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Navigating Workplace Violence
A Manager’s Guide
by Tom Huskerson, B.A., M.A.
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Table of Contents
1. Definition of Workplace Violence
2. Categorizing Workplace Violence
3. Statistical Breakdown of Workplace Violence
4. Cost of Workplace Violence
5. Forms of Aggression
6. Workplace Violence and the Law
7. Total Organization Involvement
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
What do you know about workplace violence?
 What is it?
 How often does it occur?
 Where does it occur?
 Who does it happen to?
 How does it affect your employees?
 What does it cost your company?
 How will your company respond?
As a manager you need the answers to all these questions
and more to prepare and protect your company!
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
As a manager and supervisor the vital first step in
preventing violence in the workplace is recognizing the
signs and forms of violence early. Surprisingly many acts
of violence are preceded by both overt and subtle clues
that manifest sometimes over a period of years. It is not
until the violence is carried out that the signals are seen
clearly in hindsight. Early detection and prevention are
the most powerful preventive tools in combating violence
in the workplace.
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Workplace Violence Defined
Workplace violence is any deliberate event
or action that results in concern for
personal safety, severe disruption in the
workplace or causing damage, injury or
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Workplace Violence Defined
The American Society For Industrial Security has created a
spectrum of violence in the workplace.
The Workplace Violence Spectrum
Behaviors Threatening Physical Death
of Concern Behavior Injury
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Spectrum of Violence
Behaviors Threatening Physical Death
of Concern Behavior Injury
Behaviors of Concern: This behavior is often emotionally abusive,
aggressive, hostile, and disruptive to the workplace. This behavior
creates an atmosphere of anxiety and distrust in the workplace and
has a definite negative impact on production and morale. These
behaviors, though cause for concern, do not necessarily lead to violence
but should be addressed in a direct and definitive manner.
(Source: ASIS)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Spectrum of Violence
Behaviors Threatening Physical Death
of Concern Behavior Injury
Threatening Behavior: Can be described as words or other actions
that are intimidating, frightening or threatening to employees and
causes a justifiable concern for personal safety. Example of this
behavior is direct , conditional or veiled threats, stalking or aggressive
(Source: ASIS)
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Behaviors Threatening Physical Death
of Concern Behavior Injury
Spectrum of Violence
Physical Injury: Acts or overt violence causing physical injury.
This includes non-fatal physical assaults that may or may no involve
weapons. This includes pushing, shoving, kicking, hitting and biting.
In its most dangerous form injuries could be caused by stabbing,
shooting bombing or other forms of violence that result in death.
(Source: ASIS)
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Spectrum of Violence
The violence spectrum includes behavior that could lead to
damage or destruction of company property and threats that an
employee may harm themselves in the workplace.
(Source: ASIS)
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Categorizing Forms of Violence
Violence in the workplace takes many forms but primarily
fall into one of four categories.
 Criminal Acts
 Customer/Client/Patient Violence
 Worker-on-Worker Violence
 Domestic Violence in the Workplace
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Criminal Acts
Violence committed by an individual or individuals who
have no connection, interest or relationship to the
business or workplace. This violence is often perpetuated
in the form of a robbery.
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Violence By Criminal Acts In the Workplace
A study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
showed the greatest risk for workplace homicide is found
among males, the self-employed, and workers employed
in grocery stores, eating and drinking establishments, gas
service stations, taxicab services, and government
service, including law enforcement. Most workplace
homicides occur during robberies. In general, workers
engaged in an occupation in which cash transactions take
place are at greatest risk.
(Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)
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Violence By Criminal Acts In the Workplace
 Research performed by both the U.S. Department of
Labor and the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveal that
between 75 and 82 percent of workplace homicides occur
in connection with a robbery.
 Homicides occurring during a robbery in the workplace
are eight times more frequent than those involving fellow
 84% of workplace homicides are committed by strangers,
compared to 12.5% of all homicides nationally, according
to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the FBI.
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Violence By Criminal Acts In the Workplace
Who is this person?
The psychological profile of a potentially violent person
 This individual will demonstrate: Impaired reality; an inability to evaluate
the external world objectively and distinguish it from inner experiences.
Other signs include senseless violence, total inattentiveness to the
environment and be grossly disorganized.
 Schizophrenia- Acute psychosis, may include hallucinations, poor insight,
bizarre behavior (i.e. may think someone is controlling them).
 Major affective disorders- often present with delusions and hallucinations
and are often mood congruent (i.e. depression is accompanied by
delusions of poverty or disease).
 Paranoid states-Disorder characterized by delusions of grandeur and
persecution, suspiciousness, jealousy, resentment.
(Source: Southern Illinois University Carbondale Department of Public Safety)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Violence By Criminal Acts In the Workplace
Who is this person?
Other factors found in a potentially violent person are:
 Drug/Alcohol abuse or addiction.
 Depression-One of seven depressed people will commit
an act of violence against themselves or others.
 Pathological blamer- “Its not my fault!” This person will
not accept responsibility for their actions.
(Source: Southern Illinois University Carbondale Department of Public Safety)
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Violence By Criminal Acts In the Workplace
Who is this person?
 Impaired Neurological Function-These people may have
been diagnosed as hyperactive children, suffered brain
injuries and have less impulse control.
 Unusual obsession or fascination with guns, weapons or
 Personality patterns become inflexible, impaired, and
unhealthy. The personality traits become disorders. These
people are very rigid and cannot be reasoned with.
(Source: Southern Illinois University Carbondale Department of Public Safety)
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Customer/Client/Patient Violence
In this category the act of violence is committed by a
individual whose relationship is that of a customer,
client or patient. Violence can occur while receiving a
service, care or conducting business. This form of
violence may occur as a result of a dispute or
dissatisfaction with the business or service.
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Customer/Client/Patient Violence
 Health care workers experience violent assaults at a rate four
times higher than other industries; for nurses and other
personal care workers, this rate jumps to 12 times higher.
 A survey of emergency room physicians in Michigan found that
in the past year, nearly 75 percent had been subject to verbal
threats; 28 percent were victims of physical assaults; 11
percent were confronted outside the emergency department;
and 3.5 percent experienced stalking events.
(Source: Las Vegas Review –Journal)
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Customer/Client/Patient Violence
In a hospital violence is most likely to occur in the following
 Psychiatric wards
 Emergency rooms
 Waiting rooms
 Geriatric units
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Customer/Client/Patient Violence
Research indicate that violence often takes place during
periods of high activity and interaction with patients.
These include meal times, visiting hours and patient
transportation. Assaults may occur when service is
denied, when a patient is involuntarily admitted, or when
a health care worker attempts to set limits on eating,
drinking or tobacco or alcohol use.
(Source: Magazine of Environmental Health and Safety Leaders)
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Customer/Client/Patient Violence
Risk factors for violence vary from hospital to hospital
depending on location, size, and type of care. The
potential for violence may differ from floor to floor. Most
cases of violence occur in the emergency room but
violence toward caregivers can happen in individual
patient rooms or nurses station.
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Customer/Client/Patient Violence
Common risk factors for hospital violence include the
 Caregivers work directly with volatile people, especially if
they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol or have a
history of violence or certain psychotic diagnoses.
 Working when understaffed—especially during meal
times and visiting hours
 Transporting patients
 Long waits for service
(Source: US Center for Disease Control)
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Customer/Client/Patient Violence
Common risk factors for hospital violence include the following:
 Overcrowded, uncomfortable waiting rooms
 Working alone
 Poor environmental design
 Inadequate security
 Lack of staff training and policies for preventing and managing
crises with potentially volatile patients
(Source: US Center for Disease Control)
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Customer/Client/Patient Violence
Common risk factors for hospital violence include the
 Drug and alcohol abuse
 Access to firearms
 Unrestricted movement of the public
 Poorly lit corridors, rooms, parking lots, and other areas
(Source: US Center for Disease Control)
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Customer/Client/Patient Violence
Warning Signs of a Violent Customer
 Loitering around the worksite
 Agitation and/or uneasiness
 Inability to make eye contact
 Unexplained interest in your work activities and
 Threatening language and/or actions
 History of violent behavior
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Customer/Client/Patient Violence
Violent customers are another concern in the workplace.
Violence from angry or dissatisfied customers is a danger to
your employees. Anger and frustration are often the source of
customer violence.
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Fatal Injury Events by Gender 2008
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fire and explosions
Contact with objects and
Exposure to harmful substances
or environments
Highway incidents
(Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2009)
A higher percentage of fatal work injuries to women resulted from highway incidents
and homicides than to men. A higher percentage of fatal work injuries to men resulted from falls, exposure
to harmful substances or environments, contacts with objects and equipment and fire and explosions.
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Customer/Client/Patient Violence
Who is vulnerable?
According to research performed by Northern Illinois
University “boundary spanners” or employees that bridge
the gap between the organization members or the
organization and the public are most vulnerable. Most at
risk within this group are those that must deal directly
with the mentally ill, emotionally disturbed and poverty
stricken groups and those that handle cash.
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Customer/Client/Patient Violence
Boundary Spanners are more likely to experience verbal or
physical harassment than other employees.
“Most often the perpetrators of that violence were customers,
who accounted for 65 percent of all verbal abuse (yelling,
name calling, etc.) and 83 percent of all physical abuse
(pushing, hitting, etc).”
(Source: Northern Illinois University Press Release)
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Customer/Client/Patient Violence
There are a combination of factors leading to
customer violence. These are:
 Personality
 Emotional State
 Environmental factors.
 Employee attitude.
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Customer/Client/Patient Violence
What Triggers Customer Violence?
 Extreme Waiting
 Waiting to board or onboard aircraft.
 Waiting for a promised or item already paid for.
 Waiting in an uncomfortable environment, hot, cold,
crowded. Etc.
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Customer/Client/Patient Violence
What Triggers Customer Violence?
 Repeatedly being given inconsistent or incorrect information.
 Customer service that passes them from one person to another.
 Poor communication from the boundary spanners.
 Poor explanation of policies or alternatives.
 Careless attitude.
 Divided attention, talking on the phone while dealing with a customer.
None of these factors alone or in combination should be seen as automatic
triggers to violence.
Personal Anger Escalation
Verbally Hostile
Verbally Threatening
Physically Threatening
Critical Event
(Source: Ohio Division of Safety & Hygiene)
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Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Worker-on-Worker Violence
These acts of violence are rooted in the employment
relationship. Violence in this category are sometimes
committed by current or former employees and
target fellow employees and supervisors.
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Certain behaviors should raise warning flags to
supervisors, managers and employees. There is no
specific behavior to indicate whether someone will or will
not commit a violent act. Rather the study of violence
and risk assessment involves investigating the full range
of factors and circumstances. This includes an employees
motives, intents, and actions. What he or she perceives to
be at risk in a given situation. However, behavioral
warning signs can alert supervisors, managers and
employees to potential issues that require investigation
and perhaps preventive action.
Worker-on-Worker Violence
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Worker-on-Worker Violence
Warning Signs of a Potentially Violent Employee
 Threats, threatening behavior, frequent aggressive outbursts,
or excessive displays of temper.
 A history of threats or violent acts.
 Ominous fascination with weapons and/or references to
weapons, violent media content, or violent events.
 Verbal abuse of coworkers and customers, or harassment
through phone calls or e-mails.
 Bizarre comments or behavior, especially if it includes violent
(Source: ASIS Workplace Violence)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Worker-on-Worker Violence
Warning Signs of a Potentially Violent Employee
 Holding grudges, inability to handle criticism, habitually
making excuses, and blaming others.
 Chronic, hypersensitive complaints about persecution or
 Making jokes or offensive comments about violent acts.
(Source: ASIS Workplace Violence)
Dangerous Ingredients
Toxic Work
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(Source: Ohio Division of Safety & Hygiene)
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Worker-on-Worker Violence
These behaviors may come in concert with poor job
performance and associated problems, such as inconsistent
productivity, excessive tardiness and absenteeism, and poor
relations with co-workers. The possibility of violence may
increase if, resulting from the employee’s actions, the
employee faces termination, demotion, other disciplinary
action and accompanying stress, or is made to feel devalued
(for example, by being harshly reprimanded by a supervisor).
(Source: ASIS Workplace Violence)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
The Office Bully
Bullying and Harassment are also considered forms of
workplace violence and deserve attention.
Workplace bullying is defined by the Washington State
Department of Labor and Industry as:
Repeated, unreasonable actions of individuals (or a group)
directed towards an employee (or a group of employees),
which is intended to intimidate and creates a risk to the
health and safety of the employee(s).
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
The Office Bully
Examples of bullying may include:
•Unwarranted or invalid criticism.
•Blame without factual justification.
•Being treated differently than the rest of your work group.
•Being sworn at.
•Exclusion or social isolation.
•Being shouted at or being humiliated.
•Being the target of practical jokes.
•Excessive monitoring.
(Source: Washington State Department of Labor and Industry)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
The Office Bully
•1 in 10 U.S. workers report feeling bullied at work, and 1 in 4
report working in extremely hostile environments.
(Source: Communication Currents Article 2008)
•About 37 percent of the U.S. work force — or 54 million
workers report they have been bullied at work, and 12 percent
see it and are vicariously made miserable.
(Source: The Salt Lake Tribune Article The Bully at Work; August 2009)
•According to the Level Playing Field Institute, over 2 million
managers and professionals flee their jobs every year due
solely to unfairness, including bullying.
•That exodus of 2 million workers cost businesses (and our
economy) $64 billion, says the Level Playing Field Institute.
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
The Office Bully
Types of workplace bullying.
•Serial bullying - the source of all dysfunction can be traced to one
individual, who picks on one employee after another and destroys
them, then moves on. Probably the most common type of bullying.
•Secondary bullying - the pressure of having to deal with a serial
bully causes the general behavior to decline and sink to the lowest
•Pair bullying - this takes place with two people, one active and
verbal, the other often watching and listening.
(Source: Bullying What Is It? By Tim Field, Staffordshire University UK)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
The Office Bully
Types of workplace bullying.
•Residual bullying - after the serial bully has left or been fired, the behavior
continues. It can go on for years.
•Legal bullying - the bringing of a vexatious legal action to control and punish a
person. It is one of the nastiest forms of bullying.
•Pressure bullying or unwitting bullying - having to work to unrealistic time
scales and/or inadequate resources.
•Corporate bullying - where an employee abuses an employee with impunity,
knowing the law is weak and the job market is soft.
(Source: Bullying What Is It? By Tim Field, Staffordshire University UK)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
The Office Bully
Types of workplace bullying.
•Gang bullying or group bullying - is a serial bully with colleagues. Gangs
can occur anywhere, but flourish in corporate bullying climates. It is often
called mobbing and usually involves scapegoating and victimization.
•Vicarious bullying - two parties are encouraged to fight. This is the
typical "Triangulation" where the aggression gets passed around.
•Regulation bullying - where a serial bully forces their target to comply
with rules, regulations, procedures or laws regardless of their
appropriateness, applicability or necessity.
(Source: Bullying What Is It? By Tim Field, Staffordshire University UK)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
The Office Bully
Types of workplace bullying.
•Organizational bullying - a combination of pressure bullying and corporate
bullying. Occurs when an organization struggles to adapt to changing markets,
reduced income, cuts in budgets, imposed expectations and other extreme
•Institutional bullying - entrenched and is accepted as part of the culture.
•Institutional bullying - entrenched and is accepted as part of the culture.
(Source: Bullying What Is It? By Tim Field, Staffordshire University UK)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
The Office Bully
Corporate/institutional bullying
occurs when bullying is entrenched in an organization and
becomes accepted as part of the workplace culture.
(Source: Washington State Department of Labor and Industry)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
The Office Bully
Examples of Institutional/Corporate bullying may include:
• Placing unreasonable expectations on employees, where
failure to meet those expectations means making life
unpleasant (or dismissing) anyone who objects.
• Dismissing employees suffering from stress as “weak” while
completely ignoring or denying potential work-related causes
of the stress.
• Encouraging employees to fabricate complaints about
colleagues with promises of promotion or threats of
(Source: Washington State Department of Labor and Industry)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
The Office Bully
According to the Workplace Bullying Institute (2007)
women appear to be at greater risk of becoming a
bullying target, as 57% of those who reported being
targeted for abuse were women. Men are more likely
to participate in aggressive bullying behavior (60%),
however if the bully is a woman, her target is more
likely to be a woman as well (71%) .
Knowledge Management and Security Solutions
The Office Bully
•The cost of replacing just one $8 –per-hour employee can range
from $3,500 to $25,000 depending in the industry.
•The Orlando Business Journal cited an estimated $180M in lost
time and productivity to American businesses each year. The
Workplace Bullying Institute estimates between turnover and lost
productivity a bully could cost a Fortune 500 company an
astounding $24,000,000; add another $1.4 Million for litigation
and settlement costs.
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Domestic Violence in the Workplace
This category is a carry over from a domestic
relationship. The perpetrator and the victim have an
intimate relationship outside the work environment
and involves abuse, harassment or threats.
Sometimes both victim and perpetrator are
employed at the same place.
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
The Office Bully
 According to the Level Playing Field Institute, over 2 million
managers and professionals flee their jobs every year due solely to
workplace unfairness, including bullying.
 That exodus of 2 million workers cost businesses (and our economy)
$64 billion, says the Level Playing Field Institute.
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Violence In The Workplace By The Numbers
 More than 25% or workplace violence is domestic related.
 In a study of the experiences of battered women who worked
outside of the home, 55% reported battering resulted in
absenteeism, 62% were late or had to leave work early, 24%
lost their job and 56% were harassed at work.
(Resource: Center on Domestic & Sexual Violence, Michigan Department of
Social Services)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Violence In The Workplace By The Numbers
 1.7 million workers are injured each year as a result of workplace
 Workplace violence account for 18% of all violent crime in the US.
 The estimated cost American companies pay for workplace violence
is $36 billion annually which is manifested in low productivity, higher
stress, increased health care costs, absenteeism and turnover, and
violent incidents which result in litigation.
(U.S. Department of Labor)
 In 2006 an estimated 2 million us employees were physically or verbally
abused in the workplace.
 58% of senior managers have been threatened by an employee.
(Source:Non profit Risk Management Center)
(Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Violence In The Workplace By The Numbers
 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics workplace
homicides rose 13% in 2007 to 610 deaths from a low of 540 in
 Homicides in the workplace rose 13 percent in 2007. Even with
that increase, workplace murder has declined 44 percent from
the high of 1,080 in 1994.
 Workplace homicides involving police officers and supervisors
of retail sales workers both saw substantial increases in 2007.
(Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Violence In The Workplace By The Numbers
 70% of US companies have not conducted a workplace
violence risk assessment.
 80% have no workplace violence policy
 74% have no intention of starting or implementing one.
(Source: American Society of Safety Engineers)
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(Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
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Worker On Worker Violence
What are the signs?
As a manager or supervisor of employees these are the
keys to you need to identify the potentially violent
employee. You should be aware that any combination of
these characteristics or a single indicator should be
enough for concern and counseling of an employee. It
may turn out to be nothing. But remain observant of the
employee’s behavior and document any conversations or
counseling in regards to the employee’s behavior.
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Worker On Worker Violence
What are the signs?
Employees often give indications that they are potentially
violent. These signs are often ignored or overlooked.
Sometimes because managers or co-workers disregard
these signs because they are used to the persons
behavior and don’t take his threats seriously. This can
occur over the course of years.
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Worker On Worker Violence
What are the signs?
 Threats, threatening behavior, frequent aggressive
outbursts, or excessive displays of temper.
 A history of threats or violent acts
 Ominous fascination with weapons and/or references to
weapons, violent media content, or violent events
(Source: American Society for Industrial Security)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Worker On Worker Violence
What are the signs?
 Verbal abuse of coworkers and customers, or harassment
through phone calls or e-mails
 Bizarre comments or behavior, especially if it includes violent
 Holding grudges, inability to handle criticism, habitually
making excuses, and blaming others
 Chronic, hypersensitive complaints about persecution or
 Making jokes or offensive comments about violent acts
(Source: American Society for Industrial Security)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Worker On Worker Violence
What are the signs?
Managers should be aware that these behaviors are usually
accompanied by other unsatisfactory workplace behaviors.
The include:
 Poor or inconsistent production.
 Regular or excessive tardiness.
 Absenteeism
 Contentious or confrontational relationships with co-workers.
(Source: American Society for Industrial Security)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Worker On Worker Violence
What are the signs?
Managers and supervisors need to understand that the
potential for violence increases in certain conditions. The
employee may experience stress under the threat of
termination, demotion, loss of position, or some other
disciplinary action. You need to be aware of the mental
state and attitude of the employee when entering into a
counseling session. Feeling of humiliation or persecution
may be strong and could be potential trigger to violent
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Types of Aggression
 Verbal-passive-indirect (failure to deny false rumors about target, failure to
provide information needed by target)
 Verbal-passive-direct ("silent treatment", failure to return communication,
i.e. phone calls, e-mails)
 Verbal-active-indirect (spreading false rumors, belittling ideas or work)
 Verbal-active-direct (insulting, acting condescendingly, yelling)
 Physical-passive-indirect (causing others to create a delay for the target)
 Physical-passive-direct (reducing target's ability to contribute, i.e.
scheduling them to present at the end of the day where less people will be
 Physical-active-indirect (theft, destruction of property, unnecessary
consumption of resources needed by the target)
 Physical-active-direct (physical attack, nonverbal, vulgar gestures directed
at the target)
Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
Workplace Violence and The Law
On June 7, 2006, New York enacted legislation creating a new
section of the New York State Labor Law that requires public
employers to minimize the risk of workplace violence and
ensure that all New York State public workplaces are safer for
the workers and the public they serve.

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Navigating Workplace Violence - A Managers Guide

  • 1. Navigating Workplace Violence A Manager’s Guide by Tom Huskerson, B.A., M.A.
  • 2. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Table of Contents 1. Definition of Workplace Violence 2. Categorizing Workplace Violence 3. Statistical Breakdown of Workplace Violence 4. Cost of Workplace Violence 5. Forms of Aggression 6. Workplace Violence and the Law 7. Total Organization Involvement
  • 3. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions What do you know about workplace violence?  What is it?  How often does it occur?  Where does it occur?  Who does it happen to?  How does it affect your employees?  What does it cost your company?  How will your company respond? As a manager you need the answers to all these questions and more to prepare and protect your company!
  • 4. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions As a manager and supervisor the vital first step in preventing violence in the workplace is recognizing the signs and forms of violence early. Surprisingly many acts of violence are preceded by both overt and subtle clues that manifest sometimes over a period of years. It is not until the violence is carried out that the signals are seen clearly in hindsight. Early detection and prevention are the most powerful preventive tools in combating violence in the workplace.
  • 5. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Workplace Violence Defined Workplace violence is any deliberate event or action that results in concern for personal safety, severe disruption in the workplace or causing damage, injury or death.
  • 6. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Workplace Violence Defined The American Society For Industrial Security has created a spectrum of violence in the workplace. The Workplace Violence Spectrum Behaviors Threatening Physical Death of Concern Behavior Injury
  • 7. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Spectrum of Violence Behaviors Threatening Physical Death of Concern Behavior Injury Behaviors of Concern: This behavior is often emotionally abusive, aggressive, hostile, and disruptive to the workplace. This behavior creates an atmosphere of anxiety and distrust in the workplace and has a definite negative impact on production and morale. These behaviors, though cause for concern, do not necessarily lead to violence but should be addressed in a direct and definitive manner. (Source: ASIS)
  • 8. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Spectrum of Violence Behaviors Threatening Physical Death of Concern Behavior Injury Threatening Behavior: Can be described as words or other actions that are intimidating, frightening or threatening to employees and causes a justifiable concern for personal safety. Example of this behavior is direct , conditional or veiled threats, stalking or aggressive harassment. (Source: ASIS)
  • 9. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Behaviors Threatening Physical Death of Concern Behavior Injury Spectrum of Violence Physical Injury: Acts or overt violence causing physical injury. This includes non-fatal physical assaults that may or may no involve weapons. This includes pushing, shoving, kicking, hitting and biting. In its most dangerous form injuries could be caused by stabbing, shooting bombing or other forms of violence that result in death. (Source: ASIS)
  • 10. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Spectrum of Violence The violence spectrum includes behavior that could lead to damage or destruction of company property and threats that an employee may harm themselves in the workplace. (Source: ASIS)
  • 11. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Categorizing Forms of Violence Violence in the workplace takes many forms but primarily fall into one of four categories.  Criminal Acts  Customer/Client/Patient Violence  Worker-on-Worker Violence  Domestic Violence in the Workplace
  • 12. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Criminal Acts Violence committed by an individual or individuals who have no connection, interest or relationship to the business or workplace. This violence is often perpetuated in the form of a robbery.
  • 13. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Violence By Criminal Acts In the Workplace A study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed the greatest risk for workplace homicide is found among males, the self-employed, and workers employed in grocery stores, eating and drinking establishments, gas service stations, taxicab services, and government service, including law enforcement. Most workplace homicides occur during robberies. In general, workers engaged in an occupation in which cash transactions take place are at greatest risk. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • 14. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Violence By Criminal Acts In the Workplace  Research performed by both the U.S. Department of Labor and the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveal that between 75 and 82 percent of workplace homicides occur in connection with a robbery.  Homicides occurring during a robbery in the workplace are eight times more frequent than those involving fellow employees.  84% of workplace homicides are committed by strangers, compared to 12.5% of all homicides nationally, according to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the FBI.
  • 15. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Violence By Criminal Acts In the Workplace Who is this person? The psychological profile of a potentially violent person includes:  This individual will demonstrate: Impaired reality; an inability to evaluate the external world objectively and distinguish it from inner experiences. Other signs include senseless violence, total inattentiveness to the environment and be grossly disorganized.  Schizophrenia- Acute psychosis, may include hallucinations, poor insight, bizarre behavior (i.e. may think someone is controlling them).  Major affective disorders- often present with delusions and hallucinations and are often mood congruent (i.e. depression is accompanied by delusions of poverty or disease).  Paranoid states-Disorder characterized by delusions of grandeur and persecution, suspiciousness, jealousy, resentment. (Source: Southern Illinois University Carbondale Department of Public Safety)
  • 16. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Violence By Criminal Acts In the Workplace Who is this person? Other factors found in a potentially violent person are:  Drug/Alcohol abuse or addiction.  Depression-One of seven depressed people will commit an act of violence against themselves or others.  Pathological blamer- “Its not my fault!” This person will not accept responsibility for their actions. (Source: Southern Illinois University Carbondale Department of Public Safety)
  • 17. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Violence By Criminal Acts In the Workplace Who is this person?  Impaired Neurological Function-These people may have been diagnosed as hyperactive children, suffered brain injuries and have less impulse control.  Unusual obsession or fascination with guns, weapons or death.  Personality patterns become inflexible, impaired, and unhealthy. The personality traits become disorders. These people are very rigid and cannot be reasoned with. (Source: Southern Illinois University Carbondale Department of Public Safety)
  • 18. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence In this category the act of violence is committed by a individual whose relationship is that of a customer, client or patient. Violence can occur while receiving a service, care or conducting business. This form of violence may occur as a result of a dispute or dissatisfaction with the business or service.
  • 19. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence  Health care workers experience violent assaults at a rate four times higher than other industries; for nurses and other personal care workers, this rate jumps to 12 times higher.  A survey of emergency room physicians in Michigan found that in the past year, nearly 75 percent had been subject to verbal threats; 28 percent were victims of physical assaults; 11 percent were confronted outside the emergency department; and 3.5 percent experienced stalking events. (Source: Las Vegas Review –Journal)
  • 20. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence In a hospital violence is most likely to occur in the following locations:  Psychiatric wards  Emergency rooms  Waiting rooms  Geriatric units
  • 21. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence Research indicate that violence often takes place during periods of high activity and interaction with patients. These include meal times, visiting hours and patient transportation. Assaults may occur when service is denied, when a patient is involuntarily admitted, or when a health care worker attempts to set limits on eating, drinking or tobacco or alcohol use. (Source: Magazine of Environmental Health and Safety Leaders)
  • 22. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence Risk factors for violence vary from hospital to hospital depending on location, size, and type of care. The potential for violence may differ from floor to floor. Most cases of violence occur in the emergency room but violence toward caregivers can happen in individual patient rooms or nurses station.
  • 23. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence Common risk factors for hospital violence include the following:  Caregivers work directly with volatile people, especially if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol or have a history of violence or certain psychotic diagnoses.  Working when understaffed—especially during meal times and visiting hours  Transporting patients  Long waits for service (Source: US Center for Disease Control)
  • 24. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence Common risk factors for hospital violence include the following:  Overcrowded, uncomfortable waiting rooms  Working alone  Poor environmental design  Inadequate security  Lack of staff training and policies for preventing and managing crises with potentially volatile patients (Source: US Center for Disease Control)
  • 25. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence Common risk factors for hospital violence include the following:  Drug and alcohol abuse  Access to firearms  Unrestricted movement of the public  Poorly lit corridors, rooms, parking lots, and other areas (Source: US Center for Disease Control)
  • 26. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence Warning Signs of a Violent Customer  Loitering around the worksite  Agitation and/or uneasiness  Inability to make eye contact  Unexplained interest in your work activities and policies  Threatening language and/or actions  History of violent behavior
  • 27. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence Violent customers are another concern in the workplace. Violence from angry or dissatisfied customers is a danger to your employees. Anger and frustration are often the source of customer violence. (Source:
  • 28. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Fatal Injury Events by Gender 2008 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Fire and explosions Contact with objects and equipment Falls Exposure to harmful substances or environments Homicides Highway incidents Female Male (Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2009) A higher percentage of fatal work injuries to women resulted from highway incidents and homicides than to men. A higher percentage of fatal work injuries to men resulted from falls, exposure to harmful substances or environments, contacts with objects and equipment and fire and explosions.
  • 29. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence Who is vulnerable? According to research performed by Northern Illinois University “boundary spanners” or employees that bridge the gap between the organization members or the organization and the public are most vulnerable. Most at risk within this group are those that must deal directly with the mentally ill, emotionally disturbed and poverty stricken groups and those that handle cash.
  • 30. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence Boundary Spanners are more likely to experience verbal or physical harassment than other employees. “Most often the perpetrators of that violence were customers, who accounted for 65 percent of all verbal abuse (yelling, name calling, etc.) and 83 percent of all physical abuse (pushing, hitting, etc).” (Source: Northern Illinois University Press Release)
  • 31. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence There are a combination of factors leading to customer violence. These are:  Personality  Emotional State  Environmental factors.  Employee attitude.
  • 32. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence What Triggers Customer Violence?  Extreme Waiting  Waiting to board or onboard aircraft.  Waiting for a promised or item already paid for.  Waiting in an uncomfortable environment, hot, cold, crowded. Etc.
  • 33. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Customer/Client/Patient Violence What Triggers Customer Violence?  Repeatedly being given inconsistent or incorrect information.  Customer service that passes them from one person to another.  Poor communication from the boundary spanners.  Poor explanation of policies or alternatives.  Careless attitude.  Divided attention, talking on the phone while dealing with a customer. None of these factors alone or in combination should be seen as automatic triggers to violence.
  • 34. Personal Anger Escalation Calm Agitated Verbally Hostile Verbally Threatening Physically Threatening Critical Event (Source: Ohio Division of Safety & Hygiene) Knowledge Management & Security Solutions
  • 35. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Worker-on-Worker Violence These acts of violence are rooted in the employment relationship. Violence in this category are sometimes committed by current or former employees and target fellow employees and supervisors.
  • 36. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Certain behaviors should raise warning flags to supervisors, managers and employees. There is no specific behavior to indicate whether someone will or will not commit a violent act. Rather the study of violence and risk assessment involves investigating the full range of factors and circumstances. This includes an employees motives, intents, and actions. What he or she perceives to be at risk in a given situation. However, behavioral warning signs can alert supervisors, managers and employees to potential issues that require investigation and perhaps preventive action. Worker-on-Worker Violence
  • 37. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Worker-on-Worker Violence Warning Signs of a Potentially Violent Employee  Threats, threatening behavior, frequent aggressive outbursts, or excessive displays of temper.  A history of threats or violent acts.  Ominous fascination with weapons and/or references to weapons, violent media content, or violent events.  Verbal abuse of coworkers and customers, or harassment through phone calls or e-mails.  Bizarre comments or behavior, especially if it includes violent content. (Source: ASIS Workplace Violence)
  • 38. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Worker-on-Worker Violence Warning Signs of a Potentially Violent Employee  Holding grudges, inability to handle criticism, habitually making excuses, and blaming others.  Chronic, hypersensitive complaints about persecution or injustice.  Making jokes or offensive comments about violent acts. (Source: ASIS Workplace Violence)
  • 39. Dangerous Ingredients Toxic Work Environment Troubled Employee Trigger Event Knowledge Management & Security Solutions (Source: Ohio Division of Safety & Hygiene)
  • 40. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Worker-on-Worker Violence These behaviors may come in concert with poor job performance and associated problems, such as inconsistent productivity, excessive tardiness and absenteeism, and poor relations with co-workers. The possibility of violence may increase if, resulting from the employee’s actions, the employee faces termination, demotion, other disciplinary action and accompanying stress, or is made to feel devalued (for example, by being harshly reprimanded by a supervisor). (Source: ASIS Workplace Violence)
  • 41. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions The Office Bully Bullying and Harassment are also considered forms of workplace violence and deserve attention. Workplace bullying is defined by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industry as: Repeated, unreasonable actions of individuals (or a group) directed towards an employee (or a group of employees), which is intended to intimidate and creates a risk to the health and safety of the employee(s).
  • 42. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions The Office Bully Examples of bullying may include: •Unwarranted or invalid criticism. •Blame without factual justification. •Being treated differently than the rest of your work group. •Being sworn at. •Exclusion or social isolation. •Being shouted at or being humiliated. •Being the target of practical jokes. •Excessive monitoring. (Source: Washington State Department of Labor and Industry)
  • 43. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions The Office Bully •1 in 10 U.S. workers report feeling bullied at work, and 1 in 4 report working in extremely hostile environments. (Source: Communication Currents Article 2008) •About 37 percent of the U.S. work force — or 54 million workers report they have been bullied at work, and 12 percent see it and are vicariously made miserable. (Source: The Salt Lake Tribune Article The Bully at Work; August 2009) •According to the Level Playing Field Institute, over 2 million managers and professionals flee their jobs every year due solely to unfairness, including bullying. •That exodus of 2 million workers cost businesses (and our economy) $64 billion, says the Level Playing Field Institute.
  • 44. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions The Office Bully Types of workplace bullying. •Serial bullying - the source of all dysfunction can be traced to one individual, who picks on one employee after another and destroys them, then moves on. Probably the most common type of bullying. •Secondary bullying - the pressure of having to deal with a serial bully causes the general behavior to decline and sink to the lowest level. •Pair bullying - this takes place with two people, one active and verbal, the other often watching and listening. (Source: Bullying What Is It? By Tim Field, Staffordshire University UK)
  • 45. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions The Office Bully Types of workplace bullying. •Residual bullying - after the serial bully has left or been fired, the behavior continues. It can go on for years. •Legal bullying - the bringing of a vexatious legal action to control and punish a person. It is one of the nastiest forms of bullying. •Pressure bullying or unwitting bullying - having to work to unrealistic time scales and/or inadequate resources. •Corporate bullying - where an employee abuses an employee with impunity, knowing the law is weak and the job market is soft. (Source: Bullying What Is It? By Tim Field, Staffordshire University UK)
  • 46. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions The Office Bully Types of workplace bullying. •Gang bullying or group bullying - is a serial bully with colleagues. Gangs can occur anywhere, but flourish in corporate bullying climates. It is often called mobbing and usually involves scapegoating and victimization. •Vicarious bullying - two parties are encouraged to fight. This is the typical "Triangulation" where the aggression gets passed around. •Regulation bullying - where a serial bully forces their target to comply with rules, regulations, procedures or laws regardless of their appropriateness, applicability or necessity. (Source: Bullying What Is It? By Tim Field, Staffordshire University UK)
  • 47. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions The Office Bully Types of workplace bullying. •Organizational bullying - a combination of pressure bullying and corporate bullying. Occurs when an organization struggles to adapt to changing markets, reduced income, cuts in budgets, imposed expectations and other extreme pressures. •Institutional bullying - entrenched and is accepted as part of the culture. •Institutional bullying - entrenched and is accepted as part of the culture. (Source: Bullying What Is It? By Tim Field, Staffordshire University UK)
  • 48. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions The Office Bully Corporate/institutional bullying occurs when bullying is entrenched in an organization and becomes accepted as part of the workplace culture. (Source: Washington State Department of Labor and Industry)
  • 49. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions The Office Bully Examples of Institutional/Corporate bullying may include: • Placing unreasonable expectations on employees, where failure to meet those expectations means making life unpleasant (or dismissing) anyone who objects. • Dismissing employees suffering from stress as “weak” while completely ignoring or denying potential work-related causes of the stress. • Encouraging employees to fabricate complaints about colleagues with promises of promotion or threats of discipline. (Source: Washington State Department of Labor and Industry)
  • 50. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions The Office Bully According to the Workplace Bullying Institute (2007) women appear to be at greater risk of becoming a bullying target, as 57% of those who reported being targeted for abuse were women. Men are more likely to participate in aggressive bullying behavior (60%), however if the bully is a woman, her target is more likely to be a woman as well (71%) .
  • 51. Knowledge Management and Security Solutions The Office Bully •The cost of replacing just one $8 –per-hour employee can range from $3,500 to $25,000 depending in the industry. •The Orlando Business Journal cited an estimated $180M in lost time and productivity to American businesses each year. The Workplace Bullying Institute estimates between turnover and lost productivity a bully could cost a Fortune 500 company an astounding $24,000,000; add another $1.4 Million for litigation and settlement costs.
  • 52. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Domestic Violence in the Workplace This category is a carry over from a domestic relationship. The perpetrator and the victim have an intimate relationship outside the work environment and involves abuse, harassment or threats. Sometimes both victim and perpetrator are employed at the same place.
  • 53. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions The Office Bully  According to the Level Playing Field Institute, over 2 million managers and professionals flee their jobs every year due solely to workplace unfairness, including bullying.  That exodus of 2 million workers cost businesses (and our economy) $64 billion, says the Level Playing Field Institute.
  • 54. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Violence In The Workplace By The Numbers  More than 25% or workplace violence is domestic related.  In a study of the experiences of battered women who worked outside of the home, 55% reported battering resulted in absenteeism, 62% were late or had to leave work early, 24% lost their job and 56% were harassed at work. (Resource: Center on Domestic & Sexual Violence, Michigan Department of Social Services)
  • 55. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Violence In The Workplace By The Numbers  1.7 million workers are injured each year as a result of workplace violence.  Workplace violence account for 18% of all violent crime in the US.  The estimated cost American companies pay for workplace violence is $36 billion annually which is manifested in low productivity, higher stress, increased health care costs, absenteeism and turnover, and violent incidents which result in litigation. (U.S. Department of Labor)  In 2006 an estimated 2 million us employees were physically or verbally abused in the workplace.  58% of senior managers have been threatened by an employee. (Source:Non profit Risk Management Center) (Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • 56. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Violence In The Workplace By The Numbers  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics workplace homicides rose 13% in 2007 to 610 deaths from a low of 540 in 2006.  Homicides in the workplace rose 13 percent in 2007. Even with that increase, workplace murder has declined 44 percent from the high of 1,080 in 1994.  Workplace homicides involving police officers and supervisors of retail sales workers both saw substantial increases in 2007. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • 57. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Violence In The Workplace By The Numbers  70% of US companies have not conducted a workplace violence risk assessment.  80% have no workplace violence policy  74% have no intention of starting or implementing one. (Source: American Society of Safety Engineers)
  • 58. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions (Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • 59. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Worker On Worker Violence What are the signs? As a manager or supervisor of employees these are the keys to you need to identify the potentially violent employee. You should be aware that any combination of these characteristics or a single indicator should be enough for concern and counseling of an employee. It may turn out to be nothing. But remain observant of the employee’s behavior and document any conversations or counseling in regards to the employee’s behavior.
  • 60. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Worker On Worker Violence What are the signs? Employees often give indications that they are potentially violent. These signs are often ignored or overlooked. Sometimes because managers or co-workers disregard these signs because they are used to the persons behavior and don’t take his threats seriously. This can occur over the course of years.
  • 61. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Worker On Worker Violence What are the signs?  Threats, threatening behavior, frequent aggressive outbursts, or excessive displays of temper.  A history of threats or violent acts  Ominous fascination with weapons and/or references to weapons, violent media content, or violent events (Source: American Society for Industrial Security)
  • 62. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Worker On Worker Violence What are the signs?  Verbal abuse of coworkers and customers, or harassment through phone calls or e-mails  Bizarre comments or behavior, especially if it includes violent content  Holding grudges, inability to handle criticism, habitually making excuses, and blaming others  Chronic, hypersensitive complaints about persecution or injustice  Making jokes or offensive comments about violent acts (Source: American Society for Industrial Security)
  • 63. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Worker On Worker Violence What are the signs? Managers should be aware that these behaviors are usually accompanied by other unsatisfactory workplace behaviors. The include:  Poor or inconsistent production.  Regular or excessive tardiness.  Absenteeism  Contentious or confrontational relationships with co-workers. (Source: American Society for Industrial Security)
  • 64. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Worker On Worker Violence What are the signs? Managers and supervisors need to understand that the potential for violence increases in certain conditions. The employee may experience stress under the threat of termination, demotion, loss of position, or some other disciplinary action. You need to be aware of the mental state and attitude of the employee when entering into a counseling session. Feeling of humiliation or persecution may be strong and could be potential trigger to violent outbursts.
  • 65. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Types of Aggression  Verbal-passive-indirect (failure to deny false rumors about target, failure to provide information needed by target)  Verbal-passive-direct ("silent treatment", failure to return communication, i.e. phone calls, e-mails)  Verbal-active-indirect (spreading false rumors, belittling ideas or work)  Verbal-active-direct (insulting, acting condescendingly, yelling)  Physical-passive-indirect (causing others to create a delay for the target)  Physical-passive-direct (reducing target's ability to contribute, i.e. scheduling them to present at the end of the day where less people will be attending)  Physical-active-indirect (theft, destruction of property, unnecessary consumption of resources needed by the target)  Physical-active-direct (physical attack, nonverbal, vulgar gestures directed at the target)
  • 66. Knowledge Management & Security Solutions Workplace Violence and The Law On June 7, 2006, New York enacted legislation creating a new section of the New York State Labor Law that requires public employers to minimize the risk of workplace violence and ensure that all New York State public workplaces are safer for the workers and the public they serve.