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Evaluating Suitability of Site for any Architectural Projects
 Jit Kumar Gupta
Role of site selected for any building project remains most critical ,valuable
and prime reason and major
determinant of success and failure of
any project. All architectural projects
have their origin/genesis in the site on
which they are located and
accordingly remain site specific for
their conceptualization, planning,
designing and construction. Like
human beings, sites also remain
different and distinct. Every site
remains unique and distinct, comprising of numerous complex elements
including; varying topography, changing physiography, existing flora &
fauna; existing bio-diversity; ruling climatic conditions; physical, social,
environmental features; local culture; available building materials and
construction technologies in practice, which largely influence, impact
and guide design process and decision making.
Site plays a crucial role in positioning and orienting the building, determining
its footprints, form, shape, fabric, material, structure, sustainability and
typology, including its relation with nature, surrounding and neighborhood
buildings. Accordingly, finding and locating appropriate site for any project
and carrying out detailed site analysis, remains vital and crucial for any
project to be rational, effective and sustainable. In the parlance of
Architecture, site analysis involves evaluating a particular location
physically, environmentally and socially with the basic objective of
developing an architectural
solution which would be distinct
and help achieve the defined
objective of the project besides
making the project cost-
effective, energy-energy, eco-
friendly, user-friendly and
sustainable. Accordingly,
sourcing an appropriate and
suitable site remains pre-
requisite and vital for developing any project of any merit because all
good architectural solutions have their genesis in understanding,
analyzing, appreciating and bringing best out of the given site.
All globally known architectural master pieces had their genesis in the
uniqueness and appropriateness of site on which they were located and the
design option used for optimizing the prevailing strength of such unique sites.
Sourcing appropriate site remains vital for the owner, project managers and
architects and accordingly, it will be relevant and rational to define broad
guidelines and principles which must be kept in mind, must be valued and
should remain the basis/ guiding principles while defining/ selecting sites for
any sustainable architectural project. Since all human settlements remain
different, distinct and unique, accordingly searching appropriate site for any
standalone project remains both a difficult and most challenging task.
However, critical factors which need to be considered and broad
methodology, guidelines and approach, which can be used/leveraged for
searching appropriate site, have been briefed below. These factors will also
form the very basis of carrying out site analysis, before taking up the site
planning and designing the built environment of the project.
Defining Project Scope and Requirements;
Site selection is globally valued as one of the most exciting and challenging
phases in an architectural project, because process involves and includes
looking and searching for appropriate and suitable options, where to locate
the project and construct the building. It is more complicated than simply
choosing a location that is convenient. Site selection requires a careful
examination of different options available , factoring in many things beyond
aesthetic and climate. Before going for location of the site, where project is
to located, it will be important to define all the requirement of the project, in
terms of built space and the open spaces required besides area required
under parking etc. Parking area remains crucial for commercial, industrial,
institutional and mixed land use projects. In addition to quantifying the built
area required for the project, it will be relevant to decide whether site
proposed to be selected; should make and include provision and scope for
the future expansion to increase its capacity at later stage. This remains
generally the case for education, healthcare and industrial projects. If scope
for future expansion is to be made, then area requirement for such expansion
should also be quantified and included in the total requirement of the built
space. Quantifying different spaces precisely , will invariably be valuable in
determining total land requirements for the project, depending upon the
permissible floor area ratio, ground coverage, height, setbacks etc. defined
in the building control regulations made applicable in the area and city
depending upon the nature of the project.
Looking at the Planning Framework;
After having quantified the built area requirement and broadly understanding
the contours and area of the land required for the project, it will be
appropriate to look at the existing planning framework/Master
Plans/Development Plans/Zonal Plans, evolved for the city and identify the
permissible zone in which the land use of the project is permissible. Site must
be identified in the permissible land-use zones defined in the planning
framework of the city, failing which it will create numerous problems in getting
statutory approvals like change
of land use and getting building
permit for starting the
construction etc., which may
inordinately delay the project
and may even require selection
of an alternate site in the
relevant zones. In addition, city
planning framework needs a
detailed study and in-depth
analysis, with regard to land
uses defined for the adjoining areas; proposed pattern of future development
of the city; suggested traffic and transportation network; positioning of major
infrastructures at city and local level; future density and population
distribution, so as to have an overview of the city existing/future growth, for
making optimum use of the positive development while eliminating any threat
posed by the non- conforming development. Permissible zones positioned in
the city need critical and objective evaluation and analysis for ascertaining
their comparative merits and demerits for appropriateness of the siting of the
project. However, in case of projects having large land requirement, it will
be desirable that before selecting/locating the precise site and
understanding/analyzing the context of the planning framework of the city,
services of the professional planner must be made use of. This would help
in making right choice of land without getting into subsequent formalities.
Sourcing and studying master/zonal plans , zoning regulations and
applicable building by-laws should invariably be made integral part of site
selection process. After locating the permissible zone, process of precise
location of the site can be initiated based on the following factors;
Involving Technology;
After having identified the preferred zone for locating project, identifying
precisely the site for project should be done based on detailed data available
for that zone. It will be desirable to
make use of available technology for
zeroing on the site. Google maps can
be a handy tool to provide the overall
profile of the area including mapping
physiography; understanding
topography and contours of the area;
existing road network; connectivity
with roads- both main and sub-roads;
position of the railway lines; location
of major transport nodes including railway station, Bus Terminals, Airport ;
distance from major landmarks of city including Shopping centers, Railway
Station, Airport; mapping flora and fauna, existing structures, water bodies,
canals, rivers, electric lines- both Low /High Tension Lines, service network,
forests, low lying areas etc. These maps will be of considerable value while
defining the exact site, working out its boundaries, dimensions and area.
However, if the site is being sourced in the planned area, developed by a
Parastatal agency/ Development Authority/Urban Local
Bodies/Improvement Trusts/Private Builders/ Developers; then in such
cases, the approved layout plan of the area in which site falls; overall
dimensions of the site, number/width of the existing/proposed roads
permissible entry/exit, set- backs, permissible height; orientation, open
spaces, shape and size of the plot, ; positioning of supportive infrastructure
etc. must be looked at. Before opting/bidding, site must be visited to assess
its location ,suitability and the existing encumbrances. In case of sites in
hills, sites have lot of vegetation, sites having large area, use of drones can
also be made for assessing and evaluating the site realistically and rationally.
Sourcing demarcation plan and zoning plan of the area/site should always
be insisted before opting for site.
Evaluating Accessibility;
Site to be selected must have good
accessibility, both inter/intra city and
the region, so as to provide good
connectivity with different residential,
commercial, institutional areas of the
city/region. Good connectivity
enhances the value , visibility, viability
and usability of the project whereas
poor accessibility is likely to create
numerous operational problems for the projects. Accordingly, it will be
desirable to study the available access to the site. While commercial sites
may require location on the major axis and important roads of the city,
residential sites may require areas which are not close to highway , and
must be free from noise and traffic hazard but still close and well-connected
to the work areas, healthcare, educational institutions and market area for
sourcing day to day needs. Site for institutional area must be located in close
proximity to the residential areas, in order to serve the community without
much travel. Depending upon the nature of the project accessibility
requirement of the site needs to be evaluated and considered essential and
integral part of the site selection process. However, for larger sites
accessibility from more than one side shall be desirable to cater to the
different requirement of accessibility to the project. Accessibility to the site
should invariably evaluated in all modes of travel involving public, private,
vehicular and pedestrian access in order to make optimum use of all
available options of accessibility/mobility.
Valuing Shape and Size;
While selecting the site, it must be ensured that the shape of the site should
be such that it allows proper planning, designing and placement of building.
Accordingly, sites having regular shape should be preferred as compared to
irregular shaped sites, because regular shaped sites allow making optimum
use of the site area. . Sites having irregular boundaries, forming acute angles
should invariably be avoided. Acute angled site leads to creating deep
pockets which lead to inefficient use of site as compared to sites having
obtuse angles. Shape and size of the site must ensure proper air, light and
ventilation within the building designed. Accordingly, too deep and too
narrow sites with large depth as compared to width or larger width as
compared to depth, should be avoided for proper designing of buildings and
making provision of parking etc Area of the site should also be adequate to
accommodate the covered area worked out as per the scope of the project
Understanding Cost of Land;
Cost per unit area of land will be one of the most critical factors in making
decision about the selection of the site and its location because of its
implication in determining the sustainability and affordability of the project.
Too high land cost will make the project unviable leading to cost overrun.
Sites in developed area will be costlier as compared to sites in the
comparatively less developed area. Sites having better accessibility and
located on the major roads shall always command more premium as
compared to site having low accessibility and located on the lower order
roads. Sites located on major roads have more commercial value and
potential and are more appropriate for locating shopping malls, multiplexes
as compared to housing complexes. While evaluating the cost of land, care
must be taken with regard to future pattern/trends of growth and
development of the city, for which master plans/development plans will
remain useful documents for reference and decision making. In case, the
land is being sourced directly from the private landowners, then in addition
to looking at the cost, land ownership also needs detailed study and
evaluation. While selecting the site, it must be seen that land ownership is
not disputed and site is unencumbered. Also, site is not fragmented and is
not mortgaged or under dispute in a court of law. All disputed sites must
invariably be avoided for obvious implications, for the feasibility of the
project. Land having too many landowners must be considered carefully.
Before buying land , it will be important to check the ownership record, land
area and status of land from local revenue authorities. It will always be
advisable to get a feasibility study done in respect of the land falling in the
site, from any advocate for obtaining non-encumbrance certificate for the
land. In any case when land is sourced privately from an individual
landowner, certified copies of revenue record of ownership, land holding,
area of land, quality etc. should invariably be obtained and made integral part
of record.
Avoiding low lying and floodable sites;
While selecting sites, care should be taken that; all low-lying areas and sites,
which are prone to flooding, must
always/invariably be avoided for
any likely damage to the
site/buildings in future. In order to
avoid low lying area, it will be
appropriate to obtain the flood-
ability map of the city, to know the
area which is prone to flooding.
Further, low lying area falling on the
banks of water bodies should also
be avoided to make the project safe. Highest flood level along the water
bodies must be made part of site selection and avoid low-lying areas. In such
cases, levels of the site, with respect to adjoining land must be visited along
with the past history of flood- ability of the area, before making a decision.
Levelling low lying area could be an expensive investment, raising the cost
of the project. In addition, all areas used for sourcing earth for brick kilns
should also be avoided. Low lying area, levelled by dumping solid waste,
should never be selected because of health hazards and environmental
implications it will have for the residents of the buildings in the project. Low
lying sites which have been used for dumping debris, construction,
demolition waste and sites which are filled with non-toxic or other harmless
materials, can be taken up for construction, considering the consolidation
and stability of land to avoid differential settlement subsequently. However,
low lying sites, which are not prone to flooding and which can be managed
against disaster, can prove to be asset for project and designing of
buildings, where basements are required to be created for meeting the
parking norms, creating space for storage, services etc. Consultation with
architect will always help in critically evaluating the merits and demerits
besides evaluating suitability of land for the project sustainability and rational
Looking at Prohibitions imposed by legal Framework;
There are numerous restrictions which are imposed on the development
coming up along the major roads to control the ribbon development and to
ensure smooth flow of traffic and to safeguard areas of importance like area
under forest, protected area and area around heritage buildings and
wetlands. In addition, master plans also provide restrictions on the use of
land in certain pockets calling for making provision of the green belts. In
Punjab along Scheduled Roads, a no-building zone up to 50 meters and in
case of By-pass; up to 150 meters, is to be provided in all projects located
on such roads. These restrictions, lead to making large area open in the site
adjoining these roads, where no construction can be undertaken. Such
locations need to be clearly avoided. In case the sites are required to be
located on such locations, considering the peculiar requirement of the
project, then site with lesser length /façade with more depth should
invariably be preferred in order to minimize the extent of site area , coming
under no construction zone and more area becomes available for building
purposes. However ,in projects having large requirements of open spaces ,
siting of projects along these roads can be considered. Sites falling in the
coastal areas, impacted by the provisions of Coastal Regulations Zone ,
should also be avoided. Accordingly, all these legal requirements,
prohibitions, restrictions and limitations imposed in the area, either through
planning legislation or through planning framework- Master Plans/Zonal
Plans etc., must be identified, listed, considered, quantified and evaluated
before selecting the site and all prohibited sites covered under various
regulatory considerations should invariably be avoided.
Locating Basic Infrastructures;
Availability of water, sewerage, road network, stormwater drains,
communication network etc., remain vital and critical for any project,
institution and users to make the project cost-effective and economical. .
Accordingly, while evaluating sites, availability of these basic essentials must
be considered. In the absence of these services and infrastructures, the
projects will not only be considerably delayed but the initial, operational and
maintenance costs will become much higher and unaffordable. First priority
in site selection for the project must go to the area, which is developed and
where municipal services of appropriate capacity are already available.
Selecting site within defined boundary of urban areas should always be
preferred , as compared to sites falling outside urban limits, because within
urban limits, urban local bodies are mandated to provide the basic services.
In addition to looking at the existing network of services, area also needs to
be studied in terms of future development of services in the area, in terms of
creating new roads/widening of existing roads, laying of sewers/water
supply/drainage network. In addition to physical infrastructures, availability
of social infrastructures in the close vicinity of the identified site also needs
detailed evaluation. Success and failure of projects are largely governed by
the availability of quality supportive infrastructure within and in the close
vicinity of the projects. Non- existence of basic services invariably delays the
project and makes the project cost-intensive, whereas availability of such
services always makes value addition to the project in terms of cost and
timeline of completion of project.
Avoiding Physical Encumbrances;
Physical encumbrances in terms of; HT/LT Electrical Lines , Gas pipes, City
Water Supply, Storm Water drainage, Sewerage pipes, Built-up structures,
Religious Buildings, Revenue Roads, Canals, Water Bodies, Easement
Rights etc, play critical role in defining the usability of site because of
numerous implications /limitations such encumbrances impose on the use
of site. Accordingly, while locating site, it will be vital to identify physical
infrastructures existing within/without the site All sites having physical
encumbrances like High Tension Electric Lines needs to be avoided because
of enormous threat they pose to the safety of the building and inhabitants. In
addition, it causes inefficiency in use of land due to prohibition of construction
under these wires besides leaving a distinct air corridor where no
construction is permitted. Shifting these wires remains both cumbersome
and time consuming process/procedure, involving lot of cost, labour, time
and permissions. Sites having gas pipes, sewerage lines, telephone lines,
water pipes passing through it, should also be invariably avoided, because
of the limitations it imposes on the positioning of building and determining
building footprints. Similarly, sites with religious structures/derelict structures
should also be ignored for obvious reasons. It will always be desirable and
appropriate to select site which should have minimum physical, social and
environmental encumbrances. In addition, existing Easement Rights in the
context of site should also be identified and evaluated in terms of its impact
on the usability of site.
Avoiding Disaster Prone Areas;
India, as a nation, is ranked high globally among countries with major
land area subjected to
numerous natural disasters.
Accordingly, considering and
evaluating the context of
vulnerability of sites to disasters
and for making buildings safe should be made integral part of
promoting safety of the project. Site selected in a vulnerable zone,
subjected to natural calamities, will make project not only cost-intensive,
but also make buildings vulnerable. Accordingly, site falling in high risk,
vulnerable and disaster-prone areas, which are subjected to frequent
flooding, earthquake, landslides, tsunamis and cyclones; must be
avoided for development, considering the risk involved to the stability of
the built environment created on these sites and possibility of frequent
loss of life and property. However, where such risks are unavoidable,
then site selected should be such that it involves minimum risk even
when such disasters hit the area. In case of flooding; efforts should be
made to identify sites which are located at higher elevation. Similarly, in
case of cyclone hit area, site falling in windward direction should not be
considered. Area facing landslides would need evaluation of the area
for stability, with area selected having least possibility of landslides.
Area prone to earthquake, should involve possibility of creating
earthquake resistant buildings through adoption of state of art planning,
designing and construction options. Vulnerability Atlas and other
documents prepared/available, showcasing the area prone to disaster
and intensity of disaster need to be referred for avoiding such sites.
Mapping of the site in respect of extent/intensity to disasters shall be
valuable in selecting a safe site in disaster prone areas.
Understanding and Valuing Topography;
Undulating sites have inherent limitations in terms of their planning,
designing, development and
placement of buildings as compared to
level/flat sites and accordingly
topography and physical structure of
land must be evaluated before
finalizing. In Hill areas, where flat lands
are generally not available, selection of
site should be based on involving minimum cutting and filling with contours
and gradient providing enough space and options to design buildings along
the contours rather than across the contours. Study and analysis of the slope
of the site, must entail mapping of the existing gradient, landforms,
elevations, drainage patterns etc., for site study and analysis. Considering
the magnitude of the projects, undulating sites can be asset for creating
sustainable design options, depending upon the architectural solutions,
which can be leveraged effectively and efficiently for converting them from
challenge to opportunities. Derelict sites offer enough opportunities for
restoring and promoting environment and ecology of the area and make
value addition to bio-diversity and ecology. Such sites could be preferred for
large projects because of lower land values they have and numerous options
they offer to design buildings with nature and natural elements. However, it
will always be valuable that site selected in hill areas should have land
pockets with slope not exceeding 30-40 degrees, because many building
regulations prohibit the construction of buildings on slopes more than 40
Connecting with Existing Transportation Network;
As already defined, accessibility to site remains critical for the success of any
project. Accordingly, suggested site should also be mapped and defined in
terms of accessibility related to major nodes of local traffic and transportation
in terms of local bus stops , metro stations etc. Site selected should
preferably be within walking distance, located near to and closely connected
with the existing system of public/mass traffic and transportation, so as
to enable the people working/living in the project are able to use these
modes of travel in a convenient manner. This will help in minimizing the
use of personal vehicles for intra- city travel and promote the use of
public transport.
Documenting Existing Flora and Fauna;
Selection of site should also include
and involve, understanding and
evaluating the existing wealth of flora
and fauna on the site. Existence of
too many trees on a smaller site can
pose considerable challenge to
evolution of the appropriate design
solution whereas in case of large
sites, existing flora and fauna can
prove to be an asset. Sites having too
many protected trees or protected forest areas invariably needs to be
avoided. Evaluation of green wealth existing on the site needs to be made
initially based on detailed survey by assessing the nature, age, girth and
number of trees and possibility of making existing flora and fauna, integral
part of design solution. However, before selecting the site, documenting and
analysing the positioning, quantity, quality and typologies of such flora and
fauna must be made to ensure there exists enough area within the identified
site, to meet the requirements of the built-up area within the project
Evaluating View to and from Site;
Views, from and to site, remains
another valuable element to be
considered while determining
comparative merits and demerits of
different sites. Good views
providing visibility to lakes, water
bodies, hills, landmarks, bio-
diverse area, forests etc. which
make value addition to the site
should be considered assets for
the site and the project . On other
hand, view which lead to derelict areas, slums, industrial area, thermal
plants, large industrial units, refineries, garbage dumps and areas which are
polluted, needs to be discounted. Good views are considered valuable while
designing the buildings and are major determinant for evolving good design
Understanding Soil
Quality of soil existing at the site
also needs to be evaluated in terms
of the usability for building
purposes. Soil having good bearing
capacity makes enormous value
addition, in making project not only
cost-effective but also providing
safety against disasters. Good load
bearing capacity makes not only
foundation more economical but
also reduces structural cost of the building. Accordingly, sites having good
load bearing capacity soil should be valued and preferred as compared to
soil with low bearing capacity. Site having high water table needs to be
discounted for obvious reason of water seepage into the building, and low
bearing capacity it will create for the soil at the site. Sites with high water
table make them unfit for creating spaces at basement level and always pose
threat to buildings in terms of water getting into the building. During heavy
rainfalls, such sites are invariably subjected to flooding and create problems
of safety to building and inhabitants, using the building. Good soil is known
for the capacity and quality to make buildings not only cost- effective but also
facilitate the rapid growth of flora and fauna, making value addition to the
Mapping Wind Direction;
Wind direction needs critical study
and analysis while selecting any site.
Wind has both positivity and
negativity. If fresh air remains
essential for good quality living,
managing humidity and temperature,
bad air causes enormous pollution
and generates poor quality of life.
Wind modulated temperature
depending upon the climate zone in
which site is located. Accordingly, it is essential induction of foul air into the
buildings have to be invariably avoided and fresh brought in to make the
buildings healthy and well-ventilated. Accordingly, if site falls on the path of
wind coming from industrial area, then it is likely to cause pollution and will
adversely impact health, hygiene and quality of life of the people
living/working in the project area. Accordingly, location of industries /non-
conforming uses and both in present and future , must be considered while
selecting any site. Wind direction will also be relevant in selecting site and
positioning of buildings in order to make optimum use of prevailing wind and
avoiding its adverse impact. In case of coastal areas and area falling in the
warm and humid climatic zone; site should invariably be located in the
windward direction, to promote cross-ventilation in site and the buildings to
be constructed therein. Site located on leeward side should invariably be
avoided in coastal area. However, in case of Cold regions and Hill areas, site
facing windward direction should invariably be avoided as against site
located in the leeward side, to avoid adverse impact of cold air on the built
Locating Air Funnel;
Air Funnel defined in the case of cities, having air connectivity, also need to
be taken into account while finalizing
the site, located on the periphery or
falling under the defined air funnel.
Site falling under existing air-funnels
need to be avoided, because of two
distinct reasons involving ; high
degree of noise generated by planes
while taking off and landing. Sites for
hospitals, education, offices and activities requiring minimum noise, should
invariably avoid locating under the air funnels and locating near nodes
generating noise pollution. Sites located in close vicinity of airports also need
careful consideration due to limitation of height imposed on the buildings to
be constructed there, which invariably limits the quantum of built up area to
be constructed on the site. It leads to underutilization of the site due to low
floor area ration admissible on such sites.
Exploring Brown field Sites;
In majority of cases, all developers/architects go in for green field sites as
against the brownfield sites for the reasons , green field sites give enormous
options in planning, designing and construction of buildings to both
architects , engineers and developers. But all green field sites remain
consumers of land and resources besides adversely impacting the nature,
environment and ecology.. Accordingly, it is important that while looking at
the site in any urban settings, option of selecting existing site for the use of
the project should also be explored. Brown field development hold distinct
advantages in terms of location, services, centrality, existing built
environment, materials etc., subjected to suitability of site based on
considerations defined above.
Understanding Climatic Zone;
Climate remains critical and dominating factor in planning, designing and
construction of buildings. Based on climate ,
India is divided into five distinct Climatic zones
considering the norms defined for day-
temperature and humidity. Each climate zone,
remains unique and distinct; requiring different
options for planning , designing and
construction of buildings due to differential
requirements of heating, cooling, air, light and
ventilation. Accordingly, role , importance and
relevance of the climate, should invariably be
built into the site selection process. In case of Cold& Sunny- Dry/wet regions
/hill areas; all sites falling on the Northern slopes, should invariably be
prohibited for construction, for making buildings sustainable and energy-
efficient. Similarly, context of leeward and windward direction on the
proposed site, as already defined earlier, should also be taken care of ,
while selecting site. In case of zones having too much rainfall, then site on
higher elevation and having efficient drainage should be selected to avoid
Efforts have been made in brief, to describe factors which need to be
considered, analyzed, quantified and evaluated for identifying
appropriate sites for any project. However, it remains difficult to
comprehensively detail out all the possible factors which govern the
precise and appropriate location of the site of any project. Guidelines
for locating the project remain both dynamic- constantly and
continuously evolving and devolving requiring constant review, revision
and redefinition from time to time to make them more relevant, rational
and objective. Nevertheless, identification of appropriate site will need
lot of study, data, knowledge, understanding and expertise of the
various factors detailed above before coming to any logical
Evaluating Site Suitability for Architectural Projects

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Evaluating Site Suitability for Architectural Projects

  • 1. Evaluating Suitability of Site for any Architectural Projects  Jit Kumar Gupta Role of site selected for any building project remains most critical ,valuable and prime reason and major determinant of success and failure of any project. All architectural projects have their origin/genesis in the site on which they are located and accordingly remain site specific for their conceptualization, planning, designing and construction. Like human beings, sites also remain different and distinct. Every site remains unique and distinct, comprising of numerous complex elements including; varying topography, changing physiography, existing flora & fauna; existing bio-diversity; ruling climatic conditions; physical, social, environmental features; local culture; available building materials and construction technologies in practice, which largely influence, impact and guide design process and decision making. Site plays a crucial role in positioning and orienting the building, determining its footprints, form, shape, fabric, material, structure, sustainability and typology, including its relation with nature, surrounding and neighborhood buildings. Accordingly, finding and locating appropriate site for any project and carrying out detailed site analysis, remains vital and crucial for any project to be rational, effective and sustainable. In the parlance of
  • 2. Architecture, site analysis involves evaluating a particular location physically, environmentally and socially with the basic objective of developing an architectural solution which would be distinct and help achieve the defined objective of the project besides making the project cost- effective, energy-energy, eco- friendly, user-friendly and sustainable. Accordingly, sourcing an appropriate and suitable site remains pre- requisite and vital for developing any project of any merit because all good architectural solutions have their genesis in understanding, analyzing, appreciating and bringing best out of the given site. All globally known architectural master pieces had their genesis in the uniqueness and appropriateness of site on which they were located and the design option used for optimizing the prevailing strength of such unique sites. Sourcing appropriate site remains vital for the owner, project managers and architects and accordingly, it will be relevant and rational to define broad guidelines and principles which must be kept in mind, must be valued and should remain the basis/ guiding principles while defining/ selecting sites for any sustainable architectural project. Since all human settlements remain different, distinct and unique, accordingly searching appropriate site for any standalone project remains both a difficult and most challenging task. However, critical factors which need to be considered and broad methodology, guidelines and approach, which can be used/leveraged for searching appropriate site, have been briefed below. These factors will also form the very basis of carrying out site analysis, before taking up the site planning and designing the built environment of the project.
  • 3. Defining Project Scope and Requirements; Site selection is globally valued as one of the most exciting and challenging phases in an architectural project, because process involves and includes looking and searching for appropriate and suitable options, where to locate the project and construct the building. It is more complicated than simply choosing a location that is convenient. Site selection requires a careful examination of different options available , factoring in many things beyond aesthetic and climate. Before going for location of the site, where project is to located, it will be important to define all the requirement of the project, in terms of built space and the open spaces required besides area required under parking etc. Parking area remains crucial for commercial, industrial, institutional and mixed land use projects. In addition to quantifying the built area required for the project, it will be relevant to decide whether site proposed to be selected; should make and include provision and scope for the future expansion to increase its capacity at later stage. This remains generally the case for education, healthcare and industrial projects. If scope for future expansion is to be made, then area requirement for such expansion should also be quantified and included in the total requirement of the built space. Quantifying different spaces precisely , will invariably be valuable in determining total land requirements for the project, depending upon the permissible floor area ratio, ground coverage, height, setbacks etc. defined in the building control regulations made applicable in the area and city depending upon the nature of the project. Looking at the Planning Framework; After having quantified the built area requirement and broadly understanding the contours and area of the land required for the project, it will be appropriate to look at the existing planning framework/Master Plans/Development Plans/Zonal Plans, evolved for the city and identify the permissible zone in which the land use of the project is permissible. Site must be identified in the permissible land-use zones defined in the planning
  • 4. framework of the city, failing which it will create numerous problems in getting statutory approvals like change of land use and getting building permit for starting the construction etc., which may inordinately delay the project and may even require selection of an alternate site in the relevant zones. In addition, city planning framework needs a detailed study and in-depth analysis, with regard to land uses defined for the adjoining areas; proposed pattern of future development of the city; suggested traffic and transportation network; positioning of major infrastructures at city and local level; future density and population distribution, so as to have an overview of the city existing/future growth, for making optimum use of the positive development while eliminating any threat posed by the non- conforming development. Permissible zones positioned in the city need critical and objective evaluation and analysis for ascertaining their comparative merits and demerits for appropriateness of the siting of the project. However, in case of projects having large land requirement, it will be desirable that before selecting/locating the precise site and understanding/analyzing the context of the planning framework of the city, services of the professional planner must be made use of. This would help in making right choice of land without getting into subsequent formalities. Sourcing and studying master/zonal plans , zoning regulations and applicable building by-laws should invariably be made integral part of site selection process. After locating the permissible zone, process of precise location of the site can be initiated based on the following factors;
  • 5. Involving Technology; After having identified the preferred zone for locating project, identifying precisely the site for project should be done based on detailed data available for that zone. It will be desirable to make use of available technology for zeroing on the site. Google maps can be a handy tool to provide the overall profile of the area including mapping physiography; understanding topography and contours of the area; existing road network; connectivity with roads- both main and sub-roads; position of the railway lines; location of major transport nodes including railway station, Bus Terminals, Airport ; distance from major landmarks of city including Shopping centers, Railway Station, Airport; mapping flora and fauna, existing structures, water bodies, canals, rivers, electric lines- both Low /High Tension Lines, service network, forests, low lying areas etc. These maps will be of considerable value while defining the exact site, working out its boundaries, dimensions and area. However, if the site is being sourced in the planned area, developed by a Parastatal agency/ Development Authority/Urban Local Bodies/Improvement Trusts/Private Builders/ Developers; then in such cases, the approved layout plan of the area in which site falls; overall dimensions of the site, number/width of the existing/proposed roads permissible entry/exit, set- backs, permissible height; orientation, open spaces, shape and size of the plot, ; positioning of supportive infrastructure etc. must be looked at. Before opting/bidding, site must be visited to assess its location ,suitability and the existing encumbrances. In case of sites in hills, sites have lot of vegetation, sites having large area, use of drones can also be made for assessing and evaluating the site realistically and rationally. Sourcing demarcation plan and zoning plan of the area/site should always be insisted before opting for site.
  • 6. Evaluating Accessibility; Site to be selected must have good accessibility, both inter/intra city and the region, so as to provide good connectivity with different residential, commercial, institutional areas of the city/region. Good connectivity enhances the value , visibility, viability and usability of the project whereas poor accessibility is likely to create numerous operational problems for the projects. Accordingly, it will be desirable to study the available access to the site. While commercial sites may require location on the major axis and important roads of the city, residential sites may require areas which are not close to highway , and must be free from noise and traffic hazard but still close and well-connected to the work areas, healthcare, educational institutions and market area for sourcing day to day needs. Site for institutional area must be located in close proximity to the residential areas, in order to serve the community without much travel. Depending upon the nature of the project accessibility requirement of the site needs to be evaluated and considered essential and integral part of the site selection process. However, for larger sites accessibility from more than one side shall be desirable to cater to the different requirement of accessibility to the project. Accessibility to the site should invariably evaluated in all modes of travel involving public, private, vehicular and pedestrian access in order to make optimum use of all available options of accessibility/mobility. Valuing Shape and Size; While selecting the site, it must be ensured that the shape of the site should be such that it allows proper planning, designing and placement of building. Accordingly, sites having regular shape should be preferred as compared to
  • 7. irregular shaped sites, because regular shaped sites allow making optimum use of the site area. . Sites having irregular boundaries, forming acute angles should invariably be avoided. Acute angled site leads to creating deep pockets which lead to inefficient use of site as compared to sites having obtuse angles. Shape and size of the site must ensure proper air, light and ventilation within the building designed. Accordingly, too deep and too narrow sites with large depth as compared to width or larger width as compared to depth, should be avoided for proper designing of buildings and making provision of parking etc Area of the site should also be adequate to accommodate the covered area worked out as per the scope of the project Understanding Cost of Land; Cost per unit area of land will be one of the most critical factors in making decision about the selection of the site and its location because of its implication in determining the sustainability and affordability of the project. Too high land cost will make the project unviable leading to cost overrun. Sites in developed area will be costlier as compared to sites in the comparatively less developed area. Sites having better accessibility and located on the major roads shall always command more premium as compared to site having low accessibility and located on the lower order roads. Sites located on major roads have more commercial value and potential and are more appropriate for locating shopping malls, multiplexes as compared to housing complexes. While evaluating the cost of land, care must be taken with regard to future pattern/trends of growth and development of the city, for which master plans/development plans will remain useful documents for reference and decision making. In case, the land is being sourced directly from the private landowners, then in addition to looking at the cost, land ownership also needs detailed study and evaluation. While selecting the site, it must be seen that land ownership is not disputed and site is unencumbered. Also, site is not fragmented and is not mortgaged or under dispute in a court of law. All disputed sites must
  • 8. invariably be avoided for obvious implications, for the feasibility of the project. Land having too many landowners must be considered carefully. Before buying land , it will be important to check the ownership record, land area and status of land from local revenue authorities. It will always be advisable to get a feasibility study done in respect of the land falling in the site, from any advocate for obtaining non-encumbrance certificate for the land. In any case when land is sourced privately from an individual landowner, certified copies of revenue record of ownership, land holding, area of land, quality etc. should invariably be obtained and made integral part of record. Avoiding low lying and floodable sites; While selecting sites, care should be taken that; all low-lying areas and sites, which are prone to flooding, must always/invariably be avoided for any likely damage to the site/buildings in future. In order to avoid low lying area, it will be appropriate to obtain the flood- ability map of the city, to know the area which is prone to flooding. Further, low lying area falling on the banks of water bodies should also be avoided to make the project safe. Highest flood level along the water bodies must be made part of site selection and avoid low-lying areas. In such cases, levels of the site, with respect to adjoining land must be visited along with the past history of flood- ability of the area, before making a decision. Levelling low lying area could be an expensive investment, raising the cost of the project. In addition, all areas used for sourcing earth for brick kilns should also be avoided. Low lying area, levelled by dumping solid waste, should never be selected because of health hazards and environmental implications it will have for the residents of the buildings in the project. Low
  • 9. lying sites which have been used for dumping debris, construction, demolition waste and sites which are filled with non-toxic or other harmless materials, can be taken up for construction, considering the consolidation and stability of land to avoid differential settlement subsequently. However, low lying sites, which are not prone to flooding and which can be managed against disaster, can prove to be asset for project and designing of buildings, where basements are required to be created for meeting the parking norms, creating space for storage, services etc. Consultation with architect will always help in critically evaluating the merits and demerits besides evaluating suitability of land for the project sustainability and rational designing. Looking at Prohibitions imposed by legal Framework; There are numerous restrictions which are imposed on the development coming up along the major roads to control the ribbon development and to ensure smooth flow of traffic and to safeguard areas of importance like area under forest, protected area and area around heritage buildings and wetlands. In addition, master plans also provide restrictions on the use of land in certain pockets calling for making provision of the green belts. In Punjab along Scheduled Roads, a no-building zone up to 50 meters and in case of By-pass; up to 150 meters, is to be provided in all projects located on such roads. These restrictions, lead to making large area open in the site adjoining these roads, where no construction can be undertaken. Such locations need to be clearly avoided. In case the sites are required to be located on such locations, considering the peculiar requirement of the project, then site with lesser length /façade with more depth should invariably be preferred in order to minimize the extent of site area , coming under no construction zone and more area becomes available for building purposes. However ,in projects having large requirements of open spaces , siting of projects along these roads can be considered. Sites falling in the coastal areas, impacted by the provisions of Coastal Regulations Zone , should also be avoided. Accordingly, all these legal requirements,
  • 10. prohibitions, restrictions and limitations imposed in the area, either through planning legislation or through planning framework- Master Plans/Zonal Plans etc., must be identified, listed, considered, quantified and evaluated before selecting the site and all prohibited sites covered under various regulatory considerations should invariably be avoided. Locating Basic Infrastructures; Availability of water, sewerage, road network, stormwater drains, communication network etc., remain vital and critical for any project, institution and users to make the project cost-effective and economical. . Accordingly, while evaluating sites, availability of these basic essentials must be considered. In the absence of these services and infrastructures, the projects will not only be considerably delayed but the initial, operational and maintenance costs will become much higher and unaffordable. First priority in site selection for the project must go to the area, which is developed and where municipal services of appropriate capacity are already available. Selecting site within defined boundary of urban areas should always be preferred , as compared to sites falling outside urban limits, because within urban limits, urban local bodies are mandated to provide the basic services. In addition to looking at the existing network of services, area also needs to be studied in terms of future development of services in the area, in terms of creating new roads/widening of existing roads, laying of sewers/water supply/drainage network. In addition to physical infrastructures, availability of social infrastructures in the close vicinity of the identified site also needs detailed evaluation. Success and failure of projects are largely governed by the availability of quality supportive infrastructure within and in the close vicinity of the projects. Non- existence of basic services invariably delays the project and makes the project cost-intensive, whereas availability of such services always makes value addition to the project in terms of cost and timeline of completion of project.
  • 11. Avoiding Physical Encumbrances; Physical encumbrances in terms of; HT/LT Electrical Lines , Gas pipes, City Water Supply, Storm Water drainage, Sewerage pipes, Built-up structures, Religious Buildings, Revenue Roads, Canals, Water Bodies, Easement Rights etc, play critical role in defining the usability of site because of numerous implications /limitations such encumbrances impose on the use of site. Accordingly, while locating site, it will be vital to identify physical infrastructures existing within/without the site All sites having physical encumbrances like High Tension Electric Lines needs to be avoided because of enormous threat they pose to the safety of the building and inhabitants. In addition, it causes inefficiency in use of land due to prohibition of construction under these wires besides leaving a distinct air corridor where no construction is permitted. Shifting these wires remains both cumbersome and time consuming process/procedure, involving lot of cost, labour, time and permissions. Sites having gas pipes, sewerage lines, telephone lines, water pipes passing through it, should also be invariably avoided, because of the limitations it imposes on the positioning of building and determining building footprints. Similarly, sites with religious structures/derelict structures should also be ignored for obvious reasons. It will always be desirable and appropriate to select site which should have minimum physical, social and environmental encumbrances. In addition, existing Easement Rights in the context of site should also be identified and evaluated in terms of its impact on the usability of site. Avoiding Disaster Prone Areas; India, as a nation, is ranked high globally among countries with major land area subjected to numerous natural disasters. Accordingly, considering and evaluating the context of vulnerability of sites to disasters
  • 12. and for making buildings safe should be made integral part of promoting safety of the project. Site selected in a vulnerable zone, subjected to natural calamities, will make project not only cost-intensive, but also make buildings vulnerable. Accordingly, site falling in high risk, vulnerable and disaster-prone areas, which are subjected to frequent flooding, earthquake, landslides, tsunamis and cyclones; must be avoided for development, considering the risk involved to the stability of the built environment created on these sites and possibility of frequent loss of life and property. However, where such risks are unavoidable, then site selected should be such that it involves minimum risk even when such disasters hit the area. In case of flooding; efforts should be made to identify sites which are located at higher elevation. Similarly, in case of cyclone hit area, site falling in windward direction should not be considered. Area facing landslides would need evaluation of the area for stability, with area selected having least possibility of landslides. Area prone to earthquake, should involve possibility of creating earthquake resistant buildings through adoption of state of art planning, designing and construction options. Vulnerability Atlas and other documents prepared/available, showcasing the area prone to disaster and intensity of disaster need to be referred for avoiding such sites. Mapping of the site in respect of extent/intensity to disasters shall be valuable in selecting a safe site in disaster prone areas. Understanding and Valuing Topography; Undulating sites have inherent limitations in terms of their planning, designing, development and placement of buildings as compared to level/flat sites and accordingly topography and physical structure of land must be evaluated before finalizing. In Hill areas, where flat lands are generally not available, selection of
  • 13. site should be based on involving minimum cutting and filling with contours and gradient providing enough space and options to design buildings along the contours rather than across the contours. Study and analysis of the slope of the site, must entail mapping of the existing gradient, landforms, elevations, drainage patterns etc., for site study and analysis. Considering the magnitude of the projects, undulating sites can be asset for creating sustainable design options, depending upon the architectural solutions, which can be leveraged effectively and efficiently for converting them from challenge to opportunities. Derelict sites offer enough opportunities for restoring and promoting environment and ecology of the area and make value addition to bio-diversity and ecology. Such sites could be preferred for large projects because of lower land values they have and numerous options they offer to design buildings with nature and natural elements. However, it will always be valuable that site selected in hill areas should have land pockets with slope not exceeding 30-40 degrees, because many building regulations prohibit the construction of buildings on slopes more than 40 degree. Connecting with Existing Transportation Network; As already defined, accessibility to site remains critical for the success of any project. Accordingly, suggested site should also be mapped and defined in terms of accessibility related to major nodes of local traffic and transportation in terms of local bus stops , metro stations etc. Site selected should preferably be within walking distance, located near to and closely connected with the existing system of public/mass traffic and transportation, so as to enable the people working/living in the project are able to use these modes of travel in a convenient manner. This will help in minimizing the use of personal vehicles for intra- city travel and promote the use of public transport.
  • 14. Documenting Existing Flora and Fauna; Selection of site should also include and involve, understanding and evaluating the existing wealth of flora and fauna on the site. Existence of too many trees on a smaller site can pose considerable challenge to evolution of the appropriate design solution whereas in case of large sites, existing flora and fauna can prove to be an asset. Sites having too many protected trees or protected forest areas invariably needs to be avoided. Evaluation of green wealth existing on the site needs to be made initially based on detailed survey by assessing the nature, age, girth and number of trees and possibility of making existing flora and fauna, integral part of design solution. However, before selecting the site, documenting and analysing the positioning, quantity, quality and typologies of such flora and fauna must be made to ensure there exists enough area within the identified site, to meet the requirements of the built-up area within the project Evaluating View to and from Site; Views, from and to site, remains another valuable element to be considered while determining comparative merits and demerits of different sites. Good views providing visibility to lakes, water bodies, hills, landmarks, bio- diverse area, forests etc. which make value addition to the site should be considered assets for the site and the project . On other
  • 15. hand, view which lead to derelict areas, slums, industrial area, thermal plants, large industrial units, refineries, garbage dumps and areas which are polluted, needs to be discounted. Good views are considered valuable while designing the buildings and are major determinant for evolving good design solutions. Understanding Soil Quality of soil existing at the site also needs to be evaluated in terms of the usability for building purposes. Soil having good bearing capacity makes enormous value addition, in making project not only cost-effective but also providing safety against disasters. Good load bearing capacity makes not only foundation more economical but also reduces structural cost of the building. Accordingly, sites having good load bearing capacity soil should be valued and preferred as compared to soil with low bearing capacity. Site having high water table needs to be discounted for obvious reason of water seepage into the building, and low bearing capacity it will create for the soil at the site. Sites with high water table make them unfit for creating spaces at basement level and always pose threat to buildings in terms of water getting into the building. During heavy rainfalls, such sites are invariably subjected to flooding and create problems of safety to building and inhabitants, using the building. Good soil is known for the capacity and quality to make buildings not only cost- effective but also facilitate the rapid growth of flora and fauna, making value addition to the project.
  • 16. Mapping Wind Direction; Wind direction needs critical study and analysis while selecting any site. Wind has both positivity and negativity. If fresh air remains essential for good quality living, managing humidity and temperature, bad air causes enormous pollution and generates poor quality of life. Wind modulated temperature depending upon the climate zone in which site is located. Accordingly, it is essential induction of foul air into the buildings have to be invariably avoided and fresh brought in to make the buildings healthy and well-ventilated. Accordingly, if site falls on the path of wind coming from industrial area, then it is likely to cause pollution and will adversely impact health, hygiene and quality of life of the people living/working in the project area. Accordingly, location of industries /non- conforming uses and both in present and future , must be considered while selecting any site. Wind direction will also be relevant in selecting site and positioning of buildings in order to make optimum use of prevailing wind and avoiding its adverse impact. In case of coastal areas and area falling in the warm and humid climatic zone; site should invariably be located in the windward direction, to promote cross-ventilation in site and the buildings to be constructed therein. Site located on leeward side should invariably be avoided in coastal area. However, in case of Cold regions and Hill areas, site facing windward direction should invariably be avoided as against site located in the leeward side, to avoid adverse impact of cold air on the built environment. Locating Air Funnel; Air Funnel defined in the case of cities, having air connectivity, also need to
  • 17. be taken into account while finalizing the site, located on the periphery or falling under the defined air funnel. Site falling under existing air-funnels need to be avoided, because of two distinct reasons involving ; high degree of noise generated by planes while taking off and landing. Sites for hospitals, education, offices and activities requiring minimum noise, should invariably avoid locating under the air funnels and locating near nodes generating noise pollution. Sites located in close vicinity of airports also need careful consideration due to limitation of height imposed on the buildings to be constructed there, which invariably limits the quantum of built up area to be constructed on the site. It leads to underutilization of the site due to low floor area ration admissible on such sites. Exploring Brown field Sites; In majority of cases, all developers/architects go in for green field sites as against the brownfield sites for the reasons , green field sites give enormous options in planning, designing and construction of buildings to both architects , engineers and developers. But all green field sites remain consumers of land and resources besides adversely impacting the nature, environment and ecology.. Accordingly, it is important that while looking at the site in any urban settings, option of selecting existing site for the use of the project should also be explored. Brown field development hold distinct advantages in terms of location, services, centrality, existing built environment, materials etc., subjected to suitability of site based on considerations defined above. Understanding Climatic Zone; Climate remains critical and dominating factor in planning, designing and
  • 18. construction of buildings. Based on climate , India is divided into five distinct Climatic zones considering the norms defined for day- temperature and humidity. Each climate zone, remains unique and distinct; requiring different options for planning , designing and construction of buildings due to differential requirements of heating, cooling, air, light and ventilation. Accordingly, role , importance and relevance of the climate, should invariably be built into the site selection process. In case of Cold& Sunny- Dry/wet regions /hill areas; all sites falling on the Northern slopes, should invariably be prohibited for construction, for making buildings sustainable and energy- efficient. Similarly, context of leeward and windward direction on the proposed site, as already defined earlier, should also be taken care of , while selecting site. In case of zones having too much rainfall, then site on higher elevation and having efficient drainage should be selected to avoid flooding. Conclusion Efforts have been made in brief, to describe factors which need to be considered, analyzed, quantified and evaluated for identifying appropriate sites for any project. However, it remains difficult to comprehensively detail out all the possible factors which govern the precise and appropriate location of the site of any project. Guidelines for locating the project remain both dynamic- constantly and continuously evolving and devolving requiring constant review, revision and redefinition from time to time to make them more relevant, rational and objective. Nevertheless, identification of appropriate site will need lot of study, data, knowledge, understanding and expertise of the various factors detailed above before coming to any logical conclusion.