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Working, learning and
Focus topic: Theory-inspired dialogue
design for conversational agents
Jan 18, 2021 – Dialogue design for conversational agents,
online research meet-up between KAIST and TUGraz
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
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About me
Associate professor at Graz University of Technology
Research area head at the Know-Center
Working, learning and technology
Twitter: @ViktoriaPammer
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Research agenda
Understand working and learning in the ongoing digital
Design and evaluate socio-technical interventions for it
▪ Reflective, situated, workplace learning; knowledge
▪ Organisational learning and innovation; strategic
Research at the intersection of TEL, HCI, IS
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4 ◼
(Informal and professional) Learning as a
focal perspective in analysis and design
Lense of analysis: What is known, learned, how, role of technology, social
(organizational) context?
Lifelong learning
▪ Strategy for knowledge workers, teams, organisations, society to be successful
▪ Computing technology as a tool (interactive, data-driven, artificially intelligent)
Learning w.r.t. ongoing digital transformation
▪ New technologies (+ other global changes) require and enable new practice – technology
and its integration w. practice as a reflection object
▪ Knowledge construction, informal learning
Background – Learning | Research | Conclusion and Outlook
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Socio-technical and design-oriented research
▪ Design-oriented – address relevant challenges using existing scientific knowledge +
contribute to both practice and research
▪ Design: User-centered iterative design, contextual design, experiments, pilot studies
▪ Socio-technical: Understand human activities, technology as tools, and the social
embedding of activity (activity theory)
▪ Understand and evaluate: Field studies – including observations, interviews, contextual inquiry, content
analysis, data analytics
▪ Outcomes: Artefacts, design-oriented knowledge
Background – Research approach | Research | Conclusion and Outlook
Understand Design Evaluate
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Recent publications
Learning Socio-
and methods
Learning in
to ongoing
Wolfbauer, Pammer-Schindler
& Rosé (2020) - Rebo Junior:
Analysis of Dialogue
Structure Quality for a
Reflection Guidance Chatbot.
Dennerlein, Pammer-Schindler et
al. (2020) - Designing a Sandpit-
and Co-Design-informed
Innovation Process for Scaling TEL
Research in Higher Education.
Fruhwirth, Pammer-Schindler
& Thalmann (2021) - A
Network-based Tool for
Identifying Knowledge Risks
in Data-Driven Business
Models. Latinovic & Pammer-Schindler
(2021) - Automation and Artificial
Intelligence in Software
Engineering: Experiences,
Challenges, and Opportunities.
7 ◼
Ongoing research streams
Learning Socio-
and methods
Learning in
to ongoing
Understanding and
designing for
contextualized learning
w.r.t. AI as a foundation
for informed action.
reflection guidance –
intelligent technology
to support lifelong
human learning
Socio-technical design
approaches as a
means to support
innovation and ethical
technology design.
Designing for learning
and knowledge
construction to enable
take-up and innovation
based on Open
8 ◼
Junior Researchers +
Research Developers
+ Co-
Mentor @
PhD student
w Eduardo
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Advance organizer
Reflection in HCI – past and ongoing work
▪ Data-driven and adaptive technologies for reflective learning in the
▪ Conversational reflection and learning guidance, with theory-inspired
dialogue design
Towards reflection scripts
▪ Background - CSCL scripts, cognitive tutors
▪ Reflection script: Reflect on single experience
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Advance organizer
Reflection in HCI – past and ongoing work
▪ Data-driven and adaptive technologies for reflective learning in
the workplace
▪ Conversational reflection and learning guidance, with theory-inspired
dialogue design
Towards reflection scripts
▪ Vision – Intelligent mentoring
▪ Background - CSCL scripts
▪ Reflection script: Reflect on single experience
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Data-driven learning from experience via
reflection, and adaptive reflection prompts
For knowledge workers
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Data-driven learning from experience via
reflection + adaptive reflection prompts
▪ User studies; user-centered iterative design
▪ Field studies + hierarchical evaluation: Usage, learning, behaviour,
▪ Interdisciplinary terminology
(Pammer et al., 2017)
▪ Cyclic model of reflection in
relation to work (Krogstie et al.,
2013; Pammer et al., 2017)
▪ Role of tools (Krogstie et al., 2012)
Empirical studies
▪ Adaptive reflection prompts (Fessl et al.,
▪ Automatic activity log data – time
management (Pammer et al., 2015)
▪ Manual mood tracking data –
collaborative work (Fessl et al., 2012; Rivera-
Pelayo et al., 2017)
▪ Work-related reflection in a quiz (Fessl et
al., 2014; 2018)
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Meta-reflection (cp. Pammer-Schindler, 2019)
+ move towards conversational reflection guidance
Reflection prompts + adaptive guidance in workplaces:
Interventions can work, BUT much more issues experienced than
expected – cp reporting in learning analytics or quantified self literature
▪ Setting aside time and space for learning often challenging
▪ Responses to reflection prompts are often very short
▪ Conversational reflection guidance can prompt for elaboration
▪ Issues w. data interpretation and identification of strategy
▪ Conversational reflection guidance can lead through different
steps in reflection
▪ Privacy issues in the case of fine-grained activity tracking (esp. outside
learning environment – context switch)
▪ Natural language is easy to understand and review w.r.t. privacy
by learner
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Advance organizer
Reflection in HCI – past and ongoing work
▪ Data-driven and adaptive technologies for reflective learning in the
▪ Conversational reflection and learning guidance, with theory-
inspired dialogue design
Towards reflection scripts
▪ Vision – Intelligent mentoring
▪ Background - CSCL scripts
▪ Preliminary reflection script „theory“
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Ongoing research on
conversational reflection guidance
Apprentices in the context of a training workshop
▪ Pilot study 1 – acceptance (“cool”, “like talking to a real
person”), usage via logging, learning via content analysis
(Wolfbauer et la., 2020).
▪ Ongoing: Study 2 w. reflective essay as pre/post test; identifying
fake reflexivity
Prompting online learners to connect learning to their work
▪ Field study – volunteer mentors for AI and entrepreneurship
education (Cicchinelli & Pammer-Schindler, in submission)
Talking about (Artificial) Intelligence
▪ Experimental study 1 – Identifying structure quality in
arguments based on Toulmin’s model of argument (Mirzababaei
& Pammer-Schindler, in submission)
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Conversational agents for apprentices
reflecting on a learning task
Dialogue structure based on conceptualisations of
reflection levels
Two ideas:
▪ Good reflection combines different cognitive and
communicative activities
▪ Conversational reflection guidance can lead through different
▪ Open: Levels vs. different types of thinking
▪ Open: Are levels consecutive?
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Wolfbauer et al. (2020) Rebo Junior:
Analysis of Dialogue Structure Quality
for a Reflection Guidance Chatbot. EC-
TEL Impact Paper Proceedings 2020
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Apprentices in a training workshop
Training workshop: Train relevant tasks
Learning tasks
▪ Similar to future work tasks, in training workshop
▪ + Learning guidance (documentation + reflection with
Goals of learning guidance
▪ Support learning
▪ Teach reflection as key mechanism
of lifelong professional learning
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• Background | Research – Conversational Refl. Guidance | Conclusion and Outlook
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RQ1 Reaction - Do the apprentices accept
Interactions with Rebo Junior
Total number: 18
General disposition towards talk with Rebo Junior
neutral: 6% (1)
positive: 94% (17)
They see a benefit in reflecting with Rebo Junior
no: 30% (3)
yes: 70% (7)
Interesting additional feedback
+ It feels like a real conversation.
- Rebo Junior “types” too fast. (→ delay put in)
+ Rebo Junior was compared to traditional forms
of reflection (“a teacher gives you a sheet of
paper”, “an empty textbox”) and found better.
+ Some apprentices started thinking about how
they can benefit from reflection.
accept Rebo
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Concept Description 153 interactions
Coherence* 0: incoherent, sequence makes no sense 4 (3%)
1: Coherent, given answers and following
questions are fitting
149 (97%)
Stage of
1: Provision and description of experience 153 (100%)
2: Reflection on experiences, including
analysis and potential solutions
114 (75%)
3: Learning or change 133 (87%)
RQ2 Learning - Do the apprentices successfully
reflect with Rebo (process and insights)?
*Inter-coder agreement: 97%
Yes! Almost all dialogues are coherent and reflective.
-> Dialogue structure!
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Challenges, gaps
Do apprentices learn to reflect? -> Ongoing study w pre/post test
(reflective essay)
Improve reflection quality
▪ Assess reflection quality – reflection analytics, structural vs.
domain-oriented assessment, fake reflexivity
▪ Design implication: Adaptation mechanisms to improve
Assumption: Engagement decreases over time. Indications there,
but no significant results.
▪ Gap in literature on long-term engagement w. learning
▪ Design implication: Adaption mechanisms to combat
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Ongoing research on
conversational reflection guidance
Apprentices in the context of a training workshop
▪ Pilot study 1 – acceptance (“cool”, “like talking to a real
person”), usage via logging, learning via content analysis
(Wolfbauer et la., 2020).
▪ Ongoing: Study 2 w. reflective essay as pre/post test; identifying
fake reflexivity
Prompting online learners to connect learning to their work
▪ Field study – volunteer mentors for AI and entrepreneurship
education (Cicchinelli & Pammer-Schindler, in submission)
Talking about (Artificial) Intelligence
▪ Experimental study 1 – Identifying structure quality in
arguments based on Toulmin’s model of argument (Mirzababaei
& Pammer-Schindler, in submission)
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Cicchinelli & Pammer-Schindler (in
submission). What makes volunteer
mentors tick? A case study in a
preparatory online training course.
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Prompting professionals preparing for
volunteer mentoring
Prompts aim to connect between online course, future
practice as mentors and future practice as
professionals, thereby enhancing motivation
▪ Motivation is both intrinsice (what is interesting?) and extrinsic
(what is useful)
▪ Transferring knowledge across contexts is challenging
▪ Reflection guidance through all reflection guidance is maybe
too long in an online course setting
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Prompting professionals preparing for
volunteer mentoring
1) What did you find interesting about the things
that you did in this period (either in this training
module or in volunteering with families)? Why?
2) Having identified interesting things in this
period, can you set goals to apply a particular
knowledge skill or attitude in your life, work, or
volunteering work with families? For example:
− To practice brainstorming techniques with a
problem in my area.
− To test two AI modules.
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Revisit +
27 ◼
RQ: Based on answers to reflection prompts, which different
motivations and interests do volunteer mentors have?
… as a precursor for identifying different needs w.r.t.
motivation and applicability of what is learned through
Data: N= 51/90
Bottom-up coding led to developing categories
▪ Mentoring
▪ Working with families
▪ Developing communication skills
▪ Developing problem solving skilss
▪ Learning about AI
▪ Prototyping AI
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28 ◼
Ongoing research on
conversational reflection guidance
Apprentices in the context of a training workshop
▪ Pilot study 1 – acceptance (“cool”, “like talking to a real
person”), usage via logging, learning via content analysis
(Wolfbauer et la., 2020).
▪ Ongoing: Study 2 w. reflective essay as pre/post test; identifying
fake reflexivity
Prompting online learners to connect learning to their work
▪ Field study – volunteer mentors for AI and entrepreneurship
education (Cicchinelli & Pammer-Schindler, in submission)
Talking about (Artificial) Intelligence
▪ Experimental study 1 – Identifying structure quality in
arguments based on Toulmin’s model of argument (Mirzababaei
& Pammer-Schindler, in submission)
29 ◼
Mirzababaei & Pammer-Schindler (in
submission). Developing a conversational
agent’s capability to differentiate
between different types of wrongness in
arguments based on Toulmin’s model of
30 ◼
Conversational agent to discuss in what
sense a concrete entity is intelligent
Dialogue structure based on Bloom‘s taxonomy:
Two ideas:
▪ Different types of understanding a concept, with different types
of argumentation expressing them, and different types of
exercises supporting them.
▪ Conversational learning guidance can lead through different
▪ Open: Levels vs. different types of thinking
▪ Open: Are levels consecutive?
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Conversational agent to discuss in what
sense a concrete entity is intelligent
CA: Do you remember the five different
definitions of intelligence from the lecture?
CA: Can you explain the definition „thinking
rationally“ in your own words?
CA: So, using any of the above definitions, in
what sense is a search engine intelligent?
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Conversational agent to discuss in what
sense a concrete entity is intelligent
Feedback on „apply“ level based on Toulmin‘s model of
▪ A reasonable argument contains multiple components
(core components: claim, warrant, evidence)
▪ A conversational agent can support constructing a
reasonable argument by identifying the existence of
such components (structural quality)
▪ … and a contentwise correct relationship between
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Warrant is
Evidence is
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RQ: How well can core components of
Toulmin‘s model of arguments be identified?
Data collection
▪ Three datasets (N=100, 1026, 211)
▪ collected via Amazon Mturk
▪ Entities: table, office chair, Statue of Liberty (inanimate objects),
tree, sunflower, Venus flytrap (plants) cat, fish, snake, monkey
(animals) Google search engine, self-driving car (AI-enabled
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Component Claim Warrant Evidence
Annotation Positive
Training data
(the dataset 1
and 2)
477 594 55 691 435 835 291
Test data
(the dataset 3)
102 99 10 111 100 159 52
35 ◼
RQ: How well can core components of
Toulmin‘s model of arguments be identified?
▪ TFIDF with different cut-off lengths; component specific: claim
and warrant – regular expressions on yes/no and definitions;
evidence – specific words/phrases; response length
Model selection based on training datasets 1+2
Accuracy on dataset 3 (accuracy over all classes)
▪ Existence of claim: 0.91
▪ Existence of warrant: 0.89
▪ Existence of evidence: 0.83
▪ Attention: imbalance between classes -> dialogue structure
needs to express this uncertainty!
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36 ◼
Extend from Bloom‘s taxonomy towards reflection
in the sense of planning future action
CA: Do you remember the five different definitions
of intelligence from the lecture?
CA: Can you explain the definition „thinking
rationally“ in your own words?
CA: So, using any of the above definitions, in what
sense is a search engine intelligent?
Application towards case/example of relevance for
learner + reflection on future action
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Advance organizer
Reflection in HCI – past and ongoing work
▪ Data-driven and adaptive technologies for reflective learning in the
▪ Conversational reflection and learning guidance, with theory-inspired
dialogue design
Towards reflection scripts
▪ Vision – Intelligent mentoring
▪ Background - CSCL scripts
▪ Reflection script: Reflect on single experience
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▪ Meta-model of lifelong learning that connect ongoing experience, new
knowledge, and reflection.
▪ Examples: reflection in regular intervals about ongoing progress
towards goals; reflection about relevance of newly received
informatino/knowledge and possible change to future practice
▪ Process models that connect between reflection sessions and
conceptually structure reflection sessions
▪ Example: Reflect on past time interval (revisit + describe,
judge/select, learn) + go back to plan (revisit + judge outcome) from
last reflection session; + formulate new plan
▪ Operational conditional dialogue structures that instantiate such
process models
▪ By providing concrete verbalisations for steps in a reflection session.
▪ By connecting to machine learning (natural language processing
based) functionality required to operationalise conditional dialogue
How far can technology go towards serving a mentoring function
for adults by facilitating long-term and iterative reflection?
39 ◼
Advance organizer
Reflection in HCI – past and ongoing work
▪ Data-driven and adaptive technologies for reflective learning in the
▪ Conversational reflection and learning guidance, with theory-inspired
dialogue design
Towards reflection scripts
▪ Vision – Intelligent mentoring
▪ Background - CSCL scripts
▪ Reflection script: Reflect on single experience
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CSCL scripts
▪ Formalisable structures for collaborative learning
▪ At different levels of granularity: Integrative, macro,
micro scripts
▪ Used on computational environments for collaborative
▪ Used as a basis for conversational agents
Inspiring to think about „reflection scripts“!
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41 ◼
Advance organizer
Reflection in HCI – past and ongoing work
▪ Data-driven and adaptive technologies for reflective learning in the
▪ Conversational reflection and learning guidance, with theory-inspired
dialogue design
Towards reflection scripts
▪ Vision – Intelligent mentoring
▪ Background - CSCL scripts
▪ Reflection script: Reflect on single experience
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Example reflection script: Reflect on a single
Integrative level: Reflect on specific type of single (learning) experiences
▪ Trigger: Selected type of single
experience (learning task;
learning module, particular type of event)
▪ Dialogue
▪ Revisiting + Judgement
▪ Emotion / Selection
▪ DONE: Showing empathy (Patrick Steyer)
▪ Learning
▪ In progress: Identify existence of
reasonable answer (Amel Hamidovic)
▪ TODO Micro-level – content-wise
feedback + Reminder to similar past insights
▪ Planning
▪ In progress: Identify existence of reasonable answer (Amel Hamidovic)
▪ TODO Micro-level – content-wise feedback + trigger follow-up session
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Developed based on theory and
in parallel to two cases:
apprentices (Irmtraud
Wolfbauer); volunteer mentors
(Analia Cicchinelli)
TODO: Use as a starting point
for design of third dialogue
structure + evaluate
43 ◼
Fessl et al. (2014) Mood Tracking in Virtual Meetings. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced
Learning (ECTEL 2012), 2012.
Fessl et al. (2017) In-app Reflection Guidance: Lessons Learned across Four Field Trials at the Workplace. IEEE Transactions on
Learning Technologies, Vol 10/4, pp 488-501, 2017. DOI:
Fessl et al. (2018) Transfer of Theoretical Knowledge into Work Practice: A Reflective Quiz for Stroke Nurses. In: Knowledge
Management in Digital Change, Springer, 2018, p. 291-308. DOI:
Krogstie et al. (2012) Computer Support for Reflective Learning in the Workplace: A Model. 12th IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2012.
Krogstie et al., (2013) Understanding and Supporting Reflective Learning Processes in the Workplace: The CSRL Model. Scaling up
Learning for Sustained Impact - 8th European Conference, on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus,
September 17-21, 2013.
Pammer et al. (2015) The Value of Self-Tracking and the Added Value of Coaching in the Case of Improving Time Management. In:
Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World, Proceedings of the10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced
Learning (ECTEL 2015), pp.467-472, 2015. DOI:
Pammer et al. (2017) Let's Talk About Reflection at Work. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol 9, No 2/3,
Pammer-Schindler (2019) Designing Data-Driven and Adaptive Technologies for Reflective Learning in the Workplace. Habilitation
thesis, Graz University of Technology, 2019
Renner et al. (2019) Computer-supported reflective learning: How apps can foster reflection at work. Behaviour & Information
Technology, Taylor & Francis, 2019. DOI:
Rivera-Pelayo et al. (2017) Introducing Mood Self-Tracking at Work: Empirical Insights from Call Centers. ACM Trans. Comput.-
Hum. Interact., ACM, 2017, 24, 3:1-3:28. DOI:
Wolfbauer et al. (2020) Rebo Junior: Analysis of Dialogue Structure Quality for a Reflection Guidance Chatbot. EC-TEL Impact
Paper Proceedings 2020: 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020.
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2021 01-20 - theory-driven dialogue design for conversational agents - public

  • 1. 1 ◼ WISSEN TECHNIK LEIDENSCHAFT Working, learning and technology Focus topic: Theory-inspired dialogue design for conversational agents Jan 18, 2021 – Dialogue design for conversational agents, online research meet-up between KAIST and TUGraz Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
  • 2. 2 ◼ 2 About me Associate professor at Graz University of Technology Research area head at the Know-Center Working, learning and technology Twitter: @ViktoriaPammer Web:
  • 3. 3 ◼ 3 Research agenda Understand working and learning in the ongoing digital transformation Design and evaluate socio-technical interventions for it ▪ Reflective, situated, workplace learning; knowledge construction ▪ Organisational learning and innovation; strategic decision-making Research at the intersection of TEL, HCI, IS Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 4. 4 ◼ 4 (Informal and professional) Learning as a focal perspective in analysis and design Lense of analysis: What is known, learned, how, role of technology, social (organizational) context? Lifelong learning ▪ Strategy for knowledge workers, teams, organisations, society to be successful ▪ Computing technology as a tool (interactive, data-driven, artificially intelligent) Learning w.r.t. ongoing digital transformation ▪ New technologies (+ other global changes) require and enable new practice – technology and its integration w. practice as a reflection object ▪ Knowledge construction, informal learning Background – Learning | Research | Conclusion and Outlook
  • 5. 5 ◼ 5 Socio-technical and design-oriented research ▪ Design-oriented – address relevant challenges using existing scientific knowledge + contribute to both practice and research ▪ Design: User-centered iterative design, contextual design, experiments, pilot studies ▪ Socio-technical: Understand human activities, technology as tools, and the social embedding of activity (activity theory) ▪ Understand and evaluate: Field studies – including observations, interviews, contextual inquiry, content analysis, data analytics ▪ Outcomes: Artefacts, design-oriented knowledge Background – Research approach | Research | Conclusion and Outlook Understand Design Evaluate
  • 6. 6 ◼ 6 Recent publications Technology- Enhanced Learning Socio- technical design perspective and methods Learning in relationship to ongoing digitalisation Wolfbauer, Pammer-Schindler & Rosé (2020) - Rebo Junior: Analysis of Dialogue Structure Quality for a Reflection Guidance Chatbot. Dennerlein, Pammer-Schindler et al. (2020) - Designing a Sandpit- and Co-Design-informed Innovation Process for Scaling TEL Research in Higher Education. Fruhwirth, Pammer-Schindler & Thalmann (2021) - A Network-based Tool for Identifying Knowledge Risks in Data-Driven Business Models. Latinovic & Pammer-Schindler (2021) - Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering: Experiences, Challenges, and Opportunities.
  • 7. 7 ◼ 7 Ongoing research streams Technology- Enhanced Learning Socio- technical design perspective and methods Learning in relationship to ongoing digitalisation Understanding and designing for contextualized learning w.r.t. AI as a foundation for informed action. Conversational reflection guidance – intelligent technology to support lifelong human learning Socio-technical design approaches as a means to support innovation and ethical technology design. Designing for learning and knowledge construction to enable take-up and innovation based on Open Science.
  • 8. 8 ◼ 8 Team Senior Researchers PhD Students Junior Researchers + Research Developers + Co- Area Manager External Mentor @ NTNU w Monica Divitini External PhD student Co- Supervision w Eduardo Veas
  • 9. 9 ◼ 9 Advance organizer Reflection in HCI – past and ongoing work ▪ Data-driven and adaptive technologies for reflective learning in the workplace ▪ Conversational reflection and learning guidance, with theory-inspired dialogue design Towards reflection scripts ▪ Background - CSCL scripts, cognitive tutors ▪ Reflection script: Reflect on single experience Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 10. 10 ◼ 10 Advance organizer Reflection in HCI – past and ongoing work ▪ Data-driven and adaptive technologies for reflective learning in the workplace ▪ Conversational reflection and learning guidance, with theory-inspired dialogue design Towards reflection scripts ▪ Vision – Intelligent mentoring ▪ Background - CSCL scripts ▪ Reflection script: Reflect on single experience Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 11. 11 ◼ 11 Data-driven learning from experience via reflection, and adaptive reflection prompts For knowledge workers
  • 12. 12 ◼ 12 Data-driven learning from experience via reflection + adaptive reflection prompts Method ▪ User studies; user-centered iterative design ▪ Field studies + hierarchical evaluation: Usage, learning, behaviour, impact Conceptual ▪ Interdisciplinary terminology (Pammer et al., 2017) ▪ Cyclic model of reflection in relation to work (Krogstie et al., 2013; Pammer et al., 2017) ▪ Role of tools (Krogstie et al., 2012) Empirical studies ▪ Adaptive reflection prompts (Fessl et al., 2017) ▪ Automatic activity log data – time management (Pammer et al., 2015) ▪ Manual mood tracking data – collaborative work (Fessl et al., 2012; Rivera- Pelayo et al., 2017) ▪ Work-related reflection in a quiz (Fessl et al., 2014; 2018)
  • 13. 13 ◼ 13 Meta-reflection (cp. Pammer-Schindler, 2019) + move towards conversational reflection guidance Reflection prompts + adaptive guidance in workplaces: Interventions can work, BUT much more issues experienced than expected – cp reporting in learning analytics or quantified self literature ▪ Setting aside time and space for learning often challenging ▪ Responses to reflection prompts are often very short ▪ Conversational reflection guidance can prompt for elaboration ▪ Issues w. data interpretation and identification of strategy ▪ Conversational reflection guidance can lead through different steps in reflection ▪ Privacy issues in the case of fine-grained activity tracking (esp. outside learning environment – context switch) ▪ Natural language is easy to understand and review w.r.t. privacy by learner
  • 14. 14 ◼ 14 Advance organizer Reflection in HCI – past and ongoing work ▪ Data-driven and adaptive technologies for reflective learning in the workplace ▪ Conversational reflection and learning guidance, with theory- inspired dialogue design Towards reflection scripts ▪ Vision – Intelligent mentoring ▪ Background - CSCL scripts ▪ Preliminary reflection script „theory“ Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 15. 15 ◼ 15 Ongoing research on conversational reflection guidance Apprentices in the context of a training workshop ▪ Pilot study 1 – acceptance (“cool”, “like talking to a real person”), usage via logging, learning via content analysis (Wolfbauer et la., 2020). ▪ Ongoing: Study 2 w. reflective essay as pre/post test; identifying fake reflexivity Prompting online learners to connect learning to their work ▪ Field study – volunteer mentors for AI and entrepreneurship education (Cicchinelli & Pammer-Schindler, in submission) Talking about (Artificial) Intelligence ▪ Experimental study 1 – Identifying structure quality in arguments based on Toulmin’s model of argument (Mirzababaei & Pammer-Schindler, in submission)
  • 16. 16 ◼ 16 Conversational agents for apprentices reflecting on a learning task Dialogue structure based on conceptualisations of reflection levels Two ideas: ▪ Good reflection combines different cognitive and communicative activities ▪ Conversational reflection guidance can lead through different levels ▪ Open: Levels vs. different types of thinking ▪ Open: Are levels consecutive?
  • 17. 17 ◼ WISSEN TECHNIK LEIDENSCHAFT Wolfbauer et al. (2020) Rebo Junior: Analysis of Dialogue Structure Quality for a Reflection Guidance Chatbot. EC- TEL Impact Paper Proceedings 2020
  • 18. 18 ◼ 18 Apprentices in a training workshop Training workshop: Train relevant tasks Learning tasks ▪ Similar to future work tasks, in training workshop ▪ + Learning guidance (documentation + reflection with Rebo) Goals of learning guidance ▪ Support learning ▪ Teach reflection as key mechanism of lifelong professional learning
  • 19. 19 ◼ 19 • Background | Research – Conversational Refl. Guidance | Conclusion and Outlook Judgement Emotion Learning Planning
  • 20. 20 ◼ 20 RQ1 Reaction - Do the apprentices accept Rebo? Interactions with Rebo Junior Total number: 18 General disposition towards talk with Rebo Junior neutral: 6% (1) positive: 94% (17) They see a benefit in reflecting with Rebo Junior no: 30% (3) yes: 70% (7) Interesting additional feedback + It feels like a real conversation. - Rebo Junior “types” too fast. (→ delay put in) + Rebo Junior was compared to traditional forms of reflection (“a teacher gives you a sheet of paper”, “an empty textbox”) and found better. + Some apprentices started thinking about how they can benefit from reflection. Apprentices accept Rebo initially.
  • 21. 21 ◼ 21 Concept Description 153 interactions Coherence* 0: incoherent, sequence makes no sense 4 (3%) 1: Coherent, given answers and following questions are fitting 149 (97%) Stage of Reflection* 1: Provision and description of experience 153 (100%) 2: Reflection on experiences, including analysis and potential solutions 114 (75%) 3: Learning or change 133 (87%) RQ2 Learning - Do the apprentices successfully reflect with Rebo (process and insights)? *Inter-coder agreement: 97% Yes! Almost all dialogues are coherent and reflective. -> Dialogue structure!
  • 22. 22 ◼ Challenges, gaps Do apprentices learn to reflect? -> Ongoing study w pre/post test (reflective essay) Improve reflection quality ▪ Assess reflection quality – reflection analytics, structural vs. domain-oriented assessment, fake reflexivity ▪ Design implication: Adaptation mechanisms to improve reflection Assumption: Engagement decreases over time. Indications there, but no significant results. ▪ Gap in literature on long-term engagement w. learning guidance. ▪ Design implication: Adaption mechanisms to combat disengagement.
  • 23. 23 ◼ 23 Ongoing research on conversational reflection guidance Apprentices in the context of a training workshop ▪ Pilot study 1 – acceptance (“cool”, “like talking to a real person”), usage via logging, learning via content analysis (Wolfbauer et la., 2020). ▪ Ongoing: Study 2 w. reflective essay as pre/post test; identifying fake reflexivity Prompting online learners to connect learning to their work ▪ Field study – volunteer mentors for AI and entrepreneurship education (Cicchinelli & Pammer-Schindler, in submission) Talking about (Artificial) Intelligence ▪ Experimental study 1 – Identifying structure quality in arguments based on Toulmin’s model of argument (Mirzababaei & Pammer-Schindler, in submission)
  • 24. 24 ◼ SCIENCE PASSION TECHNOLOGY Cicchinelli & Pammer-Schindler (in submission). What makes volunteer mentors tick? A case study in a preparatory online training course.
  • 25. 25 ◼ 25 Prompting professionals preparing for volunteer mentoring Prompts aim to connect between online course, future practice as mentors and future practice as professionals, thereby enhancing motivation ▪ Motivation is both intrinsice (what is interesting?) and extrinsic (what is useful) ▪ Transferring knowledge across contexts is challenging ▪ Reflection guidance through all reflection guidance is maybe too long in an online course setting Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 26. 26 ◼ 26 Prompting professionals preparing for volunteer mentoring 1) What did you find interesting about the things that you did in this period (either in this training module or in volunteering with families)? Why? 2) Having identified interesting things in this period, can you set goals to apply a particular knowledge skill or attitude in your life, work, or volunteering work with families? For example: − To practice brainstorming techniques with a problem in my area. − To test two AI modules. Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen Revisit + judge/select Planning
  • 27. 27 ◼ 27 RQ: Based on answers to reflection prompts, which different motivations and interests do volunteer mentors have? … as a precursor for identifying different needs w.r.t. motivation and applicability of what is learned through mentoring. Data: N= 51/90 Bottom-up coding led to developing categories ▪ Mentoring ▪ Working with families ▪ Developing communication skills ▪ Developing problem solving skilss ▪ Learning about AI ▪ Prototyping AI Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 28. 28 ◼ 28 Ongoing research on conversational reflection guidance Apprentices in the context of a training workshop ▪ Pilot study 1 – acceptance (“cool”, “like talking to a real person”), usage via logging, learning via content analysis (Wolfbauer et la., 2020). ▪ Ongoing: Study 2 w. reflective essay as pre/post test; identifying fake reflexivity Prompting online learners to connect learning to their work ▪ Field study – volunteer mentors for AI and entrepreneurship education (Cicchinelli & Pammer-Schindler, in submission) Talking about (Artificial) Intelligence ▪ Experimental study 1 – Identifying structure quality in arguments based on Toulmin’s model of argument (Mirzababaei & Pammer-Schindler, in submission)
  • 29. 29 ◼ SCIENCE PASSION TECHNOLOGY Mirzababaei & Pammer-Schindler (in submission). Developing a conversational agent’s capability to differentiate between different types of wrongness in arguments based on Toulmin’s model of arguments
  • 30. 30 ◼ 30 Conversational agent to discuss in what sense a concrete entity is intelligent Dialogue structure based on Bloom‘s taxonomy: Two ideas: ▪ Different types of understanding a concept, with different types of argumentation expressing them, and different types of exercises supporting them. ▪ Conversational learning guidance can lead through different levels ▪ Open: Levels vs. different types of thinking ▪ Open: Are levels consecutive? Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 31. 31 ◼ 31 Conversational agent to discuss in what sense a concrete entity is intelligent CA: Do you remember the five different definitions of intelligence from the lecture? … CA: Can you explain the definition „thinking rationally“ in your own words? … CA: So, using any of the above definitions, in what sense is a search engine intelligent? Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen Remember Understand Apply
  • 32. 32 ◼ 32 Conversational agent to discuss in what sense a concrete entity is intelligent Feedback on „apply“ level based on Toulmin‘s model of arguments ▪ A reasonable argument contains multiple components (core components: claim, warrant, evidence) ▪ A conversational agent can support constructing a reasonable argument by identifying the existence of such components (structural quality) ▪ … and a contentwise correct relationship between component Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 33. 33 ◼ 33 Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen Apply Warrant is missing Evidence is missing
  • 34. 34 ◼ 34 RQ: How well can core components of Toulmin‘s model of arguments be identified? Data collection ▪ Three datasets (N=100, 1026, 211) ▪ collected via Amazon Mturk ▪ Entities: table, office chair, Statue of Liberty (inanimate objects), tree, sunflower, Venus flytrap (plants) cat, fish, snake, monkey (animals) Google search engine, self-driving car (AI-enabled technologies) Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen Component Claim Warrant Evidence Annotation Positive Negati ve Unknow n With warrant Without warrant With evidence Without evidenc e Training data (the dataset 1 and 2) 477 594 55 691 435 835 291 Test data (the dataset 3) 102 99 10 111 100 159 52
  • 35. 35 ◼ 35 RQ: How well can core components of Toulmin‘s model of arguments be identified? Features ▪ TFIDF with different cut-off lengths; component specific: claim and warrant – regular expressions on yes/no and definitions; evidence – specific words/phrases; response length Model selection based on training datasets 1+2 Accuracy on dataset 3 (accuracy over all classes) ▪ Existence of claim: 0.91 ▪ Existence of warrant: 0.89 ▪ Existence of evidence: 0.83 ▪ Attention: imbalance between classes -> dialogue structure needs to express this uncertainty! Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 36. 36 ◼ 36 Extend from Bloom‘s taxonomy towards reflection in the sense of planning future action CA: Do you remember the five different definitions of intelligence from the lecture? … CA: Can you explain the definition „thinking rationally“ in your own words? … CA: So, using any of the above definitions, in what sense is a search engine intelligent? … Application towards case/example of relevance for learner + reflection on future action Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen Remember Understand Apply
  • 37. 37 ◼ 37 Advance organizer Reflection in HCI – past and ongoing work ▪ Data-driven and adaptive technologies for reflective learning in the workplace ▪ Conversational reflection and learning guidance, with theory-inspired dialogue design Towards reflection scripts ▪ Vision – Intelligent mentoring ▪ Background - CSCL scripts ▪ Reflection script: Reflect on single experience Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 38. 38 ◼ Vision ▪ Meta-model of lifelong learning that connect ongoing experience, new knowledge, and reflection. ▪ Examples: reflection in regular intervals about ongoing progress towards goals; reflection about relevance of newly received informatino/knowledge and possible change to future practice ▪ Process models that connect between reflection sessions and conceptually structure reflection sessions ▪ Example: Reflect on past time interval (revisit + describe, judge/select, learn) + go back to plan (revisit + judge outcome) from last reflection session; + formulate new plan ▪ Operational conditional dialogue structures that instantiate such process models ▪ By providing concrete verbalisations for steps in a reflection session. ▪ By connecting to machine learning (natural language processing based) functionality required to operationalise conditional dialogue structures. How far can technology go towards serving a mentoring function for adults by facilitating long-term and iterative reflection?
  • 39. 39 ◼ 39 Advance organizer Reflection in HCI – past and ongoing work ▪ Data-driven and adaptive technologies for reflective learning in the workplace ▪ Conversational reflection and learning guidance, with theory-inspired dialogue design Towards reflection scripts ▪ Vision – Intelligent mentoring ▪ Background - CSCL scripts ▪ Reflection script: Reflect on single experience Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 40. 40 ◼ 40 CSCL scripts ▪ Formalisable structures for collaborative learning activities ▪ At different levels of granularity: Integrative, macro, micro scripts ▪ Used on computational environments for collaborative learning ▪ Used as a basis for conversational agents Inspiring to think about „reflection scripts“! Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 41. 41 ◼ 41 Advance organizer Reflection in HCI – past and ongoing work ▪ Data-driven and adaptive technologies for reflective learning in the workplace ▪ Conversational reflection and learning guidance, with theory-inspired dialogue design Towards reflection scripts ▪ Vision – Intelligent mentoring ▪ Background - CSCL scripts ▪ Reflection script: Reflect on single experience Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen
  • 42. 42 ◼ 42 Example reflection script: Reflect on a single experience Integrative level: Reflect on specific type of single (learning) experiences Macro-Level: ▪ Trigger: Selected type of single experience (learning task; learning module, particular type of event) ▪ Dialogue ▪ Revisiting + Judgement ▪ Emotion / Selection ▪ DONE: Showing empathy (Patrick Steyer) ▪ Learning ▪ In progress: Identify existence of reasonable answer (Amel Hamidovic) ▪ TODO Micro-level – content-wise feedback + Reminder to similar past insights ▪ Planning ▪ In progress: Identify existence of reasonable answer (Amel Hamidovic) ▪ TODO Micro-level – content-wise feedback + trigger follow-up session Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen Developed based on theory and in parallel to two cases: apprentices (Irmtraud Wolfbauer); volunteer mentors (Analia Cicchinelli) TODO: Use as a starting point for design of third dialogue structure + evaluate
  • 43. 43 ◼ 43 References Fessl et al. (2014) Mood Tracking in Virtual Meetings. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ECTEL 2012), 2012. Fessl et al. (2017) In-app Reflection Guidance: Lessons Learned across Four Field Trials at the Workplace. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol 10/4, pp 488-501, 2017. DOI: Fessl et al. (2018) Transfer of Theoretical Knowledge into Work Practice: A Reflective Quiz for Stroke Nurses. In: Knowledge Management in Digital Change, Springer, 2018, p. 291-308. DOI: Krogstie et al. (2012) Computer Support for Reflective Learning in the Workplace: A Model. 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2012. Krogstie et al., (2013) Understanding and Supporting Reflective Learning Processes in the Workplace: The CSRL Model. Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact - 8th European Conference, on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, September 17-21, 2013. Pammer et al. (2015) The Value of Self-Tracking and the Added Value of Coaching in the Case of Improving Time Management. In: Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World, Proceedings of the10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (ECTEL 2015), pp.467-472, 2015. DOI: Pammer et al. (2017) Let's Talk About Reflection at Work. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol 9, No 2/3, 2017. Pammer-Schindler (2019) Designing Data-Driven and Adaptive Technologies for Reflective Learning in the Workplace. Habilitation thesis, Graz University of Technology, 2019 Renner et al. (2019) Computer-supported reflective learning: How apps can foster reflection at work. Behaviour & Information Technology, Taylor & Francis, 2019. DOI: Rivera-Pelayo et al. (2017) Introducing Mood Self-Tracking at Work: Empirical Insights from Call Centers. ACM Trans. Comput.- Hum. Interact., ACM, 2017, 24, 3:1-3:28. DOI: Wolfbauer et al. (2020) Rebo Junior: Analysis of Dialogue Structure Quality for a Reflection Guidance Chatbot. EC-TEL Impact Paper Proceedings 2020: 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020. Datum wie Fußzeilentext zentral eingeben Fußzeilentext im Menüpunkt „Kopf- und Fußzeile“ eingeben und für alle Folien übernehmen