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Fayol (BSc. Hons Animal Production and Technology)
• The Bos indicus include the indigenous breeds like the Mashona, Nkone, Tuli.
The Zebus are the Africander, Brahman.
• In the Bos Taurus we have the British beef breeds that include those specifically
beef breeds like the Aberdeen Angus, Sussex and Hereford.
• There are also dual-purpose breeds like the South Devon and the Shorthorn.
• Then we have the continental large breeds that include the Charolais, Limousin
and the dual-purpose breeds like the Simmental and Montbelaird.
• Lastly there are the composite breeds (synthetic breeds, these are the Santa
Getrudis, Beefmaster and Bonsmara.
• All the Bos indicus cattle are characterized by a large hump over the top of the
shoulder and neck.
• Spinal processes below the hump are extended, and there is considerable
muscular tissue covering the processes.
• The other characteristics of these cattle are their horns, which usually curve
upward and are sometimes tilted to the rear, their ears, which are generally large
and pendulous, and the throatlatch and dewlap, which have a large amount of
excess skin.
• They also have more highly developed sweat glands than European cattle (Bos
taurus) and so can perspire more freely.
• Bos indicus cattle produce an oily secretion from the sebaceous glands, which
has a distinctive odour and is reported to assist in repelling insects.
Important Terms
• In cattle studies the common terms used to identify
animals of different age and sex include
• Bull – mature male cattle
• Bullock – Mature male cattle
• Steer – Young castrated male cattle
• Cow - Mature female cattle
• Heifer – Young female cattle between weaning and
first calving
• Calf – Young one of cattle
How to identify cattle breeds
• Colouration
• description of various colours on an animal and also the location of these colours
• Body type and characteristics
• hair type (short and sleek or long and shaggy),
• muscling tendencies and frame size in comparison with other similar breeds,
• length of leg and/or body in relation to body/leg size,
• average weight of both cows and bulls.
• dairy cattle tend to be more angular- and thinner-looking with a more
defined and larger udder
• beef cattle tend to be more blockier and muscular than dairy cattle, with a
seeming more rounded appearance.
Cattle Breed Identification
• Head characteristics
• whether the breed can be horned or polled or both,
• length and size of the horns (if any),
• the size of the head in comparison to the body,
• length of the face,
• coarseness/fineness of the head.
• Other characteristics
• where the breed originates from,
• characteristics that make the breed what it is today.
• maternal qualities (e.g., milking ability, mothering ability and
calving ease)
• terminal/marketing traits (e.g., carcass characteristics and
Beef Cattle Breeding
• Breeds
• Mashona, Brahman, Nguni, Tuli
• Simmental, Hereford, Aberdeen Angus, Sussex
• Bonsmara, Beefmaster, Santa Getrudis
• Traits of economic importance in beef cattle;
• Birth weight
• Weaning weight/205-day weight
• Yearling weight
• Maternal genetic effects
• Feedlot gain & efficiency
• Carcass quality
• Type & conformation traits
Indigenous Livestock Breeds
• These are native or local cattle that have their origin within
the tropics.
• They belong to a class called Bos indicus .
• It is important to note that indigenous cattle are not classified
as breeds because of their variation in characteristics due to a
lot of uncontrolled breeding over the years.
• They include the Boran and the Small East African Zebu
which comprised of the Masai, Nandi , Ankole, Bukendi and
Karamojong cattle.
Characteristics of Indigenous
Breeds of Livestock
1. They have humps that store fat which is broken
down to energy and water in times of starvation.
2. They are fairly tolerant to high temperatures due
to the presence of dewlap and thick hides.
3. They have high tolerance of tropical diseases such
as Trypanosomiasis.
4. They have a slow growth rate leading to late maturity.
5. The indigenous heifer served when they attain an age of
2-3 years.
6. They have low production for both meat and milk due to
inheritance of poor characteristics.
7. They can walk for long distances in search of food and water.
8.They can stay for long periods without food and water without
seriously affecting their performance and body condition.
9. They both have long calving intervals of more than one year.
Exotic Cattle Breeds
• Belgian Blue
• Brahman
• Limousine
Exotic Cattle Breeds
• These are breeds of cattle that originated from the temperate
regions of Europe. They belong to the sub species of cattle Bos
• Their characteristics are:
1. They have no humps
2. They have low tolerance to high temperatures
3. They are highly susceptible to tropical diseases.
4. They have fast growth rates leading to early maturity. The heifer is
served when they are one and a half to two years of age.
5. They are good producers of both meat and milk.
6. They cannot walk for long distances.
7. They have short calving intervals of one calf per year if well
The Tuli
• This is an African Sanga Breed, tough/hardy, adaptable
and highly fertile.
• Has short coat, varying color from deep red, through
golden yellow to pale silver.
• Breed developed initially with the idea of improving the
genetics available to communal farmers
• Produces small birth weights and is an easy-calving
• Heifers reach sexual maturity early, giving greater
lifetime production
The Tuli
• The breed is docile and because it has developed in
isolation from other morden breeds it gives
enhanced heterosis when crossed with Bos indicus
and Bos Taurus breeds, as gas been proved by
recent reaserch work in Australia.
• It is endowed with an udder of exceptional quality-
udder and teat defects are quite rare
• The meat quality is exceptionally high, has the
juiciest meat seconding angus in marbling
The Mashona
• The Sanga Cattle of South-Central Africa has developed over thousands
of years to be thoroughly adapted to local environments
• Their resistance to high temperature, ticks and flies, and their ability to
maintain reproductive efficiency in the semi-arid African climate, has
moulded their unique characteristics.
• Hardiness, fertility and a significant degree of disease resistance are the
result of centuries of natural selection under arduous African conditions.
• Excellent cow fertility and calf productivity are characterised by an early
sexual maturity with a short anoestrus period and a high calving
percentage under harsh conditions.
The Mashona
• There are minimal calving difficulties resulting in
maximum output per cow mass and per grazing
• They have very low maintenance requirements and
are highly mobile selective grazers who also have
the ability to browse.
• The Mashona has early carcase maturity and a high
dressing percentage.
The Nkone
• Is a subtitle of the Nguni cattle of South and is one of
the three types of indigenous cattle found in Zimbabwe.
• Nkone have a well-developed neck, hump, short glossy
coat and pigmented skin with all red and white coat
patterns red, red and white, raon, white and inkone
(white black stripe with red side panels)
• Numerous studies over the decades in Zimbabwe, as
well as in the sub-continent have shown that the Nkone
is an excellent maternal breed due to its superior calf
survival, fertility and superior mothering abilities and
thus cow productivity.
The Nkone Breed
• It has also been noted for ease of calving in
crossbreeding systems, even when heifers were
mated to terminal sires
• These traits have been ascribed to the breed’s
superior hardiness and adaptability
• The nkone is an ideal low-maintenance, easy-care
breed and provided an excellent base for
crossbreeding, thus warranting greater utilization in
both the purebred and crossbred livestock industry
• The Africander is a native South African breed used primarily for meat
• The breed is usually red with long lateral horns. Africander cattle exhibit good
resistance to heat, a high level of tick resistance, quiet temperament and a
satisfactorily high level of fertility under harsh conditions.
• Mature cows weigh approximately 525 to 600 kg and bulls weigh 750 to 1000
• The Africander tends to and yields a carcass with comparatively low fat cover.
Frame score 1 - 3. They are early maturing.
• Through the use of bulls and frozen semen, the Africander has been used in up-
grading indigenous cattle in tropical countries as it passes on fertility, docility
and excellent weight gains to progeny.
• The Africander was used with Shorthorn in developing the Bonsmara breed
Black Angus
The Angus (Black or Red)
• Polled, polled factor is dominant
• First cross claves of horned cows are polled
• Calves and animals are easier to handle because of
smaller size
• Needs less space for housing
• No horns damage to the hide and meat
• Early maturing breed, frame score 1 – 2
• Meat is of very fine texture and well marbled
• Proportion of meat to bone ration being remarkably
Problems with the Angus
• Unsuited to the hotter areas
• Bulls have protruding prepuce - can damage penis
in the thorn-veld.
The Hereford
• The colour is conspicuous and characteristic of the breed.
• Body is reddish brown and the head, underline, tail switch and feet
up to approximately knee height are white, with a dash of white on
the shoulders.
• Bulls are able to impart the characteristic white heads to their
• The blocky conformation of the Hereford satisfies the
requirements of a typical beef breed.
• The Hereford is well known for its ability to produce meat.
• The breed is primarily used by commercial breeders in
crossbreeding and baby beef production. Early maturing breed
with a frame score 2 - 4.
Disadvantages of Breed
• Susceptible to eye cancer.
• Excessively large dewlaps and briskets may occur in
• Two generic factors have become evident.
• Inherited dwarfism known as "shorter dwarf" (compress x
compress = dwarf).
• Inherited condition referred to as "compress" this is due to it
being a carrier of an incomplete dominant gene, causing
shorter long bones.
• Selection and performance testing has over come these
The Charolais
• Large white or cream white cattle breed of France.
No other colors are permitted.
• Skin is pigmented, light brown .
• The breed is characterized by its length and size.
• Bulls have prominent muscular development.
• Widely used for crossbreeding. Late maturing
breed, frame score 5 - 7.
The Simmentaler
• Originated in Switzerland. Colour, red and white or yellow
and white. In S.A. they are found all over the country.
• Adapt themselves easily to varying conditions.
• Used for beef production and considered a beef breed.
• The following factors has made the breed one of the most
numerous in Europe and R.S.A:
• Adaptation abilities - hardy and adaptable.
• High carcass weight.
• Good beef qualities.
• Excellent milk properties.
• Used commercially for cross breeding.
• Originated from France in a climate - 15 C to 30 C therefore adapted to
harsh conditions. Now second most common breed in U.K. Used for
crossbreeding. Medium to late maturing breed, frame score 4 - 6.
• Meat qualities
• High meat to bone ratio. Carcasses of excellent quality are produced.
Marbling occurs in the meat.
• Disadvantages
• Calving difficulties (dystocia).
• Double muscling.
• Late maturing breed.
Santa Gertrudis
Santa Gertrudis
• Developed at the King Ranch of Texas. The name of the Santa Gertrudis
breed is from Rincon de Santa Gertrudis, the name of the original land
grant purchased by Captain Richard King from the heirs of Juan
• This land grant is where the first headquarters of the King Ranch was
• Modern Santa Gertrudis cattle are approximately five-eighths Shorthorn
and three-eighths Brahman.
• A deep cherry-red colour has been established in the breed. The breed
shows a relatively high degree of both heat and tick resistance.
Santa Gertrudis
• Their characteristics include ease of calving, good mothering ability and
abundant milk supply.
• They also show very little evidence of a hump and have improved beef quality
over most purebred Brahmans.
• Steers can be turned off at any age depending on environment and conditions,
and are noted for their weight for age and ability to achieve high weight gains
both on pasture and in feedlots.
• Characteristics.
• Heat resistance.
• Good carcass conformation.
• Resistance to external parasites.
• Rich red coat colour
• Prominent hump of the Brahman has almost been eliminated. Medium to late
maturing frame score 4 - 6
The Beef master
• Hereford, Brahman and Shorthorn were combined
in a breeding programme with the emphasis on beef
• 1/8 Brahman and 7/8 Hereford/Shorthorn similar
development system as Bonsmara. Females >2
years must rear a calf every year.
• Replacement heifers are selected on a performance
basis, emphasis on weaning weight. Medium
maturing frame score 3 - 5.
Hereford X Shorthorn
• Also Known As: French Dairy Simmental
• This breed originated in the Haute Saône-Doubs
region of France.
• They are a dual purpose breed belonging to the
French Red Pied group.
• They are bright red and white and originated from
Bernese cattle brought by the Mennonites in the
18th century.
• The Bonsmara has been scientifically bred and strictly selected for
economical production in the extensive cattle grazing regions of South
Africa after a need was felt for a beef breed, which could produce
economically in the sub-tropical regions.
• Notwithstanding their adaptability to the climate, the indigenous
Afrikaner-type cattle did not have the desired growth potential, they were
relatively late in reaching sexual maturity and many of the cows did not
calve regularly.
• The exotic British beef breeds available at the time performed well in the
more temperate regions but could not keep up the same production in the
hotter environment.
• They were also more susceptible to the tick-borne diseases which were
prevalent in the sub-tropics.
The Sussex
• Cherry red breed of cattle that originated in Sussex, England. They were
a predominantly horned breed, but polled animals have been recognised.
• They were reared on very poor soils which accounts for their, hardiness
and thriftiness in grazing.
• They are similar in shape and size to the Aberdeen Angus, early maturing
with a frame score 3 - 5.
• They adapt well to different climates because they are supposed to have a
blood factor which is common in bos indices type cattle, but virtually
unknown in other beef breeds!
• This may explain the breeds ability to withstand heat, drought and tick
borne diseases. The breed crosses well with the Afrikaner.
The Shorthorn
• This breed is more rectangular in form than the other
breeds of beef cattle.
• The colour varies from red to tan to red with white
• The breed has an extremely high rate of fertility.
• Shorthorns are used to upgrade ranch cattle - larger
calves and cows with good milk production is the result.
• The Shorthorn was used in the development of the
Bonsmara. Shorthorn is medium/early maturing, frame
score 2-4.
• The Brahman breed originated from Bos indicus cattle originally brought
from India. The breed was developed into its present prominence in the
U.S.A. Brahmans very in colour from very light grey or red to almost
• A majority of the breed are light to medium grey.
• Mature bulls are normally darker than cows and usually have dark areas
on the neck, shoulders and lower thighs.
• Brahmans are intermediate in size among beef breeds, Bulls will
generally weigh from 720 to 990 kg and cows from 450 to 630 kg in
average condition.
• The calves are small at birth, weighing 27 to 30 kg, but grow very
rapidly and wean at weights comparable to other breeds.
Belgian Blue
Belted Galloway
Characteristic Breeds
Rapid growth & large
0 - - ++ + - + ++ - -
Small size &low
maint cow
+ + 0 - 0 ++ 0 - + +
Highly fertile cows ++ - - - + ++ + + ++ ++
Highly fertile bulls
and libido
++ - 0 0 + ++ + + ++ ++
Early puberty &
++ - - 0 + ++ + 0 ++ ++
Good milking
+ 0 0 0 - 0 0 ++ 0 0
Carcass quality early
maturing and
++ + + - ++ ++ + - - +
Late maturing lean
- 0 0 ++ - - 0 ++ 0 0
Adapted to
environment require
1) moderate to low
nutritional levels &
tolerant to stress
- ++ ++ - 0 ++ 0 00 ++ ++
2) High nutritional
level, minimal stress
+ - - ++ + - + ++ - -
Docile temperament 0 0 - ++ ++ 0 0 ++ 0 0
freedom from
0 ++ - 0 + ++ 0 - ++ ++
+ :above average ++: Well above average 0: Average -: Below average
Choice of Breed
• Personal Preference
• Often one is likely to do well with breed of one’s choice.
• Availability of Stock or Semen
• One has to choose a breed, which is readily available.
• It is pointless to want to use a breed that is not available on the market.
• Otherwise you will have to use a lot of money to import the stocks or semen
from outside the country.
• Management
• Where management is poor either through stockman involved or other
management criteria you will need a breed that does well with little pampering
or the hardy breeds.
• Under intensive condition you require less hardy breeds, as under this system
you can pamper the animals.
• This ties in well with environmental conditions.
• Environmental Conditions
• You need to choose a breed that is well adapted to the prevailing conditions.
• These will do well in terms of production
Contact Details
Mobile Number
TechnoAgri Precision ResearchAdvisory PBC
Providing technical and implementational assistance to agriculture in all facets
such as cropiculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, cuniculture,
apiculture ejusdem generis; being farmers, research and specialized consultants;
being a publishing house and workshops and training service providers in a wide range
of areas and remaining capable of doing any corporate acts as maybe ancillary,
pertinent or incidental thereto.

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Lecture two beef production

  • 2. Introduction • The Bos indicus include the indigenous breeds like the Mashona, Nkone, Tuli. The Zebus are the Africander, Brahman. • In the Bos Taurus we have the British beef breeds that include those specifically beef breeds like the Aberdeen Angus, Sussex and Hereford. • There are also dual-purpose breeds like the South Devon and the Shorthorn. • Then we have the continental large breeds that include the Charolais, Limousin and the dual-purpose breeds like the Simmental and Montbelaird. • Lastly there are the composite breeds (synthetic breeds, these are the Santa Getrudis, Beefmaster and Bonsmara.
  • 3. Introduction • All the Bos indicus cattle are characterized by a large hump over the top of the shoulder and neck. • Spinal processes below the hump are extended, and there is considerable muscular tissue covering the processes. • The other characteristics of these cattle are their horns, which usually curve upward and are sometimes tilted to the rear, their ears, which are generally large and pendulous, and the throatlatch and dewlap, which have a large amount of excess skin. • They also have more highly developed sweat glands than European cattle (Bos taurus) and so can perspire more freely. • Bos indicus cattle produce an oily secretion from the sebaceous glands, which has a distinctive odour and is reported to assist in repelling insects.
  • 4. Important Terms • In cattle studies the common terms used to identify animals of different age and sex include • Bull – mature male cattle • Bullock – Mature male cattle • Steer – Young castrated male cattle • Cow - Mature female cattle • Heifer – Young female cattle between weaning and first calving • Calf – Young one of cattle
  • 5. How to identify cattle breeds • Colouration • description of various colours on an animal and also the location of these colours • Body type and characteristics • hair type (short and sleek or long and shaggy), • muscling tendencies and frame size in comparison with other similar breeds, • length of leg and/or body in relation to body/leg size, • average weight of both cows and bulls. • dairy cattle tend to be more angular- and thinner-looking with a more defined and larger udder • beef cattle tend to be more blockier and muscular than dairy cattle, with a seeming more rounded appearance.
  • 6. Cattle Breed Identification • Head characteristics • whether the breed can be horned or polled or both, • length and size of the horns (if any), • the size of the head in comparison to the body, • length of the face, • coarseness/fineness of the head. • Other characteristics • where the breed originates from, • characteristics that make the breed what it is today. • maternal qualities (e.g., milking ability, mothering ability and calving ease) • terminal/marketing traits (e.g., carcass characteristics and muscling).
  • 7. Beef Cattle Breeding • Breeds • Mashona, Brahman, Nguni, Tuli • Simmental, Hereford, Aberdeen Angus, Sussex • Bonsmara, Beefmaster, Santa Getrudis • Traits of economic importance in beef cattle; • Birth weight • Weaning weight/205-day weight • Yearling weight • Maternal genetic effects • Feedlot gain & efficiency • Carcass quality • Type & conformation traits
  • 9. Indigenous Livestock Breeds • These are native or local cattle that have their origin within the tropics. • They belong to a class called Bos indicus . • It is important to note that indigenous cattle are not classified as breeds because of their variation in characteristics due to a lot of uncontrolled breeding over the years. • They include the Boran and the Small East African Zebu which comprised of the Masai, Nandi , Ankole, Bukendi and Karamojong cattle.
  • 10. Characteristics of Indigenous Breeds of Livestock 1. They have humps that store fat which is broken down to energy and water in times of starvation. 2. They are fairly tolerant to high temperatures due to the presence of dewlap and thick hides. 3. They have high tolerance of tropical diseases such as Trypanosomiasis.
  • 11. 4. They have a slow growth rate leading to late maturity. 5. The indigenous heifer served when they attain an age of 2-3 years. 6. They have low production for both meat and milk due to inheritance of poor characteristics. 7. They can walk for long distances in search of food and water. 8.They can stay for long periods without food and water without seriously affecting their performance and body condition. 9. They both have long calving intervals of more than one year.
  • 12. Exotic Cattle Breeds • Belgian Blue • Brahman • Limousine
  • 13. Exotic Cattle Breeds • These are breeds of cattle that originated from the temperate regions of Europe. They belong to the sub species of cattle Bos taurus. • Their characteristics are: 1. They have no humps 2. They have low tolerance to high temperatures 3. They are highly susceptible to tropical diseases. 4. They have fast growth rates leading to early maturity. The heifer is served when they are one and a half to two years of age. 5. They are good producers of both meat and milk. 6. They cannot walk for long distances. 7. They have short calving intervals of one calf per year if well managed.
  • 14. Tuli
  • 15. The Tuli • This is an African Sanga Breed, tough/hardy, adaptable and highly fertile. • Has short coat, varying color from deep red, through golden yellow to pale silver. • Breed developed initially with the idea of improving the genetics available to communal farmers • Produces small birth weights and is an easy-calving breed • Heifers reach sexual maturity early, giving greater lifetime production
  • 16. The Tuli • The breed is docile and because it has developed in isolation from other morden breeds it gives enhanced heterosis when crossed with Bos indicus and Bos Taurus breeds, as gas been proved by recent reaserch work in Australia. • It is endowed with an udder of exceptional quality- udder and teat defects are quite rare • The meat quality is exceptionally high, has the juiciest meat seconding angus in marbling
  • 17.
  • 19. The Mashona • The Sanga Cattle of South-Central Africa has developed over thousands of years to be thoroughly adapted to local environments • Their resistance to high temperature, ticks and flies, and their ability to maintain reproductive efficiency in the semi-arid African climate, has moulded their unique characteristics. • Hardiness, fertility and a significant degree of disease resistance are the result of centuries of natural selection under arduous African conditions. • Excellent cow fertility and calf productivity are characterised by an early sexual maturity with a short anoestrus period and a high calving percentage under harsh conditions.
  • 20. The Mashona • There are minimal calving difficulties resulting in maximum output per cow mass and per grazing area. • They have very low maintenance requirements and are highly mobile selective grazers who also have the ability to browse. • The Mashona has early carcase maturity and a high dressing percentage.
  • 21.
  • 22. Nguni
  • 23. The Nkone • Is a subtitle of the Nguni cattle of South and is one of the three types of indigenous cattle found in Zimbabwe. • Nkone have a well-developed neck, hump, short glossy coat and pigmented skin with all red and white coat patterns red, red and white, raon, white and inkone (white black stripe with red side panels) • Numerous studies over the decades in Zimbabwe, as well as in the sub-continent have shown that the Nkone is an excellent maternal breed due to its superior calf survival, fertility and superior mothering abilities and thus cow productivity.
  • 24. The Nkone Breed • It has also been noted for ease of calving in crossbreeding systems, even when heifers were mated to terminal sires • These traits have been ascribed to the breed’s superior hardiness and adaptability • The nkone is an ideal low-maintenance, easy-care breed and provided an excellent base for crossbreeding, thus warranting greater utilization in both the purebred and crossbred livestock industry
  • 25.
  • 26. Africander • The Africander is a native South African breed used primarily for meat production. • The breed is usually red with long lateral horns. Africander cattle exhibit good resistance to heat, a high level of tick resistance, quiet temperament and a satisfactorily high level of fertility under harsh conditions. • Mature cows weigh approximately 525 to 600 kg and bulls weigh 750 to 1000 kg. • The Africander tends to and yields a carcass with comparatively low fat cover. Frame score 1 - 3. They are early maturing. • Through the use of bulls and frozen semen, the Africander has been used in up- grading indigenous cattle in tropical countries as it passes on fertility, docility and excellent weight gains to progeny. • The Africander was used with Shorthorn in developing the Bonsmara breed
  • 28. The Angus (Black or Red) • Polled, polled factor is dominant • First cross claves of horned cows are polled • Calves and animals are easier to handle because of smaller size • Needs less space for housing • No horns damage to the hide and meat • Early maturing breed, frame score 1 – 2 • Meat is of very fine texture and well marbled • Proportion of meat to bone ration being remarkably high
  • 29. Problems with the Angus • Unsuited to the hotter areas • Bulls have protruding prepuce - can damage penis in the thorn-veld.
  • 31. The Hereford • The colour is conspicuous and characteristic of the breed. • Body is reddish brown and the head, underline, tail switch and feet up to approximately knee height are white, with a dash of white on the shoulders. • Bulls are able to impart the characteristic white heads to their offspring. • The blocky conformation of the Hereford satisfies the requirements of a typical beef breed. • The Hereford is well known for its ability to produce meat. • The breed is primarily used by commercial breeders in crossbreeding and baby beef production. Early maturing breed with a frame score 2 - 4.
  • 32. Disadvantages of Breed • Susceptible to eye cancer. • Excessively large dewlaps and briskets may occur in bulls • Two generic factors have become evident. • Inherited dwarfism known as "shorter dwarf" (compress x compress = dwarf). • Inherited condition referred to as "compress" this is due to it being a carrier of an incomplete dominant gene, causing shorter long bones. • Selection and performance testing has over come these problems.
  • 34. The Charolais • Large white or cream white cattle breed of France. No other colors are permitted. • Skin is pigmented, light brown . • The breed is characterized by its length and size. • Bulls have prominent muscular development. • Widely used for crossbreeding. Late maturing breed, frame score 5 - 7.
  • 36. The Simmentaler • Originated in Switzerland. Colour, red and white or yellow and white. In S.A. they are found all over the country. • Adapt themselves easily to varying conditions. • Used for beef production and considered a beef breed. • The following factors has made the breed one of the most numerous in Europe and R.S.A: • Adaptation abilities - hardy and adaptable. • High carcass weight. • Good beef qualities. • Excellent milk properties. • Used commercially for cross breeding.
  • 38. THE LIMOUSIN • Originated from France in a climate - 15 C to 30 C therefore adapted to harsh conditions. Now second most common breed in U.K. Used for crossbreeding. Medium to late maturing breed, frame score 4 - 6. • Meat qualities • High meat to bone ratio. Carcasses of excellent quality are produced. Marbling occurs in the meat. • Disadvantages • Calving difficulties (dystocia). • Double muscling. • Late maturing breed.
  • 40. Santa Gertrudis • Developed at the King Ranch of Texas. The name of the Santa Gertrudis breed is from Rincon de Santa Gertrudis, the name of the original land grant purchased by Captain Richard King from the heirs of Juan Mendiola. • This land grant is where the first headquarters of the King Ranch was established. • Modern Santa Gertrudis cattle are approximately five-eighths Shorthorn and three-eighths Brahman. • A deep cherry-red colour has been established in the breed. The breed shows a relatively high degree of both heat and tick resistance.
  • 41. Santa Gertrudis • Their characteristics include ease of calving, good mothering ability and abundant milk supply. • They also show very little evidence of a hump and have improved beef quality over most purebred Brahmans. • Steers can be turned off at any age depending on environment and conditions, and are noted for their weight for age and ability to achieve high weight gains both on pasture and in feedlots. • Characteristics. • Heat resistance. • Good carcass conformation. • Resistance to external parasites. • Rich red coat colour • Prominent hump of the Brahman has almost been eliminated. Medium to late maturing frame score 4 - 6
  • 42. The Beef master • Hereford, Brahman and Shorthorn were combined in a breeding programme with the emphasis on beef production. • 1/8 Brahman and 7/8 Hereford/Shorthorn similar development system as Bonsmara. Females >2 years must rear a calf every year. • Replacement heifers are selected on a performance basis, emphasis on weaning weight. Medium maturing frame score 3 - 5.
  • 44. Montbéliard • Also Known As: French Dairy Simmental • This breed originated in the Haute Saône-Doubs region of France. • They are a dual purpose breed belonging to the French Red Pied group. • They are bright red and white and originated from Bernese cattle brought by the Mennonites in the 18th century.
  • 45. Bonsmara • The Bonsmara has been scientifically bred and strictly selected for economical production in the extensive cattle grazing regions of South Africa after a need was felt for a beef breed, which could produce economically in the sub-tropical regions. • Notwithstanding their adaptability to the climate, the indigenous Afrikaner-type cattle did not have the desired growth potential, they were relatively late in reaching sexual maturity and many of the cows did not calve regularly. • The exotic British beef breeds available at the time performed well in the more temperate regions but could not keep up the same production in the hotter environment. • They were also more susceptible to the tick-borne diseases which were prevalent in the sub-tropics.
  • 46. The Sussex • Cherry red breed of cattle that originated in Sussex, England. They were a predominantly horned breed, but polled animals have been recognised. • They were reared on very poor soils which accounts for their, hardiness and thriftiness in grazing. • They are similar in shape and size to the Aberdeen Angus, early maturing with a frame score 3 - 5. • They adapt well to different climates because they are supposed to have a blood factor which is common in bos indices type cattle, but virtually unknown in other beef breeds! • This may explain the breeds ability to withstand heat, drought and tick borne diseases. The breed crosses well with the Afrikaner.
  • 47. The Shorthorn • This breed is more rectangular in form than the other breeds of beef cattle. • The colour varies from red to tan to red with white parches. • The breed has an extremely high rate of fertility. • Shorthorns are used to upgrade ranch cattle - larger calves and cows with good milk production is the result. • The Shorthorn was used in the development of the Bonsmara. Shorthorn is medium/early maturing, frame score 2-4.
  • 48. Brahman • The Brahman breed originated from Bos indicus cattle originally brought from India. The breed was developed into its present prominence in the U.S.A. Brahmans very in colour from very light grey or red to almost black. • A majority of the breed are light to medium grey. • Mature bulls are normally darker than cows and usually have dark areas on the neck, shoulders and lower thighs. • Brahmans are intermediate in size among beef breeds, Bulls will generally weigh from 720 to 990 kg and cows from 450 to 630 kg in average condition. • The calves are small at birth, weighing 27 to 30 kg, but grow very rapidly and wean at weights comparable to other breeds.
  • 51.
  • 52. Characteristic Breeds AA AFR BRA CHAR HER MAS SUC SIMM NKO TUL Rapid growth & large size 0 - - ++ + - + ++ - - Small size &low maint cow + + 0 - 0 ++ 0 - + + Highly fertile cows ++ - - - + ++ + + ++ ++ Highly fertile bulls and libido ++ - 0 0 + ++ + + ++ ++ Early puberty & conception ++ - - 0 + ++ + 0 ++ ++ Good milking qualities + 0 0 0 - 0 0 ++ 0 0 Carcass quality early maturing and gradeability ++ + + - ++ ++ + - - + Late maturing lean muscular - 0 0 ++ - - 0 ++ 0 0 Adapted to environment require 1) moderate to low nutritional levels & tolerant to stress - ++ ++ - 0 ++ 0 00 ++ ++ 2) High nutritional level, minimal stress tolerance + - - ++ + - + ++ - - Docile temperament 0 0 - ++ ++ 0 0 ++ 0 0 Longevity& freedom from defects 0 ++ - 0 + ++ 0 - ++ ++ Key + :above average ++: Well above average 0: Average -: Below average
  • 53. Choice of Breed • Personal Preference • Often one is likely to do well with breed of one’s choice. • Availability of Stock or Semen • One has to choose a breed, which is readily available. • It is pointless to want to use a breed that is not available on the market. • Otherwise you will have to use a lot of money to import the stocks or semen from outside the country. • Management • Where management is poor either through stockman involved or other management criteria you will need a breed that does well with little pampering or the hardy breeds. • Under intensive condition you require less hardy breeds, as under this system you can pamper the animals. • This ties in well with environmental conditions. • Environmental Conditions • You need to choose a breed that is well adapted to the prevailing conditions. • These will do well in terms of production
  • 54. Contact Details Mobile Number :+263782108484 Email: TechnoAgri Precision ResearchAdvisory PBC Providing technical and implementational assistance to agriculture in all facets such as cropiculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, cuniculture, apiculture ejusdem generis; being farmers, research and specialized consultants; being a publishing house and workshops and training service providers in a wide range of areas and remaining capable of doing any corporate acts as maybe ancillary, pertinent or incidental thereto.

Editor's Notes

  1. An exciting new development is the discovery through research at Clay Centre in Nebraska, USA that the Tuli produces meat of exceptionally high quality. In a trial of several breeds, Tulis had the juiciest meat and were second to the Angus in marbling. This, along with the Tuli's many other valuable traits, has caused great interest in the breed in a number of countries.
  2. Recognising the productive potential of the Nkone, the government established a pure breeding herd at Tsholotsho in 1946 to conserve these animals, which were being lost due to indiscriminate crossbreeding. Nkone features in adaptability studies and crossing trials for smallholder dairying.