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PPrriinncciipplleess ooff eeffffeeccttiivvee 
ddyynnaammiicc ssttaabbiilliizzaattiioonnss 
GGeeoorrggee SSaappkkaass 
AAsscc.. PPrrooffeessssoorr 
MMeeddiiccaall SScchhooooll 
AAtthheennss UUnniivveerrssiittyy
Process Spacers
The concept of using the 
vertebral spinous process 
to secure an implanted 
device is not new. 
The Knowles device, 
introduced in the 1950s, 
consisted of a steel 
cylinder designed 
for temporary insertion 
between adjacent 
lumbar spinous processes 
in the patient with acute 
disk herniation. 
Whitesides TE Jr, Spine 2003
Subsequent interspinous 
process devices have been 
designed for longer-term 
implantation for managing 
various conditions, including: 
spinal stenosis, 
disk herniation, 
segmental instability, 
degenerative disk disease.
In some patients, the 
devices are intended 
for use in conjunction 
with more traditional 
spinal fusion surgery. 
Tsuji H et al, J Spinal Disord 1990 
Senegas J, Eur Spine J 2002
Rationale for the Use of Interspinous 
Process Spacers 
The interspinous 
process spacer 
is a motion-preserving 
spinal implant 
designed to provide 
symptomatic relief 
to selected patients 
without the need 
for spinal fusion
Theoretic indications 
interspinous process 
spacer devices include: 
spinal stenosis 
with and without 
as well as 
chronic discogenic low back 
LLiinnddsseeyy DDPP eett aall.. SSppiinnee 22000033 
ZZuucchheerrmmaann JJ,, eett aall.. SSppiinnee 22000055 
RRiicchhaarrddss JJCC,, eett aall.. SSppiinnee 22000055
These implants 
have been proposed as a 
“dynamic stabilization” 
alternative to 
rigid instrumented fusion, 
with the advantages of : 
a more limited and 
less morbid surgical 
procedure that may confer 
less risk of adjacent 
segment degeneration. 
Minns RJ,et al, Spine 1997
SSppiinnaall sstteennoossiiss 
The pathophysiology 
of spinal degeneration 
remains a matter 
of controversy; 
however, a popular 
hypothesis suggests that 
the spondylotic sequence 
begins with: 
progressive disk desiccation, 
bulging, and 
segmental instability 
may subsequently 
result in: 
facet joint subluxation 
as well as 
in progressive thickening 
of the ligamentum 
The risk of developing 
symptomatic stenosis, 
typically in the sixth decade 
of life or later, 
is increased 
in the patient with pre-existing: 
developmental stenosis 
a trefoil-shaped spinal canal.
Neural dysfunction 
has been attributed: 
to direct compression 
of the cauda equina 
lumbosacral nerve roots as 
they travel within the: 
lateral recesses, 
results in: 
disruption of the 
vascular supply, 
neural metabolism, 
axonal processes.
The postural 
neurogenic claudication 
stenosis related symptoms 
is the result of 
the anatomic effects of : 
on the spinal canal 
foraminal dimensions.
During lumbar 
the ligamentum flavum 
buckles anteriorly, 
the posterior annulus 
bulges posteriorly; 
Both contribute to 
further reduction 
in the size of the central 
lateral recesses
as the facet capsule 
is pushed anteriorly 
by the superior 
articular facet of the 
caudal vertebra 
Mayoux-Benhamou MA ,et al, Surg 
Radiol Anat 1989
is associated with: 
a relative increase 
in the area of the 
spinal canal 
as buckling of the 
flavum is relieved.
process spacer 
is designed to take 
advantage of 
the marked postural 
of symptoms 
that exists 
in many patients 
with spinal stenosis.
The device is 
interposed between 
following limited 
surgical exposure of 
the posterior lumbar 
The implant 
maintains the 
treated level : 
in modest flexion 
limits extension 
without limiting 
axial rotation 
lateral bending. 
Lindsey DP, et al, Spine 2003
In general, 
normal cross-sectional 
area of the dural sac 
in the lumbar region 
is 150 to 200 mm2 
stenotic symptoms 
may be associated 
with a decrease in 
area to <100 mm2. 
Ullrich CG, et al, Radiology 1980
Computed tomography 
studies suggest that 
lumbar flexion 
increases the area of the 
spinal canal by 11%. 
By comparison, 
in vivo magnetic resonance 
imaging evaluation 
of patients 
following implantation of 
an interspinous process 
has suggested a mean 
22.3% increase 
in cross-sectional area 
of the dural sac. 
Inufusa A,, et al, Spine 1996 
Lee J, et al, J Spinal Disord Tech 2004
LLooww BBaacckk PPaaiinn 
Interspinous process 
spacer implants also 
are being promoted 
for use in managing 
low back pain caused 
by degenerative disk 
The mechanism of 
pain generation 
associated with 
disk degeneration 
remains unclear, 
surgical treatment of 
this condition 
remains controversial.
The patient with chronic 
severe low back pain 
unresponsive to 
nonsurgical management 
is commonly treated: 
with spinal fusion, 
with rigid implant fixation 
including pedicle screws 
interbody cages.
Interspinous proce s s 
spacer implants 
have been proposed: 
as a dynamic stabilization 
alternative to 
rigid instrumented fusion, 
with the advantages 
a more limited and 
less morbid surgical 
procedure that may confer 
less risk of adjacent segment 
Minns RJ, et al, Spine 1997
studies in cadaveric 
spines indicate that 
the interspinous process 
spacer reduces: 
intradiskal pressure and 
posterior annular pressure 
at the implanted level. 
Lee J, et al, J Spinal Disord Tech 2004
In neutral sagittal 
posterior annular 
is reduced by 38%, 
nuclear pressure 
is reduced by 20%. 
Swanson KE, et al, Spine 2003
With extension, 
pressure reduction 
is 63% and 41%, 
Pressures at 
adjacent levels 
do not appear to be 
significantly affected. 
Swanson KE, et al, Spine 2003
11.. RReedduuccttiioonn RROOMM 
22.. IInnccrreeaassee ssttaabbiilliittyy 
33.. RReedduuccttiioonn ooff tthhee 
nneeuuttrraall zzoonnee 
44.. RReedduuccttiioonn ooff 
Senegas J, Eur. Spine 2002
Biomechanincs of the 
interspinous spacer 
T o t a l F l e x i o n - E x t e n s i o n R O M 
4 5 0 N F o l l o w e r L o a d 
I n t a c t 
F a c e t e c t o m y a t L 4 - 5 
D i s c e c t o m y a t L 4 - 5 
D i s c e c t o m y w i t h D I A M a t L 4 - 5 
L 3 - L 4 L 4 - L 5 L 5 - S 1 
2 0 
1 5 
1 0 
F l e x i o n - E x t e n s i o n R O M ( d e g r e e s )
T o t a l L a t e r a l B e n d i n g R O M 
L 3 - L 4 L 4 - L 5 L 5 - S 1 
2 0 
1 5 
1 0 
L a t e r a l B e n d i n g R O M ( d e g r e e s ) 
I n t a c t 
F a c e t e c t o m y a t L 4 - 5 
D i s c e c t o m y a t L 4 - 5 
D i s c e c t o m y w i t h D I A M a t L 4 - 5
T o t a l A x i a l R o t a t i o n R O M 
1 0 
) s e e r g e d ( 6 
M O R n o i t 4 
a t o R l a i x A 2 
L 3 - L 4 L 4 - L 5 L 5 - S 1 
I n t a c t 
F a c e t e c t o m y a t L 4 - 5 
D i s c e c t o m y a t L 4 - 5 
D i s c e c t o m y w i t h D I A M a t L 4 - 5
Low back pain 
originating in 
pathologic facet joints 
(facetogenic pain) is 
another controversial topic. 
Some investigators have 
suggested that more than 
15% of chronic low back 
pain originates from 
pathologic facet joints; 
others are skeptical that the 
facet joints are a significant 
pain generator. 
Dreyer SJ, et al, Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996 
Berven S, et al, Semin Neurol 2002
depending on 
position and 
the presence of 
associated arthrosis, 
the lumbar facet joints 
are thought to 
transmit 25% to 47% 
of axial load. 
Shirazi-Adl A, et al, J Biomech 1987 
YangKH, et al, Spine 1984
In cadaveric studies, 
interspinous process 
spacer implants 
facet joint contact area 
by 46%, and 
mean pressure by 39%, 
at the implanted level, 
with no significant effect 
on pressures at adjacent 
Wiseman CM, et al, Spine 2005
some proponents of 
interspinous process 
spacer technology 
have suggested a 
potential role for these 
implants in managing 
facetogenic pain.
Functional Anatomy of 
the Posterior Column 
In terms of potential 
sites for implant 
the spinous process 
has been identified 
as the weakest 
of vertebral anatomy. 
Coe JD, et al, Spine 1990 
Shepherd DE, et al, Spine 2000
The mean load 
to fracture 
has been reported 
to be between 
339 to 405 N 
and is one half 
to one fifth that 
of spinal laminae. 
Spinous process 
bone strength has been 
found to: 
correlate linearly 
with bone mineral density. 
Coe JD, et al, Spine 1990 
Shepherd DE, et al, Spine 2000
Anatomically, the 
interspinous ligament is 
composed of three distinct 
middle, and 
Of these, 
the middle region 
is the area in which 
ruptures typically occur. 
Heylings DJ, et al, J Anat 1978 
Rissanen PM, et al, Acta Orthop Scand Suppl 1960
the ligament consists of 
multiple fibrous cords 
composed of intermingled 
collagen and elastic fiber 
bands arranged in parallel 
and zig zag fashion. 
In many individuals, 
the supraspinous ligament 
is completely absent 
at the L4-5 and L5-S1 
Coe JD, et al, Spine 1990 
Shepherd DE, et al, Spine 2000 
Barros EM, et al, Spine J 2002
Controversy and Concerns 
Numerous concerns exist 
regarding interspinous 
process spacer technology. 
Some concerns are theoretical 
and involve the potential of 
interspinous process spacer 
to cause local pain and 
contribute to segmental 
Others involve 
the true clinical efficacy and 
durability of benefit from these 
Interspinous process spacer 
implants are designed to: 
produce increased 
segmental kyphosis 
(spinal process flexion) at the 
treated level. 
Concern has been raised 
regarding the potentially 
deleterious effect 
of local kyphosis on 
adjacent segments. 
PPrree -- oopp 
66mmttss PPoosstt -- oopp
The spinous process 
normally serves as: 
an origin and 
insertion site for muscles 
and ligaments; 
it is designed to resist 
tensile forces. 
It does not normally 
function as a compressive 
load-bearing structure.
In the patient with: 
advanced spondylosis 
disk degeneration, 
adjacent spinous 
processes can abut one 
with formation of a bursa 
the potential 
for local pain generation.
It is possible that: 
of the spinous 
cyclic device motion 
may lead to: 
local tissue changes 
pain generation.
Placement of 
process spacer 
implants may: 
disrupt and 
potentially weaken the 
interspinous ligament and 
further destabilize the 
implanted level, 
particularly in terms of its 
ability to resist 
tension forces.
Lumbar segmental 
is maximized by locking 
of the facet joints, 
which has been 
demonstrated to occur 
with approximately 
50 to 100 N 
of compression. 
Papp T, et al, Spine 1997
By maintaining these 
joints in 
relative distraction, 
there is concern that 
decrease overall 
Although biomechanical 
studies have suggested: 
no significant effect on 
segmental range of motion 
in terms of 
rotation and 
lateral bend 
at the instrumented level, 
these cadaveric 
were performed at low 
and controlled loads 
and may not accurately 
reflect in vivo forces. 
Lindsey DP, et al, Spine 2003
A study of 
interspinous process 
spacer placement 
a marked increase 
in lateral bending 
at the implanted 
Fuchs PD, et al, Spine 2005
Intespinous spacers succeed in : 
1. Disc deloading 
2. Facets deloading 
3. Reduction of the extension 
4. Increase dimensions of the 
Disc decompression 
Senegas J, Eur. Spine 2002
The rationale 
behind interspinous 
process spacer 
devices appears to 
be : 
sound and 
is well-supported by 
to implant 
an interspinous 
process spacer 
is less invasive 
than standard 
Early clinical reports 
short-term results 
when these devices 
are properly applied 
in appropriately 
selected patients.
clinical efficacy 
appears to be 
with most patients 
in symptoms 
?? DDiisscc rreehhyyddrraattiioonn
However, a large 
minority of patients 
fails to experience 
adequate relief, 
concern remains 
regarding the 
durability of clinical 
improvement in those 
experiencing short-term 
it seems likely that there is 
a role for interspinous process 
spacer technology 
in specific sub-populations of 
patients, such as those with: 
persistent symptoms despite 
nonsurgical treatment and 
with borderline anatomic 
those who are severely 
debilitated by medical 
contraindications that prohibit 
more definitive decompressive 
candidates for these 
devices are: 
patients with 
that are relieved by: 
forward flexion of the 
spine and 
who have no significant 
pain at rest.
Interspinous process spacers for spinal stenosis and low back pain

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Interspinous process spacers for spinal stenosis and low back pain

  • 1. PPrriinncciipplleess ooff eeffffeeccttiivvee ddyynnaammiicc ssttaabbiilliizzaattiioonnss GGeeoorrggee SSaappkkaass AAsscc.. PPrrooffeessssoorr -- MMeeddiiccaall SScchhooooll AAtthheennss UUnniivveerrssiittyy
  • 3. The concept of using the vertebral spinous process to secure an implanted device is not new. The Knowles device, introduced in the 1950s, consisted of a steel cylinder designed for temporary insertion between adjacent lumbar spinous processes in the patient with acute disk herniation. Whitesides TE Jr, Spine 2003
  • 4. Subsequent interspinous process devices have been designed for longer-term implantation for managing various conditions, including: spinal stenosis, disk herniation, segmental instability, degenerative disk disease.
  • 5. In some patients, the devices are intended for use in conjunction with more traditional spinal fusion surgery. Tsuji H et al, J Spinal Disord 1990 Senegas J, Eur Spine J 2002
  • 6. Rationale for the Use of Interspinous Process Spacers The interspinous process spacer is a motion-preserving spinal implant designed to provide symptomatic relief to selected patients without the need for spinal fusion
  • 7. Theoretic indications for interspinous process spacer devices include: spinal stenosis with and without degenerative spondylolisthesis, as well as chronic discogenic low back pain. LLiinnddsseeyy DDPP eett aall.. SSppiinnee 22000033 ZZuucchheerrmmaann JJ,, eett aall.. SSppiinnee 22000055 RRiicchhaarrddss JJCC,, eett aall.. SSppiinnee 22000055
  • 8. These implants have been proposed as a “dynamic stabilization” alternative to rigid instrumented fusion, with the advantages of : a more limited and less morbid surgical procedure that may confer less risk of adjacent segment degeneration. Minns RJ,et al, Spine 1997
  • 9. SSppiinnaall sstteennoossiiss The pathophysiology of spinal degeneration remains a matter of controversy; however, a popular hypothesis suggests that the spondylotic sequence begins with: progressive disk desiccation, bulging, and collapse.
  • 10. Low-grade segmental instability may subsequently result in: facet joint subluxation and hypertrophy, as well as in progressive thickening of the ligamentum flavum.
  • 11. The risk of developing symptomatic stenosis, typically in the sixth decade of life or later, is increased in the patient with pre-existing: developmental stenosis or a trefoil-shaped spinal canal.
  • 12. Neural dysfunction has been attributed: to direct compression of the cauda equina and lumbosacral nerve roots as they travel within the: canal, lateral recesses, and neuroforamen.
  • 13. Presumably, compression results in: disruption of the vascular supply, neural metabolism, and axonal processes.
  • 14. The postural dependency of: neurogenic claudication and stenosis related symptoms is the result of the anatomic effects of : flexion and extension on the spinal canal and foraminal dimensions.
  • 15. During lumbar extension, the ligamentum flavum buckles anteriorly, while the posterior annulus bulges posteriorly; Both contribute to further reduction in the size of the central canal and lateral recesses
  • 16. Neuroforaminal narrowing occurs: as the facet capsule is pushed anteriorly by the superior articular facet of the caudal vertebra Mayoux-Benhamou MA ,et al, Surg Radiol Anat 1989
  • 17. Conversely, flexion is associated with: a relative increase in the area of the spinal canal as buckling of the ligamentum flavum is relieved.
  • 18. Interspinous process spacer technology is designed to take advantage of the marked postural dependence of symptoms that exists in many patients with spinal stenosis.
  • 19. The device is interposed between adjacent spinous processes following limited surgical exposure of the posterior lumbar spine.
  • 20. The implant maintains the treated level : in modest flexion and limits extension without limiting either: axial rotation or lateral bending. Lindsey DP, et al, Spine 2003
  • 21. In general, normal cross-sectional area of the dural sac in the lumbar region is 150 to 200 mm2 stenotic symptoms may be associated with a decrease in area to <100 mm2. Ullrich CG, et al, Radiology 1980
  • 22. Computed tomography studies suggest that lumbar flexion increases the area of the spinal canal by 11%. By comparison, in vivo magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of patients following implantation of an interspinous process spacer has suggested a mean 22.3% increase in cross-sectional area of the dural sac. Inufusa A,, et al, Spine 1996 Lee J, et al, J Spinal Disord Tech 2004
  • 23. LLooww BBaacckk PPaaiinn Interspinous process spacer implants also are being promoted for use in managing low back pain caused by degenerative disk disease.
  • 24. The mechanism of pain generation associated with disk degeneration remains unclear, and surgical treatment of this condition remains controversial.
  • 25. The patient with chronic severe low back pain unresponsive to nonsurgical management is commonly treated: with spinal fusion, usually with rigid implant fixation systems, including pedicle screws and interbody cages.
  • 26. Interspinous proce s s spacer implants have been proposed: as a dynamic stabilization alternative to rigid instrumented fusion, with the advantages of a more limited and less morbid surgical procedure that may confer less risk of adjacent segment degeneration. Minns RJ, et al, Spine 1997
  • 27. Initial biomechanical studies in cadaveric spines indicate that the interspinous process spacer reduces: intradiskal pressure and posterior annular pressure at the implanted level. Lee J, et al, J Spinal Disord Tech 2004
  • 28. In neutral sagittal alignment, posterior annular pressure is reduced by 38%, while nuclear pressure is reduced by 20%. Swanson KE, et al, Spine 2003
  • 29. With extension, pressure reduction is 63% and 41%, respectively. Pressures at adjacent levels do not appear to be significantly affected. Swanson KE, et al, Spine 2003
  • 30. 11.. RReedduuccttiioonn RROOMM 22.. IInnccrreeaassee ssttaabbiilliittyy 33.. RReedduuccttiioonn ooff tthhee nneeuuttrraall zzoonnee 44.. RReedduuccttiioonn ooff ddiissppllaacceemmeenntt Senegas J, Eur. Spine 2002
  • 31. Biomechanincs of the interspinous spacer DIAM
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. T o t a l F l e x i o n - E x t e n s i o n R O M 4 5 0 N F o l l o w e r L o a d I n t a c t F a c e t e c t o m y a t L 4 - 5 D i s c e c t o m y a t L 4 - 5 D i s c e c t o m y w i t h D I A M a t L 4 - 5 L 3 - L 4 L 4 - L 5 L 5 - S 1 2 0 1 5 1 0 5 0 F l e x i o n - E x t e n s i o n R O M ( d e g r e e s )
  • 35. T o t a l L a t e r a l B e n d i n g R O M L 3 - L 4 L 4 - L 5 L 5 - S 1 2 0 1 5 1 0 5 0 L a t e r a l B e n d i n g R O M ( d e g r e e s ) I n t a c t F a c e t e c t o m y a t L 4 - 5 D i s c e c t o m y a t L 4 - 5 D i s c e c t o m y w i t h D I A M a t L 4 - 5
  • 36. T o t a l A x i a l R o t a t i o n R O M 1 0 8 ) s e e r g e d ( 6 M O R n o i t 4 a t o R l a i x A 2 0 L 3 - L 4 L 4 - L 5 L 5 - S 1 I n t a c t F a c e t e c t o m y a t L 4 - 5 D i s c e c t o m y a t L 4 - 5 D i s c e c t o m y w i t h D I A M a t L 4 - 5
  • 37. Low back pain originating in pathologic facet joints (facetogenic pain) is another controversial topic. Some investigators have suggested that more than 15% of chronic low back pain originates from pathologic facet joints; others are skeptical that the facet joints are a significant pain generator. Dreyer SJ, et al, Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996 Berven S, et al, Semin Neurol 2002
  • 38. Biomechanically, depending on position and the presence of associated arthrosis, the lumbar facet joints are thought to transmit 25% to 47% of axial load. Shirazi-Adl A, et al, J Biomech 1987 YangKH, et al, Spine 1984
  • 39. In cadaveric studies, interspinous process spacer implants reduced: facet joint contact area by 46%, and mean pressure by 39%, at the implanted level, with no significant effect on pressures at adjacent levels. Wiseman CM, et al, Spine 2005
  • 40. Consequently, some proponents of interspinous process spacer technology have suggested a potential role for these implants in managing facetogenic pain.
  • 41. Functional Anatomy of the Posterior Column In terms of potential sites for implant attachment, the spinous process has been identified as the weakest component of vertebral anatomy. Coe JD, et al, Spine 1990 Shepherd DE, et al, Spine 2000
  • 42. The mean load to fracture has been reported to be between 339 to 405 N and is one half to one fifth that of spinal laminae. Spinous process bone strength has been found to: correlate linearly with bone mineral density. Coe JD, et al, Spine 1990 Shepherd DE, et al, Spine 2000
  • 43. Anatomically, the interspinous ligament is composed of three distinct regions: dorsal, middle, and ventral. Of these, the middle region is the area in which ruptures typically occur. Heylings DJ, et al, J Anat 1978 Rissanen PM, et al, Acta Orthop Scand Suppl 1960
  • 44. Histologically, the ligament consists of multiple fibrous cords composed of intermingled collagen and elastic fiber bands arranged in parallel and zig zag fashion. In many individuals, the supraspinous ligament is completely absent at the L4-5 and L5-S1 levels. Coe JD, et al, Spine 1990 Shepherd DE, et al, Spine 2000 Barros EM, et al, Spine J 2002
  • 45. Controversy and Concerns Numerous concerns exist regarding interspinous process spacer technology. Some concerns are theoretical and involve the potential of interspinous process spacer implants to cause local pain and contribute to segmental destabilization. Others involve the true clinical efficacy and durability of benefit from these devices.
  • 46. Interspinous process spacer implants are designed to: produce increased segmental kyphosis (spinal process flexion) at the treated level. Concern has been raised regarding the potentially deleterious effect of local kyphosis on adjacent segments. PPrree -- oopp 66mmttss PPoosstt -- oopp
  • 47. The spinous process normally serves as: an origin and insertion site for muscles and ligaments; it is designed to resist tensile forces. It does not normally function as a compressive load-bearing structure.
  • 48. In the patient with: advanced spondylosis and disk degeneration, adjacent spinous processes can abut one another: with formation of a bursa and the potential for local pain generation.
  • 49. It is possible that: compression loading of the spinous processes and cyclic device motion may lead to: local tissue changes and pain generation.
  • 50. Placement of interspinous process spacer implants may: disrupt and potentially weaken the interspinous ligament and further destabilize the implanted level, particularly in terms of its ability to resist flexion-associated tension forces.
  • 51. Lumbar segmental stability is maximized by locking of the facet joints, which has been demonstrated to occur with approximately 50 to 100 N of compression. Papp T, et al, Spine 1997
  • 52. By maintaining these joints in relative distraction, there is concern that interspinous process spacers may decrease overall stability.
  • 53. Although biomechanical studies have suggested: no significant effect on segmental range of motion in terms of rotation and lateral bend at the instrumented level, these cadaveric studies were performed at low and controlled loads and may not accurately reflect in vivo forces. Lindsey DP, et al, Spine 2003
  • 54. A study of interspinous process spacer placement following graded facetectomy demonstrated a marked increase in lateral bending motion at the implanted level. Fuchs PD, et al, Spine 2005
  • 56. Intespinous spacers succeed in : 1. Disc deloading 2. Facets deloading 3. Reduction of the extension 4. Increase dimensions of the foramens Disc decompression Senegas J, Eur. Spine 2002
  • 57. The rationale behind interspinous process spacer devices appears to be : sound and is well-supported by biomechanical studies.
  • 58. Surgery to implant an interspinous process spacer is less invasive than standard laminectomy.
  • 59. Early clinical reports suggest promising short-term results when these devices are properly applied in appropriately selected patients.
  • 60. Overall, clinical efficacy appears to be moderate, with most patients experiencing measurable improvement in symptoms and function ?? DDiisscc rreehhyyddrraattiioonn
  • 61. However, a large minority of patients fails to experience adequate relief, and concern remains regarding the durability of clinical improvement in those experiencing short-term symptomatic improvement.
  • 62. Currently, it seems likely that there is a role for interspinous process spacer technology in specific sub-populations of patients, such as those with: persistent symptoms despite nonsurgical treatment and with borderline anatomic stenosis, or those who are severely debilitated by medical contraindications that prohibit more definitive decompressive surgery.
  • 63. Appropriate candidates for these devices are: patients with neurogenic claudication symptoms that are relieved by: forward flexion of the spine and who have no significant pain at rest.