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Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
Modern Physics
Physics is the oldest branch of science which
deals with the study of matter and various forms
of energy associated with matter and its
Upto the last decade of 19th
century Classical
physics (Also termed as Classical mechanics)
based on Newton’s laws of motion, low
gravitation and also Maxwell’s theory of
distribution of energy are played major role in
developments of Theories of Physics.
Modern Physics
The series of discoveries and inventions
happened in last decade of 19th century and at the
beginning of 20th
century reveled that, the
classical laws are in good agreement only with
motion of macroscopic matter and with low speed
motion, but unable to explain some observed facts
especially at the motion of microscopic matters
like electrons and sub atomic matters and
behavior matter relativistic motion.
The classical inability of mechanics to
give the explanation for the phenomena like,
Blackbody radiation, photoelectric effect and
Compton effect etc. also proved classical
mechanics is incomplete.
Hence to deal with such observed facts, new
theories are developed in physics namely, Planks
quantum theory, theory of wave particle duality
and Einstein theory of relativity etc. The physics
based on these theories is called as Modern
The modern Physics defined a microscopic
particle called quantum particle, stream of
quantum particles accelerate with high speed from
source, produce light, which have both particle
and wave nature based on the circumstances.
Hence modern physics also called as Quantum
Following illustrations proof for are the drawback
of classical laws.
Introduction to Blackbody radiation
A blackbody is an ideal source of electro
magnetic radiation at temperatures higher than the
surrounding and emits the radiation of every
wavelength at any temperature. It is shown in the
following black body radiation curve (Fig)
Spectrum of blackbody radiation:
Lummer and Pringshein studied energy
distribution in the spectrum of blackbody
radiation at various temperatures. The results are
depicted in the graph shown. The observation of
the curves revels following facts:
The black body radiation curve (Fig) shows that
the black body emits the radiation of every
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Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
wavelength at any temperature. From figure it is
found that curve gets infinitely close to the x-axis
but never touches it. The curve touches at infinite
The intensities of the different wavelengths
emitted by a black body is depending upon its
temperature and this complete set of wave
lengths emitted is called black body spectrum.
For given temperature intensity of all wave
lengths is not same, in the beginning intensity of
radiation increases with wave length, reach
maximum for a given wavelength (λmax) and
decreases after words
Wien’s displacement law:
Total energy emitted by the blackbody increases
with the increase in temperature simultaneously
the wavelength λmax corresponding to the
maximum energy Em emitted by the blackbody
decreases with the increase in temperature. This is
called Wien’s displacement law.
Mathematically, λmax T = Constant.
Explanation of blackbody radiation
Wien’s distribution law:
According to Wien’s distribution law the energy
emitted by the blackbody per unit volume in the
range of wavelength from λ to λ+dλ is given by
Where C1 and C2 are constants and T is absolute
temperature. It was found that Wien’s
distribution law explains energy distribution only
in the shorter wavelength region. Also, the
energy emitted by the blackbody is finite as
temperturetend to infinity, which is contradiction
with Stefan’s fourth power law (E T4
Rayleigh-Jeans law:
According to Rayleigh-Jeans law the energy
emitted by the blackbody per unit volume in the
range of wavelength from λ to λ+dλ is given by
Where k is Boltzmann constant whose value is
1.38 × 10-23
Rayleigh-Jeans formula was found to explain
energy distribution only in the longer
wavelength region of the blackbody radiation
spectrum. Further amount of energy in the
shorter wavelength region so that no energy is
available for emission in the longer wavelength
Rayleigh-Jeans law predicts that blackbody
radiates enormous amount of energy in the lower
wave lengths (higher frequencies) like ultraviolet
and x-rays.
But blackbody radiate chiefly in the visible and
infrared region. This discrepancy between
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Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
experimental results and theoretical predictions
was known as ‘ultraviolet catastrophe’.
Planck’s Radiation Law:
According to Planck’s radiation law whenever
radiation is emitted or absorbed by a blackbody
energy exchange between matter and radiation
takes place only in discrete steps, i.e emission or
absorption of radiation of frequency ν takes place
in steps of integrals multiples of packets of energy
called quanta (hν). Thus Energy emitted or
absorbed by the body is given by
E = nhν
Where h = plank’s constant = 6.254 × 10-34 Js
and n = 1, 2, 3……
According to Planck’s radiation law the energy
emitted by the blackbody per unit volume in the
range of wavelength from λ to λ+dλ is given by
------ 1
Where c = velocity of light = 3 × 10 8 m s-1
This equation is suits correctly with the
experimental results for both lower and higher
wave lengths
Planck’s radiation law explains energy
distribution in the spectrum of blackbody
radiation over the wide rang of wavelength, i.e., it
is in agreement with the experimental results.
Further, it can be shown that Planck’s law
reduces to,
Wien’s distribution law in shorter wavelength
At shorter wave length, λT tends to zero hence
ee λλ
There fore equatin (1) becomes
This is given by weins distribution law
Where C1 = 8πhc and C2 = hc/k are constants
Also reduces to Rayleigh-Jeans law in the
longer wavelength region.
At longer wave lengths
e kT
For higher wave lengths higher terms are
There fore equation (1) becomes
π kT
= because kTE
This is reyleigh Jean’s law
Photoelectric effect:
The phenomenon of emission of electrons by
the surface of certain materials under the
influence of radiation of suitable frequency is
called photoelectric effect.
The materials which exhibit this property are
called photosensitive while the electrons emitted
are called photoelectrons
According to classical physics -
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Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
(a) Light is an electromagnetic wave - the
intensity of light is determined by the amplitudes
of these electromagnetic oscillations. When light
falls on an electron bound in an atom, it gains
energy from the oscillating electric field. Larger
the amplitude of oscillations, larger is the energy
gained by the emitted electron - thus energy of the
emitted electrons should depend on the intensity
of the incident light. This is in contrast to what
has been observed in experiment
(b) According to the electromagnetic theory, the
velocity of the emitted electrons should not
depend on the frequency of the incident light.
Whatever may be the frequency of the incident
light, the electron would be emitted if it gets
sufficient time to collect the necessary energy for
emission. So the photoelectric emission is not an
instantaneous effect.
(c) Finally, the incident electromagnetic wave acts
equally on all the electrons of the metal surface.
There is no reason why only some electrons will
be able to collect the necessary energy for
emission from the incident waves. Given
sufficient time, all electrons should be able to
collect the energy necessary for emission. So
there is no reason why the photoelectric current
should depend upon the intensity of the incident
light. However,
In contrast above statements of classical physics,
observed facts are here.
Experimental observations are,
1. Photoelectric effect is an instantaneous process.
i.e., electrons are emitted by the surface as soon as
radiation falls on the surface.
2. If frequency of the incident radiation is less
than certain value, photoelectrons are not emitted
however strong the intensity radiation may be.
The frequency above which photoelectric effect
takes place is called threshold frequency denoted
by ( νo).
3. Kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted is
directly proportional to the frequency of the
incident radiation and independent of the intensity
of the radiation.
4. Number of photoelectrons emitted is directly
proportional to the intensity of the intensity of
radiation but independent of the frequency of the
5. Photoelectric effect is independent of the
6. If the anode plate is made negative w.r.t. to
photo sensitive surface, the photo electron retard
due to repulsion. If the negative potential
increased sufficiently the K.E. energy falls to
Therefore the sufficient negative potential
applied to anode plate to stop photoelectrons
completely from reaching the anode plate is
called as stopping potential (V).
Here K.E. of photoelectrons = Ve
Where V – negative potential applied
e – charge of electron.
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Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
Therefore at maximum retarding potenetial
(stopping potential),
V =
.. 2
Einstein’s explanation of photoelectric effect
based on quantum theory of radiation:
Free electrons in metal are bound within the
surface of the metal. The energy required to emit
electron from the surface is called Work Function
(Wo). If this energy (Wo)is in the form of light
then Wo = hνo, and νo is threshold frequency
According to Einstein’s quantum theory of light,
light emited from source consists of fast moving
photons, and energy of each photon is E = hν,
where h is Planck’s constant and ν is frequency of
the radiation.
If ν > νo, then each photon interact with each of
the electrons and expel it from the surface and
electron accelerate with a kinetic energy is given
K.E. is directly praportional to frequency of
radiation and photoelectric emission is
High intensity corresponds to large number of
photons, and they emit large number of
photoelectron, hence Intensity of light is directly
proportional to photoelectric current.
Compton Effect:
Arthur H. Compton observed the scattering of x-
rays from electrons in a carbon target and found
scattered x-rays with a longer wavelength than
those incidents upon the target.
There fore the phenomenon in which the
wavelength of X-rays increases when scattered
from a suitable target is called Compton Effect.
This kind of scattering is also called incoherent
Compton explained and modeled the data by
assuming a particle (photon) nature for light (x-
ray) and applying conservation of energy and
conservation of momentum to the collision
between the photon and the electron. The
scattered photon has lower energy and therefore a
longer wavelength according to the Planck
relationship, E = h
The shift of the wavelength increased with
scattering angle according to the Compton
| P a g e 5
m – mass of electron
p – Momentum of electron
v – velocity of electron
Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
The Compton experiment gave clear and
independent evidence of particle-like behavior.
Compton was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1927
for the "discovery of the effect named after him".
De Broglie’s hypothesis:
We know that the phenomenon such as
interference, diffraction, polirisation etc. can be
explained only with the help of wave theory of
light, while phenomenon such as photoelectric
effect, Compton effect, spectrum of black body
radiation can be explained only with the help of
Quantum theory of radiation. Thus radiation is
assumed to exhibit dual nature. i.e. both particle
and wave nature.
In 1924, Louis de Broglie made a bold hypothesis,
which can be stated as follows
“If radiation which is basically a wave can
exhibit particle nature under certain
circumstances, and since nature likes
symmetry, then entities which exhibit particle
nature ordinarily, should also exhibit wave
nature under suitable circumstances”
Thus according to de Broglie’s hypothesis, there
is wave associated with the moving particle. Such
waves are called Matter waves and wavelength
of the wave associated with the particle is called
de Broglie wavelength.
Expression for de Broglie wavelength (from
The radiation consists of stream of particles called
Photons. Energy of each photon is given by
E = hγ
Where h = Plank’s constant and γ is the frequency
of the radiation.
But according to Einstein’s mass energy
relationship E = mc2
de Broglie proposed that same equation is
applicable for matter waves also. Therefore
wavelength of the waves associated with the
moving particle of mass m, moving with the
velocity v is given by
λ is called as de Broglie wavelength.
de- Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated
by a potential difference of V volts.
| P a g e 6
If θ=90,
h/moc = 0.02426 Å
Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
Consider an electron accelerated by a potential
difference of V volts. Kinetic energy gained by
the electron is given by
Experimental Verification of de-Broglie’s
Hypothesis (Devisson-Germer experiment)
This is the first experiment which confirmed the
wave nature of electrons. The basic experimental
arrangement is shown below along with the nickel
crystal structure. In 1925, Davisson and Germer
were studying electron scattering from various
materials. Their important discovery was made
when nickel was used as the target. Here, the
kinetic energy of electrons can be controlled by
the voltage V.
To conduct experiment Devison and Germer used
un-oxidized nickel crystal, which is done by
heating the crystal in oven almost baked.
The experimental setup:
The experimental setup consists of a filament
called electron gun (E), which emits a stream of
electrons on heated to red hot by the application
of electric field.
The collimated beam of electrons are accelerated
by an energy eV (where V is potential difference
applied to filament) allowed to fall on nickel
target (C).
The target is capable rotation about an axis
perpendicular to the plane of the paper.
A detector called Faraday Chamber detects the
electrons scattered from the nickel target.
The detector is capable of rotation about the same
axis as the target. The detector is fitted with a
galvanometer to measure the current.
The energetic electrons emitted from the
electron gun accelerated towards the nickel target
and scatter at an angle φ and detector receives the
scattered electrons at various angles.
The reading is taken for the intensity
against scattering angle for a given energy. The
experiment is repeated for the different energies
of electron so that number of sets of reading
obtained is plotted (fig.).
It is found that in every set, there is a peak
to indicate sudden increase of intensity of
scattered electrons at a particular angle just like
the diffraction pattern of x-rays in a crystal.
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Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
More over if energy of incident electrons
is increased from smaller value the peak also go
on increases and reach max at particular energy
(eV) and further it go on decreases and this
variation if found periodic (as shown in fig.).
This is analogous to the diffraction pattern.
The maxima is observed at the energy of electrons
accelerated through a potential 54V, the de-
broglie wavelength for corresponding electron is
given by
= m10
1066.1 −
The wavelength of the diffracted electron beam is
also calculated using Bragg formula for X-
ray diffraction, which is given by
Consider in above set up the electron is diffracted
from the plane of crystal is (111), from this plane
A maximum of the diffraction pattern is observed
at an angle φ = 50o
(in fig.).
Therefore the glancing angle of incidence
(scattering) of this Bragg’s plane is given by
d = inter planer spacing of the nickel crystal =
0.91 x 10-10
For m = 1,
Or θλ sin2d= = 2 x 0.91 x 10-10
x Sin 65 o
= 1.65 x10-10
The de Broglie formula thus gives a value
of wavelength, for the electron that is in axcellent
agreement with their experimentally measured
wavelength. Therefore Davisson-Germer
experiment not only provides an evidence of
the wave nature of electron but also gives a
striking quantitative confirmation of the de
Broglie formula.
Phase velocity and Group velocity:
Matter in motion will show wave like property,
will not form a single wave because it is
continuous, but matter waves are localized, for
this de-Broglie proposed that, a group of waves of
slightly different wave lengths, superposition of
these number of waves gives a resultant standing
wave just like the resultant wave pattern in beats.
Therefore the superposition of number of waves
of suitable wavelength and amplitude of matter in
motion gives a resultant wave, whose amplitude
varies periodically, called as wave packet. This
wave packet is localized one.
Phase velocity:
The velocity with which an individual wave
travels is called Phase velocity or wave velocity.
It is denoted by vp.
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Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
Consider the traveling wave equation
)( x
ϖψψ −=
= k, where v – velocity of wave
Or v =
= Vp ----------------- 1
Where vp is called as wave velocity is also called
as phase velocity
From equation (1)
Vp = k
= ν λ
Here c – velocity of light and v – particle velocity
It is clear from the above equation that, Phase
velocity is not only greater than the velocity of the
particle but also greater than the velocity of light,
which can never happen. Therefore phase
velocity has no physical meaning in case of
matter waves. Thus a concept of group velocity
was introduced.
Group velocity:
Since phase velocity has no meaning, the concept
of group velocity was introduced as follows.
“Matter wave is regarded as the resultant of
the superposition of large number of
component waves all traveling with different
velocities. The resultant is in the form of a
packet called wave packet or wave group. The
velocity with which this wave group travels is
called group velocity.” The group velocity is
represented by vg.
Expression for group velocity:
Consider two waves A and B having same
amplitude A, but of slightly different wavelengths
and frequencies traveling in the same direction.
The two waves are represented by
When the two waves superimpose upon one
another, the resultant of the two waves is given by
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Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
The above equation represents a wave traveling
with the velocity ω/k. But amplitude of the wave
is not constant which is given by
The velocity with which variation in the
amplitude is transmitted represents the group
velocity, and is given by
Relation between group velocity and
particle velocity
We know that group velocity is given by
Expression for de-Broglie wavelength
(From Group velocity)
We know that group velocity is given by
If m is the mass, v is the velocity and V is the
potential energy of the moving particle, then its
total energy is given by, …
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Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
Taking constant as zero we get
That is given by de-Broglie wave equation.
Relation between velocity of light (c), group
velocity (vg) and phase velocity (vp)
Following are some of the important
properties of matter waves:
1. Matter waves are waves associated with the
moving particle
2. They are not electromagnetic in nature
3. Wavelength of the matter wave is given by l =
h mv= h/ p
4. The amplitude of the matter wave at the given
point determines the probability of finding the
particle at that point at the given instant of time.
5. The wave nature of matter is explained only by
group velocity, there is no meaning for phase
velocity as its value goes beyond the velocity of
light which can not be possible.
6. The de Broglie concept of matter waves are
suitable for only for microscopic matters like,
electrons, photons and other inter atomic particles
in motion and not suits for macroscopic matters.
Example 1.1
A metal has a workfunction of 4.3 V. If the EM
radiation of wavelength 1800Å is incident on
surface calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of
emitted photoelectron.
The corresponding wavelength equals:
Energy of EM radiation
E= J
hc 19
1031062.6 −
K.E. energy of electron
= Energy of EM radiation – work function
= J19
1010 −
× - J19
1089.6 −
× = 3.11x10-19
De-Broglie wavelength =
Example 2:
Question: A cricket ball has a mass of 0.150 kg
and is bowled towards a bowler at 40m/s.
Find the de Broglie wavelength of the
cricket ball.
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Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
We are required to calculate the de Broglie
wavelength of a cricket ball given its mass and
speed. We can do this by using:
The mass of the cricket ball m = 0.150kg
The velocity of the cricket ball
Planck's constant
the de Broglie wavelength
This wavelength is considerably smaller than the
diameter of a proton which is
approximately . Hence the wave-like
properties of this cricket ball are too small to be
Question: Calculate the de Broglie wavelength
of an electron moving at 40 m·s−1
We are required to calculate the de Broglie
wavelength of an electron given its speed. We can
do this by using:
The velocity of the electron
The mass of the electron
Planck's constant
Although the electron and cricket ball in the two
previous examples are travelling at the same
velocity the de Broglie wavelength of the electron
is much larger than that of the cricket ball. This is
because the wavelength is inversely proportional
to the mass of the particle.
3. What is the deBroglie wavelength of an
electron with 13.6 eV of kinetic energy? What is
the deBroglie wavelength of an electron with 10
MeV of kinetic energy?
13.6 eV is much less
than so this is non-
10 MeV is much bigger than for an
electron so it is super-relativistic and we can
use .
Example 1.1
A metal has a workfunction of 4.3 V. If the EM
radiation of wavelength 1800Å is incident on surface
calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of emitted
The corresponding wavelength equals:
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Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
Energy of EM radiation
E= J
hc 19
1031062.6 −
K.E. energy of electron
= Energy of EM radiation – work function
= J19
1010 −
× - J19
1089.6 −
× = 3.11x10-19
De-Broglie wavelength =
1. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a
neutron (mass = 1.67493 x 10¯27
kg) moving at
one five-hundredth of the speed of light
λ = 5.107 x 10¯10
m = 5.107 Å
2. A rain droplet of radius 0.5mm falling under
gravity with terminal velocity of 2m/s,
determine its de-Broglie wavelength (density
of water 1000kg/m2
r = 0.5 mm,
v = 2 m/s
λ = 6.33 x 10-28
3. Determine the K.E. in eV, momentum, group
velocity, particle velocity and phase velocity
of an electron of de-Broglie wavelength 2A.
p = h/λ = =3.32x10-24
Group velocity,
= (3.32 x 10-24
= 0.364 x 107
m/s =particle velocity.
Phase velocity,
vphase = c2
= (3x108
/ (0.364 x 107
= 24.72x109
| P a g e 13
Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
4. Compare the de-Broglie wavelengths of
electron and a proton accelerated by a
potential of 100keV (proton mass = 1.6726 ×
For proton,
For Electron,
= = = =
therefore, 2.33x102
5. What is the De-Broglie wavelength of the
nitrogen molecule in air at 300K? Atomic mass
of nitrogen is 14.0076amu. (1 atomic mass unit =
1.66053886 × 10-27
m =0.391Å
6. Calculate the De-Broglie wavelength of the
electron of kinetic energy 10eV. (Rest ass energy
of electron is 511 keV and h=6.6x10-34
Energy of electron E =10 eV= 16 x10-19
Er = Rest mass energy of electron = 511 KeV
= 511 x103
x1.6 x 10-19
J = 817.6 x10-16
According to Einstein’s mass-Energy relation,
Er = me c2
,  me = Er / c2
= (817.6 x10-16
)/(3 x108
= 9.084 x10-31
De-Broglie wavelength,
= 3.89 x 10-10
m =3.89Å
7. UV ration of wavelength 3200 A focused on a
metal plate. Find the wavelength associated
with the photoelectron emitted, if work
function of metal is 4.2 eV.
Wavelength of light λ = 3200Å,
W = work function of metal = 4.2 eV
Energy of light = E = hc/λ
= (6.64 x 10-34
x 3 x108
)/(3200 x10-10
= 6.225 x 10-19
J = (6.225 x 10-
= 3.89 eV.
From Photo electric equation,
K.E. of electrons (Ek)
= E – W = 4.2 -3.89 = 0.31 eV
= 0.31 x 1.6 x10-19
J = 0.496 x10-19
| P a g e 14
m = 14.0076amu
= 14.0076 x 1.66053886 × 10-27
(1 amu = 1.66 × 10-27
Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
De-Broglie wavelength of electron =
= = 2.21 nm
8. Determine the glancing angle of electrons
diffracted from a crystal surface if, a stream
of electron of K.E. 75 eV accelerated towards
that crystal target.
nλ = 2d sinθ, → sinθ= nλ/2d →
θ = Sin-1
= Sin-1
(1x1.42/2x 1.024) = 43.89 o
= 43o
11. Find the De-Broglie wavelength of neutron at
C. Given that Boltzmann constant is
. [Ans. 1.264A]
12. The wavelength of the photon is 1.4A. it
collides with the electron. Its wavelength after
the collision is 2A. Calculate the de-Broglie
wavelength of the scattered electron.
13. An alpha particle and proton are accelerated
from the rest through same potential
difference V. Find the ratio of De-Broglie
wavelength associated with them.
14. A particle is moving 3 times as fast as an
electron. The ratio of De-Broglie wavelength
of the particle to that of the electron is
. Find the particle mass and identify
the article. Mass of electron is 9.1x10-31
[Ans. 1.675x10-27
kg, neutron or proton]
15. Calculate the [a] momentum and [b] de-B
wavelength of the electrons accelerated
through a potential difference of 56V. [Ans.
kgm/s, 1.64A]
16. An electron and proton have same amount of
kinetic energy. Which of the two will have
greater De-Broglie wavelength?
{Ans. electron]
| P a g e 15
Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad.
1. ‘E’K.E of particle then, its de Broglie wavelength
2. According to de-Broglie hypothesis matter waves
formed by______
3. De Broglie hypothesis is concerned with________
4. Experiment which confirms the wave nature of
particles is_________.
5. De-Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated
6. with a 100V _________
7. The relation connecting group velocity and phase
8. velocity is ___________
9. If p momentum of particle, its de-Broglie wave
length is___
10. Particle velocity of a de-Broglie wave is also
called as___
11. If velocity of a particle is 6x105
m/s, it’s de-
Broglie wavelength is______
12. 5. Voltage with which an accelerated electron to
get de-Broglie wavelength 2pF is_______
1. In Davison and Germer experiment, _______ nature
of matter is confirmed by the diffraction of electron.
a) λ > λ’ b) λ < λ’ c) λ = λ’ d) None
2. A small lead ball is allowed to fall freely under
gravity, its de Broglie wavelength
a) Increases b) Decreases
c) Remains same d) None
10. Waves Associated with moving particles are
i) EM waves ii) Mechanical waves
iii) Matter waves iv) None of these
1. Give an illustration for the failure of classical
laws and how the quantum theory overcome
2. What is de-Broglie hypothesis? What are
matter waves? What is the significance of
matter waves?
3. Derive an expression for the wavelength of
matter waves, in terms of velocity, energy and
momentum of matter waves.
4. Show the wave nature of a microscopic
particle by experimental proof in Davison and
Germer experiment.
5. What are phase velocity and group velocities?
Write the difference between them.
6. What is particle velocity? Show that particle
velocity of matter is equals to group velocity.
7. Derive an expression for the de-Broglie
wavelength by group velocity concept.
8. Discuss the properties of matter waves.
| P a g e 16

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  • 1. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. Modern Physics Physics is the oldest branch of science which deals with the study of matter and various forms of energy associated with matter and its applications. Upto the last decade of 19th century Classical physics (Also termed as Classical mechanics) based on Newton’s laws of motion, low gravitation and also Maxwell’s theory of distribution of energy are played major role in developments of Theories of Physics. Modern Physics The series of discoveries and inventions happened in last decade of 19th century and at the beginning of 20th century reveled that, the classical laws are in good agreement only with motion of macroscopic matter and with low speed motion, but unable to explain some observed facts especially at the motion of microscopic matters like electrons and sub atomic matters and behavior matter relativistic motion. The classical inability of mechanics to give the explanation for the phenomena like, Blackbody radiation, photoelectric effect and Compton effect etc. also proved classical mechanics is incomplete. Hence to deal with such observed facts, new theories are developed in physics namely, Planks quantum theory, theory of wave particle duality and Einstein theory of relativity etc. The physics based on these theories is called as Modern physics. The modern Physics defined a microscopic particle called quantum particle, stream of quantum particles accelerate with high speed from source, produce light, which have both particle and wave nature based on the circumstances. Hence modern physics also called as Quantum Mechanics. Following illustrations proof for are the drawback of classical laws. Introduction to Blackbody radiation spectrum Blackbody: A blackbody is an ideal source of electro magnetic radiation at temperatures higher than the surrounding and emits the radiation of every wavelength at any temperature. It is shown in the following black body radiation curve (Fig) Spectrum of blackbody radiation: Lummer and Pringshein studied energy distribution in the spectrum of blackbody radiation at various temperatures. The results are depicted in the graph shown. The observation of the curves revels following facts: The black body radiation curve (Fig) shows that the black body emits the radiation of every | P a g e 1
  • 2. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. wavelength at any temperature. From figure it is found that curve gets infinitely close to the x-axis but never touches it. The curve touches at infinite wavelength. The intensities of the different wavelengths emitted by a black body is depending upon its temperature and this complete set of wave lengths emitted is called black body spectrum. For given temperature intensity of all wave lengths is not same, in the beginning intensity of radiation increases with wave length, reach maximum for a given wavelength (λmax) and decreases after words Wien’s displacement law: Total energy emitted by the blackbody increases with the increase in temperature simultaneously the wavelength λmax corresponding to the maximum energy Em emitted by the blackbody decreases with the increase in temperature. This is called Wien’s displacement law. Mathematically, λmax T = Constant. Explanation of blackbody radiation spectrum: Wien’s distribution law: According to Wien’s distribution law the energy emitted by the blackbody per unit volume in the range of wavelength from λ to λ+dλ is given by Where C1 and C2 are constants and T is absolute temperature. It was found that Wien’s distribution law explains energy distribution only in the shorter wavelength region. Also, the energy emitted by the blackbody is finite as temperturetend to infinity, which is contradiction with Stefan’s fourth power law (E T4 ). Rayleigh-Jeans law: According to Rayleigh-Jeans law the energy emitted by the blackbody per unit volume in the range of wavelength from λ to λ+dλ is given by Where k is Boltzmann constant whose value is 1.38 × 10-23 JK-1 . Rayleigh-Jeans formula was found to explain energy distribution only in the longer wavelength region of the blackbody radiation spectrum. Further amount of energy in the shorter wavelength region so that no energy is available for emission in the longer wavelength region. Rayleigh-Jeans law predicts that blackbody radiates enormous amount of energy in the lower wave lengths (higher frequencies) like ultraviolet and x-rays. But blackbody radiate chiefly in the visible and infrared region. This discrepancy between | P a g e 2
  • 3. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. experimental results and theoretical predictions was known as ‘ultraviolet catastrophe’. Planck’s Radiation Law: According to Planck’s radiation law whenever radiation is emitted or absorbed by a blackbody energy exchange between matter and radiation takes place only in discrete steps, i.e emission or absorption of radiation of frequency ν takes place in steps of integrals multiples of packets of energy called quanta (hν). Thus Energy emitted or absorbed by the body is given by E = nhν Where h = plank’s constant = 6.254 × 10-34 Js and n = 1, 2, 3…… According to Planck’s radiation law the energy emitted by the blackbody per unit volume in the range of wavelength from λ to λ+dλ is given by ------ 1 Where c = velocity of light = 3 × 10 8 m s-1 This equation is suits correctly with the experimental results for both lower and higher wave lengths Planck’s radiation law explains energy distribution in the spectrum of blackbody radiation over the wide rang of wavelength, i.e., it is in agreement with the experimental results. Further, it can be shown that Planck’s law reduces to, Wien’s distribution law in shorter wavelength region: At shorter wave length, λT tends to zero hence kT hc kT hc ee λλ ⇒−1 There fore equatin (1) becomes This is given by weins distribution law Where C1 = 8πhc and C2 = hc/k are constants Also reduces to Rayleigh-Jeans law in the longer wavelength region. At longer wave lengths −−−+=− kT hc e kT hc λ λ 1 For higher wave lengths higher terms are negligible There fore equation (1) becomes 45 88 λ π λλ π kT kT hchc = because kTE hc == λ This is reyleigh Jean’s law Photoelectric effect: The phenomenon of emission of electrons by the surface of certain materials under the influence of radiation of suitable frequency is called photoelectric effect. The materials which exhibit this property are called photosensitive while the electrons emitted are called photoelectrons According to classical physics - | P a g e 3
  • 4. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. (a) Light is an electromagnetic wave - the intensity of light is determined by the amplitudes of these electromagnetic oscillations. When light falls on an electron bound in an atom, it gains energy from the oscillating electric field. Larger the amplitude of oscillations, larger is the energy gained by the emitted electron - thus energy of the emitted electrons should depend on the intensity of the incident light. This is in contrast to what has been observed in experiment (b) According to the electromagnetic theory, the velocity of the emitted electrons should not depend on the frequency of the incident light. Whatever may be the frequency of the incident light, the electron would be emitted if it gets sufficient time to collect the necessary energy for emission. So the photoelectric emission is not an instantaneous effect. (c) Finally, the incident electromagnetic wave acts equally on all the electrons of the metal surface. There is no reason why only some electrons will be able to collect the necessary energy for emission from the incident waves. Given sufficient time, all electrons should be able to collect the energy necessary for emission. So there is no reason why the photoelectric current should depend upon the intensity of the incident light. However, In contrast above statements of classical physics, observed facts are here. Experimental observations are, 1. Photoelectric effect is an instantaneous process. i.e., electrons are emitted by the surface as soon as radiation falls on the surface. 2. If frequency of the incident radiation is less than certain value, photoelectrons are not emitted however strong the intensity radiation may be. The frequency above which photoelectric effect takes place is called threshold frequency denoted by ( νo). 3. Kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted is directly proportional to the frequency of the incident radiation and independent of the intensity of the radiation. 4. Number of photoelectrons emitted is directly proportional to the intensity of the intensity of radiation but independent of the frequency of the radiation. 5. Photoelectric effect is independent of the temperature. 6. If the anode plate is made negative w.r.t. to photo sensitive surface, the photo electron retard due to repulsion. If the negative potential increased sufficiently the K.E. energy falls to zero. Therefore the sufficient negative potential applied to anode plate to stop photoelectrons completely from reaching the anode plate is called as stopping potential (V). Here K.E. of photoelectrons = Ve Where V – negative potential applied e – charge of electron. | P a g e 4
  • 5. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. Therefore at maximum retarding potenetial (stopping potential), V = e mv e EK 22 .. 2 = Or me p V 2 2 = Einstein’s explanation of photoelectric effect based on quantum theory of radiation: Free electrons in metal are bound within the surface of the metal. The energy required to emit electron from the surface is called Work Function (Wo). If this energy (Wo)is in the form of light then Wo = hνo, and νo is threshold frequency According to Einstein’s quantum theory of light, light emited from source consists of fast moving photons, and energy of each photon is E = hν, where h is Planck’s constant and ν is frequency of the radiation. If ν > νo, then each photon interact with each of the electrons and expel it from the surface and electron accelerate with a kinetic energy is given by, K.E. is directly praportional to frequency of radiation and photoelectric emission is spontaneous. High intensity corresponds to large number of photons, and they emit large number of photoelectron, hence Intensity of light is directly proportional to photoelectric current. Compton Effect: Arthur H. Compton observed the scattering of x- rays from electrons in a carbon target and found scattered x-rays with a longer wavelength than those incidents upon the target. There fore the phenomenon in which the wavelength of X-rays increases when scattered from a suitable target is called Compton Effect. This kind of scattering is also called incoherent scattering. Explanation: Compton explained and modeled the data by assuming a particle (photon) nature for light (x- ray) and applying conservation of energy and conservation of momentum to the collision between the photon and the electron. The scattered photon has lower energy and therefore a longer wavelength according to the Planck relationship, E = h The shift of the wavelength increased with scattering angle according to the Compton formula | P a g e 5 Where, m – mass of electron p – Momentum of electron v – velocity of electron
  • 6. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. The Compton experiment gave clear and independent evidence of particle-like behavior. Compton was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1927 for the "discovery of the effect named after him". De Broglie’s hypothesis: We know that the phenomenon such as interference, diffraction, polirisation etc. can be explained only with the help of wave theory of light, while phenomenon such as photoelectric effect, Compton effect, spectrum of black body radiation can be explained only with the help of Quantum theory of radiation. Thus radiation is assumed to exhibit dual nature. i.e. both particle and wave nature. In 1924, Louis de Broglie made a bold hypothesis, which can be stated as follows “If radiation which is basically a wave can exhibit particle nature under certain circumstances, and since nature likes symmetry, then entities which exhibit particle nature ordinarily, should also exhibit wave nature under suitable circumstances” Thus according to de Broglie’s hypothesis, there is wave associated with the moving particle. Such waves are called Matter waves and wavelength of the wave associated with the particle is called de Broglie wavelength. Expression for de Broglie wavelength (from analogy): The radiation consists of stream of particles called Photons. Energy of each photon is given by E = hγ Where h = Plank’s constant and γ is the frequency of the radiation. But according to Einstein’s mass energy relationship E = mc2 de Broglie proposed that same equation is applicable for matter waves also. Therefore wavelength of the waves associated with the moving particle of mass m, moving with the velocity v is given by λ is called as de Broglie wavelength. de- Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated by a potential difference of V volts. | P a g e 6 If θ=90, h/moc = 0.02426 Å
  • 7. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. Consider an electron accelerated by a potential difference of V volts. Kinetic energy gained by the electron is given by Experimental Verification of de-Broglie’s Hypothesis (Devisson-Germer experiment) This is the first experiment which confirmed the wave nature of electrons. The basic experimental arrangement is shown below along with the nickel crystal structure. In 1925, Davisson and Germer were studying electron scattering from various materials. Their important discovery was made when nickel was used as the target. Here, the kinetic energy of electrons can be controlled by the voltage V. To conduct experiment Devison and Germer used un-oxidized nickel crystal, which is done by heating the crystal in oven almost baked. The experimental setup: The experimental setup consists of a filament called electron gun (E), which emits a stream of electrons on heated to red hot by the application of electric field. The collimated beam of electrons are accelerated by an energy eV (where V is potential difference applied to filament) allowed to fall on nickel target (C). The target is capable rotation about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the paper. A detector called Faraday Chamber detects the electrons scattered from the nickel target. The detector is capable of rotation about the same axis as the target. The detector is fitted with a galvanometer to measure the current. Observation: The energetic electrons emitted from the electron gun accelerated towards the nickel target and scatter at an angle φ and detector receives the scattered electrons at various angles. The reading is taken for the intensity against scattering angle for a given energy. The experiment is repeated for the different energies of electron so that number of sets of reading obtained is plotted (fig.). It is found that in every set, there is a peak to indicate sudden increase of intensity of scattered electrons at a particular angle just like the diffraction pattern of x-rays in a crystal. | P a g e 7
  • 8. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. More over if energy of incident electrons is increased from smaller value the peak also go on increases and reach max at particular energy (eV) and further it go on decreases and this variation if found periodic (as shown in fig.). This is analogous to the diffraction pattern. Conclusion: The maxima is observed at the energy of electrons accelerated through a potential 54V, the de- broglie wavelength for corresponding electron is given by meV h p h 2 ==λ m 5410602.1101.92 1063.6 1931 34 ××××× × = −− − = m10 1066.1 − × The wavelength of the diffracted electron beam is also calculated using Bragg formula for X- ray diffraction, which is given by Consider in above set up the electron is diffracted from the plane of crystal is (111), from this plane A maximum of the diffraction pattern is observed at an angle φ = 50o (in fig.). Therefore the glancing angle of incidence (scattering) of this Bragg’s plane is given by   65 2 50180 = − =θ d = inter planer spacing of the nickel crystal = 0.91 x 10-10 m For m = 1, Or θλ sin2d= = 2 x 0.91 x 10-10 x Sin 65 o = 1.65 x10-10 m The de Broglie formula thus gives a value of wavelength, for the electron that is in axcellent agreement with their experimentally measured wavelength. Therefore Davisson-Germer experiment not only provides an evidence of the wave nature of electron but also gives a striking quantitative confirmation of the de Broglie formula. Phase velocity and Group velocity: Matter in motion will show wave like property, will not form a single wave because it is continuous, but matter waves are localized, for this de-Broglie proposed that, a group of waves of slightly different wave lengths, superposition of these number of waves gives a resultant standing wave just like the resultant wave pattern in beats. Therefore the superposition of number of waves of suitable wavelength and amplitude of matter in motion gives a resultant wave, whose amplitude varies periodically, called as wave packet. This wave packet is localized one. Phase velocity: The velocity with which an individual wave travels is called Phase velocity or wave velocity. It is denoted by vp. | P a g e 8
  • 9. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. Consider the traveling wave equation )( x v tSino ϖ ϖψψ −= Let v ϖ = k, where v – velocity of wave Or v = k ϖ = Vp ----------------- 1 Where vp is called as wave velocity is also called as phase velocity Therefore k vp ω = From equation (1) Vp = k ϖ = ν λ p E p h h E =×= mv mc2 = v c2 = Here c – velocity of light and v – particle velocity It is clear from the above equation that, Phase velocity is not only greater than the velocity of the particle but also greater than the velocity of light, which can never happen. Therefore phase velocity has no physical meaning in case of matter waves. Thus a concept of group velocity was introduced. Group velocity: Since phase velocity has no meaning, the concept of group velocity was introduced as follows. “Matter wave is regarded as the resultant of the superposition of large number of component waves all traveling with different velocities. The resultant is in the form of a packet called wave packet or wave group. The velocity with which this wave group travels is called group velocity.” The group velocity is represented by vg. Expression for group velocity: Consider two waves A and B having same amplitude A, but of slightly different wavelengths and frequencies traveling in the same direction. The two waves are represented by When the two waves superimpose upon one another, the resultant of the two waves is given by | P a g e 9
  • 10. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. The above equation represents a wave traveling with the velocity ω/k. But amplitude of the wave is not constant which is given by The velocity with which variation in the amplitude is transmitted represents the group velocity, and is given by Relation between group velocity and particle velocity We know that group velocity is given by Expression for de-Broglie wavelength (From Group velocity) We know that group velocity is given by If m is the mass, v is the velocity and V is the potential energy of the moving particle, then its total energy is given by, … | P a g e 10
  • 11. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. Taking constant as zero we get That is given by de-Broglie wave equation. Relation between velocity of light (c), group velocity (vg) and phase velocity (vp) 2 2 2 22 , 2 2 cvvor v c vtherefore mv mc p mc h mch E k v particlephase particle p p =×= = ==== λ λ π π ϖ Following are some of the important properties of matter waves: 1. Matter waves are waves associated with the moving particle 2. They are not electromagnetic in nature 3. Wavelength of the matter wave is given by l = h mv= h/ p 4. The amplitude of the matter wave at the given point determines the probability of finding the particle at that point at the given instant of time. 5. The wave nature of matter is explained only by group velocity, there is no meaning for phase velocity as its value goes beyond the velocity of light which can not be possible. 6. The de Broglie concept of matter waves are suitable for only for microscopic matters like, electrons, photons and other inter atomic particles in motion and not suits for macroscopic matters. Questions: Example 1.1 A metal has a workfunction of 4.3 V. If the EM radiation of wavelength 1800Å is incident on surface calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of emitted photoelectron. The corresponding wavelength equals: Energy of EM radiation E= J hc 19 10 834 1010 101800 1031062.6 − − − ×= × ××× = λ K.E. energy of electron = Energy of EM radiation – work function = J19 1010 − × - J19 1089.6 − × = 3.11x10-19 J De-Broglie wavelength = mE h p h 2 ==λ 1931 34 1011.3101.92 1062.6 −− − ×××× × = Example 2: Question: A cricket ball has a mass of 0.150 kg and is bowled towards a bowler at 40m/s. Find the de Broglie wavelength of the cricket ball. | P a g e 11
  • 12. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. We are required to calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a cricket ball given its mass and speed. We can do this by using: The mass of the cricket ball m = 0.150kg The velocity of the cricket ball Planck's constant the de Broglie wavelength This wavelength is considerably smaller than the diameter of a proton which is approximately . Hence the wave-like properties of this cricket ball are too small to be observed. Question: Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving at 40 m·s−1 . We are required to calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron given its speed. We can do this by using: The velocity of the electron The mass of the electron Planck's constant ( Although the electron and cricket ball in the two previous examples are travelling at the same velocity the de Broglie wavelength of the electron is much larger than that of the cricket ball. This is because the wavelength is inversely proportional to the mass of the particle. 3. What is the deBroglie wavelength of an electron with 13.6 eV of kinetic energy? What is the deBroglie wavelength of an electron with 10 MeV of kinetic energy? Answer 13.6 eV is much less than so this is non- relativistic. 10 MeV is much bigger than for an electron so it is super-relativistic and we can use . Example 1.1 A metal has a workfunction of 4.3 V. If the EM radiation of wavelength 1800Å is incident on surface calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of emitted photoelectron. The corresponding wavelength equals: | P a g e 12
  • 13. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. Energy of EM radiation E= J hc 19 10 834 1010 101800 1031062.6 − − − ×= × ××× = λ K.E. energy of electron = Energy of EM radiation – work function = J19 1010 − × - J19 1089.6 − × = 3.11x10-19 J De-Broglie wavelength = mE h p h 2 ==λ 1931 34 1011.3101.92 1062.6 −− − ×××× × = MODERN PHYSICS: 1. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a neutron (mass = 1.67493 x 10¯27 kg) moving at one five-hundredth of the speed of light (c/500) λ = 5.107 x 10¯10 m = 5.107 Å 2. A rain droplet of radius 0.5mm falling under gravity with terminal velocity of 2m/s, determine its de-Broglie wavelength (density of water 1000kg/m2 ). r = 0.5 mm, v = 2 m/s λ = 6.33 x 10-28 m. 3. Determine the K.E. in eV, momentum, group velocity, particle velocity and phase velocity of an electron of de-Broglie wavelength 2A. p = h/λ = =3.32x10-24 N-s Group velocity, = (3.32 x 10-24 )/ = 0.364 x 107 m/s =particle velocity. Phase velocity, vphase = c2 /v = (3x108 )2 / (0.364 x 107 ) = 24.72x109 m/s | P a g e 13
  • 14. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. 4. Compare the de-Broglie wavelengths of electron and a proton accelerated by a potential of 100keV (proton mass = 1.6726 × 10-27 kilograms). For proton, For Electron, = = = = 2.33x102 therefore, 2.33x102 5. What is the De-Broglie wavelength of the nitrogen molecule in air at 300K? Atomic mass of nitrogen is 14.0076amu. (1 atomic mass unit = 1.66053886 × 10-27 kilograms) =0.391x10-10 m =0.391Å 6. Calculate the De-Broglie wavelength of the electron of kinetic energy 10eV. (Rest ass energy of electron is 511 keV and h=6.6x10-34 Js.) Energy of electron E =10 eV= 16 x10-19 J. Er = Rest mass energy of electron = 511 KeV = 511 x103 x1.6 x 10-19 J = 817.6 x10-16 J, According to Einstein’s mass-Energy relation, Er = me c2 ,  me = Er / c2 = (817.6 x10-16 )/(3 x108 )2 = 9.084 x10-31 kg. De-Broglie wavelength, = = 3.89 x 10-10 m =3.89Å 7. UV ration of wavelength 3200 A focused on a metal plate. Find the wavelength associated with the photoelectron emitted, if work function of metal is 4.2 eV. Wavelength of light λ = 3200Å, W = work function of metal = 4.2 eV Energy of light = E = hc/λ = (6.64 x 10-34 x 3 x108 )/(3200 x10-10 ) = 6.225 x 10-19 J = (6.225 x 10- 19)/(1.6x10-19 ) = 3.89 eV. From Photo electric equation, K.E. of electrons (Ek) = E – W = 4.2 -3.89 = 0.31 eV = 0.31 x 1.6 x10-19 J = 0.496 x10-19 J | P a g e 14 m = 14.0076amu = 14.0076 x 1.66053886 × 10-27 kg, T=300K, (1 amu = 1.66 × 10-27 kg)
  • 15. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. De-Broglie wavelength of electron = = = 2.21 nm 8. Determine the glancing angle of electrons diffracted from a crystal surface if, a stream of electron of K.E. 75 eV accelerated towards that crystal target. = =1.42Å. nλ = 2d sinθ, → sinθ= nλ/2d → θ = Sin-1 (nλ/2d) = Sin-1 (1x1.42/2x 1.024) = 43.89 o = 43o 53’. 11. Find the De-Broglie wavelength of neutron at 1270 C. Given that Boltzmann constant is 1.38x10-23 Jmolecule-1 K-1 . [Ans. 1.264A] 12. The wavelength of the photon is 1.4A. it collides with the electron. Its wavelength after the collision is 2A. Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of the scattered electron. 13. An alpha particle and proton are accelerated from the rest through same potential difference V. Find the ratio of De-Broglie wavelength associated with them. 14. A particle is moving 3 times as fast as an electron. The ratio of De-Broglie wavelength of the particle to that of the electron is 1.83x10-4 . Find the particle mass and identify the article. Mass of electron is 9.1x10-31 kg. [Ans. 1.675x10-27 kg, neutron or proton] 15. Calculate the [a] momentum and [b] de-B wavelength of the electrons accelerated through a potential difference of 56V. [Ans. 4.02x10-24 kgm/s, 1.64A] 16. An electron and proton have same amount of kinetic energy. Which of the two will have greater De-Broglie wavelength? {Ans. electron] | P a g e 15
  • 16. Engineering Physics course materials: by Praveen N Vaidya, SDMCET Dharwad. 1. ‘E’K.E of particle then, its de Broglie wavelength is__ 2. According to de-Broglie hypothesis matter waves formed by______ 3. De Broglie hypothesis is concerned with________ 4. Experiment which confirms the wave nature of particles is_________. 5. De-Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated 6. with a 100V _________ 7. The relation connecting group velocity and phase 8. velocity is ___________ 9. If p momentum of particle, its de-Broglie wave length is___ 10. Particle velocity of a de-Broglie wave is also called as___ 11. If velocity of a particle is 6x105 m/s, it’s de- Broglie wavelength is______ 12. 5. Voltage with which an accelerated electron to get de-Broglie wavelength 2pF is_______ 1. In Davison and Germer experiment, _______ nature of matter is confirmed by the diffraction of electron. a) λ > λ’ b) λ < λ’ c) λ = λ’ d) None 2. A small lead ball is allowed to fall freely under gravity, its de Broglie wavelength a) Increases b) Decreases c) Remains same d) None 10. Waves Associated with moving particles are i) EM waves ii) Mechanical waves iii) Matter waves iv) None of these 1. Give an illustration for the failure of classical laws and how the quantum theory overcome drawback. 2. What is de-Broglie hypothesis? What are matter waves? What is the significance of matter waves? 3. Derive an expression for the wavelength of matter waves, in terms of velocity, energy and momentum of matter waves. 4. Show the wave nature of a microscopic particle by experimental proof in Davison and Germer experiment. 5. What are phase velocity and group velocities? Write the difference between them. 6. What is particle velocity? Show that particle velocity of matter is equals to group velocity. 7. Derive an expression for the de-Broglie wavelength by group velocity concept. 8. Discuss the properties of matter waves. | P a g e 16