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Praise for
The Enlightened Entrepreneur
“There’s a new shift occurring in how we conduct our business
and daily lives, and this new paradigm requires fresh knowledge
to navigate these unchartered waters. Olivia’s Lobell’s book, The
Enlightened Entrepreneur contains practical, easy to understand
and implement, steps to achieving the greatness that lies within
every person who is seeking to rise to the next level of their
business. If you’ve been searching for a solution on how to au-
thentically ignite your innermost self to create lasting connec-
tions with your clients and loved ones, then you definitely need
to read this book.”
— Marlene Oulton
CEO  Chief Wordsmith,
“The Enlightened Entrepreneur is not just another how-to book.
Olivia Lobell’s knowledge and wisdom about the modern mar-
ketplace is just the starting point for turning your potential into
reality. Lobell maps out your journey in clear understandable
steps to move you from your comfort zone through your confu-
sion zone and into the beautiful experience of clarity of your vi-
sion and purpose. From there, you find your success. Not only is
this insightful and brilliant work a must read, it is the only book
you will need to transform your dreams into a successful reality.”
— Ann White,Transformational Author and Teacher
Author of The Sacred Art of DogWalking, Making the Ordinary
Extraordinary, and LivingWith Spirit Energy
“Simple, yet powerful and profound, The Enlightened Entrepreneur
provides a brilliant, step-by-step process with strategies for the
new paradigm to create your ultimate lifestyle business. Olivia
Lobell’s compelling writing is innovative, passionate, energiz-
ing and refreshing.This book teaches you to not just think in
monetary terms, but to, instead, follow a path from the heart.
Olivia reveals that the easiest way to success is to follow your
passion, live your purpose, and be a genuine giver of incredible
value. I could think of no better advice in the world! Whatever
you want to attract on your entrepreneurial journey, Olivia has
the secrets to make it happen. I highly recommend you get this
book and get started today!”
— Simran Sofia Love,The Holistic Raw Food Coach
Author of Raw Body Cleanse:CleanseYour Body –TransformYour Life
“Many people struggle with what it takes to be successful because
so many obstacles stop them instead of challenging them to see
how committed they truly are.The Enlightened Entrepreneur helps
you understand what truly matters to you, how you can make a
difference, and how to share your message with others. Some-
times your mind is your toughest critic, and block to your own
success – when you learn to ‘master your mind’ you will have it
working for you not against you.Grab your copy of The Enlight-
ened Entrepreneur NOW – you won’t be disappointed!”
— Carolyn Hidalgo, CPCC,ACC, Relationship Coach
“These days the business world is so packed of information and
fast-pacing changes, you need to do something new and unique
to get noticed and make an income. This is the most refreshing,
interactive, and engaging book I’ve seen to accomplish just that.
Every page and word Olivia writes invites empowerment and
leads to transformation.Get it.Read it.Live it and you’ll LOVE it.”
— Linda Crawford
The Transformational Expert for Separated and
Divorced Women,
“The difference between an entrepreneur and a dreamer is action.
I love the transformational tools in this book! Learning how to
take these ideas, insights, and inspirations and turn them into
successful,sustainable,thriving businesses is what I call,“the very
essence!”A must read for any entrepreneur looking for success!”
— Christine Marmoy
Magnetic Marketing Mentor  Dream Team Designer
“In this book, Olivia Lobell beautifully explains how to integrate
universal laws with proven business models to become a success-
ful, enlightened entrepreneur. If you are willing, committed, and
ready to make your journey of entrepreneurship more smooth,
enjoyable, and effortless, read The Enlightened Entrepreneur and get
started today.”
— Dorit Sasson
Speaker andTransformationalAuthor of Giving aVoice to theVoiceless
“Read this book and watch your fears, frustrations, and resistance
dissolve. I wish this book had been available when I opened my
first business in 1982.This is the most powerful, persuasive, and
practical book on achieving authentic business success I’ve seen.
The Enlightened Entrepreneur is the key to discovering the free-
dom of choice, and how to implement it with passion, purpose,
and profits.A must read, a great inspiration, a great idea.”
— Rev. Marilee A. Snyder-Nieciak, B.S.
Transformational Coach, Shaman, Healer,Teacher, and Author
“The Enlightened Entrepreneur will support you on your path to
becoming a more powerful, impactful, and inspired leader while
staying true to your authentic inner voice and divine destiny.
The magnetic quality of The Enlightened Entrepreneur can be used
to build authentic connections, real relationships, and powerful
partnerships.This book gives you the tools and easy practices to
do all this and more!”
— Mehrish Khan
Author of Pebbles in the Pond,Creator of Stress 2 Productivity
“Finally! A practical, heart-centered approach to creating client re-
lationships that feeds your business and expands your soul. Olivia
has changed the rules of business and made it easy for anyone to
be,do,and have more of what they truly want in business and life.”
— Rev. Kim Pointon, Reiki Master
“If you want to do, be, and have all that you desire in your busi-
ness and life, you must become clear about your purpose and
transformation. The Enlightened Entrepreneur will help you to dis-
cover what your unique purpose and unique transformation are.”
— Mary Dirksen,Life Coach and Author,
“The difference between a career and being known as a sought
after thought leader isAUTHENTICITY.I love the transforma-
tional tools in this book! Learning how to take Authenticity and
manifest it into a passionate, thriving, successful business is what
Olivia has ingeniously created.Well Done Olivia!”
— Denise Wade Ph.D. Relationship Expert
“If you need a plan for how to manifest your business from soul
purpose, The Enlightened Entrepreneur offers you a sound holistic
framework to get your business on the right track.You will like
the Foundation and Freedom Formulas: four levels of connec-
tion and creation - if you are ready to work with recipe.”
— Jens Erik Hoverby,Transformation Coach, Co-author of
Pebbles in the Pond,
“I was seriously wondering, if I was ready for business success
myself.After reading The Enlightened Entrepreneur I knew it. Fi-
nally I was ready and the proofs are tangible and unequivocally
ever since. I highly recommend this unique, authentic and re-
freshing book, which only could be created when living, like
Olivia Lobell, your own life by enlightened principles.”
— Ellen Simon MD.,Transformational Author
“All entrepreneurs want to achieve authentic business success so
that they can help more people, make more impact and income,
and live their ultimately desired lifestyle. Read The Enlightened
Entrepreneur and discover the secret to experience abundance
and freedom from the inside out… starting today.”
— Louise Moriarty, Educator,Artist and Jester
“If you’re looking for a refreshing, heart centered approach to
ethical, authentic business building, then The Enlightened Entre-
preneur is a must-read! Discover how to boost your business and
improve your relationships, whilst enjoying a smooth, engaging
read. Let Olivia guide your transformation: finding your pur-
pose and fulfillment may be just a page away!”
— Nadine Love, Prize-winning Author,Award Winning Trainer
and the Motivational Mentor,
“Reading the The Enlightened Entrepreneur, you’ll find yourself
swept into the consciousness enriching experience of relating
with your clients as enlightened ~ full of light ~ partners. Un-
like many books, here you find authentic business and marketing
made practical and down to earth,while you are taken on a jour-
ney to fulfillment,freedom,and fun - a jouney in the joy of being
and supporting full creative expression and awakening,YES!”
— Judy Anne Guadalupe
The Enlightened
• • •
Make an Impact and an Income
Doing What You Love
• • •
Part 1 – Authentic Awakening
Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin.......................................17
Chapter 2:Awaken the Empowered Creator Within.............37
Part 2 – Passion: Connect and Create
Module 1 – Connect .......................................................59
Chapter 3:AuthenticYOU...................................................67
Chapter 4:Authentic LIFE...................................................91
Chapter 5:Authentic BUSINESS.........................................111
Chapter 6:Authentic AUDIENCE.......................................143
Module 2 – Create..........................................................165
Chapter 7: Magnetic MESSAGE..........................................173
Chapter 8: Signature SYSTEM ...........................................191
Chapter 9: Irresistible OFFER.............................................207
Chapter 10: Powerful PROMOTION.................................219
Part 3 – Purpose: Prosper and Profit
Module 3 – Prosper.........................................................235
Chapter 11: Head and Heart in Harmony............................239
Chapter 12: Mindset Mastery...............................................255
Module 4 – Profit ..........................................................275
Chapter 13: DesignYour Own ABS Road Map....................277
Chapter 14:A.D.I.O.S..........................................................285
Epilogue:WhereTo From Here?................................................ 295
Join the Movement:An Inspired Invitation from Olivia................ 297
Share the Enlightenment......................................................... 299
Want More Enlightenment?..................................................... 303
About the Author................................................................... 305
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.
— Les Brown
	 Clients today are confused,concerned,or simply feeling inun-
dated with so much information, marketing messages, and busi-
ness communications they encounter everywhere and anywhere
they go (online and offline).Overwhelmed by all this noise,many
don’t even notice real deals, best business practices, and authentic
promotional efforts for the success solutions they desire. So how
do passionate professionals stand out from the crowd, clear out
the clutter, and connect with their specific audience who needs
them the most and wants what they have to offer? The answer is
the Enlightened Entrepreneur!
	 The Enlightened Entrepreneur connects the everyday act of
doing business (buying and selling) with deeper,more meaningful
forces.It’s a breath of fresh air.If that sounds like wishful thinking,
it’s not! Inside, you’ll find five simple yet powerful steps that will
cause you to throw your conventional ideas about business and
marketing out the window and let the Enlightened Entrepreneur
take you to new levels of success based on authenticity, passion,
and purpose.
	 The five essential steps—awaken, connect, create, prosper,
and profit—will enable you to build a thriving business you love
around your blessing.You start the book journey exploring the
inner world, awakening and connecting. Once complete, you are
ready to move to the next level,the outer world,which is creating.
After you’ve gone through the inner and outer, you are ready to
move one step higher, where you learn how to bring peace and
the enlightened entrepreneur
harmony to both worlds, inner and outer, and shift your mindset
for authentic business success. At this level you are more than
committed to take the last but not least step to profit from your
passion and purpose and make an impact and an income doing
what you love.
	 This book is unique because it’s neither a traditional “old
school” business book nor is it about how to manipulate people
and push them to buy your programs, products, and services.Yes,
it’s a business book, but the thing about the Enlightened Entre-
preneur is that it’s not all about the head,the conscious mind (the
left brain), which we usually associate with business. It’s also not
about tactics and formulas.What makes this book different is that
it explores both the inner and outer game of business success.
	 While there are many books out there that only talk about
business and marketing skills and strategies, as well as books that
explain success secrets, universal laws, and spiritual principles, I’ve
found a way to bring those two worlds together. So you’ll learn
how to integrate internal and external elements, the inner and
the outer, and marry both worlds under one cover.
	 This book brings success secrets, universal laws, and spiritual
principles (the inner world) into business models, systems, and
structures (the outer world) so you can transform your inner wis-
dom into your outer wealth and truly thrive as an Enlightened
Entrepreneur. Some will call this inner world Energy (inner wis-
dom, inner guidance, inner compass). Others will call it intuition
(gut feeling, heart’s deepest desires, authentic aspirations). Some
may even call it God,Spirit,or the Divine.Whatever you may call
it, the Enlightened Entrepreneur helps you transform your bless-
ing,passion,and purpose into a thriving,sustainable,and profitable
business you love—and it all happens from the inside out.
	 Does the idea of being able to awaken, connect, create, pros-
Introduction 
per, and profit while having enlightened experiences and be-
ing empowered with other invisible forces that are at work in-
trigue you? In today’s world that is digital, ever-changing, and
fast-paced, the idea of being an enlightened entrepreneur rings
true for many. Unlike a traditional business, being an enlightened
entrepreneur does not require knowing all the answers before
you start. Enlightenment is its own source of guidance. All you
really need to bring to the table is your willingness and commit-
ment to play, sing, and dance along; faith, courage, and enthusi-
asm to follow the journey ahead; and belief in all those things as
yet unseen.
	 My goal is to enlighten your mind, empower your heart, and
inspire your soul to stand up, stand out, and share your vision. I
want you to serve, shine, and succeed by doing what you love
because I know you have something special inside you to share
with others, to share with your audience, to share with the world
that is powerful, transformational, and incredibly valuable.When
an enlightened entrepreneur walks into their true power, their
genius zone, their authentic sweet spot, they naturally affect and
impact the people around them in the most profound ways; they
give others permission to share their light, their brilliance, their
greatness, too.
	 When you are authentically successful and truly thrive as an
enlightened entrepreneur,you naturally encourage others to shine
their light and be big, bold, and brave in a way that makes them
feel more confident, courageous, and committed rather than in-
timidated and/or pressured.The world needs more enlightened
entrepreneurs like this.
	 We are seeing a global magnificent movement of the enlight-
ened entrepreneurial power right now. It’s a movement we all
need to get behind. Many passionate professionals (authentic au-
the enlightened entrepreneur
thorities: Coaches, Authors, Speakers,Trainers, Leaders, Experts)
are stepping up and making a difference by being an inspired
leader, an empowered creator, and an enlightened entrepreneur.
They are not only building passionate and purposeful businesses,
but also powerful and profitable businesses.
	 You, too, can be an enlightened entrepreneur when you
follow the evolutionary step-by-step model presented. For any
authentic authority—C.A.S.T.L.E.—who is starting their own
business or who has been in business for a while, this life-altering
business model lets you share your message and promote your of-
fers (programs, products, and services) without any sort of hype,
scare tactics, or manipulation. Instead, this transformational busi-
ness model lets you be who you truly are and fully express your
big dream, big vision, big mission in the most authentic, con-
gruent, and confident way. Finally, you can do business, promote
yourself and your services, and feel fantastic about doing it.
	 The world needs more enlightened entrepreneurs. The di-
lemma for both you (the messenger, mentor, leader) and the cli-
ent (buyer,student,partner) is how to marry your offer with their
needs and wants and stand out from all the things that they don’t
want.The Enlightened Entrepreneur is a win-win for both, be-
cause it allows entrepreneurs to follow their hearts and share their
messages to an audience that wants what they have.
	 When you follow the process in this book,you’ll discover how
to create business and marketing messages that make people feel
good about buying.There is a deep human connection between
coach and client, mentor and mentee, teacher and student.You
feel like you’re part of something bigger (a big dream, big vision,
big mission) that’s fun, valuable, and beneficial.As such, people feel
happy to join the movement, as opposed to feeling manipulated
to purchase packages or feeling they’ve just been strategically sold.
Introduction 
	 The ideas presented here represent an evolution in business,
leadership, marketing, and sales.The feelings you and your clients
will have for your business will feel genuine, authentic, real, and
safe because you are excited, empowered, and inspired.This al-
lows you to come from a place of service, love, passion, and pur-
pose.The difference between an enlightened entrepreneur and a
traditional entrepreneur is that everyone wins.At the end of the
day, you would do the same thing all over again because you feel
better, energized, and enriched by making an impact and income
doing what you love.
Make the most of this book
	 Throughout this book, I offer both inner and outer exercises
to help you put what you read into practice, and your ideas into
action.As you read, take notes on inspired ideas and insights that
come to you.You’ll want to keep a pen and paper handy and
the companion action guide, too.You can access and download
it at,and record
your progress,as well as deepen your practices as you move along.
If you feel inspired, invite your friends, colleagues, and/or busi-
ness partners to read this book with you so you can not only dis-
cuss the relevance in your own businesses and lives,but also thrive
together as enlightened entrepreneur buddies.
	 My message is simple, yet powerful and profound.You are
here for a reason: to be of service—to give and receive---and
to truly thrive. So be who you are destined to be, do the work
you were born to do, share the message you were meant to share,
and make the difference you are here to make by following your
heart, listening to your soul (your intuition, inner wisdom), and
doing what you love.
the enlightened entrepreneur
	 Being authentically successful doing what you love is at the
heart of my message, my business, and my life.This book is the
representation of it and my irresistible offer to help you design
your own road map to achieve authentic business success from
the inside out and outside in.The Enlightened Entrepreneur will
provide you the right place to explore and express the best with-
in you—your authentic self—through your business. I will show
you what it means to build a business around your blessing to
thrive along with a deeper sense of fulfillment and freedom so
you can make the difference you are here to make and become
all that you desire, deserve, and dream of being and achieving.
	 From my own experience, one of the best ways to share your
unique transformation, make a bigger impact and income doing
what you love,is to build your own authentic business and become
an enlightened entrepreneur. It gives you freedom of full self-ex-
pression, autonomy to take control of your own life and destiny,
and most important, a sense of meaning, fulfillment, and joy to
align your energy with your true power, passion, and purpose.
Enjoy the journey
	 The Enlightened Entrepreneur is such an exciting, inspir-
ing, and joyful journey, full of rewards, possibilities, greatness, and
meaning. Yet, it’s also sprinkled with roadblocks, obstacles, and
challenges, which are there as life lessons to not only scare and
challenge you, but also make you stronger, empower you, and
excite you on the way.
	 The information you are about to read is the culmination
of over 20 years of my professional career, life lessons and en-
lightened experiences, ongoing personal development, business
growth, and continual spiritual evolution. It’s also a showcase of
my authentic will, commitment, and curiosity to discover who I
Introduction 
truly am—my authentic self—and why I am here on this plan-
et—my unique purpose and transformation—so that I can follow
my biggest dreams, fulfill my full potential, and most important,
help you do it too.
	 I hope my knowledge,words,and wisdom resonate with your
heart and soul, light the way for you to succeed in business and
life on your own terms, and inspire you to transform and truly
thrive starting today. If so, you are in the right place, in the right
time, with the right mentor, and I am here to let you know that
the right way to enjoy the journey is to align your inner world
with your outer world and create authentic abundance, success,
and freedom from the inside out.
	 Join us on this joyful journey to build a thriving business you
love, achieve authentic business success, and truly thrive as an
enlightened entrepreneur. Just think and feel how much richer
and purer this world will be when you trust and uncover the true,
authentic potential that lies inside you.You will become empow-
ered, transformed, and truly thrive together with this transfor-
mational tribe of authentic awakening souls who are here for a
higher purpose:to enlighten your mind,empower your heart,and
inspire authentic business success.
	 So prepare to be challenged. Many conventional beliefs and
things you may have thought were true and necessary may be
turned upside down in the pages that come.That is because the
enlightened entrepreneur comes from a different place than what
you’re used to.And the reason it seems to work so well is because
it is unexpected, refreshing, rejuvenating, innovative, and ener-
gizing. Come along for the ride. It can be beyond your wildest
dreams, completely unpredictable, and immensely rewarding.
	 Are you ready to enlighten your mind, empower your heart,
and inspire your soul with the authentic power that lies inside
the enlightened entrepreneur
you? Are you ready to serve, shine, and succeed in every venture
you embark on?
	 If so, pull back the curtains; the show is about to start. I invite
you to be open to receive enlightenment and have lots of fun!
	Remember: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it!
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” — Goethe
chapter one
Let Your Journey Begin
Every book is a new journey.You reach deep down and bring up what
feels absolutely authentic to you and as you move along only
the journey matters. — Olivia Lobell
You have the wisdom within you to transform lives.
	 I know it.You know it…but do the people you are meant to
serve know it?
	 I’m sure you agree that if you’re not sharing your ‘Unique
Brilliance’with the world in the way you’re meant to,then you’re
doing a huge disservice to those who need you most.
	 If you are like most passionate and purposeful professionals,you
want to make a bigger impact and income doing what you love,
while being authentic and aligned with your core values and vision.
But you may tend to feel like you’re being held
back by…
	 • A feeling of overwhelm about what to do next in your
business…and how to do it right
	 • Fears of how to make it happen month-by-month and pay
your bills without having to go back and get a J.O.B.
	 • Frustration because you’re still stuck while other make-a-
difference-based entrepreneurs seem to be figuring it out
and moving ahead
the enlightened entrepreneur
	 • Worries that next year you might make even less than this
year while possibly working even harder
	 • Confusion about how to authentically, creatively, and consis-
tently connect with people who want to invest in your services
Does this resonate for you?
	 If so, now is the time to release all your concerns and resis-
tance.And the good news is you are in the right place, you have
the right book in your hands, and I can’t wait to help you! And if
you deeply connect with this transformative, healing, and practi-
cal process, you will want to put your head, heart, and soul into
this book, as well as apply everything that is in it consistently and
authentically. It will change your life forever. I promise you.
	 The fact that you’re here right now reading this book is not a
coincidence. Everything happens for a reason. Since you’re read-
ing this, you’ve probably been silently praying, wishing, or even
hoping for a way to know how you can begin working with
more ideal clients, earning more money while making a bigger
difference doing what you love.You asked, and you are now re-
ceiving.That is the power of intention (a Universal Law),and it is
at work every day and in every way.So again,there is no accident.
And remember the old saying, “When the student is ready, the
teacher appears.” Well, now that you are ready, the solution has
been brought to you.With that being said, read closely, trust the
process, and go with the next right step (the one in front of you
right now) you need to take.
OK,let’s talk about your business for a moment…
Take a deep, long breath and let’s use our imagination together…
	 Imagine that you now have a business where you work with
Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin 
your ideal clients—your authentic audience—each and every
week.You don’t know where they are coming from or how they
find you, but they’re ready to work with you. Imagine that every
single one of them has self-selected and pre-qualified themselves
as your ideal clients and that they’re willing,committed,and ready
to work with you and invest in your services (the value you bring
and what you are really worth).
	 Your business systems and marketing strategies work for you to
bring in new potential clients—the right clients—even while you
sleep.A majority of your marketing is automated and systematized,
and because the clients self-select and pre-qualify themselves (which
keeps all the non-ideal clients away) it’s a very easy-to-implement
process for you to master the enrollment.In fact,it doesn’t even feel
these structures and systems you’ve put in place have the clients sell
themselves into working with you,you don’t ever have to feel pushy
or salesy.
	 Now imagine that you have a waiting list of clients who want
to work with you as soon as space opens up, and that you simply
don’t have to worry about finding new clients ever again.You’re
now earning more than you ever have before, creating extraordi-
nary results in your business (and especially in your clients’ lives),
all while making a positive impact and contribution to the world.
You are a catalyst for the transformation and success of so many
others, and by doing so, you not only affect their lives, but the
lives of their families, friends, and beyond.You’re actually chang-
ing people’s lives while prospering every year.
Reflect on that image for a minute.
	 Close your eyes (if you want to) and really embrace all the feel-
ings of freedom, ease, and grace.Take another deep, long breath.
How would achieving this make a difference in your business and
the enlightened entrepreneur
life? And most important, how would achieving this make a dif-
ference in the lives of those you touch,inspire,and impact? It feels
amazing, awesome, and freeing, doesn’t it?
	 Sure, it feels fantastic…but if you’re totally honest, that’s not
your current reality,is it?Why isn’t this happening for you,despite
all your best intentions and hard work?
More than likely…
	 • You’re not exactly sure who your ideal clients are—those
who you are meant to serve, support, and help
	 • Your marketing message isn’t clear enough for your ideal
clients to understand that you are the success solution to
their situation
	 • You’ve been taught inauthentic ways of mastering the en-
rollment, ways that are too salesy and pushy, and you don’t
really want to use them
	 • Not enough people know about you and your business
	 • You don’t have a proven road map that works for you; it’s
“ad hoc marketing” for you right now
	 • You don’t know how to truly leverage your service,product,
or information so that it reaches many more people and
adds much more value
	 • You get carried away with all the bright shiny objects that
you don’t stick with anything long enough to finish what
you started
	 • No one ever taught you all the important business skills
and marketing strategies you need to grow your business
consistently and authentically
Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin 
	 • Even though you may have heard of some of this market-
ing and mindset information, you haven’t had it presented
to you in a step-by-step process that’s easy to implement
(one foot in front of the other), and so you still have lots of
unanswered questions, concerns, and resistance
	 You know what? It’s not your fault. It’s easy to feel over-
whelmed and confused. But that’s all about to change! It’s time
for you to finally attract all the ideal clients you want and get paid
for living your passion and purpose!
Ready to step up and make it happen.Then keep
	 In this life-changing, business-altering book, you’ll learn ev-
erything about being authentically successful doing what you
love from the inside out, because this book is a unique combi-
nation of the inner and outer. It blends cutting edge mind-set,
heart-set, soul-set success secrets, spiritual principles, and univer-
sal laws (inner) with practical ways, how-to information, market-
ing strategies, and business structures and systems (outer), along
with transformational tools, techniques, and top tips so you can
tap into your best sources of inspiration and creativity.
	 The heart and soul of this book is to have you to connect with
your authentic self—who you truly are—and create the business
and life you’ve always dreamed, desired, and deserved so you can
fulfil what you were meant to fulfil: your soul purpose, the reason
why you are here on this planet. My mission is to help you—a
passionate, purposeful professional, transformational thinker, and
magnificent messenger—become an empowered and enlightened
entrepreneur so you can succeed in sharing your unique brilliance,
transformation,and message with the world in a much bigger way.
That’s when you’ll be able to make a greater impact,earn a higher
income, and live the difference you are here to make.
the enlightened entrepreneur
	 Throughout this journey, as an Enlightened Entrepreneur,
you’ll be led,taught,and inspired to achieve authentic business suc-
cess—your desired results.This book will light the way for you to
awaken the enlightened entrepreneur within and let your unique
brilliance shine so you can trust, transform, and truly thrive.
But this book is not for everyone…
	 This book only works for passionate, purposeful profession-
als, what I call the new class of authentic authorities: Coaches,
Authors, Speakers,Trainers, Leaders, Experts (C.A.S.T.L.E.), and
other holistic healers, practitioners, and make-a-difference-based
service providers. These are people who want to become an
empowered, enlightened entrepreneur, build a transformational,
thriving business they love, attract more ideal clients, and make
a lot more profits while being authentic and aligned with their
passion and purpose.That’sYOU!
	 And I love to serve these magnificent messengers because
they are not only really good at what they do, but they are also
transformational thinkers, brilliant beings, and powerful souls
who are here on this planet to do the work they were born to do.
However, they’ve never been taught exactly how to build a busi-
ness they love, attract their authentic audience, or set up powerful
systems and strategies so that they always attract the best busi-
nesses and real relationships.This means that if you’re just starting
out in your business, this is perfect for you, as you’ll learn exactly
what it takes to have a successful, purposeful, profitable business
from day one.
	 This book is especially ideal for the inspired entrepreneur
who is willing, serious, and committed to become a magnet for
best clients, best businesses, and best relationships.The Authentic
Business Success System will help you connect with your authen-
Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin 
tic self (inner and outer world) and create the business and life
you’ve always dreamed, desired, and deserved so you can make a
bigger impact and income doing what you love.
	 I feel so honored and blessed to work with people like you,
whose mission is to help others succeed in bettering their busi-
nesses and lives, and eventually make the world a better place. I
know that the more people you help, support, encourage, and
empower, the more healing and/or transformation that happens
in the world.And the more value and contribution you add and
create, the more money, miracles, and abundance you manifest.
	 Thriving together, we will enlighten our energy to include
more heart and soul, and transform the world one step at a time.
	 To know what you need most right now in terms of making
progress and moving forward to the next level of your business,
it’s important to know where you are currently so you can align,
develop, and change entrepreneur profiles over time as your busi-
ness continues to grow, expand, and evolve. Whichever profile
you fit in, this Authentic Business Success System can help you,
because I created it for people who are highly excited, enthusias-
tic, and can’t wait to make their business dream of today become
the reality of tomorrow.
	 Being a passionate and purposeful thriver myself, I’m known
to work best with other passionate and purposeful thrivers who
are ready to apply the law of G.A.D.I. (Go And Do It), and who
want to know exactly what steps to take to make it happen.If this
is you, then let your journey begin and trust, transform, and truly
thrive one step at a time. It was written forYOU!
This book is not for you if…
	 You are a CEO and/or business owner of a medium-sized
company or large corporation. Although many of the core con-
the enlightened entrepreneur
cepts can be applied to this type of business, this book is not suited
for these readers because the message-driven,freedom-focused,and
heart-centered independent professional is the person who will
benefit most from this vision.As a reminder,it was also not written
for whiners or sceptics—people who are always complaining and
giving excuses because their results are different. If you are one of
these kinds of people, this may not be the success solution for you.
It takes a great deal of emotional energy, inner drive, dedication,
and determination to put it all together and achieve the success you
want. It’s your responsibility to make it happen.
	 Consider what you are willing to do with this Authentic Busi-
ness Success System to be actively and consistently making prog-
ress, because you will be expected to stand up, stand out, and share
your vision, as well as make ‘no-matter-what’ decisions with no
excuses anymore. It’s a whole new level of thinking, feeling, and
acting supported by a full set of real resources and real relationships
while you create what you were meant to create and fulfil your
destiny with more passion, more purpose, and more profits.
Where are you in your entrepreneurial journey
right now?
	 Take the quiz below and discover what Authentic Business
Success Entrepreneurial Profile is a fit forYOU right now.
	 Passionate Paula (Passionate Paul)	
	 Inspired Isabella (Inspired Ian)	
	 Enlightened Erika (Enlightened Erik)
	 Quiz time:Where are you at right now?
	 To discover where you are in your entrepreneurial journey
right now, take this short quiz. Answer each question honestly
with a number between 1 and 5.
Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin 
1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = Usually;
5 = Always
	 1. I’m a self-starter.
	 2. I’m organized and I plan things ahead.
	 3. I’m creative and consistent.
	 4. I partner, collaborate, and contribute.
	 5. I’m resourceful and all I want and need is available to me.
	 6. I complete the projects I start and accomplish my goals.
	 7. I get excited when I make the leap and meet new challenges.
	 8. I have all the support, guidance, and resources around me.
	 9. I’m willing to make short-term investments for long-term rewards.
	 10. I create real relationships and real results.
	 11. I’m comfortable and confident with promoting myself.
	 12. I feel good asking for and receiving help.
	 13. I’m able to take objections, rejections, and/or criticism.
	 14. I’m able to learn from other people’s mistakes as well as my own.
	 15. I follow my heart and listen to my intuition.
Now add up your points and identify your entrepreneurial profile:
	 Less than 40: Passionate Paula (Passionate Paul). Fear
and resistance may be holding you back from starting your busi-
ness or taking your business to the next level.You need to stop
thinking small, expand your awareness, and think bigger.You may
be surrounded by negative people who disempower you, your
self-esteem, and your self-worth.The good news is that with the
right information and inspiration, a great supporting environ-
the enlightened entrepreneur
ment and trusted team, and a boost in your confidence, clarity,
and creativity, you will take the entrepreneurial leap and succeed!
Feel the fear and do it anyway!
	 40 to 59: Inspired Isabella (Inspired Ian). You have won-
derful energy, ideas, and inspirations.You often receive compli-
ments from others.You have compassion, a natural rapport with
people, and a deep desire to help others. Success with authentic
abundance is yours if you are conscious of distractions on your
journey toward your goals, desires, and dreams. Start small but
dream bigger so you live the difference you are here to make!
Today is the day! Go and Do it!
	 60 or more: Enlightened Erika (Enlightened Erik). You
are a freedom fighter, transformational thinker, magnificent mes-
senger, and a legendary leader.You may not be aware of your
pure potential yet,but your inner power and wisdom will surprise
everyone—even you.A big visionary like you removes the road-
blocks in your way, overcomes the objections and has a prosper-
ous mind-set, heart-set, and soul-set for entrepreneurial success.
You dream big and your world has no boundaries. Making the
leap, taking risks, and meeting challenges are like adrenaline to
you.You manifest miracles! Your time is now! The world is
waiting for you!
	 Your success begins here… Trust the process and let it
unfold. Enjoy your incredible, joyful journey!
	 (For more detailed information about the three entrepre-
neurial profiles, please visit
Let me share with you the passion behind
my story…
	 Since I’m going to be sharing my secrets, systems, and strate-
Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin 
gies to help you build a transformational, thriving business you
love, attract your ideal clients, and make a bigger impact and in-
come consistently while being authentic and aligned with your
passion and purpose, I’d love to share a bit about myself and why
I’m so passionate about teaching you how to become an Enlight-
ened Entrepreneur, achieve Authentic Business Success, and trust,
transform, and truly thrive doing what you love.
My Defining Moment: How my clients, students,
and mentors made me what I am today...
	 To show you the real me, it’s probably best that I share with
you a defining moment—my ‘signature story’ that brought me to
where I am today, teaching, coaching, and mentoring people like
you on exactly what to do to build a thriving, purposeful, and
profitable business.
	 That defining moment in my life happened in late 2008. A
few months before,I had obtained my Masters Degree inTeaching
English to Speakers of Other Languages, and had started a soul
searching journey for passion, purpose, and meaning in life. I was
already successful and at the top of my teaching career, but I was
not feeling fulfilled. Rather, I felt an empty space, as if something
inside me was missing,and I wanted to know who I was and why
I was here on this planet. I started wondering what my purpose
was. I knew I had something special to share and that I wanted to
make a difference and a huge contribution to the world,but I was
unsure and asking myself “how can I do that?”
	 During my soul searching journey in 2009, I came across my
firstVirtual Business Mentor, Jim Rohn.This was a turning point
in my life. From there I immersed myself so deeply into personal
and professional development, and with the support of my pre-
cious husband I was able to invest my time, energy, and money
the enlightened entrepreneur
into as many books,courses,and home study programs as I could.
I learned how to implement Universal Laws, Success Secrets, and
Spiritual Principles from legendary thought leaders such as Na-
poleon Hill, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, John Assaraf,
Jack Canfield, MarkVictor Hansen,T. Harv Eker, to name a few.
	 By the end of 2009 I learned about the profession of coach-
ing. I was ‘over the moon’ when I realized that I had been teach-
ing, training, mentoring, and (informally) coaching students, pro-
fessionals, and friends for so many years, but I was not aware of
coaching as a profession. I happily exclaimed to myself,“Oh my
goodness! There is a profession for my passion, my purpose... I
can’t believe it.” It was everything I wanted to help others
succeed in life by showing them how to follow their dreams, pas-
sion, and purpose and create a life they love.
	 At that moment I made a commitment to immerse myself in
everything that had to do with professional coaching and build-
ing a successful, thriving business. So again, I read every book on
coaching, business, marketing, and mindset for success I could
get my hands on. I went to every personal and professional semi-
nar, workshop, and course that was available. I essentially decided
to become an expert in personal transformation and business
growth, and I eventually became a specialist in authentic business
and marketing success.
	 During this process, what I call my soul searching journey,
I had an epiphany! The thing that I enjoyed MOST and I am
TRULY passionate about was actually the authentic business and
marketing success secrets, spiritual principles, and universal laws
along with transformational tools, strategies, and systems that we
all have to put in place to authentically build a thriving, purpose-
ful, and profitable business we love.
Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin 
	 I have since made a commitment to dedicate the rest of my
professional life to helping other passionate professionals, what
I call authentic authorities: coaches, authors, speakers, trainers,
leaders, and experts (C.A.S.T.L.E.) and other holistic healers,
practitioners, and heart-centered independent professionals build
a transformational, thriving business they love faster, better, and
with more freedom, fulfillment, and fun through my programs,
products, and services, such as writing, speaking, training, coach-
ing, mentoring, and masterminding.
	 Since then, my adventuresome and joyful journey has been
wonderfully explored. To date, I have impacted, supported, and
helped hundreds, if not thousands, of other passionate profession-
als become who they dream of being so they can trust, transform,
and truly thrive as an inspired leader, empowered creator, and an
enlightened entrepreneur.
	 I now feel incredibly blessed to have connected with my au-
thentic self (inner and outer world) and discovered my passion and
purpose (who I truly am, why I am here, and what I was born to
do).As such,I have created the business and life of my dreams.I am
a happy lady (womanpreneur) on a mission,living life to the fullest,
following my heart, and listening to my intuition so I can make a
positive impact and income doing what I love.Most important,my
soul is singing again! It’s such a blessing and joy to build and grow
my own authentic business,and to inspire,empower,and enlighten
others to discover their blessing,passion and purpose so they can be
their best selves—their authentic selves. I truly enjoy helping these
passionate professionals create the business and life they love.
How I am different from other business mentors…
	 Although we will occasionally touch upon personal life chal-
lenges and other“business coaching”issues,you have me as an au-
thentic marketing success specialist and authentic business success
the enlightened entrepreneur
mentor. I ONLY work with independent service professionals,
solo entrepreneurs, and small business owners who want to share
their unique gifts, message, and transformation in a much bigger
way while making a real difference and a lasting contribution to
the world doing what they love. In other words, I’m not a Jill-of-
all-trades-master-of-none coach/mentor.I specialize in authentic
marketing and business success for heart-centered, freedom-fo-
cused, passion-and-purpose-driven, and make-a-difference-based
enlightened entrepreneurs (C.A.S.T.L.E.), and I only work with
people who want to build a successful, transformational, thriv-
ing business around their blessing. I refer any other businesses to
other professional coaches and mentors.
	 What that means to you is that I am very focused on anything
and everything that works for the heart-centered, make-a-differ-
ence-based enlightened entrepreneur (C.A.S.T.L.E.).Because my
focus is very narrow, what you get with me is my own experi-
ence, expertise, commitment, passion, energy, and enthusiasm on
what works for independent professionals. I’ve simply become a
specialist and created my authentic business success blueprint and
system, and that’s why my clients, students, and partners get great
results inside and out.I’m known for my high energy,enthusiasm,
commitment, positive expectation, love, and spirituality that AL-
WAYS entertains, encourages, empowers, and enlighten others to
achieve authentic business success on their terms.
	 Since this is my first baby-book (very close to my heart and
soul), I’d like to share with you a couple of personal things I’m
very proud of so you get to know a bit more about me in a trans-
parent, humble, and authentic way, as I always do.
	 I am Brazilian by birth, German by blood (German father),
American by heart (lived in Orlando, FL and San Diego, CA),
Italian by marriage (I have an adorable Italian family), European
Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin 
by culture (travelled to over 12 European countries), and we (my
precious husband and I) live in London, UK by choice. I am a
MasterTeacher with over 10 years of experience and qualification
level 7 (Masters Degree, London, UK).
	 I am an Enlightened C.A.S.T.L.E. (Coach, Author, Speaker,
Trainer, Leader, Expertpreneur) by my unique gifts, talents, and
natural abilities. I am an authentic business success mentor by my
passion and purpose to make a difference, a positive impact on
other people’s lives, and a lasting contribution to the world. I am
a transformational thinker and teacher who is always learning,
growing,and specializing in my field by my commitment,dedica-
tion, and determination to succeed and help others succeed.
	 Being a powerful, passionate, and purposeful woman by design
as well as an enthusiastic and energetic wifepreneur, I love personal
growth/transformation, the human potential movement, and en-
lightened entrepreneurship.I entered the field of professional coach-
ing/mentoring because I fell in love with self-growth and personal
transformation,what I call the authentic abundance world.And last
but not least, I come from a humble, dear, and lovely family in the
south of Brazil who is and will always be inside my heart.
	 Just one more thing, even though many people know me by
my birth name, Neusa R. Lobell, today I go by the name Olivia
Lobell to honor my father’s memory, Olivio Lobell, who was
my first mentor, role model, and great inspiration to follow my
dreams and be who I am today.
	 Now you know just about everything there is to know about
me.Thriving together, we will transform the world one step at a
time to include more authentic abundance, empowerment, and
enlightenment. In a nutshell, a world with more heart and soul!
the enlightened entrepreneur
By the way, you might be wondering…	
“What is an Enlightened Entrepreneur?”
	 An Enlightened Entrepreneur is an entrepreneur who has the
faith, courage, and enthusiasm to look within, releasing the old
(what doesn’t serve her/him anymore) and embracing the new
(what she/he thrives on), opening up to the wisdom of her/his
heart and soul. An Enlightened Entrepreneur honors, respects,
and loves who she/he truly is and trusts in the self-growth process
enough to let it unfold.An Enlightened Entrepreneur builds busi-
nesses and lives life with passion, purpose, and prosperity. Her/his
mission is to do the work she/he was born to do,serve the people
she/he was meant to serve, and fulfill what she/he is here to ful-
fill. Her/his life is in alignment with the inner and outer world
and filled with awareness, abundance, and authenticity.
That’s YOU!
	 As an entrepreneur,the greatest‘God given’gifts you can give
to yourself, your family, your friends, your tribe/community, and
the world is to walk the path of an Enlightened Entrepreneur. If
you deny your true authentic self and disconnect from your heart
and soul, you can feel empty inside (although successful outside),
unsatisfied, and unfulfilled.And as a result, you may take out your
pain on your loved ones.
	 But as you walk the path of an Enlightened Entrepreneur,
you stand in your transformational truth and you stop the cy-
cle of struggling and suffering. Instead, you start serving, shin-
ing, and succeeding. By honoring, embracing, and loving the way
you were created, you align your heart with the Divine Power
(God, Energy, Universe, Spirit, Love—whatever you may call it).
Your business and life become a legacy, a ‘giving back’ filled with
miracles and magic,authenticity and abundance.Where there was
once fear, now there is love.Your unique brilliance—your natural
Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin 
abilities,talents,and blessings—are the greatest gifts you can share
with the world.As you heal, grow, expand, and evolve, you light
the way for others to do the same!
How to get the results you expect...
	 Let’s be honest.You didn’t buy this book simply because you
are curious and wanted to go through the process.You invested
your time,money,and energy because you definitely want the de-
sired, inspired results. So, how can you get the results you expect?
	 This depends on how long you’ve been in business and how
committed you are to investing yourself, your energy, and your
time to do the authentic assignments outlined.Yes, you need to
put a great amount of energy, drive, and determination into this.
It doesn’t happen on its own, trust me. However, when you ap-
ply these transformation tools and implement the strategies and
systems, you’ll be more than happy to see the results.
	 With that said, you can get results within a couple of months
in the form of new clients,new business and/or new partnerships.
And most important, they are real results and real relationships
that tend to be lifelong partnerships.
	 Follow all the simple yet powerful steps authentically, cre-
atively, and consistently.
	 • Awaken the empowered creator within
	 • Connect with your authentic abundance inner world
	 • Create your authentic abundance outer world
	 • Prosper by shifting your mindset for authentic business success
	 • Profit by designing your own ABS road map to truly thrive
	 Be highly focused on Authentic Business Success for a period
of at least one year. Understand that it’s not a ‘quick fix’ scheme.
the enlightened entrepreneur
The results can be magical and you can manifest miracles, but it
doesn’t work on its own and it can take up to a year or more for
you to seed and succeed.When you apply every step of the Au-
thentic Business Success System you can definitely enjoy the fruit
from the seeds that you planted much faster than you would have
on your own.
	 What you get with this book and system is what I call a series
of BIG take-aways and AHAs! that will grow your business faster,
better,and with much more freedom,fulfillment,and fun.Expect
to get many of these.
How to use this book
	 This book is divided into three parts. Part I lays the spiritual
foundation—the framework—for our journey together. Part II
examines the four core stones of connection and creation to
achieve authentic business success and truly thrive as an enlight-
ened entrepreneur. Part III applies and examines those trans-
formational tools to prosper and profit from your passion and
purpose inside and out. Underpinning the whole book is the
concept of Authentic Business Success (ABS) System—a power-
ful and profitable business blueprint, proven step-by-step process,
and freedom-fulfilment-and-fun formula that will help you un-
derstand theWhat,Who,Why, and How you can be authentically
successful doing what you love.
	 Some people will want to start at the beginning; others will
dip into the chapters that seem most useful, relevant, and valuable
to them. It all depends on where you are at on your entrepre-
neurial journey.Wherever you start, it’s perfect.The book is de-
signed to help you connect, create, challenge, and communicate
your thoughts,feelings,and actions so you can let your light shine,
serve, and succeed.
Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin 
	 It’s not where you come from or where you begin, but what
and who you choose to become and why you do it in the first
place that really matters.
My recommendations on how to take it all in...
	 My suggestion is to read this book in its entirety the
first time around so you can let it all sink in. There are a
lot of inspirational ideas and information that will most likely get
you very excited to move forward. But it’s important to take in
the BIG picture first. Otherwise you might get overwhelmed or
wonder if you’re going in the right direction.
	 Once you’ve read everything, start at the beginning
again and take it step-by-step, one at a time. Read the tips,
complete the assignments,and use the transformational tools pro-
vided in the book and in the companion action guide.
	 Don’t skip any steps,even if you think you already know
the answer. Each step is there for a reason so you don’t have to
reinvent the wheel to make progress and get the results you want.
	 Remember,take the whole process slowly and smooth-
ly so you can enjoy the enlightened entrepreneurial jour-
ney. It can become a little overwhelming if you do it all at once.
Always remind yourself: one step at a time.
	 Once you do all that, the final key is to apply the Law
of G.A.D.I. – Go And Do It! Have you ever read a book that
you thought was so good, yet you never applied all the great
inspirational ideas you read about? And because of this, you are
still in the same place you were before you picked up the book.
Well, that’s not my intention for you, so just go and do it.You are
in control of your own destiny, so make it happen the way you
desire it.Your time is too valuable to not do this.
the enlightened entrepreneur
	 Commit yourself to this project. Make the time, make
the commitment, and make it be worth it.Take each and every
step, always one step at a time, and trust the process enough to
let it unfold.That’s the only way you’ll trust, transform, and truly
thrive as an Enlightened Entrepreneur!
	 Now, let’s get down to business. All my best wishes… with
lots of love,light,and beautiful blessings! And remember,I’m here
when you need me.
Thriving Together,	
join the movement
An Inspiring Invitation from Olivia
As an Enlightened Entrepreneur running a successful authentic business,
you make an impact and income because you merge money and mean-
ing, turn your passion into profits, and prosper from your purpose.
— Olivia Lobell
	 I’m a BIG believer in lifelong learning, self-growth, and per-
sonal transformation, as they all are essential elements to your
authentic business success. That’s why it’s my great pleasure to
invite you to continue learning, growing, and evolving with us,
the enlightened entrepreneur tribe. Join us on this magnificent
movement to achieve authentic business success and truly thrive
as an enlightened entrepreneur, and access FREE thriving train-
ing, best business practices, and indispensible resources online at
	 Let me enlighten your mind,empower your heart,and inspire
your soul to apply the Law of G.A.D.I.(Go And Do It) every sin-
gle day, and most important, share your love, your successes (big
and small), and your challenges with other heart-centered, suc-
cess-minded, fulfillment-freedom-and-fun-focused, and make-a-
difference-based enlightened entrepreneurs.
I look forward to meeting you and speaking to you in “the com-
To your authentic business success as an enlightened entrepreneur
Thriving Together,
Olivia Lobell
Your Authentic Business Success Mentor
Founder,Authentic Business Success
Author, The Enlightened Entrepreneur
Creator,ABS System
the enlightened entrepreneur
About the Author
Let your mind be enlightened, your heart be empowered, and your soul
be inspired, only then can you trust, transform, and truly thrive as an
inspired leader, empowered creator, and an enlightened entrepreneur.
— Olivia Lobell
Olivia Lobell is the author of The Enlight-
ened Entrepreneur and a contributor author to
Pebbles in the Pond, where she is featured
alongside New York Times Best-Selling Au-
thors Marci Shimoff, Robert Allen, Arielle
Ford, Sonia Choquette, Christine Kloser, and
dozens more transformational authors.
	 She is a much-loved Authentic Business Success Mentor and
has travelled across two continents,America and Europe, meeting
many leading experts and learning from hundreds of life-chang-
ing book authors. She has completed dozens of online training
programs by life-transforming seminar leaders and millionaire
mentors, including some of the very best transformational teach-
ers and business leaders on the planet, such as Brian Tracy, Jim
Rohn, T Harv Eker, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor
Hansen,Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey, John Assaraf, Robert Ki-
yosaki,Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and many others. Olivia is a
world-known expert at enlightening minds, empowering hearts,
and inspiring souls to achieve authentic business success.
	 She is a member of the Elevate online training program,being
mentored and coached by the Entrepreneurial Guru for Women
Ali Brown and the Small Business Marketing Coach James Roche.
the enlightened entrepreneur
She is also a member of theTransformational Author mastermind
program led by theTransformation Catalyst Christine Kloser,and
she belongs to the private community Get it Done Bootcamp
led by the Global Authority for helpingThought-Leaders Launch
Transformational Sold-Out Seminars Max Simon.
	 Olivia’s background includes a degree in Letras (English and
Portuguese teaching),Brazil,a Master’s degree inTESOL (Teach-
ing English to Speakers of Other Languages), London, UK, and
a 10-year experience as an EFL (English as a Foreign Language)
teacher at FISK Language School, Rosario do Sul, Brazil.
	 She became an enlightened C.A.S.T.L.E. (Coach, Author,
Speaker, Trainer, Leader, Expert) after finishing her Master’s de-
gree in London, UK, and receiving a wake-up calling—spiritual
awakening—which led her to go through a self-discovery stage
in her life, what she calls her “soul-searching” journey, she went
through three years of totally immersion in self-growth and entre-
preneurship.She was blessed to transition from a successful 10-year
language teaching career to building a thriving business she loves,
while being authentic and aligned with her passion and purpose.
	 Since then, she has dedicated her life to helping other pas-
sionate professionals—authentic authorities: C.A.S.T.L.E.—suc-
ceed in sharing their message out into the world in a big, bold,
and positive way.Walking her talk,she shows her students and cli-
ents how to create business breakthroughs to experience authen-
tic abundance, success, and freedom from the inside out.Through
her transformational books, live events, coaching and mentoring
programs and products, she teaches her tribe how to achieve au-
thentic business success as an inspired leader, empowered creator,
and enlightened entrepreneur.
	 In 2011, she founded Authentic Business Success, a company
devoted to teaching enlightened entrepreneurs (C.A.S.T.L.E.)
About the Author 
how to build a thriving business around their blessing, attract
more ideal clients, and make a lot more profits while being au-
thentic and aligned with their passion and purpose.
	 She also created the Authentic Business Success (ABS) Sys-
tem and created, a resource of
free training videos, articles, and audio downloads on achieving
authentic business and marketing success to truly thrive as an en-
lightened entrepreneur. She designed a very unique virtual busi-
ness model that allows her to share her message, mission, and vi-
sion with more people than she could personally see in a day. She
began to write books, develop programs and products, and speak
on her approach to business and life of authentic abundance,free-
dom, and success filled with passion and purpose.
	 Olivia loves to teach,inspire,and lead by example.Her unique
abilities, gifts, and talents include enlightening minds, empower-
ing hearts,and inspiring souls to take aligned,aspired,and authen-
tic action toward their biggest dreams and deepest desires in order
to create immediate, influential, and impactful results.
	 Her key message is simple: you are here for a reason, to be of
service, to give and receive, and to truly thrive. So be who you are
destined to be,do the work you were born to do,share the message
you were meant to share, and make the difference you are here to
make by following your heart,listening to your soul,and doing what
you love.As a result, the more impact you make, the more income
you make.It’s a message that has transformed thousands of lives.
	 A passionate, purposeful, and powerful creator of her own
authentic abundance, freedom, and success, Olivia is a lady on a
mission. Her big business vision is to help one million passionate
professionals (C.A.S.T.L.E.) achieve authentic business success as
an inspired leader, empowered creator, and enlightened entrepre-
neur by 2020!
the enlightened entrepreneur
	 Today, she combines her experience, expertise, and wisdom
about inspiring transformation through entrepreneurship to help
enlightened entrepreneurs (and aspiring ones!) connect with and
create their business and life from the inside out, while prosper-
ing and profiting from their passion and purpose. 	 Her work
is based on her Authentic Business Success (ABS) System and
shows how to trust, transform, and truly thrive as an enlightened
	 Olivia lives with her husband and business partner, Marcelo,
in London, UK. Her live events (workshops, seminars, and re-
treats) along with her irresistible offers (programs, products, and
services) are dedicated to further exploring the principles in this
book and specific strategies to implement them.
Connect with the author at:
Meet Olivia online and receive free training today at

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The Enlightened Entrepreneur

  • 1.
  • 2. Praise for The Enlightened Entrepreneur “There’s a new shift occurring in how we conduct our business and daily lives, and this new paradigm requires fresh knowledge to navigate these unchartered waters. Olivia’s Lobell’s book, The Enlightened Entrepreneur contains practical, easy to understand and implement, steps to achieving the greatness that lies within every person who is seeking to rise to the next level of their business. If you’ve been searching for a solution on how to au- thentically ignite your innermost self to create lasting connec- tions with your clients and loved ones, then you definitely need to read this book.” — Marlene Oulton CEO Chief Wordsmith, “The Enlightened Entrepreneur is not just another how-to book. Olivia Lobell’s knowledge and wisdom about the modern mar- ketplace is just the starting point for turning your potential into reality. Lobell maps out your journey in clear understandable steps to move you from your comfort zone through your confu- sion zone and into the beautiful experience of clarity of your vi- sion and purpose. From there, you find your success. Not only is this insightful and brilliant work a must read, it is the only book you will need to transform your dreams into a successful reality.” — Ann White,Transformational Author and Teacher Author of The Sacred Art of DogWalking, Making the Ordinary Extraordinary, and LivingWith Spirit Energy
  • 3. “Simple, yet powerful and profound, The Enlightened Entrepreneur provides a brilliant, step-by-step process with strategies for the new paradigm to create your ultimate lifestyle business. Olivia Lobell’s compelling writing is innovative, passionate, energiz- ing and refreshing.This book teaches you to not just think in monetary terms, but to, instead, follow a path from the heart. Olivia reveals that the easiest way to success is to follow your passion, live your purpose, and be a genuine giver of incredible value. I could think of no better advice in the world! Whatever you want to attract on your entrepreneurial journey, Olivia has the secrets to make it happen. I highly recommend you get this book and get started today!” — Simran Sofia Love,The Holistic Raw Food Coach Author of Raw Body Cleanse:CleanseYour Body –TransformYour Life “Many people struggle with what it takes to be successful because so many obstacles stop them instead of challenging them to see how committed they truly are.The Enlightened Entrepreneur helps you understand what truly matters to you, how you can make a difference, and how to share your message with others. Some- times your mind is your toughest critic, and block to your own success – when you learn to ‘master your mind’ you will have it working for you not against you.Grab your copy of The Enlight- ened Entrepreneur NOW – you won’t be disappointed!” — Carolyn Hidalgo, CPCC,ACC, Relationship Coach
  • 4. “These days the business world is so packed of information and fast-pacing changes, you need to do something new and unique to get noticed and make an income. This is the most refreshing, interactive, and engaging book I’ve seen to accomplish just that. Every page and word Olivia writes invites empowerment and leads to transformation.Get it.Read it.Live it and you’ll LOVE it.” — Linda Crawford The Transformational Expert for Separated and Divorced Women, “The difference between an entrepreneur and a dreamer is action. I love the transformational tools in this book! Learning how to take these ideas, insights, and inspirations and turn them into successful,sustainable,thriving businesses is what I call,“the very essence!”A must read for any entrepreneur looking for success!” — Christine Marmoy Magnetic Marketing Mentor Dream Team Designer “In this book, Olivia Lobell beautifully explains how to integrate universal laws with proven business models to become a success- ful, enlightened entrepreneur. If you are willing, committed, and ready to make your journey of entrepreneurship more smooth, enjoyable, and effortless, read The Enlightened Entrepreneur and get started today.” — Dorit Sasson Speaker andTransformationalAuthor of Giving aVoice to theVoiceless
  • 5. “Read this book and watch your fears, frustrations, and resistance dissolve. I wish this book had been available when I opened my first business in 1982.This is the most powerful, persuasive, and practical book on achieving authentic business success I’ve seen. The Enlightened Entrepreneur is the key to discovering the free- dom of choice, and how to implement it with passion, purpose, and profits.A must read, a great inspiration, a great idea.” — Rev. Marilee A. Snyder-Nieciak, B.S. Transformational Coach, Shaman, Healer,Teacher, and Author “The Enlightened Entrepreneur will support you on your path to becoming a more powerful, impactful, and inspired leader while staying true to your authentic inner voice and divine destiny. The magnetic quality of The Enlightened Entrepreneur can be used to build authentic connections, real relationships, and powerful partnerships.This book gives you the tools and easy practices to do all this and more!” — Mehrish Khan Author of Pebbles in the Pond,Creator of Stress 2 Productivity “Finally! A practical, heart-centered approach to creating client re- lationships that feeds your business and expands your soul. Olivia has changed the rules of business and made it easy for anyone to be,do,and have more of what they truly want in business and life.” — Rev. Kim Pointon, Reiki Master
  • 6. “If you want to do, be, and have all that you desire in your busi- ness and life, you must become clear about your purpose and transformation. The Enlightened Entrepreneur will help you to dis- cover what your unique purpose and unique transformation are.” — Mary Dirksen,Life Coach and Author, “The difference between a career and being known as a sought after thought leader isAUTHENTICITY.I love the transforma- tional tools in this book! Learning how to take Authenticity and manifest it into a passionate, thriving, successful business is what Olivia has ingeniously created.Well Done Olivia!” — Denise Wade Ph.D. Relationship Expert “If you need a plan for how to manifest your business from soul purpose, The Enlightened Entrepreneur offers you a sound holistic framework to get your business on the right track.You will like the Foundation and Freedom Formulas: four levels of connec- tion and creation - if you are ready to work with recipe.” — Jens Erik Hoverby,Transformation Coach, Co-author of Pebbles in the Pond, “I was seriously wondering, if I was ready for business success myself.After reading The Enlightened Entrepreneur I knew it. Fi- nally I was ready and the proofs are tangible and unequivocally ever since. I highly recommend this unique, authentic and re- freshing book, which only could be created when living, like Olivia Lobell, your own life by enlightened principles.” — Ellen Simon MD.,Transformational Author
  • 7. “All entrepreneurs want to achieve authentic business success so that they can help more people, make more impact and income, and live their ultimately desired lifestyle. Read The Enlightened Entrepreneur and discover the secret to experience abundance and freedom from the inside out… starting today.” — Louise Moriarty, Educator,Artist and Jester “If you’re looking for a refreshing, heart centered approach to ethical, authentic business building, then The Enlightened Entre- preneur is a must-read! Discover how to boost your business and improve your relationships, whilst enjoying a smooth, engaging read. Let Olivia guide your transformation: finding your pur- pose and fulfillment may be just a page away!” — Nadine Love, Prize-winning Author,Award Winning Trainer and the Motivational Mentor, “Reading the The Enlightened Entrepreneur, you’ll find yourself swept into the consciousness enriching experience of relating with your clients as enlightened ~ full of light ~ partners. Un- like many books, here you find authentic business and marketing made practical and down to earth,while you are taken on a jour- ney to fulfillment,freedom,and fun - a jouney in the joy of being and supporting full creative expression and awakening,YES!” — Judy Anne Guadalupe
  • 8. The Enlightened Entrepreneur • • • Make an Impact and an Income Doing What You Love OLIVIA LOBELL • • •
  • 9. CONTENTS Acknowledgements...........................................................xv Preface.........................................................................1 Introduction...................................................................7 Part 1 – Authentic Awakening Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin.......................................17 Chapter 2:Awaken the Empowered Creator Within.............37 Part 2 – Passion: Connect and Create Module 1 – Connect .......................................................59 Chapter 3:AuthenticYOU...................................................67 Chapter 4:Authentic LIFE...................................................91 Chapter 5:Authentic BUSINESS.........................................111 Chapter 6:Authentic AUDIENCE.......................................143 Module 2 – Create..........................................................165 Chapter 7: Magnetic MESSAGE..........................................173 Chapter 8: Signature SYSTEM ...........................................191 Chapter 9: Irresistible OFFER.............................................207 Chapter 10: Powerful PROMOTION.................................219 Part 3 – Purpose: Prosper and Profit Module 3 – Prosper.........................................................235 Chapter 11: Head and Heart in Harmony............................239 Chapter 12: Mindset Mastery...............................................255 Module 4 – Profit ..........................................................275 Chapter 13: DesignYour Own ABS Road Map....................277 Chapter 14:A.D.I.O.S..........................................................285 Epilogue:WhereTo From Here?................................................ 295 Join the Movement:An Inspired Invitation from Olivia................ 297 Share the Enlightenment......................................................... 299 Want More Enlightenment?..................................................... 303 About the Author................................................................... 305
  • 10.  INTRODUCTION Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars. — Les Brown Clients today are confused,concerned,or simply feeling inun- dated with so much information, marketing messages, and busi- ness communications they encounter everywhere and anywhere they go (online and offline).Overwhelmed by all this noise,many don’t even notice real deals, best business practices, and authentic promotional efforts for the success solutions they desire. So how do passionate professionals stand out from the crowd, clear out the clutter, and connect with their specific audience who needs them the most and wants what they have to offer? The answer is the Enlightened Entrepreneur! The Enlightened Entrepreneur connects the everyday act of doing business (buying and selling) with deeper,more meaningful forces.It’s a breath of fresh air.If that sounds like wishful thinking, it’s not! Inside, you’ll find five simple yet powerful steps that will cause you to throw your conventional ideas about business and marketing out the window and let the Enlightened Entrepreneur take you to new levels of success based on authenticity, passion, and purpose. The five essential steps—awaken, connect, create, prosper, and profit—will enable you to build a thriving business you love around your blessing.You start the book journey exploring the inner world, awakening and connecting. Once complete, you are ready to move to the next level,the outer world,which is creating. After you’ve gone through the inner and outer, you are ready to move one step higher, where you learn how to bring peace and
  • 11. the enlightened entrepreneur harmony to both worlds, inner and outer, and shift your mindset for authentic business success. At this level you are more than committed to take the last but not least step to profit from your passion and purpose and make an impact and an income doing what you love. This book is unique because it’s neither a traditional “old school” business book nor is it about how to manipulate people and push them to buy your programs, products, and services.Yes, it’s a business book, but the thing about the Enlightened Entre- preneur is that it’s not all about the head,the conscious mind (the left brain), which we usually associate with business. It’s also not about tactics and formulas.What makes this book different is that it explores both the inner and outer game of business success. While there are many books out there that only talk about business and marketing skills and strategies, as well as books that explain success secrets, universal laws, and spiritual principles, I’ve found a way to bring those two worlds together. So you’ll learn how to integrate internal and external elements, the inner and the outer, and marry both worlds under one cover. This book brings success secrets, universal laws, and spiritual principles (the inner world) into business models, systems, and structures (the outer world) so you can transform your inner wis- dom into your outer wealth and truly thrive as an Enlightened Entrepreneur. Some will call this inner world Energy (inner wis- dom, inner guidance, inner compass). Others will call it intuition (gut feeling, heart’s deepest desires, authentic aspirations). Some may even call it God,Spirit,or the Divine.Whatever you may call it, the Enlightened Entrepreneur helps you transform your bless- ing,passion,and purpose into a thriving,sustainable,and profitable business you love—and it all happens from the inside out. Does the idea of being able to awaken, connect, create, pros-
  • 12. Introduction  per, and profit while having enlightened experiences and be- ing empowered with other invisible forces that are at work in- trigue you? In today’s world that is digital, ever-changing, and fast-paced, the idea of being an enlightened entrepreneur rings true for many. Unlike a traditional business, being an enlightened entrepreneur does not require knowing all the answers before you start. Enlightenment is its own source of guidance. All you really need to bring to the table is your willingness and commit- ment to play, sing, and dance along; faith, courage, and enthusi- asm to follow the journey ahead; and belief in all those things as yet unseen. My goal is to enlighten your mind, empower your heart, and inspire your soul to stand up, stand out, and share your vision. I want you to serve, shine, and succeed by doing what you love because I know you have something special inside you to share with others, to share with your audience, to share with the world that is powerful, transformational, and incredibly valuable.When an enlightened entrepreneur walks into their true power, their genius zone, their authentic sweet spot, they naturally affect and impact the people around them in the most profound ways; they give others permission to share their light, their brilliance, their greatness, too. When you are authentically successful and truly thrive as an enlightened entrepreneur,you naturally encourage others to shine their light and be big, bold, and brave in a way that makes them feel more confident, courageous, and committed rather than in- timidated and/or pressured.The world needs more enlightened entrepreneurs like this. We are seeing a global magnificent movement of the enlight- ened entrepreneurial power right now. It’s a movement we all need to get behind. Many passionate professionals (authentic au-
  • 13. the enlightened entrepreneur thorities: Coaches, Authors, Speakers,Trainers, Leaders, Experts) are stepping up and making a difference by being an inspired leader, an empowered creator, and an enlightened entrepreneur. They are not only building passionate and purposeful businesses, but also powerful and profitable businesses. You, too, can be an enlightened entrepreneur when you follow the evolutionary step-by-step model presented. For any authentic authority—C.A.S.T.L.E.—who is starting their own business or who has been in business for a while, this life-altering business model lets you share your message and promote your of- fers (programs, products, and services) without any sort of hype, scare tactics, or manipulation. Instead, this transformational busi- ness model lets you be who you truly are and fully express your big dream, big vision, big mission in the most authentic, con- gruent, and confident way. Finally, you can do business, promote yourself and your services, and feel fantastic about doing it. The world needs more enlightened entrepreneurs. The di- lemma for both you (the messenger, mentor, leader) and the cli- ent (buyer,student,partner) is how to marry your offer with their needs and wants and stand out from all the things that they don’t want.The Enlightened Entrepreneur is a win-win for both, be- cause it allows entrepreneurs to follow their hearts and share their messages to an audience that wants what they have. When you follow the process in this book,you’ll discover how to create business and marketing messages that make people feel good about buying.There is a deep human connection between coach and client, mentor and mentee, teacher and student.You feel like you’re part of something bigger (a big dream, big vision, big mission) that’s fun, valuable, and beneficial.As such, people feel happy to join the movement, as opposed to feeling manipulated to purchase packages or feeling they’ve just been strategically sold.
  • 14. Introduction  The ideas presented here represent an evolution in business, leadership, marketing, and sales.The feelings you and your clients will have for your business will feel genuine, authentic, real, and safe because you are excited, empowered, and inspired.This al- lows you to come from a place of service, love, passion, and pur- pose.The difference between an enlightened entrepreneur and a traditional entrepreneur is that everyone wins.At the end of the day, you would do the same thing all over again because you feel better, energized, and enriched by making an impact and income doing what you love. Make the most of this book Throughout this book, I offer both inner and outer exercises to help you put what you read into practice, and your ideas into action.As you read, take notes on inspired ideas and insights that come to you.You’ll want to keep a pen and paper handy and the companion action guide, too.You can access and download it at,and record your progress,as well as deepen your practices as you move along. If you feel inspired, invite your friends, colleagues, and/or busi- ness partners to read this book with you so you can not only dis- cuss the relevance in your own businesses and lives,but also thrive together as enlightened entrepreneur buddies. My message is simple, yet powerful and profound.You are here for a reason: to be of service—to give and receive---and to truly thrive. So be who you are destined to be, do the work you were born to do, share the message you were meant to share, and make the difference you are here to make by following your heart, listening to your soul (your intuition, inner wisdom), and doing what you love.
  • 15. the enlightened entrepreneur Being authentically successful doing what you love is at the heart of my message, my business, and my life.This book is the representation of it and my irresistible offer to help you design your own road map to achieve authentic business success from the inside out and outside in.The Enlightened Entrepreneur will provide you the right place to explore and express the best with- in you—your authentic self—through your business. I will show you what it means to build a business around your blessing to thrive along with a deeper sense of fulfillment and freedom so you can make the difference you are here to make and become all that you desire, deserve, and dream of being and achieving. From my own experience, one of the best ways to share your unique transformation, make a bigger impact and income doing what you love,is to build your own authentic business and become an enlightened entrepreneur. It gives you freedom of full self-ex- pression, autonomy to take control of your own life and destiny, and most important, a sense of meaning, fulfillment, and joy to align your energy with your true power, passion, and purpose. Enjoy the journey The Enlightened Entrepreneur is such an exciting, inspir- ing, and joyful journey, full of rewards, possibilities, greatness, and meaning. Yet, it’s also sprinkled with roadblocks, obstacles, and challenges, which are there as life lessons to not only scare and challenge you, but also make you stronger, empower you, and excite you on the way. The information you are about to read is the culmination of over 20 years of my professional career, life lessons and en- lightened experiences, ongoing personal development, business growth, and continual spiritual evolution. It’s also a showcase of my authentic will, commitment, and curiosity to discover who I
  • 16. Introduction  truly am—my authentic self—and why I am here on this plan- et—my unique purpose and transformation—so that I can follow my biggest dreams, fulfill my full potential, and most important, help you do it too. I hope my knowledge,words,and wisdom resonate with your heart and soul, light the way for you to succeed in business and life on your own terms, and inspire you to transform and truly thrive starting today. If so, you are in the right place, in the right time, with the right mentor, and I am here to let you know that the right way to enjoy the journey is to align your inner world with your outer world and create authentic abundance, success, and freedom from the inside out. Join us on this joyful journey to build a thriving business you love, achieve authentic business success, and truly thrive as an enlightened entrepreneur. Just think and feel how much richer and purer this world will be when you trust and uncover the true, authentic potential that lies inside you.You will become empow- ered, transformed, and truly thrive together with this transfor- mational tribe of authentic awakening souls who are here for a higher purpose:to enlighten your mind,empower your heart,and inspire authentic business success. So prepare to be challenged. Many conventional beliefs and things you may have thought were true and necessary may be turned upside down in the pages that come.That is because the enlightened entrepreneur comes from a different place than what you’re used to.And the reason it seems to work so well is because it is unexpected, refreshing, rejuvenating, innovative, and ener- gizing. Come along for the ride. It can be beyond your wildest dreams, completely unpredictable, and immensely rewarding. Are you ready to enlighten your mind, empower your heart, and inspire your soul with the authentic power that lies inside
  • 17. the enlightened entrepreneur you? Are you ready to serve, shine, and succeed in every venture you embark on? If so, pull back the curtains; the show is about to start. I invite you to be open to receive enlightenment and have lots of fun! Remember: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it! Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” — Goethe
  • 18.  chapter one Let Your Journey Begin Every book is a new journey.You reach deep down and bring up what feels absolutely authentic to you and as you move along only the journey matters. — Olivia Lobell You have the wisdom within you to transform lives. I know it.You know it…but do the people you are meant to serve know it? I’m sure you agree that if you’re not sharing your ‘Unique Brilliance’with the world in the way you’re meant to,then you’re doing a huge disservice to those who need you most. If you are like most passionate and purposeful professionals,you want to make a bigger impact and income doing what you love, while being authentic and aligned with your core values and vision. But you may tend to feel like you’re being held back by… • A feeling of overwhelm about what to do next in your business…and how to do it right • Fears of how to make it happen month-by-month and pay your bills without having to go back and get a J.O.B. • Frustration because you’re still stuck while other make-a- difference-based entrepreneurs seem to be figuring it out and moving ahead
  • 19. the enlightened entrepreneur • Worries that next year you might make even less than this year while possibly working even harder • Confusion about how to authentically, creatively, and consis- tently connect with people who want to invest in your services Does this resonate for you? If so, now is the time to release all your concerns and resis- tance.And the good news is you are in the right place, you have the right book in your hands, and I can’t wait to help you! And if you deeply connect with this transformative, healing, and practi- cal process, you will want to put your head, heart, and soul into this book, as well as apply everything that is in it consistently and authentically. It will change your life forever. I promise you. The fact that you’re here right now reading this book is not a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason. Since you’re read- ing this, you’ve probably been silently praying, wishing, or even hoping for a way to know how you can begin working with more ideal clients, earning more money while making a bigger difference doing what you love.You asked, and you are now re- ceiving.That is the power of intention (a Universal Law),and it is at work every day and in every way.So again,there is no accident. And remember the old saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” Well, now that you are ready, the solution has been brought to you.With that being said, read closely, trust the process, and go with the next right step (the one in front of you right now) you need to take. OK,let’s talk about your business for a moment… Take a deep, long breath and let’s use our imagination together… Imagine that you now have a business where you work with
  • 20. Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin  your ideal clients—your authentic audience—each and every week.You don’t know where they are coming from or how they find you, but they’re ready to work with you. Imagine that every single one of them has self-selected and pre-qualified themselves as your ideal clients and that they’re willing,committed,and ready to work with you and invest in your services (the value you bring and what you are really worth). Your business systems and marketing strategies work for you to bring in new potential clients—the right clients—even while you sleep.A majority of your marketing is automated and systematized, and because the clients self-select and pre-qualify themselves (which keeps all the non-ideal clients away) it’s a very easy-to-implement process for you to master the enrollment.In fact,it doesn’t even feel likeabusinessconversation,butmorelikeatalkingtoafriend.Because these structures and systems you’ve put in place have the clients sell themselves into working with you,you don’t ever have to feel pushy or salesy. Now imagine that you have a waiting list of clients who want to work with you as soon as space opens up, and that you simply don’t have to worry about finding new clients ever again.You’re now earning more than you ever have before, creating extraordi- nary results in your business (and especially in your clients’ lives), all while making a positive impact and contribution to the world. You are a catalyst for the transformation and success of so many others, and by doing so, you not only affect their lives, but the lives of their families, friends, and beyond.You’re actually chang- ing people’s lives while prospering every year. Reflect on that image for a minute. Close your eyes (if you want to) and really embrace all the feel- ings of freedom, ease, and grace.Take another deep, long breath. How would achieving this make a difference in your business and
  • 21. the enlightened entrepreneur life? And most important, how would achieving this make a dif- ference in the lives of those you touch,inspire,and impact? It feels amazing, awesome, and freeing, doesn’t it? Sure, it feels fantastic…but if you’re totally honest, that’s not your current reality,is it?Why isn’t this happening for you,despite all your best intentions and hard work? More than likely… • You’re not exactly sure who your ideal clients are—those who you are meant to serve, support, and help • Your marketing message isn’t clear enough for your ideal clients to understand that you are the success solution to their situation • You’ve been taught inauthentic ways of mastering the en- rollment, ways that are too salesy and pushy, and you don’t really want to use them • Not enough people know about you and your business • You don’t have a proven road map that works for you; it’s “ad hoc marketing” for you right now • You don’t know how to truly leverage your service,product, or information so that it reaches many more people and adds much more value • You get carried away with all the bright shiny objects that you don’t stick with anything long enough to finish what you started • No one ever taught you all the important business skills and marketing strategies you need to grow your business consistently and authentically
  • 22. Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin  • Even though you may have heard of some of this market- ing and mindset information, you haven’t had it presented to you in a step-by-step process that’s easy to implement (one foot in front of the other), and so you still have lots of unanswered questions, concerns, and resistance You know what? It’s not your fault. It’s easy to feel over- whelmed and confused. But that’s all about to change! It’s time for you to finally attract all the ideal clients you want and get paid for living your passion and purpose! Ready to step up and make it happen.Then keep reading… In this life-changing, business-altering book, you’ll learn ev- erything about being authentically successful doing what you love from the inside out, because this book is a unique combi- nation of the inner and outer. It blends cutting edge mind-set, heart-set, soul-set success secrets, spiritual principles, and univer- sal laws (inner) with practical ways, how-to information, market- ing strategies, and business structures and systems (outer), along with transformational tools, techniques, and top tips so you can tap into your best sources of inspiration and creativity. The heart and soul of this book is to have you to connect with your authentic self—who you truly are—and create the business and life you’ve always dreamed, desired, and deserved so you can fulfil what you were meant to fulfil: your soul purpose, the reason why you are here on this planet. My mission is to help you—a passionate, purposeful professional, transformational thinker, and magnificent messenger—become an empowered and enlightened entrepreneur so you can succeed in sharing your unique brilliance, transformation,and message with the world in a much bigger way. That’s when you’ll be able to make a greater impact,earn a higher income, and live the difference you are here to make.
  • 23. the enlightened entrepreneur Throughout this journey, as an Enlightened Entrepreneur, you’ll be led,taught,and inspired to achieve authentic business suc- cess—your desired results.This book will light the way for you to awaken the enlightened entrepreneur within and let your unique brilliance shine so you can trust, transform, and truly thrive. But this book is not for everyone… This book only works for passionate, purposeful profession- als, what I call the new class of authentic authorities: Coaches, Authors, Speakers,Trainers, Leaders, Experts (C.A.S.T.L.E.), and other holistic healers, practitioners, and make-a-difference-based service providers. These are people who want to become an empowered, enlightened entrepreneur, build a transformational, thriving business they love, attract more ideal clients, and make a lot more profits while being authentic and aligned with their passion and purpose.That’sYOU! And I love to serve these magnificent messengers because they are not only really good at what they do, but they are also transformational thinkers, brilliant beings, and powerful souls who are here on this planet to do the work they were born to do. However, they’ve never been taught exactly how to build a busi- ness they love, attract their authentic audience, or set up powerful systems and strategies so that they always attract the best busi- nesses and real relationships.This means that if you’re just starting out in your business, this is perfect for you, as you’ll learn exactly what it takes to have a successful, purposeful, profitable business from day one. This book is especially ideal for the inspired entrepreneur who is willing, serious, and committed to become a magnet for best clients, best businesses, and best relationships.The Authentic Business Success System will help you connect with your authen-
  • 24. Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin  tic self (inner and outer world) and create the business and life you’ve always dreamed, desired, and deserved so you can make a bigger impact and income doing what you love. I feel so honored and blessed to work with people like you, whose mission is to help others succeed in bettering their busi- nesses and lives, and eventually make the world a better place. I know that the more people you help, support, encourage, and empower, the more healing and/or transformation that happens in the world.And the more value and contribution you add and create, the more money, miracles, and abundance you manifest. Thriving together, we will enlighten our energy to include more heart and soul, and transform the world one step at a time. To know what you need most right now in terms of making progress and moving forward to the next level of your business, it’s important to know where you are currently so you can align, develop, and change entrepreneur profiles over time as your busi- ness continues to grow, expand, and evolve. Whichever profile you fit in, this Authentic Business Success System can help you, because I created it for people who are highly excited, enthusias- tic, and can’t wait to make their business dream of today become the reality of tomorrow. Being a passionate and purposeful thriver myself, I’m known to work best with other passionate and purposeful thrivers who are ready to apply the law of G.A.D.I. (Go And Do It), and who want to know exactly what steps to take to make it happen.If this is you, then let your journey begin and trust, transform, and truly thrive one step at a time. It was written forYOU! This book is not for you if… You are a CEO and/or business owner of a medium-sized company or large corporation. Although many of the core con-
  • 25. the enlightened entrepreneur cepts can be applied to this type of business, this book is not suited for these readers because the message-driven,freedom-focused,and heart-centered independent professional is the person who will benefit most from this vision.As a reminder,it was also not written for whiners or sceptics—people who are always complaining and giving excuses because their results are different. If you are one of these kinds of people, this may not be the success solution for you. It takes a great deal of emotional energy, inner drive, dedication, and determination to put it all together and achieve the success you want. It’s your responsibility to make it happen. Consider what you are willing to do with this Authentic Busi- ness Success System to be actively and consistently making prog- ress, because you will be expected to stand up, stand out, and share your vision, as well as make ‘no-matter-what’ decisions with no excuses anymore. It’s a whole new level of thinking, feeling, and acting supported by a full set of real resources and real relationships while you create what you were meant to create and fulfil your destiny with more passion, more purpose, and more profits. Where are you in your entrepreneurial journey right now? Take the quiz below and discover what Authentic Business Success Entrepreneurial Profile is a fit forYOU right now. Passionate Paula (Passionate Paul) Inspired Isabella (Inspired Ian) Enlightened Erika (Enlightened Erik) Quiz time:Where are you at right now? To discover where you are in your entrepreneurial journey right now, take this short quiz. Answer each question honestly with a number between 1 and 5.
  • 26. Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin  1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = Usually; 5 = Always 1. I’m a self-starter. 2. I’m organized and I plan things ahead. 3. I’m creative and consistent. 4. I partner, collaborate, and contribute. 5. I’m resourceful and all I want and need is available to me. 6. I complete the projects I start and accomplish my goals. 7. I get excited when I make the leap and meet new challenges. 8. I have all the support, guidance, and resources around me. 9. I’m willing to make short-term investments for long-term rewards. 10. I create real relationships and real results. 11. I’m comfortable and confident with promoting myself. 12. I feel good asking for and receiving help. 13. I’m able to take objections, rejections, and/or criticism. 14. I’m able to learn from other people’s mistakes as well as my own. 15. I follow my heart and listen to my intuition. Now add up your points and identify your entrepreneurial profile: Less than 40: Passionate Paula (Passionate Paul). Fear and resistance may be holding you back from starting your busi- ness or taking your business to the next level.You need to stop thinking small, expand your awareness, and think bigger.You may be surrounded by negative people who disempower you, your self-esteem, and your self-worth.The good news is that with the right information and inspiration, a great supporting environ-
  • 27. the enlightened entrepreneur ment and trusted team, and a boost in your confidence, clarity, and creativity, you will take the entrepreneurial leap and succeed! Feel the fear and do it anyway! 40 to 59: Inspired Isabella (Inspired Ian). You have won- derful energy, ideas, and inspirations.You often receive compli- ments from others.You have compassion, a natural rapport with people, and a deep desire to help others. Success with authentic abundance is yours if you are conscious of distractions on your journey toward your goals, desires, and dreams. Start small but dream bigger so you live the difference you are here to make! Today is the day! Go and Do it! 60 or more: Enlightened Erika (Enlightened Erik). You are a freedom fighter, transformational thinker, magnificent mes- senger, and a legendary leader.You may not be aware of your pure potential yet,but your inner power and wisdom will surprise everyone—even you.A big visionary like you removes the road- blocks in your way, overcomes the objections and has a prosper- ous mind-set, heart-set, and soul-set for entrepreneurial success. You dream big and your world has no boundaries. Making the leap, taking risks, and meeting challenges are like adrenaline to you.You manifest miracles! Your time is now! The world is waiting for you! Your success begins here… Trust the process and let it unfold. Enjoy your incredible, joyful journey! (For more detailed information about the three entrepre- neurial profiles, please visit Let me share with you the passion behind my story… Since I’m going to be sharing my secrets, systems, and strate-
  • 28. Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin  gies to help you build a transformational, thriving business you love, attract your ideal clients, and make a bigger impact and in- come consistently while being authentic and aligned with your passion and purpose, I’d love to share a bit about myself and why I’m so passionate about teaching you how to become an Enlight- ened Entrepreneur, achieve Authentic Business Success, and trust, transform, and truly thrive doing what you love. My Defining Moment: How my clients, students, and mentors made me what I am today... To show you the real me, it’s probably best that I share with you a defining moment—my ‘signature story’ that brought me to where I am today, teaching, coaching, and mentoring people like you on exactly what to do to build a thriving, purposeful, and profitable business. That defining moment in my life happened in late 2008. A few months before,I had obtained my Masters Degree inTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, and had started a soul searching journey for passion, purpose, and meaning in life. I was already successful and at the top of my teaching career, but I was not feeling fulfilled. Rather, I felt an empty space, as if something inside me was missing,and I wanted to know who I was and why I was here on this planet. I started wondering what my purpose was. I knew I had something special to share and that I wanted to make a difference and a huge contribution to the world,but I was unsure and asking myself “how can I do that?” During my soul searching journey in 2009, I came across my firstVirtual Business Mentor, Jim Rohn.This was a turning point in my life. From there I immersed myself so deeply into personal and professional development, and with the support of my pre- cious husband I was able to invest my time, energy, and money
  • 29. the enlightened entrepreneur into as many books,courses,and home study programs as I could. I learned how to implement Universal Laws, Success Secrets, and Spiritual Principles from legendary thought leaders such as Na- poleon Hill, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Jack Canfield, MarkVictor Hansen,T. Harv Eker, to name a few. By the end of 2009 I learned about the profession of coach- ing. I was ‘over the moon’ when I realized that I had been teach- ing, training, mentoring, and (informally) coaching students, pro- fessionals, and friends for so many years, but I was not aware of coaching as a profession. I happily exclaimed to myself,“Oh my goodness! There is a profession for my passion, my purpose... I can’t believe it.” It was everything I wanted to help others succeed in life by showing them how to follow their dreams, pas- sion, and purpose and create a life they love. At that moment I made a commitment to immerse myself in everything that had to do with professional coaching and build- ing a successful, thriving business. So again, I read every book on coaching, business, marketing, and mindset for success I could get my hands on. I went to every personal and professional semi- nar, workshop, and course that was available. I essentially decided to become an expert in personal transformation and business growth, and I eventually became a specialist in authentic business and marketing success. During this process, what I call my soul searching journey, I had an epiphany! The thing that I enjoyed MOST and I am TRULY passionate about was actually the authentic business and marketing success secrets, spiritual principles, and universal laws along with transformational tools, strategies, and systems that we all have to put in place to authentically build a thriving, purpose- ful, and profitable business we love.
  • 30. Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin  I have since made a commitment to dedicate the rest of my professional life to helping other passionate professionals, what I call authentic authorities: coaches, authors, speakers, trainers, leaders, and experts (C.A.S.T.L.E.) and other holistic healers, practitioners, and heart-centered independent professionals build a transformational, thriving business they love faster, better, and with more freedom, fulfillment, and fun through my programs, products, and services, such as writing, speaking, training, coach- ing, mentoring, and masterminding. Since then, my adventuresome and joyful journey has been wonderfully explored. To date, I have impacted, supported, and helped hundreds, if not thousands, of other passionate profession- als become who they dream of being so they can trust, transform, and truly thrive as an inspired leader, empowered creator, and an enlightened entrepreneur. I now feel incredibly blessed to have connected with my au- thentic self (inner and outer world) and discovered my passion and purpose (who I truly am, why I am here, and what I was born to do).As such,I have created the business and life of my dreams.I am a happy lady (womanpreneur) on a mission,living life to the fullest, following my heart, and listening to my intuition so I can make a positive impact and income doing what I love.Most important,my soul is singing again! It’s such a blessing and joy to build and grow my own authentic business,and to inspire,empower,and enlighten others to discover their blessing,passion and purpose so they can be their best selves—their authentic selves. I truly enjoy helping these passionate professionals create the business and life they love. How I am different from other business mentors… Although we will occasionally touch upon personal life chal- lenges and other“business coaching”issues,you have me as an au- thentic marketing success specialist and authentic business success
  • 31. the enlightened entrepreneur mentor. I ONLY work with independent service professionals, solo entrepreneurs, and small business owners who want to share their unique gifts, message, and transformation in a much bigger way while making a real difference and a lasting contribution to the world doing what they love. In other words, I’m not a Jill-of- all-trades-master-of-none coach/mentor.I specialize in authentic marketing and business success for heart-centered, freedom-fo- cused, passion-and-purpose-driven, and make-a-difference-based enlightened entrepreneurs (C.A.S.T.L.E.), and I only work with people who want to build a successful, transformational, thriv- ing business around their blessing. I refer any other businesses to other professional coaches and mentors. What that means to you is that I am very focused on anything and everything that works for the heart-centered, make-a-differ- ence-based enlightened entrepreneur (C.A.S.T.L.E.).Because my focus is very narrow, what you get with me is my own experi- ence, expertise, commitment, passion, energy, and enthusiasm on what works for independent professionals. I’ve simply become a specialist and created my authentic business success blueprint and system, and that’s why my clients, students, and partners get great results inside and out.I’m known for my high energy,enthusiasm, commitment, positive expectation, love, and spirituality that AL- WAYS entertains, encourages, empowers, and enlighten others to achieve authentic business success on their terms. Since this is my first baby-book (very close to my heart and soul), I’d like to share with you a couple of personal things I’m very proud of so you get to know a bit more about me in a trans- parent, humble, and authentic way, as I always do. I am Brazilian by birth, German by blood (German father), American by heart (lived in Orlando, FL and San Diego, CA), Italian by marriage (I have an adorable Italian family), European
  • 32. Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin  by culture (travelled to over 12 European countries), and we (my precious husband and I) live in London, UK by choice. I am a MasterTeacher with over 10 years of experience and qualification level 7 (Masters Degree, London, UK). I am an Enlightened C.A.S.T.L.E. (Coach, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Leader, Expertpreneur) by my unique gifts, talents, and natural abilities. I am an authentic business success mentor by my passion and purpose to make a difference, a positive impact on other people’s lives, and a lasting contribution to the world. I am a transformational thinker and teacher who is always learning, growing,and specializing in my field by my commitment,dedica- tion, and determination to succeed and help others succeed. Being a powerful, passionate, and purposeful woman by design as well as an enthusiastic and energetic wifepreneur, I love personal growth/transformation, the human potential movement, and en- lightened entrepreneurship.I entered the field of professional coach- ing/mentoring because I fell in love with self-growth and personal transformation,what I call the authentic abundance world.And last but not least, I come from a humble, dear, and lovely family in the south of Brazil who is and will always be inside my heart. Just one more thing, even though many people know me by my birth name, Neusa R. Lobell, today I go by the name Olivia Lobell to honor my father’s memory, Olivio Lobell, who was my first mentor, role model, and great inspiration to follow my dreams and be who I am today. Now you know just about everything there is to know about me.Thriving together, we will transform the world one step at a time to include more authentic abundance, empowerment, and enlightenment. In a nutshell, a world with more heart and soul!
  • 33. the enlightened entrepreneur By the way, you might be wondering… “What is an Enlightened Entrepreneur?” An Enlightened Entrepreneur is an entrepreneur who has the faith, courage, and enthusiasm to look within, releasing the old (what doesn’t serve her/him anymore) and embracing the new (what she/he thrives on), opening up to the wisdom of her/his heart and soul. An Enlightened Entrepreneur honors, respects, and loves who she/he truly is and trusts in the self-growth process enough to let it unfold.An Enlightened Entrepreneur builds busi- nesses and lives life with passion, purpose, and prosperity. Her/his mission is to do the work she/he was born to do,serve the people she/he was meant to serve, and fulfill what she/he is here to ful- fill. Her/his life is in alignment with the inner and outer world and filled with awareness, abundance, and authenticity. That’s YOU! As an entrepreneur,the greatest‘God given’gifts you can give to yourself, your family, your friends, your tribe/community, and the world is to walk the path of an Enlightened Entrepreneur. If you deny your true authentic self and disconnect from your heart and soul, you can feel empty inside (although successful outside), unsatisfied, and unfulfilled.And as a result, you may take out your pain on your loved ones. But as you walk the path of an Enlightened Entrepreneur, you stand in your transformational truth and you stop the cy- cle of struggling and suffering. Instead, you start serving, shin- ing, and succeeding. By honoring, embracing, and loving the way you were created, you align your heart with the Divine Power (God, Energy, Universe, Spirit, Love—whatever you may call it). Your business and life become a legacy, a ‘giving back’ filled with miracles and magic,authenticity and abundance.Where there was once fear, now there is love.Your unique brilliance—your natural
  • 34. Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin  abilities,talents,and blessings—are the greatest gifts you can share with the world.As you heal, grow, expand, and evolve, you light the way for others to do the same! How to get the results you expect... Let’s be honest.You didn’t buy this book simply because you are curious and wanted to go through the process.You invested your time,money,and energy because you definitely want the de- sired, inspired results. So, how can you get the results you expect? This depends on how long you’ve been in business and how committed you are to investing yourself, your energy, and your time to do the authentic assignments outlined.Yes, you need to put a great amount of energy, drive, and determination into this. It doesn’t happen on its own, trust me. However, when you ap- ply these transformation tools and implement the strategies and systems, you’ll be more than happy to see the results. With that said, you can get results within a couple of months in the form of new clients,new business and/or new partnerships. And most important, they are real results and real relationships that tend to be lifelong partnerships. Follow all the simple yet powerful steps authentically, cre- atively, and consistently. • Awaken the empowered creator within • Connect with your authentic abundance inner world • Create your authentic abundance outer world • Prosper by shifting your mindset for authentic business success • Profit by designing your own ABS road map to truly thrive Be highly focused on Authentic Business Success for a period of at least one year. Understand that it’s not a ‘quick fix’ scheme.
  • 35. the enlightened entrepreneur The results can be magical and you can manifest miracles, but it doesn’t work on its own and it can take up to a year or more for you to seed and succeed.When you apply every step of the Au- thentic Business Success System you can definitely enjoy the fruit from the seeds that you planted much faster than you would have on your own. What you get with this book and system is what I call a series of BIG take-aways and AHAs! that will grow your business faster, better,and with much more freedom,fulfillment,and fun.Expect to get many of these. How to use this book This book is divided into three parts. Part I lays the spiritual foundation—the framework—for our journey together. Part II examines the four core stones of connection and creation to achieve authentic business success and truly thrive as an enlight- ened entrepreneur. Part III applies and examines those trans- formational tools to prosper and profit from your passion and purpose inside and out. Underpinning the whole book is the concept of Authentic Business Success (ABS) System—a power- ful and profitable business blueprint, proven step-by-step process, and freedom-fulfilment-and-fun formula that will help you un- derstand theWhat,Who,Why, and How you can be authentically successful doing what you love. Some people will want to start at the beginning; others will dip into the chapters that seem most useful, relevant, and valuable to them. It all depends on where you are at on your entrepre- neurial journey.Wherever you start, it’s perfect.The book is de- signed to help you connect, create, challenge, and communicate your thoughts,feelings,and actions so you can let your light shine, serve, and succeed.
  • 36. Chapter 1: LetYour Journey Begin  It’s not where you come from or where you begin, but what and who you choose to become and why you do it in the first place that really matters. My recommendations on how to take it all in... My suggestion is to read this book in its entirety the first time around so you can let it all sink in. There are a lot of inspirational ideas and information that will most likely get you very excited to move forward. But it’s important to take in the BIG picture first. Otherwise you might get overwhelmed or wonder if you’re going in the right direction. Once you’ve read everything, start at the beginning again and take it step-by-step, one at a time. Read the tips, complete the assignments,and use the transformational tools pro- vided in the book and in the companion action guide. Don’t skip any steps,even if you think you already know the answer. Each step is there for a reason so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel to make progress and get the results you want. Remember,take the whole process slowly and smooth- ly so you can enjoy the enlightened entrepreneurial jour- ney. It can become a little overwhelming if you do it all at once. Always remind yourself: one step at a time. Once you do all that, the final key is to apply the Law of G.A.D.I. – Go And Do It! Have you ever read a book that you thought was so good, yet you never applied all the great inspirational ideas you read about? And because of this, you are still in the same place you were before you picked up the book. Well, that’s not my intention for you, so just go and do it.You are in control of your own destiny, so make it happen the way you desire it.Your time is too valuable to not do this.
  • 37. the enlightened entrepreneur Commit yourself to this project. Make the time, make the commitment, and make it be worth it.Take each and every step, always one step at a time, and trust the process enough to let it unfold.That’s the only way you’ll trust, transform, and truly thrive as an Enlightened Entrepreneur! Now, let’s get down to business. All my best wishes… with lots of love,light,and beautiful blessings! And remember,I’m here when you need me. Thriving Together, Olivia
  • 38.  join the movement An Inspiring Invitation from Olivia As an Enlightened Entrepreneur running a successful authentic business, you make an impact and income because you merge money and mean- ing, turn your passion into profits, and prosper from your purpose. — Olivia Lobell I’m a BIG believer in lifelong learning, self-growth, and per- sonal transformation, as they all are essential elements to your authentic business success. That’s why it’s my great pleasure to invite you to continue learning, growing, and evolving with us, the enlightened entrepreneur tribe. Join us on this magnificent movement to achieve authentic business success and truly thrive as an enlightened entrepreneur, and access FREE thriving train- ing, best business practices, and indispensible resources online at Let me enlighten your mind,empower your heart,and inspire your soul to apply the Law of G.A.D.I.(Go And Do It) every sin- gle day, and most important, share your love, your successes (big and small), and your challenges with other heart-centered, suc- cess-minded, fulfillment-freedom-and-fun-focused, and make-a- difference-based enlightened entrepreneurs. I look forward to meeting you and speaking to you in “the com- munity.” To your authentic business success as an enlightened entrepreneur
  • 39. Thriving Together, Olivia Lobell Your Authentic Business Success Mentor Founder,Authentic Business Success Author, The Enlightened Entrepreneur Creator,ABS System the enlightened entrepreneur
  • 40. About the Author Let your mind be enlightened, your heart be empowered, and your soul be inspired, only then can you trust, transform, and truly thrive as an inspired leader, empowered creator, and an enlightened entrepreneur. — Olivia Lobell Olivia Lobell is the author of The Enlight- ened Entrepreneur and a contributor author to Pebbles in the Pond, where she is featured alongside New York Times Best-Selling Au- thors Marci Shimoff, Robert Allen, Arielle Ford, Sonia Choquette, Christine Kloser, and dozens more transformational authors. She is a much-loved Authentic Business Success Mentor and has travelled across two continents,America and Europe, meeting many leading experts and learning from hundreds of life-chang- ing book authors. She has completed dozens of online training programs by life-transforming seminar leaders and millionaire mentors, including some of the very best transformational teach- ers and business leaders on the planet, such as Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, T Harv Eker, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen,Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey, John Assaraf, Robert Ki- yosaki,Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and many others. Olivia is a world-known expert at enlightening minds, empowering hearts, and inspiring souls to achieve authentic business success. She is a member of the Elevate online training program,being mentored and coached by the Entrepreneurial Guru for Women Ali Brown and the Small Business Marketing Coach James Roche. 
  • 41. the enlightened entrepreneur She is also a member of theTransformational Author mastermind program led by theTransformation Catalyst Christine Kloser,and she belongs to the private community Get it Done Bootcamp led by the Global Authority for helpingThought-Leaders Launch Transformational Sold-Out Seminars Max Simon. Olivia’s background includes a degree in Letras (English and Portuguese teaching),Brazil,a Master’s degree inTESOL (Teach- ing English to Speakers of Other Languages), London, UK, and a 10-year experience as an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teacher at FISK Language School, Rosario do Sul, Brazil. She became an enlightened C.A.S.T.L.E. (Coach, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Leader, Expert) after finishing her Master’s de- gree in London, UK, and receiving a wake-up calling—spiritual awakening—which led her to go through a self-discovery stage in her life, what she calls her “soul-searching” journey, she went through three years of totally immersion in self-growth and entre- preneurship.She was blessed to transition from a successful 10-year language teaching career to building a thriving business she loves, while being authentic and aligned with her passion and purpose. Since then, she has dedicated her life to helping other pas- sionate professionals—authentic authorities: C.A.S.T.L.E.—suc- ceed in sharing their message out into the world in a big, bold, and positive way.Walking her talk,she shows her students and cli- ents how to create business breakthroughs to experience authen- tic abundance, success, and freedom from the inside out.Through her transformational books, live events, coaching and mentoring programs and products, she teaches her tribe how to achieve au- thentic business success as an inspired leader, empowered creator, and enlightened entrepreneur. In 2011, she founded Authentic Business Success, a company devoted to teaching enlightened entrepreneurs (C.A.S.T.L.E.)
  • 42. About the Author  how to build a thriving business around their blessing, attract more ideal clients, and make a lot more profits while being au- thentic and aligned with their passion and purpose. She also created the Authentic Business Success (ABS) Sys- tem and created, a resource of free training videos, articles, and audio downloads on achieving authentic business and marketing success to truly thrive as an en- lightened entrepreneur. She designed a very unique virtual busi- ness model that allows her to share her message, mission, and vi- sion with more people than she could personally see in a day. She began to write books, develop programs and products, and speak on her approach to business and life of authentic abundance,free- dom, and success filled with passion and purpose. Olivia loves to teach,inspire,and lead by example.Her unique abilities, gifts, and talents include enlightening minds, empower- ing hearts,and inspiring souls to take aligned,aspired,and authen- tic action toward their biggest dreams and deepest desires in order to create immediate, influential, and impactful results. Her key message is simple: you are here for a reason, to be of service, to give and receive, and to truly thrive. So be who you are destined to be,do the work you were born to do,share the message you were meant to share, and make the difference you are here to make by following your heart,listening to your soul,and doing what you love.As a result, the more impact you make, the more income you make.It’s a message that has transformed thousands of lives. A passionate, purposeful, and powerful creator of her own authentic abundance, freedom, and success, Olivia is a lady on a mission. Her big business vision is to help one million passionate professionals (C.A.S.T.L.E.) achieve authentic business success as an inspired leader, empowered creator, and enlightened entrepre- neur by 2020!
  • 43. the enlightened entrepreneur Today, she combines her experience, expertise, and wisdom about inspiring transformation through entrepreneurship to help enlightened entrepreneurs (and aspiring ones!) connect with and create their business and life from the inside out, while prosper- ing and profiting from their passion and purpose. Her work is based on her Authentic Business Success (ABS) System and shows how to trust, transform, and truly thrive as an enlightened entrepreneur. Olivia lives with her husband and business partner, Marcelo, in London, UK. Her live events (workshops, seminars, and re- treats) along with her irresistible offers (programs, products, and services) are dedicated to further exploring the principles in this book and specific strategies to implement them. Connect with the author at:
  • 44. Meet Olivia online and receive free training today at