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13 Essential Technologies all Dynamics 365 CRM Web
Developers must know to get high package salary
Dynamics 365 CRM is a highly adopted platform for managing customer data efficiently used by starting from
small-scale, medium scale industry to large-scale business organisations. The demand of consultants are also
increasing highly for managing the technical and functional aspects of Dynamics 365 CRM.
Although the demand of Technical, Functional and Techno-functional consultants increasing at the same time it is
a challenge for consultants to get updated with the variety of technologies and tools to ensure a safe job and
earn a better salary in organizations.
This article explains the most important list of technologies that all Dynamics 65 CRM web developers should
know to work with the CRM platform efficiently. They are listed below.
1. HTML – Hyper Text Mark-up Language
HTML standsfor HyperTextMark-up Language, isone of the mostbasic mark-uplanguage usedtodesign
webpages.UsingHTML we can create simple andelegant responsive webpagesthatcan be deployed
online forpublic.HTML is a collectionof the predefinedtags/mark-upsusedtowrite the code tobuildthe
webpage. The extensionof HTML file is .html.
To create an HTML Page the start tag will be “<html>” and the endtag will be “</html>”.Rememberthat
everyHTML tag musthave an openinganda closingtag.An example of averybasichtml page code
structure isgivenbelow.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>MyFirst HTML Page</title>
Hello World …
To testthe belowcode,copythe code and past ina notepadandsave as “hello.html”andopenthe saved
file ina browserlike InternetExplorerorGoogle Chrome.The resultlookslike below.
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Sample Listof HTML Tags
 <!DOCTYPE html> declarationdefinesthisdocumenttobe HTML5
 <html> elementis the rootelementof anHTML page
 <head> elementcontainsmetainformationaboutthe document
 <title> elementspecifiesatitle forthe document
 <body> elementcontainsthe visiblepage content
ImportantInformation of HTML
 UsingHTML youcan create your ownwebsite.
 HTML page requiresawebbrowserlike InternetExplorer,GoogleChrome etc.torun.
 Online Free HTML editorisavailable Here.
 HTML describesthe structure of Web pagesusingmark-up.
 Readcomplete HTML course Free Here.
USES in Dynamics 365CRM Context:
 You can create/edit HTML Webresources.
 You can create/edit customwebpages tointegrate withDynamics365 CRM.
2. CSS - Cascading Style Sheet
CSS standsforcascading style sheets,usedforprovidingthe style andlook-feel of anHTML webpage
elementslike divisions,headings,buttons,textboxesetc.A simple HTML page withoutCSSislike blackand
white movie.ButaddingCSStothe HTML islike a colourful modernmovie.Now we will seehere howCSS
workswithhtml page elements. The extensionof CSSfile is .css.
Our Simple HTML Code:
<html><head><title>HTML without CSS </title></head>
The below are 3 colours explained for webprograming. </br>
<button type=’button’id=”redbtn” ">RED</button>
<button type=’button’id=”greenbtn”">Gren</button>
<button type=’button’id=”bluebtn”">Blue</button>
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If you test this the HTML page will look like below:
After Adding the below CSS to the html it looks like as below.
The HTML Code:
<title>HTML without CSS</title>
<link rel='stylesheet'href='style.css'type='text/css'/>
The below are 3 colours explained for webprograming. </br>
<button type='button'id='redbtn'>RED</button>
<button type='button'class='greenbtn'>Green</button>
<button type='button'id='bluebtn'>Blue</button>
The CSS Code:
border:solid 5px#e5cd99;
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CSS isthe most interestingconceptinwebdesign.We cancreate verybeautifullydesignedwebsite by
usingCSSstyle properties.The explanationwasjusttoshow youwhatCSS can do and how can we write
CSS code and linktoHTML page.As a professional youhave toreadandgrasp all the featuresandin-outs
of CSS.HTML elementsuse classattribute tocall aCSS style.Hash tag isusedin CSSto create style of
ImportantInformationof CSS
 Style can be definedin-lineof html elementusingStyle property.
 Stylesare gatheredina file andlinked tohtml file,calledas.cssfile
 One website canhave multipleCSSfiles.
 Style can be definedinCSSindeferentnotationsasdot,hash,elementname etc.
 To read the full free course andonline editorof CSSClickHere.
 CSS providesstyle andlookandfeel toHTML page.
USESin Dynamics365CRMContext:
 EditingstylesheetCSSWebresources andintegratingwithHTMLWeb resources
 CreatingCSSfor customwebpages
3. JavaScript
Javascriptmakesthe HTML page Dynamic.All HTML webpageswithoutJavaScriptare static.Javascript
providesabehaviourtothe webpage elements. The extensionof JavaScriptfile is .js.
In our previousexamplewe have workedonHTML page and CSS butnow we will write JavaScriptand
integrate withHTML.
Let’screate a Javascriptfile withsome functionsasgivenbelow.
function showMessageRed ()
alert(‘You clicked Red’);
function showMessageGreen ()
alert(‘You clicked Green’);
function showMessageBlue()
alert(‘You clicked Blue’);
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Addthe linkto the java scriptto the html page as below.
<title> HTML without CSS </title>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css' />
<script src='script.js'></script>
The below are 3 colours explained for web programing. </br>
<button type='button' id='redbtn' onclick='showMessageRed();'>RED</button>
<button type='button' class='greenbtn' onclick='showMessageGreen();'>Green</button>
<button type='button' id='bluebtn' onclick='showMessageBlue();'>Blue</button>
 To read the complete Free JavaScriptcourse ClickHere.
 JavaScriptis a setof methodsor functionswhichcantriggeronwebelementevents.Forexample
whena userclicksa buttona Javascriptcan be writtentoshow alertto user.
 Javascriptisa clientside scriptinglanguage.
 UsingJavascriptas a base there are numberof Javascriptlibrariesare createdlike AngularJS,
 Javascriptcan be definedinthe HTML page itself usinga“script” tag or usingan external file called
as .JS file.
 A website canhave multiple .jsfiles.
USES in Dynamics 365 CRM Context:
 EditingJavaScriptWebresources andHTML page integration
 CreatingcustomwebpagesandAddingJavaScript
 EditingFormScripts
Watch the videobelowtounderstandthe practical toworkwithHTML, CSS andJavaScript.
4. Microsoft.NET
Microsoft.netis the programminglanguage developedbyMicrosoftforserverside programming and
dynamicdatabase programming. .netprovidesaplatformtobuildmanyapplicationssuchas,
 WindowApplication
 Console Application
 WebApplication WCF
 WebServices
 ClassLibraries
You can use VB, C# and otherprogramminglanguage tobuildthe above applications.
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A sample .netconsole applicationispreparedforyourunderstandinginbelow video.
 .NET isa serverside programmingplatform.
 Visual studioisusedtowrite the .netprogramme
 .NET providesobjectorientedprogramminglanguages.
 To Read complete course ClickHere.
Download Visual Studio Here.
USES in Dynamics 365 CRM Context:
 CreatingPlugins
 CreatingCustomWorkflows
 CreatingScheduledJOBSorConsole Applications
 CreatingCustomwebsites
 CreatingCustomweb servicesandWCF – Window CommunicationFoundation
5. MicrosoftSQL SERVER
SQL Serverisusedas primarydatabase inall .netapplications.EvenDynamics365 isbuiltonSQL Server
database.Youneedto understandthe SQLqueriesandWritingPL/SQLlike StoredProcedures,Triggers,
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A Sample SQLqueryisgivenbelow.
Select firstname, lastname
From employee
Where empid=’123’
ImportantInformationof SQL Server
 MicrosoftSQL Serverisa Relational Database.
 You can create store data in SQL serverbycreatingtables.
 UsingSQL queriesyoucanretrieve,update,create anddeletedata.
 You can create storedproceduresforbulkqueryexecution.
 Triggerscan be cratedto automate businessprocesswhileupdatingtables.
 Most of the .netapplicationsuse SQLserverasback-enddatabase.
 To Read complete course onMicrosoftSQLServer ClickHere.
Download SQL Server Here
USES in Dynamics 365 CRM Context:
 CreatingStoredProcedures
 CreatingFunctions,Viewsetc.
 ConnectingtoDatabase from.netapplications
6. JQuery
JQueryisa fast, small, andfeature-richJavaScriptlibrary.Itmakesthingslike HTMLdocumenttraversal and
manipulation,eventhandling,animation,andAjax muchsimplerwithaneasy-to-use APIthatworksacross
a multitude of browsers.Withacombinationof versatilityandextensibility,jQueryhaschangedthe way
that millionsof people write JavaScript.
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ImportantInformationon JQuery
 JQueryisa widelyusedJavascriptlibrary.
 UsingJQuerywe can write lessanddo more.
VisitOfficialsite of JQuery Here.
USESin Dynamics365CRMContext
 Usedin Form scriptcustomization
7. XML
Extensiblemark-uplanguage–XML isoftenusedtodistribute dataininternet.
 XML standsforeXtensible MarkupLanguage
 XML isa markup language muchlike HTML
 XML wasdesignedtostore andtransportdata
 XML wasdesignedtobe self-descriptive
 Readcomplete course Here
Javascriptsimple objectnotation.
 JSON:JavaScriptObjectNotation.
 JSON isa syntax forstoringand exchangingdata.
 JSON istext,writtenwithJavaScriptobjectnotation.
 Readfull course Here
Asynchronous Javascriptandxml.Youcan dobelow things usingAJAX. ReadHere.
 Update a web page without reloading the page
 Request data from a server - after the page has loaded
 Receive data from a server - after the page has loaded
 Send data to a server - in the background
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10. WCF
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a framework for building service-oriented applications. Using
WCF, you can send data as asynchronous messages from one service endpoint to another. A service
endpoint can be part of a continuously available service hosted by IIS, or it can be a service hosted in an
application. An endpoint can be a client of a service that requests data from a service endpoint. The
messages can be as simple as a single character or word sent as XML, or as complex as a stream of binary
data. A few sample scenarios include:
 A secure service to process business transactions.
 A service that supplies current data to others, such as a traffic report or other monitoring service.
 A chat service that allows two people to communicate or exchange data in real time.
 A dashboard application that polls one or more services for data and presents it in a logical
 Exposing a workflow implemented using Windows Workflow Foundation as a WCF service.
 A Silverlight application to poll a service for the latest data feeds.
While creating such applications was possible prior to the existence of WCF, WCF makes the development of
endpoints easier than ever. In summary, WCF is designed to offer a manageable approach to creating Web
services and Web service clients.
Readcomplete course Here
11. Power Shell
Built on the .NET Framework, Windows PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and
scripting language; it is designed specifically for system administrators and power-users, to rapidly
automate the administration of multiple operating systems (Linux, macOS, Unix, and Windows) and
the processes related to the applications that run on those operating systems.
Click Here
C-sharpisan objectorientedprogrammingThe C# language is disarmingly simple, which makes it good for
beginners, but C# also includes all the support for the structured, component-based, object-oriented
programming that one expects of a modern language built on the shoulders of C++ and Java. In other
words, it's a fully featured language appropriate for developing large-scale applications, but at the same time
it is designed to be easy to learn.
C# is considered safe because the language is type-safe, which is an important mechanism to help you find
bugs early in the development process, as you'll see later. This makes for code that is easier to maintain and
programs that are more reliable.
Read Here
ASP.NETisthe webprogramming fordynamicswebdevelopment.Clickhere forfree tutorial.
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Related Tutorial: coming up…
 13 ToolswithoutwhichDynamics365 CRMDeveloperswill failinproductivity
 5 Architecturesthatprovesthe software applicationmore maintainable
 11 most usedDynamics365 CRMcode snippets
 9 BestIT companiestoworkin Dynamics365 CRM withgreatsalary
 10 Productive ToolsforexpertWebDesignersandDevelopers
 7 advancedJavascriptlibrariesthatare trendinginthese days
 5 Tipsto make the Dynamics365 CRMapplicationperformance faster

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13 technologies all dynamics crm developers must know

  • 1. S o f t c h i e f S o l u t I o n s Website:| Page 1 of 10 Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube| Blog LINKSFREE IMAGES VIDEOS SLIDES 13 Essential Technologies all Dynamics 365 CRM Web Developers must know to get high package salary Dynamics 365 CRM is a highly adopted platform for managing customer data efficiently used by starting from small-scale, medium scale industry to large-scale business organisations. The demand of consultants are also increasing highly for managing the technical and functional aspects of Dynamics 365 CRM. Although the demand of Technical, Functional and Techno-functional consultants increasing at the same time it is a challenge for consultants to get updated with the variety of technologies and tools to ensure a safe job and earn a better salary in organizations. This article explains the most important list of technologies that all Dynamics 65 CRM web developers should know to work with the CRM platform efficiently. They are listed below. 1. HTML – Hyper Text Mark-up Language HTML standsfor HyperTextMark-up Language, isone of the mostbasic mark-uplanguage usedtodesign webpages.UsingHTML we can create simple andelegant responsive webpagesthatcan be deployed online forpublic.HTML is a collectionof the predefinedtags/mark-upsusedtowrite the code tobuildthe webpage. The extensionof HTML file is .html. To create an HTML Page the start tag will be “<html>” and the endtag will be “</html>”.Rememberthat everyHTML tag musthave an openinganda closingtag.An example of averybasichtml page code structure isgivenbelow. Hello.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>MyFirst HTML Page</title> </head> <body> Hello World … </body> </html> To testthe belowcode,copythe code and past ina notepadandsave as “hello.html”andopenthe saved file ina browserlike InternetExplorerorGoogle Chrome.The resultlookslike below.
  • 2. S o f t c h i e f S o l u t I o n s Website:| Page 2 of 10 Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube| Blog LINKSFREE IMAGES VIDEOS SLIDES Sample Listof HTML Tags  <!DOCTYPE html> declarationdefinesthisdocumenttobe HTML5  <html> elementis the rootelementof anHTML page  <head> elementcontainsmetainformationaboutthe document  <title> elementspecifiesatitle forthe document  <body> elementcontainsthe visiblepage content ImportantInformation of HTML  UsingHTML youcan create your ownwebsite.  HTML page requiresawebbrowserlike InternetExplorer,GoogleChrome etc.torun.  Online Free HTML editorisavailable Here.  HTML describesthe structure of Web pagesusingmark-up.  Readcomplete HTML course Free Here. USES in Dynamics 365CRM Context:  You can create/edit HTML Webresources.  You can create/edit customwebpages tointegrate withDynamics365 CRM. 2. CSS - Cascading Style Sheet CSS standsforcascading style sheets,usedforprovidingthe style andlook-feel of anHTML webpage elementslike divisions,headings,buttons,textboxesetc.A simple HTML page withoutCSSislike blackand white movie.ButaddingCSStothe HTML islike a colourful modernmovie.Now we will seehere howCSS workswithhtml page elements. The extensionof CSSfile is .css. Our Simple HTML Code: Hello.html <html><head><title>HTML without CSS </title></head> <body> <div> The below are 3 colours explained for webprograming. </br> <button type=’button’id=”redbtn” ">RED</button> <button type=’button’id=”greenbtn”">Gren</button> <button type=’button’id=”bluebtn”">Blue</button> </div> </body> </html>
  • 3. S o f t c h i e f S o l u t I o n s Website:| Page 3 of 10 Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube| Blog LINKSFREE IMAGES VIDEOS SLIDES If you test this the HTML page will look like below: After Adding the below CSS to the html it looks like as below. The HTML Code: Hello.html <html> <head> <title>HTML without CSS</title> <link rel='stylesheet'href='style.css'type='text/css'/> </head> <body> <div> The below are 3 colours explained for webprograming. </br> <button type='button'id='redbtn'>RED</button> <button type='button'class='greenbtn'>Green</button> <button type='button'id='bluebtn'>Blue</button> </div> </body> </html> The CSS Code: style.css div { width:500px; border:solid 5px#e5cd99; background-color:#f4e4c1; padding:10px; } button { width:100px; height:50px; color:white; } #redbtn { background-color:Red; } .greenbtn { background-color:green; } #bluebtn { background-color:blue; }
  • 4. S o f t c h i e f S o l u t I o n s Website:| Page 4 of 10 Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube| Blog LINKSFREE IMAGES VIDEOS SLIDES CSS isthe most interestingconceptinwebdesign.We cancreate verybeautifullydesignedwebsite by usingCSSstyle properties.The explanationwasjusttoshow youwhatCSS can do and how can we write CSS code and linktoHTML page.As a professional youhave toreadandgrasp all the featuresandin-outs of CSS.HTML elementsuse classattribute tocall aCSS style.Hash tag isusedin CSSto create style of specificelementwithanidattribute. ImportantInformationof CSS  Style can be definedin-lineof html elementusingStyle property.  Stylesare gatheredina file andlinked tohtml file,calledas.cssfile  One website canhave multipleCSSfiles.  Style can be definedinCSSindeferentnotationsasdot,hash,elementname etc.  To read the full free course andonline editorof CSSClickHere.  CSS providesstyle andlookandfeel toHTML page. USESin Dynamics365CRMContext:  EditingstylesheetCSSWebresources andintegratingwithHTMLWeb resources  CreatingCSSfor customwebpages 3. JavaScript Javascriptmakesthe HTML page Dynamic.All HTML webpageswithoutJavaScriptare static.Javascript providesabehaviourtothe webpage elements. The extensionof JavaScriptfile is .js. In our previousexamplewe have workedonHTML page and CSS butnow we will write JavaScriptand integrate withHTML. Let’screate a Javascriptfile withsome functionsasgivenbelow. Script.js function showMessageRed () { alert(‘You clicked Red’); } function showMessageGreen () { alert(‘You clicked Green’); } function showMessageBlue() { alert(‘You clicked Blue’); }
  • 5. S o f t c h i e f S o l u t I o n s Website:| Page 5 of 10 Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube| Blog LINKSFREE IMAGES VIDEOS SLIDES Addthe linkto the java scriptto the html page as below. hello.html <html> <head> <title> HTML without CSS </title> <link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css' /> <script src='script.js'></script> </head> <body> <div> The below are 3 colours explained for web programing. </br> <button type='button' id='redbtn' onclick='showMessageRed();'>RED</button> <button type='button' class='greenbtn' onclick='showMessageGreen();'>Green</button> <button type='button' id='bluebtn' onclick='showMessageBlue();'>Blue</button> </div> </body> </html> ImportantInformationaboutJavaScript  To read the complete Free JavaScriptcourse ClickHere.  JavaScriptis a setof methodsor functionswhichcantriggeronwebelementevents.Forexample whena userclicksa buttona Javascriptcan be writtentoshow alertto user.  Javascriptisa clientside scriptinglanguage.  UsingJavascriptas a base there are numberof Javascriptlibrariesare createdlike AngularJS, JQueryetc.  Javascriptcan be definedinthe HTML page itself usinga“script” tag or usingan external file called as .JS file.  A website canhave multiple .jsfiles. USES in Dynamics 365 CRM Context:  EditingJavaScriptWebresources andHTML page integration  CreatingcustomwebpagesandAddingJavaScript  EditingFormScripts Watch the videobelowtounderstandthe practical toworkwithHTML, CSS andJavaScript. 4. Microsoft.NET Microsoft.netis the programminglanguage developedbyMicrosoftforserverside programming and dynamicdatabase programming. .netprovidesaplatformtobuildmanyapplicationssuchas,  WindowApplication  Console Application  WebApplication WCF  WebServices  ClassLibraries You can use VB, C# and otherprogramminglanguage tobuildthe above applications.
  • 6. S o f t c h i e f S o l u t I o n s Website:| Page 6 of 10 Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube| Blog LINKSFREE IMAGES VIDEOS SLIDES A sample .netconsole applicationispreparedforyourunderstandinginbelow video. ImportantInformationaboutMicrosoft.NET  .NET isa serverside programmingplatform.  Visual studioisusedtowrite the .netprogramme  .NET providesobjectorientedprogramminglanguages.  To Read complete course ClickHere. Download Visual Studio Here. USES in Dynamics 365 CRM Context:  CreatingPlugins  CreatingCustomWorkflows  CreatingScheduledJOBSorConsole Applications  CreatingCustomwebsites  CreatingCustomweb servicesandWCF – Window CommunicationFoundation 5. MicrosoftSQL SERVER SQL Serverisusedas primarydatabase inall .netapplications.EvenDynamics365 isbuiltonSQL Server database.Youneedto understandthe SQLqueriesandWritingPL/SQLlike StoredProcedures,Triggers, Functions,Views,indexesetc.
  • 7. S o f t c h i e f S o l u t I o n s Website:| Page 7 of 10 Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube| Blog LINKSFREE IMAGES VIDEOS SLIDES A Sample SQLqueryisgivenbelow. Querie.sql Select firstname, lastname From employee Where empid=’123’ ImportantInformationof SQL Server  MicrosoftSQL Serverisa Relational Database.  You can create store data in SQL serverbycreatingtables.  UsingSQL queriesyoucanretrieve,update,create anddeletedata.  You can create storedproceduresforbulkqueryexecution.  Triggerscan be cratedto automate businessprocesswhileupdatingtables.  Most of the .netapplicationsuse SQLserverasback-enddatabase.  To Read complete course onMicrosoftSQLServer ClickHere. Download SQL Server Here USES in Dynamics 365 CRM Context:  CreatingStoredProcedures  CreatingFunctions,Viewsetc.  ConnectingtoDatabase from.netapplications 6. JQuery JQueryisa fast, small, andfeature-richJavaScriptlibrary.Itmakesthingslike HTMLdocumenttraversal and manipulation,eventhandling,animation,andAjax muchsimplerwithaneasy-to-use APIthatworksacross a multitude of browsers.Withacombinationof versatilityandextensibility,jQueryhaschangedthe way that millionsof people write JavaScript.
  • 8. S o f t c h i e f S o l u t I o n s Website:| Page 8 of 10 Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube| Blog LINKSFREE IMAGES VIDEOS SLIDES ImportantInformationon JQuery  JQueryisa widelyusedJavascriptlibrary.  UsingJQuerywe can write lessanddo more. VisitOfficialsite of JQuery Here. USESin Dynamics365CRMContext  Usedin Form scriptcustomization 7. XML Extensiblemark-uplanguage–XML isoftenusedtodistribute dataininternet.  XML standsforeXtensible MarkupLanguage  XML isa markup language muchlike HTML  XML wasdesignedtostore andtransportdata  XML wasdesignedtobe self-descriptive  Readcomplete course Here 8. JSON Javascriptsimple objectnotation.  JSON:JavaScriptObjectNotation.  JSON isa syntax forstoringand exchangingdata.  JSON istext,writtenwithJavaScriptobjectnotation.  Readfull course Here 9. AJAX Asynchronous Javascriptandxml.Youcan dobelow things usingAJAX. ReadHere.  Update a web page without reloading the page  Request data from a server - after the page has loaded  Receive data from a server - after the page has loaded  Send data to a server - in the background
  • 9. S o f t c h i e f S o l u t I o n s Website:| Page 9 of 10 Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube| Blog LINKSFREE IMAGES VIDEOS SLIDES 10. WCF Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a framework for building service-oriented applications. Using WCF, you can send data as asynchronous messages from one service endpoint to another. A service endpoint can be part of a continuously available service hosted by IIS, or it can be a service hosted in an application. An endpoint can be a client of a service that requests data from a service endpoint. The messages can be as simple as a single character or word sent as XML, or as complex as a stream of binary data. A few sample scenarios include:  A secure service to process business transactions.  A service that supplies current data to others, such as a traffic report or other monitoring service.  A chat service that allows two people to communicate or exchange data in real time.  A dashboard application that polls one or more services for data and presents it in a logical presentation.  Exposing a workflow implemented using Windows Workflow Foundation as a WCF service.  A Silverlight application to poll a service for the latest data feeds. While creating such applications was possible prior to the existence of WCF, WCF makes the development of endpoints easier than ever. In summary, WCF is designed to offer a manageable approach to creating Web services and Web service clients. Readcomplete course Here 11. Power Shell Built on the .NET Framework, Windows PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language; it is designed specifically for system administrators and power-users, to rapidly automate the administration of multiple operating systems (Linux, macOS, Unix, and Windows) and the processes related to the applications that run on those operating systems. Click Here 12. C-sharpisan objectorientedprogrammingThe C# language is disarmingly simple, which makes it good for beginners, but C# also includes all the support for the structured, component-based, object-oriented programming that one expects of a modern language built on the shoulders of C++ and Java. In other words, it's a fully featured language appropriate for developing large-scale applications, but at the same time it is designed to be easy to learn. C# is considered safe because the language is type-safe, which is an important mechanism to help you find bugs early in the development process, as you'll see later. This makes for code that is easier to maintain and programs that are more reliable. Read Here 13. ASP.NET ASP.NETisthe webprogramming fordynamicswebdevelopment.Clickhere forfree tutorial.
  • 10. S o f t c h i e f S o l u t I o n s Website:| Page 10of 10 Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube| Blog LINKSFREE IMAGES VIDEOS SLIDES Related Tutorial: coming up…  13 ToolswithoutwhichDynamics365 CRMDeveloperswill failinproductivity  5 Architecturesthatprovesthe software applicationmore maintainable  11 most usedDynamics365 CRMcode snippets  9 BestIT companiestoworkin Dynamics365 CRM withgreatsalary  10 Productive ToolsforexpertWebDesignersandDevelopers  7 advancedJavascriptlibrariesthatare trendinginthese days  5 Tipsto make the Dynamics365 CRMapplicationperformance faster