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By Sanjay Dubey
5TH MAY 2017
Problem No.1
Reaction Equilibria:
Al2SiO5 (Kyanite) ↔ Al2SiO5 (Sillimanite)
Al2SiO5 (Sillimanite) ↔ Al2SiO5 (Andalusite)
Al2SiO5 (Andalusite) ↔ Al2SiO5 (Kyanite)
A. Illustrate the Reaction Boundaries
B. Label the Mineral Phase at Each Boundaries
∆Cp =0 and ∆V is independent of Temperature and Pressure
Phase H1bar, 298
-2596.200 82.3000 44.150
-2587.770 95.690 49.860
-2591.700 91.420 51.520
Reaction 1.
Al2SiO5 (Kyanite) ↔ Al2SiO5 (Sillimanite)
Reaction are equilibrium hence ∆G=0
∆H= HProduct - HReactant = {Hsillimanite- HKyanite }
= {-2587.770 – (-2596.200)}
= +8.43 KJ/mol = 8430J/mol
∆S= SProduct - SReactant = {Ssillimanite - Skyanite}
= {95.690-82.300} = 13.39J/mol. K
∆V= Vproduc t- Vreactant = {Vsillimanite-VKyanite}
= {49.860 - 44.150} = 5.71cm3
/mol= 0.571J/bar.mol
Making the use of assumption that ∆Cp =0 and ∆Vis independent of P and T. The equilibrium temperature at
1bar is given by:
∆G= 0 = ∆H-T∆S
T(Equilibrium) = ∆H/∆S= 8430/13.39 = 629.5K
The Clausius-Clapeyron equation enables the slope of the reaction boundary at any pressure and temperature
of interest to be calculated from ∆S and ∆V.
= 13.39/0.571=23.45bar/K
Notes: Before calculating dP/dT from the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, it is necessary to make the units of ∆V
consistent with those of ∆S. If ∆S is in entropy units, the consistent units of ∆V are Joules per bar (J/bar).
Alternatively, the 1bar result may be extrapolated to higher pressure using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and
making the assumption that ∆S and ∆V are constant at 1bar, 298K values. The value obtained from the pressure
will be used to plot reaction boundary. This is generally reasonable for solid-solid reaction. Now, if you add 200K
to the equilibrium temperature, what is equilibrium pressure and the resultant pressure can be calculated by using
Clausius-Clapeyron Equation.
dP/dT= ∆S/∆V
dP = (∆S/∆V) * dT
P=1+23.45(829.5-629.5) =4691bar=4.691Kbar is equilibrium pressure at 829.5k
Now, if you add 400K to the equilibrium temperature,
P=1+23.45(1029.5-629.5) =9381bar=9.381Kbar is equilibrium pressure at 1029.5k
Reaction 2.
Al2SiO5 (Sillimanite) ↔ Al2SiO5 (Andalusite)
Reaction are equilibrium hence ∆G=0
∆H= -3930J/mol and ∆S = -4.37J/mol. K and ∆V= +0.166J/bar.mol
T(Equilibrium) = 899K
slope of the reaction boundary
dP/dT= -26.32 bar/K
If you subtract 100K from the equilibrium temperature, the reason behind the subtraction is if you take any value
more than 899K then because of slope the pressure values becomes negative. Now, if you subtract 100K to the
equilibrium temperature, what is equilibrium pressure and the resultant pressure can be calculated by using
Clausius-Clapeyron Equation.
P=1-26.32*(799-899) =2633bar=2.633Kbar is equilibrium pressure at 799K
Reaction 3.
Al2SiO5 (Andalusite) ↔ Al2SiO5 (Kyanite)
Reaction are equilibrium hence ∆G=0
∆H= -4500J/mol and ∆S = -9.12J/mol. K and ∆V= - 0.737J/bar.mol
T(Equilibrium) = 493.42K
slope of the reaction boundary
dP/dT= 12.37bar/K
Now, if you add 200K to the equilibrium temperature, what is equilibrium pressure and the resultant pressure can
be calculated by using Clausius-Clapeyron Equation.
P=1+12.37*(693.42-493.42) =2475bar=2.475Kbar is equilibrium pressure at 694.42K
To plot the graph:
a. Plot the point Teq calculated of Reaction 1 and Join it with the points {i.e. (829.5K, 4.691Kbar) and
(1029.5K, 9.381Kbar)} calculated by using C.C. equation in the case of Kyanite ↔ Sillimanite. It will
provide the reaction boundary for the Kyanite and Sillimanite.
b. Plot the Point Teq calculated of Reaction 2 and Join it with the point with lower temperature (i.e.
799K,2.633Kbar) calculated by using C.C. equation in the case of Sillimanite ↔ Andalusite. It will
provide the reaction boundary for the Sillimanite and Andalusite.
c. Plot the Point Teq calculated of Reaction 3 and Join it with the point with higher temperature (i.e.
694.42K,2.475Kbar) calculated by using C.C. equation in the case of Andalusite ↔ Kyanite. It will
provide the reaction boundary for the Andalusite and Kyanite.
Figure 1: Pressure-Temperature phase diagram for Andalusite-Sillimanite-Kyanite
a. In reaction 1: ∆V positive and ∆H positive it means increasing P favors the reactant and Increasing T
favors the product since the reaction is endothermic. In reaction 2: ∆V positive and ∆H negative it means
Increasing P favors reactant and increasing temperature favors the reactant since the reaction is exothermic.
In reaction 3: ∆V is negative and ∆H is negative it means increase in pressure will favors the product and
increase in temperature favors the product.
b. Above figure 1 show the stability region for Andalusite-Kyanite-Sillimanite. Three reaction boundaries
not meet at single point in my case. Expected triple point from the figure 1 is 3.5Kbar and 780K and
(refer to figure 2 to check). My reaction boundary is not close and miss the triple point by 10K and 10bar.
c. From the figure.1 it is clear that low temperature and pressure favors the Kyanite and region below the
triple point and 900K provides the stable region for the Andalusite. Figure 1 explain that Sillimanite forms
at high temperature.
Figure: 2 Phase diagram for –Andalusite-Sillimanite-Kyanite from Kieffer, S.W. (1982): My triple point
was quite similar to the one I found in the research paper.
Problem No.2
Reaction Equilibria:
NaAlSi3O8 (Low-Albite) ↔ NaAlSi2O6 (Jadeite) + SiO2 (Quartz)
A. Calculate the equilibrium pressure at 800K with ∆Cp=0 and ∆V is independent of P and T
B. Calculate the equilibrium pressure at 800K with ∆Cp is not 0 and ∆V is independent of P and T
C. Compare the equilibrium pressure in A and B
Phase H1bar, 298
Low Albite
-3935.120 207.40 100.070
-3029.400 133.47 60.400
-910.700 41.46 22.688
Part 1.
Reaction are equilibrium hence ∆G=0 and ∆Cp=0 and ∆V is independent of P and T
∆H= -4980 J/mol and ∆S = -32.47J/mol. K and ∆V= -1.6982 J/bar.mol
T(Equilibrium) = 153.3K
The Clausius-Clapeyron equation enables the slope of the reaction boundary at any pressure and temperature of
interest to be calculated from ∆S and ∆V.
dP/dT= 19.210bar/K
the equilibrium pressure obtained is 12.2Kbar and by using Clausius-Clapeyron equation i.e. dP/dT= ∆S/∆V; dP
= (∆S/∆V) * dT; P=1+19.210 (800-153) =12429 bar=12.429 K-bar is equilibrium pressure at 800K
Part 2
∆Cp is not zero and ∆V is independent of pressure and temperature.
Additional Data
Low Albite
Cp= 5.8394E2
– 0.092852T + 2.2722E-5
-6.4242 E3
+1.6780 E6
Cp=3.0113 E2
+ 1.0143 E-2
T – 2.0551 E3
-2.2393 E6
Alpha quartz
Cp=44.603 + 3.7754 E-2
T -1.0018 E6
∆Cp is not zero and ∆V is independent of pressure and temperature.
Calculation for the Entropy
∆S800= ∆S298 + ∫∆Cp.T-1
dT and ∆V= -1.6982 J/bar.mol
For above equation ∆Cp can be written as:
∆Cp= a + bT + cT2
+ dT-0.5
+ eT-2
∆Cp = ∆Cp(product) -∆Cp(reactant)
= -238.207 + 0.140749T -2.272E-5
+ 4369.1T-0.5
- 4.919E6
Now Integrate the Equation and
dT= ∫ ∆Cp. 1/TdT
T +4369.1T-1.5
. dT
After integration
=-238.20lnT+0.1407T -1.135E-5
Put the finite limit on integration
=-235.23+70.6314-6.262+197.24-23.80= 2.5794J/mol.K
∆S800= ∆S298 + ∫∆Cp.T-1
dT=-32.47+2.5794= - 29.8906J/mol.K…. Equation (1)
Calculation for the Enthalpy
∆H800= ∆H298 + ∫∆Cp.dT
∫∆Cp.dT= ∫ ∆Cp. dT
=∫-238.207 + 0.140749T -2.272E-5
+ 4369.1T-0.5
- 4.919E6T-2
After integration
-0.7573 E-5
+4.91 E6
Putting the finite limit
=-119579.9+38776.6-3677.12+96308.8-10339.0= 1489.38J/mol
∆H800= ∆H298 + ∫∆Cp.dT= -4980+1489.3= - 3490.9J/mol…..Equation(2)
Reaction at equilibrium
So Tequilibrium = ∆H/∆S = -3490.95/-29.8906 = 116.79K …… (Eq.1 and 2)
Use of Clausius-Clapeyron equation:
dP/dT= 17.60bar/K
dP/dT= ∆S/∆V; dP = (∆S/∆V) * dT; P=1+17.60 (800-116.79) =12025.4 bar=12.0 K-bar is equilibrium pressure when ∆Cp
≠ 0
 Equilibrium pressure calculated with ∆Cp=0 was 12.429Kbar and if ∆Cp ≠ 0 is 12.025 Kbar. Error between
two calculations is very small. This explain the necessity of performing the heat capacity integration for
reactions involving in the solids. Figure A: show the graph for the equilibrium pressure at ∆Cp = 0 and ∆Cp
≠ 0. Also the value for the pressure matches to the reference in figure 4.
 Equilibrium temp in the case of ∆Cp=0 was T=153.3K and ∆Cp ≠ 0 was T=116.79. This may because of
the relation provided between ∆Cp and Temperature.
In this corrected case the error is also not so large in the calculation ∆G with both above cases (∆G∆Cp=0= 20.996KJ/mol
and ∆G∆Cp≠0=20.422K. This explain that ∆H and ∆S are effectively constant over wide range of temperature
Figure A : Phase Diagram: Low Albite ↔ Jadeite + Quartz
Figure 4: Phase diagram for –Albite-Jd-Qz from Kieffer, S.W. (1982): Equilibrium pressure from the
research paper at 800K is around 12Kbars which is similar to the value obtained by keeping ∆Cp=0.
Problem No.3
Reaction Equilibria:
3CaAl2Si2O8 (Anorthite) ↔ Ca3Al2Si3O12 (grossular-garnet) + 2Al2SiO5 (Kyanite) + SiO2 (Quartz)
Objective :
A. Define the system (components suitable for expressing the chemical compositions for these four mineral
B. Plot the chemical composition of these mineral phases onto the system you defined in A.
C. Calculate Reaction-boundary by keeping assumption that ∆Cp=0 and ∆V is independent of P and T
D. Describe the mineral assemblage is stable at each side of the reaction boundary.
Phase H1bar, 298
-4232.500 203.00 100.070
--6634.308 256.118 125.310
-2596.200 82.300 44.150
-910.700 41.460 22.688
Part A and B
3CaAl2Si2O8 (Anorthite) ↔ Ca3Al2Si3O12 (grossular-garnet) + 2Al2SiO5 (Kyanite) + SiO2 (Quartz)
The system(component) for mineral phase can be express it as follow:
Anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8 ) : Al2O3 +2SiO2 + CaO
Grossular-garnet (Ca3Al2Si3O12 ) : Al2O3 +3SiO2 +3CaO
Kyanite (Al2SiO5 ) : Al2O3 +SiO2 +0.CaO
Quartz(SiO2): 0. Al2O3 +0. SiO2 +0. CaO
Mineral Moles
Moles o
%CaO %Al2O3 %SiO2
Anorthite 1 1 2 25 25 50
3 1 3 43 14 43
Kyanite 1 1 0 0 50 50
Quartz 0 0 0 0 0 100
Mineral Moles CaO Moles
% CaO % Al2O3 %SiO2
anorthite 1 1 2 25 25 50
grossular 3 1 3 43 14 43
kyanite 1 1
Above chemical composition of four mineral phase can be plotted in the form of ternary diagram where the
chemical components are SiO2, CaO, and Al2O3. This ternary is important for the study of many metamorphic
Trinary Diagram shown Below:
Figure 5: Ternary Diagram of SiO2-Al2O3-CaO
Part C and D
Reaction are equilibrium hence ∆G=0
∆H= -39908 J/mol and ∆S = -146.822J/mol. K and ∆V= -6.4302 J/bar.mol
T(Equilibrium) = 271K
The Clausius-Clapeyron equation enables the slope of the reaction boundary at any pressure and temperature
of interest to be calculated from ∆S and ∆V. dP/dT= 22.83bar/K
Figure 6: Phase Diagram for Anorthite ↔ Grossular Garnet +Kyanite + Quartz
Figure 7: Value of Equilibrium pressure is around 19Kbar from Newton, R. C. (1983). My diagram
explains the similar result
 Part A and B defines the suitable expression for the mineral phases
 This mineral phases are represented in the form of ternary diagram figure no.5
 Phase diagram shown in the figure no.6. Here ∆H negative and ∆V negative explains that the reaction is
exothermic and increase in temperature will favors the reactant i.e Anorthite will form more and
Increase in pressure will form more product i.e. GG+ KY+QZ.
 Figure 7 show the similar result prediction of my work compare to the research paper.
 Kieffer, S. W. (1982). Thermodynamics and lattice vibrations of minerals: 5. Applications to phase equilibria, isotopic
fractionation, and high‐pressure thermodynamic properties. Reviews of Geophysics, 20(4), 827-849.
 Newton, R. C. (1983). Geobarometry of high-grade metamorphic rocks. American Journal of Science, 283, 1-28.

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Magmalogy assignment

  • 1. EXPERIMENTAL MAGMALOGY ASSIGNMENT By Sanjay Dubey 5TH MAY 2017 Problem No.1 Reaction Equilibria: Al2SiO5 (Kyanite) ↔ Al2SiO5 (Sillimanite) Al2SiO5 (Sillimanite) ↔ Al2SiO5 (Andalusite) Al2SiO5 (Andalusite) ↔ Al2SiO5 (Kyanite) Objective: A. Illustrate the Reaction Boundaries B. Label the Mineral Phase at Each Boundaries Assumption ∆Cp =0 and ∆V is independent of Temperature and Pressure Data: Phase H1bar, 298 [KJ/mol] S1bar,298 [J/mol.k] V1bar,298 [cm3 /mol] Kyanite Al2SiO5 -2596.200 82.3000 44.150 Sillimanite Al2SiO5 -2587.770 95.690 49.860 Andalusite Al2SiO5 -2591.700 91.420 51.520 Solution: Reaction 1. Al2SiO5 (Kyanite) ↔ Al2SiO5 (Sillimanite) Reaction are equilibrium hence ∆G=0 ∆G=∆H-T∆S=0 ∆H= HProduct - HReactant = {Hsillimanite- HKyanite } = {-2587.770 – (-2596.200)} = +8.43 KJ/mol = 8430J/mol ∆S= SProduct - SReactant = {Ssillimanite - Skyanite} = {95.690-82.300} = 13.39J/mol. K ∆V= Vproduc t- Vreactant = {Vsillimanite-VKyanite} = {49.860 - 44.150} = 5.71cm3 /mol= 0.571J/bar.mol Making the use of assumption that ∆Cp =0 and ∆Vis independent of P and T. The equilibrium temperature at 1bar is given by: ∆G= 0 = ∆H-T∆S T(Equilibrium) = ∆H/∆S= 8430/13.39 = 629.5K The Clausius-Clapeyron equation enables the slope of the reaction boundary at any pressure and temperature of interest to be calculated from ∆S and ∆V. dP dT = ∆S ∆V = 13.39/0.571=23.45bar/K
  • 2. Notes: Before calculating dP/dT from the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, it is necessary to make the units of ∆V consistent with those of ∆S. If ∆S is in entropy units, the consistent units of ∆V are Joules per bar (J/bar). Alternatively, the 1bar result may be extrapolated to higher pressure using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and making the assumption that ∆S and ∆V are constant at 1bar, 298K values. The value obtained from the pressure will be used to plot reaction boundary. This is generally reasonable for solid-solid reaction. Now, if you add 200K to the equilibrium temperature, what is equilibrium pressure and the resultant pressure can be calculated by using Clausius-Clapeyron Equation. dP/dT= ∆S/∆V dP = (∆S/∆V) * dT P=1+23.45(829.5-629.5) =4691bar=4.691Kbar is equilibrium pressure at 829.5k Similarly, Now, if you add 400K to the equilibrium temperature, P=1+23.45(1029.5-629.5) =9381bar=9.381Kbar is equilibrium pressure at 1029.5k SIMILARLY Reaction 2. Al2SiO5 (Sillimanite) ↔ Al2SiO5 (Andalusite) Reaction are equilibrium hence ∆G=0 ∆G=∆H-T∆S=0 ∆H= -3930J/mol and ∆S = -4.37J/mol. K and ∆V= +0.166J/bar.mol T(Equilibrium) = 899K slope of the reaction boundary dP/dT= -26.32 bar/K If you subtract 100K from the equilibrium temperature, the reason behind the subtraction is if you take any value more than 899K then because of slope the pressure values becomes negative. Now, if you subtract 100K to the equilibrium temperature, what is equilibrium pressure and the resultant pressure can be calculated by using Clausius-Clapeyron Equation. P=1-26.32*(799-899) =2633bar=2.633Kbar is equilibrium pressure at 799K Reaction 3. Al2SiO5 (Andalusite) ↔ Al2SiO5 (Kyanite) Reaction are equilibrium hence ∆G=0 ∆G=∆H-T∆S=0 ∆H= -4500J/mol and ∆S = -9.12J/mol. K and ∆V= - 0.737J/bar.mol T(Equilibrium) = 493.42K slope of the reaction boundary dP/dT= 12.37bar/K Now, if you add 200K to the equilibrium temperature, what is equilibrium pressure and the resultant pressure can be calculated by using Clausius-Clapeyron Equation. P=1+12.37*(693.42-493.42) =2475bar=2.475Kbar is equilibrium pressure at 694.42K
  • 3. To plot the graph: a. Plot the point Teq calculated of Reaction 1 and Join it with the points {i.e. (829.5K, 4.691Kbar) and (1029.5K, 9.381Kbar)} calculated by using C.C. equation in the case of Kyanite ↔ Sillimanite. It will provide the reaction boundary for the Kyanite and Sillimanite. b. Plot the Point Teq calculated of Reaction 2 and Join it with the point with lower temperature (i.e. 799K,2.633Kbar) calculated by using C.C. equation in the case of Sillimanite ↔ Andalusite. It will provide the reaction boundary for the Sillimanite and Andalusite. c. Plot the Point Teq calculated of Reaction 3 and Join it with the point with higher temperature (i.e. 694.42K,2.475Kbar) calculated by using C.C. equation in the case of Andalusite ↔ Kyanite. It will provide the reaction boundary for the Andalusite and Kyanite. Figure 1: Pressure-Temperature phase diagram for Andalusite-Sillimanite-Kyanite Results: a. In reaction 1: ∆V positive and ∆H positive it means increasing P favors the reactant and Increasing T favors the product since the reaction is endothermic. In reaction 2: ∆V positive and ∆H negative it means Increasing P favors reactant and increasing temperature favors the reactant since the reaction is exothermic. In reaction 3: ∆V is negative and ∆H is negative it means increase in pressure will favors the product and increase in temperature favors the product. b. Above figure 1 show the stability region for Andalusite-Kyanite-Sillimanite. Three reaction boundaries not meet at single point in my case. Expected triple point from the figure 1 is 3.5Kbar and 780K and (refer to figure 2 to check). My reaction boundary is not close and miss the triple point by 10K and 10bar. c. From the figure.1 it is clear that low temperature and pressure favors the Kyanite and region below the triple point and 900K provides the stable region for the Andalusite. Figure 1 explain that Sillimanite forms at high temperature.
  • 4. Figure: 2 Phase diagram for –Andalusite-Sillimanite-Kyanite from Kieffer, S.W. (1982): My triple point was quite similar to the one I found in the research paper. Problem No.2 Reaction Equilibria: NaAlSi3O8 (Low-Albite) ↔ NaAlSi2O6 (Jadeite) + SiO2 (Quartz) Objective: A. Calculate the equilibrium pressure at 800K with ∆Cp=0 and ∆V is independent of P and T B. Calculate the equilibrium pressure at 800K with ∆Cp is not 0 and ∆V is independent of P and T C. Compare the equilibrium pressure in A and B Data: Phase H1bar, 298 [KJ/mol] S1bar,298 [J/mol.k] V1bar,298 [cm3 /mol] Low Albite NaAlSi3O8 -3935.120 207.40 100.070 Jadeite NaAlSi2O6 -3029.400 133.47 60.400 Quartz SiO2 -910.700 41.46 22.688 Solution: Part 1. Reaction are equilibrium hence ∆G=0 and ∆Cp=0 and ∆V is independent of P and T ∆G=∆H-T∆S=0 ∆H= -4980 J/mol and ∆S = -32.47J/mol. K and ∆V= -1.6982 J/bar.mol T(Equilibrium) = 153.3K The Clausius-Clapeyron equation enables the slope of the reaction boundary at any pressure and temperature of interest to be calculated from ∆S and ∆V. dP/dT= 19.210bar/K the equilibrium pressure obtained is 12.2Kbar and by using Clausius-Clapeyron equation i.e. dP/dT= ∆S/∆V; dP = (∆S/∆V) * dT; P=1+19.210 (800-153) =12429 bar=12.429 K-bar is equilibrium pressure at 800K
  • 5. Part 2 ∆Cp is not zero and ∆V is independent of pressure and temperature. Additional Data Low Albite Cp= 5.8394E2 – 0.092852T + 2.2722E-5 T2 -6.4242 E3 T-0.5 +1.6780 E6 T-2 Jadeite Cp=3.0113 E2 + 1.0143 E-2 T – 2.0551 E3 T-0.5 -2.2393 E6 T-2 Alpha quartz Cp=44.603 + 3.7754 E-2 T -1.0018 E6 T-2 ∆Cp is not zero and ∆V is independent of pressure and temperature. Calculation for the Entropy ∆S800= ∆S298 + ∫∆Cp.T-1 dT and ∆V= -1.6982 J/bar.mol For above equation ∆Cp can be written as: ∆Cp= a + bT + cT2 + dT-0.5 + eT-2 ∆Cp = ∆Cp(product) -∆Cp(reactant) = -238.207 + 0.140749T -2.272E-5 T2 + 4369.1T-0.5 - 4.919E6 T-2 Now Integrate the Equation and ∫∆Cp.T-1 dT= ∫ ∆Cp. 1/TdT 800 298 =∫-238.20T-1 +0.1407-2.272E-5 T +4369.1T-1.5 -4.91E6 T-3 . dT After integration =-238.20lnT+0.1407T -1.135E-5 T2 -8738.2T-0.5 -2.45E6 T-2 Put the finite limit on integration =-235.23+70.6314-6.262+197.24-23.80= 2.5794J/mol.K ∆S800= ∆S298 + ∫∆Cp.T-1 dT=-32.47+2.5794= - 29.8906J/mol.K…. Equation (1) Calculation for the Enthalpy ∆H800= ∆H298 + ∫∆Cp.dT ∫∆Cp.dT= ∫ ∆Cp. dT 800 298 =∫-238.207 + 0.140749T -2.272E-5 T2 + 4369.1T-0.5 - 4.919E6T-2 .dT After integration =-238.207T+0.07035T2 -0.7573 E-5 T3 +8738.2T0.5 +4.91 E6 T-1 Putting the finite limit =-119579.9+38776.6-3677.12+96308.8-10339.0= 1489.38J/mol ∆H800= ∆H298 + ∫∆Cp.dT= -4980+1489.3= - 3490.9J/mol…..Equation(2) Reaction at equilibrium ∆G=∆H-T∆S=0 So Tequilibrium = ∆H/∆S = -3490.95/-29.8906 = 116.79K …… (Eq.1 and 2) Use of Clausius-Clapeyron equation: dP/dT= 17.60bar/K dP/dT= ∆S/∆V; dP = (∆S/∆V) * dT; P=1+17.60 (800-116.79) =12025.4 bar=12.0 K-bar is equilibrium pressure when ∆Cp ≠ 0 Results  Equilibrium pressure calculated with ∆Cp=0 was 12.429Kbar and if ∆Cp ≠ 0 is 12.025 Kbar. Error between two calculations is very small. This explain the necessity of performing the heat capacity integration for reactions involving in the solids. Figure A: show the graph for the equilibrium pressure at ∆Cp = 0 and ∆Cp ≠ 0. Also the value for the pressure matches to the reference in figure 4.  Equilibrium temp in the case of ∆Cp=0 was T=153.3K and ∆Cp ≠ 0 was T=116.79. This may because of the relation provided between ∆Cp and Temperature.
  • 6. In this corrected case the error is also not so large in the calculation ∆G with both above cases (∆G∆Cp=0= 20.996KJ/mol and ∆G∆Cp≠0=20.422K. This explain that ∆H and ∆S are effectively constant over wide range of temperature Figure A : Phase Diagram: Low Albite ↔ Jadeite + Quartz Figure 4: Phase diagram for –Albite-Jd-Qz from Kieffer, S.W. (1982): Equilibrium pressure from the research paper at 800K is around 12Kbars which is similar to the value obtained by keeping ∆Cp=0.
  • 7. Problem No.3 Reaction Equilibria: 3CaAl2Si2O8 (Anorthite) ↔ Ca3Al2Si3O12 (grossular-garnet) + 2Al2SiO5 (Kyanite) + SiO2 (Quartz) Objective : A. Define the system (components suitable for expressing the chemical compositions for these four mineral phases) B. Plot the chemical composition of these mineral phases onto the system you defined in A. C. Calculate Reaction-boundary by keeping assumption that ∆Cp=0 and ∆V is independent of P and T D. Describe the mineral assemblage is stable at each side of the reaction boundary. Data: Phase H1bar, 298 [KJ/mol] S1bar,298 [J/mol.k] V1bar,298 [cm3 /mol] Anorthite CaAl2Si2O8 -4232.500 203.00 100.070 Grossular-garnet Ca3Al2Si3O12 --6634.308 256.118 125.310 Kyanite Al2SiO5 -2596.200 82.300 44.150 Quartz SiO2 -910.700 41.460 22.688 Solution: Part A and B Reaction: 3CaAl2Si2O8 (Anorthite) ↔ Ca3Al2Si3O12 (grossular-garnet) + 2Al2SiO5 (Kyanite) + SiO2 (Quartz) The system(component) for mineral phase can be express it as follow: Anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8 ) : Al2O3 +2SiO2 + CaO Grossular-garnet (Ca3Al2Si3O12 ) : Al2O3 +3SiO2 +3CaO Kyanite (Al2SiO5 ) : Al2O3 +SiO2 +0.CaO Quartz(SiO2): 0. Al2O3 +0. SiO2 +0. CaO Mineral Moles CaO Moles Al2O3 Moles o SiO2 %CaO %Al2O3 %SiO2 Anorthite 1 1 2 25 25 50 Grossular- Garnet 3 1 3 43 14 43 Kyanite 1 1 0 0 50 50 Quartz 0 0 0 0 0 100 Mineral Moles CaO Moles Al2O3 Moles SiO2 % CaO % Al2O3 %SiO2 anorthite 1 1 2 25 25 50 grossular 3 1 3 43 14 43 kyanite 1 1 Quartz
  • 8. Above chemical composition of four mineral phase can be plotted in the form of ternary diagram where the chemical components are SiO2, CaO, and Al2O3. This ternary is important for the study of many metamorphic rocks Trinary Diagram shown Below: Figure 5: Ternary Diagram of SiO2-Al2O3-CaO Part C and D Reaction are equilibrium hence ∆G=0 ∆G=∆H-T∆S=0 ∆H= -39908 J/mol and ∆S = -146.822J/mol. K and ∆V= -6.4302 J/bar.mol T(Equilibrium) = 271K The Clausius-Clapeyron equation enables the slope of the reaction boundary at any pressure and temperature of interest to be calculated from ∆S and ∆V. dP/dT= 22.83bar/K
  • 9. Figure 6: Phase Diagram for Anorthite ↔ Grossular Garnet +Kyanite + Quartz Figure 7: Value of Equilibrium pressure is around 19Kbar from Newton, R. C. (1983). My diagram explains the similar result
  • 10. Results:  Part A and B defines the suitable expression for the mineral phases  This mineral phases are represented in the form of ternary diagram figure no.5  Phase diagram shown in the figure no.6. Here ∆H negative and ∆V negative explains that the reaction is exothermic and increase in temperature will favors the reactant i.e Anorthite will form more and Increase in pressure will form more product i.e. GG+ KY+QZ.  Figure 7 show the similar result prediction of my work compare to the research paper. Reference  Kieffer, S. W. (1982). Thermodynamics and lattice vibrations of minerals: 5. Applications to phase equilibria, isotopic fractionation, and high‐pressure thermodynamic properties. Reviews of Geophysics, 20(4), 827-849.  Newton, R. C. (1983). Geobarometry of high-grade metamorphic rocks. American Journal of Science, 283, 1-28.