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By Norhan Abdalla
■ Creating M-files
■ User Defined Functions
■ Solving Linear Equations
■ Symbolic Algebra
■ Calculus
MATLAB Environment
There are two ways to work with
■ Command Window
• For small tasks or simple
• Will execute as soon as you press
Enter key
• Interactive ;as each command is
entered , a response is returned
■ M- files
• For large programs
• Known as m-files because of
their .m extension.
• Usually used when having user
defined functions.
Matlab M-files
■ To create M-files :
• File > New > Script
• Or use the shortcut ctrl +N
• Or from the toolbar , by clicking on the
icon called “New Script”
■ Running m- file:
• >>filename
• >>run filename
• >> run (‘filename’)
Saving your work
Using Diary
■ Another way of saving a segment
of code or calculations  using
the diary.
• >> diary on
• code
• >>diary off
• Or >> diary (‘filename’)
A file has
with the
saved in
Saving your work
■ After finishing code
instructions type the command
save .
■ It will create a file with
variables stored in it
• >> save filename
It saves the variables in
the work spaces and
allow to overwrite them
Cell Mode
■ Cell mode is a utility that allows you to divide M-
files into sections, or cells.
■ Each cell can be executed one at a time.
• From tab Cell >> Evaluate Current Cell
• Or ctrl + Enter
■ To divide M-file ,use
%% cell name
■ We can use the icons on the tool strip to evaluate a
single section.
■ To navigate between cells.
• From tab GO >> Go To
• Or ctrl + G
Dividing m-
file into cells
Formatting Results
• The format command controls
how tightly information is
spaced in the command
• For example we took pi as an
number to represent different
Command Display Example
format short 4 decimals 3.1416
format long 14 decimals 3.141592653589793
format short e 4 decimals in
format long e 14 decimals in
format bank 2 decimals 3.14
format short eng 4 decimals in
format long eng 14 decimals in
format + +, - , bank +
format rat Fractional form 355/113
format short g Matlab selects
the best format
format long g Matlab selects
the best format
User Defined Functions
■ Function: is a piece of
computer code that accepts an
input argument from the user
and provides output to the
■ Functions allows us to program
• Creating functions is done
using M-files.
■ Function Definition:
1. The word ‘function’
2. A variable that defines the function
3. A function name
4. A variable used for the input argument
1 2 3 4
Defining a Function
■ To create a function , an M-file
must be created in the current
folder of the project and it
should have the same name as
the function .
■ Create MATLAB functions to evaluate the following
mathematical functions.
• y(x) = 𝑥2
• y(x) = 𝑒 Τ
• y(x) = sin(𝑥2
To test your
function, you have
to call it from the
command window
Functions with Multiple Inputs and
■ Multiple Inputs :
• For example ‘rem(x,y)’ takes two
■ Similarly , a user defined function
could have multiple inputs.
• X and Y can be either scalars or
■ Multiple Outputs:
• A function could return more
than one output. [output1 ,output2,…..]
If you call the
function without
specifying all the
three outputs ,
only the first one
is shown
■ Assuming that the matrix dimensions agree, create and test
MATLAB functions to evaluate the following simplest
mathematical functions:
• 𝑧 𝑥, 𝑦 = 𝑥 + 𝑦
• 𝑧 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐 = 𝑎𝑏𝑐
• 𝑓 𝑥 = 5𝑥2
+ 2
• 𝑓 𝑥, 𝑦 = 𝑥 + 𝑦
• 𝑓 𝑥, 𝑦 = 𝑥𝑒𝑦
• 𝑓 𝑥 = 5𝑥2 + 2
Functions with No Inputs or
■ Consider the following
■ The square brackets indicates
an empty output function.
■ The parentheses indicates an
empty input function.
■ nargin() A function determines the
number of the input arguments in either a
user-defined function or a built-in
■ nargout() A function determines the
number of the output arguments in either a
user-defined function or a built-in
From the command window
of No
Local Variables
■ A local variable : is a variable
only accessed in its scope.
■ The variables used in functions
M-files are local variables.
■ Any variables defined within a
function exist only for that
function to use.
■ No local variables in a function
exist in the workspace.
g is not there
Global Variables
■ A global variable : is accessed
for all parts of a computer
■ To use a global variable:
• Use the command ‘global var1’
■ It should be defined in the
command window or in a script
■ The global command alerts the
function to look in the
workspace for the value G.
■ This approach allows you to
change the value of G without
needing to redefine the
function in the M-file.
Accessing M-Files Code
■ The functions provided with
MATLAB are two types.
• Built in: its code is not
• M-files stored in toolboxes
provided with the program.
■ We can see these M-files (or the
M-files we have written).
■ For example ,the sphere function
creates a three dimensional
■ Returns the contents of the
function you have defined earlier.
Try this:
■ More complicated functions can be
created together in a single file as
■ Each MATLAB function M-file
has one primary function. The
name of the M-file must be the
same as the name of the primary
function name.
■ Subfunctions are added after
the primary function and can
have any variable name.
■ We use the ‘end’command to
indicate the end of each
individual function. This called
Nesting : is when
the primary
function and other
subfunctions are
■ In MATLAB, a polynomial is
represented by a vector
■ To create a polynomial in
MATLAB, simply enter each
coefficient of the polynomial into
the vector in descending order.
■ For instance:
+ 3𝑥3
− 15𝑥2
− 2𝑥 + 9 , it can be
entered as a vector X = [ 1 ,3 ,-15 ,-2,9]
■ If it is missing any coefficients
, you must replace them by
entering zeros in the
appropriate place in the vector
• For example, 𝑥4
+ 1 it is saved
like this: Y = [ 1,0,0,0,1]
■ To find the value of the polynomial
y= 𝑥4
+ 1 at x =2
• Use the command:
• Z = polyval([1 0 0 0 1],2)
• Z = polyval(y,2)
■ To extract the roots of a polynomial
such as : 𝑥2
− 5𝑥 + 6
• Use the command:
• Roots([1,-5 ,6])
System of Linear
■ Consider the following linear equations:
• 3x +2y –z = 10
• -x + 3y +2z = 5
• x –y – z = -1
• 𝐴 =
3 2 1
−1 3 2
1 −1 −1
1. Using the inverse:
System of Linear Equations
2. Using Gaussian elimination:
• Try this:
■ Consider the following equations:
• 3x +2y +5z = 22
• 4x + 5y -2z = 8
• x +y + z = 6
𝐴 =
3 2 5
4 5 −2
1 1 1
System of Linear
3. Using the reverse row Echelon function:
■ Consider the following equations:
• 3x +2y -2z = 10
• -x + 3y +2z = 5
• x -y - z = -1
𝐴 =
3 2 1
−1 3 2
1 −1 −1
Solution of x ,y ,z
Symbolic Algebra
■ It is preferable to manipulate
the equations symbolically
before substituting values for
■ MATLAB ‘s symbolic algebra
capabilities allow you to
perform substituting ,
simplification , factorization,
■ Creating symbolic variables:
• New variable:
• In the workspace:
They are in the
form of arrays
■ You can declare multiple
symbolic at the same time.
■ Notice that:
■ Create the following symbolic variables, using
sym or syms command :
x, a ,b, c, d
■ Use the symbolic variables you created for the
following expressions:
• ex1 = 𝑎𝑥2
+ 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐
• ex2 = sin(x)
• ex3 = sym (‘A𝑥3
+ 𝐵𝑥2
+ 𝐶𝑥 + 𝐹′)
• eq1= sym(‘ (x+1)^2=0 ’)
• eq2 = sym (‘ 𝐴𝑥2
= 1 ‘)
c and m are
not defined in
the workspace
Manipulating Symbolic
■ MATLAB has a number of
functions designed to manipulate
symbolic variables.
• example:
■ poly2sym This function
requires a vector as input and
creates a symbolic variable.
■ sym2poly() This function
converts the symbolic variable to
a polynomial vector.
■ expands(s) Multiplies out all the portions of the
expression or equation.
■ factor(s) Factors the expression or the equation.
■ collect(s) Collects the terms.
■ simplify(s)  simplifies the equation or the expressions.
■ simple(s)  simplifies to the shortest representation of
the expression
■ numden(s)  Finds the numerator of an expression. This
function is not valid for equations.
■ [num,den] = numden(s)  Finds both the numerator and
the denominator of an expression.
■ Create a variable y1= 𝑥2
− 1 * (𝑥 + 1)2
■ Create a variable y2= 𝑥2
− 1/(𝑥 + 1)2
■ Use the numden function to extract the numerator and
denominator from y1 and y2.
■ Use the factor, expand ,collect and simplify functions on y1
and y2.
Solving Expressions & Equations
■ Solve()  It can be used to determine the root of
expressions ,find numerical answers for a single variable,
to solve for an known symbolically.
■ MATLAB by default solves for x. If there is no x in the
expression , it finds the variable closest to x.
• To specify a variable to solve for:
The function
sets the
expression to
zero and solves
for roots
Solve for a
■ solve(S) Solves an expression with a single variable
■ solve(S) Solves an equation with more than one variable
■ solve (S, y) Solves an equation with more than one variable for a
specific variable.
■ [A,B,C] = solve(S1, S2, S3) Solves a system of equations and
assigns the solutions to the variables names.
Solving System of Equations
■ To solve a system of equations ,
define the equations as symbolic
variables , then use the ‘solve’
■ To solve For example:
■ You can also use this , but keep in
mind that the order of variable is
■ Remember that :
x,y,z are still symbolic variables.
■ To change the symbolic
variable to a numeric variable:
Use ‘double’
■ Solve the following system of equations, use
all the techniques you learned so far:
3x-3y+2z = 14
2x-4y-12= 24
■ We can substitute inside the
function with either numbers or
■ We can define a vector of numbers through
■ Note:
• If variables have been previously explicitly
defined symbolically , the quote is not
You substitute y in the place of x
You substitute x with 3
Substituting by listing an array
to the variables in the equation
■ Use the command ‘diff(f)’
■ Consider the following:
■ diff(f ,’t’) Returns the
derivative of the expression f with
respect to the variable t
■ diff(f , n) Returns the nth
■ diff(f, ‘t’, n) Returns the nth
derivative of the expression f with
respect to t.
Remember that the result is a
symbolic variable
■ Find the first derivative:
• 𝑥2
+𝑥 + 1
• sin(x)
• ln(x)
■ Find the first partial derivative with respect to x:
• 𝑎𝑥2
+ 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐
• tan 𝑥 + 𝑦
• 3𝑥 + 4𝑦 − 3𝑥𝑦
■ Find the second derivative with respect to y :
• 𝑦2
− 1
• 2𝑦 + 3𝑥2
■ To find the antiderivative,
use the command ‘int(f)’
■ int(f , ‘t’ )Returns the integral of f with
respect to variable t.
■ int(f , a ,b) Returns the integral of f
between the numeric values a , b.
■ int (f , ‘t’ , a ,b )  Returns the integral of f
with the respect to t between the numeric
values a, b .
• Note:
a , b can be either numbers or symbols
■ Find the integral:
• 𝑥2
+𝑥 + 1
• sin(x)
• ln(x)
■ Integrate with respect to x:
• 𝑎𝑥2
+ 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐
• tan 𝑥 + 𝑦
• 3𝑥 + 4𝑦 − 3𝑥𝑦
■ Integrate with respect to y :
• 𝑦2
− 1
• 2𝑦 + 3𝑥2
Try the same problems
with the limits ‫׬‬
Differential Equations
𝑦 = 𝑒𝑡
= 𝑒𝑡
■ dsolve() requires the user to enter
the differential equation ,using the
symbol D to specify derivatives
with respect to the independent
• Hint:
Do not use the letter D in your variable
names in DE. The function will
interpret D as a derivative.
The default
variable in
Specifying the
Differential Equations
■ We can also use the ‘dsolve’
function to solve systems of
differential equations:
dsolve(‘ eq1 , eq2 , … cond 1 ,
cond 2,…’)
in an array
To access the
of the array

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Matlab tutorial 4

  • 1. MATLAB TUTORIAL 4 By Norhan Abdalla
  • 2. Outline: ■ Creating M-files ■ User Defined Functions ■ Solving Linear Equations ■ Symbolic Algebra ■ Calculus
  • 4. MATLAB Environment There are two ways to work with MATLAB. ■ Command Window • For small tasks or simple calculations • Will execute as soon as you press Enter key • Interactive ;as each command is entered , a response is returned ■ M- files • For large programs • Known as m-files because of their .m extension. • Usually used when having user defined functions.
  • 5. Matlab M-files ■ To create M-files : • File > New > Script • Or use the shortcut ctrl +N • Or from the toolbar , by clicking on the icon called “New Script” ■ Running m- file: • >>filename • >>run filename • >> run (‘filename’)
  • 6. Saving your work Using Diary ■ Another way of saving a segment of code or calculations  using the diary. • >> diary on • code • >>diary off • Or >> diary (‘filename’) A file has been created with the variables saved in it.
  • 7. Saving your work ■ After finishing code instructions type the command save . ■ It will create a file with variables stored in it • >> save filename It saves the variables in the work spaces and allow to overwrite them
  • 8. Cell Mode ■ Cell mode is a utility that allows you to divide M- files into sections, or cells. ■ Each cell can be executed one at a time. • From tab Cell >> Evaluate Current Cell • Or ctrl + Enter ■ To divide M-file ,use %% cell name ■ We can use the icons on the tool strip to evaluate a single section. ■ To navigate between cells. • From tab GO >> Go To • Or ctrl + G Dividing m- file into cells
  • 9. Formatting Results • The format command controls how tightly information is spaced in the command window. • For example we took pi as an number to represent different formats Command Display Example format short 4 decimals 3.1416 format long 14 decimals 3.141592653589793 format short e 4 decimals in scientific 3.1416e+000 format long e 14 decimals in scientific 3.141592653589793e+000 format bank 2 decimals 3.14 format short eng 4 decimals in engineering 3.1416e+000 format long eng 14 decimals in engineering 3.14159265358979e+000 format + +, - , bank + format rat Fractional form 355/113 format short g Matlab selects the best format 3.1416 format long g Matlab selects the best format 3.14159265358979
  • 11. User Defined Functions ■ Function: is a piece of computer code that accepts an input argument from the user and provides output to the program. ■ Functions allows us to program efficiently. • Creating functions is done using M-files. ■ Function Definition: 1. The word ‘function’ 2. A variable that defines the function output 3. A function name 4. A variable used for the input argument 1 2 3 4
  • 12. Defining a Function ■ To create a function , an M-file must be created in the current folder of the project and it should have the same name as the function .
  • 13. Practice: ■ Create MATLAB functions to evaluate the following mathematical functions. • y(x) = 𝑥2 • y(x) = 𝑒 Τ 1 𝑥 • y(x) = sin(𝑥2 ) Hint: To test your function, you have to call it from the command window
  • 14. Functions with Multiple Inputs and Outputs ■ Multiple Inputs : • For example ‘rem(x,y)’ takes two inputs. ■ Similarly , a user defined function could have multiple inputs. • X and Y can be either scalars or vectors. ■ Multiple Outputs: • A function could return more than one output. [output1 ,output2,…..] If you call the function without specifying all the three outputs , only the first one is shown
  • 15. Practice: ■ Assuming that the matrix dimensions agree, create and test MATLAB functions to evaluate the following simplest mathematical functions: • 𝑧 𝑥, 𝑦 = 𝑥 + 𝑦 • 𝑧 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐 = 𝑎𝑏𝑐 • 𝑓 𝑥 = 5𝑥2 + 2 • 𝑓 𝑥, 𝑦 = 𝑥 + 𝑦 • 𝑓 𝑥, 𝑦 = 𝑥𝑒𝑦 • 𝑓 𝑥 = 5𝑥2 + 2
  • 16. Functions with No Inputs or Outputs ■ Consider the following function: ■ The square brackets indicates an empty output function. ■ The parentheses indicates an empty input function. ■ nargin() A function determines the number of the input arguments in either a user-defined function or a built-in function. ■ nargout() A function determines the number of the output arguments in either a user-defined function or a built-in function. From the command window -1 indicates a variable of No inputs
  • 17. Local Variables ■ A local variable : is a variable only accessed in its scope. ■ The variables used in functions M-files are local variables. ■ Any variables defined within a function exist only for that function to use. ■ No local variables in a function exist in the workspace. g is not there
  • 18. Global Variables ■ A global variable : is accessed for all parts of a computer program. ■ To use a global variable: • Use the command ‘global var1’ ■ It should be defined in the command window or in a script file ■ The global command alerts the function to look in the workspace for the value G. ■ This approach allows you to change the value of G without needing to redefine the function in the M-file.
  • 19. Accessing M-Files Code ■ The functions provided with MATLAB are two types. • Built in: its code is not accessible. • M-files stored in toolboxes provided with the program. ■ We can see these M-files (or the M-files we have written). ■ For example ,the sphere function creates a three dimensional shape. ■ Returns the contents of the function you have defined earlier. Try this:
  • 20. Subfunctions: ■ More complicated functions can be created together in a single file as subfunctions. ■ Each MATLAB function M-file has one primary function. The name of the M-file must be the same as the name of the primary function name. ■ Subfunctions are added after the primary function and can have any variable name. ■ We use the ‘end’command to indicate the end of each individual function. This called nesting. Nesting : is when the primary function and other subfunctions are listed sequentially.
  • 22. Polynomials ■ In MATLAB, a polynomial is represented by a vector ■ To create a polynomial in MATLAB, simply enter each coefficient of the polynomial into the vector in descending order. ■ For instance: 𝑥4 + 3𝑥3 − 15𝑥2 − 2𝑥 + 9 , it can be entered as a vector X = [ 1 ,3 ,-15 ,-2,9] ■ If it is missing any coefficients , you must replace them by entering zeros in the appropriate place in the vector • For example, 𝑥4 + 1 it is saved like this: Y = [ 1,0,0,0,1]
  • 23. Polynomials ■ To find the value of the polynomial y= 𝑥4 + 1 at x =2 • Use the command: • Z = polyval([1 0 0 0 1],2) OR • Z = polyval(y,2) ■ To extract the roots of a polynomial such as : 𝑥2 − 5𝑥 + 6 • Use the command: • Roots([1,-5 ,6])
  • 24. System of Linear Equations ■ Consider the following linear equations: • 3x +2y –z = 10 • -x + 3y +2z = 5 • x –y – z = -1 • 𝐴 = 3 2 1 −1 3 2 1 −1 −1 𝑥 𝑦 𝑧 = 10 5 −1 1. Using the inverse:
  • 25. System of Linear Equations 2. Using Gaussian elimination: • Try this: ■ Consider the following equations: • 3x +2y +5z = 22 • 4x + 5y -2z = 8 • x +y + z = 6 𝐴 = 3 2 5 4 5 −2 1 1 1 𝑥 𝑦 𝑧 = 22 8 6
  • 26. System of Linear Equations 3. Using the reverse row Echelon function: ■ Consider the following equations: • 3x +2y -2z = 10 • -x + 3y +2z = 5 • x -y - z = -1 𝐴 = 3 2 1 −1 3 2 1 −1 −1 𝑥 𝑦 𝑧 = 10 5 −1 Solution of x ,y ,z
  • 28. Symbolic Algebra ■ It is preferable to manipulate the equations symbolically before substituting values for variables. ■ MATLAB ‘s symbolic algebra capabilities allow you to perform substituting , simplification , factorization, ..etc. ■ Creating symbolic variables: • New variable: • In the workspace: or They are in the form of arrays
  • 29. Practice: ■ You can declare multiple symbolic at the same time. ■ Notice that: ■ Create the following symbolic variables, using sym or syms command : x, a ,b, c, d ■ Use the symbolic variables you created for the following expressions: • ex1 = 𝑎𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 • ex2 = sin(x) • ex3 = sym (‘A𝑥3 + 𝐵𝑥2 + 𝐶𝑥 + 𝐹′) • eq1= sym(‘ (x+1)^2=0 ’) • eq2 = sym (‘ 𝐴𝑥2 = 1 ‘) c and m are not defined in the workspace
  • 30. Manipulating Symbolic Expressions ■ MATLAB has a number of functions designed to manipulate symbolic variables. • example: ■ poly2sym This function requires a vector as input and creates a symbolic variable. ■ sym2poly() This function converts the symbolic variable to a polynomial vector.
  • 31. ■ expands(s) Multiplies out all the portions of the expression or equation. ■ factor(s) Factors the expression or the equation. ■ collect(s) Collects the terms. ■ simplify(s)  simplifies the equation or the expressions. ■ simple(s)  simplifies to the shortest representation of the expression ■ numden(s)  Finds the numerator of an expression. This function is not valid for equations. ■ [num,den] = numden(s)  Finds both the numerator and the denominator of an expression.
  • 32. Practice: ■ Create a variable y1= 𝑥2 − 1 * (𝑥 + 1)2 ■ Create a variable y2= 𝑥2 − 1/(𝑥 + 1)2 ■ Use the numden function to extract the numerator and denominator from y1 and y2. ■ Use the factor, expand ,collect and simplify functions on y1 and y2.
  • 33. Solving Expressions & Equations ■ Solve()  It can be used to determine the root of expressions ,find numerical answers for a single variable, to solve for an known symbolically. ■ MATLAB by default solves for x. If there is no x in the expression , it finds the variable closest to x. • To specify a variable to solve for: The function sets the expression to zero and solves for roots Solve for a
  • 34. ■ solve(S) Solves an expression with a single variable ■ solve(S) Solves an equation with more than one variable ■ solve (S, y) Solves an equation with more than one variable for a specific variable. ■ [A,B,C] = solve(S1, S2, S3) Solves a system of equations and assigns the solutions to the variables names.
  • 35. Solving System of Equations ■ To solve a system of equations , define the equations as symbolic variables , then use the ‘solve’ command ■ To solve For example: ■ You can also use this , but keep in mind that the order of variable is important ■ Remember that : x,y,z are still symbolic variables. ■ To change the symbolic variable to a numeric variable: Use ‘double’
  • 36. Practice: ■ Solve the following system of equations, use all the techniques you learned so far: 5x+6y-3z=10 3x-3y+2z = 14 2x-4y-12= 24
  • 37. Substitution ■ We can substitute inside the function with either numbers or variables. ■ We can define a vector of numbers through substitution. ■ Note: • If variables have been previously explicitly defined symbolically , the quote is not required. You substitute y in the place of x You substitute x with 3 Substituting by listing an array to the variables in the equation
  • 39. Differentiation: ■ Use the command ‘diff(f)’ ■ Consider the following: ■ diff(f ,’t’) Returns the derivative of the expression f with respect to the variable t ■ diff(f , n) Returns the nth derivative. ■ diff(f, ‘t’, n) Returns the nth derivative of the expression f with respect to t. Remember that the result is a symbolic variable
  • 40. Practice: ■ Find the first derivative: • 𝑥2 +𝑥 + 1 • sin(x) • ln(x) ■ Find the first partial derivative with respect to x: • 𝑎𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 • tan 𝑥 + 𝑦 • 3𝑥 + 4𝑦 − 3𝑥𝑦 ■ Find the second derivative with respect to y : • 𝑦2 − 1 • 2𝑦 + 3𝑥2
  • 41. Integration ■ To find the antiderivative, use the command ‘int(f)’ ■ int(f , ‘t’ )Returns the integral of f with respect to variable t. ■ int(f , a ,b) Returns the integral of f between the numeric values a , b. ■ int (f , ‘t’ , a ,b )  Returns the integral of f with the respect to t between the numeric values a, b . • Note: a , b can be either numbers or symbols
  • 42. Practice: ■ Find the integral: • 𝑥2 +𝑥 + 1 • sin(x) • ln(x) ■ Integrate with respect to x: • 𝑎𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 • tan 𝑥 + 𝑦 • 3𝑥 + 4𝑦 − 3𝑥𝑦 ■ Integrate with respect to y : • 𝑦2 − 1 • 2𝑦 + 3𝑥2 Try the same problems with the limits ‫׬‬ 0 5 𝑓
  • 43. Differential Equations 𝑦 = 𝑒𝑡 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑡 = 𝑒𝑡 ■ dsolve() requires the user to enter the differential equation ,using the symbol D to specify derivatives with respect to the independent variable. • Hint: Do not use the letter D in your variable names in DE. The function will interpret D as a derivative. The default independent variable in MATLAB is t With initial condition Specifying the independent variable
  • 44. Differential Equations ■ We can also use the ‘dsolve’ function to solve systems of differential equations: dsolve(‘ eq1 , eq2 , … cond 1 , cond 2,…’) Symbolic elements in an array To access the component of the array Or