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Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
Executive Summary
This document presents a strategy plan for public relation campaign that seek to sensitize
AT&T staff and customers about Down syndrome and convince them to make donations for
promoting research and education. Customers and staff donate toward the Down Syndrome
Education initiative by sending a message with code number to AT&T. The cost of the message
will be 5$. Also, AT&T Company will donate from its budget. This strategic plan demonstrates
how we intend to change perceptions and behavior of employees and customers and how this
will contribute to the overall objectives of AT&T.
Background of the Company
AT&T is an American telecommunication firm that provides a broad array of fixed and
wireless telecommunication products and services. The firm targets commercial, residential, and
governmental customers. AT&T provides services such as internet access, domestic and long call
services, and roaming among others. The mission of the corporation is to “exploit technological
innovation for the benefit of AT&T and its clients by executing network advancements and next-
generation technologies and in AT&T’s services and operations” (AT&T, 2014). The firm’s
vision is to “design and create new global networks, service platforms and processes that
maximize automation and allow the reallocation of human resources to more productive and
complex work.”
Situation Analysis
The situation analysis focuses on examining the environment in which a given
corporation operates. AT&T’s business environment falls into two categories; the external
business environment and the internal environment.
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
External Environment Analysis
The external business environment refers to forces outside the control of AT&T managers, but
that affect the operations of the company. The external business environment also falls into two
categories; the general environment and the specific environment.
a. The General Environment
The general environment refers to forces that affect all businesses that are operating
within the same market as AT&T. In this case, the general environment refers to all forces that
affect business operating within the United States’ market since AT&T is an American company.
This analysis focuses on four main forces: political, social-cultural, economic, and technological.
Political Economic Social Cultural Technological
 Concerns about
privacy and digital
rights issues.
 Stable political
 People with
disability legislation
and policies.
 Recover of the
 Reduced
unemployment rate.
 Reduced inflation
 Aging of the
 Increased social
and environment
 Diffusion of
internet technology
 Development in the
smartphone market
 Development of
video and gaming
 Expansion of e-
The general environmental analysis identifies both threats and opportunities for AT&T
Company. The political environment presents a threat to AT&T operations in the form of
concerns about privacy and digital rights issues. There are many cases of surveillance and
invasion of the privacy of telecommunication service users by law enforcement agents. This
trend presents a threat to the profitability of the industry, which can jeopardize AT&T ability to
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
finance the PR activities. The stable political environment within the country presents an
opportunity for the organization to grow its profits; hence, sustain the PR activities
(Koumparoulis, 2013). The country has policies and legislation that seek to promote the
wellbeing of people with disability. These policies will support the implementation of the
proposed public relation campaign. The economic environment presents the opportunity for
AT&T to grow and enhance its profits. Recovery of the U.S economy will increase the
purchasing power of consumers; hence, it will boost the demand for AT&T services (Davidson,
2014). Reduced unemployment rate and inflation rate will also have a favorable effect on
people’s income leading to increased demand for AT&T services. Growth in the profitability of
the firm will increase AT&T financial muscle enabling it to invest in PR campaigns.
The social-cultural environment presents both an opportunity and a threat to AT&T. The
aging of the country’s citizenry threatens the profitability of the market as this trend will increase
the cost of labor (Toossi, 2014). The trend will also influence the consumption pattern of some
communication and technological products such internet services. These trends will reduce
AT&T profits; hence, affect the company’s PR budget. Increased social awareness gives AT&T
the opportunity to enhance its brand and increase its reputation by investing in corporate-social-
responsibility projects. This trend encourages AT&T to proceed with the proposed campaign of
funding research and education activities relating to Down syndrome. Environment and social
consciousness of consumers will also increase support for the initiative that AT&T is proposing
since the initiatives seek to promote the social welfare of people living with disability
(Investopedia, 2014). The technological environment presents opportunities to AT&T. The
diffusion of the internet technology is bound to increase demand for AT&T internet and data
services. The proliferation of smartphone technology will also increase internet usage thereby
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
increasing the demand for AT&T internet and data services. Development in the gaming industry
and expansion of e-commerce service will also increase demand for broadband services. These
technological trends will increase AT&T profits; hence, support the PR budget for the
b. The Industry Environment
The industry environment refers to factors that affect only organizations that operate in a
given industry. In this case, the analysis focuses on factors that affect firms within the
telecommunication industry. These factors include rivalry, buyer power, supplier power,
substitutes, and new entrants.
Industry has many players
Competitors’ have
significant capabilities
There are many exit barriers
Existence of spare capacity
New Entrants
High investment cost/ capital intensive
Economies of scale among existing firms
High level of product differentiation
Buyer Power
Many customers
Customers order in small volumes
Customers have many choices
Limited threat of backward integration
Low switching costs
Supplier Power
Large number of telecommunication
equipment and software makers.
There is little competition for the input
from other industries
Cost of switching suppliers is low
There many alternatives including cable TV
and satellite operators.
Substitute’s performance can match
telecommunication products
Low switching cost
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
The industry environment analysis also reveals both threats and opportunities for AT&T.
Rivalry presents a significant threat to AT&T. The telecommunication industry has many players
who have strong capabilities (Investopedia, 2014). The industry also has significant exit barriers
in the form of writing-off cost and a lot of spare capacity. These factors have given rise to cut-
through competition within the industry, which has increased the cost of doing business and
driven down prices. This force has a negative effect on AT&T’s profits and, consequently,
AT&T’s PR budget. The threat of new entrants is minimal as the telecommunication industry is
capital intensive, has fierce competition and a high level of product differentiation. Similarly,
existing companies enjoy economies of scale make it difficult for new entrants to survive.
Therefore, the force of new entrants presents opportunities for the industry to increase profits.
Increase in profit will have a favorable effect on the firm’s PR budget.
Suppliers to the telecommunication industry have a low bargaining power because
suppliers are many, there is little competition for the input from other industry, and the cost of
switching suppliers is low. This trend has a favorable effect on AT&T profits and, consequently,
its PR budget. Customers also have relatively low bargaining power because they are many and
small and have limited capacity to integrate backward. However, the bargaining power of these
consumers is increasing due to the availability of a wide array of options when it comes to
telecommunication services and low cost of switching between service providers. Threat of
substitute is high as cable TV and satellite operators are also providing data services to homes.
Energy utility and railway companies are also lay high-capacity telecommunication networks
along their line and track assets. The substitute force has an unfavorable effect on the profits of
AT&T and, consequently, the PR budget of the firm.
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
The internal Environment
The internal business environment refers to factors within the control of AT&T
management team, and that affect the operations of the business. This section analyzes AT&T
company internal environment using the Resource-Based View (RBV) model. The RBV model
suggests that the company’s resources determine the competitiveness of the firm; hence, are a
significant part of the internal environment (Robinson, 2008). The company’s rare and valuable
resources create a competitive advantage for the firm.
AT&T technological capabilities and human resource have enabled the firm to develop
customer service as a source of competitive advantage. The corporation has systems that enable
the tracking of customers’ concerns and issues. The company’s technological capabilities as well
as its human and financial resources enable it to experiment; hence, develop innovative products
and solutions to organizational problems. The company brand and marketing capabilities has
enabled it to differentiate its offers from those of consumers.
Valuable Resources and capabilities
1. Well known brand
2. Largest telecommunication network
and infrastructure
3. Finances
Rare Resources and capabilities
1. Supplier relationship
2. Human resource
3. Technological capabilities
4. Marketing capabilities
5. Management capabilities
Competitive Advantage
Customer service
Differentiated products and services
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
Business Objectives
1. To increase the company’s profits by 10% in the next three years.
AT&T plans to increase its profits by 10% in the next three years. Increasing profits is a
critical objective for the company as the firm need to fulfill its obligation towards shareholders.
Increasing profits will also enhance the market position of the firm as it gives the firm financial
resource to invest in other initiatives such as advertising and corporate social responsibility. The
firm intends to realize this objective by developing innovative products and solution, increasing
the efficiency of its operations, enhancing company brands, and investing in marketing
communication. The objective is also congruent with AT&T mission and vision.
2. To increase customer satisfaction score to 9/10 in the next three years.
AT&T also intends to increase customer satisfaction score to 9/10 in the next three years.
Customers gave the organization a score of seven in the most current survey conducted by the
company. AT&T will focus on increasing this score. Increasing customer satisfaction is also a
vital objective as it will support the financial objectives on increasing profits. Customers are
likely to continue purchasing the company’s products when they are satisfied with the company.
The firm intends to realize this objective by enhancing customer experiences and service,
enhance customer support systems, reducing number of downtimes, and enhancing customer
relationship through communication and loyalty program
3. To increase employees’ performance by 10% in the next three years.
The company also intends to increase performance of employees by 10% in the next three
years. AT&T measures employees’ performance using various metrics including productivity,
efficiency, training, and goal attainment. The company seeks to enhance employee performance
by investing in employees’ learning and development, creating a better compensation system,
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
increasing employee retention rates, providing employees with better work environment and
other strategies. Increasing employees’ performance is also a vital objective as it will support the
other two objectives of the firm. Increasing employee performance will enhance customer
satisfaction, as well as, increase the profitability of the firm.
4. To increase AT&T’s contribution towards the development of community by 10%
in the next three years.
AT&T is a valuable provider of services in the American market. As an important
member of the U.S society, the organization needs to play its part in the development of this
society. While AT&T already contributes towards the development of the community by
providing essential communication services, it needs to do more by investing part of it profits in
community projects. This objective is necessary as it will support other objectives of the firm and
enhance the firm’s image.
Public Relations Objectives
Understanding the organization’s business objective is the first step in designing public
relation’s strategy. The next step entails developing public relations objectives. The public
relation objective helps the firm to focus resource and increase effectiveness of the PR campaign.
The objectives also establish ways of measuring the effectiveness of public relations programs.
Public relations objective should be congruent with the business objectives of AT&T in order for
them to become relevant. AT&T public relation objective include:
1. To raise the brand profile of AT&T by increasing the number of positive mentions in
social and mass media by 50% in the next six months.
2. To increase the market share of AT&T services by 5% in the next to one year.
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
3. To increase the number of positive interaction between the organization and customers
by 50% in the next six months.
4. To convince 50% of company employees and customers to take part in social
responsibility initiatives within the next six months.
These PR objectives will drive business results and lead to the realization of business
objectives in several ways. First, the PR campaign will raise the brand profile of AT&T
increasing the form’s capacity to attract new customers and retain existing customers. This object
will, therefore, aid AT&T to realize the objective of increasing the company’s profits. Raising
the brand profile of AT&T will also have a pleasant effect on the confidence and self-esteem of
employees leading to an improvement in the performance of employees. Employees tend to
achieve better outcomes when they are satisfied with and proud of their jobs.
The PR objective also seeks to increase the market share of AT&T services by 5% in the
next one year. This PR objective is congruent with AT&T business objective of increasing
company’s profits as increasing market share will increase sales and, consequently, profits. The
objective is also congruent with the findings of the industry analysis. The industry analysis
revealed that the telecommunication industry is already saturated; hence, the only way to grow is
by contesting for the market share occupied by other companies.
The third objective seeks to increase positive interaction between the organization and
customers by 50% in the next six months. This PR objective supports AT&R’s objective of
enhancing customer satisfaction. Increasing the number of positive interaction between
customers and the company will enhance the level of customer satisfaction. The PR objective
will also lead to the realization of the business objective of increasing company’s profits.
Increased customer satisfaction will facilitate repeat business leading to increased profits.
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
Increased customer satisfaction will also promote employee performance as customer
satisfaction has an effect of employees’ satisfaction.
The fourth PR objectives seek to convince 50% of AT&T’s employees and customers to
participate in social responsibility initiatives. This objective is congruent with AT&T’s business
objective of increasing its contribution towards social development. AT&T has over 108 million
customers who have subscribed to its services. Fifty percent of this figure amounts to 54 million
people. Encouraging 54 million people to participate in social responsibility action will have a
significant effect on the society. This objective is also consistent with the findings of the general
environment analysis. The analysis showed that American consumers are becoming more
conscious of social and environment issues; hence, they are likely to support social responsibility
Messaging Statement
AT&T is a socially responsible company that care about or customers, employees, local
communities and all other stakeholders. The company is ready to partner with all stakeholders to
make improvement in society.
AT&T intends to use a special event as the main strategy for realizing it PR objectives.
The event is a social initiative that entails making a financial donation for Down Syndrome
Education in U.S.A. The event targets AT&T customers and employees. AT&T Company
intends to encourage its customers and staff to donate money towards Down syndrome research
and education. Customers and staff can make donations towards this initiative by sending a
message with a code number to AT&T. The cost of the message will be $5. AT&T will donate a
portion of its profits to match the contributions of customers and employees. The recipient of the
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
donation will be a University that conducts research on Down syndrome. The University will
also assume the mandate of educating the public about the medical condition.
This strategy is consistent with the AT&T mission of exploiting technological innovation
for the benefit of AT&T’s customers. People living with disability are a vital part of AT&T’s
customer base. AT&T will move closer to realizing its mission by enhancing the quality of life
of this essential segment of its market. The social initiative is also consistent with the finding of
the general environment analysis, which found an increased level of environmental and social
consciousness among consumers. The strategy is also consistent with both the business and PR
objectives of AT&T.
a. Digital Media Kit
Tactics are tools that the company will use to execute strategies. A significant tool that
AT&T will employ in order to realize its PR objective is the digital media kit. Digital media kit
are file contain the electronic format of the message that the organization intends to
communicate and background information about the company. The digital media kit makes it
possible for a given organization to disseminate information quickly and cheaply as they are
designed to work with all digital media. The kit can be distributed via email, social media, blogs
or downloaded from the company’s website. Digital media kit is an effective tool for
implementing PR strategies as it enables people to gather information about the company easily.
AT&T Digital Media Kit for Web Distribution
AT&T New Release
AT&T launches an Initiative that seeks to help people living with Down syndrome.
December 2, 2014
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
The AT&T Company has announced today the launch of a program that seeks to promote
education and research about Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a genetic medical condition
that causes intellectual disability and a wide array of birth defects among people. Down
syndrome is a common condition in the united state that affects over 250,000 people. Apart from
suffering from physical problems, Down syndrome patients also experience a high level of
AT&T seeks to promote awareness of this disease so as to reduce stigmatization of
people who have it. The organization also wants to support research that will aid in the
prevention, management, and treatment of the condition. AT&T is calling upon its employees
and customers to support the initiative donating $5 towards the program. Customers can make
donations by sending a message with the word Down to 5555 using AT&T lines. A&T will
deduct the amount of $5 when one sends a message to this number. AT&T will make a 100%
match for the contribution that its customers and employees will make towards the initiative.
The proceeds of this initiative will be directed to ABC University. The University is
among the leading institution in the country in conducting research and managing the Down
syndrome condition. The university will also assume the mandate of conduct civil education
about the condition.
AT&T Company: Is the leading telecommunication service provider in the country that prides
itself in offering benefits to consumers, employees, shareholders, and other stakeholders. The
company technological capability enables it to deliver unique value to its customers.
Executive BIOs: Randall Stephenson is the chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of AT&T.
Randall has long experience in management and a huge track record for promoting sustainable
business practices in organizations that he has led. Cathy Coughlin is the senior executive deputy
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
president and global marketing officers. She also has a rich experience in marketing and is a
vocal advocate for business sustainability practices.
FAQ Sheet:
People: A significant factor that distinguishes AT&T from other corporations is its people.
AT&T people have a unique culture that emphasizes on customer service, commitment to
community and innovation.
Technology: AT&T technological capabilities have enabled the firm to create unique and value
adding product for its clients. The capabilities have also enabled the firm to increase relationship
with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.
Research: AT&T research activities enable the firm to develop cutting-edge technologies that
give the firm, its customers and employees a competitive edge.
Media Coverage
AT&T Sustainability Report
Insights from AT&T
Contact Information
Tel: 44994443
Email: info@AT&
b. Special events
Another tool that AT&T will use to realize its strategy is the use of special events. AT&T
will organize public events to celebrate the realization of key milestones in this initiative. The
firm will organize media briefings where the management will inform the public about the
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
progress made in the program. AT&T will also organize a big celebration at points where the
firm will be handing donations to the selected university.
c. Online Outreach
AT&T will also use online media such as twitter, blogs, and Facebook to launch
awareness campaign for this initiative. The organization will use social media platform to start
dialogues with the public about the program. Social media are effective tools as they will not
only be able to facilitate the dissemination of information to the public but will also enable
AT&T to gather information from the public (Edward Lowe Foundation, 2010). The firm will
use social media to gather people’s view about the initiative, as well as, the company’s services.
This tool will aid in the realization of the objective that seek to increase positive interaction
between AT&T and its customers.
Evaluation Plan
The evaluation plan focuses on assessing whether the PR strategy was effective in
helping the organization to realize its PR and overall objectives. The evaluation of the PR
strategies will focus on three four essential components; awareness, comprehension, attitude, and
behavioral (Anderson, Hadley, Rockland & Weiner, 2009). Awareness entails the ability of the
PR campaign to inform the public about issues that they had no knowledge. Creating awareness
is an essential goal of public relation exercise. AT&T need to ensure that it PR strategies is
effective in terms of creating awareness. In this case, AT&T will evaluate its PR campaigns
based on the ability to create awareness about the social initiative and the company brand. The
company will measure awareness by examining the number positive mentions of the company’s
brand and the social initiative in social and mass media.
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
The comprehension element focuses on ensuring that the target audience understands
what the firm is communicating to them (Anderson, Hadley, Rockland & Weiner, 2009). It is not
enough for PR activities to inform the public about events that are happening in the firm. The
campaign should also ensure that the public understands these actions, their benefits, and the
intents behind the action. In this case, AT&T will measure the effectiveness of its campaign by
examining customers and employee reaction to the initiative. The organization will use
qualitative means of measurement that entails examining the discussions in which customers and
employees in various media.
The attitude element focuses on evaluating whether the PR strategies had an effect on
what the public feels and believe (Edward Lowe Foundation, 2010). A significant goal of public
relation is to influence the attitude and beliefs of the public towards the organization. In this case,
AT&T will measure the effectiveness of the PR campaign by assessing the feelings of the
customers and employees towards the organization. AT&T will have to conduct a survey before
and after the campaign in order to determine whether there was a transformation in the attitude
among the target audience after the campaign.
The behavioral element of the evaluation focuses on assessing whether the strategies have
an impact on the behaviors of the members of the public. This element will assess whether the
target of the public relation campaign act as a PR campaign intended. In this case, AT&T will
assess whether the PR campaign was effective in convincing the target audience to participate in
social responsibility initiative. The company will measure this by examining the percentage of
customers and employees who contributed towards the initiative. This evaluation element will
also focus on examining whether the PR campaigns were effective in helping the firm to increase
market share by 5%.
Strategic Planning Document for AT&T
Anderson, F., Hadley, L., Rockland, D., & Weiner, M., (2009). Guidelines for setting measurable
public relations objectives. Retrieved from
AT&T (2014). Vision and mission. Retrieved from
Davidson, P. (2014). Economy surges forward in Quarter three. Retrieved from
Investopedia (2014). The Telecommunication industry Handbook. Retrieved from
Koumparoulis, D., (2013). PEST analysis: The case of an E-shop. Economy, Social Sciences and
Management. 2 (2), 31- 36
Robinson, S., (2008). Understanding the Resource-based view. Retrieved from
The Edward Lowe Foundation (2010). Establishing a public relations campaign. Retrieved from
Toossi, M., (2012). Workforce projection to 2020: a more slowly growing labor force. Monthly
Labor Review. (January) 43- 64

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  • 1. 1 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T Strategic Planning Document for AT&T Executive Summary This document presents a strategy plan for public relation campaign that seek to sensitize AT&T staff and customers about Down syndrome and convince them to make donations for promoting research and education. Customers and staff donate toward the Down Syndrome Education initiative by sending a message with code number to AT&T. The cost of the message will be 5$. Also, AT&T Company will donate from its budget. This strategic plan demonstrates how we intend to change perceptions and behavior of employees and customers and how this will contribute to the overall objectives of AT&T. Background of the Company AT&T is an American telecommunication firm that provides a broad array of fixed and wireless telecommunication products and services. The firm targets commercial, residential, and governmental customers. AT&T provides services such as internet access, domestic and long call services, and roaming among others. The mission of the corporation is to “exploit technological innovation for the benefit of AT&T and its clients by executing network advancements and next- generation technologies and in AT&T’s services and operations” (AT&T, 2014). The firm’s vision is to “design and create new global networks, service platforms and processes that maximize automation and allow the reallocation of human resources to more productive and complex work.” Situation Analysis The situation analysis focuses on examining the environment in which a given corporation operates. AT&T’s business environment falls into two categories; the external business environment and the internal environment.
  • 2. 2 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T External Environment Analysis The external business environment refers to forces outside the control of AT&T managers, but that affect the operations of the company. The external business environment also falls into two categories; the general environment and the specific environment. a. The General Environment The general environment refers to forces that affect all businesses that are operating within the same market as AT&T. In this case, the general environment refers to all forces that affect business operating within the United States’ market since AT&T is an American company. This analysis focuses on four main forces: political, social-cultural, economic, and technological. Political Economic Social Cultural Technological  Concerns about privacy and digital rights issues.  Stable political environment.  People with disability legislation and policies.  Recover of the economy  Reduced unemployment rate.  Reduced inflation rate.  Aging of the population  Increased social and environment awareness.  Diffusion of internet technology  Development in the smartphone market  Development of video and gaming technology.  Expansion of e- commerce The general environmental analysis identifies both threats and opportunities for AT&T Company. The political environment presents a threat to AT&T operations in the form of concerns about privacy and digital rights issues. There are many cases of surveillance and invasion of the privacy of telecommunication service users by law enforcement agents. This trend presents a threat to the profitability of the industry, which can jeopardize AT&T ability to
  • 3. 3 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T finance the PR activities. The stable political environment within the country presents an opportunity for the organization to grow its profits; hence, sustain the PR activities (Koumparoulis, 2013). The country has policies and legislation that seek to promote the wellbeing of people with disability. These policies will support the implementation of the proposed public relation campaign. The economic environment presents the opportunity for AT&T to grow and enhance its profits. Recovery of the U.S economy will increase the purchasing power of consumers; hence, it will boost the demand for AT&T services (Davidson, 2014). Reduced unemployment rate and inflation rate will also have a favorable effect on people’s income leading to increased demand for AT&T services. Growth in the profitability of the firm will increase AT&T financial muscle enabling it to invest in PR campaigns. The social-cultural environment presents both an opportunity and a threat to AT&T. The aging of the country’s citizenry threatens the profitability of the market as this trend will increase the cost of labor (Toossi, 2014). The trend will also influence the consumption pattern of some communication and technological products such internet services. These trends will reduce AT&T profits; hence, affect the company’s PR budget. Increased social awareness gives AT&T the opportunity to enhance its brand and increase its reputation by investing in corporate-social- responsibility projects. This trend encourages AT&T to proceed with the proposed campaign of funding research and education activities relating to Down syndrome. Environment and social consciousness of consumers will also increase support for the initiative that AT&T is proposing since the initiatives seek to promote the social welfare of people living with disability (Investopedia, 2014). The technological environment presents opportunities to AT&T. The diffusion of the internet technology is bound to increase demand for AT&T internet and data services. The proliferation of smartphone technology will also increase internet usage thereby
  • 4. 4 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T increasing the demand for AT&T internet and data services. Development in the gaming industry and expansion of e-commerce service will also increase demand for broadband services. These technological trends will increase AT&T profits; hence, support the PR budget for the organization. b. The Industry Environment The industry environment refers to factors that affect only organizations that operate in a given industry. In this case, the analysis focuses on factors that affect firms within the telecommunication industry. These factors include rivalry, buyer power, supplier power, substitutes, and new entrants. Rivalry Industry has many players Competitors’ have significant capabilities There are many exit barriers Existence of spare capacity New Entrants High investment cost/ capital intensive Economies of scale among existing firms High level of product differentiation Buyer Power Many customers Customers order in small volumes Customers have many choices Limited threat of backward integration Low switching costs Supplier Power Large number of telecommunication equipment and software makers. There is little competition for the input from other industries Cost of switching suppliers is low Substitute There many alternatives including cable TV and satellite operators. Substitute’s performance can match telecommunication products Low switching cost
  • 5. 5 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T The industry environment analysis also reveals both threats and opportunities for AT&T. Rivalry presents a significant threat to AT&T. The telecommunication industry has many players who have strong capabilities (Investopedia, 2014). The industry also has significant exit barriers in the form of writing-off cost and a lot of spare capacity. These factors have given rise to cut- through competition within the industry, which has increased the cost of doing business and driven down prices. This force has a negative effect on AT&T’s profits and, consequently, AT&T’s PR budget. The threat of new entrants is minimal as the telecommunication industry is capital intensive, has fierce competition and a high level of product differentiation. Similarly, existing companies enjoy economies of scale make it difficult for new entrants to survive. Therefore, the force of new entrants presents opportunities for the industry to increase profits. Increase in profit will have a favorable effect on the firm’s PR budget. Suppliers to the telecommunication industry have a low bargaining power because suppliers are many, there is little competition for the input from other industry, and the cost of switching suppliers is low. This trend has a favorable effect on AT&T profits and, consequently, its PR budget. Customers also have relatively low bargaining power because they are many and small and have limited capacity to integrate backward. However, the bargaining power of these consumers is increasing due to the availability of a wide array of options when it comes to telecommunication services and low cost of switching between service providers. Threat of substitute is high as cable TV and satellite operators are also providing data services to homes. Energy utility and railway companies are also lay high-capacity telecommunication networks along their line and track assets. The substitute force has an unfavorable effect on the profits of AT&T and, consequently, the PR budget of the firm.
  • 6. 6 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T The internal Environment The internal business environment refers to factors within the control of AT&T management team, and that affect the operations of the business. This section analyzes AT&T company internal environment using the Resource-Based View (RBV) model. The RBV model suggests that the company’s resources determine the competitiveness of the firm; hence, are a significant part of the internal environment (Robinson, 2008). The company’s rare and valuable resources create a competitive advantage for the firm. AT&T technological capabilities and human resource have enabled the firm to develop customer service as a source of competitive advantage. The corporation has systems that enable the tracking of customers’ concerns and issues. The company’s technological capabilities as well as its human and financial resources enable it to experiment; hence, develop innovative products and solutions to organizational problems. The company brand and marketing capabilities has enabled it to differentiate its offers from those of consumers. Valuable Resources and capabilities 1. Well known brand 2. Largest telecommunication network and infrastructure 3. Finances Rare Resources and capabilities 1. Supplier relationship 2. Human resource 3. Technological capabilities 4. Marketing capabilities 5. Management capabilities Competitive Advantage Customer service Innovation Differentiated products and services Performance
  • 7. 7 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T Business Objectives 1. To increase the company’s profits by 10% in the next three years. AT&T plans to increase its profits by 10% in the next three years. Increasing profits is a critical objective for the company as the firm need to fulfill its obligation towards shareholders. Increasing profits will also enhance the market position of the firm as it gives the firm financial resource to invest in other initiatives such as advertising and corporate social responsibility. The firm intends to realize this objective by developing innovative products and solution, increasing the efficiency of its operations, enhancing company brands, and investing in marketing communication. The objective is also congruent with AT&T mission and vision. 2. To increase customer satisfaction score to 9/10 in the next three years. AT&T also intends to increase customer satisfaction score to 9/10 in the next three years. Customers gave the organization a score of seven in the most current survey conducted by the company. AT&T will focus on increasing this score. Increasing customer satisfaction is also a vital objective as it will support the financial objectives on increasing profits. Customers are likely to continue purchasing the company’s products when they are satisfied with the company. The firm intends to realize this objective by enhancing customer experiences and service, enhance customer support systems, reducing number of downtimes, and enhancing customer relationship through communication and loyalty program 3. To increase employees’ performance by 10% in the next three years. The company also intends to increase performance of employees by 10% in the next three years. AT&T measures employees’ performance using various metrics including productivity, efficiency, training, and goal attainment. The company seeks to enhance employee performance by investing in employees’ learning and development, creating a better compensation system,
  • 8. 8 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T increasing employee retention rates, providing employees with better work environment and other strategies. Increasing employees’ performance is also a vital objective as it will support the other two objectives of the firm. Increasing employee performance will enhance customer satisfaction, as well as, increase the profitability of the firm. 4. To increase AT&T’s contribution towards the development of community by 10% in the next three years. AT&T is a valuable provider of services in the American market. As an important member of the U.S society, the organization needs to play its part in the development of this society. While AT&T already contributes towards the development of the community by providing essential communication services, it needs to do more by investing part of it profits in community projects. This objective is necessary as it will support other objectives of the firm and enhance the firm’s image. Public Relations Objectives Understanding the organization’s business objective is the first step in designing public relation’s strategy. The next step entails developing public relations objectives. The public relation objective helps the firm to focus resource and increase effectiveness of the PR campaign. The objectives also establish ways of measuring the effectiveness of public relations programs. Public relations objective should be congruent with the business objectives of AT&T in order for them to become relevant. AT&T public relation objective include: 1. To raise the brand profile of AT&T by increasing the number of positive mentions in social and mass media by 50% in the next six months. 2. To increase the market share of AT&T services by 5% in the next to one year.
  • 9. 9 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T 3. To increase the number of positive interaction between the organization and customers by 50% in the next six months. 4. To convince 50% of company employees and customers to take part in social responsibility initiatives within the next six months. These PR objectives will drive business results and lead to the realization of business objectives in several ways. First, the PR campaign will raise the brand profile of AT&T increasing the form’s capacity to attract new customers and retain existing customers. This object will, therefore, aid AT&T to realize the objective of increasing the company’s profits. Raising the brand profile of AT&T will also have a pleasant effect on the confidence and self-esteem of employees leading to an improvement in the performance of employees. Employees tend to achieve better outcomes when they are satisfied with and proud of their jobs. The PR objective also seeks to increase the market share of AT&T services by 5% in the next one year. This PR objective is congruent with AT&T business objective of increasing company’s profits as increasing market share will increase sales and, consequently, profits. The objective is also congruent with the findings of the industry analysis. The industry analysis revealed that the telecommunication industry is already saturated; hence, the only way to grow is by contesting for the market share occupied by other companies. The third objective seeks to increase positive interaction between the organization and customers by 50% in the next six months. This PR objective supports AT&R’s objective of enhancing customer satisfaction. Increasing the number of positive interaction between customers and the company will enhance the level of customer satisfaction. The PR objective will also lead to the realization of the business objective of increasing company’s profits. Increased customer satisfaction will facilitate repeat business leading to increased profits.
  • 10. 10 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T Increased customer satisfaction will also promote employee performance as customer satisfaction has an effect of employees’ satisfaction. The fourth PR objectives seek to convince 50% of AT&T’s employees and customers to participate in social responsibility initiatives. This objective is congruent with AT&T’s business objective of increasing its contribution towards social development. AT&T has over 108 million customers who have subscribed to its services. Fifty percent of this figure amounts to 54 million people. Encouraging 54 million people to participate in social responsibility action will have a significant effect on the society. This objective is also consistent with the findings of the general environment analysis. The analysis showed that American consumers are becoming more conscious of social and environment issues; hence, they are likely to support social responsibility initiatives. Messaging Statement AT&T is a socially responsible company that care about or customers, employees, local communities and all other stakeholders. The company is ready to partner with all stakeholders to make improvement in society. Strategies AT&T intends to use a special event as the main strategy for realizing it PR objectives. The event is a social initiative that entails making a financial donation for Down Syndrome Education in U.S.A. The event targets AT&T customers and employees. AT&T Company intends to encourage its customers and staff to donate money towards Down syndrome research and education. Customers and staff can make donations towards this initiative by sending a message with a code number to AT&T. The cost of the message will be $5. AT&T will donate a portion of its profits to match the contributions of customers and employees. The recipient of the
  • 11. 11 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T donation will be a University that conducts research on Down syndrome. The University will also assume the mandate of educating the public about the medical condition. This strategy is consistent with the AT&T mission of exploiting technological innovation for the benefit of AT&T’s customers. People living with disability are a vital part of AT&T’s customer base. AT&T will move closer to realizing its mission by enhancing the quality of life of this essential segment of its market. The social initiative is also consistent with the finding of the general environment analysis, which found an increased level of environmental and social consciousness among consumers. The strategy is also consistent with both the business and PR objectives of AT&T. Tactics a. Digital Media Kit Tactics are tools that the company will use to execute strategies. A significant tool that AT&T will employ in order to realize its PR objective is the digital media kit. Digital media kit are file contain the electronic format of the message that the organization intends to communicate and background information about the company. The digital media kit makes it possible for a given organization to disseminate information quickly and cheaply as they are designed to work with all digital media. The kit can be distributed via email, social media, blogs or downloaded from the company’s website. Digital media kit is an effective tool for implementing PR strategies as it enables people to gather information about the company easily. AT&T Digital Media Kit for Web Distribution AT&T New Release AT&T launches an Initiative that seeks to help people living with Down syndrome. December 2, 2014
  • 12. 12 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T The AT&T Company has announced today the launch of a program that seeks to promote education and research about Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a genetic medical condition that causes intellectual disability and a wide array of birth defects among people. Down syndrome is a common condition in the united state that affects over 250,000 people. Apart from suffering from physical problems, Down syndrome patients also experience a high level of stigmatization. AT&T seeks to promote awareness of this disease so as to reduce stigmatization of people who have it. The organization also wants to support research that will aid in the prevention, management, and treatment of the condition. AT&T is calling upon its employees and customers to support the initiative donating $5 towards the program. Customers can make donations by sending a message with the word Down to 5555 using AT&T lines. A&T will deduct the amount of $5 when one sends a message to this number. AT&T will make a 100% match for the contribution that its customers and employees will make towards the initiative. The proceeds of this initiative will be directed to ABC University. The University is among the leading institution in the country in conducting research and managing the Down syndrome condition. The university will also assume the mandate of conduct civil education about the condition. AT&T Company: Is the leading telecommunication service provider in the country that prides itself in offering benefits to consumers, employees, shareholders, and other stakeholders. The company technological capability enables it to deliver unique value to its customers. Executive BIOs: Randall Stephenson is the chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of AT&T. Randall has long experience in management and a huge track record for promoting sustainable business practices in organizations that he has led. Cathy Coughlin is the senior executive deputy
  • 13. 13 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T president and global marketing officers. She also has a rich experience in marketing and is a vocal advocate for business sustainability practices. FAQ Sheet: People: A significant factor that distinguishes AT&T from other corporations is its people. AT&T people have a unique culture that emphasizes on customer service, commitment to community and innovation. Technology: AT&T technological capabilities have enabled the firm to create unique and value adding product for its clients. The capabilities have also enabled the firm to increase relationship with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Research: AT&T research activities enable the firm to develop cutting-edge technologies that give the firm, its customers and employees a competitive edge. Media Coverage AT&T Sustainability Report electronics/sponsorvideo/at-t-2011-sustainability-report Insights from AT&T Contact Information Tel: 44994443 Email: info@AT& b. Special events Another tool that AT&T will use to realize its strategy is the use of special events. AT&T will organize public events to celebrate the realization of key milestones in this initiative. The firm will organize media briefings where the management will inform the public about the
  • 14. 14 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T progress made in the program. AT&T will also organize a big celebration at points where the firm will be handing donations to the selected university. c. Online Outreach AT&T will also use online media such as twitter, blogs, and Facebook to launch awareness campaign for this initiative. The organization will use social media platform to start dialogues with the public about the program. Social media are effective tools as they will not only be able to facilitate the dissemination of information to the public but will also enable AT&T to gather information from the public (Edward Lowe Foundation, 2010). The firm will use social media to gather people’s view about the initiative, as well as, the company’s services. This tool will aid in the realization of the objective that seek to increase positive interaction between AT&T and its customers. Evaluation Plan The evaluation plan focuses on assessing whether the PR strategy was effective in helping the organization to realize its PR and overall objectives. The evaluation of the PR strategies will focus on three four essential components; awareness, comprehension, attitude, and behavioral (Anderson, Hadley, Rockland & Weiner, 2009). Awareness entails the ability of the PR campaign to inform the public about issues that they had no knowledge. Creating awareness is an essential goal of public relation exercise. AT&T need to ensure that it PR strategies is effective in terms of creating awareness. In this case, AT&T will evaluate its PR campaigns based on the ability to create awareness about the social initiative and the company brand. The company will measure awareness by examining the number positive mentions of the company’s brand and the social initiative in social and mass media.
  • 15. 15 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T The comprehension element focuses on ensuring that the target audience understands what the firm is communicating to them (Anderson, Hadley, Rockland & Weiner, 2009). It is not enough for PR activities to inform the public about events that are happening in the firm. The campaign should also ensure that the public understands these actions, their benefits, and the intents behind the action. In this case, AT&T will measure the effectiveness of its campaign by examining customers and employee reaction to the initiative. The organization will use qualitative means of measurement that entails examining the discussions in which customers and employees in various media. The attitude element focuses on evaluating whether the PR strategies had an effect on what the public feels and believe (Edward Lowe Foundation, 2010). A significant goal of public relation is to influence the attitude and beliefs of the public towards the organization. In this case, AT&T will measure the effectiveness of the PR campaign by assessing the feelings of the customers and employees towards the organization. AT&T will have to conduct a survey before and after the campaign in order to determine whether there was a transformation in the attitude among the target audience after the campaign. The behavioral element of the evaluation focuses on assessing whether the strategies have an impact on the behaviors of the members of the public. This element will assess whether the target of the public relation campaign act as a PR campaign intended. In this case, AT&T will assess whether the PR campaign was effective in convincing the target audience to participate in social responsibility initiative. The company will measure this by examining the percentage of customers and employees who contributed towards the initiative. This evaluation element will also focus on examining whether the PR campaigns were effective in helping the firm to increase market share by 5%.
  • 16. 16 Strategic Planning Document for AT&T References Anderson, F., Hadley, L., Rockland, D., & Weiner, M., (2009). Guidelines for setting measurable public relations objectives. Retrieved from http://ww.instiorpr.orgcontent/uploads/Setting_Pbjectives.pdf AT&T (2014). Vision and mission. Retrieved from Davidson, P. (2014). Economy surges forward in Quarter three. Retrieved from Investopedia (2014). The Telecommunication industry Handbook. Retrieved from Koumparoulis, D., (2013). PEST analysis: The case of an E-shop. Economy, Social Sciences and Management. 2 (2), 31- 36 Robinson, S., (2008). Understanding the Resource-based view. Retrieved from The Edward Lowe Foundation (2010). Establishing a public relations campaign. Retrieved from Toossi, M., (2012). Workforce projection to 2020: a more slowly growing labor force. Monthly Labor Review. (January) 43- 64