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“Power of
Empowerment - The
New Normal leaders”
Ashok Kumar Rath
(Get, Set and Go)
Session Flow
G E T : ( B a c k g r o u n d , 3 R
S t r a t e g y, R e i m g i n g / R e b o o t i n g
t h e W o r k & N L A L e a d e r s )
G O : T h e F u t u r e V i s i o n a n d
w a y f o r w a r d
S E T : ( U n d e r s t a n d i n g S e l f ,
L e a d e r s h i p E f f e c t i v e n e s s a n d
P y r a m i d , E I , B u i l d i n g W i n n i n g
Te a m , C o n f l i c t M g t . B L O ,
S t a g e s o f E m p o w e r m e n t , C a r e e r
a n d s u c c e s s i o n P l a n n i n g a n d
Ta l e n t M a n a g e m e n t )
Get In touch with the existing Landscape with Sense of Urgency
1 . P r e va i l i n g L a n d s c a p e o f N e e d o f N e w N o r m a l L e a d e r s ( N N L s )
Background :
Lately, Global Economy has changed due to Covicd Scenario .It is a continuously evolving situation and has
challenged every aspect of our life – personal and professional. While it has created disruption the normal
process of conducting business, it has also opened up an opportunity to relook at the way we normally
conduct business. A call for New Normal to navigate the POST PANDEMIC stage/s through empowered
People steered genuinely by New Normal Leaders (NNLs).
• To gainfully engage employee with company – Knowledge, experience, Adaptation to the changed
environment and timely support mechanism.
• To align Workforce Strategy with business objectives – Health, Safety , Quality, Productivity, Change
Management and HR Processes'
• To inspire / reinforce positive environment – Results , contribution, newly learnt ways of working (Byte Size)
• To ensure enriching employee experience – transparent communication and Grievance Minimization
Outcome :
•Leadership Pipeline ,Talent Retention and succession plan
•Empowered Employees as KnowledgeWorkers to sustain the business for tomorrow
•Leaders act as Mentor and Coach
VUCA +V = Mandate for New Normal
Preparing for and
shaping the “new
normal” with
succession Strategy
and grooming leaders
NNLs present situation and manage
learning and emerges strongly
(Team learning , empowerment and
2 . T h r e e ‘ R ’ S t r a t e g y f o r N N L e a d e r s
NNLs must sharp on capturing the ‘Three Rs’ for Scaling Business
To build a world class organization
enabling individuals to harness their
optimum potential.
Build a strong new normal ‘People
Centric Culture’ for inspiring
employees to expand their capabilities
& enhance their performance and
their career.
NN Leaders are Catalyst for functional Synch between Mission ,Vision andValues (VMV) and Workforce Re positioning
•Manage the ‘GigaWorkforce’
•Digital Command and control –Virtual
•Understand the new mind set of
workforce ( Anomie, insecurity, Health
and Finance)
•Virtual Learning /E-learning and Bite
based learning
•Awareness on Digital Platforms
•Mobile based learning app
•Portal Based Knowledge and Skill
Mapping for workforce
•Rebuilding External Customer
expectation on the Company’s
changed strategy
•Up skilling and Carrier focus with
•Environmental, Social, and
Governance (ESG)
New Normal capsules
3 . N N L s - R e a l i g n V M V
( An I l l u s t r a t i o n )
Data driven solutions
towards managing the
Compny line with the
business goals
Data – Centric Approach
Ownership of
Functional Heads -
HR Practices
Collaborative Approach
for re-skilling and up-
skilling employees
Digitized platforms for
various HR Programs like
Onboarding, Learning &
Development, Employee
Engagement etc.
Digital Initiatives and
Alignment of all the talent
strategies with the
business objectives and
delegaing as well as
Strategic Business
Developing the Sucession
Plan documents
Talent Mgt-
Leadership Pipeline
4 . R e i m a g i n i n g / R e b o o t i n g t h e Wo r k
Empowered people sustain the system and re-invent the wheel
Set your priority and Effectiveness Quotients by pack the
loosing cards
1 U n d e r s t a n d i n g S e l f ( C o ve y ’s M o d u l a r Ap p r o a c h )
Public Victory
4. Think Win-Win
6.. Synergise
5.. Seek first to under-
stand –then to be
Private Victory
1. Be Proactive 2. Begin with the
end in mind
3. Put First Things First
7. Sharpen the Saw
ReflectThrough Covey’s Modular Approach)
2 . L e a d e r s h i p E f f e c t i ve n e s s - An I n t r o s p e c t i o n
•Managing Self
- Understanding Personality & Style
- Stress
• Managing Subordinates to convert the
Winning Team
- Communication and Inter-personal
- Delegation
- Team Leadership
•Managing Change & Decision Making
- Understanding change and change
- Setting stretched goals and driving
- Decision Making : Process & Techniques.
- Resolving conflicts
- Coaching and Mentoring
•I have many rights—but no duties.
•I have the right to feel good.
If I do not feel good, it is not my fault.
•I have many talents and needs.
It is the company’s responsibility to use & develop my talents, and meet my needs.
•When my company has problems, the responsibility rests solely with Management. I’m a ‘back-bencher’
•It’s Management’s duty to involve me in decisions.
However, I do not need to commit myself.
I do not need to come up with constructive criticism / suggestions.
It is sufficient for me to point out mistakes and omissions of others
•I have the right to feel secure—if I do not, I can’t work effectively. (I’m under no obligation to work effectively to feel secure)
The Laws of Irresponsibility
 What are your life & career goals?
 What are your dearest values?
 What are your main personality characteristics?
 What are your strengths and weaknesses?
 Are you aware of how others perceive you?
 What is your roadmap for self-fulfillment?
 How do you learn ?
•Self Directed Questions
3 . N N L s P y r a m i d
- Contextual knowledge and Experience
-Application of EQ
- Soft Skill /Cyber driven learning/ e-learning
- Questions are more important than
- Out-of-box thinking
Drive, passion, burning desire to excel, energy level at
work decides what he does with the “raw material”
Relentless quest for excellence
Walk theTalk”,Owns responsibility, shares credit, Invites feedback ,Justice and fair play,
‘Selflessness’ ,Does not misuse power and Respect for subordinates
5 . E m o t i o n a l I n t e l l i g e n c e - T h e Ac h i l l i ’s H i l l
Capacity for recognizing our own
feelings and those of others, for
motivating ourselves, and for
managing emotions well in ourselves
and in our relationships.
Personal competence Social competence
1.Empathy(Emp). Awareness of
others’ feelings (Understanding
others, Developing others, Service
orientation, Leveraging diversity and
Political awareness.
2.Social Skills(SS): Adeptness at
inducing desirable responses in
others.( Influence, Communication,
Conflict Management, Leadership,
Change catalyst, Building bonds,
Collaboration & cooperation, Team
1.Self-awareness (SA): Knowing one’s
internal states, preferences, resources
and intuitions..(Self-awareness:
Knowing one’s internal states,
preferences, resources and intuitions.)
2.Self Regulation (SR) : Emotional Self
on andConsciousness
3..Motivation:(Mot) Emotional
tendencies that facilitate reaching
goals (Achievement drive,
Commitment, Initiative and Optimism
Social Competency
Personal Competency
5 . 1 E m o t i o n a l I n t e l l i g e n c e : O ve r vi e w
Areas Definition Hallmarks
SA  Ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions
& drives, as well as their effect on others
 Self-confidence
 Realistic self-assessment
 Self-deprecating humor
SR  Ability to control / redirect disruptive impulses/moods.
 Propensity to suspend judgment; think before acting
 Trustworthiness & integrity
 Comfort with ambiguity
 Openness to change
Mot  Passion to work for reasons that go beyond money and
 Propensity to pursue goals with energy & persistence
 Strong drive to achieve
 Undying optimism
 Organizational commitment
Emp  Ability to understand the emotional make-up of others
 Ability to treat people according to their emotional reactions
 Expertise in retaining talent
 Cross-cultural sensitivity
 Service to customers
SS  Proficiency in managing relationships & building networks
 Ability to find common ground and build rapport
 Expertise in leading change
 Persuasiveness
 Expertise in leading teams
Leader’s Behavior
(Creating ‘WE’ centric culture)
Co-creating – the context we set
Humanizing – the relationships we build
Optimizing – the dreams we hold
Interacting – the actions we take
Catalyzing – the ideas we evolve
Expressing – the words we choose
Synchronizing– the purpose and passions we live
• Diagnosing present team style
• Problem sensing
• Examining differences in perception; ‘mirroring’
• Listening & clarifying
• Giving & receiving feedback
• Lookingat process & content
• Developing interactive skills
• Follow-up procedures
• Developing team-planning, goal-setting, problem-
solving, and decision-making skills
Teambuilding Interventions
Team : Provides a framework that will increase the ability of employees to participate in planning,
problem solving, and decision making.
4 . B u i l d i n g W i n n i n g Te a m
Conflict (Overt or Covert) is inbuilt withinTeam s- Understand, Diagnose and Mitigate )
Actioning the Motivation
Pat on the Back
Recognize in a Group
Appreciate the Person
Induce Passion
Sustain Drive
No conflict
Conflict Intensity Continuum
Overt efforts to destroy the other party
Aggressive physical attacks
Threats and ultimatum
Assertive verbal attacks
Overt questioning or challenging others
Minor disagreements or misunderstandings
Conflict occurs if Personnel, Structure and
Communication flow not in synch
No conflict
Why Conflict ?
5 . C o n f l i c t M a n a g e m e n t
Conflict Management Techniques
Problem Solving Face to face meeting to identify the problem and
resolving it through open discussion.
Super ordinate goals Creating a shared goal that cannot be attained
without the cooperation of each of the
conflicting parties.
Expansion of
Expand resources, if possible or brainstorm
Compete Use formal authority to resolve conflict and
Collaborate Work through differences
Avoidance Withdrawal from of suppression of the conflict.
Compromise Middle-path.
Accommodate Giving concessions.
Altering the human
Using behavioral change techniques.
Altering structural
Change reporting relationship, jobs redesign,
Conflict Resolution Illustations
Areas Symptoms and Solutions
Mismatched needs Symptom: People with private agendas working at cross-
Solution: Get hidden agendas on the table
Confused goals Symptom: People don’t know what they are supposed to do
Solution: Clarify the reason the team exists; define its purpose
and expected outcomes
Personality conflicts Symptoms: team members do not get along
Solution: Formulate a better vision
Insufficient information
& feedback
Symptom: Performance is not being measured; team members
are groping in the dark
Solution: Encourage free flow of relevant information
Poor reward systems Symptoms: People are being rewarded for the wrong things
Solution: Reward individual as well as team behavior; design
rewards that make teams feel safe
Lack of trust Symptom: Defensive behavior; lack of coordination
Solution: Earn trust by being trustworthy; reconstitute team if
Unwillingness to change Symptom: A visible ‘knowing-doing gap’
Solution: Find out what the blockage is; use dynamite or
grease to remove it.
The wrong tools Symptom: The team lacks required / appropriate resources
Solution: Equip the team well for its tasks
5 . 1 To o l s & R u l e s
Conflict is inevitable
6 . T h e L a w s o f I r r e s p o n s i b i l i t y - I d e n t i f y e a r l y a n d Av o i d
•I have many rights—but no duties.
•I have the right to feel good.
•If I do not feel good, it is not my fault.
•I have many talents and needs.
•It is the company’s responsibility to use & develop my
talents, and meet my needs.
•When my company has problems, the responsibility
rests solely with Management. I’m a ‘back-bencher’
•It’s Management’s duty to involve me in decisions. However, I
do not need to commit myself.
•I do not need to come up with constructive criticism /
suggestions. It is sufficient for me to point out mistakes and
omissions of others.
•I have the right to feel secure—if I do not, I can’t work
effectively. (I’m under no obligation to work effectively to feel
•You can’t simply buy, or wish for, a ready-made winning team.
•You’ve got to invest time and effort in building a team—and keeping it together.
•This investment has a very high ROI:
A WinningTeam !
What to
How to
Why to
Learning Cycle & Effectiveness – A relook
• To improve
current level of
• To prepare for
future roles
• Job specific
knowledge &
• Behavioural
• Future
Knowledge &
• Small group
• On the job/
• Project based
7 . B u i l d i n g A L e a r n i n g O r g a n i z a t i o n ( B L O ) a n d S u s t a i n … . .
Generic New Skill Sets
Mandatory Essential
& Skills
Safety, security and wellbeing
Role based knowledge and skills
Next Level / Multi Skills
Emerging Skills, Digital Literacy
World Class Manufacturing
• Ergonomics
• Code of Conduct
• Social Media
• Wellness
• Knowledge &
Skills about the
• Digital Literacy –
AI, Machine
• Production/
• Quality/ Quality
• Customers
• Cost
• 5S
• Quality Circles
• Six Sigma
• Lean
7 . 1 F u t u r e o f P e o p l e C a p a b i l i t y
Managing SELF (Indivitual Specialist)
Managing OTHERS ( Departmental Heads)
Managing BUSINESS (Functional Heads)
Accountability and Delegation
Developing Others
Team and Conflict Resolution
Customer Focus
Change Responsiveness
Result Orientation
Growth and Empowered Team
8 . S t a g e s o f E m p o w e r m e n t t h r o u g h L e a r n i n g i n p u t s ( B e h a vi o u r a l )
Benefits : Enhances Quality,Cost,Delivery,Innovation and Productivity (QDIP),Career and Succession Plan (Less attrition)
,delegated Power and Authority with Support , HighAccountability and Senior Leadership is productivity associated with
Company’s strategic Scaling resulting synergy at theTOP
9 . Ta l e n t M a n a g e m e n t a n d S u c c e s s i o n P l a n
•Identify High Performance and High Potential Employees through Assessment Center
•Prepare Individual Plan and Review as well as Implement the outcome
•Provide Faster Career Path and put the High Potentials in the succession Plan document ( At least
2 successors)
Attachment of succession planning will be given which may be attached as example in point no 3
Go beyond the boundary with Future Vision
1 . T h e F u t u r e Vi s i o n
Success is beyound the Assigned
Must Groom the Sucessors at faster
Groom , coach and exposed for desired
and future skills
Have EmotionalQuotion right to be
accepted by the team
1 2
Build challenge and change
ingradients and pay levargege to
creativity and innovation with R &D
Sucessors should be SPOC to the critical
Customers / Customer Points
Create many stamps as patents in the
Function and bring it to National
/International Level
2 . Wa y F o r w a r d
Understand and apply NN Learship Empower and Build WinningTeams
Prepare the talent pipeline in the
system as knowledge worker and
customer champions ( Internal and
Shift from Boss style to Mentor Style
1 2
Way Forward
Define and ensure vertical and more
strategic Roles for the self
Develop a sucession Plan (Two line below)
Bring seamlessllness in the sytem for
orgabisational excellent
T h i n k T h r o u g h
‘If we Fail to Prepared Ourselves, We prepare ourselves to Fail’
Power of empowerment   the new normal leaders”

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Power of empowerment the new normal leaders”

  • 1. “Power of Empowerment - The New Normal leaders” Ashok Kumar Rath (Get, Set and Go)
  • 2. Session Flow G E T : ( B a c k g r o u n d , 3 R S t r a t e g y, R e i m g i n g / R e b o o t i n g t h e W o r k & N L A L e a d e r s ) G O : T h e F u t u r e V i s i o n a n d w a y f o r w a r d S E T : ( U n d e r s t a n d i n g S e l f , L e a d e r s h i p E f f e c t i v e n e s s a n d P y r a m i d , E I , B u i l d i n g W i n n i n g Te a m , C o n f l i c t M g t . B L O , S t a g e s o f E m p o w e r m e n t , C a r e e r a n d s u c c e s s i o n P l a n n i n g a n d Ta l e n t M a n a g e m e n t )
  • 3. GET…… Get In touch with the existing Landscape with Sense of Urgency
  • 4. 1 . P r e va i l i n g L a n d s c a p e o f N e e d o f N e w N o r m a l L e a d e r s ( N N L s ) Background : Lately, Global Economy has changed due to Covicd Scenario .It is a continuously evolving situation and has challenged every aspect of our life – personal and professional. While it has created disruption the normal process of conducting business, it has also opened up an opportunity to relook at the way we normally conduct business. A call for New Normal to navigate the POST PANDEMIC stage/s through empowered People steered genuinely by New Normal Leaders (NNLs). Objectives: • To gainfully engage employee with company – Knowledge, experience, Adaptation to the changed environment and timely support mechanism. • To align Workforce Strategy with business objectives – Health, Safety , Quality, Productivity, Change Management and HR Processes' • To inspire / reinforce positive environment – Results , contribution, newly learnt ways of working (Byte Size) • To ensure enriching employee experience – transparent communication and Grievance Minimization Outcome : •Leadership Pipeline ,Talent Retention and succession plan •Empowered Employees as KnowledgeWorkers to sustain the business for tomorrow •Leaders act as Mentor and Coach VUCA +V = Mandate for New Normal
  • 5. RESPOND RECOVER READY Preparing for and shaping the “new normal” with succession Strategy and grooming leaders within NNLs present situation and manage continuously learning and emerges strongly (Team learning , empowerment and delegation) 2 . T h r e e ‘ R ’ S t r a t e g y f o r N N L e a d e r s NNLs must sharp on capturing the ‘Three Rs’ for Scaling Business
  • 6. To build a world class organization enabling individuals to harness their optimum potential. Build a strong new normal ‘People Centric Culture’ for inspiring employees to expand their capabilities & enhance their performance and their career. NN Leaders are Catalyst for functional Synch between Mission ,Vision andValues (VMV) and Workforce Re positioning •Manage the ‘GigaWorkforce’ •Digital Command and control –Virtual Conference •Understand the new mind set of workforce ( Anomie, insecurity, Health and Finance) •Virtual Learning /E-learning and Bite based learning •Awareness on Digital Platforms •Mobile based learning app •Portal Based Knowledge and Skill Mapping for workforce •Rebuilding External Customer expectation on the Company’s changed strategy •AI •Up skilling and Carrier focus with succession •Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) New Normal capsules + 3 . N N L s - R e a l i g n V M V ( An I l l u s t r a t i o n )
  • 7. Data driven solutions towards managing the Compny line with the business goals Data – Centric Approach Ownership of Functional Heads - HR Practices Collaborative Approach for re-skilling and up- skilling employees Digitized platforms for various HR Programs like Onboarding, Learning & Development, Employee Engagement etc. Digital Initiatives and Processes Alignment of all the talent strategies with the business objectives and delegaing as well as coaching Strategic Business Partner Developing the Sucession Plan documents Talent Mgt- Leadership Pipeline 4 . R e i m a g i n i n g / R e b o o t i n g t h e Wo r k Empowered people sustain the system and re-invent the wheel
  • 8. SET Set your priority and Effectiveness Quotients by pack the loosing cards
  • 9. 1 U n d e r s t a n d i n g S e l f ( C o ve y ’s M o d u l a r Ap p r o a c h ) Interdependence Public Victory Independence Dependence 4. Think Win-Win 6.. Synergise 5.. Seek first to under- stand –then to be under-stood Private Victory 1. Be Proactive 2. Begin with the end in mind 3. Put First Things First THE SEVEN HABITS PARADIGM 7. Sharpen the Saw ReflectThrough Covey’s Modular Approach)
  • 10. 2 . L e a d e r s h i p E f f e c t i ve n e s s - An I n t r o s p e c t i o n •Managing Self - Understanding Personality & Style - Stress • Managing Subordinates to convert the Winning Team - Communication and Inter-personal Effectiveness - Delegation - Team Leadership •Managing Change & Decision Making - Understanding change and change management. - Setting stretched goals and driving results. - Decision Making : Process & Techniques. - Resolving conflicts - Coaching and Mentoring •I have many rights—but no duties. •I have the right to feel good. If I do not feel good, it is not my fault. •I have many talents and needs. It is the company’s responsibility to use & develop my talents, and meet my needs. •When my company has problems, the responsibility rests solely with Management. I’m a ‘back-bencher’ •It’s Management’s duty to involve me in decisions. However, I do not need to commit myself. I do not need to come up with constructive criticism / suggestions. It is sufficient for me to point out mistakes and omissions of others •I have the right to feel secure—if I do not, I can’t work effectively. (I’m under no obligation to work effectively to feel secure) The Laws of Irresponsibility  What are your life & career goals?  What are your dearest values?  What are your main personality characteristics?  What are your strengths and weaknesses?  Are you aware of how others perceive you?  What is your roadmap for self-fulfillment?  How do you learn ? •Self Directed Questions
  • 11. 3 . N N L s P y r a m i d Competence Drive Integrity - Contextual knowledge and Experience -Application of EQ - Soft Skill /Cyber driven learning/ e-learning - Questions are more important than answers - Out-of-box thinking Drive, passion, burning desire to excel, energy level at work decides what he does with the “raw material” Relentless quest for excellence Walk theTalk”,Owns responsibility, shares credit, Invites feedback ,Justice and fair play, ‘Selflessness’ ,Does not misuse power and Respect for subordinates
  • 12. 5 . E m o t i o n a l I n t e l l i g e n c e - T h e Ac h i l l i ’s H i l l Definition Capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. Personal competence Social competence 1.Empathy(Emp). Awareness of others’ feelings (Understanding others, Developing others, Service orientation, Leveraging diversity and Political awareness. 2.Social Skills(SS): Adeptness at inducing desirable responses in others.( Influence, Communication, Conflict Management, Leadership, Change catalyst, Building bonds, Collaboration & cooperation, Team capabilities 1.Self-awareness (SA): Knowing one’s internal states, preferences, resources and intuitions..(Self-awareness: Knowing one’s internal states, preferences, resources and intuitions.) 2.Self Regulation (SR) : Emotional Self Control,Integrity,Adaptability,Innovati on andConsciousness 3..Motivation:(Mot) Emotional tendencies that facilitate reaching goals (Achievement drive, Commitment, Initiative and Optimism Social Competency Personal Competency
  • 13. 5 . 1 E m o t i o n a l I n t e l l i g e n c e : O ve r vi e w Areas Definition Hallmarks SA  Ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions & drives, as well as their effect on others  Self-confidence  Realistic self-assessment  Self-deprecating humor SR  Ability to control / redirect disruptive impulses/moods.  Propensity to suspend judgment; think before acting  Trustworthiness & integrity  Comfort with ambiguity  Openness to change Mot  Passion to work for reasons that go beyond money and status  Propensity to pursue goals with energy & persistence  Strong drive to achieve  Undying optimism  Organizational commitment Emp  Ability to understand the emotional make-up of others  Ability to treat people according to their emotional reactions  Expertise in retaining talent  Cross-cultural sensitivity  Service to customers SS  Proficiency in managing relationships & building networks  Ability to find common ground and build rapport  Expertise in leading change  Persuasiveness  Expertise in leading teams
  • 14. Leader’s Behavior (Creating ‘WE’ centric culture) Co-creating – the context we set Humanizing – the relationships we build Optimizing – the dreams we hold Interacting – the actions we take Catalyzing – the ideas we evolve Expressing – the words we choose Synchronizing– the purpose and passions we live • Diagnosing present team style • Problem sensing • Examining differences in perception; ‘mirroring’ • Listening & clarifying • Giving & receiving feedback • Lookingat process & content • Developing interactive skills • Follow-up procedures • Developing team-planning, goal-setting, problem- solving, and decision-making skills Teambuilding Interventions Purpose Team : Provides a framework that will increase the ability of employees to participate in planning, problem solving, and decision making. 4 . B u i l d i n g W i n n i n g Te a m Conflict (Overt or Covert) is inbuilt withinTeam s- Understand, Diagnose and Mitigate ) Actioning the Motivation Pat on the Back Recognize in a Group Appreciate the Person Induce Passion Sustain Drive Empathize/Energize P R A I S E
  • 15. Annihilatory Conflict No conflict Conflict Intensity Continuum Overt efforts to destroy the other party Aggressive physical attacks Threats and ultimatum Assertive verbal attacks Overt questioning or challenging others Minor disagreements or misunderstandings Commu nicatio n Stru cture Perso nal Conflict occurs if Personnel, Structure and Communication flow not in synch No conflict Why Conflict ? 5 . C o n f l i c t M a n a g e m e n t
  • 16. Conflict Management Techniques Problem Solving Face to face meeting to identify the problem and resolving it through open discussion. Super ordinate goals Creating a shared goal that cannot be attained without the cooperation of each of the conflicting parties. Expansion of resources Expand resources, if possible or brainstorm substitute. Compete Use formal authority to resolve conflict and communicate Collaborate Work through differences Avoidance Withdrawal from of suppression of the conflict. Compromise Middle-path. Accommodate Giving concessions. Altering the human variable Using behavioral change techniques. Altering structural variables Change reporting relationship, jobs redesign, transfer. Conflict Resolution Illustations Areas Symptoms and Solutions Mismatched needs Symptom: People with private agendas working at cross- purposes Solution: Get hidden agendas on the table Confused goals Symptom: People don’t know what they are supposed to do Solution: Clarify the reason the team exists; define its purpose and expected outcomes Personality conflicts Symptoms: team members do not get along Solution: Formulate a better vision Insufficient information & feedback Symptom: Performance is not being measured; team members are groping in the dark Solution: Encourage free flow of relevant information Poor reward systems Symptoms: People are being rewarded for the wrong things Solution: Reward individual as well as team behavior; design rewards that make teams feel safe Lack of trust Symptom: Defensive behavior; lack of coordination Solution: Earn trust by being trustworthy; reconstitute team if necessary Unwillingness to change Symptom: A visible ‘knowing-doing gap’ Solution: Find out what the blockage is; use dynamite or grease to remove it. The wrong tools Symptom: The team lacks required / appropriate resources Solution: Equip the team well for its tasks 5 . 1 To o l s & R u l e s Conflict is inevitable
  • 17. 6 . T h e L a w s o f I r r e s p o n s i b i l i t y - I d e n t i f y e a r l y a n d Av o i d •I have many rights—but no duties. •I have the right to feel good. •If I do not feel good, it is not my fault. •I have many talents and needs. •It is the company’s responsibility to use & develop my talents, and meet my needs. •When my company has problems, the responsibility rests solely with Management. I’m a ‘back-bencher’ •It’s Management’s duty to involve me in decisions. However, I do not need to commit myself. •I do not need to come up with constructive criticism / suggestions. It is sufficient for me to point out mistakes and omissions of others. •I have the right to feel secure—if I do not, I can’t work effectively. (I’m under no obligation to work effectively to feel secure) •You can’t simply buy, or wish for, a ready-made winning team. •You’ve got to invest time and effort in building a team—and keeping it together. •This investment has a very high ROI: A WinningTeam !
  • 18. What to Learn? How to Learn? Why to Learn? Learning Cycle & Effectiveness – A relook . • To improve current level of performance. • To prepare for emerging/ future roles • Job specific knowledge & skills. • Behavioural competency • Future Knowledge & skills. • Small group Classroom/Online • On the job/ experiential • Project based 7 . B u i l d i n g A L e a r n i n g O r g a n i z a t i o n ( B L O ) a n d S u s t a i n … . .
  • 19. Generic New Skill Sets Mandatory Essential Desirable Operational Excellence Knowledge & Skills Safety, security and wellbeing Role based knowledge and skills Next Level / Multi Skills Emerging Skills, Digital Literacy World Class Manufacturing • EHS • POSH • Ergonomics • Code of Conduct • Social Media • Wellness • Knowledge & Skills about the emerging manufacturing technology. • Digital Literacy – AI, Machine Learning, Robotics • Production/ Service • Quality/ Quality Systems • Customers • Cost • 5S • TPM • TQM • Quality Circles • Six Sigma • Lean 7 . 1 F u t u r e o f P e o p l e C a p a b i l i t y
  • 20. Empowering Model Managing SELF (Indivitual Specialist) Managing OTHERS ( Departmental Heads) Managing BUSINESS (Functional Heads) Accountability and Delegation Communication Skills Conflict Management Developing Others Empathy Team and Conflict Resolution Staffing Performance Management Productivity Customer Focus Change Responsiveness Result Orientation Process Management & Quality Project Management Growth and Empowered Team Learning 8 . S t a g e s o f E m p o w e r m e n t t h r o u g h L e a r n i n g i n p u t s ( B e h a vi o u r a l ) Benefits : Enhances Quality,Cost,Delivery,Innovation and Productivity (QDIP),Career and Succession Plan (Less attrition) ,delegated Power and Authority with Support , HighAccountability and Senior Leadership is productivity associated with Company’s strategic Scaling resulting synergy at theTOP
  • 21. 9 . Ta l e n t M a n a g e m e n t a n d S u c c e s s i o n P l a n •Identify High Performance and High Potential Employees through Assessment Center •Prepare Individual Plan and Review as well as Implement the outcome •Provide Faster Career Path and put the High Potentials in the succession Plan document ( At least 2 successors) Attachment of succession planning will be given which may be attached as example in point no 3
  • 22. GO…. Go beyond the boundary with Future Vision
  • 23. 1 . T h e F u t u r e Vi s i o n Success is beyound the Assigned Position Must Groom the Sucessors at faster Groom , coach and exposed for desired and future skills Have EmotionalQuotion right to be accepted by the team 1 2 4 6 3 5 7 Build challenge and change ingradients and pay levargege to creativity and innovation with R &D Sucessors should be SPOC to the critical Customers / Customer Points Create many stamps as patents in the Function and bring it to National /International Level
  • 24. 2 . Wa y F o r w a r d Understand and apply NN Learship Empower and Build WinningTeams Prepare the talent pipeline in the system as knowledge worker and customer champions ( Internal and external) Shift from Boss style to Mentor Style 1 2 4 6 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 Way Forward 3 5 7 Define and ensure vertical and more strategic Roles for the self Develop a sucession Plan (Two line below) Bring seamlessllness in the sytem for orgabisational excellent
  • 25. T h i n k T h r o u g h or ‘If we Fail to Prepared Ourselves, We prepare ourselves to Fail’

Editor's Notes

  1. Both oral and written. Mahatma Gandhi (scores of post cards, Young India, Harijan) Lokmanya Tilak – Swaraj is my birthright and I will have it. Churchill – “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, sweat and tears”. Netaji Subhas Bose – “Give me blood I will give you freedom”. Jack Welsh, Narayan Murthy, JRD Tata, Lalu Yadav. Ability to listen respectfully. More than word, it is conviction that counts. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot – Kampuchea – methods of torture, slavery – does compassion have any place in governance of nations. Compassion is not pity, it is not to be equated with softness or sentimentality. It is a quality of the heart and of the understanding that makes statesman rise above their fears, insecurties, reactions and the desire for vengenanance and the like. Cyrus the Great, founder of Persian Empire. Asoka and Caesar. Abraham Lincoln. Courage – Lord Moran – personal physician to Sir Winston Churchill The Leadership Pyramid -
  2. Nichole