customer Service’s role. Reactive
versus proactive. Maintaining SLAs versus getting smarter over time. Moving from
operational to strategic value for the organisation
For Which Outcomes?
Regarding the way we currently scope our outcomes
• What works and what causes issues?
• Who should contribute to this assessment?
• How is the insight then best used as input to this question?
Follow up
• What additional workflow is needed if we expand the current scope?
• What new competencies are required. If so how are these met?
• Which roles now have accountability for these new outcomes?
• What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan?
• How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
External Surveys
Internal Surveys
From What Inputs?
O u t c o m e s
Clarity on which data sources we should use in our quality management
Q u e s t i o n s
E x t e r n a l S u r v e y s : Does this include post interaction surveys, mystery shopping
exercises, 3rd party surveys, audits or any other VoC (Voice Of
The Customer) data such as social media monitoring?
I n t e r n a l s u r v e y s : Should we poll advisors/team leaders and others as valid inputs?
E v a l u a t i o n s : What role will existing quality evaluations play?
A n a l y t i c s : If we used Interaction Analytics? How would this
compliment/integrate with other sources of feedback?
I s s u e s
• How do we co-ordinate with other users of these data sources?
• Do some carry more weight than others?
External Surveys
Internal Surveys
From What Inputs?
Regarding the way we currently scope our inputs
• What works and what causes issues?
• Who should contribute to this assessment?
• How is the insight then best used as input to this question?
Follow up
• What additional workflow is needed if we expand the current scope?
• How are these new inputs used in ‘business as usual’?
• What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan?
• How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
Process Based
Systems Based
Needs Based
Self Managed
What Drives Quality?
O u t c o m e s
Clarity on the criteria and ‘whole approach’ for triggering
quality management
Q u e s t i o n s
P r o c e s s b a s e d : Should it be based on ‘x times a month’ for
all advisors, irrespective of performance
S y s t e m s b a s e d : Should we be listening for new customer
issues via automated alerts, social media
monitoring or trend tracking?
N e e d s b a s e d : Should it be based on individual needs e.g.
exception based intervention?
S e l f m a n a g e d : Rather than ‘top down’, is it triggered by
the advisors who offer up examples for
personal coaching, innovation etc
I s s u e s
• Deciding if these approaches are mutually exclusive or can
be combined
Process Based
Systems Based
Needs Based
Self Managed
What Drives Quality?
Regarding the current way we trigger quality management
• What works and what causes issues?
• Who should contribute to this assessment?
• How is the insight then best used as input to this
Follow up
• Which roles are affected? In what ways?
• What are the implications for new workflow and
• What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our
overall launch plan?
• How could this stage be simplified and made more effective
for next time?
Team Leaders
Quality Team
Peer to Peer
Who Gets Involved?
O u t c o m e s
Clarity on who contributes: why, how and when throughout the P&Q cycle
Q u e s t i o n s
L e a d e r s h i p : Given our defined outcomes (Q2), how are Customer Service/other
function leaders involved?
Te a m L e a d e r s : What is their role in identifying, prioritising, improving P&Q
issues and opportunities?
Q u a l i t y Te a m : What role does the quality team play and what are its
P e e r t o P e e r : How are advisors used? mentor, buddy or be experts passing on
best practices? How does this link to any Trust/Empowerment agenda?
A n a l y s t : Is this a separate role or an embedded skill, especially when
Interaction Analytics is deployed?
I s s u e s
• Finding an easy way to give an ‘ecosystem style’ view of how each role contributes
Team Leaders
Quality Team
Peer to Peer
Who Gets Involved?
Regarding who we currently do/do not involve
• What works and what causes issues?
• Who should contribute to this assessment?
• How is the insight then best used as input to this question?
Follow up
• Get new roles inducted
• What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan?
• How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
Why Get Involved?
O u t c o m e s
Ability to answer the ‘what’s in it for me’ question
Q u e s t i o n s
R e c o g n i t i o n : Are there more powerful ways we can recognise individual and team
successes in supporting our quality goals?
R e w a r d : Does it work to financially incentivise? If so, are we rewarding the
right behaviour? Have we traced this across every role?
C a r e e r : Have we encouraged our quality champions with a clear career path to
keep them?
B e l i e f : How do we tap into the energy that comes when people just believe in
‘doing the right thing for customers’
I s s u e s
• Any conversation about motivation has to be considered in the context of culture
Why Get Involved?
Regarding our current motivational strategy
• What works and what causes issues?
• Who should contribute to this assessment?
• How is the insight then best used as input to this question?
Follow up
• What do we need to stop doing and start doing?
• What’s the story around these changes? Who needs to listen?
• What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan?
• How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
Performance Mgt
‘Fixing It’
Best Practice
How Is Quality
O u t c o m e s
Clarity on the way we go about improving ‘poor’ quality and spreading best practices
Q u e s t i o n s
P e r f o r m a n c e M g t : Does our approach to target setting, reviewing then acting on
good/poor performance support our quality agenda?
C o a c h i n g : How can we improve its impact? Is our ‘day in the life’ view of
coaching in line with our quality ambitions?
“ F i x i n g I t ” : Are we effective at identifying, sizing, justifying, assigning
and finally ensuring that the causes of ‘poor’ quality are
systematically improved within Customer Service/rest of
B e s t P r a c t i c e : How well are we identifying and sharing ‘quality’ best practices
between advisors and teams?
I s s u e s
• Persuading other part of the organisation to respond
• Being unable to identify and share specific best practice behaviour
Performance Mgt
‘Fixing It’
Best Practice
How Is Quality
Regarding our current approach to quality improvement
• What works and what causes issues?
• Who should contribute to this assessment?
• How is the insight then best used as input to this question?
Follow up
• What new competencies are needed?
• How are they operationalised?
• What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan?
• How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
What Is Success?
O u t c o m e s
Clarity on which proof points are accepted indicators of
progress towards our quality agenda
Q u e s t i o n s
M e t r i c s : Which quantitative measures are needed to
satisfy our stakeholders?
B e h a v i o u r s : Are certain changes in behaviour important
F e e d b a c k : Are there formal/informal insights from
customers/advisors/others that are important
proof points?
I s s u e s
• Being able to measure the right things
• Checking all proof points are aligned to support the
intended outcomes defined in Q2
What Is Success?
Regarding the current way we define success
• What works and what causes issues?
• Who should contribute to this assessment?
• How is the insight then best used as input to this
Follow up
• How is the ‘evidence’ of success compiled and shared?
• What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into
our overall launch plan?
• How could this stage be simplified and made more
effective for next time?
Who Defines Quality?
External Surveys
Internal Surveys
Performance Mgt
‘Fixing It’
Best Practice
Team Leaders
Quality Team
Peer to Peer
1 2 3
Process Based
Systems Based
Needs Based
Self Managed
For Which Outcomes? From What Inputs?
What Drives Quality?
Who Gets Involved?Why Get Involved?
What Is Success?
How Is Quality

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P&Qc a m p a i g n workshop series helps organizations complete Strategic Quality Framework

  • 1. P&Qc a m p a i g n P&Qc h a l l e n g e P&Qn e x t g e n T h e r o a d m a p …
  • 2. 2 P&Qc h a l l e n g e w o r k s h o p s N e e d m o r e s u p p o r t ? 1. Nexidia is sponsoring a set of workshops during 2013/14 to help market leaders complete their first Strategic Quality Framework. (SQF). Led by Martin Hill-Wilson 2. All eight stages in the framework will be covered, sometimes grouped together when it makes sense. Each workshop will be a mix of debate/decision and action planning. The goal being to complete that stage and then prepare for the next stage(s) of the SQF in between workshops 3. The final two workshops will focus on preparing for the assessment process as defined in the P&Q Challenge. Separate site visits will then follow. The ‘class of 2014’ will convene to showcase and celebrate launching their first SQF 4. Organisation are allocated up to three places per workshop. For consistency, the team needs at least one anchor person to attend all workshops. Others can be invited according to workshop topic 5. Participants will be provided with planning workbooks, pre-designed online surveys to gather stakeholder input prior to each workshop and membership of which will provide access to all resources and a private forum for discussion between participating teams
  • 3. 3 P&Qc h a l l e n g e w o r k s h o p s N e e d m o r e s u p p o r t ? 6. There is no direct cost to participating in the workshops. However as token of each organisation’s commitment, written confirmation from an executive sponsor is required. This should be obtained in response to being taken through key elements of this presentation 7. Once executive sponsorship is received, membership to is granted and detailed agendas for the whole workshop programme are released to help schedule all activities up front. The executive sponsor is also invited by Martin Hill- Wilson and Jonathan Wax to dinner for further tips on how to support the programme’s success and thereafter at the end of the year celebrations 8. The workshops are listed on the next slide. Note that the first four workshops require preparation in the form of an assessment of current capability. Details can be found later in this presentation for each stage. All five workshops also require follow through afterwards based on the activity planning during the sessions
  • 4. 4 SQF Workshop Programme Who Defines Quality? For Which Outcomes? London 16-07-13 11-09-13(repeat) Workshop 1 For What Inputs? What Is Success? What Drives Quality? Who Gets Involved? Why Get Involved? Celebrating Success Workshop 2 London 19-09-13 Workshop 3 London 10-10-13 Workshop 4 How Is Quality Improved? Workshop 5Workshop 6Site Visits Class of ’14 Preparing for P&Q Challenge #1 Preparing for P&Q Challenge #2 London 20-11-13 London 14-01-14 London 04-12-13 On site Jan - March ‘14 SQF Assessments 1&2 London March ‘14
  • 5. 5 P&Qo r i e n t a t i o n
  • 6. 6 T h e s t o r y s o f a r … 187 survey participants 122 Linkedin members 100 road show participants Survey presentations PPF conference CCMA awards Call Centre & Customer Service Conference P&Qc a m p a i g n Crowd source the next generation of performance & quality best practice All the discussion led to a series of key insights - seeing the context of P&Q as an ecosystem P&Qa c t i v i t y P&Qc r o w d s o u r c e d w i s d o m P&Qc h a l l e n g e The Strategic Quality Framework answered how a P&Q ecosystem is adapted Finally, the P&Q challenge incentives everyone to trial it 1 2 3 4
  • 7. 7 All the elements that make up Performance & Quality interact with each other like an ecosystem That means when you upgrade one element you must consider how it affects the overall ecosystem A healthy ecosystem constantly adapts to new internal and external changes That means we have to maintain our P&Q ecosystems as much as use them! P&Qc r o w d s o u r c e d w i s d o m T h o s e k e y i n s i g h t s …
  • 8. 8 Annual Best Practice Dinner All completed assessments receive P&Q challenge awards Best upgrade examples have opportunity to present Achievement #1 A completed ‘Strategic Quality Framework’ review Evidence Ability to show how previous and upgraded ecosystems compare Ability to visualise how upgraded ecosystem works Achievement #2 A plan to implement upgraded version Evidence Ability to show how upgrades are being introduced Ability to show targeted & actual benefits of upgrade T h e i n c e n t i v e …
  • 9. 9 P&Qs t r a t e g i c p l a n n i n g f r a m e w o r k T h e p l a n n i n g t o o l k i t The health check and eight point Strategic Quality Framework (SQF) provide a structure within which to debate what you want to adapt within your current P&Q ecosystem It is recommended you invite a core team to work through the framework and invite others to participate (via surveys, as workshop participants) when needed You can work through this on your own or as one of the organisations taking part in the P&Q Challenge workshops
  • 10. 10 Strategic Quality Framework Who Defines Quality? e.g. Customers Regulators Leadership Advisors Others e.g. Performance Compliance Improvement Innovation e.g. External Surveys Internal Surveys Evaluations Analytics e.g. Performance Mgt Coaching ‘Fixing It’ Best Practice e.g. Leadership Team Leaders Quality Team Peer to Peer Analysts 1 2 3 567 e.g. Process Based Systems Based Needs Based Self Managed 4 e.g. Metrics Behaviours Feedback 8 For Which Outcomes? From What Inputs? What Drives Quality? Who Gets Involved?Why Get Involved? e.g. Recognition Reward Career Belief What Is Success? How Is Quality Improved? 10
  • 11. 11 Adds measurable value & does no harm Ensures assessments/processes/KPIs are relevant to the outcome we are trying to drive Provides a clear view of where we are Enjoys top down and bottom up buy-in Provides one approach that fits all areas e.g. collections, customer service Operates simplified processes throughout the organisation Uses technology as an enabler Requires a flexible mind-set culture and avoids the tick box mentality Empowers a culture of people being listened to, valued and encouraged Moves away from the ‘pull’ to the ‘push’ from the front line re: innovations Enables the front line view of quality to influence management performance decisions Finds a better way of working with those that set the regulatory compliance agenda so it’s more relevant for the front line & for customers Delivers right first time customer contact Seeks out customers & builds communication and relationships Has the flexibility to respond to customer drivers as their needs change month-on-month Has the ability to make changes & track their effects Has an organic flow through ‘continuous improvement’ Is something that remains meaningful & can evolve Is judged by the success/speed & efficiency with which changes/improvements can be made What makes a healthy P&Q ecosystem?
  • 12. e.g. Customers Regulators Leadership Advisors Others 1 Who Defines Quality? 12 O u t c o m e s A clear description of what Quality means that everyone can understand based on the views of those we decide to include Q u e s t i o n s C u s t o m e r s : Do we just cater to their common needs or also include segment and individual needs? R e g u l a t o r s : What are their actual guidelines versus in-house interpretation? L e a d e r s h i p : Is this just Customer Services? Or are other senior views also valued? A d v i s o r s : How do we distil their daily experiences of what Quality means? O t h e r s : Are there others who influence rather than define what Quality means? Such as partners, suppliers, competitors or third parties I s s u e s • How/when are these views gathered? • Do some carry more weight than others? • Can this description be linked with an overall goal/ambition/mission for Quality?
  • 13. e.g. Customers Regulators Leadership Advisors Others 1 Who Defines Quality? 13 Preparation Regarding the current way we define quality • What works and what causes issues? • Who should contribute to this assessment? • How is the insight then best used as input to this question? Follow up • How do we assess the understanding of quality for those involved once we have defined it? • Do we need to upgrade our Customer Service strategy and key goals to align with this new definition of quality? • Does this new definition affect others? What do they need to know/do? • What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan? • How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
  • 14. e.g. Performance Compliance Improvement Innovation 2 For Which Outcomes? 14 O u t c o m e s Clarity on the scope of our P&Q activity Q u e s t i o n s P e r f o r m a n c e : Just advisors or any other roles? Just Contact Centre or any other Service touch points? Any beyond that? C o m p l i a n c e : How is this defined? By regulators, in-house, others e.g. partners? I m p r o v e m e n t : As related to just people improvement? Or Customer Service processes/ policies as well? Or the entire customer journey across all functions? Does this include product/service fixes as well? I n n o v a t i o n : Are we interested in just new ideas that impact Customer Service? Or other functions as well? If so which ones and for what topics? I s s u e s • This decision is linked to our strategic view of Customer Service’s role. Reactive versus proactive. Maintaining SLAs versus getting smarter over time. Moving from operational to strategic value for the organisation
  • 15. e.g. Performance Compliance Improvement Innovation 2 For Which Outcomes? 15 Preparation Regarding the way we currently scope our outcomes • What works and what causes issues? • Who should contribute to this assessment? • How is the insight then best used as input to this question? Follow up • What additional workflow is needed if we expand the current scope? • What new competencies are required. If so how are these met? • Which roles now have accountability for these new outcomes? • What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan? • How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
  • 16. e.g. External Surveys Internal Surveys Evaluations Analytics 3 From What Inputs? 16 O u t c o m e s Clarity on which data sources we should use in our quality management Q u e s t i o n s E x t e r n a l S u r v e y s : Does this include post interaction surveys, mystery shopping exercises, 3rd party surveys, audits or any other VoC (Voice Of The Customer) data such as social media monitoring? I n t e r n a l s u r v e y s : Should we poll advisors/team leaders and others as valid inputs? E v a l u a t i o n s : What role will existing quality evaluations play? A n a l y t i c s : If we used Interaction Analytics? How would this compliment/integrate with other sources of feedback? I s s u e s • How do we co-ordinate with other users of these data sources? • Do some carry more weight than others?
  • 17. e.g. External Surveys Internal Surveys Evaluations Analytics 3 From What Inputs? 17 Preparation Regarding the way we currently scope our inputs • What works and what causes issues? • Who should contribute to this assessment? • How is the insight then best used as input to this question? Follow up • What additional workflow is needed if we expand the current scope? • How are these new inputs used in ‘business as usual’? • What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan? • How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
  • 18. e.g. Process Based Systems Based Needs Based Self Managed 4 What Drives Quality? 18 O u t c o m e s Clarity on the criteria and ‘whole approach’ for triggering quality management Q u e s t i o n s P r o c e s s b a s e d : Should it be based on ‘x times a month’ for all advisors, irrespective of performance levels? S y s t e m s b a s e d : Should we be listening for new customer issues via automated alerts, social media monitoring or trend tracking? N e e d s b a s e d : Should it be based on individual needs e.g. exception based intervention? S e l f m a n a g e d : Rather than ‘top down’, is it triggered by the advisors who offer up examples for personal coaching, innovation etc I s s u e s • Deciding if these approaches are mutually exclusive or can be combined
  • 19. e.g. Process Based Systems Based Needs Based Self Managed 4 What Drives Quality? 19 Preparation Regarding the current way we trigger quality management • What works and what causes issues? • Who should contribute to this assessment? • How is the insight then best used as input to this question? Follow up • Which roles are affected? In what ways? • What are the implications for new workflow and responsibilities? • What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan? • How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
  • 20. e.g. Leadership Team Leaders Quality Team Peer to Peer Analysts 5 Who Gets Involved? 20 O u t c o m e s Clarity on who contributes: why, how and when throughout the P&Q cycle Q u e s t i o n s L e a d e r s h i p : Given our defined outcomes (Q2), how are Customer Service/other function leaders involved? Te a m L e a d e r s : What is their role in identifying, prioritising, improving P&Q issues and opportunities? Q u a l i t y Te a m : What role does the quality team play and what are its accountabilities? P e e r t o P e e r : How are advisors used? mentor, buddy or be experts passing on best practices? How does this link to any Trust/Empowerment agenda? A n a l y s t : Is this a separate role or an embedded skill, especially when Interaction Analytics is deployed? I s s u e s • Finding an easy way to give an ‘ecosystem style’ view of how each role contributes
  • 21. e.g. Leadership Team Leaders Quality Team Peer to Peer Analysts 5 Who Gets Involved? 21 Preparation Regarding who we currently do/do not involve • What works and what causes issues? • Who should contribute to this assessment? • How is the insight then best used as input to this question? Follow up • Get new roles inducted • What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan? • How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
  • 22. 6 Why Get Involved? e.g. Recognition Reward Career Belief 22 O u t c o m e s Ability to answer the ‘what’s in it for me’ question Q u e s t i o n s R e c o g n i t i o n : Are there more powerful ways we can recognise individual and team successes in supporting our quality goals? R e w a r d : Does it work to financially incentivise? If so, are we rewarding the right behaviour? Have we traced this across every role? C a r e e r : Have we encouraged our quality champions with a clear career path to keep them? B e l i e f : How do we tap into the energy that comes when people just believe in ‘doing the right thing for customers’ I s s u e s • Any conversation about motivation has to be considered in the context of culture
  • 23. 6 Why Get Involved? e.g. Recognition Reward Career Belief 23 Preparation Regarding our current motivational strategy • What works and what causes issues? • Who should contribute to this assessment? • How is the insight then best used as input to this question? Follow up • What do we need to stop doing and start doing? • What’s the story around these changes? Who needs to listen? • What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan? • How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
  • 24. 7 e.g. Performance Mgt Coaching ‘Fixing It’ Best Practice How Is Quality Improved? 24 O u t c o m e s Clarity on the way we go about improving ‘poor’ quality and spreading best practices Q u e s t i o n s P e r f o r m a n c e M g t : Does our approach to target setting, reviewing then acting on good/poor performance support our quality agenda? C o a c h i n g : How can we improve its impact? Is our ‘day in the life’ view of coaching in line with our quality ambitions? “ F i x i n g I t ” : Are we effective at identifying, sizing, justifying, assigning and finally ensuring that the causes of ‘poor’ quality are systematically improved within Customer Service/rest of organisation? B e s t P r a c t i c e : How well are we identifying and sharing ‘quality’ best practices between advisors and teams? I s s u e s • Persuading other part of the organisation to respond • Being unable to identify and share specific best practice behaviour
  • 25. 7 e.g. Performance Mgt Coaching ‘Fixing It’ Best Practice How Is Quality Improved? 25 Preparation Regarding our current approach to quality improvement • What works and what causes issues? • Who should contribute to this assessment? • How is the insight then best used as input to this question? Follow up • What new competencies are needed? • How are they operationalised? • What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan? • How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
  • 26. e.g. Metrics Behaviours Feedback 8 What Is Success? 26 O u t c o m e s Clarity on which proof points are accepted indicators of progress towards our quality agenda Q u e s t i o n s M e t r i c s : Which quantitative measures are needed to satisfy our stakeholders? B e h a v i o u r s : Are certain changes in behaviour important indicators? F e e d b a c k : Are there formal/informal insights from customers/advisors/others that are important proof points? I s s u e s • Being able to measure the right things • Checking all proof points are aligned to support the intended outcomes defined in Q2
  • 27. e.g. Metrics Behaviours Feedback 8 What Is Success? 27 Preparation Regarding the current way we define success • What works and what causes issues? • Who should contribute to this assessment? • How is the insight then best used as input to this question? Follow up • How is the ‘evidence’ of success compiled and shared? • What’s the remaining action list that then feeds into our overall launch plan? • How could this stage be simplified and made more effective for next time?
  • 28. Strategic Quality Framework Who Defines Quality? e.g. Customers Regulators Leadership Advisors Others e.g. Performance Compliance Improvement Innovation e.g. External Surveys Internal Surveys Evaluations Analytics e.g. Performance Mgt Coaching ‘Fixing It’ Best Practice e.g. Leadership Team Leaders Quality Team Peer to Peer Analysts 1 2 3 567 e.g. Process Based Systems Based Needs Based Self Managed 4 e.g. Metrics Behaviours Feedback 8 For Which Outcomes? From What Inputs? What Drives Quality? Who Gets Involved?Why Get Involved? e.g. Recognition Reward Career Belief What Is Success? How Is Quality Improved? 28