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Particle Motion near the Wall of a Fluidized Bed at Elevated 
Igor Sidorenko, Art Yew Looi, and Martin Rhodes* 
CRC for Clean Power from Lignite, Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, 
Victoria 3800, Australia 
The influence of operating pressure on the motion of particles near the fluidized-bed wall surface 
was studied for Geldart group A and B particles using luminescent pigment as bed solids in a 
vessel of diameter 146 mm. A pulse of bright light transmitted from outside the pressure vessel 
via fiber optics was used to illuminate a 7-mm-diameter region of the bed particles adjacent to 
a transparent vessel wall. Digital image analysis of the motion of the illuminated region of bed 
particles and its decay in luminosity permitted the determination of the influence of pressure 
on a particle exchange frequency in the direction perpendicular to the wall surface, the mean 
particle residence time at the wall, and the velocity of bed solids adjacent to the wall. These 
findings are related to the observations of the effect of pressure on bed-to-surface heat transfer 
in fluidized beds reported by other workers. 
1. Introduction 
One of the attractive features of bubbling fluidized 
beds from a design viewpoint is their excellent heat-transfer 
properties. Gas-to-particle heat transfer is 
normally very efficient because of the high surface area 
of the particulate phase. More interesting is heat 
transfer between the bed material and solid surfaces 
such as walls or immersed surfaces. Since the 1970s, 
considerable attention has been given to research in the 
field of fluidized-bed combustion and gasification of solid 
fuels at elevated pressure. The operating conditions of 
combustion boilers and reaction chambers of gasifiers 
involve high bed temperatures (1023-1173 K) and 
increased fluidizing gas pressures (up to 2 MPa). Under 
these conditions, heat transfer between a surface and 
a fluidized bed has a rather complex conductive-convective- 
radiative character1 and is presented as a 
sum of three independent components: particle convec-tive, 
gas convective, and radiative.2 The main factors 
in the heat transfer between a surface and a fluidized 
bed are the movement of particles close to the surface 
and their residence time at the surface. 
According to Botterill,2 the good heat-transfer proper-ties 
of fluidized beds are the result of the high heat 
capacity of bed particles and their mobility. At temper-atures 
below 873 K, when the radiative heat-transfer 
component is negligible, the particles in the bulk of the 
fluidized bed exchange heat by gas-phase conduction 
and stay in the bulk of the bed long enough to reach 
the same temperature as their neighboring particles. 
When some of the particles are swept into close 
proximity with the heat-transfer surface, there is a high 
local temperature gradient between the surface and the 
particles. The longer the particles stay at the surface, 
the more their temperature approaches the surface 
temperature, which leads to a reduction in the local 
temperature gradient and the effective rate of heat 
transfer. The highest rates of heat transfer between a 
surface and a fluidized bed are obtained, therefore, when 
there is rapid exchange of material between the heat-transfer 
region and the bulk of the bed, i.e., when 
particle residence times at the surface are very short. 
However, it is common for vertical surfaces to become 
covered by the downward return flow of solids. In 1953, 
Toomey and Johnstone (in ref 2) described the now well-known 
appearance of particle motion close to the wall, 
in which there is upward flow of particles through the 
center of the column induced by bubbles and compara-tively 
slow downward flow at the wall. In general, 
material adjacent to the wall is only occasionally 
disturbed by rising bubbles and slugs that penetrate to 
the wall. 
According to Borodulya et al.,1 one of the most well-known 
empirical correlations for calculating the maxi-mum 
bed-to-surface heat-transfer coefficient h was 
proposed by Baskakov and Panov,3 and it predicts a 
strong dependence of the conductive component on 
pressure. However, this fact was not confirmed by 
extensive experimental studies.4 
Several researchers studied the influence of pressure 
on convective heat transfer between fluidized beds and 
surfaces (e.g., refs 5-12). Convective heat transfer in 
fluidized beds of fine particles is not expected to change 
much with pressure, as was, in fact, observed by Xavier 
et al.11 and Barreto et al.5 
Convective heat transfer can be characterized by a 
dimensionless parameter, the Nusselt number. To de-scribe 
heat-transfer experiments under different condi-tions, 
Borodulya et al.1 analyzed the results available 
in the literature and proposed a relation that combines 
the Nusselt number at maximum conductive-convec-tive 
heat transfer (hgc + hpc), the Galileo number Ga, 
and the Prandtl number Pr 
where cp and cg are the specific heat capacities of 
particles and gas, respectively. 
* To whom correspondence should be addressed: Martin 
Rhodes, Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash Uni-versity, 
VIC 3800, Australia. Tel.: Int ++61-3-9905-3445. 
Fax: ++61-3-9905-5686. E-mail: 
Numax ) 0.4Ga0.16(Fp 
+ 0.0013Ga0.63 Pr 
5562 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2004, 43, 5562-5570 
10.1021/ie030777b CCC: $27.50 © 2004 American Chemical Society 
Published on Web 04/23/2004
According to Borodulya et al.,1 eq 1 is valid for 
particles in the size range from 100 Ă­m to 4 mm and 
the operating pressure range from atmospheric to 10 
MPa. The exponents of the Galileo number and the 
density ratio in eq 1 are almost equal, and the depen-dence 
of the particle convective heat-transfer coefficient 
on pressure is very weak. 
Because the gas convective heat-transfer coefficient 
is proportional to the square root of gas density, 
fluidization at elevated pressures is expected to enhance 
this component. Experimental confirmation of higher 
heat-transfer coefficients in pressurized fluidized beds 
of coarse particles can indeed be found in the literature 
(e.g., refs 7, 8, 11, and 13). 
The experimental data presented by Borodulya et al.13 
show that the effect of pressure increases with particle 
size. A pressure increase from 1100 to 8100 kPa resulted 
in a 29% increase in the maximum heat-transfer coef-ficient 
for 126-Ă­m sand particles, a 110% increase for 
1.22-mm sand particles, and a 140% increase for 3.1- 
mm glass ballotini. 
For particles less than 500 Ă­m, the effect of pressure 
on the bed-to-surface heat transfer is considered to be 
negligible.2,14 However, according to Molerus and Wirth,9 
heat transfer clearly depends on pressure within the 
range of particle sizes from 50 Ă­m to 1 mm, and the 
influence of particle motion on heat transfer should 
manifest itself in a similar pressure dependence. 
Here, we present the results of a study of the 
influence of operating pressure on the motion of par-ticles 
near the fluidized-bed wall surface for Geldart 
group A and B particles using luminescent pigment as 
bed solids in a vessel of 146-mm diameter. The results 
are analyzed, and the implications for heat-transfer 
modeling are considered. 
2. Experimental Method 
The process and instrumentation diagram of the 
pressurized fluidized bed used in this study of the effects 
of pressure on fluidization is given elsewhere.15 The 
pressure vessel, capable of operating at pressures up 
to 2600 kPa, was 2.38 m high and was equipped with 
five glass observation ports. The fluidized-bed vessel 
was 146 mm in diameter, had transparent walls of 
Perspex, and was inserted into the pressure vessel and 
positioned vertically. Fluidizing gas for the experiments 
was supplied either from a building compressed air 
supply or from dedicated nitrogen and compressed air 
cylinders and metered by variable-area flow meters. The 
variable-area flow meters had an accuracy class 1.6, 
according to German Standard VDI/VDE 3513 Part 2, 
and were properly compensated for differences in gas 
properties at different operating pressures and temper-atures. 
The operating pressure in the fluidized bed was set 
with a back-pressure control valve. The experimental 
facility was of an open circuit type so the same gas was 
used for pressurizing the system and for fluidizing the 
solids. The apparatus was pressurized to the desired 
operating pressure before the fluidizing gas flow rate 
was adjusted to a desired value. 
With transparent side walls of the fluidized-bed 
column, direct observation of the motion of particles 
along the wall was possible through one of the pressure 
vessel’s observation windows. Experimental observation 
of the motion of particles near the wall surface was 
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004 5563 
Figure 1. Experimental setup for studying particle motion along 
the wall. 
based on the pulsed-light method described by Molerus 
and Wirth.9 
The motion of particles at the wall surface was 
visualized by using particles of a luminescent pigment 
as bed solids. Six kilograms of the original luminescent 
pigment Lumilux (pigment A), with a Sauter mean 
diameter of 62 Ă­m, was used for charging the fluidized 
bed in the series of experiments with a Geldart A 
material. To study the particle motion in a bed filled 
with a Geldart B material, 6 kg of the agglomerated 
pigment (pigment B), with a Sauter mean diameter of 
234 Ă­m, was used. 
A well-known method of measuring the dependence 
of the bed pressure drop on the superficial gas velocity 
was used to establish the experimental values of the 
minimum fluidization velocity. For pigment A, the 
minimum fluidization velocity was 0.003 m/s and inde-pendent 
of pressure. For pigment B, the minimum 
fluidization velocity decreased from 0.112 m/s at atmo-spheric 
pressure to 0.103 m/s at 1300 kPa. 
A pulse of bright light from a conventional photoflash 
with an adaptor was transmitted from outside the 
pressure vessel via a specially made fiber-optic light 
guide. The flash illuminated a 7-mm-diameter spot of 
the luminescent bed material adjacent to a transparent 
fluidized-bed vessel wall inside the pressure vessel. 
After illumination, the spot, consisting of a cluster of 
particles, showed an afterglow for several seconds. The 
fiber-optic light guide was positioned in such way that 
the illuminated spot was at approximately mid-height 
of the bed level and could be clearly seen through one 
of the observation windows (Figure 1). 
A digital video camera was mounted in front of the 
window and covered with some lightproof fabric. All of 
the remaining observation windows were blocked so that 
it was completely dark inside and only the illuminated 
spot on the black background was visible through the 
camera viewfinder. 
Under packed-bed conditions, the illuminated spot 
was still visible after 3 min. When the bed was fluidized, 
the illuminated spot shifted along the wall surface while 
its shape deformed and its luminosity decreased. How-ever, 
the illuminated particles stayed in close proximity 
as a cluster, and the spot remained a single identifiable 
object until it disappeared from the field of view. When 
an image disappeared from view, it could be assumed 
that, depending on the gas velocity, the image either 
moved out of the camera view or its brightness dimin-ished.
Experiments were carried out at different gas veloci-ties 
up to 15 times the minimum fluidization velocity 
under various pressure conditions. The pressure range 
was from atmospheric to 2100 kPa for experiments with 
pigment A and up to 1600 kPa for experiments with the 
agglomerated pigment B. However, because of the 
relatively high material density and the gas supply 
limitations, it was not possible to fluidize pigment B at 
velocities well above the minimum fluidization velocity 
at operating pressures higher than 800 kPa. 
At the predetermined operating pressure and gas 
velocity, an experiment proper consisted of illuminating 
a small cluster of particles with the photoflash and 
filming the spot until it disappeared. At each gas 
velocity, at least 10 separate flashes were recorded, and 
the fate of each illuminated spot was analyzed sepa-rately 
using image analysis techniques. 
3. Data Analysis 
The images of the illuminated spot were captured by 
a digital video camera at a rate of 25 frames per second. 
Digital videos were downloaded onto a dedicated com-puter 
and edited in order to extract separate frames and 
organize them in stacks for each light pulse. Image 
analysis was then carried out to quantify the statistics 
of particle movement near the wall surface. Each pixel 
of the image was characterized by its X and Y coordi-nates 
and luminosity, expressed in dimensionless form 
on a grayscale, where 0 is black and 255 is white. From 
filming a reference ruler in daylight, it was determined 
that, on the linear scale, each pixel was equal to 0.25 
Under packed-bed conditions, it was observed that the 
cluster of illuminated particles remained visible as an 
unmoving spot decreasing in intensity with time. The 
initial step in digital data analysis involved discrimina-tion 
of illuminated spots from the rest of the bed 
material. In general, the procedure for this image 
identification involves examination of the histogram of 
grayscale values for a normal image consisting of both 
illuminated spot and dark background. Because the 
lighting conditions were uniform and the image contrast 
was quite high, accurate detection of the image bound-ary 
was possible using the global thresholding method.16 
As a result, it was found that applying a grayscale 
threshold (Lthreshold) of 60 accurately characterized il-luminated 
spots while they were visible. 
On each frame, the following data for the illuminated 
spot were obtained: image area; mean, maximum, and 
minimum luminosity within the image threshold; and 
X-Y coordinates of the center of gravity of the image. 
More than 160 000 files were processed, and the results 
were organized for separate light pulses at each gas 
velocity. Further statistical analysis was performed 
using special software, where for each gas velocity data 
from 10 to 14 flashes were averaged and plotted and 
nonlinear regression was applied. 
Because the detection of clusters depended on their 
visibility, it could be possible that the disappearance of 
images resulted from loss of material luminosity with 
time or possibly from the mixing of clusters. A simple 
analysis showed that the light source had enough power 
to sufficiently illuminate a spot and the material had 
sufficient luminosity that the illuminated object could 
still be observed by the end of each test. 
The effect of particle motion in a fluidized bed on 
cluster maximum luminosity compared to that in a 
Figure 2. Decay of maximum image luminosity on a grayscale 
in a packed bed of pigment A compared to fluidized bed at 
atmospheric pressure (fluidization gas velocity U ) 0.012 m/s). 
packed bed is illustrated in Figure 2. In both cases, the 
luminosity decay was found to be exponential in time; 
however, the rate of decay was much higher in the 
fluidized bed. It was found that the motionless il-luminated 
spot in the packed bed was clearly visible for 
at least 100 s (2500 frames), and some afterglow could 
be distinguished on the dark background even after 
3 min. 
In comparison, the experiments showed that, in a 
fluidized bed, the illuminated spot always became 
invisible in less than 4 s (100 frames). On the basis of 
such a large difference between the natural material 
luminosity decay and the luminosity loss during fluidi-zation, 
it was assumed that the luminosity decay during 
fluidization is caused only by the fact that the il-luminated 
cluster particles move away from the wall 
and are replaced by dark particles. 
Although the natural material luminosity decay with 
time for agglomerated pigment B was less than that for 
the original pigment, it was still much greater than the 
image luminosity decay during the fluidization experi-ments. 
4. Particle Motion at Similar Fluidizing 
Some influence of operating pressure on pigment A 
particle motion near the fluidized-bed wall can be 
illustrated through the results of experiments carried 
out at similar fluidization velocities at different pres-sures. 
The gas fluidization velocity in the following 
examples equals approximately 5 times the minimum 
fluidization velocity. 
As can be seen in Figures 3-7, the illuminated spot 
shifts down along the wall surface while its shape 
deforms and luminosity decreases. 
These images (Figures 3-7) were produced by super-imposing 
all of the separate frames during the image 
lifetime, and they show the motions of the illuminated 
clusters of particles along the wall surface. These images 
are typical, and similar observations were made under 
different operating conditions. Some qualitative conclu-sions 
emerge from the visual analysis of these results. 
For example, in these videos, the direction of motion of 
the illuminated clusters of particles was observed to be 
downward, as expected. 
5564 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004
As can be seen in Figure 3, at ambient conditions, the 
illuminated cluster travels down along the wall and 
disappears from the camera view. Its brightness de-creases 
slightly, but the image is expected to be visible 
at the wall for some time after it disappears below the 
camera view. It seems that, under the given experimen-tal 
conditions, the majority of cluster particles move 
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004 5565 
downward in close proximity to the wall and only a 
small number of particles are replaced by particles 
coming from within the bed. 
At higher operating pressures, the motion behavior 
appears to change. Although the clusters also move 
downward, they do not disappear below the camera 
view. The brightness of the clusters decreases much 
more quickly, and it appears that the lateral mixing 
becomes predominant and the illuminated particles 
move inside the bed. With increasing pressure, this 
behavior becomes stronger (Figures 4-7). 
In an attempt to quantify these observations, the 
decay of mean luminosity of the illuminated clusters at 
different pressures and similar gas velocities for pig-ment 
A is presented in Figure 8. 
In all cases, the luminosity decay was found to be 
exponential in time. A number of linear and nonlinear 
regression models were tested, and it was found that 
an exponential decay model17,18 predicted the experi-mental 
data very well. The following equation was used 
for the decay model 
where the function of luminosity on a grayscale (L) 
starts at an initial level of span (L0 - Lthreshold) above a 
constant plateau (Lthreshold) and decays with time (t) to 
the plateau (Lthreshold) at a rate constant (k). The value 
of the plateau (Lthreshold) was determined by the thresh-old 
applied to the images during the processing. 
One of the characteristic parameters of an exponential 
decay model is the half-life, which is the time it takes 
for the parameter (L), or image luminosity, to drop by 
one-half. In the case presented in Figure 8, the half-life 
decreased from 0.62 s at atmospheric pressure to 
0.11 s at 2000 kPa. For comparison, the half-life of the 
natural luminosity decay of pigment A established in 
the packed bed was 41.84 s. 
5. Particle Motion at Similar Fluidizing 
5.1. Analysis of Experimental Data. As illustrated 
above (Figure 2), the increased rate of decay in luminos-ity 
in a fluidized bed, compared to that in a packed bed, 
is attributed to the fact that the originally illuminated 
Figure 3. Image trajectory for pigment A at atmospheric pressure 
and a gas velocity of 0.012 m/s (actual size). 
Figure 4. Image trajectory for pigment A at 500 kPa and a gas 
velocity of 0.011 m/s (actual size). 
Figure 5. Image trajectory for pigment A at 1100 kPa and a gas 
velocity of 0.011 m/s (actual size). 
Figure 6. Image trajectory for pigment A at 1500 kPa and a gas 
velocity of 0.011 m/s (actual size). 
Figure 7. Image trajectory for pigment A at 2000 kPa and a gas 
velocity of 0.011 m/s (actual size). 
Figure 8. Difference between mean image luminosities on a 
grayscale for pigment A at different operating pressures and 
similar fluidization velocities. 
L - Lthreshold ) (L0 - Lthreshold) exp(-kt) (2)
particles move away from the wall during the fluidiza-tion 
process and are replaced by particles coming from 
the rest of the bed. 
Using the rules for conditional probability, Molerus 
and Wirth9 deduced an equation for the exchange 
frequency of particles, f, perpendicular to a solid surface. 
It was postulated that the probability, W(t), that a 
particle in contact with the wall at time t ) 0 moves 
inside the fluidized bed is proportional to the time 
interval ¢t, i.e., equivalent to f¢t. Using the initial 
condition when W(0) ) 1, Molerus and Wirth9 obtained 
the following equation: 
This equation indicates that the luminosity decay L, 
related to the initial brightness L0, directly corresponds 
to the constant slope of the curve and the parameter f 
can be determined by plotting ln(L/L0) versus time: 
Using the area of the original illuminated spot and the 
particle size, the initial number of the illuminated 
particles next to the bed wall, np0, can be estimated from 
the following relationship 
where dp is the mean particle diameter, D0 is the 
diameter of the illuminated spot, and  is bed voidage. 
According to Molerus and Wirth,9 the illuminated spot 
diameter D0 is equivalent to the fiber-optic diameter, 
which is true only if the fiber optic is positioned 
perpendicular to the wall surface right against it. 
However, positioned in this way, the fiber optic would 
completely block the original illuminated spot, so that 
filming and further image analysis of the original spot 
would not be possible. For clear view in this study, the 
3-mm-diameter fiber optic did not touch the wall surface 
and was positioned at a slight angle in such way that, 
in a packed bed, the diameter of the initial illuminated 
spot was 7 mm. 
Using eq 5 and experimentally obtained values of the 
bed voidage at the initial conditions, the original 
number of illuminated particles was estimated to be 
around 6375 for pigment A and around 260 for pigment 
Because the luminosity decay in a fluidized bed is 
caused by the motion of particles, Molerus and Wirth9 
estimated the number of particles in an image with 
luminosity L from L/np ) L0/np0 as follows: 
In this study, using the image threshold value of 60 and 
eq 6, the final number of particles left at the wall can 
be estimated at 21 for pigment A and just 1 for pigment 
Comparing eq 2 to eq 4 shows that the rate constant 
k determined above corresponds to the particle exchange 
frequency f defined by Molerus and Wirth.9 
5.2. Mean Residence Times of Particles at the 
Wall. The mean residence time of illuminated particles 
near the wall was deduced by Molerus and Wirth9 as 
the reciprocal of the particle exchange frequency f. The 
mean residence time Ă´, established in this work as the 
reciprocal of rate constant k, is shown in Figure 9 for 
pigment A and in Figure 10 for pigment B. 
For pigment A, as can be seen in Figure 9, mean 
residence times measured close to the wall decrease 
with increasing gas velocity in the range 3-10Umf and 
become practically independent of gas velocity in vigor-ously 
bubbling fluidized bed. 
The values of the mean residence time settle at below 
0.1 s, which means that, during the experiments, the 
illuminated images disappeared within only three frames 
on video and could not be measured with higher ac-curacy. 
Considering the experimental error of (0.04 s, 
it is not possible to establish any significant effect of 
pressure on particle residence times at the wall. 
As previously mentioned, the highest rates of heat 
transfer between a surface and a fluidized bed are 
obtained when the particle residence times at the 
surface are very short. Therefore, from Figure 9, it can 
be estimated that the typical mean residence times 
measured close to the wall at maximum heat transfer 
W(t) ) exp(-ft) (3) 
L0)) -ft (4) 
) (1 - ) 
np ) (1 - )(D0 
L0) (6) 
Figure 9. Mean time between pigment A particle illumination 
and departure from the wall versus gas velocity at various 
operating pressures. 
Figure 10. Mean time between pigment B particle illumination 
and departure from the wall versus gas velocity at various 
operating pressures. 
5566 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004
are practically independent of pressure and approxi-mately 
equal to 0.1 s. 
This result, however, does not agree well with the 
experimental data presented by Molerus and Wirth,9 
who observed the following mean residence times of 
illuminated particles with a size of 50 Ă­m at vertical 
solid surfaces in a fluidized bed at maximum heat 
transfer: 1.28 s at 100 kPa, 0.35 s at 500 kPa, 0.52 s at 
1000 kPa, and 0.45 s at 2000 kPa. Contrary to their 
claim that the heat transfer clearly depends on pressure 
and expectations of a similar pressure dependence on 
particle motion, there is no clear trend in their data, 
but the magnitude is considerably higher than the 
values measured in the present work. 
For pigment B, the investigated range of superficial 
gas velocities was much narrower and did not exceed 
2Umf at atmospheric pressure. As was found with 
pigment A, mean residence times measured close to the 
wall for pigment B were found to decrease with increas-ing 
gas velocity (Figure 10). 
Again, no significant effect of pressure on the particle 
residence times at the wall can be observed in the 
somewhat limited range of experimental pressures and 
velocities. However, absolute residence time values are 
again lower than those observed by Molerus and Wirth9 
for a similarly sized material. 
In their work, it is not clear how the illuminated 
image was distinguished from the background. If they 
applied linear regression to the luminosity decay curve, 
plotted in semilog coordinates for the whole image 
grayscale (0-255), as opposed to the nonlinear regres-sion 
for only the visible image threshold presented here, 
then that could possibly produce different results. 
5.3. Relating Contact Time to Heat Transfer. In 
practice, it is common for fluidized beds to contain fixed 
surfaces to extract heat. For fluidized-bed combustion, 
the important heat-transfer surfaces are vertical and 
horizontal heat-transfer tubes immersed in the bed. By 
using internal cooling tubes, a large total heat-transfer 
surface can be obtained. The effect of pressure on heat 
transfer from the bed to the immersed horizontal tube 
was investigated by Olsson and Almstedt,10 who found 
a significant increase in the heat-transfer coefficient 
with increasing operating pressure. 
One way of evaluating the impact of the observed 
mean particle residence times at the wall is to use them 
in conjunction with the cluster renewal model developed 
for bubbling fluidized beds by Mickley and Fairbanks.19 
According to this model, it was found that, for the 
particle convective heat-transfer component hpc, the 
following equation holds20 
where ä equals the distance between the illuminated 
particles and the wall; ìg is the gas thermal conductivity 
of this gap; Ă´ is the time during which particles are 
moving in contact with the wall before moving into the 
bulk of the bed; and ìp, Fp, and cp are the thermal 
conductivity, density, and specific heat capacity of the 
particles, respectively. 
The only gas-related parameter in eq 7, the gas 
thermal conductivity ìg, is independent of pressure for 
the ideal (perfect) gas. For real gases, however, the gas 
thermal conductivity is a rather complex function of 
pressure and temperature, and usually increases with 
an increase in either pressure or temperature.21 Ignor-ing 
the effect of the gas gap, the particle convective heat-transfer 
component hpc is proportional to Ă´0.5. 
For Geldart A solids, Figure 9 shows that, at super-ficial 
gas velocities below 0.015 m/s, the mean residence 
times slightly decrease with pressure, and therefore, the 
particle convective heat-transfer component is expected 
to increase slightly with elevated pressure. However, 
with a further increase in gas velocity, the mean 
residence times reach a minimum value and are not 
influenced by pressure. Thus, the particle convective 
heat-transfer coefficient should also reach a maximum 
in a bubbling bed that must be dependent only on 
particle physical properties and not on operating pres-sure 
or superficial gas velocity, provided a certain gas 
velocity is exceeded. 
This observation of the effect of pressure is in line 
with findings of other workers2,5,11,22 who did not observe 
much variation in the particle convective heat transfer 
for small particles at pressures above atmospheric. 
According to Borodulya et al.,1 the weak dependence of 
the conductive-convective heat-transfer coefficient on 
pressure in fluidized beds of small (less than 1 mm) 
particles is a well-known experimental fact, although 
some researchers would probably disagree.9 
The present work forms part of a larger program in 
which the operation of a pressurized steam-fluidized-bed 
dryer was studied. The program included a study 
of the influence of operating pressure on fluidized-bed-wall 
heat transfer. A comprehensive account of this 
work can be found in Looi et al.23 Analysis of these 
results24 shows that the particles on the heat-transfer 
surface are at thermal equilibrium with the heat source 
such that the mechanism of heat removal is left to the 
wall-to-gas route. Consequently, any further increase 
in the gas velocity from the incipient conditions would 
raise the wall-to-bed heat-transfer coefficient. This 
phenomenon remains prevalent for ratios between the 
Reynolds and Archimedes numbers of Re/Ar  0.002, 
at which point particle mobility from the heated wall 
becomes significant. When the fluidized bed becomes 
vigorously bubbling, i.e., Re/Ar  0.002, there is no 
further increment in the heat-transfer coefficient for 
systems with Ar  100. This observation shows that, 
when the Ar value is sufficiently high, the buoyancy 
effect dominates over the inertial effect. This leads to 
the tendency of particles to migrate radially away from 
the heat-transfer wall. These heat-transfer results are 
consistent with the observations made in the study of 
particle motion reported here, namely, that there is 
minimal bubbling effect such that very little particle 
migration occurs on the heat-transfer wall when the 
superficial gas velocity is low. As the gas velocity is 
increased, the particle migration from the heat-transfer 
wall becomes more rapid and hence results in a greater 
wall-to-bed heat-transfer rate. 
6. Particle Motion Velocity 
6.1. Observation of Particle Motion Parallel to 
the Wall. Solids motion in bubbling fluidized beds is 
driven by bubbles, which carry particles upward in their 
drifts and wakes. This upward flow of solids is balanced 
by a downward solids flow that occurs in regions where 
there are no bubbles. 
Previously presented images (Figures 3-7) represent 
the summations of separate frames during the image 
lifetimes and show typical trajectories of the illuminated 
) ä 
+x Ă°Ă´ 
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004 5567
clusters of particles along the wall surface. Similar 
observations were made under different operating con-ditions. 
As expected, the predominant direction of 
movement of the illuminated image along the wall was 
On each frame, the X-Y coordinates of the center of 
gravity of the illuminated image were also obtained. For 
each image, the variation of the center of gravity in the 
vertical and horizontal directions with time was plotted 
and analyzed. Visual analysis of all plots representing 
image motion in the vertical direction (downward) and 
in the horizontal direction (sideways) at various operat-ing 
conditions showed that the axial movement was 
approximately linear. 
Initial X0-Y0 coordinates correspond to the center of 
gravity of the original image at the time of light impulse 
t ) 0, and the final Xn-Yn coordinates describe the 
center of gravity of the disappearing image at the time 
equal to the mean residence time t ) Ă´. The distance 
travelled by the image during the mean residence time 
was established as (Xn - X0) in the horizontal direction 
and as (Yn - Y0) in the vertical direction. 
Axial particle motion velocities were obtained for each 
light impulse at various operating conditions by dividing 
these distances by the corresponding mean residence 
time. Resulting velocities were then averaged according 
to the operating conditions and plotted. 
6.2. Axial Particle Motion Velocity at Elevated 
Pressures. Vertical Velocity. The main direction of 
the illuminated spot movement was downward, and the 
vertical image velocity is plotted in Figure 11 for 
pigment A and in Figure 12 for pigment B. 
For pigment A, the particle migration velocities Uy 
along the wall in the vertical direction were oriented 
downward and reached a maximum value of about 0.08 
m/s at atmospheric pressure. At operating pressures 
above 500 kPa, the particle migration velocities Uy along 
the wall in the vertical direction are much lower than 
those obtained at ambient conditions. Some trend for 
the vertical motion velocity to decrease with increasing 
operating pressure can be observed in Figure 11. Similar 
results can also be qualitatively estimated from the 
image trajectories presented in Figures 3-7. 
For pigment B, the particle motion velocities Uy along 
the wall in the vertical direction were also oriented 
downward and reached a maximum value of only about 
0.004 m/s at atmospheric pressure. Within the studied 
range, no effect of pressure on the vertical particle 
motion velocity could be established (Figure 12). 
Horizontal Velocity. Because the predominant move-ment 
of the illuminated image was downward, the 
particle motion velocity in the horizontal direction was 
much smaller for pigment A (presented in Figure 13 on 
the same scale as Figure 11) and practically nonexistent 
for pigment B. 
This observation is in line with the experimental 
results of Bellgardt and Werther,25 who found at ambi-ent 
conditions in a large fluidized bed that vertical solids 
mixing was at least 1 order of magnitude higher than 
lateral mixing. 
In a bubbling fluidized bed with pigment A as the bed 
material, some apparently random horizontal deviation 
off the vertical axis was observed while the illuminated 
image shifted downward. As shown in Figure 13, in 
general, lateral particle migration velocities Ux lower 
than 0.01 m/s were measured. Although small by itself, 
the horizontal movement of the illuminated cluster at 
operating pressures above 700 kPa was less obvious 
than at ambient conditions. 
Figure 11. Particle motion velocity in the vertical direction versus 
superficial gas velocity at various operating pressures for pig-ment 
Figure 12. Particle motion velocity in the vertical direction versus 
superficial gas velocity at various operating pressures for pig-ment 
Figure 13. Particle motion velocity in the horizontal direction 
versus superficial gas velocity at various operating pressures for 
pigment A. 
5568 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004
7. Conclusions 
Major factors in the heat transfer between a wall and 
a fluidized bed are the movement of particles close to 
the wall and their residence time at the wall. Experi-mental 
measurement of particle motion in a bubbling 
fluidized bed can provide a better understanding of wall-to- 
bed heat transfer. 
The influence of operating pressure, up to 2100 kPa, 
on the motion of Geldart A and B particles near the 
fluidized-bed-wall surface was studied using lumines-cent 
pigment as bed solids. Digital image analysis was 
applied to the experimental data with the aim of 
quantifying the statistics of particle motion near the 
wall. Image analysis of the movement of the illuminated 
cluster of particles gave its statistically determined axial 
velocities along the surface, and the decay in luminosity 
defined the particle exchange frequency in the direction 
perpendicular to the wall surface. 
For both Geldart A and B solids, no significant effect 
of pressure on particle residence times at the wall within 
the vigorously bubbling fluidized bed was established. 
This observation is in line with findings of other 
researchers who observed minimal variation in the 
particle convective heat transfer for small particles at 
pressures above atmospheric. 
Solids motion in bubbling fluidized beds is driven by 
bubbles, which carry particles upward in their drifts and 
wakes. This upward flow of solids is balanced by a 
downward solids flow that occurs in regions where there 
are no bubbles. As expected, the predominant direction 
of movement of the illuminated image along the wall 
was downward. For Geldart A solids, the particle 
migration velocities along the wall in the vertical 
direction were much lower at operating pressures above 
500 kPa than at ambient conditions. For Geldart B 
solids, within the pressure range and narrow range of 
gas velocities studied, no pressure effect on the vertical 
particle motion velocity was established. 
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support 
received for this research from the CRC for Clean Power 
from Lignite, which is established under the Australian 
Government’s Cooperative Research Centres Scheme. 
Ar ) Archimedes number 
cg ) specific heat capacity of the gas 
cp ) particle specific heat capacity 
dp ) mean particle diameter 
D0 ) diameter of the illuminated spot 
f ) particle exchange frequency (eq 3) 
Ga ) Galileo number 
hgc ) particle conductive heat-transfer coefficient 
hpc ) particle convective heat-transfer coefficient 
k ) rate constant (eq 2) 
L ) luminosity on a grayscale 
Lthreshold ) threshold level of luminosity on a grayscale 
L0 ) initial level of luminosity on a grayscale 
np ) number of the illuminated particles 
np0 ) initial number of illuminated particles (eq 5) 
Nu ) Nusselt number 
Pr ) Prandtl number 
Re ) Reynolds number 
t ) time 
Umf ) superficial gas velocity at incipient fluidization 
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004 5569 
Uv ) particle motion velocity along the wall in the vertical 
W(t) ) probability that a particle is in contact with the wall 
at time t (eq 3) 
W(0) ) probability that a particle is in contact with the 
wall at time t ) 0 (eq 3) 
X ) x coordinate of the center of gravity of the illuminated 
image (section 6.1) 
Y ) y coordinate of the center of gravity of the illuminated 
image (section 6.1) 
 ) bed voidage 
ä ) distance between illuminated particles and the wall 
ìg ) gas thermal conductivity of the gap ä 
Ă´ ) time during which particles are moving in contact with 
the wall 
ìp ) thermal conductivity of the particles 
Fp ) particle density 
ìg ) gas thermal conductivity 
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5570 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004

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Particle Motion near Fluidized Bed Walls Studied at Elevated Pressures

  • 1. Particle Motion near the Wall of a Fluidized Bed at Elevated Pressure Igor Sidorenko, Art Yew Looi, and Martin Rhodes* CRC for Clean Power from Lignite, Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia The influence of operating pressure on the motion of particles near the fluidized-bed wall surface was studied for Geldart group A and B particles using luminescent pigment as bed solids in a vessel of diameter 146 mm. A pulse of bright light transmitted from outside the pressure vessel via fiber optics was used to illuminate a 7-mm-diameter region of the bed particles adjacent to a transparent vessel wall. Digital image analysis of the motion of the illuminated region of bed particles and its decay in luminosity permitted the determination of the influence of pressure on a particle exchange frequency in the direction perpendicular to the wall surface, the mean particle residence time at the wall, and the velocity of bed solids adjacent to the wall. These findings are related to the observations of the effect of pressure on bed-to-surface heat transfer in fluidized beds reported by other workers. 1. Introduction One of the attractive features of bubbling fluidized beds from a design viewpoint is their excellent heat-transfer properties. Gas-to-particle heat transfer is normally very efficient because of the high surface area of the particulate phase. More interesting is heat transfer between the bed material and solid surfaces such as walls or immersed surfaces. Since the 1970s, considerable attention has been given to research in the field of fluidized-bed combustion and gasification of solid fuels at elevated pressure. The operating conditions of combustion boilers and reaction chambers of gasifiers involve high bed temperatures (1023-1173 K) and increased fluidizing gas pressures (up to 2 MPa). Under these conditions, heat transfer between a surface and a fluidized bed has a rather complex conductive-convective- radiative character1 and is presented as a sum of three independent components: particle convec-tive, gas convective, and radiative.2 The main factors in the heat transfer between a surface and a fluidized bed are the movement of particles close to the surface and their residence time at the surface. According to Botterill,2 the good heat-transfer proper-ties of fluidized beds are the result of the high heat capacity of bed particles and their mobility. At temper-atures below 873 K, when the radiative heat-transfer component is negligible, the particles in the bulk of the fluidized bed exchange heat by gas-phase conduction and stay in the bulk of the bed long enough to reach the same temperature as their neighboring particles. When some of the particles are swept into close proximity with the heat-transfer surface, there is a high local temperature gradient between the surface and the particles. The longer the particles stay at the surface, the more their temperature approaches the surface temperature, which leads to a reduction in the local temperature gradient and the effective rate of heat transfer. The highest rates of heat transfer between a surface and a fluidized bed are obtained, therefore, when there is rapid exchange of material between the heat-transfer region and the bulk of the bed, i.e., when particle residence times at the surface are very short. However, it is common for vertical surfaces to become covered by the downward return flow of solids. In 1953, Toomey and Johnstone (in ref 2) described the now well-known appearance of particle motion close to the wall, in which there is upward flow of particles through the center of the column induced by bubbles and compara-tively slow downward flow at the wall. In general, material adjacent to the wall is only occasionally disturbed by rising bubbles and slugs that penetrate to the wall. According to Borodulya et al.,1 one of the most well-known empirical correlations for calculating the maxi-mum bed-to-surface heat-transfer coefficient h was proposed by Baskakov and Panov,3 and it predicts a strong dependence of the conductive component on pressure. However, this fact was not confirmed by extensive experimental studies.4 Several researchers studied the influence of pressure on convective heat transfer between fluidized beds and surfaces (e.g., refs 5-12). Convective heat transfer in fluidized beds of fine particles is not expected to change much with pressure, as was, in fact, observed by Xavier et al.11 and Barreto et al.5 Convective heat transfer can be characterized by a dimensionless parameter, the Nusselt number. To de-scribe heat-transfer experiments under different condi-tions, Borodulya et al.1 analyzed the results available in the literature and proposed a relation that combines the Nusselt number at maximum conductive-convec-tive heat transfer (hgc + hpc), the Galileo number Ga, and the Prandtl number Pr where cp and cg are the specific heat capacities of particles and gas, respectively. * To whom correspondence should be addressed: Martin Rhodes, Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash Uni-versity, VIC 3800, Australia. Tel.: Int ++61-3-9905-3445. Fax: ++61-3-9905-5686. E-mail: Numax ) 0.4Ga0.16(Fp Fg)0.14(cp cg)0.3 + 0.0013Ga0.63 Pr (1) 5562 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2004, 43, 5562-5570 10.1021/ie030777b CCC: $27.50 © 2004 American Chemical Society Published on Web 04/23/2004
  • 2. According to Borodulya et al.,1 eq 1 is valid for particles in the size range from 100 Ă­m to 4 mm and the operating pressure range from atmospheric to 10 MPa. The exponents of the Galileo number and the density ratio in eq 1 are almost equal, and the depen-dence of the particle convective heat-transfer coefficient on pressure is very weak. Because the gas convective heat-transfer coefficient is proportional to the square root of gas density, fluidization at elevated pressures is expected to enhance this component. Experimental confirmation of higher heat-transfer coefficients in pressurized fluidized beds of coarse particles can indeed be found in the literature (e.g., refs 7, 8, 11, and 13). The experimental data presented by Borodulya et al.13 show that the effect of pressure increases with particle size. A pressure increase from 1100 to 8100 kPa resulted in a 29% increase in the maximum heat-transfer coef-ficient for 126-Ă­m sand particles, a 110% increase for 1.22-mm sand particles, and a 140% increase for 3.1- mm glass ballotini. For particles less than 500 Ă­m, the effect of pressure on the bed-to-surface heat transfer is considered to be negligible.2,14 However, according to Molerus and Wirth,9 heat transfer clearly depends on pressure within the range of particle sizes from 50 Ă­m to 1 mm, and the influence of particle motion on heat transfer should manifest itself in a similar pressure dependence. Here, we present the results of a study of the influence of operating pressure on the motion of par-ticles near the fluidized-bed wall surface for Geldart group A and B particles using luminescent pigment as bed solids in a vessel of 146-mm diameter. The results are analyzed, and the implications for heat-transfer modeling are considered. 2. Experimental Method The process and instrumentation diagram of the pressurized fluidized bed used in this study of the effects of pressure on fluidization is given elsewhere.15 The pressure vessel, capable of operating at pressures up to 2600 kPa, was 2.38 m high and was equipped with five glass observation ports. The fluidized-bed vessel was 146 mm in diameter, had transparent walls of Perspex, and was inserted into the pressure vessel and positioned vertically. Fluidizing gas for the experiments was supplied either from a building compressed air supply or from dedicated nitrogen and compressed air cylinders and metered by variable-area flow meters. The variable-area flow meters had an accuracy class 1.6, according to German Standard VDI/VDE 3513 Part 2, and were properly compensated for differences in gas properties at different operating pressures and temper-atures. The operating pressure in the fluidized bed was set with a back-pressure control valve. The experimental facility was of an open circuit type so the same gas was used for pressurizing the system and for fluidizing the solids. The apparatus was pressurized to the desired operating pressure before the fluidizing gas flow rate was adjusted to a desired value. With transparent side walls of the fluidized-bed column, direct observation of the motion of particles along the wall was possible through one of the pressure vessel’s observation windows. Experimental observation of the motion of particles near the wall surface was Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004 5563 Figure 1. Experimental setup for studying particle motion along the wall. based on the pulsed-light method described by Molerus and Wirth.9 The motion of particles at the wall surface was visualized by using particles of a luminescent pigment as bed solids. Six kilograms of the original luminescent pigment Lumilux (pigment A), with a Sauter mean diameter of 62 Ă­m, was used for charging the fluidized bed in the series of experiments with a Geldart A material. To study the particle motion in a bed filled with a Geldart B material, 6 kg of the agglomerated pigment (pigment B), with a Sauter mean diameter of 234 Ă­m, was used. A well-known method of measuring the dependence of the bed pressure drop on the superficial gas velocity was used to establish the experimental values of the minimum fluidization velocity. For pigment A, the minimum fluidization velocity was 0.003 m/s and inde-pendent of pressure. For pigment B, the minimum fluidization velocity decreased from 0.112 m/s at atmo-spheric pressure to 0.103 m/s at 1300 kPa. A pulse of bright light from a conventional photoflash with an adaptor was transmitted from outside the pressure vessel via a specially made fiber-optic light guide. The flash illuminated a 7-mm-diameter spot of the luminescent bed material adjacent to a transparent fluidized-bed vessel wall inside the pressure vessel. After illumination, the spot, consisting of a cluster of particles, showed an afterglow for several seconds. The fiber-optic light guide was positioned in such way that the illuminated spot was at approximately mid-height of the bed level and could be clearly seen through one of the observation windows (Figure 1). A digital video camera was mounted in front of the window and covered with some lightproof fabric. All of the remaining observation windows were blocked so that it was completely dark inside and only the illuminated spot on the black background was visible through the camera viewfinder. Under packed-bed conditions, the illuminated spot was still visible after 3 min. When the bed was fluidized, the illuminated spot shifted along the wall surface while its shape deformed and its luminosity decreased. How-ever, the illuminated particles stayed in close proximity as a cluster, and the spot remained a single identifiable object until it disappeared from the field of view. When an image disappeared from view, it could be assumed that, depending on the gas velocity, the image either moved out of the camera view or its brightness dimin-ished.
  • 3. Experiments were carried out at different gas veloci-ties up to 15 times the minimum fluidization velocity under various pressure conditions. The pressure range was from atmospheric to 2100 kPa for experiments with pigment A and up to 1600 kPa for experiments with the agglomerated pigment B. However, because of the relatively high material density and the gas supply limitations, it was not possible to fluidize pigment B at velocities well above the minimum fluidization velocity at operating pressures higher than 800 kPa. At the predetermined operating pressure and gas velocity, an experiment proper consisted of illuminating a small cluster of particles with the photoflash and filming the spot until it disappeared. At each gas velocity, at least 10 separate flashes were recorded, and the fate of each illuminated spot was analyzed sepa-rately using image analysis techniques. 3. Data Analysis The images of the illuminated spot were captured by a digital video camera at a rate of 25 frames per second. Digital videos were downloaded onto a dedicated com-puter and edited in order to extract separate frames and organize them in stacks for each light pulse. Image analysis was then carried out to quantify the statistics of particle movement near the wall surface. Each pixel of the image was characterized by its X and Y coordi-nates and luminosity, expressed in dimensionless form on a grayscale, where 0 is black and 255 is white. From filming a reference ruler in daylight, it was determined that, on the linear scale, each pixel was equal to 0.25 mm. Under packed-bed conditions, it was observed that the cluster of illuminated particles remained visible as an unmoving spot decreasing in intensity with time. The initial step in digital data analysis involved discrimina-tion of illuminated spots from the rest of the bed material. In general, the procedure for this image identification involves examination of the histogram of grayscale values for a normal image consisting of both illuminated spot and dark background. Because the lighting conditions were uniform and the image contrast was quite high, accurate detection of the image bound-ary was possible using the global thresholding method.16 As a result, it was found that applying a grayscale threshold (Lthreshold) of 60 accurately characterized il-luminated spots while they were visible. On each frame, the following data for the illuminated spot were obtained: image area; mean, maximum, and minimum luminosity within the image threshold; and X-Y coordinates of the center of gravity of the image. More than 160 000 files were processed, and the results were organized for separate light pulses at each gas velocity. Further statistical analysis was performed using special software, where for each gas velocity data from 10 to 14 flashes were averaged and plotted and nonlinear regression was applied. Because the detection of clusters depended on their visibility, it could be possible that the disappearance of images resulted from loss of material luminosity with time or possibly from the mixing of clusters. A simple analysis showed that the light source had enough power to sufficiently illuminate a spot and the material had sufficient luminosity that the illuminated object could still be observed by the end of each test. The effect of particle motion in a fluidized bed on cluster maximum luminosity compared to that in a Figure 2. Decay of maximum image luminosity on a grayscale in a packed bed of pigment A compared to fluidized bed at atmospheric pressure (fluidization gas velocity U ) 0.012 m/s). packed bed is illustrated in Figure 2. In both cases, the luminosity decay was found to be exponential in time; however, the rate of decay was much higher in the fluidized bed. It was found that the motionless il-luminated spot in the packed bed was clearly visible for at least 100 s (2500 frames), and some afterglow could be distinguished on the dark background even after 3 min. In comparison, the experiments showed that, in a fluidized bed, the illuminated spot always became invisible in less than 4 s (100 frames). On the basis of such a large difference between the natural material luminosity decay and the luminosity loss during fluidi-zation, it was assumed that the luminosity decay during fluidization is caused only by the fact that the il-luminated cluster particles move away from the wall and are replaced by dark particles. Although the natural material luminosity decay with time for agglomerated pigment B was less than that for the original pigment, it was still much greater than the image luminosity decay during the fluidization experi-ments. 4. Particle Motion at Similar Fluidizing Velocities Some influence of operating pressure on pigment A particle motion near the fluidized-bed wall can be illustrated through the results of experiments carried out at similar fluidization velocities at different pres-sures. The gas fluidization velocity in the following examples equals approximately 5 times the minimum fluidization velocity. As can be seen in Figures 3-7, the illuminated spot shifts down along the wall surface while its shape deforms and luminosity decreases. These images (Figures 3-7) were produced by super-imposing all of the separate frames during the image lifetime, and they show the motions of the illuminated clusters of particles along the wall surface. These images are typical, and similar observations were made under different operating conditions. Some qualitative conclu-sions emerge from the visual analysis of these results. For example, in these videos, the direction of motion of the illuminated clusters of particles was observed to be downward, as expected. 5564 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004
  • 4. As can be seen in Figure 3, at ambient conditions, the illuminated cluster travels down along the wall and disappears from the camera view. Its brightness de-creases slightly, but the image is expected to be visible at the wall for some time after it disappears below the camera view. It seems that, under the given experimen-tal conditions, the majority of cluster particles move Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004 5565 downward in close proximity to the wall and only a small number of particles are replaced by particles coming from within the bed. At higher operating pressures, the motion behavior appears to change. Although the clusters also move downward, they do not disappear below the camera view. The brightness of the clusters decreases much more quickly, and it appears that the lateral mixing becomes predominant and the illuminated particles move inside the bed. With increasing pressure, this behavior becomes stronger (Figures 4-7). In an attempt to quantify these observations, the decay of mean luminosity of the illuminated clusters at different pressures and similar gas velocities for pig-ment A is presented in Figure 8. In all cases, the luminosity decay was found to be exponential in time. A number of linear and nonlinear regression models were tested, and it was found that an exponential decay model17,18 predicted the experi-mental data very well. The following equation was used for the decay model where the function of luminosity on a grayscale (L) starts at an initial level of span (L0 - Lthreshold) above a constant plateau (Lthreshold) and decays with time (t) to the plateau (Lthreshold) at a rate constant (k). The value of the plateau (Lthreshold) was determined by the thresh-old applied to the images during the processing. One of the characteristic parameters of an exponential decay model is the half-life, which is the time it takes for the parameter (L), or image luminosity, to drop by one-half. In the case presented in Figure 8, the half-life decreased from 0.62 s at atmospheric pressure to 0.11 s at 2000 kPa. For comparison, the half-life of the natural luminosity decay of pigment A established in the packed bed was 41.84 s. 5. Particle Motion at Similar Fluidizing Velocities 5.1. Analysis of Experimental Data. As illustrated above (Figure 2), the increased rate of decay in luminos-ity in a fluidized bed, compared to that in a packed bed, is attributed to the fact that the originally illuminated Figure 3. Image trajectory for pigment A at atmospheric pressure and a gas velocity of 0.012 m/s (actual size). Figure 4. Image trajectory for pigment A at 500 kPa and a gas velocity of 0.011 m/s (actual size). Figure 5. Image trajectory for pigment A at 1100 kPa and a gas velocity of 0.011 m/s (actual size). Figure 6. Image trajectory for pigment A at 1500 kPa and a gas velocity of 0.011 m/s (actual size). Figure 7. Image trajectory for pigment A at 2000 kPa and a gas velocity of 0.011 m/s (actual size). Figure 8. Difference between mean image luminosities on a grayscale for pigment A at different operating pressures and similar fluidization velocities. L - Lthreshold ) (L0 - Lthreshold) exp(-kt) (2)
  • 5. particles move away from the wall during the fluidiza-tion process and are replaced by particles coming from the rest of the bed. Using the rules for conditional probability, Molerus and Wirth9 deduced an equation for the exchange frequency of particles, f, perpendicular to a solid surface. It was postulated that the probability, W(t), that a particle in contact with the wall at time t ) 0 moves inside the fluidized bed is proportional to the time interval ¢t, i.e., equivalent to f¢t. Using the initial condition when W(0) ) 1, Molerus and Wirth9 obtained the following equation: This equation indicates that the luminosity decay L, related to the initial brightness L0, directly corresponds to the constant slope of the curve and the parameter f can be determined by plotting ln(L/L0) versus time: Using the area of the original illuminated spot and the particle size, the initial number of the illuminated particles next to the bed wall, np0, can be estimated from the following relationship 2 4 2 4 where dp is the mean particle diameter, D0 is the diameter of the illuminated spot, and is bed voidage. According to Molerus and Wirth,9 the illuminated spot diameter D0 is equivalent to the fiber-optic diameter, which is true only if the fiber optic is positioned perpendicular to the wall surface right against it. However, positioned in this way, the fiber optic would completely block the original illuminated spot, so that filming and further image analysis of the original spot would not be possible. For clear view in this study, the 3-mm-diameter fiber optic did not touch the wall surface and was positioned at a slight angle in such way that, in a packed bed, the diameter of the initial illuminated spot was 7 mm. Using eq 5 and experimentally obtained values of the bed voidage at the initial conditions, the original number of illuminated particles was estimated to be around 6375 for pigment A and around 260 for pigment B. Because the luminosity decay in a fluidized bed is caused by the motion of particles, Molerus and Wirth9 estimated the number of particles in an image with luminosity L from L/np ) L0/np0 as follows: In this study, using the image threshold value of 60 and eq 6, the final number of particles left at the wall can be estimated at 21 for pigment A and just 1 for pigment B. Comparing eq 2 to eq 4 shows that the rate constant k determined above corresponds to the particle exchange frequency f defined by Molerus and Wirth.9 5.2. Mean Residence Times of Particles at the Wall. The mean residence time of illuminated particles near the wall was deduced by Molerus and Wirth9 as the reciprocal of the particle exchange frequency f. The mean residence time Ă´, established in this work as the reciprocal of rate constant k, is shown in Figure 9 for pigment A and in Figure 10 for pigment B. For pigment A, as can be seen in Figure 9, mean residence times measured close to the wall decrease with increasing gas velocity in the range 3-10Umf and become practically independent of gas velocity in vigor-ously bubbling fluidized bed. The values of the mean residence time settle at below 0.1 s, which means that, during the experiments, the illuminated images disappeared within only three frames on video and could not be measured with higher ac-curacy. Considering the experimental error of (0.04 s, it is not possible to establish any significant effect of pressure on particle residence times at the wall. As previously mentioned, the highest rates of heat transfer between a surface and a fluidized bed are obtained when the particle residence times at the surface are very short. Therefore, from Figure 9, it can be estimated that the typical mean residence times measured close to the wall at maximum heat transfer W(t) ) exp(-ft) (3) ln(L L0)) -ft (4) np0 Ă°dp ) (1 - ) Ă°D0 (5) np ) (1 - )(D0 dp)2(L L0) (6) Figure 9. Mean time between pigment A particle illumination and departure from the wall versus gas velocity at various operating pressures. Figure 10. Mean time between pigment B particle illumination and departure from the wall versus gas velocity at various operating pressures. 5566 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004
  • 6. are practically independent of pressure and approxi-mately equal to 0.1 s. This result, however, does not agree well with the experimental data presented by Molerus and Wirth,9 who observed the following mean residence times of illuminated particles with a size of 50 Ă­m at vertical solid surfaces in a fluidized bed at maximum heat transfer: 1.28 s at 100 kPa, 0.35 s at 500 kPa, 0.52 s at 1000 kPa, and 0.45 s at 2000 kPa. Contrary to their claim that the heat transfer clearly depends on pressure and expectations of a similar pressure dependence on particle motion, there is no clear trend in their data, but the magnitude is considerably higher than the values measured in the present work. For pigment B, the investigated range of superficial gas velocities was much narrower and did not exceed 2Umf at atmospheric pressure. As was found with pigment A, mean residence times measured close to the wall for pigment B were found to decrease with increas-ing gas velocity (Figure 10). Again, no significant effect of pressure on the particle residence times at the wall can be observed in the somewhat limited range of experimental pressures and velocities. However, absolute residence time values are again lower than those observed by Molerus and Wirth9 for a similarly sized material. In their work, it is not clear how the illuminated image was distinguished from the background. If they applied linear regression to the luminosity decay curve, plotted in semilog coordinates for the whole image grayscale (0-255), as opposed to the nonlinear regres-sion for only the visible image threshold presented here, then that could possibly produce different results. 5.3. Relating Contact Time to Heat Transfer. In practice, it is common for fluidized beds to contain fixed surfaces to extract heat. For fluidized-bed combustion, the important heat-transfer surfaces are vertical and horizontal heat-transfer tubes immersed in the bed. By using internal cooling tubes, a large total heat-transfer surface can be obtained. The effect of pressure on heat transfer from the bed to the immersed horizontal tube was investigated by Olsson and Almstedt,10 who found a significant increase in the heat-transfer coefficient with increasing operating pressure. One way of evaluating the impact of the observed mean particle residence times at the wall is to use them in conjunction with the cluster renewal model developed for bubbling fluidized beds by Mickley and Fairbanks.19 According to this model, it was found that, for the particle convective heat-transfer component hpc, the following equation holds20 where ä equals the distance between the illuminated particles and the wall; ìg is the gas thermal conductivity of this gap; Ă´ is the time during which particles are moving in contact with the wall before moving into the bulk of the bed; and ìp, Fp, and cp are the thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat capacity of the particles, respectively. The only gas-related parameter in eq 7, the gas thermal conductivity ìg, is independent of pressure for the ideal (perfect) gas. For real gases, however, the gas thermal conductivity is a rather complex function of pressure and temperature, and usually increases with an increase in either pressure or temperature.21 Ignor-ing the effect of the gas gap, the particle convective heat-transfer component hpc is proportional to Ă´0.5. For Geldart A solids, Figure 9 shows that, at super-ficial gas velocities below 0.015 m/s, the mean residence times slightly decrease with pressure, and therefore, the particle convective heat-transfer component is expected to increase slightly with elevated pressure. However, with a further increase in gas velocity, the mean residence times reach a minimum value and are not influenced by pressure. Thus, the particle convective heat-transfer coefficient should also reach a maximum in a bubbling bed that must be dependent only on particle physical properties and not on operating pres-sure or superficial gas velocity, provided a certain gas velocity is exceeded. This observation of the effect of pressure is in line with findings of other workers2,5,11,22 who did not observe much variation in the particle convective heat transfer for small particles at pressures above atmospheric. According to Borodulya et al.,1 the weak dependence of the conductive-convective heat-transfer coefficient on pressure in fluidized beds of small (less than 1 mm) particles is a well-known experimental fact, although some researchers would probably disagree.9 The present work forms part of a larger program in which the operation of a pressurized steam-fluidized-bed dryer was studied. The program included a study of the influence of operating pressure on fluidized-bed-wall heat transfer. A comprehensive account of this work can be found in Looi et al.23 Analysis of these results24 shows that the particles on the heat-transfer surface are at thermal equilibrium with the heat source such that the mechanism of heat removal is left to the wall-to-gas route. Consequently, any further increase in the gas velocity from the incipient conditions would raise the wall-to-bed heat-transfer coefficient. This phenomenon remains prevalent for ratios between the Reynolds and Archimedes numbers of Re/Ar 0.002, at which point particle mobility from the heated wall becomes significant. When the fluidized bed becomes vigorously bubbling, i.e., Re/Ar 0.002, there is no further increment in the heat-transfer coefficient for systems with Ar 100. This observation shows that, when the Ar value is sufficiently high, the buoyancy effect dominates over the inertial effect. This leads to the tendency of particles to migrate radially away from the heat-transfer wall. These heat-transfer results are consistent with the observations made in the study of particle motion reported here, namely, that there is minimal bubbling effect such that very little particle migration occurs on the heat-transfer wall when the superficial gas velocity is low. As the gas velocity is increased, the particle migration from the heat-transfer wall becomes more rapid and hence results in a greater wall-to-bed heat-transfer rate. 6. Particle Motion Velocity 6.1. Observation of Particle Motion Parallel to the Wall. Solids motion in bubbling fluidized beds is driven by bubbles, which carry particles upward in their drifts and wakes. This upward flow of solids is balanced by a downward solids flow that occurs in regions where there are no bubbles. Previously presented images (Figures 3-7) represent the summations of separate frames during the image lifetimes and show typical trajectories of the illuminated 1 hpc ) ä ìg +x Ă°Ă´ ìpFpcp (7) Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004 5567
  • 7. clusters of particles along the wall surface. Similar observations were made under different operating con-ditions. As expected, the predominant direction of movement of the illuminated image along the wall was downward. On each frame, the X-Y coordinates of the center of gravity of the illuminated image were also obtained. For each image, the variation of the center of gravity in the vertical and horizontal directions with time was plotted and analyzed. Visual analysis of all plots representing image motion in the vertical direction (downward) and in the horizontal direction (sideways) at various operat-ing conditions showed that the axial movement was approximately linear. Initial X0-Y0 coordinates correspond to the center of gravity of the original image at the time of light impulse t ) 0, and the final Xn-Yn coordinates describe the center of gravity of the disappearing image at the time equal to the mean residence time t ) Ă´. The distance travelled by the image during the mean residence time was established as (Xn - X0) in the horizontal direction and as (Yn - Y0) in the vertical direction. Axial particle motion velocities were obtained for each light impulse at various operating conditions by dividing these distances by the corresponding mean residence time. Resulting velocities were then averaged according to the operating conditions and plotted. 6.2. Axial Particle Motion Velocity at Elevated Pressures. Vertical Velocity. The main direction of the illuminated spot movement was downward, and the vertical image velocity is plotted in Figure 11 for pigment A and in Figure 12 for pigment B. For pigment A, the particle migration velocities Uy along the wall in the vertical direction were oriented downward and reached a maximum value of about 0.08 m/s at atmospheric pressure. At operating pressures above 500 kPa, the particle migration velocities Uy along the wall in the vertical direction are much lower than those obtained at ambient conditions. Some trend for the vertical motion velocity to decrease with increasing operating pressure can be observed in Figure 11. Similar results can also be qualitatively estimated from the image trajectories presented in Figures 3-7. For pigment B, the particle motion velocities Uy along the wall in the vertical direction were also oriented downward and reached a maximum value of only about 0.004 m/s at atmospheric pressure. Within the studied range, no effect of pressure on the vertical particle motion velocity could be established (Figure 12). Horizontal Velocity. Because the predominant move-ment of the illuminated image was downward, the particle motion velocity in the horizontal direction was much smaller for pigment A (presented in Figure 13 on the same scale as Figure 11) and practically nonexistent for pigment B. This observation is in line with the experimental results of Bellgardt and Werther,25 who found at ambi-ent conditions in a large fluidized bed that vertical solids mixing was at least 1 order of magnitude higher than lateral mixing. In a bubbling fluidized bed with pigment A as the bed material, some apparently random horizontal deviation off the vertical axis was observed while the illuminated image shifted downward. As shown in Figure 13, in general, lateral particle migration velocities Ux lower than 0.01 m/s were measured. Although small by itself, the horizontal movement of the illuminated cluster at operating pressures above 700 kPa was less obvious than at ambient conditions. Figure 11. Particle motion velocity in the vertical direction versus superficial gas velocity at various operating pressures for pig-ment A. Figure 12. Particle motion velocity in the vertical direction versus superficial gas velocity at various operating pressures for pig-ment B. Figure 13. Particle motion velocity in the horizontal direction versus superficial gas velocity at various operating pressures for pigment A. 5568 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004
  • 8. 7. Conclusions Major factors in the heat transfer between a wall and a fluidized bed are the movement of particles close to the wall and their residence time at the wall. Experi-mental measurement of particle motion in a bubbling fluidized bed can provide a better understanding of wall-to- bed heat transfer. The influence of operating pressure, up to 2100 kPa, on the motion of Geldart A and B particles near the fluidized-bed-wall surface was studied using lumines-cent pigment as bed solids. Digital image analysis was applied to the experimental data with the aim of quantifying the statistics of particle motion near the wall. Image analysis of the movement of the illuminated cluster of particles gave its statistically determined axial velocities along the surface, and the decay in luminosity defined the particle exchange frequency in the direction perpendicular to the wall surface. For both Geldart A and B solids, no significant effect of pressure on particle residence times at the wall within the vigorously bubbling fluidized bed was established. This observation is in line with findings of other researchers who observed minimal variation in the particle convective heat transfer for small particles at pressures above atmospheric. Solids motion in bubbling fluidized beds is driven by bubbles, which carry particles upward in their drifts and wakes. This upward flow of solids is balanced by a downward solids flow that occurs in regions where there are no bubbles. As expected, the predominant direction of movement of the illuminated image along the wall was downward. For Geldart A solids, the particle migration velocities along the wall in the vertical direction were much lower at operating pressures above 500 kPa than at ambient conditions. For Geldart B solids, within the pressure range and narrow range of gas velocities studied, no pressure effect on the vertical particle motion velocity was established. Acknowledgment We gratefully acknowledge the financial support received for this research from the CRC for Clean Power from Lignite, which is established under the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centres Scheme. Nomenclature Ar ) Archimedes number cg ) specific heat capacity of the gas cp ) particle specific heat capacity dp ) mean particle diameter D0 ) diameter of the illuminated spot f ) particle exchange frequency (eq 3) Ga ) Galileo number hgc ) particle conductive heat-transfer coefficient hpc ) particle convective heat-transfer coefficient k ) rate constant (eq 2) L ) luminosity on a grayscale Lthreshold ) threshold level of luminosity on a grayscale L0 ) initial level of luminosity on a grayscale np ) number of the illuminated particles np0 ) initial number of illuminated particles (eq 5) Nu ) Nusselt number Pr ) Prandtl number Re ) Reynolds number t ) time Umf ) superficial gas velocity at incipient fluidization Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 43, No. 18, 2004 5569 Uv ) particle motion velocity along the wall in the vertical direction W(t) ) probability that a particle is in contact with the wall at time t (eq 3) W(0) ) probability that a particle is in contact with the wall at time t ) 0 (eq 3) X ) x coordinate of the center of gravity of the illuminated image (section 6.1) Y ) y coordinate of the center of gravity of the illuminated image (section 6.1) ) bed voidage ä ) distance between illuminated particles and the wall ìg ) gas thermal conductivity of the gap ä Ă´ ) time during which particles are moving in contact with the wall ìp ) thermal conductivity of the particles Fp ) particle density ìg ) gas thermal conductivity Literature Cited (1) Borodulya, V. A.; Teplitsky, Y. S.; Markevich, I. I.; Hassan, A. F.; Yeryomenko, T. P. Heat transfer between a surface and a fluidized bed: Consideration of pressure and temperature effects. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 1991, 34 (1), 47-53. (2) Botterill, J. S. M. 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