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COMPANY PROFILE…………………………………………………….…………………….2
SUSTAINABLE CHAIN SUPPLY………………………………………….………………….3
ENERGY & RESOURCE MANAGEMENT……………………....………………………….5
Environmental management system (EMS) refers to the management of an organization's
environmental programs in a comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner. It
includes the organizational structure, planning and resources for developing, implementing and
maintaining policy for environmental protection.
More formally, EMS is "a system and database which integrates procedures and processes for
training of personnel, monitoring, summarizing, and reporting of specialized environmental
performance information to internal and external stakeholders of a firm."
The most widely used standard on which an EMS is based is International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) 14001.Alternatives includes the EMAS.
An environmental management information system (EMIS) is an information technology
solution for tracking environmental data for a company as part of their overall environmental
management system.
Metro cash and carry offer a wide range of products under one roof covering a large spectrum of
all personal and business needs. From living rooms, kitchen to office, metro provides you best
value solutions tailored according to your personal and professional requirements. Products
world includes dairy, fruits and vegetables, bakery, electronics and appliances, detergents,
pottery, office and stationary, house hold health and wellness, home improvement, kid’s world
hygiene and personal care.
This Manual defines the Environmental Management System (EMS) of metro cash and carry
activities and contains:
As a leading wholesale company we are part of a dynamic world which is constantly evolving. A
sustainable future is crucial to us and can only be assured with the necessary responsibility. At
METRO Cash & Carry, we believe that long-term economic growth can only be achieved if it is
aligned with a responsible approach to society, our employees and the environment. As part of
METRO GROUP, we work together on sustainability-related measures and projects. Our
sustainability vision defines what we aim for, namely to offer excellent quality of life to our
customers, our employees and anyone who works for us, while protecting the environment and
the society we live in. Therefore, we have set ourselves high targets in these areas in order to
become better every day. METRO Cash & Carry has firmly embedded the principle of
sustainable economic activities in its core business. We also consider environmental and social
aspects as part of all entrepreneurial decisions and processes. Our commitment to sustainability
is divided into two fields of action.
 Supply chain and products
 Safeguarding quality
The assortment of METRO Cash & Carry includes numerous high-value own brand items
alongside branded products. We assume responsibility for these products and their supply chain.
In our daily business we strive to meet our customers’ expectations with sustainable products of
outstanding quality. Therefore, we are working closely with suppliers, implement high quality
standards and enhance transparency along the entire supply chain. Suppliers have to meet high
quality requirements and comply with environmental and social standards. These include
demanding quality specifications and observance of human rights, animal welfare and
environmental aspects. Today and in the future, a range of corporate guidelines and globally
recognized directives ensure that suppliers meet our requirements.
With our strong commitment to sustainable products and sustainability along the supply chain,
we contribute to coping with one of today’s most pressing global challenges: safeguarding food
supplies. We are dedicated to boosting yields per acre whilst conserving resources along the
supply chain. Reducing food waste is another priority. Optimizing production methods
sustainably increases the crop yield. Improved processing also increases the amount of
marketable produce. Sophisticated logistical and ordering systems help to decrease food waste en
route from the field to the store. Responsible product range management, packaging and
consumer information also minimize the spoilage of edible produce.
Our stores offer up to 30,000 non-food products – renowned brands as well as exclusive own
brand articles for which we assume a special responsibility. We are committed to meeting high
production quality and environmental protection standards as well as to complying with the
fundamental work standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO). The responsible
approach to procurement and the sustainable use of resources will help to ensure the availability
of products in future.
Paper & Wood Procurement Policy
METRO Cash & Carry is committed to promoting sustainable forestry and continuously seeks to
optimize the purchasing process in order to ensure that it only purchases wood and paper
products originating from legal and more sustainable sources. Our target is to ensure that 100%
of its own-brand products in which wood or wood fiber accounts for more than 50% of the
finished product (in terms of weight) originate from legal and responsibly managed forests by the
end of 2020.
METRO Cash & Carry offers its customers a wide variety of proven environmentally friendly
and socially responsible products throughout its whole food and non-food assortment. By that,
we give our customers the opportunity of having an impact on environmental and working
conditions along the entire value chain. For METRO Cash & Carry, the following areas are
particularly relevant.
Ethical husbandry/animal protection
Meat and meat products as well as eggs rank among the most important and sensible product
groups in our METRO Cash & Carry wholesale stores. Alongside absolute freshness and high
quality, animal welfare is extremely important to us when selecting suppliers. Our customers are
also placing increasing value on ethical husbandry. They want to know where the food we sell
them comes from and what conditions it was produced under.
Sustainable fish
For our professional customers, fish is a highly essential and delicate product. Meanwhile fish is
a fluctuant natural resource that has to be used sustainably. To ensure the long-term protection of
fish stocks, METRO Cash & Carry has developed its Procurement Policy for Fish and Seafood.
With this METRO Cash & Carry takes responsibility at various stages of the value chain and
develops measures to promote responsible fishing in accordance with our customers’ needs,
nature and people working in the seafood industry.
Objective of Procurement Policy for sustainable sea food use
Overfishing, illegal fishing/trading, water pollution and climate change are key factors that are
endangering fish species, even threatening some with extinction. METRO Cash & Carry is
striving to increase the sustainability of its fish assortment while taking the following into
 Recommendations from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
 IUCN Red List (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
 Evaluations of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and the
Thünen Institute
 Agreements of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Sustainable palm oil
Palm oil is an ingredient of many products, e.g. sweets, bakery goods, margarine and cosmetics.
It is extracted from oil palms that only grow in the tropics, where wrongly implemented
cultivation can have negative side effects for local populations or the environment. Certified
sustainable palm oil (CSPO) is produced by palm oil plantations which have been independently
audited and found to comply with the globally agreed environmental standards devised by
the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). These sustainability criteria relate to social,
environmental and economic good practice.
As a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil RSPO, METRO GROUP and
accordingly the sales line METRO Cash & Carry committed to integrating the organization’s
principles into their management system and communicating them to customers and suppliers.
RSPO actively promotes sustainable cultivation methods and shows alternatives to the use of
non-sustainable palm oil.
Palm oil procurement policy
Reducing the environmental and social impact along the supply chain is an important component
of their business practices. They aim to purchase all of our products containing palm oil with the
"segregated" or "identity preserved" system of the RSPO by 2020 according to the market
 Segregation: Strict separation of conventional and sustainable palm oil, and certification
from oil mill to end consumer on a yearly basis
 Identity preserved: Certification from plantation to end consumer on a yearly basis
 These methods have the greatest benefit in terms of environmental protection and
full traceability.
 All countries within METRO Cash & Carry organization are implementing an overall
palm oil procurement policy.
Use of biodegradable bags
After meeting the Manager Productionsat Metro and asking him about the company policy
regarding the polythene bags Metro Cash and Cary Has about 754 branches in about 24 countries
Worldwide and they are using biodegradable bags there so they decided to use them in Pakistan
as well to further the environmental cause. Although they faced some problems in introducing
them in Pakistan yet were appreciated too.In order to bring awareness among the people to
decrease the use of shopping bags the company is charging one rupee per polythene bag and this
bags then carries different logos about environmental awareness. The shopping bags of Metro
Cash and Cary are Oxo-bio degradable because they contain an additive D2W which is added
during the manufacture process of the polythene bags. After addition of D2w the plastic degrades
gradually till the end of its conventional life which is usually 18 months. Thus by introducing the
biodegradable shopping bags and by spreading the environmental awareness the company has
taken a lead towards green management.
What Is D2W?
D2w is a global brand for controlled life plastic technology, which is designed to control and
shorten the life of normal plastic products.D2w, is an additive which is added to the normal
plastic during the casting stage of manufacture process.D2w is given an internationally
recognized eco label.
How does it work?
It works by breaking the carbon-carbon bonds in the plastic thus lowering its molecular weight
and eventually causes the loss of strength and other properties. This process starts after the
addition of D2W to Ordinary plastic.
Benefits of D2W:
Some advantages of using D2W are:
 Requires only 1% inclusion rate.
 Works with virgin and recycled plastic.
 Works with PE, PP and PS.
 No change to the manufacturing process.
 Does not lose any of its original properties during its usual life.
Environmental standards
For us, environmental protection goes beyond our own stores and locations. We strive to have a
positive environmental impact on our suppliers and the manufacturing process to encourage
environmentally friendly products.
Conserving resources
Every day, METRO Cash & Carry provides millions of professional customers across the world
with high-quality food products and consumer goods. This also causes need for energy and other
resources like water, wood or metals. As these resources are limited and worth looking after,
efficient business practices are a central pillar of our commitment to sustainability. They aim to
consistently improve their energy and resource management. As the international leader in
wholesale trade and the most international sales line of METRO GROUP, we have a special
responsibility to contribute to the company’s climate target.
Energy management
We carry out a wide range of energy saving and efficiency measures to reduce energy demand
and contribute to climate protection.
Energy Awareness Program
To enable employees to contribute to energy reduction within the company, METRO Cash &
Carry has initiated the Energy Awareness Program (EAP). Here, employees are invited to take
action themselves. In this way, the company wants to raise awareness and demonstrate that
everyone can contribute to protecting the environment, while saving money at the same time.
Identification of climate-damaging factors
We use state-of-the-art measurement technology to evaluate our stores' usage of electricity, gas
and heating oil, outlining actual consumption. These data demonstrate efficiency potentials and
form the basis for concrete energy saving measures. Approximately 600 stores around the world
are involved in the evaluation – that is about 90 percent of our METRO Cash & Carry locations.
Building on this, we can optimize our stores’ energy consumption, implement innovative
concepts and efficiently use technology that harnesses renewable energies.
Use of renewable energies
In the long term, they also aim to lessen our dependency on finite resources such as oil and gas.
For this reason, they are actively extending our use of renewable energies at several locations.
Examples of this are:
Solar energy: We have been operating solar thermal systems and photovoltaic arrays for several
years now. The photovoltaic system on the roof of our wholesale store supplies the building with
solar power. These examples significantly contribute to climatic protection.
Resource management
An essential part of their commitment is to save energy and increase energy efficiency.
Furthermore, they need to lower our consumption of other non-renewable resources like water,
wood and metal along the entire value chain. They therefore promote resource conservation at
product level by developing optimized manufacturing standards and pursuing sustainable
procurement strategies. We also aim to reduce the volume of used resources by implementing
efficient, cyclical process structures as well as by reusing and recycling materials
Optimization of energy efficiency
Heating and store air conditioning as well as cooling and refrigeration of products account for a
large proportion of our energy and electric power demand. We strive to reduce the demand and
at the same time optimize our stores’ energy efficiency by using technological innovations.
These include for example:
 Geothermal energy: In our store in other cities, we installed a geothermal heat pump to
contribute to the site's energy efficiency. The system uses the relatively constant temperature of
earth to provide heating, air conditioning and hot water. This design takes advantage of thermal
energy to boost efficiency and reduce operational costs.
 Sliding doors: Sliding doors on deep freezers enable us to reduce our electric power
 Freezer rooms: At many locations we have already installed walk-in freezer rooms by
taking into account an energy-efficient alternative to separate refrigerated display cases. The
rooms are separated from the sales area by glass walls while an air-conditioner maintains a
constant temperature of zero degrees Celsius inside. This solution helps our stores to save up to
20 percent of electric power consumption for refrigeration
 .Exploitation of waste heat: Our store, uses waste heat from its air-conditioning system
to cover its heating and hot water needs. Further heating demand is met by means of long-
distance heating, which comes from a biomass-fired heating plant. Regarding fuel, the power
plant relies exclusively on wood chippings made from forestry scrap wood.
 Micro gas turbine: The micro gas turbine on the store, is the central heating and power
generator and enables the cash and carry store to be almost self-sufficient. The special
characteristic of the plant technology is the interaction between heating, cooling and electricity
supply. As a result, the store is virtually independent from the supply infrastructure of power
stations. Since 2011, possible energy efficiency measures have been examined for all new
buildings and for alterations to existing properties.
PLC is an approach to eco-efficiency in designing products that meet the highest standards of
excellence with regard to quality, cost and EHS performance. During PLC reviews the cross-
functional teams can identify and reduce negative EHS impacts at each stage of products life
from – designing, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, marketing, customer use and final
This committee is responsible for:
 The establishment and implementation of the EMS;
 The establishment and review of objectives, targets, and programs.
 Ensuring the effective implementation of environmentally-related operational controls
and programs.
 The internal communication of environmental matters between management and
employees and promoting environmental awareness among company staff;
 The review of complaint records, nonconformity, corrective action and preventive
action reports and the adoption of preventive actions as necessary;
 Providing leadership in the pursuit of environmental issues;
 Any other EMS activities that are assigned by the EMR
 Holding regular meeting (at approximately three-month intervals).
Metro cash and carry should establish, implement and maintain a procedure to identify and
maintain access to legal requirements that are relevant to the company, as well as other
requirements that the company subscribes to which relates to the company’s environmental
aspects. Itshould identify all relevant regulations, codes of practice and guidelines that are
applicable to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services, and record this
information in the Register of Legal and Other Requirements. They should keep this information
The implementation of the EMS requires to clearly defining roles, responsibilities and authorities
of key personnel, commit to staff training, maintain effective communication channels, adopt
effective document and operational controls, and maintain sufficient awareness on emergency.
Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority
Top management should commit to provide resources (including human resources and
specialized skills, organizational infrastructure, technological and financial resources) essential
to the implementation and control of the EMS. The roles, responsibilities and authorities of key
personnel shall be defined, documented, and communicated in order to facilitate effective
environmental management.
Competence, Training and Awareness
It should ensure all persons performing tasks for it or on its behalf, whose work may have a
significant impact on the environment, are competent on the basis of appropriate education,
training and/or experience, and shall retain associated records. There is need to ensure that all
people performing tasks for or on behalf of the organization, which includes contractors, sub-
contractors, temporary staff and remote workers, have had an appropriate assessment for their
potential to cause a significant environmental impact and the associated competence required.
Should establish, implement and maintain procedures to identify the training needs associated
with its environmental aspects and its EMS, and develop programmes to ensure awareness and
competence, at each relevant function and level, by addressing:
• The roles and responsibilities in achieving conformity with the environmental management
• The importance of conformity with the environmental policy, the procedures and the
requirements of the structured EMS;
• The significant environmental aspects and related actual or potential impacts associated from
their work activities and the environmental benefits of improved personal performance;
• The potential consequences of departure from specified operating procedures; preparedness
among the staff.
By adopting all the above mentioned points the metro cash and carry can manage environmental
issues. Also the measured results of proactive Environmental Management Systems indicates
progress not only in waste reduction and resource conservation, but substantial reduction

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Environmental managment

  • 2. METRO CASHAND CARRY 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS COMPANY PROFILE…………………………………………………….…………………….2 PURPOSE………………………………………………………………..……………………….2 RESPONSIBILITY……………………………………………………..……………………….2 SUSTAINABLE CHAIN SUPPLY………………………………………….………………….3 ENERGY & RESOURCE MANAGEMENT……………………....………………………….5 RECOMMENDATIONS……………………………………………….………………………..6 CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………………………..8
  • 3. METRO CASHAND CARRY 2 Environmental management system (EMS) refers to the management of an organization's environmental programs in a comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner. It includes the organizational structure, planning and resources for developing, implementing and maintaining policy for environmental protection. More formally, EMS is "a system and database which integrates procedures and processes for training of personnel, monitoring, summarizing, and reporting of specialized environmental performance information to internal and external stakeholders of a firm." The most widely used standard on which an EMS is based is International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001.Alternatives includes the EMAS. An environmental management information system (EMIS) is an information technology solution for tracking environmental data for a company as part of their overall environmental management system. ORGANIZATION VISITED METRO CASH AND CARRY, ISLAMABAD COMPANY PROFILE Metro cash and carry offer a wide range of products under one roof covering a large spectrum of all personal and business needs. From living rooms, kitchen to office, metro provides you best value solutions tailored according to your personal and professional requirements. Products world includes dairy, fruits and vegetables, bakery, electronics and appliances, detergents, pottery, office and stationary, house hold health and wellness, home improvement, kid’s world hygiene and personal care. PURPOSE OF THIS MANUAL This Manual defines the Environmental Management System (EMS) of metro cash and carry activities and contains: RESPONSIBILITIES As a leading wholesale company we are part of a dynamic world which is constantly evolving. A sustainable future is crucial to us and can only be assured with the necessary responsibility. At METRO Cash & Carry, we believe that long-term economic growth can only be achieved if it is aligned with a responsible approach to society, our employees and the environment. As part of METRO GROUP, we work together on sustainability-related measures and projects. Our sustainability vision defines what we aim for, namely to offer excellent quality of life to our customers, our employees and anyone who works for us, while protecting the environment and the society we live in. Therefore, we have set ourselves high targets in these areas in order to become better every day. METRO Cash & Carry has firmly embedded the principle of sustainable economic activities in its core business. We also consider environmental and social aspects as part of all entrepreneurial decisions and processes. Our commitment to sustainability is divided into two fields of action.  Supply chain and products  Safeguarding quality The assortment of METRO Cash & Carry includes numerous high-value own brand items alongside branded products. We assume responsibility for these products and their supply chain. In our daily business we strive to meet our customers’ expectations with sustainable products of
  • 4. METRO CASHAND CARRY 3 outstanding quality. Therefore, we are working closely with suppliers, implement high quality standards and enhance transparency along the entire supply chain. Suppliers have to meet high quality requirements and comply with environmental and social standards. These include demanding quality specifications and observance of human rights, animal welfare and environmental aspects. Today and in the future, a range of corporate guidelines and globally recognized directives ensure that suppliers meet our requirements. SUSTAINABILITY ALONG THE SUPPLY CHAIN With our strong commitment to sustainable products and sustainability along the supply chain, we contribute to coping with one of today’s most pressing global challenges: safeguarding food supplies. We are dedicated to boosting yields per acre whilst conserving resources along the supply chain. Reducing food waste is another priority. Optimizing production methods sustainably increases the crop yield. Improved processing also increases the amount of marketable produce. Sophisticated logistical and ordering systems help to decrease food waste en route from the field to the store. Responsible product range management, packaging and consumer information also minimize the spoilage of edible produce. Non-food Our stores offer up to 30,000 non-food products – renowned brands as well as exclusive own brand articles for which we assume a special responsibility. We are committed to meeting high production quality and environmental protection standards as well as to complying with the fundamental work standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO). The responsible approach to procurement and the sustainable use of resources will help to ensure the availability of products in future. Paper & Wood Procurement Policy METRO Cash & Carry is committed to promoting sustainable forestry and continuously seeks to optimize the purchasing process in order to ensure that it only purchases wood and paper products originating from legal and more sustainable sources. Our target is to ensure that 100% of its own-brand products in which wood or wood fiber accounts for more than 50% of the finished product (in terms of weight) originate from legal and responsibly managed forests by the end of 2020. Food METRO Cash & Carry offers its customers a wide variety of proven environmentally friendly and socially responsible products throughout its whole food and non-food assortment. By that, we give our customers the opportunity of having an impact on environmental and working conditions along the entire value chain. For METRO Cash & Carry, the following areas are particularly relevant. Ethical husbandry/animal protection Meat and meat products as well as eggs rank among the most important and sensible product groups in our METRO Cash & Carry wholesale stores. Alongside absolute freshness and high quality, animal welfare is extremely important to us when selecting suppliers. Our customers are also placing increasing value on ethical husbandry. They want to know where the food we sell them comes from and what conditions it was produced under.
  • 5. METRO CASHAND CARRY 4 Sustainable fish For our professional customers, fish is a highly essential and delicate product. Meanwhile fish is a fluctuant natural resource that has to be used sustainably. To ensure the long-term protection of fish stocks, METRO Cash & Carry has developed its Procurement Policy for Fish and Seafood. With this METRO Cash & Carry takes responsibility at various stages of the value chain and develops measures to promote responsible fishing in accordance with our customers’ needs, nature and people working in the seafood industry. Objective of Procurement Policy for sustainable sea food use Overfishing, illegal fishing/trading, water pollution and climate change are key factors that are endangering fish species, even threatening some with extinction. METRO Cash & Carry is striving to increase the sustainability of its fish assortment while taking the following into account:  Recommendations from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)  IUCN Red List (International Union for Conservation of Nature)  Evaluations of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and the Thünen Institute  Agreements of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Sustainable palm oil Palm oil is an ingredient of many products, e.g. sweets, bakery goods, margarine and cosmetics. It is extracted from oil palms that only grow in the tropics, where wrongly implemented cultivation can have negative side effects for local populations or the environment. Certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO) is produced by palm oil plantations which have been independently audited and found to comply with the globally agreed environmental standards devised by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). These sustainability criteria relate to social, environmental and economic good practice. As a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil RSPO, METRO GROUP and accordingly the sales line METRO Cash & Carry committed to integrating the organization’s principles into their management system and communicating them to customers and suppliers. RSPO actively promotes sustainable cultivation methods and shows alternatives to the use of non-sustainable palm oil. Palm oil procurement policy Reducing the environmental and social impact along the supply chain is an important component of their business practices. They aim to purchase all of our products containing palm oil with the "segregated" or "identity preserved" system of the RSPO by 2020 according to the market availability.  Segregation: Strict separation of conventional and sustainable palm oil, and certification from oil mill to end consumer on a yearly basis  Identity preserved: Certification from plantation to end consumer on a yearly basis  These methods have the greatest benefit in terms of environmental protection and full traceability.
  • 6. METRO CASHAND CARRY 5  All countries within METRO Cash & Carry organization are implementing an overall palm oil procurement policy. Use of biodegradable bags After meeting the Manager Productionsat Metro and asking him about the company policy regarding the polythene bags Metro Cash and Cary Has about 754 branches in about 24 countries Worldwide and they are using biodegradable bags there so they decided to use them in Pakistan as well to further the environmental cause. Although they faced some problems in introducing them in Pakistan yet were appreciated too.In order to bring awareness among the people to decrease the use of shopping bags the company is charging one rupee per polythene bag and this bags then carries different logos about environmental awareness. The shopping bags of Metro Cash and Cary are Oxo-bio degradable because they contain an additive D2W which is added during the manufacture process of the polythene bags. After addition of D2w the plastic degrades gradually till the end of its conventional life which is usually 18 months. Thus by introducing the biodegradable shopping bags and by spreading the environmental awareness the company has taken a lead towards green management. What Is D2W? D2w is a global brand for controlled life plastic technology, which is designed to control and shorten the life of normal plastic products.D2w, is an additive which is added to the normal plastic during the casting stage of manufacture process.D2w is given an internationally recognized eco label. How does it work? It works by breaking the carbon-carbon bonds in the plastic thus lowering its molecular weight and eventually causes the loss of strength and other properties. This process starts after the addition of D2W to Ordinary plastic. Benefits of D2W: Some advantages of using D2W are:  Requires only 1% inclusion rate.  Works with virgin and recycled plastic.  Works with PE, PP and PS.  No change to the manufacturing process.  Does not lose any of its original properties during its usual life. Environmental standards For us, environmental protection goes beyond our own stores and locations. We strive to have a positive environmental impact on our suppliers and the manufacturing process to encourage environmentally friendly products. ENERGY AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Conserving resources Every day, METRO Cash & Carry provides millions of professional customers across the world with high-quality food products and consumer goods. This also causes need for energy and other resources like water, wood or metals. As these resources are limited and worth looking after,
  • 7. METRO CASHAND CARRY 6 efficient business practices are a central pillar of our commitment to sustainability. They aim to consistently improve their energy and resource management. As the international leader in wholesale trade and the most international sales line of METRO GROUP, we have a special responsibility to contribute to the company’s climate target. Energy management We carry out a wide range of energy saving and efficiency measures to reduce energy demand and contribute to climate protection. Energy Awareness Program To enable employees to contribute to energy reduction within the company, METRO Cash & Carry has initiated the Energy Awareness Program (EAP). Here, employees are invited to take action themselves. In this way, the company wants to raise awareness and demonstrate that everyone can contribute to protecting the environment, while saving money at the same time. Identification of climate-damaging factors We use state-of-the-art measurement technology to evaluate our stores' usage of electricity, gas and heating oil, outlining actual consumption. These data demonstrate efficiency potentials and form the basis for concrete energy saving measures. Approximately 600 stores around the world are involved in the evaluation – that is about 90 percent of our METRO Cash & Carry locations. Building on this, we can optimize our stores’ energy consumption, implement innovative concepts and efficiently use technology that harnesses renewable energies. Use of renewable energies In the long term, they also aim to lessen our dependency on finite resources such as oil and gas. For this reason, they are actively extending our use of renewable energies at several locations. Examples of this are: Solar energy: We have been operating solar thermal systems and photovoltaic arrays for several years now. The photovoltaic system on the roof of our wholesale store supplies the building with solar power. These examples significantly contribute to climatic protection. Resource management An essential part of their commitment is to save energy and increase energy efficiency. Furthermore, they need to lower our consumption of other non-renewable resources like water, wood and metal along the entire value chain. They therefore promote resource conservation at product level by developing optimized manufacturing standards and pursuing sustainable procurement strategies. We also aim to reduce the volume of used resources by implementing efficient, cyclical process structures as well as by reusing and recycling materials RECOMMENDATIONS Optimization of energy efficiency Heating and store air conditioning as well as cooling and refrigeration of products account for a large proportion of our energy and electric power demand. We strive to reduce the demand and at the same time optimize our stores’ energy efficiency by using technological innovations. These include for example:
  • 8. METRO CASHAND CARRY 7  Geothermal energy: In our store in other cities, we installed a geothermal heat pump to contribute to the site's energy efficiency. The system uses the relatively constant temperature of earth to provide heating, air conditioning and hot water. This design takes advantage of thermal energy to boost efficiency and reduce operational costs.  Sliding doors: Sliding doors on deep freezers enable us to reduce our electric power consumption.  Freezer rooms: At many locations we have already installed walk-in freezer rooms by taking into account an energy-efficient alternative to separate refrigerated display cases. The rooms are separated from the sales area by glass walls while an air-conditioner maintains a constant temperature of zero degrees Celsius inside. This solution helps our stores to save up to 20 percent of electric power consumption for refrigeration  .Exploitation of waste heat: Our store, uses waste heat from its air-conditioning system to cover its heating and hot water needs. Further heating demand is met by means of long- distance heating, which comes from a biomass-fired heating plant. Regarding fuel, the power plant relies exclusively on wood chippings made from forestry scrap wood.  Micro gas turbine: The micro gas turbine on the store, is the central heating and power generator and enables the cash and carry store to be almost self-sufficient. The special characteristic of the plant technology is the interaction between heating, cooling and electricity supply. As a result, the store is virtually independent from the supply infrastructure of power stations. Since 2011, possible energy efficiency measures have been examined for all new buildings and for alterations to existing properties. PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE (PLC) REVIEW PLC is an approach to eco-efficiency in designing products that meet the highest standards of excellence with regard to quality, cost and EHS performance. During PLC reviews the cross- functional teams can identify and reduce negative EHS impacts at each stage of products life from – designing, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, marketing, customer use and final disposal. ESTABLISHMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMMITTEE This committee is responsible for:  The establishment and implementation of the EMS;  The establishment and review of objectives, targets, and programs.  Ensuring the effective implementation of environmentally-related operational controls and programs.  The internal communication of environmental matters between management and employees and promoting environmental awareness among company staff;  The review of complaint records, nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action reports and the adoption of preventive actions as necessary;  Providing leadership in the pursuit of environmental issues;  Any other EMS activities that are assigned by the EMR  Holding regular meeting (at approximately three-month intervals). LEGAL AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Metro cash and carry should establish, implement and maintain a procedure to identify and maintain access to legal requirements that are relevant to the company, as well as other
  • 9. METRO CASHAND CARRY 8 requirements that the company subscribes to which relates to the company’s environmental aspects. Itshould identify all relevant regulations, codes of practice and guidelines that are applicable to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services, and record this information in the Register of Legal and Other Requirements. They should keep this information up-to-date. IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION The implementation of the EMS requires to clearly defining roles, responsibilities and authorities of key personnel, commit to staff training, maintain effective communication channels, adopt effective document and operational controls, and maintain sufficient awareness on emergency. Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority Top management should commit to provide resources (including human resources and specialized skills, organizational infrastructure, technological and financial resources) essential to the implementation and control of the EMS. The roles, responsibilities and authorities of key personnel shall be defined, documented, and communicated in order to facilitate effective environmental management. Competence, Training and Awareness It should ensure all persons performing tasks for it or on its behalf, whose work may have a significant impact on the environment, are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training and/or experience, and shall retain associated records. There is need to ensure that all people performing tasks for or on behalf of the organization, which includes contractors, sub- contractors, temporary staff and remote workers, have had an appropriate assessment for their potential to cause a significant environmental impact and the associated competence required. Should establish, implement and maintain procedures to identify the training needs associated with its environmental aspects and its EMS, and develop programmes to ensure awareness and competence, at each relevant function and level, by addressing: • The roles and responsibilities in achieving conformity with the environmental management system; • The importance of conformity with the environmental policy, the procedures and the requirements of the structured EMS; • The significant environmental aspects and related actual or potential impacts associated from their work activities and the environmental benefits of improved personal performance; • The potential consequences of departure from specified operating procedures; preparedness among the staff. CONCLUSION By adopting all the above mentioned points the metro cash and carry can manage environmental issues. Also the measured results of proactive Environmental Management Systems indicates progress not only in waste reduction and resource conservation, but substantial reduction