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Unit 1: Introduction
Definition and Concept of Education in Pakistan:
Education in Pakistan refers to the formal and informal processes through which knowledge,
skills, values, and attitudes are acquired, developed, and transmitted to individuals. It
encompasses the structured learning experiences provided by educational institutions, as
well as informal learning that occurs within families, communities, and workplaces.
Education in Pakistan aims to foster intellectual, social, moral, and emotional development,
enabling individuals to understand the world, contribute to society, and lead fulfilling lives.
It encompasses both academic and practical knowledge, equipping individuals with the
necessary skills and competencies to succeed in their personal and professional endeavors.
Significance and Importance of Education in Pakistan:
Education holds immense significance and importance in Pakistan due to several reasons:
Human Development: Education plays a crucial role in human development by nurturing
individuals' cognitive, social, emotional, and physical abilities. It empowers individuals to
think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, and adapt to changing
Economic Development: Education is a key driver of economic growth and development. It
equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed for employment, entrepreneurship,
and innovation. A well-educated workforce contributes to productivity, technological
advancement, and economic competitiveness.
Social Cohesion: Education fosters social cohesion by promoting understanding, tolerance,
and respect for diversity. It provides opportunities for social interaction, cultural exchange,
and the development of citizenship values. Education helps create an inclusive society
where individuals from diverse backgrounds can live harmoniously.
Poverty Alleviation: Education has the potential to break the cycle of poverty by enabling
individuals to access better job opportunities, higher income levels, and improved living
conditions. It equips individuals with the necessary skills to participate actively in the labor
market and contribute to economic development.
Empowerment of Marginalized Groups: Education is a tool for empowering marginalized
groups, including women, girls, and disadvantaged communities. It promotes gender
Course Code: EDU:B1288 Education System of Pakistan 3 Credit Hours
B.Ed (1.5 years) (2nd
equality, social justice, and inclusive development by providing equal access to education
and opportunities for all.
Functions of Education in Pakistan:
Acquisition of Knowledge: Education serves the fundamental function of imparting
knowledge and understanding in various disciplines such as sciences, humanities,
mathematics, and social sciences. It provides individuals with a foundation of knowledge
that forms the basis for further learning and development.
Skill Development: Education equips individuals with a range of skills, including literacy,
numeracy, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and digital literacy. These
skills are essential for personal growth, employability, and active participation in society.
Socialization and Character Building: Education plays a crucial role in socializing individuals
and instilling societal values, norms, and ethical principles. It helps in the development of
character, moral values, and responsible citizenship, fostering social cohesion and a sense
of community.
Personal Development: Education supports the holistic development of individuals by
nurturing their intellectual, emotional, social, and physical well-being. It promotes self-
awareness, self-confidence, and personal growth, enabling individuals to fulfill their
Preparation for the Workforce: Education prepares individuals for the world of work by
providing vocational and technical skills, as well as fostering entrepreneurship and
innovation. It equips individuals with the competencies needed to adapt to a dynamic and
evolving job market.
By fulfilling these functions, education in Pakistan contributes to individual and societal
advancement, promoting social progress, economic prosperity, and a more equitable and
inclusive society.
Unit 2: Islam and Education
Islam and Education:
In Islam, education is highly valued and encouraged. It is considered a fundamental right
and a means to acquire knowledge, develop intellectual abilities, and enhance one's
understanding of the world. Education holds a significant place in Islamic teachings, as
seeking knowledge is regarded as a religious duty for both men and women.
Islam promotes the pursuit of knowledge in various ways. The first revelation of the Quran
to the Prophet Muhammad contained the command to read, emphasizing the importance
of education. Islamic history is replete with examples of scholars and thinkers who
contributed to the fields of science, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, and more. Islamic
educational institutions, such as madrasas and universities, played a crucial role in
preserving and advancing knowledge during different periods in history.
Muslim scholars and Education in Pakistan:
Pakistan has a rich history of Muslim scholars who have made significant contributions to
education and its promotion. These scholars have played a pivotal role in establishing and
nurturing educational institutions, spreading knowledge, and developing curricula that
incorporate Islamic teachings.
Prominent Muslim scholars in Pakistan, such as Allama Iqbal, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, and
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, have been instrumental in advocating for education. Allama
Iqbal, considered the spiritual father of Pakistan, emphasized the importance of education
for Muslims and their revival. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, the founder of Aligarh Muslim
University, dedicated his efforts to modernizing education for Muslims in the Indian
subcontinent. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, a prominent leader during the Indian
independence movement, worked towards the development of education in both religious
and secular fields.
These scholars recognized the significance of education in empowering Muslims and
enabling them to keep pace with the changing world. They worked to establish educational
institutions that combined modern subjects with Islamic teachings, aiming to produce
individuals well-equipped with knowledge and a strong moral foundation.
Role of Muslim leaders in education:
Muslim leaders, both in Pakistan and other parts of the world, have played a crucial role in
promoting education. They have emphasized the importance of education in Islamic
societies, encouraging Muslims to seek knowledge and engage in educational pursuits.
Muslim leaders have supported the establishment of schools, colleges, and universities,
focusing on providing quality education to Muslim communities. They have worked towards
bridging the gap between religious and secular education, ensuring that Islamic values and
teachings are integrated into educational systems.
Additionally, Muslim leaders have advocated for educational reforms, addressing issues
such as gender equality in education, access to education for marginalized communities,
and curriculum development that combines Islamic teachings with modern knowledge.
By actively supporting and investing in education, Muslim leaders aim to empower their
communities, foster critical thinking, and contribute to the overall progress and
development of societies.
Overall, the relationship between Islam and education is intertwined, with Islam promoting
the pursuit of knowledge and emphasizing its importance. Muslim scholars and leaders
have played significant roles in promoting education, establishing educational institutions,
and advocating for educational reforms that integrate Islamic teachings with modern
knowledge. Their efforts have contributed to the development of educational systems and
the empowerment of Muslim communities.
Unit 3: National Educational Conference 1947
The National Educational Conference of 1947 was a significant event held in Pakistan
shortly after its independence. It aimed to discuss and formulate policies for the education
system of the newly formed country. Here are some key aspects related to the conference:
Quaid-e-Azam's Message: Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan,
delivered a message at the National Educational Conference. He emphasized the
importance of education for the progress and development of the nation. Quaid-e-Azam
stressed the need for an education system that would produce responsible and enlightened
citizens who would contribute to the betterment of society. He highlighted the importance
of scientific and technical education to meet the challenges of the modern world.
Fazal ur Rehman's Three Dimensions of Education: Fazal ur Rehman, a renowned
educationist and philosopher, presented his concept of the three dimensions of education
at the conference. According to him, education should encompass the physical, intellectual,
and moral dimensions. He emphasized the development of physical health, intellectual
capabilities, and moral values in individuals through the education system.
Aims of the Education Conference: The National Educational Conference had several aims,
 Formulating policies and strategies for the education system in Pakistan.
 Promoting a comprehensive and balanced education system that would cater to the
diverse needs of the population.
 Addressing the challenges and issues related to education, such as access to education,
curriculum development, teacher training, and educational infrastructure.
 Integrating Islamic teachings with modern education to develop individuals with a
strong moral foundation.
 Ensuring the provision of quality education to all segments of society, including
marginalized communities and girls.
 Encouraging research and innovation in education to keep pace with global
Recommendations of the Conference: The National Educational Conference produced
several recommendations, some of which are as follows:
Universal Primary Education: The conference emphasized the importance of providing free
and compulsory primary education to all children in Pakistan.
Curriculum Development: It recommended the development of a curriculum that would
combine modern education with Islamic teachings, promoting critical thinking, moral values,
and a sense of national identity.
Teacher Training: The conference highlighted the need for improving the quality of
teachers by establishing training institutions and providing professional development
Technical and Vocational Education: It emphasized the significance of technical and
vocational education to equip individuals with skills for employment and economic
Female Education: The conference stressed the importance of promoting girls' education
and removing barriers that hindered their access to education.
Educational Infrastructure: The need for investment in educational infrastructure, such as
schools and colleges, was highlighted to ensure adequate facilities for students.
Research and Development: The conference recommended the establishment of research
institutions and the promotion of research in various fields of education.
These recommendations played a crucial role in shaping the education policies of Pakistan
and served as a foundation for subsequent reforms in the education system.
Unit 4: National Education Commission 1959
The National Education Commission of 1959 was a significant initiative in Pakistan aimed at
addressing the challenges and needs of the education sector. Here are the details regarding
the commission:
Background: The commission was established in 1958 by the government of Pakistan under
the leadership of President Ayub Khan. It was formed in response to the need for
comprehensive educational reforms and improvements in the country. The commission
comprised eminent educationists, intellectuals, and experts from various fields.
Objectives of the Commission: The main objectives of the National Education Commission
of 1959 were as follows:
Assessment and Evaluation: To assess the existing education system in Pakistan and
evaluate its strengths, weaknesses, and areas that required improvement.
Policy Formulation: To formulate policies and strategies for the development of the
education sector in Pakistan, keeping in view the national goals and aspirations.
Access and Equality: To promote equitable access to education for all segments of society,
regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, or geographical location.
Quality Enhancement: To improve the quality of education by focusing on curriculum
development, teacher training, educational infrastructure, and instructional methodologies.
Technical and Vocational Education: To develop technical and vocational education
programs to meet the demands of the growing economy and address the issue of
Integration of Islamic Values: To integrate Islamic teachings and values within the
education system to foster moral and ethical development.
Educational Planning: To develop long-term educational plans and strategies that would
guide the future growth and development of the education sector in Pakistan.
Salient Features of the Commission: The National Education Commission of 1959 had
several salient features, including:
Holistic Approach: The commission took a holistic approach to education, focusing on the
physical, intellectual, moral, and emotional development of individuals.
Emphasis on Science and Technology: The commission recognized the importance of
science and technology in the progress and development of the nation. It aimed to promote
scientific education and research.
Technical and Vocational Education: The commission highlighted the significance of
technical and vocational education for skill development and employment opportunities.
Teacher Training: The commission stressed the need for improving the quality of teachers
through enhanced training and professional development programs.
Education for Girls: The commission emphasized the importance of girls' education and
advocated for the removal of barriers that hindered their access to education.
Implementation Policy Regarding Education Commission 1959: The implementation of the
recommendations and policies of the National Education Commission of 1959 involved
several steps, including:
Formulation of Education Policies: The government formulated policies based on the
recommendations of the commission to guide educational development.
Curriculum Development: Efforts were made to revise and update the curriculum to ensure
it aligned with the goals and aspirations of the nation, incorporating both national and
global perspectives.
Teacher Training Programs: Teacher training institutions were established or enhanced to
provide quality training to educators, focusing on modern teaching methodologies and
instructional techniques.
Infrastructure Development: Investment was made in educational infrastructure, including
the construction of schools, colleges, and universities to cater to the increasing educational
needs of the population.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Mechanisms were put in place to monitor and evaluate the
progress of educational reforms and the implementation of the commission's
Public Awareness and Engagement: Awareness campaigns were conducted to highlight the
importance of education and engage the public in the reform process.
The implementation of the policies varied over time, and subsequent governments
introduced their own educational reforms. However, the National Education Commission of
1959 laid the foundation for future educational development in Pakistan and influenced
subsequent educational policies and reforms in the country.
Unit 5: Educational Policies of Pakistan
New Educational Policy 1970: The New Educational Policy of 1970 aimed to provide free
and compulsory education for all children up to the age of 14. It emphasized the expansion
of educational facilities, particularly in rural areas. The policy also focused on curriculum
reforms, teacher training, and technical and vocational education.
Educational Policy 1972: The Educational Policy of 1972 introduced a number of significant
changes. It emphasized the nationalization of educational institutions, seeking to create a
uniform system of education. The policy aimed to promote equality and social justice by
removing class-based distinctions in education. It also focused on the integration of Islamic
values and Urdu as the medium of instruction.
Educational Policy 1979: The Educational Policy of 1979 emphasized the Islamization of
education in Pakistan. It aimed to bring the education system in line with Islamic principles
and values. The policy introduced the teaching of the Quran and Islamic studies as
compulsory subjects at all levels of education. It also focused on the promotion of the Urdu
Educational Policy 1992: The Educational Policy of 1992 aimed to address the shortcomings
of previous policies and promote quality education. It emphasized the development of a
uniform national curriculum, teacher training, and the provision of educational facilities in
rural and remote areas. The policy also focused on the promotion of science and
technology education.
Educational Policy 1998-2010: The Educational Policy spanning from 1998 to 2010 aimed to
improve the quality of education and address the challenges faced by the education sector.
It focused on decentralization, community participation, and the empowerment of teachers.
The policy aimed to enhance the skills and competencies of students through curriculum
reforms, assessment reforms, and the use of modern teaching methods and technologies.
Educational Policy 2009: The Educational Policy of 2009 aimed to provide access to quality
education for all and promote human resource development. It focused on addressing the
gender gap in education and improving the quality and relevance of education. The policy
emphasized the integration of modern technologies in teaching and learning, as well as the
development of skills for the 21st-century workforce.
It's important to note that these policies underwent revisions and amendments over time,
and subsequent governments introduced their own educational policies and reforms. The
mentioned policies provide a broad overview of the educational focus and priorities during
the respective periods.
Unit 6: Provision of Education in Five Years Plans
The provision of education in the Five-Year Plans in Pakistan has been a key focus for the
development of the education sector. Here are some aspects related to education in the
Five-Year Plans:
Objectives: The objectives of including education in the Five-Year Plans in Pakistan have
generally aimed to improve access, quality, and relevance of education. The plans have
focused on addressing issues of educational infrastructure, teacher training, curriculum
development, and promoting equity in education.
Teachers' Training: The Five-Year Plans have emphasized the importance of teacher
training programs to enhance the quality of education. Efforts have been made to establish
teacher training institutes, provide professional development opportunities, and introduce
modern teaching methodologies to improve teaching standards in schools and colleges.
Educational Research: The plans have recognized the significance of educational research
in improving the education system. Funds and resources have been allocated for
educational research institutions and programs to conduct research on various aspects of
education, including curriculum development, pedagogy, and educational policies.
Elementary and Secondary Education: The Five-Year Plans have prioritized the
development of elementary and secondary education. Initiatives have been undertaken to
improve access to education, enhance infrastructure, provide learning materials, and
promote enrollment and retention rates at the primary and secondary levels.
Colleges and Universities: The plans have aimed to expand and strengthen higher
education institutions, including colleges and universities. Efforts have been made to
increase the number of universities, improve the quality of higher education, and promote
research and development in various academic disciplines.
Adult Education: The Five-Year Plans have recognized the importance of adult education to
address the educational needs of the adult population. Programs have been initiated to
provide functional literacy, vocational training, and lifelong learning opportunities to adults
who missed out on formal education.
Role of the Private Sector in Education: The Five-Year Plans have acknowledged the role of
the private sector in the provision of education. Policies have been formulated to
encourage private investment in the education sector, particularly at the higher education
level. The private sector has played a significant role in establishing schools, colleges, and
universities, contributing to the expansion of educational opportunities.
It's important to note that the specific details and priorities related to education in the Five-
Year Plans have varied over time, reflecting the changing needs and priorities of the country.
Each plan has focused on different aspects of education based on the prevailing
circumstances and development goals of the period.
Unit No7: Provincial Departments of Education
Provincial Departments of Education in Pakistan play a vital role in overseeing and
managing education at the provincial level. Here are the key components and
responsibilities of these departments:
Level of Education at Provincial Level: Provincial Departments of Education are responsible
for managing and overseeing education at the provincial level in Pakistan. This includes
primary, secondary, and higher education institutions within their respective provinces.
Provincial Directorates of Education: Each province has a Provincial Directorate of
Education, which serves as the primary administrative body responsible for education
within the province. These directorates are responsible for policy development, planning,
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of educational programs and initiatives.
Directorate of Elementary & Secondary Education: The Directorate of Elementary &
Secondary Education, present in each province, focuses on the management and
improvement of primary and secondary education. This directorate is responsible for
formulating policies related to elementary and secondary education, curriculum
development, teacher training, examination systems, and monitoring of schools.
Directorate of Colleges & Archives: The Directorate of Colleges & Archives, also found in
each province, is responsible for overseeing the management and development of colleges
and higher education institutions. This directorate formulates policies, manages college-
level education, and ensures the provision of quality education at the higher education
Directorate of Technical Education: The Directorate of Technical Education, present in each
province, is responsible for technical and vocational education and training (TVET). This
directorate focuses on promoting and regulating technical education, including the
development of vocational training programs, skill development initiatives, and industry-
academia collaborations.
Curriculum Bureaus: Curriculum Bureaus, operating at the provincial level, are responsible
for curriculum development and reforms. These bureaus design and revise curricula for
various subjects and levels of education, ensuring that they align with national goals,
educational standards, and the needs of the province.
Textbook Boards: Provincial Textbook Boards are responsible for the development,
publishing, and distribution of textbooks used in schools across the province. These boards
ensure that textbooks meet educational standards, provide accurate information, and
reflect the curriculum requirements of the province.
The provincial departments, directorates, curriculum bureaus, and textbook boards
collectively work towards the improvement of education within their respective provinces.
They develop policies, establish standards, provide support and guidance to educational
institutions, and strive to enhance the quality and accessibility of education in their regions.
Unit 8: Educational Institutions in Pakistan
Pakistan has a wide range of educational institutions catering to different levels of
education. Here are the key types of educational institutions in Pakistan:
Early Childhood Education in Pakistan: Early childhood education in Pakistan focuses on
the education and care of children between the ages of 3 to 5 years. It includes pre-primary
schools, nursery schools, and kindergartens. These institutions provide a foundation for
children's physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development through age-appropriate
activities and learning experiences.
Elementary Education in Pakistan: Elementary education in Pakistan typically covers grades
1 to 5 or 1 to 8, depending on the educational system followed. It aims to provide
foundational knowledge and skills in subjects like language, mathematics, science, and
social studies. Elementary schools in Pakistan are typically government-run or private
Secondary Education in Pakistan: Secondary education in Pakistan generally covers grades
6 to 10 or 9 to 10, leading to the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or Matriculation
examination. It focuses on a broader range of subjects, including sciences, humanities, and
arts. Secondary schools in Pakistan are both public and private and may include
government schools, private schools, and international schools.
Colleges and Universities in Pakistan: Pakistan has numerous colleges and universities
offering higher education. Colleges in Pakistan typically provide intermediate-level
education, offering programs such as pre-medical, pre-engineering, commerce, and arts.
Universities, on the other hand, offer undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs
in various fields of study, including sciences, engineering, medicine, social sciences, arts,
and humanities.
Teachers' Education Institutions: Teachers' education institutions in Pakistan are dedicated
to the training and professional development of teachers. These institutions provide pre-
service and in-service training programs for teachers, preparing them for different levels of
education. They include Teachers Training Colleges, Institutes of Education and Research,
and universities offering Bachelor's and Master's programs in education.
These educational institutions collectively form the education system in Pakistan, providing
opportunities for individuals to acquire knowledge, skills, and qualifications at different
stages of their academic journey.
Unit 9: Examination System of Pakistan
Examination System of Pakistan: The examination system in Pakistan refers to the
methods and processes used to assess students' knowledge, understanding, and skills at
various stages of their education. It plays a crucial role in evaluating student performance,
determining academic progress, and certifying their achievements. Here are some key
aspects related to the examination system in Pakistan:
Concept, Importance, and Objectives of Examination: Examinations are formal
assessments conducted to evaluate students' learning outcomes and measure their
knowledge and skills in specific subjects or areas. They serve several purposes, including:
Evaluation: Examinations assess students' understanding and mastery of the curriculum,
providing an objective measure of their knowledge and skills.
Certification: Examinations certify students' achievements and academic qualifications,
enabling them to progress to the next level of education or enter the workforce.
Feedback: Examinations provide feedback to students, teachers, and educational
institutions, helping them identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and improve teaching
and learning practices.
Accountability: Examinations hold students, teachers, and educational institutions
accountable for achieving educational standards and meeting academic expectations.
Semester System: The semester system divides the academic year into two or more
semesters, usually consisting of 16 to 18 weeks each. It offers the following characteristics:
Meaning: In the semester system, the academic year is divided into semesters, and
students undertake a set of courses during each semester. At the end of each semester,
examinations or assessments are conducted to evaluate students' performance.
Nature: The semester system allows for a more structured and organized approach to
education. It provides students with the opportunity to focus on a specific set of subjects
during each semester, promoting a deeper understanding of the content.
 Improved Learning: Semester system allows for better concentration on a limited
number of subjects at a time, enhancing students' understanding and retention of the
 Continuous Assessment: Regular assessments and examinations throughout the
semester enable ongoing evaluation of students' progress and provide timely feedback.
 Flexibility: Semester system allows students to choose electives and build a
customized study plan according to their interests and career goals.
 Hectic Schedule: The semester system may result in a more packed academic
schedule, with shorter durations for each course.
 Limited Time for Revision: Due to the shorter duration of each semester, students
may have less time for revision before examinations.
Terminal System: Meaning: The terminal system refers to a year-end or final examination
conducted at the completion of an academic year or course.
Nature: In the terminal system, students undergo a complete academic year or course and
appear for a comprehensive examination at the end of that period.
 Comprehensive Evaluation: The terminal system allows for a comprehensive
assessment of students' knowledge and understanding of the entire course.
 Focused Preparation: Students have a longer duration to prepare for the final
examination, which allows for more comprehensive revision.
 Delayed Feedback: Since examinations are held at the end of the academic year or
course, students receive feedback on their performance after a significant time gap.
 Pressure and Anxiety: The final examination in the terminal system can create a high-
stakes environment, leading to increased pressure and anxiety among students.
It's important to note that both the semester system and the terminal system have their
own advantages and disadvantages. Educational institutions in Pakistan may adopt either
system based on their specific requirements and goals.
Unit No 10: New Trends in Pakistani Education
New trends in Pakistani education reflect ongoing efforts to address challenges and
improve the education system. Here are some key trends:
Education Sector Reforms (ESR): Education Sector Reforms focus on comprehensive
changes and improvements in the education system. These reforms aim to enhance access,
quality, equity, and relevance of education. They involve policy reforms, curriculum
development, teacher training, infrastructure development, and monitoring and evaluation
Human Resource Development (HRD): Human Resource Development initiatives focus on
the professional development of teachers and educational administrators. They include
training programs, capacity building workshops, and mentoring to improve teaching
practices, leadership skills, and management capabilities. HRD aims to enhance the quality
of education and strengthen the educational workforce.
Technological Development & Education: Technological advancements are being
integrated into education to enhance teaching and learning processes. This includes the use
of digital tools, e-learning platforms, multimedia resources, and online learning
management systems. Technological development aims to make education more
interactive, engaging, and accessible.
Non-Formal (Distance Education): Non-formal education, including distance learning, is
gaining prominence in Pakistan. Distance education programs allow students to pursue
education remotely, utilizing online platforms, video lectures, and study materials. This
mode of education provides flexible learning opportunities, especially for individuals who
cannot attend traditional classes.
Special Education: Special education is receiving increased attention in Pakistan to cater to
the needs of individuals with disabilities. Efforts are being made to establish specialized
schools, provide inclusive education, and offer support services for students with special
needs. Special education aims to ensure equal educational opportunities and promote
inclusive practices.
Problems & Issues in the Education System of Pakistan: Despite the efforts to bring
improvements, the education system in Pakistan faces several challenges and issues,
Access and Equity: Disparities in access to education, particularly in remote and
marginalized areas, persist. Limited infrastructure, lack of resources, and socio-cultural
barriers contribute to unequal educational opportunities.
Quality of Education: The quality of education needs improvement, including curriculum
relevance, teacher training, and learning outcomes assessment. There is a need for greater
emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and skills development.
Gender Disparities: Gender disparities in education persist, with lower enrollment and
higher dropout rates among girls. Social and cultural factors, early marriages, and limited
access to girls' schools contribute to this issue.
Infrastructure and Resources: Insufficient educational infrastructure, including schools,
classrooms, libraries, and laboratories, hinders the delivery of quality education. Lack of
resources, including teaching materials and technology, also poses challenges.
Governance and Policy Implementation: Challenges in policy implementation, bureaucratic
hurdles, and inadequate monitoring and accountability mechanisms affect the effectiveness
of education reforms.
Addressing these problems and issues requires collective efforts from policymakers,
educational institutions, teachers, communities, and civil society organizations. Continued
focus on reforms, increased investment, and stakeholder engagement can contribute to the
improvement of the education system in Pakistan.

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Education System of Pakistan.pdf

  • 1. Unit 1: Introduction Definition and Concept of Education in Pakistan: Education in Pakistan refers to the formal and informal processes through which knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes are acquired, developed, and transmitted to individuals. It encompasses the structured learning experiences provided by educational institutions, as well as informal learning that occurs within families, communities, and workplaces. Education in Pakistan aims to foster intellectual, social, moral, and emotional development, enabling individuals to understand the world, contribute to society, and lead fulfilling lives. It encompasses both academic and practical knowledge, equipping individuals with the necessary skills and competencies to succeed in their personal and professional endeavors. Significance and Importance of Education in Pakistan: Education holds immense significance and importance in Pakistan due to several reasons: Human Development: Education plays a crucial role in human development by nurturing individuals' cognitive, social, emotional, and physical abilities. It empowers individuals to think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, and adapt to changing circumstances. Economic Development: Education is a key driver of economic growth and development. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed for employment, entrepreneurship, and innovation. A well-educated workforce contributes to productivity, technological advancement, and economic competitiveness. Social Cohesion: Education fosters social cohesion by promoting understanding, tolerance, and respect for diversity. It provides opportunities for social interaction, cultural exchange, and the development of citizenship values. Education helps create an inclusive society where individuals from diverse backgrounds can live harmoniously. Poverty Alleviation: Education has the potential to break the cycle of poverty by enabling individuals to access better job opportunities, higher income levels, and improved living conditions. It equips individuals with the necessary skills to participate actively in the labor market and contribute to economic development. Empowerment of Marginalized Groups: Education is a tool for empowering marginalized groups, including women, girls, and disadvantaged communities. It promotes gender Course Code: EDU:B1288 Education System of Pakistan 3 Credit Hours B.Ed (1.5 years) (2nd Semester)
  • 2. equality, social justice, and inclusive development by providing equal access to education and opportunities for all. Functions of Education in Pakistan: Acquisition of Knowledge: Education serves the fundamental function of imparting knowledge and understanding in various disciplines such as sciences, humanities, mathematics, and social sciences. It provides individuals with a foundation of knowledge that forms the basis for further learning and development. Skill Development: Education equips individuals with a range of skills, including literacy, numeracy, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and digital literacy. These skills are essential for personal growth, employability, and active participation in society. Socialization and Character Building: Education plays a crucial role in socializing individuals and instilling societal values, norms, and ethical principles. It helps in the development of character, moral values, and responsible citizenship, fostering social cohesion and a sense of community. Personal Development: Education supports the holistic development of individuals by nurturing their intellectual, emotional, social, and physical well-being. It promotes self- awareness, self-confidence, and personal growth, enabling individuals to fulfill their potential. Preparation for the Workforce: Education prepares individuals for the world of work by providing vocational and technical skills, as well as fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. It equips individuals with the competencies needed to adapt to a dynamic and evolving job market. By fulfilling these functions, education in Pakistan contributes to individual and societal advancement, promoting social progress, economic prosperity, and a more equitable and inclusive society. Unit 2: Islam and Education Islam and Education: In Islam, education is highly valued and encouraged. It is considered a fundamental right and a means to acquire knowledge, develop intellectual abilities, and enhance one's understanding of the world. Education holds a significant place in Islamic teachings, as seeking knowledge is regarded as a religious duty for both men and women. Islam promotes the pursuit of knowledge in various ways. The first revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad contained the command to read, emphasizing the importance
  • 3. of education. Islamic history is replete with examples of scholars and thinkers who contributed to the fields of science, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, and more. Islamic educational institutions, such as madrasas and universities, played a crucial role in preserving and advancing knowledge during different periods in history. Muslim scholars and Education in Pakistan: Pakistan has a rich history of Muslim scholars who have made significant contributions to education and its promotion. These scholars have played a pivotal role in establishing and nurturing educational institutions, spreading knowledge, and developing curricula that incorporate Islamic teachings. Prominent Muslim scholars in Pakistan, such as Allama Iqbal, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, have been instrumental in advocating for education. Allama Iqbal, considered the spiritual father of Pakistan, emphasized the importance of education for Muslims and their revival. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, the founder of Aligarh Muslim University, dedicated his efforts to modernizing education for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, a prominent leader during the Indian independence movement, worked towards the development of education in both religious and secular fields. These scholars recognized the significance of education in empowering Muslims and enabling them to keep pace with the changing world. They worked to establish educational institutions that combined modern subjects with Islamic teachings, aiming to produce individuals well-equipped with knowledge and a strong moral foundation. Role of Muslim leaders in education: Muslim leaders, both in Pakistan and other parts of the world, have played a crucial role in promoting education. They have emphasized the importance of education in Islamic societies, encouraging Muslims to seek knowledge and engage in educational pursuits. Muslim leaders have supported the establishment of schools, colleges, and universities, focusing on providing quality education to Muslim communities. They have worked towards bridging the gap between religious and secular education, ensuring that Islamic values and teachings are integrated into educational systems. Additionally, Muslim leaders have advocated for educational reforms, addressing issues such as gender equality in education, access to education for marginalized communities, and curriculum development that combines Islamic teachings with modern knowledge. By actively supporting and investing in education, Muslim leaders aim to empower their communities, foster critical thinking, and contribute to the overall progress and development of societies. Overall, the relationship between Islam and education is intertwined, with Islam promoting the pursuit of knowledge and emphasizing its importance. Muslim scholars and leaders
  • 4. have played significant roles in promoting education, establishing educational institutions, and advocating for educational reforms that integrate Islamic teachings with modern knowledge. Their efforts have contributed to the development of educational systems and the empowerment of Muslim communities. Unit 3: National Educational Conference 1947 The National Educational Conference of 1947 was a significant event held in Pakistan shortly after its independence. It aimed to discuss and formulate policies for the education system of the newly formed country. Here are some key aspects related to the conference: Quaid-e-Azam's Message: Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, delivered a message at the National Educational Conference. He emphasized the importance of education for the progress and development of the nation. Quaid-e-Azam stressed the need for an education system that would produce responsible and enlightened citizens who would contribute to the betterment of society. He highlighted the importance of scientific and technical education to meet the challenges of the modern world. Fazal ur Rehman's Three Dimensions of Education: Fazal ur Rehman, a renowned educationist and philosopher, presented his concept of the three dimensions of education at the conference. According to him, education should encompass the physical, intellectual, and moral dimensions. He emphasized the development of physical health, intellectual capabilities, and moral values in individuals through the education system. Aims of the Education Conference: The National Educational Conference had several aims, including:  Formulating policies and strategies for the education system in Pakistan.  Promoting a comprehensive and balanced education system that would cater to the diverse needs of the population.  Addressing the challenges and issues related to education, such as access to education, curriculum development, teacher training, and educational infrastructure.  Integrating Islamic teachings with modern education to develop individuals with a strong moral foundation.  Ensuring the provision of quality education to all segments of society, including marginalized communities and girls.  Encouraging research and innovation in education to keep pace with global advancements. Recommendations of the Conference: The National Educational Conference produced several recommendations, some of which are as follows: Universal Primary Education: The conference emphasized the importance of providing free and compulsory primary education to all children in Pakistan.
  • 5. Curriculum Development: It recommended the development of a curriculum that would combine modern education with Islamic teachings, promoting critical thinking, moral values, and a sense of national identity. Teacher Training: The conference highlighted the need for improving the quality of teachers by establishing training institutions and providing professional development opportunities. Technical and Vocational Education: It emphasized the significance of technical and vocational education to equip individuals with skills for employment and economic development. Female Education: The conference stressed the importance of promoting girls' education and removing barriers that hindered their access to education. Educational Infrastructure: The need for investment in educational infrastructure, such as schools and colleges, was highlighted to ensure adequate facilities for students. Research and Development: The conference recommended the establishment of research institutions and the promotion of research in various fields of education. These recommendations played a crucial role in shaping the education policies of Pakistan and served as a foundation for subsequent reforms in the education system. Unit 4: National Education Commission 1959 The National Education Commission of 1959 was a significant initiative in Pakistan aimed at addressing the challenges and needs of the education sector. Here are the details regarding the commission: Background: The commission was established in 1958 by the government of Pakistan under the leadership of President Ayub Khan. It was formed in response to the need for comprehensive educational reforms and improvements in the country. The commission comprised eminent educationists, intellectuals, and experts from various fields. Objectives of the Commission: The main objectives of the National Education Commission of 1959 were as follows: Assessment and Evaluation: To assess the existing education system in Pakistan and evaluate its strengths, weaknesses, and areas that required improvement. Policy Formulation: To formulate policies and strategies for the development of the education sector in Pakistan, keeping in view the national goals and aspirations.
  • 6. Access and Equality: To promote equitable access to education for all segments of society, regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, or geographical location. Quality Enhancement: To improve the quality of education by focusing on curriculum development, teacher training, educational infrastructure, and instructional methodologies. Technical and Vocational Education: To develop technical and vocational education programs to meet the demands of the growing economy and address the issue of unemployment. Integration of Islamic Values: To integrate Islamic teachings and values within the education system to foster moral and ethical development. Educational Planning: To develop long-term educational plans and strategies that would guide the future growth and development of the education sector in Pakistan. Salient Features of the Commission: The National Education Commission of 1959 had several salient features, including: Holistic Approach: The commission took a holistic approach to education, focusing on the physical, intellectual, moral, and emotional development of individuals. Emphasis on Science and Technology: The commission recognized the importance of science and technology in the progress and development of the nation. It aimed to promote scientific education and research. Technical and Vocational Education: The commission highlighted the significance of technical and vocational education for skill development and employment opportunities. Teacher Training: The commission stressed the need for improving the quality of teachers through enhanced training and professional development programs. Education for Girls: The commission emphasized the importance of girls' education and advocated for the removal of barriers that hindered their access to education. Implementation Policy Regarding Education Commission 1959: The implementation of the recommendations and policies of the National Education Commission of 1959 involved several steps, including:
  • 7. Formulation of Education Policies: The government formulated policies based on the recommendations of the commission to guide educational development. Curriculum Development: Efforts were made to revise and update the curriculum to ensure it aligned with the goals and aspirations of the nation, incorporating both national and global perspectives. Teacher Training Programs: Teacher training institutions were established or enhanced to provide quality training to educators, focusing on modern teaching methodologies and instructional techniques. Infrastructure Development: Investment was made in educational infrastructure, including the construction of schools, colleges, and universities to cater to the increasing educational needs of the population. Monitoring and Evaluation: Mechanisms were put in place to monitor and evaluate the progress of educational reforms and the implementation of the commission's recommendations. Public Awareness and Engagement: Awareness campaigns were conducted to highlight the importance of education and engage the public in the reform process. The implementation of the policies varied over time, and subsequent governments introduced their own educational reforms. However, the National Education Commission of 1959 laid the foundation for future educational development in Pakistan and influenced subsequent educational policies and reforms in the country. Unit 5: Educational Policies of Pakistan New Educational Policy 1970: The New Educational Policy of 1970 aimed to provide free and compulsory education for all children up to the age of 14. It emphasized the expansion of educational facilities, particularly in rural areas. The policy also focused on curriculum reforms, teacher training, and technical and vocational education. Educational Policy 1972: The Educational Policy of 1972 introduced a number of significant changes. It emphasized the nationalization of educational institutions, seeking to create a uniform system of education. The policy aimed to promote equality and social justice by removing class-based distinctions in education. It also focused on the integration of Islamic values and Urdu as the medium of instruction. Educational Policy 1979: The Educational Policy of 1979 emphasized the Islamization of education in Pakistan. It aimed to bring the education system in line with Islamic principles and values. The policy introduced the teaching of the Quran and Islamic studies as
  • 8. compulsory subjects at all levels of education. It also focused on the promotion of the Urdu language. Educational Policy 1992: The Educational Policy of 1992 aimed to address the shortcomings of previous policies and promote quality education. It emphasized the development of a uniform national curriculum, teacher training, and the provision of educational facilities in rural and remote areas. The policy also focused on the promotion of science and technology education. Educational Policy 1998-2010: The Educational Policy spanning from 1998 to 2010 aimed to improve the quality of education and address the challenges faced by the education sector. It focused on decentralization, community participation, and the empowerment of teachers. The policy aimed to enhance the skills and competencies of students through curriculum reforms, assessment reforms, and the use of modern teaching methods and technologies. Educational Policy 2009: The Educational Policy of 2009 aimed to provide access to quality education for all and promote human resource development. It focused on addressing the gender gap in education and improving the quality and relevance of education. The policy emphasized the integration of modern technologies in teaching and learning, as well as the development of skills for the 21st-century workforce. It's important to note that these policies underwent revisions and amendments over time, and subsequent governments introduced their own educational policies and reforms. The mentioned policies provide a broad overview of the educational focus and priorities during the respective periods. Unit 6: Provision of Education in Five Years Plans The provision of education in the Five-Year Plans in Pakistan has been a key focus for the development of the education sector. Here are some aspects related to education in the Five-Year Plans: Objectives: The objectives of including education in the Five-Year Plans in Pakistan have generally aimed to improve access, quality, and relevance of education. The plans have focused on addressing issues of educational infrastructure, teacher training, curriculum development, and promoting equity in education. Teachers' Training: The Five-Year Plans have emphasized the importance of teacher training programs to enhance the quality of education. Efforts have been made to establish teacher training institutes, provide professional development opportunities, and introduce modern teaching methodologies to improve teaching standards in schools and colleges. Educational Research: The plans have recognized the significance of educational research in improving the education system. Funds and resources have been allocated for educational research institutions and programs to conduct research on various aspects of education, including curriculum development, pedagogy, and educational policies.
  • 9. Elementary and Secondary Education: The Five-Year Plans have prioritized the development of elementary and secondary education. Initiatives have been undertaken to improve access to education, enhance infrastructure, provide learning materials, and promote enrollment and retention rates at the primary and secondary levels. Colleges and Universities: The plans have aimed to expand and strengthen higher education institutions, including colleges and universities. Efforts have been made to increase the number of universities, improve the quality of higher education, and promote research and development in various academic disciplines. Adult Education: The Five-Year Plans have recognized the importance of adult education to address the educational needs of the adult population. Programs have been initiated to provide functional literacy, vocational training, and lifelong learning opportunities to adults who missed out on formal education. Role of the Private Sector in Education: The Five-Year Plans have acknowledged the role of the private sector in the provision of education. Policies have been formulated to encourage private investment in the education sector, particularly at the higher education level. The private sector has played a significant role in establishing schools, colleges, and universities, contributing to the expansion of educational opportunities. It's important to note that the specific details and priorities related to education in the Five- Year Plans have varied over time, reflecting the changing needs and priorities of the country. Each plan has focused on different aspects of education based on the prevailing circumstances and development goals of the period. Unit No7: Provincial Departments of Education Provincial Departments of Education in Pakistan play a vital role in overseeing and managing education at the provincial level. Here are the key components and responsibilities of these departments: Level of Education at Provincial Level: Provincial Departments of Education are responsible for managing and overseeing education at the provincial level in Pakistan. This includes primary, secondary, and higher education institutions within their respective provinces. Provincial Directorates of Education: Each province has a Provincial Directorate of Education, which serves as the primary administrative body responsible for education within the province. These directorates are responsible for policy development, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of educational programs and initiatives. Directorate of Elementary & Secondary Education: The Directorate of Elementary & Secondary Education, present in each province, focuses on the management and improvement of primary and secondary education. This directorate is responsible for formulating policies related to elementary and secondary education, curriculum development, teacher training, examination systems, and monitoring of schools.
  • 10. Directorate of Colleges & Archives: The Directorate of Colleges & Archives, also found in each province, is responsible for overseeing the management and development of colleges and higher education institutions. This directorate formulates policies, manages college- level education, and ensures the provision of quality education at the higher education level. Directorate of Technical Education: The Directorate of Technical Education, present in each province, is responsible for technical and vocational education and training (TVET). This directorate focuses on promoting and regulating technical education, including the development of vocational training programs, skill development initiatives, and industry- academia collaborations. Curriculum Bureaus: Curriculum Bureaus, operating at the provincial level, are responsible for curriculum development and reforms. These bureaus design and revise curricula for various subjects and levels of education, ensuring that they align with national goals, educational standards, and the needs of the province. Textbook Boards: Provincial Textbook Boards are responsible for the development, publishing, and distribution of textbooks used in schools across the province. These boards ensure that textbooks meet educational standards, provide accurate information, and reflect the curriculum requirements of the province. The provincial departments, directorates, curriculum bureaus, and textbook boards collectively work towards the improvement of education within their respective provinces. They develop policies, establish standards, provide support and guidance to educational institutions, and strive to enhance the quality and accessibility of education in their regions. Unit 8: Educational Institutions in Pakistan Pakistan has a wide range of educational institutions catering to different levels of education. Here are the key types of educational institutions in Pakistan: Early Childhood Education in Pakistan: Early childhood education in Pakistan focuses on the education and care of children between the ages of 3 to 5 years. It includes pre-primary schools, nursery schools, and kindergartens. These institutions provide a foundation for children's physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development through age-appropriate activities and learning experiences. Elementary Education in Pakistan: Elementary education in Pakistan typically covers grades 1 to 5 or 1 to 8, depending on the educational system followed. It aims to provide foundational knowledge and skills in subjects like language, mathematics, science, and social studies. Elementary schools in Pakistan are typically government-run or private schools. Secondary Education in Pakistan: Secondary education in Pakistan generally covers grades 6 to 10 or 9 to 10, leading to the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or Matriculation examination. It focuses on a broader range of subjects, including sciences, humanities, and
  • 11. arts. Secondary schools in Pakistan are both public and private and may include government schools, private schools, and international schools. Colleges and Universities in Pakistan: Pakistan has numerous colleges and universities offering higher education. Colleges in Pakistan typically provide intermediate-level education, offering programs such as pre-medical, pre-engineering, commerce, and arts. Universities, on the other hand, offer undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in various fields of study, including sciences, engineering, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Teachers' Education Institutions: Teachers' education institutions in Pakistan are dedicated to the training and professional development of teachers. These institutions provide pre- service and in-service training programs for teachers, preparing them for different levels of education. They include Teachers Training Colleges, Institutes of Education and Research, and universities offering Bachelor's and Master's programs in education. These educational institutions collectively form the education system in Pakistan, providing opportunities for individuals to acquire knowledge, skills, and qualifications at different stages of their academic journey. Unit 9: Examination System of Pakistan Examination System of Pakistan: The examination system in Pakistan refers to the methods and processes used to assess students' knowledge, understanding, and skills at various stages of their education. It plays a crucial role in evaluating student performance, determining academic progress, and certifying their achievements. Here are some key aspects related to the examination system in Pakistan: Concept, Importance, and Objectives of Examination: Examinations are formal assessments conducted to evaluate students' learning outcomes and measure their knowledge and skills in specific subjects or areas. They serve several purposes, including: . Evaluation: Examinations assess students' understanding and mastery of the curriculum, providing an objective measure of their knowledge and skills. . . Certification: Examinations certify students' achievements and academic qualifications, enabling them to progress to the next level of education or enter the workforce. . . Feedback: Examinations provide feedback to students, teachers, and educational institutions, helping them identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and improve teaching and learning practices. . .
  • 12. Accountability: Examinations hold students, teachers, and educational institutions accountable for achieving educational standards and meeting academic expectations. . Semester System: The semester system divides the academic year into two or more semesters, usually consisting of 16 to 18 weeks each. It offers the following characteristics: Meaning: In the semester system, the academic year is divided into semesters, and students undertake a set of courses during each semester. At the end of each semester, examinations or assessments are conducted to evaluate students' performance. Nature: The semester system allows for a more structured and organized approach to education. It provides students with the opportunity to focus on a specific set of subjects during each semester, promoting a deeper understanding of the content. Merits:  Improved Learning: Semester system allows for better concentration on a limited number of subjects at a time, enhancing students' understanding and retention of the curriculum.  Continuous Assessment: Regular assessments and examinations throughout the semester enable ongoing evaluation of students' progress and provide timely feedback.  Flexibility: Semester system allows students to choose electives and build a customized study plan according to their interests and career goals. Demerits:  Hectic Schedule: The semester system may result in a more packed academic schedule, with shorter durations for each course.  Limited Time for Revision: Due to the shorter duration of each semester, students may have less time for revision before examinations. Terminal System: Meaning: The terminal system refers to a year-end or final examination conducted at the completion of an academic year or course. Nature: In the terminal system, students undergo a complete academic year or course and appear for a comprehensive examination at the end of that period. Merits:  Comprehensive Evaluation: The terminal system allows for a comprehensive assessment of students' knowledge and understanding of the entire course.  Focused Preparation: Students have a longer duration to prepare for the final examination, which allows for more comprehensive revision.
  • 13. Demerits:  Delayed Feedback: Since examinations are held at the end of the academic year or course, students receive feedback on their performance after a significant time gap.  Pressure and Anxiety: The final examination in the terminal system can create a high- stakes environment, leading to increased pressure and anxiety among students. It's important to note that both the semester system and the terminal system have their own advantages and disadvantages. Educational institutions in Pakistan may adopt either system based on their specific requirements and goals. Unit No 10: New Trends in Pakistani Education New trends in Pakistani education reflect ongoing efforts to address challenges and improve the education system. Here are some key trends: Education Sector Reforms (ESR): Education Sector Reforms focus on comprehensive changes and improvements in the education system. These reforms aim to enhance access, quality, equity, and relevance of education. They involve policy reforms, curriculum development, teacher training, infrastructure development, and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. Human Resource Development (HRD): Human Resource Development initiatives focus on the professional development of teachers and educational administrators. They include training programs, capacity building workshops, and mentoring to improve teaching practices, leadership skills, and management capabilities. HRD aims to enhance the quality of education and strengthen the educational workforce. Technological Development & Education: Technological advancements are being integrated into education to enhance teaching and learning processes. This includes the use of digital tools, e-learning platforms, multimedia resources, and online learning management systems. Technological development aims to make education more interactive, engaging, and accessible. Non-Formal (Distance Education): Non-formal education, including distance learning, is gaining prominence in Pakistan. Distance education programs allow students to pursue education remotely, utilizing online platforms, video lectures, and study materials. This mode of education provides flexible learning opportunities, especially for individuals who cannot attend traditional classes. Special Education: Special education is receiving increased attention in Pakistan to cater to the needs of individuals with disabilities. Efforts are being made to establish specialized schools, provide inclusive education, and offer support services for students with special needs. Special education aims to ensure equal educational opportunities and promote inclusive practices.
  • 14. Problems & Issues in the Education System of Pakistan: Despite the efforts to bring improvements, the education system in Pakistan faces several challenges and issues, including: Access and Equity: Disparities in access to education, particularly in remote and marginalized areas, persist. Limited infrastructure, lack of resources, and socio-cultural barriers contribute to unequal educational opportunities. Quality of Education: The quality of education needs improvement, including curriculum relevance, teacher training, and learning outcomes assessment. There is a need for greater emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and skills development. Gender Disparities: Gender disparities in education persist, with lower enrollment and higher dropout rates among girls. Social and cultural factors, early marriages, and limited access to girls' schools contribute to this issue. Infrastructure and Resources: Insufficient educational infrastructure, including schools, classrooms, libraries, and laboratories, hinders the delivery of quality education. Lack of resources, including teaching materials and technology, also poses challenges. Governance and Policy Implementation: Challenges in policy implementation, bureaucratic hurdles, and inadequate monitoring and accountability mechanisms affect the effectiveness of education reforms. Addressing these problems and issues requires collective efforts from policymakers, educational institutions, teachers, communities, and civil society organizations. Continued focus on reforms, increased investment, and stakeholder engagement can contribute to the improvement of the education system in Pakistan.