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Name:S Ravi Prashant
Date: 02/11/2021
RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053
Batch: EPG43
Name:S Ravi Prashant
Date: 02/11/2021
RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053
Batch: EPG43
Part A
a) Describe the changes in structure that Ford expects from the Ford 2000.
Answer: Ford targetsfor 2020 isrestructuringthe org inorderto avoidduplicatingthe effortsof re-design
and increase volume of purchasingaroundthe world
b) How do you explain the continuing problem that employees are having with adapting tothe new
structure of Ford 2000?
Answer: Employeeswill have tochange theirwaysof doingtheirworkas theydesigncarsand trucksto fit
global marketsratherthana single,relativelyhomogeneousone. Ratherthanworkinginafunctional
organizationwithtraditional hierarchiesandcentralizeddecisionmaking,employeesare assignedtoadesign
centre,suchas small cars, and thento a groupaccording to theirspecialties,suchasdrive trains.Managers
thenmediate the disputesthatoccur betweenthe designcentresandthe specialties.
c) Is a matrix structure the proper structure forFord 2000?
Answer: Since Ford isinDesigning,ManufacturingandSales –Matrix structure wouldnotbe the most apt
structure for Ford.A pyramidstructure forrespective verticalswouldbe abetterapproachfor Ford.
d) Does frequent changing of Organization Structure impact OrganizationalBehaviour?
Answer: Yes, the transitionhadleftmanyemployeesstill wonderingwhom theyworkedforandwitha feeling
that everythingwasoutof control.The culpritseemstohave beenareorganizationof the reorganization!Trot
man nowplansto reduce the numberof designscentresfromfive tothree.Peopleare movingandreporting
relationshipsare changingonce again.There isanincrease inconfusionandfrustrationwithinemployeesas
there isno clearreporting.They’re cluelesstounderstandwhomtoapproachfortheirdifferentissues.
a) How far do you agree with the procedure adopted by the task force?
Answer: Anandwho headedthe taskforce and alsoisan expertinstrategicplanningdepartmentand
procedure wasintermsof examiningthe currentstructure,the companyasand to determine the weaknessof
the current structure.Thiswill helpinforecastingthe environmentalchangesinthe future andthe type of
technologytobe usedbythe company.Iagree withprocedure adoptedbythe taskforce as theymanage to
identifythe rootproblemwiththe existingstructuring.
Name:S Ravi Prashant
Date: 02/11/2021
RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053
Batch: EPG43
b) Explain how the system and contingency approaches can contribute to the analysis of this
Answer: By thisapproach managementcananalyze the type of structure currentlycompanyhasand
forecastthe type of environmentandtechnologywhichshouldbe usedbythe org to stayrelevantinthe
c) What type of organization design should the task forcerecommend? Explain its broad
Answer: A responsive anddynamicorganizationdesignshouldbe recommendedbythe taskforce.Itwill
reduce time tomarketand productioncostsby usinglatesttechnologiesandpractices.
a) Identifythe salientissuesfrom HR point of view for thiscase.
Answer: NedJackson,the humanresourcesplanningmanagerisfindingitincreasinglydifficulttokeepits
goodengineers,Basedonextensive turnoveranalysesbeyond5years.Ned'sconclusionisthat
beentohire the bestand brightestengineersfromthe bestengineeringschoolsinthe UnitedStates.
b) lf you were to study thisturnover problem;howwouldyou conduct a needsanalysisor evolve a
Answer: I wouldsuggestforcounsellingprogramwhere Iwouldlike tounderstandthe employeeproblem
c) What are the causesof dissatisfactionand turnover in Microelectronics?
Answer:Nedbelievesthatthe engineersgetlostinthe shuffle atthe time theyjointhe company.The
newemployeemustworkonnon-classifiedprojectsuntil theyclearedthe securitytojointhe designated
project,andclearance will take around6 to 10 months.
Thiscausesthe youngengineerstolossoutthe designpasswhichthe mostimportantpart of the creative
and challengingsegmentof the program.Because of the nature of projectwork,new engineeringoften
has difficultylearningthe organizational culture - suchas whoto ask whenyouhave a problem, whatthe
general dosanddon'ts are,and whythe organizationdoesthingsinacertainway.Microelectronics
problemseemstobe itsinabilitytokeepengineersbeyondthe "critical"five-yearpoint.Apparently,the
probabilityof turnoverdropsdramaticallyafterfiveyearsof service whichcausedthe turnovertodrop.
d) Do you find the mentoring programme suitable to reduce turnover? Justify your answer.
Answer: I feel the mentoring program will be suitable to the employee, because it will help
newcomer by easing the transition into the company and will benefit the experience engineer
Name:S Ravi Prashant
Date: 02/11/2021
RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053
Batch: EPG43
by enabling them to serve an important role in the organization and mentoring new
engineers will become more committed and hence less likely to leave the organization.
a) Identify and discuss the core issue in the case.
Answer: The Core issue in this case is that the annual increment of selected 11
employee were stopped without informing or giving proper justification.
b) Wasmanagement of the company justifiedin implementing the
recommendations of Mr.Rog, in the absence of proper report?
Answer: No, Management was not justifiable. The management noted that he was
very aggressive and enthusiastic and that he knows his job well. At the end of the
year when increments were due to be sanctioned, he recommended to the
management that the increments due to eleven men in his department should be
stopped, for, in his opinion they were lazy and inefficient. The management without
having any proper evidence or report should at least gather some sort of evidence
from Mr. Rog before stopping the annual increment for 11 employees.
c) How would you view the action of Mr.Rog, if you were the M.D. of the company?
Answer: I wouldviewMr.Rog actionhas a responsiblesteptowardsmaintainthe companypolicy
and ethicsinworkarea butat the same time Mr. Rog shouldhave gathersufficientevidenceinorder
to prove those 11 employeesinsufficient&lazy,insteadof goingonlyon"impressions"ratherthan
on facts.
d) Do you think the reward systeminstituted by the company needs to be reviewed?
Substantiate youranswer with logic?
Answer: Yes, the companyrewards systemshouldbe reviewedbecause itshould have certainbase
forrewardingthe people withbenefits.employeerecognitionprogramsare oftencombinedwith
rewardprogramsthey retainadifferentpurpose altogether.Theyare intendedtoprovide a
psychological—rewardafinancial—benefit.Althoughmanyelementsof designingandmaintaining
rewardandrecognitionsystemsare the same.Whichmotivate employeetoperformwell inthe
Name:S Ravi Prashant
Date: 02/11/2021
RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053
Batch: EPG43
Part B
1. Define, what is Organizational Behavior and statewhy it isimportance to study
Organizational Behavior?
Answer: Organizationbehaviourisdirectlyconcernedwiththe understanding,prediction and
control of humanbehaviourinorganizations.
Why isit important:
 It helpsusto studythe complex behaviorof humanbeingsbyidentifyingthe cause andthe
 It helpsinunderstandingthe organizationandemployeesinabetterwayby developinga
friendlyrelationshipbetweenthe twoandtherebycreatingaproperworkingenvironment
inthe organization.
 It helpsinmotivatingthe employeesbyusingappropriate motivationtoolsandtechniques
suitable withthe nature of individualemployees.
 It helpsineffective utilizationof humanresourcesbyenablingthe managerstoinspire and
motivate employeestowardshigherproductivityandgetbetterresults.
2. What is difference between a Leader and a Manager? Explain basic difference
between the trait, behavioral and contingency types or categories of leadership
 A leader is someone who motivates and coaches people working for him. However,
a manager who drives its resources with fear towards execution
 A leader will fix any situation however a manager will always blame someone forit
 A leader will always share the knowledge it has to develop skillsetof all
resources. But a manager will be more selfish is knowing things of his own
 A leader with ask and develop people, however a manager will all commandanduse
people forhis/herwork.
3. What isperformanceappraisal and Management? Explain briefly how
compensation and rewards are integrated with performance appraisal?
Answer: Performance appraisal is series of steps taken to evaluate and assess the
performance and progress of employee. It includes cyclic and impartial rating of an
employee based of performance and setting a roadmap for a better performance ahead.
Name:S Ravi Prashant
Date: 02/11/2021
RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053
Batch: EPG43
Following are the steps in the process of performance appraisal:
1. Setting performance standards
2. Communicating standards
3. Measuring performance
4. Comparing with standards
5. Discussing results
6. Taking corrective actions
Compensation and rewards are given in form of cash, bonus, and allowance as a token of
appreciation in exchange of labor. It is integrated with performance appraisal as it’s a part of
it although varying in different cycles of its execution. Moreover, if an employee is not
happy with his performance appraisal, he/she might be given compensation in mid cycle
given his/her performance has been exceptional and there was a genuine business case
where the appraisal was inappropriate.
4. Define conflict and negotiation in organization and explain the nature of conflicts
in organizations?
Answer: Conflict is lack of approval between two or more individuals of between groups. It
could be a byproduct different thinking, influence, motivation between groups or
individuals. Although conflict seems to be harmful to its surroundings, in some cases it can
also have a positive outcome.
Functional Conflict – If a conflict supports the goals of the group and motivates it to
perform. It will lead to new ideas and creativity.
Within an organization, conflicts can happen within different groups or individuals.
Following are 4 natures of organizational behavior:
 Interpersonal conflict: conflict between 2 persons in an organization
 Intragroup conflict: When there is a disagreement of thoughts within a team
 Intergroup conflict: conflicts between 2 teams could be due to unhealthy
 Interorganizational conflict: when there is conflict between 2organizations.
5. Define motivation?Explain motivation witheitherMaslow’sNeed
Hierarchy theory or Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory?
Answer: Motivation is a desire that encourage a person to perform or continue an
action based on needs and wants of the individual.
The Two-Factor Theory includes two types of factors that effects how motivated or
satisfied an employee is at workplace. These are comprised of hygiene factors and
Name:S Ravi Prashant
Date: 02/11/2021
RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053
Batch: EPG43
motivator factors.
Hygiene Factors
Hygiene factors are those that need to be addressed by a business in such a way that
they would not result to the employee’s unpleasant experiences and feelings at work.
The satisfaction of hygiene factors motivates employees in their work. The hygiene
factors are:
1. Wages, salaries and other financial remuneration
2. Company policy and administration
3. Quality of interpersonal relations
4. Working conditions
5. Feelings of job security.
6. Qualityof supervision
Motivator Factors
Motivator factors emerge from the need of individual to achieve personal growth. Job
satisfaction results from the presence of motivator factors. Moreover, effective motivator
factors do not only lead to job satisfaction, but also to better performance at work. The
motivator factors are:
 Challenging or stimulating work
 Status
 Opportunity for advancement
 Responsibility
 Sense of personal growth/job achievement
 Acquiring recognition
6. DistinguishbetweenAttitude and Aptitude and how will you explainthiswith reference to
Attitude Aptitude
Positive ornegative indifferentfeeling
towardsa person,object,eventoridea
Competencytodoa certainkindof work
It isassociatedwithcharacteror virtues It isassociatedwithcompetence
Underpinsthe character,virtuesandmoral
Determine if the person woulddevelop
desiredskillstodoa task
Attitude isonlymental Aptitude isbothmental andphysical
Attitude cannotbe quantified Aptitude isquantifiable viaIQorother
Name:S Ravi Prashant
Date: 02/11/2021
RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053
Batch: EPG43
Attitude in Organization:
There are three attributes of attitude, they are: Job Satisfaction, Job Involvement,
Organizational commitment. If these three are positive in employees, then the
organization will be benefited.
Aptitude in Organization:
Aptitude is expressed in interest and is reflected in current performance which
is expected to reach the goal at a specific time.
7. Define HRM Function in Business Organization? What are the various challenges
faced by H R Managers in managing employees in today’s Industrial
HRM Function Definition: HRM refers to the comprehensive set of managerial
activities and tasks concerned with the developing and maintaining a qualified
workforce in ways that contribute to organizational effectiveness.
Function of HRM are:
Challenges faced by HRM Managers:
Name:S Ravi Prashant
Date: 02/11/2021
RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053
Batch: EPG43
Compliancewith laws and regulation:Business owners tendtoignore
meanaudits,lawsuitsandpossiblyeventhe closure of the company.
ManagementChanges: Asabusinessgrows,itsstrategies,structuresandinternal
process grow with it. Some employees have a hard time coping with these
Leadership development: Leadershipdevelopmenthelpsto keepthe management
mengaged and motivated.
Adapting to innovation:Technology isconstantly changingandbusiness mustbe
quick to adapt.The challenge forsmall businessownersisgettingemployeesto
embrace innovationandlearnnew technology.
Compensation:Small business have tocompetenotonly withthe business of similar
but also with cooperation’s with the bigger payroll.
Understandingbenefitpackages:Goodbenefitpackagecouldbe adeciding
factorforpotential hires.Understandingthese isthe key.
Recruiting talented employees: Attracting talent is a huge investment of time and
money.It is difficulttobalance betweenkeepingthe businessrunningandhiringthe
right people at the right time.
Retaining talented employees: Competition fortalentedemployeesishigh.Employee
turnover is expensive and can negatively impact business growth.
Startups and small companies don’t have big budgets for retirement
plans, insurance plans etc.
Workplace diversity: A culture of team work and respect will keep the work
environment positive and productive.
8. Explainhow personalityinfluencesbehaviorinorganizations eitherusingBig Five personality
traits or MBTI Instrument?
Personality is an individual difference that lends consistency to a person’s behaviour.
Personality is the relatively stable set of characteristics that influence an individual’s
behaviour. Personality theorists have long argued that to understand individual behaviour,
we must break behavioural patterns down into a series of observable traits. One popular
personality classification is the “Big Five Traits”:
Name:S Ravi Prashant
Date: 02/11/2021
RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053
Batch: EPG43

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  • 1. OBHR ASSIGNMENT Name:S Ravi Prashant Date: 02/11/2021 RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053 Batch: EPG43
  • 2. Name:S Ravi Prashant Date: 02/11/2021 RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053 Batch: EPG43 Part A ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR CASE STUDIES 2. a) Describe the changes in structure that Ford expects from the Ford 2000. Answer: Ford targetsfor 2020 isrestructuringthe org inorderto avoidduplicatingthe effortsof re-design and increase volume of purchasingaroundthe world b) How do you explain the continuing problem that employees are having with adapting tothe new structure of Ford 2000? Answer: Employeeswill have tochange theirwaysof doingtheirworkas theydesigncarsand trucksto fit global marketsratherthana single,relativelyhomogeneousone. Ratherthanworkinginafunctional organizationwithtraditional hierarchiesandcentralizeddecisionmaking,employeesare assignedtoadesign centre,suchas small cars, and thento a groupaccording to theirspecialties,suchasdrive trains.Managers thenmediate the disputesthatoccur betweenthe designcentresandthe specialties. c) Is a matrix structure the proper structure forFord 2000? Answer: Since Ford isinDesigning,ManufacturingandSales –Matrix structure wouldnotbe the most apt structure for Ford.A pyramidstructure forrespective verticalswouldbe abetterapproachfor Ford. d) Does frequent changing of Organization Structure impact OrganizationalBehaviour? Answer: Yes, the transitionhadleftmanyemployeesstill wonderingwhom theyworkedforandwitha feeling that everythingwasoutof control.The culpritseemstohave beenareorganizationof the reorganization!Trot man nowplansto reduce the numberof designscentresfromfive tothree.Peopleare movingandreporting relationshipsare changingonce again.There isanincrease inconfusionandfrustrationwithinemployeesas there isno clearreporting.They’re cluelesstounderstandwhomtoapproachfortheirdifferentissues. 3. a) How far do you agree with the procedure adopted by the task force? Answer: Anandwho headedthe taskforce and alsoisan expertinstrategicplanningdepartmentand procedure wasintermsof examiningthe currentstructure,the companyasand to determine the weaknessof the current structure.Thiswill helpinforecastingthe environmentalchangesinthe future andthe type of technologytobe usedbythe company.Iagree withprocedure adoptedbythe taskforce as theymanage to identifythe rootproblemwiththe existingstructuring.
  • 3. Name:S Ravi Prashant Date: 02/11/2021 RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053 Batch: EPG43 b) Explain how the system and contingency approaches can contribute to the analysis of this case. Answer: By thisapproach managementcananalyze the type of structure currentlycompanyhasand forecastthe type of environmentandtechnologywhichshouldbe usedbythe org to stayrelevantinthe market. c) What type of organization design should the task forcerecommend? Explain its broad features. Answer: A responsive anddynamicorganizationdesignshouldbe recommendedbythe taskforce.Itwill reduce time tomarketand productioncostsby usinglatesttechnologiesandpractices. HUMAN RESOURCES CASE STUDIES 1. a) Identifythe salientissuesfrom HR point of view for thiscase. Answer: NedJackson,the humanresourcesplanningmanagerisfindingitincreasinglydifficulttokeepits goodengineers,Basedonextensive turnoveranalysesbeyond5years.Ned'sconclusionisthat Microelectronicshasbeenessentiallyservingasanindustrycollege.Theirstaffingstrategyhasalways beentohire the bestand brightestengineersfromthe bestengineeringschoolsinthe UnitedStates. b) lf you were to study thisturnover problem;howwouldyou conduct a needsanalysisor evolve a counsellingprogramme? Answer: I wouldsuggestforcounsellingprogramwhere Iwouldlike tounderstandthe employeeproblem associatedwithcompany. c) What are the causesof dissatisfactionand turnover in Microelectronics? Answer:Nedbelievesthatthe engineersgetlostinthe shuffle atthe time theyjointhe company.The newemployeemustworkonnon-classifiedprojectsuntil theyclearedthe securitytojointhe designated project,andclearance will take around6 to 10 months. Thiscausesthe youngengineerstolossoutthe designpasswhichthe mostimportantpart of the creative and challengingsegmentof the program.Because of the nature of projectwork,new engineeringoften has difficultylearningthe organizational culture - suchas whoto ask whenyouhave a problem, whatthe general dosanddon'ts are,and whythe organizationdoesthingsinacertainway.Microelectronics problemseemstobe itsinabilitytokeepengineersbeyondthe "critical"five-yearpoint.Apparently,the probabilityof turnoverdropsdramaticallyafterfiveyearsof service whichcausedthe turnovertodrop. d) Do you find the mentoring programme suitable to reduce turnover? Justify your answer. Answer: I feel the mentoring program will be suitable to the employee, because it will help newcomer by easing the transition into the company and will benefit the experience engineer
  • 4. Name:S Ravi Prashant Date: 02/11/2021 RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053 Batch: EPG43 by enabling them to serve an important role in the organization and mentoring new engineers will become more committed and hence less likely to leave the organization. 2. a) Identify and discuss the core issue in the case. Answer: The Core issue in this case is that the annual increment of selected 11 employee were stopped without informing or giving proper justification. b) Wasmanagement of the company justifiedin implementing the recommendations of Mr.Rog, in the absence of proper report? Answer: No, Management was not justifiable. The management noted that he was very aggressive and enthusiastic and that he knows his job well. At the end of the year when increments were due to be sanctioned, he recommended to the management that the increments due to eleven men in his department should be stopped, for, in his opinion they were lazy and inefficient. The management without having any proper evidence or report should at least gather some sort of evidence from Mr. Rog before stopping the annual increment for 11 employees. c) How would you view the action of Mr.Rog, if you were the M.D. of the company? Answer: I wouldviewMr.Rog actionhas a responsiblesteptowardsmaintainthe companypolicy and ethicsinworkarea butat the same time Mr. Rog shouldhave gathersufficientevidenceinorder to prove those 11 employeesinsufficient&lazy,insteadof goingonlyon"impressions"ratherthan on facts. d) Do you think the reward systeminstituted by the company needs to be reviewed? Substantiate youranswer with logic? Answer: Yes, the companyrewards systemshouldbe reviewedbecause itshould have certainbase forrewardingthe people withbenefits.employeerecognitionprogramsare oftencombinedwith rewardprogramsthey retainadifferentpurpose altogether.Theyare intendedtoprovide a psychological—rewardafinancial—benefit.Althoughmanyelementsof designingandmaintaining rewardandrecognitionsystemsare the same.Whichmotivate employeetoperformwell inthe organization.
  • 5. Name:S Ravi Prashant Date: 02/11/2021 RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053 Batch: EPG43 Part B 1. Define, what is Organizational Behavior and statewhy it isimportance to study Organizational Behavior? Answer: Organizationbehaviourisdirectlyconcernedwiththe understanding,prediction and control of humanbehaviourinorganizations. Why isit important:  It helpsusto studythe complex behaviorof humanbeingsbyidentifyingthe cause andthe effect.  It helpsinunderstandingthe organizationandemployeesinabetterwayby developinga friendlyrelationshipbetweenthe twoandtherebycreatingaproperworkingenvironment inthe organization.  It helpsinmotivatingthe employeesbyusingappropriate motivationtoolsandtechniques suitable withthe nature of individualemployees.  It helpsineffective utilizationof humanresourcesbyenablingthe managerstoinspire and motivate employeestowardshigherproductivityandgetbetterresults. 2. What is difference between a Leader and a Manager? Explain basic difference between the trait, behavioral and contingency types or categories of leadership theory? Answer:  A leader is someone who motivates and coaches people working for him. However, a manager who drives its resources with fear towards execution  A leader will fix any situation however a manager will always blame someone forit  A leader will always share the knowledge it has to develop skillsetof all resources. But a manager will be more selfish is knowing things of his own  A leader with ask and develop people, however a manager will all commandanduse people forhis/herwork. 3. What isperformanceappraisal and Management? Explain briefly how compensation and rewards are integrated with performance appraisal? Answer: Performance appraisal is series of steps taken to evaluate and assess the performance and progress of employee. It includes cyclic and impartial rating of an employee based of performance and setting a roadmap for a better performance ahead.
  • 6. Name:S Ravi Prashant Date: 02/11/2021 RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053 Batch: EPG43 Following are the steps in the process of performance appraisal: 1. Setting performance standards 2. Communicating standards 3. Measuring performance 4. Comparing with standards 5. Discussing results 6. Taking corrective actions Compensation and rewards are given in form of cash, bonus, and allowance as a token of appreciation in exchange of labor. It is integrated with performance appraisal as it’s a part of it although varying in different cycles of its execution. Moreover, if an employee is not happy with his performance appraisal, he/she might be given compensation in mid cycle given his/her performance has been exceptional and there was a genuine business case where the appraisal was inappropriate. 4. Define conflict and negotiation in organization and explain the nature of conflicts in organizations? Answer: Conflict is lack of approval between two or more individuals of between groups. It could be a byproduct different thinking, influence, motivation between groups or individuals. Although conflict seems to be harmful to its surroundings, in some cases it can also have a positive outcome. Functional Conflict – If a conflict supports the goals of the group and motivates it to perform. It will lead to new ideas and creativity. Within an organization, conflicts can happen within different groups or individuals. Following are 4 natures of organizational behavior:  Interpersonal conflict: conflict between 2 persons in an organization  Intragroup conflict: When there is a disagreement of thoughts within a team  Intergroup conflict: conflicts between 2 teams could be due to unhealthy competition.  Interorganizational conflict: when there is conflict between 2organizations. 5. Define motivation?Explain motivation witheitherMaslow’sNeed Hierarchy theory or Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory? Answer: Motivation is a desire that encourage a person to perform or continue an action based on needs and wants of the individual. The Two-Factor Theory includes two types of factors that effects how motivated or satisfied an employee is at workplace. These are comprised of hygiene factors and
  • 7. Name:S Ravi Prashant Date: 02/11/2021 RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053 Batch: EPG43 motivator factors. Hygiene Factors Hygiene factors are those that need to be addressed by a business in such a way that they would not result to the employee’s unpleasant experiences and feelings at work. The satisfaction of hygiene factors motivates employees in their work. The hygiene factors are: 1. Wages, salaries and other financial remuneration 2. Company policy and administration 3. Quality of interpersonal relations 4. Working conditions 5. Feelings of job security. 6. Qualityof supervision Motivator Factors Motivator factors emerge from the need of individual to achieve personal growth. Job satisfaction results from the presence of motivator factors. Moreover, effective motivator factors do not only lead to job satisfaction, but also to better performance at work. The motivator factors are:  Challenging or stimulating work  Status  Opportunity for advancement  Responsibility  Sense of personal growth/job achievement  Acquiring recognition 6. DistinguishbetweenAttitude and Aptitude and how will you explainthiswith reference to organization? Answer: Attitude Aptitude Positive ornegative indifferentfeeling towardsa person,object,eventoridea Competencytodoa certainkindof work It isassociatedwithcharacteror virtues It isassociatedwithcompetence Underpinsthe character,virtuesandmoral Values Determine if the person woulddevelop desiredskillstodoa task Attitude isonlymental Aptitude isbothmental andphysical Attitude cannotbe quantified Aptitude isquantifiable viaIQorother relevanttest
  • 8. Name:S Ravi Prashant Date: 02/11/2021 RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053 Batch: EPG43 Attitude in Organization: There are three attributes of attitude, they are: Job Satisfaction, Job Involvement, Organizational commitment. If these three are positive in employees, then the organization will be benefited. Aptitude in Organization: Aptitude is expressed in interest and is reflected in current performance which is expected to reach the goal at a specific time. 7. Define HRM Function in Business Organization? What are the various challenges faced by H R Managers in managing employees in today’s Industrial Organization? Answer: HRM Function Definition: HRM refers to the comprehensive set of managerial activities and tasks concerned with the developing and maintaining a qualified workforce in ways that contribute to organizational effectiveness. Function of HRM are: Challenges faced by HRM Managers:
  • 9. Name:S Ravi Prashant Date: 02/11/2021 RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053 Batch: EPG43 Compliancewith laws and regulation:Business owners tendtoignore employmentlawsbelievingtheydon’tapplytotheirbusiness,butdoingsocould meanaudits,lawsuitsandpossiblyeventhe closure of the company. ManagementChanges: Asabusinessgrows,itsstrategies,structuresandinternal process grow with it. Some employees have a hard time coping with these changes. Leadership development: Leadershipdevelopmenthelpsto keepthe management t ea mengaged and motivated. Adapting to innovation:Technology isconstantly changingandbusiness mustbe quick to adapt.The challenge forsmall businessownersisgettingemployeesto embrace innovationandlearnnew technology. Compensation:Small business have tocompetenotonly withthe business of similar size but also with cooperation’s with the bigger payroll. Understandingbenefitpackages:Goodbenefitpackagecouldbe adeciding factorforpotential hires.Understandingthese isthe key. Recruiting talented employees: Attracting talent is a huge investment of time and money.It is difficulttobalance betweenkeepingthe businessrunningandhiringthe right people at the right time. Retaining talented employees: Competition fortalentedemployeesishigh.Employee turnover is expensive and can negatively impact business growth. Startups and small companies don’t have big budgets for retirement plans, insurance plans etc. Workplace diversity: A culture of team work and respect will keep the work environment positive and productive. 8. Explainhow personalityinfluencesbehaviorinorganizations eitherusingBig Five personality traits or MBTI Instrument? Answer: Personality is an individual difference that lends consistency to a person’s behaviour. Personality is the relatively stable set of characteristics that influence an individual’s behaviour. Personality theorists have long argued that to understand individual behaviour, we must break behavioural patterns down into a series of observable traits. One popular personality classification is the “Big Five Traits”:
  • 10. Name:S Ravi Prashant Date: 02/11/2021 RegNo: EPG43/A UGI.J S'I2 I / I 053 Batch: EPG43